path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/html/semantics/forms/constraints/support
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/html/semantics/forms/constraints/support')
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/html/semantics/forms/constraints/support/validator.js b/testing/web-platform/tests/html/semantics/forms/constraints/support/validator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa43b3a2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/html/semantics/forms/constraints/support/validator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+var validator = {
+ test_tooLong: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function() {
+ self.pre_check(ctl, 'tooLong');
+ self.iterate_over(ctl, data).forEach(function(val) {
+ const {ctl, expected, condStr} = val;
+ if (expected)
+ assert_true(
+ ctl.validity.tooLong,
+ 'The validity.tooLong should be true' + condStr);
+ else
+ assert_false(
+ ctl.validity.tooLong,
+ 'The validity.tooLong should be false' + condStr);
+ });
+ },;
+ },
+ test_tooShort: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "tooShort");
+ self.iterate_over(ctl, data).forEach(function(val) {
+ const {ctl, expected, condStr} = val;
+ if (expected)
+ assert_true(
+ ctl.validity.tooShort,
+ 'The validity.tooShort should be true' + condStr);
+ else
+ assert_false(
+ ctl.validity.tooShort,
+ 'The validity.tooShort should be false' + condStr);
+ });
+ },;
+ },
+ test_patternMismatch: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "patternMismatch");
+ self.iterate_over(ctl, data).forEach(function(val) {
+ const {ctl, expected, condStr} = val;
+ if (expected)
+ assert_true(
+ ctl.validity.patternMismatch,
+ 'The validity.patternMismatch should be true' + condStr);
+ else
+ assert_false(
+ ctl.validity.patternMismatch,
+ 'The validity.patternMismatch should be false' + condStr);
+ });
+ },;
+ },
+ test_valueMissing: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "valueMissing");
+ self.iterate_over(ctl, data).forEach(function(val) {
+ const {ctl, expected, condStr} = val;
+ if (expected)
+ assert_true(
+ ctl.validity.valueMissing,
+ 'The validity.valueMissing should be true' + condStr);
+ else
+ assert_false(
+ ctl.validity.valueMissing,
+ 'The validity.valueMissing should be false' + condStr);
+ });
+ },;
+ },
+ test_typeMismatch: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "typeMismatch");
+ self.iterate_over(ctl, data).forEach(function(val) {
+ const {ctl, expected, condStr} = val;
+ if (expected)
+ assert_true(
+ ctl.validity.typeMismatch,
+ 'The validity.typeMismatch should be true' + condStr);
+ else
+ assert_false(
+ ctl.validity.typeMismatch,
+ 'The validity.typeMismatch should be false' + condStr);
+ });
+ },;
+ },
+ test_rangeOverflow: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "rangeOverflow");
+ self.iterate_over(ctl, data).forEach(function(val) {
+ const {ctl, expected, condStr} = val;
+ if (expected)
+ assert_true(
+ ctl.validity.rangeOverflow,
+ 'The validity.rangeOverflow should be true' + condStr);
+ else
+ assert_false(
+ ctl.validity.rangeOverflow,
+ 'The validity.rangeOverflow should be false' + condStr);
+ });
+ },;
+ },
+ test_rangeUnderflow: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "rangeUnderflow");
+ self.iterate_over(ctl, data).forEach(function(val) {
+ const {ctl, expected, condStr} = val;
+ if (expected)
+ assert_true(
+ ctl.validity.rangeUnderflow,
+ 'The validity.rangeUnderflow should be true' + condStr);
+ else
+ assert_false(
+ ctl.validity.rangeUnderflow,
+ 'The validity.rangeUnderflow should be false' + condStr);
+ });
+ },;
+ },
+ test_stepMismatch: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "stepMismatch");
+ self.iterate_over(ctl, data).forEach(function(val) {
+ const {ctl, expected, condStr} = val;
+ if (expected)
+ assert_true(
+ ctl.validity.stepMismatch,
+ 'The validity.stepMismatch should be true' + condStr);
+ else
+ assert_false(
+ ctl.validity.stepMismatch,
+ 'The validity.stepMismatch should be false' + condStr);
+ });
+ },;
+ },
+ test_badInput: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "badInput");
+ self.iterate_over(ctl, data).forEach(function(val) {
+ const {ctl, expected, condStr} = val;
+ if (expected)
+ assert_true(
+ ctl.validity.badInput,
+ 'The validity.badInput should be true' + condStr);
+ else
+ assert_false(
+ ctl.validity.badInput,
+ 'The validity.badInput should be false' + condStr);
+ });
+ },;
+ },
+ test_customError: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "customError");
+ self.iterate_over(ctl, data).forEach(function(val) {
+ const {ctl, expected, condStr} = val;
+ if (expected) {
+ assert_true(
+ ctl.validity.customError,
+ 'The validity.customError attribute should be true' + condStr);
+ // validationMessage returns the empty string if ctl is barred from
+ // constraint validation, which happens if ctl is disabled or readOnly.
+ if (ctl.disabled || ctl.readOnly) {
+ assert_equals(
+ ctl.validationMessage, '',
+ 'The validationMessage attribute must be empty' + condStr);
+ } else {
+ assert_equals(
+ ctl.validationMessage, data.conditions.message,
+ 'The validationMessage attribute should be \'' +
+ data.conditions.message + '\'' + condStr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert_false(
+ ctl.validity.customError,
+ 'The validity.customError attribute should be false' + condStr);
+ assert_equals(
+ ctl.validationMessage, '',
+ 'The validationMessage attribute must be empty' + condStr);
+ }
+ });
+ },;
+ },
+ test_isValid: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ self.iterate_over(ctl, data).forEach(function(val) {
+ const {ctl, expected, condStr} = val;
+ if (expected)
+ assert_true(
+ ctl.validity.valid,
+ 'The validity.valid should be true' + condStr);
+ else
+ assert_false(
+ ctl.validity.valid,
+ 'The validity.valid should be false' + condStr);
+ });
+ },;
+ },
+ test_willValidate: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "willValidate");
+ self.set_conditions(ctl, data.conditions);
+ if (data.ancestor) {
+ var dl = document.createElement("datalist");
+ dl.appendChild(ctl);
+ }
+ if (data.expected)
+ assert_true(ctl.willValidate, "The willValidate attribute should be true.");
+ else
+ assert_false(ctl.willValidate, "The willValidate attribute should be false.");
+ },;
+ },
+ test_checkValidity: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ var eventFired = false;
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "checkValidity");
+ self.set_conditions(ctl, data.conditions);
+ if (data.dirty)
+ self.set_dirty(ctl);
+ on_event(ctl, "invalid", function(e){
+ assert_equals(e.type, "invalid", "The invalid event should be fired.");
+ eventFired = true;
+ });
+ if (data.expected) {
+ assert_true(ctl.checkValidity(), "The checkValidity method should be true.");
+ assert_false(eventFired, "The invalid event should not be fired.");
+ } else {
+ assert_false(ctl.checkValidity(), "The checkValidity method should be false.");
+ assert_true(eventFired, "The invalid event should be fired.");
+ }
+ },;
+ test(function () {
+ var fm = document.createElement("form");
+ var ctl2 = ctl.cloneNode(true);
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "checkValidity");
+ self.set_conditions(ctl2, data.conditions);
+ fm.appendChild(ctl2);
+ document.body.appendChild(fm);
+ if (data.dirty)
+ self.set_dirty(ctl2);
+ var result = fm.checkValidity();
+ document.body.removeChild(fm);
+ if (data.expected)
+ assert_true(result, "The checkValidity method of the element's form owner should return true.");
+ else
+ assert_false(result, "The checkValidity method of the element's form owner should return false.");
+ }, + " (in a form)");
+ },
+ test_reportValidity: function(ctl, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ test(function () {
+ var eventFired = false;
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "reportValidity");
+ self.set_conditions(ctl, data.conditions);
+ if (data.dirty)
+ self.set_dirty(ctl);
+ on_event(ctl, "invalid", function(e){
+ assert_equals(e.type, "invalid", "The invalid event should be fired.");
+ eventFired = true;
+ });
+ if (data.expected) {
+ assert_true(ctl.reportValidity(), "The reportValidity method should be true.");
+ assert_false(eventFired, "The invalid event should not be fired.");
+ } else {
+ assert_false(ctl.reportValidity(), "The reportValidity method should be false.");
+ assert_true(eventFired, "The invalid event should be fired.");
+ }
+ },;
+ test(function () {
+ var fm = document.createElement("form");
+ var ctl2 = ctl.cloneNode(true);
+ self.pre_check(ctl, "reportValidity");
+ self.set_conditions(ctl2, data.conditions);
+ fm.appendChild(ctl2);
+ document.body.appendChild(fm);
+ if (data.dirty)
+ self.set_dirty(ctl2);
+ var result = fm.reportValidity();
+ document.body.removeChild(fm);
+ if (data.expected)
+ assert_true(result, "The reportValidity method of the element's form owner should return true.");
+ else
+ assert_false(result, "The reportValidity method of the element's form owner should return false.");
+ }, + " (in a form)");
+ },
+ set_conditions: function(ctl, obj) {
+ [
+ "checked",
+ "disabled",
+ "max",
+ "maxlength",
+ "min",
+ "minlength",
+ "multiple",
+ "pattern",
+ "readonly",
+ "required",
+ "selected",
+ "step",
+ "value"
+ ].forEach(function(item) {
+ ctl.removeAttribute(item);
+ });
+ for (var attr in obj) {
+ if (attr === "message")
+ ctl.setCustomValidity(obj[attr]);
+ else if (attr === "checked" || obj[attr] || obj[attr] === "")
+ ctl[attr] = obj[attr];
+ }
+ },
+ set_dirty: function(ctl) {
+ ctl.focus();
+ var old_value = ctl.value;
+ ctl.value = "a";
+ ctl.value = old_value;
+ },
+ pre_check: function(ctl, item) {
+ switch (item) {
+ case "willValidate":
+ assert_true(item in ctl, "The " + item + " attribute doesn't exist.");
+ break;
+ case "checkValidity":
+ case "reportValidity":
+ assert_true(item in ctl, "The " + item + " method doesn't exist.");
+ break;
+ case "tooLong":
+ case "tooShort":
+ case "patternMismatch":
+ case "typeMismatch":
+ case "stepMismatch":
+ case "rangeOverflow":
+ case "rangeUnderflow":
+ case "valueMissing":
+ case "badInput":
+ case "valid":
+ assert_true("validity" in ctl, "The validity attribute doesn't exist.");
+ assert_true(item in ctl.validity, "The " + item + " attribute doesn't exist.");
+ break;
+ case "customError":
+ assert_true("validity" in ctl, "The validity attribute doesn't exist.");
+ assert_true("setCustomValidity" in ctl, "The validity attribute doesn't exist.");
+ assert_true("validationMessage" in ctl, "The validity attribute doesn't exist.");
+ assert_true(item in ctl.validity, "The " + item + " attribute doesn't exist.");
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ iterate_over: function(ctl, data) {
+ // Iterate over normal, disabled, readonly, and both (if applicable).
+ var ctlNormal = ctl.cloneNode(true);
+ this.set_conditions(ctlNormal, data.conditions);
+ if (data.dirty)
+ this.set_dirty(ctlNormal);
+ var ctlDisabled = ctl.cloneNode(true);
+ this.set_conditions(ctlDisabled, data.conditions);
+ if (data.dirty)
+ this.set_dirty(ctlDisabled);
+ ctlDisabled.disabled = true;
+ var expectedImmutable =
+ data.expectedImmutable !== undefined ? data.expectedImmutable : data.expected;
+ var variants = [
+ {ctl: ctlNormal, expected: data.expected, condStr: '.'},
+ {ctl: ctlDisabled, expected: expectedImmutable, condStr: ', when control is disabled.'},
+ ];
+ if ('readOnly' in ctl) {
+ var ctlReadonly = ctl.cloneNode(true);
+ this.set_conditions(ctlReadonly, data.conditions);
+ if (data.dirty)
+ this.set_dirty(ctlReadonly);
+ ctlReadonly.readOnly = true;
+ var ctlBoth = ctl.cloneNode(true);
+ this.set_conditions(ctlBoth, data.conditions);
+ if (data.dirty)
+ this.set_dirty(ctlBoth);
+ ctlBoth.disabled = true;
+ ctlBoth.readOnly = true;
+ variants.push({
+ ctl: ctlReadonly,
+ expected: expectedImmutable,
+ condStr: ', when control is readonly.'
+ });
+ variants.push({
+ ctl: ctlBoth,
+ expected: expectedImmutable,
+ condStr: ', when control is disabled & readonly.'
+ });
+ }
+ return variants;
+ },
+ run_test: function(testee, method) {
+ var testMethod = "test_" + method;
+ if (typeof this[testMethod] !== "function") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var ele = null,
+ prefix = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < testee.length; i++) {
+ if (testee[i].types.length > 0) {
+ for (var typ in testee[i].types) {
+ ele = document.createElement(testee[i].tag);
+ document.body.appendChild(ele);
+ try {
+ ele.type = testee[i].types[typ];
+ } catch (e) {
+ //Do nothing, avoid the runtime error breaking the test
+ }
+ prefix = "[" + testee[i].tag.toUpperCase() + " in " + testee[i].types[typ].toUpperCase() + " status] ";
+ for (var j = 0; j < testee[i].testData.length; j++) {
+ testee[i].testData[j].name = testee[i].testData[j].name.replace(/\[.*\]\s/g, prefix);
+ this[testMethod](ele, testee[i].testData[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ele = document.createElement(testee[i].tag);
+ document.body.appendChild(ele);
+ prefix = "[" + testee[i].tag + "] ";
+ if (testElements[i].tag === "select") {
+ ele.add(new Option('test1', '')); // Placeholder
+ ele.add(new Option("test2", 1));
+ }
+ for (var item in testee[i].testData) {
+ testee[i].testData[item].name = testee[i].testData[item].name.replace("[target]", prefix);
+ this[testMethod](ele, testee[i].testData[item]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }