path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/shadow-dom/declarative/gethtml.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/shadow-dom/declarative/gethtml.html')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/shadow-dom/declarative/gethtml.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/shadow-dom/declarative/gethtml.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d950ca7734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/shadow-dom/declarative/gethtml.html
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<title>getHTML behavior</title>
+<meta name="timeout" content="long">
+<link rel='author' href=''>
+<link rel='help' href=''>
+<script src='/resources/testharness.js'></script>
+<script src='/resources/testharnessreport.js'></script>
+<script src='../../html/resources/common.js'></script>
+function testElementType(allowsShadowDom, elementType, runGetHTMLOnShadowRoot,
+ lightDOMContent, declarativeShadowDom, mode, delegatesFocus,
+ serializable, clonable) {
+ const t = test(t => {
+ // Create and attach element
+ let wrapper;
+ if (runGetHTMLOnShadowRoot) {
+ // This ensures we're testing both Element.getHTML() and ShadowRoot.getHTML().
+ const host = document.createElement('div');
+ t.add_cleanup(function() { host.remove(); });
+ document.body.appendChild(host);
+ wrapper = host.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
+ } else {
+ wrapper = document.createElement('div');
+ t.add_cleanup(function() { wrapper.remove(); });
+ document.body.appendChild(wrapper);
+ }
+ let shadowRoot;
+ const isOpen = mode === 'open';
+ let initDict = {mode: mode, delegatesFocus: delegatesFocus, clonable};
+ let expectedSerializable = null;
+ switch (serializable) {
+ case undefined: expectedSerializable = false; break;
+ case "true": initDict.serializable = expectedSerializable = true; break;
+ case "false": initDict.serializable = expectedSerializable = false; break;
+ default: throw new Error(`Invalid serializable ${serializable}`);
+ }
+ const delegatesAttr = delegatesFocus ? ' shadowrootdelegatesfocus=""' : '';
+ const serializableAttr = expectedSerializable ? ' shadowrootserializable=""' : '';
+ const clonableAttr = clonable ? ' shadowrootclonable=""' : '';
+ if (allowsShadowDom && declarativeShadowDom) {
+ const html = `<${elementType}>${lightDOMContent}<template ` +
+ `shadowrootmode=${mode}${delegatesAttr}${serializableAttr}` +
+ `${clonableAttr}>`;
+ wrapper.setHTMLUnsafe(html);
+ if (isOpen) {
+ shadowRoot = wrapper.firstElementChild.shadowRoot;
+ } else {
+ // For closed shadow root, we rely on the behavior of attachShadow to return it to us
+ shadowRoot = wrapper.firstElementChild.attachShadow(initDict);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Imperative shadow dom
+ const element = document.createElement(elementType);
+ wrapper.appendChild(element);
+ const temp = document.createElement('div');
+ temp.innerHTML = lightDOMContent;
+ element.append(...temp.childNodes);
+ if (allowsShadowDom) {
+ shadowRoot = element.attachShadow(initDict);
+ }
+ }
+ assert_true(!allowsShadowDom || !!shadowRoot);
+ if (allowsShadowDom) {
+ const correctShadowHtml = `<template shadowrootmode="${mode}"` +
+ `${delegatesAttr}${serializableAttr}${clonableAttr}><slot></slot>` +
+ `</template>`;
+ const correctHtml = `<${elementType}>${correctShadowHtml}` +
+ `${lightDOMContent}</${elementType}>`;
+ assert_equals(shadowRoot.mode,mode);
+ assert_equals(shadowRoot.delegatesFocus,delegatesFocus);
+ assert_equals(shadowRoot.serializable,expectedSerializable);
+ assert_equals(shadowRoot.clonable,clonable);
+ shadowRoot.appendChild(document.createElement('slot'));
+ const emptyElement = `<${elementType}>${lightDOMContent}</${elementType}>`;
+ if (isOpen) {
+ if (expectedSerializable) {
+ assert_equals(wrapper.getHTML({serializableShadowRoots: true}),
+ correctHtml);
+ assert_equals(wrapper.firstElementChild.getHTML({
+ serializableShadowRoots: true}),
+ `${correctShadowHtml}${lightDOMContent}`);
+ } else {
+ assert_equals(wrapper.getHTML({serializableShadowRoots: true}), emptyElement);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Closed shadow roots should not be returned unless shadowRoots specifically contains the shadow root:
+ assert_equals(wrapper.getHTML({serializableShadowRoots: true}),
+ emptyElement);
+ assert_equals(wrapper.getHTML({serializableShadowRoots: true,
+ shadowRoots: []}), emptyElement);
+ }
+ // If we provide the shadow root, serialize it, regardless of serializableShadowRoots.
+ assert_equals(wrapper.getHTML({serializableShadowRoots: true, shadowRoots:
+ [shadowRoot]}),correctHtml);
+ assert_equals(wrapper.getHTML({serializableShadowRoots: false, shadowRoots:
+ [shadowRoot]}),correctHtml);
+ assert_equals(wrapper.getHTML({shadowRoots: [shadowRoot]}),correctHtml);
+ } else {
+ // For non-shadow hosts, getHTML() should also match .innerHTML
+ assert_equals(wrapper.getHTML({serializableShadowRoots: true}),wrapper.innerHTML);
+ }
+ // Either way, make sure getHTML({serializableShadowRoots: false}) matches .innerHTML
+ assert_equals(wrapper.getHTML({serializableShadowRoots: false}),wrapper.innerHTML,
+ 'getHTML() with serializableShadowRoots false should return the same as .innerHTML');
+ // ...and that the default for serializableShadowRoots is false.
+ assert_equals(wrapper.getHTML(),wrapper.innerHTML,
+ 'The default for serializableShadowRoots should be false');
+ }, `${runGetHTMLOnShadowRoot ? 'ShadowRoot' : 'Element'}.getHTML() on ` +
+ `<${elementType}>${lightDOMContent}${allowsShadowDom ?
+ `, with ${declarativeShadowDom ? 'declarative' : 'imperative'} shadow, ` +
+ `mode=${mode}, delegatesFocus=${delegatesFocus}, ` +
+ `serializable=${serializable}, clonable=${clonable}.` : ''}`);
+function runAllTests() {
+ const allElements = [...HTML5_ELEMENTS, 'htmlunknown'];
+ const safelisted = HTML5_SHADOW_ALLOWED_ELEMENTS.filter(el => el != 'body');
+ for (const elementName of allElements) {
+ const allowsShadowDom = safelisted.includes(elementName);
+ for (const runGetHTMLOnShadowRoot of [false, true]) {
+ for (const lightDOMContent of ['','<span>light</span>']) {
+ if (allowsShadowDom) {
+ for (const declarativeShadowDom of [false, true]) {
+ for (const delegatesFocus of [false, true]) {
+ for (const clonable of [false, true]) {
+ for (const mode of ['open', 'closed']) {
+ for (const serializable of [undefined, 'false', 'true']) {
+ testElementType(true, elementName, runGetHTMLOnShadowRoot,
+ lightDOMContent, declarativeShadowDom, mode,
+ delegatesFocus, serializable, clonable);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ testElementType(false, elementName, runGetHTMLOnShadowRoot,
+ lightDOMContent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }