path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/trusted-types/TrustedTypePolicyFactory-metadata.html
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diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/trusted-types/TrustedTypePolicyFactory-metadata.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/trusted-types/TrustedTypePolicyFactory-metadata.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70a5b44666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/trusted-types/TrustedTypePolicyFactory-metadata.html
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta name="timeout" content="long">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js" ></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="support/helper.sub.js"></script>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="require-trusted-types-for 'script';">
+<div id="target"></div>
+ const policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy("anythinggoes", {
+ "createHTML": x => x,
+ "createScript": x => x,
+ "createScriptURL": x => x,
+ });
+ const create_value = {
+ "TrustedHTML": policy.createHTML("hello"),
+ "TrustedScript": policy.createScript("x => x + x"),
+ "TrustedScriptURL": policy.createScriptURL("https://url.invalid/blubb.js"),
+ null: "empty",
+ };
+ // The tests will assign all values to all sink types. To prevent spurious
+ // errors when assigning "hello" to a script sink, we'll just define a
+ // varaible of that name.
+ const hello = "";
+ // We seed our elements and properties with one element/property that has no
+ // 'trusted type' sinks, and one non-specced (madeup) element/property.
+ // Also add several event handlers (onclick).
+ let elements = ['madeup', 'b'];
+ let properties = ['madeup', 'id', "onerror", "onclick"];
+ const types = [null, "TrustedHTML", "TrustedScript", "TrustedScriptURL"];
+ // We'll wrap construction of the elements/properties list in a test, mainly
+ // so we'll get decent error messages when it might fail.
+ test(t => {
+ // Collect all element and property names from getTypeMapping().
+ const map = trustedTypes.getTypeMapping();
+ for (let elem in map) {
+ elements.push(elem);
+ properties = properties.concat(Object.keys(map[elem].properties));
+ }
+ // Remove "*" entries and de-duplicate properties.
+ elements = elements.filter(s => !s.includes("*"));
+ properties = properties.filter(s => !s.includes("*"));
+ properties = Array.from(new Set(properties));
+ }, "Prepare parameters for generic test series below.");
+ // Iterate one test for each combination of element, property, and sink type.
+ const target = document.getElementById("target");
+ for (elem of elements) {
+ for (property of properties) {
+ for (type of types) {
+ // Conceptually, our test is beautifully simple: Ask getPropertyType
+ // about the expected trusted type. If it's the one we're testing,
+ // expect the assignment to pass, and expect we can read back the same
+ // value. If it's a different type, expect the assignment to fail.
+ //
+ // The idealized test case would look something like this:
+ // const value = ....;
+ // const test_fn = _ => { element[property] = value };
+ // if (type == expected_type || !expected_type) {
+ // test_fn();
+ // assert_equals(element[property], value);
+ // } else {
+ // assert_throws_js(..., test_fn, ...);
+ // }
+ //
+ // Below is the same logic, but extended to handle the various edge
+ // cases.
+ //
+ // Some difficulties we need to accomodate:
+ // - Some properties have built-in behaviours. (E.g. the "innerHTML"
+ // value depends on whether elements are visible or not.) To
+ // accomodate this, we have a big switch-statement that handles
+ // those types of exceptions.
+ // - Some properties parse their values, so that you can't easily get
+ // the original text value back (e.g. error handlers).
+ // - Some properties cause actions as side-effects (e.g. loading a
+ // script), which will cause errors in the test (despite the actual
+ // code-under-test meeting our expectations). This is handled with
+ // a cleanup script which removes the element (and thus cancels
+ // the loading actions).
+ test(t => {
+ const element = target.appendChild(document.createElement(elem));
+ t.add_cleanup(_ => element.remove());
+ const expected_type = trustedTypes.getPropertyType(elem, property);
+ const value = create_value[type];
+ const test_fn = _ => { element[property] = value; };
+ if (type == expected_type || !expected_type) {
+ test_fn();
+ let result_value = element[property];
+ switch (property) {
+ // Node.innerText returns the rendered text of an Element, which
+ // in this test case is usually empty. For this specific case,
+ // let's just check "textContent" instead.
+ // Node.innerHTML re-creates a text representation from the DOM,
+ // which may not always match the exact input.
+ case "innerText":
+ case "innerHTML":
+ result_value = element["textContent"];
+ break;
+ // Node.outerHTML replaces the node, which means the simple
+ // checking logic below does not work. In this case, we'll just
+ // return and hence skip the result comparison.
+ case "outerHTML":
+ return;
+ // URL-typed accessors
+ case "src":
+ if (elem == "iframe")
+ return;
+ break;
+ // Properties starting with "on" are usually error handlers,
+ // which will parse their input as a function. In this case,
+ // also skip the result comparison.
+ default:
+ if (property.startsWith("on")) return;
+ break;
+ }
+ assert_equals("" + result_value, "" + value);
+ } else {
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, test_fn, "throws");
+ }
+ }, `Test assignment of ${type ? type : "string"} on ${elem}.${property}`);
+ // And once more, for attributes.
+ test(t => {
+ const element = target.appendChild(document.createElement(elem));
+ t.add_cleanup(_ => element.remove());
+ const expected_type = trustedTypes.getAttributeType(elem, property);
+ const value = create_value[type];
+ const test_fn = _ => { element.setAttribute(property, value); };
+ if (type == expected_type || !expected_type) {
+ test_fn();
+ assert_equals("" + element.getAttribute(property), "" + value);
+ } else if (elem == "script" && (property == "innerText" ||
+ property == "textContent" || property == "text")) {
+ // Due to the "slot setting" mechnanism, setting script's innerText,
+ // textContent and text attributes dosn't throw. So we can't use
+ // that in our tests.
+ // ref:
+ test_fn();
+ } else {
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, test_fn, "throws");
+ }
+ }, `Test assignment of ${type ? type : "string"} on ${elem}.setAttribute(${property},..)`);
+ }
+ }
+ }