path: root/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/demo/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/content_analysis_sdk/demo/')
1 files changed, 411 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/demo/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/demo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e47fca57f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <time.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <thread>
+#include <vector>
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/analysis_client.h"
+#include "demo/atomic_output.h"
+using content_analysis::sdk::Client;
+using content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisRequest;
+using content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse;
+using content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement;
+// Different paths are used depending on whether this agent should run as a
+// use specific agent or not. These values are chosen to match the test
+// values in chrome browser.
+constexpr char kPathUser[] = "path_user";
+constexpr char kPathSystem[] = "brcm_chrm_cas";
+// Global app config.
+std::string path = kPathSystem;
+bool user_specific = false;
+bool group = false;
+std::unique_ptr<Client> client;
+// Paramters used to build the request.
+content_analysis::sdk::AnalysisConnector connector =
+ content_analysis::sdk::FILE_ATTACHED;
+time_t request_token_number = time(nullptr);
+std::string request_token;
+std::string tag = "dlp";
+bool threaded = false;
+std::string digest = "sha256-123456";
+std::string url = "";
+std::string email = "";
+std::string machine_user = "DOMAIN\\me";
+std::vector<std::string> datas;
+// When grouping, remember the tokens of all requests/responses in order to
+// acknowledge them all with the same final action.
+// This global state. It may be access from multiple thread so must be
+// accessed from a critical section.
+std::mutex global_mutex;
+ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::FinalAction global_final_action =
+ ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::ALLOW;
+std::vector<std::string> request_tokens;
+// Command line parameters.
+constexpr const char* kArgConnector = "--connector=";
+constexpr const char* kArgDigest = "--digest=";
+constexpr const char* kArgEmail = "--email=";
+constexpr const char* kArgGroup = "--group";
+constexpr const char* kArgMachineUser = "--machine-user=";
+constexpr const char* kArgPath = "--path=";
+constexpr const char* kArgRequestToken = "--request-token=";
+constexpr const char* kArgTag = "--tag=";
+constexpr const char* kArgThreaded = "--threaded";
+constexpr const char* kArgUrl = "--url=";
+constexpr const char* kArgUserSpecific = "--user";
+constexpr const char* kArgHelp = "--help";
+bool ParseCommandLine(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
+ const std::string arg = argv[i];
+ if (arg.find(kArgConnector) == 0) {
+ std::string connector_str = arg.substr(strlen(kArgConnector));
+ if (connector_str == "download") {
+ connector = content_analysis::sdk::FILE_DOWNLOADED;
+ } else if (connector_str == "attach") {
+ connector = content_analysis::sdk::FILE_ATTACHED;
+ } else if (connector_str == "bulk-data-entry") {
+ connector = content_analysis::sdk::BULK_DATA_ENTRY;
+ } else if (connector_str == "print") {
+ connector = content_analysis::sdk::PRINT;
+ } else if (connector_str == "file-transfer") {
+ connector = content_analysis::sdk::FILE_TRANSFER;
+ } else {
+ std::cout << "[Demo] Incorrect command line arg: " << arg << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (arg.find(kArgRequestToken) == 0) {
+ request_token = arg.substr(strlen(kArgRequestToken));
+ } else if (arg.find(kArgTag) == 0) {
+ tag = arg.substr(strlen(kArgTag));
+ } else if (arg.find(kArgThreaded) == 0) {
+ threaded = true;
+ } else if (arg.find(kArgDigest) == 0) {
+ digest = arg.substr(strlen(kArgDigest));
+ } else if (arg.find(kArgUrl) == 0) {
+ url = arg.substr(strlen(kArgUrl));
+ } else if (arg.find(kArgMachineUser) == 0) {
+ machine_user = arg.substr(strlen(kArgMachineUser));
+ } else if (arg.find(kArgEmail) == 0) {
+ email = arg.substr(strlen(kArgEmail));
+ } else if (arg.find(kArgPath) == 0) {
+ path = arg.substr(strlen(kArgPath));
+ } else if (arg.find(kArgUserSpecific) == 0) {
+ // If kArgPath was already used, abort.
+ if (path != kPathSystem) {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "ERROR: use --path=<path> after --user";
+ return false;
+ }
+ path = kPathUser;
+ user_specific = true;
+ } else if (arg.find(kArgGroup) == 0) {
+ group = true;
+ } else if (arg.find(kArgHelp) == 0) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ datas.push_back(arg);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void PrintHelp() {
+ std::cout
+ << std::endl << std::endl
+ << "Usage: client [OPTIONS] [@]content_or_file ..." << std::endl
+ << "A simple client to send content analysis requests to a running agent." << std::endl
+ << "Without @ the content to analyze is the argument itself." << std::endl
+ << "Otherwise the content is read from a file called 'content_or_file'." << std::endl
+ << "Multiple [@]content_or_file arguments may be specified, each generates one request." << std::endl
+ << std::endl << "Options:" << std::endl
+ << kArgConnector << "<connector> : one of 'download', 'attach' (default), 'bulk-data-entry', 'print', or 'file-transfer'" << std::endl
+ << kArgRequestToken << "<unique-token> : defaults to 'req-<number>' which auto increments" << std::endl
+ << kArgTag << "<tag> : defaults to 'dlp'" << std::endl
+ << kArgThreaded << " : handled multiple requests using threads" << std::endl
+ << kArgUrl << "<url> : defaults to ''" << std::endl
+ << kArgMachineUser << "<machine-user> : defaults to 'DOMAIN\\me'" << std::endl
+ << kArgEmail << "<email> : defaults to ''" << std::endl
+ << kArgPath << " <path> : Used the specified path instead of default. Must come after --user." << std::endl
+ << kArgUserSpecific << " : Connects to an OS user specific agent" << std::endl
+ << kArgDigest << "<digest> : defaults to 'sha256-123456'" << std::endl
+ << kArgGroup << " : Generate the same final action for all requests" << std::endl
+ << kArgHelp << " : prints this help message" << std::endl;
+std::string GenerateRequestToken() {
+ std::stringstream stm;
+ stm << "req-" << request_token_number++;
+ return stm.str();
+ContentAnalysisRequest BuildRequest(const std::string& data) {
+ std::string filepath;
+ std::string filename;
+ if (data[0] == '@') {
+ filepath = data.substr(1);
+ filename = filepath.substr(filepath.find_last_of("/\\") + 1);
+ }
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request;
+ // Set request to expire 5 minutes into the future.
+ request.set_expires_at(time(nullptr) + 5 * 60);
+ request.set_analysis_connector(connector);
+ request.set_request_token(!request_token.empty()
+ ? request_token : GenerateRequestToken());
+ *request.add_tags() = tag;
+ auto request_data = request.mutable_request_data();
+ request_data->set_url(url);
+ request_data->set_email(email);
+ request_data->set_digest(digest);
+ if (!filename.empty()) {
+ request_data->set_filename(filename);
+ }
+ auto client_metadata = request.mutable_client_metadata();
+ auto browser = client_metadata->mutable_browser();
+ browser->set_machine_user(machine_user);
+ if (!filepath.empty()) {
+ request.set_file_path(filepath);
+ } else if (!data.empty()) {
+ request.set_text_content(data);
+ } else {
+ std::cout << "[Demo] Specify text content or a file path." << std::endl;
+ PrintHelp();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return request;
+// Gets the most severe action within the result.
+GetActionFromResult(const ContentAnalysisResponse::Result& result) {
+ auto action =
+ ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::ACTION_UNSPECIFIED;
+ for (auto rule : result.triggered_rules()) {
+ if (rule.has_action() && rule.action() > action)
+ action = rule.action();
+ }
+ return action;
+// Gets the most severe action within all the the results of a response.
+GetActionFromResponse(const ContentAnalysisResponse& response) {
+ auto action =
+ ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::ACTION_UNSPECIFIED;
+ for (auto result : response.results()) {
+ auto action2 = GetActionFromResult(result);
+ if (action2 > action)
+ action = action2;
+ }
+ return action;
+void DumpResponse(
+ std::stringstream& stream,
+ const ContentAnalysisResponse& response) {
+ for (auto result : response.results()) {
+ auto tag = result.has_tag() ? result.tag() : "<no-tag>";
+ auto status = result.has_status()
+ ? result.status()
+ : ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::STATUS_UNKNOWN;
+ std::string status_str;
+ switch (status) {
+ case ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::STATUS_UNKNOWN:
+ status_str = "Unknown";
+ break;
+ case ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::SUCCESS:
+ status_str = "Success";
+ break;
+ case ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::FAILURE:
+ status_str = "Failure";
+ break;
+ default:
+ status_str = "<Uknown>";
+ break;
+ }
+ auto action = GetActionFromResult(result);
+ std::string action_str;
+ switch (action) {
+ case ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::ACTION_UNSPECIFIED:
+ action_str = "allowed";
+ break;
+ case ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::REPORT_ONLY:
+ action_str = "reported only";
+ break;
+ case ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::WARN:
+ action_str = "warned";
+ break;
+ case ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::BLOCK:
+ action_str = "blocked";
+ break;
+ }
+ time_t now = time(nullptr);
+ stream << "[Demo] Request " << response.request_token() << " is " << action_str
+ << " after " << tag
+ << " analysis, status=" << status_str
+ << " at " << ctime(&now);
+ }
+ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement BuildAcknowledgement(
+ const std::string& request_token,
+ ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::FinalAction final_action) {
+ ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement ack;
+ ack.set_request_token(request_token);
+ ack.set_status(ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::SUCCESS);
+ ack.set_final_action(final_action);
+ return ack;
+void HandleRequest(const ContentAnalysisRequest& request) {
+ AtomicCout aout;
+ ContentAnalysisResponse response;
+ int err = client->Send(request, &response);
+ if (err != 0) {
+ << "[Demo] Error sending request " << request.request_token()
+ << std::endl;
+ } else if (response.results_size() == 0) {
+ << "[Demo] Response " << request.request_token() << " is missing a result"
+ << std::endl;
+ } else {
+ DumpResponse(, response);
+ auto final_action = ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::ALLOW;
+ switch (GetActionFromResponse(response)) {
+ case ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::ACTION_UNSPECIFIED:
+ break;
+ case ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::REPORT_ONLY:
+ final_action = ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::REPORT_ONLY;
+ break;
+ case ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::WARN:
+ final_action = ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::WARN;
+ break;
+ case ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::BLOCK:
+ final_action = ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::BLOCK;
+ break;
+ }
+ // If grouping, remember the request's token in order to ack the response
+ // later.
+ if (group) {
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(global_mutex);
+ request_tokens.push_back(request.request_token());
+ if (final_action > global_final_action)
+ global_final_action = final_action;
+ } else {
+ int err = client->Acknowledge(
+ BuildAcknowledgement(request.request_token(), final_action));
+ if (err != 0) {
+ << "[Demo] Error sending ack " << request.request_token()
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessRequest(size_t i) {
+ auto request = BuildRequest(datas[i]);
+ {
+ AtomicCout aout;
+ << "[Demo] Sending request " << request.request_token() << std::endl;
+ }
+ HandleRequest(request);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+ if (!ParseCommandLine(argc, argv)) {
+ PrintHelp();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Each client uses a unique name to identify itself with Google Chrome.
+ client = Client::Create({path, user_specific});
+ if (!client) {
+ std::cout << "[Demo] Error starting client" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ };
+ auto info = client->GetAgentInfo();
+ std::cout << "Agent pid=" <<
+ << " path=" << info.binary_path << std::endl;
+ if (threaded) {
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::thread>> threads;
+ for (int i = 0; i < datas.size(); ++i) {
+ AtomicCout aout;
+ << "Start thread " << i << std::endl;
+ threads.emplace_back(std::make_unique<std::thread>(ProcessRequest, i));
+ }
+ // Make sure all threads have terminated.
+ for (auto& thread : threads) {
+ thread->join();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < datas.size(); ++i) {
+ ProcessRequest(i);
+ }
+ }
+ // It's safe to access global state beyond this point without locking since
+ // all no more responses will be touching them.
+ if (group) {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "[Demo] Final action for all requests is ";
+ switch (global_final_action) {
+ // Google Chrome fails open, so if no action is specified that is the same
+ // as ALLOW.
+ case ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::ACTION_UNSPECIFIED:
+ case ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::ALLOW:
+ std::cout << "allowed";
+ break;
+ case ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::REPORT_ONLY:
+ std::cout << "reported only";
+ break;
+ case ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::WARN:
+ std::cout << "warned";
+ break;
+ case ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::BLOCK:
+ std::cout << "blocked";
+ break;
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
+ for (auto token : request_tokens) {
+ std::cout << "[Demo] Sending group Ack" << std::endl;
+ int err = client->Acknowledge(
+ BuildAcknowledgement(token, global_final_action));
+ if (err != 0) {
+ std::cout << "[Demo] Error sending ack for " << token << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;