path: root/third_party/js/PKI.js/src/TimeStampReq.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/js/PKI.js/src/TimeStampReq.ts')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/js/PKI.js/src/TimeStampReq.ts b/third_party/js/PKI.js/src/TimeStampReq.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37497957e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/js/PKI.js/src/TimeStampReq.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+import * as asn1js from "asn1js";
+import * as pvutils from "pvutils";
+import { MessageImprint, MessageImprintJson, MessageImprintSchema } from "./MessageImprint";
+import { Extension, ExtensionJson } from "./Extension";
+import * as Schema from "./Schema";
+import { PkiObject, PkiObjectParameters } from "./PkiObject";
+import { AsnError } from "./errors";
+import { EMPTY_STRING } from "./constants";
+const VERSION = "version";
+const MESSAGE_IMPRINT = "messageImprint";
+const REQ_POLICY = "reqPolicy";
+const NONCE = "nonce";
+const CERT_REQ = "certReq";
+const EXTENSIONS = "extensions";
+const TIME_STAMP_REQ = "TimeStampReq";
+const CLEAR_PROPS = [
+export interface ITimeStampReq {
+ /**
+ * Version of the Time-Stamp request. Should be version 1.
+ */
+ version: number;
+ /**
+ * Contains the hash of the datum to be time-stamped
+ */
+ messageImprint: MessageImprint;
+ /**
+ * Indicates the TSA policy under which the TimeStampToken SHOULD be provided.
+ */
+ reqPolicy?: string;
+ /**
+ * The nonce, if included, allows the client to verify the timeliness of
+ * the response when no local clock is available. The nonce is a large
+ * random number with a high probability that the client generates it
+ * only once.
+ */
+ nonce?: asn1js.Integer;
+ /**
+ * If the certReq field is present and set to true, the TSA's public key
+ * certificate that is referenced by the ESSCertID identifier inside a
+ * SigningCertificate attribute in the response MUST be provided by the
+ * TSA in the certificates field from the SignedData structure in that
+ * response. That field may also contain other certificates.
+ *
+ * If the certReq field is missing or if the certReq field is present
+ * and set to false then the certificates field from the SignedData
+ * structure MUST not be present in the response.
+ */
+ certReq?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * The extensions field is a generic way to add additional information
+ * to the request in the future.
+ */
+ extensions?: Extension[];
+export interface TimeStampReqJson {
+ version: number;
+ messageImprint: MessageImprintJson;
+ reqPolicy?: string;
+ nonce?: asn1js.IntegerJson;
+ certReq?: boolean;
+ extensions?: ExtensionJson[];
+export type TimeStampReqParameters = PkiObjectParameters & Partial<ITimeStampReq>;
+ * Represents the TimeStampReq structure described in [RFC3161](
+ *
+ * @example The following example demonstrates how to create Time-Stamp Request
+ * ```js
+ * const nonce = pkijs.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(10)).buffer;
+ *
+ * const tspReq = new pkijs.TimeStampReq({
+ * version: 1,
+ * messageImprint: await pkijs.MessageImprint.create("SHA-256", message),
+ * reqPolicy: "",
+ * certReq: true,
+ * nonce: new asn1js.Integer({ valueHex: nonce }),
+ * });
+ *
+ * const tspReqRaw = tspReq.toSchema().toBER();
+ */
+export class TimeStampReq extends PkiObject implements ITimeStampReq {
+ public static override CLASS_NAME = "TimeStampReq";
+ public version!: number;
+ public messageImprint!: MessageImprint;
+ public reqPolicy?: string;
+ public nonce?: asn1js.Integer;
+ public certReq?: boolean;
+ public extensions?: Extension[];
+ /**
+ * Initializes a new instance of the {@link TimeStampReq} class
+ * @param parameters Initialization parameters
+ */
+ constructor(parameters: TimeStampReqParameters = {}) {
+ super();
+ this.version = pvutils.getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(VERSION));
+ this.messageImprint = pvutils.getParametersValue(parameters, MESSAGE_IMPRINT, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(MESSAGE_IMPRINT));
+ if (REQ_POLICY in parameters) {
+ this.reqPolicy = pvutils.getParametersValue(parameters, REQ_POLICY, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(REQ_POLICY));
+ }
+ if (NONCE in parameters) {
+ this.nonce = pvutils.getParametersValue(parameters, NONCE, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(NONCE));
+ }
+ if (CERT_REQ in parameters) {
+ this.certReq = pvutils.getParametersValue(parameters, CERT_REQ, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(CERT_REQ));
+ }
+ if (EXTENSIONS in parameters) {
+ this.extensions = pvutils.getParametersValue(parameters, EXTENSIONS, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(EXTENSIONS));
+ }
+ if (parameters.schema) {
+ this.fromSchema(parameters.schema);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns default values for all class members
+ * @param memberName String name for a class member
+ * @returns Default value
+ */
+ public static override defaultValues(memberName: typeof VERSION): number;
+ public static override defaultValues(memberName: typeof MESSAGE_IMPRINT): MessageImprint;
+ public static override defaultValues(memberName: typeof REQ_POLICY): string;
+ public static override defaultValues(memberName: typeof NONCE): asn1js.Integer;
+ public static override defaultValues(memberName: typeof CERT_REQ): boolean;
+ public static override defaultValues(memberName: typeof EXTENSIONS): Extension[];
+ public static override defaultValues(memberName: string): any {
+ switch (memberName) {
+ case VERSION:
+ return 0;
+ return new MessageImprint();
+ case REQ_POLICY:
+ return EMPTY_STRING;
+ case NONCE:
+ return new asn1js.Integer();
+ case CERT_REQ:
+ return false;
+ return [];
+ default:
+ return super.defaultValues(memberName);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compare values with default values for all class members
+ * @param memberName String name for a class member
+ * @param memberValue Value to compare with default value
+ */
+ public static compareWithDefault(memberName: string, memberValue: any): boolean {
+ switch (memberName) {
+ case VERSION:
+ case REQ_POLICY:
+ case CERT_REQ:
+ return (memberValue === TimeStampReq.defaultValues(memberName as typeof CERT_REQ));
+ return ((MessageImprint.compareWithDefault("hashAlgorithm", memberValue.hashAlgorithm)) &&
+ (MessageImprint.compareWithDefault("hashedMessage", memberValue.hashedMessage)));
+ case NONCE:
+ return (memberValue.isEqual(TimeStampReq.defaultValues(memberName)));
+ return (memberValue.length === 0);
+ default:
+ return super.defaultValues(memberName);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritdoc
+ * @asn ASN.1 schema
+ * ```asn
+ * TimeStampReq ::= SEQUENCE {
+ * version INTEGER { v1(1) },
+ * messageImprint MessageImprint,
+ * reqPolicy TSAPolicyId OPTIONAL,
+ * extensions [0] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL }
+ *
+ *```
+ */
+ public static override schema(parameters: Schema.SchemaParameters<{
+ version?: string;
+ messageImprint?: MessageImprintSchema;
+ reqPolicy?: string;
+ nonce?: string;
+ certReq?: string;
+ extensions?: string;
+ }> = {}): Schema.SchemaType {
+ const names = pvutils.getParametersValue<NonNullable<typeof parameters.names>>(parameters, "names", {});
+ return (new asn1js.Sequence({
+ name: (names.blockName || TIME_STAMP_REQ),
+ value: [
+ new asn1js.Integer({ name: (names.version || TIME_STAMP_REQ_VERSION) }),
+ MessageImprint.schema(names.messageImprint || {
+ names: {
+ }
+ }),
+ new asn1js.ObjectIdentifier({
+ name: (names.reqPolicy || TIME_STAMP_REQ_POLICY),
+ optional: true
+ }),
+ new asn1js.Integer({
+ name: (names.nonce || TIME_STAMP_REQ_NONCE),
+ optional: true
+ }),
+ new asn1js.Boolean({
+ name: (names.certReq || TIME_STAMP_REQ_CERT_REQ),
+ optional: true
+ }),
+ new asn1js.Constructed({
+ optional: true,
+ idBlock: {
+ tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
+ tagNumber: 0 // [0]
+ },
+ value: [new asn1js.Repeated({
+ name: (names.extensions || TIME_STAMP_REQ_EXTENSIONS),
+ value: Extension.schema()
+ })]
+ ]
+ }));
+ }
+ public fromSchema(schema: Schema.SchemaType): void {
+ // Clear input data first
+ pvutils.clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS);
+ // Check the schema is valid
+ const asn1 = asn1js.compareSchema(schema,
+ schema,
+ TimeStampReq.schema()
+ );
+ AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className);
+ // Get internal properties from parsed schema
+ this.version = asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_VERSION].valueBlock.valueDec;
+ this.messageImprint = new MessageImprint({ schema: asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_MESSAGE_IMPRINT] });
+ if (TIME_STAMP_REQ_POLICY in asn1.result)
+ this.reqPolicy = asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_POLICY].valueBlock.toString();
+ if (TIME_STAMP_REQ_NONCE in asn1.result)
+ this.nonce = asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_NONCE];
+ if (TIME_STAMP_REQ_CERT_REQ in asn1.result)
+ this.certReq = asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_CERT_REQ].valueBlock.value;
+ if (TIME_STAMP_REQ_EXTENSIONS in asn1.result)
+ this.extensions = Array.from(asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_EXTENSIONS], element => new Extension({ schema: element }));
+ }
+ public toSchema(): asn1js.Sequence {
+ //#region Create array for output sequence
+ const outputArray = [];
+ outputArray.push(new asn1js.Integer({ value: this.version }));
+ outputArray.push(this.messageImprint.toSchema());
+ if (this.reqPolicy)
+ outputArray.push(new asn1js.ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.reqPolicy }));
+ if (this.nonce)
+ outputArray.push(this.nonce);
+ if ((CERT_REQ in this) && (TimeStampReq.compareWithDefault(CERT_REQ, this.certReq) === false))
+ outputArray.push(new asn1js.Boolean({ value: this.certReq }));
+ //#region Create array of extensions
+ if (this.extensions) {
+ outputArray.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
+ idBlock: {
+ tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
+ tagNumber: 0 // [0]
+ },
+ value: Array.from(this.extensions, o => o.toSchema())
+ }));
+ }
+ //#endregion
+ //#endregion
+ //#region Construct and return new ASN.1 schema for this object
+ return (new asn1js.Sequence({
+ value: outputArray
+ }));
+ //#endregion
+ }
+ public toJSON(): TimeStampReqJson {
+ const res: TimeStampReqJson = {
+ version: this.version,
+ messageImprint: this.messageImprint.toJSON()
+ };
+ if (this.reqPolicy !== undefined)
+ res.reqPolicy = this.reqPolicy;
+ if (this.nonce !== undefined)
+ res.nonce = this.nonce.toJSON();
+ if ((this.certReq !== undefined) && (TimeStampReq.compareWithDefault(CERT_REQ, this.certReq) === false))
+ res.certReq = this.certReq;
+ if (this.extensions) {
+ res.extensions = Array.from(this.extensions, o => o.toJSON());
+ }
+ return res;
+ }