path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/')
1 files changed, 1162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef200869a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1162 @@
+ * Copyright 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/loss_based_bwe_v2.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <limits>
+#include <vector>
+#include "absl/algorithm/container.h"
+#include "absl/types/optional.h"
+#include "api/array_view.h"
+#include "api/field_trials_view.h"
+#include "api/transport/network_types.h"
+#include "api/units/data_rate.h"
+#include "api/units/data_size.h"
+#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
+#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
+#include "modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/include/bwe_defines.h"
+#include "rtc_base/experiments/field_trial_list.h"
+#include "rtc_base/experiments/field_trial_parser.h"
+#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace {
+constexpr TimeDelta kInitHoldDuration = TimeDelta::Millis(300);
+constexpr TimeDelta kMaxHoldDuration = TimeDelta::Seconds(60);
+bool IsValid(DataRate datarate) {
+ return datarate.IsFinite();
+bool IsValid(absl::optional<DataRate> datarate) {
+ return datarate.has_value() && IsValid(datarate.value());
+bool IsValid(Timestamp timestamp) {
+ return timestamp.IsFinite();
+double ToKiloBytes(DataSize datasize) { return datasize.bytes() / 1000.0; }
+struct PacketResultsSummary {
+ int num_packets = 0;
+ int num_lost_packets = 0;
+ DataSize total_size = DataSize::Zero();
+ DataSize lost_size = DataSize::Zero();
+ Timestamp first_send_time = Timestamp::PlusInfinity();
+ Timestamp last_send_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
+// Returns a `PacketResultsSummary` where `first_send_time` is `PlusInfinity,
+// and `last_send_time` is `MinusInfinity`, if `packet_results` is empty.
+PacketResultsSummary GetPacketResultsSummary(
+ rtc::ArrayView<const PacketResult> packet_results) {
+ PacketResultsSummary packet_results_summary;
+ packet_results_summary.num_packets = packet_results.size();
+ for (const PacketResult& packet : packet_results) {
+ if (!packet.IsReceived()) {
+ packet_results_summary.num_lost_packets++;
+ packet_results_summary.lost_size += packet.sent_packet.size;
+ }
+ packet_results_summary.total_size += packet.sent_packet.size;
+ packet_results_summary.first_send_time = std::min(
+ packet_results_summary.first_send_time, packet.sent_packet.send_time);
+ packet_results_summary.last_send_time = std::max(
+ packet_results_summary.last_send_time, packet.sent_packet.send_time);
+ }
+ return packet_results_summary;
+double GetLossProbability(double inherent_loss,
+ DataRate loss_limited_bandwidth,
+ DataRate sending_rate) {
+ if (inherent_loss < 0.0 || inherent_loss > 1.0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The inherent loss must be in [0,1]: "
+ << inherent_loss;
+ inherent_loss = std::min(std::max(inherent_loss, 0.0), 1.0);
+ }
+ if (!sending_rate.IsFinite()) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The sending rate must be finite: "
+ << ToString(sending_rate);
+ }
+ if (!loss_limited_bandwidth.IsFinite()) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The loss limited bandwidth must be finite: "
+ << ToString(loss_limited_bandwidth);
+ }
+ double loss_probability = inherent_loss;
+ if (IsValid(sending_rate) && IsValid(loss_limited_bandwidth) &&
+ (sending_rate > loss_limited_bandwidth)) {
+ loss_probability += (1 - inherent_loss) *
+ (sending_rate - loss_limited_bandwidth) / sending_rate;
+ }
+ return std::min(std::max(loss_probability, 1.0e-6), 1.0 - 1.0e-6);
+} // namespace
+LossBasedBweV2::LossBasedBweV2(const FieldTrialsView* key_value_config)
+ : config_(CreateConfig(key_value_config)) {
+ if (!config_.has_value()) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "The configuration does not specify that the "
+ "estimator should be enabled, disabling it.";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!IsConfigValid()) {
+ << "The configuration is not valid, disabling the estimator.";
+ config_.reset();
+ return;
+ }
+ current_best_estimate_.inherent_loss =
+ config_->initial_inherent_loss_estimate;
+ observations_.resize(config_->observation_window_size);
+ temporal_weights_.resize(config_->observation_window_size);
+ instant_upper_bound_temporal_weights_.resize(
+ config_->observation_window_size);
+ CalculateTemporalWeights();
+ hold_duration_ = kInitHoldDuration;
+bool LossBasedBweV2::IsEnabled() const {
+ return config_.has_value();
+bool LossBasedBweV2::IsReady() const {
+ return IsEnabled() &&
+ IsValid(current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth) &&
+ num_observations_ >= config_->min_num_observations;
+bool LossBasedBweV2::ReadyToUseInStartPhase() const {
+ return IsReady() && config_->use_in_start_phase;
+LossBasedBweV2::Result LossBasedBweV2::GetLossBasedResult() const {
+ if (!IsReady()) {
+ if (!IsEnabled()) {
+ << "The estimator must be enabled before it can be used.";
+ } else {
+ if (!IsValid(current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth)) {
+ << "The estimator must be initialized before it can be used.";
+ }
+ if (num_observations_ <= config_->min_num_observations) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The estimator must receive enough loss "
+ "statistics before it can be used.";
+ }
+ }
+ return {.bandwidth_estimate = IsValid(delay_based_estimate_)
+ ? delay_based_estimate_
+ : DataRate::PlusInfinity(),
+ .state = LossBasedState::kDelayBasedEstimate};
+ }
+ return loss_based_result_;
+void LossBasedBweV2::SetAcknowledgedBitrate(DataRate acknowledged_bitrate) {
+ if (IsValid(acknowledged_bitrate)) {
+ acknowledged_bitrate_ = acknowledged_bitrate;
+ CalculateInstantLowerBound();
+ } else {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The acknowledged bitrate must be finite: "
+ << ToString(acknowledged_bitrate);
+ }
+void LossBasedBweV2::SetBandwidthEstimate(DataRate bandwidth_estimate) {
+ if (IsValid(bandwidth_estimate)) {
+ current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth = bandwidth_estimate;
+ loss_based_result_ = {.bandwidth_estimate = bandwidth_estimate,
+ .state = LossBasedState::kDelayBasedEstimate};
+ } else {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The bandwidth estimate must be finite: "
+ << ToString(bandwidth_estimate);
+ }
+void LossBasedBweV2::SetMinMaxBitrate(DataRate min_bitrate,
+ DataRate max_bitrate) {
+ if (IsValid(min_bitrate)) {
+ min_bitrate_ = min_bitrate;
+ CalculateInstantLowerBound();
+ } else {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The min bitrate must be finite: "
+ << ToString(min_bitrate);
+ }
+ if (IsValid(max_bitrate)) {
+ max_bitrate_ = max_bitrate;
+ } else {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The max bitrate must be finite: "
+ << ToString(max_bitrate);
+ }
+void LossBasedBweV2::UpdateBandwidthEstimate(
+ rtc::ArrayView<const PacketResult> packet_results,
+ DataRate delay_based_estimate,
+ bool in_alr) {
+ delay_based_estimate_ = delay_based_estimate;
+ if (!IsEnabled()) {
+ << "The estimator must be enabled before it can be used.";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (packet_results.empty()) {
+ << "The estimate cannot be updated without any loss statistics.";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!PushBackObservation(packet_results)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!IsValid(current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth)) {
+ if (!IsValid(delay_based_estimate)) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The delay based estimate must be finite: "
+ << ToString(delay_based_estimate);
+ return;
+ }
+ current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth = delay_based_estimate;
+ loss_based_result_ = {.bandwidth_estimate = delay_based_estimate,
+ .state = LossBasedState::kDelayBasedEstimate};
+ }
+ ChannelParameters best_candidate = current_best_estimate_;
+ double objective_max = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
+ for (ChannelParameters candidate : GetCandidates(in_alr)) {
+ NewtonsMethodUpdate(candidate);
+ const double candidate_objective = GetObjective(candidate);
+ if (candidate_objective > objective_max) {
+ objective_max = candidate_objective;
+ best_candidate = candidate;
+ }
+ }
+ if (best_candidate.loss_limited_bandwidth <
+ current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth) {
+ last_time_estimate_reduced_ = last_send_time_most_recent_observation_;
+ }
+ // Do not increase the estimate if the average loss is greater than current
+ // inherent loss.
+ if (GetAverageReportedLossRatio() > best_candidate.inherent_loss &&
+ config_->not_increase_if_inherent_loss_less_than_average_loss &&
+ current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth <
+ best_candidate.loss_limited_bandwidth) {
+ best_candidate.loss_limited_bandwidth =
+ current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth;
+ }
+ if (IsInLossLimitedState()) {
+ // Bound the estimate increase if:
+ // 1. The estimate has been increased for less than
+ // `delayed_increase_window` ago, and
+ // 2. The best candidate is greater than bandwidth_limit_in_current_window.
+ if (recovering_after_loss_timestamp_.IsFinite() &&
+ recovering_after_loss_timestamp_ + config_->delayed_increase_window >
+ last_send_time_most_recent_observation_ &&
+ best_candidate.loss_limited_bandwidth >
+ bandwidth_limit_in_current_window_) {
+ best_candidate.loss_limited_bandwidth =
+ bandwidth_limit_in_current_window_;
+ }
+ bool increasing_when_loss_limited = IsEstimateIncreasingWhenLossLimited(
+ /*old_estimate=*/current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth,
+ /*new_estimate=*/best_candidate.loss_limited_bandwidth);
+ // Bound the best candidate by the acked bitrate.
+ if (increasing_when_loss_limited && IsValid(acknowledged_bitrate_)) {
+ best_candidate.loss_limited_bandwidth =
+ std::max(current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth,
+ std::min(best_candidate.loss_limited_bandwidth,
+ config_->bandwidth_rampup_upper_bound_factor *
+ (*acknowledged_bitrate_)));
+ }
+ }
+ current_best_estimate_ = best_candidate;
+ UpdateResult();
+ if (IsInLossLimitedState() &&
+ (recovering_after_loss_timestamp_.IsInfinite() ||
+ recovering_after_loss_timestamp_ + config_->delayed_increase_window <
+ last_send_time_most_recent_observation_)) {
+ bandwidth_limit_in_current_window_ =
+ std::max(kCongestionControllerMinBitrate,
+ current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth *
+ config_->max_increase_factor);
+ recovering_after_loss_timestamp_ = last_send_time_most_recent_observation_;
+ }
+void LossBasedBweV2::UpdateResult() {
+ DataRate bounded_bandwidth_estimate = DataRate::PlusInfinity();
+ if (IsValid(delay_based_estimate_)) {
+ bounded_bandwidth_estimate =
+ std::max(GetInstantLowerBound(),
+ std::min({current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth,
+ GetInstantUpperBound(), delay_based_estimate_}));
+ } else {
+ bounded_bandwidth_estimate =
+ std::max(GetInstantLowerBound(),
+ std::min(current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth,
+ GetInstantUpperBound()));
+ }
+ if (loss_based_result_.state == LossBasedState::kDecreasing &&
+ last_hold_timestamp_ > last_send_time_most_recent_observation_ &&
+ bounded_bandwidth_estimate < delay_based_estimate_) {
+ // BWE is not allowed to increase during the HOLD duration. The purpose of
+ // HOLD is to not immediately ramp up BWE to a rate that may cause loss.
+ loss_based_result_.bandwidth_estimate = std::min(
+ loss_based_result_.bandwidth_estimate, bounded_bandwidth_estimate);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (IsEstimateIncreasingWhenLossLimited(
+ /*old_estimate=*/loss_based_result_.bandwidth_estimate,
+ /*new_estimate=*/bounded_bandwidth_estimate) &&
+ CanKeepIncreasingState(bounded_bandwidth_estimate) &&
+ bounded_bandwidth_estimate < delay_based_estimate_ &&
+ bounded_bandwidth_estimate < max_bitrate_) {
+ if (config_->padding_duration > TimeDelta::Zero() &&
+ bounded_bandwidth_estimate > last_padding_info_.padding_rate) {
+ // Start a new padding duration.
+ last_padding_info_.padding_rate = bounded_bandwidth_estimate;
+ last_padding_info_.padding_timestamp =
+ last_send_time_most_recent_observation_;
+ }
+ loss_based_result_.state = config_->padding_duration > TimeDelta::Zero()
+ ? LossBasedState::kIncreaseUsingPadding
+ : LossBasedState::kIncreasing;
+ } else if (bounded_bandwidth_estimate < delay_based_estimate_ &&
+ bounded_bandwidth_estimate < max_bitrate_) {
+ if (loss_based_result_.state != LossBasedState::kDecreasing &&
+ config_->hold_duration_factor > 0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << this << " "
+ << "Switch to HOLD. Bounded BWE: "
+ << bounded_bandwidth_estimate.kbps()
+ << ", duration: " << hold_duration_.seconds();
+ last_hold_timestamp_ =
+ last_send_time_most_recent_observation_ + hold_duration_;
+ hold_duration_ = std::min(kMaxHoldDuration,
+ hold_duration_ * config_->hold_duration_factor);
+ }
+ last_padding_info_ = PaddingInfo();
+ loss_based_result_.state = LossBasedState::kDecreasing;
+ } else {
+ // Reset the HOLD duration if delay based estimate works to avoid getting
+ // stuck in low bitrate.
+ hold_duration_ = kInitHoldDuration;
+ last_padding_info_ = PaddingInfo();
+ loss_based_result_.state = LossBasedState::kDelayBasedEstimate;
+ }
+ loss_based_result_.bandwidth_estimate = bounded_bandwidth_estimate;
+bool LossBasedBweV2::IsEstimateIncreasingWhenLossLimited(
+ DataRate old_estimate, DataRate new_estimate) {
+ return (old_estimate < new_estimate ||
+ (old_estimate == new_estimate &&
+ (loss_based_result_.state == LossBasedState::kIncreasing ||
+ loss_based_result_.state ==
+ LossBasedState::kIncreaseUsingPadding))) &&
+ IsInLossLimitedState();
+// Returns a `LossBasedBweV2::Config` iff the `key_value_config` specifies a
+// configuration for the `LossBasedBweV2` which is explicitly enabled.
+absl::optional<LossBasedBweV2::Config> LossBasedBweV2::CreateConfig(
+ const FieldTrialsView* key_value_config) {
+ FieldTrialParameter<bool> enabled("Enabled", true);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> bandwidth_rampup_upper_bound_factor(
+ "BwRampupUpperBoundFactor", 1000000.0);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> rampup_acceleration_max_factor(
+ "BwRampupAccelMaxFactor", 0.0);
+ FieldTrialParameter<TimeDelta> rampup_acceleration_maxout_time(
+ "BwRampupAccelMaxoutTime", TimeDelta::Seconds(60));
+ FieldTrialList<double> candidate_factors("CandidateFactors",
+ {1.02, 1.0, 0.95});
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> higher_bandwidth_bias_factor("HigherBwBiasFactor",
+ 0.0002);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> higher_log_bandwidth_bias_factor(
+ "HigherLogBwBiasFactor", 0.02);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> inherent_loss_lower_bound(
+ "InherentLossLowerBound", 1.0e-3);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> loss_threshold_of_high_bandwidth_preference(
+ "LossThresholdOfHighBandwidthPreference", 0.15);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> bandwidth_preference_smoothing_factor(
+ "BandwidthPreferenceSmoothingFactor", 0.002);
+ FieldTrialParameter<DataRate> inherent_loss_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance(
+ "InherentLossUpperBoundBwBalance", DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(75.0));
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> inherent_loss_upper_bound_offset(
+ "InherentLossUpperBoundOffset", 0.05);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> initial_inherent_loss_estimate(
+ "InitialInherentLossEstimate", 0.01);
+ FieldTrialParameter<int> newton_iterations("NewtonIterations", 1);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> newton_step_size("NewtonStepSize", 0.75);
+ FieldTrialParameter<bool> append_acknowledged_rate_candidate(
+ "AckedRateCandidate", true);
+ FieldTrialParameter<bool> append_delay_based_estimate_candidate(
+ "DelayBasedCandidate", true);
+ FieldTrialParameter<bool> append_upper_bound_candidate_in_alr(
+ "UpperBoundCandidateInAlr", false);
+ FieldTrialParameter<TimeDelta> observation_duration_lower_bound(
+ "ObservationDurationLowerBound", TimeDelta::Millis(250));
+ FieldTrialParameter<int> observation_window_size("ObservationWindowSize", 20);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> sending_rate_smoothing_factor(
+ "SendingRateSmoothingFactor", 0.0);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> instant_upper_bound_temporal_weight_factor(
+ "InstantUpperBoundTemporalWeightFactor", 0.9);
+ FieldTrialParameter<DataRate> instant_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance(
+ "InstantUpperBoundBwBalance", DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(75.0));
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> instant_upper_bound_loss_offset(
+ "InstantUpperBoundLossOffset", 0.05);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> temporal_weight_factor("TemporalWeightFactor",
+ 0.9);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> bandwidth_backoff_lower_bound_factor(
+ "BwBackoffLowerBoundFactor", 1.0);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> max_increase_factor("MaxIncreaseFactor", 1.3);
+ FieldTrialParameter<TimeDelta> delayed_increase_window(
+ "DelayedIncreaseWindow", TimeDelta::Millis(300));
+ FieldTrialParameter<bool>
+ not_increase_if_inherent_loss_less_than_average_loss(
+ "NotIncreaseIfInherentLossLessThanAverageLoss", true);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> high_loss_rate_threshold("HighLossRateThreshold",
+ 1.0);
+ FieldTrialParameter<DataRate> bandwidth_cap_at_high_loss_rate(
+ "BandwidthCapAtHighLossRate", DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(500.0));
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> slope_of_bwe_high_loss_func(
+ "SlopeOfBweHighLossFunc", 1000);
+ FieldTrialParameter<bool> not_use_acked_rate_in_alr("NotUseAckedRateInAlr",
+ true);
+ FieldTrialParameter<bool> use_in_start_phase("UseInStartPhase", false);
+ FieldTrialParameter<int> min_num_observations("MinNumObservations", 3);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> lower_bound_by_acked_rate_factor(
+ "LowerBoundByAckedRateFactor", 0.0);
+ FieldTrialParameter<double> hold_duration_factor("HoldDurationFactor", 0.0);
+ FieldTrialParameter<bool> use_byte_loss_rate("UseByteLossRate", false);
+ FieldTrialParameter<TimeDelta> padding_duration("PaddingDuration",
+ TimeDelta::Zero());
+ if (key_value_config) {
+ ParseFieldTrial({&enabled,
+ &bandwidth_rampup_upper_bound_factor,
+ &rampup_acceleration_max_factor,
+ &rampup_acceleration_maxout_time,
+ &candidate_factors,
+ &higher_bandwidth_bias_factor,
+ &higher_log_bandwidth_bias_factor,
+ &inherent_loss_lower_bound,
+ &loss_threshold_of_high_bandwidth_preference,
+ &bandwidth_preference_smoothing_factor,
+ &inherent_loss_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance,
+ &inherent_loss_upper_bound_offset,
+ &initial_inherent_loss_estimate,
+ &newton_iterations,
+ &newton_step_size,
+ &append_acknowledged_rate_candidate,
+ &append_delay_based_estimate_candidate,
+ &append_upper_bound_candidate_in_alr,
+ &observation_duration_lower_bound,
+ &observation_window_size,
+ &sending_rate_smoothing_factor,
+ &instant_upper_bound_temporal_weight_factor,
+ &instant_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance,
+ &instant_upper_bound_loss_offset,
+ &temporal_weight_factor,
+ &bandwidth_backoff_lower_bound_factor,
+ &max_increase_factor,
+ &delayed_increase_window,
+ &not_increase_if_inherent_loss_less_than_average_loss,
+ &high_loss_rate_threshold,
+ &bandwidth_cap_at_high_loss_rate,
+ &slope_of_bwe_high_loss_func,
+ &not_use_acked_rate_in_alr,
+ &use_in_start_phase,
+ &min_num_observations,
+ &lower_bound_by_acked_rate_factor,
+ &hold_duration_factor,
+ &use_byte_loss_rate,
+ &padding_duration},
+ key_value_config->Lookup("WebRTC-Bwe-LossBasedBweV2"));
+ }
+ absl::optional<Config> config;
+ if (!enabled.Get()) {
+ return config;
+ }
+ config.emplace(Config());
+ config->bandwidth_rampup_upper_bound_factor =
+ bandwidth_rampup_upper_bound_factor.Get();
+ config->rampup_acceleration_max_factor = rampup_acceleration_max_factor.Get();
+ config->rampup_acceleration_maxout_time =
+ rampup_acceleration_maxout_time.Get();
+ config->candidate_factors = candidate_factors.Get();
+ config->higher_bandwidth_bias_factor = higher_bandwidth_bias_factor.Get();
+ config->higher_log_bandwidth_bias_factor =
+ higher_log_bandwidth_bias_factor.Get();
+ config->inherent_loss_lower_bound = inherent_loss_lower_bound.Get();
+ config->loss_threshold_of_high_bandwidth_preference =
+ loss_threshold_of_high_bandwidth_preference.Get();
+ config->bandwidth_preference_smoothing_factor =
+ bandwidth_preference_smoothing_factor.Get();
+ config->inherent_loss_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance =
+ inherent_loss_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance.Get();
+ config->inherent_loss_upper_bound_offset =
+ inherent_loss_upper_bound_offset.Get();
+ config->initial_inherent_loss_estimate = initial_inherent_loss_estimate.Get();
+ config->newton_iterations = newton_iterations.Get();
+ config->newton_step_size = newton_step_size.Get();
+ config->append_acknowledged_rate_candidate =
+ append_acknowledged_rate_candidate.Get();
+ config->append_delay_based_estimate_candidate =
+ append_delay_based_estimate_candidate.Get();
+ config->append_upper_bound_candidate_in_alr =
+ append_upper_bound_candidate_in_alr.Get();
+ config->observation_duration_lower_bound =
+ observation_duration_lower_bound.Get();
+ config->observation_window_size = observation_window_size.Get();
+ config->sending_rate_smoothing_factor = sending_rate_smoothing_factor.Get();
+ config->instant_upper_bound_temporal_weight_factor =
+ instant_upper_bound_temporal_weight_factor.Get();
+ config->instant_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance =
+ instant_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance.Get();
+ config->instant_upper_bound_loss_offset =
+ instant_upper_bound_loss_offset.Get();
+ config->temporal_weight_factor = temporal_weight_factor.Get();
+ config->bandwidth_backoff_lower_bound_factor =
+ bandwidth_backoff_lower_bound_factor.Get();
+ config->max_increase_factor = max_increase_factor.Get();
+ config->delayed_increase_window = delayed_increase_window.Get();
+ config->not_increase_if_inherent_loss_less_than_average_loss =
+ not_increase_if_inherent_loss_less_than_average_loss.Get();
+ config->high_loss_rate_threshold = high_loss_rate_threshold.Get();
+ config->bandwidth_cap_at_high_loss_rate =
+ bandwidth_cap_at_high_loss_rate.Get();
+ config->slope_of_bwe_high_loss_func = slope_of_bwe_high_loss_func.Get();
+ config->not_use_acked_rate_in_alr = not_use_acked_rate_in_alr.Get();
+ config->use_in_start_phase = use_in_start_phase.Get();
+ config->min_num_observations = min_num_observations.Get();
+ config->lower_bound_by_acked_rate_factor =
+ lower_bound_by_acked_rate_factor.Get();
+ config->hold_duration_factor = hold_duration_factor.Get();
+ config->use_byte_loss_rate = use_byte_loss_rate.Get();
+ config->padding_duration = padding_duration.Get();
+ return config;
+bool LossBasedBweV2::IsConfigValid() const {
+ if (!config_.has_value()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool valid = true;
+ if (config_->bandwidth_rampup_upper_bound_factor <= 1.0) {
+ << "The bandwidth rampup upper bound factor must be greater than 1: "
+ << config_->bandwidth_rampup_upper_bound_factor;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->rampup_acceleration_max_factor < 0.0) {
+ << "The rampup acceleration max factor must be non-negative.: "
+ << config_->rampup_acceleration_max_factor;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->rampup_acceleration_maxout_time <= TimeDelta::Zero()) {
+ << "The rampup acceleration maxout time must be above zero: "
+ << config_->rampup_acceleration_maxout_time.seconds();
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ for (double candidate_factor : config_->candidate_factors) {
+ if (candidate_factor <= 0.0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "All candidate factors must be greater than zero: "
+ << candidate_factor;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ensure that the configuration allows generation of at least one candidate
+ // other than the current estimate.
+ if (!config_->append_acknowledged_rate_candidate &&
+ !config_->append_delay_based_estimate_candidate &&
+ !absl::c_any_of(config_->candidate_factors,
+ [](double cf) { return cf != 1.0; })) {
+ << "The configuration does not allow generating candidates. Specify "
+ "a candidate factor other than 1.0, allow the acknowledged rate "
+ "to be a candidate, and/or allow the delay based estimate to be a "
+ "candidate.";
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->higher_bandwidth_bias_factor < 0.0) {
+ << "The higher bandwidth bias factor must be non-negative: "
+ << config_->higher_bandwidth_bias_factor;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->inherent_loss_lower_bound < 0.0 ||
+ config_->inherent_loss_lower_bound >= 1.0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The inherent loss lower bound must be in [0, 1): "
+ << config_->inherent_loss_lower_bound;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->loss_threshold_of_high_bandwidth_preference < 0.0 ||
+ config_->loss_threshold_of_high_bandwidth_preference >= 1.0) {
+ << "The loss threshold of high bandwidth preference must be in [0, 1): "
+ << config_->loss_threshold_of_high_bandwidth_preference;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->bandwidth_preference_smoothing_factor <= 0.0 ||
+ config_->bandwidth_preference_smoothing_factor > 1.0) {
+ << "The bandwidth preference smoothing factor must be in (0, 1]: "
+ << config_->bandwidth_preference_smoothing_factor;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->inherent_loss_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance <=
+ DataRate::Zero()) {
+ << "The inherent loss upper bound bandwidth balance "
+ "must be positive: "
+ << ToString(config_->inherent_loss_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->inherent_loss_upper_bound_offset <
+ config_->inherent_loss_lower_bound ||
+ config_->inherent_loss_upper_bound_offset >= 1.0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The inherent loss upper bound must be greater "
+ "than or equal to the inherent "
+ "loss lower bound, which is "
+ << config_->inherent_loss_lower_bound
+ << ", and less than 1: "
+ << config_->inherent_loss_upper_bound_offset;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->initial_inherent_loss_estimate < 0.0 ||
+ config_->initial_inherent_loss_estimate >= 1.0) {
+ << "The initial inherent loss estimate must be in [0, 1): "
+ << config_->initial_inherent_loss_estimate;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->newton_iterations <= 0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The number of Newton iterations must be positive: "
+ << config_->newton_iterations;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->newton_step_size <= 0.0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The Newton step size must be positive: "
+ << config_->newton_step_size;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->observation_duration_lower_bound <= TimeDelta::Zero()) {
+ << "The observation duration lower bound must be positive: "
+ << ToString(config_->observation_duration_lower_bound);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->observation_window_size < 2) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The observation window size must be at least 2: "
+ << config_->observation_window_size;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->sending_rate_smoothing_factor < 0.0 ||
+ config_->sending_rate_smoothing_factor >= 1.0) {
+ << "The sending rate smoothing factor must be in [0, 1): "
+ << config_->sending_rate_smoothing_factor;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->instant_upper_bound_temporal_weight_factor <= 0.0 ||
+ config_->instant_upper_bound_temporal_weight_factor > 1.0) {
+ << "The instant upper bound temporal weight factor must be in (0, 1]"
+ << config_->instant_upper_bound_temporal_weight_factor;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->instant_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance <= DataRate::Zero()) {
+ << "The instant upper bound bandwidth balance must be positive: "
+ << ToString(config_->instant_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->instant_upper_bound_loss_offset < 0.0 ||
+ config_->instant_upper_bound_loss_offset >= 1.0) {
+ << "The instant upper bound loss offset must be in [0, 1): "
+ << config_->instant_upper_bound_loss_offset;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->temporal_weight_factor <= 0.0 ||
+ config_->temporal_weight_factor > 1.0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The temporal weight factor must be in (0, 1]: "
+ << config_->temporal_weight_factor;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->bandwidth_backoff_lower_bound_factor > 1.0) {
+ << "The bandwidth backoff lower bound factor must not be greater than "
+ "1: "
+ << config_->bandwidth_backoff_lower_bound_factor;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->max_increase_factor <= 0.0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The maximum increase factor must be positive: "
+ << config_->max_increase_factor;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->delayed_increase_window <= TimeDelta::Zero()) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The delayed increase window must be positive: "
+ << config_->;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->high_loss_rate_threshold <= 0.0 ||
+ config_->high_loss_rate_threshold > 1.0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The high loss rate threshold must be in (0, 1]: "
+ << config_->high_loss_rate_threshold;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->min_num_observations <= 0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The min number of observations must be positive: "
+ << config_->min_num_observations;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (config_->lower_bound_by_acked_rate_factor < 0.0) {
+ << "The estimate lower bound by acknowledged rate factor must be "
+ "non-negative: "
+ << config_->lower_bound_by_acked_rate_factor;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ return valid;
+double LossBasedBweV2::GetAverageReportedLossRatio() const {
+ return config_->use_byte_loss_rate ? GetAverageReportedByteLossRatio()
+ : GetAverageReportedPacketLossRatio();
+double LossBasedBweV2::GetAverageReportedPacketLossRatio() const {
+ if (num_observations_ <= 0) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ double num_packets = 0;
+ double num_lost_packets = 0;
+ for (const Observation& observation : observations_) {
+ if (!observation.IsInitialized()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ double instant_temporal_weight =
+ instant_upper_bound_temporal_weights_[(num_observations_ - 1) -
+ num_packets += instant_temporal_weight * observation.num_packets;
+ num_lost_packets += instant_temporal_weight * observation.num_lost_packets;
+ }
+ return num_lost_packets / num_packets;
+double LossBasedBweV2::GetAverageReportedByteLossRatio() const {
+ if (num_observations_ <= 0) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ DataSize total_bytes = DataSize::Zero();
+ DataSize lost_bytes = DataSize::Zero();
+ for (const Observation& observation : observations_) {
+ if (!observation.IsInitialized()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ double instant_temporal_weight =
+ instant_upper_bound_temporal_weights_[(num_observations_ - 1) -
+ total_bytes += instant_temporal_weight * observation.size;
+ lost_bytes += instant_temporal_weight * observation.lost_size;
+ }
+ return lost_bytes / total_bytes;
+DataRate LossBasedBweV2::GetCandidateBandwidthUpperBound() const {
+ DataRate candidate_bandwidth_upper_bound = max_bitrate_;
+ if (IsInLossLimitedState() && IsValid(bandwidth_limit_in_current_window_)) {
+ candidate_bandwidth_upper_bound = bandwidth_limit_in_current_window_;
+ }
+ if (!acknowledged_bitrate_.has_value())
+ return candidate_bandwidth_upper_bound;
+ if (config_->rampup_acceleration_max_factor > 0.0) {
+ const TimeDelta time_since_bandwidth_reduced = std::min(
+ config_->rampup_acceleration_maxout_time,
+ std::max(TimeDelta::Zero(), last_send_time_most_recent_observation_ -
+ last_time_estimate_reduced_));
+ const double rampup_acceleration = config_->rampup_acceleration_max_factor *
+ time_since_bandwidth_reduced /
+ config_->rampup_acceleration_maxout_time;
+ candidate_bandwidth_upper_bound +=
+ rampup_acceleration * (*acknowledged_bitrate_);
+ }
+ return candidate_bandwidth_upper_bound;
+std::vector<LossBasedBweV2::ChannelParameters> LossBasedBweV2::GetCandidates(
+ bool in_alr) const {
+ std::vector<DataRate> bandwidths;
+ for (double candidate_factor : config_->candidate_factors) {
+ bandwidths.push_back(candidate_factor *
+ current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth);
+ }
+ if (acknowledged_bitrate_.has_value() &&
+ config_->append_acknowledged_rate_candidate) {
+ if (!(config_->not_use_acked_rate_in_alr && in_alr)) {
+ bandwidths.push_back(*acknowledged_bitrate_ *
+ config_->bandwidth_backoff_lower_bound_factor);
+ }
+ }
+ if (IsValid(delay_based_estimate_) &&
+ config_->append_delay_based_estimate_candidate) {
+ if (delay_based_estimate_ > current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth) {
+ bandwidths.push_back(delay_based_estimate_);
+ }
+ }
+ if (in_alr && config_->append_upper_bound_candidate_in_alr &&
+ current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth > GetInstantUpperBound()) {
+ bandwidths.push_back(GetInstantUpperBound());
+ }
+ const DataRate candidate_bandwidth_upper_bound =
+ GetCandidateBandwidthUpperBound();
+ std::vector<ChannelParameters> candidates;
+ candidates.resize(bandwidths.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < bandwidths.size(); ++i) {
+ ChannelParameters candidate = current_best_estimate_;
+ candidate.loss_limited_bandwidth = std::min(
+ bandwidths[i], std::max(current_best_estimate_.loss_limited_bandwidth,
+ candidate_bandwidth_upper_bound));
+ candidate.inherent_loss = GetFeasibleInherentLoss(candidate);
+ candidates[i] = candidate;
+ }
+ return candidates;
+LossBasedBweV2::Derivatives LossBasedBweV2::GetDerivatives(
+ const ChannelParameters& channel_parameters) const {
+ Derivatives derivatives;
+ for (const Observation& observation : observations_) {
+ if (!observation.IsInitialized()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ double loss_probability = GetLossProbability(
+ channel_parameters.inherent_loss,
+ channel_parameters.loss_limited_bandwidth, observation.sending_rate);
+ double temporal_weight =
+ temporal_weights_[(num_observations_ - 1) -];
+ if (config_->use_byte_loss_rate) {
+ derivatives.first +=
+ temporal_weight *
+ ((ToKiloBytes(observation.lost_size) / loss_probability) -
+ (ToKiloBytes(observation.size - observation.lost_size) /
+ (1.0 - loss_probability)));
+ derivatives.second -=
+ temporal_weight *
+ ((ToKiloBytes(observation.lost_size) /
+ std::pow(loss_probability, 2)) +
+ (ToKiloBytes(observation.size - observation.lost_size) /
+ std::pow(1.0 - loss_probability, 2)));
+ } else {
+ derivatives.first +=
+ temporal_weight *
+ ((observation.num_lost_packets / loss_probability) -
+ (observation.num_received_packets / (1.0 - loss_probability)));
+ derivatives.second -=
+ temporal_weight *
+ ((observation.num_lost_packets / std::pow(loss_probability, 2)) +
+ (observation.num_received_packets /
+ std::pow(1.0 - loss_probability, 2)));
+ }
+ }
+ if (derivatives.second >= 0.0) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "The second derivative is mathematically guaranteed "
+ "to be negative but is "
+ << derivatives.second << ".";
+ derivatives.second = -1.0e-6;
+ }
+ return derivatives;
+double LossBasedBweV2::GetFeasibleInherentLoss(
+ const ChannelParameters& channel_parameters) const {
+ return std::min(
+ std::max(channel_parameters.inherent_loss,
+ config_->inherent_loss_lower_bound),
+ GetInherentLossUpperBound(channel_parameters.loss_limited_bandwidth));
+double LossBasedBweV2::GetInherentLossUpperBound(DataRate bandwidth) const {
+ if (bandwidth.IsZero()) {
+ return 1.0;
+ }
+ double inherent_loss_upper_bound =
+ config_->inherent_loss_upper_bound_offset +
+ config_->inherent_loss_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance / bandwidth;
+ return std::min(inherent_loss_upper_bound, 1.0);
+double LossBasedBweV2::AdjustBiasFactor(double loss_rate,
+ double bias_factor) const {
+ return bias_factor *
+ (config_->loss_threshold_of_high_bandwidth_preference - loss_rate) /
+ (config_->bandwidth_preference_smoothing_factor +
+ std::abs(config_->loss_threshold_of_high_bandwidth_preference -
+ loss_rate));
+double LossBasedBweV2::GetHighBandwidthBias(DataRate bandwidth) const {
+ if (IsValid(bandwidth)) {
+ const double average_reported_loss_ratio = GetAverageReportedLossRatio();
+ return AdjustBiasFactor(average_reported_loss_ratio,
+ config_->higher_bandwidth_bias_factor) *
+ bandwidth.kbps() +
+ AdjustBiasFactor(average_reported_loss_ratio,
+ config_->higher_log_bandwidth_bias_factor) *
+ std::log(1.0 + bandwidth.kbps());
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+double LossBasedBweV2::GetObjective(
+ const ChannelParameters& channel_parameters) const {
+ double objective = 0.0;
+ const double high_bandwidth_bias =
+ GetHighBandwidthBias(channel_parameters.loss_limited_bandwidth);
+ for (const Observation& observation : observations_) {
+ if (!observation.IsInitialized()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ double loss_probability = GetLossProbability(
+ channel_parameters.inherent_loss,
+ channel_parameters.loss_limited_bandwidth, observation.sending_rate);
+ double temporal_weight =
+ temporal_weights_[(num_observations_ - 1) -];
+ if (config_->use_byte_loss_rate) {
+ objective +=
+ temporal_weight *
+ ((ToKiloBytes(observation.lost_size) * std::log(loss_probability)) +
+ (ToKiloBytes(observation.size - observation.lost_size) *
+ std::log(1.0 - loss_probability)));
+ objective +=
+ temporal_weight * high_bandwidth_bias * ToKiloBytes(observation.size);
+ } else {
+ objective +=
+ temporal_weight *
+ ((observation.num_lost_packets * std::log(loss_probability)) +
+ (observation.num_received_packets *
+ std::log(1.0 - loss_probability)));
+ objective +=
+ temporal_weight * high_bandwidth_bias * observation.num_packets;
+ }
+ }
+ return objective;
+DataRate LossBasedBweV2::GetSendingRate(
+ DataRate instantaneous_sending_rate) const {
+ if (num_observations_ <= 0) {
+ return instantaneous_sending_rate;
+ }
+ const int most_recent_observation_idx =
+ (num_observations_ - 1) % config_->observation_window_size;
+ const Observation& most_recent_observation =
+ observations_[most_recent_observation_idx];
+ DataRate sending_rate_previous_observation =
+ most_recent_observation.sending_rate;
+ return config_->sending_rate_smoothing_factor *
+ sending_rate_previous_observation +
+ (1.0 - config_->sending_rate_smoothing_factor) *
+ instantaneous_sending_rate;
+DataRate LossBasedBweV2::GetInstantUpperBound() const {
+ return cached_instant_upper_bound_.value_or(max_bitrate_);
+void LossBasedBweV2::CalculateInstantUpperBound() {
+ DataRate instant_limit = max_bitrate_;
+ const double average_reported_loss_ratio = GetAverageReportedLossRatio();
+ if (average_reported_loss_ratio > config_->instant_upper_bound_loss_offset) {
+ instant_limit = config_->instant_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance /
+ (average_reported_loss_ratio -
+ config_->instant_upper_bound_loss_offset);
+ if (average_reported_loss_ratio > config_->high_loss_rate_threshold) {
+ instant_limit = std::min(
+ instant_limit, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(std::max(
+ static_cast<double>(min_bitrate_.kbps()),
+ config_->bandwidth_cap_at_high_loss_rate.kbps() -
+ config_->slope_of_bwe_high_loss_func *
+ average_reported_loss_ratio)));
+ }
+ }
+ cached_instant_upper_bound_ = instant_limit;
+DataRate LossBasedBweV2::GetInstantLowerBound() const {
+ return cached_instant_lower_bound_.value_or(DataRate::Zero());
+void LossBasedBweV2::CalculateInstantLowerBound() {
+ DataRate instance_lower_bound = DataRate::Zero();
+ if (IsValid(acknowledged_bitrate_) &&
+ config_->lower_bound_by_acked_rate_factor > 0.0) {
+ instance_lower_bound = config_->lower_bound_by_acked_rate_factor *
+ acknowledged_bitrate_.value();
+ }
+ if (IsValid(min_bitrate_)) {
+ instance_lower_bound = std::max(instance_lower_bound, min_bitrate_);
+ }
+ cached_instant_lower_bound_ = instance_lower_bound;
+void LossBasedBweV2::CalculateTemporalWeights() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < config_->observation_window_size; ++i) {
+ temporal_weights_[i] = std::pow(config_->temporal_weight_factor, i);
+ instant_upper_bound_temporal_weights_[i] =
+ std::pow(config_->instant_upper_bound_temporal_weight_factor, i);
+ }
+void LossBasedBweV2::NewtonsMethodUpdate(
+ ChannelParameters& channel_parameters) const {
+ if (num_observations_ <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < config_->newton_iterations; ++i) {
+ const Derivatives derivatives = GetDerivatives(channel_parameters);
+ channel_parameters.inherent_loss -=
+ config_->newton_step_size * derivatives.first / derivatives.second;
+ channel_parameters.inherent_loss =
+ GetFeasibleInherentLoss(channel_parameters);
+ }
+bool LossBasedBweV2::PushBackObservation(
+ rtc::ArrayView<const PacketResult> packet_results) {
+ if (packet_results.empty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ PacketResultsSummary packet_results_summary =
+ GetPacketResultsSummary(packet_results);
+ partial_observation_.num_packets += packet_results_summary.num_packets;
+ partial_observation_.num_lost_packets +=
+ packet_results_summary.num_lost_packets;
+ partial_observation_.size += packet_results_summary.total_size;
+ partial_observation_.lost_size += packet_results_summary.lost_size;
+ // This is the first packet report we have received.
+ if (!IsValid(last_send_time_most_recent_observation_)) {
+ last_send_time_most_recent_observation_ =
+ packet_results_summary.first_send_time;
+ }
+ const Timestamp last_send_time = packet_results_summary.last_send_time;
+ const TimeDelta observation_duration =
+ last_send_time - last_send_time_most_recent_observation_;
+ // Too small to be meaningful.
+ if (observation_duration <= TimeDelta::Zero() ||
+ observation_duration < config_->observation_duration_lower_bound) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ last_send_time_most_recent_observation_ = last_send_time;
+ Observation observation;
+ observation.num_packets = partial_observation_.num_packets;
+ observation.num_lost_packets = partial_observation_.num_lost_packets;
+ observation.num_received_packets =
+ observation.num_packets - observation.num_lost_packets;
+ observation.sending_rate =
+ GetSendingRate(partial_observation_.size / observation_duration);
+ observation.lost_size = partial_observation_.lost_size;
+ observation.size = partial_observation_.size;
+ = num_observations_++;
+ observations_[ % config_->observation_window_size] =
+ observation;
+ partial_observation_ = PartialObservation();
+ CalculateInstantUpperBound();
+ return true;
+bool LossBasedBweV2::IsInLossLimitedState() const {
+ return loss_based_result_.state != LossBasedState::kDelayBasedEstimate;
+bool LossBasedBweV2::CanKeepIncreasingState(DataRate estimate) const {
+ if (config_->padding_duration == TimeDelta::Zero() ||
+ loss_based_result_.state != LossBasedState::kIncreaseUsingPadding)
+ return true;
+ // Keep using the kIncreaseUsingPadding if either the state has been
+ // kIncreaseUsingPadding for less than kPaddingDuration or the estimate
+ // increases.
+ return last_padding_info_.padding_timestamp + config_->padding_duration >=
+ last_send_time_most_recent_observation_ ||
+ last_padding_info_.padding_rate < estimate;
+} // namespace webrtc