path: root/third_party/rust/cubeb-coreaudio/src/backend/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/cubeb-coreaudio/src/backend/tests/')
1 files changed, 1247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/cubeb-coreaudio/src/backend/tests/ b/third_party/rust/cubeb-coreaudio/src/backend/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef07aeeeb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/cubeb-coreaudio/src/backend/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1247 @@
+use super::*;
+// Common Utils
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+pub extern "C" fn noop_data_callback(
+ stream: *mut ffi::cubeb_stream,
+ _user_ptr: *mut c_void,
+ _input_buffer: *const c_void,
+ output_buffer: *mut c_void,
+ nframes: i64,
+) -> i64 {
+ assert!(!stream.is_null());
+ // Feed silence data to output buffer
+ if !output_buffer.is_null() {
+ let stm = unsafe { &mut *(stream as *mut AudioUnitStream) };
+ let channels = stm.core_stream_data.output_stream_params.channels();
+ let samples = nframes as usize * channels as usize;
+ let sample_size = cubeb_sample_size(stm.core_stream_data.output_stream_params.format());
+ unsafe {
+ ptr::write_bytes(output_buffer, 0, samples * sample_size);
+ }
+ }
+ nframes
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum Scope {
+ Input,
+ Output,
+impl From<Scope> for DeviceType {
+ fn from(scope: Scope) -> Self {
+ match scope {
+ Scope::Input => DeviceType::INPUT,
+ Scope::Output => DeviceType::OUTPUT,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum PropertyScope {
+ Input,
+ Output,
+pub fn test_get_default_device(scope: Scope) -> Option<AudioObjectID> {
+ let address = AudioObjectPropertyAddress {
+ mSelector: match scope {
+ Scope::Input => kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice,
+ Scope::Output => kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
+ },
+ mScope: kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster,
+ };
+ let mut devid: AudioObjectID = kAudioObjectUnknown;
+ let mut size = mem::size_of::<AudioObjectID>();
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyData(
+ kAudioObjectSystemObject,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut UInt32,
+ &mut devid as *mut AudioObjectID as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ };
+ if status != NO_ERR || devid == kAudioObjectUnknown {
+ return None;
+ }
+ Some(devid)
+// TODO: Create a GetProperty trait and add a default implementation for it, then implement it
+// for TestAudioUnit so the member method like `get_buffer_frame_size` can reuse the trait
+// method get_property_data.
+pub struct TestAudioUnit(AudioUnit);
+impl TestAudioUnit {
+ fn new(unit: AudioUnit) -> Self {
+ assert!(!unit.is_null());
+ Self(unit)
+ }
+ pub fn get_inner(&self) -> AudioUnit {
+ self.0
+ }
+ pub fn get_buffer_frame_size(
+ &self,
+ scope: Scope,
+ prop_scope: PropertyScope,
+ ) -> std::result::Result<u32, OSStatus> {
+ test_audiounit_get_buffer_frame_size(self.0, scope, prop_scope)
+ }
+impl Drop for TestAudioUnit {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe {
+ AudioUnitUninitialize(self.0);
+ AudioComponentInstanceDispose(self.0);
+ }
+ }
+// TODO: 1. Return Result with custom errors.
+// 2. Allow to create a in-out unit.
+pub fn test_get_default_audiounit(scope: Scope) -> Option<TestAudioUnit> {
+ let device = test_get_default_device(scope.clone());
+ let unit = test_create_audiounit(ComponentSubType::HALOutput);
+ if device.is_none() || unit.is_none() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let unit = unit.unwrap();
+ let device = device.unwrap();
+ match scope {
+ Scope::Input => {
+ if test_enable_audiounit_in_scope(unit.get_inner(), Scope::Input, true).is_err()
+ || test_enable_audiounit_in_scope(unit.get_inner(), Scope::Output, false).is_err()
+ {
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ Scope::Output => {
+ if test_enable_audiounit_in_scope(unit.get_inner(), Scope::Input, false).is_err()
+ || test_enable_audiounit_in_scope(unit.get_inner(), Scope::Output, true).is_err()
+ {
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioUnitSetProperty(
+ unit.get_inner(),
+ kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Global,
+ 0, // Global bus
+ &device as *const AudioObjectID as *const c_void,
+ mem::size_of::<AudioObjectID>() as u32,
+ )
+ };
+ if status == NO_ERR {
+ Some(unit)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+pub enum ComponentSubType {
+ HALOutput,
+ DefaultOutput,
+// TODO: Return Result with custom errors.
+// Surprisingly the AudioUnit can be created even when there is no any device on the platform,
+// no matter its subtype is HALOutput or DefaultOutput.
+pub fn test_create_audiounit(unit_type: ComponentSubType) -> Option<TestAudioUnit> {
+ let desc = AudioComponentDescription {
+ componentType: kAudioUnitType_Output,
+ componentSubType: match unit_type {
+ ComponentSubType::HALOutput => kAudioUnitSubType_HALOutput,
+ ComponentSubType::DefaultOutput => kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput,
+ },
+ componentManufacturer: kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple,
+ componentFlags: 0,
+ componentFlagsMask: 0,
+ };
+ let comp = unsafe { AudioComponentFindNext(ptr::null_mut(), &desc) };
+ if comp.is_null() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let mut unit: AudioUnit = ptr::null_mut();
+ let status = unsafe { AudioComponentInstanceNew(comp, &mut unit) };
+ // TODO: Is unit possible to be null when no error returns ?
+ if status != NO_ERR || unit.is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(TestAudioUnit::new(unit))
+ }
+fn test_enable_audiounit_in_scope(
+ unit: AudioUnit,
+ scope: Scope,
+ enable: bool,
+) -> std::result::Result<(), OSStatus> {
+ assert!(!unit.is_null());
+ let (scope, element) = match scope {
+ Scope::Input => (kAudioUnitScope_Input, AU_IN_BUS),
+ Scope::Output => (kAudioUnitScope_Output, AU_OUT_BUS),
+ };
+ let on_off: u32 = if enable { 1 } else { 0 };
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioUnitSetProperty(
+ unit,
+ kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO,
+ scope,
+ element,
+ &on_off as *const u32 as *const c_void,
+ mem::size_of::<u32>() as u32,
+ )
+ };
+ if status == NO_ERR {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(status)
+ }
+pub enum DeviceFilter {
+ ExcludeCubebAggregateAndVPIO,
+ IncludeAll,
+pub fn test_get_all_devices(filter: DeviceFilter) -> Vec<AudioObjectID> {
+ let mut devices = Vec::new();
+ let address = AudioObjectPropertyAddress {
+ mSelector: kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices,
+ mScope: kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster,
+ };
+ let mut size: usize = 0;
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(
+ kAudioObjectSystemObject,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ )
+ };
+ // size will be 0 if there is no device at all.
+ if status != NO_ERR || size == 0 {
+ return devices;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(size % mem::size_of::<AudioObjectID>(), 0);
+ let elements = size / mem::size_of::<AudioObjectID>();
+ devices.resize(elements, kAudioObjectUnknown);
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyData(
+ kAudioObjectSystemObject,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ devices.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ };
+ if status != NO_ERR {
+ devices.clear();
+ return devices;
+ }
+ for device in devices.iter() {
+ assert_ne!(*device, kAudioObjectUnknown);
+ }
+ match filter {
+ DeviceFilter::ExcludeCubebAggregateAndVPIO => {
+ devices.retain(|&device| {
+ if let Ok(uid) = get_device_global_uid(device) {
+ let uid = uid.into_string();
+ } else {
+ true
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ devices
+pub fn test_get_devices_in_scope(scope: Scope) -> Vec<AudioObjectID> {
+ let mut devices = test_get_all_devices(DeviceFilter::ExcludeCubebAggregateAndVPIO);
+ devices.retain(|device| test_device_in_scope(*device, scope.clone()));
+ devices
+pub fn get_devices_info_in_scope(scope: Scope) -> Vec<TestDeviceInfo> {
+ fn print_info(info: &TestDeviceInfo) {
+ println!("{:>4}: {}\n\tuid: {}",, info.label, info.uid);
+ }
+ println!(
+ "\n{:?} devices\n\
+ --------------------",
+ scope
+ );
+ let mut infos = vec![];
+ let devices = test_get_devices_in_scope(scope.clone());
+ for device in devices {
+ infos.push(TestDeviceInfo::new(device, scope.clone()));
+ print_info(infos.last().unwrap());
+ }
+ println!();
+ infos
+pub struct TestDeviceInfo {
+ pub id: AudioObjectID,
+ pub label: String,
+ pub uid: String,
+impl TestDeviceInfo {
+ pub fn new(id: AudioObjectID, scope: Scope) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ id,
+ label: Self::get_label(id, scope.clone()),
+ uid: Self::get_uid(id, scope),
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_label(id: AudioObjectID, scope: Scope) -> String {
+ match get_device_uid(id, scope.into()) {
+ Ok(uid) => uid.into_string(),
+ Err(status) => format!("Unknow. Error: {}", status).to_string(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_uid(id: AudioObjectID, scope: Scope) -> String {
+ match get_device_label(id, scope.into()) {
+ Ok(label) => label.into_string(),
+ Err(status) => format!("Unknown. Error: {}", status).to_string(),
+ }
+ }
+pub fn test_device_channels_in_scope(
+ id: AudioObjectID,
+ scope: Scope,
+) -> std::result::Result<u32, OSStatus> {
+ let address = AudioObjectPropertyAddress {
+ mSelector: kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration,
+ mScope: match scope {
+ Scope::Input => kAudioDevicePropertyScopeInput,
+ Scope::Output => kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput,
+ },
+ mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster,
+ };
+ let mut size: usize = 0;
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(
+ id,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ )
+ };
+ if status != NO_ERR {
+ return Err(status);
+ }
+ if size == 0 {
+ return Ok(0);
+ }
+ let byte_len = size / mem::size_of::<u8>();
+ let mut bytes = vec![0u8; byte_len];
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyData(
+ id,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ bytes.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ };
+ if status != NO_ERR {
+ return Err(status);
+ }
+ let buf_list = unsafe { &*(bytes.as_mut_ptr() as *mut AudioBufferList) };
+ let buf_len = buf_list.mNumberBuffers as usize;
+ if buf_len == 0 {
+ return Ok(0);
+ }
+ let buf_ptr = buf_list.mBuffers.as_ptr() as *const AudioBuffer;
+ let buffers = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(buf_ptr, buf_len) };
+ let mut channels: u32 = 0;
+ for buffer in buffers {
+ channels += buffer.mNumberChannels;
+ }
+ Ok(channels)
+pub fn test_device_in_scope(id: AudioObjectID, scope: Scope) -> bool {
+ let channels = test_device_channels_in_scope(id, scope);
+ channels.is_ok() && channels.unwrap() > 0
+pub fn test_get_all_onwed_devices(id: AudioDeviceID) -> Vec<AudioObjectID> {
+ assert_ne!(id, kAudioObjectUnknown);
+ let address = AudioObjectPropertyAddress {
+ mSelector: kAudioObjectPropertyOwnedObjects,
+ mScope: kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster,
+ };
+ let qualifier_data_size = mem::size_of::<AudioObjectID>();
+ let class_id: AudioClassID = kAudioSubDeviceClassID;
+ let qualifier_data = &class_id;
+ let mut size: usize = 0;
+ unsafe {
+ assert_eq!(
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(
+ id,
+ &address,
+ qualifier_data_size as u32,
+ qualifier_data as *const u32 as *const c_void,
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ assert_ne!(size, 0);
+ let elements = size / mem::size_of::<AudioObjectID>();
+ let mut devices: Vec<AudioObjectID> = allocate_array(elements);
+ unsafe {
+ assert_eq!(
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyData(
+ id,
+ &address,
+ qualifier_data_size as u32,
+ qualifier_data as *const u32 as *const c_void,
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ devices.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ devices
+pub fn test_get_master_device(id: AudioObjectID) -> String {
+ assert_ne!(id, kAudioObjectUnknown);
+ let address = AudioObjectPropertyAddress {
+ mSelector: kAudioAggregateDevicePropertyMasterSubDevice,
+ mScope: kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster,
+ };
+ let mut master: CFStringRef = ptr::null_mut();
+ let mut size = mem::size_of::<CFStringRef>();
+ assert_eq!(
+ audio_object_get_property_data(id, &address, &mut size, &mut master),
+ );
+ assert!(!master.is_null());
+ let master = StringRef::new(master as _);
+ master.into_string()
+pub fn test_get_drift_compensations(id: AudioObjectID) -> std::result::Result<u32, OSStatus> {
+ let address = AudioObjectPropertyAddress {
+ mSelector: kAudioSubDevicePropertyDriftCompensation,
+ mScope: kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster,
+ };
+ let mut size = mem::size_of::<u32>();
+ let mut compensation = u32::max_value();
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyData(
+ id,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ &mut compensation as *mut u32 as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ };
+ if status == NO_ERR {
+ Ok(compensation)
+ } else {
+ Err(status)
+ }
+pub fn test_audiounit_scope_is_enabled(unit: AudioUnit, scope: Scope) -> bool {
+ assert!(!unit.is_null());
+ let mut has_io: UInt32 = 0;
+ let (scope, element) = match scope {
+ Scope::Input => (kAudioUnitScope_Input, AU_IN_BUS),
+ Scope::Output => (kAudioUnitScope_Output, AU_OUT_BUS),
+ };
+ let mut size = mem::size_of::<UInt32>();
+ assert_eq!(
+ audio_unit_get_property(
+ unit,
+ kAudioOutputUnitProperty_HasIO,
+ scope,
+ element,
+ &mut has_io,
+ &mut size
+ ),
+ );
+ has_io != 0
+pub fn test_audiounit_get_buffer_frame_size(
+ unit: AudioUnit,
+ scope: Scope,
+ prop_scope: PropertyScope,
+) -> std::result::Result<u32, OSStatus> {
+ let element = match scope {
+ Scope::Input => AU_IN_BUS,
+ Scope::Output => AU_OUT_BUS,
+ };
+ let prop_scope = match prop_scope {
+ PropertyScope::Input => kAudioUnitScope_Input,
+ PropertyScope::Output => kAudioUnitScope_Output,
+ };
+ let mut buffer_frames: u32 = 0;
+ let mut size = mem::size_of::<u32>();
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioUnitGetProperty(
+ unit,
+ kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize,
+ prop_scope,
+ element,
+ &mut buffer_frames as *mut u32 as *mut c_void,
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ )
+ };
+ if status == NO_ERR {
+ Ok(buffer_frames)
+ } else {
+ Err(status)
+ }
+// Surprisingly it's ok to set
+// 1. a unknown device
+// 2. a non-input/non-output device
+// 3. the current default input/output device
+// as the new default input/output device by apple's API. We need to check the above things by ourselves.
+// This function returns an Ok containing the previous default device id on success.
+// Otherwise, it returns an Err containing the error code with OSStatus type
+pub fn test_set_default_device(
+ device: AudioObjectID,
+ scope: Scope,
+) -> std::result::Result<AudioObjectID, OSStatus> {
+ assert!(test_device_in_scope(device, scope.clone()));
+ let default = test_get_default_device(scope.clone()).unwrap();
+ if default == device {
+ // Do nothing if device is already the default device
+ return Ok(device);
+ }
+ let address = AudioObjectPropertyAddress {
+ mSelector: match scope {
+ Scope::Input => kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice,
+ Scope::Output => kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
+ },
+ mScope: kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster,
+ };
+ let size = mem::size_of::<AudioObjectID>();
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectSetPropertyData(
+ kAudioObjectSystemObject,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ size as u32,
+ &device as *const AudioObjectID as *const c_void,
+ )
+ };
+ let new_default = test_get_default_device(scope.clone()).unwrap();
+ if new_default == default {
+ Err(-1)
+ } else if status == NO_ERR {
+ Ok(default)
+ } else {
+ Err(status)
+ }
+pub struct TestDeviceSwitcher {
+ scope: Scope,
+ devices: Vec<AudioObjectID>,
+ current_device_index: usize,
+impl TestDeviceSwitcher {
+ pub fn new(scope: Scope) -> Self {
+ let infos = get_devices_info_in_scope(scope.clone());
+ let devices: Vec<AudioObjectID> = infos.into_iter().map(|info|;
+ let current = test_get_default_device(scope.clone()).unwrap();
+ let index = devices
+ .iter()
+ .position(|device| *device == current)
+ .unwrap();
+ Self {
+ scope,
+ devices,
+ current_device_index: index,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn next(&mut self) {
+ let current = self.devices[self.current_device_index];
+ let next_index = (self.current_device_index + 1) % self.devices.len();
+ let next = self.devices[next_index];
+ println!(
+ "Switch device for {:?}: {} -> {}",
+ self.scope, current, next
+ );
+ match self.set_device(next) {
+ Ok(prev) => {
+ assert_eq!(prev, current);
+ self.current_device_index = next_index;
+ }
+ _ => {
+ self.devices.remove(next_index);
+ if next_index < self.current_device_index {
+ self.current_device_index -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn set_device(&self, device: AudioObjectID) -> std::result::Result<AudioObjectID, OSStatus> {
+ test_set_default_device(device, self.scope.clone())
+ }
+pub fn test_create_device_change_listener<F>(scope: Scope, listener: F) -> TestPropertyListener<F>
+ F: Fn(&[AudioObjectPropertyAddress]) -> OSStatus,
+ let address = AudioObjectPropertyAddress {
+ mSelector: match scope {
+ Scope::Input => kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice,
+ Scope::Output => kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
+ },
+ mScope: kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster,
+ };
+ TestPropertyListener::new(kAudioObjectSystemObject, address, listener)
+pub struct TestPropertyListener<F>
+ F: Fn(&[AudioObjectPropertyAddress]) -> OSStatus,
+ device: AudioObjectID,
+ property: AudioObjectPropertyAddress,
+ callback: F,
+impl<F> TestPropertyListener<F>
+ F: Fn(&[AudioObjectPropertyAddress]) -> OSStatus,
+ pub fn new(device: AudioObjectID, property: AudioObjectPropertyAddress, callback: F) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ device,
+ property,
+ callback,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn start(&self) -> std::result::Result<(), OSStatus> {
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectAddPropertyListener(
+ self.device,
+ &,
+ Some(Self::render),
+ self as *const Self as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ };
+ if status == NO_ERR {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(status)
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn stop(&self) -> std::result::Result<(), OSStatus> {
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener(
+ self.device,
+ &,
+ Some(Self::render),
+ self as *const Self as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ };
+ if status == NO_ERR {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(status)
+ }
+ }
+ extern "C" fn render(
+ id: AudioObjectID,
+ number_of_addresses: u32,
+ addresses: *const AudioObjectPropertyAddress,
+ data: *mut c_void,
+ ) -> OSStatus {
+ let listener = unsafe { &*(data as *mut Self) };
+ assert_eq!(id, listener.device);
+ let addrs = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(addresses, number_of_addresses as usize) };
+ (listener.callback)(addrs)
+ }
+impl<F> Drop for TestPropertyListener<F>
+ F: Fn(&[AudioObjectPropertyAddress]) -> OSStatus,
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.stop();
+ }
+// TODO: It doesn't work if default input or output is an aggregate device! Probably we need to do
+// the same thing as what audiounit_set_aggregate_sub_device_list does.
+pub struct TestDevicePlugger {
+ scope: Scope,
+ plugin_id: AudioObjectID,
+ device_id: AudioObjectID,
+impl TestDevicePlugger {
+ pub fn new(scope: Scope) -> std::result::Result<Self, OSStatus> {
+ let plugin_id = Self::get_system_plugin_id()?;
+ Ok(Self {
+ scope,
+ plugin_id,
+ device_id: kAudioObjectUnknown,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn get_device_id(&self) -> AudioObjectID {
+ self.device_id
+ }
+ pub fn plug(&mut self) -> std::result::Result<(), OSStatus> {
+ self.device_id = self.create_aggregate_device()?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn unplug(&mut self) -> std::result::Result<(), OSStatus> {
+ self.destroy_aggregate_device()
+ }
+ fn is_plugging(&self) -> bool {
+ self.device_id != kAudioObjectUnknown
+ }
+ fn destroy_aggregate_device(&mut self) -> std::result::Result<(), OSStatus> {
+ assert_ne!(self.plugin_id, kAudioObjectUnknown);
+ assert_ne!(self.device_id, kAudioObjectUnknown);
+ let address = AudioObjectPropertyAddress {
+ mSelector: kAudioPlugInDestroyAggregateDevice,
+ mScope: kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster,
+ };
+ let mut size: usize = 0;
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(
+ self.plugin_id,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ )
+ };
+ if status != NO_ERR {
+ return Err(status);
+ }
+ assert_ne!(size, 0);
+ let status = unsafe {
+ // This call can simulate removing a device.
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyData(
+ self.plugin_id,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ &mut self.device_id as *mut AudioDeviceID as *mut c_void,
+ )
+ };
+ if status == NO_ERR {
+ self.device_id = kAudioObjectUnknown;
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(status)
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_aggregate_device(&self) -> std::result::Result<AudioObjectID, OSStatus> {
+ use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
+ const TEST_AGGREGATE_DEVICE_NAME: &str = "TestAggregateDevice";
+ assert_ne!(self.plugin_id, kAudioObjectUnknown);
+ let sub_devices = Self::get_sub_devices(self.scope.clone());
+ if sub_devices.is_none() {
+ return Err(kAudioCodecUnspecifiedError as OSStatus);
+ }
+ let sub_devices = sub_devices.unwrap();
+ let address = AudioObjectPropertyAddress {
+ mSelector: kAudioPlugInCreateAggregateDevice,
+ mScope: kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster,
+ };
+ let mut size: usize = 0;
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(
+ self.plugin_id,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ )
+ };
+ if status != NO_ERR {
+ return Err(status);
+ }
+ assert_ne!(size, 0);
+ let sys_time = SystemTime::now();
+ let time_id = sys_time.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_nanos();
+ let device_name = format!("{}_{}", TEST_AGGREGATE_DEVICE_NAME, time_id);
+ let device_uid = format!("org.mozilla.{}", device_name);
+ let mut device_id = kAudioObjectUnknown;
+ let status = unsafe {
+ let device_dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(
+ kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ 0,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks,
+ );
+ // Set the name of this device.
+ let device_name = cfstringref_from_string(&device_name);
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(
+ device_dict,
+ cfstringref_from_static_string(AGGREGATE_DEVICE_NAME_KEY) as *const c_void,
+ device_name as *const c_void,
+ );
+ CFRelease(device_name as *const c_void);
+ // Set the uid of this device.
+ let device_uid = cfstringref_from_string(&device_uid);
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(
+ device_dict,
+ cfstringref_from_static_string(AGGREGATE_DEVICE_UID_KEY) as *const c_void,
+ device_uid as *const c_void,
+ );
+ CFRelease(device_uid as *const c_void);
+ // Make this device NOT private to the process creating it.
+ // On MacOS 14 devicechange events are not triggered when it is private.
+ let private_value: i32 = 0;
+ let device_private_key = CFNumberCreate(
+ kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ i64::from(kCFNumberIntType),
+ &private_value as *const i32 as *const c_void,
+ );
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(
+ device_dict,
+ cfstringref_from_static_string(AGGREGATE_DEVICE_PRIVATE_KEY) as *const c_void,
+ device_private_key as *const c_void,
+ );
+ CFRelease(device_private_key as *const c_void);
+ // Set this device to be a stacked aggregate (i.e. multi-output device).
+ let stacked_value: i32 = 0; // 1 for normal aggregate device.
+ let device_stacked_key = CFNumberCreate(
+ kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ i64::from(kCFNumberIntType),
+ &stacked_value as *const i32 as *const c_void,
+ );
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(
+ device_dict,
+ cfstringref_from_static_string(AGGREGATE_DEVICE_STACKED_KEY) as *const c_void,
+ device_stacked_key as *const c_void,
+ );
+ CFRelease(device_stacked_key as *const c_void);
+ // Set sub devices for this device.
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(
+ device_dict,
+ cfstringref_from_static_string(AGGREGATE_DEVICE_SUB_DEVICE_LIST_KEY)
+ as *const c_void,
+ sub_devices as *const c_void,
+ );
+ CFRelease(sub_devices as *const c_void);
+ // This call can simulate adding a device.
+ let status = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(
+ self.plugin_id,
+ &address,
+ mem::size_of_val(&device_dict) as u32,
+ &device_dict as *const CFMutableDictionaryRef as *const c_void,
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ &mut device_id as *mut AudioDeviceID as *mut c_void,
+ );
+ CFRelease(device_dict as *const c_void);
+ status
+ };
+ if status == NO_ERR {
+ assert_ne!(device_id, kAudioObjectUnknown);
+ Ok(device_id)
+ } else {
+ Err(status)
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_system_plugin_id() -> std::result::Result<AudioObjectID, OSStatus> {
+ let address = AudioObjectPropertyAddress {
+ mSelector: kAudioHardwarePropertyPlugInForBundleID,
+ mScope: kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster,
+ };
+ let mut size: usize = 0;
+ let status = unsafe {
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(
+ kAudioObjectSystemObject,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ )
+ };
+ if status != NO_ERR {
+ return Err(status);
+ }
+ assert_ne!(size, 0);
+ let mut plugin_id = kAudioObjectUnknown;
+ let mut in_bundle_ref = cfstringref_from_static_string("");
+ let mut translation_value = AudioValueTranslation {
+ mInputData: &mut in_bundle_ref as *mut CFStringRef as *mut c_void,
+ mInputDataSize: mem::size_of::<CFStringRef>() as u32,
+ mOutputData: &mut plugin_id as *mut AudioObjectID as *mut c_void,
+ mOutputDataSize: mem::size_of::<AudioObjectID>() as u32,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(size, mem::size_of_val(&translation_value));
+ let status = unsafe {
+ let status = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(
+ kAudioObjectSystemObject,
+ &address,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ &mut size as *mut usize as *mut u32,
+ &mut translation_value as *mut AudioValueTranslation as *mut c_void,
+ );
+ CFRelease(in_bundle_ref as *const c_void);
+ status
+ };
+ if status == NO_ERR {
+ assert_ne!(plugin_id, kAudioObjectUnknown);
+ Ok(plugin_id)
+ } else {
+ Err(status)
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: This doesn't work as what we expect when the default deivce in the scope is an
+ // aggregate device. We should get the list of all the active sub devices and put
+ // them into the array, if the device is an aggregate device. See the code in
+ // AggregateDevice::get_sub_devices and audiounit_set_aggregate_sub_device_list.
+ fn get_sub_devices(scope: Scope) -> Option<CFArrayRef> {
+ let device = test_get_default_device(scope);
+ device?;
+ let device = device.unwrap();
+ let uid = get_device_global_uid(device);
+ if uid.is_err() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let uid = uid.unwrap();
+ unsafe {
+ let list = CFArrayCreateMutable(ptr::null(), 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ let sub_device_dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(
+ ptr::null(),
+ 0,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks,
+ );
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(
+ sub_device_dict,
+ cfstringref_from_static_string(SUB_DEVICE_UID_KEY) as *const c_void,
+ uid.get_raw() as *const c_void,
+ );
+ CFArrayAppendValue(list, sub_device_dict as *const c_void);
+ CFRelease(sub_device_dict as *const c_void);
+ Some(list)
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for TestDevicePlugger {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if self.is_plugging() {
+ self.unplug();
+ }
+ }
+// Test Templates
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+pub fn test_ops_context_operation<F>(name: &'static str, operation: F)
+ F: FnOnce(*mut ffi::cubeb),
+ let name_c_string = CString::new(name).expect("Failed to create context name");
+ let mut context = ptr::null_mut::<ffi::cubeb>();
+ assert_eq!(
+ unsafe { OPS.init.unwrap()(&mut context, name_c_string.as_ptr()) },
+ ffi::CUBEB_OK
+ );
+ assert!(!context.is_null());
+ operation(context);
+ unsafe { OPS.destroy.unwrap()(context) }
+// The in-out stream initializeed with different device will create an aggregate_device and
+// result in firing device-collection-changed callbacks. Run in-out streams with tests
+// capturing device-collection-changed callbacks may cause troubles.
+pub fn test_ops_stream_operation<F>(
+ name: &'static str,
+ input_device: ffi::cubeb_devid,
+ input_stream_params: *mut ffi::cubeb_stream_params,
+ output_device: ffi::cubeb_devid,
+ output_stream_params: *mut ffi::cubeb_stream_params,
+ latency_frames: u32,
+ data_callback: ffi::cubeb_data_callback,
+ state_callback: ffi::cubeb_state_callback,
+ user_ptr: *mut c_void,
+ operation: F,
+) where
+ F: FnOnce(*mut ffi::cubeb_stream),
+ test_ops_context_operation("context: stream operation", |context_ptr| {
+ // Do nothing if there is no input/output device to perform input/output tests.
+ if !input_stream_params.is_null() && test_get_default_device(Scope::Input).is_none() {
+ println!("No input device to perform input tests for \"{}\".", name);
+ return;
+ }
+ if !output_stream_params.is_null() && test_get_default_device(Scope::Output).is_none() {
+ println!("No output device to perform output tests for \"{}\".", name);
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut stream: *mut ffi::cubeb_stream = ptr::null_mut();
+ let stream_name = CString::new(name).expect("Failed to create stream name");
+ assert_eq!(
+ unsafe {
+ OPS.stream_init.unwrap()(
+ context_ptr,
+ &mut stream,
+ stream_name.as_ptr(),
+ input_device,
+ input_stream_params,
+ output_device,
+ output_stream_params,
+ latency_frames,
+ data_callback,
+ state_callback,
+ user_ptr,
+ )
+ },
+ ffi::CUBEB_OK
+ );
+ assert!(!stream.is_null());
+ operation(stream);
+ unsafe {
+ OPS.stream_destroy.unwrap()(stream);
+ }
+ });
+pub fn test_get_raw_context<F>(operation: F)
+ F: FnOnce(&mut AudioUnitContext),
+ let mut context = AudioUnitContext::new();
+ operation(&mut context);
+pub fn test_get_default_raw_stream<F>(operation: F)
+ F: FnOnce(&mut AudioUnitStream),
+ test_get_raw_stream(ptr::null_mut(), None, None, 0, operation);
+fn test_get_raw_stream<F>(
+ user_ptr: *mut c_void,
+ data_callback: ffi::cubeb_data_callback,
+ state_callback: ffi::cubeb_state_callback,
+ latency_frames: u32,
+ operation: F,
+) where
+ F: FnOnce(&mut AudioUnitStream),
+ let mut context = AudioUnitContext::new();
+ // Add a stream to the context since we are about to create one.
+ // AudioUnitStream::drop() will check the context has at least one stream.
+ let global_latency_frames = context.update_latency_by_adding_stream(latency_frames);
+ let mut stream = AudioUnitStream::new(
+ &mut context,
+ user_ptr,
+ data_callback,
+ state_callback,
+ global_latency_frames.unwrap(),
+ );
+ stream.core_stream_data = CoreStreamData::new(&stream, None, None);
+ operation(&mut stream);
+pub fn test_get_stream_with_default_data_callback_by_type<F>(
+ name: &'static str,
+ stm_type: StreamType,
+ input_device: Option<AudioObjectID>,
+ output_device: Option<AudioObjectID>,
+ state_callback: extern "C" fn(*mut ffi::cubeb_stream, *mut c_void, ffi::cubeb_state),
+ data: *mut c_void,
+ operation: F,
+) where
+ F: FnOnce(&mut AudioUnitStream),
+ let mut input_params = get_dummy_stream_params(Scope::Input);
+ let mut output_params = get_dummy_stream_params(Scope::Output);
+ let in_params = if stm_type.contains(StreamType::INPUT) {
+ &mut input_params as *mut ffi::cubeb_stream_params
+ } else {
+ ptr::null_mut()
+ };
+ let out_params = if stm_type.contains(StreamType::OUTPUT) {
+ &mut output_params as *mut ffi::cubeb_stream_params
+ } else {
+ ptr::null_mut()
+ };
+ let in_device = if let Some(id) = input_device {
+ id as ffi::cubeb_devid
+ } else {
+ ptr::null_mut()
+ };
+ let out_device = if let Some(id) = output_device {
+ id as ffi::cubeb_devid
+ } else {
+ ptr::null_mut()
+ };
+ test_ops_stream_operation_with_default_data_callback(
+ name,
+ in_device,
+ in_params,
+ out_device,
+ out_params,
+ state_callback,
+ data,
+ |stream| {
+ let stm = unsafe { &mut *(stream as *mut AudioUnitStream) };
+ operation(stm);
+ },
+ );
+bitflags! {
+ pub struct StreamType: u8 {
+ const INPUT = 0x01;
+ const OUTPUT = 0x02;
+ const DUPLEX = 0x03;
+ }
+fn get_dummy_stream_params(scope: Scope) -> ffi::cubeb_stream_params {
+ // The stream format for input and output must be same.
+ // Make sure the parameters meet the requirements of AudioUnitContext::stream_init
+ // (in the comments).
+ let mut stream_params = ffi::cubeb_stream_params::default();
+ stream_params.prefs = ffi::CUBEB_STREAM_PREF_NONE;
+ let (format, rate, channels, layout) = match scope {
+ Scope::Input => (STREAM_FORMAT, 48000, 1, ffi::CUBEB_LAYOUT_MONO),
+ Scope::Output => (STREAM_FORMAT, 44100, 2, ffi::CUBEB_LAYOUT_STEREO),
+ };
+ stream_params.format = format;
+ stream_params.rate = rate;
+ stream_params.channels = channels;
+ stream_params.layout = layout;
+ stream_params
+fn test_ops_stream_operation_with_default_data_callback<F>(
+ name: &'static str,
+ input_device: ffi::cubeb_devid,
+ input_stream_params: *mut ffi::cubeb_stream_params,
+ output_device: ffi::cubeb_devid,
+ output_stream_params: *mut ffi::cubeb_stream_params,
+ state_callback: extern "C" fn(*mut ffi::cubeb_stream, *mut c_void, ffi::cubeb_state),
+ data: *mut c_void,
+ operation: F,
+) where
+ F: FnOnce(*mut ffi::cubeb_stream),
+ test_ops_stream_operation(
+ name,
+ input_device,
+ input_stream_params,
+ output_device,
+ output_stream_params,
+ 4096, // TODO: Get latency by get_min_latency instead ?
+ Some(noop_data_callback),
+ Some(state_callback),
+ data,
+ operation,
+ );