path: root/third_party/rust/khronos-egl/
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+# Rust bindings for EGL
+ <td><a href="">Documentation</a></td>
+ <td><a href="">Crate informations</a></td>
+ <td><a href="">Repository</a></td>
+This crate provides a binding for the Khronos EGL 1.5 API.
+It was originally a fork of the [egl]( crate,
+which is left unmaintained.
+## Usage
+You can access the EGL API using an [`Instance`](
+object defined by either statically linking with `` at compile time,
+or dynamically loading the EGL library at runtime.
+### Static linking
+You must enable static linking using the `static` feature in your `Cargo.toml`:
+khronos-egl = { version = ..., features = ["static"] }
+This will add a dependency to the [`pkg-config`]( crate,
+necessary to find the EGL library at compile time.
+If you wish to disable linking EGL in this crate, and provide linking in
+your crate instead, enable the `no-pkg-config` feature.
+khronos-egl = {version = ..., features = ["static", "no-pkg-config"]}
+Here is a simple example showing how to use this library to create an EGL context when static linking is enabled.
+extern crate khronos_egl as egl;
+fn main() -> Result<(), egl::Error> {
+ // Create an EGL API instance.
+ // The `egl::Static` API implementation is only available when the `static` feature is enabled.
+ let egl = egl::Instance::new(egl::Static);
+ let wayland_display = wayland_client::Display::connect_to_env().expect("unable to connect to the wayland server");
+ let display = egl.get_display(wayland_display.get_display_ptr() as *mut std::ffi::c_void).unwrap();
+ egl.initialize(display)?;
+ let attributes = [
+ egl::RED_SIZE, 8,
+ egl::GREEN_SIZE, 8,
+ egl::BLUE_SIZE, 8,
+ egl::NONE
+ ];
+ let config = egl.choose_first_config(display, &attributes)?.expect("unable to find an appropriate ELG configuration");
+ let context_attributes = [
+ egl::NONE
+ ];
+ egl.create_context(display, config, None, &context_attributes);
+ Ok(())
+The creation of a `Display` instance is not detailed here since it depends on your display server.
+It is created using the `get_display` function with a pointer to the display server connection handle.
+For instance, if you are using the [wayland-client]( crate,
+you can get this pointer using the `Display::get_display_ptr` method.
+#### Static API Instance
+It may be bothering in some applications to pass the `Instance` to every fonction that needs to call the EGL API.
+One workaround would be to define a static `Instance`,
+which should be possible to define at compile time using static linking.
+However this is not yet supported by the stable `rustc` compiler.
+With the nightly compiler,
+you can combine the `nightly` and `static` features so that this crate
+can provide a static `Instance`, called `API` that can then be accessed everywhere.
+use egl::API as egl;
+### Dynamic Linking
+Dynamic linking allows your application to accept multiple versions of EGL and be more flexible.
+You must enable dynamic linking using the `dynamic` feature in your `Cargo.toml`:
+khronos-egl = { version = ..., features = ["dynamic"] }
+This will add a dependency to the [`libloading`]( crate,
+necessary to find the EGL library at runtime.
+You can then load the EGL API into a `Instance<Dynamic<libloading::Library>>` as follows:
+let lib = libloading::Library::new("").expect("unable to find");
+let egl = unsafe { egl::DynamicInstance::<egl::EGL1_4>::load_required_from(lib).expect("unable to load") };
+Here, `egl::EGL1_4` is used to specify what is the minimum required version of EGL that must be provided by ``.
+This will return a `DynamicInstance<egl::EGL1_4>`, however in that case where `` provides a more recent version of EGL,
+you can still upcast ths instance to provide version specific features:
+match egl.upcast::<egl::EGL1_5>() {
+ Some(egl1_5) => {
+ // do something with EGL 1.5
+ }
+ None => {
+ // do something with EGL 1.4 instead.
+ }
+### NixOS
+A `shell.nix` file is present for nix users to build the crate easily.
+Just enter a new nix shell using the given configuration file,
+and `cargo build` should work.
+If you want to run the tests and examples you will need to use `shell-wayland.nix` instead
+that will also load wayland since most of them depend on it.
+## Testing
+Most test and examples most be compiled with the `static` feature.
+## Troubleshooting
+### Static Linking with OpenGL ES
+When using OpenGL ES with `khronos-egl` with the `static` feature,
+it is necessary to place a dummy extern at the top of your application which links libEGL first, then GLESv1/2.
+This is because libEGL provides symbols required by GLESv1/2.
+Here's how to work around this:
+#[link(name = "EGL")]
+#[link(name = "GLESv2")]
+extern {}
+## License
+Licensed under either of
+ * Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
+ * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
+at your option.
+If the original `egl` crate was licensed only under the Apache 2.0 license,
+I believe I have made enough breaking changes so that no relevant code from the
+original code remains and the rest can be relicensed.
+### Contribution
+Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
+for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any
+additional terms or conditions.