path: root/third_party/rust/naga/src/back/glsl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/naga/src/back/glsl/')
1 files changed, 536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/naga/src/back/glsl/ b/third_party/rust/naga/src/back/glsl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7de05f695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/naga/src/back/glsl/
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+use super::{BackendResult, Error, Version, Writer};
+use crate::{
+ back::glsl::{Options, WriterFlags},
+ AddressSpace, Binding, Expression, Handle, ImageClass, ImageDimension, Interpolation, Sampling,
+ Scalar, ScalarKind, ShaderStage, StorageFormat, Type, TypeInner,
+use std::fmt::Write;
+bitflags::bitflags! {
+ /// Structure used to encode additions to GLSL that aren't supported by all versions.
+ #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+ pub struct Features: u32 {
+ /// Buffer address space support.
+ const BUFFER_STORAGE = 1;
+ const ARRAY_OF_ARRAYS = 1 << 1;
+ /// 8 byte floats.
+ const DOUBLE_TYPE = 1 << 2;
+ /// More image formats.
+ const FULL_IMAGE_FORMATS = 1 << 3;
+ const CUBE_TEXTURES_ARRAY = 1 << 6;
+ const COMPUTE_SHADER = 1 << 7;
+ /// Image load and early depth tests.
+ const IMAGE_LOAD_STORE = 1 << 8;
+ const CONSERVATIVE_DEPTH = 1 << 9;
+ /// Interpolation and auxiliary qualifiers.
+ ///
+ /// Perspective, Flat, and Centroid are available in all GLSL versions we support.
+ const SAMPLE_QUALIFIER = 1 << 12;
+ const CLIP_DISTANCE = 1 << 13;
+ const CULL_DISTANCE = 1 << 14;
+ /// Sample ID.
+ const SAMPLE_VARIABLES = 1 << 15;
+ /// Arrays with a dynamic length.
+ const DYNAMIC_ARRAY_SIZE = 1 << 16;
+ const MULTI_VIEW = 1 << 17;
+ /// Texture samples query
+ const TEXTURE_SAMPLES = 1 << 18;
+ /// Texture levels query
+ const TEXTURE_LEVELS = 1 << 19;
+ /// Image size query
+ const IMAGE_SIZE = 1 << 20;
+ /// Dual source blending
+ const DUAL_SOURCE_BLENDING = 1 << 21;
+ /// Instance index
+ ///
+ /// We can always support this, either through the language or a polyfill
+ const INSTANCE_INDEX = 1 << 22;
+ }
+/// Helper structure used to store the required [`Features`] needed to output a
+/// [`Module`](crate::Module)
+/// Provides helper methods to check for availability and writing required extensions
+pub struct FeaturesManager(Features);
+impl FeaturesManager {
+ /// Creates a new [`FeaturesManager`] instance
+ pub const fn new() -> Self {
+ Self(Features::empty())
+ }
+ /// Adds to the list of required [`Features`]
+ pub fn request(&mut self, features: Features) {
+ self.0 |= features
+ }
+ /// Checks if the list of features [`Features`] contains the specified [`Features`]
+ pub fn contains(&mut self, features: Features) -> bool {
+ self.0.contains(features)
+ }
+ /// Checks that all required [`Features`] are available for the specified
+ /// [`Version`] otherwise returns an [`Error::MissingFeatures`].
+ pub fn check_availability(&self, version: Version) -> BackendResult {
+ // Will store all the features that are unavailable
+ let mut missing = Features::empty();
+ // Helper macro to check for feature availability
+ macro_rules! check_feature {
+ // Used when only core glsl supports the feature
+ ($feature:ident, $core:literal) => {
+ if self.0.contains(Features::$feature)
+ && (version < Version::Desktop($core) || version.is_es())
+ {
+ missing |= Features::$feature;
+ }
+ };
+ // Used when both core and es support the feature
+ ($feature:ident, $core:literal, $es:literal) => {
+ if self.0.contains(Features::$feature)
+ && (version < Version::Desktop($core) || version < Version::new_gles($es))
+ {
+ missing |= Features::$feature;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ check_feature!(COMPUTE_SHADER, 420, 310);
+ check_feature!(BUFFER_STORAGE, 400, 310);
+ check_feature!(DOUBLE_TYPE, 150);
+ check_feature!(CUBE_TEXTURES_ARRAY, 130, 310);
+ check_feature!(MULTISAMPLED_TEXTURES, 150, 300);
+ check_feature!(MULTISAMPLED_TEXTURE_ARRAYS, 150, 310);
+ check_feature!(ARRAY_OF_ARRAYS, 120, 310);
+ check_feature!(IMAGE_LOAD_STORE, 130, 310);
+ check_feature!(CONSERVATIVE_DEPTH, 130, 300);
+ check_feature!(NOPERSPECTIVE_QUALIFIER, 130);
+ check_feature!(SAMPLE_QUALIFIER, 400, 320);
+ check_feature!(CLIP_DISTANCE, 130, 300 /* with extension */);
+ check_feature!(CULL_DISTANCE, 450, 300 /* with extension */);
+ check_feature!(SAMPLE_VARIABLES, 400, 300);
+ check_feature!(DYNAMIC_ARRAY_SIZE, 430, 310);
+ check_feature!(DUAL_SOURCE_BLENDING, 330, 300 /* with extension */);
+ match version {
+ Version::Embedded { is_webgl: true, .. } => check_feature!(MULTI_VIEW, 140, 300),
+ _ => check_feature!(MULTI_VIEW, 140, 310),
+ };
+ // Only available on glsl core, this means that opengl es can't query the number
+ // of samples nor levels in a image and neither do bound checks on the sample nor
+ // the level argument of texelFecth
+ check_feature!(TEXTURE_SAMPLES, 150);
+ check_feature!(TEXTURE_LEVELS, 130);
+ check_feature!(IMAGE_SIZE, 430, 310);
+ // Return an error if there are missing features
+ if missing.is_empty() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::MissingFeatures(missing))
+ }
+ }
+ /// Helper method used to write all needed extensions
+ ///
+ /// # Notes
+ /// This won't check for feature availability so it might output extensions that aren't even
+ /// supported.[`check_availability`](Self::check_availability) will check feature availability
+ pub fn write(&self, options: &Options, mut out: impl Write) -> BackendResult {
+ if self.0.contains(Features::COMPUTE_SHADER) && !options.version.is_es() {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_ARB_compute_shader : require")?;
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::BUFFER_STORAGE) && !options.version.is_es() {
+ //
+ writeln!(
+ out,
+ "#extension GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object : require"
+ )?;
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::DOUBLE_TYPE) && options.version < Version::Desktop(400) {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 : require")?;
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::CUBE_TEXTURES_ARRAY) {
+ if options.version.is_es() {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array : require")?;
+ } else if options.version < Version::Desktop(400) {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array : require")?;
+ }
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::MULTISAMPLED_TEXTURE_ARRAYS) && options.version.is_es() {
+ //
+ writeln!(
+ out,
+ "#extension GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array : require"
+ )?;
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::ARRAY_OF_ARRAYS) && options.version < Version::Desktop(430) {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension ARB_arrays_of_arrays : require")?;
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::IMAGE_LOAD_STORE) {
+ if self.0.contains(Features::FULL_IMAGE_FORMATS) && options.version.is_es() {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_NV_image_formats : require")?;
+ }
+ if options.version < Version::Desktop(420) {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store : require")?;
+ }
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::CONSERVATIVE_DEPTH) {
+ if options.version.is_es() {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_EXT_conservative_depth : require")?;
+ }
+ if options.version < Version::Desktop(420) {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_ARB_conservative_depth : require")?;
+ }
+ }
+ if (self.0.contains(Features::CLIP_DISTANCE) || self.0.contains(Features::CULL_DISTANCE))
+ && options.version.is_es()
+ {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance : require")?;
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::SAMPLE_VARIABLES) && options.version.is_es() {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_OES_sample_variables : require")?;
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::MULTI_VIEW) {
+ if let Version::Embedded { is_webgl: true, .. } = options.version {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_OVR_multiview2 : require")?;
+ } else {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_EXT_multiview : require")?;
+ }
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::TEXTURE_SAMPLES) {
+ //
+ writeln!(
+ out,
+ "#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples : require"
+ )?;
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::TEXTURE_LEVELS) && options.version < Version::Desktop(430) {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_ARB_texture_query_levels : require")?;
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::DUAL_SOURCE_BLENDING) && options.version.is_es() {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_EXT_blend_func_extended : require")?;
+ }
+ if self.0.contains(Features::INSTANCE_INDEX) {
+ if options.writer_flags.contains(WriterFlags::DRAW_PARAMETERS) {
+ //
+ writeln!(out, "#extension GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters : require")?;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<'a, W> Writer<'a, W> {
+ /// Helper method that searches the module for all the needed [`Features`]
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ /// If the version doesn't support any of the needed [`Features`] a
+ /// [`Error::MissingFeatures`] will be returned
+ pub(super) fn collect_required_features(&mut self) -> BackendResult {
+ let ep_info = as usize);
+ if let Some(depth_test) = self.entry_point.early_depth_test {
+ // If IMAGE_LOAD_STORE is supported for this version of GLSL
+ if self.options.version.supports_early_depth_test() {
+ self.features.request(Features::IMAGE_LOAD_STORE);
+ }
+ if depth_test.conservative.is_some() {
+ self.features.request(Features::CONSERVATIVE_DEPTH);
+ }
+ }
+ for arg in self.entry_point.function.arguments.iter() {
+ self.varying_required_features(arg.binding.as_ref(), arg.ty);
+ }
+ if let Some(ref result) = self.entry_point.function.result {
+ self.varying_required_features(result.binding.as_ref(), result.ty);
+ }
+ if let ShaderStage::Compute = self.entry_point.stage {
+ self.features.request(Features::COMPUTE_SHADER)
+ }
+ if self.multiview.is_some() {
+ self.features.request(Features::MULTI_VIEW);
+ }
+ for (ty_handle, ty) in self.module.types.iter() {
+ match ty.inner {
+ TypeInner::Scalar(scalar)
+ | TypeInner::Vector { scalar, .. }
+ | TypeInner::Matrix { scalar, .. } => self.scalar_required_features(scalar),
+ TypeInner::Array { base, size, .. } => {
+ if let TypeInner::Array { .. } = self.module.types[base].inner {
+ self.features.request(Features::ARRAY_OF_ARRAYS)
+ }
+ // If the array is dynamically sized
+ if size == crate::ArraySize::Dynamic {
+ let mut is_used = false;
+ // Check if this type is used in a global that is needed by the current entrypoint
+ for (global_handle, global) in self.module.global_variables.iter() {
+ // Skip unused globals
+ if ep_info[global_handle].is_empty() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If this array is the type of a global, then this array is used
+ if global.ty == ty_handle {
+ is_used = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the type of this global is a struct
+ if let crate::TypeInner::Struct { ref members, .. } =
+ self.module.types[global.ty].inner
+ {
+ // Check the last element of the struct to see if it's type uses
+ // this array
+ if let Some(last) = members.last() {
+ if last.ty == ty_handle {
+ is_used = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If this dynamically size array is used, we need dynamic array size support
+ if is_used {
+ self.features.request(Features::DYNAMIC_ARRAY_SIZE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class,
+ } => {
+ if arrayed && dim == ImageDimension::Cube {
+ self.features.request(Features::CUBE_TEXTURES_ARRAY)
+ }
+ match class {
+ ImageClass::Sampled { multi: true, .. }
+ | ImageClass::Depth { multi: true } => {
+ self.features.request(Features::MULTISAMPLED_TEXTURES);
+ if arrayed {
+ self.features.request(Features::MULTISAMPLED_TEXTURE_ARRAYS);
+ }
+ }
+ ImageClass::Storage { format, .. } => match format {
+ StorageFormat::R8Unorm
+ | StorageFormat::R8Snorm
+ | StorageFormat::R8Uint
+ | StorageFormat::R8Sint
+ | StorageFormat::R16Uint
+ | StorageFormat::R16Sint
+ | StorageFormat::R16Float
+ | StorageFormat::Rg8Unorm
+ | StorageFormat::Rg8Snorm
+ | StorageFormat::Rg8Uint
+ | StorageFormat::Rg8Sint
+ | StorageFormat::Rg16Uint
+ | StorageFormat::Rg16Sint
+ | StorageFormat::Rg16Float
+ | StorageFormat::Rgb10a2Uint
+ | StorageFormat::Rgb10a2Unorm
+ | StorageFormat::Rg11b10Float
+ | StorageFormat::Rg32Uint
+ | StorageFormat::Rg32Sint
+ | StorageFormat::Rg32Float => {
+ self.features.request(Features::FULL_IMAGE_FORMATS)
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ },
+ ImageClass::Sampled { multi: false, .. }
+ | ImageClass::Depth { multi: false } => {}
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ let mut push_constant_used = false;
+ for (handle, global) in self.module.global_variables.iter() {
+ if ep_info[handle].is_empty() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ match {
+ AddressSpace::WorkGroup => self.features.request(Features::COMPUTE_SHADER),
+ AddressSpace::Storage { .. } => self.features.request(Features::BUFFER_STORAGE),
+ AddressSpace::PushConstant => {
+ if push_constant_used {
+ return Err(Error::MultiplePushConstants);
+ }
+ push_constant_used = true;
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ // We will need to pass some of the members to a closure, so we need
+ // to separate them otherwise the borrow checker will complain, this
+ // shouldn't be needed in rust 2021
+ let &mut Self {
+ module,
+ info,
+ ref mut features,
+ entry_point,
+ entry_point_idx,
+ ref policies,
+ ..
+ } = self;
+ // Loop trough all expressions in both functions and the entry point
+ // to check for needed features
+ for (expressions, info) in module
+ .functions
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(h, f)| (&f.expressions, &info[h]))
+ .chain(std::iter::once((
+ &entry_point.function.expressions,
+ info.get_entry_point(entry_point_idx as usize),
+ )))
+ {
+ for (_, expr) in expressions.iter() {
+ match *expr {
+ // Check for queries that need aditonal features
+ Expression::ImageQuery {
+ image,
+ query,
+ ..
+ } => match query {
+ // Storage images use `imageSize` which is only available
+ // in glsl > 420
+ //
+ // layers queries are also implemented as size queries
+ crate::ImageQuery::Size { .. } | crate::ImageQuery::NumLayers => {
+ if let TypeInner::Image {
+ class: crate::ImageClass::Storage { .. }, ..
+ } = *info[image].ty.inner_with(&module.types) {
+ features.request(Features::IMAGE_SIZE)
+ }
+ },
+ crate::ImageQuery::NumLevels => features.request(Features::TEXTURE_LEVELS),
+ crate::ImageQuery::NumSamples => features.request(Features::TEXTURE_SAMPLES),
+ }
+ ,
+ // Check for image loads that needs bound checking on the sample
+ // or level argument since this requires a feature
+ Expression::ImageLoad {
+ sample, level, ..
+ } => {
+ if policies.image_load != crate::proc::BoundsCheckPolicy::Unchecked {
+ if sample.is_some() {
+ features.request(Features::TEXTURE_SAMPLES)
+ }
+ if level.is_some() {
+ features.request(Features::TEXTURE_LEVELS)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.features.check_availability(self.options.version)
+ }
+ /// Helper method that checks the [`Features`] needed by a scalar
+ fn scalar_required_features(&mut self, scalar: Scalar) {
+ if scalar.kind == ScalarKind::Float && scalar.width == 8 {
+ self.features.request(Features::DOUBLE_TYPE);
+ }
+ }
+ fn varying_required_features(&mut self, binding: Option<&Binding>, ty: Handle<Type>) {
+ match self.module.types[ty].inner {
+ crate::TypeInner::Struct { ref members, .. } => {
+ for member in members {
+ self.varying_required_features(member.binding.as_ref(), member.ty);
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ if let Some(binding) = binding {
+ match *binding {
+ Binding::BuiltIn(built_in) => match built_in {
+ crate::BuiltIn::ClipDistance => {
+ self.features.request(Features::CLIP_DISTANCE)
+ }
+ crate::BuiltIn::CullDistance => {
+ self.features.request(Features::CULL_DISTANCE)
+ }
+ crate::BuiltIn::SampleIndex => {
+ self.features.request(Features::SAMPLE_VARIABLES)
+ }
+ crate::BuiltIn::ViewIndex => {
+ self.features.request(Features::MULTI_VIEW)
+ }
+ crate::BuiltIn::InstanceIndex => {
+ self.features.request(Features::INSTANCE_INDEX)
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ },
+ Binding::Location {
+ location: _,
+ interpolation,
+ sampling,
+ second_blend_source,
+ } => {
+ if interpolation == Some(Interpolation::Linear) {
+ self.features.request(Features::NOPERSPECTIVE_QUALIFIER);
+ }
+ if sampling == Some(Sampling::Sample) {
+ self.features.request(Features::SAMPLE_QUALIFIER);
+ }
+ if second_blend_source {
+ self.features.request(Features::DUAL_SOURCE_BLENDING);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }