path: root/third_party/rust/naga/src/front/glsl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/naga/src/front/glsl/')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/naga/src/front/glsl/ b/third_party/rust/naga/src/front/glsl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd16ee30bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/naga/src/front/glsl/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+use super::token::TokenValue;
+use crate::{proc::ConstantEvaluatorError, Span};
+use codespan_reporting::diagnostic::{Diagnostic, Label};
+use codespan_reporting::files::SimpleFile;
+use codespan_reporting::term;
+use pp_rs::token::PreprocessorError;
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use termcolor::{NoColor, WriteColor};
+use thiserror::Error;
+fn join_with_comma(list: &[ExpectedToken]) -> String {
+ let mut string = "".to_string();
+ for (i, val) in list.iter().enumerate() {
+ string.push_str(&val.to_string());
+ match i {
+ i if i == list.len() - 1 => {}
+ i if i == list.len() - 2 => string.push_str(" or "),
+ _ => string.push_str(", "),
+ }
+ }
+ string
+/// One of the expected tokens returned in [`InvalidToken`](ErrorKind::InvalidToken).
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum ExpectedToken {
+ /// A specific token was expected.
+ Token(TokenValue),
+ /// A type was expected.
+ TypeName,
+ /// An identifier was expected.
+ Identifier,
+ /// An integer literal was expected.
+ IntLiteral,
+ /// A float literal was expected.
+ FloatLiteral,
+ /// A boolean literal was expected.
+ BoolLiteral,
+ /// The end of file was expected.
+ Eof,
+impl From<TokenValue> for ExpectedToken {
+ fn from(token: TokenValue) -> Self {
+ ExpectedToken::Token(token)
+ }
+impl std::fmt::Display for ExpectedToken {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ match *self {
+ ExpectedToken::Token(ref token) => write!(f, "{token:?}"),
+ ExpectedToken::TypeName => write!(f, "a type"),
+ ExpectedToken::Identifier => write!(f, "identifier"),
+ ExpectedToken::IntLiteral => write!(f, "integer literal"),
+ ExpectedToken::FloatLiteral => write!(f, "float literal"),
+ ExpectedToken::BoolLiteral => write!(f, "bool literal"),
+ ExpectedToken::Eof => write!(f, "end of file"),
+ }
+ }
+/// Information about the cause of an error.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
+pub enum ErrorKind {
+ /// Whilst parsing as encountered an unexpected EOF.
+ #[error("Unexpected end of file")]
+ EndOfFile,
+ /// The shader specified an unsupported or invalid profile.
+ #[error("Invalid profile: {0}")]
+ InvalidProfile(String),
+ /// The shader requested an unsupported or invalid version.
+ #[error("Invalid version: {0}")]
+ InvalidVersion(u64),
+ /// Whilst parsing an unexpected token was encountered.
+ ///
+ /// A list of expected tokens is also returned.
+ #[error("Expected {}, found {0:?}", join_with_comma(.1))]
+ InvalidToken(TokenValue, Vec<ExpectedToken>),
+ /// A specific feature is not yet implemented.
+ ///
+ /// To help prioritize work please open an issue in the github issue tracker
+ /// if none exist already or react to the already existing one.
+ #[error("Not implemented: {0}")]
+ NotImplemented(&'static str),
+ /// A reference to a variable that wasn't declared was used.
+ #[error("Unknown variable: {0}")]
+ UnknownVariable(String),
+ /// A reference to a type that wasn't declared was used.
+ #[error("Unknown type: {0}")]
+ UnknownType(String),
+ /// A reference to a non existent member of a type was made.
+ #[error("Unknown field: {0}")]
+ UnknownField(String),
+ /// An unknown layout qualifier was used.
+ ///
+ /// If the qualifier does exist please open an issue in the github issue tracker
+ /// if none exist already or react to the already existing one to help
+ /// prioritize work.
+ #[error("Unknown layout qualifier: {0}")]
+ UnknownLayoutQualifier(String),
+ /// Unsupported matrix of the form matCx2
+ ///
+ /// Our IR expects matrices of the form matCx2 to have a stride of 8 however
+ /// matrices in the std140 layout have a stride of at least 16
+ #[error("unsupported matrix of the form matCx2 in std140 block layout")]
+ UnsupportedMatrixTypeInStd140,
+ /// A variable with the same name already exists in the current scope.
+ #[error("Variable already declared: {0}")]
+ VariableAlreadyDeclared(String),
+ /// A semantic error was detected in the shader.
+ #[error("{0}")]
+ SemanticError(Cow<'static, str>),
+ /// An error was returned by the preprocessor.
+ #[error("{0:?}")]
+ PreprocessorError(PreprocessorError),
+ /// The parser entered an illegal state and exited
+ ///
+ /// This obviously is a bug and as such should be reported in the github issue tracker
+ #[error("Internal error: {0}")]
+ InternalError(&'static str),
+impl From<ConstantEvaluatorError> for ErrorKind {
+ fn from(err: ConstantEvaluatorError) -> Self {
+ ErrorKind::SemanticError(err.to_string().into())
+ }
+/// Error returned during shader parsing.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
+pub struct Error {
+ /// Holds the information about the error itself.
+ pub kind: ErrorKind,
+ /// Holds information about the range of the source code where the error happened.
+ pub meta: Span,
+/// A collection of errors returned during shader parsing.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
+pub struct ParseError {
+ pub errors: Vec<Error>,
+impl ParseError {
+ pub fn emit_to_writer(&self, writer: &mut impl WriteColor, source: &str) {
+ self.emit_to_writer_with_path(writer, source, "glsl");
+ }
+ pub fn emit_to_writer_with_path(&self, writer: &mut impl WriteColor, source: &str, path: &str) {
+ let path = path.to_string();
+ let files = SimpleFile::new(path, source);
+ let config = codespan_reporting::term::Config::default();
+ for err in &self.errors {
+ let mut diagnostic = Diagnostic::error().with_message(err.kind.to_string());
+ if let Some(range) = err.meta.to_range() {
+ diagnostic = diagnostic.with_labels(vec![Label::primary((), range)]);
+ }
+ term::emit(writer, &config, &files, &diagnostic).expect("cannot write error");
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn emit_to_string(&self, source: &str) -> String {
+ let mut writer = NoColor::new(Vec::new());
+ self.emit_to_writer(&mut writer, source);
+ String::from_utf8(writer.into_inner()).unwrap()
+ }
+impl std::fmt::Display for ParseError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ self.errors.iter().try_for_each(|e| write!(f, "{e:?}"))
+ }
+impl std::error::Error for ParseError {
+ fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
+ None
+ }
+impl From<Vec<Error>> for ParseError {
+ fn from(errors: Vec<Error>) -> Self {
+ Self { errors }
+ }