path: root/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates')
12 files changed, 1264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/EnumTemplate.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/EnumTemplate.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23b701f6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/EnumTemplate.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+{% if e.is_flat() %}
+class {{|class_name_rb }}
+ {% for variant in e.variants() -%}
+ {{|enum_name_rb }} = {{ loop.index }}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% else %}
+class {{|class_name_rb }}
+ def initialize
+ raise RuntimeError, '{{|class_name_rb }} cannot be instantiated directly'
+ end
+ # Each enum variant is a nested class of the enum itself.
+ {% for variant in e.variants() -%}
+ class {{|enum_name_rb }}
+ {% if variant.has_fields() %}
+ attr_reader {% for field in variant.fields() %}:{{|var_name_rb }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %}{%- endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ def initialize({% for field in variant.fields() %}{{|var_name_rb }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %})
+ {% if variant.has_fields() %}
+ {%- for field in variant.fields() %}
+ @{{|var_name_rb }} = {{|var_name_rb }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% endif %}
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "{{|class_name_rb }}::{{|enum_name_rb }}({% for field in variant.fields() %}{{ }}=#{@{{ }}}{% if loop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %})"
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ if !other.{{|var_name_rb }}?
+ return false
+ end
+ {%- for field in variant.fields() %}
+ if @{{|var_name_rb }} != other.{{|var_name_rb }}
+ return false
+ end
+ {%- endfor %}
+ true
+ end
+ # For each variant, we have an `NAME?` method for easily checking
+ # whether an instance is that variant.
+ {% for variant in e.variants() %}
+ def {{|var_name_rb }}?
+ instance_of? {{|class_name_rb }}::{{|enum_name_rb }}
+ end
+ {% endfor %}
+ end
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/ErrorTemplate.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/ErrorTemplate.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7e26370c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/ErrorTemplate.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+class RustCallStatus < FFI::Struct
+ layout :code, :int8,
+ :error_buf, RustBuffer
+ def code
+ self[:code]
+ end
+ def error_buf
+ self[:error_buf]
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "RustCallStatus(code=#{self[:code]})"
+ end
+# These match the values from the uniffi::rustcalls module
+{%- for e in ci.enum_definitions() %}
+{% if ci.is_name_used_as_error( %}
+{% if e.is_flat() %}
+class {{|class_name_rb }}
+ {%- for variant in e.variants() %}
+ {{|class_name_rb }} = StandardError
+ {%- endfor %}
+{% else %}
+module {{|class_name_rb }}
+ {%- for variant in e.variants() %}
+ class {{|class_name_rb }} < StandardError
+ def initialize({% for field in variant.fields() %}{{|var_name_rb }}{% if !loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %})
+ {%- for field in variant.fields() %}
+ @{{|var_name_rb }} = {{|var_name_rb }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ super()
+ end
+ {%- if variant.has_fields() %}
+ attr_reader {% for field in variant.fields() %}:{{|var_name_rb }}{% if !loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ def to_s
+ "#{}({% for field in variant.fields() %}{{|var_name_rb }}=#{@{{|var_name_rb }}.inspect}{% if !loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %})"
+ end
+ end
+ {%- endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+# Map error modules to the RustBuffer method name that reads them
+{%- for e in ci.enum_definitions() %}
+{% if ci.is_name_used_as_error( %}
+{%- let typ=ci.get_type( %}
+{%- let canonical_type_name = canonical_name(typ.borrow()).borrow()|class_name_rb %}
+ {{|class_name_rb }} => :read{{ canonical_type_name }},
+{% endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+ :RustCallStatus
+def self.consume_buffer_into_error(error_module, rust_buffer)
+ rust_buffer.consumeWithStream do |stream|
+ reader_method = ERROR_MODULE_TO_READER_METHOD[error_module]
+ return stream.send(reader_method)
+ end
+class InternalError < StandardError
+def self.rust_call(fn_name, *args)
+ # Call a rust function
+ rust_call_with_error(nil, fn_name, *args)
+def self.rust_call_with_error(error_module, fn_name, *args)
+ # Call a rust function and handle errors
+ #
+ # Use this when the rust function returns a Result<>. error_module must be the error_module that corresponds to that Result.
+ # Note: zeroes out the struct, which is exactly what we
+ # want to pass to Rust (code=0, error_buf=RustBuffer(len=0, capacity=0,
+ # data=NULL))
+ status =
+ args << status
+ result = UniFFILib.public_send(fn_name, *args)
+ case status.code
+ result
+ if error_module.nil?
+ raise InternalError, "CALL_ERROR with no error_module set"
+ else
+ raise consume_buffer_into_error(error_module, status.error_buf)
+ end
+ # When the rust code sees a panic, it tries to construct a RustBuffer
+ # with the message. But if that code panics, then it just sends back
+ # an empty buffer.
+ if status.error_buf.len > 0
+ raise InternalError, status.error_buf.consumeIntoString()
+ else
+ raise InternalError, "Rust panic"
+ end
+ else
+ raise InternalError, "Unknown call status: #{status.code}"
+ end
+private_class_method :consume_buffer_into_error
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/Helpers.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/Helpers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49fa247a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/Helpers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+def self.uniffi_in_range(i, type_name, min, max)
+ raise TypeError, "no implicit conversion of #{i} into Integer" unless i.respond_to?(:to_int)
+ i = i.to_int
+ raise RangeError, "#{type_name} requires #{min} <= value < #{max}" unless (min <= i && i < max)
+ i
+def self.uniffi_utf8(v)
+ raise TypeError, "no implicit conversion of #{v} into String" unless v.respond_to?(:to_str)
+ v = v.to_str.encode(Encoding::UTF_8)
+ raise Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError, "not a valid UTF-8 encoded string" unless v.valid_encoding?
+ v
+def self.uniffi_bytes(v)
+ raise TypeError, "no implicit conversion of #{v} into String" unless v.respond_to?(:to_str)
+ v.to_str
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/NamespaceLibraryTemplate.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/NamespaceLibraryTemplate.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8536fc322e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/NamespaceLibraryTemplate.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This is how we find and load the dynamic library provided by the component.
+# For now we just look it up by name.
+module UniFFILib
+ extend FFI::Library
+ {% if config.custom_cdylib_path() %}
+ ffi_lib {{ config.cdylib_path() }}
+ {% else %}
+ ffi_lib '{{ config.cdylib_name() }}'
+ {% endif %}
+ {% for func in ci.iter_ffi_function_definitions_non_async() -%}
+ attach_function :{{ }},
+ {%- call rb::arg_list_ffi_decl(func) %},
+ {% match func.return_type() %}{% when Some with (type_) %}{{ type_|type_ffi }}{% when None %}:void{% endmatch %}
+ {% endfor %}
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/ObjectTemplate.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/ObjectTemplate.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..677c5c729b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/ObjectTemplate.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+class {{|class_name_rb }}
+ # A private helper for initializing instances of the class from a raw pointer,
+ # bypassing any initialization logic and ensuring they are GC'd properly.
+ def self._uniffi_allocate(pointer)
+ pointer.autorelease = false
+ inst = allocate
+ inst.instance_variable_set :@pointer, pointer
+ ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(inst, _uniffi_define_finalizer_by_pointer(pointer, inst.object_id))
+ return inst
+ end
+ # A private helper for registering an object finalizer.
+ # N.B. it's important that this does not capture a reference
+ # to the actual instance, only its underlying pointer.
+ def self._uniffi_define_finalizer_by_pointer(pointer, object_id)
+ do |_id|
+ {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}.rust_call(
+ :{{ obj.ffi_object_free().name() }},
+ pointer
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # A private helper for lowering instances into a raw pointer.
+ # This does an explicit typecheck, because accidentally lowering a different type of
+ # object in a place where this type is expected, could lead to memory unsafety.
+ def self._uniffi_lower(inst)
+ if not inst.is_a? self
+ raise "Expected a {{|class_name_rb }} instance, got #{inst}"
+ end
+ return inst.instance_variable_get :@pointer
+ end
+ {%- match obj.primary_constructor() %}
+ {%- when Some with (cons) %}
+ def initialize({% call rb::arg_list_decl(cons) -%})
+ {%- call rb::coerce_args_extra_indent(cons) %}
+ pointer = {% call rb::to_ffi_call(cons) %}
+ @pointer = pointer
+ ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class._uniffi_define_finalizer_by_pointer(pointer, self.object_id))
+ end
+ {%- when None %}
+ {%- endmatch %}
+ {% for cons in obj.alternate_constructors() -%}
+ def self.{{|fn_name_rb }}({% call rb::arg_list_decl(cons) %})
+ {%- call rb::coerce_args_extra_indent(cons) %}
+ # Call the (fallible) function before creating any half-baked object instances.
+ # Lightly yucky way to bypass the usual "initialize" logic
+ # and just create a new instance with the required pointer.
+ return _uniffi_allocate({% call rb::to_ffi_call(cons) %})
+ end
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for meth in obj.methods() -%}
+ {%- match meth.return_type() -%}
+ {%- when Some with (return_type) -%}
+ def {{|fn_name_rb }}({% call rb::arg_list_decl(meth) %})
+ {%- call rb::coerce_args_extra_indent(meth) %}
+ result = {% call rb::to_ffi_call_with_prefix("@pointer", meth) %}
+ return {{ "result"|lift_rb(return_type) }}
+ end
+ {%- when None -%}
+ def {{|fn_name_rb }}({% call rb::arg_list_decl(meth) %})
+ {%- call rb::coerce_args_extra_indent(meth) %}
+ {% call rb::to_ffi_call_with_prefix("@pointer", meth) %}
+ end
+ {% endmatch %}
+ {% endfor %}
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RecordTemplate.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RecordTemplate.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c940b31060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RecordTemplate.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Record type {{ }}
+class {{|class_name_rb }}
+ attr_reader {% for field in rec.fields() %}:{{|var_name_rb }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %}{%- endfor %}
+ def initialize({% for field in rec.fields() %}{{|var_name_rb }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %})
+ {%- for field in rec.fields() %}
+ @{{|var_name_rb }} = {{|var_name_rb }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ {%- for field in rec.fields() %}
+ if @{{|var_name_rb }} != other.{{|var_name_rb }}
+ return false
+ end
+ {%- endfor %}
+ true
+ end
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RustBufferBuilder.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RustBufferBuilder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8749139116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RustBufferBuilder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# Helper for structured writing of values into a RustBuffer.
+class RustBufferBuilder
+ def initialize
+ @rust_buf = RustBuffer.alloc 16
+ @rust_buf.len = 0
+ end
+ def finalize
+ rbuf = @rust_buf
+ @rust_buf = nil
+ rbuf
+ end
+ def discard
+ return if @rust_buf.nil?
+ rbuf = finalize
+ end
+ def write(value)
+ reserve(value.bytes.size) do
+ @rust_buf.len, value.bytes
+ end
+ end
+ {% for typ in ci.iter_types() -%}
+ {%- let canonical_type_name = canonical_name(typ).borrow()|class_name_rb -%}
+ {%- match typ -%}
+ {% when Type::Int8 -%}
+ def write_I8(v)
+ v = {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}::uniffi_in_range(v, "i8", -2**7, 2**7)
+ pack_into(1, 'c', v)
+ end
+ {% when Type::UInt8 -%}
+ def write_U8(v)
+ v = {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}::uniffi_in_range(v, "u8", 0, 2**8)
+ pack_into(1, 'c', v)
+ end
+ {% when Type::Int16 -%}
+ def write_I16(v)
+ v = {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}::uniffi_in_range(v, "i16", -2**15, 2**15)
+ pack_into(2, 's>', v)
+ end
+ {% when Type::UInt16 -%}
+ def write_U16(v)
+ v = {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}::uniffi_in_range(v, "u16", 0, 2**16)
+ pack_into(2, 'S>', v)
+ end
+ {% when Type::Int32 -%}
+ def write_I32(v)
+ v = {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}::uniffi_in_range(v, "i32", -2**31, 2**31)
+ pack_into(4, 'l>', v)
+ end
+ {% when Type::UInt32 -%}
+ def write_U32(v)
+ v = {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}::uniffi_in_range(v, "u32", 0, 2**32)
+ pack_into(4, 'L>', v)
+ end
+ {% when Type::Int64 -%}
+ def write_I64(v)
+ v = {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}::uniffi_in_range(v, "i64", -2**63, 2**63)
+ pack_into(8, 'q>', v)
+ end
+ {% when Type::UInt64 -%}
+ def write_U64(v)
+ v = {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}::uniffi_in_range(v, "u64", 0, 2**64)
+ pack_into(8, 'Q>', v)
+ end
+ {% when Type::Float32 -%}
+ def write_F32(v)
+ pack_into(4, 'g', v)
+ end
+ {% when Type::Float64 -%}
+ def write_F64(v)
+ pack_into(8, 'G', v)
+ end
+ {% when Type::Boolean -%}
+ def write_Bool(v)
+ pack_into(1, 'c', v ? 1 : 0)
+ end
+ {% when Type::String -%}
+ def write_String(v)
+ v = {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}::uniffi_utf8(v)
+ pack_into 4, 'l>', v.bytes.size
+ write v
+ end
+ {% when Type::Bytes -%}
+ def write_Bytes(v)
+ v = {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}::uniffi_bytes(v)
+ pack_into 4, 'l>', v.bytes.size
+ write v
+ end
+ {% when Type::Timestamp -%}
+ # The Timestamp type.
+ def write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ seconds = v.tv_sec
+ nanoseconds = v.tv_nsec
+ # UniFFi conventions assume that nanoseconds part has to represent nanoseconds portion of
+ # duration between epoch and the timestamp moment. Ruby `Time#tv_nsec` returns the number of
+ # nanoseconds for the subsecond part, which is sort of opposite to "duration" meaning.
+ # Hence we need to convert value returned by `Time#tv_nsec` back and forth with the following
+ # logic:
+ if seconds < 0 && nanoseconds != 0
+ # In order to get duration nsec we shift by 1 second:
+ nanoseconds = ONE_SECOND_IN_NANOSECONDS - nanoseconds
+ # Then we compensate 1 second shift:
+ seconds += 1
+ end
+ pack_into 8, 'q>', seconds
+ pack_into 4, 'L>', nanoseconds
+ end
+ {% when Type::Duration -%}
+ # The Duration type.
+ def write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ seconds = v.tv_sec
+ nanoseconds = v.tv_nsec
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid duration, must be non-negative' if seconds < 0
+ pack_into 8, 'Q>', seconds
+ pack_into 4, 'L>', nanoseconds
+ end
+ {% when Type::Object with { name: object_name, module_path, imp } -%}
+ # The Object type {{ object_name }}.
+ def write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(obj)
+ pointer = {{ object_name|class_name_rb}}._uniffi_lower obj
+ pack_into(8, 'Q>', pointer.address)
+ end
+ {% when Type::Enum { name: enum_name, module_path } -%}
+ {% if !ci.is_name_used_as_error(enum_name) %}
+ {%- let e = ci|get_enum_definition(enum_name) -%}
+ # The Enum type {{ enum_name }}.
+ def write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ {%- if e.is_flat() %}
+ pack_into(4, 'l>', v)
+ {%- else -%}
+ {%- for variant in e.variants() %}
+ if v.{{|var_name_rb }}?
+ pack_into(4, 'l>', {{ loop.index }})
+ {%- for field in variant.fields() %}
+ self.write_{{ canonical_name(field.as_type().borrow()).borrow()|class_name_rb }}(v.{{ }})
+ {%- endfor %}
+ end
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- endif %}
+ end
+ {% endif %}
+ {% when Type::Record { name: record_name, module_path } -%}
+ {%- let rec = ci|get_record_definition(record_name) -%}
+ # The Record type {{ record_name }}.
+ def write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ {%- for field in rec.fields() %}
+ self.write_{{ canonical_name(field.as_type().borrow()).borrow()|class_name_rb }}(v.{{|var_name_rb }})
+ {%- endfor %}
+ end
+ {% when Type::Optional { inner_type } -%}
+ # The Optional<T> type for {{ canonical_name(inner_type) }}.
+ def write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ if v.nil?
+ pack_into(1, 'c', 0)
+ else
+ pack_into(1, 'c', 1)
+ self.write_{{ canonical_name(inner_type).borrow()|class_name_rb }}(v)
+ end
+ end
+ {% when Type::Sequence { inner_type } -%}
+ # The Sequence<T> type for {{ canonical_name(inner_type) }}.
+ def write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(items)
+ pack_into(4, 'l>', items.size)
+ items.each do |item|
+ self.write_{{ canonical_name(inner_type).borrow()|class_name_rb }}(item)
+ end
+ end
+ {% when Type::Map { key_type: k, value_type: inner_type } -%}
+ # The Map<T> type for {{ canonical_name(inner_type) }}.
+ def write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(items)
+ pack_into(4, 'l>', items.size)
+ items.each do |k, v|
+ write_String(k)
+ self.write_{{ canonical_name(inner_type).borrow()|class_name_rb }}(v)
+ end
+ end
+ {%- else -%}
+ # This type is not yet supported in the Ruby backend.
+ def write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ raise InternalError('RustBufferStream.write() not implemented yet for {{ canonical_type_name }}')
+ end
+ {%- endmatch -%}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ private
+ def reserve(num_bytes)
+ if @rust_buf.len + num_bytes > @rust_buf.capacity
+ @rust_buf = RustBuffer.reserve(@rust_buf, num_bytes)
+ end
+ yield
+ @rust_buf.len += num_bytes
+ end
+ def pack_into(size, format, value)
+ reserve(size) do
+ @rust_buf.len, [value].pack(format).bytes
+ end
+ end
+private_constant :RustBufferBuilder
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RustBufferStream.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RustBufferStream.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b085dddf15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RustBufferStream.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+# Helper for structured reading of values from a RustBuffer.
+class RustBufferStream
+ def initialize(rbuf)
+ @rbuf = rbuf
+ @offset = 0
+ end
+ def remaining
+ @rbuf.len - @offset
+ end
+ def read(size)
+ raise InternalError, 'read past end of rust buffer' if @offset + size > @rbuf.len
+ data = @offset, size
+ @offset += size
+ data
+ end
+ {% for typ in ci.iter_types() -%}
+ {%- let canonical_type_name = canonical_name(typ).borrow()|class_name_rb -%}
+ {%- match typ -%}
+ {% when Type::Int8 -%}
+ def readI8
+ unpack_from 1, 'c'
+ end
+ {% when Type::UInt8 -%}
+ def readU8
+ unpack_from 1, 'c'
+ end
+ {% when Type::Int16 -%}
+ def readI16
+ unpack_from 2, 's>'
+ end
+ {% when Type::UInt16 -%}
+ def readU16
+ unpack_from 2, 'S>'
+ end
+ {% when Type::Int32 -%}
+ def readI32
+ unpack_from 4, 'l>'
+ end
+ {% when Type::UInt32 -%}
+ def readU32
+ unpack_from 4, 'L>'
+ end
+ {% when Type::Int64 -%}
+ def readI64
+ unpack_from 8, 'q>'
+ end
+ {% when Type::UInt64 -%}
+ def readU64
+ unpack_from 8, 'Q>'
+ end
+ {% when Type::Float32 -%}
+ def readF32
+ unpack_from 4, 'g'
+ end
+ {% when Type::Float64 -%}
+ def readF64
+ unpack_from 8, 'G'
+ end
+ {% when Type::Boolean -%}
+ def readBool
+ v = unpack_from 1, 'c'
+ return false if v == 0
+ return true if v == 1
+ raise InternalError, 'Unexpected byte for Boolean type'
+ end
+ {% when Type::String -%}
+ def readString
+ size = unpack_from 4, 'l>'
+ raise InternalError, 'Unexpected negative string length' if size.negative?
+ read(size).force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)
+ end
+ {% when Type::Bytes -%}
+ def readBytes
+ size = unpack_from 4, 'l>'
+ raise InternalError, 'Unexpected negative byte string length' if size.negative?
+ read(size).force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY)
+ end
+ {% when Type::Timestamp -%}
+ # The Timestamp type.
+ def read{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ seconds = unpack_from 8, 'q>'
+ nanoseconds = unpack_from 4, 'L>'
+ # UniFFi conventions assume that nanoseconds part has to represent nanoseconds portion of
+ # duration between epoch and the timestamp moment. Ruby `Time#tv_nsec` returns the number of
+ # nanoseconds for the subsecond part, which is sort of opposite to "duration" meaning.
+ # Hence we need to convert value returned by `Time#tv_nsec` back and forth with the following
+ # logic:
+ if seconds < 0 && nanoseconds != 0
+ # In order to get duration nsec we shift by 1 second:
+ nanoseconds = ONE_SECOND_IN_NANOSECONDS - nanoseconds
+ # Then we compensate 1 second shift:
+ seconds -= 1
+ end
+, nanoseconds, :nanosecond, in: '+00:00').utc
+ end
+ {% when Type::Duration -%}
+ # The Duration type.
+ def read{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ seconds = unpack_from 8, 'q>'
+ nanoseconds = unpack_from 4, 'L>'
+, nanoseconds, :nanosecond, in: '+00:00').utc
+ end
+ {% when Type::Object with { name: object_name, module_path, imp } -%}
+ # The Object type {{ object_name }}.
+ def read{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ pointer = unpack_from 8, 'Q>'
+ return {{ object_name|class_name_rb }}._uniffi_allocate(pointer)
+ end
+ {% when Type::Enum { name, module_path } -%}
+ {%- let e = ci|get_enum_definition(name) -%}
+ {% if !ci.is_name_used_as_error(name) %}
+ {% let enum_name = name %}
+ # The Enum type {{ enum_name }}.
+ def read{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ variant = unpack_from 4, 'l>'
+ {% if e.is_flat() -%}
+ {%- for variant in e.variants() %}
+ if variant == {{ loop.index }}
+ return {{ enum_name|class_name_rb }}::{{|enum_name_rb }}
+ end
+ {%- endfor %}
+ raise InternalError, 'Unexpected variant tag for {{ canonical_type_name }}'
+ {%- else -%}
+ {%- for variant in e.variants() %}
+ if variant == {{ loop.index }}
+ {%- if variant.has_fields() %}
+ return {{ enum_name|class_name_rb }}::{{|enum_name_rb }}.new(
+ {%- for field in variant.fields() %}
+{{ canonical_name(field.as_type().borrow()).borrow()|class_name_rb }}(){% if loop.last %}{% else %},{% endif %}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ )
+ {%- else %}
+ return {{ enum_name|class_name_rb }}::{{|enum_name_rb }}.new
+ {% endif %}
+ end
+ {%- endfor %}
+ raise InternalError, 'Unexpected variant tag for {{ canonical_type_name }}'
+ {%- endif %}
+ end
+ {% else %}
+ {% let error_name = name %}
+ # The Error type {{ error_name }}
+ def read{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ variant = unpack_from 4, 'l>'
+ {% if e.is_flat() -%}
+ {%- for variant in e.variants() %}
+ if variant == {{ loop.index }}
+ return {{ error_name|class_name_rb }}::{{|class_name_rb }}.new(
+ readString()
+ )
+ end
+ {%- endfor %}
+ raise InternalError, 'Unexpected variant tag for {{ canonical_type_name }}'
+ {%- else -%}
+ {%- for variant in e.variants() %}
+ if variant == {{ loop.index }}
+ {%- if variant.has_fields() %}
+ return {{ error_name|class_name_rb }}::{{|class_name_rb }}.new(
+ {%- for field in variant.fields() %}
+ read{{ canonical_name(field.as_type().borrow()).borrow()|class_name_rb }}(){% if loop.last %}{% else %},{% endif %}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ )
+ {%- else %}
+ return {{ error_name|class_name_rb }}::{{|class_name_rb }}.new
+ {%- endif %}
+ end
+ {%- endfor %}
+ raise InternalError, 'Unexpected variant tag for {{ canonical_type_name }}'
+ {%- endif %}
+ end
+ {% endif %}
+ {% when Type::Record { name: record_name, module_path } -%}
+ {%- let rec = ci|get_record_definition(record_name) -%}
+ # The Record type {{ record_name }}.
+ def read{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ {{|class_name_rb }}.new(
+ {%- for field in rec.fields() %}
+ read{{ canonical_name(field.as_type().borrow()).borrow()|class_name_rb }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %},{% endif %}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ )
+ end
+ {% when Type::Optional { inner_type } -%}
+ # The Optional<T> type for {{ canonical_name(inner_type) }}.
+ def read{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ flag = unpack_from 1, 'c'
+ if flag == 0
+ return nil
+ elsif flag == 1
+ return read{{ canonical_name(inner_type).borrow()|class_name_rb }}
+ else
+ raise InternalError, 'Unexpected flag byte for {{ canonical_type_name }}'
+ end
+ end
+ {% when Type::Sequence { inner_type } -%}
+ # The Sequence<T> type for {{ canonical_name(inner_type) }}.
+ def read{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ count = unpack_from 4, 'l>'
+ raise InternalError, 'Unexpected negative sequence length' if count.negative?
+ items = []
+ count.times do
+ items.append read{{ canonical_name(inner_type).borrow()|class_name_rb }}
+ end
+ items
+ end
+ {% when Type::Map { key_type: k, value_type: inner_type } -%}
+ # The Map<T> type for {{ canonical_name(inner_type) }}.
+ def read{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ count = unpack_from 4, 'l>'
+ raise InternalError, 'Unexpected negative map size' if count.negative?
+ items = {}
+ count.times do
+ key = readString
+ items[key] = read{{ canonical_name(inner_type).borrow()|class_name_rb }}
+ end
+ items
+ end
+ {%- else -%}
+ # This type is not yet supported in the Ruby backend.
+ def read{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ raise InternalError, ' not implemented yet for {{ canonical_type_name }}'
+ end
+ {%- endmatch -%}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ def unpack_from(size, format)
+ raise InternalError, 'read past end of rust buffer' if @offset + size > @rbuf.len
+ value =, size).unpack format
+ @offset += size
+ # TODO: verify this
+ raise 'more than one element!!!' if value.size > 1
+ value[0]
+ end
+private_constant :RustBufferStream
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RustBufferTemplate.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RustBufferTemplate.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0194c9666d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/RustBufferTemplate.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+class RustBuffer < FFI::Struct
+ layout :capacity, :int32,
+ :len, :int32,
+ :data, :pointer
+ def self.alloc(size)
+ return {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}.rust_call(:{{ ci.ffi_rustbuffer_alloc().name() }}, size)
+ end
+ def self.reserve(rbuf, additional)
+ return {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}.rust_call(:{{ ci.ffi_rustbuffer_reserve().name() }}, rbuf, additional)
+ end
+ def free
+ {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}.rust_call(:{{ ci.ffi_rustbuffer_free().name() }}, self)
+ end
+ def capacity
+ self[:capacity]
+ end
+ def len
+ self[:len]
+ end
+ def len=(value)
+ self[:len] = value
+ end
+ def data
+ self[:data]
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "RustBuffer(capacity=#{capacity}, len=#{len}, data=#{data.read_bytes len})"
+ end
+ # The allocated buffer will be automatically freed if an error occurs, ensuring that
+ # we don't accidentally leak it.
+ def self.allocWithBuilder
+ builder =
+ begin
+ yield builder
+ rescue => e
+ builder.discard
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ # The RustBuffer will be freed once the context-manager exits, ensuring that we don't
+ # leak it even if an error occurs.
+ def consumeWithStream
+ stream = self
+ yield stream
+ raise RuntimeError, 'junk data left in buffer after consuming' if stream.remaining != 0
+ ensure
+ free
+ end
+ {%- for typ in ci.iter_types() -%}
+ {%- let canonical_type_name = canonical_name(typ) -%}
+ {%- match typ -%}
+ {% when Type::String -%}
+ # The primitive String type.
+ def self.allocFromString(value)
+ RustBuffer.allocWithBuilder do |builder|
+ builder.write value.encode('utf-8')
+ return builder.finalize
+ end
+ end
+ def consumeIntoString
+ consumeWithStream do |stream|
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ {% when Type::Bytes -%}
+ # The primitive Bytes type.
+ def self.allocFromBytes(value)
+ RustBuffer.allocWithBuilder do |builder|
+ builder.write_Bytes(value)
+ return builder.finalize
+ end
+ end
+ def consumeIntoBytes
+ consumeWithStream do |stream|
+ return stream.readBytes
+ end
+ end
+ {% when Type::Timestamp -%}
+ def self.alloc_from_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ RustBuffer.allocWithBuilder do |builder|
+ builder.write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ return builder.finalize
+ end
+ end
+ def consumeInto{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ consumeWithStream do |stream|
+ return{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ end
+ end
+ {% when Type::Duration -%}
+ def self.alloc_from_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ RustBuffer.allocWithBuilder do |builder|
+ builder.write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ return builder.finalize
+ end
+ end
+ def consumeInto{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ consumeWithStream do |stream|
+ return{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ end
+ end
+ {% when Type::Record { name: record_name, module_path } -%}
+ {%- let rec = ci|get_record_definition(record_name) -%}
+ # The Record type {{ record_name }}.
+ def self.alloc_from_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ RustBuffer.allocWithBuilder do |builder|
+ builder.write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ return builder.finalize
+ end
+ end
+ def consumeInto{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ consumeWithStream do |stream|
+ return{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ end
+ end
+ {% when Type::Enum { name: enum_name, module_path } -%}
+ {% if !ci.is_name_used_as_error(enum_name) %}
+ {%- let e = ci|get_enum_definition(enum_name) -%}
+ # The Enum type {{ enum_name }}.
+ def self.alloc_from_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ RustBuffer.allocWithBuilder do |builder|
+ builder.write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ return builder.finalize
+ end
+ end
+ def consumeInto{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ consumeWithStream do |stream|
+ return{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ end
+ end
+ {% endif %}
+ {% when Type::Optional { inner_type } -%}
+ # The Optional<T> type for {{ canonical_name(inner_type) }}.
+ def self.alloc_from_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ RustBuffer.allocWithBuilder do |builder|
+ builder.write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ return builder.finalize()
+ end
+ end
+ def consumeInto{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ consumeWithStream do |stream|
+ return{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ end
+ end
+ {% when Type::Sequence { inner_type } -%}
+ # The Sequence<T> type for {{ canonical_name(inner_type) }}.
+ def self.alloc_from_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ RustBuffer.allocWithBuilder do |builder|
+ builder.write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ return builder.finalize()
+ end
+ end
+ def consumeInto{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ consumeWithStream do |stream|
+ return{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ end
+ end
+ {% when Type::Map { key_type: k, value_type: inner_type } -%}
+ # The Map<T> type for {{ canonical_name(inner_type) }}.
+ def self.alloc_from_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ RustBuffer.allocWithBuilder do |builder|
+ builder.write_{{ canonical_type_name }}(v)
+ return builder.finalize
+ end
+ end
+ def consumeInto{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ consumeWithStream do |stream|
+ return{{ canonical_type_name }}
+ end
+ end
+ {%- else -%}
+ {#- No code emitted for types that don't lower into a RustBuffer -#}
+ {%- endmatch -%}
+ {%- endfor %}
+module UniFFILib
+ class ForeignBytes < FFI::Struct
+ layout :len, :int32,
+ :data, :pointer
+ def len
+ self[:len]
+ end
+ def data
+ self[:data]
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "ForeignBytes(len=#{len}, data=#{data.read_bytes(len)})"
+ end
+ end
+private_constant :UniFFILib
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/TopLevelFunctionTemplate.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/TopLevelFunctionTemplate.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13214cf31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/TopLevelFunctionTemplate.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+{%- match func.return_type() -%}
+{%- when Some with (return_type) %}
+def self.{{|fn_name_rb }}({%- call rb::arg_list_decl(func) -%})
+ {%- call rb::coerce_args(func) %}
+ result = {% call rb::to_ffi_call(func) %}
+ return {{ "result"|lift_rb(return_type) }}
+{% when None %}
+def self.{{|fn_name_rb }}({%- call rb::arg_list_decl(func) -%})
+ {%- call rb::coerce_args(func) %}
+ {% call rb::to_ffi_call(func) %}
+{% endmatch %}
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/macros.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/macros.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dc3e5e613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/macros.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// Template to call into rust. Used in several places.
+// Variable names in `arg_list_decl` should match up with arg lists
+// passed to rust via `_arg_list_ffi_call` (we use `var_name_rb` in `lower_rb`)
+{%- macro to_ffi_call(func) -%}
+ {%- match func.throws_name() -%}
+ {%- when Some with (e) -%}
+ {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}.rust_call_with_error({{ e|class_name_rb }},
+ {%- else -%}
+ {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}.rust_call(
+ {%- endmatch -%}
+ :{{ func.ffi_func().name() }},
+ {%- call _arg_list_ffi_call(func) -%}
+{%- endmacro -%}
+{%- macro to_ffi_call_with_prefix(prefix, func) -%}
+ {%- match func.throws_name() -%}
+ {%- when Some with (e) -%}
+ {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}.rust_call_with_error({{ e|class_name_rb }},
+ {%- else -%}
+ {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}.rust_call(
+ {%- endmatch -%}
+ :{{ func.ffi_func().name() }},
+ {{- prefix }},
+ {%- call _arg_list_ffi_call(func) -%}
+{%- endmacro -%}
+{%- macro _arg_list_ffi_call(func) %}
+ {%- for arg in func.arguments() %}
+ {{-|lower_rb(arg.as_type().borrow()) }}
+ {%- if !loop.last %},{% endif %}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endmacro -%}
+// Arglist as used in Ruby declarations of methods, functions and constructors.
+// Note the var_name_rb and type_rb filters.
+{% macro arg_list_decl(func) %}
+ {%- for arg in func.arguments() -%}
+ {{|var_name_rb }}
+ {%- match arg.default_value() %}
+ {%- when Some with(literal) %} = {{ literal|literal_rb }}
+ {%- else %}
+ {%- endmatch %}
+ {%- if !loop.last %}, {% endif -%}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endmacro %}
+// Arglist as used in the UniFFILib function declarations.
+// Note unfiltered name but type_ffi filters.
+{%- macro arg_list_ffi_decl(func) %}
+ [{%- for arg in func.arguments() -%}{{ arg.type_().borrow()|type_ffi }}, {% endfor -%} RustCallStatus.by_ref]
+{%- endmacro -%}
+{%- macro coerce_args(func) %}
+ {%- for arg in func.arguments() %}
+ {{ }} = {{|coerce_rb(ci.namespace()|class_name_rb, arg.as_type().borrow()) -}}
+ {% endfor -%}
+{%- endmacro -%}
+{%- macro coerce_args_extra_indent(func) %}
+ {%- for arg in func.arguments() %}
+ {{ }} = {{|coerce_rb(ci.namespace()|class_name_rb, arg.as_type().borrow()) }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endmacro -%}
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/wrapper.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/wrapper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3631b68de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/ruby/templates/wrapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# This file was autogenerated by some hot garbage in the `uniffi` crate.
+# Trust me, you don't want to mess with it!
+# Common helper code.
+# Ideally this would live in a separate .rb file where it can be unittested etc
+# in isolation, and perhaps even published as a re-useable package.
+# However, it's important that the details of how this helper code works (e.g. the
+# way that different builtin types are passed across the FFI) exactly match what's
+# expected by the rust code on the other side of the interface. In practice right
+# now that means coming from the exact some version of `uniffi` that was used to
+# compile the rust component. The easiest way to ensure this is to bundle the Ruby
+# helpers directly inline like we're doing here.
+require 'ffi'
+module {{ ci.namespace()|class_name_rb }}
+ {% include "Helpers.rb" %}
+ {% include "RustBufferTemplate.rb" %}
+ {% include "RustBufferStream.rb" %}
+ {% include "RustBufferBuilder.rb" %}
+ # Error definitions
+ {% include "ErrorTemplate.rb" %}
+ {% include "NamespaceLibraryTemplate.rb" %}
+ # Public interface members begin here.
+ {% for e in ci.enum_definitions() %}
+ {% if !ci.is_name_used_as_error( %}
+ {% include "EnumTemplate.rb" %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {%- for rec in ci.record_definitions() %}
+ {% include "RecordTemplate.rb" %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for func in ci.function_definitions() %}
+ {% include "TopLevelFunctionTemplate.rb" %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for obj in ci.object_definitions() %}
+ {% include "ObjectTemplate.rb" %}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% import "macros.rb" as rb %}