path: root/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/command/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/command/')
1 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/command/ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/command/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bfc71f4f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/command/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+use std::{collections::hash_map::Entry, ops::Range, sync::Arc, vec::Drain};
+use hal::CommandEncoder;
+use crate::{
+ device::Device,
+ hal_api::HalApi,
+ init_tracker::*,
+ resource::{Resource, Texture},
+ track::{TextureTracker, Tracker},
+ FastHashMap,
+use super::{
+ clear::clear_texture, BakedCommands, ClearError, DestroyedBufferError, DestroyedTextureError,
+/// Surface that was discarded by `StoreOp::Discard` of a preceding renderpass.
+/// Any read access to this surface needs to be preceded by a texture initialization.
+pub(crate) struct TextureSurfaceDiscard<A: HalApi> {
+ pub texture: Arc<Texture<A>>,
+ pub mip_level: u32,
+ pub layer: u32,
+pub(crate) type SurfacesInDiscardState<A> = Vec<TextureSurfaceDiscard<A>>;
+pub(crate) struct CommandBufferTextureMemoryActions<A: HalApi> {
+ /// The tracker actions that we need to be executed before the command
+ /// buffer is executed.
+ init_actions: Vec<TextureInitTrackerAction<A>>,
+ /// All the discards that haven't been followed by init again within the
+ /// command buffer i.e. everything in this list resets the texture init
+ /// state *after* the command buffer execution
+ discards: Vec<TextureSurfaceDiscard<A>>,
+impl<A: HalApi> Default for CommandBufferTextureMemoryActions<A> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ init_actions: Default::default(),
+ discards: Default::default(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<A: HalApi> CommandBufferTextureMemoryActions<A> {
+ pub(crate) fn drain_init_actions(&mut self) -> Drain<TextureInitTrackerAction<A>> {
+ self.init_actions.drain(..)
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn discard(&mut self, discard: TextureSurfaceDiscard<A>) {
+ self.discards.push(discard);
+ }
+ // Registers a TextureInitTrackerAction.
+ // Returns previously discarded surface that need to be initialized *immediately* now.
+ // Only returns a non-empty list if action is MemoryInitKind::NeedsInitializedMemory.
+ #[must_use]
+ pub(crate) fn register_init_action(
+ &mut self,
+ action: &TextureInitTrackerAction<A>,
+ ) -> SurfacesInDiscardState<A> {
+ let mut immediately_necessary_clears = SurfacesInDiscardState::new();
+ // Note that within a command buffer we may stack arbitrary memory init
+ // actions on the same texture Since we react to them in sequence, they
+ // are going to be dropped again at queue submit
+ //
+ // We don't need to add MemoryInitKind::NeedsInitializedMemory to
+ // init_actions if a surface is part of the discard list. But that would
+ // mean splitting up the action which is more than we'd win here.
+ self.init_actions.extend(
+ action
+ .texture
+ .initialization_status
+ .read()
+ .check_action(action),
+ );
+ // We expect very few discarded surfaces at any point in time which is
+ // why a simple linear search is likely best. (i.e. most of the time
+ // self.discards is empty!)
+ let init_actions = &mut self.init_actions;
+ self.discards.retain(|discarded_surface| {
+ if discarded_surface.texture.as_info().id() == action.texture.as_info().id()
+ && action.range.layer_range.contains(&discarded_surface.layer)
+ && action
+ .range
+ .mip_range
+ .contains(&discarded_surface.mip_level)
+ {
+ if let MemoryInitKind::NeedsInitializedMemory = action.kind {
+ immediately_necessary_clears.push(discarded_surface.clone());
+ // Mark surface as implicitly initialized (this is relevant
+ // because it might have been uninitialized prior to
+ // discarding
+ init_actions.push(TextureInitTrackerAction {
+ texture: discarded_surface.texture.clone(),
+ range: TextureInitRange {
+ mip_range: discarded_surface.mip_level
+ ..(discarded_surface.mip_level + 1),
+ layer_range: discarded_surface.layer..(discarded_surface.layer + 1),
+ },
+ kind: MemoryInitKind::ImplicitlyInitialized,
+ });
+ }
+ false
+ } else {
+ true
+ }
+ });
+ immediately_necessary_clears
+ }
+ // Shortcut for register_init_action when it is known that the action is an
+ // implicit init, not requiring any immediate resource init.
+ pub(crate) fn register_implicit_init(
+ &mut self,
+ texture: &Arc<Texture<A>>,
+ range: TextureInitRange,
+ ) {
+ let must_be_empty = self.register_init_action(&TextureInitTrackerAction {
+ texture: texture.clone(),
+ range,
+ kind: MemoryInitKind::ImplicitlyInitialized,
+ });
+ assert!(must_be_empty.is_empty());
+ }
+// Utility function that takes discarded surfaces from (several calls to)
+// register_init_action and initializes them on the spot.
+// Takes care of barriers as well!
+pub(crate) fn fixup_discarded_surfaces<
+ A: HalApi,
+ InitIter: Iterator<Item = TextureSurfaceDiscard<A>>,
+ inits: InitIter,
+ encoder: &mut A::CommandEncoder,
+ texture_tracker: &mut TextureTracker<A>,
+ device: &Device<A>,
+) {
+ for init in inits {
+ clear_texture(
+ &init.texture,
+ TextureInitRange {
+ mip_range: init.mip_level..(init.mip_level + 1),
+ layer_range: init.layer..(init.layer + 1),
+ },
+ encoder,
+ texture_tracker,
+ &device.alignments,
+ device.zero_buffer.as_ref().unwrap(),
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+impl<A: HalApi> BakedCommands<A> {
+ // inserts all buffer initializations that are going to be needed for
+ // executing the commands and updates resource init states accordingly
+ pub(crate) fn initialize_buffer_memory(
+ &mut self,
+ device_tracker: &mut Tracker<A>,
+ ) -> Result<(), DestroyedBufferError> {
+ // Gather init ranges for each buffer so we can collapse them.
+ // It is not possible to do this at an earlier point since previously
+ // executed command buffer change the resource init state.
+ let mut uninitialized_ranges_per_buffer = FastHashMap::default();
+ for buffer_use in self.buffer_memory_init_actions.drain(..) {
+ let mut initialization_status = buffer_use.buffer.initialization_status.write();
+ // align the end to 4
+ let end_remainder = buffer_use.range.end % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT;
+ let end = if end_remainder == 0 {
+ buffer_use.range.end
+ } else {
+ buffer_use.range.end + wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT - end_remainder
+ };
+ let uninitialized_ranges = initialization_status.drain(buffer_use.range.start..end);
+ match buffer_use.kind {
+ MemoryInitKind::ImplicitlyInitialized => {}
+ MemoryInitKind::NeedsInitializedMemory => {
+ match uninitialized_ranges_per_buffer.entry(buffer_use.buffer.as_info().id()) {
+ Entry::Vacant(e) => {
+ e.insert((
+ buffer_use.buffer.clone(),
+ uninitialized_ranges.collect::<Vec<Range<wgt::BufferAddress>>>(),
+ ));
+ }
+ Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {
+ e.get_mut().1.extend(uninitialized_ranges);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (buffer_id, (buffer, mut ranges)) in uninitialized_ranges_per_buffer {
+ // Collapse touching ranges.
+ ranges.sort_by_key(|r| r.start);
+ for i in (1..ranges.len()).rev() {
+ // The memory init tracker made sure of this!
+ assert!(ranges[i - 1].end <= ranges[i].start);
+ if ranges[i].start == ranges[i - 1].end {
+ ranges[i - 1].end = ranges[i].end;
+ ranges.swap_remove(i); // Ordering not important at this point
+ }
+ }
+ // Don't do use_replace since the buffer may already no longer have
+ // a ref_count.
+ //
+ // However, we *know* that it is currently in use, so the tracker
+ // must already know about it.
+ let transition = device_tracker
+ .buffers
+ .set_single(&buffer, hal::BufferUses::COPY_DST)
+ .unwrap()
+ .1;
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ let raw_buf = buffer
+ .raw
+ .get(&snatch_guard)
+ .ok_or(DestroyedBufferError(buffer_id))?;
+ unsafe {
+ self.encoder.transition_buffers(
+ transition
+ .map(|pending| pending.into_hal(&buffer, &snatch_guard))
+ .into_iter(),
+ );
+ }
+ for range in ranges.iter() {
+ assert!(
+ range.start % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT == 0,
+ "Buffer {:?} has an uninitialized range with a start \
+ not aligned to 4 (start was {})",
+ raw_buf,
+ range.start
+ );
+ assert!(
+ range.end % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT == 0,
+ "Buffer {:?} has an uninitialized range with an end \
+ not aligned to 4 (end was {})",
+ raw_buf,
+ range.end
+ );
+ unsafe {
+ self.encoder.clear_buffer(raw_buf, range.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // inserts all texture initializations that are going to be needed for
+ // executing the commands and updates resource init states accordingly any
+ // textures that are left discarded by this command buffer will be marked as
+ // uninitialized
+ pub(crate) fn initialize_texture_memory(
+ &mut self,
+ device_tracker: &mut Tracker<A>,
+ device: &Device<A>,
+ ) -> Result<(), DestroyedTextureError> {
+ let mut ranges: Vec<TextureInitRange> = Vec::new();
+ for texture_use in self.texture_memory_actions.drain_init_actions() {
+ let mut initialization_status = texture_use.texture.initialization_status.write();
+ let use_range = texture_use.range;
+ let affected_mip_trackers = initialization_status
+ .mips
+ .iter_mut()
+ .enumerate()
+ .skip(use_range.mip_range.start as usize)
+ .take((use_range.mip_range.end - use_range.mip_range.start) as usize);
+ match texture_use.kind {
+ MemoryInitKind::ImplicitlyInitialized => {
+ for (_, mip_tracker) in affected_mip_trackers {
+ mip_tracker.drain(use_range.layer_range.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ MemoryInitKind::NeedsInitializedMemory => {
+ for (mip_level, mip_tracker) in affected_mip_trackers {
+ for layer_range in mip_tracker.drain(use_range.layer_range.clone()) {
+ ranges.push(TextureInitRange {
+ mip_range: (mip_level as u32)..(mip_level as u32 + 1),
+ layer_range,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Could we attempt some range collapsing here?
+ for range in ranges.drain(..) {
+ let clear_result = clear_texture(
+ &texture_use.texture,
+ range,
+ &mut self.encoder,
+ &mut device_tracker.textures,
+ &device.alignments,
+ device.zero_buffer.as_ref().unwrap(),
+ );
+ // A Texture can be destroyed between the command recording
+ // and now, this is out of our control so we have to handle
+ // it gracefully.
+ if let Err(ClearError::InvalidTexture(id)) = clear_result {
+ return Err(DestroyedTextureError(id));
+ }
+ // Other errors are unexpected.
+ if let Err(error) = clear_result {
+ panic!("{error}");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now that all buffers/textures have the proper init state for before
+ // cmdbuf start, we discard init states for textures it left discarded
+ // after its execution.
+ for surface_discard in self.texture_memory_actions.discards.iter() {
+ surface_discard
+ .texture
+ .initialization_status
+ .write()
+ .discard(surface_discard.mip_level, surface_discard.layer);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }