path: root/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device')
8 files changed, 9435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..693155a753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+use wgt::Backend;
+use super::Device;
+/// The `AnyDevice` type: a pointer to a `Device<A>` for any backend `A`.
+use crate::hal_api::HalApi;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
+use std::ptr::NonNull;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+struct AnyDeviceVtable {
+ // We oppurtunistically store the backend here, since we now it will be used
+ // with backend selection and it can be stored in static memory.
+ backend: Backend,
+ // Drop glue which knows how to drop the stored data.
+ drop: unsafe fn(*mut ()),
+/// A pointer to a `Device<A>`, for any backend `A`.
+/// Any `AnyDevice` is just like an `Arc<Device<A>>`, except that the `A` type
+/// parameter is erased. To access the `Device`, you must downcast to a
+/// particular backend with the \[`downcast_ref`\] or \[`downcast_clone`\]
+/// methods.
+pub struct AnyDevice {
+ data: NonNull<()>,
+ vtable: &'static AnyDeviceVtable,
+impl AnyDevice {
+ /// Return an `AnyDevice` that holds an owning `Arc` pointer to `device`.
+ pub fn new<A: HalApi>(device: Arc<Device<A>>) -> AnyDevice {
+ unsafe fn drop_glue<A: HalApi>(ptr: *mut ()) {
+ // Drop the arc this instance is holding.
+ unsafe {
+ _ = Arc::from_raw(ptr.cast::<A::Surface>());
+ }
+ }
+ // SAFETY: The pointer returned by Arc::into_raw is guaranteed to be
+ // non-null.
+ let data = unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(Arc::into_raw(device).cast_mut()) };
+ AnyDevice {
+ data: data.cast(),
+ vtable: &AnyDeviceVtable {
+ backend: A::VARIANT,
+ drop: drop_glue::<A>,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ /// If `self` is an `Arc<Device<A>>`, return a reference to the
+ /// device.
+ pub fn downcast_ref<A: HalApi>(&self) -> Option<&Device<A>> {
+ if self.vtable.backend != A::VARIANT {
+ return None;
+ }
+ // SAFETY: We just checked the instance above implicitly by the backend
+ // that it was statically constructed through.
+ Some(unsafe { &*(<Device<A>>()) })
+ }
+ /// If `self` is an `Arc<Device<A>>`, return a clone of that.
+ pub fn downcast_clone<A: HalApi>(&self) -> Option<Arc<Device<A>>> {
+ if self.vtable.backend != A::VARIANT {
+ return None;
+ }
+ // We need to prevent the destructor of the arc from running, since it
+ // refers to the instance held by this object. Dropping it would
+ // invalidate this object.
+ //
+ // SAFETY: We just checked the instance above implicitly by the backend
+ // that it was statically constructed through.
+ let this =
+ ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { Arc::from_raw(<Device<A>>()) });
+ // Cloning it increases the reference count, and we return a new arc
+ // instance.
+ Some((*this).clone())
+ }
+impl Drop for AnyDevice {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe { (self.vtable.drop)( }
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for AnyDevice {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "AnyDevice<{}>", self.vtable.backend)
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for AnyDevice {}
+unsafe impl Sync for AnyDevice {}
diff --git a/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d606f049a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
+use crate::{
+ binding_model::{self},
+ FastIndexMap,
+/// Where a given BGL came from.
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum Origin {
+ /// The bind group layout was created by the user and is present in the BGL resource pool.
+ Pool,
+ /// The bind group layout was derived and is not present in the BGL resource pool.
+ Derived,
+/// A HashMap-like structure that stores a BindGroupLayouts [`wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry`]s.
+/// It is hashable, so bind group layouts can be deduplicated.
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Eq)]
+pub struct EntryMap {
+ /// We use a IndexMap here so that we can sort the entries by their binding index,
+ /// guaranteeing that the hash of equivalent layouts will be the same.
+ inner: FastIndexMap<u32, wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry>,
+ /// We keep track of whether the map is sorted or not, so that we can assert that
+ /// it is sorted, so that PartialEq and Hash will be stable.
+ ///
+ /// We only need sorted if it is used in a Hash or PartialEq, so we never need
+ /// to actively sort it.
+ sorted: bool,
+impl PartialEq for EntryMap {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+ self.assert_sorted();
+ other.assert_sorted();
+ self.inner == other.inner
+ }
+impl Hash for EntryMap {
+ fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
+ self.assert_sorted();
+ // We don't need to hash the keys, since they are just extracted from the values.
+ //
+ // We know this is stable and will match the behavior of PartialEq as we ensure
+ // that the array is sorted.
+ for entry in self.inner.values() {
+ entry.hash(state);
+ }
+ }
+impl EntryMap {
+ fn assert_sorted(&self) {
+ assert!(self.sorted);
+ }
+ /// Create a new [`BindGroupLayoutEntryMap`] from a slice of [`wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry`]s.
+ ///
+ /// Errors if there are duplicate bindings or if any binding index is greater than
+ /// the device's limits.
+ pub fn from_entries(
+ device_limits: &wgt::Limits,
+ entries: &[wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry],
+ ) -> Result<Self, binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError> {
+ let mut inner = FastIndexMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(entries.len(), Default::default());
+ for entry in entries {
+ if entry.binding >= device_limits.max_bindings_per_bind_group {
+ return Err(
+ binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError::InvalidBindingIndex {
+ binding: entry.binding,
+ maximum: device_limits.max_bindings_per_bind_group,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ if inner.insert(entry.binding, *entry).is_some() {
+ return Err(binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError::ConflictBinding(
+ entry.binding,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ inner.sort_unstable_keys();
+ Ok(Self {
+ inner,
+ sorted: true,
+ })
+ }
+ /// Get the count of [`wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry`]s in this map.
+ pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.inner.len()
+ }
+ /// Get the [`wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry`] for the given binding index.
+ pub fn get(&self, binding: u32) -> Option<&wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry> {
+ self.inner.get(&binding)
+ }
+ /// Iterator over all the binding indices in this map.
+ pub fn indices(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = u32> + '_ {
+ self.inner.keys().copied()
+ }
+ /// Iterator over all the [`wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry`]s in this map.
+ pub fn values(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = &wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry> + '_ {
+ self.inner.values()
+ }
+ pub fn iter(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = (&u32, &wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry)> + '_ {
+ self.inner.iter()
+ }
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.inner.is_empty()
+ }
+ pub fn contains_key(&self, key: u32) -> bool {
+ self.inner.contains_key(&key)
+ }
+ pub fn entry(&mut self, key: u32) -> indexmap::map::Entry<'_, u32, wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry> {
+ self.sorted = false;
+ self.inner.entry(key)
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64fd6d4de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
@@ -0,0 +1,2559 @@
+#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+use crate::device::trace;
+use crate::{
+ api_log, binding_model, command, conv,
+ device::{
+ bgl, life::WaitIdleError, map_buffer, queue, DeviceError, DeviceLostClosure,
+ },
+ global::Global,
+ hal_api::HalApi,
+ id::{self, AdapterId, DeviceId, QueueId, SurfaceId},
+ init_tracker::TextureInitTracker,
+ instance::{self, Adapter, Surface},
+ pipeline, present,
+ resource::{self, BufferAccessResult},
+ resource::{BufferAccessError, BufferMapOperation, CreateBufferError, Resource},
+ validation::check_buffer_usage,
+ Label, LabelHelpers as _,
+use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
+use hal::Device as _;
+use parking_lot::RwLock;
+use wgt::{BufferAddress, TextureFormat};
+use std::{
+ borrow::Cow,
+ iter,
+ ops::Range,
+ ptr,
+ sync::{atomic::Ordering, Arc},
+use super::{ImplicitPipelineIds, InvalidDevice, UserClosures};
+impl Global {
+ pub fn adapter_is_surface_supported<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ adapter_id: AdapterId,
+ surface_id: SurfaceId,
+ ) -> Result<bool, instance::IsSurfaceSupportedError> {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let surface_guard =;
+ let adapter_guard =;
+ let adapter = adapter_guard
+ .get(adapter_id)
+ .map_err(|_| instance::IsSurfaceSupportedError::InvalidAdapter)?;
+ let surface = surface_guard
+ .get(surface_id)
+ .map_err(|_| instance::IsSurfaceSupportedError::InvalidSurface)?;
+ Ok(adapter.is_surface_supported(surface))
+ }
+ pub fn surface_get_capabilities<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ surface_id: SurfaceId,
+ adapter_id: AdapterId,
+ ) -> Result<wgt::SurfaceCapabilities, instance::GetSurfaceSupportError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Surface::get_capabilities");
+ self.fetch_adapter_and_surface::<A, _, _>(surface_id, adapter_id, |adapter, surface| {
+ let mut hal_caps = surface.get_capabilities(adapter)?;
+ hal_caps.formats.sort_by_key(|f| !f.is_srgb());
+ let usages = conv::map_texture_usage_from_hal(hal_caps.usage);
+ Ok(wgt::SurfaceCapabilities {
+ formats: hal_caps.formats,
+ present_modes: hal_caps.present_modes,
+ alpha_modes: hal_caps.composite_alpha_modes,
+ usages,
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ fn fetch_adapter_and_surface<
+ A: HalApi,
+ F: FnOnce(&Adapter<A>, &Surface) -> Result<B, instance::GetSurfaceSupportError>,
+ B,
+ >(
+ &self,
+ surface_id: SurfaceId,
+ adapter_id: AdapterId,
+ get_supported_callback: F,
+ ) -> Result<B, instance::GetSurfaceSupportError> {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let surface_guard =;
+ let adapter_guard =;
+ let adapter = adapter_guard
+ .get(adapter_id)
+ .map_err(|_| instance::GetSurfaceSupportError::InvalidAdapter)?;
+ let surface = surface_guard
+ .get(surface_id)
+ .map_err(|_| instance::GetSurfaceSupportError::InvalidSurface)?;
+ get_supported_callback(adapter, surface)
+ }
+ pub fn device_features<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ ) -> Result<wgt::Features, InvalidDevice> {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let device = hub.devices.get(device_id).map_err(|_| InvalidDevice)?;
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ return Err(InvalidDevice);
+ }
+ Ok(device.features)
+ }
+ pub fn device_limits<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ ) -> Result<wgt::Limits, InvalidDevice> {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let device = hub.devices.get(device_id).map_err(|_| InvalidDevice)?;
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ return Err(InvalidDevice);
+ }
+ Ok(device.limits.clone())
+ }
+ pub fn device_downlevel_properties<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ ) -> Result<wgt::DownlevelCapabilities, InvalidDevice> {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let device = hub.devices.get(device_id).map_err(|_| InvalidDevice)?;
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ return Err(InvalidDevice);
+ }
+ Ok(device.downlevel.clone())
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_buffer<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &resource::BufferDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::BufferId>,
+ ) -> (id::BufferId, Option<CreateBufferError>) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_buffer");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.buffers.prepare(id_in);
+ let mut to_destroy: ArrayVec<resource::Buffer<A>, 2> = ArrayVec::new();
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => {
+ break DeviceError::Invalid.into();
+ }
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ if desc.usage.is_empty() {
+ // Per spec, `usage` must not be zero.
+ break CreateBufferError::InvalidUsage(desc.usage);
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ let mut desc = desc.clone();
+ let mapped_at_creation = std::mem::replace(&mut desc.mapped_at_creation, false);
+ if mapped_at_creation && !desc.usage.contains(wgt::BufferUsages::MAP_WRITE) {
+ desc.usage |= wgt::BufferUsages::COPY_DST;
+ }
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateBuffer(, desc));
+ }
+ let buffer = match device.create_buffer(desc, false) {
+ Ok(buffer) => buffer,
+ Err(e) => {
+ break e;
+ }
+ };
+ let buffer_use = if !desc.mapped_at_creation {
+ hal::BufferUses::empty()
+ } else if desc.usage.contains(wgt::BufferUsages::MAP_WRITE) {
+ // buffer is mappable, so we are just doing that at start
+ let map_size = buffer.size;
+ let ptr = if map_size == 0 {
+ std::ptr::NonNull::dangling()
+ } else {
+ match map_buffer(device.raw(), &buffer, 0, map_size, HostMap::Write) {
+ Ok(ptr) => ptr,
+ Err(e) => {
+ to_destroy.push(buffer);
+ break e.into();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ *buffer.map_state.lock() = resource::BufferMapState::Active {
+ ptr,
+ range: 0..map_size,
+ host: HostMap::Write,
+ };
+ hal::BufferUses::MAP_WRITE
+ } else {
+ // buffer needs staging area for initialization only
+ let stage_desc = wgt::BufferDescriptor {
+ label: Some(Cow::Borrowed(
+ "(wgpu internal) initializing unmappable buffer",
+ )),
+ size: desc.size,
+ usage: wgt::BufferUsages::MAP_WRITE | wgt::BufferUsages::COPY_SRC,
+ mapped_at_creation: false,
+ };
+ let stage = match device.create_buffer(&stage_desc, true) {
+ Ok(stage) => stage,
+ Err(e) => {
+ to_destroy.push(buffer);
+ break e;
+ }
+ };
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ let stage_raw = stage.raw(&snatch_guard).unwrap();
+ let mapping = match unsafe { device.raw().map_buffer(stage_raw, 0..stage.size) } {
+ Ok(mapping) => mapping,
+ Err(e) => {
+ to_destroy.push(buffer);
+ to_destroy.push(stage);
+ break CreateBufferError::Device(e.into());
+ }
+ };
+ let stage_fid = hub.buffers.request();
+ let stage = stage_fid.init(stage);
+ assert_eq!(buffer.size % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT, 0);
+ // Zero initialize memory and then mark both staging and buffer as initialized
+ // (it's guaranteed that this is the case by the time the buffer is usable)
+ unsafe { ptr::write_bytes(mapping.ptr.as_ptr(), 0, buffer.size as usize) };
+ buffer.initialization_status.write().drain(0..buffer.size);
+ stage.initialization_status.write().drain(0..buffer.size);
+ *buffer.map_state.lock() = resource::BufferMapState::Init {
+ ptr: mapping.ptr,
+ needs_flush: !mapping.is_coherent,
+ stage_buffer: stage,
+ };
+ hal::BufferUses::COPY_DST
+ };
+ let (id, resource) = fid.assign(buffer);
+ api_log!("Device::create_buffer({desc:?}) -> {id:?}");
+ device
+ .trackers
+ .lock()
+ .buffers
+ .insert_single(id, resource, buffer_use);
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ // Error path
+ for buffer in to_destroy {
+ let device = Arc::clone(&buffer.device);
+ device
+ .lock_life()
+ .schedule_resource_destruction(queue::TempResource::Buffer(Arc::new(buffer)), !0);
+ }
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ /// Assign `id_in` an error with the given `label`.
+ ///
+ /// Ensure that future attempts to use `id_in` as a buffer ID will propagate
+ /// the error, following the WebGPU ["contagious invalidity"] style.
+ ///
+ /// Firefox uses this function to comply strictly with the WebGPU spec,
+ /// which requires [`GPUBufferDescriptor`] validation to be generated on the
+ /// Device timeline and leave the newly created [`GPUBuffer`] invalid.
+ ///
+ /// Ideally, we would simply let [`device_create_buffer`] take care of all
+ /// of this, but some errors must be detected before we can even construct a
+ /// [`wgpu_types::BufferDescriptor`] to give it. For example, the WebGPU API
+ /// allows a `GPUBufferDescriptor`'s [`usage`] property to be any WebIDL
+ /// `unsigned long` value, but we can't construct a
+ /// [`wgpu_types::BufferUsages`] value from values with unassigned bits
+ /// set. This means we must validate `usage` before we can call
+ /// `device_create_buffer`.
+ ///
+ /// When that validation fails, we must arrange for the buffer id to be
+ /// considered invalid. This method provides the means to do so.
+ ///
+ /// ["contagious invalidity"]:
+ /// [`GPUBufferDescriptor`]:
+ /// [`GPUBuffer`]:
+ /// [`wgpu_types::BufferDescriptor`]: wgt::BufferDescriptor
+ /// [`device_create_buffer`]: Global::device_create_buffer
+ /// [`usage`]:
+ /// [`wgpu_types::BufferUsages`]: wgt::BufferUsages
+ pub fn create_buffer_error<A: HalApi>(&self, id_in: Option<id::BufferId>, label: Label) {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.buffers.prepare(id_in);
+ fid.assign_error(label.borrow_or_default());
+ }
+ pub fn create_render_bundle_error<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ id_in: Option<id::RenderBundleId>,
+ label: Label,
+ ) {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.render_bundles.prepare(id_in);
+ fid.assign_error(label.borrow_or_default());
+ }
+ /// Assign `id_in` an error with the given `label`.
+ ///
+ /// See `create_buffer_error` for more context and explanation.
+ pub fn create_texture_error<A: HalApi>(&self, id_in: Option<id::TextureId>, label: Label) {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.textures.prepare(id_in);
+ fid.assign_error(label.borrow_or_default());
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "replay")]
+ pub fn device_wait_for_buffer<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ ) -> Result<(), WaitIdleError> {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let last_submission = {
+ let buffer_guard = hub.buffers.write();
+ match buffer_guard.get(buffer_id) {
+ Ok(buffer) =>,
+ Err(_) => return Ok(()),
+ }
+ };
+ hub.devices
+ .get(device_id)
+ .map_err(|_| DeviceError::Invalid)?
+ .wait_for_submit(last_submission)
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn device_set_buffer_sub_data<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ offset: BufferAddress,
+ data: &[u8],
+ ) -> BufferAccessResult {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::set_buffer_sub_data");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let device = hub
+ .devices
+ .get(device_id)
+ .map_err(|_| DeviceError::Invalid)?;
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::Lost.into());
+ }
+ let buffer = hub
+ .buffers
+ .get(buffer_id)
+ .map_err(|_| BufferAccessError::Invalid)?;
+ check_buffer_usage(buffer.usage, wgt::BufferUsages::MAP_WRITE)?;
+ //assert!(buffer isn't used by the GPU);
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ let data_path = trace.make_binary("bin", data);
+ trace.add(trace::Action::WriteBuffer {
+ id: buffer_id,
+ data: data_path,
+ range: offset..offset + data.len() as BufferAddress,
+ queued: false,
+ });
+ }
+ let raw_buf = buffer
+ .raw(&snatch_guard)
+ .ok_or(BufferAccessError::Destroyed)?;
+ unsafe {
+ let mapping = device
+ .raw()
+ .map_buffer(raw_buf, offset..offset + data.len() as u64)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?;
+ ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(data.as_ptr(), mapping.ptr.as_ptr(), data.len());
+ if !mapping.is_coherent {
+ device
+ .raw()
+ .flush_mapped_ranges(raw_buf, iter::once(offset..offset + data.len() as u64));
+ }
+ device
+ .raw()
+ .unmap_buffer(raw_buf)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn device_get_buffer_sub_data<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ offset: BufferAddress,
+ data: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> BufferAccessResult {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::get_buffer_sub_data");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let device = hub
+ .devices
+ .get(device_id)
+ .map_err(|_| DeviceError::Invalid)?;
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::Lost.into());
+ }
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ let buffer = hub
+ .buffers
+ .get(buffer_id)
+ .map_err(|_| BufferAccessError::Invalid)?;
+ check_buffer_usage(buffer.usage, wgt::BufferUsages::MAP_READ)?;
+ //assert!(buffer isn't used by the GPU);
+ let raw_buf = buffer
+ .raw(&snatch_guard)
+ .ok_or(BufferAccessError::Destroyed)?;
+ unsafe {
+ let mapping = device
+ .raw()
+ .map_buffer(raw_buf, offset..offset + data.len() as u64)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?;
+ if !mapping.is_coherent {
+ device.raw().invalidate_mapped_ranges(
+ raw_buf,
+ iter::once(offset..offset + data.len() as u64),
+ );
+ }
+ ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(mapping.ptr.as_ptr(), data.as_mut_ptr(), data.len());
+ device
+ .raw()
+ .unmap_buffer(raw_buf)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn buffer_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::BufferId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).buffers.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn buffer_destroy<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ ) -> Result<(), resource::DestroyError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Buffer::destroy");
+ api_log!("Buffer::destroy {buffer_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let buffer = hub
+ .buffers
+ .get(buffer_id)
+ .map_err(|_| resource::DestroyError::Invalid)?;
+ let _ = buffer.unmap();
+ buffer.destroy()
+ }
+ pub fn buffer_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, buffer_id: id::BufferId, wait: bool) {
+ profiling::scope!("Buffer::drop");
+ api_log!("Buffer::drop {buffer_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let buffer = match hub.buffers.unregister(buffer_id) {
+ Some(buffer) => buffer,
+ None => {
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ let _ = buffer.unmap();
+ let last_submit_index =;
+ let device = buffer.device.clone();
+ if device
+ .pending_writes
+ .lock()
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .dst_buffers
+ .contains_key(&buffer_id)
+ {
+ device.lock_life().future_suspected_buffers.push(buffer);
+ } else {
+ device
+ .lock_life()
+ .suspected_resources
+ .buffers
+ .insert(buffer_id, buffer);
+ }
+ if wait {
+ match device.wait_for_submit(last_submit_index) {
+ Ok(()) => (),
+ Err(e) => log::error!("Failed to wait for buffer {:?}: {}", buffer_id, e),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_texture<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &resource::TextureDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::TextureId>,
+ ) -> (id::TextureId, Option<resource::CreateTextureError>) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_texture");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.textures.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateTexture(, desc.clone()));
+ }
+ let texture = match device.create_texture(&device.adapter, desc) {
+ Ok(texture) => texture,
+ Err(error) => break error,
+ };
+ let (id, resource) = fid.assign(texture);
+ api_log!("Device::create_texture({desc:?}) -> {id:?}");
+ device.trackers.lock().textures.insert_single(
+ id,
+ resource,
+ hal::TextureUses::UNINITIALIZED,
+ );
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ log::error!("Device::create_texture error: {error}");
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// - `hal_texture` must be created from `device_id` corresponding raw handle.
+ /// - `hal_texture` must be created respecting `desc`
+ /// - `hal_texture` must be initialized
+ pub unsafe fn create_texture_from_hal<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ hal_texture: A::Texture,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &resource::TextureDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::TextureId>,
+ ) -> (id::TextureId, Option<resource::CreateTextureError>) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_texture_from_hal");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.textures.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ // NB: Any change done through the raw texture handle will not be
+ // recorded in the replay
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateTexture(, desc.clone()));
+ }
+ let format_features = match device
+ .describe_format_features(&device.adapter, desc.format)
+ .map_err(|error| resource::CreateTextureError::MissingFeatures(desc.format, error))
+ {
+ Ok(features) => features,
+ Err(error) => break error,
+ };
+ let mut texture = device.create_texture_from_hal(
+ hal_texture,
+ conv::map_texture_usage(desc.usage, desc.format.into()),
+ desc,
+ format_features,
+ resource::TextureClearMode::None,
+ );
+ if desc.usage.contains(wgt::TextureUsages::COPY_DST) {
+ texture.hal_usage |= hal::TextureUses::COPY_DST;
+ }
+ texture.initialization_status =
+ RwLock::new(TextureInitTracker::new(desc.mip_level_count, 0));
+ let (id, resource) = fid.assign(texture);
+ api_log!("Device::create_texture({desc:?}) -> {id:?}");
+ device.trackers.lock().textures.insert_single(
+ id,
+ resource,
+ hal::TextureUses::UNINITIALIZED,
+ );
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ log::error!("Device::create_texture error: {error}");
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// - `hal_buffer` must be created from `device_id` corresponding raw handle.
+ /// - `hal_buffer` must be created respecting `desc`
+ /// - `hal_buffer` must be initialized
+ pub unsafe fn create_buffer_from_hal<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ hal_buffer: A::Buffer,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &resource::BufferDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::BufferId>,
+ ) -> (id::BufferId, Option<CreateBufferError>) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_buffer");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.buffers.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ // NB: Any change done through the raw buffer handle will not be
+ // recorded in the replay
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(trace) = device.trace.lock().as_mut() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateBuffer(, desc.clone()));
+ }
+ let buffer = device.create_buffer_from_hal(hal_buffer, desc);
+ let (id, buffer) = fid.assign(buffer);
+ api_log!("Device::create_buffer -> {id:?}");
+ device
+ .trackers
+ .lock()
+ .buffers
+ .insert_single(id, buffer, hal::BufferUses::empty());
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ log::error!("Device::create_buffer error: {error}");
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn texture_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::TextureId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).textures.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn texture_destroy<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ texture_id: id::TextureId,
+ ) -> Result<(), resource::DestroyError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Texture::destroy");
+ api_log!("Texture::destroy {texture_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let texture = hub
+ .textures
+ .get(texture_id)
+ .map_err(|_| resource::DestroyError::Invalid)?;
+ texture.destroy()
+ }
+ pub fn texture_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, texture_id: id::TextureId, wait: bool) {
+ profiling::scope!("Texture::drop");
+ api_log!("Texture::drop {texture_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(texture) = hub.textures.unregister(texture_id) {
+ let last_submit_index =;
+ let device = &texture.device;
+ {
+ if device
+ .pending_writes
+ .lock()
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .dst_textures
+ .contains_key(&texture_id)
+ {
+ device
+ .lock_life()
+ .future_suspected_textures
+ .push(texture.clone());
+ } else {
+ device
+ .lock_life()
+ .suspected_resources
+ .textures
+ .insert(texture_id, texture.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ if wait {
+ match device.wait_for_submit(last_submit_index) {
+ Ok(()) => (),
+ Err(e) => log::error!("Failed to wait for texture {texture_id:?}: {e}"),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ pub fn texture_create_view<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ texture_id: id::TextureId,
+ desc: &resource::TextureViewDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::TextureViewId>,
+ ) -> (id::TextureViewId, Option<resource::CreateTextureViewError>) {
+ profiling::scope!("Texture::create_view");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.texture_views.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let texture = match hub.textures.get(texture_id) {
+ Ok(texture) => texture,
+ Err(_) => break resource::CreateTextureViewError::InvalidTexture,
+ };
+ let device = &texture.device;
+ {
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ if texture.is_destroyed(&snatch_guard) {
+ break resource::CreateTextureViewError::InvalidTexture;
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateTextureView {
+ id:,
+ parent_id: texture_id,
+ desc: desc.clone(),
+ });
+ }
+ let view = match unsafe { device.create_texture_view(&texture, desc) } {
+ Ok(view) => view,
+ Err(e) => break e,
+ };
+ let (id, resource) = fid.assign(view);
+ {
+ let mut views = texture.views.lock();
+ views.push(Arc::downgrade(&resource));
+ }
+ api_log!("Texture::create_view({texture_id:?}) -> {id:?}");
+ device.trackers.lock().views.insert_single(id, resource);
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ log::error!("Texture::create_view({texture_id:?}) error: {error}");
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn texture_view_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::TextureViewId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).texture_views.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn texture_view_drop<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ texture_view_id: id::TextureViewId,
+ wait: bool,
+ ) -> Result<(), resource::TextureViewDestroyError> {
+ profiling::scope!("TextureView::drop");
+ api_log!("TextureView::drop {texture_view_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(view) = hub.texture_views.unregister(texture_view_id) {
+ let last_submit_index =;
+ view.device
+ .lock_life()
+ .suspected_resources
+ .texture_views
+ .insert(texture_view_id, view.clone());
+ if wait {
+ match view.device.wait_for_submit(last_submit_index) {
+ Ok(()) => (),
+ Err(e) => {
+ log::error!("Failed to wait for texture view {texture_view_id:?}: {e}")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_sampler<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &resource::SamplerDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::SamplerId>,
+ ) -> (id::SamplerId, Option<resource::CreateSamplerError>) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_sampler");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.samplers.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateSampler(, desc.clone()));
+ }
+ let sampler = match device.create_sampler(desc) {
+ Ok(sampler) => sampler,
+ Err(e) => break e,
+ };
+ let (id, resource) = fid.assign(sampler);
+ api_log!("Device::create_sampler -> {id:?}");
+ device.trackers.lock().samplers.insert_single(id, resource);
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn sampler_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::SamplerId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).samplers.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn sampler_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, sampler_id: id::SamplerId) {
+ profiling::scope!("Sampler::drop");
+ api_log!("Sampler::drop {sampler_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(sampler) = hub.samplers.unregister(sampler_id) {
+ sampler
+ .device
+ .lock_life()
+ .suspected_resources
+ .samplers
+ .insert(sampler_id, sampler.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_bind_group_layout<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &binding_model::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::BindGroupLayoutId>,
+ ) -> (
+ id::BindGroupLayoutId,
+ Option<binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError>,
+ ) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_bind_group_layout");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.bind_group_layouts.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateBindGroupLayout(, desc.clone()));
+ }
+ let entry_map = match bgl::EntryMap::from_entries(&device.limits, &desc.entries) {
+ Ok(map) => map,
+ Err(e) => break e,
+ };
+ // Currently we make a distinction between fid.assign and fid.assign_existing. This distinction is incorrect,
+ // but see
+ //
+ // `assign` also registers the ID with the resource info, so it can be automatically reclaimed. This needs to
+ // happen with a mutable reference, which means it can only happen on creation.
+ //
+ // Because we need to call `assign` inside the closure (to get mut access), we need to "move" the future id into the closure.
+ // Rust cannot figure out at compile time that we only ever consume the ID once, so we need to move the check
+ // to runtime using an Option.
+ let mut fid = Some(fid);
+ // The closure might get called, and it might give us an ID. Side channel it out of the closure.
+ let mut id = None;
+ let bgl_result = device.bgl_pool.get_or_init(entry_map, |entry_map| {
+ let bgl =
+ device.create_bind_group_layout(&desc.label, entry_map, bgl::Origin::Pool)?;
+ let (id_inner, arc) = fid.take().unwrap().assign(bgl);
+ id = Some(id_inner);
+ Ok(arc)
+ });
+ let layout = match bgl_result {
+ Ok(layout) => layout,
+ Err(e) => break e,
+ };
+ // If the ID was not assigned, and we survived the above check,
+ // it means that the bind group layout already existed and we need to call `assign_existing`.
+ //
+ // Calling this function _will_ leak the ID. See
+ if id.is_none() {
+ id = Some(fid.take().unwrap().assign_existing(&layout))
+ }
+ api_log!("Device::create_bind_group_layout -> {id:?}");
+ return (id.unwrap(), None);
+ };
+ let fid = hub.bind_group_layouts.prepare(id_in);
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn bind_group_layout_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::BindGroupLayoutId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).bind_group_layouts.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn bind_group_layout_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, bind_group_layout_id: id::BindGroupLayoutId) {
+ profiling::scope!("BindGroupLayout::drop");
+ api_log!("BindGroupLayout::drop {bind_group_layout_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(layout) = hub.bind_group_layouts.unregister(bind_group_layout_id) {
+ layout
+ .device
+ .lock_life()
+ .suspected_resources
+ .bind_group_layouts
+ .insert(bind_group_layout_id, layout.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_pipeline_layout<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &binding_model::PipelineLayoutDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::PipelineLayoutId>,
+ ) -> (
+ id::PipelineLayoutId,
+ Option<binding_model::CreatePipelineLayoutError>,
+ ) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_pipeline_layout");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.pipeline_layouts.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreatePipelineLayout(, desc.clone()));
+ }
+ let layout = match device.create_pipeline_layout(desc, &hub.bind_group_layouts) {
+ Ok(layout) => layout,
+ Err(e) => break e,
+ };
+ let (id, _) = fid.assign(layout);
+ api_log!("Device::create_pipeline_layout -> {id:?}");
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn pipeline_layout_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::PipelineLayoutId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).pipeline_layouts.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn pipeline_layout_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, pipeline_layout_id: id::PipelineLayoutId) {
+ profiling::scope!("PipelineLayout::drop");
+ api_log!("PipelineLayout::drop {pipeline_layout_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(layout) = hub.pipeline_layouts.unregister(pipeline_layout_id) {
+ layout
+ .device
+ .lock_life()
+ .suspected_resources
+ .pipeline_layouts
+ .insert(pipeline_layout_id, layout.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_bind_group<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &binding_model::BindGroupDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::BindGroupId>,
+ ) -> (id::BindGroupId, Option<binding_model::CreateBindGroupError>) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_bind_group");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.bind_groups.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateBindGroup(, desc.clone()));
+ }
+ let bind_group_layout = match hub.bind_group_layouts.get(desc.layout) {
+ Ok(layout) => layout,
+ Err(..) => break binding_model::CreateBindGroupError::InvalidLayout,
+ };
+ if bind_group_layout.device.as_info().id() != device.as_info().id() {
+ break DeviceError::WrongDevice.into();
+ }
+ let bind_group = match device.create_bind_group(&bind_group_layout, desc, hub) {
+ Ok(bind_group) => bind_group,
+ Err(e) => break e,
+ };
+ let (id, resource) = fid.assign(bind_group);
+ let weak_ref = Arc::downgrade(&resource);
+ for range in &resource.used_texture_ranges {
+ range.texture.bind_groups.lock().push(weak_ref.clone());
+ }
+ for range in &resource.used_buffer_ranges {
+ range.buffer.bind_groups.lock().push(weak_ref.clone());
+ }
+ api_log!("Device::create_bind_group -> {id:?}");
+ device
+ .trackers
+ .lock()
+ .bind_groups
+ .insert_single(id, resource);
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn bind_group_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::BindGroupId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).bind_groups.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn bind_group_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, bind_group_id: id::BindGroupId) {
+ profiling::scope!("BindGroup::drop");
+ api_log!("BindGroup::drop {bind_group_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(bind_group) = hub.bind_groups.unregister(bind_group_id) {
+ bind_group
+ .device
+ .lock_life()
+ .suspected_resources
+ .bind_groups
+ .insert(bind_group_id, bind_group.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_shader_module<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &pipeline::ShaderModuleDescriptor,
+ source: pipeline::ShaderModuleSource,
+ id_in: Option<id::ShaderModuleId>,
+ ) -> (
+ id::ShaderModuleId,
+ Option<pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError>,
+ ) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_shader_module");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.shader_modules.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ let data = match source {
+ #[cfg(feature = "wgsl")]
+ pipeline::ShaderModuleSource::Wgsl(ref code) => {
+ trace.make_binary("wgsl", code.as_bytes())
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "glsl")]
+ pipeline::ShaderModuleSource::Glsl(ref code, _) => {
+ trace.make_binary("glsl", code.as_bytes())
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "spirv")]
+ pipeline::ShaderModuleSource::SpirV(ref code, _) => {
+ trace.make_binary("spirv", bytemuck::cast_slice::<u32, u8>(code))
+ }
+ pipeline::ShaderModuleSource::Naga(ref module) => {
+ let string =
+ ron::ser::to_string_pretty(module, ron::ser::PrettyConfig::default())
+ .unwrap();
+ trace.make_binary("ron", string.as_bytes())
+ }
+ pipeline::ShaderModuleSource::Dummy(_) => {
+ panic!("found `ShaderModuleSource::Dummy`")
+ }
+ };
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateShaderModule {
+ id:,
+ desc: desc.clone(),
+ data,
+ });
+ };
+ let shader = match device.create_shader_module(desc, source) {
+ Ok(shader) => shader,
+ Err(e) => break e,
+ };
+ let (id, _) = fid.assign(shader);
+ api_log!("Device::create_shader_module -> {id:?}");
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ log::error!("Device::create_shader_module error: {error}");
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ // Unsafe-ness of internal calls has little to do with unsafe-ness of this.
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// This function passes SPIR-V binary to the backend as-is and can potentially result in a
+ /// driver crash.
+ pub unsafe fn device_create_shader_module_spirv<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &pipeline::ShaderModuleDescriptor,
+ source: Cow<[u32]>,
+ id_in: Option<id::ShaderModuleId>,
+ ) -> (
+ id::ShaderModuleId,
+ Option<pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError>,
+ ) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_shader_module");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.shader_modules.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ let data = trace.make_binary("spv", unsafe {
+ std::slice::from_raw_parts(source.as_ptr() as *const u8, source.len() * 4)
+ });
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateShaderModule {
+ id:,
+ desc: desc.clone(),
+ data,
+ });
+ };
+ let shader = match unsafe { device.create_shader_module_spirv(desc, &source) } {
+ Ok(shader) => shader,
+ Err(e) => break e,
+ };
+ let (id, _) = fid.assign(shader);
+ api_log!("Device::create_shader_module_spirv -> {id:?}");
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ log::error!("Device::create_shader_module_spirv error: {error}");
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn shader_module_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::ShaderModuleId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).shader_modules.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn shader_module_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, shader_module_id: id::ShaderModuleId) {
+ profiling::scope!("ShaderModule::drop");
+ api_log!("ShaderModule::drop {shader_module_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ hub.shader_modules.unregister(shader_module_id);
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_command_encoder<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &wgt::CommandEncoderDescriptor<Label>,
+ id_in: Option<id::CommandEncoderId>,
+ ) -> (id::CommandEncoderId, Option<DeviceError>) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_command_encoder");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.command_buffers.prepare(|id| id.transmute()));
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid,
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost;
+ }
+ let queue = match hub.queues.get( {
+ Ok(queue) => queue,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::InvalidQueueId,
+ };
+ let encoder = match device
+ .command_allocator
+ .lock()
+ .as_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .acquire_encoder(device.raw(), queue.raw.as_ref().unwrap())
+ {
+ Ok(raw) => raw,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::OutOfMemory,
+ };
+ let command_buffer = command::CommandBuffer::new(
+ encoder,
+ &device,
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ device.trace.lock().is_some(),
+ desc.label
+ .to_hal(device.instance_flags)
+ .map(|s| s.to_string()),
+ );
+ let (id, _) = fid.assign(command_buffer);
+ api_log!("Device::create_command_encoder -> {id:?}");
+ return (id.transmute(), None);
+ };
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id.transmute(), Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn command_buffer_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::CommandBufferId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).command_buffers.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn command_encoder_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, command_encoder_id: id::CommandEncoderId) {
+ profiling::scope!("CommandEncoder::drop");
+ api_log!("CommandEncoder::drop {command_encoder_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(cmd_buf) = hub
+ .command_buffers
+ .unregister(command_encoder_id.transmute())
+ {
+ cmd_buf
+ .device
+ .untrack(&;
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn command_buffer_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, command_buffer_id: id::CommandBufferId) {
+ profiling::scope!("CommandBuffer::drop");
+ api_log!("CommandBuffer::drop {command_buffer_id:?}");
+ self.command_encoder_drop::<A>(command_buffer_id.transmute())
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_render_bundle_encoder(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &command::RenderBundleEncoderDescriptor,
+ ) -> (
+ *mut command::RenderBundleEncoder,
+ Option<command::CreateRenderBundleError>,
+ ) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_render_bundle_encoder");
+ api_log!("Device::device_create_render_bundle_encoder");
+ let (encoder, error) = match command::RenderBundleEncoder::new(desc, device_id, None) {
+ Ok(encoder) => (encoder, None),
+ Err(e) => (command::RenderBundleEncoder::dummy(device_id), Some(e)),
+ };
+ (Box::into_raw(Box::new(encoder)), error)
+ }
+ pub fn render_bundle_encoder_finish<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ bundle_encoder: command::RenderBundleEncoder,
+ desc: &command::RenderBundleDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::RenderBundleId>,
+ ) -> (id::RenderBundleId, Option<command::RenderBundleError>) {
+ profiling::scope!("RenderBundleEncoder::finish");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.render_bundles.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(bundle_encoder.parent()) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break command::RenderBundleError::INVALID_DEVICE,
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break command::RenderBundleError::INVALID_DEVICE;
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateRenderBundle {
+ id:,
+ desc: trace::new_render_bundle_encoder_descriptor(
+ desc.label.clone(),
+ &bundle_encoder.context,
+ bundle_encoder.is_depth_read_only,
+ bundle_encoder.is_stencil_read_only,
+ ),
+ base: bundle_encoder.to_base_pass(),
+ });
+ }
+ let render_bundle = match bundle_encoder.finish(desc, &device, hub) {
+ Ok(bundle) => bundle,
+ Err(e) => break e,
+ };
+ let (id, resource) = fid.assign(render_bundle);
+ api_log!("RenderBundleEncoder::finish -> {id:?}");
+ device.trackers.lock().bundles.insert_single(id, resource);
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn render_bundle_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::RenderBundleId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).render_bundles.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn render_bundle_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, render_bundle_id: id::RenderBundleId) {
+ profiling::scope!("RenderBundle::drop");
+ api_log!("RenderBundle::drop {render_bundle_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(bundle) = hub.render_bundles.unregister(render_bundle_id) {
+ bundle
+ .device
+ .lock_life()
+ .suspected_resources
+ .render_bundles
+ .insert(render_bundle_id, bundle.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_query_set<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &resource::QuerySetDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::QuerySetId>,
+ ) -> (id::QuerySetId, Option<resource::CreateQuerySetError>) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_query_set");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.query_sets.prepare(id_in);
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateQuerySet {
+ id:,
+ desc: desc.clone(),
+ });
+ }
+ let query_set = match device.create_query_set(desc) {
+ Ok(query_set) => query_set,
+ Err(err) => break err,
+ };
+ let (id, resource) = fid.assign(query_set);
+ api_log!("Device::create_query_set -> {id:?}");
+ device
+ .trackers
+ .lock()
+ .query_sets
+ .insert_single(id, resource);
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ let id = fid.assign_error("");
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn query_set_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, query_set_id: id::QuerySetId) {
+ profiling::scope!("QuerySet::drop");
+ api_log!("QuerySet::drop {query_set_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(query_set) = hub.query_sets.unregister(query_set_id) {
+ let device = &query_set.device;
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::DestroyQuerySet(query_set_id));
+ }
+ device
+ .lock_life()
+ .suspected_resources
+ .query_sets
+ .insert(query_set_id, query_set.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn query_set_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::QuerySetId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).query_sets.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_render_pipeline<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &pipeline::RenderPipelineDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::RenderPipelineId>,
+ implicit_pipeline_ids: Option<ImplicitPipelineIds<'_>>,
+ ) -> (
+ id::RenderPipelineId,
+ Option<pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError>,
+ ) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_render_pipeline");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.render_pipelines.prepare(id_in);
+ let implicit_context =|ipi| ipi.prepare(hub));
+ let implicit_error_context = implicit_context.clone();
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateRenderPipeline {
+ id:,
+ desc: desc.clone(),
+ implicit_context: implicit_context.clone(),
+ });
+ }
+ let pipeline =
+ match device.create_render_pipeline(&device.adapter, desc, implicit_context, hub) {
+ Ok(pair) => pair,
+ Err(e) => break e,
+ };
+ let (id, resource) = fid.assign(pipeline);
+ api_log!("Device::create_render_pipeline -> {id:?}");
+ device
+ .trackers
+ .lock()
+ .render_pipelines
+ .insert_single(id, resource);
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ // We also need to assign errors to the implicit pipeline layout and the
+ // implicit bind group layout. We have to remove any existing entries first.
+ let mut pipeline_layout_guard = hub.pipeline_layouts.write();
+ let mut bgl_guard = hub.bind_group_layouts.write();
+ if let Some(ref ids) = implicit_error_context {
+ if pipeline_layout_guard.contains(ids.root_id) {
+ pipeline_layout_guard.remove(ids.root_id);
+ }
+ pipeline_layout_guard.insert_error(ids.root_id, IMPLICIT_BIND_GROUP_LAYOUT_ERROR_LABEL);
+ for &bgl_id in ids.group_ids.iter() {
+ if bgl_guard.contains(bgl_id) {
+ bgl_guard.remove(bgl_id);
+ }
+ bgl_guard.insert_error(bgl_id, IMPLICIT_BIND_GROUP_LAYOUT_ERROR_LABEL);
+ }
+ }
+ log::error!("Device::create_render_pipeline error: {error}");
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ /// Get an ID of one of the bind group layouts. The ID adds a refcount,
+ /// which needs to be released by calling `bind_group_layout_drop`.
+ pub fn render_pipeline_get_bind_group_layout<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ pipeline_id: id::RenderPipelineId,
+ index: u32,
+ id_in: Option<id::BindGroupLayoutId>,
+ ) -> (
+ id::BindGroupLayoutId,
+ Option<binding_model::GetBindGroupLayoutError>,
+ ) {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let error = loop {
+ let pipeline = match hub.render_pipelines.get(pipeline_id) {
+ Ok(pipeline) => pipeline,
+ Err(_) => break binding_model::GetBindGroupLayoutError::InvalidPipeline,
+ };
+ let id = match pipeline.layout.bind_group_layouts.get(index as usize) {
+ Some(bg) => hub.bind_group_layouts.prepare(id_in).assign_existing(bg),
+ None => break binding_model::GetBindGroupLayoutError::InvalidGroupIndex(index),
+ };
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ let id = hub
+ .bind_group_layouts
+ .prepare(id_in)
+ .assign_error("<derived>");
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn render_pipeline_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::RenderPipelineId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).render_pipelines.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn render_pipeline_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, render_pipeline_id: id::RenderPipelineId) {
+ profiling::scope!("RenderPipeline::drop");
+ api_log!("RenderPipeline::drop {render_pipeline_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(pipeline) = hub.render_pipelines.unregister(render_pipeline_id) {
+ let layout_id = pipeline.layout.as_info().id();
+ let device = &pipeline.device;
+ let mut life_lock = device.lock_life();
+ life_lock
+ .suspected_resources
+ .render_pipelines
+ .insert(render_pipeline_id, pipeline.clone());
+ life_lock
+ .suspected_resources
+ .pipeline_layouts
+ .insert(layout_id, pipeline.layout.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_create_compute_pipeline<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ desc: &pipeline::ComputePipelineDescriptor,
+ id_in: Option<id::ComputePipelineId>,
+ implicit_pipeline_ids: Option<ImplicitPipelineIds<'_>>,
+ ) -> (
+ id::ComputePipelineId,
+ Option<pipeline::CreateComputePipelineError>,
+ ) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::create_compute_pipeline");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let fid = hub.compute_pipelines.prepare(id_in);
+ let implicit_context =|ipi| ipi.prepare(hub));
+ let implicit_error_context = implicit_context.clone();
+ let error = loop {
+ let device = match hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::CreateComputePipeline {
+ id:,
+ desc: desc.clone(),
+ implicit_context: implicit_context.clone(),
+ });
+ }
+ let pipeline = match device.create_compute_pipeline(desc, implicit_context, hub) {
+ Ok(pair) => pair,
+ Err(e) => break e,
+ };
+ let (id, resource) = fid.assign(pipeline);
+ api_log!("Device::create_compute_pipeline -> {id:?}");
+ device
+ .trackers
+ .lock()
+ .compute_pipelines
+ .insert_single(id, resource);
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ let id = fid.assign_error(desc.label.borrow_or_default());
+ // We also need to assign errors to the implicit pipeline layout and the
+ // implicit bind group layout. We have to remove any existing entries first.
+ let mut pipeline_layout_guard = hub.pipeline_layouts.write();
+ let mut bgl_guard = hub.bind_group_layouts.write();
+ if let Some(ref ids) = implicit_error_context {
+ if pipeline_layout_guard.contains(ids.root_id) {
+ pipeline_layout_guard.remove(ids.root_id);
+ }
+ pipeline_layout_guard.insert_error(ids.root_id, IMPLICIT_BIND_GROUP_LAYOUT_ERROR_LABEL);
+ for &bgl_id in ids.group_ids.iter() {
+ if bgl_guard.contains(bgl_id) {
+ bgl_guard.remove(bgl_id);
+ }
+ bgl_guard.insert_error(bgl_id, IMPLICIT_BIND_GROUP_LAYOUT_ERROR_LABEL);
+ }
+ }
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ /// Get an ID of one of the bind group layouts. The ID adds a refcount,
+ /// which needs to be released by calling `bind_group_layout_drop`.
+ pub fn compute_pipeline_get_bind_group_layout<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ pipeline_id: id::ComputePipelineId,
+ index: u32,
+ id_in: Option<id::BindGroupLayoutId>,
+ ) -> (
+ id::BindGroupLayoutId,
+ Option<binding_model::GetBindGroupLayoutError>,
+ ) {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let error = loop {
+ let pipeline = match hub.compute_pipelines.get(pipeline_id) {
+ Ok(pipeline) => pipeline,
+ Err(_) => break binding_model::GetBindGroupLayoutError::InvalidPipeline,
+ };
+ let id = match pipeline.layout.bind_group_layouts.get(index as usize) {
+ Some(bg) => hub.bind_group_layouts.prepare(id_in).assign_existing(bg),
+ None => break binding_model::GetBindGroupLayoutError::InvalidGroupIndex(index),
+ };
+ return (id, None);
+ };
+ let id = hub
+ .bind_group_layouts
+ .prepare(id_in)
+ .assign_error("<derived>");
+ (id, Some(error))
+ }
+ pub fn compute_pipeline_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: id::ComputePipelineId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).compute_pipelines.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn compute_pipeline_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, compute_pipeline_id: id::ComputePipelineId) {
+ profiling::scope!("ComputePipeline::drop");
+ api_log!("ComputePipeline::drop {compute_pipeline_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(pipeline) = hub.compute_pipelines.unregister(compute_pipeline_id) {
+ let layout_id = pipeline.layout.as_info().id();
+ let device = &pipeline.device;
+ let mut life_lock = device.lock_life();
+ life_lock
+ .suspected_resources
+ .compute_pipelines
+ .insert(compute_pipeline_id, pipeline.clone());
+ life_lock
+ .suspected_resources
+ .pipeline_layouts
+ .insert(layout_id, pipeline.layout.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn surface_configure<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ surface_id: SurfaceId,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ config: &wgt::SurfaceConfiguration<Vec<TextureFormat>>,
+ ) -> Option<present::ConfigureSurfaceError> {
+ use hal::{Adapter as _, Surface as _};
+ use present::ConfigureSurfaceError as E;
+ profiling::scope!("surface_configure");
+ fn validate_surface_configuration(
+ config: &mut hal::SurfaceConfiguration,
+ caps: &hal::SurfaceCapabilities,
+ max_texture_dimension_2d: u32,
+ ) -> Result<(), E> {
+ let width = config.extent.width;
+ let height = config.extent.height;
+ if width > max_texture_dimension_2d || height > max_texture_dimension_2d {
+ return Err(E::TooLarge {
+ width,
+ height,
+ max_texture_dimension_2d,
+ });
+ }
+ if !caps.present_modes.contains(&config.present_mode) {
+ let new_mode = 'b: loop {
+ // Automatic present mode checks.
+ //
+ // The "Automatic" modes are never supported by the backends.
+ let fallbacks = match config.present_mode {
+ wgt::PresentMode::AutoVsync => {
+ &[wgt::PresentMode::FifoRelaxed, wgt::PresentMode::Fifo][..]
+ }
+ // Always end in FIFO to make sure it's always supported
+ wgt::PresentMode::AutoNoVsync => &[
+ wgt::PresentMode::Immediate,
+ wgt::PresentMode::Mailbox,
+ wgt::PresentMode::Fifo,
+ ][..],
+ _ => {
+ return Err(E::UnsupportedPresentMode {
+ requested: config.present_mode,
+ available: caps.present_modes.clone(),
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ for &fallback in fallbacks {
+ if caps.present_modes.contains(&fallback) {
+ break 'b fallback;
+ }
+ }
+ unreachable!("Fallback system failed to choose present mode. This is a bug. Mode: {:?}, Options: {:?}", config.present_mode, &caps.present_modes);
+ };
+ api_log!(
+ "Automatically choosing presentation mode by rule {:?}. Chose {new_mode:?}",
+ config.present_mode
+ );
+ config.present_mode = new_mode;
+ }
+ if !caps.formats.contains(&config.format) {
+ return Err(E::UnsupportedFormat {
+ requested: config.format,
+ available: caps.formats.clone(),
+ });
+ }
+ if !caps
+ .composite_alpha_modes
+ .contains(&config.composite_alpha_mode)
+ {
+ let new_alpha_mode = 'alpha: loop {
+ // Automatic alpha mode checks.
+ let fallbacks = match config.composite_alpha_mode {
+ wgt::CompositeAlphaMode::Auto => &[
+ wgt::CompositeAlphaMode::Opaque,
+ wgt::CompositeAlphaMode::Inherit,
+ ][..],
+ _ => {
+ return Err(E::UnsupportedAlphaMode {
+ requested: config.composite_alpha_mode,
+ available: caps.composite_alpha_modes.clone(),
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ for &fallback in fallbacks {
+ if caps.composite_alpha_modes.contains(&fallback) {
+ break 'alpha fallback;
+ }
+ }
+ unreachable!(
+ "Fallback system failed to choose alpha mode. This is a bug. \
+ AlphaMode: {:?}, Options: {:?}",
+ config.composite_alpha_mode, &caps.composite_alpha_modes
+ );
+ };
+ api_log!(
+ "Automatically choosing alpha mode by rule {:?}. Chose {new_alpha_mode:?}",
+ config.composite_alpha_mode
+ );
+ config.composite_alpha_mode = new_alpha_mode;
+ }
+ if !caps.usage.contains(config.usage) {
+ return Err(E::UnsupportedUsage);
+ }
+ if width == 0 || height == 0 {
+ return Err(E::ZeroArea);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ log::debug!("configuring surface with {:?}", config);
+ let error = 'outer: loop {
+ // User callbacks must not be called while we are holding locks.
+ let user_callbacks;
+ {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let surface_guard =;
+ let device_guard =;
+ let device = match device_guard.get(device_id) {
+ Ok(device) => device,
+ Err(_) => break DeviceError::Invalid.into(),
+ };
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ break DeviceError::Lost.into();
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::ConfigureSurface(surface_id, config.clone()));
+ }
+ let surface = match surface_guard.get(surface_id) {
+ Ok(surface) => surface,
+ Err(_) => break E::InvalidSurface,
+ };
+ let caps = unsafe {
+ let suf = A::get_surface(surface);
+ let adapter = &device.adapter;
+ match adapter.raw.adapter.surface_capabilities(suf.unwrap()) {
+ Some(caps) => caps,
+ None => break E::UnsupportedQueueFamily,
+ }
+ };
+ let mut hal_view_formats = vec![];
+ for format in config.view_formats.iter() {
+ if *format == config.format {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if !caps.formats.contains(&config.format) {
+ break 'outer E::UnsupportedFormat {
+ requested: config.format,
+ available: caps.formats,
+ };
+ }
+ if config.format.remove_srgb_suffix() != format.remove_srgb_suffix() {
+ break 'outer E::InvalidViewFormat(*format, config.format);
+ }
+ hal_view_formats.push(*format);
+ }
+ if !hal_view_formats.is_empty() {
+ if let Err(missing_flag) =
+ device.require_downlevel_flags(wgt::DownlevelFlags::SURFACE_VIEW_FORMATS)
+ {
+ break 'outer E::MissingDownlevelFlags(missing_flag);
+ }
+ }
+ let maximum_frame_latency = config.desired_maximum_frame_latency.clamp(
+ *caps.maximum_frame_latency.start(),
+ *caps.maximum_frame_latency.end(),
+ );
+ let mut hal_config = hal::SurfaceConfiguration {
+ maximum_frame_latency,
+ present_mode: config.present_mode,
+ composite_alpha_mode: config.alpha_mode,
+ format: config.format,
+ extent: wgt::Extent3d {
+ width: config.width,
+ height: config.height,
+ depth_or_array_layers: 1,
+ },
+ usage: conv::map_texture_usage(config.usage, hal::FormatAspects::COLOR),
+ view_formats: hal_view_formats,
+ };
+ if let Err(error) = validate_surface_configuration(
+ &mut hal_config,
+ &caps,
+ device.limits.max_texture_dimension_2d,
+ ) {
+ break error;
+ }
+ // Wait for all work to finish before configuring the surface.
+ let fence =;
+ let fence = fence.as_ref().unwrap();
+ match device.maintain(fence, wgt::Maintain::Wait) {
+ Ok((closures, _)) => {
+ user_callbacks = closures;
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ break e.into();
+ }
+ }
+ // All textures must be destroyed before the surface can be re-configured.
+ if let Some(present) = surface.presentation.lock().take() {
+ if present.acquired_texture.is_some() {
+ break E::PreviousOutputExists;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Texture views may still be alive that point to the texture.
+ // this will allow the user to render to the surface texture, long after
+ // it has been removed.
+ //
+ //
+ match unsafe {
+ A::get_surface(surface)
+ .unwrap()
+ .configure(device.raw(), &hal_config)
+ } {
+ Ok(()) => (),
+ Err(error) => {
+ break match error {
+ hal::SurfaceError::Outdated | hal::SurfaceError::Lost => {
+ E::InvalidSurface
+ }
+ hal::SurfaceError::Device(error) => E::Device(error.into()),
+ hal::SurfaceError::Other(message) => {
+ log::error!("surface configuration failed: {}", message);
+ E::InvalidSurface
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut presentation = surface.presentation.lock();
+ *presentation = Some(present::Presentation {
+ device: super::any_device::AnyDevice::new(device.clone()),
+ config: config.clone(),
+ acquired_texture: None,
+ });
+ }
+ return None;
+ };
+ Some(error)
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "replay")]
+ /// Only triangle suspected resource IDs. This helps us to avoid ID collisions
+ /// upon creating new resources when re-playing a trace.
+ pub fn device_maintain_ids<A: HalApi>(&self, device_id: DeviceId) -> Result<(), InvalidDevice> {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let device = hub.devices.get(device_id).map_err(|_| InvalidDevice)?;
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ return Err(InvalidDevice);
+ }
+ device.lock_life().triage_suspected(&device.trackers);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Check `device_id` for freeable resources and completed buffer mappings.
+ ///
+ /// Return `queue_empty` indicating whether there are more queue submissions still in flight.
+ pub fn device_poll<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ maintain: wgt::Maintain<queue::WrappedSubmissionIndex>,
+ ) -> Result<bool, WaitIdleError> {
+ api_log!("Device::poll");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let device = hub
+ .devices
+ .get(device_id)
+ .map_err(|_| DeviceError::Invalid)?;
+ let (closures, queue_empty) = {
+ if let wgt::Maintain::WaitForSubmissionIndex(submission_index) = maintain {
+ if submission_index.queue_id != device_id.transmute() {
+ return Err(WaitIdleError::WrongSubmissionIndex(
+ submission_index.queue_id,
+ device_id,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ let fence =;
+ let fence = fence.as_ref().unwrap();
+ device.maintain(fence, maintain)?
+ };
+ // Some deferred destroys are scheduled in maintain so run this right after
+ // to avoid holding on to them until the next device poll.
+ device.deferred_resource_destruction();
+ Ok(queue_empty)
+ }
+ /// Poll all devices belonging to the backend `A`.
+ ///
+ /// If `force_wait` is true, block until all buffer mappings are done.
+ ///
+ /// Return `all_queue_empty` indicating whether there are more queue
+ /// submissions still in flight.
+ fn poll_device<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ force_wait: bool,
+ closures: &mut UserClosures,
+ ) -> Result<bool, WaitIdleError> {
+ profiling::scope!("poll_device");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let mut all_queue_empty = true;
+ {
+ let device_guard =;
+ for (_id, device) in device_guard.iter(A::VARIANT) {
+ let maintain = if force_wait {
+ wgt::Maintain::Wait
+ } else {
+ wgt::Maintain::Poll
+ };
+ let fence =;
+ let fence = fence.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let (cbs, queue_empty) = device.maintain(fence, maintain)?;
+ all_queue_empty = all_queue_empty && queue_empty;
+ closures.extend(cbs);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(all_queue_empty)
+ }
+ /// Poll all devices on all backends.
+ ///
+ /// This is the implementation of `wgpu::Instance::poll_all`.
+ ///
+ /// Return `all_queue_empty` indicating whether there are more queue
+ /// submissions still in flight.
+ pub fn poll_all_devices(&self, force_wait: bool) -> Result<bool, WaitIdleError> {
+ api_log!("poll_all_devices");
+ let mut closures = UserClosures::default();
+ let mut all_queue_empty = true;
+ #[cfg(vulkan)]
+ {
+ all_queue_empty =
+ self.poll_device::<hal::api::Vulkan>(force_wait, &mut closures)? && all_queue_empty;
+ }
+ #[cfg(metal)]
+ {
+ all_queue_empty =
+ self.poll_device::<hal::api::Metal>(force_wait, &mut closures)? && all_queue_empty;
+ }
+ #[cfg(dx12)]
+ {
+ all_queue_empty =
+ self.poll_device::<hal::api::Dx12>(force_wait, &mut closures)? && all_queue_empty;
+ }
+ #[cfg(gles)]
+ {
+ all_queue_empty =
+ self.poll_device::<hal::api::Gles>(force_wait, &mut closures)? && all_queue_empty;
+ }
+ Ok(all_queue_empty)
+ }
+ pub fn device_label<A: HalApi>(&self, id: DeviceId) -> String {
+ A::hub(self).devices.label_for_resource(id)
+ }
+ pub fn device_start_capture<A: HalApi>(&self, id: DeviceId) {
+ api_log!("Device::start_capture");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Ok(device) = hub.devices.get(id) {
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ return;
+ }
+ unsafe { device.raw().start_capture() };
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_stop_capture<A: HalApi>(&self, id: DeviceId) {
+ api_log!("Device::stop_capture");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Ok(device) = hub.devices.get(id) {
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ return;
+ }
+ unsafe { device.raw().stop_capture() };
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, device_id: DeviceId) {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::drop");
+ api_log!("Device::drop {device_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(device) = hub.devices.unregister(device_id) {
+ let device_lost_closure = device.lock_life().device_lost_closure.take();
+ if let Some(closure) = device_lost_closure {
+, String::from("Device dropped."));
+ }
+ // The things `Device::prepare_to_die` takes care are mostly
+ // unnecessary here. We know our queue is empty, so we don't
+ // need to wait for submissions or triage them. We know we were
+ // just polled, so `life_tracker.free_resources` is empty.
+ debug_assert!(device.lock_life().queue_empty());
+ {
+ let mut pending_writes = device.pending_writes.lock();
+ let pending_writes = pending_writes.as_mut().unwrap();
+ pending_writes.deactivate();
+ }
+ drop(device);
+ }
+ }
+ // This closure will be called exactly once during "lose the device",
+ // or when it is replaced.
+ pub fn device_set_device_lost_closure<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device_id: DeviceId,
+ device_lost_closure: DeviceLostClosure,
+ ) {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Ok(device) = hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ let mut life_tracker = device.lock_life();
+ if let Some(existing_closure) = life_tracker.device_lost_closure.take() {
+ // It's important to not hold the lock while calling the closure.
+ drop(life_tracker);
+, "".to_string());
+ life_tracker = device.lock_life();
+ }
+ life_tracker.device_lost_closure = Some(device_lost_closure);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_destroy<A: HalApi>(&self, device_id: DeviceId) {
+ api_log!("Device::destroy {device_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Ok(device) = hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ // Follow the steps at
+ //
+ // It's legal to call destroy multiple times, but if the device
+ // is already invalid, there's nothing more to do. There's also
+ // no need to return an error.
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ return;
+ }
+ // The last part of destroy is to lose the device. The spec says
+ // delay that until all "currently-enqueued operations on any
+ // queue on this device are completed." This is accomplished by
+ // setting valid to false, and then relying upon maintain to
+ // check for empty queues and a DeviceLostClosure. At that time,
+ // the DeviceLostClosure will be called with "destroyed" as the
+ // reason.
+, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_mark_lost<A: HalApi>(&self, device_id: DeviceId, message: &str) {
+ api_log!("Device::mark_lost {device_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Ok(device) = hub.devices.get(device_id) {
+ device.lose(message);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn queue_drop<A: HalApi>(&self, queue_id: QueueId) {
+ profiling::scope!("Queue::drop");
+ api_log!("Queue::drop {queue_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ if let Some(queue) = hub.queues.unregister(queue_id) {
+ drop(queue);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn buffer_map_async<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ range: Range<BufferAddress>,
+ op: BufferMapOperation,
+ ) -> BufferAccessResult {
+ api_log!("Buffer::map_async {buffer_id:?} range {range:?} op: {op:?}");
+ // User callbacks must not be called while holding buffer_map_async_inner's locks, so we
+ // defer the error callback if it needs to be called immediately (typically when running
+ // into errors).
+ if let Err((mut operation, err)) = self.buffer_map_async_inner::<A>(buffer_id, range, op) {
+ if let Some(callback) = operation.callback.take() {
+ }
+ log::error!("Buffer::map_async error: {err}");
+ return Err(err);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // Returns the mapping callback in case of error so that the callback can be fired outside
+ // of the locks that are held in this function.
+ fn buffer_map_async_inner<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ range: Range<BufferAddress>,
+ op: BufferMapOperation,
+ ) -> Result<(), (BufferMapOperation, BufferAccessError)> {
+ profiling::scope!("Buffer::map_async");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let (pub_usage, internal_use) = match {
+ HostMap::Read => (wgt::BufferUsages::MAP_READ, hal::BufferUses::MAP_READ),
+ HostMap::Write => (wgt::BufferUsages::MAP_WRITE, hal::BufferUses::MAP_WRITE),
+ };
+ if range.start % wgt::MAP_ALIGNMENT != 0 || range.end % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT != 0 {
+ return Err((op, BufferAccessError::UnalignedRange));
+ }
+ let buffer = {
+ let buffer = hub
+ .buffers
+ .get(buffer_id)
+ .map_err(|_| BufferAccessError::Invalid);
+ let buffer = match buffer {
+ Ok(b) => b,
+ Err(e) => {
+ return Err((op, e));
+ }
+ };
+ let device = &buffer.device;
+ if !device.is_valid() {
+ return Err((op, DeviceError::Lost.into()));
+ }
+ if let Err(e) = check_buffer_usage(buffer.usage, pub_usage) {
+ return Err((op, e.into()));
+ }
+ if range.start > range.end {
+ return Err((
+ op,
+ BufferAccessError::NegativeRange {
+ start: range.start,
+ end: range.end,
+ },
+ ));
+ }
+ if range.end > buffer.size {
+ return Err((
+ op,
+ BufferAccessError::OutOfBoundsOverrun {
+ index: range.end,
+ max: buffer.size,
+ },
+ ));
+ }
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ if buffer.is_destroyed(&snatch_guard) {
+ return Err((op, BufferAccessError::Destroyed));
+ }
+ {
+ let map_state = &mut *buffer.map_state.lock();
+ *map_state = match *map_state {
+ resource::BufferMapState::Init { .. }
+ | resource::BufferMapState::Active { .. } => {
+ return Err((op, BufferAccessError::AlreadyMapped));
+ }
+ resource::BufferMapState::Waiting(_) => {
+ return Err((op, BufferAccessError::MapAlreadyPending));
+ }
+ resource::BufferMapState::Idle => {
+ resource::BufferMapState::Waiting(resource::BufferPendingMapping {
+ range,
+ op,
+ _parent_buffer: buffer.clone(),
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ {
+ let mut trackers = buffer.device.as_ref().trackers.lock();
+ trackers.buffers.set_single(&buffer, internal_use);
+ //TODO: Check if draining ALL buffers is correct!
+ let _ = trackers.buffers.drain_transitions(&snatch_guard);
+ }
+ drop(snatch_guard);
+ buffer
+ };
+ buffer.device.lock_life().map(&buffer);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn buffer_get_mapped_range<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ offset: BufferAddress,
+ size: Option<BufferAddress>,
+ ) -> Result<(*mut u8, u64), BufferAccessError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Buffer::get_mapped_range");
+ api_log!("Buffer::get_mapped_range {buffer_id:?} offset {offset:?} size {size:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let buffer = hub
+ .buffers
+ .get(buffer_id)
+ .map_err(|_| BufferAccessError::Invalid)?;
+ {
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ if buffer.is_destroyed(&snatch_guard) {
+ return Err(BufferAccessError::Destroyed);
+ }
+ }
+ let range_size = if let Some(size) = size {
+ size
+ } else if offset > buffer.size {
+ 0
+ } else {
+ buffer.size - offset
+ };
+ if offset % wgt::MAP_ALIGNMENT != 0 {
+ return Err(BufferAccessError::UnalignedOffset { offset });
+ }
+ if range_size % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT != 0 {
+ return Err(BufferAccessError::UnalignedRangeSize { range_size });
+ }
+ let map_state = &*buffer.map_state.lock();
+ match *map_state {
+ resource::BufferMapState::Init { ref ptr, .. } => {
+ // offset (u64) can not be < 0, so no need to validate the lower bound
+ if offset + range_size > buffer.size {
+ return Err(BufferAccessError::OutOfBoundsOverrun {
+ index: offset + range_size - 1,
+ max: buffer.size,
+ });
+ }
+ unsafe { Ok((ptr.as_ptr().offset(offset as isize), range_size)) }
+ }
+ resource::BufferMapState::Active {
+ ref ptr, ref range, ..
+ } => {
+ if offset < range.start {
+ return Err(BufferAccessError::OutOfBoundsUnderrun {
+ index: offset,
+ min: range.start,
+ });
+ }
+ if offset + range_size > range.end {
+ return Err(BufferAccessError::OutOfBoundsOverrun {
+ index: offset + range_size - 1,
+ max: range.end,
+ });
+ }
+ // ptr points to the beginning of the range we mapped in map_async
+ // rather than the beginning of the buffer.
+ let relative_offset = (offset - range.start) as isize;
+ unsafe { Ok((ptr.as_ptr().offset(relative_offset), range_size)) }
+ }
+ resource::BufferMapState::Idle | resource::BufferMapState::Waiting(_) => {
+ Err(BufferAccessError::NotMapped)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn buffer_unmap<A: HalApi>(&self, buffer_id: id::BufferId) -> BufferAccessResult {
+ profiling::scope!("unmap", "Buffer");
+ api_log!("Buffer::unmap {buffer_id:?}");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let buffer = hub
+ .buffers
+ .get(buffer_id)
+ .map_err(|_| BufferAccessError::Invalid)?;
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ if buffer.is_destroyed(&snatch_guard) {
+ return Err(BufferAccessError::Destroyed);
+ }
+ drop(snatch_guard);
+ if !buffer.device.is_valid() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::Lost.into());
+ }
+ buffer.unmap()
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86c5d027c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
@@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
+use crate::{
+ binding_model::{BindGroup, BindGroupLayout, PipelineLayout},
+ command::RenderBundle,
+ device::{
+ queue::{EncoderInFlight, SubmittedWorkDoneClosure, TempResource},
+ DeviceError, DeviceLostClosure,
+ },
+ hal_api::HalApi,
+ id::{
+ self, BindGroupId, BindGroupLayoutId, BufferId, ComputePipelineId, Id, PipelineLayoutId,
+ QuerySetId, RenderBundleId, RenderPipelineId, SamplerId, StagingBufferId, TextureId,
+ TextureViewId,
+ },
+ pipeline::{ComputePipeline, RenderPipeline},
+ resource::{
+ self, Buffer, DestroyedBuffer, DestroyedTexture, QuerySet, Resource, Sampler,
+ StagingBuffer, Texture, TextureView,
+ },
+ track::{ResourceTracker, Tracker},
+ FastHashMap, SubmissionIndex,
+use smallvec::SmallVec;
+use parking_lot::Mutex;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use thiserror::Error;
+/// A struct that keeps lists of resources that are no longer needed by the user.
+pub(crate) struct ResourceMaps<A: HalApi> {
+ pub buffers: FastHashMap<BufferId, Arc<Buffer<A>>>,
+ pub staging_buffers: FastHashMap<StagingBufferId, Arc<StagingBuffer<A>>>,
+ pub textures: FastHashMap<TextureId, Arc<Texture<A>>>,
+ pub texture_views: FastHashMap<TextureViewId, Arc<TextureView<A>>>,
+ pub samplers: FastHashMap<SamplerId, Arc<Sampler<A>>>,
+ pub bind_groups: FastHashMap<BindGroupId, Arc<BindGroup<A>>>,
+ pub bind_group_layouts: FastHashMap<BindGroupLayoutId, Arc<BindGroupLayout<A>>>,
+ pub render_pipelines: FastHashMap<RenderPipelineId, Arc<RenderPipeline<A>>>,
+ pub compute_pipelines: FastHashMap<ComputePipelineId, Arc<ComputePipeline<A>>>,
+ pub pipeline_layouts: FastHashMap<PipelineLayoutId, Arc<PipelineLayout<A>>>,
+ pub render_bundles: FastHashMap<RenderBundleId, Arc<RenderBundle<A>>>,
+ pub query_sets: FastHashMap<QuerySetId, Arc<QuerySet<A>>>,
+ pub destroyed_buffers: FastHashMap<BufferId, Arc<DestroyedBuffer<A>>>,
+ pub destroyed_textures: FastHashMap<TextureId, Arc<DestroyedTexture<A>>>,
+impl<A: HalApi> ResourceMaps<A> {
+ pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
+ ResourceMaps {
+ buffers: FastHashMap::default(),
+ staging_buffers: FastHashMap::default(),
+ textures: FastHashMap::default(),
+ texture_views: FastHashMap::default(),
+ samplers: FastHashMap::default(),
+ bind_groups: FastHashMap::default(),
+ bind_group_layouts: FastHashMap::default(),
+ render_pipelines: FastHashMap::default(),
+ compute_pipelines: FastHashMap::default(),
+ pipeline_layouts: FastHashMap::default(),
+ render_bundles: FastHashMap::default(),
+ query_sets: FastHashMap::default(),
+ destroyed_buffers: FastHashMap::default(),
+ destroyed_textures: FastHashMap::default(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn clear(&mut self) {
+ let ResourceMaps {
+ buffers,
+ staging_buffers,
+ textures,
+ texture_views,
+ samplers,
+ bind_groups,
+ bind_group_layouts,
+ render_pipelines,
+ compute_pipelines,
+ pipeline_layouts,
+ render_bundles,
+ query_sets,
+ destroyed_buffers,
+ destroyed_textures,
+ } = self;
+ buffers.clear();
+ staging_buffers.clear();
+ textures.clear();
+ texture_views.clear();
+ samplers.clear();
+ bind_groups.clear();
+ bind_group_layouts.clear();
+ render_pipelines.clear();
+ compute_pipelines.clear();
+ pipeline_layouts.clear();
+ render_bundles.clear();
+ query_sets.clear();
+ destroyed_buffers.clear();
+ destroyed_textures.clear();
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn extend(&mut self, mut other: Self) {
+ let ResourceMaps {
+ buffers,
+ staging_buffers,
+ textures,
+ texture_views,
+ samplers,
+ bind_groups,
+ bind_group_layouts,
+ render_pipelines,
+ compute_pipelines,
+ pipeline_layouts,
+ render_bundles,
+ query_sets,
+ destroyed_buffers,
+ destroyed_textures,
+ } = self;
+ buffers.extend(other.buffers.drain());
+ staging_buffers.extend(other.staging_buffers.drain());
+ textures.extend(other.textures.drain());
+ texture_views.extend(other.texture_views.drain());
+ samplers.extend(other.samplers.drain());
+ bind_groups.extend(other.bind_groups.drain());
+ bind_group_layouts.extend(other.bind_group_layouts.drain());
+ render_pipelines.extend(other.render_pipelines.drain());
+ compute_pipelines.extend(other.compute_pipelines.drain());
+ pipeline_layouts.extend(other.pipeline_layouts.drain());
+ render_bundles.extend(other.render_bundles.drain());
+ query_sets.extend(other.query_sets.drain());
+ destroyed_buffers.extend(other.destroyed_buffers.drain());
+ destroyed_textures.extend(other.destroyed_textures.drain());
+ }
+/// Resources used by a queue submission, and work to be done once it completes.
+struct ActiveSubmission<A: HalApi> {
+ /// The index of the submission we track.
+ ///
+ /// When `Device::fence`'s value is greater than or equal to this, our queue
+ /// submission has completed.
+ index: SubmissionIndex,
+ /// Resources to be freed once this queue submission has completed.
+ ///
+ /// When the device is polled, for completed submissions,
+ /// `triage_submissions` removes resources that don't need to be held alive any longer
+ /// from there.
+ ///
+ /// This includes things like temporary resources and resources that are
+ /// used by submitted commands but have been dropped by the user (meaning that
+ /// this submission is their last reference.)
+ last_resources: ResourceMaps<A>,
+ /// Buffers to be mapped once this submission has completed.
+ mapped: Vec<Arc<Buffer<A>>>,
+ encoders: Vec<EncoderInFlight<A>>,
+ /// List of queue "on_submitted_work_done" closures to be called once this
+ /// submission has completed.
+ work_done_closures: SmallVec<[SubmittedWorkDoneClosure; 1]>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+pub enum WaitIdleError {
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ Device(#[from] DeviceError),
+ #[error("Tried to wait using a submission index from the wrong device. Submission index is from device {0:?}. Called poll on device {1:?}.")]
+ WrongSubmissionIndex(id::QueueId, id::DeviceId),
+ #[error("GPU got stuck :(")]
+ StuckGpu,
+/// Resource tracking for a device.
+/// ## Host mapping buffers
+/// A buffer cannot be mapped until all active queue submissions that use it
+/// have completed. To that end:
+/// - Each buffer's `ResourceInfo::submission_index` records the index of the
+/// most recent queue submission that uses that buffer.
+/// - Calling `Global::buffer_map_async` adds the buffer to
+/// `self.mapped`, and changes `Buffer::map_state` to prevent it
+/// from being used in any new submissions.
+/// - When the device is polled, the following `LifetimeTracker` methods decide
+/// what should happen next:
+/// 1) `triage_mapped` drains `self.mapped`, checking the submission index
+/// of each buffer against the queue submissions that have finished
+/// execution. Buffers used by submissions still in flight go in
+/// `[index].mapped`, and the rest go into
+/// `self.ready_to_map`.
+/// 2) `triage_submissions` moves entries in `[i]` for completed
+/// submissions to `self.ready_to_map`. At this point, both
+/// `` and `self.ready_to_map` are up to date with the given
+/// submission index.
+/// 3) `handle_mapping` drains `self.ready_to_map` and actually maps the
+/// buffers, collecting a list of notification closures to call. But any
+/// buffers that were dropped by the user get moved to
+/// `self.free_resources`.
+/// Only calling `Global::buffer_map_async` clones a new `Arc` for the
+/// buffer. This new `Arc` is only dropped by `handle_mapping`.
+pub(crate) struct LifetimeTracker<A: HalApi> {
+ /// Resources that the user has requested be mapped, but which are used by
+ /// queue submissions still in flight.
+ mapped: Vec<Arc<Buffer<A>>>,
+ /// Buffers can be used in a submission that is yet to be made, by the
+ /// means of `write_buffer()`, so we have a special place for them.
+ pub future_suspected_buffers: Vec<Arc<Buffer<A>>>,
+ /// Textures can be used in the upcoming submission by `write_texture`.
+ pub future_suspected_textures: Vec<Arc<Texture<A>>>,
+ /// Resources whose user handle has died (i.e. drop/destroy has been called)
+ /// and will likely be ready for destruction soon.
+ pub suspected_resources: ResourceMaps<A>,
+ /// Resources used by queue submissions still in flight. One entry per
+ /// submission, with older submissions appearing before younger.
+ ///
+ /// Entries are added by `track_submission` and drained by
+ /// `LifetimeTracker::triage_submissions`. Lots of methods contribute data
+ /// to particular entries.
+ active: Vec<ActiveSubmission<A>>,
+ /// Buffers the user has asked us to map, and which are not used by any
+ /// queue submission still in flight.
+ ready_to_map: Vec<Arc<Buffer<A>>>,
+ /// Queue "on_submitted_work_done" closures that were initiated for while there is no
+ /// currently pending submissions. These cannot be immediately invoked as they
+ /// must happen _after_ all mapped buffer callbacks are mapped, so we defer them
+ /// here until the next time the device is maintained.
+ work_done_closures: SmallVec<[SubmittedWorkDoneClosure; 1]>,
+ /// Closure to be called on "lose the device". This is invoked directly by
+ /// device.lose or by the UserCallbacks returned from maintain when the device
+ /// has been destroyed and its queues are empty.
+ pub device_lost_closure: Option<DeviceLostClosure>,
+impl<A: HalApi> LifetimeTracker<A> {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ mapped: Vec::new(),
+ future_suspected_buffers: Vec::new(),
+ future_suspected_textures: Vec::new(),
+ suspected_resources: ResourceMaps::new(),
+ active: Vec::new(),
+ ready_to_map: Vec::new(),
+ work_done_closures: SmallVec::new(),
+ device_lost_closure: None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return true if there are no queue submissions still in flight.
+ pub fn queue_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ }
+ /// Start tracking resources associated with a new queue submission.
+ pub fn track_submission(
+ &mut self,
+ index: SubmissionIndex,
+ temp_resources: impl Iterator<Item = TempResource<A>>,
+ encoders: Vec<EncoderInFlight<A>>,
+ ) {
+ let mut last_resources = ResourceMaps::new();
+ for res in temp_resources {
+ match res {
+ TempResource::Buffer(raw) => {
+ last_resources.buffers.insert(raw.as_info().id(), raw);
+ }
+ TempResource::StagingBuffer(raw) => {
+ last_resources
+ .staging_buffers
+ .insert(raw.as_info().id(), raw);
+ }
+ TempResource::DestroyedBuffer(destroyed) => {
+ last_resources
+ .destroyed_buffers
+ .insert(, destroyed);
+ }
+ TempResource::Texture(raw) => {
+ last_resources.textures.insert(raw.as_info().id(), raw);
+ }
+ TempResource::DestroyedTexture(destroyed) => {
+ last_resources
+ .destroyed_textures
+ .insert(, destroyed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ index,
+ last_resources,
+ mapped: Vec::new(),
+ encoders,
+ work_done_closures: SmallVec::new(),
+ });
+ }
+ pub fn post_submit(&mut self) {
+ for v in self.future_suspected_buffers.drain(..).take(1) {
+ self.suspected_resources.buffers.insert(v.as_info().id(), v);
+ }
+ for v in self.future_suspected_textures.drain(..).take(1) {
+ self.suspected_resources
+ .textures
+ .insert(v.as_info().id(), v);
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn map(&mut self, value: &Arc<Buffer<A>>) {
+ self.mapped.push(value.clone());
+ }
+ /// Sort out the consequences of completed submissions.
+ ///
+ /// Assume that all submissions up through `last_done` have completed.
+ ///
+ /// - Buffers used by those submissions are now ready to map, if
+ /// requested. Add any buffers in the submission's [`mapped`] list to
+ /// [`self.ready_to_map`], where [`LifetimeTracker::handle_mapping`] will find
+ /// them.
+ ///
+ /// - Resources whose final use was in those submissions are now ready to
+ /// free. Add any resources in the submission's [`last_resources`] table
+ /// to [`self.free_resources`], where [`LifetimeTracker::cleanup`] will find
+ /// them.
+ ///
+ /// Return a list of [`SubmittedWorkDoneClosure`]s to run.
+ ///
+ /// [`mapped`]: ActiveSubmission::mapped
+ /// [`self.ready_to_map`]: LifetimeTracker::ready_to_map
+ /// [`last_resources`]: ActiveSubmission::last_resources
+ /// [`self.free_resources`]: LifetimeTracker::free_resources
+ /// [`SubmittedWorkDoneClosure`]: crate::device::queue::SubmittedWorkDoneClosure
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn triage_submissions(
+ &mut self,
+ last_done: SubmissionIndex,
+ command_allocator: &mut super::CommandAllocator<A>,
+ ) -> SmallVec<[SubmittedWorkDoneClosure; 1]> {
+ profiling::scope!("triage_submissions");
+ //TODO: enable when `is_sorted_by_key` is stable
+ //debug_assert!(|a| a.index));
+ let done_count = self
+ .active
+ .iter()
+ .position(|a| a.index > last_done)
+ .unwrap_or(;
+ let mut work_done_closures: SmallVec<_> = self.work_done_closures.drain(..).collect();
+ for a in {
+ log::debug!("Active submission {} is done", a.index);
+ self.ready_to_map.extend(a.mapped);
+ for encoder in a.encoders {
+ let raw = unsafe { };
+ command_allocator.release_encoder(raw);
+ }
+ work_done_closures.extend(a.work_done_closures);
+ }
+ work_done_closures
+ }
+ pub fn schedule_resource_destruction(
+ &mut self,
+ temp_resource: TempResource<A>,
+ last_submit_index: SubmissionIndex,
+ ) {
+ let resources = self
+ .active
+ .iter_mut()
+ .find(|a| a.index == last_submit_index)
+ .map(|a| &mut a.last_resources);
+ if let Some(resources) = resources {
+ match temp_resource {
+ TempResource::Buffer(raw) => {
+ resources.buffers.insert(raw.as_info().id(), raw);
+ }
+ TempResource::StagingBuffer(raw) => {
+ resources.staging_buffers.insert(raw.as_info().id(), raw);
+ }
+ TempResource::DestroyedBuffer(destroyed) => {
+ resources.destroyed_buffers.insert(, destroyed);
+ }
+ TempResource::Texture(raw) => {
+ resources.textures.insert(raw.as_info().id(), raw);
+ }
+ TempResource::DestroyedTexture(destroyed) => {
+ resources.destroyed_textures.insert(, destroyed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn add_work_done_closure(&mut self, closure: SubmittedWorkDoneClosure) {
+ match {
+ Some(active) => {
+ active.work_done_closures.push(closure);
+ }
+ // We must defer the closure until all previously occurring map_async closures
+ // have fired. This is required by the spec.
+ None => {
+ self.work_done_closures.push(closure);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl<A: HalApi> LifetimeTracker<A> {
+ fn triage_resources<R>(
+ resources_map: &mut FastHashMap<Id<R::Marker>, Arc<R>>,
+ active: &mut [ActiveSubmission<A>],
+ trackers: &mut impl ResourceTracker<R>,
+ get_resource_map: impl Fn(&mut ResourceMaps<A>) -> &mut FastHashMap<Id<R::Marker>, Arc<R>>,
+ ) -> Vec<Arc<R>>
+ where
+ R: Resource,
+ {
+ let mut removed_resources = Vec::new();
+ resources_map.retain(|&id, resource| {
+ let submit_index = resource.as_info().submission_index();
+ let non_referenced_resources = active
+ .iter_mut()
+ .find(|a| a.index == submit_index)
+ .map(|a| &mut a.last_resources);
+ let is_removed = trackers.remove_abandoned(id);
+ if is_removed {
+ removed_resources.push(resource.clone());
+ if let Some(resources) = non_referenced_resources {
+ get_resource_map(resources).insert(id, resource.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ !is_removed
+ });
+ removed_resources
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_render_bundles(&mut self, trackers: &Mutex<Tracker<A>>) -> &mut Self {
+ let mut trackers = trackers.lock();
+ let resource_map = &mut self.suspected_resources.render_bundles;
+ let mut removed_resources = Self::triage_resources(
+ resource_map,
+ &mut trackers.bundles,
+ |maps| &mut maps.render_bundles,
+ );
+ removed_resources.drain(..).for_each(|bundle| {
+ for v in bundle.used.buffers.write().drain_resources() {
+ self.suspected_resources.buffers.insert(v.as_info().id(), v);
+ }
+ for v in bundle.used.textures.write().drain_resources() {
+ self.suspected_resources
+ .textures
+ .insert(v.as_info().id(), v);
+ }
+ for v in bundle.used.bind_groups.write().drain_resources() {
+ self.suspected_resources
+ .bind_groups
+ .insert(v.as_info().id(), v);
+ }
+ for v in bundle.used.render_pipelines.write().drain_resources() {
+ self.suspected_resources
+ .render_pipelines
+ .insert(v.as_info().id(), v);
+ }
+ for v in bundle.used.query_sets.write().drain_resources() {
+ self.suspected_resources
+ .query_sets
+ .insert(v.as_info().id(), v);
+ }
+ });
+ self
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_bind_groups(&mut self, trackers: &Mutex<Tracker<A>>) -> &mut Self {
+ let mut trackers = trackers.lock();
+ let resource_map = &mut self.suspected_resources.bind_groups;
+ let mut removed_resource = Self::triage_resources(
+ resource_map,
+ &mut trackers.bind_groups,
+ |maps| &mut maps.bind_groups,
+ );
+ removed_resource.drain(..).for_each(|bind_group| {
+ for v in bind_group.used.buffers.drain_resources() {
+ self.suspected_resources.buffers.insert(v.as_info().id(), v);
+ }
+ for v in bind_group.used.textures.drain_resources() {
+ self.suspected_resources
+ .textures
+ .insert(v.as_info().id(), v);
+ }
+ for v in bind_group.used.views.drain_resources() {
+ self.suspected_resources
+ .texture_views
+ .insert(v.as_info().id(), v);
+ }
+ for v in bind_group.used.samplers.drain_resources() {
+ self.suspected_resources
+ .samplers
+ .insert(v.as_info().id(), v);
+ }
+ self.suspected_resources
+ .bind_group_layouts
+ .insert(bind_group.layout.as_info().id(), bind_group.layout.clone());
+ });
+ self
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_texture_views(&mut self, trackers: &Mutex<Tracker<A>>) -> &mut Self {
+ let mut trackers = trackers.lock();
+ let resource_map = &mut self.suspected_resources.texture_views;
+ Self::triage_resources(
+ resource_map,
+ &mut trackers.views,
+ |maps| &mut maps.texture_views,
+ );
+ self
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_textures(&mut self, trackers: &Mutex<Tracker<A>>) -> &mut Self {
+ let mut trackers = trackers.lock();
+ let resource_map = &mut self.suspected_resources.textures;
+ Self::triage_resources(
+ resource_map,
+ &mut trackers.textures,
+ |maps| &mut maps.textures,
+ );
+ self
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_samplers(&mut self, trackers: &Mutex<Tracker<A>>) -> &mut Self {
+ let mut trackers = trackers.lock();
+ let resource_map = &mut self.suspected_resources.samplers;
+ Self::triage_resources(
+ resource_map,
+ &mut trackers.samplers,
+ |maps| &mut maps.samplers,
+ );
+ self
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_buffers(&mut self, trackers: &Mutex<Tracker<A>>) -> &mut Self {
+ let mut trackers = trackers.lock();
+ let resource_map = &mut self.suspected_resources.buffers;
+ Self::triage_resources(
+ resource_map,
+ &mut trackers.buffers,
+ |maps| &mut maps.buffers,
+ );
+ self
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_destroyed_buffers(&mut self) {
+ for (id, buffer) in self.suspected_resources.destroyed_buffers.drain() {
+ let submit_index = buffer.submission_index;
+ if let Some(resources) =|a| a.index == submit_index) {
+ resources
+ .last_resources
+ .destroyed_buffers
+ .insert(id, buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_destroyed_textures(&mut self) {
+ for (id, texture) in self.suspected_resources.destroyed_textures.drain() {
+ let submit_index = texture.submission_index;
+ if let Some(resources) =|a| a.index == submit_index) {
+ resources
+ .last_resources
+ .destroyed_textures
+ .insert(id, texture);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_compute_pipelines(&mut self, trackers: &Mutex<Tracker<A>>) -> &mut Self {
+ let mut trackers = trackers.lock();
+ let resource_map = &mut self.suspected_resources.compute_pipelines;
+ let mut removed_resources = Self::triage_resources(
+ resource_map,
+ &mut trackers.compute_pipelines,
+ |maps| &mut maps.compute_pipelines,
+ );
+ removed_resources.drain(..).for_each(|compute_pipeline| {
+ self.suspected_resources.pipeline_layouts.insert(
+ compute_pipeline.layout.as_info().id(),
+ compute_pipeline.layout.clone(),
+ );
+ });
+ self
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_render_pipelines(&mut self, trackers: &Mutex<Tracker<A>>) -> &mut Self {
+ let mut trackers = trackers.lock();
+ let resource_map = &mut self.suspected_resources.render_pipelines;
+ let mut removed_resources = Self::triage_resources(
+ resource_map,
+ &mut trackers.render_pipelines,
+ |maps| &mut maps.render_pipelines,
+ );
+ removed_resources.drain(..).for_each(|render_pipeline| {
+ self.suspected_resources.pipeline_layouts.insert(
+ render_pipeline.layout.as_info().id(),
+ render_pipeline.layout.clone(),
+ );
+ });
+ self
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_pipeline_layouts(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
+ let mut removed_resources = Vec::new();
+ self.suspected_resources
+ .pipeline_layouts
+ .retain(|_pipeline_layout_id, pipeline_layout| {
+ removed_resources.push(pipeline_layout.clone());
+ false
+ });
+ removed_resources.drain(..).for_each(|pipeline_layout| {
+ for bgl in &pipeline_layout.bind_group_layouts {
+ self.suspected_resources
+ .bind_group_layouts
+ .insert(bgl.as_info().id(), bgl.clone());
+ }
+ });
+ self
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_bind_group_layouts(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
+ //Note: this has to happen after all the suspected pipelines are destroyed
+ //Note: nothing else can bump the refcount since the guard is locked exclusively
+ //Note: same BGL can appear multiple times in the list, but only the last
+ self.suspected_resources.bind_group_layouts.clear();
+ self
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_query_sets(&mut self, trackers: &Mutex<Tracker<A>>) -> &mut Self {
+ let mut trackers = trackers.lock();
+ let resource_map = &mut self.suspected_resources.query_sets;
+ Self::triage_resources(
+ resource_map,
+ &mut trackers.query_sets,
+ |maps| &mut maps.query_sets,
+ );
+ self
+ }
+ fn triage_suspected_staging_buffers(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
+ self.suspected_resources.staging_buffers.clear();
+ self
+ }
+ /// Identify resources to free, according to `trackers` and `self.suspected_resources`.
+ ///
+ /// Given `trackers`, the [`Tracker`] belonging to same [`Device`] as
+ /// `self`, and `hub`, the [`Hub`] to which that `Device` belongs:
+ ///
+ /// Remove from `trackers` each resource mentioned in
+ /// [`self.suspected_resources`]. If `trackers` held the final reference to
+ /// that resource, add it to the appropriate free list, to be destroyed by
+ /// the hal:
+ ///
+ /// - Add resources used by queue submissions still in flight to the
+ /// [`last_resources`] table of the last such submission's entry in
+ /// [``]. When that submission has finished execution. the
+ /// [`triage_submissions`] method will remove from the tracker and the
+ /// resource reference count will be responsible carrying out deallocation.
+ ///
+ /// ## Entrained resources
+ ///
+ /// This function finds resources that are used only by other resources
+ /// ready to be freed, and adds those to the free lists as well. For
+ /// example, if there's some texture `T` used only by some texture view
+ /// `TV`, then if `TV` can be freed, `T` gets added to the free lists too.
+ ///
+ /// Since `wgpu-core` resource ownership patterns are acyclic, we can visit
+ /// each type that can be owned after all types that could possibly own
+ /// it. This way, we can detect all free-able objects in a single pass,
+ /// simply by starting with types that are roots of the ownership DAG (like
+ /// render bundles) and working our way towards leaf types (like buffers).
+ ///
+ /// [`Device`]: super::Device
+ /// [`self.suspected_resources`]: LifetimeTracker::suspected_resources
+ /// [`last_resources`]: ActiveSubmission::last_resources
+ /// [``]: LifetimeTracker::active
+ /// [`triage_submissions`]: LifetimeTracker::triage_submissions
+ pub(crate) fn triage_suspected(&mut self, trackers: &Mutex<Tracker<A>>) {
+ profiling::scope!("triage_suspected");
+ //NOTE: the order is important to release resources that depends between each other!
+ self.triage_suspected_render_bundles(trackers);
+ self.triage_suspected_compute_pipelines(trackers);
+ self.triage_suspected_render_pipelines(trackers);
+ self.triage_suspected_bind_groups(trackers);
+ self.triage_suspected_pipeline_layouts();
+ self.triage_suspected_bind_group_layouts();
+ self.triage_suspected_query_sets(trackers);
+ self.triage_suspected_samplers(trackers);
+ self.triage_suspected_staging_buffers();
+ self.triage_suspected_texture_views(trackers);
+ self.triage_suspected_textures(trackers);
+ self.triage_suspected_buffers(trackers);
+ self.triage_suspected_destroyed_buffers();
+ self.triage_suspected_destroyed_textures();
+ }
+ /// Determine which buffers are ready to map, and which must wait for the
+ /// GPU.
+ ///
+ /// See the documentation for [`LifetimeTracker`] for details.
+ pub(crate) fn triage_mapped(&mut self) {
+ if self.mapped.is_empty() {
+ return;
+ }
+ for buffer in self.mapped.drain(..) {
+ let submit_index =;
+ log::trace!(
+ "Mapping of {:?} at submission {:?} gets assigned to active {:?}",
+ submit_index,
+|a| a.index == submit_index)
+ );
+ .iter_mut()
+ .find(|a| a.index == submit_index)
+ .map_or(&mut self.ready_to_map, |a| &mut a.mapped)
+ .push(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Map the buffers in `self.ready_to_map`.
+ ///
+ /// Return a list of mapping notifications to send.
+ ///
+ /// See the documentation for [`LifetimeTracker`] for details.
+ #[must_use]
+ pub(crate) fn handle_mapping(
+ &mut self,
+ raw: &A::Device,
+ trackers: &Mutex<Tracker<A>>,
+ ) -> Vec<super::BufferMapPendingClosure> {
+ if self.ready_to_map.is_empty() {
+ return Vec::new();
+ }
+ let mut pending_callbacks: Vec<super::BufferMapPendingClosure> =
+ Vec::with_capacity(self.ready_to_map.len());
+ for buffer in self.ready_to_map.drain(..) {
+ let buffer_id =;
+ let is_removed = {
+ let mut trackers = trackers.lock();
+ trackers.buffers.remove_abandoned(buffer_id)
+ };
+ if is_removed {
+ *buffer.map_state.lock() = resource::BufferMapState::Idle;
+ log::trace!("Buffer ready to map {:?} is not tracked anymore", buffer_id);
+ } else {
+ let mapping = match std::mem::replace(
+ &mut *buffer.map_state.lock(),
+ resource::BufferMapState::Idle,
+ ) {
+ resource::BufferMapState::Waiting(pending_mapping) => pending_mapping,
+ // Mapping cancelled
+ resource::BufferMapState::Idle => continue,
+ // Mapping queued at least twice by map -> unmap -> map
+ // and was already successfully mapped below
+ active @ resource::BufferMapState::Active { .. } => {
+ *buffer.map_state.lock() = active;
+ continue;
+ }
+ _ => panic!("No pending mapping."),
+ };
+ let status = if mapping.range.start != mapping.range.end {
+ log::debug!("Buffer {:?} map state -> Active", buffer_id);
+ let host =;
+ let size = mapping.range.end - mapping.range.start;
+ match super::map_buffer(raw, &buffer, mapping.range.start, size, host) {
+ Ok(ptr) => {
+ *buffer.map_state.lock() = resource::BufferMapState::Active {
+ ptr,
+ range: mapping.range.start..mapping.range.start + size,
+ host,
+ };
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ log::error!("Mapping failed: {e}");
+ Err(e)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ *buffer.map_state.lock() = resource::BufferMapState::Active {
+ ptr: std::ptr::NonNull::dangling(),
+ range: mapping.range,
+ host:,
+ };
+ Ok(())
+ };
+ pending_callbacks.push((mapping.op, status));
+ }
+ }
+ pending_callbacks
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ecda830a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+use crate::{
+ binding_model,
+ hal_api::HalApi,
+ hub::Hub,
+ id::{BindGroupLayoutId, PipelineLayoutId},
+ resource::{Buffer, BufferAccessResult},
+ resource::{BufferAccessError, BufferMapOperation},
+ resource_log, Label, DOWNLEVEL_ERROR_MESSAGE,
+use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
+use hal::Device as _;
+use smallvec::SmallVec;
+use std::os::raw::c_char;
+use thiserror::Error;
+use wgt::{BufferAddress, DeviceLostReason, TextureFormat};
+use std::{iter, num::NonZeroU32, ptr};
+pub mod any_device;
+pub(crate) mod bgl;
+pub mod global;
+mod life;
+pub mod queue;
+pub mod resource;
+#[cfg(any(feature = "trace", feature = "replay"))]
+pub mod trace;
+pub use {life::WaitIdleError, resource::Device};
+// Should be large enough for the largest possible texture row. This
+// value is enough for a 16k texture with float4 format.
+pub(crate) const ZERO_BUFFER_SIZE: BufferAddress = 512 << 10;
+const CLEANUP_WAIT_MS: u32 = 5000;
+const IMPLICIT_BIND_GROUP_LAYOUT_ERROR_LABEL: &str = "Implicit BindGroupLayout in the Error State";
+const ENTRYPOINT_FAILURE_ERROR: &str = "The given EntryPoint is Invalid";
+pub type DeviceDescriptor<'a> = wgt::DeviceDescriptor<Label<'a>>;
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
+pub enum HostMap {
+ Read,
+ Write,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize))]
+pub(crate) struct AttachmentData<T> {
+ pub colors: ArrayVec<Option<T>, { hal::MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS }>,
+ pub resolves: ArrayVec<T, { hal::MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS }>,
+ pub depth_stencil: Option<T>,
+impl<T: PartialEq> Eq for AttachmentData<T> {}
+impl<T> AttachmentData<T> {
+ pub(crate) fn map<U, F: Fn(&T) -> U>(&self, fun: F) -> AttachmentData<U> {
+ AttachmentData {
+ colors: self.colors.iter().map(|c| c.as_ref().map(&fun)).collect(),
+ resolves: self.resolves.iter().map(&fun).collect(),
+ depth_stencil: self.depth_stencil.as_ref().map(&fun),
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub enum RenderPassCompatibilityCheckType {
+ RenderPipeline,
+ RenderBundle,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize))]
+pub(crate) struct RenderPassContext {
+ pub attachments: AttachmentData<TextureFormat>,
+ pub sample_count: u32,
+ pub multiview: Option<NonZeroU32>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+pub enum RenderPassCompatibilityError {
+ #[error(
+ "Incompatible color attachments at indices {indices:?}: the RenderPass uses textures with formats {expected:?} but the {ty:?} uses attachments with formats {actual:?}",
+ )]
+ IncompatibleColorAttachment {
+ indices: Vec<usize>,
+ expected: Vec<Option<TextureFormat>>,
+ actual: Vec<Option<TextureFormat>>,
+ ty: RenderPassCompatibilityCheckType,
+ },
+ #[error(
+ "Incompatible depth-stencil attachment format: the RenderPass uses a texture with format {expected:?} but the {ty:?} uses an attachment with format {actual:?}",
+ )]
+ IncompatibleDepthStencilAttachment {
+ expected: Option<TextureFormat>,
+ actual: Option<TextureFormat>,
+ ty: RenderPassCompatibilityCheckType,
+ },
+ #[error(
+ "Incompatible sample count: the RenderPass uses textures with sample count {expected:?} but the {ty:?} uses attachments with format {actual:?}",
+ )]
+ IncompatibleSampleCount {
+ expected: u32,
+ actual: u32,
+ ty: RenderPassCompatibilityCheckType,
+ },
+ #[error("Incompatible multiview setting: the RenderPass uses setting {expected:?} but the {ty:?} uses setting {actual:?}")]
+ IncompatibleMultiview {
+ expected: Option<NonZeroU32>,
+ actual: Option<NonZeroU32>,
+ ty: RenderPassCompatibilityCheckType,
+ },
+impl RenderPassContext {
+ // Assumes the renderpass only contains one subpass
+ pub(crate) fn check_compatible(
+ &self,
+ other: &Self,
+ ty: RenderPassCompatibilityCheckType,
+ ) -> Result<(), RenderPassCompatibilityError> {
+ if self.attachments.colors != other.attachments.colors {
+ let indices = self
+ .attachments
+ .colors
+ .iter()
+ .zip(&other.attachments.colors)
+ .enumerate()
+ .filter_map(|(idx, (left, right))| (left != right).then_some(idx))
+ .collect();
+ return Err(RenderPassCompatibilityError::IncompatibleColorAttachment {
+ indices,
+ expected: self.attachments.colors.iter().cloned().collect(),
+ actual: other.attachments.colors.iter().cloned().collect(),
+ ty,
+ });
+ }
+ if self.attachments.depth_stencil != other.attachments.depth_stencil {
+ return Err(
+ RenderPassCompatibilityError::IncompatibleDepthStencilAttachment {
+ expected: self.attachments.depth_stencil,
+ actual: other.attachments.depth_stencil,
+ ty,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ if self.sample_count != other.sample_count {
+ return Err(RenderPassCompatibilityError::IncompatibleSampleCount {
+ expected: self.sample_count,
+ actual: other.sample_count,
+ ty,
+ });
+ }
+ if self.multiview != other.multiview {
+ return Err(RenderPassCompatibilityError::IncompatibleMultiview {
+ expected: self.multiview,
+ actual: other.multiview,
+ ty,
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+pub type BufferMapPendingClosure = (BufferMapOperation, BufferAccessResult);
+pub struct UserClosures {
+ pub mappings: Vec<BufferMapPendingClosure>,
+ pub submissions: SmallVec<[queue::SubmittedWorkDoneClosure; 1]>,
+ pub device_lost_invocations: SmallVec<[DeviceLostInvocation; 1]>,
+impl UserClosures {
+ fn extend(&mut self, other: Self) {
+ self.mappings.extend(other.mappings);
+ self.submissions.extend(other.submissions);
+ self.device_lost_invocations
+ .extend(other.device_lost_invocations);
+ }
+ fn fire(self) {
+ // Note: this logic is specifically moved out of `handle_mapping()` in order to
+ // have nothing locked by the time we execute users callback code.
+ // Mappings _must_ be fired before submissions, as the spec requires all mapping callbacks that are registered before
+ // a on_submitted_work_done callback to be fired before the on_submitted_work_done callback.
+ for (mut operation, status) in self.mappings {
+ if let Some(callback) = operation.callback.take() {
+ }
+ }
+ for closure in self.submissions {
+ }
+ for invocation in self.device_lost_invocations {
+ invocation
+ .closure
+ .call(invocation.reason, invocation.message);
+ }
+ }
+pub type DeviceLostCallback = Box<dyn Fn(DeviceLostReason, String) + Send + 'static>;
+pub type DeviceLostCallback = Box<dyn Fn(DeviceLostReason, String) + 'static>;
+pub struct DeviceLostClosureRust {
+ pub callback: DeviceLostCallback,
+ consumed: bool,
+impl Drop for DeviceLostClosureRust {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if !self.consumed {
+ panic!("DeviceLostClosureRust must be consumed before it is dropped.");
+ }
+ }
+pub struct DeviceLostClosureC {
+ pub callback: unsafe extern "C" fn(user_data: *mut u8, reason: u8, message: *const c_char),
+ pub user_data: *mut u8,
+ consumed: bool,
+unsafe impl Send for DeviceLostClosureC {}
+impl Drop for DeviceLostClosureC {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if !self.consumed {
+ panic!("DeviceLostClosureC must be consumed before it is dropped.");
+ }
+ }
+pub struct DeviceLostClosure {
+ // We wrap this so creating the enum in the C variant can be unsafe,
+ // allowing our call function to be safe.
+ inner: DeviceLostClosureInner,
+pub struct DeviceLostInvocation {
+ closure: DeviceLostClosure,
+ reason: DeviceLostReason,
+ message: String,
+enum DeviceLostClosureInner {
+ Rust { inner: DeviceLostClosureRust },
+ C { inner: DeviceLostClosureC },
+impl DeviceLostClosure {
+ pub fn from_rust(callback: DeviceLostCallback) -> Self {
+ let inner = DeviceLostClosureRust {
+ callback,
+ consumed: false,
+ };
+ Self {
+ inner: DeviceLostClosureInner::Rust { inner },
+ }
+ }
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// - The callback pointer must be valid to call with the provided `user_data`
+ /// pointer.
+ ///
+ /// - Both pointers must point to `'static` data, as the callback may happen at
+ /// an unspecified time.
+ pub unsafe fn from_c(mut closure: DeviceLostClosureC) -> Self {
+ // Build an inner with the values from closure, ensuring that
+ // inner.consumed is false.
+ let inner = DeviceLostClosureC {
+ callback: closure.callback,
+ user_data: closure.user_data,
+ consumed: false,
+ };
+ // Mark the original closure as consumed, so we can safely drop it.
+ closure.consumed = true;
+ Self {
+ inner: DeviceLostClosureInner::C { inner },
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn call(self, reason: DeviceLostReason, message: String) {
+ match self.inner {
+ DeviceLostClosureInner::Rust { mut inner } => {
+ inner.consumed = true;
+ (inner.callback)(reason, message)
+ }
+ // SAFETY: the contract of the call to from_c says that this unsafe is sound.
+ DeviceLostClosureInner::C { mut inner } => unsafe {
+ inner.consumed = true;
+ // Ensure message is structured as a null-terminated C string. It only
+ // needs to live as long as the callback invocation.
+ let message = std::ffi::CString::new(message).unwrap();
+ (inner.callback)(inner.user_data, reason as u8, message.as_ptr())
+ },
+ }
+ }
+fn map_buffer<A: HalApi>(
+ raw: &A::Device,
+ buffer: &Buffer<A>,
+ offset: BufferAddress,
+ size: BufferAddress,
+ kind: HostMap,
+) -> Result<ptr::NonNull<u8>, BufferAccessError> {
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ let raw_buffer = buffer
+ .raw(&snatch_guard)
+ .ok_or(BufferAccessError::Destroyed)?;
+ let mapping = unsafe {
+ raw.map_buffer(raw_buffer, offset..offset + size)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ *buffer.sync_mapped_writes.lock() = match kind {
+ HostMap::Read if !mapping.is_coherent => unsafe {
+ raw.invalidate_mapped_ranges(raw_buffer, iter::once(offset..offset + size));
+ None
+ },
+ HostMap::Write if !mapping.is_coherent => Some(offset..offset + size),
+ _ => None,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(offset % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT, 0);
+ assert_eq!(size % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT, 0);
+ // Zero out uninitialized parts of the mapping. (Spec dictates all resources
+ // behave as if they were initialized with zero)
+ //
+ // If this is a read mapping, ideally we would use a `clear_buffer` command
+ // before reading the data from GPU (i.e. `invalidate_range`). However, this
+ // would require us to kick off and wait for a command buffer or piggy back
+ // on an existing one (the later is likely the only worthwhile option). As
+ // reading uninitialized memory isn't a particular important path to
+ // support, we instead just initialize the memory here and make sure it is
+ // GPU visible, so this happens at max only once for every buffer region.
+ //
+ // If this is a write mapping zeroing out the memory here is the only
+ // reasonable way as all data is pushed to GPU anyways.
+ // No need to flush if it is flushed later anyways.
+ let zero_init_needs_flush_now =
+ mapping.is_coherent && buffer.sync_mapped_writes.lock().is_none();
+ let mapped = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(mapping.ptr.as_ptr(), size as usize) };
+ for uninitialized in buffer
+ .initialization_status
+ .write()
+ .drain(offset..(size + offset))
+ {
+ // The mapping's pointer is already offset, however we track the
+ // uninitialized range relative to the buffer's start.
+ let fill_range =
+ (uninitialized.start - offset) as usize..(uninitialized.end - offset) as usize;
+ mapped[fill_range].fill(0);
+ if zero_init_needs_flush_now {
+ unsafe { raw.flush_mapped_ranges(raw_buffer, iter::once(uninitialized)) };
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(mapping.ptr)
+pub(crate) struct CommandAllocator<A: HalApi> {
+ free_encoders: Vec<A::CommandEncoder>,
+impl<A: HalApi> CommandAllocator<A> {
+ fn acquire_encoder(
+ &mut self,
+ device: &A::Device,
+ queue: &A::Queue,
+ ) -> Result<A::CommandEncoder, hal::DeviceError> {
+ match self.free_encoders.pop() {
+ Some(encoder) => Ok(encoder),
+ None => unsafe {
+ let hal_desc = hal::CommandEncoderDescriptor { label: None, queue };
+ device.create_command_encoder(&hal_desc)
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ fn release_encoder(&mut self, encoder: A::CommandEncoder) {
+ self.free_encoders.push(encoder);
+ }
+ fn dispose(self, device: &A::Device) {
+ resource_log!(
+ "CommandAllocator::dispose encoders {}",
+ self.free_encoders.len()
+ );
+ for cmd_encoder in self.free_encoders {
+ unsafe {
+ device.destroy_command_encoder(cmd_encoder);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+#[error("Device is invalid")]
+pub struct InvalidDevice;
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+pub enum DeviceError {
+ #[error("Parent device is invalid.")]
+ Invalid,
+ #[error("Parent device is lost")]
+ Lost,
+ #[error("Not enough memory left.")]
+ OutOfMemory,
+ #[error("Creation of a resource failed for a reason other than running out of memory.")]
+ ResourceCreationFailed,
+ #[error("QueueId is invalid")]
+ InvalidQueueId,
+ #[error("Attempt to use a resource with a different device from the one that created it")]
+ WrongDevice,
+impl From<hal::DeviceError> for DeviceError {
+ fn from(error: hal::DeviceError) -> Self {
+ match error {
+ hal::DeviceError::Lost => DeviceError::Lost,
+ hal::DeviceError::OutOfMemory => DeviceError::OutOfMemory,
+ hal::DeviceError::ResourceCreationFailed => DeviceError::ResourceCreationFailed,
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+#[error("Features {0:?} are required but not enabled on the device")]
+pub struct MissingFeatures(pub wgt::Features);
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+ "Downlevel flags {0:?} are required but not supported on the device.\n{}",
+pub struct MissingDownlevelFlags(pub wgt::DownlevelFlags);
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
+pub struct ImplicitPipelineContext {
+ pub root_id: PipelineLayoutId,
+ pub group_ids: ArrayVec<BindGroupLayoutId, { hal::MAX_BIND_GROUPS }>,
+pub struct ImplicitPipelineIds<'a> {
+ pub root_id: Option<PipelineLayoutId>,
+ pub group_ids: &'a [Option<BindGroupLayoutId>],
+impl ImplicitPipelineIds<'_> {
+ fn prepare<A: HalApi>(self, hub: &Hub<A>) -> ImplicitPipelineContext {
+ ImplicitPipelineContext {
+ root_id: hub.pipeline_layouts.prepare(self.root_id).into_id(),
+ group_ids: self
+ .group_ids
+ .iter()
+ .map(|id_in| hub.bind_group_layouts.prepare(*id_in).into_id())
+ .collect(),
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08c5b767b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
@@ -0,0 +1,1569 @@
+#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+use crate::device::trace::Action;
+use crate::{
+ api_log,
+ command::{
+ extract_texture_selector, validate_linear_texture_data, validate_texture_copy_range,
+ ClearError, CommandBuffer, CopySide, ImageCopyTexture, TransferError,
+ },
+ conv,
+ device::{life::ResourceMaps, DeviceError, WaitIdleError},
+ get_lowest_common_denom,
+ global::Global,
+ hal_api::HalApi,
+ hal_label,
+ id::{self, QueueId},
+ init_tracker::{has_copy_partial_init_tracker_coverage, TextureInitRange},
+ resource::{
+ Buffer, BufferAccessError, BufferMapState, DestroyedBuffer, DestroyedTexture, Resource,
+ ResourceInfo, ResourceType, StagingBuffer, Texture, TextureInner,
+ },
+ resource_log, track, FastHashMap, SubmissionIndex,
+use hal::{CommandEncoder as _, Device as _, Queue as _};
+use parking_lot::Mutex;
+use smallvec::SmallVec;
+use std::{
+ iter, mem, ptr,
+ sync::{atomic::Ordering, Arc},
+use thiserror::Error;
+use super::Device;
+pub struct Queue<A: HalApi> {
+ pub device: Option<Arc<Device<A>>>,
+ pub raw: Option<A::Queue>,
+ pub info: ResourceInfo<Queue<A>>,
+impl<A: HalApi> Resource for Queue<A> {
+ const TYPE: ResourceType = "Queue";
+ type Marker = crate::id::markers::Queue;
+ fn as_info(&self) -> &ResourceInfo<Self> {
+ &
+ }
+ fn as_info_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ResourceInfo<Self> {
+ &mut
+ }
+impl<A: HalApi> Drop for Queue<A> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ let queue = self.raw.take().unwrap();
+ self.device.as_ref().unwrap().release_queue(queue);
+ }
+/// Number of command buffers that we generate from the same pool
+/// for the write_xxx commands, before the pool is recycled.
+/// If we don't stop at some point, the pool will grow forever,
+/// without a concrete moment of when it can be cleared.
+pub struct SubmittedWorkDoneClosureC {
+ pub callback: unsafe extern "C" fn(user_data: *mut u8),
+ pub user_data: *mut u8,
+unsafe impl Send for SubmittedWorkDoneClosureC {}
+pub struct SubmittedWorkDoneClosure {
+ // We wrap this so creating the enum in the C variant can be unsafe,
+ // allowing our call function to be safe.
+ inner: SubmittedWorkDoneClosureInner,
+type SubmittedWorkDoneCallback = Box<dyn FnOnce() + Send + 'static>;
+type SubmittedWorkDoneCallback = Box<dyn FnOnce() + 'static>;
+enum SubmittedWorkDoneClosureInner {
+ Rust { callback: SubmittedWorkDoneCallback },
+ C { inner: SubmittedWorkDoneClosureC },
+impl SubmittedWorkDoneClosure {
+ pub fn from_rust(callback: SubmittedWorkDoneCallback) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ inner: SubmittedWorkDoneClosureInner::Rust { callback },
+ }
+ }
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// - The callback pointer must be valid to call with the provided `user_data`
+ /// pointer.
+ ///
+ /// - Both pointers must point to `'static` data, as the callback may happen at
+ /// an unspecified time.
+ pub unsafe fn from_c(inner: SubmittedWorkDoneClosureC) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ inner: SubmittedWorkDoneClosureInner::C { inner },
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn call(self) {
+ match self.inner {
+ SubmittedWorkDoneClosureInner::Rust { callback } => callback(),
+ // SAFETY: the contract of the call to from_c says that this unsafe is sound.
+ SubmittedWorkDoneClosureInner::C { inner } => unsafe {
+ (inner.callback)(inner.user_data)
+ },
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct WrappedSubmissionIndex {
+ pub queue_id: QueueId,
+ pub index: SubmissionIndex,
+/// A texture or buffer to be freed soon.
+/// This is just a tagged raw texture or buffer, generally about to be added to
+/// some other more specific container like:
+/// - `PendingWrites::temp_resources`: resources used by queue writes and
+/// unmaps, waiting to be folded in with the next queue submission
+/// - `ActiveSubmission::last_resources`: temporary resources used by a queue
+/// submission, to be freed when it completes
+/// - `LifetimeTracker::free_resources`: resources to be freed in the next
+/// `maintain` call, no longer used anywhere
+pub enum TempResource<A: HalApi> {
+ Buffer(Arc<Buffer<A>>),
+ StagingBuffer(Arc<StagingBuffer<A>>),
+ DestroyedBuffer(Arc<DestroyedBuffer<A>>),
+ DestroyedTexture(Arc<DestroyedTexture<A>>),
+ Texture(Arc<Texture<A>>),
+/// A queue execution for a particular command encoder.
+pub(crate) struct EncoderInFlight<A: HalApi> {
+ raw: A::CommandEncoder,
+ cmd_buffers: Vec<A::CommandBuffer>,
+impl<A: HalApi> EncoderInFlight<A> {
+ pub(crate) unsafe fn land(mut self) -> A::CommandEncoder {
+ unsafe { self.raw.reset_all(self.cmd_buffers.into_iter()) };
+ self.raw
+ }
+/// A private command encoder for writes made directly on the device
+/// or queue.
+/// Operations like `buffer_unmap`, `queue_write_buffer`, and
+/// `queue_write_texture` need to copy data to the GPU. At the hal
+/// level, this must be done by encoding and submitting commands, but
+/// these operations are not associated with any specific wgpu command
+/// buffer.
+/// Instead, `Device::pending_writes` owns one of these values, which
+/// has its own hal command encoder and resource lists. The commands
+/// accumulated here are automatically submitted to the queue the next
+/// time the user submits a wgpu command buffer, ahead of the user's
+/// commands.
+/// Important:
+/// When locking pending_writes be sure that tracker is not locked
+/// and try to lock trackers for the minimum timespan possible
+/// All uses of [`StagingBuffer`]s end up here.
+pub(crate) struct PendingWrites<A: HalApi> {
+ pub command_encoder: A::CommandEncoder,
+ pub is_active: bool,
+ pub temp_resources: Vec<TempResource<A>>,
+ pub dst_buffers: FastHashMap<id::BufferId, Arc<Buffer<A>>>,
+ pub dst_textures: FastHashMap<id::TextureId, Arc<Texture<A>>>,
+ pub executing_command_buffers: Vec<A::CommandBuffer>,
+impl<A: HalApi> PendingWrites<A> {
+ pub fn new(command_encoder: A::CommandEncoder) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ command_encoder,
+ is_active: false,
+ temp_resources: Vec::new(),
+ dst_buffers: FastHashMap::default(),
+ dst_textures: FastHashMap::default(),
+ executing_command_buffers: Vec::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn dispose(mut self, device: &A::Device) {
+ unsafe {
+ if self.is_active {
+ self.command_encoder.discard_encoding();
+ }
+ self.command_encoder
+ .reset_all(self.executing_command_buffers.into_iter());
+ device.destroy_command_encoder(self.command_encoder);
+ }
+ self.temp_resources.clear();
+ }
+ pub fn consume_temp(&mut self, resource: TempResource<A>) {
+ self.temp_resources.push(resource);
+ }
+ fn consume(&mut self, buffer: Arc<StagingBuffer<A>>) {
+ self.temp_resources
+ .push(TempResource::StagingBuffer(buffer));
+ }
+ fn pre_submit(&mut self) -> Result<Option<&A::CommandBuffer>, DeviceError> {
+ self.dst_buffers.clear();
+ self.dst_textures.clear();
+ if self.is_active {
+ let cmd_buf = unsafe { self.command_encoder.end_encoding()? };
+ self.is_active = false;
+ self.executing_command_buffers.push(cmd_buf);
+ return Ok(self.executing_command_buffers.last());
+ }
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ fn post_submit(
+ &mut self,
+ command_allocator: &mut super::CommandAllocator<A>,
+ device: &A::Device,
+ queue: &A::Queue,
+ ) -> Option<EncoderInFlight<A>> {
+ if self.executing_command_buffers.len() >= WRITE_COMMAND_BUFFERS_PER_POOL {
+ let new_encoder = command_allocator.acquire_encoder(device, queue).unwrap();
+ Some(EncoderInFlight {
+ raw: mem::replace(&mut self.command_encoder, new_encoder),
+ cmd_buffers: mem::take(&mut self.executing_command_buffers),
+ })
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn activate(&mut self) -> &mut A::CommandEncoder {
+ if !self.is_active {
+ unsafe {
+ self.command_encoder
+ .begin_encoding(Some("(wgpu internal) PendingWrites"))
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ self.is_active = true;
+ }
+ &mut self.command_encoder
+ }
+ pub fn deactivate(&mut self) {
+ if self.is_active {
+ unsafe {
+ self.command_encoder.discard_encoding();
+ }
+ self.is_active = false;
+ }
+ }
+fn prepare_staging_buffer<A: HalApi>(
+ device: &Arc<Device<A>>,
+ size: wgt::BufferAddress,
+ instance_flags: wgt::InstanceFlags,
+) -> Result<(StagingBuffer<A>, *mut u8), DeviceError> {
+ profiling::scope!("prepare_staging_buffer");
+ let stage_desc = hal::BufferDescriptor {
+ label: hal_label(Some("(wgpu internal) Staging"), instance_flags),
+ size,
+ usage: hal::BufferUses::MAP_WRITE | hal::BufferUses::COPY_SRC,
+ memory_flags: hal::MemoryFlags::TRANSIENT,
+ };
+ let buffer = unsafe { device.raw().create_buffer(&stage_desc)? };
+ let mapping = unsafe { device.raw().map_buffer(&buffer, 0..size) }?;
+ let staging_buffer = StagingBuffer {
+ raw: Mutex::new(Some(buffer)),
+ device: device.clone(),
+ size,
+ info: ResourceInfo::new("<StagingBuffer>"),
+ is_coherent: mapping.is_coherent,
+ };
+ Ok((staging_buffer, mapping.ptr.as_ptr()))
+impl<A: HalApi> StagingBuffer<A> {
+ unsafe fn flush(&self, device: &A::Device) -> Result<(), DeviceError> {
+ if !self.is_coherent {
+ unsafe {
+ device.flush_mapped_ranges(
+ self.raw.lock().as_ref().unwrap(),
+ iter::once(0..self.size),
+ )
+ };
+ }
+ unsafe { device.unmap_buffer(self.raw.lock().as_ref().unwrap())? };
+ Ok(())
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+#[error("Queue is invalid")]
+pub struct InvalidQueue;
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+pub enum QueueWriteError {
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ Queue(#[from] DeviceError),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ Transfer(#[from] TransferError),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ MemoryInitFailure(#[from] ClearError),
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+pub enum QueueSubmitError {
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ Queue(#[from] DeviceError),
+ #[error("Buffer {0:?} is destroyed")]
+ DestroyedBuffer(id::BufferId),
+ #[error("Texture {0:?} is destroyed")]
+ DestroyedTexture(id::TextureId),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ Unmap(#[from] BufferAccessError),
+ #[error("Buffer {0:?} is still mapped")]
+ BufferStillMapped(id::BufferId),
+ #[error("Surface output was dropped before the command buffer got submitted")]
+ SurfaceOutputDropped,
+ #[error("Surface was unconfigured before the command buffer got submitted")]
+ SurfaceUnconfigured,
+ #[error("GPU got stuck :(")]
+ StuckGpu,
+//TODO: move out common parts of write_xxx.
+impl Global {
+ pub fn queue_write_buffer<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ queue_id: QueueId,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ buffer_offset: wgt::BufferAddress,
+ data: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<(), QueueWriteError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Queue::write_buffer");
+ api_log!("Queue::write_buffer {buffer_id:?} {}bytes", data.len());
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let queue = hub
+ .queues
+ .get(queue_id)
+ .map_err(|_| DeviceError::InvalidQueueId)?;
+ let device = queue.device.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let data_size = data.len() as wgt::BufferAddress;
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ let data_path = trace.make_binary("bin", data);
+ trace.add(Action::WriteBuffer {
+ id: buffer_id,
+ data: data_path,
+ range: buffer_offset..buffer_offset + data_size,
+ queued: true,
+ });
+ }
+ if data_size == 0 {
+ log::trace!("Ignoring write_buffer of size 0");
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ // Platform validation requires that the staging buffer always be
+ // freed, even if an error occurs. All paths from here must call
+ // `device.pending_writes.consume`.
+ let (staging_buffer, staging_buffer_ptr) =
+ prepare_staging_buffer(device, data_size, device.instance_flags)?;
+ let mut pending_writes = device.pending_writes.lock();
+ let pending_writes = pending_writes.as_mut().unwrap();
+ let stage_fid = hub.staging_buffers.request();
+ let staging_buffer = stage_fid.init(staging_buffer);
+ if let Err(flush_error) = unsafe {
+ profiling::scope!("copy");
+ ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(data.as_ptr(), staging_buffer_ptr, data.len());
+ staging_buffer.flush(device.raw())
+ } {
+ pending_writes.consume(staging_buffer);
+ return Err(flush_error.into());
+ }
+ let result = self.queue_write_staging_buffer_impl(
+ device,
+ pending_writes,
+ &staging_buffer,
+ buffer_id,
+ buffer_offset,
+ );
+ pending_writes.consume(staging_buffer);
+ result
+ }
+ pub fn queue_create_staging_buffer<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ queue_id: QueueId,
+ buffer_size: wgt::BufferSize,
+ id_in: Option<id::StagingBufferId>,
+ ) -> Result<(id::StagingBufferId, *mut u8), QueueWriteError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Queue::create_staging_buffer");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let queue = hub
+ .queues
+ .get(queue_id)
+ .map_err(|_| DeviceError::InvalidQueueId)?;
+ let device = queue.device.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let (staging_buffer, staging_buffer_ptr) =
+ prepare_staging_buffer(device, buffer_size.get(), device.instance_flags)?;
+ let fid = hub.staging_buffers.prepare(id_in);
+ let (id, _) = fid.assign(staging_buffer);
+ resource_log!("Queue::create_staging_buffer {id:?}");
+ Ok((id, staging_buffer_ptr))
+ }
+ pub fn queue_write_staging_buffer<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ queue_id: QueueId,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ buffer_offset: wgt::BufferAddress,
+ staging_buffer_id: id::StagingBufferId,
+ ) -> Result<(), QueueWriteError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Queue::write_staging_buffer");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let queue = hub
+ .queues
+ .get(queue_id)
+ .map_err(|_| DeviceError::InvalidQueueId)?;
+ let device = queue.device.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let staging_buffer = hub.staging_buffers.unregister(staging_buffer_id);
+ if staging_buffer.is_none() {
+ return Err(QueueWriteError::Transfer(TransferError::InvalidBuffer(
+ buffer_id,
+ )));
+ }
+ let staging_buffer = staging_buffer.unwrap();
+ let mut pending_writes = device.pending_writes.lock();
+ let pending_writes = pending_writes.as_mut().unwrap();
+ // At this point, we have taken ownership of the staging_buffer from the
+ // user. Platform validation requires that the staging buffer always
+ // be freed, even if an error occurs. All paths from here must call
+ // `device.pending_writes.consume`.
+ if let Err(flush_error) = unsafe { staging_buffer.flush(device.raw()) } {
+ pending_writes.consume(staging_buffer);
+ return Err(flush_error.into());
+ }
+ let result = self.queue_write_staging_buffer_impl(
+ device,
+ pending_writes,
+ &staging_buffer,
+ buffer_id,
+ buffer_offset,
+ );
+ pending_writes.consume(staging_buffer);
+ result
+ }
+ pub fn queue_validate_write_buffer<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ _queue_id: QueueId,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ buffer_offset: u64,
+ buffer_size: u64,
+ ) -> Result<(), QueueWriteError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Queue::validate_write_buffer");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let buffer = hub
+ .buffers
+ .get(buffer_id)
+ .map_err(|_| TransferError::InvalidBuffer(buffer_id))?;
+ self.queue_validate_write_buffer_impl(&buffer, buffer_id, buffer_offset, buffer_size)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn queue_validate_write_buffer_impl<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ buffer: &Buffer<A>,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ buffer_offset: u64,
+ buffer_size: u64,
+ ) -> Result<(), TransferError> {
+ if !buffer.usage.contains(wgt::BufferUsages::COPY_DST) {
+ return Err(TransferError::MissingCopyDstUsageFlag(
+ Some(buffer_id),
+ None,
+ ));
+ }
+ if buffer_size % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT != 0 {
+ return Err(TransferError::UnalignedCopySize(buffer_size));
+ }
+ if buffer_offset % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT != 0 {
+ return Err(TransferError::UnalignedBufferOffset(buffer_offset));
+ }
+ if buffer_offset + buffer_size > buffer.size {
+ return Err(TransferError::BufferOverrun {
+ start_offset: buffer_offset,
+ end_offset: buffer_offset + buffer_size,
+ buffer_size: buffer.size,
+ side: CopySide::Destination,
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn queue_write_staging_buffer_impl<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ device: &Device<A>,
+ pending_writes: &mut PendingWrites<A>,
+ staging_buffer: &StagingBuffer<A>,
+ buffer_id: id::BufferId,
+ buffer_offset: u64,
+ ) -> Result<(), QueueWriteError> {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let (dst, transition) = {
+ let buffer_guard =;
+ let dst = buffer_guard
+ .get(buffer_id)
+ .map_err(|_| TransferError::InvalidBuffer(buffer_id))?;
+ let mut trackers = device.trackers.lock();
+ trackers
+ .buffers
+ .set_single(dst, hal::BufferUses::COPY_DST)
+ .ok_or(TransferError::InvalidBuffer(buffer_id))?
+ };
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ let dst_raw = dst
+ .raw
+ .get(&snatch_guard)
+ .ok_or(TransferError::InvalidBuffer(buffer_id))?;
+ if dst.device.as_info().id() != device.as_info().id() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::WrongDevice.into());
+ }
+ let src_buffer_size = staging_buffer.size;
+ self.queue_validate_write_buffer_impl(&dst, buffer_id, buffer_offset, src_buffer_size)?;
+ .use_at(device.active_submission_index.load(Ordering::Relaxed) + 1);
+ let region = wgt::BufferSize::new(src_buffer_size).map(|size| hal::BufferCopy {
+ src_offset: 0,
+ dst_offset: buffer_offset,
+ size,
+ });
+ let inner_buffer = staging_buffer.raw.lock();
+ let barriers = iter::once(hal::BufferBarrier {
+ buffer: inner_buffer.as_ref().unwrap(),
+ usage: hal::BufferUses::MAP_WRITE..hal::BufferUses::COPY_SRC,
+ })
+ .chain(|pending| pending.into_hal(&dst, &snatch_guard)));
+ let encoder = pending_writes.activate();
+ unsafe {
+ encoder.transition_buffers(barriers);
+ encoder.copy_buffer_to_buffer(
+ inner_buffer.as_ref().unwrap(),
+ dst_raw,
+ region.into_iter(),
+ );
+ }
+ let dst = hub.buffers.get(buffer_id).unwrap();
+ pending_writes.dst_buffers.insert(buffer_id, dst.clone());
+ // Ensure the overwritten bytes are marked as initialized so
+ // they don't need to be nulled prior to mapping or binding.
+ {
+ dst.initialization_status
+ .write()
+ .drain(buffer_offset..(buffer_offset + src_buffer_size));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn queue_write_texture<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ queue_id: QueueId,
+ destination: &ImageCopyTexture,
+ data: &[u8],
+ data_layout: &wgt::ImageDataLayout,
+ size: &wgt::Extent3d,
+ ) -> Result<(), QueueWriteError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Queue::write_texture");
+ api_log!("Queue::write_texture {:?} {size:?}", destination.texture);
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let queue = hub
+ .queues
+ .get(queue_id)
+ .map_err(|_| DeviceError::InvalidQueueId)?;
+ let device = queue.device.as_ref().unwrap();
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ let data_path = trace.make_binary("bin", data);
+ trace.add(Action::WriteTexture {
+ to: *destination,
+ data: data_path,
+ layout: *data_layout,
+ size: *size,
+ });
+ }
+ if size.width == 0 || size.height == 0 || size.depth_or_array_layers == 0 {
+ log::trace!("Ignoring write_texture of size 0");
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ let dst = hub
+ .textures
+ .get(destination.texture)
+ .map_err(|_| TransferError::InvalidTexture(destination.texture))?;
+ if dst.device.as_info().id() != queue_id.transmute() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::WrongDevice.into());
+ }
+ if !dst.desc.usage.contains(wgt::TextureUsages::COPY_DST) {
+ return Err(
+ TransferError::MissingCopyDstUsageFlag(None, Some(destination.texture)).into(),
+ );
+ }
+ // Note: Doing the copy range validation early is important because ensures that the
+ // dimensions are not going to cause overflow in other parts of the validation.
+ let (hal_copy_size, array_layer_count) =
+ validate_texture_copy_range(destination, &dst.desc, CopySide::Destination, size)?;
+ let (selector, dst_base) = extract_texture_selector(destination, size, &dst)?;
+ if !dst_base.aspect.is_one() {
+ return Err(TransferError::CopyAspectNotOne.into());
+ }
+ if !conv::is_valid_copy_dst_texture_format(dst.desc.format, destination.aspect) {
+ return Err(TransferError::CopyToForbiddenTextureFormat {
+ format: dst.desc.format,
+ aspect: destination.aspect,
+ }
+ .into());
+ }
+ // Note: `_source_bytes_per_array_layer` is ignored since we
+ // have a staging copy, and it can have a different value.
+ let (_, _source_bytes_per_array_layer) = validate_linear_texture_data(
+ data_layout,
+ dst.desc.format,
+ destination.aspect,
+ data.len() as wgt::BufferAddress,
+ CopySide::Source,
+ size,
+ false,
+ )?;
+ if dst.desc.format.is_depth_stencil_format() {
+ device
+ .require_downlevel_flags(wgt::DownlevelFlags::DEPTH_TEXTURE_AND_BUFFER_COPIES)
+ .map_err(TransferError::from)?;
+ }
+ let (block_width, block_height) = dst.desc.format.block_dimensions();
+ let width_blocks = size.width / block_width;
+ let height_blocks = size.height / block_height;
+ let block_rows_per_image = data_layout.rows_per_image.unwrap_or(
+ // doesn't really matter because we need this only if we copy
+ // more than one layer, and then we validate for this being not
+ // None
+ height_blocks,
+ );
+ let block_size = dst
+ .desc
+ .format
+ .block_copy_size(Some(destination.aspect))
+ .unwrap();
+ let bytes_per_row_alignment =
+ get_lowest_common_denom(device.alignments.buffer_copy_pitch.get() as u32, block_size);
+ let stage_bytes_per_row =
+ wgt::math::align_to(block_size * width_blocks, bytes_per_row_alignment);
+ let block_rows_in_copy =
+ (size.depth_or_array_layers - 1) * block_rows_per_image + height_blocks;
+ let stage_size = stage_bytes_per_row as u64 * block_rows_in_copy as u64;
+ let mut pending_writes = device.pending_writes.lock();
+ let pending_writes = pending_writes.as_mut().unwrap();
+ let encoder = pending_writes.activate();
+ // If the copy does not fully cover the layers, we need to initialize to
+ // zero *first* as we don't keep track of partial texture layer inits.
+ //
+ // Strictly speaking we only need to clear the areas of a layer
+ // untouched, but this would get increasingly messy.
+ let init_layer_range = if dst.desc.dimension == wgt::TextureDimension::D3 {
+ // volume textures don't have a layer range as array volumes aren't supported
+ 0..1
+ } else {
+ destination.origin.z..destination.origin.z + size.depth_or_array_layers
+ };
+ let mut dst_initialization_status = dst.initialization_status.write();
+ if dst_initialization_status.mips[destination.mip_level as usize]
+ .check(init_layer_range.clone())
+ .is_some()
+ {
+ if has_copy_partial_init_tracker_coverage(size, destination.mip_level, &dst.desc) {
+ for layer_range in dst_initialization_status.mips[destination.mip_level as usize]
+ .drain(init_layer_range)
+ .collect::<Vec<std::ops::Range<u32>>>()
+ {
+ let mut trackers = device.trackers.lock();
+ crate::command::clear_texture(
+ &dst,
+ TextureInitRange {
+ mip_range: destination.mip_level..(destination.mip_level + 1),
+ layer_range,
+ },
+ encoder,
+ &mut trackers.textures,
+ &device.alignments,
+ device.zero_buffer.as_ref().unwrap(),
+ )
+ .map_err(QueueWriteError::from)?;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dst_initialization_status.mips[destination.mip_level as usize]
+ .drain(init_layer_range);
+ }
+ }
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ // Re-get `dst` immutably here, so that the mutable borrow of the
+ // `texture_guard.get` above ends in time for the `clear_texture`
+ // call above. Since we've held `texture_guard` the whole time, we know
+ // the texture hasn't gone away in the mean time, so we can unwrap.
+ let dst = hub.textures.get(destination.texture).unwrap();
+ .use_at(device.active_submission_index.load(Ordering::Relaxed) + 1);
+ let dst_raw = dst
+ .raw(&snatch_guard)
+ .ok_or(TransferError::InvalidTexture(destination.texture))?;
+ let bytes_per_row = data_layout
+ .bytes_per_row
+ .unwrap_or(width_blocks * block_size);
+ // Platform validation requires that the staging buffer always be
+ // freed, even if an error occurs. All paths from here must call
+ // `device.pending_writes.consume`.
+ let (staging_buffer, staging_buffer_ptr) =
+ prepare_staging_buffer(device, stage_size, device.instance_flags)?;
+ let stage_fid = hub.staging_buffers.request();
+ let staging_buffer = stage_fid.init(staging_buffer);
+ if stage_bytes_per_row == bytes_per_row {
+ profiling::scope!("copy aligned");
+ // Fast path if the data is already being aligned optimally.
+ unsafe {
+ ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(
+ data.as_ptr().offset(data_layout.offset as isize),
+ staging_buffer_ptr,
+ stage_size as usize,
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ profiling::scope!("copy chunked");
+ // Copy row by row into the optimal alignment.
+ let copy_bytes_per_row = stage_bytes_per_row.min(bytes_per_row) as usize;
+ for layer in 0..size.depth_or_array_layers {
+ let rows_offset = layer * block_rows_per_image;
+ for row in 0..height_blocks {
+ unsafe {
+ ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(
+ data.as_ptr().offset(
+ data_layout.offset as isize
+ + (rows_offset + row) as isize * bytes_per_row as isize,
+ ),
+ staging_buffer_ptr.offset(
+ (rows_offset + row) as isize * stage_bytes_per_row as isize,
+ ),
+ copy_bytes_per_row,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Err(e) = unsafe { staging_buffer.flush(device.raw()) } {
+ pending_writes.consume(staging_buffer);
+ return Err(e.into());
+ }
+ let regions = (0..array_layer_count).map(|rel_array_layer| {
+ let mut texture_base = dst_base.clone();
+ texture_base.array_layer += rel_array_layer;
+ hal::BufferTextureCopy {
+ buffer_layout: wgt::ImageDataLayout {
+ offset: rel_array_layer as u64
+ * block_rows_per_image as u64
+ * stage_bytes_per_row as u64,
+ bytes_per_row: Some(stage_bytes_per_row),
+ rows_per_image: Some(block_rows_per_image),
+ },
+ texture_base,
+ size: hal_copy_size,
+ }
+ });
+ {
+ let inner_buffer = staging_buffer.raw.lock();
+ let barrier = hal::BufferBarrier {
+ buffer: inner_buffer.as_ref().unwrap(),
+ usage: hal::BufferUses::MAP_WRITE..hal::BufferUses::COPY_SRC,
+ };
+ let mut trackers = device.trackers.lock();
+ let transition = trackers
+ .textures
+ .set_single(&dst, selector, hal::TextureUses::COPY_DST)
+ .ok_or(TransferError::InvalidTexture(destination.texture))?;
+ unsafe {
+ encoder.transition_textures(|pending| pending.into_hal(dst_raw)));
+ encoder.transition_buffers(iter::once(barrier));
+ encoder.copy_buffer_to_texture(inner_buffer.as_ref().unwrap(), dst_raw, regions);
+ }
+ }
+ pending_writes.consume(staging_buffer);
+ pending_writes
+ .dst_textures
+ .insert(destination.texture, dst.clone());
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[cfg(webgl)]
+ pub fn queue_copy_external_image_to_texture<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ queue_id: QueueId,
+ source: &wgt::ImageCopyExternalImage,
+ destination: crate::command::ImageCopyTextureTagged,
+ size: wgt::Extent3d,
+ ) -> Result<(), QueueWriteError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Queue::copy_external_image_to_texture");
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let queue = hub
+ .queues
+ .get(queue_id)
+ .map_err(|_| DeviceError::InvalidQueueId)?;
+ let device = queue.device.as_ref().unwrap();
+ if size.width == 0 || size.height == 0 || size.depth_or_array_layers == 0 {
+ log::trace!("Ignoring write_texture of size 0");
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ let mut needs_flag = false;
+ needs_flag |= matches!(source.source, wgt::ExternalImageSource::OffscreenCanvas(_));
+ needs_flag |= source.origin != wgt::Origin2d::ZERO;
+ needs_flag |= destination.color_space != wgt::PredefinedColorSpace::Srgb;
+ #[allow(clippy::bool_comparison)]
+ if matches!(source.source, wgt::ExternalImageSource::ImageBitmap(_)) {
+ needs_flag |= source.flip_y != false;
+ needs_flag |= destination.premultiplied_alpha != false;
+ }
+ if needs_flag {
+ device
+ .require_downlevel_flags(wgt::DownlevelFlags::UNRESTRICTED_EXTERNAL_TEXTURE_COPIES)
+ .map_err(TransferError::from)?;
+ }
+ let src_width = source.source.width();
+ let src_height = source.source.height();
+ let dst = hub.textures.get(destination.texture).unwrap();
+ if !conv::is_valid_external_image_copy_dst_texture_format(dst.desc.format) {
+ return Err(
+ TransferError::ExternalCopyToForbiddenTextureFormat(dst.desc.format).into(),
+ );
+ }
+ if dst.desc.dimension != wgt::TextureDimension::D2 {
+ return Err(TransferError::InvalidDimensionExternal(destination.texture).into());
+ }
+ if !dst.desc.usage.contains(wgt::TextureUsages::COPY_DST) {
+ return Err(
+ TransferError::MissingCopyDstUsageFlag(None, Some(destination.texture)).into(),
+ );
+ }
+ if !dst
+ .desc
+ .usage
+ .contains(wgt::TextureUsages::RENDER_ATTACHMENT)
+ {
+ return Err(
+ TransferError::MissingRenderAttachmentUsageFlag(destination.texture).into(),
+ );
+ }
+ if dst.desc.sample_count != 1 {
+ return Err(TransferError::InvalidSampleCount {
+ sample_count: dst.desc.sample_count,
+ }
+ .into());
+ }
+ if source.origin.x + size.width > src_width {
+ return Err(TransferError::TextureOverrun {
+ start_offset: source.origin.x,
+ end_offset: source.origin.x + size.width,
+ texture_size: src_width,
+ dimension: crate::resource::TextureErrorDimension::X,
+ side: CopySide::Source,
+ }
+ .into());
+ }
+ if source.origin.y + size.height > src_height {
+ return Err(TransferError::TextureOverrun {
+ start_offset: source.origin.y,
+ end_offset: source.origin.y + size.height,
+ texture_size: src_height,
+ dimension: crate::resource::TextureErrorDimension::Y,
+ side: CopySide::Source,
+ }
+ .into());
+ }
+ if size.depth_or_array_layers != 1 {
+ return Err(TransferError::TextureOverrun {
+ start_offset: 0,
+ end_offset: size.depth_or_array_layers,
+ texture_size: 1,
+ dimension: crate::resource::TextureErrorDimension::Z,
+ side: CopySide::Source,
+ }
+ .into());
+ }
+ // Note: Doing the copy range validation early is important because ensures that the
+ // dimensions are not going to cause overflow in other parts of the validation.
+ let (hal_copy_size, _) = validate_texture_copy_range(
+ &destination.to_untagged(),
+ &dst.desc,
+ CopySide::Destination,
+ &size,
+ )?;
+ let (selector, dst_base) =
+ extract_texture_selector(&destination.to_untagged(), &size, &dst)?;
+ let mut pending_writes = device.pending_writes.lock();
+ let encoder = pending_writes.as_mut().unwrap().activate();
+ // If the copy does not fully cover the layers, we need to initialize to
+ // zero *first* as we don't keep track of partial texture layer inits.
+ //
+ // Strictly speaking we only need to clear the areas of a layer
+ // untouched, but this would get increasingly messy.
+ let init_layer_range = if dst.desc.dimension == wgt::TextureDimension::D3 {
+ // volume textures don't have a layer range as array volumes aren't supported
+ 0..1
+ } else {
+ destination.origin.z..destination.origin.z + size.depth_or_array_layers
+ };
+ let mut dst_initialization_status = dst.initialization_status.write();
+ if dst_initialization_status.mips[destination.mip_level as usize]
+ .check(init_layer_range.clone())
+ .is_some()
+ {
+ if has_copy_partial_init_tracker_coverage(&size, destination.mip_level, &dst.desc) {
+ for layer_range in dst_initialization_status.mips[destination.mip_level as usize]
+ .drain(init_layer_range)
+ .collect::<Vec<std::ops::Range<u32>>>()
+ {
+ let mut trackers = device.trackers.lock();
+ crate::command::clear_texture(
+ &dst,
+ TextureInitRange {
+ mip_range: destination.mip_level..(destination.mip_level + 1),
+ layer_range,
+ },
+ encoder,
+ &mut trackers.textures,
+ &device.alignments,
+ device.zero_buffer.as_ref().unwrap(),
+ )
+ .map_err(QueueWriteError::from)?;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dst_initialization_status.mips[destination.mip_level as usize]
+ .drain(init_layer_range);
+ }
+ }
+ .use_at(device.active_submission_index.load(Ordering::Relaxed) + 1);
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ let dst_raw = dst
+ .raw(&snatch_guard)
+ .ok_or(TransferError::InvalidTexture(destination.texture))?;
+ let regions = hal::TextureCopy {
+ src_base: hal::TextureCopyBase {
+ mip_level: 0,
+ array_layer: 0,
+ origin: source.origin.to_3d(0),
+ aspect: hal::FormatAspects::COLOR,
+ },
+ dst_base,
+ size: hal_copy_size,
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ let mut trackers = device.trackers.lock();
+ let transitions = trackers
+ .textures
+ .set_single(&dst, selector, hal::TextureUses::COPY_DST)
+ .ok_or(TransferError::InvalidTexture(destination.texture))?;
+ encoder.transition_textures(|pending| pending.into_hal(dst_raw)));
+ encoder.copy_external_image_to_texture(
+ source,
+ dst_raw,
+ destination.premultiplied_alpha,
+ iter::once(regions),
+ );
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn queue_submit<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ queue_id: QueueId,
+ command_buffer_ids: &[id::CommandBufferId],
+ ) -> Result<WrappedSubmissionIndex, QueueSubmitError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Queue::submit");
+ api_log!("Queue::submit {queue_id:?}");
+ let (submit_index, callbacks) = {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ let queue = hub
+ .queues
+ .get(queue_id)
+ .map_err(|_| DeviceError::InvalidQueueId)?;
+ let device = queue.device.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let mut fence = device.fence.write();
+ let fence = fence.as_mut().unwrap();
+ let submit_index = device
+ .active_submission_index
+ .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
+ + 1;
+ let mut active_executions = Vec::new();
+ let mut used_surface_textures = track::TextureUsageScope::new();
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ let mut submit_surface_textures_owned = SmallVec::<[_; 2]>::new();
+ {
+ let mut command_buffer_guard = hub.command_buffers.write();
+ if !command_buffer_ids.is_empty() {
+ profiling::scope!("prepare");
+ //TODO: if multiple command buffers are submitted, we can re-use the last
+ // native command buffer of the previous chain instead of always creating
+ // a temporary one, since the chains are not finished.
+ let mut temp_suspected = device.temp_suspected.lock();
+ {
+ let mut suspected = temp_suspected.replace(ResourceMaps::new()).unwrap();
+ suspected.clear();
+ }
+ // finish all the command buffers first
+ for &cmb_id in command_buffer_ids {
+ // we reset the used surface textures every time we use
+ // it, so make sure to set_size on it.
+ used_surface_textures.set_size(;
+ #[allow(unused_mut)]
+ let mut cmdbuf = match command_buffer_guard.replace_with_error(cmb_id) {
+ Ok(cmdbuf) => cmdbuf,
+ Err(_) => continue,
+ };
+ if cmdbuf.device.as_info().id() != queue_id.transmute() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::WrongDevice.into());
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(ref mut trace) = *device.trace.lock() {
+ trace.add(Action::Submit(
+ submit_index,
+ cmdbuf
+ .data
+ .lock()
+ .as_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .commands
+ .take()
+ .unwrap(),
+ ));
+ }
+ if !cmdbuf.is_finished() {
+ if let Some(cmdbuf) = Arc::into_inner(cmdbuf) {
+ device.destroy_command_buffer(cmdbuf);
+ } else {
+ panic!(
+ "Command buffer cannot be destroyed because is still in use"
+ );
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // optimize the tracked states
+ // cmdbuf.trackers.optimize();
+ {
+ let cmd_buf_data =;
+ let cmd_buf_trackers = &cmd_buf_data.as_ref().unwrap().trackers;
+ // update submission IDs
+ for buffer in cmd_buf_trackers.buffers.used_resources() {
+ let id =;
+ let raw_buf = match buffer.raw.get(&snatch_guard) {
+ Some(raw) => raw,
+ None => {
+ return Err(QueueSubmitError::DestroyedBuffer(id));
+ }
+ };
+ if buffer.is_unique() {
+ if let BufferMapState::Active { .. } = *buffer.map_state.lock()
+ {
+ log::warn!("Dropped buffer has a pending mapping.");
+ unsafe { device.raw().unmap_buffer(raw_buf) }
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?;
+ }
+ temp_suspected
+ .as_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .buffers
+ .insert(id, buffer.clone());
+ } else {
+ match *buffer.map_state.lock() {
+ BufferMapState::Idle => (),
+ _ => return Err(QueueSubmitError::BufferStillMapped(id)),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for texture in cmd_buf_trackers.textures.used_resources() {
+ let id =;
+ let should_extend = match texture.inner.get(&snatch_guard) {
+ None => {
+ return Err(QueueSubmitError::DestroyedTexture(id));
+ }
+ Some(TextureInner::Native { .. }) => false,
+ Some(TextureInner::Surface {
+ ref has_work,
+ ref raw,
+ ..
+ }) => {
+, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ if raw.is_some() {
+ submit_surface_textures_owned.push(texture.clone());
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ };
+ if texture.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .as_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .textures
+ .insert(id, texture.clone());
+ }
+ if should_extend {
+ unsafe {
+ used_surface_textures
+ .merge_single(&texture, None, hal::TextureUses::PRESENT)
+ .unwrap();
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ for texture_view in cmd_buf_trackers.views.used_resources() {
+ if texture_view.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .as_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .texture_views
+ .insert(texture_view.as_info().id(), texture_view.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ for bg in cmd_buf_trackers.bind_groups.used_resources() {
+ // We need to update the submission indices for the contained
+ // state-less (!) resources as well, so that they don't get
+ // deleted too early if the parent bind group goes out of scope.
+ for view in bg.used.views.used_resources() {
+ }
+ for sampler in bg.used.samplers.used_resources() {
+ }
+ if bg.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .as_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .bind_groups
+ .insert(bg.as_info().id(), bg.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // assert!(cmd_buf_trackers.samplers.is_empty());
+ for compute_pipeline in
+ cmd_buf_trackers.compute_pipelines.used_resources()
+ {
+ if compute_pipeline.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected.as_mut().unwrap().compute_pipelines.insert(
+ compute_pipeline.as_info().id(),
+ compute_pipeline.clone(),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ for render_pipeline in
+ cmd_buf_trackers.render_pipelines.used_resources()
+ {
+ if render_pipeline.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected.as_mut().unwrap().render_pipelines.insert(
+ render_pipeline.as_info().id(),
+ render_pipeline.clone(),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ for query_set in cmd_buf_trackers.query_sets.used_resources() {
+ if query_set.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .as_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_sets
+ .insert(query_set.as_info().id(), query_set.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ for bundle in cmd_buf_trackers.bundles.used_resources() {
+ // We need to update the submission indices for the contained
+ // state-less (!) resources as well, excluding the bind groups.
+ // They don't get deleted too early if the bundle goes out of scope.
+ for render_pipeline in
+ {
+ }
+ for query_set in {
+ }
+ if bundle.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .as_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .render_bundles
+ .insert(bundle.as_info().id(), bundle.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut baked = cmdbuf.from_arc_into_baked();
+ // execute resource transitions
+ unsafe {
+ baked
+ .encoder
+ .begin_encoding(hal_label(
+ Some("(wgpu internal) Transit"),
+ device.instance_flags,
+ ))
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ log::trace!("Stitching command buffer {:?} before submission", cmb_id);
+ //Note: locking the trackers has to be done after the storages
+ let mut trackers = device.trackers.lock();
+ baked
+ .initialize_buffer_memory(&mut *trackers)
+ .map_err(|err| QueueSubmitError::DestroyedBuffer(err.0))?;
+ baked
+ .initialize_texture_memory(&mut *trackers, device)
+ .map_err(|err| QueueSubmitError::DestroyedTexture(err.0))?;
+ //Note: stateless trackers are not merged:
+ // device already knows these resources exist.
+ CommandBuffer::insert_barriers_from_tracker(
+ &mut baked.encoder,
+ &mut *trackers,
+ &baked.trackers,
+ &snatch_guard,
+ );
+ let transit = unsafe { baked.encoder.end_encoding().unwrap() };
+ baked.list.insert(0, transit);
+ // Transition surface textures into `Present` state.
+ // Note: we could technically do it after all of the command buffers,
+ // but here we have a command encoder by hand, so it's easier to use it.
+ if !used_surface_textures.is_empty() {
+ unsafe {
+ baked
+ .encoder
+ .begin_encoding(hal_label(
+ Some("(wgpu internal) Present"),
+ device.instance_flags,
+ ))
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ trackers
+ .textures
+ .set_from_usage_scope(&used_surface_textures);
+ let (transitions, textures) =
+ trackers.textures.drain_transitions(&snatch_guard);
+ let texture_barriers = transitions
+ .into_iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(i, p)| p.into_hal(textures[i].unwrap().raw().unwrap()));
+ let present = unsafe {
+ baked.encoder.transition_textures(texture_barriers);
+ baked.encoder.end_encoding().unwrap()
+ };
+ baked.list.push(present);
+ used_surface_textures = track::TextureUsageScope::new();
+ }
+ // done
+ active_executions.push(EncoderInFlight {
+ raw: baked.encoder,
+ cmd_buffers: baked.list,
+ });
+ }
+ log::trace!("Device after submission {}", submit_index);
+ }
+ }
+ let mut pending_writes = device.pending_writes.lock();
+ let pending_writes = pending_writes.as_mut().unwrap();
+ {
+ used_surface_textures.set_size(;
+ for (&id, texture) in pending_writes.dst_textures.iter() {
+ match texture.inner.get(&snatch_guard) {
+ None => {
+ return Err(QueueSubmitError::DestroyedTexture(id));
+ }
+ Some(TextureInner::Native { .. }) => {}
+ Some(TextureInner::Surface {
+ ref has_work,
+ ref raw,
+ ..
+ }) => {
+, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ if raw.is_some() {
+ submit_surface_textures_owned.push(texture.clone());
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ used_surface_textures
+ .merge_single(texture, None, hal::TextureUses::PRESENT)
+ .unwrap()
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if !used_surface_textures.is_empty() {
+ let mut trackers = device.trackers.lock();
+ trackers
+ .textures
+ .set_from_usage_scope(&used_surface_textures);
+ let (transitions, textures) =
+ trackers.textures.drain_transitions(&snatch_guard);
+ let texture_barriers = transitions
+ .into_iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(i, p)| p.into_hal(textures[i].unwrap().raw().unwrap()));
+ unsafe {
+ pending_writes
+ .command_encoder
+ .transition_textures(texture_barriers);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ let refs = pending_writes
+ .pre_submit()?
+ .into_iter()
+ .chain(
+ active_executions
+ .iter()
+ .flat_map(|pool_execution| pool_execution.cmd_buffers.iter()),
+ )
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let mut submit_surface_textures =
+ SmallVec::<[_; 2]>::with_capacity(submit_surface_textures_owned.len());
+ for texture in &submit_surface_textures_owned {
+ submit_surface_textures.extend(match texture.inner.get(&snatch_guard) {
+ Some(TextureInner::Surface { raw, .. }) => raw.as_ref(),
+ _ => None,
+ });
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ queue
+ .raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .submit(&refs, &submit_surface_textures, Some((fence, submit_index)))
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?;
+ }
+ profiling::scope!("cleanup");
+ if let Some(pending_execution) = pending_writes.post_submit(
+ device.command_allocator.lock().as_mut().unwrap(),
+ device.raw(),
+ queue.raw.as_ref().unwrap(),
+ ) {
+ active_executions.push(pending_execution);
+ }
+ // this will register the new submission to the life time tracker
+ let mut pending_write_resources = mem::take(&mut pending_writes.temp_resources);
+ device.lock_life().track_submission(
+ submit_index,
+ pending_write_resources.drain(..),
+ active_executions,
+ );
+ // This will schedule destruction of all resources that are no longer needed
+ // by the user but used in the command stream, among other things.
+ let (closures, _) = match device.maintain(fence, wgt::Maintain::Poll) {
+ Ok(closures) => closures,
+ Err(WaitIdleError::Device(err)) => return Err(QueueSubmitError::Queue(err)),
+ Err(WaitIdleError::StuckGpu) => return Err(QueueSubmitError::StuckGpu),
+ Err(WaitIdleError::WrongSubmissionIndex(..)) => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ // pending_write_resources has been drained, so it's empty, but we
+ // want to retain its heap allocation.
+ pending_writes.temp_resources = pending_write_resources;
+ device.lock_life().post_submit();
+ (submit_index, closures)
+ };
+ // the closures should execute with nothing locked!
+ Ok(WrappedSubmissionIndex {
+ queue_id,
+ index: submit_index,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn queue_get_timestamp_period<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ queue_id: QueueId,
+ ) -> Result<f32, InvalidQueue> {
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ match hub.queues.get(queue_id) {
+ Ok(queue) => Ok(unsafe { queue.raw.as_ref().unwrap().get_timestamp_period() }),
+ Err(_) => Err(InvalidQueue),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn queue_on_submitted_work_done<A: HalApi>(
+ &self,
+ queue_id: QueueId,
+ closure: SubmittedWorkDoneClosure,
+ ) -> Result<(), InvalidQueue> {
+ api_log!("Queue::on_submitted_work_done {queue_id:?}");
+ //TODO: flush pending writes
+ let hub = A::hub(self);
+ match hub.queues.get(queue_id) {
+ Ok(queue) => queue
+ .device
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .lock_life()
+ .add_work_done_closure(closure),
+ Err(_) => return Err(InvalidQueue),
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2c85a056a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
@@ -0,0 +1,3530 @@
+#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+use crate::device::trace;
+use crate::{
+ binding_model::{self, BindGroup, BindGroupLayout, BindGroupLayoutEntryError},
+ command, conv,
+ device::{
+ bgl,
+ life::{LifetimeTracker, WaitIdleError},
+ queue::PendingWrites,
+ AttachmentData, CommandAllocator, DeviceLostInvocation, MissingDownlevelFlags,
+ MissingFeatures, RenderPassContext, CLEANUP_WAIT_MS,
+ },
+ hal_api::HalApi,
+ hal_label,
+ hub::Hub,
+ id::QueueId,
+ init_tracker::{
+ BufferInitTracker, BufferInitTrackerAction, MemoryInitKind, TextureInitRange,
+ TextureInitTracker, TextureInitTrackerAction,
+ },
+ instance::Adapter,
+ pipeline,
+ pool::ResourcePool,
+ registry::Registry,
+ resource::{
+ self, Buffer, QuerySet, Resource, ResourceInfo, ResourceType, Sampler, Texture,
+ TextureView, TextureViewNotRenderableReason,
+ },
+ resource_log,
+ snatch::{SnatchGuard, SnatchLock, Snatchable},
+ storage::Storage,
+ track::{BindGroupStates, TextureSelector, Tracker},
+ validation::{self, check_buffer_usage, check_texture_usage},
+ FastHashMap, LabelHelpers as _, SubmissionIndex,
+use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
+use hal::{CommandEncoder as _, Device as _};
+use parking_lot::{Mutex, MutexGuard, RwLock};
+use smallvec::SmallVec;
+use thiserror::Error;
+use wgt::{DeviceLostReason, TextureFormat, TextureSampleType, TextureViewDimension};
+use std::{
+ borrow::Cow,
+ iter,
+ num::NonZeroU32,
+ sync::{
+ atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU64, Ordering},
+ Arc, Weak,
+ },
+use super::{
+ life::{self, ResourceMaps},
+ queue::{self},
+ DeviceDescriptor, DeviceError, ImplicitPipelineContext, UserClosures, ENTRYPOINT_FAILURE_ERROR,
+/// Structure describing a logical device. Some members are internally mutable,
+/// stored behind mutexes.
+/// TODO: establish clear order of locking for these:
+/// `life_tracker`, `trackers`, `render_passes`, `pending_writes`, `trace`.
+/// Currently, the rules are:
+/// 1. `life_tracker` is locked after `hub.devices`, enforced by the type system
+/// 1. `self.trackers` is locked last (unenforced)
+/// 1. `self.trace` is locked last (unenforced)
+/// Right now avoid locking twice same resource or registry in a call execution
+/// and minimize the locking to the minimum scope possible
+/// Unless otherwise specified, no lock may be acquired while holding another lock.
+/// This means that you must inspect function calls made while a lock is held
+/// to see what locks the callee may try to acquire.
+/// As far as this point:
+/// device_maintain_ids locks Device::lifetime_tracker, and calls...
+/// triage_suspected locks Device::trackers, and calls...
+/// Registry::unregister locks Registry::storage
+/// Important:
+/// When locking pending_writes please check that trackers is not locked
+/// trackers should be locked only when needed for the shortest time possible
+pub struct Device<A: HalApi> {
+ raw: Option<A::Device>,
+ pub(crate) adapter: Arc<Adapter<A>>,
+ pub(crate) queue_id: RwLock<Option<QueueId>>,
+ queue_to_drop: RwLock<Option<A::Queue>>,
+ pub(crate) zero_buffer: Option<A::Buffer>,
+ pub(crate) info: ResourceInfo<Device<A>>,
+ pub(crate) command_allocator: Mutex<Option<CommandAllocator<A>>>,
+ //Note: The submission index here corresponds to the last submission that is done.
+ pub(crate) active_submission_index: AtomicU64, //SubmissionIndex,
+ pub(crate) fence: RwLock<Option<A::Fence>>,
+ pub(crate) snatchable_lock: SnatchLock,
+ /// Is this device valid? Valid is closely associated with "lose the device",
+ /// which can be triggered by various methods, including at the end of device
+ /// destroy, and by any GPU errors that cause us to no longer trust the state
+ /// of the device. Ideally we would like to fold valid into the storage of
+ /// the device itself (for example as an Error enum), but unfortunately we
+ /// need to continue to be able to retrieve the device in poll_devices to
+ /// determine if it can be dropped. If our internal accesses of devices were
+ /// done through ref-counted references and external accesses checked for
+ /// Error enums, we wouldn't need this. For now, we need it. All the call
+ /// sites where we check it are areas that should be revisited if we start
+ /// using ref-counted references for internal access.
+ pub(crate) valid: AtomicBool,
+ /// All live resources allocated with this [`Device`].
+ ///
+ /// Has to be locked temporarily only (locked last)
+ /// and never before pending_writes
+ pub(crate) trackers: Mutex<Tracker<A>>,
+ // Life tracker should be locked right after the device and before anything else.
+ life_tracker: Mutex<LifetimeTracker<A>>,
+ /// Temporary storage for resource management functions. Cleared at the end
+ /// of every call (unless an error occurs).
+ pub(crate) temp_suspected: Mutex<Option<ResourceMaps<A>>>,
+ /// Pool of bind group layouts, allowing deduplication.
+ pub(crate) bgl_pool: ResourcePool<bgl::EntryMap, BindGroupLayout<A>>,
+ pub(crate) alignments: hal::Alignments,
+ pub(crate) limits: wgt::Limits,
+ pub(crate) features: wgt::Features,
+ pub(crate) downlevel: wgt::DownlevelCapabilities,
+ pub(crate) instance_flags: wgt::InstanceFlags,
+ pub(crate) pending_writes: Mutex<Option<PendingWrites<A>>>,
+ pub(crate) deferred_destroy: Mutex<Vec<DeferredDestroy<A>>>,
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ pub(crate) trace: Mutex<Option<trace::Trace>>,
+pub(crate) enum DeferredDestroy<A: HalApi> {
+ TextureView(Weak<TextureView<A>>),
+ BindGroup(Weak<BindGroup<A>>),
+impl<A: HalApi> std::fmt::Debug for Device<A> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Device")
+ .field("adapter", &
+ .field("limits", &self.limits)
+ .field("features", &self.features)
+ .field("downlevel", &self.downlevel)
+ .finish()
+ }
+impl<A: HalApi> Drop for Device<A> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ resource_log!("Destroy raw Device {:?}",;
+ let raw = self.raw.take().unwrap();
+ let pending_writes = self.pending_writes.lock().take().unwrap();
+ pending_writes.dispose(&raw);
+ self.command_allocator.lock().take().unwrap().dispose(&raw);
+ unsafe {
+ raw.destroy_buffer(self.zero_buffer.take().unwrap());
+ raw.destroy_fence(self.fence.write().take().unwrap());
+ let queue = self.queue_to_drop.write().take().unwrap();
+ raw.exit(queue);
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+pub enum CreateDeviceError {
+ #[error("Not enough memory left to create device")]
+ OutOfMemory,
+ #[error("Failed to create internal buffer for initializing textures")]
+ FailedToCreateZeroBuffer(#[from] DeviceError),
+impl<A: HalApi> Device<A> {
+ pub(crate) fn raw(&self) -> &A::Device {
+ self.raw.as_ref().unwrap()
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn require_features(&self, feature: wgt::Features) -> Result<(), MissingFeatures> {
+ if self.features.contains(feature) {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(MissingFeatures(feature))
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn require_downlevel_flags(
+ &self,
+ flags: wgt::DownlevelFlags,
+ ) -> Result<(), MissingDownlevelFlags> {
+ if self.downlevel.flags.contains(flags) {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(MissingDownlevelFlags(flags))
+ }
+ }
+impl<A: HalApi> Device<A> {
+ pub(crate) fn new(
+ raw_device: A::Device,
+ raw_queue: &A::Queue,
+ adapter: &Arc<Adapter<A>>,
+ desc: &DeviceDescriptor,
+ trace_path: Option<&std::path::Path>,
+ instance_flags: wgt::InstanceFlags,
+ ) -> Result<Self, CreateDeviceError> {
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "trace"))]
+ if let Some(_) = trace_path {
+ log::error!("Feature 'trace' is not enabled");
+ }
+ let fence =
+ unsafe { raw_device.create_fence() }.map_err(|_| CreateDeviceError::OutOfMemory)?;
+ let mut com_alloc = CommandAllocator {
+ free_encoders: Vec::new(),
+ };
+ let pending_encoder = com_alloc
+ .acquire_encoder(&raw_device, raw_queue)
+ .map_err(|_| CreateDeviceError::OutOfMemory)?;
+ let mut pending_writes = queue::PendingWrites::<A>::new(pending_encoder);
+ // Create zeroed buffer used for texture clears.
+ let zero_buffer = unsafe {
+ raw_device
+ .create_buffer(&hal::BufferDescriptor {
+ label: hal_label(Some("(wgpu internal) zero init buffer"), instance_flags),
+ usage: hal::BufferUses::COPY_SRC | hal::BufferUses::COPY_DST,
+ memory_flags: hal::MemoryFlags::empty(),
+ })
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ pending_writes.activate();
+ unsafe {
+ pending_writes
+ .command_encoder
+ .transition_buffers(iter::once(hal::BufferBarrier {
+ buffer: &zero_buffer,
+ usage: hal::BufferUses::empty()..hal::BufferUses::COPY_DST,
+ }));
+ pending_writes
+ .command_encoder
+ .clear_buffer(&zero_buffer, 0..ZERO_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ pending_writes
+ .command_encoder
+ .transition_buffers(iter::once(hal::BufferBarrier {
+ buffer: &zero_buffer,
+ usage: hal::BufferUses::COPY_DST..hal::BufferUses::COPY_SRC,
+ }));
+ }
+ let alignments = adapter.raw.capabilities.alignments.clone();
+ let downlevel = adapter.raw.capabilities.downlevel.clone();
+ Ok(Self {
+ raw: Some(raw_device),
+ adapter: adapter.clone(),
+ queue_id: RwLock::new(None),
+ queue_to_drop: RwLock::new(None),
+ zero_buffer: Some(zero_buffer),
+ info: ResourceInfo::new("<device>"),
+ command_allocator: Mutex::new(Some(com_alloc)),
+ active_submission_index: AtomicU64::new(0),
+ fence: RwLock::new(Some(fence)),
+ snatchable_lock: unsafe { SnatchLock::new() },
+ valid: AtomicBool::new(true),
+ trackers: Mutex::new(Tracker::new()),
+ life_tracker: Mutex::new(life::LifetimeTracker::new()),
+ temp_suspected: Mutex::new(Some(life::ResourceMaps::new())),
+ bgl_pool: ResourcePool::new(),
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ trace: Mutex::new(trace_path.and_then(|path| match trace::Trace::new(path) {
+ Ok(mut trace) => {
+ trace.add(trace::Action::Init {
+ desc: desc.clone(),
+ backend: A::VARIANT,
+ });
+ Some(trace)
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ log::error!("Unable to start a trace in '{path:?}': {e}");
+ None
+ }
+ })),
+ alignments,
+ limits: desc.required_limits.clone(),
+ features: desc.required_features,
+ downlevel,
+ instance_flags,
+ pending_writes: Mutex::new(Some(pending_writes)),
+ deferred_destroy: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {
+ self.valid.load(Ordering::Acquire)
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn release_queue(&self, queue: A::Queue) {
+ self.queue_to_drop.write().replace(queue);
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn lock_life<'a>(&'a self) -> MutexGuard<'a, LifetimeTracker<A>> {
+ self.life_tracker.lock()
+ }
+ /// Run some destroy operations that were deferred.
+ ///
+ /// Destroying the resources requires taking a write lock on the device's snatch lock,
+ /// so a good reason for deferring resource destruction is when we don't know for sure
+ /// how risky it is to take the lock (typically, it shouldn't be taken from the drop
+ /// implementation of a reference-counted structure).
+ /// The snatch lock must not be held while this function is called.
+ pub(crate) fn deferred_resource_destruction(&self) {
+ while let Some(item) = self.deferred_destroy.lock().pop() {
+ match item {
+ DeferredDestroy::TextureView(view) => {
+ let Some(view) = view.upgrade() else {
+ continue;
+ };
+ let Some(raw_view) = view.raw.snatch(self.snatchable_lock.write()) else {
+ continue;
+ };
+ resource_log!("Destroy raw TextureView (destroyed) {:?}", view.label());
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(t) = self.trace.lock().as_mut() {
+ t.add(trace::Action::DestroyTextureView(;
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ use hal::Device;
+ self.raw().destroy_texture_view(raw_view);
+ }
+ }
+ DeferredDestroy::BindGroup(bind_group) => {
+ let Some(bind_group) = bind_group.upgrade() else {
+ continue;
+ };
+ let Some(raw_bind_group) = bind_group.raw.snatch(self.snatchable_lock.write()) else {
+ continue;
+ };
+ resource_log!("Destroy raw BindGroup (destroyed) {:?}", bind_group.label());
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ if let Some(t) = self.trace.lock().as_mut() {
+ t.add(trace::Action::DestroyBindGroup(;
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ use hal::Device;
+ self.raw().destroy_bind_group(raw_bind_group);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Check this device for completed commands.
+ ///
+ /// The `maintain` argument tells how the maintence function should behave, either
+ /// blocking or just polling the current state of the gpu.
+ ///
+ /// Return a pair `(closures, queue_empty)`, where:
+ ///
+ /// - `closures` is a list of actions to take: mapping buffers, notifying the user
+ ///
+ /// - `queue_empty` is a boolean indicating whether there are more queue
+ /// submissions still in flight. (We have to take the locks needed to
+ /// produce this information for other reasons, so we might as well just
+ /// return it to our callers.)
+ pub(crate) fn maintain<'this>(
+ &'this self,
+ fence: &A::Fence,
+ maintain: wgt::Maintain<queue::WrappedSubmissionIndex>,
+ ) -> Result<(UserClosures, bool), WaitIdleError> {
+ profiling::scope!("Device::maintain");
+ let last_done_index = if maintain.is_wait() {
+ let index_to_wait_for = match maintain {
+ wgt::Maintain::WaitForSubmissionIndex(submission_index) => {
+ // We don't need to check to see if the queue id matches
+ // as we already checked this from inside the poll call.
+ submission_index.index
+ }
+ _ => self.active_submission_index.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .wait(fence, index_to_wait_for, CLEANUP_WAIT_MS)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ index_to_wait_for
+ } else {
+ unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .get_fence_value(fence)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ }
+ };
+ let mut life_tracker = self.lock_life();
+ let submission_closures = life_tracker.triage_submissions(
+ last_done_index,
+ self.command_allocator.lock().as_mut().unwrap(),
+ );
+ {
+ // Normally, `temp_suspected` exists only to save heap
+ // allocations: it's cleared at the start of the function
+ // call, and cleared by the end. But `Global::queue_submit` is
+ // fallible; if it exits early, it may leave some resources in
+ // `temp_suspected`.
+ let temp_suspected = self
+ .temp_suspected
+ .lock()
+ .replace(ResourceMaps::new())
+ .unwrap();
+ life_tracker.suspected_resources.extend(temp_suspected);
+ life_tracker.triage_suspected(&self.trackers);
+ life_tracker.triage_mapped();
+ }
+ let mapping_closures = life_tracker.handle_mapping(self.raw(), &self.trackers);
+ let queue_empty = life_tracker.queue_empty();
+ // Detect if we have been destroyed and now need to lose the device.
+ // If we are invalid (set at start of destroy) and our queue is empty,
+ // and we have a DeviceLostClosure, return the closure to be called by
+ // our caller. This will complete the steps for both destroy and for
+ // "lose the device".
+ let mut device_lost_invocations = SmallVec::new();
+ let mut should_release_gpu_resource = false;
+ if !self.is_valid() && queue_empty {
+ // We can release gpu resources associated with this device (but not
+ // while holding the life_tracker lock).
+ should_release_gpu_resource = true;
+ // If we have a DeviceLostClosure, build an invocation with the
+ // reason DeviceLostReason::Destroyed and no message.
+ if life_tracker.device_lost_closure.is_some() {
+ device_lost_invocations.push(DeviceLostInvocation {
+ closure: life_tracker.device_lost_closure.take().unwrap(),
+ reason: DeviceLostReason::Destroyed,
+ message: String::new(),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Don't hold the lock while calling release_gpu_resources.
+ drop(life_tracker);
+ if should_release_gpu_resource {
+ self.release_gpu_resources();
+ }
+ let closures = UserClosures {
+ mappings: mapping_closures,
+ submissions: submission_closures,
+ device_lost_invocations,
+ };
+ Ok((closures, queue_empty))
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn untrack(&self, trackers: &Tracker<A>) {
+ let mut temp_suspected = self
+ .temp_suspected
+ .lock()
+ .replace(ResourceMaps::new())
+ .unwrap();
+ temp_suspected.clear();
+ // As the tracker is cleared/dropped, we need to consider all the resources
+ // that it references for destruction in the next GC pass.
+ {
+ for resource in trackers.buffers.used_resources() {
+ if resource.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .buffers
+ .insert(resource.as_info().id(), resource.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ for resource in trackers.textures.used_resources() {
+ if resource.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .textures
+ .insert(resource.as_info().id(), resource.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ for resource in trackers.views.used_resources() {
+ if resource.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .texture_views
+ .insert(resource.as_info().id(), resource.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ for resource in trackers.bind_groups.used_resources() {
+ if resource.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .bind_groups
+ .insert(resource.as_info().id(), resource.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ for resource in trackers.samplers.used_resources() {
+ if resource.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .samplers
+ .insert(resource.as_info().id(), resource.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ for resource in trackers.compute_pipelines.used_resources() {
+ if resource.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .compute_pipelines
+ .insert(resource.as_info().id(), resource.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ for resource in trackers.render_pipelines.used_resources() {
+ if resource.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .render_pipelines
+ .insert(resource.as_info().id(), resource.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ for resource in trackers.query_sets.used_resources() {
+ if resource.is_unique() {
+ temp_suspected
+ .query_sets
+ .insert(resource.as_info().id(), resource.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.lock_life().suspected_resources.extend(temp_suspected);
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_buffer(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ desc: &resource::BufferDescriptor,
+ transient: bool,
+ ) -> Result<Buffer<A>, resource::CreateBufferError> {
+ debug_assert_eq!(self.as_info().id().backend(), A::VARIANT);
+ if desc.size > self.limits.max_buffer_size {
+ return Err(resource::CreateBufferError::MaxBufferSize {
+ requested: desc.size,
+ maximum: self.limits.max_buffer_size,
+ });
+ }
+ if desc.usage.contains(wgt::BufferUsages::INDEX)
+ && desc.usage.contains(
+ wgt::BufferUsages::VERTEX
+ | wgt::BufferUsages::UNIFORM
+ | wgt::BufferUsages::INDIRECT
+ | wgt::BufferUsages::STORAGE,
+ )
+ {
+ self.require_downlevel_flags(wgt::DownlevelFlags::UNRESTRICTED_INDEX_BUFFER)?;
+ }
+ let mut usage = conv::map_buffer_usage(desc.usage);
+ if desc.usage.is_empty() || desc.usage.contains_invalid_bits() {
+ return Err(resource::CreateBufferError::InvalidUsage(desc.usage));
+ }
+ if !self
+ .features
+ .contains(wgt::Features::MAPPABLE_PRIMARY_BUFFERS)
+ {
+ use wgt::BufferUsages as Bu;
+ let write_mismatch = desc.usage.contains(Bu::MAP_WRITE)
+ && !(Bu::MAP_WRITE | Bu::COPY_SRC).contains(desc.usage);
+ let read_mismatch = desc.usage.contains(Bu::MAP_READ)
+ && !(Bu::MAP_READ | Bu::COPY_DST).contains(desc.usage);
+ if write_mismatch || read_mismatch {
+ return Err(resource::CreateBufferError::UsageMismatch(desc.usage));
+ }
+ }
+ if desc.mapped_at_creation {
+ if desc.size % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT != 0 {
+ return Err(resource::CreateBufferError::UnalignedSize);
+ }
+ if !desc.usage.contains(wgt::BufferUsages::MAP_WRITE) {
+ // we are going to be copying into it, internally
+ usage |= hal::BufferUses::COPY_DST;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We are required to zero out (initialize) all memory. This is done
+ // on demand using clear_buffer which requires write transfer usage!
+ usage |= hal::BufferUses::COPY_DST;
+ }
+ let actual_size = if desc.size == 0 {
+ } else if desc.usage.contains(wgt::BufferUsages::VERTEX) {
+ // Bumping the size by 1 so that we can bind an empty range at the
+ // end of the buffer.
+ desc.size + 1
+ } else {
+ desc.size
+ };
+ let clear_remainder = actual_size % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT;
+ let aligned_size = if clear_remainder != 0 {
+ actual_size + wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT - clear_remainder
+ } else {
+ actual_size
+ };
+ let mut memory_flags = hal::MemoryFlags::empty();
+ memory_flags.set(hal::MemoryFlags::TRANSIENT, transient);
+ let hal_desc = hal::BufferDescriptor {
+ label: desc.label.to_hal(self.instance_flags),
+ size: aligned_size,
+ usage,
+ memory_flags,
+ };
+ let buffer = unsafe { self.raw().create_buffer(&hal_desc) }.map_err(DeviceError::from)?;
+ Ok(Buffer {
+ raw: Snatchable::new(buffer),
+ device: self.clone(),
+ usage: desc.usage,
+ size: desc.size,
+ initialization_status: RwLock::new(BufferInitTracker::new(aligned_size)),
+ sync_mapped_writes: Mutex::new(None),
+ map_state: Mutex::new(resource::BufferMapState::Idle),
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(desc.label.borrow_or_default()),
+ bind_groups: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
+ })
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_texture_from_hal(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ hal_texture: A::Texture,
+ hal_usage: hal::TextureUses,
+ desc: &resource::TextureDescriptor,
+ format_features: wgt::TextureFormatFeatures,
+ clear_mode: resource::TextureClearMode<A>,
+ ) -> Texture<A> {
+ debug_assert_eq!(self.as_info().id().backend(), A::VARIANT);
+ Texture {
+ inner: Snatchable::new(resource::TextureInner::Native { raw: hal_texture }),
+ device: self.clone(),
+ desc: desc.map_label(|_| ()),
+ hal_usage,
+ format_features,
+ initialization_status: RwLock::new(TextureInitTracker::new(
+ desc.mip_level_count,
+ desc.array_layer_count(),
+ )),
+ full_range: TextureSelector {
+ mips: 0..desc.mip_level_count,
+ layers: 0..desc.array_layer_count(),
+ },
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(desc.label.borrow_or_default()),
+ clear_mode: RwLock::new(clear_mode),
+ views: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
+ bind_groups: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn create_buffer_from_hal(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ hal_buffer: A::Buffer,
+ desc: &resource::BufferDescriptor,
+ ) -> Buffer<A> {
+ debug_assert_eq!(self.as_info().id().backend(), A::VARIANT);
+ Buffer {
+ raw: Snatchable::new(hal_buffer),
+ device: self.clone(),
+ usage: desc.usage,
+ size: desc.size,
+ initialization_status: RwLock::new(BufferInitTracker::new(0)),
+ sync_mapped_writes: Mutex::new(None),
+ map_state: Mutex::new(resource::BufferMapState::Idle),
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(desc.label.borrow_or_default()),
+ bind_groups: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_texture(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ adapter: &Adapter<A>,
+ desc: &resource::TextureDescriptor,
+ ) -> Result<Texture<A>, resource::CreateTextureError> {
+ use resource::{CreateTextureError, TextureDimensionError};
+ if desc.usage.is_empty() || desc.usage.contains_invalid_bits() {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidUsage(desc.usage));
+ }
+ conv::check_texture_dimension_size(
+ desc.dimension,
+ desc.size,
+ desc.sample_count,
+ &self.limits,
+ )?;
+ if desc.dimension != wgt::TextureDimension::D2 {
+ // Depth textures can only be 2D
+ if desc.format.is_depth_stencil_format() {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidDepthDimension(
+ desc.dimension,
+ desc.format,
+ ));
+ }
+ // Renderable textures can only be 2D
+ if desc.usage.contains(wgt::TextureUsages::RENDER_ATTACHMENT) {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidDimensionUsages(
+ wgt::TextureUsages::RENDER_ATTACHMENT,
+ desc.dimension,
+ ));
+ }
+ // Compressed textures can only be 2D
+ if desc.format.is_compressed() {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidCompressedDimension(
+ desc.dimension,
+ desc.format,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if desc.format.is_compressed() {
+ let (block_width, block_height) = desc.format.block_dimensions();
+ if desc.size.width % block_width != 0 {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidDimension(
+ TextureDimensionError::NotMultipleOfBlockWidth {
+ width: desc.size.width,
+ block_width,
+ format: desc.format,
+ },
+ ));
+ }
+ if desc.size.height % block_height != 0 {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidDimension(
+ TextureDimensionError::NotMultipleOfBlockHeight {
+ height: desc.size.height,
+ block_height,
+ format: desc.format,
+ },
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ let (width_multiple, height_multiple) = desc.format.size_multiple_requirement();
+ if desc.size.width % width_multiple != 0 {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidDimension(
+ TextureDimensionError::WidthNotMultipleOf {
+ width: desc.size.width,
+ multiple: width_multiple,
+ format: desc.format,
+ },
+ ));
+ }
+ if desc.size.height % height_multiple != 0 {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidDimension(
+ TextureDimensionError::HeightNotMultipleOf {
+ height: desc.size.height,
+ multiple: height_multiple,
+ format: desc.format,
+ },
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ let format_features = self
+ .describe_format_features(adapter, desc.format)
+ .map_err(|error| CreateTextureError::MissingFeatures(desc.format, error))?;
+ if desc.sample_count > 1 {
+ if desc.mip_level_count != 1 {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidMipLevelCount {
+ requested: desc.mip_level_count,
+ maximum: 1,
+ });
+ }
+ if desc.size.depth_or_array_layers != 1 {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidDimension(
+ TextureDimensionError::MultisampledDepthOrArrayLayer(
+ desc.size.depth_or_array_layers,
+ ),
+ ));
+ }
+ if desc.usage.contains(wgt::TextureUsages::STORAGE_BINDING) {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidMultisampledStorageBinding);
+ }
+ if !desc.usage.contains(wgt::TextureUsages::RENDER_ATTACHMENT) {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::MultisampledNotRenderAttachment);
+ }
+ if !format_features.flags.intersects(
+ wgt::TextureFormatFeatureFlags::MULTISAMPLE_X4
+ | wgt::TextureFormatFeatureFlags::MULTISAMPLE_X2
+ | wgt::TextureFormatFeatureFlags::MULTISAMPLE_X8
+ | wgt::TextureFormatFeatureFlags::MULTISAMPLE_X16,
+ ) {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidMultisampledFormat(desc.format));
+ }
+ if !format_features
+ .flags
+ .sample_count_supported(desc.sample_count)
+ {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidSampleCount(
+ desc.sample_count,
+ desc.format,
+ desc.format
+ .guaranteed_format_features(self.features)
+ .flags
+ .supported_sample_counts(),
+ adapter
+ .get_texture_format_features(desc.format)
+ .flags
+ .supported_sample_counts(),
+ ));
+ };
+ }
+ let mips = desc.mip_level_count;
+ let max_levels_allowed = desc.size.max_mips(desc.dimension).min(hal::MAX_MIP_LEVELS);
+ if mips == 0 || mips > max_levels_allowed {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidMipLevelCount {
+ requested: mips,
+ maximum: max_levels_allowed,
+ });
+ }
+ let missing_allowed_usages = desc.usage - format_features.allowed_usages;
+ if !missing_allowed_usages.is_empty() {
+ // detect downlevel incompatibilities
+ let wgpu_allowed_usages = desc
+ .format
+ .guaranteed_format_features(self.features)
+ .allowed_usages;
+ let wgpu_missing_usages = desc.usage - wgpu_allowed_usages;
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidFormatUsages(
+ missing_allowed_usages,
+ desc.format,
+ wgpu_missing_usages.is_empty(),
+ ));
+ }
+ let mut hal_view_formats = vec![];
+ for format in desc.view_formats.iter() {
+ if desc.format == *format {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if desc.format.remove_srgb_suffix() != format.remove_srgb_suffix() {
+ return Err(CreateTextureError::InvalidViewFormat(*format, desc.format));
+ }
+ hal_view_formats.push(*format);
+ }
+ if !hal_view_formats.is_empty() {
+ self.require_downlevel_flags(wgt::DownlevelFlags::VIEW_FORMATS)?;
+ }
+ let hal_usage = conv::map_texture_usage_for_texture(desc, &format_features);
+ let hal_desc = hal::TextureDescriptor {
+ label: desc.label.to_hal(self.instance_flags),
+ size: desc.size,
+ mip_level_count: desc.mip_level_count,
+ sample_count: desc.sample_count,
+ dimension: desc.dimension,
+ format: desc.format,
+ usage: hal_usage,
+ memory_flags: hal::MemoryFlags::empty(),
+ view_formats: hal_view_formats,
+ };
+ let raw_texture = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .create_texture(&hal_desc)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ let clear_mode = if hal_usage
+ .intersects(hal::TextureUses::DEPTH_STENCIL_WRITE | hal::TextureUses::COLOR_TARGET)
+ {
+ let (is_color, usage) = if desc.format.is_depth_stencil_format() {
+ (false, hal::TextureUses::DEPTH_STENCIL_WRITE)
+ } else {
+ (true, hal::TextureUses::COLOR_TARGET)
+ };
+ let dimension = match desc.dimension {
+ wgt::TextureDimension::D1 => wgt::TextureViewDimension::D1,
+ wgt::TextureDimension::D2 => wgt::TextureViewDimension::D2,
+ wgt::TextureDimension::D3 => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let clear_label = hal_label(
+ Some("(wgpu internal) clear texture view"),
+ self.instance_flags,
+ );
+ let mut clear_views = SmallVec::new();
+ for mip_level in 0..desc.mip_level_count {
+ for array_layer in 0..desc.size.depth_or_array_layers {
+ macro_rules! push_clear_view {
+ ($format:expr, $aspect:expr) => {
+ let desc = hal::TextureViewDescriptor {
+ label: clear_label,
+ format: $format,
+ dimension,
+ usage,
+ range: wgt::ImageSubresourceRange {
+ aspect: $aspect,
+ base_mip_level: mip_level,
+ mip_level_count: Some(1),
+ base_array_layer: array_layer,
+ array_layer_count: Some(1),
+ },
+ };
+ clear_views.push(Some(
+ unsafe { self.raw().create_texture_view(&raw_texture, &desc) }
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?,
+ ));
+ };
+ }
+ if let Some(planes) = desc.format.planes() {
+ for plane in 0..planes {
+ let aspect = wgt::TextureAspect::from_plane(plane).unwrap();
+ let format = desc.format.aspect_specific_format(aspect).unwrap();
+ push_clear_view!(format, aspect);
+ }
+ } else {
+ push_clear_view!(desc.format, wgt::TextureAspect::All);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ resource::TextureClearMode::RenderPass {
+ clear_views,
+ is_color,
+ }
+ } else {
+ resource::TextureClearMode::BufferCopy
+ };
+ let mut texture =
+ self.create_texture_from_hal(raw_texture, hal_usage, desc, format_features, clear_mode);
+ texture.hal_usage = hal_usage;
+ Ok(texture)
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_texture_view(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ texture: &Arc<Texture<A>>,
+ desc: &resource::TextureViewDescriptor,
+ ) -> Result<TextureView<A>, resource::CreateTextureViewError> {
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ let texture_raw = texture
+ .raw(&snatch_guard)
+ .ok_or(resource::CreateTextureViewError::InvalidTexture)?;
+ // resolve TextureViewDescriptor defaults
+ //
+ let resolved_format = desc.format.unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ texture
+ .desc
+ .format
+ .aspect_specific_format(desc.range.aspect)
+ .unwrap_or(texture.desc.format)
+ });
+ let resolved_dimension = desc
+ .dimension
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| match texture.desc.dimension {
+ wgt::TextureDimension::D1 => wgt::TextureViewDimension::D1,
+ wgt::TextureDimension::D2 => {
+ if texture.desc.array_layer_count() == 1 {
+ wgt::TextureViewDimension::D2
+ } else {
+ wgt::TextureViewDimension::D2Array
+ }
+ }
+ wgt::TextureDimension::D3 => wgt::TextureViewDimension::D3,
+ });
+ let resolved_mip_level_count = desc.range.mip_level_count.unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ texture
+ .desc
+ .mip_level_count
+ .saturating_sub(desc.range.base_mip_level)
+ });
+ let resolved_array_layer_count =
+ desc.range
+ .array_layer_count
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| match resolved_dimension {
+ wgt::TextureViewDimension::D1
+ | wgt::TextureViewDimension::D2
+ | wgt::TextureViewDimension::D3 => 1,
+ wgt::TextureViewDimension::Cube => 6,
+ wgt::TextureViewDimension::D2Array | wgt::TextureViewDimension::CubeArray => {
+ texture
+ .desc
+ .array_layer_count()
+ .saturating_sub(desc.range.base_array_layer)
+ }
+ });
+ // validate TextureViewDescriptor
+ let aspects = hal::FormatAspects::new(texture.desc.format, desc.range.aspect);
+ if aspects.is_empty() {
+ return Err(resource::CreateTextureViewError::InvalidAspect {
+ texture_format: texture.desc.format,
+ requested_aspect: desc.range.aspect,
+ });
+ }
+ let format_is_good = if desc.range.aspect == wgt::TextureAspect::All {
+ resolved_format == texture.desc.format
+ || texture.desc.view_formats.contains(&resolved_format)
+ } else {
+ Some(resolved_format)
+ == texture
+ .desc
+ .format
+ .aspect_specific_format(desc.range.aspect)
+ };
+ if !format_is_good {
+ return Err(resource::CreateTextureViewError::FormatReinterpretation {
+ texture: texture.desc.format,
+ view: resolved_format,
+ });
+ }
+ // check if multisampled texture is seen as anything but 2D
+ if texture.desc.sample_count > 1 && resolved_dimension != wgt::TextureViewDimension::D2 {
+ return Err(
+ resource::CreateTextureViewError::InvalidMultisampledTextureViewDimension(
+ resolved_dimension,
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ // check if the dimension is compatible with the texture
+ if texture.desc.dimension != resolved_dimension.compatible_texture_dimension() {
+ return Err(
+ resource::CreateTextureViewError::InvalidTextureViewDimension {
+ view: resolved_dimension,
+ texture: texture.desc.dimension,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ match resolved_dimension {
+ TextureViewDimension::D1 | TextureViewDimension::D2 | TextureViewDimension::D3 => {
+ if resolved_array_layer_count != 1 {
+ return Err(resource::CreateTextureViewError::InvalidArrayLayerCount {
+ requested: resolved_array_layer_count,
+ dim: resolved_dimension,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ TextureViewDimension::Cube => {
+ if resolved_array_layer_count != 6 {
+ return Err(
+ resource::CreateTextureViewError::InvalidCubemapTextureDepth {
+ depth: resolved_array_layer_count,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ TextureViewDimension::CubeArray => {
+ if resolved_array_layer_count % 6 != 0 {
+ return Err(
+ resource::CreateTextureViewError::InvalidCubemapArrayTextureDepth {
+ depth: resolved_array_layer_count,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ match resolved_dimension {
+ TextureViewDimension::Cube | TextureViewDimension::CubeArray => {
+ if texture.desc.size.width != texture.desc.size.height {
+ return Err(resource::CreateTextureViewError::InvalidCubeTextureViewSize);
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ if resolved_mip_level_count == 0 {
+ return Err(resource::CreateTextureViewError::ZeroMipLevelCount);
+ }
+ let mip_level_end = desc
+ .range
+ .base_mip_level
+ .saturating_add(resolved_mip_level_count);
+ let level_end = texture.desc.mip_level_count;
+ if mip_level_end > level_end {
+ return Err(resource::CreateTextureViewError::TooManyMipLevels {
+ requested: mip_level_end,
+ total: level_end,
+ });
+ }
+ if resolved_array_layer_count == 0 {
+ return Err(resource::CreateTextureViewError::ZeroArrayLayerCount);
+ }
+ let array_layer_end = desc
+ .range
+ .base_array_layer
+ .saturating_add(resolved_array_layer_count);
+ let layer_end = texture.desc.array_layer_count();
+ if array_layer_end > layer_end {
+ return Err(resource::CreateTextureViewError::TooManyArrayLayers {
+ requested: array_layer_end,
+ total: layer_end,
+ });
+ };
+ //
+ let render_extent = 'b: loop {
+ if !texture
+ .desc
+ .usage
+ .contains(wgt::TextureUsages::RENDER_ATTACHMENT)
+ {
+ break 'b Err(TextureViewNotRenderableReason::Usage(texture.desc.usage));
+ }
+ if !(resolved_dimension == TextureViewDimension::D2
+ || (self.features.contains(wgt::Features::MULTIVIEW)
+ && resolved_dimension == TextureViewDimension::D2Array))
+ {
+ break 'b Err(TextureViewNotRenderableReason::Dimension(
+ resolved_dimension,
+ ));
+ }
+ if resolved_mip_level_count != 1 {
+ break 'b Err(TextureViewNotRenderableReason::MipLevelCount(
+ resolved_mip_level_count,
+ ));
+ }
+ if resolved_array_layer_count != 1
+ && !(self.features.contains(wgt::Features::MULTIVIEW))
+ {
+ break 'b Err(TextureViewNotRenderableReason::ArrayLayerCount(
+ resolved_array_layer_count,
+ ));
+ }
+ if aspects != hal::FormatAspects::from(texture.desc.format) {
+ break 'b Err(TextureViewNotRenderableReason::Aspects(aspects));
+ }
+ break 'b Ok(texture
+ .desc
+ .compute_render_extent(desc.range.base_mip_level));
+ };
+ // filter the usages based on the other criteria
+ let usage = {
+ let mask_copy = !(hal::TextureUses::COPY_SRC | hal::TextureUses::COPY_DST);
+ let mask_dimension = match resolved_dimension {
+ wgt::TextureViewDimension::Cube | wgt::TextureViewDimension::CubeArray => {
+ hal::TextureUses::RESOURCE
+ }
+ wgt::TextureViewDimension::D3 => {
+ hal::TextureUses::RESOURCE
+ | hal::TextureUses::STORAGE_READ
+ | hal::TextureUses::STORAGE_READ_WRITE
+ }
+ _ => hal::TextureUses::all(),
+ };
+ let mask_mip_level = if resolved_mip_level_count == 1 {
+ hal::TextureUses::all()
+ } else {
+ hal::TextureUses::RESOURCE
+ };
+ texture.hal_usage & mask_copy & mask_dimension & mask_mip_level
+ };
+ log::debug!(
+ "Create view for texture {:?} filters usages to {:?}",
+ texture.as_info().id(),
+ usage
+ );
+ // use the combined depth-stencil format for the view
+ let format = if resolved_format.is_depth_stencil_component(texture.desc.format) {
+ texture.desc.format
+ } else {
+ resolved_format
+ };
+ let resolved_range = wgt::ImageSubresourceRange {
+ aspect: desc.range.aspect,
+ base_mip_level: desc.range.base_mip_level,
+ mip_level_count: Some(resolved_mip_level_count),
+ base_array_layer: desc.range.base_array_layer,
+ array_layer_count: Some(resolved_array_layer_count),
+ };
+ let hal_desc = hal::TextureViewDescriptor {
+ label: desc.label.to_hal(self.instance_flags),
+ format,
+ dimension: resolved_dimension,
+ usage,
+ range: resolved_range,
+ };
+ let raw = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .create_texture_view(texture_raw, &hal_desc)
+ .map_err(|_| resource::CreateTextureViewError::OutOfMemory)?
+ };
+ let selector = TextureSelector {
+ mips: desc.range.base_mip_level..mip_level_end,
+ layers: desc.range.base_array_layer..array_layer_end,
+ };
+ Ok(TextureView {
+ raw: Snatchable::new(raw),
+ parent: texture.clone(),
+ device: self.clone(),
+ desc: resource::HalTextureViewDescriptor {
+ texture_format: texture.desc.format,
+ format: resolved_format,
+ dimension: resolved_dimension,
+ range: resolved_range,
+ },
+ format_features: texture.format_features,
+ render_extent,
+ samples: texture.desc.sample_count,
+ selector,
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(desc.label.borrow_or_default()),
+ })
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_sampler(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ desc: &resource::SamplerDescriptor,
+ ) -> Result<Sampler<A>, resource::CreateSamplerError> {
+ if desc
+ .address_modes
+ .iter()
+ .any(|am| am == &wgt::AddressMode::ClampToBorder)
+ {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_BORDER)?;
+ }
+ if desc.border_color == Some(wgt::SamplerBorderColor::Zero) {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_ZERO)?;
+ }
+ if desc.lod_min_clamp < 0.0 {
+ return Err(resource::CreateSamplerError::InvalidLodMinClamp(
+ desc.lod_min_clamp,
+ ));
+ }
+ if desc.lod_max_clamp < desc.lod_min_clamp {
+ return Err(resource::CreateSamplerError::InvalidLodMaxClamp {
+ lod_min_clamp: desc.lod_min_clamp,
+ lod_max_clamp: desc.lod_max_clamp,
+ });
+ }
+ if desc.anisotropy_clamp < 1 {
+ return Err(resource::CreateSamplerError::InvalidAnisotropy(
+ desc.anisotropy_clamp,
+ ));
+ }
+ if desc.anisotropy_clamp != 1 {
+ if !matches!(desc.min_filter, wgt::FilterMode::Linear) {
+ return Err(
+ resource::CreateSamplerError::InvalidFilterModeWithAnisotropy {
+ filter_type: resource::SamplerFilterErrorType::MinFilter,
+ filter_mode: desc.min_filter,
+ anisotropic_clamp: desc.anisotropy_clamp,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ if !matches!(desc.mag_filter, wgt::FilterMode::Linear) {
+ return Err(
+ resource::CreateSamplerError::InvalidFilterModeWithAnisotropy {
+ filter_type: resource::SamplerFilterErrorType::MagFilter,
+ filter_mode: desc.mag_filter,
+ anisotropic_clamp: desc.anisotropy_clamp,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ if !matches!(desc.mipmap_filter, wgt::FilterMode::Linear) {
+ return Err(
+ resource::CreateSamplerError::InvalidFilterModeWithAnisotropy {
+ filter_type: resource::SamplerFilterErrorType::MipmapFilter,
+ filter_mode: desc.mipmap_filter,
+ anisotropic_clamp: desc.anisotropy_clamp,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ let anisotropy_clamp = if self
+ .downlevel
+ .flags
+ .contains(wgt::DownlevelFlags::ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING)
+ {
+ // Clamp anisotropy clamp to [1, 16] per the wgpu-hal interface
+ desc.anisotropy_clamp.min(16)
+ } else {
+ // If it isn't supported, set this unconditionally to 1
+ 1
+ };
+ //TODO: check for wgt::DownlevelFlags::COMPARISON_SAMPLERS
+ let hal_desc = hal::SamplerDescriptor {
+ label: desc.label.to_hal(self.instance_flags),
+ address_modes: desc.address_modes,
+ mag_filter: desc.mag_filter,
+ min_filter: desc.min_filter,
+ mipmap_filter: desc.mipmap_filter,
+ lod_clamp: desc.lod_min_clamp..desc.lod_max_clamp,
+ compare:,
+ anisotropy_clamp,
+ border_color: desc.border_color,
+ };
+ let raw = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .create_sampler(&hal_desc)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ Ok(Sampler {
+ raw: Some(raw),
+ device: self.clone(),
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(desc.label.borrow_or_default()),
+ comparison:,
+ filtering: desc.min_filter == wgt::FilterMode::Linear
+ || desc.mag_filter == wgt::FilterMode::Linear,
+ })
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_shader_module<'a>(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ desc: &pipeline::ShaderModuleDescriptor<'a>,
+ source: pipeline::ShaderModuleSource<'a>,
+ ) -> Result<pipeline::ShaderModule<A>, pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError> {
+ let (module, source) = match source {
+ #[cfg(feature = "wgsl")]
+ pipeline::ShaderModuleSource::Wgsl(code) => {
+ profiling::scope!("naga::front::wgsl::parse_str");
+ let module = naga::front::wgsl::parse_str(&code).map_err(|inner| {
+ pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError::Parsing(pipeline::ShaderError {
+ source: code.to_string(),
+ label: desc.label.as_ref().map(|l| l.to_string()),
+ inner: Box::new(inner),
+ })
+ })?;
+ (Cow::Owned(module), code.into_owned())
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "spirv")]
+ pipeline::ShaderModuleSource::SpirV(spv, options) => {
+ let parser = naga::front::spv::Frontend::new(spv.iter().cloned(), &options);
+ profiling::scope!("naga::front::spv::Frontend");
+ let module = parser.parse().map_err(|inner| {
+ pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError::ParsingSpirV(pipeline::ShaderError {
+ source: String::new(),
+ label: desc.label.as_ref().map(|l| l.to_string()),
+ inner: Box::new(inner),
+ })
+ })?;
+ (Cow::Owned(module), String::new())
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "glsl")]
+ pipeline::ShaderModuleSource::Glsl(code, options) => {
+ let mut parser = naga::front::glsl::Frontend::default();
+ profiling::scope!("naga::front::glsl::Frontend.parse");
+ let module = parser.parse(&options, &code).map_err(|inner| {
+ pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError::ParsingGlsl(pipeline::ShaderError {
+ source: code.to_string(),
+ label: desc.label.as_ref().map(|l| l.to_string()),
+ inner: Box::new(inner),
+ })
+ })?;
+ (Cow::Owned(module), code.into_owned())
+ }
+ pipeline::ShaderModuleSource::Naga(module) => (module, String::new()),
+ pipeline::ShaderModuleSource::Dummy(_) => panic!("found `ShaderModuleSource::Dummy`"),
+ };
+ for (_, var) in module.global_variables.iter() {
+ match var.binding {
+ Some(ref br) if >= self.limits.max_bind_groups => {
+ return Err(pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError::InvalidGroupIndex {
+ bind: br.clone(),
+ group:,
+ limit: self.limits.max_bind_groups,
+ });
+ }
+ _ => continue,
+ };
+ }
+ use naga::valid::Capabilities as Caps;
+ profiling::scope!("naga::validate");
+ let mut caps = Caps::empty();
+ caps.set(
+ self.features.contains(wgt::Features::PUSH_CONSTANTS),
+ );
+ caps.set(
+ Caps::FLOAT64,
+ self.features.contains(wgt::Features::SHADER_F64),
+ );
+ caps.set(
+ self.features
+ .contains(wgt::Features::SHADER_PRIMITIVE_INDEX),
+ );
+ caps.set(
+ self.features.contains(
+ ),
+ );
+ caps.set(
+ self.features.contains(
+ ),
+ );
+ // TODO: This needs a proper wgpu feature
+ caps.set(
+ self.features.contains(
+ ),
+ );
+ caps.set(
+ self.features
+ .contains(wgt::Features::TEXTURE_FORMAT_16BIT_NORM),
+ );
+ caps.set(
+ self.features.contains(wgt::Features::MULTIVIEW),
+ );
+ caps.set(
+ self.features
+ .contains(wgt::Features::SHADER_EARLY_DEPTH_TEST),
+ );
+ caps.set(
+ self.downlevel
+ .flags
+ .contains(wgt::DownlevelFlags::MULTISAMPLED_SHADING),
+ );
+ caps.set(
+ self.features.contains(wgt::Features::DUAL_SOURCE_BLENDING),
+ );
+ caps.set(
+ self.downlevel
+ .flags
+ .contains(wgt::DownlevelFlags::CUBE_ARRAY_TEXTURES),
+ );
+ let debug_source =
+ if self.instance_flags.contains(wgt::InstanceFlags::DEBUG) && !source.is_empty() {
+ Some(hal::DebugSource {
+ file_name: Cow::Owned(
+ desc.label
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or("shader".to_string(), |l| l.to_string()),
+ ),
+ source_code: Cow::Owned(source.clone()),
+ })
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let info = naga::valid::Validator::new(naga::valid::ValidationFlags::all(), caps)
+ .validate(&module)
+ .map_err(|inner| {
+ pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError::Validation(pipeline::ShaderError {
+ source,
+ label: desc.label.as_ref().map(|l| l.to_string()),
+ inner: Box::new(inner),
+ })
+ })?;
+ let interface =
+ validation::Interface::new(&module, &info, self.limits.clone(), self.features);
+ let hal_shader = hal::ShaderInput::Naga(hal::NagaShader {
+ module,
+ info,
+ debug_source,
+ });
+ let hal_desc = hal::ShaderModuleDescriptor {
+ label: desc.label.to_hal(self.instance_flags),
+ runtime_checks: desc.shader_bound_checks.runtime_checks(),
+ };
+ let raw = match unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .create_shader_module(&hal_desc, hal_shader)
+ } {
+ Ok(raw) => raw,
+ Err(error) => {
+ return Err(match error {
+ hal::ShaderError::Device(error) => {
+ pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError::Device(error.into())
+ }
+ hal::ShaderError::Compilation(ref msg) => {
+ log::error!("Shader error: {}", msg);
+ pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError::Generation
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ Ok(pipeline::ShaderModule {
+ raw: Some(raw),
+ device: self.clone(),
+ interface: Some(interface),
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(desc.label.borrow_or_default()),
+ label: desc.label.borrow_or_default().to_string(),
+ })
+ }
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ pub(crate) unsafe fn create_shader_module_spirv<'a>(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ desc: &pipeline::ShaderModuleDescriptor<'a>,
+ source: &'a [u32],
+ ) -> Result<pipeline::ShaderModule<A>, pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError> {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::SPIRV_SHADER_PASSTHROUGH)?;
+ let hal_desc = hal::ShaderModuleDescriptor {
+ label: desc.label.to_hal(self.instance_flags),
+ runtime_checks: desc.shader_bound_checks.runtime_checks(),
+ };
+ let hal_shader = hal::ShaderInput::SpirV(source);
+ let raw = match unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .create_shader_module(&hal_desc, hal_shader)
+ } {
+ Ok(raw) => raw,
+ Err(error) => {
+ return Err(match error {
+ hal::ShaderError::Device(error) => {
+ pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError::Device(error.into())
+ }
+ hal::ShaderError::Compilation(ref msg) => {
+ log::error!("Shader error: {}", msg);
+ pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError::Generation
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ Ok(pipeline::ShaderModule {
+ raw: Some(raw),
+ device: self.clone(),
+ interface: None,
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(desc.label.borrow_or_default()),
+ label: desc.label.borrow_or_default().to_string(),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Generate information about late-validated buffer bindings for pipelines.
+ //TODO: should this be combined with `get_introspection_bind_group_layouts` in some way?
+ pub(crate) fn make_late_sized_buffer_groups(
+ shader_binding_sizes: &FastHashMap<naga::ResourceBinding, wgt::BufferSize>,
+ layout: &binding_model::PipelineLayout<A>,
+ ) -> ArrayVec<pipeline::LateSizedBufferGroup, { hal::MAX_BIND_GROUPS }> {
+ // Given the shader-required binding sizes and the pipeline layout,
+ // return the filtered list of them in the layout order,
+ // removing those with given `min_binding_size`.
+ layout
+ .bind_group_layouts
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(group_index, bgl)| pipeline::LateSizedBufferGroup {
+ shader_sizes: bgl
+ .entries
+ .values()
+ .filter_map(|entry| match entry.ty {
+ wgt::BindingType::Buffer {
+ min_binding_size: None,
+ ..
+ } => {
+ let rb = naga::ResourceBinding {
+ group: group_index as u32,
+ binding: entry.binding,
+ };
+ let shader_size =
+ shader_binding_sizes.get(&rb).map_or(0, |nz| nz.get());
+ Some(shader_size)
+ }
+ _ => None,
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ })
+ .collect()
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_bind_group_layout(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ label: &crate::Label,
+ entry_map: bgl::EntryMap,
+ origin: bgl::Origin,
+ ) -> Result<BindGroupLayout<A>, binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError> {
+ #[derive(PartialEq)]
+ enum WritableStorage {
+ Yes,
+ No,
+ }
+ for entry in entry_map.values() {
+ use wgt::BindingType as Bt;
+ let mut required_features = wgt::Features::empty();
+ let mut required_downlevel_flags = wgt::DownlevelFlags::empty();
+ let (array_feature, writable_storage) = match entry.ty {
+ Bt::Buffer {
+ ty: wgt::BufferBindingType::Uniform,
+ has_dynamic_offset: false,
+ min_binding_size: _,
+ } => (
+ Some(wgt::Features::BUFFER_BINDING_ARRAY),
+ WritableStorage::No,
+ ),
+ Bt::Buffer {
+ ty: wgt::BufferBindingType::Uniform,
+ has_dynamic_offset: true,
+ min_binding_size: _,
+ } => (
+ Some(wgt::Features::BUFFER_BINDING_ARRAY),
+ WritableStorage::No,
+ ),
+ Bt::Buffer {
+ ty: wgt::BufferBindingType::Storage { read_only },
+ ..
+ } => (
+ Some(
+ ),
+ match read_only {
+ true => WritableStorage::No,
+ false => WritableStorage::Yes,
+ },
+ ),
+ Bt::Sampler { .. } => (
+ Some(wgt::Features::TEXTURE_BINDING_ARRAY),
+ WritableStorage::No,
+ ),
+ Bt::Texture {
+ multisampled: true,
+ sample_type: TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: true },
+ ..
+ } => {
+ return Err(binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError::Entry {
+ binding: entry.binding,
+ error:
+ BindGroupLayoutEntryError::SampleTypeFloatFilterableBindingMultisampled,
+ });
+ }
+ Bt::Texture { .. } => (
+ Some(wgt::Features::TEXTURE_BINDING_ARRAY),
+ WritableStorage::No,
+ ),
+ Bt::StorageTexture {
+ access,
+ view_dimension,
+ format: _,
+ } => {
+ match view_dimension {
+ wgt::TextureViewDimension::Cube | wgt::TextureViewDimension::CubeArray => {
+ return Err(binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError::Entry {
+ binding: entry.binding,
+ error: BindGroupLayoutEntryError::StorageTextureCube,
+ })
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ match access {
+ wgt::StorageTextureAccess::ReadOnly
+ | wgt::StorageTextureAccess::ReadWrite
+ if !self.features.contains(
+ ) =>
+ {
+ return Err(binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError::Entry {
+ binding: entry.binding,
+ error: BindGroupLayoutEntryError::StorageTextureReadWrite,
+ });
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ (
+ Some(
+ ),
+ match access {
+ wgt::StorageTextureAccess::WriteOnly => WritableStorage::Yes,
+ wgt::StorageTextureAccess::ReadOnly => {
+ required_features |=
+ WritableStorage::No
+ }
+ wgt::StorageTextureAccess::ReadWrite => {
+ required_features |=
+ WritableStorage::Yes
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ Bt::AccelerationStructure => todo!(),
+ };
+ // Validate the count parameter
+ if entry.count.is_some() {
+ required_features |= array_feature
+ .ok_or(BindGroupLayoutEntryError::ArrayUnsupported)
+ .map_err(|error| binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError::Entry {
+ binding: entry.binding,
+ error,
+ })?;
+ }
+ if entry.visibility.contains_invalid_bits() {
+ return Err(
+ binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError::InvalidVisibility(entry.visibility),
+ );
+ }
+ if entry.visibility.contains(wgt::ShaderStages::VERTEX) {
+ if writable_storage == WritableStorage::Yes {
+ required_features |= wgt::Features::VERTEX_WRITABLE_STORAGE;
+ }
+ if let Bt::Buffer {
+ ty: wgt::BufferBindingType::Storage { .. },
+ ..
+ } = entry.ty
+ {
+ required_downlevel_flags |= wgt::DownlevelFlags::VERTEX_STORAGE;
+ }
+ }
+ if writable_storage == WritableStorage::Yes
+ && entry.visibility.contains(wgt::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT)
+ {
+ required_downlevel_flags |= wgt::DownlevelFlags::FRAGMENT_WRITABLE_STORAGE;
+ }
+ self.require_features(required_features)
+ .map_err(BindGroupLayoutEntryError::MissingFeatures)
+ .map_err(|error| binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError::Entry {
+ binding: entry.binding,
+ error,
+ })?;
+ self.require_downlevel_flags(required_downlevel_flags)
+ .map_err(BindGroupLayoutEntryError::MissingDownlevelFlags)
+ .map_err(|error| binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError::Entry {
+ binding: entry.binding,
+ error,
+ })?;
+ }
+ let bgl_flags = conv::bind_group_layout_flags(self.features);
+ let hal_bindings = entry_map.values().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let label = label.to_hal(self.instance_flags);
+ let hal_desc = hal::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
+ label,
+ flags: bgl_flags,
+ entries: &hal_bindings,
+ };
+ let raw = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .create_bind_group_layout(&hal_desc)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ let mut count_validator = binding_model::BindingTypeMaxCountValidator::default();
+ for entry in entry_map.values() {
+ count_validator.add_binding(entry);
+ }
+ // If a single bind group layout violates limits, the pipeline layout is
+ // definitely going to violate limits too, lets catch it now.
+ count_validator
+ .validate(&self.limits)
+ .map_err(binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError::TooManyBindings)?;
+ Ok(BindGroupLayout {
+ raw: Some(raw),
+ device: self.clone(),
+ entries: entry_map,
+ origin,
+ binding_count_validator: count_validator,
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(label.unwrap_or("<BindGroupLayout>")),
+ label: label.unwrap_or_default().to_string(),
+ })
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_buffer_binding<'a>(
+ bb: &binding_model::BufferBinding,
+ binding: u32,
+ decl: &wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry,
+ used_buffer_ranges: &mut Vec<BufferInitTrackerAction<A>>,
+ dynamic_binding_info: &mut Vec<binding_model::BindGroupDynamicBindingData>,
+ late_buffer_binding_sizes: &mut FastHashMap<u32, wgt::BufferSize>,
+ used: &mut BindGroupStates<A>,
+ storage: &'a Storage<Buffer<A>>,
+ limits: &wgt::Limits,
+ snatch_guard: &'a SnatchGuard<'a>,
+ ) -> Result<hal::BufferBinding<'a, A>, binding_model::CreateBindGroupError> {
+ use crate::binding_model::CreateBindGroupError as Error;
+ let (binding_ty, dynamic, min_size) = match decl.ty {
+ wgt::BindingType::Buffer {
+ ty,
+ has_dynamic_offset,
+ min_binding_size,
+ } => (ty, has_dynamic_offset, min_binding_size),
+ _ => {
+ return Err(Error::WrongBindingType {
+ binding,
+ actual: decl.ty,
+ expected: "UniformBuffer, StorageBuffer or ReadonlyStorageBuffer",
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ let (pub_usage, internal_use, range_limit) = match binding_ty {
+ wgt::BufferBindingType::Uniform => (
+ wgt::BufferUsages::UNIFORM,
+ hal::BufferUses::UNIFORM,
+ limits.max_uniform_buffer_binding_size,
+ ),
+ wgt::BufferBindingType::Storage { read_only } => (
+ wgt::BufferUsages::STORAGE,
+ if read_only {
+ hal::BufferUses::STORAGE_READ
+ } else {
+ hal::BufferUses::STORAGE_READ_WRITE
+ },
+ limits.max_storage_buffer_binding_size,
+ ),
+ };
+ let (align, align_limit_name) =
+ binding_model::buffer_binding_type_alignment(limits, binding_ty);
+ if bb.offset % align as u64 != 0 {
+ return Err(Error::UnalignedBufferOffset(
+ bb.offset,
+ align_limit_name,
+ align,
+ ));
+ }
+ let buffer = used
+ .buffers
+ .add_single(storage, bb.buffer_id, internal_use)
+ .ok_or(Error::InvalidBuffer(bb.buffer_id))?;
+ check_buffer_usage(buffer.usage, pub_usage)?;
+ let raw_buffer = buffer
+ .raw
+ .get(snatch_guard)
+ .ok_or(Error::InvalidBuffer(bb.buffer_id))?;
+ let (bind_size, bind_end) = match bb.size {
+ Some(size) => {
+ let end = bb.offset + size.get();
+ if end > buffer.size {
+ return Err(Error::BindingRangeTooLarge {
+ buffer: bb.buffer_id,
+ range: bb.offset..end,
+ size: buffer.size,
+ });
+ }
+ (size.get(), end)
+ }
+ None => {
+ if buffer.size < bb.offset {
+ return Err(Error::BindingRangeTooLarge {
+ buffer: bb.buffer_id,
+ range:,
+ size: buffer.size,
+ });
+ }
+ (buffer.size - bb.offset, buffer.size)
+ }
+ };
+ if bind_size > range_limit as u64 {
+ return Err(Error::BufferRangeTooLarge {
+ binding,
+ given: bind_size as u32,
+ limit: range_limit,
+ });
+ }
+ // Record binding info for validating dynamic offsets
+ if dynamic {
+ dynamic_binding_info.push(binding_model::BindGroupDynamicBindingData {
+ binding_idx: binding,
+ buffer_size: buffer.size,
+ binding_range: bb.offset..bind_end,
+ maximum_dynamic_offset: buffer.size - bind_end,
+ binding_type: binding_ty,
+ });
+ }
+ if let Some(non_zero) = min_size {
+ let min_size = non_zero.get();
+ if min_size > bind_size {
+ return Err(Error::BindingSizeTooSmall {
+ buffer: bb.buffer_id,
+ actual: bind_size,
+ min: min_size,
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ let late_size =
+ wgt::BufferSize::new(bind_size).ok_or(Error::BindingZeroSize(bb.buffer_id))?;
+ late_buffer_binding_sizes.insert(binding, late_size);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(bb.offset % wgt::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT, 0);
+ used_buffer_ranges.extend(
+ buffer,
+ + bind_size,
+ MemoryInitKind::NeedsInitializedMemory,
+ ));
+ Ok(hal::BufferBinding {
+ buffer: raw_buffer,
+ offset: bb.offset,
+ size: bb.size,
+ })
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_texture_binding(
+ view: &TextureView<A>,
+ internal_use: hal::TextureUses,
+ pub_usage: wgt::TextureUsages,
+ used: &mut BindGroupStates<A>,
+ used_texture_ranges: &mut Vec<TextureInitTrackerAction<A>>,
+ ) -> Result<(), binding_model::CreateBindGroupError> {
+ let texture = &view.parent;
+ let texture_id = texture.as_info().id();
+ // Careful here: the texture may no longer have its own ref count,
+ // if it was deleted by the user.
+ let texture = used
+ .textures
+ .add_single(texture, Some(view.selector.clone()), internal_use)
+ .ok_or(binding_model::CreateBindGroupError::InvalidTexture(
+ texture_id,
+ ))?;
+ if texture.device.as_info().id() != view.device.as_info().id() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::WrongDevice.into());
+ }
+ check_texture_usage(texture.desc.usage, pub_usage)?;
+ used_texture_ranges.push(TextureInitTrackerAction {
+ texture: texture.clone(),
+ range: TextureInitRange {
+ mip_range: view.desc.range.mip_range(texture.desc.mip_level_count),
+ layer_range: view
+ .desc
+ .range
+ .layer_range(texture.desc.array_layer_count()),
+ },
+ kind: MemoryInitKind::NeedsInitializedMemory,
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // This function expects the provided bind group layout to be resolved
+ // (not passing a duplicate) beforehand.
+ pub(crate) fn create_bind_group(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ layout: &Arc<BindGroupLayout<A>>,
+ desc: &binding_model::BindGroupDescriptor,
+ hub: &Hub<A>,
+ ) -> Result<BindGroup<A>, binding_model::CreateBindGroupError> {
+ use crate::binding_model::{BindingResource as Br, CreateBindGroupError as Error};
+ {
+ // Check that the number of entries in the descriptor matches
+ // the number of entries in the layout.
+ let actual = desc.entries.len();
+ let expected = layout.entries.len();
+ if actual != expected {
+ return Err(Error::BindingsNumMismatch { expected, actual });
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: arrayvec/smallvec, or re-use allocations
+ // Record binding info for dynamic offset validation
+ let mut dynamic_binding_info = Vec::new();
+ // Map of binding -> shader reflected size
+ //Note: we can't collect into a vector right away because
+ // it needs to be in BGL iteration order, not BG entry order.
+ let mut late_buffer_binding_sizes = FastHashMap::default();
+ // fill out the descriptors
+ let mut used = BindGroupStates::new();
+ let buffer_guard =;
+ let texture_view_guard =;
+ let sampler_guard =;
+ let mut used_buffer_ranges = Vec::new();
+ let mut used_texture_ranges = Vec::new();
+ let mut hal_entries = Vec::with_capacity(desc.entries.len());
+ let mut hal_buffers = Vec::new();
+ let mut hal_samplers = Vec::new();
+ let mut hal_textures = Vec::new();
+ let snatch_guard =;
+ for entry in desc.entries.iter() {
+ let binding = entry.binding;
+ // Find the corresponding declaration in the layout
+ let decl = layout
+ .entries
+ .get(binding)
+ .ok_or(Error::MissingBindingDeclaration(binding))?;
+ let (res_index, count) = match entry.resource {
+ Br::Buffer(ref bb) => {
+ let bb = Self::create_buffer_binding(
+ bb,
+ binding,
+ decl,
+ &mut used_buffer_ranges,
+ &mut dynamic_binding_info,
+ &mut late_buffer_binding_sizes,
+ &mut used,
+ &*buffer_guard,
+ &self.limits,
+ &snatch_guard,
+ )?;
+ let res_index = hal_buffers.len();
+ hal_buffers.push(bb);
+ (res_index, 1)
+ }
+ Br::BufferArray(ref bindings_array) => {
+ let num_bindings = bindings_array.len();
+ Self::check_array_binding(self.features, decl.count, num_bindings)?;
+ let res_index = hal_buffers.len();
+ for bb in bindings_array.iter() {
+ let bb = Self::create_buffer_binding(
+ bb,
+ binding,
+ decl,
+ &mut used_buffer_ranges,
+ &mut dynamic_binding_info,
+ &mut late_buffer_binding_sizes,
+ &mut used,
+ &*buffer_guard,
+ &self.limits,
+ &snatch_guard,
+ )?;
+ hal_buffers.push(bb);
+ }
+ (res_index, num_bindings)
+ }
+ Br::Sampler(id) => {
+ match decl.ty {
+ wgt::BindingType::Sampler(ty) => {
+ let sampler = used
+ .samplers
+ .add_single(&*sampler_guard, id)
+ .ok_or(Error::InvalidSampler(id))?;
+ if sampler.device.as_info().id() != self.as_info().id() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::WrongDevice.into());
+ }
+ // Allowed sampler values for filtering and comparison
+ let (allowed_filtering, allowed_comparison) = match ty {
+ wgt::SamplerBindingType::Filtering => (None, false),
+ wgt::SamplerBindingType::NonFiltering => (Some(false), false),
+ wgt::SamplerBindingType::Comparison => (None, true),
+ };
+ if let Some(allowed_filtering) = allowed_filtering {
+ if allowed_filtering != sampler.filtering {
+ return Err(Error::WrongSamplerFiltering {
+ binding,
+ layout_flt: allowed_filtering,
+ sampler_flt: sampler.filtering,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if allowed_comparison != sampler.comparison {
+ return Err(Error::WrongSamplerComparison {
+ binding,
+ layout_cmp: allowed_comparison,
+ sampler_cmp: sampler.comparison,
+ });
+ }
+ let res_index = hal_samplers.len();
+ hal_samplers.push(sampler.raw());
+ (res_index, 1)
+ }
+ _ => {
+ return Err(Error::WrongBindingType {
+ binding,
+ actual: decl.ty,
+ expected: "Sampler",
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Br::SamplerArray(ref bindings_array) => {
+ let num_bindings = bindings_array.len();
+ Self::check_array_binding(self.features, decl.count, num_bindings)?;
+ let res_index = hal_samplers.len();
+ for &id in bindings_array.iter() {
+ let sampler = used
+ .samplers
+ .add_single(&*sampler_guard, id)
+ .ok_or(Error::InvalidSampler(id))?;
+ if sampler.device.as_info().id() != self.as_info().id() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::WrongDevice.into());
+ }
+ hal_samplers.push(sampler.raw());
+ }
+ (res_index, num_bindings)
+ }
+ Br::TextureView(id) => {
+ let view = used
+ .views
+ .add_single(&*texture_view_guard, id)
+ .ok_or(Error::InvalidTextureView(id))?;
+ let (pub_usage, internal_use) = self.texture_use_parameters(
+ binding,
+ decl,
+ view,
+ "SampledTexture, ReadonlyStorageTexture or WriteonlyStorageTexture",
+ )?;
+ Self::create_texture_binding(
+ view,
+ internal_use,
+ pub_usage,
+ &mut used,
+ &mut used_texture_ranges,
+ )?;
+ let res_index = hal_textures.len();
+ hal_textures.push(hal::TextureBinding {
+ view: view
+ .raw(&snatch_guard)
+ .ok_or(Error::InvalidTextureView(id))?,
+ usage: internal_use,
+ });
+ (res_index, 1)
+ }
+ Br::TextureViewArray(ref bindings_array) => {
+ let num_bindings = bindings_array.len();
+ Self::check_array_binding(self.features, decl.count, num_bindings)?;
+ let res_index = hal_textures.len();
+ for &id in bindings_array.iter() {
+ let view = used
+ .views
+ .add_single(&*texture_view_guard, id)
+ .ok_or(Error::InvalidTextureView(id))?;
+ let (pub_usage, internal_use) =
+ self.texture_use_parameters(binding, decl, view,
+ "SampledTextureArray, ReadonlyStorageTextureArray or WriteonlyStorageTextureArray")?;
+ Self::create_texture_binding(
+ view,
+ internal_use,
+ pub_usage,
+ &mut used,
+ &mut used_texture_ranges,
+ )?;
+ hal_textures.push(hal::TextureBinding {
+ view: view
+ .raw(&snatch_guard)
+ .ok_or(Error::InvalidTextureView(id))?,
+ usage: internal_use,
+ });
+ }
+ (res_index, num_bindings)
+ }
+ };
+ hal_entries.push(hal::BindGroupEntry {
+ binding,
+ resource_index: res_index as u32,
+ count: count as u32,
+ });
+ }
+ used.optimize();
+ hal_entries.sort_by_key(|entry| entry.binding);
+ for (a, b) in hal_entries.iter().zip(hal_entries.iter().skip(1)) {
+ if a.binding == b.binding {
+ return Err(Error::DuplicateBinding(a.binding));
+ }
+ }
+ let hal_desc = hal::BindGroupDescriptor {
+ label: desc.label.to_hal(self.instance_flags),
+ layout: layout.raw(),
+ entries: &hal_entries,
+ buffers: &hal_buffers,
+ samplers: &hal_samplers,
+ textures: &hal_textures,
+ acceleration_structures: &[],
+ };
+ let raw = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .create_bind_group(&hal_desc)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ Ok(BindGroup {
+ raw: Snatchable::new(raw),
+ device: self.clone(),
+ layout: layout.clone(),
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(desc.label.borrow_or_default()),
+ used,
+ used_buffer_ranges,
+ used_texture_ranges,
+ dynamic_binding_info,
+ // collect in the order of BGL iteration
+ late_buffer_binding_sizes: layout
+ .entries
+ .indices()
+ .flat_map(|binding| late_buffer_binding_sizes.get(&binding).cloned())
+ .collect(),
+ })
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn check_array_binding(
+ features: wgt::Features,
+ count: Option<NonZeroU32>,
+ num_bindings: usize,
+ ) -> Result<(), super::binding_model::CreateBindGroupError> {
+ use super::binding_model::CreateBindGroupError as Error;
+ if let Some(count) = count {
+ let count = count.get() as usize;
+ if count < num_bindings {
+ return Err(Error::BindingArrayPartialLengthMismatch {
+ actual: num_bindings,
+ expected: count,
+ });
+ }
+ if count != num_bindings
+ && !features.contains(wgt::Features::PARTIALLY_BOUND_BINDING_ARRAY)
+ {
+ return Err(Error::BindingArrayLengthMismatch {
+ actual: num_bindings,
+ expected: count,
+ });
+ }
+ if num_bindings == 0 {
+ return Err(Error::BindingArrayZeroLength);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::SingleBindingExpected);
+ };
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn texture_use_parameters(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ binding: u32,
+ decl: &wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry,
+ view: &TextureView<A>,
+ expected: &'static str,
+ ) -> Result<(wgt::TextureUsages, hal::TextureUses), binding_model::CreateBindGroupError> {
+ use crate::binding_model::CreateBindGroupError as Error;
+ if view
+ .desc
+ .aspects()
+ .contains(hal::FormatAspects::DEPTH | hal::FormatAspects::STENCIL)
+ {
+ return Err(Error::DepthStencilAspect);
+ }
+ match decl.ty {
+ wgt::BindingType::Texture {
+ sample_type,
+ view_dimension,
+ multisampled,
+ } => {
+ use wgt::TextureSampleType as Tst;
+ if multisampled != (view.samples != 1) {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidTextureMultisample {
+ binding,
+ layout_multisampled: multisampled,
+ view_samples: view.samples,
+ });
+ }
+ let compat_sample_type = view
+ .desc
+ .format
+ .sample_type(Some(view.desc.range.aspect), Some(self.features))
+ .unwrap();
+ match (sample_type, compat_sample_type) {
+ (Tst::Uint, Tst::Uint) |
+ (Tst::Sint, Tst::Sint) |
+ (Tst::Depth, Tst::Depth) |
+ // if we expect non-filterable, accept anything float
+ (Tst::Float { filterable: false }, Tst::Float { .. }) |
+ // if we expect filterable, require it
+ (Tst::Float { filterable: true }, Tst::Float { filterable: true }) |
+ // if we expect non-filterable, also accept depth
+ (Tst::Float { filterable: false }, Tst::Depth) => {}
+ // if we expect filterable, also accept Float that is defined as
+ // unfilterable if filterable feature is explicitly enabled (only hit
+ // enabled)
+ (Tst::Float { filterable: true }, Tst::Float { .. }) if view.format_features.flags.contains(wgt::TextureFormatFeatureFlags::FILTERABLE) => {}
+ _ => {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidTextureSampleType {
+ binding,
+ layout_sample_type: sample_type,
+ view_format: view.desc.format,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ if view_dimension != view.desc.dimension {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidTextureDimension {
+ binding,
+ layout_dimension: view_dimension,
+ view_dimension: view.desc.dimension,
+ });
+ }
+ Ok((
+ wgt::TextureUsages::TEXTURE_BINDING,
+ hal::TextureUses::RESOURCE,
+ ))
+ }
+ wgt::BindingType::StorageTexture {
+ access,
+ format,
+ view_dimension,
+ } => {
+ if format != view.desc.format {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidStorageTextureFormat {
+ binding,
+ layout_format: format,
+ view_format: view.desc.format,
+ });
+ }
+ if view_dimension != view.desc.dimension {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidTextureDimension {
+ binding,
+ layout_dimension: view_dimension,
+ view_dimension: view.desc.dimension,
+ });
+ }
+ let mip_level_count = view.selector.mips.end - view.selector.mips.start;
+ if mip_level_count != 1 {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidStorageTextureMipLevelCount {
+ binding,
+ mip_level_count,
+ });
+ }
+ let internal_use = match access {
+ wgt::StorageTextureAccess::WriteOnly => hal::TextureUses::STORAGE_READ_WRITE,
+ wgt::StorageTextureAccess::ReadOnly => {
+ if !view
+ .format_features
+ .flags
+ .contains(wgt::TextureFormatFeatureFlags::STORAGE_READ_WRITE)
+ {
+ return Err(Error::StorageReadNotSupported(view.desc.format));
+ }
+ hal::TextureUses::STORAGE_READ
+ }
+ wgt::StorageTextureAccess::ReadWrite => {
+ if !view
+ .format_features
+ .flags
+ .contains(wgt::TextureFormatFeatureFlags::STORAGE_READ_WRITE)
+ {
+ return Err(Error::StorageReadNotSupported(view.desc.format));
+ }
+ hal::TextureUses::STORAGE_READ_WRITE
+ }
+ };
+ Ok((wgt::TextureUsages::STORAGE_BINDING, internal_use))
+ }
+ _ => Err(Error::WrongBindingType {
+ binding,
+ actual: decl.ty,
+ expected,
+ }),
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_pipeline_layout(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ desc: &binding_model::PipelineLayoutDescriptor,
+ bgl_registry: &Registry<BindGroupLayout<A>>,
+ ) -> Result<binding_model::PipelineLayout<A>, binding_model::CreatePipelineLayoutError> {
+ use crate::binding_model::CreatePipelineLayoutError as Error;
+ let bind_group_layouts_count = desc.bind_group_layouts.len();
+ let device_max_bind_groups = self.limits.max_bind_groups as usize;
+ if bind_group_layouts_count > device_max_bind_groups {
+ return Err(Error::TooManyGroups {
+ actual: bind_group_layouts_count,
+ max: device_max_bind_groups,
+ });
+ }
+ if !desc.push_constant_ranges.is_empty() {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::PUSH_CONSTANTS)?;
+ }
+ let mut used_stages = wgt::ShaderStages::empty();
+ for (index, pc) in desc.push_constant_ranges.iter().enumerate() {
+ if pc.stages.intersects(used_stages) {
+ return Err(Error::MoreThanOnePushConstantRangePerStage {
+ index,
+ provided: pc.stages,
+ intersected: pc.stages & used_stages,
+ });
+ }
+ used_stages |= pc.stages;
+ let device_max_pc_size = self.limits.max_push_constant_size;
+ if device_max_pc_size < pc.range.end {
+ return Err(Error::PushConstantRangeTooLarge {
+ index,
+ range: pc.range.clone(),
+ max: device_max_pc_size,
+ });
+ }
+ if pc.range.start % wgt::PUSH_CONSTANT_ALIGNMENT != 0 {
+ return Err(Error::MisalignedPushConstantRange {
+ index,
+ bound: pc.range.start,
+ });
+ }
+ if pc.range.end % wgt::PUSH_CONSTANT_ALIGNMENT != 0 {
+ return Err(Error::MisalignedPushConstantRange {
+ index,
+ bound: pc.range.end,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ let mut count_validator = binding_model::BindingTypeMaxCountValidator::default();
+ // Collect references to the BGLs
+ let mut bind_group_layouts = ArrayVec::new();
+ for &id in desc.bind_group_layouts.iter() {
+ let Ok(bgl) = bgl_registry.get(id) else {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidBindGroupLayout(id));
+ };
+ bind_group_layouts.push(bgl);
+ }
+ // Validate total resource counts and check for a matching device
+ for bgl in &bind_group_layouts {
+ if bgl.device.as_info().id() != self.as_info().id() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::WrongDevice.into());
+ }
+ count_validator.merge(&bgl.binding_count_validator);
+ }
+ count_validator
+ .validate(&self.limits)
+ .map_err(Error::TooManyBindings)?;
+ let raw_bind_group_layouts = bind_group_layouts
+ .iter()
+ .map(|bgl| bgl.raw())
+ .collect::<ArrayVec<_, { hal::MAX_BIND_GROUPS }>>();
+ let hal_desc = hal::PipelineLayoutDescriptor {
+ label: desc.label.to_hal(self.instance_flags),
+ flags: hal::PipelineLayoutFlags::FIRST_VERTEX_INSTANCE,
+ bind_group_layouts: &raw_bind_group_layouts,
+ push_constant_ranges: desc.push_constant_ranges.as_ref(),
+ };
+ let raw = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .create_pipeline_layout(&hal_desc)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ drop(raw_bind_group_layouts);
+ Ok(binding_model::PipelineLayout {
+ raw: Some(raw),
+ device: self.clone(),
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(desc.label.borrow_or_default()),
+ bind_group_layouts,
+ push_constant_ranges: desc.push_constant_ranges.iter().cloned().collect(),
+ })
+ }
+ //TODO: refactor this. It's the only method of `Device` that registers new objects
+ // (the pipeline layout).
+ pub(crate) fn derive_pipeline_layout(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ implicit_context: Option<ImplicitPipelineContext>,
+ mut derived_group_layouts: ArrayVec<bgl::EntryMap, { hal::MAX_BIND_GROUPS }>,
+ bgl_registry: &Registry<BindGroupLayout<A>>,
+ pipeline_layout_registry: &Registry<binding_model::PipelineLayout<A>>,
+ ) -> Result<Arc<binding_model::PipelineLayout<A>>, pipeline::ImplicitLayoutError> {
+ while derived_group_layouts
+ .last()
+ .map_or(false, |map| map.is_empty())
+ {
+ derived_group_layouts.pop();
+ }
+ let mut ids = implicit_context.ok_or(pipeline::ImplicitLayoutError::MissingIds(0))?;
+ let group_count = derived_group_layouts.len();
+ if ids.group_ids.len() < group_count {
+ log::error!(
+ "Not enough bind group IDs ({}) specified for the implicit layout ({})",
+ ids.group_ids.len(),
+ derived_group_layouts.len()
+ );
+ return Err(pipeline::ImplicitLayoutError::MissingIds(group_count as _));
+ }
+ for (bgl_id, map) in ids.group_ids.iter_mut().zip(derived_group_layouts) {
+ let bgl = self.create_bind_group_layout(&None, map, bgl::Origin::Derived)?;
+ bgl_registry.force_replace(*bgl_id, bgl);
+ }
+ let layout_desc = binding_model::PipelineLayoutDescriptor {
+ label: None,
+ bind_group_layouts: Cow::Borrowed(&ids.group_ids[..group_count]),
+ push_constant_ranges: Cow::Borrowed(&[]), //TODO?
+ };
+ let layout = self.create_pipeline_layout(&layout_desc, bgl_registry)?;
+ pipeline_layout_registry.force_replace(ids.root_id, layout);
+ Ok(pipeline_layout_registry.get(ids.root_id).unwrap())
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_compute_pipeline(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ desc: &pipeline::ComputePipelineDescriptor,
+ implicit_context: Option<ImplicitPipelineContext>,
+ hub: &Hub<A>,
+ ) -> Result<pipeline::ComputePipeline<A>, pipeline::CreateComputePipelineError> {
+ // This has to be done first, or otherwise the IDs may be pointing to entries
+ // that are not even in the storage.
+ if let Some(ref ids) = implicit_context {
+ let mut pipeline_layout_guard = hub.pipeline_layouts.write();
+ pipeline_layout_guard.insert_error(ids.root_id, IMPLICIT_BIND_GROUP_LAYOUT_ERROR_LABEL);
+ let mut bgl_guard = hub.bind_group_layouts.write();
+ for &bgl_id in ids.group_ids.iter() {
+ bgl_guard.insert_error(bgl_id, IMPLICIT_BIND_GROUP_LAYOUT_ERROR_LABEL);
+ }
+ }
+ self.require_downlevel_flags(wgt::DownlevelFlags::COMPUTE_SHADERS)?;
+ let shader_module = hub
+ .shader_modules
+ .get(desc.stage.module)
+ .map_err(|_| validation::StageError::InvalidModule)?;
+ if shader_module.device.as_info().id() != self.as_info().id() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::WrongDevice.into());
+ }
+ // Get the pipeline layout from the desc if it is provided.
+ let pipeline_layout = match desc.layout {
+ Some(pipeline_layout_id) => {
+ let pipeline_layout = hub
+ .pipeline_layouts
+ .get(pipeline_layout_id)
+ .map_err(|_| pipeline::CreateComputePipelineError::InvalidLayout)?;
+ if pipeline_layout.device.as_info().id() != self.as_info().id() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::WrongDevice.into());
+ }
+ Some(pipeline_layout)
+ }
+ None => None,
+ };
+ let mut binding_layout_source = match pipeline_layout {
+ Some(ref pipeline_layout) => {
+ validation::BindingLayoutSource::Provided(pipeline_layout.get_binding_maps())
+ }
+ None => validation::BindingLayoutSource::new_derived(&self.limits),
+ };
+ let mut shader_binding_sizes = FastHashMap::default();
+ let io = validation::StageIo::default();
+ {
+ let stage = wgt::ShaderStages::COMPUTE;
+ if let Some(ref interface) = shader_module.interface {
+ let _ = interface.check_stage(
+ &mut binding_layout_source,
+ &mut shader_binding_sizes,
+ &desc.stage.entry_point,
+ stage,
+ io,
+ None,
+ )?;
+ }
+ }
+ let pipeline_layout = match binding_layout_source {
+ validation::BindingLayoutSource::Provided(_) => {
+ drop(binding_layout_source);
+ pipeline_layout.unwrap()
+ }
+ validation::BindingLayoutSource::Derived(entries) => self.derive_pipeline_layout(
+ implicit_context,
+ entries,
+ &hub.bind_group_layouts,
+ &hub.pipeline_layouts,
+ )?,
+ };
+ let late_sized_buffer_groups =
+ Device::make_late_sized_buffer_groups(&shader_binding_sizes, &pipeline_layout);
+ let pipeline_desc = hal::ComputePipelineDescriptor {
+ label: desc.label.to_hal(self.instance_flags),
+ layout: pipeline_layout.raw(),
+ stage: hal::ProgrammableStage {
+ entry_point: desc.stage.entry_point.as_ref(),
+ module: shader_module.raw(),
+ },
+ };
+ let raw = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .create_compute_pipeline(&pipeline_desc)
+ }
+ .map_err(|err| match err {
+ hal::PipelineError::Device(error) => {
+ pipeline::CreateComputePipelineError::Device(error.into())
+ }
+ hal::PipelineError::Linkage(_stages, msg) => {
+ pipeline::CreateComputePipelineError::Internal(msg)
+ }
+ hal::PipelineError::EntryPoint(_stage) => {
+ pipeline::CreateComputePipelineError::Internal(ENTRYPOINT_FAILURE_ERROR.to_string())
+ }
+ })?;
+ let pipeline = pipeline::ComputePipeline {
+ raw: Some(raw),
+ layout: pipeline_layout,
+ device: self.clone(),
+ _shader_module: shader_module,
+ late_sized_buffer_groups,
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(desc.label.borrow_or_default()),
+ };
+ Ok(pipeline)
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_render_pipeline(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ adapter: &Adapter<A>,
+ desc: &pipeline::RenderPipelineDescriptor,
+ implicit_context: Option<ImplicitPipelineContext>,
+ hub: &Hub<A>,
+ ) -> Result<pipeline::RenderPipeline<A>, pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError> {
+ use wgt::TextureFormatFeatureFlags as Tfff;
+ // This has to be done first, or otherwise the IDs may be pointing to entries
+ // that are not even in the storage.
+ if let Some(ref ids) = implicit_context {
+ //TODO: only lock mutable if the layout is derived
+ let mut pipeline_layout_guard = hub.pipeline_layouts.write();
+ let mut bgl_guard = hub.bind_group_layouts.write();
+ pipeline_layout_guard.insert_error(ids.root_id, IMPLICIT_BIND_GROUP_LAYOUT_ERROR_LABEL);
+ for &bgl_id in ids.group_ids.iter() {
+ bgl_guard.insert_error(bgl_id, IMPLICIT_BIND_GROUP_LAYOUT_ERROR_LABEL);
+ }
+ }
+ let mut shader_binding_sizes = FastHashMap::default();
+ let num_attachments = desc.fragment.as_ref().map(|f| f.targets.len()).unwrap_or(0);
+ if num_attachments > hal::MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS {
+ return Err(pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::ColorAttachment(
+ command::ColorAttachmentError::TooMany {
+ given: num_attachments,
+ },
+ ));
+ }
+ let color_targets = desc
+ .fragment
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or(&[][..], |fragment| &fragment.targets);
+ let depth_stencil_state = desc.depth_stencil.as_ref();
+ let cts: ArrayVec<_, { hal::MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS }> =
+ color_targets.iter().filter_map(|x| x.as_ref()).collect();
+ if !cts.is_empty() && {
+ let first = &cts[0];
+ cts[1..]
+ .iter()
+ .any(|ct| ct.write_mask != first.write_mask || ct.blend != first.blend)
+ } {
+ log::debug!("Color targets: {:?}", color_targets);
+ self.require_downlevel_flags(wgt::DownlevelFlags::INDEPENDENT_BLEND)?;
+ }
+ let mut io = validation::StageIo::default();
+ let mut validated_stages = wgt::ShaderStages::empty();
+ let mut vertex_steps = Vec::with_capacity(desc.vertex.buffers.len());
+ let mut vertex_buffers = Vec::with_capacity(desc.vertex.buffers.len());
+ let mut total_attributes = 0;
+ let mut shader_expects_dual_source_blending = false;
+ let mut pipeline_expects_dual_source_blending = false;
+ for (i, vb_state) in desc.vertex.buffers.iter().enumerate() {
+ let mut last_stride = 0;
+ for attribute in vb_state.attributes.iter() {
+ last_stride = last_stride.max(attribute.offset + attribute.format.size());
+ }
+ vertex_steps.push(pipeline::VertexStep {
+ stride: vb_state.array_stride,
+ last_stride,
+ mode: vb_state.step_mode,
+ });
+ if vb_state.attributes.is_empty() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if vb_state.array_stride > self.limits.max_vertex_buffer_array_stride as u64 {
+ return Err(pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::VertexStrideTooLarge {
+ index: i as u32,
+ given: vb_state.array_stride as u32,
+ limit: self.limits.max_vertex_buffer_array_stride,
+ });
+ }
+ if vb_state.array_stride % wgt::VERTEX_STRIDE_ALIGNMENT != 0 {
+ return Err(pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::UnalignedVertexStride {
+ index: i as u32,
+ stride: vb_state.array_stride,
+ });
+ }
+ vertex_buffers.push(hal::VertexBufferLayout {
+ array_stride: vb_state.array_stride,
+ step_mode: vb_state.step_mode,
+ attributes: vb_state.attributes.as_ref(),
+ });
+ for attribute in vb_state.attributes.iter() {
+ if attribute.offset >= 0x10000000 {
+ return Err(
+ pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::InvalidVertexAttributeOffset {
+ location: attribute.shader_location,
+ offset: attribute.offset,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ if let wgt::VertexFormat::Float64
+ | wgt::VertexFormat::Float64x2
+ | wgt::VertexFormat::Float64x3
+ | wgt::VertexFormat::Float64x4 = attribute.format
+ {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_64BIT)?;
+ }
+ let previous = io.insert(
+ attribute.shader_location,
+ validation::InterfaceVar::vertex_attribute(attribute.format),
+ );
+ if previous.is_some() {
+ return Err(pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::ShaderLocationClash(
+ attribute.shader_location,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ total_attributes += vb_state.attributes.len();
+ }
+ if vertex_buffers.len() > self.limits.max_vertex_buffers as usize {
+ return Err(pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::TooManyVertexBuffers {
+ given: vertex_buffers.len() as u32,
+ limit: self.limits.max_vertex_buffers,
+ });
+ }
+ if total_attributes > self.limits.max_vertex_attributes as usize {
+ return Err(
+ pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::TooManyVertexAttributes {
+ given: total_attributes as u32,
+ limit: self.limits.max_vertex_attributes,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ if desc.primitive.strip_index_format.is_some() && !desc.primitive.topology.is_strip() {
+ return Err(
+ pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::StripIndexFormatForNonStripTopology {
+ strip_index_format: desc.primitive.strip_index_format,
+ topology: desc.primitive.topology,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ if desc.primitive.unclipped_depth {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::DEPTH_CLIP_CONTROL)?;
+ }
+ if desc.primitive.polygon_mode == wgt::PolygonMode::Line {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::POLYGON_MODE_LINE)?;
+ }
+ if desc.primitive.polygon_mode == wgt::PolygonMode::Point {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::POLYGON_MODE_POINT)?;
+ }
+ if desc.primitive.conservative {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION)?;
+ }
+ if desc.primitive.conservative && desc.primitive.polygon_mode != wgt::PolygonMode::Fill {
+ return Err(
+ pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::ConservativeRasterizationNonFillPolygonMode,
+ );
+ }
+ for (i, cs) in color_targets.iter().enumerate() {
+ if let Some(cs) = cs.as_ref() {
+ let error = loop {
+ if cs.write_mask.contains_invalid_bits() {
+ break Some(pipeline::ColorStateError::InvalidWriteMask(cs.write_mask));
+ }
+ let format_features = self.describe_format_features(adapter, cs.format)?;
+ if !format_features
+ .allowed_usages
+ .contains(wgt::TextureUsages::RENDER_ATTACHMENT)
+ {
+ break Some(pipeline::ColorStateError::FormatNotRenderable(cs.format));
+ }
+ let blendable = format_features.flags.contains(Tfff::BLENDABLE);
+ let filterable = format_features.flags.contains(Tfff::FILTERABLE);
+ let adapter_specific = self
+ .features
+ // according to WebGPU specifications the texture needs to be
+ // [`TextureFormatFeatureFlags::FILTERABLE`] if blending is set - use
+ // this limitation
+ if cs.blend.is_some() && (!blendable || (!filterable && !adapter_specific)) {
+ break Some(pipeline::ColorStateError::FormatNotBlendable(cs.format));
+ }
+ if !hal::FormatAspects::from(cs.format).contains(hal::FormatAspects::COLOR) {
+ break Some(pipeline::ColorStateError::FormatNotColor(cs.format));
+ }
+ if desc.multisample.count > 1
+ && !format_features
+ .flags
+ .sample_count_supported(desc.multisample.count)
+ {
+ break Some(pipeline::ColorStateError::InvalidSampleCount(
+ desc.multisample.count,
+ cs.format,
+ cs.format
+ .guaranteed_format_features(self.features)
+ .flags
+ .supported_sample_counts(),
+ adapter
+ .get_texture_format_features(cs.format)
+ .flags
+ .supported_sample_counts(),
+ ));
+ }
+ if let Some(blend_mode) = cs.blend {
+ for factor in [
+ blend_mode.color.src_factor,
+ blend_mode.color.dst_factor,
+ blend_mode.alpha.src_factor,
+ blend_mode.alpha.dst_factor,
+ ] {
+ if factor.ref_second_blend_source() {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::DUAL_SOURCE_BLENDING)?;
+ if i == 0 {
+ pipeline_expects_dual_source_blending = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ return Err(crate::pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError
+ ::BlendFactorOnUnsupportedTarget { factor, target: i as u32 });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break None;
+ };
+ if let Some(e) = error {
+ return Err(pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::ColorState(i as u8, e));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ds) = depth_stencil_state {
+ let error = loop {
+ let format_features = self.describe_format_features(adapter, ds.format)?;
+ if !format_features
+ .allowed_usages
+ .contains(wgt::TextureUsages::RENDER_ATTACHMENT)
+ {
+ break Some(pipeline::DepthStencilStateError::FormatNotRenderable(
+ ds.format,
+ ));
+ }
+ let aspect = hal::FormatAspects::from(ds.format);
+ if ds.is_depth_enabled() && !aspect.contains(hal::FormatAspects::DEPTH) {
+ break Some(pipeline::DepthStencilStateError::FormatNotDepth(ds.format));
+ }
+ if ds.stencil.is_enabled() && !aspect.contains(hal::FormatAspects::STENCIL) {
+ break Some(pipeline::DepthStencilStateError::FormatNotStencil(
+ ds.format,
+ ));
+ }
+ if desc.multisample.count > 1
+ && !format_features
+ .flags
+ .sample_count_supported(desc.multisample.count)
+ {
+ break Some(pipeline::DepthStencilStateError::InvalidSampleCount(
+ desc.multisample.count,
+ ds.format,
+ ds.format
+ .guaranteed_format_features(self.features)
+ .flags
+ .supported_sample_counts(),
+ adapter
+ .get_texture_format_features(ds.format)
+ .flags
+ .supported_sample_counts(),
+ ));
+ }
+ break None;
+ };
+ if let Some(e) = error {
+ return Err(pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::DepthStencilState(e));
+ }
+ if ds.bias.clamp != 0.0 {
+ self.require_downlevel_flags(wgt::DownlevelFlags::DEPTH_BIAS_CLAMP)?;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the pipeline layout from the desc if it is provided.
+ let pipeline_layout = match desc.layout {
+ Some(pipeline_layout_id) => {
+ let pipeline_layout = hub
+ .pipeline_layouts
+ .get(pipeline_layout_id)
+ .map_err(|_| pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::InvalidLayout)?;
+ if pipeline_layout.device.as_info().id() != self.as_info().id() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::WrongDevice.into());
+ }
+ Some(pipeline_layout)
+ }
+ None => None,
+ };
+ let mut binding_layout_source = match pipeline_layout {
+ Some(ref pipeline_layout) => {
+ validation::BindingLayoutSource::Provided(pipeline_layout.get_binding_maps())
+ }
+ None => validation::BindingLayoutSource::new_derived(&self.limits),
+ };
+ let samples = {
+ let sc = desc.multisample.count;
+ if sc == 0 || sc > 32 || !conv::is_power_of_two_u32(sc) {
+ return Err(pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::InvalidSampleCount(sc));
+ }
+ sc
+ };
+ let vertex_shader_module;
+ let vertex_stage = {
+ let stage_desc = &desc.vertex.stage;
+ let stage = wgt::ShaderStages::VERTEX;
+ vertex_shader_module = hub.shader_modules.get(stage_desc.module).map_err(|_| {
+ pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::Stage {
+ stage,
+ error: validation::StageError::InvalidModule,
+ }
+ })?;
+ if vertex_shader_module.device.as_info().id() != self.as_info().id() {
+ return Err(DeviceError::WrongDevice.into());
+ }
+ if let Some(ref interface) = vertex_shader_module.interface {
+ io = interface
+ .check_stage(
+ &mut binding_layout_source,
+ &mut shader_binding_sizes,
+ &stage_desc.entry_point,
+ stage,
+ io,
+ desc.depth_stencil.as_ref().map(|d| d.depth_compare),
+ )
+ .map_err(|error| pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::Stage { stage, error })?;
+ validated_stages |= stage;
+ }
+ hal::ProgrammableStage {
+ module: vertex_shader_module.raw(),
+ entry_point: stage_desc.entry_point.as_ref(),
+ }
+ };
+ let mut fragment_shader_module = None;
+ let fragment_stage = match desc.fragment {
+ Some(ref fragment_state) => {
+ let stage = wgt::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT;
+ let shader_module = fragment_shader_module.insert(
+ hub.shader_modules
+ .get(fragment_state.stage.module)
+ .map_err(|_| pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::Stage {
+ stage,
+ error: validation::StageError::InvalidModule,
+ })?,
+ );
+ if validated_stages == wgt::ShaderStages::VERTEX {
+ if let Some(ref interface) = shader_module.interface {
+ io = interface
+ .check_stage(
+ &mut binding_layout_source,
+ &mut shader_binding_sizes,
+ &fragment_state.stage.entry_point,
+ stage,
+ io,
+ desc.depth_stencil.as_ref().map(|d| d.depth_compare),
+ )
+ .map_err(|error| pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::Stage {
+ stage,
+ error,
+ })?;
+ validated_stages |= stage;
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ref interface) = shader_module.interface {
+ shader_expects_dual_source_blending = interface
+ .fragment_uses_dual_source_blending(&fragment_state.stage.entry_point)
+ .map_err(|error| pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::Stage {
+ stage,
+ error,
+ })?;
+ }
+ Some(hal::ProgrammableStage {
+ module: shader_module.raw(),
+ entry_point: fragment_state.stage.entry_point.as_ref(),
+ })
+ }
+ None => None,
+ };
+ if !pipeline_expects_dual_source_blending && shader_expects_dual_source_blending {
+ return Err(
+ pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::ShaderExpectsPipelineToUseDualSourceBlending,
+ );
+ }
+ if pipeline_expects_dual_source_blending && !shader_expects_dual_source_blending {
+ return Err(
+ pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::PipelineExpectsShaderToUseDualSourceBlending,
+ );
+ }
+ if validated_stages.contains(wgt::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT) {
+ for (i, output) in io.iter() {
+ match color_targets.get(*i as usize) {
+ Some(Some(state)) => {
+ validation::check_texture_format(state.format, &output.ty).map_err(
+ |pipeline| {
+ pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::ColorState(
+ *i as u8,
+ pipeline::ColorStateError::IncompatibleFormat {
+ pipeline,
+ shader: output.ty,
+ },
+ )
+ },
+ )?;
+ }
+ _ => {
+ log::warn!(
+ "The fragment stage {:?} output @location({}) values are ignored",
+ fragment_stage
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or("", |stage| stage.entry_point),
+ i
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let last_stage = match desc.fragment {
+ Some(_) => wgt::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
+ None => wgt::ShaderStages::VERTEX,
+ };
+ if desc.layout.is_none() && !validated_stages.contains(last_stage) {
+ return Err(pipeline::ImplicitLayoutError::ReflectionError(last_stage).into());
+ }
+ let pipeline_layout = match binding_layout_source {
+ validation::BindingLayoutSource::Provided(_) => {
+ drop(binding_layout_source);
+ pipeline_layout.unwrap()
+ }
+ validation::BindingLayoutSource::Derived(entries) => self.derive_pipeline_layout(
+ implicit_context,
+ entries,
+ &hub.bind_group_layouts,
+ &hub.pipeline_layouts,
+ )?,
+ };
+ // Multiview is only supported if the feature is enabled
+ if desc.multiview.is_some() {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::MULTIVIEW)?;
+ }
+ if !self
+ .downlevel
+ .flags
+ .contains(wgt::DownlevelFlags::BUFFER_BINDINGS_NOT_16_BYTE_ALIGNED)
+ {
+ for (binding, size) in shader_binding_sizes.iter() {
+ if size.get() % 16 != 0 {
+ return Err(pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::UnalignedShader {
+ binding: binding.binding,
+ group:,
+ size: size.get(),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let late_sized_buffer_groups =
+ Device::make_late_sized_buffer_groups(&shader_binding_sizes, &pipeline_layout);
+ let pipeline_desc = hal::RenderPipelineDescriptor {
+ label: desc.label.to_hal(self.instance_flags),
+ layout: pipeline_layout.raw(),
+ vertex_buffers: &vertex_buffers,
+ vertex_stage,
+ primitive: desc.primitive,
+ depth_stencil: desc.depth_stencil.clone(),
+ multisample: desc.multisample,
+ fragment_stage,
+ color_targets,
+ multiview: desc.multiview,
+ };
+ let raw = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .create_render_pipeline(&pipeline_desc)
+ }
+ .map_err(|err| match err {
+ hal::PipelineError::Device(error) => {
+ pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::Device(error.into())
+ }
+ hal::PipelineError::Linkage(stage, msg) => {
+ pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::Internal { stage, error: msg }
+ }
+ hal::PipelineError::EntryPoint(stage) => {
+ pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError::Internal {
+ stage: hal::auxil::map_naga_stage(stage),
+ error: ENTRYPOINT_FAILURE_ERROR.to_string(),
+ }
+ }
+ })?;
+ let pass_context = RenderPassContext {
+ attachments: AttachmentData {
+ colors: color_targets
+ .iter()
+ .map(|state| state.as_ref().map(|s| s.format))
+ .collect(),
+ resolves: ArrayVec::new(),
+ depth_stencil: depth_stencil_state.as_ref().map(|state| state.format),
+ },
+ sample_count: samples,
+ multiview: desc.multiview,
+ };
+ let mut flags = pipeline::PipelineFlags::empty();
+ for state in color_targets.iter().filter_map(|s| s.as_ref()) {
+ if let Some(ref bs) = state.blend {
+ if bs.color.uses_constant() | bs.alpha.uses_constant() {
+ flags |= pipeline::PipelineFlags::BLEND_CONSTANT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ds) = depth_stencil_state.as_ref() {
+ if ds.stencil.is_enabled() && ds.stencil.needs_ref_value() {
+ flags |= pipeline::PipelineFlags::STENCIL_REFERENCE;
+ }
+ if !ds.is_depth_read_only() {
+ flags |= pipeline::PipelineFlags::WRITES_DEPTH;
+ }
+ if !ds.is_stencil_read_only(desc.primitive.cull_mode) {
+ flags |= pipeline::PipelineFlags::WRITES_STENCIL;
+ }
+ }
+ let shader_modules = {
+ let mut shader_modules = ArrayVec::new();
+ shader_modules.push(vertex_shader_module);
+ shader_modules.extend(fragment_shader_module);
+ shader_modules
+ };
+ let pipeline = pipeline::RenderPipeline {
+ raw: Some(raw),
+ layout: pipeline_layout,
+ device: self.clone(),
+ pass_context,
+ _shader_modules: shader_modules,
+ flags,
+ strip_index_format: desc.primitive.strip_index_format,
+ vertex_steps,
+ late_sized_buffer_groups,
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(desc.label.borrow_or_default()),
+ };
+ Ok(pipeline)
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn get_texture_format_features(
+ &self,
+ adapter: &Adapter<A>,
+ format: TextureFormat,
+ ) -> wgt::TextureFormatFeatures {
+ // Variant of adapter.get_texture_format_features that takes device features into account
+ use wgt::TextureFormatFeatureFlags as tfsc;
+ let mut format_features = adapter.get_texture_format_features(format);
+ if (format == TextureFormat::R32Float
+ || format == TextureFormat::Rg32Float
+ || format == TextureFormat::Rgba32Float)
+ && !self.features.contains(wgt::Features::FLOAT32_FILTERABLE)
+ {
+ format_features.flags.set(tfsc::FILTERABLE, false);
+ }
+ format_features
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn describe_format_features(
+ &self,
+ adapter: &Adapter<A>,
+ format: TextureFormat,
+ ) -> Result<wgt::TextureFormatFeatures, MissingFeatures> {
+ self.require_features(format.required_features())?;
+ let using_device_features = self
+ .features
+ // If we're running downlevel, we need to manually ask the backend what
+ // we can use as we can't trust WebGPU.
+ let downlevel = !self
+ .downlevel
+ .flags
+ .contains(wgt::DownlevelFlags::WEBGPU_TEXTURE_FORMAT_SUPPORT);
+ if using_device_features || downlevel {
+ Ok(self.get_texture_format_features(adapter, format))
+ } else {
+ Ok(format.guaranteed_format_features(self.features))
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn wait_for_submit(
+ &self,
+ submission_index: SubmissionIndex,
+ ) -> Result<(), WaitIdleError> {
+ let guard =;
+ let fence = guard.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let last_done_index = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .get_fence_value(fence)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ if last_done_index < submission_index {
+ log::info!("Waiting for submission {:?}", submission_index);
+ unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .wait(fence, submission_index, !0)
+ .map_err(DeviceError::from)?
+ };
+ drop(guard);
+ let closures = self.lock_life().triage_submissions(
+ submission_index,
+ self.command_allocator.lock().as_mut().unwrap(),
+ );
+ assert!(
+ closures.is_empty(),
+ "wait_for_submit is not expected to work with closures"
+ );
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_query_set(
+ self: &Arc<Self>,
+ desc: &resource::QuerySetDescriptor,
+ ) -> Result<QuerySet<A>, resource::CreateQuerySetError> {
+ use resource::CreateQuerySetError as Error;
+ match desc.ty {
+ wgt::QueryType::Occlusion => {}
+ wgt::QueryType::Timestamp => {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::TIMESTAMP_QUERY)?;
+ }
+ wgt::QueryType::PipelineStatistics(..) => {
+ self.require_features(wgt::Features::PIPELINE_STATISTICS_QUERY)?;
+ }
+ }
+ if desc.count == 0 {
+ return Err(Error::ZeroCount);
+ }
+ if desc.count > wgt::QUERY_SET_MAX_QUERIES {
+ return Err(Error::TooManyQueries {
+ count: desc.count,
+ maximum: wgt::QUERY_SET_MAX_QUERIES,
+ });
+ }
+ let hal_desc = desc.map_label(|label| label.to_hal(self.instance_flags));
+ Ok(QuerySet {
+ raw: Some(unsafe { self.raw().create_query_set(&hal_desc).unwrap() }),
+ device: self.clone(),
+ info: ResourceInfo::new(""),
+ desc: desc.map_label(|_| ()),
+ })
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn lose(&self, message: &str) {
+ // Follow the steps at
+ // Mark the device explicitly as invalid. This is checked in various
+ // places to prevent new work from being submitted.
+, Ordering::Release);
+ // 1) Resolve the GPUDevice device.lost promise.
+ let mut life_lock = self.lock_life();
+ let closure = life_lock.device_lost_closure.take();
+ // It's important to not hold the lock while calling the closure and while calling
+ // release_gpu_resources which may take the lock again.
+ drop(life_lock);
+ if let Some(device_lost_closure) = closure {
+, message.to_string());
+ }
+ // 2) Complete any outstanding mapAsync() steps.
+ // 3) Complete any outstanding onSubmittedWorkDone() steps.
+ // These parts are passively accomplished by setting valid to false,
+ // since that will prevent any new work from being added to the queues.
+ // Future calls to poll_devices will continue to check the work queues
+ // until they are cleared, and then drop the device.
+ // Eagerly release GPU resources.
+ self.release_gpu_resources();
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn release_gpu_resources(&self) {
+ // This is called when the device is lost, which makes every associated
+ // resource invalid and unusable. This is an opportunity to release all of
+ // the underlying gpu resources, even though the objects remain visible to
+ // the user agent. We purge this memory naturally when resources have been
+ // moved into the appropriate buckets, so this function just needs to
+ // initiate movement into those buckets, and it can do that by calling
+ // "destroy" on all the resources we know about.
+ // During these iterations, we discard all errors. We don't care!
+ let trackers = self.trackers.lock();
+ for buffer in trackers.buffers.used_resources() {
+ let _ = buffer.destroy();
+ }
+ for texture in trackers.textures.used_resources() {
+ let _ = texture.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+impl<A: HalApi> Device<A> {
+ pub(crate) fn destroy_command_buffer(&self, mut cmd_buf: command::CommandBuffer<A>) {
+ let mut baked = cmd_buf.extract_baked_commands();
+ unsafe {
+ baked.encoder.reset_all(baked.list.into_iter());
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .destroy_command_encoder(baked.encoder);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Wait for idle and remove resources that we can, before we die.
+ pub(crate) fn prepare_to_die(&self) {
+ self.pending_writes.lock().as_mut().unwrap().deactivate();
+ let current_index = self.active_submission_index.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
+ if let Err(error) = unsafe {
+ let fence =;
+ let fence = fence.as_ref().unwrap();
+ self.raw
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .wait(fence, current_index, CLEANUP_WAIT_MS)
+ } {
+ log::error!("failed to wait for the device: {error}");
+ }
+ let mut life_tracker = self.lock_life();
+ let _ = life_tracker.triage_submissions(
+ current_index,
+ self.command_allocator.lock().as_mut().unwrap(),
+ );
+ if let Some(device_lost_closure) = life_tracker.device_lost_closure.take() {
+ // It's important to not hold the lock while calling the closure.
+ drop(life_tracker);
+, "Device is dying.".to_string());
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+ {
+ *self.trace.lock() = None;
+ }
+ }
+impl<A: HalApi> Resource for Device<A> {
+ const TYPE: ResourceType = "Device";
+ type Marker = crate::id::markers::Device;
+ fn as_info(&self) -> &ResourceInfo<Self> {
+ &
+ }
+ fn as_info_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ResourceInfo<Self> {
+ &mut
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0802b610d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/wgpu-core/src/device/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+use crate::id;
+use std::ops::Range;
+#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+use std::{borrow::Cow, io::Write as _};
+//TODO: consider a readable Id that doesn't include the backend
+type FileName = String;
+pub const FILE_NAME: &str = "trace.ron";
+#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+pub(crate) fn new_render_bundle_encoder_descriptor<'a>(
+ label: crate::Label<'a>,
+ context: &'a super::RenderPassContext,
+ depth_read_only: bool,
+ stencil_read_only: bool,
+) -> crate::command::RenderBundleEncoderDescriptor<'a> {
+ crate::command::RenderBundleEncoderDescriptor {
+ label,
+ color_formats: Cow::Borrowed(&context.attachments.colors),
+ depth_stencil:|format| {
+ wgt::RenderBundleDepthStencil {
+ format,
+ depth_read_only,
+ stencil_read_only,
+ }
+ }),
+ sample_count: context.sample_count,
+ multiview: context.multiview,
+ }
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
+pub enum Action<'a> {
+ Init {
+ desc: crate::device::DeviceDescriptor<'a>,
+ backend: wgt::Backend,
+ },
+ ConfigureSurface(
+ id::SurfaceId,
+ wgt::SurfaceConfiguration<Vec<wgt::TextureFormat>>,
+ ),
+ CreateBuffer(id::BufferId, crate::resource::BufferDescriptor<'a>),
+ FreeBuffer(id::BufferId),
+ DestroyBuffer(id::BufferId),
+ CreateTexture(id::TextureId, crate::resource::TextureDescriptor<'a>),
+ FreeTexture(id::TextureId),
+ DestroyTexture(id::TextureId),
+ CreateTextureView {
+ id: id::TextureViewId,
+ parent_id: id::TextureId,
+ desc: crate::resource::TextureViewDescriptor<'a>,
+ },
+ DestroyTextureView(id::TextureViewId),
+ CreateSampler(id::SamplerId, crate::resource::SamplerDescriptor<'a>),
+ DestroySampler(id::SamplerId),
+ GetSurfaceTexture {
+ id: id::TextureId,
+ parent_id: id::SurfaceId,
+ },
+ Present(id::SurfaceId),
+ DiscardSurfaceTexture(id::SurfaceId),
+ CreateBindGroupLayout(
+ id::BindGroupLayoutId,
+ crate::binding_model::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor<'a>,
+ ),
+ DestroyBindGroupLayout(id::BindGroupLayoutId),
+ CreatePipelineLayout(
+ id::PipelineLayoutId,
+ crate::binding_model::PipelineLayoutDescriptor<'a>,
+ ),
+ DestroyPipelineLayout(id::PipelineLayoutId),
+ CreateBindGroup(
+ id::BindGroupId,
+ crate::binding_model::BindGroupDescriptor<'a>,
+ ),
+ DestroyBindGroup(id::BindGroupId),
+ CreateShaderModule {
+ id: id::ShaderModuleId,
+ desc: crate::pipeline::ShaderModuleDescriptor<'a>,
+ data: FileName,
+ },
+ DestroyShaderModule(id::ShaderModuleId),
+ CreateComputePipeline {
+ id: id::ComputePipelineId,
+ desc: crate::pipeline::ComputePipelineDescriptor<'a>,
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", serde(default))]
+ implicit_context: Option<super::ImplicitPipelineContext>,
+ },
+ DestroyComputePipeline(id::ComputePipelineId),
+ CreateRenderPipeline {
+ id: id::RenderPipelineId,
+ desc: crate::pipeline::RenderPipelineDescriptor<'a>,
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", serde(default))]
+ implicit_context: Option<super::ImplicitPipelineContext>,
+ },
+ DestroyRenderPipeline(id::RenderPipelineId),
+ CreateRenderBundle {
+ id: id::RenderBundleId,
+ desc: crate::command::RenderBundleEncoderDescriptor<'a>,
+ base: crate::command::BasePass<crate::command::RenderCommand>,
+ },
+ DestroyRenderBundle(id::RenderBundleId),
+ CreateQuerySet {
+ id: id::QuerySetId,
+ desc: crate::resource::QuerySetDescriptor<'a>,
+ },
+ DestroyQuerySet(id::QuerySetId),
+ WriteBuffer {
+ id: id::BufferId,
+ data: FileName,
+ range: Range<wgt::BufferAddress>,
+ queued: bool,
+ },
+ WriteTexture {
+ to: crate::command::ImageCopyTexture,
+ data: FileName,
+ layout: wgt::ImageDataLayout,
+ size: wgt::Extent3d,
+ },
+ Submit(crate::SubmissionIndex, Vec<Command>),
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
+pub enum Command {
+ CopyBufferToBuffer {
+ src: id::BufferId,
+ src_offset: wgt::BufferAddress,
+ dst: id::BufferId,
+ dst_offset: wgt::BufferAddress,
+ size: wgt::BufferAddress,
+ },
+ CopyBufferToTexture {
+ src: crate::command::ImageCopyBuffer,
+ dst: crate::command::ImageCopyTexture,
+ size: wgt::Extent3d,
+ },
+ CopyTextureToBuffer {
+ src: crate::command::ImageCopyTexture,
+ dst: crate::command::ImageCopyBuffer,
+ size: wgt::Extent3d,
+ },
+ CopyTextureToTexture {
+ src: crate::command::ImageCopyTexture,
+ dst: crate::command::ImageCopyTexture,
+ size: wgt::Extent3d,
+ },
+ ClearBuffer {
+ dst: id::BufferId,
+ offset: wgt::BufferAddress,
+ size: Option<wgt::BufferAddress>,
+ },
+ ClearTexture {
+ dst: id::TextureId,
+ subresource_range: wgt::ImageSubresourceRange,
+ },
+ WriteTimestamp {
+ query_set_id: id::QuerySetId,
+ query_index: u32,
+ },
+ ResolveQuerySet {
+ query_set_id: id::QuerySetId,
+ start_query: u32,
+ query_count: u32,
+ destination: id::BufferId,
+ destination_offset: wgt::BufferAddress,
+ },
+ PushDebugGroup(String),
+ PopDebugGroup,
+ InsertDebugMarker(String),
+ RunComputePass {
+ base: crate::command::BasePass<crate::command::ComputeCommand>,
+ timestamp_writes: Option<crate::command::ComputePassTimestampWrites>,
+ },
+ RunRenderPass {
+ base: crate::command::BasePass<crate::command::RenderCommand>,
+ target_colors: Vec<Option<crate::command::RenderPassColorAttachment>>,
+ target_depth_stencil: Option<crate::command::RenderPassDepthStencilAttachment>,
+ timestamp_writes: Option<crate::command::RenderPassTimestampWrites>,
+ occlusion_query_set_id: Option<id::QuerySetId>,
+ },
+#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+pub struct Trace {
+ path: std::path::PathBuf,
+ file: std::fs::File,
+ config: ron::ser::PrettyConfig,
+ binary_id: usize,
+#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+impl Trace {
+ pub fn new(path: &std::path::Path) -> Result<Self, std::io::Error> {
+ log::info!("Tracing into '{:?}'", path);
+ let mut file = std::fs::File::create(path.join(FILE_NAME))?;
+ file.write_all(b"[\n")?;
+ Ok(Self {
+ path: path.to_path_buf(),
+ file,
+ config: ron::ser::PrettyConfig::default(),
+ binary_id: 0,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn make_binary(&mut self, kind: &str, data: &[u8]) -> String {
+ self.binary_id += 1;
+ let name = format!("data{}.{}", self.binary_id, kind);
+ let _ = std::fs::write(self.path.join(&name), data);
+ name
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn add(&mut self, action: Action) {
+ match ron::ser::to_string_pretty(&action, self.config.clone()) {
+ Ok(string) => {
+ let _ = writeln!(self.file, "{},", string);
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ log::warn!("RON serialization failure: {:?}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
+impl Drop for Trace {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ let _ = self.file.write_all(b"]");
+ }