path: root/toolkit/crashreporter/mozannotation_server/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/crashreporter/mozannotation_server/src/')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/mozannotation_server/src/ b/toolkit/crashreporter/mozannotation_server/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ecb8ec919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/crashreporter/mozannotation_server/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+mod errors;
+mod process_reader;
+use crate::errors::*;
+use process_reader::ProcessReader;
+use mozannotation_client::{Annotation, AnnotationContents, AnnotationMutex};
+use nsstring::nsCString;
+use std::cmp::min;
+use std::iter::FromIterator;
+use std::mem::size_of;
+use std::ptr::null_mut;
+use thin_vec::ThinVec;
+pub enum AnnotationData {
+ Empty,
+ UsizeData(usize),
+ NSCStringData(nsCString),
+ ByteBuffer(ThinVec<u8>),
+pub struct CAnnotation {
+ id: u32,
+ data: AnnotationData,
+#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
+type ProcessHandle = winapi::shared::ntdef::HANDLE;
+#[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))]
+type ProcessHandle = libc::pid_t;
+#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos"))]
+type ProcessHandle = mach2::mach_types::task_t;
+/// Return the annotations of a given process.
+/// This function will be exposed to C++
+pub extern "C" fn mozannotation_retrieve(
+ process: usize,
+ max_annotations: usize,
+) -> *mut ThinVec<CAnnotation> {
+ let result = retrieve_annotations(process as _, max_annotations);
+ match result {
+ // Leak the object as it will be owned by the C++ code from now on
+ Ok(annotations) => Box::into_raw(annotations) as *mut _,
+ Err(_) => null_mut(),
+ }
+/// Free the annotations returned by `mozannotation_retrieve()`.
+/// # Safety
+/// `ptr` must contain the value returned by a call to
+/// `mozannotation_retrieve()` and be called only once.
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn mozannotation_free(ptr: *mut ThinVec<CAnnotation>) {
+ // The annotation vector will be automatically destroyed when the contents
+ // of this box are automatically dropped at the end of the function.
+ let _box = Box::from_raw(ptr);
+pub fn retrieve_annotations(
+ process: ProcessHandle,
+ max_annotations: usize,
+) -> Result<Box<ThinVec<CAnnotation>>, RetrievalError> {
+ let reader = ProcessReader::new(process)?;
+ let address = reader.find_annotations()?;
+ let mut mutex = reader.copy_object_shallow::<AnnotationMutex>(address)?;
+ let mutex = unsafe { mutex.assume_init_mut() };
+ // TODO: we should clear the poison value here before getting the mutex
+ // contents. Right now we have to fail if the mutex was poisoned.
+ let annotation_table = mutex.get_mut().map_err(|_e| RetrievalError::InvalidData)?;
+ if !annotation_table.verify() {
+ return Err(RetrievalError::InvalidAnnotationTable);
+ }
+ let vec_pointer = annotation_table.get_ptr();
+ let length = annotation_table.len();
+ let mut annotations = ThinVec::<CAnnotation>::with_capacity(min(max_annotations, length));
+ for i in 0..length {
+ let annotation_address = unsafe { vec_pointer.add(i) };
+ if let Ok(annotation) = read_annotation(&reader, annotation_address as usize) {
+ annotations.push(annotation);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(Box::new(annotations))
+// Read an annotation from the given address
+fn read_annotation(reader: &ProcessReader, address: usize) -> Result<CAnnotation, ReadError> {
+ let raw_annotation = reader.copy_object::<Annotation>(address)?;
+ let mut annotation = CAnnotation {
+ id:,
+ data: AnnotationData::Empty,
+ };
+ match raw_annotation.contents {
+ AnnotationContents::Empty => {}
+ AnnotationContents::NSCString => {
+ let string = copy_nscstring(reader, raw_annotation.address)?;
+ = AnnotationData::NSCStringData(string);
+ }
+ AnnotationContents::CString => {
+ let string = copy_null_terminated_string_pointer(reader, raw_annotation.address)?;
+ = AnnotationData::NSCStringData(string);
+ }
+ AnnotationContents::CharBuffer => {
+ let string = copy_null_terminated_string(reader, raw_annotation.address)?;
+ = AnnotationData::NSCStringData(string);
+ }
+ AnnotationContents::USize => {
+ let value = reader.copy_object::<usize>(raw_annotation.address)?;
+ = AnnotationData::UsizeData(value);
+ }
+ AnnotationContents::ByteBuffer(size) => {
+ let value = copy_bytebuffer(reader, raw_annotation.address, size)?;
+ = AnnotationData::ByteBuffer(value);
+ }
+ };
+ Ok(annotation)
+fn copy_null_terminated_string_pointer(
+ reader: &ProcessReader,
+ address: usize,
+) -> Result<nsCString, ReadError> {
+ let buffer_address = reader.copy_object::<usize>(address)?;
+ copy_null_terminated_string(reader, buffer_address)
+fn copy_null_terminated_string(
+ reader: &ProcessReader,
+ address: usize,
+) -> Result<nsCString, ReadError> {
+ // Try copying the string word-by-word first, this is considerably faster
+ // than one byte at a time.
+ if let Ok(string) = copy_null_terminated_string_word_by_word(reader, address) {
+ return Ok(string);
+ }
+ // Reading the string one word at a time failed, let's try again one byte
+ // at a time. It's slow but it might work in situations where the string
+ // alignment causes word-by-word access to straddle page boundaries.
+ let mut length = 0;
+ let mut string = Vec::<u8>::new();
+ loop {
+ let char = reader.copy_object::<u8>(address + length)?;
+ length += 1;
+ string.push(char);
+ if char == 0 {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(nsCString::from(&string[..length]))
+fn copy_null_terminated_string_word_by_word(
+ reader: &ProcessReader,
+ address: usize,
+) -> Result<nsCString, ReadError> {
+ const WORD_SIZE: usize = size_of::<usize>();
+ let mut length = 0;
+ let mut string = Vec::<u8>::new();
+ loop {
+ let mut array = reader.copy_array::<u8>(address + length, WORD_SIZE)?;
+ let null_terminator = array.iter().position(|&e| e == 0);
+ length += null_terminator.unwrap_or(WORD_SIZE);
+ string.append(&mut array);
+ if null_terminator.is_some() {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(nsCString::from(&string[..length]))
+fn copy_nscstring(reader: &ProcessReader, address: usize) -> Result<nsCString, ReadError> {
+ // HACK: This assumes the layout of the string
+ let length_address = address + size_of::<usize>();
+ let length = reader.copy_object::<u32>(length_address)?;
+ if length > 0 {
+ let data_address = reader.copy_object::<usize>(address)?;
+ reader
+ .copy_array::<u8>(data_address, length as _)
+ .map(nsCString::from)
+ } else {
+ Ok(nsCString::new())
+ }
+fn copy_bytebuffer(
+ reader: &ProcessReader,
+ address: usize,
+ size: u32,
+) -> Result<ThinVec<u8>, ReadError> {
+ let value = reader.copy_array::<u8>(address, size as _)?;
+ Ok(ThinVec::<u8>::from_iter(value.into_iter()))