path: root/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_html_abuse_report.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_html_abuse_report.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1091 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_html_abuse_report.js b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_html_abuse_report.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f20e5b357b..0000000000
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_html_abuse_report.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1091 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* eslint max-len: ["error", 80] */
-add_setup(async function () {
- // Make sure the integrated abuse report panel is the one enabled
- // while this test file runs (instead of the AMO hosted form).
- // NOTE: behaviors expected when amoFormEnabled is true are tested
- // in the separate browser_amo_abuse_report.js test file.
- await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
- set: [["extensions.abuseReport.amoFormEnabled", false]],
- });
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.setup();
- * Base tests on abuse report panel webcomponents.
- */
-// This test case verified that the abuse report panels contains a radio
-// button for all the expected "abuse report reasons", they are grouped
-// together under the same form field named "reason".
-add_task(async function test_abusereport_issuelist() {
- const extension = await installTestExtension();
- const abuseReportEl = await AbuseReportTestUtils.openReport(;
- const reasonsPanel = abuseReportEl._reasonsPanel;
- const radioButtons = reasonsPanel.querySelectorAll("[type=radio]");
- const selectedRadios = reasonsPanel.querySelectorAll("[type=radio]:checked");
- is(selectedRadios.length, 1, "Expect only one radio button selected");
- is(
- selectedRadios[0],
- radioButtons[0],
- "Expect the first radio button to be selected"
- );
- is(
- abuseReportEl.reason,
- radioButtons[0].value,
- `The reason property has the expected value: ${radioButtons[0].value}`
- );
- const reasons = Array.from(radioButtons).map(el => el.value);
- Assert.deepEqual(
- reasons.sort(),
- AbuseReportTestUtils.getReasons(abuseReportEl).sort(),
- `Got a radio button for the expected reasons`
- );
- for (const radio of radioButtons) {
- const reasonInfo = AbuseReportTestUtils.getReasonInfo(
- abuseReportEl,
- radio.value
- );
- const expectExampleHidden =
- reasonInfo && reasonInfo.isExampleHidden("extension");
- is(
- radio.parentNode.querySelector(".reason-example").hidden,
- expectExampleHidden,
- `Got expected visibility on the example for reason "${radio.value}"`
- );
- }
- info("Change the selected reason to " + radioButtons[3].value);
- radioButtons[3].checked = true;
- is(
- abuseReportEl.reason,
- radioButtons[3].value,
- "The reason property has the expected value"
- );
- await extension.unload();
- await closeAboutAddons();
-// This test case verifies that the abuse report panel:
-// - switches from its "reasons list" mode to its "submit report" mode when the
-// "next" button is clicked
-// - goes back to the "reasons list" mode when the "go back" button is clicked
-// - the abuse report panel is closed when the "close" icon is clicked
-add_task(async function test_abusereport_submitpanel() {
- const extension = await installTestExtension();
- const abuseReportEl = await AbuseReportTestUtils.openReport(;
- ok(
- !abuseReportEl._reasonsPanel.hidden,
- "The list of abuse reasons is the currently visible"
- );
- ok(
- abuseReportEl._submitPanel.hidden,
- "The submit panel is the currently hidden"
- );
- let onceUpdated = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportUpdated(
- abuseReportEl,
- "submit"
- );
- const MozButtonGroup =
- abuseReportEl.ownerGlobal.customElements.get("moz-button-group");
- ok(MozButtonGroup, "Expect MozButtonGroup custom element to be defined");
- const assertButtonInMozButtonGroup = (
- btnEl,
- { expectPrimary = false } = {}
- ) => {
- // Let's include the l10n id into the assertion messages,
- // to make it more likely to be immediately clear which
- // button hit a failure if any of the following assertion
- // fails.
- let l10nId = btnEl.getAttribute("data-l10n-id");
- is(
- btnEl.classList.contains("primary"),
- expectPrimary,
- `Expect button ${l10nId} to have${
- expectPrimary ? "" : " NOT"
- } the primary class set`
- );
- ok(
- btnEl.parentElement instanceof MozButtonGroup,
- `Expect button ${l10nId} to be slotted inside the expected custom element`
- );
- is(
- btnEl.getAttribute("slot"),
- expectPrimary ? "primary" : null,
- `Expect button ${l10nId} slot to ${
- expectPrimary ? "" : "NOT "
- } be set to primary`
- );
- };
- // Verify button group from the initial panel.
- assertButtonInMozButtonGroup(abuseReportEl._btnNext, { expectPrimary: true });
- assertButtonInMozButtonGroup(abuseReportEl._btnCancel, {
- expectPrimary: false,
- });
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.clickPanelButton(abuseReportEl._btnNext);
- await onceUpdated;
- // Verify button group from the submit panel mode.
- assertButtonInMozButtonGroup(abuseReportEl._btnSubmit, {
- expectPrimary: true,
- });
- assertButtonInMozButtonGroup(abuseReportEl._btnGoBack, {
- expectPrimary: false,
- });
- onceUpdated = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportUpdated(
- abuseReportEl,
- "reasons"
- );
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.clickPanelButton(abuseReportEl._btnGoBack);
- await onceUpdated;
- const onceReportClosed =
- AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportClosed(abuseReportEl);
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.clickPanelButton(abuseReportEl._btnCancel);
- await onceReportClosed;
- await extension.unload();
- await closeAboutAddons();
-// This test case verifies that the abuse report panel sends the expected data
-// in the "abuse-report:submit" event detail.
-add_task(async function test_abusereport_submit() {
- // Reset the timestamp of the last report between tests.
- AbuseReporter._lastReportTimestamp = null;
- const extension = await installTestExtension();
- const abuseReportEl = await AbuseReportTestUtils.openReport(;
- ok(
- !abuseReportEl._reasonsPanel.hidden,
- "The list of abuse reasons is the currently visible"
- );
- let onceUpdated = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportUpdated(
- abuseReportEl,
- "submit"
- );
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.clickPanelButton(abuseReportEl._btnNext);
- await onceUpdated;
- is(abuseReportEl.message, "", "The abuse report message is initially empty");
- info("Test typing a message in the abuse report submit panel textarea");
- const typedMessage = "Description of the extension abuse report";
- EventUtils.synthesizeComposition(
- {
- data: typedMessage,
- type: "compositioncommit",
- },
- abuseReportEl.ownerGlobal
- );
- is(
- abuseReportEl.message,
- typedMessage,
- "Got the expected typed message in the abuse report"
- );
- const expectedDetail = {
- addonId:,
- };
- const expectedReason = abuseReportEl.reason;
- const expectedMessage = abuseReportEl.message;
- function handleSubmitRequest({ request, response }) {
- response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
- response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", false);
- response.write("{}");
- }
- let reportSubmitted;
- const onReportSubmitted = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportSubmitHandled(
- ({ data, request, response }) => {
- reportSubmitted = JSON.parse(data);
- handleSubmitRequest({ request, response });
- }
- );
- const onceReportClosed =
- AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportClosed(abuseReportEl);
- const onMessageBarsCreated = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseMessageBars(2);
- const onceSubmitEvent = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
- abuseReportEl,
- "abuse-report:submit"
- );
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.clickPanelButton(abuseReportEl._btnSubmit);
- const submitEvent = await onceSubmitEvent;
- const actualDetail = {
- addonId: submitEvent.detail.addonId,
- };
- Assert.deepEqual(
- actualDetail,
- expectedDetail,
- "Got the expected detail in the abuse-report:submit event"
- );
- ok(
- "Got a report object in the abuse-report:submit event detail"
- );
- // Verify that, when the "abuse-report:submit" has been sent,
- // the abuse report panel has been hidden, the report has been
- // submitted and the expected message bar is created in the
- // HTML about:addons page.
- info("Wait the report to be submitted to the api server");
- await onReportSubmitted;
- info("Wait the report panel to be closed");
- await onceReportClosed;
- is(
- reportSubmitted.addon,
- "Got the expected addon in the submitted report"
- );
- is(
- reportSubmitted.reason,
- expectedReason,
- "Got the expected reason in the submitted report"
- );
- is(
- reportSubmitted.message,
- expectedMessage,
- "Got the expected message in the submitted report"
- );
- is(
- reportSubmitted.report_entry_point,
- "Got the expected report_entry_point in the submitted report"
- );
- info("Waiting the expected message bars to be created");
- const barDetails = await onMessageBarsCreated;
- is(barDetails.length, 2, "Expect two message bars to have been created");
- is(
- barDetails[0].definitionId,
- "submitting",
- "Got a submitting message bar as expected"
- );
- is(
- barDetails[1].definitionId,
- "submitted",
- "Got a submitted message bar as expected"
- );
- await extension.unload();
- await closeAboutAddons();
-// This helper does verify that the abuse report panel contains the expected
-// suggestions when the selected reason requires it (and urls are being set
-// on the links elements included in the suggestions when expected).
-async function test_abusereport_suggestions(addonId) {
- const addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(addonId);
- const abuseReportEl = await AbuseReportTestUtils.openReport(addonId);
- const {
- _btnNext,
- _btnGoBack,
- _reasonsPanel,
- _submitPanel,
- _submitPanel: { _suggestions },
- } = abuseReportEl;
- for (const reason of AbuseReportTestUtils.getReasons(abuseReportEl)) {
- const reasonInfo = AbuseReportTestUtils.getReasonInfo(
- abuseReportEl,
- reason
- );
- // TODO(Bug 1789718): Remove after the deprecated XPIProvider-based
- // implementation is also removed.
- const addonType =
- addon.type === "sitepermission-deprecated"
- ? "sitepermission"
- : addon.type;
- if (reasonInfo.isReasonHidden(addonType)) {
- continue;
- }
- info(`Test suggestions for abuse reason "${reason}"`);
- // Select a reason with suggestions.
- let radioEl = abuseReportEl.querySelector(`#abuse-reason-${reason}`);
- ok(radioEl, `Found radio button for "${reason}"`);
- radioEl.checked = true;
- // Make sure the element localization is completed before
- // checking the content isn't empty.
- await document.l10n.translateFragment(radioEl);
- // Verify each radio button has a non-empty localized string.
- const localizedRadioContent = Array.from(
- radioEl.closest("label").querySelectorAll("[data-l10n-id]")
- ).filter(el => !el.hidden);
- for (let el of localizedRadioContent) {
- isnot(
- el.textContent,
- "",
- `Fluent string id '${el.getAttribute("data-l10n-id")}' missing`
- );
- }
- // Switch to the submit form with the current reason radio selected.
- let oncePanelUpdated = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportUpdated(
- abuseReportEl,
- "submit"
- );
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.clickPanelButton(_btnNext);
- await oncePanelUpdated;
- const localizedSuggestionsContent = Array.from(
- _suggestions.querySelectorAll("[data-l10n-id]")
- ).filter(el => !el.hidden);
- is(
- !_suggestions.hidden,
- !!reasonInfo.hasSuggestions,
- `Suggestions block has the expected visibility for "${reason}"`
- );
- if (reasonInfo.hasSuggestions) {
- ok(
- !!localizedSuggestionsContent.length,
- `Category suggestions should not be empty for "${reason}"`
- );
- } else {
- Assert.strictEqual(
- localizedSuggestionsContent.length,
- 0,
- `Category suggestions should be empty for "${reason}"`
- );
- }
- const extSupportLink = _suggestions.querySelector(
- ".extension-support-link"
- );
- if (extSupportLink) {
- is(
- extSupportLink.getAttribute("href"),
- BASE_TEST_MANIFEST.homepage_url,
- "Got the expected extension-support-url"
- );
- }
- const learnMoreLinks = [];
- learnMoreLinks.push(
- ..._suggestions.querySelectorAll(
- 'a[is="moz-support-link"], .abuse-policy-learnmore'
- )
- );
- if (learnMoreLinks.length) {
- is(
- _suggestions.querySelectorAll(
- 'a[is="moz-support-link"]:not([support-page])'
- ).length,
- 0,
- "Every SUMO link should point to a specific page"
- );
- ok(
- learnMoreLinks.every(el => el.getAttribute("target") === "_blank"),
- "All the learn more links have target _blank"
- );
- ok(
- learnMoreLinks.every(el => el.hasAttribute("href")),
- "All the learn more links have a url set"
- );
- }
- oncePanelUpdated = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportUpdated(
- abuseReportEl,
- "reasons"
- );
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.clickPanelButton(_btnGoBack);
- await oncePanelUpdated;
- ok(!_reasonsPanel.hidden, "Reasons panel should be visible");
- ok(_submitPanel.hidden, "Submit panel should be hidden");
- }
- await closeAboutAddons();
-add_task(async function test_abusereport_suggestions_extension() {
- const EXT_ID = "test-extension-suggestions@mochi.test";
- const extension = await installTestExtension(EXT_ID);
- await test_abusereport_suggestions(EXT_ID);
- await extension.unload();
-add_task(async function test_abusereport_suggestions_theme() {
- const THEME_ID = "theme@mochi.test";
- const theme = await installTestExtension(THEME_ID, "theme");
- await test_abusereport_suggestions(THEME_ID);
- await theme.unload();
-// TODO(Bug 1789718): adapt to SitePermAddonProvider implementation.
-add_task(async function test_abusereport_suggestions_sitepermission() {
- const SITEPERM_ADDON_ID = "webmidi@mochi.test";
- const sitePermAddon = await installTestExtension(
- "sitepermission-deprecated"
- );
- await test_abusereport_suggestions(SITEPERM_ADDON_ID);
- await sitePermAddon.unload();
-// This test case verifies the message bars created on other
-// scenarios (e.g. report creation and submissions errors).
-// TODO(Bug 1789718): adapt to SitePermAddonProvider implementation.
-add_task(async function test_abusereport_messagebars() {
- const EXT_ID = "test-extension-report@mochi.test";
- const EXT_ID2 = "test-extension-report-2@mochi.test";
- const THEME_ID = "test-theme-report@mochi.test";
- const SITEPERM_ADDON_ID = "webmidi-report@mochi.test";
- const extension = await installTestExtension(EXT_ID);
- const extension2 = await installTestExtension(EXT_ID2);
- const theme = await installTestExtension(THEME_ID, "theme");
- const sitePermAddon = await installTestExtension(
- "sitepermission-deprecated"
- );
- async function assertMessageBars(
- expectedMessageBarIds,
- testSetup,
- testMessageBarDetails
- ) {
- await openAboutAddons();
- const expectedLength = expectedMessageBarIds.length;
- const onMessageBarsCreated =
- AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseMessageBars(expectedLength);
- // Reset the timestamp of the last report between tests.
- AbuseReporter._lastReportTimestamp = null;
- await testSetup();
- info(`Waiting for ${expectedLength} message-bars to be created`);
- const barDetails = await onMessageBarsCreated;
- Assert.deepEqual(
- => d.definitionId),
- expectedMessageBarIds,
- "Got the expected message bars"
- );
- if (testMessageBarDetails) {
- await testMessageBarDetails(barDetails);
- }
- await closeAboutAddons();
- }
- function setTestRequestHandler(responseStatus, responseData) {
- AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportSubmitHandled(({ request, response }) => {
- response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, responseStatus, "Error");
- response.write(responseData);
- });
- }
- await assertMessageBars(["ERROR_ADDON_NOTFOUND"], async () => {
- info("Test message bars on addon not found");
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(
- "non-existend-addon-id@mochi.test",
- );
- });
- await assertMessageBars(["submitting", "ERROR_RECENT_SUBMIT"], async () => {
- info("Test message bars on recent submission");
- const promiseRendered = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportRendered();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(EXT_ID, REPORT_ENTRY_POINT);
- await promiseRendered;
- AbuseReporter.updateLastReportTimestamp();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerSubmit("fake-reason", "fake-message");
- });
- await assertMessageBars(["submitting", "ERROR_ABORTED_SUBMIT"], async () => {
- info("Test message bars on aborted submission");
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(EXT_ID, REPORT_ENTRY_POINT);
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportRendered();
- const { _report } = AbuseReportTestUtils.getReportPanel();
- _report.abort();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerSubmit("fake-reason", "fake-message");
- });
- await assertMessageBars(["submitting", "ERROR_SERVER"], async () => {
- info("Test message bars on server error");
- setTestRequestHandler(500);
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(EXT_ID, REPORT_ENTRY_POINT);
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportRendered();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerSubmit("fake-reason", "fake-message");
- });
- await assertMessageBars(["submitting", "ERROR_CLIENT"], async () => {
- info("Test message bars on client error");
- setTestRequestHandler(400);
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(EXT_ID, REPORT_ENTRY_POINT);
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportRendered();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerSubmit("fake-reason", "fake-message");
- });
- await assertMessageBars(["submitting", "ERROR_UNKNOWN"], async () => {
- info("Test message bars on unexpected status code");
- setTestRequestHandler(604);
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(EXT_ID, REPORT_ENTRY_POINT);
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportRendered();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerSubmit("fake-reason", "fake-message");
- });
- await assertMessageBars(["submitting", "ERROR_UNKNOWN"], async () => {
- info("Test message bars on invalid json in the response data");
- setTestRequestHandler(200, "");
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(EXT_ID, REPORT_ENTRY_POINT);
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportRendered();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerSubmit("fake-reason", "fake-message");
- });
- // Verify message bar on add-on without perm_can_uninstall.
- await assertMessageBars(
- ["submitting", "submitted-no-remove-action"],
- async () => {
- info("Test message bars on report submitted on an addon without remove");
- setTestRequestHandler(200, "{}");
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(THEME_NO_UNINSTALL_ID, "menu");
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportRendered();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerSubmit("fake-reason", "fake-message");
- }
- );
- // Verify the 3 expected entry points:
- // menu, toolbar_context_menu and uninstall
- // (See
- await assertMessageBars(["submitting", "submitted"], async () => {
- info("Test message bars on report opened from addon options menu");
- setTestRequestHandler(200, "{}");
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(EXT_ID, "menu");
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportRendered();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerSubmit("fake-reason", "fake-message");
- });
- for (const extId of [EXT_ID, THEME_ID]) {
- await assertMessageBars(
- ["submitting", "submitted"],
- async () => {
- info(`Test message bars on ${extId} reported from toolbar contextmenu`);
- setTestRequestHandler(200, "{}");
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(extId, "toolbar_context_menu");
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportRendered();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerSubmit("fake-reason", "fake-message");
- },
- ([, submittedDetails]) => {
- const buttonsL10nId = Array.from(
- submittedDetails.messagebar.querySelectorAll("button")
- ).map(el => el.getAttribute("data-l10n-id"));
- if (extId === THEME_ID) {
- ok(
- buttonsL10nId.every(id => id.endsWith("-theme")),
- "submitted bar actions should use the Fluent id for themes"
- );
- } else {
- ok(
- buttonsL10nId.every(id => id.endsWith("-extension")),
- "submitted bar actions should use the Fluent id for extensions"
- );
- }
- }
- );
- }
- for (const extId of [EXT_ID2, THEME_ID, SITEPERM_ADDON_ID]) {
- const testFn = async () => {
- info(`Test message bars on ${extId} reported opened from addon removal`);
- setTestRequestHandler(200, "{}");
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(extId, "uninstall");
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportRendered();
- const addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(extId);
- // Ensure that the test extension is pending uninstall as it would be
- // when a user trigger this scenario on an actual addon uninstall.
- await addon.uninstall(true);
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerSubmit("fake-reason", "fake-message");
- };
- const assertMessageBarDetails = async ([, submittedDetails]) =>
- AbuseReportTestUtils.assertFluentStrings(submittedDetails.messagebar);
- await assertMessageBars(
- ["submitting", "submitted-and-removed"],
- testFn,
- assertMessageBarDetails
- );
- }
- // Verify message bar on sitepermission add-on type.
- await assertMessageBars(
- ["submitting", "submitted"],
- async () => {
- info(
- "Test message bars for report submitted on an sitepermission addon type"
- );
- setTestRequestHandler(200, "{}");
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(SITEPERM_ADDON_ID, "menu");
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportRendered();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerSubmit("fake-reason", "fake-message");
- },
- ([, submittedDetails]) =>
- AbuseReportTestUtils.assertFluentStrings(submittedDetails.messagebar)
- );
- await extension.unload();
- await extension2.unload();
- await theme.unload();
- await sitePermAddon.unload();
-add_task(async function test_abusereport_from_aboutaddons_menu() {
- const EXT_ID = "test-report-from-aboutaddons-menu@mochi.test";
- const extension = await installTestExtension(EXT_ID);
- await openAboutAddons();
- AbuseReportTestUtils.assertReportPanelHidden();
- const addonCard = gManagerWindow.document.querySelector(
- `addon-list addon-card[addon-id="${}"]`
- );
- ok(addonCard, "Got the addon-card for the test extension");
- const reportButton = addonCard.querySelector("[action=report]");
- ok(reportButton, "Got the report action for the test extension");
- info("Click the report action and wait for the 'abuse-report:new' event");
- let onceReportOpened = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportOpened({
- addonId:,
- reportEntryPoint: "menu",
- });
- const panelEl = await onceReportOpened;
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.closeReportPanel(panelEl);
- await closeAboutAddons();
- await extension.unload();
-add_task(async function test_abusereport_from_aboutaddons_remove() {
- const EXT_ID = "test-report-from-aboutaddons-remove@mochi.test";
- // Test on a theme addon to cover the report checkbox included in the
- // uninstall dialog also on a theme.
- const extension = await installTestExtension(EXT_ID, "theme");
- await openAboutAddons("theme");
- AbuseReportTestUtils.assertReportPanelHidden();
- const addonCard = gManagerWindow.document.querySelector(
- `addon-list addon-card[addon-id="${}"]`
- );
- ok(addonCard, "Got the addon-card for the test theme extension");
- const removeButton = addonCard.querySelector("[action=remove]");
- ok(removeButton, "Got the remove action for the test theme extension");
- // Prepare the mocked prompt service.
- const promptService = mockPromptService();
- promptService.confirmEx = createPromptConfirmEx({
- remove: true,
- report: true,
- });
- info("Click the report action and wait for the 'abuse-report:new' event");
- const onceReportOpened = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportOpened({
- addonId:,
- reportEntryPoint: "uninstall",
- });
- const panelEl = await onceReportOpened;
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.closeReportPanel(panelEl);
- await closeAboutAddons();
- await extension.unload();
-add_task(async function test_abusereport_from_browserAction_remove() {
- const EXT_ID = "test-report-from-browseraction-remove@mochi.test";
- const xpiFile = AddonTestUtils.createTempWebExtensionFile({
- manifest: {
- browser_action: {
- default_area: "navbar",
- },
- browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: EXT_ID } },
- },
- });
- const addon = await AddonManager.installTemporaryAddon(xpiFile);
- const buttonId = `${makeWidgetId(EXT_ID)}-browser-action`;
- async function promiseAnimationFrame() {
- await new Promise(resolve => window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
- let { tm } = Services;
- return new Promise(resolve => tm.dispatchToMainThread(resolve));
- }
- async function reportFromContextMenuRemove() {
- const menu = document.getElementById("toolbar-context-menu");
- const node = document.getElementById(CSS.escape(buttonId));
- const shown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
- menu,
- "popupshown",
- "Wair for contextmenu popup"
- );
- // Wait for an animation frame as we do for the other mochitest-browser
- // tests related to the browserActions.
- await promiseAnimationFrame();
- EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(node, { type: "contextmenu" });
- await shown;
- info(`Clicking on "Remove Extension" context menu item`);
- let removeExtension = menu.querySelector(
- ".customize-context-removeExtension"
- );
- return menu;
- }
- // Prepare the mocked prompt service.
- const promptService = mockPromptService();
- promptService.confirmEx = createPromptConfirmEx({
- remove: true,
- report: true,
- });
- await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("about:blank", async function () {
- info(`Open browserAction context menu in toolbar context menu`);
- let promiseMenu = reportFromContextMenuRemove();
- // Wait about:addons to be loaded.
- let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
- let onceReportOpened = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportOpened({
- addonId: EXT_ID,
- reportEntryPoint: "uninstall",
- managerWindow: browser.contentWindow,
- });
- is(
- browser.currentURI.spec,
- "about:addons",
- "about:addons tab currently selected"
- );
- let menu = await promiseMenu;
- menu.hidePopup();
- let panelEl = await onceReportOpened;
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.closeReportPanel(panelEl);
- let onceExtStarted = AddonTestUtils.promiseWebExtensionStartup(EXT_ID);
- addon.cancelUninstall();
- await onceExtStarted;
- // Reload the tab to verify Bug 1559124 didn't regressed.
- browser.contentWindow.location.reload();
- await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
- is(
- browser.currentURI.spec,
- "about:addons",
- "about:addons tab currently selected"
- );
- onceReportOpened = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportOpened({
- addonId: EXT_ID,
- reportEntryPoint: "uninstall",
- managerWindow: browser.contentWindow,
- });
- menu = await reportFromContextMenuRemove();
- info("Wait for the report panel");
- panelEl = await onceReportOpened;
- info("Wait for the report panel to be closed");
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.closeReportPanel(panelEl);
- menu.hidePopup();
- onceExtStarted = AddonTestUtils.promiseWebExtensionStartup(EXT_ID);
- addon.cancelUninstall();
- await onceExtStarted;
- });
- await addon.uninstall();
- * Test report action hidden on non-supported extension types.
- */
-add_task(async function test_report_action_hidden_on_builtin_addons() {
- await openAboutAddons("theme");
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.assertReportActionHidden(
- gManagerWindow,
- );
- await closeAboutAddons();
-add_task(async function test_report_action_hidden_on_system_addons() {
- await openAboutAddons("extension");
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.assertReportActionHidden(
- gManagerWindow,
- );
- await closeAboutAddons();
-add_task(async function test_report_action_hidden_on_dictionary_addons() {
- await openAboutAddons("dictionary");
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.assertReportActionHidden(
- gManagerWindow,
- );
- await closeAboutAddons();
-add_task(async function test_report_action_hidden_on_langpack_addons() {
- await openAboutAddons("locale");
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.assertReportActionHidden(
- gManagerWindow,
- );
- await closeAboutAddons();
-// This test verifies that triggering a report that would be immediately
-// cancelled (e.g. because abuse reports for that extension type are not
-// supported) the abuse report is being hidden as expected.
-add_task(async function test_report_hidden_on_report_unsupported_addontype() {
- await openAboutAddons();
- let onceCreateReportFailed = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseMessageBars(1);
- AbuseReportTestUtils.triggerNewReport(EXT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_ADDON_ID, "menu");
- await onceCreateReportFailed;
- ok(!AbuseReporter.getOpenDialog(), "report dialog should not be open");
- await closeAboutAddons();
- * Test regression fixes.
- */
-add_task(async function test_no_broken_suggestion_on_missing_supportURL() {
- const EXT_ID = "test-no-author@mochi.test";
- const extension = await installTestExtension(EXT_ID, "extension", {
- homepage_url: undefined,
- });
- const abuseReportEl = await AbuseReportTestUtils.openReport(EXT_ID);
- info("Select broken as the abuse reason");
- abuseReportEl.querySelector("#abuse-reason-broken").checked = true;
- let oncePanelUpdated = AbuseReportTestUtils.promiseReportUpdated(
- abuseReportEl,
- "submit"
- );
- await AbuseReportTestUtils.clickPanelButton(abuseReportEl._btnNext);
- await oncePanelUpdated;
- const suggestionEl = abuseReportEl.querySelector(
- "abuse-report-reason-suggestions"
- );
- is(suggestionEl.reason, "broken", "Got the expected suggestion element");
- ok(suggestionEl.hidden, "suggestion element should be empty");
- await closeAboutAddons();
- await extension.unload();
-// This test verify that the abuse report panel is opening the
-// author link using a null triggeringPrincipal.
-add_task(async function test_abusereport_open_author_url() {
- const abuseReportEl = await AbuseReportTestUtils.openReport(
- );
- const authorLink = abuseReportEl._linkAddonAuthor;
- ok(authorLink, "Got the author link element");
- is(
- authorLink.href,
- "about:config",
- "Got a privileged url in the link element"
- );
- SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
- let waitForConsole = new Promise(resolve => {
- SimpleTest.monitorConsole(resolve, [
- {
- message:
- // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
- /Security Error: Content at moz-nullprincipal:{.*} may not load or link to about:config/,
- },
- ]);
- });
- let tabSwitched = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(gBrowser, "TabSwitchDone");
- await tabSwitched;
- is(
- gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec,
- "about:blank",
- "Got about:blank loaded in the new tab"
- );
- SimpleTest.endMonitorConsole();
- await waitForConsole;
- BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
- await closeAboutAddons();
-add_task(async function test_no_report_checkbox_for_unsupported_addon_types() {
- async function test_report_checkbox_hidden(addon) {
- await openAboutAddons(addon.type);
- const addonCard = gManagerWindow.document.querySelector(
- `addon-list addon-card[addon-id="${}"]`
- );
- ok(addonCard, "Got the addon-card for the test extension");
- const removeButton = addonCard.querySelector("[action=remove]");
- ok(removeButton, "Got the remove action for the test extension");
- // Prepare the mocked prompt service.
- const promptService = mockPromptService();
- promptService.confirmEx = createPromptConfirmEx({
- remove: true,
- report: false,
- expectCheckboxHidden: true,
- });
- info("Click the report action and wait for the addon to be removed");
- const promiseCardRemoved = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
- addonCard.closest("addon-list"),
- "remove"
- );
- await promiseCardRemoved;
- await closeAboutAddons();
- }
- const reportNotSupportedAddons = [
- {
- id: "fake-langpack-to-remove@mochi.test",
- name: "This is a fake langpack",
- version: "1.1",
- type: "locale",
- },
- {
- id: "fake-dictionary-to-remove@mochi.test",
- name: "This is a fake dictionary",
- version: "1.1",
- type: "dictionary",
- },
- ];
- AbuseReportTestUtils.createMockAddons(reportNotSupportedAddons);
- for (const { id } of reportNotSupportedAddons) {
- const addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(id);
- await test_report_checkbox_hidden(addon);
- }
-add_task(async function test_author_hidden_when_missing() {
- const EXT_ID = "test-no-author@mochi.test";
- const extension = await installTestExtension(EXT_ID, "extension", {
- author: undefined,
- });
- const abuseReportEl = await AbuseReportTestUtils.openReport(EXT_ID);
- const addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(EXT_ID);
- ok(!addon.creator, "addon.creator should not be undefined");
- ok(
- abuseReportEl._addonAuthorContainer.hidden,
- "author container should be hidden"
- );
- await closeAboutAddons();
- await extension.unload();
-// Verify addon.siteOrigin is used as a fallback when homepage_url/developer.url
-// or support url are missing.
-// TODO(Bug 1789718): adapt to SitePermAddonProvider implementation.
-add_task(async function test_siteperm_siteorigin_fallback() {
- const SITEPERM_ADDON_ID = "webmidi-site-origin@mochi.test";
- const sitePermAddon = await installTestExtension(
- "sitepermission-deprecated",
- {
- homepage_url: undefined,
- }
- );
- const abuseReportEl = await AbuseReportTestUtils.openReport(
- );
- const addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(SITEPERM_ADDON_ID);
- ok(addon.siteOrigin, "addon.siteOrigin should not be undefined");
- ok(!addon.supportURL, "addon.supportURL should not be set");
- ok(!addon.homepageURL, "addon.homepageURL should not be set");
- is(
- abuseReportEl.supportURL,
- addon.siteOrigin,
- "Got the expected support_url"
- );
- await closeAboutAddons();
- await sitePermAddon.unload();