path: root/include/frozen/map.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/frozen/map.h')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/frozen/map.h b/include/frozen/map.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54008cf
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+++ b/include/frozen/map.h
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+ * Frozen
+ * Copyright 2016 QuarksLab
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+#include "frozen/bits/algorithms.h"
+#include "frozen/bits/basic_types.h"
+#include "frozen/bits/constexpr_assert.h"
+#include "frozen/bits/exceptions.h"
+#include "frozen/bits/version.h"
+#include <utility>
+namespace frozen {
+namespace impl {
+template <class Comparator> class CompareKey {
+ Comparator const comparator_;
+ constexpr CompareKey(Comparator const &comparator)
+ : comparator_(comparator) {}
+ template <class Key1, class Key2, class Value>
+ constexpr int operator()(std::pair<Key1, Value> const &self,
+ std::pair<Key2, Value> const &other) const {
+ return comparator_(std::get<0>(self), std::get<0>(other));
+ }
+ template <class Key1, class Key2, class Value>
+ constexpr int operator()(Key1 const &self_key,
+ std::pair<Key2, Value> const &other) const {
+ return comparator_(self_key, std::get<0>(other));
+ }
+ template <class Key1, class Key2, class Value>
+ constexpr int operator()(std::pair<Key1, Value> const &self,
+ Key2 const &other_key) const {
+ return comparator_(std::get<0>(self), other_key);
+ }
+ template <class Key1, class Key2>
+ constexpr int operator()(Key1 const &self_key, Key2 const &other_key) const {
+ return comparator_(self_key, other_key);
+ }
+} // namespace impl
+template <class Key, class Value, std::size_t N, class Compare = std::less<Key>>
+class map {
+ using container_type = bits::carray<std::pair<Key, Value>, N>;
+ impl::CompareKey<Compare> less_than_;
+ container_type items_;
+ using key_type = Key;
+ using mapped_type = Value;
+ using value_type = typename container_type::value_type;
+ using size_type = typename container_type::size_type;
+ using difference_type = typename container_type::difference_type;
+ using key_compare = decltype(less_than_);
+ using reference = typename container_type::reference;
+ using const_reference = typename container_type::const_reference;
+ using pointer = typename container_type::pointer;
+ using const_pointer = typename container_type::const_pointer;
+ using iterator = typename container_type::iterator;
+ using const_iterator = typename container_type::const_iterator;
+ using reverse_iterator = typename container_type::reverse_iterator;
+ using const_reverse_iterator =
+ typename container_type::const_reverse_iterator;
+ /* constructors */
+ constexpr map(container_type items, Compare const &compare)
+ : less_than_{compare}
+ , items_{bits::quicksort(items, less_than_)} {}
+ explicit constexpr map(container_type items)
+ : map{items, Compare{}} {}
+ constexpr map(std::initializer_list<value_type> items, Compare const &compare)
+ : map{container_type {items}, compare} {
+ constexpr_assert(items.size() == N, "Inconsistent initializer_list size and type size argument");
+ }
+ constexpr map(std::initializer_list<value_type> items)
+ : map{items, Compare{}} {}
+ /* element access */
+ constexpr Value const& at(Key const &key) const {
+ return at_impl(*this, key);
+ }
+ constexpr Value& at(Key const &key) {
+ return at_impl(*this, key);
+ }
+ /* iterators */
+ constexpr iterator begin() { return items_.begin(); }
+ constexpr const_iterator begin() const { return items_.begin(); }
+ constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const { return items_.cbegin(); }
+ constexpr iterator end() { return items_.end(); }
+ constexpr const_iterator end() const { return items_.end(); }
+ constexpr const_iterator cend() const { return items_.cend(); }
+ constexpr reverse_iterator rbegin() { return items_.rbegin(); }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return items_.rbegin(); }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return items_.crbegin(); }
+ constexpr reverse_iterator rend() { return items_.rend(); }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return items_.rend(); }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return items_.crend(); }
+ /* capacity */
+ constexpr bool empty() const { return !N; }
+ constexpr size_type size() const { return N; }
+ constexpr size_type max_size() const { return N; }
+ /* lookup */
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr std::size_t count(KeyType const &key) const {
+ return bits::binary_search<N>(items_.begin(), key, less_than_);
+ }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr const_iterator find(KeyType const &key) const {
+ return map::find_impl(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr iterator find(KeyType const &key) {
+ return map::find_impl(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator>
+ equal_range(KeyType const &key) const {
+ return equal_range_impl(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(KeyType const &key) {
+ return equal_range_impl(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr const_iterator lower_bound(KeyType const &key) const {
+ return lower_bound_impl(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr iterator lower_bound(KeyType const &key) {
+ return lower_bound_impl(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr const_iterator upper_bound(KeyType const &key) const {
+ return upper_bound_impl(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr iterator upper_bound(KeyType const &key) {
+ return upper_bound_impl(*this, key);
+ }
+ /* observers */
+ constexpr const key_compare& key_comp() const { return less_than_; }
+ constexpr const key_compare& value_comp() const { return less_than_; }
+ private:
+ template <class This, class KeyType>
+ static inline constexpr auto& at_impl(This&& self, KeyType const &key) {
+ auto where = self.lower_bound(key);
+ if (where != self.end())
+ return where->second;
+ else
+ FROZEN_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::out_of_range("unknown key"));
+ }
+ template <class This, class KeyType>
+ static inline constexpr auto find_impl(This&& self, KeyType const &key) {
+ auto where = self.lower_bound(key);
+ if ((where != self.end()) && !self.less_than_(key, *where))
+ return where;
+ else
+ return self.end();
+ }
+ template <class This, class KeyType>
+ static inline constexpr auto equal_range_impl(This&& self, KeyType const &key) {
+ auto lower = self.lower_bound(key);
+ using lower_t = decltype(lower);
+ if (lower == self.end())
+ return std::pair<lower_t, lower_t>{lower, lower};
+ else
+ return std::pair<lower_t, lower_t>{lower, lower + 1};
+ }
+ template <class This, class KeyType>
+ static inline constexpr auto lower_bound_impl(This&& self, KeyType const &key) -> decltype(self.end()) {
+ auto where = bits::lower_bound<N>(self.items_.begin(), key, self.less_than_);
+ if ((where != self.end()) && !self.less_than_(key, *where))
+ return where;
+ else
+ return self.end();
+ }
+ template <class This, class KeyType>
+ static inline constexpr auto upper_bound_impl(This&& self, KeyType const &key) -> decltype(self.end()) {
+ auto where = bits::lower_bound<N>(self.items_.begin(), key, self.less_than_);
+ if ((where != self.end()) && !self.less_than_(key, *where))
+ return where + 1;
+ else
+ return self.end();
+ }
+template <class Key, class Value, class Compare>
+class map<Key, Value, 0, Compare> {
+ using container_type = bits::carray<std::pair<Key, Value>, 0>;
+ impl::CompareKey<Compare> less_than_;
+ using key_type = Key;
+ using mapped_type = Value;
+ using value_type = typename container_type::value_type;
+ using size_type = typename container_type::size_type;
+ using difference_type = typename container_type::difference_type;
+ using key_compare = decltype(less_than_);
+ using reference = typename container_type::reference;
+ using const_reference = typename container_type::const_reference;
+ using pointer = typename container_type::pointer;
+ using const_pointer = typename container_type::const_pointer;
+ using iterator = pointer;
+ using const_iterator = const_pointer;
+ using reverse_iterator = pointer;
+ using const_reverse_iterator = const_pointer;
+ /* constructors */
+ constexpr map(const map &other) = default;
+ constexpr map(std::initializer_list<value_type>, Compare const &compare)
+ : less_than_{compare} {}
+ constexpr map(std::initializer_list<value_type> items)
+ : map{items, Compare{}} {}
+ /* element access */
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr mapped_type at(KeyType const &) const {
+ FROZEN_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::out_of_range("invalid key"));
+ }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr mapped_type at(KeyType const &) {
+ FROZEN_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::out_of_range("invalid key"));
+ }
+ /* iterators */
+ constexpr iterator begin() { return nullptr; }
+ constexpr const_iterator begin() const { return nullptr; }
+ constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const { return nullptr; }
+ constexpr iterator end() { return nullptr; }
+ constexpr const_iterator end() const { return nullptr; }
+ constexpr const_iterator cend() const { return nullptr; }
+ constexpr reverse_iterator rbegin() { return nullptr; }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return nullptr; }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return nullptr; }
+ constexpr reverse_iterator rend() { return nullptr; }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return nullptr; }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return nullptr; }
+ /* capacity */
+ constexpr bool empty() const { return true; }
+ constexpr size_type size() const { return 0; }
+ constexpr size_type max_size() const { return 0; }
+ /* lookup */
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr std::size_t count(KeyType const &) const { return 0; }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr const_iterator find(KeyType const &) const { return end(); }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr iterator find(KeyType const &) { return end(); }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator>
+ equal_range(KeyType const &) const { return {end(), end()}; }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr std::pair<iterator, iterator>
+ equal_range(KeyType const &) { return {end(), end()}; }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr const_iterator lower_bound(KeyType const &) const { return end(); }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr iterator lower_bound(KeyType const &) { return end(); }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr const_iterator upper_bound(KeyType const &) const { return end(); }
+ template <class KeyType>
+ constexpr iterator upper_bound(KeyType const &) { return end(); }
+/* observers */
+ constexpr key_compare const& key_comp() const { return less_than_; }
+ constexpr key_compare const& value_comp() const { return less_than_; }
+template <typename T, typename U, typename Compare = std::less<T>>
+constexpr auto make_map(bits::ignored_arg = {}/* for consistency with the initializer below for N = 0*/) {
+ return map<T, U, 0, Compare>{};
+template <typename T, typename U, std::size_t N>
+constexpr auto make_map(std::pair<T, U> const (&items)[N]) {
+ return map<T, U, N>{items};
+template <typename T, typename U, std::size_t N>
+constexpr auto make_map(std::array<std::pair<T, U>, N> const &items) {
+ return map<T, U, N>{items};
+template <typename T, typename U, typename Compare, std::size_t N>
+constexpr auto make_map(std::pair<T, U> const (&items)[N], Compare const& compare = Compare{}) {
+ return map<T, U, N, Compare>{items, compare};
+template <typename T, typename U, typename Compare, std::size_t N>
+constexpr auto make_map(std::array<std::pair<T, U>, N> const &items, Compare const& compare = Compare{}) {
+ return map<T, U, N, Compare>{items, compare};
+} // namespace frozen