path: root/src/cmd/compile/internal/escape/graph.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/compile/internal/escape/graph.go')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/escape/graph.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/escape/graph.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc3d078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/escape/graph.go
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package escape
+import (
+ "cmd/compile/internal/base"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/ir"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/logopt"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/types"
+ "fmt"
+// Below we implement the methods for walking the AST and recording
+// data flow edges. Note that because a sub-expression might have
+// side-effects, it's important to always visit the entire AST.
+// For example, write either:
+// if x {
+// e.discard(n.Left)
+// } else {
+// e.value(k, n.Left)
+// }
+// or
+// if x {
+// k = e.discardHole()
+// }
+// e.value(k, n.Left)
+// Do NOT write:
+// // BAD: possibly loses side-effects within n.Left
+// if !x {
+// e.value(k, n.Left)
+// }
+// An location represents an abstract location that stores a Go
+// variable.
+type location struct {
+ n ir.Node // represented variable or expression, if any
+ curfn *ir.Func // enclosing function
+ edges []edge // incoming edges
+ loopDepth int // loopDepth at declaration
+ // resultIndex records the tuple index (starting at 1) for
+ // PPARAMOUT variables within their function's result type.
+ // For non-PPARAMOUT variables it's 0.
+ resultIndex int
+ // derefs and walkgen are used during walkOne to track the
+ // minimal dereferences from the walk root.
+ derefs int // >= -1
+ walkgen uint32
+ // dst and dstEdgeindex track the next immediate assignment
+ // destination location during walkone, along with the index
+ // of the edge pointing back to this location.
+ dst *location
+ dstEdgeIdx int
+ // queued is used by walkAll to track whether this location is
+ // in the walk queue.
+ queued bool
+ // escapes reports whether the represented variable's address
+ // escapes; that is, whether the variable must be heap
+ // allocated.
+ escapes bool
+ // transient reports whether the represented expression's
+ // address does not outlive the statement; that is, whether
+ // its storage can be immediately reused.
+ transient bool
+ // paramEsc records the represented parameter's leak set.
+ paramEsc leaks
+ captured bool // has a closure captured this variable?
+ reassigned bool // has this variable been reassigned?
+ addrtaken bool // has this variable's address been taken?
+// An edge represents an assignment edge between two Go variables.
+type edge struct {
+ src *location
+ derefs int // >= -1
+ notes *note
+func (l *location) asHole() hole {
+ return hole{dst: l}
+// leak records that parameter l leaks to sink.
+func (l *location) leakTo(sink *location, derefs int) {
+ // If sink is a result parameter that doesn't escape (#44614)
+ // and we can fit return bits into the escape analysis tag,
+ // then record as a result leak.
+ if !sink.escapes && sink.isName(ir.PPARAMOUT) && sink.curfn == l.curfn {
+ ri := sink.resultIndex - 1
+ if ri < numEscResults {
+ // Leak to result parameter.
+ l.paramEsc.AddResult(ri, derefs)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Otherwise, record as heap leak.
+ l.paramEsc.AddHeap(derefs)
+func (l *location) isName(c ir.Class) bool {
+ return l.n != nil && l.n.Op() == ir.ONAME && l.n.(*ir.Name).Class == c
+// A hole represents a context for evaluation of a Go
+// expression. E.g., when evaluating p in "x = **p", we'd have a hole
+// with dst==x and derefs==2.
+type hole struct {
+ dst *location
+ derefs int // >= -1
+ notes *note
+ // addrtaken indicates whether this context is taking the address of
+ // the expression, independent of whether the address will actually
+ // be stored into a variable.
+ addrtaken bool
+type note struct {
+ next *note
+ where ir.Node
+ why string
+func (k hole) note(where ir.Node, why string) hole {
+ if where == nil || why == "" {
+ base.Fatalf("note: missing where/why")
+ }
+ if base.Flag.LowerM >= 2 || logopt.Enabled() {
+ k.notes = &note{
+ next: k.notes,
+ where: where,
+ why: why,
+ }
+ }
+ return k
+func (k hole) shift(delta int) hole {
+ k.derefs += delta
+ if k.derefs < -1 {
+ base.Fatalf("derefs underflow: %v", k.derefs)
+ }
+ k.addrtaken = delta < 0
+ return k
+func (k hole) deref(where ir.Node, why string) hole { return k.shift(1).note(where, why) }
+func (k hole) addr(where ir.Node, why string) hole { return k.shift(-1).note(where, why) }
+func (k hole) dotType(t *types.Type, where ir.Node, why string) hole {
+ if !t.IsInterface() && !types.IsDirectIface(t) {
+ k = k.shift(1)
+ }
+ return k.note(where, why)
+func (b *batch) flow(k hole, src *location) {
+ if k.addrtaken {
+ src.addrtaken = true
+ }
+ dst := k.dst
+ if dst == &b.blankLoc {
+ return
+ }
+ if dst == src && k.derefs >= 0 { // dst = dst, dst = *dst, ...
+ return
+ }
+ if dst.escapes && k.derefs < 0 { // dst = &src
+ if base.Flag.LowerM >= 2 || logopt.Enabled() {
+ pos := base.FmtPos(src.n.Pos())
+ if base.Flag.LowerM >= 2 {
+ fmt.Printf("%s: %v escapes to heap:\n", pos, src.n)
+ }
+ explanation := b.explainFlow(pos, dst, src, k.derefs, k.notes, []*logopt.LoggedOpt{})
+ if logopt.Enabled() {
+ var e_curfn *ir.Func // TODO(mdempsky): Fix.
+ logopt.LogOpt(src.n.Pos(), "escapes", "escape", ir.FuncName(e_curfn), fmt.Sprintf("%v escapes to heap", src.n), explanation)
+ }
+ }
+ src.escapes = true
+ return
+ }
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Deduplicate edges?
+ dst.edges = append(dst.edges, edge{src: src, derefs: k.derefs, notes: k.notes})
+func (b *batch) heapHole() hole { return b.heapLoc.asHole() }
+func (b *batch) discardHole() hole { return b.blankLoc.asHole() }
+func (b *batch) oldLoc(n *ir.Name) *location {
+ if n.Canonical().Opt == nil {
+ base.Fatalf("%v has no location", n)
+ }
+ return n.Canonical().Opt.(*location)
+func (e *escape) newLoc(n ir.Node, transient bool) *location {
+ if e.curfn == nil {
+ base.Fatalf("e.curfn isn't set")
+ }
+ if n != nil && n.Type() != nil && n.Type().NotInHeap() {
+ base.ErrorfAt(n.Pos(), "%v is incomplete (or unallocatable); stack allocation disallowed", n.Type())
+ }
+ if n != nil && n.Op() == ir.ONAME {
+ if canon := n.(*ir.Name).Canonical(); n != canon {
+ base.Fatalf("newLoc on non-canonical %v (canonical is %v)", n, canon)
+ }
+ }
+ loc := &location{
+ n: n,
+ curfn: e.curfn,
+ loopDepth: e.loopDepth,
+ transient: transient,
+ }
+ e.allLocs = append(e.allLocs, loc)
+ if n != nil {
+ if n.Op() == ir.ONAME {
+ n := n.(*ir.Name)
+ if n.Class == ir.PPARAM && n.Curfn == nil {
+ // ok; hidden parameter
+ } else if n.Curfn != e.curfn {
+ base.Fatalf("curfn mismatch: %v != %v for %v", n.Curfn, e.curfn, n)
+ }
+ if n.Opt != nil {
+ base.Fatalf("%v already has a location", n)
+ }
+ n.Opt = loc
+ }
+ }
+ return loc
+// teeHole returns a new hole that flows into each hole of ks,
+// similar to the Unix tee(1) command.
+func (e *escape) teeHole(ks ...hole) hole {
+ if len(ks) == 0 {
+ return e.discardHole()
+ }
+ if len(ks) == 1 {
+ return ks[0]
+ }
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Optimize if there's only one non-discard hole?
+ // Given holes "l1 = _", "l2 = **_", "l3 = *_", ..., create a
+ // new temporary location ltmp, wire it into place, and return
+ // a hole for "ltmp = _".
+ loc := e.newLoc(nil, true)
+ for _, k := range ks {
+ // N.B., "p = &q" and "p = &tmp; tmp = q" are not
+ // semantically equivalent. To combine holes like "l1
+ // = _" and "l2 = &_", we'd need to wire them as "l1 =
+ // *ltmp" and "l2 = ltmp" and return "ltmp = &_"
+ // instead.
+ if k.derefs < 0 {
+ base.Fatalf("teeHole: negative derefs")
+ }
+ e.flow(k, loc)
+ }
+ return loc.asHole()
+// later returns a new hole that flows into k, but some time later.
+// Its main effect is to prevent immediate reuse of temporary
+// variables introduced during Order.
+func (e *escape) later(k hole) hole {
+ loc := e.newLoc(nil, false)
+ e.flow(k, loc)
+ return loc.asHole()
+// Fmt is called from node printing to print information about escape analysis results.
+func Fmt(n ir.Node) string {
+ text := ""
+ switch n.Esc() {
+ case ir.EscUnknown:
+ break
+ case ir.EscHeap:
+ text = "esc(h)"
+ case ir.EscNone:
+ text = "esc(no)"
+ case ir.EscNever:
+ text = "esc(N)"
+ default:
+ text = fmt.Sprintf("esc(%d)", n.Esc())
+ }
+ if n.Op() == ir.ONAME {
+ n := n.(*ir.Name)
+ if loc, ok := n.Opt.(*location); ok && loc.loopDepth != 0 {
+ if text != "" {
+ text += " "
+ }
+ text += fmt.Sprintf("ld(%d)", loc.loopDepth)
+ }
+ }
+ return text