path: root/src/cmd/compile/internal/ir/node.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/compile/internal/ir/node.go')
1 files changed, 599 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ir/node.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ir/node.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..769340e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ir/node.go
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// “Abstract” syntax representation.
+package ir
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "go/constant"
+ "sort"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/base"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/types"
+ "cmd/internal/src"
+// A Node is the abstract interface to an IR node.
+type Node interface {
+ // Formatting
+ Format(s fmt.State, verb rune)
+ // Source position.
+ Pos() src.XPos
+ SetPos(x src.XPos)
+ // For making copies. For Copy and SepCopy.
+ copy() Node
+ doChildren(func(Node) bool) bool
+ editChildren(func(Node) Node)
+ editChildrenWithHidden(func(Node) Node)
+ // Abstract graph structure, for generic traversals.
+ Op() Op
+ Init() Nodes
+ // Fields specific to certain Ops only.
+ Type() *types.Type
+ SetType(t *types.Type)
+ Name() *Name
+ Sym() *types.Sym
+ Val() constant.Value
+ SetVal(v constant.Value)
+ // Storage for analysis passes.
+ Esc() uint16
+ SetEsc(x uint16)
+ // Typecheck values:
+ // 0 means the node is not typechecked
+ // 1 means the node is completely typechecked
+ // 2 means typechecking of the node is in progress
+ Typecheck() uint8
+ SetTypecheck(x uint8)
+ NonNil() bool
+ MarkNonNil()
+// Line returns n's position as a string. If n has been inlined,
+// it uses the outermost position where n has been inlined.
+func Line(n Node) string {
+ return base.FmtPos(n.Pos())
+func IsSynthetic(n Node) bool {
+ name := n.Sym().Name
+ return name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '~'
+// IsAutoTmp indicates if n was created by the compiler as a temporary,
+// based on the setting of the .AutoTemp flag in n's Name.
+func IsAutoTmp(n Node) bool {
+ if n == nil || n.Op() != ONAME {
+ return false
+ }
+ return n.Name().AutoTemp()
+// MayBeShared reports whether n may occur in multiple places in the AST.
+// Extra care must be taken when mutating such a node.
+func MayBeShared(n Node) bool {
+ switch n.Op() {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+type InitNode interface {
+ Node
+ PtrInit() *Nodes
+ SetInit(x Nodes)
+func TakeInit(n Node) Nodes {
+ init := n.Init()
+ if len(init) != 0 {
+ n.(InitNode).SetInit(nil)
+ }
+ return init
+//go:generate stringer -type=Op -trimprefix=O node.go
+type Op uint8
+// Node ops.
+const (
+ OXXX Op = iota
+ // names
+ ONAME // var or func name
+ // Unnamed arg or return value: f(int, string) (int, error) { etc }
+ // Also used for a qualified package identifier that hasn't been resolved yet.
+ OTYPE // type name
+ OLITERAL // literal
+ ONIL // nil
+ // expressions
+ OADD // X + Y
+ OSUB // X - Y
+ OOR // X | Y
+ OXOR // X ^ Y
+ OADDSTR // +{List} (string addition, list elements are strings)
+ OADDR // &X
+ OANDAND // X && Y
+ OAPPEND // append(Args); after walk, X may contain elem type descriptor
+ OBYTES2STR // Type(X) (Type is string, X is a []byte)
+ OBYTES2STRTMP // Type(X) (Type is string, X is a []byte, ephemeral)
+ ORUNES2STR // Type(X) (Type is string, X is a []rune)
+ OSTR2BYTES // Type(X) (Type is []byte, X is a string)
+ OSTR2BYTESTMP // Type(X) (Type is []byte, X is a string, ephemeral)
+ OSTR2RUNES // Type(X) (Type is []rune, X is a string)
+ OSLICE2ARR // Type(X) (Type is [N]T, X is a []T)
+ OSLICE2ARRPTR // Type(X) (Type is *[N]T, X is a []T)
+ // X = Y or (if Def=true) X := Y
+ // If Def, then Init includes a DCL node for X.
+ // Lhs = Rhs (x, y, z = a, b, c) or (if Def=true) Lhs := Rhs
+ // If Def, then Init includes DCL nodes for Lhs
+ OAS2
+ OAS2DOTTYPE // Lhs = Rhs (x, ok = I.(int))
+ OAS2FUNC // Lhs = Rhs (x, y = f())
+ OAS2MAPR // Lhs = Rhs (x, ok = m["foo"])
+ OAS2RECV // Lhs = Rhs (x, ok = <-c)
+ OASOP // X AsOp= Y (x += y)
+ OCALL // X(Args) (function call, method call or type conversion)
+ // OCALLFUNC, OCALLMETH, and OCALLINTER have the same structure.
+ // Prior to walk, they are: X(Args), where Args is all regular arguments.
+ // After walk, if any argument whose evaluation might requires temporary variable,
+ // that temporary variable will be pushed to Init, Args will contains an updated
+ // set of arguments.
+ OCALLFUNC // X(Args) (function call f(args))
+ OCALLMETH // X(Args) (direct method call x.Method(args))
+ OCALLINTER // X(Args) (interface method call x.Method(args))
+ OCAP // cap(X)
+ OCLEAR // clear(X)
+ OCLOSE // close(X)
+ OCLOSURE // func Type { Func.Closure.Body } (func literal)
+ OCOMPLIT // Type{List} (composite literal, not yet lowered to specific form)
+ OMAPLIT // Type{List} (composite literal, Type is map)
+ OSTRUCTLIT // Type{List} (composite literal, Type is struct)
+ OARRAYLIT // Type{List} (composite literal, Type is array)
+ OSLICELIT // Type{List} (composite literal, Type is slice), Len is slice length.
+ OPTRLIT // &X (X is composite literal)
+ OCONV // Type(X) (type conversion)
+ OCONVIFACE // Type(X) (type conversion, to interface)
+ OCONVIDATA // Builds a data word to store X in an interface. Equivalent to IDATA(CONVIFACE(X)). Is an ir.ConvExpr.
+ OCONVNOP // Type(X) (type conversion, no effect)
+ OCOPY // copy(X, Y)
+ ODCL // var X (declares X of type X.Type)
+ // Used during parsing but don't last.
+ ODCLFUNC // func f() or func (r) f()
+ ODCLCONST // const pi = 3.14
+ ODCLTYPE // type Int int or type Int = int
+ ODELETE // delete(Args)
+ ODOT // X.Sel (X is of struct type)
+ ODOTPTR // X.Sel (X is of pointer to struct type)
+ ODOTMETH // X.Sel (X is non-interface, Sel is method name)
+ ODOTINTER // X.Sel (X is interface, Sel is method name)
+ OXDOT // X.Sel (before rewrite to one of the preceding)
+ ODOTTYPE // X.Ntype or X.Type (.Ntype during parsing, .Type once resolved); after walk, Itab contains address of interface type descriptor and Itab.X contains address of concrete type descriptor
+ ODOTTYPE2 // X.Ntype or X.Type (.Ntype during parsing, .Type once resolved; on rhs of OAS2DOTTYPE); after walk, Itab contains address of interface type descriptor
+ OEQ // X == Y
+ ONE // X != Y
+ OLT // X < Y
+ OLE // X <= Y
+ OGE // X >= Y
+ OGT // X > Y
+ ODEREF // *X
+ OINDEX // X[Index] (index of array or slice)
+ OINDEXMAP // X[Index] (index of map)
+ OKEY // Key:Value (key:value in struct/array/map literal)
+ OSTRUCTKEY // Field:Value (key:value in struct literal, after type checking)
+ OLEN // len(X)
+ OMAKE // make(Args) (before type checking converts to one of the following)
+ OMAKECHAN // make(Type[, Len]) (type is chan)
+ OMAKEMAP // make(Type[, Len]) (type is map)
+ OMAKESLICE // make(Type[, Len[, Cap]]) (type is slice)
+ OMAKESLICECOPY // makeslicecopy(Type, Len, Cap) (type is slice; Len is length and Cap is the copied from slice)
+ // OMAKESLICECOPY is created by the order pass and corresponds to:
+ // s = make(Type, Len); copy(s, Cap)
+ //
+ // Bounded can be set on the node when Len == len(Cap) is known at compile time.
+ //
+ // This node is created so the walk pass can optimize this pattern which would
+ // otherwise be hard to detect after the order pass.
+ OMUL // X * Y
+ ODIV // X / Y
+ OMOD // X % Y
+ OLSH // X << Y
+ ORSH // X >> Y
+ OAND // X & Y
+ OANDNOT // X &^ Y
+ ONEW // new(X); corresponds to calls to new in source code
+ ONOT // !X
+ OPLUS // +X
+ ONEG // -X
+ OOROR // X || Y
+ OPANIC // panic(X)
+ OPRINT // print(List)
+ OPRINTN // println(List)
+ OPAREN // (X)
+ OSEND // Chan <- Value
+ OSLICE // X[Low : High] (X is untypechecked or slice)
+ OSLICEARR // X[Low : High] (X is pointer to array)
+ OSLICESTR // X[Low : High] (X is string)
+ OSLICE3 // X[Low : High : Max] (X is untypedchecked or slice)
+ OSLICE3ARR // X[Low : High : Max] (X is pointer to array)
+ OSLICEHEADER // sliceheader{Ptr, Len, Cap} (Ptr is unsafe.Pointer, Len is length, Cap is capacity)
+ OSTRINGHEADER // stringheader{Ptr, Len} (Ptr is unsafe.Pointer, Len is length)
+ ORECOVER // recover()
+ ORECOVERFP // recover(Args) w/ explicit FP argument
+ ORECV // <-X
+ ORUNESTR // Type(X) (Type is string, X is rune)
+ OSELRECV2 // like OAS2: Lhs = Rhs where len(Lhs)=2, len(Rhs)=1, Rhs[0].Op = ORECV (appears as .Var of OCASE)
+ OMIN // min(List)
+ OMAX // max(List)
+ OREAL // real(X)
+ OIMAG // imag(X)
+ OCOMPLEX // complex(X, Y)
+ OALIGNOF // unsafe.Alignof(X)
+ OOFFSETOF // unsafe.Offsetof(X)
+ OSIZEOF // unsafe.Sizeof(X)
+ OUNSAFEADD // unsafe.Add(X, Y)
+ OUNSAFESLICE // unsafe.Slice(X, Y)
+ OUNSAFESLICEDATA // unsafe.SliceData(X)
+ OUNSAFESTRING // unsafe.String(X, Y)
+ OUNSAFESTRINGDATA // unsafe.StringData(X)
+ OMETHEXPR // X(Args) (method expression T.Method(args), first argument is the method receiver)
+ OMETHVALUE // X.Sel (method expression t.Method, not called)
+ // statements
+ OBLOCK // { List } (block of code)
+ OBREAK // break [Label]
+ // OCASE: case List: Body (List==nil means default)
+ // For OTYPESW, List is a OTYPE node for the specified type (or OLITERAL
+ // for nil) or an ODYNAMICTYPE indicating a runtime type for generics.
+ // If a type-switch variable is specified, Var is an
+ // ONAME for the version of the type-switch variable with the specified
+ // type.
+ OCONTINUE // continue [Label]
+ ODEFER // defer Call
+ OFALL // fallthrough
+ OFOR // for Init; Cond; Post { Body }
+ OGOTO // goto Label
+ OIF // if Init; Cond { Then } else { Else }
+ OLABEL // Label:
+ OGO // go Call
+ ORANGE // for Key, Value = range X { Body }
+ ORETURN // return Results
+ OSELECT // select { Cases }
+ OSWITCH // switch Init; Expr { Cases }
+ // OTYPESW: X := Y.(type) (appears as .Tag of OSWITCH)
+ // X is nil if there is no type-switch variable
+ OFUNCINST // instantiation of a generic function
+ // misc
+ // intermediate representation of an inlined call. Uses Init (assignments
+ // for the captured variables, parameters, retvars, & INLMARK op),
+ // Body (body of the inlined function), and ReturnVars (list of
+ // return values)
+ OINLCALL // intermediary representation of an inlined call.
+ OEFACE // itable and data words of an empty-interface value.
+ OITAB // itable word of an interface value.
+ OIDATA // data word of an interface value in X
+ OSPTR // base pointer of a slice or string. Bounded==1 means known non-nil.
+ OCFUNC // reference to c function pointer (not go func value)
+ OCHECKNIL // emit code to ensure pointer/interface not nil
+ ORESULT // result of a function call; Xoffset is stack offset
+ OINLMARK // start of an inlined body, with file/line of caller. Xoffset is an index into the inline tree.
+ OLINKSYMOFFSET // offset within a name
+ OJUMPTABLE // A jump table structure for implementing dense expression switches
+ // opcodes for generics
+ ODYNAMICDOTTYPE // x = i.(T) where T is a type parameter (or derived from a type parameter)
+ ODYNAMICDOTTYPE2 // x, ok = i.(T) where T is a type parameter (or derived from a type parameter)
+ ODYNAMICTYPE // a type node for type switches (represents a dynamic target type for a type switch)
+ // arch-specific opcodes
+ OTAILCALL // tail call to another function
+ OGETG // runtime.getg() (read g pointer)
+ OGETCALLERPC // runtime.getcallerpc() (continuation PC in caller frame)
+ OGETCALLERSP // runtime.getcallersp() (stack pointer in caller frame)
+// IsCmp reports whether op is a comparison operation (==, !=, <, <=,
+// >, or >=).
+func (op Op) IsCmp() bool {
+ switch op {
+ case OEQ, ONE, OLT, OLE, OGT, OGE:
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// Nodes is a pointer to a slice of *Node.
+// For fields that are not used in most nodes, this is used instead of
+// a slice to save space.
+type Nodes []Node
+// Append appends entries to Nodes.
+func (n *Nodes) Append(a ...Node) {
+ if len(a) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ *n = append(*n, a...)
+// Prepend prepends entries to Nodes.
+// If a slice is passed in, this will take ownership of it.
+func (n *Nodes) Prepend(a ...Node) {
+ if len(a) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ *n = append(a, *n...)
+// Take clears n, returning its former contents.
+func (n *Nodes) Take() []Node {
+ ret := *n
+ *n = nil
+ return ret
+// Copy returns a copy of the content of the slice.
+func (n Nodes) Copy() Nodes {
+ if n == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ c := make(Nodes, len(n))
+ copy(c, n)
+ return c
+// NameQueue is a FIFO queue of *Name. The zero value of NameQueue is
+// a ready-to-use empty queue.
+type NameQueue struct {
+ ring []*Name
+ head, tail int
+// Empty reports whether q contains no Names.
+func (q *NameQueue) Empty() bool {
+ return q.head == q.tail
+// PushRight appends n to the right of the queue.
+func (q *NameQueue) PushRight(n *Name) {
+ if len(q.ring) == 0 {
+ q.ring = make([]*Name, 16)
+ } else if q.head+len(q.ring) == q.tail {
+ // Grow the ring.
+ nring := make([]*Name, len(q.ring)*2)
+ // Copy the old elements.
+ part := q.ring[q.head%len(q.ring):]
+ if q.tail-q.head <= len(part) {
+ part = part[:q.tail-q.head]
+ copy(nring, part)
+ } else {
+ pos := copy(nring, part)
+ copy(nring[pos:], q.ring[:q.tail%len(q.ring)])
+ }
+ q.ring, q.head, q.tail = nring, 0, q.tail-q.head
+ }
+ q.ring[q.tail%len(q.ring)] = n
+ q.tail++
+// PopLeft pops a Name from the left of the queue. It panics if q is
+// empty.
+func (q *NameQueue) PopLeft() *Name {
+ if q.Empty() {
+ panic("dequeue empty")
+ }
+ n := q.ring[q.head%len(q.ring)]
+ q.head++
+ return n
+// NameSet is a set of Names.
+type NameSet map[*Name]struct{}
+// Has reports whether s contains n.
+func (s NameSet) Has(n *Name) bool {
+ _, isPresent := s[n]
+ return isPresent
+// Add adds n to s.
+func (s *NameSet) Add(n *Name) {
+ if *s == nil {
+ *s = make(map[*Name]struct{})
+ }
+ (*s)[n] = struct{}{}
+// Sorted returns s sorted according to less.
+func (s NameSet) Sorted(less func(*Name, *Name) bool) []*Name {
+ var res []*Name
+ for n := range s {
+ res = append(res, n)
+ }
+ sort.Slice(res, func(i, j int) bool { return less(res[i], res[j]) })
+ return res
+type PragmaFlag uint16
+const (
+ // Func pragmas.
+ Nointerface PragmaFlag = 1 << iota
+ Noescape // func parameters don't escape
+ Norace // func must not have race detector annotations
+ Nosplit // func should not execute on separate stack
+ Noinline // func should not be inlined
+ NoCheckPtr // func should not be instrumented by checkptr
+ CgoUnsafeArgs // treat a pointer to one arg as a pointer to them all
+ UintptrKeepAlive // pointers converted to uintptr must be kept alive
+ UintptrEscapes // pointers converted to uintptr escape
+ // Runtime-only func pragmas.
+ // See ../../../../runtime/ for detailed descriptions.
+ Systemstack // func must run on system stack
+ Nowritebarrier // emit compiler error instead of write barrier
+ Nowritebarrierrec // error on write barrier in this or recursive callees
+ Yeswritebarrierrec // cancels Nowritebarrierrec in this function and callees
+ // Go command pragmas
+ GoBuildPragma
+ RegisterParams // TODO(register args) remove after register abi is working
+func AsNode(n types.Object) Node {
+ if n == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return n.(Node)
+var BlankNode Node
+func IsConst(n Node, ct constant.Kind) bool {
+ return ConstType(n) == ct
+// IsNil reports whether n represents the universal untyped zero value "nil".
+func IsNil(n Node) bool {
+ // Check n.Orig because constant propagation may produce typed nil constants,
+ // which don't exist in the Go spec.
+ return n != nil && Orig(n).Op() == ONIL
+func IsBlank(n Node) bool {
+ if n == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ return n.Sym().IsBlank()
+// IsMethod reports whether n is a method.
+// n must be a function or a method.
+func IsMethod(n Node) bool {
+ return n.Type().Recv() != nil
+func HasNamedResults(fn *Func) bool {
+ typ := fn.Type()
+ return typ.NumResults() > 0 && types.OrigSym(typ.Results().Field(0).Sym) != nil
+// HasUniquePos reports whether n has a unique position that can be
+// used for reporting error messages.
+// It's primarily used to distinguish references to named objects,
+// whose Pos will point back to their declaration position rather than
+// their usage position.
+func HasUniquePos(n Node) bool {
+ switch n.Op() {
+ case ONAME:
+ return false
+ if n.Sym() != nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !n.Pos().IsKnown() {
+ if base.Flag.K != 0 {
+ base.Warn("setlineno: unknown position (line 0)")
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+func SetPos(n Node) src.XPos {
+ lno := base.Pos
+ if n != nil && HasUniquePos(n) {
+ base.Pos = n.Pos()
+ }
+ return lno
+// The result of InitExpr MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
+// n.X = InitExpr(init, n.X)
+func InitExpr(init []Node, expr Node) Node {
+ if len(init) == 0 {
+ return expr
+ }
+ n, ok := expr.(InitNode)
+ if !ok || MayBeShared(n) {
+ // Introduce OCONVNOP to hold init list.
+ n = NewConvExpr(base.Pos, OCONVNOP, nil, expr)
+ n.SetType(expr.Type())
+ n.SetTypecheck(1)
+ }
+ n.PtrInit().Prepend(init...)
+ return n
+// what's the outer value that a write to n affects?
+// outer value means containing struct or array.
+func OuterValue(n Node) Node {
+ for {
+ switch nn := n; nn.Op() {
+ case OXDOT:
+ base.FatalfAt(n.Pos(), "OXDOT in OuterValue: %v", n)
+ case ODOT:
+ nn := nn.(*SelectorExpr)
+ n = nn.X
+ continue
+ case OPAREN:
+ nn := nn.(*ParenExpr)
+ n = nn.X
+ continue
+ case OCONVNOP:
+ nn := nn.(*ConvExpr)
+ n = nn.X
+ continue
+ case OINDEX:
+ nn := nn.(*IndexExpr)
+ if nn.X.Type() == nil {
+ base.Fatalf("OuterValue needs type for %v", nn.X)
+ }
+ if nn.X.Type().IsArray() {
+ n = nn.X
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+const (
+ EscUnknown = iota
+ EscNone // Does not escape to heap, result, or parameters.
+ EscHeap // Reachable from the heap
+ EscNever // By construction will not escape.