path: root/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/go/internal/gccgoimporter')
-rw-r--r--src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/libimportsar.abin0 -> 9302 bytes
37 files changed, 3334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/ar.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/ar.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9df7934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/ar.go
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package gccgoimporter
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "debug/elf"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "internal/xcoff"
+ "io"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+// Magic strings for different archive file formats.
+const (
+ armag = "!<arch>\n"
+ armagt = "!<thin>\n"
+ armagb = "<bigaf>\n"
+// Offsets and sizes for fields in a standard archive header.
+const (
+ arNameOff = 0
+ arNameSize = 16
+ arDateOff = arNameOff + arNameSize
+ arDateSize = 12
+ arUIDOff = arDateOff + arDateSize
+ arUIDSize = 6
+ arGIDOff = arUIDOff + arUIDSize
+ arGIDSize = 6
+ arModeOff = arGIDOff + arGIDSize
+ arModeSize = 8
+ arSizeOff = arModeOff + arModeSize
+ arSizeSize = 10
+ arFmagOff = arSizeOff + arSizeSize
+ arFmagSize = 2
+ arHdrSize = arFmagOff + arFmagSize
+// The contents of the fmag field of a standard archive header.
+const arfmag = "`\n"
+// arExportData takes an archive file and returns a ReadSeeker for the
+// export data in that file. This assumes that there is only one
+// object in the archive containing export data, which is not quite
+// what gccgo does; gccgo concatenates together all the export data
+// for all the objects in the file. In practice that case does not arise.
+func arExportData(archive io.ReadSeeker) (io.ReadSeeker, error) {
+ if _, err := archive.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var buf [len(armag)]byte
+ if _, err := archive.Read(buf[:]); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ switch string(buf[:]) {
+ case armag:
+ return standardArExportData(archive)
+ case armagt:
+ return nil, errors.New("unsupported thin archive")
+ case armagb:
+ return aixBigArExportData(archive)
+ default:
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized archive file format %q", buf[:])
+ }
+// standardArExportData returns export data from a standard archive.
+func standardArExportData(archive io.ReadSeeker) (io.ReadSeeker, error) {
+ off := int64(len(armag))
+ for {
+ var hdrBuf [arHdrSize]byte
+ if _, err := archive.Read(hdrBuf[:]); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ off += arHdrSize
+ if !bytes.Equal(hdrBuf[arFmagOff:arFmagOff+arFmagSize], []byte(arfmag)) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("archive header format header (%q)", hdrBuf[:])
+ }
+ size, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(string(hdrBuf[arSizeOff:arSizeOff+arSizeSize])), 10, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing size in archive header (%q): %v", hdrBuf[:], err)
+ }
+ fn := hdrBuf[arNameOff : arNameOff+arNameSize]
+ if fn[0] == '/' && (fn[1] == ' ' || fn[1] == '/' || string(fn[:8]) == "/SYM64/ ") {
+ // Archive symbol table or extended name table,
+ // which we don't care about.
+ } else {
+ archiveAt := readerAtFromSeeker(archive)
+ ret, err := elfFromAr(io.NewSectionReader(archiveAt, off, size))
+ if ret != nil || err != nil {
+ return ret, err
+ }
+ }
+ if size&1 != 0 {
+ size++
+ }
+ off += size
+ if _, err := archive.Seek(off, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+// elfFromAr tries to get export data from an archive member as an ELF file.
+// If there is no export data, this returns nil, nil.
+func elfFromAr(member *io.SectionReader) (io.ReadSeeker, error) {
+ ef, err := elf.NewFile(member)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ sec := ef.Section(".go_export")
+ if sec == nil {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ return sec.Open(), nil
+// aixBigArExportData returns export data from an AIX big archive.
+func aixBigArExportData(archive io.ReadSeeker) (io.ReadSeeker, error) {
+ archiveAt := readerAtFromSeeker(archive)
+ arch, err := xcoff.NewArchive(archiveAt)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ for _, mem := range arch.Members {
+ f, err := arch.GetFile(mem.Name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ sdat := f.CSect(".go_export")
+ if sdat != nil {
+ return bytes.NewReader(sdat), nil
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf(".go_export not found in this archive")
+// readerAtFromSeeker turns an io.ReadSeeker into an io.ReaderAt.
+// This is only safe because there won't be any concurrent seeks
+// while this code is executing.
+func readerAtFromSeeker(rs io.ReadSeeker) io.ReaderAt {
+ if ret, ok := rs.(io.ReaderAt); ok {
+ return ret
+ }
+ return seekerReadAt{rs}
+type seekerReadAt struct {
+ seeker io.ReadSeeker
+func (sra seekerReadAt) ReadAt(p []byte, off int64) (int, error) {
+ if _, err := sra.seeker.Seek(off, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ return sra.seeker.Read(p)
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/gccgoinstallation.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/gccgoinstallation.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fc7ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/gccgoinstallation.go
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package gccgoimporter
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "go/types"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+// Information about a specific installation of gccgo.
+type GccgoInstallation struct {
+ // Version of gcc (e.g. 4.8.0).
+ GccVersion string
+ // Target triple (e.g. x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu).
+ TargetTriple string
+ // Built-in library paths used by this installation.
+ LibPaths []string
+// Ask the driver at the given path for information for this GccgoInstallation.
+// The given arguments are passed directly to the call of the driver.
+func (inst *GccgoInstallation) InitFromDriver(gccgoPath string, args ...string) (err error) {
+ argv := append([]string{"-###", "-S", "-x", "go", "-"}, args...)
+ cmd := exec.Command(gccgoPath, argv...)
+ stderr, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ err = cmd.Start()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stderr)
+ for scanner.Scan() {
+ line := scanner.Text()
+ switch {
+ case strings.HasPrefix(line, "Target: "):
+ inst.TargetTriple = line[8:]
+ case line[0] == ' ':
+ args := strings.Fields(line)
+ for _, arg := range args[1:] {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-L") {
+ inst.LibPaths = append(inst.LibPaths, arg[2:])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ argv = append([]string{"-dumpversion"}, args...)
+ stdout, err := exec.Command(gccgoPath, argv...).Output()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ inst.GccVersion = strings.TrimSpace(string(stdout))
+ return
+// Return the list of export search paths for this GccgoInstallation.
+func (inst *GccgoInstallation) SearchPaths() (paths []string) {
+ for _, lpath := range inst.LibPaths {
+ spath := filepath.Join(lpath, "go", inst.GccVersion)
+ fi, err := os.Stat(spath)
+ if err != nil || !fi.IsDir() {
+ continue
+ }
+ paths = append(paths, spath)
+ spath = filepath.Join(spath, inst.TargetTriple)
+ fi, err = os.Stat(spath)
+ if err != nil || !fi.IsDir() {
+ continue
+ }
+ paths = append(paths, spath)
+ }
+ paths = append(paths, inst.LibPaths...)
+ return
+// Return an importer that searches incpaths followed by the gcc installation's
+// built-in search paths and the current directory.
+func (inst *GccgoInstallation) GetImporter(incpaths []string, initmap map[*types.Package]InitData) Importer {
+ return GetImporter(append(append(incpaths, inst.SearchPaths()...), "."), initmap)
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/gccgoinstallation_test.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/gccgoinstallation_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df0188a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/gccgoinstallation_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package gccgoimporter
+import (
+ "go/types"
+ "testing"
+// importablePackages is a list of packages that we verify that we can
+// import. This should be all standard library packages in all relevant
+// versions of gccgo. Note that since gccgo follows a different release
+// cycle, and since different systems have different versions installed,
+// we can't use the last-two-versions rule of the gc toolchain.
+var importablePackages = [...]string{
+ "archive/tar",
+ "archive/zip",
+ "bufio",
+ "bytes",
+ "compress/bzip2",
+ "compress/flate",
+ "compress/gzip",
+ "compress/lzw",
+ "compress/zlib",
+ "container/heap",
+ "container/list",
+ "container/ring",
+ "crypto/aes",
+ "crypto/cipher",
+ "crypto/des",
+ "crypto/dsa",
+ "crypto/ecdsa",
+ "crypto/elliptic",
+ "crypto",
+ "crypto/hmac",
+ "crypto/md5",
+ "crypto/rand",
+ "crypto/rc4",
+ "crypto/rsa",
+ "crypto/sha1",
+ "crypto/sha256",
+ "crypto/sha512",
+ "crypto/subtle",
+ "crypto/tls",
+ "crypto/x509",
+ "crypto/x509/pkix",
+ "database/sql/driver",
+ "database/sql",
+ "debug/dwarf",
+ "debug/elf",
+ "debug/gosym",
+ "debug/macho",
+ "debug/pe",
+ "encoding/ascii85",
+ "encoding/asn1",
+ "encoding/base32",
+ "encoding/base64",
+ "encoding/binary",
+ "encoding/csv",
+ "encoding/gob",
+ // "encoding", // Added in GCC 4.9.
+ "encoding/hex",
+ "encoding/json",
+ "encoding/pem",
+ "encoding/xml",
+ "errors",
+ "expvar",
+ "flag",
+ "fmt",
+ "go/ast",
+ "go/build",
+ "go/doc",
+ // "go/format", // Added in GCC 4.8.
+ "go/parser",
+ "go/printer",
+ "go/scanner",
+ "go/token",
+ "hash/adler32",
+ "hash/crc32",
+ "hash/crc64",
+ "hash/fnv",
+ "hash",
+ "html",
+ "html/template",
+ "image/color",
+ // "image/color/palette", // Added in GCC 4.9.
+ "image/draw",
+ "image/gif",
+ "image",
+ "image/jpeg",
+ "image/png",
+ "index/suffixarray",
+ "io",
+ "io/ioutil",
+ "log",
+ "log/syslog",
+ "math/big",
+ "math/cmplx",
+ "math",
+ "math/rand",
+ "mime",
+ "mime/multipart",
+ "net",
+ "net/http/cgi",
+ // "net/http/cookiejar", // Added in GCC 4.8.
+ "net/http/fcgi",
+ "net/http",
+ "net/http/httptest",
+ "net/http/httputil",
+ "net/http/pprof",
+ "net/mail",
+ "net/rpc",
+ "net/rpc/jsonrpc",
+ "net/smtp",
+ "net/textproto",
+ "net/url",
+ "os/exec",
+ "os",
+ "os/signal",
+ "os/user",
+ "path/filepath",
+ "path",
+ "reflect",
+ "regexp",
+ "regexp/syntax",
+ "runtime/debug",
+ "runtime",
+ "runtime/pprof",
+ "sort",
+ "strconv",
+ "strings",
+ "sync/atomic",
+ "sync",
+ "syscall",
+ "testing",
+ "testing/iotest",
+ "testing/quick",
+ "text/scanner",
+ "text/tabwriter",
+ "text/template",
+ "text/template/parse",
+ "time",
+ "unicode",
+ "unicode/utf16",
+ "unicode/utf8",
+func TestInstallationImporter(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test relies on gccgo being around.
+ gpath := gccgoPath()
+ if gpath == "" {
+ t.Skip("This test needs gccgo")
+ }
+ var inst GccgoInstallation
+ err := inst.InitFromDriver(gpath)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ imp := inst.GetImporter(nil, nil)
+ // Ensure we don't regress the number of packages we can parse. First import
+ // all packages into the same map and then each individually.
+ pkgMap := make(map[string]*types.Package)
+ for _, pkg := range importablePackages {
+ _, err = imp(pkgMap, pkg, ".", nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, pkg := range importablePackages {
+ _, err = imp(make(map[string]*types.Package), pkg, ".", nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ }
+ // Test for certain specific entities in the imported data.
+ for _, test := range [...]importerTest{
+ {pkgpath: "io", name: "Reader", want: "type Reader interface{Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)}"},
+ {pkgpath: "io", name: "ReadWriter", want: "type ReadWriter interface{Reader; Writer}"},
+ {pkgpath: "math", name: "Pi", want: "const Pi untyped float"},
+ {pkgpath: "math", name: "Sin", want: "func Sin(x float64) float64"},
+ {pkgpath: "sort", name: "Search", want: "func Search(n int, f func(int) bool) int"},
+ {pkgpath: "unsafe", name: "Pointer", want: "type Pointer"},
+ } {
+ runImporterTest(t, imp, nil, &test)
+ }
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/importer.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/importer.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94f2def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/importer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package gccgoimporter implements Import for gccgo-generated object files.
+package gccgoimporter // import "go/internal/gccgoimporter"
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "debug/elf"
+ "fmt"
+ "go/types"
+ "internal/xcoff"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+// A PackageInit describes an imported package that needs initialization.
+type PackageInit struct {
+ Name string // short package name
+ InitFunc string // name of init function
+ Priority int // priority of init function, see InitData.Priority
+// The gccgo-specific init data for a package.
+type InitData struct {
+ // Initialization priority of this package relative to other packages.
+ // This is based on the maximum depth of the package's dependency graph;
+ // it is guaranteed to be greater than that of its dependencies.
+ Priority int
+ // The list of packages which this package depends on to be initialized,
+ // including itself if needed. This is the subset of the transitive closure of
+ // the package's dependencies that need initialization.
+ Inits []PackageInit
+// Locate the file from which to read export data.
+// This is intended to replicate the logic in gofrontend.
+func findExportFile(searchpaths []string, pkgpath string) (string, error) {
+ for _, spath := range searchpaths {
+ pkgfullpath := filepath.Join(spath, pkgpath)
+ pkgdir, name := filepath.Split(pkgfullpath)
+ for _, filepath := range [...]string{
+ pkgfullpath,
+ pkgfullpath + ".gox",
+ pkgdir + "lib" + name + ".so",
+ pkgdir + "lib" + name + ".a",
+ pkgfullpath + ".o",
+ } {
+ fi, err := os.Stat(filepath)
+ if err == nil && !fi.IsDir() {
+ return filepath, nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("%s: could not find export data (tried %s)", pkgpath, strings.Join(searchpaths, ":"))
+const (
+ gccgov1Magic = "v1;\n"
+ gccgov2Magic = "v2;\n"
+ gccgov3Magic = "v3;\n"
+ goimporterMagic = "\n$$ "
+ archiveMagic = "!<ar"
+ aixbigafMagic = "<big"
+// Opens the export data file at the given path. If this is an ELF file,
+// searches for and opens the .go_export section. If this is an archive,
+// reads the export data from the first member, which is assumed to be an ELF file.
+// This is intended to replicate the logic in gofrontend.
+func openExportFile(fpath string) (reader io.ReadSeeker, closer io.Closer, err error) {
+ f, err := os.Open(fpath)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ closer = f
+ defer func() {
+ if err != nil && closer != nil {
+ f.Close()
+ }
+ }()
+ var magic [4]byte
+ _, err = f.ReadAt(magic[:], 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ var objreader io.ReaderAt
+ switch string(magic[:]) {
+ case gccgov1Magic, gccgov2Magic, gccgov3Magic, goimporterMagic:
+ // Raw export data.
+ reader = f
+ return
+ case archiveMagic, aixbigafMagic:
+ reader, err = arExportData(f)
+ return
+ default:
+ objreader = f
+ }
+ ef, err := elf.NewFile(objreader)
+ if err == nil {
+ sec := ef.Section(".go_export")
+ if sec == nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("%s: .go_export section not found", fpath)
+ return
+ }
+ reader = sec.Open()
+ return
+ }
+ xf, err := xcoff.NewFile(objreader)
+ if err == nil {
+ sdat := xf.CSect(".go_export")
+ if sdat == nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("%s: .go_export section not found", fpath)
+ return
+ }
+ reader = bytes.NewReader(sdat)
+ return
+ }
+ err = fmt.Errorf("%s: unrecognized file format", fpath)
+ return
+// An Importer resolves import paths to Packages. The imports map records
+// packages already known, indexed by package path.
+// An importer must determine the canonical package path and check imports
+// to see if it is already present in the map. If so, the Importer can return
+// the map entry. Otherwise, the importer must load the package data for the
+// given path into a new *Package, record it in imports map, and return the
+// package.
+type Importer func(imports map[string]*types.Package, path, srcDir string, lookup func(string) (io.ReadCloser, error)) (*types.Package, error)
+func GetImporter(searchpaths []string, initmap map[*types.Package]InitData) Importer {
+ return func(imports map[string]*types.Package, pkgpath, srcDir string, lookup func(string) (io.ReadCloser, error)) (pkg *types.Package, err error) {
+ // TODO(gri): Use srcDir.
+ // Or not. It's possible that srcDir will fade in importance as
+ // the go command and other tools provide a translation table
+ // for relative imports (like ./foo or vendored imports).
+ if pkgpath == "unsafe" {
+ return types.Unsafe, nil
+ }
+ var reader io.ReadSeeker
+ var fpath string
+ var rc io.ReadCloser
+ if lookup != nil {
+ if p := imports[pkgpath]; p != nil && p.Complete() {
+ return p, nil
+ }
+ rc, err = lookup(pkgpath)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ if rc != nil {
+ defer rc.Close()
+ rs, ok := rc.(io.ReadSeeker)
+ if !ok {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("gccgo importer requires lookup to return an io.ReadSeeker, have %T", rc)
+ }
+ reader = rs
+ fpath = "<lookup " + pkgpath + ">"
+ // Take name from Name method (like on os.File) if present.
+ if n, ok := rc.(interface{ Name() string }); ok {
+ fpath = n.Name()
+ }
+ } else {
+ fpath, err = findExportFile(searchpaths, pkgpath)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ r, closer, err := openExportFile(fpath)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if closer != nil {
+ defer closer.Close()
+ }
+ reader = r
+ }
+ var magics string
+ magics, err = readMagic(reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if magics == archiveMagic || magics == aixbigafMagic {
+ reader, err = arExportData(reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ magics, err = readMagic(reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ switch magics {
+ case gccgov1Magic, gccgov2Magic, gccgov3Magic:
+ var p parser
+ p.init(fpath, reader, imports)
+ pkg = p.parsePackage()
+ if initmap != nil {
+ initmap[pkg] = p.initdata
+ }
+ // Excluded for now: Standard gccgo doesn't support this import format currently.
+ // case goimporterMagic:
+ // var data []byte
+ // data, err = io.ReadAll(reader)
+ // if err != nil {
+ // return
+ // }
+ // var n int
+ // n, pkg, err = importer.ImportData(imports, data)
+ // if err != nil {
+ // return
+ // }
+ // if initmap != nil {
+ // suffixreader := bytes.NewReader(data[n:])
+ // var p parser
+ // p.init(fpath, suffixreader, nil)
+ // p.parseInitData()
+ // initmap[pkg] = p.initdata
+ // }
+ default:
+ err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized magic string: %q", magics)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+// readMagic reads the four bytes at the start of a ReadSeeker and
+// returns them as a string.
+func readMagic(reader io.ReadSeeker) (string, error) {
+ var magic [4]byte
+ if _, err := reader.Read(magic[:]); err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ if _, err := reader.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(magic[:]), nil
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/importer_test.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/importer_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b4500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/importer_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package gccgoimporter
+import (
+ "go/types"
+ "internal/testenv"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "testing"
+type importerTest struct {
+ pkgpath, name, want, wantval string
+ wantinits []string
+ gccgoVersion int // minimum gccgo version (0 => any)
+func runImporterTest(t *testing.T, imp Importer, initmap map[*types.Package]InitData, test *importerTest) {
+ pkg, err := imp(make(map[string]*types.Package), test.pkgpath, ".", nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ return
+ }
+ if != "" {
+ obj := pkg.Scope().Lookup(
+ if obj == nil {
+ t.Errorf("%s: object not found",
+ return
+ }
+ got := types.ObjectString(obj, types.RelativeTo(pkg))
+ if got != test.want {
+ t.Errorf("%s: got %q; want %q",, got, test.want)
+ }
+ if test.wantval != "" {
+ gotval := obj.(*types.Const).Val().String()
+ if gotval != test.wantval {
+ t.Errorf("%s: got val %q; want val %q",, gotval, test.wantval)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if len(test.wantinits) > 0 {
+ initdata := initmap[pkg]
+ found := false
+ // Check that the package's own init function has the package's priority
+ for _, pkginit := range initdata.Inits {
+ if pkginit.InitFunc == test.wantinits[0] {
+ found = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !found {
+ t.Errorf("%s: could not find expected function %q", test.pkgpath, test.wantinits[0])
+ }
+ // FIXME: the original version of this test was written against
+ // the v1 export data scheme for capturing init functions, so it
+ // verified the priority values. We moved away from the priority
+ // scheme some time ago; it is not clear how much work it would be
+ // to validate the new init export data.
+ }
+// When adding tests to this list, be sure to set the 'gccgoVersion'
+// field if the testcases uses a "recent" Go addition (ex: aliases).
+var importerTests = [...]importerTest{
+ {pkgpath: "pointer", name: "Int8Ptr", want: "type Int8Ptr *int8"},
+ {pkgpath: "complexnums", name: "NN", want: "const NN untyped complex", wantval: "(-1 + -1i)"},
+ {pkgpath: "complexnums", name: "NP", want: "const NP untyped complex", wantval: "(-1 + 1i)"},
+ {pkgpath: "complexnums", name: "PN", want: "const PN untyped complex", wantval: "(1 + -1i)"},
+ {pkgpath: "complexnums", name: "PP", want: "const PP untyped complex", wantval: "(1 + 1i)"},
+ {pkgpath: "conversions", name: "Bits", want: "const Bits Units", wantval: `"bits"`},
+ {pkgpath: "time", name: "Duration", want: "type Duration int64"},
+ {pkgpath: "time", name: "Nanosecond", want: "const Nanosecond Duration", wantval: "1"},
+ {pkgpath: "unicode", name: "IsUpper", want: "func IsUpper(r rune) bool"},
+ {pkgpath: "unicode", name: "MaxRune", want: "const MaxRune untyped rune", wantval: "1114111"},
+ {pkgpath: "imports", wantinits: []string{"imports..import", "fmt..import"}},
+ {pkgpath: "importsar", name: "Hello", want: "var Hello string"},
+ {pkgpath: "aliases", name: "A14", gccgoVersion: 7, want: "type A14 = func(int, T0) chan T2"},
+ {pkgpath: "aliases", name: "C0", gccgoVersion: 7, want: "type C0 struct{f1 C1; f2 C1}"},
+ {pkgpath: "escapeinfo", name: "NewT", want: "func NewT(data []byte) *T"},
+ {pkgpath: "issue27856", name: "M", gccgoVersion: 7, want: "type M struct{E F}"},
+ {pkgpath: "v1reflect", name: "Type", want: "type Type interface{Align() int; AssignableTo(u Type) bool; Bits() int; ChanDir() ChanDir; Elem() Type; Field(i int) StructField; FieldAlign() int; FieldByIndex(index []int) StructField; FieldByName(name string) (StructField, bool); FieldByNameFunc(match func(string) bool) (StructField, bool); Implements(u Type) bool; In(i int) Type; IsVariadic() bool; Key() Type; Kind() Kind; Len() int; Method(int) Method; MethodByName(string) (Method, bool); Name() string; NumField() int; NumIn() int; NumMethod() int; NumOut() int; Out(i int) Type; PkgPath() string; Size() uintptr; String() string; common() *commonType; rawString() string; runtimeType() *runtimeType; uncommon() *uncommonType}"},
+ {pkgpath: "nointerface", name: "I", want: "type I int"},
+ {pkgpath: "issue29198", name: "FooServer", gccgoVersion: 7, want: "type FooServer struct{FooServer *FooServer; user string; ctx context.Context}"},
+ {pkgpath: "issue30628", name: "Apple", want: "type Apple struct{hey sync.RWMutex; x int; RQ [517]struct{Count uintptr; NumBytes uintptr; Last uintptr}}"},
+ {pkgpath: "issue31540", name: "S", gccgoVersion: 7, want: "type S struct{b int; map[Y]Z}"}, // should want "type S struct{b int; A2}" (issue #44410)
+ {pkgpath: "issue34182", name: "T1", want: "type T1 struct{f *T2}"},
+ {pkgpath: "notinheap", name: "S", want: "type S struct{}"},
+func TestGoxImporter(t *testing.T) {
+ testenv.MustHaveExec(t)
+ initmap := make(map[*types.Package]InitData)
+ imp := GetImporter([]string{"testdata"}, initmap)
+ for _, test := range importerTests {
+ runImporterTest(t, imp, initmap, &test)
+ }
+// gccgoPath returns a path to gccgo if it is present (either in
+// path or specified via GCCGO environment variable), or an
+// empty string if no gccgo is available.
+func gccgoPath() string {
+ gccgoname := os.Getenv("GCCGO")
+ if gccgoname == "" {
+ gccgoname = "gccgo"
+ }
+ if gpath, gerr := exec.LookPath(gccgoname); gerr == nil {
+ return gpath
+ }
+ return ""
+func TestObjImporter(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test relies on gccgo being around.
+ gpath := gccgoPath()
+ if gpath == "" {
+ t.Skip("This test needs gccgo")
+ }
+ verout, err := testenv.Command(t, gpath, "--version").CombinedOutput()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Logf("%s", verout)
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ vers := regexp.MustCompile(`(\d+)\.(\d+)`).FindSubmatch(verout)
+ if len(vers) == 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("could not find version number in %s", verout)
+ }
+ major, err := strconv.Atoi(string(vers[1]))
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ minor, err := strconv.Atoi(string(vers[2]))
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ t.Logf("gccgo version %d.%d", major, minor)
+ tmpdir := t.TempDir()
+ initmap := make(map[*types.Package]InitData)
+ imp := GetImporter([]string{tmpdir}, initmap)
+ artmpdir := t.TempDir()
+ arinitmap := make(map[*types.Package]InitData)
+ arimp := GetImporter([]string{artmpdir}, arinitmap)
+ for _, test := range importerTests {
+ if major < test.gccgoVersion {
+ // Support for type aliases was added in GCC 7.
+ t.Logf("skipping %q: not supported before gccgo version %d", test.pkgpath, test.gccgoVersion)
+ continue
+ }
+ gofile := filepath.Join("testdata", test.pkgpath+".go")
+ if _, err := os.Stat(gofile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
+ continue
+ }
+ ofile := filepath.Join(tmpdir, test.pkgpath+".o")
+ afile := filepath.Join(artmpdir, "lib"+test.pkgpath+".a")
+ cmd := testenv.Command(t, gpath, "-fgo-pkgpath="+test.pkgpath, "-c", "-o", ofile, gofile)
+ out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Logf("%s", out)
+ t.Fatalf("gccgo %s failed: %s", gofile, err)
+ }
+ runImporterTest(t, imp, initmap, &test)
+ cmd = testenv.Command(t, "ar", "cr", afile, ofile)
+ out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Logf("%s", out)
+ t.Fatalf("ar cr %s %s failed: %s", afile, ofile, err)
+ }
+ runImporterTest(t, arimp, arinitmap, &test)
+ if err = os.Remove(ofile); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if err = os.Remove(afile); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/parser.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/parser.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de9df0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/parser.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1283 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package gccgoimporter
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "go/constant"
+ "go/token"
+ "go/types"
+ "io"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "text/scanner"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+type parser struct {
+ scanner *scanner.Scanner
+ version string // format version
+ tok rune // current token
+ lit string // literal string; only valid for Ident, Int, String tokens
+ pkgpath string // package path of imported package
+ pkgname string // name of imported package
+ pkg *types.Package // reference to imported package
+ imports map[string]*types.Package // package path -> package object
+ typeList []types.Type // type number -> type
+ typeData []string // unparsed type data (v3 and later)
+ fixups []fixupRecord // fixups to apply at end of parsing
+ initdata InitData // package init priority data
+ aliases map[int]string // maps saved type number to alias name
+// When reading export data it's possible to encounter a defined type
+// N1 with an underlying defined type N2 while we are still reading in
+// that defined type N2; see issues #29006 and #29198 for instances
+// of this. Example:
+// type N1 N2
+// type N2 struct {
+// ...
+// p *N1
+// }
+// To handle such cases, the parser generates a fixup record (below) and
+// delays setting of N1's underlying type until parsing is complete, at
+// which point fixups are applied.
+type fixupRecord struct {
+ toUpdate *types.Named // type to modify when fixup is processed
+ target types.Type // type that was incomplete when fixup was created
+func (p *parser) init(filename string, src io.Reader, imports map[string]*types.Package) {
+ p.scanner = new(scanner.Scanner)
+ p.initScanner(filename, src)
+ p.imports = imports
+ p.aliases = make(map[int]string)
+ p.typeList = make([]types.Type, 1 /* type numbers start at 1 */, 16)
+func (p *parser) initScanner(filename string, src io.Reader) {
+ p.scanner.Init(src)
+ p.scanner.Error = func(_ *scanner.Scanner, msg string) { p.error(msg) }
+ p.scanner.Mode = scanner.ScanIdents | scanner.ScanInts | scanner.ScanFloats | scanner.ScanStrings
+ p.scanner.Whitespace = 1<<'\t' | 1<<' '
+ p.scanner.Filename = filename // for good error messages
+type importError struct {
+ pos scanner.Position
+ err error
+func (e importError) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("import error %s (byte offset = %d): %s", e.pos, e.pos.Offset, e.err)
+func (p *parser) error(err any) {
+ if s, ok := err.(string); ok {
+ err = errors.New(s)
+ }
+ // panic with a runtime.Error if err is not an error
+ panic(importError{p.scanner.Pos(), err.(error)})
+func (p *parser) errorf(format string, args ...any) {
+ p.error(fmt.Errorf(format, args...))
+func (p *parser) expect(tok rune) string {
+ lit := p.lit
+ if p.tok != tok {
+ p.errorf("expected %s, got %s (%s)", scanner.TokenString(tok), scanner.TokenString(p.tok), lit)
+ }
+ return lit
+func (p *parser) expectEOL() {
+ if p.version == "v1" || p.version == "v2" {
+ p.expect(';')
+ }
+ p.expect('\n')
+func (p *parser) expectKeyword(keyword string) {
+ lit := p.expect(scanner.Ident)
+ if lit != keyword {
+ p.errorf("expected keyword %s, got %q", keyword, lit)
+ }
+func (p *parser) parseString() string {
+ str, err := strconv.Unquote(p.expect(scanner.String))
+ if err != nil {
+ p.error(err)
+ }
+ return str
+// unquotedString = { unquotedStringChar } .
+// unquotedStringChar = <neither a whitespace nor a ';' char> .
+func (p *parser) parseUnquotedString() string {
+ if p.tok == scanner.EOF {
+ p.error("unexpected EOF")
+ }
+ var b strings.Builder
+ b.WriteString(p.scanner.TokenText())
+ // This loop needs to examine each character before deciding whether to consume it. If we see a semicolon,
+ // we need to let it be consumed by
+ for ch := p.scanner.Peek(); ch != '\n' && ch != ';' && ch != scanner.EOF && p.scanner.Whitespace&(1<<uint(ch)) == 0; ch = p.scanner.Peek() {
+ b.WriteRune(ch)
+ p.scanner.Next()
+ }
+ return b.String()
+func (p *parser) next() {
+ p.tok = p.scanner.Scan()
+ switch p.tok {
+ case scanner.Ident, scanner.Int, scanner.Float, scanner.String, '·':
+ p.lit = p.scanner.TokenText()
+ default:
+ p.lit = ""
+ }
+func (p *parser) parseQualifiedName() (path, name string) {
+ return p.parseQualifiedNameStr(p.parseString())
+func (p *parser) parseUnquotedQualifiedName() (path, name string) {
+ return p.parseQualifiedNameStr(p.parseUnquotedString())
+// qualifiedName = [ ["."] unquotedString "." ] unquotedString .
+// The above production uses greedy matching.
+func (p *parser) parseQualifiedNameStr(unquotedName string) (pkgpath, name string) {
+ parts := strings.Split(unquotedName, ".")
+ if parts[0] == "" {
+ parts = parts[1:]
+ }
+ switch len(parts) {
+ case 0:
+ p.errorf("malformed qualified name: %q", unquotedName)
+ case 1:
+ // unqualified name
+ pkgpath = p.pkgpath
+ name = parts[0]
+ default:
+ // qualified name, which may contain periods
+ pkgpath = strings.Join(parts[0:len(parts)-1], ".")
+ name = parts[len(parts)-1]
+ }
+ return
+// getPkg returns the package for a given path. If the package is
+// not found but we have a package name, create the package and
+// add it to the p.imports map.
+func (p *parser) getPkg(pkgpath, name string) *types.Package {
+ // package unsafe is not in the imports map - handle explicitly
+ if pkgpath == "unsafe" {
+ return types.Unsafe
+ }
+ pkg := p.imports[pkgpath]
+ if pkg == nil && name != "" {
+ pkg = types.NewPackage(pkgpath, name)
+ p.imports[pkgpath] = pkg
+ }
+ return pkg
+// parseExportedName is like parseQualifiedName, but
+// the package path is resolved to an imported *types.Package.
+// ExportedName = string [string] .
+func (p *parser) parseExportedName() (pkg *types.Package, name string) {
+ path, name := p.parseQualifiedName()
+ var pkgname string
+ if p.tok == scanner.String {
+ pkgname = p.parseString()
+ }
+ pkg = p.getPkg(path, pkgname)
+ if pkg == nil {
+ p.errorf("package %s (path = %q) not found", name, path)
+ }
+ return
+// Name = QualifiedName | "?" .
+func (p *parser) parseName() string {
+ if p.tok == '?' {
+ // Anonymous.
+ return ""
+ }
+ // The package path is redundant for us. Don't try to parse it.
+ _, name := p.parseUnquotedQualifiedName()
+ return name
+func deref(typ types.Type) types.Type {
+ if p, _ := typ.(*types.Pointer); p != nil {
+ typ = p.Elem()
+ }
+ return typ
+// Field = Name Type [string] .
+func (p *parser) parseField(pkg *types.Package) (field *types.Var, tag string) {
+ name := p.parseName()
+ typ, n := p.parseTypeExtended(pkg)
+ anon := false
+ if name == "" {
+ anon = true
+ // Alias?
+ if aname, ok := p.aliases[n]; ok {
+ name = aname
+ } else {
+ switch typ := deref(typ).(type) {
+ case *types.Basic:
+ name = typ.Name()
+ case *types.Named:
+ name = typ.Obj().Name()
+ default:
+ p.error("embedded field expected")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ field = types.NewField(token.NoPos, pkg, name, typ, anon)
+ if p.tok == scanner.String {
+ tag = p.parseString()
+ }
+ return
+// Param = Name ["..."] Type .
+func (p *parser) parseParam(pkg *types.Package) (param *types.Var, isVariadic bool) {
+ name := p.parseName()
+ // Ignore names invented for inlinable functions.
+ if strings.HasPrefix(name, "p.") || strings.HasPrefix(name, "r.") || strings.HasPrefix(name, "$ret") {
+ name = ""
+ }
+ if p.tok == '<' && p.scanner.Peek() == 'e' {
+ // EscInfo = "<esc:" int ">" . (optional and ignored)
+ p.expectKeyword("esc")
+ p.expect(':')
+ p.expect(scanner.Int)
+ p.expect('>')
+ }
+ if p.tok == '.' {
+ p.expect('.')
+ p.expect('.')
+ isVariadic = true
+ }
+ typ := p.parseType(pkg)
+ if isVariadic {
+ typ = types.NewSlice(typ)
+ }
+ param = types.NewParam(token.NoPos, pkg, name, typ)
+ return
+// Var = Name Type .
+func (p *parser) parseVar(pkg *types.Package) *types.Var {
+ name := p.parseName()
+ v := types.NewVar(token.NoPos, pkg, name, p.parseType(pkg))
+ if name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '<' {
+ // This is an unexported variable,
+ // or a variable defined in a different package.
+ // We only want to record exported variables.
+ return nil
+ }
+ return v
+// Conversion = "convert" "(" Type "," ConstValue ")" .
+func (p *parser) parseConversion(pkg *types.Package) (val constant.Value, typ types.Type) {
+ p.expectKeyword("convert")
+ p.expect('(')
+ typ = p.parseType(pkg)
+ p.expect(',')
+ val, _ = p.parseConstValue(pkg)
+ p.expect(')')
+ return
+// ConstValue = string | "false" | "true" | ["-"] (int ["'"] | FloatOrComplex) | Conversion .
+// FloatOrComplex = float ["i" | ("+"|"-") float "i"] .
+func (p *parser) parseConstValue(pkg *types.Package) (val constant.Value, typ types.Type) {
+ // v3 changed to $false, $true, $convert, to avoid confusion
+ // with variable names in inline function bodies.
+ if p.tok == '$' {
+ if p.tok != scanner.Ident {
+ p.errorf("expected identifier after '$', got %s (%q)", scanner.TokenString(p.tok), p.lit)
+ }
+ }
+ switch p.tok {
+ case scanner.String:
+ str := p.parseString()
+ val = constant.MakeString(str)
+ typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedString]
+ return
+ case scanner.Ident:
+ b := false
+ switch p.lit {
+ case "false":
+ case "true":
+ b = true
+ case "convert":
+ return p.parseConversion(pkg)
+ default:
+ p.errorf("expected const value, got %s (%q)", scanner.TokenString(p.tok), p.lit)
+ }
+ val = constant.MakeBool(b)
+ typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedBool]
+ return
+ }
+ sign := ""
+ if p.tok == '-' {
+ sign = "-"
+ }
+ switch p.tok {
+ case scanner.Int:
+ val = constant.MakeFromLiteral(sign+p.lit, token.INT, 0)
+ if val == nil {
+ p.error("could not parse integer literal")
+ }
+ if p.tok == '\'' {
+ typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedRune]
+ } else {
+ typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedInt]
+ }
+ case scanner.Float:
+ re := sign + p.lit
+ var im string
+ switch p.tok {
+ case '+':
+ im = p.expect(scanner.Float)
+ case '-':
+ im = "-" + p.expect(scanner.Float)
+ case scanner.Ident:
+ // re is in fact the imaginary component. Expect "i" below.
+ im = re
+ re = "0"
+ default:
+ val = constant.MakeFromLiteral(re, token.FLOAT, 0)
+ if val == nil {
+ p.error("could not parse float literal")
+ }
+ typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedFloat]
+ return
+ }
+ p.expectKeyword("i")
+ reval := constant.MakeFromLiteral(re, token.FLOAT, 0)
+ if reval == nil {
+ p.error("could not parse real component of complex literal")
+ }
+ imval := constant.MakeFromLiteral(im+"i", token.IMAG, 0)
+ if imval == nil {
+ p.error("could not parse imag component of complex literal")
+ }
+ val = constant.BinaryOp(reval, token.ADD, imval)
+ typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedComplex]
+ default:
+ p.errorf("expected const value, got %s (%q)", scanner.TokenString(p.tok), p.lit)
+ }
+ return
+// Const = Name [Type] "=" ConstValue .
+func (p *parser) parseConst(pkg *types.Package) *types.Const {
+ name := p.parseName()
+ var typ types.Type
+ if p.tok == '<' {
+ typ = p.parseType(pkg)
+ }
+ p.expect('=')
+ val, vtyp := p.parseConstValue(pkg)
+ if typ == nil {
+ typ = vtyp
+ }
+ return types.NewConst(token.NoPos, pkg, name, typ, val)
+// reserved is a singleton type used to fill type map slots that have
+// been reserved (i.e., for which a type number has been parsed) but
+// which don't have their actual type yet. When the type map is updated,
+// the actual type must replace a reserved entry (or we have an internal
+// error). Used for self-verification only - not required for correctness.
+var reserved = new(struct{ types.Type })
+// reserve reserves the type map entry n for future use.
+func (p *parser) reserve(n int) {
+ // Notes:
+ // - for pre-V3 export data, the type numbers we see are
+ // guaranteed to be in increasing order, so we append a
+ // reserved entry onto the list.
+ // - for V3+ export data, type numbers can appear in
+ // any order, however the 'types' section tells us the
+ // total number of types, hence typeList is pre-allocated.
+ if len(p.typeData) == 0 {
+ if n != len(p.typeList) {
+ p.errorf("invalid type number %d (out of sync)", n)
+ }
+ p.typeList = append(p.typeList, reserved)
+ } else {
+ if p.typeList[n] != nil {
+ p.errorf("previously visited type number %d", n)
+ }
+ p.typeList[n] = reserved
+ }
+// update sets the type map entries for the entries in nlist to t.
+// An entry in nlist can be a type number in p.typeList,
+// used to resolve named types, or it can be a *types.Pointer,
+// used to resolve pointers to named types in case they are referenced
+// by embedded fields.
+func (p *parser) update(t types.Type, nlist []any) {
+ if t == reserved {
+ p.errorf("internal error: update(%v) invoked on reserved", nlist)
+ }
+ if t == nil {
+ p.errorf("internal error: update(%v) invoked on nil", nlist)
+ }
+ for _, n := range nlist {
+ switch n := n.(type) {
+ case int:
+ if p.typeList[n] == t {
+ continue
+ }
+ if p.typeList[n] != reserved {
+ p.errorf("internal error: update(%v): %d not reserved", nlist, n)
+ }
+ p.typeList[n] = t
+ case *types.Pointer:
+ if *n != (types.Pointer{}) {
+ elem := n.Elem()
+ if elem == t {
+ continue
+ }
+ p.errorf("internal error: update: pointer already set to %v, expected %v", elem, t)
+ }
+ *n = *types.NewPointer(t)
+ default:
+ p.errorf("internal error: %T on nlist", n)
+ }
+ }
+// NamedType = TypeName [ "=" ] Type { Method } .
+// TypeName = ExportedName .
+// Method = "func" "(" Param ")" Name ParamList ResultList [InlineBody] ";" .
+func (p *parser) parseNamedType(nlist []any) types.Type {
+ pkg, name := p.parseExportedName()
+ scope := pkg.Scope()
+ obj := scope.Lookup(name)
+ if obj != nil && obj.Type() == nil {
+ p.errorf("%v has nil type", obj)
+ }
+ if p.tok == scanner.Ident && p.lit == "notinheap" {
+ // The go/types package has no way of recording that
+ // this type is marked notinheap. Presumably no user
+ // of this package actually cares.
+ }
+ // type alias
+ if p.tok == '=' {
+ p.aliases[nlist[len(nlist)-1].(int)] = name
+ if obj != nil {
+ // use the previously imported (canonical) type
+ t := obj.Type()
+ p.update(t, nlist)
+ p.parseType(pkg) // discard
+ return t
+ }
+ t := p.parseType(pkg, nlist...)
+ obj = types.NewTypeName(token.NoPos, pkg, name, t)
+ scope.Insert(obj)
+ return t
+ }
+ // defined type
+ if obj == nil {
+ // A named type may be referred to before the underlying type
+ // is known - set it up.
+ tname := types.NewTypeName(token.NoPos, pkg, name, nil)
+ types.NewNamed(tname, nil, nil)
+ scope.Insert(tname)
+ obj = tname
+ }
+ // use the previously imported (canonical), or newly created type
+ t := obj.Type()
+ p.update(t, nlist)
+ nt, ok := t.(*types.Named)
+ if !ok {
+ // This can happen for unsafe.Pointer, which is a TypeName holding a Basic type.
+ pt := p.parseType(pkg)
+ if pt != t {
+ p.error("unexpected underlying type for non-named TypeName")
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ underlying := p.parseType(pkg)
+ if nt.Underlying() == nil {
+ if underlying.Underlying() == nil {
+ fix := fixupRecord{toUpdate: nt, target: underlying}
+ p.fixups = append(p.fixups, fix)
+ } else {
+ nt.SetUnderlying(underlying.Underlying())
+ }
+ }
+ if p.tok == '\n' {
+ // collect associated methods
+ for p.tok == scanner.Ident {
+ p.expectKeyword("func")
+ if p.tok == '/' {
+ // Skip a /*nointerface*/ or /*asm ID */ comment.
+ p.expect('/')
+ p.expect('*')
+ if p.expect(scanner.Ident) == "asm" {
+ p.parseUnquotedString()
+ }
+ p.expect('*')
+ p.expect('/')
+ }
+ p.expect('(')
+ receiver, _ := p.parseParam(pkg)
+ p.expect(')')
+ name := p.parseName()
+ params, isVariadic := p.parseParamList(pkg)
+ results := p.parseResultList(pkg)
+ p.skipInlineBody()
+ p.expectEOL()
+ sig := types.NewSignatureType(receiver, nil, nil, params, results, isVariadic)
+ nt.AddMethod(types.NewFunc(token.NoPos, pkg, name, sig))
+ }
+ }
+ return nt
+func (p *parser) parseInt64() int64 {
+ lit := p.expect(scanner.Int)
+ n, err := strconv.ParseInt(lit, 10, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ p.error(err)
+ }
+ return n
+func (p *parser) parseInt() int {
+ lit := p.expect(scanner.Int)
+ n, err := strconv.ParseInt(lit, 10, 0 /* int */)
+ if err != nil {
+ p.error(err)
+ }
+ return int(n)
+// ArrayOrSliceType = "[" [ int ] "]" Type .
+func (p *parser) parseArrayOrSliceType(pkg *types.Package, nlist []any) types.Type {
+ p.expect('[')
+ if p.tok == ']' {
+ t := new(types.Slice)
+ p.update(t, nlist)
+ *t = *types.NewSlice(p.parseType(pkg))
+ return t
+ }
+ t := new(types.Array)
+ p.update(t, nlist)
+ len := p.parseInt64()
+ p.expect(']')
+ *t = *types.NewArray(p.parseType(pkg), len)
+ return t
+// MapType = "map" "[" Type "]" Type .
+func (p *parser) parseMapType(pkg *types.Package, nlist []any) types.Type {
+ p.expectKeyword("map")
+ t := new(types.Map)
+ p.update(t, nlist)
+ p.expect('[')
+ key := p.parseType(pkg)
+ p.expect(']')
+ elem := p.parseType(pkg)
+ *t = *types.NewMap(key, elem)
+ return t
+// ChanType = "chan" ["<-" | "-<"] Type .
+func (p *parser) parseChanType(pkg *types.Package, nlist []any) types.Type {
+ p.expectKeyword("chan")
+ t := new(types.Chan)
+ p.update(t, nlist)
+ dir := types.SendRecv
+ switch p.tok {
+ case '-':
+ p.expect('<')
+ dir = types.SendOnly
+ case '<':
+ // don't consume '<' if it belongs to Type
+ if p.scanner.Peek() == '-' {
+ p.expect('-')
+ dir = types.RecvOnly
+ }
+ }
+ *t = *types.NewChan(dir, p.parseType(pkg))
+ return t
+// StructType = "struct" "{" { Field } "}" .
+func (p *parser) parseStructType(pkg *types.Package, nlist []any) types.Type {
+ p.expectKeyword("struct")
+ t := new(types.Struct)
+ p.update(t, nlist)
+ var fields []*types.Var
+ var tags []string
+ p.expect('{')
+ for p.tok != '}' && p.tok != scanner.EOF {
+ field, tag := p.parseField(pkg)
+ p.expect(';')
+ fields = append(fields, field)
+ tags = append(tags, tag)
+ }
+ p.expect('}')
+ *t = *types.NewStruct(fields, tags)
+ return t
+// ParamList = "(" [ { Parameter "," } Parameter ] ")" .
+func (p *parser) parseParamList(pkg *types.Package) (*types.Tuple, bool) {
+ var list []*types.Var
+ isVariadic := false
+ p.expect('(')
+ for p.tok != ')' && p.tok != scanner.EOF {
+ if len(list) > 0 {
+ p.expect(',')
+ }
+ par, variadic := p.parseParam(pkg)
+ list = append(list, par)
+ if variadic {
+ if isVariadic {
+ p.error("... not on final argument")
+ }
+ isVariadic = true
+ }
+ }
+ p.expect(')')
+ return types.NewTuple(list...), isVariadic
+// ResultList = Type | ParamList .
+func (p *parser) parseResultList(pkg *types.Package) *types.Tuple {
+ switch p.tok {
+ case '<':
+ if p.tok == scanner.Ident && p.lit == "inl" {
+ return nil
+ }
+ taa, _ := p.parseTypeAfterAngle(pkg)
+ return types.NewTuple(types.NewParam(token.NoPos, pkg, "", taa))
+ case '(':
+ params, _ := p.parseParamList(pkg)
+ return params
+ default:
+ return nil
+ }
+// FunctionType = ParamList ResultList .
+func (p *parser) parseFunctionType(pkg *types.Package, nlist []any) *types.Signature {
+ t := new(types.Signature)
+ p.update(t, nlist)
+ params, isVariadic := p.parseParamList(pkg)
+ results := p.parseResultList(pkg)
+ *t = *types.NewSignatureType(nil, nil, nil, params, results, isVariadic)
+ return t
+// Func = Name FunctionType [InlineBody] .
+func (p *parser) parseFunc(pkg *types.Package) *types.Func {
+ if p.tok == '/' {
+ // Skip an /*asm ID */ comment.
+ p.expect('/')
+ p.expect('*')
+ if p.expect(scanner.Ident) == "asm" {
+ p.parseUnquotedString()
+ }
+ p.expect('*')
+ p.expect('/')
+ }
+ name := p.parseName()
+ f := types.NewFunc(token.NoPos, pkg, name, p.parseFunctionType(pkg, nil))
+ p.skipInlineBody()
+ if name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '<' || strings.ContainsRune(name, '$') {
+ // This is an unexported function,
+ // or a function defined in a different package,
+ // or a type$equal or type$hash function.
+ // We only want to record exported functions.
+ return nil
+ }
+ return f
+// InterfaceType = "interface" "{" { ("?" Type | Func) ";" } "}" .
+func (p *parser) parseInterfaceType(pkg *types.Package, nlist []any) types.Type {
+ p.expectKeyword("interface")
+ t := new(types.Interface)
+ p.update(t, nlist)
+ var methods []*types.Func
+ var embeddeds []types.Type
+ p.expect('{')
+ for p.tok != '}' && p.tok != scanner.EOF {
+ if p.tok == '?' {
+ embeddeds = append(embeddeds, p.parseType(pkg))
+ } else {
+ method := p.parseFunc(pkg)
+ if method != nil {
+ methods = append(methods, method)
+ }
+ }
+ p.expect(';')
+ }
+ p.expect('}')
+ *t = *types.NewInterfaceType(methods, embeddeds)
+ return t
+// PointerType = "*" ("any" | Type) .
+func (p *parser) parsePointerType(pkg *types.Package, nlist []any) types.Type {
+ p.expect('*')
+ if p.tok == scanner.Ident {
+ p.expectKeyword("any")
+ t := types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]
+ p.update(t, nlist)
+ return t
+ }
+ t := new(types.Pointer)
+ p.update(t, nlist)
+ *t = *types.NewPointer(p.parseType(pkg, t))
+ return t
+// TypeSpec = NamedType | MapType | ChanType | StructType | InterfaceType | PointerType | ArrayOrSliceType | FunctionType .
+func (p *parser) parseTypeSpec(pkg *types.Package, nlist []any) types.Type {
+ switch p.tok {
+ case scanner.String:
+ return p.parseNamedType(nlist)
+ case scanner.Ident:
+ switch p.lit {
+ case "map":
+ return p.parseMapType(pkg, nlist)
+ case "chan":
+ return p.parseChanType(pkg, nlist)
+ case "struct":
+ return p.parseStructType(pkg, nlist)
+ case "interface":
+ return p.parseInterfaceType(pkg, nlist)
+ }
+ case '*':
+ return p.parsePointerType(pkg, nlist)
+ case '[':
+ return p.parseArrayOrSliceType(pkg, nlist)
+ case '(':
+ return p.parseFunctionType(pkg, nlist)
+ }
+ p.errorf("expected type name or literal, got %s", scanner.TokenString(p.tok))
+ return nil
+const (
+ // From gofrontend/go/export.h
+ // Note that these values are negative in the gofrontend and have been made positive
+ // in the gccgoimporter.
+ gccgoBuiltinINT8 = 1
+ gccgoBuiltinINT16 = 2
+ gccgoBuiltinINT32 = 3
+ gccgoBuiltinINT64 = 4
+ gccgoBuiltinUINT8 = 5
+ gccgoBuiltinUINT16 = 6
+ gccgoBuiltinUINT32 = 7
+ gccgoBuiltinUINT64 = 8
+ gccgoBuiltinFLOAT32 = 9
+ gccgoBuiltinFLOAT64 = 10
+ gccgoBuiltinINT = 11
+ gccgoBuiltinUINT = 12
+ gccgoBuiltinUINTPTR = 13
+ gccgoBuiltinBOOL = 15
+ gccgoBuiltinSTRING = 16
+ gccgoBuiltinCOMPLEX64 = 17
+ gccgoBuiltinCOMPLEX128 = 18
+ gccgoBuiltinERROR = 19
+ gccgoBuiltinBYTE = 20
+ gccgoBuiltinRUNE = 21
+func lookupBuiltinType(typ int) types.Type {
+ return [...]types.Type{
+ gccgoBuiltinINT8: types.Typ[types.Int8],
+ gccgoBuiltinINT16: types.Typ[types.Int16],
+ gccgoBuiltinINT32: types.Typ[types.Int32],
+ gccgoBuiltinINT64: types.Typ[types.Int64],
+ gccgoBuiltinUINT8: types.Typ[types.Uint8],
+ gccgoBuiltinUINT16: types.Typ[types.Uint16],
+ gccgoBuiltinUINT32: types.Typ[types.Uint32],
+ gccgoBuiltinUINT64: types.Typ[types.Uint64],
+ gccgoBuiltinFLOAT32: types.Typ[types.Float32],
+ gccgoBuiltinFLOAT64: types.Typ[types.Float64],
+ gccgoBuiltinINT: types.Typ[types.Int],
+ gccgoBuiltinUINT: types.Typ[types.Uint],
+ gccgoBuiltinUINTPTR: types.Typ[types.Uintptr],
+ gccgoBuiltinBOOL: types.Typ[types.Bool],
+ gccgoBuiltinSTRING: types.Typ[types.String],
+ gccgoBuiltinCOMPLEX64: types.Typ[types.Complex64],
+ gccgoBuiltinCOMPLEX128: types.Typ[types.Complex128],
+ gccgoBuiltinERROR: types.Universe.Lookup("error").Type(),
+ gccgoBuiltinBYTE: types.Universe.Lookup("byte").Type(),
+ gccgoBuiltinRUNE: types.Universe.Lookup("rune").Type(),
+ }[typ]
+// Type = "<" "type" ( "-" int | int [ TypeSpec ] ) ">" .
+// parseType updates the type map to t for all type numbers n.
+func (p *parser) parseType(pkg *types.Package, n ...any) types.Type {
+ p.expect('<')
+ t, _ := p.parseTypeAfterAngle(pkg, n...)
+ return t
+// (*parser).Type after reading the "<".
+func (p *parser) parseTypeAfterAngle(pkg *types.Package, n ...any) (t types.Type, n1 int) {
+ p.expectKeyword("type")
+ n1 = 0
+ switch p.tok {
+ case scanner.Int:
+ n1 = p.parseInt()
+ if p.tok == '>' {
+ if len(p.typeData) > 0 && p.typeList[n1] == nil {
+ p.parseSavedType(pkg, n1, n)
+ }
+ t = p.typeList[n1]
+ if len(p.typeData) == 0 && t == reserved {
+ p.errorf("invalid type cycle, type %d not yet defined (nlist=%v)", n1, n)
+ }
+ p.update(t, n)
+ } else {
+ p.reserve(n1)
+ t = p.parseTypeSpec(pkg, append(n, n1))
+ }
+ case '-':
+ n1 := p.parseInt()
+ t = lookupBuiltinType(n1)
+ p.update(t, n)
+ default:
+ p.errorf("expected type number, got %s (%q)", scanner.TokenString(p.tok), p.lit)
+ return nil, 0
+ }
+ if t == nil || t == reserved {
+ p.errorf("internal error: bad return from parseType(%v)", n)
+ }
+ p.expect('>')
+ return
+// parseTypeExtended is identical to parseType, but if the type in
+// question is a saved type, returns the index as well as the type
+// pointer (index returned is zero if we parsed a builtin).
+func (p *parser) parseTypeExtended(pkg *types.Package, n ...any) (t types.Type, n1 int) {
+ p.expect('<')
+ t, n1 = p.parseTypeAfterAngle(pkg, n...)
+ return
+// InlineBody = "<inl:NN>" .{NN}
+// Reports whether a body was skipped.
+func (p *parser) skipInlineBody() {
+ // We may or may not have seen the '<' already, depending on
+ // whether the function had a result type or not.
+ if p.tok == '<' {
+ p.expectKeyword("inl")
+ } else if p.tok != scanner.Ident || p.lit != "inl" {
+ return
+ } else {
+ }
+ p.expect(':')
+ want := p.parseInt()
+ p.expect('>')
+ defer func(w uint64) {
+ p.scanner.Whitespace = w
+ }(p.scanner.Whitespace)
+ p.scanner.Whitespace = 0
+ got := 0
+ for got < want {
+ r := p.scanner.Next()
+ if r == scanner.EOF {
+ p.error("unexpected EOF")
+ }
+ got += utf8.RuneLen(r)
+ }
+// Types = "types" maxp1 exportedp1 (offset length)* .
+func (p *parser) parseTypes(pkg *types.Package) {
+ maxp1 := p.parseInt()
+ exportedp1 := p.parseInt()
+ p.typeList = make([]types.Type, maxp1, maxp1)
+ type typeOffset struct {
+ offset int
+ length int
+ }
+ var typeOffsets []typeOffset
+ total := 0
+ for i := 1; i < maxp1; i++ {
+ len := p.parseInt()
+ typeOffsets = append(typeOffsets, typeOffset{total, len})
+ total += len
+ }
+ defer func(w uint64) {
+ p.scanner.Whitespace = w
+ }(p.scanner.Whitespace)
+ p.scanner.Whitespace = 0
+ // We should now have p.tok pointing to the final newline.
+ // The next runes from the scanner should be the type data.
+ var sb strings.Builder
+ for sb.Len() < total {
+ r := p.scanner.Next()
+ if r == scanner.EOF {
+ p.error("unexpected EOF")
+ }
+ sb.WriteRune(r)
+ }
+ allTypeData := sb.String()
+ p.typeData = []string{""} // type 0, unused
+ for _, to := range typeOffsets {
+ p.typeData = append(p.typeData, allTypeData[to.offset:to.offset+to.length])
+ }
+ for i := 1; i < int(exportedp1); i++ {
+ p.parseSavedType(pkg, i, nil)
+ }
+// parseSavedType parses one saved type definition.
+func (p *parser) parseSavedType(pkg *types.Package, i int, nlist []any) {
+ defer func(s *scanner.Scanner, tok rune, lit string) {
+ p.scanner = s
+ p.tok = tok
+ p.lit = lit
+ }(p.scanner, p.tok, p.lit)
+ p.scanner = new(scanner.Scanner)
+ p.initScanner(p.scanner.Filename, strings.NewReader(p.typeData[i]))
+ p.expectKeyword("type")
+ id := p.parseInt()
+ if id != i {
+ p.errorf("type ID mismatch: got %d, want %d", id, i)
+ }
+ if p.typeList[i] == reserved {
+ p.errorf("internal error: %d already reserved in parseSavedType", i)
+ }
+ if p.typeList[i] == nil {
+ p.reserve(i)
+ p.parseTypeSpec(pkg, append(nlist, i))
+ }
+ if p.typeList[i] == nil || p.typeList[i] == reserved {
+ p.errorf("internal error: parseSavedType(%d,%v) reserved/nil", i, nlist)
+ }
+// PackageInit = unquotedString unquotedString int .
+func (p *parser) parsePackageInit() PackageInit {
+ name := p.parseUnquotedString()
+ initfunc := p.parseUnquotedString()
+ priority := -1
+ if p.version == "v1" {
+ priority = p.parseInt()
+ }
+ return PackageInit{Name: name, InitFunc: initfunc, Priority: priority}
+// Create the package if we have parsed both the package path and package name.
+func (p *parser) maybeCreatePackage() {
+ if p.pkgname != "" && p.pkgpath != "" {
+ p.pkg = p.getPkg(p.pkgpath, p.pkgname)
+ }
+// InitDataDirective = ( "v1" | "v2" | "v3" ) ";" |
+// "priority" int ";" |
+// "init" { PackageInit } ";" |
+// "checksum" unquotedString ";" .
+func (p *parser) parseInitDataDirective() {
+ if p.tok != scanner.Ident {
+ // unexpected token kind; panic
+ p.expect(scanner.Ident)
+ }
+ switch p.lit {
+ case "v1", "v2", "v3":
+ p.version = p.lit
+ p.expect(';')
+ p.expect('\n')
+ case "priority":
+ p.initdata.Priority = p.parseInt()
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "init":
+ for p.tok != '\n' && p.tok != ';' && p.tok != scanner.EOF {
+ p.initdata.Inits = append(p.initdata.Inits, p.parsePackageInit())
+ }
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "init_graph":
+ // The graph data is thrown away for now.
+ for p.tok != '\n' && p.tok != ';' && p.tok != scanner.EOF {
+ p.parseInt64()
+ p.parseInt64()
+ }
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "checksum":
+ // Don't let the scanner try to parse the checksum as a number.
+ defer func(mode uint) {
+ p.scanner.Mode = mode
+ }(p.scanner.Mode)
+ p.scanner.Mode &^= scanner.ScanInts | scanner.ScanFloats
+ p.parseUnquotedString()
+ p.expectEOL()
+ default:
+ p.errorf("unexpected identifier: %q", p.lit)
+ }
+// Directive = InitDataDirective |
+// "package" unquotedString [ unquotedString ] [ unquotedString ] ";" |
+// "pkgpath" unquotedString ";" |
+// "prefix" unquotedString ";" |
+// "import" unquotedString unquotedString string ";" |
+// "indirectimport" unquotedString unquotedstring ";" |
+// "func" Func ";" |
+// "type" Type ";" |
+// "var" Var ";" |
+// "const" Const ";" .
+func (p *parser) parseDirective() {
+ if p.tok != scanner.Ident {
+ // unexpected token kind; panic
+ p.expect(scanner.Ident)
+ }
+ switch p.lit {
+ case "v1", "v2", "v3", "priority", "init", "init_graph", "checksum":
+ p.parseInitDataDirective()
+ case "package":
+ p.pkgname = p.parseUnquotedString()
+ p.maybeCreatePackage()
+ if p.version != "v1" && p.tok != '\n' && p.tok != ';' {
+ p.parseUnquotedString()
+ p.parseUnquotedString()
+ }
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "pkgpath":
+ p.pkgpath = p.parseUnquotedString()
+ p.maybeCreatePackage()
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "prefix":
+ p.pkgpath = p.parseUnquotedString()
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "import":
+ pkgname := p.parseUnquotedString()
+ pkgpath := p.parseUnquotedString()
+ p.getPkg(pkgpath, pkgname)
+ p.parseString()
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "indirectimport":
+ pkgname := p.parseUnquotedString()
+ pkgpath := p.parseUnquotedString()
+ p.getPkg(pkgpath, pkgname)
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "types":
+ p.parseTypes(p.pkg)
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "func":
+ fun := p.parseFunc(p.pkg)
+ if fun != nil {
+ p.pkg.Scope().Insert(fun)
+ }
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "type":
+ p.parseType(p.pkg)
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "var":
+ v := p.parseVar(p.pkg)
+ if v != nil {
+ p.pkg.Scope().Insert(v)
+ }
+ p.expectEOL()
+ case "const":
+ c := p.parseConst(p.pkg)
+ p.pkg.Scope().Insert(c)
+ p.expectEOL()
+ default:
+ p.errorf("unexpected identifier: %q", p.lit)
+ }
+// Package = { Directive } .
+func (p *parser) parsePackage() *types.Package {
+ for p.tok != scanner.EOF {
+ p.parseDirective()
+ }
+ for _, f := range p.fixups {
+ if == nil {
+ p.errorf("internal error: fixup can't be applied, loop required")
+ }
+ f.toUpdate.SetUnderlying(
+ }
+ p.fixups = nil
+ for _, typ := range p.typeList {
+ if it, ok := typ.(*types.Interface); ok {
+ it.Complete()
+ }
+ }
+ p.pkg.MarkComplete()
+ return p.pkg
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/parser_test.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/parser_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00128b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/parser_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package gccgoimporter
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "go/types"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "text/scanner"
+var typeParserTests = []struct {
+ id, typ, want, underlying, methods string
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type -1>", want: "int8"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 *<type -19>>", want: "*error"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 *any>", want: "unsafe.Pointer"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 \"Bar\" <type 2 *<type 1>>>", want: "foo.Bar", underlying: "*foo.Bar"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 \"bar.Foo\" \"bar\" <type -1>\nfunc (? <type 1>) M ();\n>", want: "bar.Foo", underlying: "int8", methods: "func (bar.Foo).M()"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 \"\" \"bar\" <type -1>>", want: "", underlying: "int8"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 []<type -1>>", want: "[]int8"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 [42]<type -1>>", want: "[42]int8"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 map [<type -1>] <type -2>>", want: "map[int8]int16"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 chan <type -1>>", want: "chan int8"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 chan <- <type -1>>", want: "<-chan int8"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 chan -< <type -1>>", want: "chan<- int8"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 struct { I8 <type -1>; I16 <type -2> \"i16\"; }>", want: "struct{I8 int8; I16 int16 \"i16\"}"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 interface { Foo (a <type -1>, b <type -2>) <type -1>; Bar (? <type -2>, ? ...<type -1>) (? <type -2>, ? <type -1>); Baz (); }>", want: "interface{Bar(int16, ...int8) (int16, int8); Baz(); Foo(a int8, b int16) int8}"},
+ {id: "foo", typ: "<type 1 (? <type -1>) <type -2>>", want: "func(int8) int16"},
+func TestTypeParser(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, test := range typeParserTests {
+ var p parser
+ p.init("test.gox", strings.NewReader(test.typ), make(map[string]*types.Package))
+ p.version = "v2"
+ p.pkgname =
+ p.pkgpath =
+ p.maybeCreatePackage()
+ typ := p.parseType(p.pkg)
+ if p.tok != scanner.EOF {
+ t.Errorf("expected full parse, stopped at %q", p.lit)
+ }
+ // interfaces must be explicitly completed
+ if ityp, _ := typ.(*types.Interface); ityp != nil {
+ ityp.Complete()
+ }
+ got := typ.String()
+ if got != test.want {
+ t.Errorf("got type %q, expected %q", got, test.want)
+ }
+ if test.underlying != "" {
+ underlying := typ.Underlying().String()
+ if underlying != test.underlying {
+ t.Errorf("got underlying type %q, expected %q", underlying, test.underlying)
+ }
+ }
+ if test.methods != "" {
+ nt := typ.(*types.Named)
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ for i := 0; i != nt.NumMethods(); i++ {
+ buf.WriteString(nt.Method(i).String())
+ }
+ methods := buf.String()
+ if methods != test.methods {
+ t.Errorf("got methods %q, expected %q", methods, test.methods)
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/aliases.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/aliases.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfb59b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/aliases.go
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package aliases
+type (
+ T0 [10]int
+ T1 []byte
+ T2 struct {
+ x int
+ }
+ T3 interface {
+ m() T2
+ }
+ T4 func(int, T0) chan T2
+// basic aliases
+type (
+ Ai = int
+ A0 = T0
+ A1 = T1
+ A2 = T2
+ A3 = T3
+ A4 = T4
+ A10 = [10]int
+ A11 = []byte
+ A12 = struct {
+ x int
+ }
+ A13 = interface {
+ m() A2
+ }
+ A14 = func(int, A0) chan A2
+// alias receiver types
+func (T0) m1() {}
+func (A0) m2() {}
+// alias receiver types (long type declaration chains)
+type (
+ V0 = V1
+ V1 = (V2)
+ V2 = (V3)
+ V3 = T0
+func (V1) n() {}
+// cycles
+type C0 struct {
+ f1 C1
+ f2 C2
+type (
+ C1 *C0
+ C2 = C1
+type (
+ C5 struct {
+ f *C6
+ }
+ C6 = C5
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/aliases.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/aliases.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2428c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/aliases.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package aliases;
+prefix go;
+package aliases go.aliases go.aliases;
+type <type 1 "A0" = <type 2 "T0" <type 3 [10 ] <type -11>>
+ func (? <esc:0x1> <type 2>) .go.aliases.m1 ();
+ func (? <esc:0x1> <type 1>) .go.aliases.m2 ();
+ func (? <esc:0x1> <type 4 "V1" = <type 5 "V2" = <type 6 "V3" = <type 2>>>>) .go.aliases.n ();
+type <type 7 "A1" = <type 8 "T1" <type 9 [] <type -20>>>>;
+type <type 10 "A10" = <type 11 [10 ] <type -11>>>;
+type <type 12 "A11" = <type 13 [] <type -20>>>;
+type <type 14 "A12" = <type 15 struct { .go.aliases.x <type -11>; }>>;
+type <type 16 "A13" = <type 17 interface { .go.aliases.m () <type 18 "A2" = <type 19 "T2" <type 20 struct { .go.aliases.x <type -11>; }>>>; }>>;
+type <type 21 "A14" = <type 22 (? <type -11>, ? <type 1>) <type 23 chan <type 18>>>>;
+type <type 18>;
+type <type 24 "A3" = <type 25 "T3" <type 26 interface { .go.aliases.m () <type 19>; }>>>;
+type <type 27 "A4" = <type 28 "T4" <type 29 (? <type -11>, ? <type 2>) <type 30 chan <type 19>>>>>;
+type <type 31 "Ai" = <type -11>>;
+type <type 32 "C0" <type 33 struct { .go.aliases.f1 <type 34 "C1" <type 35 *<type 32>>>; .go.aliases.f2 <type 36 "C2" = <type 34>>; }>>;
+type <type 34>;
+type <type 36>;
+type <type 37 "C5" <type 38 struct { .go.aliases.f <type 39 *<type 40 "C6" = <type 37>>>; }>>;
+type <type 40>;
+type <type 2>;
+type <type 8>;
+type <type 19>;
+type <type 25>;
+type <type 28>;
+type <type 41 "V0" = <type 4>>;
+type <type 4>;
+type <type 5>;
+type <type 6>;
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/complexnums.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/complexnums.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a51b6b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/complexnums.go
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+package complexnums
+const NN = -1 - 1i
+const NP = -1 + 1i
+const PN = 1 - 1i
+const PP = 1 + 1i
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/complexnums.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/complexnums.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b66524f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/complexnums.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package complexnums;
+pkgpath complexnums;
+priority 1;
+const NN = -0.1E1-0.1E1i ;
+const NP = -0.1E1+0.1E1i ;
+const PN = 0.1E1-0.1E1i ;
+const PP = 0.1E1+0.1E1i ;
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/conversions.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/conversions.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..653927a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/conversions.go
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package conversions
+type Units string
+const Bits = Units("bits")
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/conversions.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/conversions.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7de6cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/conversions.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+package conversions;
+prefix go;
+package conversions go.conversions go.conversions;
+const Bits <type 1 "Units" <type -16>> = convert(<type 1>, "bits");
+type <type 1>;
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/escapeinfo.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/escapeinfo.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..103ad95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/escapeinfo.go
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// Test case for escape info in export data. To compile and extract .gox file:
+// gccgo -fgo-optimize-allocs -c escapeinfo.go
+// objcopy -j .go_export escapeinfo.o escapeinfo.gox
+package escapeinfo
+type T struct{ data []byte }
+func NewT(data []byte) *T {
+ return &T{data}
+func (*T) Read(p []byte) {}
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/escapeinfo.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/escapeinfo.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ce039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/escapeinfo.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package escapeinfo;
+prefix go;
+package escapeinfo go.escapeinfo go.escapeinfo;
+func NewT (data <type 1 [] <type -20>>) <type 2 *<type 3 "T" <type 4 struct { <type 5 [] <type -20>>; }>
+ func (? <type 6 *<type 3>>) Read (p <esc:0x1> <type 7 [] <type -20>>);
+type <type 3>;
+checksum 3500838130783C0059CD0C81527F60E9738E3ACE;
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/imports.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/imports.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7907316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/imports.go
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package imports
+import "fmt"
+var Hello = fmt.Sprintf("Hello, world")
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/imports.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/imports.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..958a4f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/imports.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package imports;
+pkgpath imports;
+priority 7;
+import fmt fmt "fmt";
+init imports imports..import 7 math math..import 1 runtime runtime..import 1 strconv strconv..import 2 io io..import 3 reflect reflect..import 3 syscall syscall..import 3 time time..import 4 os os..import 5 fmt fmt..import 6;
+var Hello <type -16>;
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue27856.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue27856.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf361e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue27856.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package lib
+type M struct {
+ E E
+type F struct {
+ _ *M
+type E = F
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue27856.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue27856.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6665e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue27856.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package main;
+pkgpath main;
+import runtime runtime "runtime";
+init runtime runtime..import sys runtime_internal_sys..import;
+init_graph 0 1;
+type <type 1 "E" = <type 2 "F" <type 3 struct { .main._ <type 4 *<type 5 "M" <type 6 struct { E <type 1>; }>>>; }>>>;
+type <type 2>;
+type <type 5>;
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue29198.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue29198.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75c2162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue29198.go
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package server
+import (
+ "context"
+ "errors"
+type A struct {
+ x int
+func (a *A) AMethod(y int) *Server {
+ return nil
+// FooServer is a server that provides Foo services
+type FooServer Server
+func (f *FooServer) WriteEvents(ctx context.Context, x int) error {
+ return errors.New("hey!")
+type Server struct {
+ FooServer *FooServer
+ user string
+ ctx context.Context
+func New(sctx context.Context, u string) (*Server, error) {
+ s := &Server{user: u, ctx: sctx}
+ s.FooServer = (*FooServer)(s)
+ return s, nil
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue29198.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue29198.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..905c866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue29198.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+package server;
+pkgpath issue29198;
+import context context "context";
+import errors errors "errors";
+init context context..import fmt fmt..import poll internal_poll..import testlog internal_testlog..import io io..import os os..import reflect reflect..import runtime runtime..import sys runtime_internal_sys..import strconv strconv..import sync sync..import syscall syscall..import time time..import unicode unicode..import;
+init_graph 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 2 4 2 7 2 8 2 10 2 11 2 12 4 7 4 8 4 10 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 7 5 8 5 10 5 11 5 12 6 7 6 8 6 9 6 10 6 13 7 8 9 7 9 8 10 7 10 8 11 7 11 8 11 10 12 7 12 8 12 10 12 11;
+type <type 1 "A" <type 2 struct { .issue29198.x <type -11>; }>
+ func (a <esc:0x1> <type 3 *<type 1>>) AMethod (y <type -11>) <type 4 *<type 5 "Server" <type 6 struct { FooServer <type 7 *<type 8 "FooServer" <type 5>
+ func (f <esc:0x1> <type 9 *<type 8>>) WriteEvents (ctx <esc:0x1> <type 10 "context.Context" <type 11 interface { Deadline () (deadline <type 12 "time.Time" "time" <type 13 struct { .time.wall <type -8>; .time.ext <type -4>; .time.loc <type 14 *<type 15 "time.Location" <type 16 struct { <type -16>; <type 17 [] <type 18 "" <type 19 struct { <type -16>; .time.offset <type -11>; .time.isDST <type -15>; }>>>; .time.tx <type 20 [] <type 21 ".time.zoneTrans" <type 22 struct { .time.when <type -4>; .time.index <type -5>; .time.isstd <type -15>; .time.isutc <type -15>; }>>>; .time.cacheStart <type -4>; .time.cacheEnd <type -4>; .time.cacheZone <type 23 *<type 18>>; }>
+ func (l <esc:0x22> <type 24 *<type 15>>) String () <type -16>;
+ func (l <esc:0x1> <type 24>) .time.lookupFirstZone () <type -11>;
+ func (l <esc:0x12> <type 24>) .time.get () <type 24>;
+ func (l <esc:0x32> <type 24>) .time.lookup (sec <type -4>) (name <type -16>, offset <type -11>, isDST <type -15>, start <type -4>, end <type -4>);
+ func (l <esc:0x1> <type 24>) .time.lookupName (name <esc:0x1> <type -16>, unix <type -4>) (offset <type -11>, ok <type -15>);
+ func (l <esc:0x1> <type 24>) .time.firstZoneUsed () <type -15>;
+>>; }>
+ func (t <esc:0x12> <type 12>) In (loc <type 14>) <type 12>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) (full <type -15>) (year <type -11>, month <type 25 "time.Month" <type -11>
+ func (m <type 25>) String () <type -16>;
+>, day <type -11>, yday <type -11>);
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Sub (u <esc:0x1> <type 12>) <type 26 "time.Duration" <type -4>
+ func (d <type 26>) Truncate (m <type 26>) <type 26>;
+ func (d <type 26>) String () <type -16>;
+ func (d <type 26>) Round (m <type 26>) <type 26>;
+ func (d <type 26>) Seconds () <type -10>;
+ func (d <type 26>) Nanoseconds () <type -4>;
+ func (d <type 26>) Minutes () <type -10>;
+ func (d <type 26>) Hours () <type -10>;
+ func (t <esc:0x12> <type 12>) Add (d <type 26>) <type 12>;
+ func (t <esc:0x12> <type 12>) UTC () <type 12>;
+ func (t <type 12>) AddDate (years <type -11>, months <type -11>, days <type -11>) <type 12>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) MarshalBinary () (? <type 27 [] <type -20>>, ? <type -19>);
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Nanosecond () <type -11>;
+ func (t <esc:0x12> <type 12>) Round (d <type 26>) <type 12>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Minute () <type -11>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Clock () (hour <type -11>, min <type -11>, sec <type -11>);
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) ISOWeek () (year <type -11>, week <type -11>);
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Day () <type -11>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28 *<type 12>>) .time.mono () <type -4>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) UnixNano () <type -4>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28>) .time.sec () <type -4>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Second () <type -11>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Before (u <esc:0x1> <type 12>) <type -15>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28>) UnmarshalBinary (data <esc:0x1> <type 29 [] <type -20>>) <type -19>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Month () <type 25>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) YearDay () <type -11>;
+ func (t <esc:0x12> <type 12>) Location () <type 14>;
+ func (t <esc:0x32> <type 12>) Zone () (name <type -16>, offset <type -11>);
+ func (t <esc:0x12> <type 12>) Local () <type 12>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28>) .time.setLoc (loc <type 14>);
+ func (t <esc:0x12> <type 12>) Truncate (d <type 26>) <type 12>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) MarshalJSON () (? <type 30 [] <type -20>>, ? <type -19>);
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) AppendFormat (b <esc:0x12> <type 31 [] <type -20>>, layout <esc:0x1> <type -16>) <type 32 [] <type -20>>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28>) GobDecode (data <esc:0x1> <type 33 [] <type -20>>) <type -19>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28>) UnmarshalJSON (data <esc:0x1> <type 34 [] <type -20>>) <type -19>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) MarshalText () (? <type 35 [] <type -20>>, ? <type -19>);
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) GobEncode () (? <type 36 [] <type -20>>, ? <type -19>);
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28>) .time.stripMono ();
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) After (u <esc:0x1> <type 12>) <type -15>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Hour () <type -11>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28>) UnmarshalText (data <esc:0x1> <type 37 [] <type -20>>) <type -19>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Equal (u <esc:0x1> <type 12>) <type -15>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28>) .time.setMono (m <type -4>);
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Year () <type -11>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) IsZero () <type -15>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28>) .time.addSec (d <type -4>);
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Weekday () <type 38 "time.Weekday" <type -11>
+ func (d <type 38>) String () <type -16>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) String () <type -16>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28>) .time.nsec () <type -3>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Format (layout <esc:0x1> <type -16>) <type -16>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 28>) .time.unixSec () <type -4>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Unix () <type -4>;
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) .time.abs () <type -8>;
+ func (t <esc:0x32> <type 12>) .time.locabs () (name <type -16>, offset <type -11>, abs <type -8>);
+ func (t <esc:0x1> <type 12>) Date () (year <type -11>, month <type 25>, day <type -11>);
+>, ok <type -15>); Done () <type 39 chan <- <type 40 struct { }>>; Err () <type -19>; Value (key <type 41 interface { }>) <type 42 interface { }>; }>>, x <type -11>) <type -19>;
+>>; .issue29198.user <type -16>; .issue29198.ctx <type 10>; }>>>;
+type <type 8>;
+func New (sctx <type 10>, u <type -16>) (? <type 43 *<type 5>>, ? <type -19>);
+type <type 5>;
+checksum 86C8D76B2582F55A8BD2CA9E00060358EC1CE214;
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue30628.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue30628.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fd7c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue30628.go
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+package issue30628
+import (
+ "os"
+ "sync"
+const numR = int32(os.O_TRUNC + 5)
+type Apple struct {
+ hey sync.RWMutex
+ x int
+ RQ [numR]struct {
+ Count uintptr
+ NumBytes uintptr
+ Last uintptr
+ }
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue30628.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue30628.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ff6259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue30628.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package issue30628
+pkgpath issue30628
+import os os "os"
+import sync sync "sync"
+init cpu internal..z2fcpu..import poll internal..z2fpoll..import testlog internal..z2ftestlog..import io io..import os os..import runtime runtime..import sys runtime..z2finternal..z2fsys..import sync sync..import syscall syscall..import time time..import
+init_graph 1 0 1 3 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 3 0 3 5 3 6 3 7 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 8 4 9 5 0 5 6 7 0 7 5 7 6 8 0 8 5 8 6 8 7 9 0 9 5 9 6 9 7 9 8
+types 13 2 24 84 208 17 30 41 147 86 17 64 25 75
+type 1 "Apple" <type 2>
+type 2 struct { .issue30628.hey <type 3>; .issue30628.x <type -11>; RQ <type 11>; }
+type 3 "sync.RWMutex" <type 7>
+ func (rw <type 4>) Lock ()
+ func (rw <esc:0x12> <type 4>) RLocker () ($ret8 <type 5>)
+ func (rw <type 4>) RUnlock ()
+ func (rw <type 4>) Unlock ()
+ func (rw <type 4>) RLock ()
+type 4 *<type 3>
+type 5 "sync.Locker" <type 6>
+type 6 interface { Lock (); Unlock (); }
+type 7 struct { .sync.w <type 8>; .sync.writerSem <type -7>; .sync.readerSem <type -7>; .sync.readerCount <type -3>; .sync.readerWait <type -3>; }
+type 8 "sync.Mutex" <type 10>
+ func (m <type 9>) Unlock ()
+ func (m <type 9>) Lock ()
+type 9 *<type 8>
+type 10 struct { .sync.state <type -3>; .sync.sema <type -7>; }
+type 11 [517 ] <type 12>
+type 12 struct { Count <type -13>; NumBytes <type -13>; Last <type -13>; }
+checksum 199DCF6D3EE2FCF39F715B4E42B5F87F5B15D3AF
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue31540.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue31540.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c6799e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue31540.go
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package issue31540
+type Y struct {
+ q int
+type Z map[int]int
+type X = map[Y]Z
+type A1 = X
+type A2 = A1
+type S struct {
+ b int
+ A2
+func Hallo() S {
+ return S{}
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue31540.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue31540.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abdc696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue31540.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package issue31540
+pkgpath issue31540
+types 11 7 23 23 20 22 20 21 57 31 45 36
+type 1 "A1" = <type 4>
+type 2 "A2" = <type 1>
+type 3 "S" <type 7>
+type 4 "X" = <type 8>
+type 5 "Y" <type 9>
+type 6 "Z" <type 10>
+type 7 struct { .go.mapalias.b <type -11>; ? <type 2>; }
+type 8 map [<type 5>] <type 6>
+type 9 struct { .go.mapalias.q <type -11>; }
+type 10 map [<type -11>] <type -11>
+func Hallo () <type 3>
+checksum C3FAF2524A90BC11225EE65D059BF27DFB69134B
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue34182.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue34182.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a5c333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue34182.go
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package issue34182
+type T1 struct {
+ f *T2
+type T2 struct {
+ f T3
+type T3 struct {
+ *T2
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue34182.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue34182.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..671a7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/issue34182.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package issue34182
+pkgpath issue34182
+init issue34182 ~go.issue34182
+types 8 4 21 21 21 17 30 45 45
+type 1 "T1" <type 6>
+type 2 "T2" <type 7>
+type 3 "T3" <type 5>
+type 4 *<type 2>
+type 5 struct { ? <type 4>; }
+type 6 struct { .go.issue34182.f <type 4>; }
+type 7 struct { .go.issue34182.f <type 3>; }
+checksum FF02C49BAF44B06C087ED4E573F7CC880C79C208
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/libimportsar.a b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/libimportsar.a
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f30758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/libimportsar.a
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/nointerface.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/nointerface.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a545f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/nointerface.go
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package nointerface
+type I int
+func (p *I) Get() int { return int(*p) }
+func (p *I) Set(v int) { *p = I(v) }
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/nointerface.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/nointerface.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b73d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/nointerface.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package nointerface
+pkgpath nointerface
+types 3 2 133 17
+type 1 "I" <type -11>
+ func /*nointerface*/ (p <esc:0x1> <type 2>) Get () <type -11>
+ func (p <esc:0x1> <type 2>) Set (v <type -11>)
+type 2 *<type 1>
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/notinheap.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/notinheap.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1ac967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/notinheap.go
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+package notinheap
+type S struct{}
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/notinheap.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/notinheap.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc438e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/notinheap.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package notinheap
+pkgpath notinheap
+init notinheap ~notinheap
+types 3 2 30 18
+type 1 "S" notinheap <type 2>
+type 2 struct { }
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/pointer.go b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/pointer.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ebc671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/pointer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+package pointer
+type Int8Ptr *int8
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/pointer.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/pointer.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d96ebbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/pointer.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+package pointer;
+pkgpath pointer;
+type <type 1 "Int8Ptr" <type 2 *<type -1>>>;
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/time.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/time.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6822ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/time.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+package time;
+pkgpath time;
+import errors errors "errors";
+import sync sync "sync";
+import syscall syscall "syscall";
+init time time..import runtime runtime..import sync sync..import syscall syscall..import;
+init_graph 0 1 0 2 0 3 2 1 3 1 3 2;
+const ANSIC = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006";
+func After (d <type 1 "Duration" <type -4>
+ func (d <type 1>) String () <type -16>;
+ func (d <type 1>) Nanoseconds () <type -4>;
+ func (d <type 1>) Seconds () <type -10>;
+ func (d <type 1>) Minutes () <type -10>;
+ func (d <type 1>) Hours () <type -10>;
+>) <type 2 chan <- <type 3 "Time" <type 4 struct { .time.sec <type -4>; .time.nsec <type -3>; .time.loc <type 5 *<type 6 "Location" <type 7 struct { <type -16>; <type 8 [] <type 9 "" <type 10 struct { <type -16>; .time.offset <type -11>; .time.isDST <type -15>; }>>>; .time.tx <type 11 [] <type 12 ".time.zoneTrans" <type 13 struct { .time.when <type -4>; .time.index <type -5>; .time.isstd <type -15>; .time.isutc <type -15>; }>>>; .time.cacheStart <type -4>; .time.cacheEnd <type -4>; .time.cacheZone <type 14 *<type 9>>; }>
+ func (l <type 15 *<type 6>>) .time.get () <type 15>;
+ func (l <type 15>) String () <type -16>;
+ func (l <type 15>) .time.lookup (sec <type -4>) (name <type -16>, offset <type -11>, isDST <type -15>, start <type -4>, end <type -4>);
+ func (l <type 15>) .time.lookupFirstZone () <type -11>;
+ func (l <type 15>) .time.firstZoneUsed () <type -15>;
+ func (l <type 15>) .time.lookupName (name <type -16>, unix <type -4>) (offset <type -11>, isDST <type -15>, ok <type -15>);
+>>; }>
+ func (t <type 3>) String () <type -16>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Format (layout <type -16>) <type -16>;
+ func (t <type 3>) AppendFormat (b <type 16 [] <type -20>>, layout <type -16>) <type 17 [] <type -20>>;
+ func (t <type 3>) After (u <type 3>) <type -15>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Before (u <type 3>) <type -15>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Equal (u <type 3>) <type -15>;
+ func (t <type 3>) IsZero () <type -15>;
+ func (t <type 3>) .time.abs () <type -8>;
+ func (t <type 3>) .time.locabs () (name <type -16>, offset <type -11>, abs <type -8>);
+ func (t <type 3>) Date () (year <type -11>, month <type 18 "Month" <type -11>
+ func (m <type 18>) String () <type -16>;
+>, day <type -11>);
+ func (t <type 3>) Year () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Month () <type 18>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Day () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Weekday () <type 19 "Weekday" <type -11>
+ func (d <type 19>) String () <type -16>;
+ func (t <type 3>) ISOWeek () (year <type -11>, week <type -11>);
+ func (t <type 3>) Clock () (hour <type -11>, min <type -11>, sec <type -11>);
+ func (t <type 3>) Hour () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Minute () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Second () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Nanosecond () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 3>) YearDay () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Add (d <type 1>) <type 3>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Sub (u <type 3>) <type 1>;
+ func (t <type 3>) AddDate (years <type -11>, months <type -11>, days <type -11>) <type 3>;
+ func (t <type 3>) (full <type -15>) (year <type -11>, month <type 18>, day <type -11>, yday <type -11>);
+ func (t <type 3>) UTC () <type 3>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Local () <type 3>;
+ func (t <type 3>) In (loc <type 20 *<type 6>>) <type 3>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Location () <type 21 *<type 6>>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Zone () (name <type -16>, offset <type -11>);
+ func (t <type 3>) Unix () <type -4>;
+ func (t <type 3>) UnixNano () <type -4>;
+ func (t <type 3>) MarshalBinary () (? <type 22 [] <type -20>>, ? <type -19>);
+ func (t <type 23 *<type 3>>) UnmarshalBinary (data <type 24 [] <type -20>>) <type -19>;
+ func (t <type 3>) GobEncode () (? <type 25 [] <type -20>>, ? <type -19>);
+ func (t <type 23>) GobDecode (data <type 26 [] <type -20>>) <type -19>;
+ func (t <type 3>) MarshalJSON () (? <type 27 [] <type -20>>, ? <type -19>);
+ func (t <type 23>) UnmarshalJSON (data <type 28 [] <type -20>>) <type -19>;
+ func (t <type 3>) MarshalText () (? <type 29 [] <type -20>>, ? <type -19>);
+ func (t <type 23>) UnmarshalText (data <type 30 [] <type -20>>) <type -19>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Truncate (d <type 1>) <type 3>;
+ func (t <type 3>) Round (d <type 1>) <type 3>;
+func AfterFunc (d <type 1>, f <type 31 ()>) <type 32 *<type 33 "Timer" <type 34 struct { C <type 35 chan <- <type 3>>; .time.r <type 36 ".time.runtimeTimer" <type 37 struct { .time.i <type -11>; .time.when <type -4>; .time.period <type -4>; .time.f <type 38 (? <type 39 interface { }>, ? <type -13>)>; .time.arg <type 40 interface { }>; .time.seq <type -13>; }>>; }>
+ func (t <type 41 *<type 33>>) Stop () <type -15>;
+ func (t <type 41>) Reset (d <type 1>) <type -15>;
+const April <type 18> = 4 ;
+const August <type 18> = 8 ;
+func Date (year <type -11>, month <type 18>, day <type -11>, hour <type -11>, min <type -11>, sec <type -11>, nsec <type -11>, loc <type 42 *<type 6>>) <type 3>;
+const December <type 18> = 12 ;
+type <type 1>;
+const February <type 18> = 2 ;
+func FixedZone (name <type -16>, offset <type -11>) <type 15>;
+const Friday <type 19> = 5 ;
+const Hour <type 1> = 3600000000000 ;
+const January <type 18> = 1 ;
+const July <type 18> = 7 ;
+const June <type 18> = 6 ;
+const Kitchen = "3:04PM";
+func LoadLocation (name <type -16>) (? <type 15>, ? <type -19>);
+var Local <type 15>;
+type <type 6>;
+var LocationSource <type 43 (name <type -16>) (? <type 44 [] <type -20>>, ? <type -19>)>;
+const March <type 18> = 3 ;
+const May <type 18> = 5 ;
+const Microsecond <type 1> = 1000 ;
+const Millisecond <type 1> = 1000000 ;
+const Minute <type 1> = 60000000000 ;
+const Monday <type 19> = 1 ;
+type <type 18>;
+const Nanosecond <type 1> = 1 ;
+func NewTicker (d <type 1>) <type 45 *<type 46 "Ticker" <type 47 struct { C <type 48 chan <- <type 3>>; .time.r <type 36>; }>
+ func (t <type 49 *<type 46>>) Stop ();
+func NewTimer (d <type 1>) <type 32>;
+const November <type 18> = 11 ;
+func Now () <type 3>;
+const October <type 18> = 10 ;
+func Parse (layout <type -16>, value <type -16>) (? <type 3>, ? <type -19>);
+func ParseDuration (s <type -16>) (? <type 1>, ? <type -19>);
+type <type 50 "ParseError" <type 51 struct { Layout <type -16>; Value <type -16>; LayoutElem <type -16>; ValueElem <type -16>; Message <type -16>; }>
+ func (e <type 52 *<type 50>>) Error () <type -16>;
+func ParseInLocation (layout <type -16>, value <type -16>, loc <type 53 *<type 6>>) (? <type 3>, ? <type -19>);
+const RFC1123 = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST";
+const RFC1123Z = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700";
+const RFC3339 = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00";
+const RFC3339Nano = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00";
+const RFC822 = "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST";
+const RFC822Z = "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700";
+const RFC850 = "Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST";
+const RubyDate = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006";
+const Saturday <type 19> = 6 ;
+const Second <type 1> = 1000000000 ;
+const September <type 18> = 9 ;
+func Since (t <type 3>) <type 1>;
+func Sleep (d <type 1>);
+const Stamp = "Jan _2 15:04:05";
+const StampMicro = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000000";
+const StampMilli = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000";
+const StampNano = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000000000";
+const Sunday <type 19> = 0 ;
+const Thursday <type 19> = 4 ;
+func Tick (d <type 1>) <type 54 chan <- <type 3>>;
+type <type 46>;
+type <type 3>;
+type <type 33>;
+const Tuesday <type 19> = 2 ;
+var UTC <type 15>;
+func Unix (sec <type -4>, nsec <type -4>) <type 3>;
+const UnixDate = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006";
+const Wednesday <type 19> = 3 ;
+type <type 19>;
+checksum C04E7F45B20C621A25DC74E9B13EA4FF6732E226;
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/unicode.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/unicode.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae1a6f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/unicode.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+package unicode;
+pkgpath unicode;
+init unicode unicode..import;
+var ASCII_Hex_Digit <type 1 *<type 2 "RangeTable" <type 3 struct { R16 <type 4 [] <type 5 "Range16" <type 6 struct { Lo <type -6>; Hi <type -6>; Stride <type -6>; }>>>; R32 <type 7 [] <type 8 "Range32" <type 9 struct { Lo <type -7>; Hi <type -7>; Stride <type -7>; }>>>; LatinOffset <type -11>; }>>>;
+var Adlam <type 1>;
+var Ahom <type 1>;
+var Anatolian_Hieroglyphs <type 1>;
+var Arabic <type 1>;
+var Armenian <type 1>;
+var Avestan <type 1>;
+var AzeriCase <type 10 "SpecialCase" <type 11 [] <type 12 "CaseRange" <type 13 struct { Lo <type -7>; Hi <type -7>; Delta <type 14 ".unicode.d" <type 15 [3 ] <type -21>>>; }>>>
+ func (special <type 10>) ToUpper (r <type -21>) <type -21>;
+ func (special <type 10>) ToTitle (r <type -21>) <type -21>;
+ func (special <type 10>) ToLower (r <type -21>) <type -21>;
+var Balinese <type 1>;
+var Bamum <type 1>;
+var Bassa_Vah <type 1>;
+var Batak <type 1>;
+var Bengali <type 1>;
+var Bhaiksuki <type 1>;
+var Bidi_Control <type 1>;
+var Bopomofo <type 1>;
+var Brahmi <type 1>;
+var Braille <type 1>;
+var Buginese <type 1>;
+var Buhid <type 1>;
+var C <type 1>;
+var Canadian_Aboriginal <type 1>;
+var Carian <type 1>;
+type <type 12>;
+var CaseRanges <type 16 [] <type 12>>;
+var Categories <type 17 map [<type -16>] <type 1>>;
+var Caucasian_Albanian <type 1>;
+var Cc <type 1>;
+var Cf <type 1>;
+var Chakma <type 1>;
+var Cham <type 1>;
+var Cherokee <type 1>;
+var Co <type 1>;
+var Common <type 1>;
+var Coptic <type 1>;
+var Cs <type 1>;
+var Cuneiform <type 1>;
+var Cypriot <type 1>;
+var Cyrillic <type 1>;
+var Dash <type 1>;
+var Deprecated <type 1>;
+var Deseret <type 1>;
+var Devanagari <type 1>;
+var Diacritic <type 1>;
+var Digit <type 1>;
+var Duployan <type 1>;
+var Egyptian_Hieroglyphs <type 1>;
+var Elbasan <type 1>;
+var Ethiopic <type 1>;
+var Extender <type 1>;
+var FoldCategory <type 18 map [<type -16>] <type 1>>;
+var FoldScript <type 19 map [<type -16>] <type 1>>;
+var Georgian <type 1>;
+var Glagolitic <type 1>;
+var Gothic <type 1>;
+var Grantha <type 1>;
+var GraphicRanges <type 20 [] <type 21 *<type 2>>>;
+var Greek <type 1>;
+var Gujarati <type 1>;
+var Gurmukhi <type 1>;
+var Han <type 1>;
+var Hangul <type 1>;
+var Hanunoo <type 1>;
+var Hatran <type 1>;
+var Hebrew <type 1>;
+var Hex_Digit <type 1>;
+var Hiragana <type 1>;
+var Hyphen <type 1>;
+var IDS_Binary_Operator <type 1>;
+var IDS_Trinary_Operator <type 1>;
+var Ideographic <type 1>;
+var Imperial_Aramaic <type 1>;
+func In (r <type -21>, ranges ...<type 22 *<type 2>>) <type -15>;
+var Inherited <type 1>;
+var Inscriptional_Pahlavi <type 1>;
+var Inscriptional_Parthian <type 1>;
+func Is (rangeTab <type 1>, r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsControl (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsDigit (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsGraphic (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsLetter (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsLower (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsMark (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsNumber (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsOneOf (ranges <type 23 [] <type 24 *<type 2>>>, r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsPrint (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsPunct (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsSpace (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsSymbol (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsTitle (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+func IsUpper (r <type -21>) <type -15>;
+var Javanese <type 1>;
+var Join_Control <type 1>;
+var Kaithi <type 1>;
+var Kannada <type 1>;
+var Katakana <type 1>;
+var Kayah_Li <type 1>;
+var Kharoshthi <type 1>;
+var Khmer <type 1>;
+var Khojki <type 1>;
+var Khudawadi <type 1>;
+var L <type 1>;
+var Lao <type 1>;
+var Latin <type 1>;
+var Lepcha <type 1>;
+var Letter <type 1>;
+var Limbu <type 1>;
+var Linear_A <type 1>;
+var Linear_B <type 1>;
+var Lisu <type 1>;
+var Ll <type 1>;
+var Lm <type 1>;
+var Lo <type 1>;
+var Logical_Order_Exception <type 1>;
+var Lower <type 1>;
+const LowerCase = 1 ;
+var Lt <type 1>;
+var Lu <type 1>;
+var Lycian <type 1>;
+var Lydian <type 1>;
+var M <type 1>;
+var Mahajani <type 1>;
+var Malayalam <type 1>;
+var Mandaic <type 1>;
+var Manichaean <type 1>;
+var Marchen <type 1>;
+var Mark <type 1>;
+const MaxASCII = 127' ;
+const MaxCase = 3 ;
+const MaxLatin1 = 255' ;
+const MaxRune = 1114111' ;
+var Mc <type 1>;
+var Me <type 1>;
+var Meetei_Mayek <type 1>;
+var Mende_Kikakui <type 1>;
+var Meroitic_Cursive <type 1>;
+var Meroitic_Hieroglyphs <type 1>;
+var Miao <type 1>;
+var Mn <type 1>;
+var Modi <type 1>;
+var Mongolian <type 1>;
+var Mro <type 1>;
+var Multani <type 1>;
+var Myanmar <type 1>;
+var N <type 1>;
+var Nabataean <type 1>;
+var Nd <type 1>;
+var New_Tai_Lue <type 1>;
+var Newa <type 1>;
+var Nko <type 1>;
+var Nl <type 1>;
+var No <type 1>;
+var Noncharacter_Code_Point <type 1>;
+var Number <type 1>;
+var Ogham <type 1>;
+var Ol_Chiki <type 1>;
+var Old_Hungarian <type 1>;
+var Old_Italic <type 1>;
+var Old_North_Arabian <type 1>;
+var Old_Permic <type 1>;
+var Old_Persian <type 1>;
+var Old_South_Arabian <type 1>;
+var Old_Turkic <type 1>;
+var Oriya <type 1>;
+var Osage <type 1>;
+var Osmanya <type 1>;
+var Other <type 1>;
+var Other_Alphabetic <type 1>;
+var Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point <type 1>;
+var Other_Grapheme_Extend <type 1>;
+var Other_ID_Continue <type 1>;
+var Other_ID_Start <type 1>;
+var Other_Lowercase <type 1>;
+var Other_Math <type 1>;
+var Other_Uppercase <type 1>;
+var P <type 1>;
+var Pahawh_Hmong <type 1>;
+var Palmyrene <type 1>;
+var Pattern_Syntax <type 1>;
+var Pattern_White_Space <type 1>;
+var Pau_Cin_Hau <type 1>;
+var Pc <type 1>;
+var Pd <type 1>;
+var Pe <type 1>;
+var Pf <type 1>;
+var Phags_Pa <type 1>;
+var Phoenician <type 1>;
+var Pi <type 1>;
+var Po <type 1>;
+var Prepended_Concatenation_Mark <type 1>;
+var PrintRanges <type 25 [] <type 26 *<type 2>>>;
+var Properties <type 27 map [<type -16>] <type 1>>;
+var Ps <type 1>;
+var Psalter_Pahlavi <type 1>;
+var Punct <type 1>;
+var Quotation_Mark <type 1>;
+var Radical <type 1>;
+type <type 5>;
+type <type 8>;
+type <type 2>;
+var Rejang <type 1>;
+const ReplacementChar = 65533' ;
+var Runic <type 1>;
+var S <type 1>;
+var STerm <type 1>;
+var Samaritan <type 1>;
+var Saurashtra <type 1>;
+var Sc <type 1>;
+var Scripts <type 28 map [<type -16>] <type 1>>;
+var Sentence_Terminal <type 1>;
+var Sharada <type 1>;
+var Shavian <type 1>;
+var Siddham <type 1>;
+var SignWriting <type 1>;
+func SimpleFold (r <type -21>) <type -21>;
+var Sinhala <type 1>;
+var Sk <type 1>;
+var Sm <type 1>;
+var So <type 1>;
+var Soft_Dotted <type 1>;
+var Sora_Sompeng <type 1>;
+var Space <type 1>;
+type <type 10>;
+var Sundanese <type 1>;
+var Syloti_Nagri <type 1>;
+var Symbol <type 1>;
+var Syriac <type 1>;
+var Tagalog <type 1>;
+var Tagbanwa <type 1>;
+var Tai_Le <type 1>;
+var Tai_Tham <type 1>;
+var Tai_Viet <type 1>;
+var Takri <type 1>;
+var Tamil <type 1>;
+var Tangut <type 1>;
+var Telugu <type 1>;
+var Terminal_Punctuation <type 1>;
+var Thaana <type 1>;
+var Thai <type 1>;
+var Tibetan <type 1>;
+var Tifinagh <type 1>;
+var Tirhuta <type 1>;
+var Title <type 1>;
+const TitleCase = 2 ;
+func To (_case <type -11>, r <type -21>) <type -21>;
+func ToLower (r <type -21>) <type -21>;
+func ToTitle (r <type -21>) <type -21>;
+func ToUpper (r <type -21>) <type -21>;
+var TurkishCase <type 10>;
+var Ugaritic <type 1>;
+var Unified_Ideograph <type 1>;
+var Upper <type 1>;
+const UpperCase = 0 ;
+const UpperLower = 1114112' ;
+var Vai <type 1>;
+var Variation_Selector <type 1>;
+const Version = "9.0.0";
+var Warang_Citi <type 1>;
+var White_Space <type 1>;
+var Yi <type 1>;
+var Z <type 1>;
+var Zl <type 1>;
+var Zp <type 1>;
+var Zs <type 1>;
+checksum 7643975C0BE2732C7557F1B2A70796673C11DF4A;
diff --git a/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/v1reflect.gox b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/v1reflect.gox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d693fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata/v1reflect.gox
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+package reflect;
+pkgpath reflect;
+priority 3;
+import math math "math";
+import runtime runtime "runtime";
+import strconv strconv "strconv";
+import sync sync "sync";
+import unsafe unsafe "unsafe";
+init reflect reflect..import 3 math math..import 1 runtime runtime..import 1 strconv strconv..import 2;
+func Append (s <type 1 "Value" <type 2 struct { .reflect.typ <type 3 *<type 4 ".reflect.commonType" <type 5 struct { .reflect.kind <type -5>; .reflect.align <type -1>; .reflect.fieldAlign <type -5>; .reflect._ <type -5>; .reflect.size <type -13>; .reflect.hash <type -7>; .reflect.hashfn <type 6 (? <type 7 "unsafe.Pointer" <type 8 *any>>, ? <type -13>)>; .reflect.equalfn <type 9 (? <type 7>, ? <type 7>, ? <type -13>)>; .reflect.string <type 10 *<type -16>>; ? <type 11 *<type 12 ".reflect.uncommonType" <type 13 struct { <type 14 *<type -16>>; .reflect.pkgPath <type 15 *<type -16>>; .reflect.methods <type 16 [] <type 17 ".reflect.method" <type 18 struct { <type 19 *<type -16>>; .reflect.pkgPath <type 20 *<type -16>>; .reflect.mtyp <type 21 *<type 22 ".reflect.runtimeType" <type 4>>>; .reflect.typ <type 21>; .reflect.tfn <type 7>; }>>>; }>
+ func (t <type 23 *<type 12>>) .reflect.uncommon () <type 23>;
+ func (t <type 23>) PkgPath () <type -16>;
+ func (t <type 23>) Name () <type -16>;
+ func (t <type 23>) Method (i <type -11>) (m <type 24 "Method" <type 25 struct { Name <type -16>; PkgPath <type -16>; Type <type 26 "Type" <type 27 interface { Align () <type -11>; FieldAlign () <type -11>; Method (? <type -11>) <type 24>; MethodByName (? <type -16>) (? <type 24>, ? <type -15>); NumMethod () <type -11>; Name () <type -16>; PkgPath () <type -16>; Size () <type -13>; String () <type -16>; .reflect.rawString () <type -16>; Kind () <type 28 "Kind" <type -12>
+ func (k <type 28>) String () <type -16>;
+>; Implements (u <type 26>) <type -15>; AssignableTo (u <type 26>) <type -15>; Bits () <type -11>; ChanDir () <type 29 "ChanDir" <type -11>
+ func (d <type 29>) String () <type -16>;
+>; IsVariadic () <type -15>; Elem () <type 26>; Field (i <type -11>) <type 30 "StructField" <type 31 struct { Name <type -16>; PkgPath <type -16>; Type <type 26>; Tag <type 32 "StructTag" <type -16>
+ func (tag <type 32>) Get (key <type -16>) <type -16>;
+>; Offset <type -13>; Index <type 33 [] <type -11>>; Anonymous <type -15>; }>>; FieldByIndex (index <type 34 [] <type -11>>) <type 30>; FieldByName (name <type -16>) (? <type 30>, ? <type -15>); FieldByNameFunc (match <type 35 (? <type -16>) <type -15>>) (? <type 30>, ? <type -15>); In (i <type -11>) <type 26>; Key () <type 26>; Len () <type -11>; NumField () <type -11>; NumIn () <type -11>; NumOut () <type -11>; Out (i <type -11>) <type 26>; .reflect.runtimeType () <type 36 *<type 22>>; .reflect.common () <type 37 *<type 4>>; .reflect.uncommon () <type 38 *<type 12>>; }>>; Func <type 1>; Index <type -11>; }>>);
+ func (t <type 23>) NumMethod () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 23>) MethodByName (name <type -16>) (m <type 24>, ok <type -15>);
+>>; .reflect.ptrToThis <type 21>; }>
+ func (t <type 39 *<type 4>>) .reflect.toType () <type 26>;
+ func (t <type 39>) .reflect.rawString () <type -16>;
+ func (t <type 39>) String () <type -16>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Size () <type -13>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Bits () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Align () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 39>) FieldAlign () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Kind () <type 28>;
+ func (t <type 39>) .reflect.common () <type 39>;
+ func (t <type 39>) NumMethod () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Method (i <type -11>) (m <type 24>);
+ func (t <type 39>) MethodByName (name <type -16>) (m <type 24>, ok <type -15>);
+ func (t <type 39>) PkgPath () <type -16>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Name () <type -16>;
+ func (t <type 39>) ChanDir () <type 29>;
+ func (t <type 39>) IsVariadic () <type -15>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Elem () <type 26>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Field (i <type -11>) <type 30>;
+ func (t <type 39>) FieldByIndex (index <type 40 [] <type -11>>) <type 30>;
+ func (t <type 39>) FieldByName (name <type -16>) (? <type 30>, ? <type -15>);
+ func (t <type 39>) FieldByNameFunc (match <type 41 (? <type -16>) <type -15>>) (? <type 30>, ? <type -15>);
+ func (t <type 39>) In (i <type -11>) <type 26>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Key () <type 26>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Len () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 39>) NumField () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 39>) NumIn () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 39>) NumOut () <type -11>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Out (i <type -11>) <type 26>;
+ func (t <type 39>) .reflect.runtimeType () <type 21>;
+ func (ct <type 39>) .reflect.ptrTo () <type 39>;
+ func (t <type 39>) Implements (u <type 26>) <type -15>;
+ func (t <type 39>) AssignableTo (u <type 26>) <type -15>;
+>>; .reflect.val <type 7>; ? <type 42 ".reflect.flag" <type -13>
+ func (f <type 42>) .reflect.kind () <type 28>;
+ func (f <type 42>) .reflect.mustBe (expected <type 28>);
+ func (f <type 42>) .reflect.mustBeExported ();
+ func (f <type 42>) .reflect.mustBeAssignable ();
+>; }>
+ func (v <type 1>) .reflect.iword () <type 43 ".reflect.iword" <type 7>>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Addr () <type 1>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Bool () <type -15>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Bytes () <type 44 [] <type -20>>;
+ func (v <type 1>) CanAddr () <type -15>;
+ func (v <type 1>) CanSet () <type -15>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Call (in <type 45 [] <type 1>>) <type 46 [] <type 1>>;
+ func (v <type 1>) CallSlice (in <type 47 [] <type 1>>) <type 48 [] <type 1>>;
+ func (v <type 1>) (method <type -16>, in <type 49 [] <type 1>>) <type 50 [] <type 1>>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Cap () <type -11>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Close ();
+ func (v <type 1>) Complex () <type -18>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Elem () <type 1>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Field (i <type -11>) <type 1>;
+ func (v <type 1>) FieldByIndex (index <type 51 [] <type -11>>) <type 1>;
+ func (v <type 1>) FieldByName (name <type -16>) <type 1>;
+ func (v <type 1>) FieldByNameFunc (match <type 52 (? <type -16>) <type -15>>) <type 1>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Float () <type -10>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Index (i <type -11>) <type 1>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Int () <type -4>;
+ func (v <type 1>) CanInterface () <type -15>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Interface () (i <type 53 interface { }>);
+ func (v <type 1>) InterfaceData () <type 54 [2 ] <type -13>>;
+ func (v <type 1>) IsNil () <type -15>;
+ func (v <type 1>) IsValid () <type -15>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Kind () <type 28>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Len () <type -11>;
+ func (v <type 1>) MapIndex (key <type 1>) <type 1>;
+ func (v <type 1>) MapKeys () <type 55 [] <type 1>>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Method (i <type -11>) <type 1>;
+ func (v <type 1>) NumMethod () <type -11>;
+ func (v <type 1>) MethodByName (name <type -16>) <type 1>;
+ func (v <type 1>) NumField () <type -11>;
+ func (v <type 1>) OverflowComplex (x <type -18>) <type -15>;
+ func (v <type 1>) OverflowFloat (x <type -10>) <type -15>;
+ func (v <type 1>) OverflowInt (x <type -4>) <type -15>;
+ func (v <type 1>) OverflowUint (x <type -8>) <type -15>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Pointer () <type -13>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Recv () (x <type 1>, ok <type -15>);
+ func (v <type 1>) .reflect.recv (nb <type -15>) (val <type 1>, ok <type -15>);
+ func (v <type 1>) Send (x <type 1>);
+ func (v <type 1>) .reflect.send (x <type 1>, nb <type -15>) (selected <type -15>);
+ func (v <type 1>) Set (x <type 1>);
+ func (v <type 1>) SetBool (x <type -15>);
+ func (v <type 1>) SetBytes (x <type 56 [] <type -20>>);
+ func (v <type 1>) SetComplex (x <type -18>);
+ func (v <type 1>) SetFloat (x <type -10>);
+ func (v <type 1>) SetInt (x <type -4>);
+ func (v <type 1>) SetLen (n <type -11>);
+ func (v <type 1>) SetMapIndex (key <type 1>, val <type 1>);
+ func (v <type 1>) SetUint (x <type -8>);
+ func (v <type 1>) SetPointer (x <type 7>);
+ func (v <type 1>) SetString (x <type -16>);
+ func (v <type 1>) Slice (beg <type -11>, end <type -11>) <type 1>;
+ func (v <type 1>) String () <type -16>;
+ func (v <type 1>) TryRecv () (x <type 1>, ok <type -15>);
+ func (v <type 1>) TrySend (x <type 1>) <type -15>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Type () <type 26>;
+ func (v <type 1>) Uint () <type -8>;
+ func (v <type 1>) UnsafeAddr () <type -13>;
+ func (v <type 1>) .reflect.assignTo (context <type -16>, dst <type 3>, target <type 57 *<type 58 interface { }>>) <type 1>;
+>, x ...<type 1>) <type 1>;
+func AppendSlice (s <type 1>, t <type 1>) <type 1>;
+const Array <type 28> = 17 ;
+const Bool <type 28> = 1 ;
+const BothDir <type 29> = 3 ;
+const Chan <type 28> = 18 ;
+type <type 29>;
+const Complex128 <type 28> = 16 ;
+const Complex64 <type 28> = 15 ;
+func Copy (dst <type 1>, src <type 1>) <type -11>;
+func DeepEqual (a1 <type 59 interface { }>, a2 <type 59>) <type -15>;
+const Float32 <type 28> = 13 ;
+const Float64 <type 28> = 14 ;
+const Func <type 28> = 19 ;
+func Indirect (v <type 1>) <type 1>;
+const Int <type 28> = 2 ;
+const Int16 <type 28> = 4 ;
+const Int32 <type 28> = 5 ;
+const Int64 <type 28> = 6 ;
+const Int8 <type 28> = 3 ;
+const Interface <type 28> = 20 ;
+const Invalid <type 28> = 0 ;
+type <type 28>;
+func MakeChan (typ <type 26>, buffer <type -11>) <type 1>;
+func MakeMap (typ <type 26>) <type 1>;
+func MakeSlice (typ <type 26>, len <type -11>, cap <type -11>) <type 1>;
+const Map <type 28> = 21 ;
+type <type 24>;
+func Method$equal (key1 <type 8>, key2 <type 8>, key_size <type -13>) <type -15>;
+func Method$hash (key <type 8>, key_size <type -13>) <type -13>;
+func New (typ <type 26>) <type 1>;
+func NewAt (typ <type 26>, p <type 7>) <type 1>;
+const Ptr <type 28> = 22 ;
+func PtrTo (t <type 26>) <type 26>;
+const RecvDir <type 29> = 1 ;
+const SendDir <type 29> = 2 ;
+const Slice <type 28> = 23 ;
+type <type 60 "SliceHeader" <type 61 struct { Data <type -13>; Len <type -11>; Cap <type -11>; }>>;
+const String <type 28> = 24 ;
+type <type 62 "StringHeader" <type 63 struct { Data <type -13>; Len <type -11>; }>>;
+const Struct <type 28> = 25 ;
+type <type 30>;
+type <type 32>;
+type <type 26>;
+func TypeOf (i <type 64 interface { }>) <type 26>;
+const Uint <type 28> = 7 ;
+const Uint16 <type 28> = 9 ;
+const Uint32 <type 28> = 10 ;
+const Uint64 <type 28> = 11 ;
+const Uint8 <type 28> = 8 ;
+const Uintptr <type 28> = 12 ;
+const UnsafePointer <type 28> = 26 ;
+type <type 1>;
+type <type 65 "ValueError" <type 66 struct { Method <type -16>; Kind <type 28>; }>
+ func (e <type 67 *<type 65>>) Error () <type -16>;
+func ValueError$equal (key1 <type 8>, key2 <type 8>, key_size <type -13>) <type -15>;
+func ValueError$hash (key <type 8>, key_size <type -13>) <type -13>;
+func ValueOf (i <type 68 interface { }>) <type 1>;
+func Zero (typ <type 26>) <type 1>;
+checksum DD7720796E91D9D24ED12B75BDEA2A714D47B095;