path: root/src/runtime/coverage/apis.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/runtime/coverage/apis.go')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/runtime/coverage/apis.go b/src/runtime/coverage/apis.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05da345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runtime/coverage/apis.go
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package coverage
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "internal/coverage"
+ "io"
+ "reflect"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "unsafe"
+// WriteMetaDir writes a coverage meta-data file for the currently
+// running program to the directory specified in 'dir'. An error will
+// be returned if the operation can't be completed successfully (for
+// example, if the currently running program was not built with
+// "-cover", or if the directory does not exist).
+func WriteMetaDir(dir string) error {
+ if !finalHashComputed {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error: no meta-data available (binary not built with -cover?)")
+ }
+ return emitMetaDataToDirectory(dir, getCovMetaList())
+// WriteMeta writes the meta-data content (the payload that would
+// normally be emitted to a meta-data file) for the currently running
+// program to the writer 'w'. An error will be returned if the
+// operation can't be completed successfully (for example, if the
+// currently running program was not built with "-cover", or if a
+// write fails).
+func WriteMeta(w io.Writer) error {
+ if w == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error: nil writer in WriteMeta")
+ }
+ if !finalHashComputed {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error: no meta-data available (binary not built with -cover?)")
+ }
+ ml := getCovMetaList()
+ return writeMetaData(w, ml, cmode, cgran, finalHash)
+// WriteCountersDir writes a coverage counter-data file for the
+// currently running program to the directory specified in 'dir'. An
+// error will be returned if the operation can't be completed
+// successfully (for example, if the currently running program was not
+// built with "-cover", or if the directory does not exist). The
+// counter data written will be a snapshot taken at the point of the
+// call.
+func WriteCountersDir(dir string) error {
+ if cmode != coverage.CtrModeAtomic {
+ return fmt.Errorf("WriteCountersDir invoked for program built with -covermode=%s (please use -covermode=atomic)", cmode.String())
+ }
+ return emitCounterDataToDirectory(dir)
+// WriteCounters writes coverage counter-data content for the
+// currently running program to the writer 'w'. An error will be
+// returned if the operation can't be completed successfully (for
+// example, if the currently running program was not built with
+// "-cover", or if a write fails). The counter data written will be a
+// snapshot taken at the point of the invocation.
+func WriteCounters(w io.Writer) error {
+ if w == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error: nil writer in WriteCounters")
+ }
+ if cmode != coverage.CtrModeAtomic {
+ return fmt.Errorf("WriteCounters invoked for program built with -covermode=%s (please use -covermode=atomic)", cmode.String())
+ }
+ // Ask the runtime for the list of coverage counter symbols.
+ cl := getCovCounterList()
+ if len(cl) == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("program not built with -cover")
+ }
+ if !finalHashComputed {
+ return fmt.Errorf("meta-data not written yet, unable to write counter data")
+ }
+ pm := getCovPkgMap()
+ s := &emitState{
+ counterlist: cl,
+ pkgmap: pm,
+ }
+ return s.emitCounterDataToWriter(w)
+// ClearCounters clears/resets all coverage counter variables in the
+// currently running program. It returns an error if the program in
+// question was not built with the "-cover" flag. Clearing of coverage
+// counters is also not supported for programs not using atomic
+// counter mode (see more detailed comments below for the rationale
+// here).
+func ClearCounters() error {
+ cl := getCovCounterList()
+ if len(cl) == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("program not built with -cover")
+ }
+ if cmode != coverage.CtrModeAtomic {
+ return fmt.Errorf("ClearCounters invoked for program built with -covermode=%s (please use -covermode=atomic)", cmode.String())
+ }
+ // Implementation note: this function would be faster and simpler
+ // if we could just zero out the entire counter array, but for the
+ // moment we go through and zero out just the slots in the array
+ // corresponding to the counter values. We do this to avoid the
+ // following bad scenario: suppose that a user builds their Go
+ // program with "-cover", and that program has a function (call it
+ // main.XYZ) that invokes ClearCounters:
+ //
+ // func XYZ() {
+ // ... do some stuff ...
+ // coverage.ClearCounters()
+ // if someCondition { <<--- HERE
+ // ...
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // At the point where ClearCounters executes, main.XYZ has not yet
+ // finished running, thus as soon as the call returns the line
+ // marked "HERE" above will trigger the writing of a non-zero
+ // value into main.XYZ's counter slab. However since we've just
+ // finished clearing the entire counter segment, we will have lost
+ // the values in the prolog portion of main.XYZ's counter slab
+ // (nctrs, pkgid, funcid). This means that later on at the end of
+ // program execution as we walk through the entire counter array
+ // for the program looking for executed functions, we'll zoom past
+ // main.XYZ's prolog (which was zero'd) and hit the non-zero
+ // counter value corresponding to the "HERE" block, which will
+ // then be interpreted as the start of another live function.
+ // Things will go downhill from there.
+ //
+ // This same scenario is also a potential risk if the program is
+ // running on an architecture that permits reordering of
+ // writes/stores, since the inconsistency described above could
+ // arise here. Example scenario:
+ //
+ // func ABC() {
+ // ... // prolog
+ // if alwaysTrue() {
+ // XYZ() // counter update here
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // In the instrumented version of ABC, the prolog of the function
+ // will contain a series of stores to the initial portion of the
+ // counter array to write number-of-counters, pkgid, funcid. Later
+ // in the function there is also a store to increment a counter
+ // for the block containing the call to XYZ(). If the CPU is
+ // allowed to reorder stores and decides to issue the XYZ store
+ // before the prolog stores, this could be observable as an
+ // inconsistency similar to the one above. Hence the requirement
+ // for atomic counter mode: according to package atomic docs,
+ // "...operations that happen in a specific order on one thread,
+ // will always be observed to happen in exactly that order by
+ // another thread". Thus we can be sure that there will be no
+ // inconsistency when reading the counter array from the thread
+ // running ClearCounters.
+ var sd []atomic.Uint32
+ bufHdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&sd))
+ for _, c := range cl {
+ bufHdr.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(c.Counters))
+ bufHdr.Len = int(c.Len)
+ bufHdr.Cap = int(c.Len)
+ for i := 0; i < len(sd); i++ {
+ // Skip ahead until the next non-zero value.
+ sdi := sd[i].Load()
+ if sdi == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ // We found a function that was executed; clear its counters.
+ nCtrs := sdi
+ for j := 0; j < int(nCtrs); j++ {
+ sd[i+coverage.FirstCtrOffset+j].Store(0)
+ }
+ // Move to next function.
+ i += coverage.FirstCtrOffset + int(nCtrs) - 1
+ }
+ }
+ return nil