path: root/src/net/http/export_test.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/net/http/export_test.go')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/net/http/export_test.go b/src/net/http/export_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e6d3d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/net/http/export_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Bridge package to expose http internals to tests in the http_test
+// package.
+package http
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "net"
+ "net/url"
+ "sort"
+ "sync"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+var (
+ DefaultUserAgent = defaultUserAgent
+ NewLoggingConn = newLoggingConn
+ ExportAppendTime = appendTime
+ ExportRefererForURL = refererForURL
+ ExportServerNewConn = (*Server).newConn
+ ExportCloseWriteAndWait = (*conn).closeWriteAndWait
+ ExportErrRequestCanceled = errRequestCanceled
+ ExportErrRequestCanceledConn = errRequestCanceledConn
+ ExportErrServerClosedIdle = errServerClosedIdle
+ ExportServeFile = serveFile
+ ExportScanETag = scanETag
+ ExportHttp2ConfigureServer = http2ConfigureServer
+ Export_shouldCopyHeaderOnRedirect = shouldCopyHeaderOnRedirect
+ Export_writeStatusLine = writeStatusLine
+ Export_is408Message = is408Message
+var MaxWriteWaitBeforeConnReuse = &maxWriteWaitBeforeConnReuse
+func init() {
+ // We only want to pay for this cost during testing.
+ // When not under test, these values are always nil
+ // and never assigned to.
+ testHookMu = new(sync.Mutex)
+ testHookClientDoResult = func(res *Response, err error) {
+ if err != nil {
+ if _, ok := err.(*url.Error); !ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected Client.Do error of type %T; want *url.Error", err))
+ }
+ } else {
+ if res == nil {
+ panic("Client.Do returned nil, nil")
+ }
+ if res.Body == nil {
+ panic("Client.Do returned nil res.Body and no error")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func CondSkipHTTP2(t testing.TB) {
+ if omitBundledHTTP2 {
+ t.Skip("skipping HTTP/2 test when nethttpomithttp2 build tag in use")
+ }
+var (
+ SetEnterRoundTripHook = hookSetter(&testHookEnterRoundTrip)
+ SetRoundTripRetried = hookSetter(&testHookRoundTripRetried)
+func SetReadLoopBeforeNextReadHook(f func()) {
+ unnilTestHook(&f)
+ testHookReadLoopBeforeNextRead = f
+// SetPendingDialHooks sets the hooks that run before and after handling
+// pending dials.
+func SetPendingDialHooks(before, after func()) {
+ unnilTestHook(&before)
+ unnilTestHook(&after)
+ testHookPrePendingDial, testHookPostPendingDial = before, after
+func SetTestHookServerServe(fn func(*Server, net.Listener)) { testHookServerServe = fn }
+func NewTestTimeoutHandler(handler Handler, ctx context.Context) Handler {
+ return &timeoutHandler{
+ handler: handler,
+ testContext: ctx,
+ // (no body)
+ }
+func ResetCachedEnvironment() {
+ resetProxyConfig()
+func (t *Transport) NumPendingRequestsForTesting() int {
+ t.reqMu.Lock()
+ defer t.reqMu.Unlock()
+ return len(t.reqCanceler)
+func (t *Transport) IdleConnKeysForTesting() (keys []string) {
+ keys = make([]string, 0)
+ t.idleMu.Lock()
+ defer t.idleMu.Unlock()
+ for key := range t.idleConn {
+ keys = append(keys, key.String())
+ }
+ sort.Strings(keys)
+ return
+func (t *Transport) IdleConnKeyCountForTesting() int {
+ t.idleMu.Lock()
+ defer t.idleMu.Unlock()
+ return len(t.idleConn)
+func (t *Transport) IdleConnStrsForTesting() []string {
+ var ret []string
+ t.idleMu.Lock()
+ defer t.idleMu.Unlock()
+ for _, conns := range t.idleConn {
+ for _, pc := range conns {
+ ret = append(ret, pc.conn.LocalAddr().String()+"/"+pc.conn.RemoteAddr().String())
+ }
+ }
+ sort.Strings(ret)
+ return ret
+func (t *Transport) IdleConnStrsForTesting_h2() []string {
+ var ret []string
+ noDialPool := t.h2transport.(*http2Transport).ConnPool.(http2noDialClientConnPool)
+ pool := noDialPool.http2clientConnPool
+ defer
+ for k, ccs := range pool.conns {
+ for _, cc := range ccs {
+ if cc.idleState().canTakeNewRequest {
+ ret = append(ret, k)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sort.Strings(ret)
+ return ret
+func (t *Transport) IdleConnCountForTesting(scheme, addr string) int {
+ t.idleMu.Lock()
+ defer t.idleMu.Unlock()
+ key := connectMethodKey{"", scheme, addr, false}
+ cacheKey := key.String()
+ for k, conns := range t.idleConn {
+ if k.String() == cacheKey {
+ return len(conns)
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+func (t *Transport) IdleConnWaitMapSizeForTesting() int {
+ t.idleMu.Lock()
+ defer t.idleMu.Unlock()
+ return len(t.idleConnWait)
+func (t *Transport) IsIdleForTesting() bool {
+ t.idleMu.Lock()
+ defer t.idleMu.Unlock()
+ return t.closeIdle
+func (t *Transport) QueueForIdleConnForTesting() {
+ t.queueForIdleConn(nil)
+// PutIdleTestConn reports whether it was able to insert a fresh
+// persistConn for scheme, addr into the idle connection pool.
+func (t *Transport) PutIdleTestConn(scheme, addr string) bool {
+ c, _ := net.Pipe()
+ key := connectMethodKey{"", scheme, addr, false}
+ if t.MaxConnsPerHost > 0 {
+ // Transport is tracking conns-per-host.
+ // Increment connection count to account
+ // for new persistConn created below.
+ t.connsPerHostMu.Lock()
+ if t.connsPerHost == nil {
+ t.connsPerHost = make(map[connectMethodKey]int)
+ }
+ t.connsPerHost[key]++
+ t.connsPerHostMu.Unlock()
+ }
+ return t.tryPutIdleConn(&persistConn{
+ t: t,
+ conn: c, // dummy
+ closech: make(chan struct{}), // so it can be closed
+ cacheKey: key,
+ }) == nil
+// PutIdleTestConnH2 reports whether it was able to insert a fresh
+// HTTP/2 persistConn for scheme, addr into the idle connection pool.
+func (t *Transport) PutIdleTestConnH2(scheme, addr string, alt RoundTripper) bool {
+ key := connectMethodKey{"", scheme, addr, false}
+ if t.MaxConnsPerHost > 0 {
+ // Transport is tracking conns-per-host.
+ // Increment connection count to account
+ // for new persistConn created below.
+ t.connsPerHostMu.Lock()
+ if t.connsPerHost == nil {
+ t.connsPerHost = make(map[connectMethodKey]int)
+ }
+ t.connsPerHost[key]++
+ t.connsPerHostMu.Unlock()
+ }
+ return t.tryPutIdleConn(&persistConn{
+ t: t,
+ alt: alt,
+ cacheKey: key,
+ }) == nil
+// All test hooks must be non-nil so they can be called directly,
+// but the tests use nil to mean hook disabled.
+func unnilTestHook(f *func()) {
+ if *f == nil {
+ *f = nop
+ }
+func hookSetter(dst *func()) func(func()) {
+ return func(fn func()) {
+ unnilTestHook(&fn)
+ *dst = fn
+ }
+func ExportHttp2ConfigureTransport(t *Transport) error {
+ t2, err := http2configureTransports(t)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ t.h2transport = t2
+ return nil
+func (s *Server) ExportAllConnsIdle() bool {
+ defer
+ for c := range s.activeConn {
+ st, unixSec := c.getState()
+ if unixSec == 0 || st != StateIdle {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func (s *Server) ExportAllConnsByState() map[ConnState]int {
+ states := map[ConnState]int{}
+ defer
+ for c := range s.activeConn {
+ st, _ := c.getState()
+ states[st] += 1
+ }
+ return states
+func (r *Request) WithT(t *testing.T) *Request {
+ return r.WithContext(context.WithValue(r.Context(), tLogKey{}, t.Logf))
+func ExportSetH2GoawayTimeout(d time.Duration) (restore func()) {
+ old := http2goAwayTimeout
+ http2goAwayTimeout = d
+ return func() { http2goAwayTimeout = old }
+func (r *Request) ExportIsReplayable() bool { return r.isReplayable() }
+// ExportCloseTransportConnsAbruptly closes all idle connections from
+// tr in an abrupt way, just reaching into the underlying Conns and
+// closing them, without telling the Transport or its persistConns
+// that it's doing so. This is to simulate the server closing connections
+// on the Transport.
+func ExportCloseTransportConnsAbruptly(tr *Transport) {
+ tr.idleMu.Lock()
+ for _, pcs := range tr.idleConn {
+ for _, pc := range pcs {
+ pc.conn.Close()
+ }
+ }
+ tr.idleMu.Unlock()
+// ResponseWriterConnForTesting returns w's underlying connection, if w
+// is a regular *response ResponseWriter.
+func ResponseWriterConnForTesting(w ResponseWriter) (c net.Conn, ok bool) {
+ if r, ok := w.(*response); ok {
+ return r.conn.rwc, true
+ }
+ return nil, false
+func init() {
+ // Set the default rstAvoidanceDelay to the minimum possible value to shake
+ // out tests that unexpectedly depend on it. Such tests should use
+ // runTimeSensitiveTest and SetRSTAvoidanceDelay to explicitly raise the delay
+ // if needed.
+ rstAvoidanceDelay = 1 * time.Nanosecond
+// SetRSTAvoidanceDelay sets how long we are willing to wait between calling
+// CloseWrite on a connection and fully closing the connection.
+func SetRSTAvoidanceDelay(t *testing.T, d time.Duration) {
+ prevDelay := rstAvoidanceDelay
+ t.Cleanup(func() {
+ rstAvoidanceDelay = prevDelay
+ })
+ rstAvoidanceDelay = d