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+<h3 class="section" id="Background-1">1.1 Background</h3>
+<a class="index-entry-id" id="index-background"></a>
+<p>M. Douglas McIlroy, formerly of AT&amp;T Bell Laboratories and present at
+the creation of the Unix operating system, offers an authoritative
+historical summary.
+<blockquote class="quotation">
+<p>The prime reason for Unix was the desire of Ken [Thompson], Dennis
+[Ritchie], and Joe Ossanna to have a pleasant environment for software
+development. The fig leaf that got the nod from &hellip;
+management was that an early use would be to develop a &ldquo;stand-alone&rdquo;
+word-processing system for use in typing pools and secretarial offices.
+Perhaps they had in mind &ldquo;dedicated&rdquo;, as distinct from
+&ldquo;stand-alone&rdquo;; that&rsquo;s what eventuated in various cases, most notably
+in the legal/patent department and in the AT&amp;T CEO&rsquo;s office.
+<p>Both those systems were targets of opportunity, not foreseen from the
+start. When Unix was up and running on the PDP-11, Joe got wind of
+the legal department having installed a commercial word processor.
+He went to pitch Unix as an alternative and clinched a trial by
+promising to make <code class="code">roff</code> able to number lines by tomorrow in order
+to fulfill a patent-office requirement that the commercial system did
+not support.
+<p>Modems were installed so legal-department secretaries could try the
+Research machine. They liked it and Joe&rsquo;s superb customer service.
+Soon the legal department got a system of their own. Joe went on to
+create <code class="code">nroff</code> and <code class="code">troff</code>. Document preparation became a
+widespread use of Unix, but no stand-alone word-processing system was
+ever undertaken.
+<p>A history relating <code class="code">groff</code> to its predecessors <code class="code">roff</code>,
+<code class="code">nroff</code>, and <code class="code">troff</code> is available in the <cite class="cite">roff<span class="r">(7)</span></cite>
+man page.
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