path: root/vendor/textalk/websocket/docs
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+[Client]( • [Server]( • [Message]( • [Examples]( • Changelog • [Contributing](
+# Websocket: Changelog
+## `v1.5`
+ > PHP version `^7.2|^8.0`
+### `1.5.5`
+ * Support for psr/log v2 and v3 (@simPod)
+ * GitHub Actions replaces Travis (@sirn-se)
+### `1.5.4`
+ * Keep open connection on read timeout (@marcroberts)
+### `1.5.3`
+ * Fix for persistent connection (@sirn-se)
+### `1.5.2`
+ * Fix for getName() method (@sirn-se)
+### `1.5.1`
+ * Fix for persistent connections (@rmeisler)
+### `1.5.0`
+ * Convenience send methods; text(), binary(), ping(), pong() (@sirn-se)
+ * Optional Message instance as receive() method return (@sirn-se)
+ * Opcode filter for receive() method (@sirn-se)
+ * Added PHP `8.0` support (@webpatser)
+ * Dropped PHP `7.1` support (@sirn-se)
+ * Fix for unordered fragmented messages (@sirn-se)
+ * Improved error handling on stream calls (@sirn-se)
+ * Various code re-write (@sirn-se)
+## `v1.4`
+ > PHP version `^7.1`
+#### `1.4.3`
+ * Solve stream closure/get meta conflict (@sirn-se)
+ * Examples and documentation overhaul (@sirn-se)
+#### `1.4.2`
+ * Force stream close on read error (@sirn-se)
+ * Authorization headers line feed (@sirn-se)
+ * Documentation (@matias-pool, @sirn-se)
+#### `1.4.1`
+ * Ping/Pong, handled internally to avoid breaking fragmented messages (@nshmyrev, @sirn-se)
+ * Fix for persistent connections (@rmeisler)
+ * Fix opcode bitmask (@peterjah)
+#### `1.4.0`
+ * Dropped support of old PHP versions (@sirn-se)
+ * Added PSR-3 Logging support (@sirn-se)
+ * Persistent connection option (@slezakattack)
+ * TimeoutException on connection time out (@slezakattack)
+## `v1.3`
+ > PHP version `^5.4` and `^7.0`
+#### `1.3.1`
+ * Allow control messages without payload (@Logioniz)
+ * Error code in ConnectionException (@sirn-se)
+#### `1.3.0`
+ * Implements ping/pong frames (@pmccarren @Logioniz)
+ * Close behaviour (@sirn-se)
+ * Various fixes concerning connection handling (@sirn-se)
+ * Overhaul of Composer, Travis and Coveralls setup, PSR code standard and unit tests (@sirn-se)
+## `v1.2`
+ > PHP version `^5.4` and `^7.0`
+#### `1.2.0`
+ * Adding stream context options (to set e.g. SSL `allow_self_signed`).
+## `v1.1`
+ > PHP version `^5.4` and `^7.0`
+#### `1.1.2`
+ * Fixed error message on broken frame.
+#### `1.1.1`
+ * Adding license information.
+#### `1.1.0`
+ * Supporting huge payloads.
+## `v1.0`
+ > PHP version `^5.4` and `^7.0`
+#### `1.0.3`
+ * Bugfix: Correcting address in error-message
+#### `1.0.2`
+ * Bugfix: Add port in request-header.
+#### `1.0.1`
+ * Fixing a bug from empty payloads.
+#### `1.0.0`
+ * Release as production ready.
+ * Adding option to set/override headers.
+ * Supporting basic authentication from user:pass in URL.
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+Client • [Server]( • [Message]( • [Examples]( • [Changelog]( • [Contributing](
+# Websocket: Client
+The client can read and write on a WebSocket stream.
+It internally supports Upgrade handshake and implicit close and ping/pong operations.
+## Class synopsis
+WebSocket\Client {
+ public __construct(string $uri, array $options = [])
+ public __destruct()
+ public __toString() : string
+ public text(string $payload) : void
+ public binary(string $payload) : void
+ public ping(string $payload = '') : void
+ public pong(string $payload = '') : void
+ public send(mixed $payload, string $opcode = 'text', bool $masked = true) : void
+ public receive() : mixed
+ public close(int $status = 1000, mixed $message = 'ttfn') : mixed
+ public getName() : string|null
+ public getPier() : string|null
+ public getLastOpcode() : string
+ public getCloseStatus() : int
+ public isConnected() : bool
+ public setTimeout(int $seconds) : void
+ public setFragmentSize(int $fragment_size) : self
+ public getFragmentSize() : int
+ public setLogger(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = null) : void
+## Examples
+### Simple send-receive operation
+This example send a single message to a server, and output the response.
+$client = new WebSocket\Client("ws://");
+echo $client->receive();
+### Listening to a server
+To continuously listen to incoming messages, you need to put the receive operation within a loop.
+Note that these functions **always** throw exception on any failure, including recoverable failures such as connection time out.
+By consuming exceptions, the code will re-connect the socket in next loop iteration.
+$client = new WebSocket\Client("ws://");
+while (true) {
+ try {
+ $message = $client->receive();
+ // Act on received message
+ // Break while loop to stop listening
+ } catch (\WebSocket\ConnectionException $e) {
+ // Possibly log errors
+ }
+### Filtering received messages
+By default the `receive()` method return messages of 'text' and 'binary' opcode.
+The filter option allows you to specify which message types to return.
+$client = new WebSocket\Client("ws://", ['filter' => ['text']]);
+$client->receive(); // Only return 'text' messages
+$client = new WebSocket\Client("ws://", ['filter' => ['text', 'binary', 'ping', 'pong', 'close']]);
+$client->receive(); // Return all messages
+### Sending messages
+There are convenience methods to send messages with different opcodes.
+$client = new WebSocket\Client("ws://");
+// Convenience methods
+$client->text('A plain text message'); // Send an opcode=text message
+$client->binary($binary_string); // Send an opcode=binary message
+$client->ping(); // Send an opcode=ping frame
+$client->pong(); // Send an unsolicited opcode=pong frame
+// Generic send method
+$client->send($payload); // Sent as masked opcode=text
+$client->send($payload, 'binary'); // Sent as masked opcode=binary
+$client->send($payload, 'binary', false); // Sent as unmasked opcode=binary
+## Constructor options
+The `$options` parameter in constructor accepts an associative array of options.
+* `context` - A stream context created using [stream_context_create](
+* `filter` - Array of opcodes to return on receive, default `['text', 'binary']`
+* `fragment_size` - Maximum payload size. Default 4096 chars.
+* `headers` - Additional headers as associative array name => content.
+* `logger` - A [PSR-3]( compatible logger.
+* `persistent` - Connection is re-used between requests until time out is reached. Default false.
+* `return_obj` - Return a [Message]( instance on receive, default false
+* `timeout` - Time out in seconds. Default 5 seconds.
+$context = stream_context_create();
+stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'verify_peer', false);
+stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'verify_peer_name', false);
+$client = new WebSocket\Client("ws://", [
+ 'context' => $context, // Attach stream context created above
+ 'filter' => ['text', 'binary', 'ping'], // Specify message types for receive() to return
+ 'headers' => [ // Additional headers, used to specify subprotocol
+ 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' => 'soap',
+ 'origin' => 'localhost',
+ ],
+ 'logger' => $my_psr3_logger, // Attach a PSR3 compatible logger
+ 'return_obj' => true, // Return Message instance rather than just text
+ 'timeout' => 60, // 1 minute time out
+## Exceptions
+* `WebSocket\BadOpcodeException` - Thrown if provided opcode is invalid.
+* `WebSocket\BadUriException` - Thrown if provided URI is invalid.
+* `WebSocket\ConnectionException` - Thrown on any socket I/O failure.
+* `WebSocket\TimeoutException` - Thrown when the socket experiences a time out.
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+[Client]( • [Server]( • [Message]( • [Examples]( • [Changelog]( • Contributing
+# Websocket: Contributing
+Everyone is welcome to help out!
+But to keep this project sustainable, please ensure your contribution respects the requirements below.
+## PR Requirements
+Requirements on pull requests;
+* All tests **MUST** pass.
+* Code coverage **MUST** remain at 100%.
+* Code **MUST** adhere to PSR-1 and PSR-12 code standards.
+## Dependency management
+Install or update dependencies using [Composer](
+# Install dependencies
+make install
+# Update dependencies
+make update
+## Code standard
+This project uses [PSR-1]( and [PSR-12]( code standards.
+# Check code standard adherence
+make cs-check
+## Unit testing
+Unit tests with [PHPUnit](, coverage with [Coveralls](
+# Run unit tests
+make test
+# Create coverage
+make coverage
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+[Client]( • [Server]( • [Message]( • Examples • [Changelog]( • [Contributing](
+# Websocket: Examples
+Here are some examples on how to use the WebSocket library.
+## Echo logger
+In dev environment (as in having run composer to include dev dependencies) you have
+access to a simple echo logger that print out information synchronously.
+This is usable for debugging. For production, use a proper logger.
+namespace WebSocket;
+$logger = new EchoLogger();
+$client = new Client('ws://');
+$server = new Server();
+An example of server output;
+info | Server listening to port 8000 []
+debug | Wrote 129 of 129 bytes. []
+info | Server connected to port 8000 []
+info | Received 'text' message []
+debug | Wrote 9 of 9 bytes. []
+info | Sent 'text' message []
+debug | Received 'close', status: 1000. []
+debug | Wrote 32 of 32 bytes. []
+info | Sent 'close' message []
+info | Received 'close' message []
+## The `send` client
+Source: [examples/send.php](../examples/send.php)
+A simple, single send/receive client.
+Example use:
+php examples/send.php --opcode text "A text message" // Send a text message to localhost
+php examples/send.php --opcode ping "ping it" // Send a ping message to localhost
+php examples/send.php --uri ws:// "A text message" // Send a text message to
+php examples/send.php --opcode text --debug "A text message" // Use runtime debugging
+## The `echoserver` server
+Source: [examples/echoserver.php](../examples/echoserver.php)
+A simple server that responds to recevied commands.
+Example use:
+php examples/echoserver.php // Run with default settings
+php examples/echoserver.php --port 8080 // Listen on port 8080
+php examples/echoserver.php --debug // Use runtime debugging
+These strings can be sent as message to trigger server to perform actions;
+* `exit` - Server will initiate close procedure
+* `ping` - Server will send a ping message
+* `headers` - Server will respond with all headers provided by client
+* `auth` - Server will respond with auth header if provided by client
+* For other sent strings, server will respond with the same strings
+## The `random` client
+Source: [examples/random_client.php](../examples/random_client.php)
+The random client will use random options and continuously send/receive random messages.
+Example use:
+php examples/random_client.php --uri ws:// // Connect to
+php examples/random_client.php --timeout 5 --fragment_size 16 // Specify settings
+php examples/random_client.php --debug // Use runtime debugging
+## The `random` server
+Source: [examples/random_server.php](../examples/random_server.php)
+The random server will use random options and continuously send/receive random messages.
+Example use:
+php examples/random_server.php --port 8080 // // Listen on port 8080
+php examples/random_server.php --timeout 5 --fragment_size 16 // Specify settings
+php examples/random_server.php --debug // Use runtime debugging
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+[Client]( • [Server]( • Message • [Examples]( • [Changelog]( • [Contributing](
+# Websocket: Messages
+If option `return_obj` is set to `true` on [client]( or [server](,
+the `receive()` method will return a Message instance instead of a string.
+Available classes correspond to opcode;
+* WebSocket\Message\Text
+* WebSocket\Message\Binary
+* WebSocket\Message\Ping
+* WebSocket\Message\Pong
+* WebSocket\Message\Close
+* WebSocket\Message\Message - abstract base class for all messages above
+* WebSocket\Message\Factory - Factory class to create Msssage instances
+## Message abstract class synopsis
+WebSocket\Message\Message {
+ public __construct(string $payload = '')
+ public __toString() : string
+ public getOpcode() : string
+ public getLength() : int
+ public getTimestamp() : DateTime
+ public getContent() : string
+ public setContent(string $payload = '') : void
+ public hasContent() : bool
+## Factory class synopsis
+WebSocket\Message\Factory {
+ public create(string $opcode, string $payload = '') : Message
+## Example
+Receving a Message and echo some methods.
+$client = new WebSocket\Client('ws://', ['return_obj' => true]);
+// Echo return same message as sent
+$message = $client->receive();
+echo $message->getOpcode(); // -> "text"
+echo $message->getLength(); // -> 20
+echo $message->getContent(); // -> "Hello!"
+echo $message->hasContent(); // -> true
+echo $message->getTimestamp()->format('H:i:s'); // -> 19:37:18
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+[Client]( • Server • [Message]( • [Examples]( • [Changelog]( • [Contributing](
+# Websocket: Server
+The library contains a rudimentary single stream/single thread server.
+It internally supports Upgrade handshake and implicit close and ping/pong operations.
+Note that it does **not** support threading or automatic association ot continuous client requests.
+If you require this kind of server behavior, you need to build it on top of provided server implementation.
+## Class synopsis
+WebSocket\Server {
+ public __construct(array $options = [])
+ public __destruct()
+ public __toString() : string
+ public accept() : bool
+ public text(string $payload) : void
+ public binary(string $payload) : void
+ public ping(string $payload = '') : void
+ public pong(string $payload = '') : void
+ public send(mixed $payload, string $opcode = 'text', bool $masked = true) : void
+ public receive() : mixed
+ public close(int $status = 1000, mixed $message = 'ttfn') : mixed
+ public getPort() : int
+ public getPath() : string
+ public getRequest() : array
+ public getHeader(string $header_name) : string|null
+ public getName() : string|null
+ public getPier() : string|null
+ public getLastOpcode() : string
+ public getCloseStatus() : int
+ public isConnected() : bool
+ public setTimeout(int $seconds) : void
+ public setFragmentSize(int $fragment_size) : self
+ public getFragmentSize() : int
+ public setLogger(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = null) : void
+## Examples
+### Simple receive-send operation
+This example reads a single message from a client, and respond with the same message.
+$server = new WebSocket\Server();
+$message = $server->receive();
+### Listening to clients
+To continuously listen to incoming messages, you need to put the receive operation within a loop.
+Note that these functions **always** throw exception on any failure, including recoverable failures such as connection time out.
+By consuming exceptions, the code will re-connect the socket in next loop iteration.
+$server = new WebSocket\Server();
+while ($server->accept()) {
+ try {
+ $message = $server->receive();
+ // Act on received message
+ // Break while loop to stop listening
+ } catch (\WebSocket\ConnectionException $e) {
+ // Possibly log errors
+ }
+### Filtering received messages
+By default the `receive()` method return messages of 'text' and 'binary' opcode.
+The filter option allows you to specify which message types to return.
+$server = new WebSocket\Server(['filter' => ['text']]);
+$server->receive(); // only return 'text' messages
+$server = new WebSocket\Server(['filter' => ['text', 'binary', 'ping', 'pong', 'close']]);
+$server->receive(); // return all messages
+### Sending messages
+There are convenience methods to send messages with different opcodes.
+$server = new WebSocket\Server();
+// Convenience methods
+$server->text('A plain text message'); // Send an opcode=text message
+$server->binary($binary_string); // Send an opcode=binary message
+$server->ping(); // Send an opcode=ping frame
+$server->pong(); // Send an unsolicited opcode=pong frame
+// Generic send method
+$server->send($payload); // Sent as masked opcode=text
+$server->send($payload, 'binary'); // Sent as masked opcode=binary
+$server->send($payload, 'binary', false); // Sent as unmasked opcode=binary
+## Constructor options
+The `$options` parameter in constructor accepts an associative array of options.
+* `filter` - Array of opcodes to return on receive, default `['text', 'binary']`
+* `fragment_size` - Maximum payload size. Default 4096 chars.
+* `logger` - A [PSR-3]( compatible logger.
+* `port` - The server port to listen to. Default 8000.
+* `return_obj` - Return a [Message]( instance on receive, default false
+* `timeout` - Time out in seconds. Default 5 seconds.
+$server = new WebSocket\Server([
+ 'filter' => ['text', 'binary', 'ping'], // Specify message types for receive() to return
+ 'logger' => $my_psr3_logger, // Attach a PSR3 compatible logger
+ 'port' => 9000, // Listening port
+ 'return_obj' => true, // Return Message insatnce rather than just text
+ 'timeout' => 60, // 1 minute time out
+## Exceptions
+* `WebSocket\BadOpcodeException` - Thrown if provided opcode is invalid.
+* `WebSocket\ConnectionException` - Thrown on any socket I/O failure.
+* `WebSocket\TimeoutException` - Thrown when the socket experiences a time out.