diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/extensions/tests/data/refs/jessyink_install.out')
-rw-r--r-- | share/extensions/tests/data/refs/jessyink_install.out | 2766 |
1 files changed, 2766 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/extensions/tests/data/refs/jessyink_install.out b/share/extensions/tests/data/refs/jessyink_install.out new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9d81b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/extensions/tests/data/refs/jessyink_install.out @@ -0,0 +1,2766 @@ +<!-- Created with Inkscape (http://www.inkscape.org/) --><svg xmlns:ns1="https://launchpad.net/jessyink" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:sodipodi="http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd" xmlns:inkscape="http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape" width="1000" height="1000" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" version="1.1" id="svg8" inkscape:version="0.92.4 5da689c313, 2019-01-14" sodipodi:docname="test.svg"> + <defs id="defs33"> + <marker inkscape:stockid="Arrow2Lstart" orient="auto" refY="0.0" 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See the +// GNU General Public License for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + +// Set onload event handler. +window.onload = jessyInkInit; + +// Creating a namespace dictionary. The standard Inkscape namespaces are taken from inkex.py. +var NSS = new Object(); +NSS['sodipodi']='http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd'; +NSS['cc']='http://web.resource.org/cc/'; +NSS['svg']='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; +NSS['dc']='http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'; +NSS['rdf']='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'; +NSS['inkscape']='http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape'; +NSS['xlink']='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'; +NSS['xml']='http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'; +NSS['jessyink']='https://launchpad.net/jessyink'; + +// Keycodes. +var LEFT_KEY = 37; // cursor left keycode +var UP_KEY = 38; // cursor up keycode +var RIGHT_KEY = 39; // cursor right keycode +var DOWN_KEY = 40; // cursor down keycode +var PAGE_UP_KEY = 33; // page up keycode +var PAGE_DOWN_KEY = 34; // page down keycode +var HOME_KEY = 36; // home keycode +var END_KEY = 35; // end keycode +var ENTER_KEY = 13; // next slide +var SPACE_KEY = 32; +var ESCAPE_KEY = 27; + +// Presentation modes. +var SLIDE_MODE = 1; +var INDEX_MODE = 2; +var DRAWING_MODE = 3; + +// Mouse handler actions. +var MOUSE_UP = 1; +var MOUSE_DOWN = 2; +var MOUSE_MOVE = 3; +var MOUSE_WHEEL = 4; + +// Parameters. +var ROOT_NODE = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(NSS["svg"], "svg")[0]; +var HEIGHT = 0; +var WIDTH = 0; +var INDEX_COLUMNS_DEFAULT = 4; +var INDEX_COLUMNS = INDEX_COLUMNS_DEFAULT; +var INDEX_OFFSET = 0; +var STATE_START = -1; +var STATE_END = -2; +var BACKGROUND_COLOR = null; +var slides = new Array(); + +// Initialisation. +var currentMode = SLIDE_MODE; +var masterSlide = null; +var activeSlide = 0; +var activeEffect = 0; +var timeStep = 30; // 40 ms equal 25 frames per second. +var lastFrameTime = null; +var processingEffect = false; +var transCounter = 0; +var effectArray = 0; +var defaultTransitionInDict = new Object(); +defaultTransitionInDict["name"] = "appear"; +var defaultTransitionOutDict = new Object(); +defaultTransitionOutDict["name"] = "appear"; +var jessyInkInitialised = false; + +// Initialise char and key code dictionaries. +var charCodeDictionary = getDefaultCharCodeDictionary(); +var keyCodeDictionary = getDefaultKeyCodeDictionary(); + +// Initialise mouse handler dictionary. +var mouseHandlerDictionary = getDefaultMouseHandlerDictionary(); + +var progress_bar_visible = false; +var timer_elapsed = 0; +var timer_start = timer_elapsed; +var timer_duration = 15; // 15 minutes + +var history_counter = 0; +var history_original_elements = new Array(); +var history_presentation_elements = new Array(); + +var mouse_original_path = null; +var mouse_presentation_path = null; +var mouse_last_x = -1; +var mouse_last_y = -1; +var mouse_min_dist_sqr = 3 * 3; +var path_colour = "red"; +var path_width_default = 3; +var path_width = path_width_default; +var path_paint_width = path_width; + +var number_of_added_slides = 0; + +/** Initialisation function. + * The whole presentation is set-up in this function. + */ +function jessyInkInit() +{ + // Make sure we only execute this code once. Double execution can occur if the onload event handler is set + // in the main svg tag as well (as was recommended in earlier versions). Executing this function twice does + // not lead to any problems, but it takes more time. + if (jessyInkInitialised) + return; + + // Making the presentation scalable. + var VIEWBOX = ROOT_NODE.getAttribute("viewBox"); + + if (VIEWBOX) + { + WIDTH = ROOT_NODE.viewBox.animVal.width; + HEIGHT = ROOT_NODE.viewBox.animVal.height; + } + else + { + HEIGHT = parseFloat(ROOT_NODE.getAttribute("height")); + WIDTH = parseFloat(ROOT_NODE.getAttribute("width")); + ROOT_NODE.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + WIDTH + " " + HEIGHT); + } + + ROOT_NODE.setAttribute("width", "100%"); + ROOT_NODE.setAttribute("height", "100%"); + + // Setting the background color. + var namedViews = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(NSS["sodipodi"], "namedview"); + + for (var counter = 0; counter < namedViews.length; counter++) + { + if (namedViews[counter].hasAttribute("id") && namedViews[counter].hasAttribute("pagecolor")) + { + if (namedViews[counter].getAttribute("id") == "base") + { + BACKGROUND_COLOR = namedViews[counter].getAttribute("pagecolor"); + var newAttribute = "background-color:" + BACKGROUND_COLOR + ";"; + + if (ROOT_NODE.hasAttribute("style")) + newAttribute += ROOT_NODE.getAttribute("style"); + + ROOT_NODE.setAttribute("style", newAttribute); + } + } + } + + // Defining clip-path. + var defsNodes = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(NSS["svg"], "defs"); + + if (defsNodes.length > 0) + { + var existingClipPath = document.getElementById("jessyInkSlideClipPath"); + + if (!existingClipPath) + { + var rectNode = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "rect"); + var clipPath = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "clipPath"); + + rectNode.setAttribute("x", 0); + rectNode.setAttribute("y", 0); + rectNode.setAttribute("width", WIDTH); + rectNode.setAttribute("height", HEIGHT); + + clipPath.setAttribute("id", "jessyInkSlideClipPath"); + clipPath.setAttribute("clipPathUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"); + + clipPath.appendChild(rectNode); + defsNodes[0].appendChild(clipPath); + } + } + + // Making a list of the slide and finding the master slide. + var nodes = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(NSS["svg"], "g"); + var tempSlides = new Array(); + var existingJessyInkPresentationLayer = null; + + for (var counter = 0; counter < nodes.length; counter++) + { + if (nodes[counter].getAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "groupmode") && (nodes[counter].getAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "groupmode") == "layer")) + { + if (nodes[counter].getAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "label") && nodes[counter].getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "masterSlide") == "masterSlide") + masterSlide = nodes[counter]; + else if (nodes[counter].getAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "label") && nodes[counter].getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "presentationLayer") == "presentationLayer") + existingJessyInkPresentationLayer = nodes[counter]; + else + tempSlides.push(nodes[counter].getAttribute("id")); + } + else if (nodes[counter].getAttributeNS(NSS['jessyink'], 'element')) + { + handleElement(nodes[counter]); + } + } + + // Hide master slide set default transitions. + if (masterSlide) + { + masterSlide.style.display = "none"; + + if (masterSlide.hasAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "transitionIn")) + defaultTransitionInDict = propStrToDict(masterSlide.getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "transitionIn")); + + if (masterSlide.hasAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "transitionOut")) + defaultTransitionOutDict = propStrToDict(masterSlide.getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "transitionOut")); + } + + if (existingJessyInkPresentationLayer != null) + { + existingJessyInkPresentationLayer.parentNode.removeChild(existingJessyInkPresentationLayer); + } + + // Set start slide. + var hashObj = new LocationHash(window.location.hash); + + activeSlide = hashObj.slideNumber; + activeEffect = hashObj.effectNumber; + + if (activeSlide < 0) + activeSlide = 0; + else if (activeSlide >= tempSlides.length) + activeSlide = tempSlides.length - 1; + + var originalNode = document.getElementById(tempSlides[counter]); + + var JessyInkPresentationLayer = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "g"); + JessyInkPresentationLayer.setAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "groupmode", "layer"); + JessyInkPresentationLayer.setAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "label", "JessyInk Presentation Layer"); + JessyInkPresentationLayer.setAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "presentationLayer", "presentationLayer"); + JessyInkPresentationLayer.setAttribute("id", "jessyink_presentation_layer"); + JessyInkPresentationLayer.style.display = "inherit"; + ROOT_NODE.appendChild(JessyInkPresentationLayer); + + // Gathering all the information about the transitions and effects of the slides, set the background + // from the master slide and substitute the auto-texts. + for (var counter = 0; counter < tempSlides.length; counter++) + { + var originalNode = document.getElementById(tempSlides[counter]); + originalNode.style.display = "none"; + var node = suffixNodeIds(originalNode.cloneNode(true), "_" + counter); + JessyInkPresentationLayer.appendChild(node); + slides[counter] = new Object(); + slides[counter]["original_element"] = originalNode; + slides[counter]["element"] = node; + + // Set build in transition. + slides[counter]["transitionIn"] = new Object(); + + var dict; + + if (node.hasAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "transitionIn")) + dict = propStrToDict(node.getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "transitionIn")); + else + dict = defaultTransitionInDict; + + slides[counter]["transitionIn"]["name"] = dict["name"]; + slides[counter]["transitionIn"]["options"] = new Object(); + + for (key in dict) + if (key != "name") + slides[counter]["transitionIn"]["options"][key] = dict[key]; + + // Set build out transition. + slides[counter]["transitionOut"] = new Object(); + + if (node.hasAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "transitionOut")) + dict = propStrToDict(node.getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "transitionOut")); + else + dict = defaultTransitionOutDict; + + slides[counter]["transitionOut"]["name"] = dict["name"]; + slides[counter]["transitionOut"]["options"] = new Object(); + + for (key in dict) + if (key != "name") + slides[counter]["transitionOut"]["options"][key] = dict[key]; + + // Copy master slide content. + if (masterSlide) + { + var clonedNode = suffixNodeIds(masterSlide.cloneNode(true), "_" + counter); + clonedNode.removeAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "groupmode"); + clonedNode.removeAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "label"); + clonedNode.style.display = "inherit"; + + node.insertBefore(clonedNode, node.firstChild); + } + + // Setting clip path. + node.setAttribute("clip-path", "url(#jessyInkSlideClipPath)"); + + // Substitute auto texts. + substituteAutoTexts(node, node.getAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "label"), counter + 1, tempSlides.length); + + node.removeAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "groupmode"); + node.removeAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "label"); + + // Set effects. + var tempEffects = new Array(); + var groups = new Object(); + + for (var IOCounter = 0; IOCounter <= 1; IOCounter++) + { + var propName = ""; + var dir = 0; + + if (IOCounter == 0) + { + propName = "effectIn"; + dir = 1; + } + else if (IOCounter == 1) + { + propName = "effectOut"; + dir = -1; + } + + var effects = getElementsByPropertyNS(node, NSS["jessyink"], propName); + + for (var effectCounter = 0; effectCounter < effects.length; effectCounter++) + { + var element = document.getElementById(effects[effectCounter]); + var dict = propStrToDict(element.getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], propName)); + + // Put every element that has an effect associated with it, into its own group. + // Unless of course, we already put it into its own group. + if (!(groups[element.id])) + { + var newGroup = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "g"); + + element.parentNode.insertBefore(newGroup, element); + newGroup.appendChild(element.parentNode.removeChild(element)); + groups[element.id] = newGroup; + } + + var effectDict = new Object(); + + effectDict["effect"] = dict["name"]; + effectDict["dir"] = dir; + effectDict["element"] = groups[element.id]; + + for (var option in dict) + { + if ((option != "name") && (option != "order")) + { + if (!effectDict["options"]) + effectDict["options"] = new Object(); + + effectDict["options"][option] = dict[option]; + } + } + + if (!tempEffects[dict["order"]]) + tempEffects[dict["order"]] = new Array(); + + tempEffects[dict["order"]][tempEffects[dict["order"]].length] = effectDict; + } + } + + // Make invisible, but keep in rendering tree to ensure that bounding box can be calculated. + node.setAttribute("opacity",0); + node.style.display = "inherit"; + + // Create a transform group. + var transformGroup = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "g"); + + // Add content to transform group. + while (node.firstChild) + transformGroup.appendChild(node.firstChild); + + // Transfer the transform attribute from the node to the transform group. + if (node.getAttribute("transform")) + { + transformGroup.setAttribute("transform", node.getAttribute("transform")); + node.removeAttribute("transform"); + } + + // Create a view group. + var viewGroup = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "g"); + + viewGroup.appendChild(transformGroup); + slides[counter]["viewGroup"] = node.appendChild(viewGroup); + + // Insert background. + if (BACKGROUND_COLOR != null) + { + var rectNode = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "rect"); + + rectNode.setAttribute("x", 0); + rectNode.setAttribute("y", 0); + rectNode.setAttribute("width", WIDTH); + rectNode.setAttribute("height", HEIGHT); + rectNode.setAttribute("id", "jessyInkBackground" + counter); + rectNode.setAttribute("fill", BACKGROUND_COLOR); + + slides[counter]["viewGroup"].insertBefore(rectNode, slides[counter]["viewGroup"].firstChild); + } + + // Set views. + var tempViews = new Array(); + var views = getElementsByPropertyNS(node, NSS["jessyink"], "view"); + var matrixOld = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); + + // Set initial view even if there are no other views. + slides[counter]["viewGroup"].setAttribute("transform", matrixOld.toAttribute()); + slides[counter].initialView = matrixOld.toAttribute(); + + for (var viewCounter = 0; viewCounter < views.length; viewCounter++) + { + var element = document.getElementById(views[viewCounter]); + var dict = propStrToDict(element.getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "view")); + + if (dict["order"] == 0) + { + matrixOld = pointMatrixToTransformation(rectToMatrix(element)).mult((new matrixSVG()).fromSVGMatrix(slides[counter].viewGroup.getScreenCTM()).inv().mult((new matrixSVG()).fromSVGMatrix(element.parentNode.getScreenCTM())).inv()); + slides[counter].initialView = matrixOld.toAttribute(); + } + else + { + var effectDict = new Object(); + + effectDict["effect"] = dict["name"]; + effectDict["dir"] = 1; + effectDict["element"] = slides[counter]["viewGroup"]; + effectDict["order"] = dict["order"]; + + for (var option in dict) + { + if ((option != "name") && (option != "order")) + { + if (!effectDict["options"]) + effectDict["options"] = new Object(); + + effectDict["options"][option] = dict[option]; + } + } + + effectDict["options"]["matrixNew"] = pointMatrixToTransformation(rectToMatrix(element)).mult((new matrixSVG()).fromSVGMatrix(slides[counter].viewGroup.getScreenCTM()).inv().mult((new matrixSVG()).fromSVGMatrix(element.parentNode.getScreenCTM())).inv()); + + tempViews[dict["order"]] = effectDict; + } + + // Remove element. + element.parentNode.removeChild(element); + } + + // Consolidate view array and append it to the effect array. + if (tempViews.length > 0) + { + for (var viewCounter = 0; viewCounter < tempViews.length; viewCounter++) + { + if (tempViews[viewCounter]) + { + tempViews[viewCounter]["options"]["matrixOld"] = matrixOld; + matrixOld = tempViews[viewCounter]["options"]["matrixNew"]; + + if (!tempEffects[tempViews[viewCounter]["order"]]) + tempEffects[tempViews[viewCounter]["order"]] = new Array(); + + tempEffects[tempViews[viewCounter]["order"]][tempEffects[tempViews[viewCounter]["order"]].length] = tempViews[viewCounter]; + } + } + } + + // Set consolidated effect array. + if (tempEffects.length > 0) + { + slides[counter]["effects"] = new Array(); + + for (var effectCounter = 0; effectCounter < tempEffects.length; effectCounter++) + { + if (tempEffects[effectCounter]) + slides[counter]["effects"][slides[counter]["effects"].length] = tempEffects[effectCounter]; + } + } + + node.setAttribute("onmouseover", "if ((currentMode == INDEX_MODE) && ( activeSlide != " + counter + ")) { indexSetActiveSlide(" + counter + "); };"); + + // Set visibility for initial state. + if (counter == activeSlide) + { + node.style.display = "inherit"; + node.setAttribute("opacity",1); + } + else + { + node.style.display = "none"; + node.setAttribute("opacity",0); + } + } + + // Set key handler. + var jessyInkObjects = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(NSS["svg"], "g"); + + for (var counter = 0; counter < jessyInkObjects.length; counter++) + { + var elem = jessyInkObjects[counter]; + + if (elem.getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "customKeyBindings")) + { + if (elem.getCustomKeyBindings != undefined) + keyCodeDictionary = elem.getCustomKeyBindings(); + + if (elem.getCustomCharBindings != undefined) + charCodeDictionary = elem.getCustomCharBindings(); + } + } + + // Set mouse handler. + var jessyInkMouseHandler = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(NSS["jessyink"], "mousehandler"); + + for (var counter = 0; counter < jessyInkMouseHandler.length; counter++) + { + var elem = jessyInkMouseHandler[counter]; + + if (elem.getMouseHandler != undefined) + { + var tempDict = elem.getMouseHandler(); + + for (mode in tempDict) + { + if (!mouseHandlerDictionary[mode]) + mouseHandlerDictionary[mode] = new Object(); + + for (handler in tempDict[mode]) + mouseHandlerDictionary[mode][handler] = tempDict[mode][handler]; + } + } + } + + // Check effect number. + if ((activeEffect < 0) || (!slides[activeSlide].effects)) + { + activeEffect = 0; + } + else if (activeEffect > slides[activeSlide].effects.length) + { + activeEffect = slides[activeSlide].effects.length; + } + + createProgressBar(JessyInkPresentationLayer); + hideProgressBar(); + setProgressBarValue(activeSlide); + setTimeIndicatorValue(0); + setInterval("updateTimer()", 1000); + setSlideToState(activeSlide, activeEffect); + jessyInkInitialised = true; +} + +/** Function to substitute the auto-texts. + * + * @param node the node + * @param slideName name of the slide the node is on + * @param slideNumber number of the slide the node is on + * @param numberOfSlides number of slides in the presentation + */ +function substituteAutoTexts(node, slideName, slideNumber, numberOfSlides) +{ + var texts = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(NSS["svg"], "tspan"); + + for (var textCounter = 0; textCounter < texts.length; textCounter++) + { + if (texts[textCounter].getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "autoText") == "slideNumber") + texts[textCounter].firstChild.nodeValue = slideNumber; + else if (texts[textCounter].getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "autoText") == "numberOfSlides") + texts[textCounter].firstChild.nodeValue = numberOfSlides; + else if (texts[textCounter].getAttributeNS(NSS["jessyink"], "autoText") == "slideTitle") + texts[textCounter].firstChild.nodeValue = slideName; + } +} + +/** Convenience function to get an element depending on whether it has a property with a particular name. + * This function emulates some dearly missed XPath functionality. + * + * @param node the node + * @param namespace namespace of the attribute + * @param name attribute name + */ +function getElementsByPropertyNS(node, namespace, name) +{ + var elems = new Array(); + + if (node.getAttributeNS(namespace, name)) + elems.push(node.getAttribute("id")); + + for (var counter = 0; counter < node.childNodes.length; counter++) + { + if (node.childNodes[counter].nodeType == 1) + elems = elems.concat(getElementsByPropertyNS(node.childNodes[counter], namespace, name)); + } + + return elems; +} + +/** Function to dispatch the next effect, if there is none left, change the slide. + * + * @param dir direction of the change (1 = forwards, -1 = backwards) + */ +function dispatchEffects(dir) +{ + if (slides[activeSlide]["effects"] && (((dir == 1) && (activeEffect < slides[activeSlide]["effects"].length)) || ((dir == -1) && (activeEffect > 0)))) + { + processingEffect = true; + + if (dir == 1) + { + effectArray = slides[activeSlide]["effects"][activeEffect]; + activeEffect += dir; + } + else if (dir == -1) + { + activeEffect += dir; + effectArray = slides[activeSlide]["effects"][activeEffect]; + } + + transCounter = 0; + startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); + lastFrameTime = null; + effect(dir); + } + else if (((dir == 1) && (activeSlide < (slides.length - 1))) || (((dir == -1) && (activeSlide > 0)))) + { + changeSlide(dir); + } +} + +/** Function to skip effects and directly either put the slide into start or end state or change slides. + * + * @param dir direction of the change (1 = forwards, -1 = backwards) + */ +function skipEffects(dir) +{ + if (slides[activeSlide]["effects"] && (((dir == 1) && (activeEffect < slides[activeSlide]["effects"].length)) || ((dir == -1) && (activeEffect > 0)))) + { + processingEffect = true; + + if (slides[activeSlide]["effects"] && (dir == 1)) + activeEffect = slides[activeSlide]["effects"].length; + else + activeEffect = 0; + + if (dir == 1) + setSlideToState(activeSlide, STATE_END); + else + setSlideToState(activeSlide, STATE_START); + + processingEffect = false; + } + else if (((dir == 1) && (activeSlide < (slides.length - 1))) || (((dir == -1) && (activeSlide > 0)))) + { + changeSlide(dir); + } +} + +/** Function to change between slides. + * + * @param dir direction (1 = forwards, -1 = backwards) + */ +function changeSlide(dir) +{ + processingEffect = true; + effectArray = new Array(); + + effectArray[0] = new Object(); + if (dir == 1) + { + effectArray[0]["effect"] = slides[activeSlide]["transitionOut"]["name"]; + effectArray[0]["options"] = slides[activeSlide]["transitionOut"]["options"]; + effectArray[0]["dir"] = -1; + } + else if (dir == -1) + { + effectArray[0]["effect"] = slides[activeSlide]["transitionIn"]["name"]; + effectArray[0]["options"] = slides[activeSlide]["transitionIn"]["options"]; + effectArray[0]["dir"] = 1; + } + effectArray[0]["element"] = slides[activeSlide]["element"]; + + activeSlide += dir; + setProgressBarValue(activeSlide); + + effectArray[1] = new Object(); + + if (dir == 1) + { + effectArray[1]["effect"] = slides[activeSlide]["transitionIn"]["name"]; + effectArray[1]["options"] = slides[activeSlide]["transitionIn"]["options"]; + effectArray[1]["dir"] = 1; + } + else if (dir == -1) + { + effectArray[1]["effect"] = slides[activeSlide]["transitionOut"]["name"]; + effectArray[1]["options"] = slides[activeSlide]["transitionOut"]["options"]; + effectArray[1]["dir"] = -1; + } + + effectArray[1]["element"] = slides[activeSlide]["element"]; + + if (slides[activeSlide]["effects"] && (dir == -1)) + activeEffect = slides[activeSlide]["effects"].length; + else + activeEffect = 0; + + if (dir == -1) + setSlideToState(activeSlide, STATE_END); + else + setSlideToState(activeSlide, STATE_START); + + transCounter = 0; + startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); + lastFrameTime = null; + effect(dir); +} + +/** Function to toggle between index and slide mode. +*/ +function toggleSlideIndex() +{ + var suspendHandle = ROOT_NODE.suspendRedraw(500); + + if (currentMode == SLIDE_MODE) + { + hideProgressBar(); + INDEX_OFFSET = -1; + indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide); + currentMode = INDEX_MODE; + } + else if (currentMode == INDEX_MODE) + { + for (var counter = 0; counter < slides.length; counter++) + { + slides[counter]["element"].setAttribute("transform","scale(1)"); + + if (counter == activeSlide) + { + slides[counter]["element"].style.display = "inherit"; + slides[counter]["element"].setAttribute("opacity",1); + activeEffect = 0; + } + else + { + slides[counter]["element"].setAttribute("opacity",0); + slides[counter]["element"].style.display = "none"; + } + } + currentMode = SLIDE_MODE; + setSlideToState(activeSlide, STATE_START); + setProgressBarValue(activeSlide); + + if (progress_bar_visible) + { + showProgressBar(); + } + } + + ROOT_NODE.unsuspendRedraw(suspendHandle); + ROOT_NODE.forceRedraw(); +} + +/** Function to run an effect. + * + * @param dir direction in which to play the effect (1 = forwards, -1 = backwards) + */ +function effect(dir) +{ + var done = true; + + var suspendHandle = ROOT_NODE.suspendRedraw(200); + + for (var counter = 0; counter < effectArray.length; counter++) + { + if (effectArray[counter]["effect"] == "fade") + done &= fade(parseInt(effectArray[counter]["dir"]) * dir, effectArray[counter]["element"], transCounter, effectArray[counter]["options"]); + else if (effectArray[counter]["effect"] == "appear") + done &= appear(parseInt(effectArray[counter]["dir"]) * dir, effectArray[counter]["element"], transCounter, effectArray[counter]["options"]); + else if (effectArray[counter]["effect"] == "pop") + done &= pop(parseInt(effectArray[counter]["dir"]) * dir, effectArray[counter]["element"], transCounter, effectArray[counter]["options"]); + else if (effectArray[counter]["effect"] == "view") + done &= view(parseInt(effectArray[counter]["dir"]) * dir, effectArray[counter]["element"], transCounter, effectArray[counter]["options"]); + } + + ROOT_NODE.unsuspendRedraw(suspendHandle); + ROOT_NODE.forceRedraw(); + + if (!done) + { + var currentTime = (new Date()).getTime(); + var timeDiff = 1; + + transCounter = currentTime - startTime; + + if (lastFrameTime != null) + { + timeDiff = timeStep - (currentTime - lastFrameTime); + + if (timeDiff <= 0) + timeDiff = 1; + } + + lastFrameTime = currentTime; + + window.setTimeout("effect(" + dir + ")", timeDiff); + } + else + { + window.location.hash = (activeSlide + 1) + '_' + activeEffect; + processingEffect = false; + } +} + +/** Function to display the index sheet. + * + * @param offsetNumber offset number + */ +function displayIndex(offsetNumber) +{ + var offsetX = 0; + var offsetY = 0; + + if (offsetNumber < 0) + offsetNumber = 0; + else if (offsetNumber >= slides.length) + offsetNumber = slides.length - 1; + + for (var counter = 0; counter < slides.length; counter++) + { + if ((counter < offsetNumber) || (counter > offsetNumber + INDEX_COLUMNS * INDEX_COLUMNS - 1)) + { + slides[counter]["element"].setAttribute("opacity",0); + slides[counter]["element"].style.display = "none"; + } + else + { + offsetX = ((counter - offsetNumber) % INDEX_COLUMNS) * WIDTH; + offsetY = Math.floor((counter - offsetNumber) / INDEX_COLUMNS) * HEIGHT; + + slides[counter]["element"].setAttribute("transform","scale("+1/INDEX_COLUMNS+") translate("+offsetX+","+offsetY+")"); + slides[counter]["element"].style.display = "inherit"; + slides[counter]["element"].setAttribute("opacity",0.5); + } + + setSlideToState(counter, STATE_END); + } + + //do we need to save the current offset? + if (INDEX_OFFSET != offsetNumber) + INDEX_OFFSET = offsetNumber; +} + +/** Function to set the active slide in the slide view. + * + * @param nbr index of the active slide + */ +function slideSetActiveSlide(nbr) +{ + if (nbr >= slides.length) + nbr = slides.length - 1; + else if (nbr < 0) + nbr = 0; + + slides[activeSlide]["element"].setAttribute("opacity",0); + slides[activeSlide]["element"].style.display = "none"; + + activeSlide = parseInt(nbr); + + setSlideToState(activeSlide, STATE_START); + slides[activeSlide]["element"].style.display = "inherit"; + slides[activeSlide]["element"].setAttribute("opacity",1); + + activeEffect = 0; + setProgressBarValue(nbr); +} + +/** Function to set the active slide in the index view. + * + * @param nbr index of the active slide + */ +function indexSetActiveSlide(nbr) +{ + if (nbr >= slides.length) + nbr = slides.length - 1; + else if (nbr < 0) + nbr = 0; + + slides[activeSlide]["element"].setAttribute("opacity",0.5); + + activeSlide = parseInt(nbr); + window.location.hash = (activeSlide + 1) + '_0'; + + slides[activeSlide]["element"].setAttribute("opacity",1); +} + +/** Function to set the page and active slide in index view. + * + * @param nbr index of the active slide + * + * NOTE: To force a redraw, + * set INDEX_OFFSET to -1 before calling indexSetPageSlide(). + * + * This is necessary for zooming (otherwise the index might not + * get redrawn) and when switching to index mode. + * + * INDEX_OFFSET = -1 + * indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide); + */ +function indexSetPageSlide(nbr) +{ + if (nbr >= slides.length) + nbr = slides.length - 1; + else if (nbr < 0) + nbr = 0; + + //calculate the offset + var offset = nbr - nbr % (INDEX_COLUMNS * INDEX_COLUMNS); + + if (offset < 0) + offset = 0; + + //if different from kept offset, then record and change the page + if (offset != INDEX_OFFSET) + { + INDEX_OFFSET = offset; + displayIndex(INDEX_OFFSET); + } + + //set the active slide + indexSetActiveSlide(nbr); +} + +/** Event handler for key press. + * + * @param e the event + */ +function keydown(e) +{ + if (!e) + e = window.event; + + code = e.keyCode || e.charCode; + + if (!processingEffect && keyCodeDictionary[currentMode] && keyCodeDictionary[currentMode][code]) + return keyCodeDictionary[currentMode][code](); + else + document.onkeypress = keypress; +} +// Set event handler for key down. +document.onkeydown = keydown; + +/** Event handler for key press. + * + * @param e the event + */ +function keypress(e) +{ + document.onkeypress = null; + + if (!e) + e = window.event; + + str = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode || e.charCode); + + if (!processingEffect && charCodeDictionary[currentMode] && charCodeDictionary[currentMode][str]) + return charCodeDictionary[currentMode][str](); +} + +/** Function to supply the default char code dictionary. + * + * @returns default char code dictionary + */ +function getDefaultCharCodeDictionary() +{ + var charCodeDict = new Object(); + + charCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE] = new Object(); + charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE] = new Object(); + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE] = new Object(); + + charCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE]["i"] = function () { return toggleSlideIndex(); }; + charCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE]["d"] = function () { return slideSwitchToDrawingMode(); }; + charCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE]["D"] = function () { return slideQueryDuration(); }; + charCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE]["n"] = function () { return slideAddSlide(activeSlide); }; + charCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE]["p"] = function () { return slideToggleProgressBarVisibility(); }; + charCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE]["t"] = function () { return slideResetTimer(); }; + charCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE]["e"] = function () { return slideUpdateExportLayer(); }; + + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["d"] = function () { return drawingSwitchToSlideMode(); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["0"] = function () { return drawingResetPathWidth(); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["1"] = function () { return drawingSetPathWidth(1.0); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["3"] = function () { return drawingSetPathWidth(3.0); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["5"] = function () { return drawingSetPathWidth(5.0); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["7"] = function () { return drawingSetPathWidth(7.0); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["9"] = function () { return drawingSetPathWidth(9.0); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["b"] = function () { return drawingSetPathColour("blue"); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["c"] = function () { return drawingSetPathColour("cyan"); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["g"] = function () { return drawingSetPathColour("green"); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["k"] = function () { return drawingSetPathColour("black"); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["m"] = function () { return drawingSetPathColour("magenta"); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["o"] = function () { return drawingSetPathColour("orange"); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["r"] = function () { return drawingSetPathColour("red"); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["w"] = function () { return drawingSetPathColour("white"); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["y"] = function () { return drawingSetPathColour("yellow"); }; + charCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE]["z"] = function () { return drawingUndo(); }; + + charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE]["i"] = function () { return toggleSlideIndex(); }; + charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE]["-"] = function () { return indexDecreaseNumberOfColumns(); }; + charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE]["="] = function () { return indexIncreaseNumberOfColumns(); }; + charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE]["+"] = function () { return indexIncreaseNumberOfColumns(); }; + charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE]["0"] = function () { return indexResetNumberOfColumns(); }; + + return charCodeDict; +} + +/** Function to supply the default key code dictionary. + * + * @returns default key code dictionary + */ +function getDefaultKeyCodeDictionary() +{ + var keyCodeDict = new Object(); + + keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE] = new Object(); + keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE] = new Object(); + keyCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE] = new Object(); + + keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][LEFT_KEY] = function() { return dispatchEffects(-1); }; + keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][RIGHT_KEY] = function() { return dispatchEffects(1); }; + keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][UP_KEY] = function() { return skipEffects(-1); }; + keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][DOWN_KEY] = function() { return skipEffects(1); }; + keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][PAGE_UP_KEY] = function() { return dispatchEffects(-1); }; + keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][PAGE_DOWN_KEY] = function() { return dispatchEffects(1); }; + keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][HOME_KEY] = function() { return slideSetActiveSlide(0); }; + keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][END_KEY] = function() { return slideSetActiveSlide(slides.length - 1); }; + keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][SPACE_KEY] = function() { return dispatchEffects(1); }; + + keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][LEFT_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide - 1); }; + keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][RIGHT_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide + 1); }; + keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][UP_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide - INDEX_COLUMNS); }; + keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][DOWN_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide + INDEX_COLUMNS); }; + keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][PAGE_UP_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide - INDEX_COLUMNS * INDEX_COLUMNS); }; + keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][PAGE_DOWN_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide + INDEX_COLUMNS * INDEX_COLUMNS); }; + keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][HOME_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide(0); }; + keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][END_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide(slides.length - 1); }; + keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][ENTER_KEY] = function() { return toggleSlideIndex(); }; + + keyCodeDict[DRAWING_MODE][ESCAPE_KEY] = function () { return drawingSwitchToSlideMode(); }; + + return keyCodeDict; +} + +/** Function to handle all mouse events. + * + * @param evnt event + * @param action type of event (e.g. mouse up, mouse wheel) + */ +function mouseHandlerDispatch(evnt, action) +{ + if (!evnt) + evnt = window.event; + + var retVal = true; + + if (!processingEffect && mouseHandlerDictionary[currentMode] && mouseHandlerDictionary[currentMode][action]) + { + var subRetVal = mouseHandlerDictionary[currentMode][action](evnt); + + if (subRetVal != null && subRetVal != undefined) + retVal = subRetVal; + } + + if (evnt.preventDefault && !retVal) + evnt.preventDefault(); + + evnt.returnValue = retVal; + + return retVal; +} + +// Set mouse event handler. +document.onmousedown = function(e) { return mouseHandlerDispatch(e, MOUSE_DOWN); }; +document.onmouseup = function(e) { return mouseHandlerDispatch(e, MOUSE_UP); }; +document.onmousemove = function(e) { return mouseHandlerDispatch(e, MOUSE_MOVE); }; + +// Moz +if (window.addEventListener) +{ + window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { return mouseHandlerDispatch(e, MOUSE_WHEEL); }, false); +} + +// Opera Safari OK - may not work in IE +window.onmousewheel = function(e) { return mouseHandlerDispatch(e, MOUSE_WHEEL); }; + +/** Function to supply the default mouse handler dictionary. + * + * @returns default mouse handler dictionary + */ +function getDefaultMouseHandlerDictionary() +{ + var mouseHandlerDict = new Object(); + + mouseHandlerDict[SLIDE_MODE] = new Object(); + mouseHandlerDict[INDEX_MODE] = new Object(); + mouseHandlerDict[DRAWING_MODE] = new Object(); + + mouseHandlerDict[SLIDE_MODE][MOUSE_DOWN] = function(evnt) { return dispatchEffects(1); }; + mouseHandlerDict[SLIDE_MODE][MOUSE_WHEEL] = function(evnt) { return slideMousewheel(evnt); }; + + mouseHandlerDict[INDEX_MODE][MOUSE_DOWN] = function(evnt) { return toggleSlideIndex(); }; + + mouseHandlerDict[DRAWING_MODE][MOUSE_DOWN] = function(evnt) { return drawingMousedown(evnt); }; + mouseHandlerDict[DRAWING_MODE][MOUSE_UP] = function(evnt) { return drawingMouseup(evnt); }; + mouseHandlerDict[DRAWING_MODE][MOUSE_MOVE] = function(evnt) { return drawingMousemove(evnt); }; + + return mouseHandlerDict; +} + +/** Function to switch from slide mode to drawing mode. +*/ +function slideSwitchToDrawingMode() +{ + currentMode = DRAWING_MODE; + + var tempDict; + + if (ROOT_NODE.hasAttribute("style")) + tempDict = propStrToDict(ROOT_NODE.getAttribute("style")); + else + tempDict = new Object(); + + tempDict["cursor"] = "crosshair"; + ROOT_NODE.setAttribute("style", dictToPropStr(tempDict)); +} + +/** Function to switch from drawing mode to slide mode. +*/ +function drawingSwitchToSlideMode() +{ + currentMode = SLIDE_MODE; + + var tempDict; + + if (ROOT_NODE.hasAttribute("style")) + tempDict = propStrToDict(ROOT_NODE.getAttribute("style")); + else + tempDict = new Object(); + + tempDict["cursor"] = "auto"; + ROOT_NODE.setAttribute("style", dictToPropStr(tempDict)); +} + +/** Function to decrease the number of columns in index mode. +*/ +function indexDecreaseNumberOfColumns() +{ + if (INDEX_COLUMNS >= 3) + { + INDEX_COLUMNS -= 1; + INDEX_OFFSET = -1 + indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide); + } +} + +/** Function to increase the number of columns in index mode. +*/ +function indexIncreaseNumberOfColumns() +{ + if (INDEX_COLUMNS < 7) + { + INDEX_COLUMNS += 1; + INDEX_OFFSET = -1 + indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide); + } +} + +/** Function to reset the number of columns in index mode. +*/ +function indexResetNumberOfColumns() +{ + if (INDEX_COLUMNS != INDEX_COLUMNS_DEFAULT) + { + INDEX_COLUMNS = INDEX_COLUMNS_DEFAULT; + INDEX_OFFSET = -1 + indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide); + } +} + +/** Function to reset path width in drawing mode. +*/ +function drawingResetPathWidth() +{ + path_width = path_width_default; + set_path_paint_width(); +} + +/** Function to set path width in drawing mode. + * + * @param width new path width + */ +function drawingSetPathWidth(width) +{ + path_width = width; + set_path_paint_width(); +} + +/** Function to set path colour in drawing mode. + * + * @param colour new path colour + */ +function drawingSetPathColour(colour) +{ + path_colour = colour; +} + +/** Function to query the duration of the presentation from the user in slide mode. +*/ +function slideQueryDuration() +{ + var new_duration = prompt("Length of presentation in minutes?", timer_duration); + + if ((new_duration != null) && (new_duration != '')) + { + timer_duration = new_duration; + } + + updateTimer(); +} + +/** Function to add new slide in slide mode. + * + * @param afterSlide after which slide to insert the new one + */ +function slideAddSlide(afterSlide) +{ + addSlide(afterSlide); + slideSetActiveSlide(afterSlide + 1); + updateTimer(); +} + +/** Function to toggle the visibility of the progress bar in slide mode. +*/ +function slideToggleProgressBarVisibility() +{ + if (progress_bar_visible) + { + progress_bar_visible = false; + hideProgressBar(); + } + else + { + progress_bar_visible = true; + showProgressBar(); + } +} + +/** Function to reset the timer in slide mode. +*/ +function slideResetTimer() +{ + timer_start = timer_elapsed; + updateTimer(); +} + +/** Convenience function to pad a string with zero in front up to a certain length. + */ +function padString(str, len) +{ + var outStr = str; + + while (outStr.length < len) + { + outStr = '0' + outStr; + } + + return outStr; +} + +/** Function to update the export layer. + */ +function slideUpdateExportLayer() +{ + // Suspend redraw since we are going to mess with the slides. + var suspendHandle = ROOT_NODE.suspendRedraw(2000); + + var tmpActiveSlide = activeSlide; + var tmpActiveEffect = activeEffect; + var exportedLayers = new Array(); + + for (var counterSlides = 0; counterSlides < slides.length; counterSlides++) + { + var exportNode; + + setSlideToState(counterSlides, STATE_START); + + var maxEffect = 0; + + if (slides[counterSlides].effects) + { + maxEffect = slides[counterSlides].effects.length; + } + + exportNode = slides[counterSlides].element.cloneNode(true); + exportNode.setAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "groupmode", "layer"); + exportNode.setAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "label", "slide_" + padString((counterSlides + 1).toString(), slides.length.toString().length) + "_effect_" + padString("0", maxEffect.toString().length)); + + exportedLayers.push(exportNode); + + if (slides[counterSlides]["effects"]) + { + for (var counter = 0; counter < slides[counterSlides]["effects"].length; counter++) + { + for (var subCounter = 0; subCounter < slides[counterSlides]["effects"][counter].length; subCounter++) + { + var effect = slides[counterSlides]["effects"][counter][subCounter]; + if (effect["effect"] == "fade") + fade(parseInt(effect["dir"]), effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "appear") + appear(parseInt(effect["dir"]), effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "pop") + pop(parseInt(effect["dir"]), effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "view") + view(parseInt(effect["dir"]), effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + } + + var layerName = "slide_" + padString((counterSlides + 1).toString(), slides.length.toString().length) + "_effect_" + padString((counter + 1).toString(), maxEffect.toString().length); + exportNode = slides[counterSlides].element.cloneNode(true); + exportNode.setAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "groupmode", "layer"); + exportNode.setAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "label", layerName); + exportNode.setAttribute("id", layerName); + + exportedLayers.push(exportNode); + } + } + } + + activeSlide = tmpActiveSlide; + activeEffect = tmpActiveEffect; + setSlideToState(activeSlide, activeEffect); + + // Copy image. + var newDoc = document.documentElement.cloneNode(true); + + // Delete viewbox form new imag and set width and height. + newDoc.removeAttribute('viewbox'); + newDoc.setAttribute('width', WIDTH); + newDoc.setAttribute('height', HEIGHT); + + // Delete all layers and script elements. + var nodesToBeRemoved = new Array(); + + for (var childCounter = 0; childCounter < newDoc.childNodes.length; childCounter++) + { + var child = newDoc.childNodes[childCounter]; + + if (child.nodeType == 1) + { + if ((child.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'G') || (child.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'SCRIPT')) + { + nodesToBeRemoved.push(child); + } + } + } + + for (var ndCounter = 0; ndCounter < nodesToBeRemoved.length; ndCounter++) + { + var nd = nodesToBeRemoved[ndCounter]; + + // Before removing the node, check whether it contains any definitions. + var defs = nd.getElementsByTagNameNS(NSS["svg"], "defs"); + + for (var defsCounter = 0; defsCounter < defs.length; defsCounter++) + { + if (defs[defsCounter].id) + { + newDoc.appendChild(defs[defsCounter].cloneNode(true)); + } + } + + // Remove node. + nd.parentNode.removeChild(nd); + } + + // Set current layer. + if (exportedLayers[0]) + { + var namedView; + + for (var nodeCounter = 0; nodeCounter < newDoc.childNodes.length; nodeCounter++) + { + if ((newDoc.childNodes[nodeCounter].nodeType == 1) && (newDoc.childNodes[nodeCounter].getAttribute('id') == 'base')) + { + namedView = newDoc.childNodes[nodeCounter]; + } + } + + if (namedView) + { + namedView.setAttributeNS(NSS['inkscape'], 'current-layer', exportedLayers[0].getAttributeNS(NSS['inkscape'], 'label')); + } + } + + // Add exported layers. + while (exportedLayers.length > 0) + { + var nd = exportedLayers.pop(); + + nd.setAttribute("opacity",1); + nd.style.display = "inherit"; + + newDoc.appendChild(nd); + } + + // Serialise the new document. + window.location = 'data:application/svg+xml;base64;charset=utf-8,' + window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent((new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(newDoc)))); + + // Unsuspend redraw. + ROOT_NODE.unsuspendRedraw(suspendHandle); + ROOT_NODE.forceRedraw(); +} + +/** Function to undo last drawing operation. +*/ +function drawingUndo() +{ + mouse_presentation_path = null; + mouse_original_path = null; + + if (history_presentation_elements.length > 0) + { + var p = history_presentation_elements.pop(); + var parent = p.parentNode.removeChild(p); + + p = history_original_elements.pop(); + parent = p.parentNode.removeChild(p); + } +} + +/** Event handler for mouse down in drawing mode. + * + * @param e the event + */ +function drawingMousedown(e) +{ + var value = 0; + + if (e.button) + value = e.button; + else if (e.which) + value = e.which; + + if (value == 1) + { + history_counter++; + + var p = calcCoord(e); + + mouse_last_x = e.clientX; + mouse_last_y = e.clientY; + mouse_original_path = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "path"); + mouse_original_path.setAttribute("stroke", path_colour); + mouse_original_path.setAttribute("stroke-width", path_paint_width); + mouse_original_path.setAttribute("fill", "none"); + mouse_original_path.setAttribute("id", "path " + Date()); + mouse_original_path.setAttribute("d", "M" + p.x + "," + p.y); + slides[activeSlide]["original_element"].appendChild(mouse_original_path); + history_original_elements.push(mouse_original_path); + + mouse_presentation_path = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "path"); + mouse_presentation_path.setAttribute("stroke", path_colour); + mouse_presentation_path.setAttribute("stroke-width", path_paint_width); + mouse_presentation_path.setAttribute("fill", "none"); + mouse_presentation_path.setAttribute("id", "path " + Date() + " presentation copy"); + mouse_presentation_path.setAttribute("d", "M" + p.x + "," + p.y); + + if (slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"]) + slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"].appendChild(mouse_presentation_path); + else + slides[activeSlide]["element"].appendChild(mouse_presentation_path); + + history_presentation_elements.push(mouse_presentation_path); + + return false; + } + + return true; +} + +/** Event handler for mouse up in drawing mode. + * + * @param e the event + */ +function drawingMouseup(e) +{ + if(!e) + e = window.event; + + if (mouse_presentation_path != null) + { + var p = calcCoord(e); + var d = mouse_presentation_path.getAttribute("d"); + d += " L" + p.x + "," + p.y; + mouse_presentation_path.setAttribute("d", d); + mouse_presentation_path = null; + mouse_original_path.setAttribute("d", d); + mouse_original_path = null; + + return false; + } + + return true; +} + +/** Event handler for mouse move in drawing mode. + * + * @param e the event + */ +function drawingMousemove(e) +{ + if(!e) + e = window.event; + + var dist = (mouse_last_x - e.clientX) * (mouse_last_x - e.clientX) + (mouse_last_y - e.clientY) * (mouse_last_y - e.clientY); + + if (mouse_presentation_path == null) + { + return true; + } + + if (dist >= mouse_min_dist_sqr) + { + var p = calcCoord(e); + var d = mouse_presentation_path.getAttribute("d"); + d += " L" + p.x + "," + p.y; + mouse_presentation_path.setAttribute("d", d); + mouse_original_path.setAttribute("d", d); + mouse_last_x = e.clientX; + mouse_last_y = e.clientY; + } + + return false; +} + +/** Event handler for mouse wheel events in slide mode. + * based on http://adomas.org/javascript-mouse-wheel/ + * + * @param e the event + */ +function slideMousewheel(e) +{ + var delta = 0; + + if (!e) + e = window.event; + + if (e.wheelDelta) + { // IE Opera + delta = e.wheelDelta/120; + } + else if (e.detail) + { // MOZ + delta = -e.detail/3; + } + + if (delta > 0) + skipEffects(-1); + else if (delta < 0) + skipEffects(1); + + if (e.preventDefault) + e.preventDefault(); + + e.returnValue = false; +} + +/** Event handler for mouse wheel events in index mode. + * based on http://adomas.org/javascript-mouse-wheel/ + * + * @param e the event + */ +function indexMousewheel(e) +{ + var delta = 0; + + if (!e) + e = window.event; + + if (e.wheelDelta) + { // IE Opera + delta = e.wheelDelta/120; + } + else if (e.detail) + { // MOZ + delta = -e.detail/3; + } + + if (delta > 0) + indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide - INDEX_COLUMNS * INDEX_COLUMNS); + else if (delta < 0) + indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide + INDEX_COLUMNS * INDEX_COLUMNS); + + if (e.preventDefault) + e.preventDefault(); + + e.returnValue = false; +} + +/** Function to set the path paint width. +*/ +function set_path_paint_width() +{ + var svgPoint1 = document.documentElement.createSVGPoint(); + var svgPoint2 = document.documentElement.createSVGPoint(); + + svgPoint1.x = 0.0; + svgPoint1.y = 0.0; + svgPoint2.x = 1.0; + svgPoint2.y = 0.0; + + var matrix = slides[activeSlide]["element"].getTransformToElement(ROOT_NODE); + + if (slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"]) + matrix = slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"].getTransformToElement(ROOT_NODE); + + svgPoint1 = svgPoint1.matrixTransform(matrix); + svgPoint2 = svgPoint2.matrixTransform(matrix); + + path_paint_width = path_width / Math.sqrt((svgPoint2.x - svgPoint1.x) * (svgPoint2.x - svgPoint1.x) + (svgPoint2.y - svgPoint1.y) * (svgPoint2.y - svgPoint1.y)); +} + +/** The view effect. + * + * @param dir direction the effect should be played (1 = forwards, -1 = backwards) + * @param element the element the effect should be applied to + * @param time the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the effect + * @param options a dictionary with additional options (e.g. length of the effect); for the view effect the options need to contain the old and the new matrix. + */ +function view(dir, element, time, options) +{ + var length = 250; + var fraction; + + if (!options["matrixInitial"]) + { + var tempString = slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"].getAttribute("transform"); + + if (tempString) + options["matrixInitial"] = (new matrixSVG()).fromAttribute(tempString); + else + options["matrixInitial"] = (new matrixSVG()).fromSVGElements(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); + } + + if ((time == STATE_END) || (time == STATE_START)) + fraction = 1; + else + { + if (options && options["length"]) + length = options["length"]; + + fraction = time / length; + } + + if (dir == 1) + { + if (fraction <= 0) + { + element.setAttribute("transform", options["matrixInitial"].toAttribute()); + } + else if (fraction >= 1) + { + element.setAttribute("transform", options["matrixNew"].toAttribute()); + + set_path_paint_width(); + + options["matrixInitial"] = null; + return true; + } + else + { + element.setAttribute("transform", options["matrixInitial"].mix(options["matrixNew"], fraction).toAttribute()); + } + } + else if (dir == -1) + { + if (fraction <= 0) + { + element.setAttribute("transform", options["matrixInitial"].toAttribute()); + } + else if (fraction >= 1) + { + element.setAttribute("transform", options["matrixOld"].toAttribute()); + set_path_paint_width(); + + options["matrixInitial"] = null; + return true; + } + else + { + element.setAttribute("transform", options["matrixInitial"].mix(options["matrixOld"], fraction).toAttribute()); + } + } + + return false; +} + +/** The fade effect. + * + * @param dir direction the effect should be played (1 = forwards, -1 = backwards) + * @param element the element the effect should be applied to + * @param time the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the effect + * @param options a dictionary with additional options (e.g. length of the effect) + */ +function fade(dir, element, time, options) +{ + var length = 250; + var fraction; + + if ((time == STATE_END) || (time == STATE_START)) + fraction = 1; + else + { + if (options && options["length"]) + length = options["length"]; + + fraction = time / length; + } + + if (dir == 1) + { + if (fraction <= 0) + { + element.style.display = "none"; + element.setAttribute("opacity", 0); + } + else if (fraction >= 1) + { + element.style.display = "inherit"; + element.setAttribute("opacity", 1); + return true; + } + else + { + element.style.display = "inherit"; + element.setAttribute("opacity", fraction); + } + } + else if (dir == -1) + { + if (fraction <= 0) + { + element.style.display = "inherit"; + element.setAttribute("opacity", 1); + } + else if (fraction >= 1) + { + element.setAttribute("opacity", 0); + element.style.display = "none"; + return true; + } + else + { + element.style.display = "inherit"; + element.setAttribute("opacity", 1 - fraction); + } + } + return false; +} + +/** The appear effect. + * + * @param dir direction the effect should be played (1 = forwards, -1 = backwards) + * @param element the element the effect should be applied to + * @param time the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the effect + * @param options a dictionary with additional options (e.g. length of the effect) + */ +function appear(dir, element, time, options) +{ + if (dir == 1) + { + element.style.display = "inherit"; + element.setAttribute("opacity",1); + } + else if (dir == -1) + { + element.style.display = "none"; + element.setAttribute("opacity",0); + } + return true; +} + +/** The pop effect. + * + * @param dir direction the effect should be played (1 = forwards, -1 = backwards) + * @param element the element the effect should be applied to + * @param time the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the effect + * @param options a dictionary with additional options (e.g. length of the effect) + */ +function pop(dir, element, time, options) +{ + var length = 500; + var fraction; + + if ((time == STATE_END) || (time == STATE_START)) + fraction = 1; + else + { + if (options && options["length"]) + length = options["length"]; + + fraction = time / length; + } + + if (dir == 1) + { + if (fraction <= 0) + { + element.setAttribute("opacity", 0); + element.setAttribute("transform", "scale(0)"); + element.style.display = "none"; + } + else if (fraction >= 1) + { + element.setAttribute("opacity", 1); + element.removeAttribute("transform"); + element.style.display = "inherit"; + return true; + } + else + { + element.style.display = "inherit"; + var opacityFraction = fraction * 3; + if (opacityFraction > 1) + opacityFraction = 1; + element.setAttribute("opacity", opacityFraction); + var offsetX = WIDTH * (1.0 - fraction) / 2.0; + var offsetY = HEIGHT * (1.0 - fraction) / 2.0; + element.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + offsetX + "," + offsetY + ") scale(" + fraction + ")"); + } + } + else if (dir == -1) + { + if (fraction <= 0) + { + element.setAttribute("opacity", 1); + element.setAttribute("transform", "scale(1)"); + element.style.display = "inherit"; + } + else if (fraction >= 1) + { + element.setAttribute("opacity", 0); + element.removeAttribute("transform"); + element.style.display = "none"; + return true; + } + else + { + element.setAttribute("opacity", 1 - fraction); + element.setAttribute("transform", "scale(" + 1 - fraction + ")"); + element.style.display = "inherit"; + } + } + return false; +} + +/** Function to set a slide either to the start or the end state. + * + * @param slide the slide to use + * @param state the state into which the slide should be set + */ +function setSlideToState(slide, state) +{ + slides[slide]["viewGroup"].setAttribute("transform", slides[slide].initialView); + + if (slides[slide]["effects"]) + { + if (state == STATE_END) + { + for (var counter = 0; counter < slides[slide]["effects"].length; counter++) + { + for (var subCounter = 0; subCounter < slides[slide]["effects"][counter].length; subCounter++) + { + var effect = slides[slide]["effects"][counter][subCounter]; + if (effect["effect"] == "fade") + fade(effect["dir"], effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "appear") + appear(effect["dir"], effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "pop") + pop(effect["dir"], effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "view") + view(effect["dir"], effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + } + } + } + else if (state == STATE_START) + { + for (var counter = slides[slide]["effects"].length - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) + { + for (var subCounter = 0; subCounter < slides[slide]["effects"][counter].length; subCounter++) + { + var effect = slides[slide]["effects"][counter][subCounter]; + if (effect["effect"] == "fade") + fade(parseInt(effect["dir"]) * -1, effect["element"], STATE_START, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "appear") + appear(parseInt(effect["dir"]) * -1, effect["element"], STATE_START, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "pop") + pop(parseInt(effect["dir"]) * -1, effect["element"], STATE_START, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "view") + view(parseInt(effect["dir"]) * -1, effect["element"], STATE_START, effect["options"]); + } + } + } + else + { + setSlideToState(slide, STATE_START); + + for (var counter = 0; counter < slides[slide]["effects"].length && counter < state; counter++) + { + for (var subCounter = 0; subCounter < slides[slide]["effects"][counter].length; subCounter++) + { + var effect = slides[slide]["effects"][counter][subCounter]; + if (effect["effect"] == "fade") + fade(effect["dir"], effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "appear") + appear(effect["dir"], effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "pop") + pop(effect["dir"], effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + else if (effect["effect"] == "view") + view(effect["dir"], effect["element"], STATE_END, effect["options"]); + } + } + } + } + + window.location.hash = (activeSlide + 1) + '_' + activeEffect; +} + +/** Convenience function to translate a attribute string into a dictionary. + * + * @param str the attribute string + * @return a dictionary + * @see dictToPropStr + */ +function propStrToDict(str) +{ + var list = str.split(";"); + var obj = new Object(); + + for (var counter = 0; counter < list.length; counter++) + { + var subStr = list[counter]; + var subList = subStr.split(":"); + if (subList.length == 2) + { + obj[subList[0]] = subList[1]; + } + } + + return obj; +} + +/** Convenience function to translate a dictionary into a string that can be used as an attribute. + * + * @param dict the dictionary to convert + * @return a string that can be used as an attribute + * @see propStrToDict + */ +function dictToPropStr(dict) +{ + var str = ""; + + for (var key in dict) + { + str += key + ":" + dict[key] + ";"; + } + + return str; +} + +/** Sub-function to add a suffix to the ids of the node and all its children. + * + * @param node the node to change + * @param suffix the suffix to add + * @param replace dictionary of replaced ids + * @see suffixNodeIds + */ +function suffixNoneIds_sub(node, suffix, replace) +{ + if (node.nodeType == 1) + { + if (node.getAttribute("id")) + { + var id = node.getAttribute("id") + replace["#" + id] = id + suffix; + node.setAttribute("id", id + suffix); + } + + if ((node.nodeName == "use") && (node.getAttributeNS(NSS["xlink"], "href")) && (replace[node.getAttribute(NSS["xlink"], "href")])) + node.setAttribute(NSS["xlink"], "href", node.getAttribute(NSS["xlink"], "href") + suffix); + + if (node.childNodes) + { + for (var counter = 0; counter < node.childNodes.length; counter++) + suffixNoneIds_sub(node.childNodes[counter], suffix, replace); + } + } +} + +/** Function to add a suffix to the ids of the node and all its children. + * + * @param node the node to change + * @param suffix the suffix to add + * @return the changed node + * @see suffixNodeIds_sub + */ +function suffixNodeIds(node, suffix) +{ + var replace = new Object(); + + suffixNoneIds_sub(node, suffix, replace); + + return node; +} + +/** Function to build a progress bar. + * + * @param parent node to attach the progress bar to + */ +function createProgressBar(parent_node) +{ + var g = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "g"); + g.setAttribute("clip-path", "url(#jessyInkSlideClipPath)"); + g.setAttribute("id", "layer_progress_bar"); + g.setAttribute("style", "display: none;"); + + var rect_progress_bar = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "rect"); + rect_progress_bar.setAttribute("style", "marker: none; fill: rgb(128, 128, 128); stroke: none;"); + rect_progress_bar.setAttribute("id", "rect_progress_bar"); + rect_progress_bar.setAttribute("x", 0); + rect_progress_bar.setAttribute("y", 0.99 * HEIGHT); + rect_progress_bar.setAttribute("width", 0); + rect_progress_bar.setAttribute("height", 0.01 * HEIGHT); + g.appendChild(rect_progress_bar); + + var circle_timer_indicator = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "circle"); + circle_timer_indicator.setAttribute("style", "marker: none; fill: rgb(255, 0, 0); stroke: none;"); + circle_timer_indicator.setAttribute("id", "circle_timer_indicator"); + circle_timer_indicator.setAttribute("cx", 0.005 * HEIGHT); + circle_timer_indicator.setAttribute("cy", 0.995 * HEIGHT); + circle_timer_indicator.setAttribute("r", 0.005 * HEIGHT); + g.appendChild(circle_timer_indicator); + + parent_node.appendChild(g); +} + +/** Function to hide the progress bar. + * + */ +function hideProgressBar() +{ + var progress_bar = document.getElementById("layer_progress_bar"); + + if (!progress_bar) + { + return; + } + + progress_bar.setAttribute("style", "display: none;"); +} + +/** Function to show the progress bar. + * + */ +function showProgressBar() +{ + var progress_bar = document.getElementById("layer_progress_bar"); + + if (!progress_bar) + { + return; + } + + progress_bar.setAttribute("style", "display: inherit;"); +} + +/** Set progress bar value. + * + * @param value the current slide number + * + */ +function setProgressBarValue(value) +{ + var rect_progress_bar = document.getElementById("rect_progress_bar"); + + if (!rect_progress_bar) + { + return; + } + + if (value < 1) + { + // First slide, assumed to be the title of the presentation + var x = 0; + var w = 0.01 * HEIGHT; + } + else if (value >= slides.length - 1) + { + // Last slide, assumed to be the end of the presentation + var x = WIDTH - 0.01 * HEIGHT; + var w = 0.01 * HEIGHT; + } + else + { + value -= 1; + value /= (slides.length - 2); + + var x = WIDTH * value; + var w = WIDTH / (slides.length - 2); + } + + rect_progress_bar.setAttribute("x", x); + rect_progress_bar.setAttribute("width", w); +} + +/** Set time indicator. + * + * @param value the percentage of time elapse so far between 0.0 and 1.0 + * + */ +function setTimeIndicatorValue(value) +{ + var circle_timer_indicator = document.getElementById("circle_timer_indicator"); + + if (!circle_timer_indicator) + { + return; + } + + if (value < 0.0) + { + value = 0.0; + } + + if (value > 1.0) + { + value = 1.0; + } + + var cx = (WIDTH - 0.01 * HEIGHT) * value + 0.005 * HEIGHT; + circle_timer_indicator.setAttribute("cx", cx); +} + +/** Update timer. + * + */ +function updateTimer() +{ + timer_elapsed += 1; + setTimeIndicatorValue((timer_elapsed - timer_start) / (60 * timer_duration)); +} + +/** Convert screen coordinates to document coordinates. + * + * @param e event with screen coordinates + * + * @return coordinates in SVG file coordinate system + */ +function calcCoord(e) +{ + var svgPoint = document.documentElement.createSVGPoint(); + svgPoint.x = e.clientX + window.pageXOffset; + svgPoint.y = e.clientY + window.pageYOffset; + + var matrix = slides[activeSlide]["element"].getScreenCTM(); + + if (slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"]) + matrix = slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"].getScreenCTM(); + + svgPoint = svgPoint.matrixTransform(matrix.inverse()); + return svgPoint; +} + +/** Add slide. + * + * @param after_slide after which slide the new slide should be inserted into the presentation + */ +function addSlide(after_slide) +{ + number_of_added_slides++; + + var g = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "g"); + g.setAttribute("clip-path", "url(#jessyInkSlideClipPath)"); + g.setAttribute("id", "Whiteboard " + Date() + " presentation copy"); + g.setAttribute("style", "display: none;"); + + var new_slide = new Object(); + new_slide["element"] = g; + + // Set build in transition. + new_slide["transitionIn"] = new Object(); + var dict = defaultTransitionInDict; + new_slide["transitionIn"]["name"] = dict["name"]; + new_slide["transitionIn"]["options"] = new Object(); + + for (key in dict) + if (key != "name") + new_slide["transitionIn"]["options"][key] = dict[key]; + + // Set build out transition. + new_slide["transitionOut"] = new Object(); + dict = defaultTransitionOutDict; + new_slide["transitionOut"]["name"] = dict["name"]; + new_slide["transitionOut"]["options"] = new Object(); + + for (key in dict) + if (key != "name") + new_slide["transitionOut"]["options"][key] = dict[key]; + + // Copy master slide content. + if (masterSlide) + { + var clonedNode = suffixNodeIds(masterSlide.cloneNode(true), "_" + Date() + " presentation_copy"); + clonedNode.removeAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "groupmode"); + clonedNode.removeAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "label"); + clonedNode.style.display = "inherit"; + + g.appendChild(clonedNode); + } + + // Substitute auto texts. + substituteAutoTexts(g, "Whiteboard " + number_of_added_slides, "W" + number_of_added_slides, slides.length); + + g.setAttribute("onmouseover", "if ((currentMode == INDEX_MODE) && ( activeSlide != " + (after_slide + 1) + ")) { indexSetActiveSlide(" + (after_slide + 1) + "); };"); + + // Create a transform group. + var transformGroup = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "g"); + + // Add content to transform group. + while (g.firstChild) + transformGroup.appendChild(g.firstChild); + + // Transfer the transform attribute from the node to the transform group. + if (g.getAttribute("transform")) + { + transformGroup.setAttribute("transform", g.getAttribute("transform")); + g.removeAttribute("transform"); + } + + // Create a view group. + var viewGroup = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "g"); + + viewGroup.appendChild(transformGroup); + new_slide["viewGroup"] = g.appendChild(viewGroup); + + // Insert background. + if (BACKGROUND_COLOR != null) + { + var rectNode = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "rect"); + + rectNode.setAttribute("x", 0); + rectNode.setAttribute("y", 0); + rectNode.setAttribute("width", WIDTH); + rectNode.setAttribute("height", HEIGHT); + rectNode.setAttribute("id", "jessyInkBackground" + Date()); + rectNode.setAttribute("fill", BACKGROUND_COLOR); + + new_slide["viewGroup"].insertBefore(rectNode, new_slide["viewGroup"].firstChild); + } + + // Set initial view even if there are no other views. + var matrixOld = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); + + new_slide["viewGroup"].setAttribute("transform", matrixOld.toAttribute()); + new_slide.initialView = matrixOld.toAttribute(); + + // Insert slide + var node = slides[after_slide]["element"]; + var next_node = node.nextSibling; + var parent_node = node.parentNode; + + if (next_node) + { + parent_node.insertBefore(g, next_node); + } + else + { + parent_node.appendChild(g); + } + + g = document.createElementNS(NSS["svg"], "g"); + g.setAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "groupmode", "layer"); + g.setAttributeNS(NSS["inkscape"], "label", "Whiteboard " + number_of_added_slides); + g.setAttribute("clip-path", "url(#jessyInkSlideClipPath)"); + g.setAttribute("id", "Whiteboard " + Date()); + g.setAttribute("style", "display: none;"); + + new_slide["original_element"] = g; + + node = slides[after_slide]["original_element"]; + next_node = node.nextSibling; + parent_node = node.parentNode; + + if (next_node) + { + parent_node.insertBefore(g, next_node); + } + else + { + parent_node.appendChild(g); + } + + before_new_slide = slides.slice(0, after_slide + 1); + after_new_slide = slides.slice(after_slide + 1); + slides = before_new_slide.concat(new_slide, after_new_slide); + + //resetting the counter attributes on the slides that follow the new slide... + for (var counter = after_slide+2; counter < slides.length; counter++) + { + slides[counter]["element"].setAttribute("onmouseover", "if ((currentMode == INDEX_MODE) && ( activeSlide != " + counter + ")) { indexSetActiveSlide(" + counter + "); };"); + } +} + +/** Convenience function to obtain a transformation matrix from a point matrix. + * + * @param mPoints Point matrix. + * @return A transformation matrix. + */ +function pointMatrixToTransformation(mPoints) +{ + mPointsOld = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(0, WIDTH, WIDTH, 0, 0, HEIGHT, 1, 1, 1); + + return mPointsOld.mult(mPoints.inv()); +} + +/** Convenience function to obtain a matrix with three corners of a rectangle. + * + * @param rect an svg rectangle + * @return a matrixSVG containing three corners of the rectangle + */ +function rectToMatrix(rect) +{ + rectWidth = rect.getBBox().width; + rectHeight = rect.getBBox().height; + rectX = rect.getBBox().x; + rectY = rect.getBBox().y; + rectXcorr = 0; + rectYcorr = 0; + + scaleX = WIDTH / rectWidth; + scaleY = HEIGHT / rectHeight; + + if (scaleX > scaleY) + { + scaleX = scaleY; + rectXcorr -= (WIDTH / scaleX - rectWidth) / 2; + rectWidth = WIDTH / scaleX; + } + else + { + scaleY = scaleX; + rectYcorr -= (HEIGHT / scaleY - rectHeight) / 2; + rectHeight = HEIGHT / scaleY; + } + + if (rect.transform.baseVal.numberOfItems < 1) + { + mRectTrans = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); + } + else + { + mRectTrans = (new matrixSVG()).fromSVGMatrix(rect.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix); + } + + newBasePoints = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(rectX, rectX, rectX, rectY, rectY, rectY, 1, 1, 1); + newVectors = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(rectXcorr, rectXcorr + rectWidth, rectXcorr + rectWidth, rectYcorr, rectYcorr, rectYcorr + rectHeight, 0, 0, 0); + + return mRectTrans.mult(newBasePoints.add(newVectors)); +} + +/** Function to handle JessyInk elements. + * + * @param node Element node. + */ +function handleElement(node) +{ + if (node.getAttributeNS(NSS['jessyink'], 'element') == 'core.video') + { + var url; + var width; + var height; + var x; + var y; + var transform; + + var tspans = node.getElementsByTagNameNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "tspan"); + + for (var tspanCounter = 0; tspanCounter < tspans.length; tspanCounter++) + { + if (tspans[tspanCounter].getAttributeNS("https://launchpad.net/jessyink", "video") == "url") + { + url = tspans[tspanCounter].firstChild.nodeValue; + } + } + + var rects = node.getElementsByTagNameNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "rect"); + + for (var rectCounter = 0; rectCounter < rects.length; rectCounter++) + { + if (rects[rectCounter].getAttributeNS("https://launchpad.net/jessyink", "video") == "rect") + { + x = rects[rectCounter].getAttribute("x"); + y = rects[rectCounter].getAttribute("y"); + width = rects[rectCounter].getAttribute("width"); + height = rects[rectCounter].getAttribute("height"); + transform = rects[rectCounter].getAttribute("transform"); + } + } + + for (var childCounter = 0; childCounter < node.childNodes.length; childCounter++) + { + if (node.childNodes[childCounter].nodeType == 1) + { + if (node.childNodes[childCounter].style) + { + node.childNodes[childCounter].style.display = 'none'; + } + else + { + node.childNodes[childCounter].setAttribute("style", "display: none;"); + } + } + } + + var foreignNode = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "foreignObject"); + foreignNode.setAttribute("x", x); + foreignNode.setAttribute("y", y); + foreignNode.setAttribute("width", width); + foreignNode.setAttribute("height", height); + foreignNode.setAttribute("transform", transform); + + var videoNode = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "video"); + videoNode.setAttribute("src", url); + + foreignNode.appendChild(videoNode); + node.appendChild(foreignNode); + } +} + +/** Class processing the location hash. + * + * @param str location hash + */ +function LocationHash(str) +{ + this.slideNumber = 0; + this.effectNumber = 0; + + str = str.substr(1, str.length - 1); + + var parts = str.split('_'); + + // Try to extract slide number. + if (parts.length >= 1) + { + try + { + var slideNumber = parseInt(parts[0]); + + if (!isNaN(slideNumber)) + { + this.slideNumber = slideNumber - 1; + } + } + catch (e) + { + } + } + + // Try to extract effect number. + if (parts.length >= 2) + { + try + { + var effectNumber = parseInt(parts[1]); + + if (!isNaN(effectNumber)) + { + this.effectNumber = effectNumber; + } + } + catch (e) + { + } + } +} + +/** Class representing an svg matrix. +*/ +function matrixSVG() +{ + this.e11 = 0; // a + this.e12 = 0; // c + this.e13 = 0; // e + this.e21 = 0; // b + this.e22 = 0; // d + this.e23 = 0; // f + this.e31 = 0; + this.e32 = 0; + this.e33 = 0; +} + +/** Constructor function. + * + * @param a element a (i.e. 1, 1) as described in the svg standard. + * @param b element b (i.e. 2, 1) as described in the svg standard. + * @param c element c (i.e. 1, 2) as described in the svg standard. + * @param d element d (i.e. 2, 2) as described in the svg standard. + * @param e element e (i.e. 1, 3) as described in the svg standard. + * @param f element f (i.e. 2, 3) as described in the svg standard. + */ +matrixSVG.prototype.fromSVGElements = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) +{ + this.e11 = a; + this.e12 = c; + this.e13 = e; + this.e21 = b; + this.e22 = d; + this.e23 = f; + this.e31 = 0; + this.e32 = 0; + this.e33 = 1; + + return this; +} + +/** Constructor function. + * + * @param matrix an svg matrix as described in the svg standard. + */ +matrixSVG.prototype.fromSVGMatrix = function(m) +{ + this.e11 = m.a; + this.e12 = m.c; + this.e13 = m.e; + this.e21 = m.b; + this.e22 = m.d; + this.e23 = m.f; + this.e31 = 0; + this.e32 = 0; + this.e33 = 1; + + return this; +} + +/** Constructor function. + * + * @param e11 element 1, 1 of the matrix. + * @param e12 element 1, 2 of the matrix. + * @param e13 element 1, 3 of the matrix. + * @param e21 element 2, 1 of the matrix. + * @param e22 element 2, 2 of the matrix. + * @param e23 element 2, 3 of the matrix. + * @param e31 element 3, 1 of the matrix. + * @param e32 element 3, 2 of the matrix. + * @param e33 element 3, 3 of the matrix. + */ +matrixSVG.prototype.fromElements = function(e11, e12, e13, e21, e22, e23, e31, e32, e33) +{ + this.e11 = e11; + this.e12 = e12; + this.e13 = e13; + this.e21 = e21; + this.e22 = e22; + this.e23 = e23; + this.e31 = e31; + this.e32 = e32; + this.e33 = e33; + + return this; +} + +/** Constructor function. + * + * @param attrString string value of the "transform" attribute (currently only "matrix" is accepted) + */ +matrixSVG.prototype.fromAttribute = function(attrString) +{ + str = attrString.substr(7, attrString.length - 8); + + str = str.trim(); + + strArray = str.split(","); + + // Opera does not use commas to separate the values of the matrix, only spaces. + if (strArray.length != 6) + strArray = str.split(" "); + + this.e11 = parseFloat(strArray[0]); + this.e21 = parseFloat(strArray[1]); + this.e31 = 0; + this.e12 = parseFloat(strArray[2]); + this.e22 = parseFloat(strArray[3]); + this.e32 = 0; + this.e13 = parseFloat(strArray[4]); + this.e23 = parseFloat(strArray[5]); + this.e33 = 1; + + return this; +} + +/** Output function + * + * @return a string that can be used as the "transform" attribute. + */ +matrixSVG.prototype.toAttribute = function() +{ + return "matrix(" + this.e11 + ", " + this.e21 + ", " + this.e12 + ", " + this.e22 + ", " + this.e13 + ", " + this.e23 + ")"; +} + +/** Matrix nversion. + * + * @return the inverse of the matrix + */ +matrixSVG.prototype.inv = function() +{ + out = new matrixSVG(); + + det = this.e11 * (this.e33 * this.e22 - this.e32 * this.e23) - this.e21 * (this.e33 * this.e12 - this.e32 * this.e13) + this.e31 * (this.e23 * this.e12 - this.e22 * this.e13); + + out.e11 = (this.e33 * this.e22 - this.e32 * this.e23) / det; + out.e12 = -(this.e33 * this.e12 - this.e32 * this.e13) / det; + out.e13 = (this.e23 * this.e12 - this.e22 * this.e13) / det; + out.e21 = -(this.e33 * this.e21 - this.e31 * this.e23) / det; + out.e22 = (this.e33 * this.e11 - this.e31 * this.e13) / det; + out.e23 = -(this.e23 * this.e11 - this.e21 * this.e13) / det; + out.e31 = (this.e32 * this.e21 - this.e31 * this.e22) / det; + out.e32 = -(this.e32 * this.e11 - this.e31 * this.e12) / det; + out.e33 = (this.e22 * this.e11 - this.e21 * this.e12) / det; + + return out; +} + +/** Matrix multiplication. + * + * @param op another svg matrix + * @return this * op + */ +matrixSVG.prototype.mult = function(op) +{ + out = new matrixSVG(); + + out.e11 = this.e11 * op.e11 + this.e12 * op.e21 + this.e13 * op.e31; + out.e12 = this.e11 * op.e12 + this.e12 * op.e22 + this.e13 * op.e32; + out.e13 = this.e11 * op.e13 + this.e12 * op.e23 + this.e13 * op.e33; + out.e21 = this.e21 * op.e11 + this.e22 * op.e21 + this.e23 * op.e31; + out.e22 = this.e21 * op.e12 + this.e22 * op.e22 + this.e23 * op.e32; + out.e23 = this.e21 * op.e13 + this.e22 * op.e23 + this.e23 * op.e33; + out.e31 = this.e31 * op.e11 + this.e32 * op.e21 + this.e33 * op.e31; + out.e32 = this.e31 * op.e12 + this.e32 * op.e22 + this.e33 * op.e32; + out.e33 = this.e31 * op.e13 + this.e32 * op.e23 + this.e33 * op.e33; + + return out; +} + +/** Matrix addition. + * + * @param op another svg matrix + * @return this + op + */ +matrixSVG.prototype.add = function(op) +{ + out = new matrixSVG(); + + out.e11 = this.e11 + op.e11; + out.e12 = this.e12 + op.e12; + out.e13 = this.e13 + op.e13; + out.e21 = this.e21 + op.e21; + out.e22 = this.e22 + op.e22; + out.e23 = this.e23 + op.e23; + out.e31 = this.e31 + op.e31; + out.e32 = this.e32 + op.e32; + out.e33 = this.e33 + op.e33; + + return out; +} + +/** Matrix mixing. + * + * @param op another svg matrix + * @parma contribOp contribution of the other matrix (0 <= contribOp <= 1) + * @return (1 - contribOp) * this + contribOp * op + */ +matrixSVG.prototype.mix = function(op, contribOp) +{ + contribThis = 1.0 - contribOp; + out = new matrixSVG(); + + out.e11 = contribThis * this.e11 + contribOp * op.e11; + out.e12 = contribThis * this.e12 + contribOp * op.e12; + out.e13 = contribThis * this.e13 + contribOp * op.e13; + out.e21 = contribThis * this.e21 + contribOp * op.e21; + out.e22 = contribThis * this.e22 + contribOp * op.e22; + out.e23 = contribThis * this.e23 + contribOp * op.e23; + out.e31 = contribThis * this.e31 + contribOp * op.e31; + out.e32 = contribThis * this.e32 + contribOp * op.e32; + out.e33 = contribThis * this.e33 + contribOp * op.e33; + + return out; +} + +/** Trimming function for strings. +*/ +String.prototype.trim = function() +{ + return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); +} + +/** SVGElement.getTransformToElement polyfill */ +SVGElement.prototype.getTransformToElement = SVGElement.prototype.getTransformToElement || function(elem) { + return elem.getScreenCTM().inverse().multiply(this.getScreenCTM()); +}; +</svg:script></svg> |