path: root/src/ui/tools/booleans-subitems.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ui/tools/booleans-subitems.cpp')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ui/tools/booleans-subitems.cpp b/src/ui/tools/booleans-subitems.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29309f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/tools/booleans-subitems.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+/** @file
+ * SubItem controls each fractured piece and links it to its original items.
+ *
+ *//*
+ * Authors:
+ * Martin Owens
+ * PBS
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Authors
+ * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
+ */
+#include <numeric>
+#include <utility>
+#include <random>
+#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
+#include "booleans-subitems.h"
+#include "helper/geom-pathstroke.h"
+#include "livarot/LivarotDefs.h"
+#include "livarot/Shape.h"
+#include "object/sp-shape.h"
+#include "object/sp-text.h"
+#include "object/sp-use.h"
+#include "object/sp-image.h"
+#include "path/path-boolop.h"
+#include "style.h"
+namespace Inkscape {
+// Todo: (Wishlist) Remove this function when no longer necessary to remove boolops artifacts.
+static Geom::PathVector clean_pathvector(Geom::PathVector &&pathv)
+ Geom::PathVector result;
+ for (auto &path : pathv) {
+ if (path.closed() && !is_path_empty(path)) {
+ result.push_back(std::move(path));
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Union operator, merges two subitems when requested by the user
+ * The left hand side will retain priority for the resulting style
+ * so you should be mindful of how you merge these shapes.
+ */
+SubItem &SubItem::operator+=(SubItem const &other)
+ _paths = sp_pathvector_boolop(_paths, other._paths, bool_op_union, fill_nonZero, fill_nonZero, true);
+ sp_flatten(_paths, fill_nonZero);
+ _paths = clean_pathvector(std::move(_paths));
+ return *this;
+using ExtractPathvectorsResult = std::vector<std::pair<Geom::PathVector, SPStyle*>>;
+static void extract_pathvectors_recursive(SPItem *item, ExtractPathvectorsResult &result, Geom::Affine const &transform)
+ if (is<SPGroup>(item)) {
+ for (auto &child : item->children | boost::adaptors::reversed) {
+ if (auto child_item = cast<SPItem>(&child)) {
+ extract_pathvectors_recursive(child_item, result, child_item->transform * transform);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (auto img = cast<SPImage>(item)) {
+ result.emplace_back(img->get_curve()->get_pathvector() * transform, item->style);
+ } else if (auto shape = cast<SPShape>(item)) {
+ if (auto curve = shape->curve()) {
+ result.emplace_back(curve->get_pathvector() * transform, item->style);
+ }
+ } else if (auto text = cast<SPText>(item)) {
+ result.emplace_back(text->getNormalizedBpath().get_pathvector() * transform, item->style);
+ } else if (auto use = cast<SPUse>(item)) {
+ if (use->child) {
+ extract_pathvectors_recursive(use->child, result, use->child->transform * Geom::Translate(use->x.computed, use->y.computed) * transform);
+ }
+ }
+// Return all pathvectors found within an item, along with their styles, sorted top-to-bottom.
+static ExtractPathvectorsResult extract_pathvectors(SPItem *item)
+ ExtractPathvectorsResult result;
+ extract_pathvectors_recursive(item, result, item->i2dt_affine());
+ return result;
+static FillRule sp_to_livarot(SPWindRule fillrule)
+ return fillrule == SP_WIND_RULE_NONZERO ? fill_nonZero : fill_oddEven;
+static double diameter(Geom::PathVector const &path)
+ auto rect = path.boundsExact();
+ if (!rect) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return std::hypot(rect->width(), rect->height());
+// Cut the given pathvector along the lines into several smaller pathvectors.
+static std::vector<Geom::PathVector> improved_cut(Geom::PathVector const &pathv, Geom::PathVector const &lines)
+ Path patha;
+ patha.LoadPathVector(pathv);
+ patha.ConvertWithBackData(diameter(pathv) * 1e-3);
+ Path pathb;
+ pathb.LoadPathVector(lines);
+ pathb.ConvertWithBackData(diameter(lines) * 1e-3);
+ Shape shapea;
+ {
+ Shape tmp;
+ patha.Fill(&tmp, 0);
+ shapea.ConvertToShape(&tmp);
+ }
+ Shape shapeb;
+ {
+ Shape tmp;
+ bool isline = pathb.pts.size() == 2 && pathb.pts[0].isMoveTo && !pathb.pts[1].isMoveTo;
+ pathb.Fill(&tmp, 1, false, isline);
+ shapeb.ConvertToShape(&tmp, fill_justDont);
+ }
+ Shape shape;
+ shape.Booleen(&shapeb, &shapea, bool_op_cut, 1);
+ Path path;
+ int num_nesting = 0;
+ int *nesting = nullptr;
+ int *conts = nullptr;
+ {
+ path.SetBackData(false);
+ Path *paths[2] = { &patha, &pathb };
+ shape.ConvertToFormeNested(&path, 2, paths, 1, num_nesting, nesting, conts);
+ }
+ int num_paths;
+ auto paths = path.SubPathsWithNesting(num_paths, false, num_nesting, nesting, conts);
+ std::vector<Geom::PathVector> result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_paths; i++) {
+ result.emplace_back(paths[i]->MakePathVector());
+ }
+ g_free(paths);
+ g_free(conts);
+ g_free(nesting);
+ return result;
+ * Take a list of items and fracture into a list of SubItems ready for
+ * use inside the booleans interactive tool.
+ */
+WorkItems SubItem::build_mosaic(std::vector<SPItem*> &&items)
+ // Sort so that topmost items come first.
+ std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), [] (auto a, auto b) {
+ return sp_object_compare_position_bool(b, a);
+ });
+ // Extract all individual pathvectors within the collection of items,
+ // keeping track of their associated item and style, again sorted topmost-first.
+ using AugmentedItem = std::tuple<Geom::PathVector, SPItem*, SPStyle*>;
+ std::vector<AugmentedItem> augmented;
+ for (auto item : items) {
+ // Get the correctly-transformed pathvectors, together with their corresponding styles.
+ auto extracted = extract_pathvectors(item);
+ // Append to the list of augmented items.
+ for (auto &[pathv, style] : extracted) {
+ augmented.emplace_back(std::move(pathv), item, style);
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute a slightly expanded bounding box, collect together all lines, and cut the former by the latter.
+ Geom::OptRect bounds;
+ Geom::PathVector lines;
+ for (auto &[pathv, item, style] : augmented) {
+ bounds |= pathv.boundsExact();
+ for (auto &path : pathv) {
+ lines.push_back(path);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!bounds) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ constexpr double expansion = 10.0;
+ bounds->expandBy(expansion);
+ auto bounds_pathv = Geom::PathVector(Geom::Path(*bounds));
+ auto pieces = improved_cut(bounds_pathv, lines);
+ // Construct the SubItems, attempting to guess the corresponding augmented item for each piece.
+ WorkItems result;
+ auto gen = std::default_random_engine(std::random_device()());
+ auto ranf = [&] { return std::uniform_real_distribution()(gen); };
+ auto randpt = [&] { return Geom::Point(ranf(), ranf()); };
+ for (auto &piece : pieces) {
+ // Skip the big enclosing piece that is touching the outer boundary.
+ if (auto rect = piece.boundsExact()) {
+ if ( Geom::are_near(rect->top(), bounds->top(), expansion / 2)
+ || Geom::are_near(rect->bottom(), bounds->bottom(), expansion / 2)
+ || Geom::are_near(rect->left(), bounds->left(), expansion / 2)
+ || Geom::are_near(rect->right(), bounds->right(), expansion / 2))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove junk paths that are open and/or tiny.
+ for (auto it = piece.begin(); it != piece.end(); ) {
+ if (!it->closed() || is_path_empty(*it)) {
+ it = piece.erase(it);
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ // Skip empty pathvectors.
+ if (piece.empty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Determine the corresponding augmented item.
+ // Fixme: (Wishlist) This is done unreliably and hackily, but livarot/2geom seemingly offer no alternative.
+ std::unordered_map<AugmentedItem*, int> hits;
+ auto rect = piece.boundsExact();
+ auto add_hit = [&] (Geom::Point const &pt) {
+ // Find an augmented item containing the point.
+ for (auto &aug : augmented) {
+ auto &[pathv, item, style] = aug;
+ auto fill_rule = style->fill_rule.computed;
+ auto winding = pathv.winding(pt);
+ if (fill_rule == SP_WIND_RULE_NONZERO ? winding : winding % 2) {
+ hits[&aug]++;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // If none exists, register a background hit.
+ hits[nullptr]++;
+ };
+ for (int total_hits = 0, patience = 1000; total_hits < 20 && patience > 0; patience--) {
+ // Attempt to generate a point strictly inside the piece.
+ auto pt = rect->min() + randpt() * rect->dimensions();
+ if (piece.winding(pt)) {
+ add_hit(pt);
+ total_hits++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Pick the augmented item with the most hits.
+ AugmentedItem *found = nullptr;
+ int max_hits = 0;
+ for (auto &[a, h] : hits) {
+ if (h > max_hits) {
+ max_hits = h;
+ found = a;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the SubItem.
+ auto item = found ? std::get<1>(*found) : nullptr;
+ auto style = found ? std::get<2>(*found) : nullptr;
+ result.emplace_back(std::make_shared<SubItem>(std::move(piece), item, style));
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Take a list of items and flatten into a list of SubItems.
+ */
+WorkItems SubItem::build_flatten(std::vector<SPItem*> &&items)
+ // Sort so that topmost items come first.
+ std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), [] (auto a, auto b) {
+ return sp_object_compare_position_bool(b, a);
+ });
+ WorkItems result;
+ Geom::PathVector unioned;
+ for (auto item : items) {
+ // Get the correctly-transformed pathvectors, together with their corresponding styles.
+ auto extracted = extract_pathvectors(item);
+ for (auto &[pathv, style] : extracted) {
+ // Remove lines.
+ for (auto it = pathv.begin(); it != pathv.end(); ) {
+ if (!it->closed()) {
+ it = pathv.erase(it);
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ // Skip pathvectors that are just lines.
+ if (pathv.empty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Flatten the remaining pathvector according to its fill rule.
+ auto fillrule = style->fill_rule.computed;
+ sp_flatten(pathv, sp_to_livarot(fillrule));
+ // Remove the union so far from the shape, then add the shape to the union so far.
+ Geom::PathVector uniq;
+ if (unioned.empty()) {
+ uniq = pathv;
+ unioned = std::move(pathv);
+ } else {
+ uniq = sp_pathvector_boolop(unioned, pathv, bool_op_diff, fill_nonZero, fill_nonZero, true);
+ unioned = sp_pathvector_boolop(unioned, pathv, bool_op_union, fill_nonZero, fill_nonZero, true);
+ }
+ // Add the new SubItem.
+ result.emplace_back(std::make_shared<SubItem>(std::move(uniq), item, style));
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Return true if this subitem contains the give point.
+ */
+bool SubItem::contains(Geom::Point const &pt) const
+ return _paths.winding(pt) % 2 != 0;
+} // namespace Inkscape