path: root/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..718834c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2021 by Peder Stray <>
+# This is a standalone perl program and not intended to run within
+# irssi, it will complain if you try to...
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Encode;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use vars qw(%ansi %base %attr %old);
+use vars qw(@bols @nums @mirc @irssi @mc @mh @ic @ih @cn);
+use vars qw($class $oldclass);
+use vars qw{$VERSION %IRSSI};
+($VERSION) = '$Revision: 1.11.1 $' =~ / (\d+(\.\d+)+) /;
+%IRSSI = (
+ name => 'log2ansi',
+ authors => 'Peder Stray',
+ contact => '',
+ url => '',
+ license => 'GPL',
+ description => 'Convert various color codes to ANSI colors, useful for log filtering and viewing.',
+ );
+my $opt_clear = 0;
+my $opt_html = 0;
+my $opt_utf8 = 0;
+my $opt_help = 0;
+if (__PACKAGE__ =~ /^Irssi/) {
+ # we are within irssi... die!
+ Irssi::print("%RWarning:%n log2ansi should not run from within irssi");
+else {
+ do_convert();
+sub defc {
+ my($attr) = shift || \%attr;
+ $attr->{fgc} = $attr->{bgc} = -1;
+ $attr->{fgh} = $attr->{bgh} = 0;
+sub defm {
+ my($attr) = shift || \%attr;
+ $attr->{bold} = $attr->{underline} =
+ $attr->{blink} = $attr->{reverse} = 0;
+sub def {
+ my($attr) = shift || \%attr;
+ defc($attr);
+ defm($attr);
+sub setold {
+ %old = %attr;
+sub emit {
+ my($str) = @_;
+ my(%elem,@elem);
+ if ($opt_clear) {
+ # do nothing
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($opt_html) {
+ my %class;
+ for (@bols) {
+ $class{$_}++ if $attr{$_};
+ }
+ for (qw(fg bg)) {
+ my $h = delete $class{"${_}h"};
+ my $n = $attr{"${_}c"};
+ next unless $n >= 0;
+ $class{"$_$cn[$n + 8 * $h]"}++;
+ }
+ $class = join " ", sort keys %class;
+ print qq{</span>} if $oldclass;
+ print qq{<span class="$class">} if $class;
+ $oldclass = $class;
+ }
+ else {
+ my(@clear) = ( (grep { $old{$_} > $attr{$_} } @bols),
+ (grep { $old{$_}>=0 && $attr{$_}<0 } @nums)
+ );
+ $elem{0}++ if @clear;
+ for (@bols) {
+ $elem{$base{$_}}++
+ if $attr{$_} && ($old{$_} != $attr{$_} || $elem{0});
+ }
+ for (@nums) {
+ $elem{$base{$_}+$attr{$_}}++
+ if $attr{$_} >= 0 && ($old{$_} != $attr{$_} || $elem{0});
+ }
+ @elem = sort {$a<=>$b} keys %elem;
+ if (@elem) {
+ @elem = () if @elem == 1 && !$elem[0];
+ printf "\e[%sm", join ";", @elem;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($opt_html) {
+ for ($str) {
+ s/&/&amp;/g;
+ s/</&lt;/g;
+ s/>/&gt;/g;
+ }
+ }
+ print $str;
+ setold;
+sub do_convert {
+ GetOptions(
+ 'c|clear!' => \$opt_clear,
+ 'h|html!' => \$opt_html,
+ 'u|utf8!' => \$opt_utf8,
+ 'help' => sub { $opt_help = 1 },
+ 'full-help' => sub { $opt_help = 2 },
+ ) or pod2usage(2);
+ # show some help if stdin is a tty and no files
+ $opt_help = 1 if !$opt_help && -t 0 && !@ARGV;
+ pod2usage(-verbose => $opt_help,
+ -exitval => 0,
+ ) if $opt_help;
+ for (@ARGV) {
+ if (/\.xz$/) {
+ $_ = "unxz < '$_' |";
+ }
+ elsif (/\.bz2$/) {
+ $_ = "bunzip2 < '$_' |";
+ }
+ elsif (/\.gz$/) {
+ $_ = "gunzip < '$_' |";
+ }
+ elsif (/\.lzma$/) {
+ $_ = "unlzma < '$_' |";
+ }
+ }
+ my($n) = 0;
+ %ansi = map { $_ => $n++ } split //, 'krgybmcw';
+ @bols = qw(bold underline blink reverse fgh bgh);
+ @nums = qw(fgc bgc);
+ @base{@bols} = qw(1 4 5 7 1 5);
+ @base{@nums} = qw(30 40);
+ @mirc = split //, 'WkbgRrmyYGcCBMKw';
+ @irssi = split //, 'kbgcrmywKBGCRMYW';
+ @mc = map {$ansi{lc $_}} @mirc;
+ @mh = map {$_ eq uc $_} @mirc;
+ @ic = map {$ansi{lc $_}} @irssi;
+ @ih = map {$_ eq uc $_} @irssi;
+ @cn = qw(black dr dg dy db dm dc lgray dgray lr lg ly lb lm lc white);
+ if ($opt_html) {
+ print qq{<div class="loglines">\n};
+ }
+ if ($opt_utf8) {
+ binmode STDIN, ':bytes'; #encoding(cp1252)';
+ binmode STDOUT, ':encoding((UTF-8)';
+ }
+ while (<>) {
+ if ($opt_utf8) {
+ my $line;
+ while (length) {
+ $line .= decode("utf8", $_, Encode::FB_QUIET);
+ $line .= substr $_, 0, 1, "";
+ }
+ $_ = $line;
+ }
+ chomp;
+ def;
+ setold;
+ if ($opt_html) {
+ printf qq{<div class="logline">};
+ }
+ while (length) {
+ if (s/^\cB//) {
+ # toggle bold
+ $attr{bold} = !$attr{bold};
+ } elsif (s/^\cC//) {
+ # mirc colors
+ if (/^[^\d,]/) {
+ defc;
+ } else {
+ if (s/^(\d\d?)//) {
+ $attr{fgc} = $mc[$1 % 16];
+ $attr{fgh} = $mh[$1 % 16];
+ }
+ if (s/^,//) {
+ if (s/^(\d\d?)//) {
+ $attr{bgc} = $mc[$1 % 16];
+ $attr{bgh} = $mh[$1 % 16];
+ } else {
+ $attr{bgc} = -1;
+ $attr{bgh} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (s/^\cD//) {
+ # irssi format
+ if (s/^a//) {
+ $attr{blink} = !$attr{blink};
+ } elsif (s/^b//) {
+ $attr{underline} = !$attr{underline};
+ } elsif (s/^c//) {
+ $attr{bold} = !$attr{bold};
+ } elsif (s/^d//) {
+ $attr{reverse} = !$attr{reverse};
+ } elsif (s/^e//) {
+ # indent
+ } elsif (s/^f([^,]*),//) {
+ # indent_func
+ } elsif (s/^g//) {
+ def;
+ } elsif (s/^h//) {
+ # cleol
+ } elsif (s/^i//) {
+ # monospace
+ } else {
+ s/^(.)(.)//;
+ my($f,$b) = map { ord($_)-ord('0') } $1, $2;
+ if ($f<0) {
+ # $attr{fgc} = -1; $attr{fgh} = 0;
+ } else {
+ # c>7 => bold, c -= 8 if c>8
+ $attr{fgc} = $ic[$f];
+ $attr{fgh} = $ih[$f];
+ }
+ if ($b<0) {
+ # $attr{bgc} = -1; $attr{bgh} = 0;
+ } else {
+ # c>7 => blink, c -= 8
+ $attr{bgc} = $ic[$b];
+ $attr{bgh} = $ih[$b];
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (s/^\cF//) {
+ # blink
+ $attr{blink} = !$attr{blink};
+ } elsif (s/^\cO//) {
+ def;
+ } elsif (s/^\cV//) {
+ $attr{reverse} = !$attr{reverse};
+ } elsif (s/^\c[\[([^m]*)m//) {
+ my(@ansi) = split ";", $1;
+ my(%a);
+ push @ansi, 0 unless @ansi;
+ for my $code (@ansi) {
+ if ($code == 0) {
+ def(\%a);
+ } elsif ($code == $base{bold}) {
+ $a{bold} = 1;
+ } elsif ($code == $base{underline}) {
+ $a{underline} = 1;
+ } elsif ($code == $base{blink}) {
+ $a{underline} = 1;
+ } elsif ($code == $base{reverse}) {
+ $a{reverse} = 1;
+ } elsif ($code >= 30 && $code <= 37) {
+ $a{fgc} = $code - 30;
+ } elsif ($code >= 40 && $code <= 47) {
+ $a{bgc} = $code - 40;
+ } else {
+ $a{$code} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($a{fgc} >= 0 && $a{bold}) {
+ $a{fgh} = 1;
+ $a{bold} = 0;
+ }
+ if ($a{bgc} >= 0 && $a{blink}) {
+ $a{bgh} = 1;
+ $a{blink} = 0;
+ }
+ for my $key (keys %a) {
+ $attr{$key} = $a{$key};
+ }
+ } elsif (s/^\c_//) {
+ $attr{underline} = !$attr{underline};
+ } else {
+ s/^(.[^\cB\cC\cD\cF\cO\cV\c[\c_]*)//;
+ emit $1;
+ }
+ }
+ def;
+ emit "";
+ if ($opt_html) {
+ print "</div>";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ if ($opt_html) {
+ print "</div>\n";
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+log2ansi - Convert foo various color escape codes to ANSI (or strip them)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+[I<logfile ...>]
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-c>, B<--clear>
+Instructs B<log2ansi> to clear all formatting and output plain text logs.
+=item B<-h>, B<--html>
+Instructs B<log2ansi> to output a HTML fragment instead of ANSI text.
+The whole log will be wrapped in a div with class C<loglines>, each line
+of the log in a div with class C<logline>. Colors are wrapped in spans,
+with a class name consisting of C<fg> or C<bg>, concatenated with the
+color name, either C<black> or C<white>, or C<r>, C<g>, C<b>, C<c>,
+C<m>, C<y>, or C<gray> prefixed with either C<l> for light, or C<d> for
+You have to include appropriate CSS yourself to get any colors at all
+when viewing the log.
+=item B<-u>, B<--utf8>
+This forces output to be UTF-8, and does input decoding of UTF-8 with
+fallback to ISO-8859-1. Use this if your input logs have mixed UTF-8
+and ISO-8859-1.
+=item B<--help>, B<--full-help>
+Show help, either just option descriptions or a full man page.
+Use B<log2ansi> to convert logfiles from Irssi with internal escape
+codes, mIRC color codes or ANSI escapes to plain text with ANSI
+formatted color codes for viewing in a terminal.
+Use the B<--clear> option to strip all formatting escapes and output
+just plain text.
+You can supply input on standard input, or as filenames on the command
+line. Any file ending in B<.gz>, B<.bz2>, B<.xz> or B<.lzma> will be
+uncompressed automatically before processing.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+ Peder Stray <>