path: root/src/core/misc.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/misc.h')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/misc.h b/src/core/misc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..622470f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/misc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+int i_input_add_poll(int fd, int priority, int condition, GInputFunction function, void *data);
+/* `str' should be type char[MAX_INT_STRLEN] */
+#define ltoa(str, num) \
+ g_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%d", num)
+typedef void* (*FOREACH_FIND_FUNC) (void *item, void *data);
+typedef int (*COLUMN_LEN_FUNC)(void *data);
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
+/* Returns 1 if tv1 > tv2, -1 if tv2 > tv1 or 0 if they're equal. */
+int g_timeval_cmp(const GTimeVal *tv1, const GTimeVal *tv2) G_GNUC_DEPRECATED;
+/* Returns "tv1 - tv2", returns the result in milliseconds. Note that
+ if the difference is too large, the result might be invalid. */
+long get_timeval_diff(const GTimeVal *tv1, const GTimeVal *tv2) G_GNUC_DEPRECATED;
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 56, 0)
+/* nothing */
+/* compatibility code for old GLib */
+GDateTime *g_date_time_new_from_iso8601(const gchar *iso_date, GTimeZone *default_tz);
+GSList *i_slist_find_string(GSList *list, const char *key);
+GSList *i_slist_find_icase_string(GSList *list, const char *key);
+GList *i_list_find_string(GList *list, const char *key);
+GList *i_list_find_icase_string(GList *list, const char *key);
+GSList *i_slist_remove_string(GSList *list, const char *str) G_GNUC_DEPRECATED;
+GSList *i_slist_delete_string(GSList *list, const char *str, GDestroyNotify free_func);
+void i_slist_free_full(GSList *list, GDestroyNotify free_func);
+void *i_slist_foreach_find(GSList *list, FOREACH_FIND_FUNC func, const void *data);
+/* `list' contains pointer to structure with a char* to string. */
+char *gslistptr_to_string(GSList *list, int offset, const char *delimiter);
+/* `list' contains char* */
+char *i_slist_to_string(GSList *list, const char *delimiter);
+GList *optlist_remove_known(const char *cmd, GHashTable *optlist);
+/* convert ~/ to $HOME */
+char *convert_home(const char *path);
+/* Case-insensitive string hash functions */
+int i_istr_equal(gconstpointer v, gconstpointer v2);
+unsigned int i_istr_hash(gconstpointer v);
+/* Case-insensitive GCompareFunc func */
+int i_istr_cmp(gconstpointer v, gconstpointer v2);
+/* Find `mask' from `data', you can use * and ? wildcards. */
+int match_wildcards(const char *mask, const char *data);
+/* octal <-> decimal conversions */
+int octal2dec(int octal);
+int dec2octal(int decimal) G_GNUC_DEPRECATED;
+/* Get time in human readable form with localtime() + asctime() */
+char *my_asctime(time_t t);
+/* Returns number of columns needed to print items.
+ save_column_widths is filled with length of each column. */
+int get_max_column_count(GSList *items, COLUMN_LEN_FUNC len_func,
+ int max_width, int max_columns,
+ int item_extra, int item_min_size,
+ int **save_column_widths, int *rows);
+/* Return a column sorted copy of a list. */
+GSList *columns_sort_list(GSList *list, int rows);
+/* Expand escape string, the first character in data should be the
+ one after '\'. Returns the expanded character or -1 if error. */
+int expand_escape(const char **data);
+int nearest_power(int num);
+/* Returns TRUE / FALSE */
+int parse_uint(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base, guint *number);
+int parse_time_interval(const char *time, int *msecs);
+int parse_size(const char *size, int *bytes);
+/* Return TRUE if all characters in `str' are numbers.
+ Stop when `end_char' is found from string. */
+int is_numeric(const char *str, char end_char);
+/* strstr() with case-ignoring */
+char *stristr(const char *data, const char *key);
+/* like strstr(), but matches only for full words. */
+char *strstr_full(const char *data, const char *key);
+char *stristr_full(const char *data, const char *key);
+char *ascii_strup(char *str);
+char *ascii_strdown(char *str);
+/* Escape all '"', "'" and '\' chars with '\' */
+char *escape_string(const char *str);
+/* Escape all '\' chars with '\' */
+char *escape_string_backslashes(const char *str);
+/* convert all low-ascii (<32) to ^<A..> combinations */
+char *show_lowascii(const char *str);
+/* replace all `from' chars in string to `to' chars. returns `str' */
+char *replace_chars(char *str, char from, char to);
+/* return index of `item' in `array' or -1 if not found */
+int strarray_find(char **array, const char *item);
+/* string -> uoff_t */
+uoff_t str_to_uofft(const char *str);
+/* find `item' from a space separated `list' */
+int find_substr(const char *list, const char *item);
+/* split `str' into `len' sized substrings */
+char **strsplit_len(const char *str, int len, gboolean onspace);
+/* Convert a given buffer to a printable, colon-delimited, hex string and
+ * return a pointer to the newly allocated buffer */
+char *binary_to_hex(unsigned char *buffer, size_t size);