path: root/src/bin/dhcp6/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bin/dhcp6/')
1 files changed, 1465 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/dhcp6/ b/src/bin/dhcp6/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94244c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/dhcp6/
@@ -0,0 +1,1465 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <cc/command_interpreter.h>
+#include <cc/data.h>
+#include <config/command_mgr.h>
+#include <cryptolink/crypto_hash.h>
+#include <dhcp/libdhcp++.h>
+#include <dhcp6/ctrl_dhcp6_srv.h>
+#include <dhcp6/dhcp6_log.h>
+#include <dhcp6/dhcp6to4_ipc.h>
+#include <dhcp6/json_config_parser.h>
+#include <dhcp6/parser_context.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/cfg_db_access.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/cfg_multi_threading.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/cfgmgr.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/db_type.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/host_mgr.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/lease_mgr_factory.h>
+#include <hooks/hooks.h>
+#include <hooks/hooks_manager.h>
+#include <process/cfgrpt/config_report.h>
+#include <stats/stats_mgr.h>
+#include <util/encode/hex.h>
+#include <util/multi_threading_mgr.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::config;
+using namespace isc::data;
+using namespace isc::db;
+using namespace isc::dhcp;
+using namespace isc::hooks;
+using namespace isc::stats;
+using namespace isc::util;
+using namespace std;
+namespace ph = std::placeholders;
+namespace {
+/// Structure that holds registered hook indexes.
+struct CtrlDhcp6Hooks {
+ int hooks_index_dhcp6_srv_configured_;
+ /// Constructor that registers hook points for the DHCPv6 server.
+ CtrlDhcp6Hooks() {
+ hooks_index_dhcp6_srv_configured_ = HooksManager::registerHook("dhcp6_srv_configured");
+ }
+// Declare a Hooks object. As this is outside any function or method, it
+// will be instantiated (and the constructor run) when the module is loaded.
+// As a result, the hook indexes will be defined before any method in this
+// module is called.
+CtrlDhcp6Hooks Hooks;
+// Name of the file holding server identifier.
+static const char* SERVER_DUID_FILE = "kea-dhcp6-serverid";
+/// @brief Signals handler for DHCPv6 server.
+/// This signal handler handles the following signals received by the DHCPv6
+/// server process:
+/// - SIGHUP - triggers server's dynamic reconfiguration.
+/// - SIGTERM - triggers server's shut down.
+/// - SIGINT - triggers server's shut down.
+/// @param signo Signal number received.
+void signalHandler(int signo) {
+ // SIGHUP signals a request to reconfigure the server.
+ if (signo == SIGHUP) {
+ ControlledDhcpv6Srv::processCommand("config-reload",
+ ConstElementPtr());
+ } else if ((signo == SIGTERM) || (signo == SIGINT)) {
+ ControlledDhcpv6Srv::processCommand("shutdown",
+ ConstElementPtr());
+ }
+namespace isc {
+namespace dhcp {
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv* ControlledDhcpv6Srv::server_ = NULL;
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::init(const std::string& file_name) {
+ // Keep the call timestamp.
+ start_ = boost::posix_time::second_clock::universal_time();
+ // Configure the server using JSON file.
+ ConstElementPtr result = loadConfigFile(file_name);
+ int rcode;
+ ConstElementPtr comment = isc::config::parseAnswer(rcode, result);
+ if (rcode != CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
+ string reason = comment ? comment->stringValue() :
+ "no details available";
+ isc_throw(isc::BadValue, reason);
+ }
+ // We don't need to call openActiveSockets() or startD2() as these
+ // methods are called in processConfig() which is called by
+ // processCommand("config-set", ...)
+ // Set signal handlers. When the SIGHUP is received by the process
+ // the server reconfiguration will be triggered. When SIGTERM or
+ // SIGINT will be received, the server will start shutting down.
+ signal_set_.reset(new IOSignalSet(getIOService(), signalHandler));
+ signal_set_->add(SIGINT);
+ signal_set_->add(SIGHUP);
+ signal_set_->add(SIGTERM);
+void ControlledDhcpv6Srv::cleanup() {
+ signal_set_.reset();
+ getIOService()->poll();
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::loadConfigFile(const std::string& file_name) {
+ // This is a configuration backend implementation that reads the
+ // configuration from a JSON file.
+ isc::data::ConstElementPtr json;
+ isc::data::ConstElementPtr result;
+ // Basic sanity check: file name must not be empty.
+ try {
+ if (file_name.empty()) {
+ // Basic sanity check: file name must not be empty.
+ isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "JSON configuration file not specified."
+ " Please use -c command line option.");
+ }
+ // Read contents of the file and parse it as JSON
+ Parser6Context parser;
+ json = parser.parseFile(file_name, Parser6Context::PARSER_DHCP6);
+ if (!json) {
+ isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "no configuration found");
+ }
+ // Let's do sanity check before we call json->get() which
+ // works only for map.
+ if (json->getType() != isc::data::Element::map) {
+ isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "Configuration file is expected to be "
+ "a map, i.e., start with { and end with } and contain "
+ "at least an entry called 'Dhcp6' that itself is a map. "
+ << file_name
+ << " is a valid JSON, but its top element is not a map."
+ " Did you forget to add { } around your configuration?");
+ }
+ // Use parsed JSON structures to configure the server
+ result = ControlledDhcpv6Srv::processCommand("config-set", json);
+ if (!result) {
+ // Undetermined status of the configuration. This should never
+ // happen, but as the configureDhcp6Server returns a pointer, it is
+ // theoretically possible that it will return NULL.
+ isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "undefined result of "
+ "processCommand(\"config-set\", json)");
+ }
+ // Now check is the returned result is successful (rcode=0) or not
+ // (see @ref isc::config::parseAnswer).
+ int rcode;
+ ConstElementPtr comment = isc::config::parseAnswer(rcode, result);
+ if (rcode != CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
+ string reason = comment ? comment->stringValue() :
+ "no details available";
+ isc_throw(isc::BadValue, reason);
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ // If configuration failed at any stage, we drop the staging
+ // configuration and continue to use the previous one.
+ CfgMgr::instance().rollback();
+ .arg(file_name).arg(ex.what());
+ isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "configuration error using file '"
+ << file_name << "': " << ex.what());
+ }
+ .arg(MultiThreadingMgr::instance().getMode() ? "yes" : "no")
+ .arg(MultiThreadingMgr::instance().getThreadPoolSize())
+ .arg(MultiThreadingMgr::instance().getPacketQueueSize());
+ return (result);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandShutdownHandler(const string&, ConstElementPtr args) {
+ if (!ControlledDhcpv6Srv::getInstance()) {
+ LOG_WARN(dhcp6_logger, DHCP6_NOT_RUNNING);
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, "Shutdown failure."));
+ }
+ int exit_value = 0;
+ if (args) {
+ // @todo Should we go ahead and shutdown even if the args are invalid?
+ if (args->getType() != Element::map) {
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, "Argument must be a map"));
+ }
+ ConstElementPtr param = args->get("exit-value");
+ if (param) {
+ if (param->getType() != Element::integer) {
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+ "parameter 'exit-value' is not an integer"));
+ }
+ exit_value = param->intValue();
+ }
+ }
+ ControlledDhcpv6Srv::getInstance()->shutdownServer(exit_value);
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Shutting down."));
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandLibReloadHandler(const string&, ConstElementPtr) {
+ LOG_WARN(dhcp6_logger, DHCP6_DEPRECATED).arg("libreload command");
+ // stop thread pool (if running)
+ MultiThreadingCriticalSection cs;
+ // Clear the packet queue.
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().getThreadPool().reset();
+ try {
+ /// Get list of currently loaded libraries and reload them.
+ HookLibsCollection loaded = HooksManager::getLibraryInfo();
+ HooksManager::prepareUnloadLibraries();
+ static_cast<void>(HooksManager::unloadLibraries());
+ bool multi_threading_enabled = true;
+ uint32_t thread_count = 0;
+ uint32_t queue_size = 0;
+ CfgMultiThreading::extract(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getDHCPMultiThreading(),
+ multi_threading_enabled, thread_count, queue_size);
+ bool status = HooksManager::loadLibraries(loaded, multi_threading_enabled);
+ if (!status) {
+ isc_throw(Unexpected, "Failed to reload hooks libraries "
+ "(WARNING: libreload is deprecated).");
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ ConstElementPtr answer = isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, ex.what());
+ return (answer);
+ }
+ ConstElementPtr answer = isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS,
+ "Hooks libraries successfully reloaded "
+ "(WARNING: libreload is deprecated).");
+ return (answer);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigReloadHandler(const string&,
+ ConstElementPtr /*args*/) {
+ // Get configuration file name.
+ string file = ControlledDhcpv6Srv::getInstance()->getConfigFile();
+ try {
+ LOG_INFO(dhcp6_logger, DHCP6_DYNAMIC_RECONFIGURATION).arg(file);
+ auto result = loadConfigFile(file);
+ return (result);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ // Log the unsuccessful reconfiguration. The reason for failure
+ // should be already logged. Don't rethrow an exception so as
+ // the server keeps working.
+ .arg(file);
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+ "Config reload failed: " + string(ex.what())));
+ }
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigGetHandler(const string&,
+ ConstElementPtr /*args*/) {
+ ElementPtr config = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->toElement();
+ string hash = BaseCommandMgr::getHash(config);
+ config->set("hash", Element::create(hash));
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, config));
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigHashGetHandler(const string&,
+ ConstElementPtr /*args*/) {
+ ConstElementPtr config = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->toElement();
+ string hash = BaseCommandMgr::getHash(config);
+ ElementPtr params = Element::createMap();
+ params->set("hash", Element::create(hash));
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, params));
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigWriteHandler(const string&,
+ ConstElementPtr args) {
+ string filename;
+ if (args) {
+ if (args->getType() != Element::map) {
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, "Argument must be a map"));
+ }
+ ConstElementPtr filename_param = args->get("filename");
+ if (filename_param) {
+ if (filename_param->getType() != Element::string) {
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+ "passed parameter 'filename' is not a string"));
+ }
+ filename = filename_param->stringValue();
+ }
+ }
+ if (filename.empty()) {
+ // filename parameter was not specified, so let's use whatever we remember
+ // from the command-line
+ filename = getConfigFile();
+ }
+ if (filename.empty()) {
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, "Unable to determine filename."
+ "Please specify filename explicitly."));
+ }
+ // Ok, it's time to write the file.
+ size_t size = 0;
+ try {
+ ConstElementPtr cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->toElement();
+ size = writeConfigFile(filename, cfg);
+ } catch (const isc::Exception& ex) {
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, string("Error during write-config: ")
+ + ex.what()));
+ }
+ if (size == 0) {
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, "Error writing configuration to "
+ + filename));
+ }
+ // Ok, it's time to return the successful response.
+ ElementPtr params = Element::createMap();
+ params->set("size", Element::create(static_cast<long long>(size)));
+ params->set("filename", Element::create(filename));
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Configuration written to "
+ + filename + " successful", params));
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigSetHandler(const string&,
+ ConstElementPtr args) {
+ const int status_code = CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR;
+ ConstElementPtr dhcp6;
+ string message;
+ // Command arguments are expected to be:
+ // { "Dhcp6": { ... } }
+ if (!args) {
+ message = "Missing mandatory 'arguments' parameter.";
+ } else {
+ dhcp6 = args->get("Dhcp6");
+ if (!dhcp6) {
+ message = "Missing mandatory 'Dhcp6' parameter.";
+ } else if (dhcp6->getType() != Element::map) {
+ message = "'Dhcp6' parameter expected to be a map.";
+ }
+ }
+ // Check unsupported objects.
+ if (message.empty()) {
+ for (auto obj : args->mapValue()) {
+ const string& obj_name = obj.first;
+ if (obj_name != "Dhcp6") {
+ .arg(obj_name);
+ if (message.empty()) {
+ message = "Unsupported '" + obj_name + "' parameter";
+ } else {
+ message += " (and '" + obj_name + "')";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!message.empty()) {
+ message += ".";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!message.empty()) {
+ // Something is amiss with arguments, return a failure response.
+ ConstElementPtr result = isc::config::createAnswer(status_code,
+ message);
+ return (result);
+ }
+ // stop thread pool (if running)
+ MultiThreadingCriticalSection cs;
+ // We are starting the configuration process so we should remove any
+ // staging configuration that has been created during previous
+ // configuration attempts.
+ CfgMgr::instance().rollback();
+ // Parse the logger configuration explicitly into the staging config.
+ // Note this does not alter the current loggers, they remain in
+ // effect until we apply the logging config below. If no logging
+ // is supplied logging will revert to default logging.
+ Daemon::configureLogger(dhcp6, CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg());
+ // Let's apply the new logging. We do it early, so we'll be able to print
+ // out what exactly is wrong with the new config in case of problems.
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->applyLoggingCfg();
+ // Now we configure the server proper.
+ ConstElementPtr result = processConfig(dhcp6);
+ // If the configuration parsed successfully, apply the new logger
+ // configuration and the commit the new configuration. We apply
+ // the logging first in case there's a configuration failure.
+ int rcode = 0;
+ isc::config::parseAnswer(rcode, result);
+ if (rcode == CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->applyLoggingCfg();
+ // Use new configuration.
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ } else if (CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getSequence() != 0) {
+ // Ok, we applied the logging from the upcoming configuration, but
+ // there were problems with the config. As such, we need to back off
+ // and revert to the previous logging configuration. This is not done if
+ // sequence == 0, because that would mean always reverting to stdout by
+ // default, and it is arguably more helpful to have the error in a
+ // potential file or syslog configured in the upcoming configuration.
+ CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->applyLoggingCfg();
+ // Not initial configuration so someone can believe we reverted
+ // to the previous configuration. It is not the case so be clear
+ // about this.
+ }
+ return (result);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigTestHandler(const string&,
+ ConstElementPtr args) {
+ const int status_code = CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR; // 1 indicates an error
+ ConstElementPtr dhcp6;
+ string message;
+ // Command arguments are expected to be:
+ // { "Dhcp6": { ... } }
+ if (!args) {
+ message = "Missing mandatory 'arguments' parameter.";
+ } else {
+ dhcp6 = args->get("Dhcp6");
+ if (!dhcp6) {
+ message = "Missing mandatory 'Dhcp6' parameter.";
+ } else if (dhcp6->getType() != Element::map) {
+ message = "'Dhcp6' parameter expected to be a map.";
+ }
+ }
+ // Check unsupported objects.
+ if (message.empty()) {
+ for (auto obj : args->mapValue()) {
+ const string& obj_name = obj.first;
+ if (obj_name != "Dhcp6") {
+ .arg(obj_name);
+ if (message.empty()) {
+ message = "Unsupported '" + obj_name + "' parameter";
+ } else {
+ message += " (and '" + obj_name + "')";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!message.empty()) {
+ message += ".";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!message.empty()) {
+ // Something is amiss with arguments, return a failure response.
+ ConstElementPtr result = isc::config::createAnswer(status_code,
+ message);
+ return (result);
+ }
+ // stop thread pool (if running)
+ MultiThreadingCriticalSection cs;
+ // We are starting the configuration process so we should remove any
+ // staging configuration that has been created during previous
+ // configuration attempts.
+ CfgMgr::instance().rollback();
+ // Now we check the server proper.
+ return (checkConfig(dhcp6));
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandDhcpDisableHandler(const std::string&,
+ ConstElementPtr args) {
+ std::ostringstream message;
+ int64_t max_period = 0;
+ std::string origin;
+ // If the args map does not contain 'origin' parameter, the default type
+ // will be used (user command).
+ NetworkState::Origin type = NetworkState::Origin::USER_COMMAND;
+ // Parse arguments to see if the 'max-period' or 'origin' parameters have
+ // been specified.
+ if (args) {
+ // Arguments must be a map.
+ if (args->getType() != Element::map) {
+ message << "arguments for the 'dhcp-disable' command must be a map";
+ } else {
+ ConstElementPtr max_period_element = args->get("max-period");
+ // max-period is optional.
+ if (max_period_element) {
+ // It must be an integer, if specified.
+ if (max_period_element->getType() != Element::integer) {
+ message << "'max-period' argument must be a number";
+ } else {
+ // It must be positive integer.
+ max_period = max_period_element->intValue();
+ if (max_period <= 0) {
+ message << "'max-period' must be positive integer";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ConstElementPtr origin_element = args->get("origin");
+ // The 'origin' parameter is optional.
+ if (origin_element) {
+ // It must be a string, if specified.
+ if (origin_element->getType() != Element::string) {
+ message << "'origin' argument must be a string";
+ } else {
+ origin = origin_element->stringValue();
+ if (origin == "ha-partner") {
+ type = NetworkState::Origin::HA_COMMAND;
+ } else if (origin != "user") {
+ if (origin.empty()) {
+ origin = "(empty string)";
+ }
+ message << "invalid value used for 'origin' parameter: "
+ << origin;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // No error occurred, so let's disable the service.
+ if (message.tellp() == 0) {
+ message << "DHCPv6 service disabled";
+ if (max_period > 0) {
+ message << " for " << max_period << " seconds";
+ // The user specified that the DHCP service should resume not
+ // later than in max-period seconds. If the 'dhcp-enable' command
+ // is not sent, the DHCP service will resume automatically.
+ network_state_->delayedEnableAll(static_cast<unsigned>(max_period),
+ type);
+ }
+ network_state_->disableService(type);
+ // Success.
+ return (config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, message.str()));
+ }
+ // Failure.
+ return (config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, message.str()));
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandDhcpEnableHandler(const std::string&,
+ ConstElementPtr args) {
+ std::ostringstream message;
+ std::string origin;
+ // If the args map does not contain 'origin' parameter, the default type
+ // will be used (user command).
+ NetworkState::Origin type = NetworkState::Origin::USER_COMMAND;
+ // Parse arguments to see if the 'origin' parameter has been specified.
+ if (args) {
+ // Arguments must be a map.
+ if (args->getType() != Element::map) {
+ message << "arguments for the 'dhcp-enable' command must be a map";
+ } else {
+ ConstElementPtr origin_element = args->get("origin");
+ // The 'origin' parameter is optional.
+ if (origin_element) {
+ // It must be a string, if specified.
+ if (origin_element->getType() != Element::string) {
+ message << "'origin' argument must be a string";
+ } else {
+ origin = origin_element->stringValue();
+ if (origin == "ha-partner") {
+ type = NetworkState::Origin::HA_COMMAND;
+ } else if (origin != "user") {
+ if (origin.empty()) {
+ origin = "(empty string)";
+ }
+ message << "invalid value used for 'origin' parameter: "
+ << origin;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // No error occurred, so let's enable the service.
+ if (message.tellp() == 0) {
+ network_state_->enableService(type);
+ // Success.
+ return (config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS,
+ "DHCP service successfully enabled"));
+ }
+ // Failure.
+ return (config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, message.str()));
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandVersionGetHandler(const string&, ConstElementPtr) {
+ ElementPtr extended = Element::create(Dhcpv6Srv::getVersion(true));
+ ElementPtr arguments = Element::createMap();
+ arguments->set("extended", extended);
+ ConstElementPtr answer = isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS,
+ Dhcpv6Srv::getVersion(false),
+ arguments);
+ return (answer);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandBuildReportHandler(const string&,
+ ConstElementPtr) {
+ ConstElementPtr answer =
+ isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, isc::detail::getConfigReport());
+ return (answer);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandLeasesReclaimHandler(const string&,
+ ConstElementPtr args) {
+ int status_code = CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR;
+ string message;
+ // args must be { "remove": <bool> }
+ if (!args) {
+ message = "Missing mandatory 'remove' parameter.";
+ } else {
+ ConstElementPtr remove_name = args->get("remove");
+ if (!remove_name) {
+ message = "Missing mandatory 'remove' parameter.";
+ } else if (remove_name->getType() != Element::boolean) {
+ message = "'remove' parameter expected to be a boolean.";
+ } else {
+ bool remove_lease = remove_name->boolValue();
+ server_->alloc_engine_->reclaimExpiredLeases6(0, 0, remove_lease);
+ status_code = 0;
+ message = "Reclamation of expired leases is complete.";
+ }
+ }
+ ConstElementPtr answer = isc::config::createAnswer(status_code, message);
+ return (answer);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandServerTagGetHandler(const std::string&,
+ ConstElementPtr) {
+ const std::string& tag =
+ CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getServerTag();
+ ElementPtr response = Element::createMap();
+ response->set("server-tag", Element::create(tag));
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, response));
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigBackendPullHandler(const std::string&,
+ ConstElementPtr) {
+ auto ctl_info = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getConfigControlInfo();
+ if (!ctl_info) {
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_EMPTY, "No config backend."));
+ }
+ // stop thread pool (if running)
+ MultiThreadingCriticalSection cs;
+ // Reschedule the periodic CB fetch.
+ if (TimerMgr::instance()->isTimerRegistered("Dhcp6CBFetchTimer")) {
+ TimerMgr::instance()->cancel("Dhcp6CBFetchTimer");
+ TimerMgr::instance()->setup("Dhcp6CBFetchTimer");
+ }
+ // Code from cbFetchUpdates.
+ // The configuration to use is the current one because this is called
+ // after the configuration manager commit.
+ try {
+ auto srv_cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg();
+ auto mode = CBControlDHCPv6::FetchMode::FETCH_UPDATE;
+ server_->getCBControl()->databaseConfigFetch(srv_cfg, mode);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ .arg(ex.what());
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+ "On demand configuration update failed: " +
+ string(ex.what())));
+ }
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS,
+ "On demand configuration update successful."));
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandStatusGetHandler(const string&,
+ ConstElementPtr /*args*/) {
+ ElementPtr status = Element::createMap();
+ status->set("pid", Element::create(static_cast<int>(getpid())));
+ auto now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::universal_time();
+ // Sanity check: start_ is always initialized.
+ if (!start_.is_not_a_date_time()) {
+ auto uptime = now - start_;
+ status->set("uptime", Element::create(uptime.total_seconds()));
+ }
+ auto last_commit = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getLastCommitTime();
+ if (!last_commit.is_not_a_date_time()) {
+ auto reload = now - last_commit;
+ status->set("reload", Element::create(reload.total_seconds()));
+ }
+ auto& mt_mgr = MultiThreadingMgr::instance();
+ if (mt_mgr.getMode()) {
+ status->set("multi-threading-enabled", Element::create(true));
+ status->set("thread-pool-size", Element::create(static_cast<int32_t>(
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().getThreadPoolSize())));
+ status->set("packet-queue-size", Element::create(static_cast<int32_t>(
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().getPacketQueueSize())));
+ ElementPtr queue_stats = Element::createList();
+ queue_stats->add(Element::create(mt_mgr.getThreadPool().getQueueStat(10)));
+ queue_stats->add(Element::create(mt_mgr.getThreadPool().getQueueStat(100)));
+ queue_stats->add(Element::create(mt_mgr.getThreadPool().getQueueStat(1000)));
+ status->set("packet-queue-statistics", queue_stats);
+ } else {
+ status->set("multi-threading-enabled", Element::create(false));
+ }
+ // Iterate through the interfaces and get all the errors.
+ ElementPtr socket_errors(Element::createList());
+ for (IfacePtr const& interface : IfaceMgr::instance().getIfaces()) {
+ for (std::string const& error : interface->getErrors()) {
+ socket_errors->add(Element::create(error));
+ }
+ }
+ // Abstract the information from all sockets into a single status.
+ ElementPtr sockets(Element::createMap());
+ if (socket_errors->empty()) {
+ sockets->set("status", Element::create("ready"));
+ } else {
+ ReconnectCtlPtr const reconnect_ctl(
+ CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgIface()->getReconnectCtl());
+ if (reconnect_ctl && reconnect_ctl->retriesLeft()) {
+ sockets->set("status", Element::create("retrying"));
+ } else {
+ sockets->set("status", Element::create("failed"));
+ }
+ sockets->set("errors", socket_errors);
+ }
+ status->set("sockets", sockets);
+ return (createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, status));
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandStatisticSetMaxSampleCountAllHandler(const string&,
+ ConstElementPtr args) {
+ StatsMgr& stats_mgr = StatsMgr::instance();
+ ConstElementPtr answer = stats_mgr.statisticSetMaxSampleCountAllHandler(args);
+ // Update the default parameter.
+ long max_samples = stats_mgr.getMaxSampleCountDefault();
+ CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->addConfiguredGlobal(
+ "statistic-default-sample-count", Element::create(max_samples));
+ return (answer);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandStatisticSetMaxSampleAgeAllHandler(const string&,
+ ConstElementPtr args) {
+ StatsMgr& stats_mgr = StatsMgr::instance();
+ ConstElementPtr answer = stats_mgr.statisticSetMaxSampleAgeAllHandler(args);
+ // Update the default parameter.
+ auto duration = stats_mgr.getMaxSampleAgeDefault();
+ long max_age = toSeconds(duration);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->addConfiguredGlobal(
+ "statistic-default-sample-age", Element::create(max_age));
+ return (answer);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::processCommand(const string& command,
+ ConstElementPtr args) {
+ string txt = args ? args->str() : "(none)";
+ .arg(command).arg(txt);
+ ControlledDhcpv6Srv* srv = ControlledDhcpv6Srv::getInstance();
+ if (!srv) {
+ ConstElementPtr no_srv = isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+ "Server object not initialized, so can't process command '" +
+ command + "', arguments: '" + txt + "'.");
+ return (no_srv);
+ }
+ try {
+ if (command == "shutdown") {
+ return (srv->commandShutdownHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "libreload") {
+ return (srv->commandLibReloadHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "config-reload") {
+ return (srv->commandConfigReloadHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "config-set") {
+ return (srv->commandConfigSetHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "config-get") {
+ return (srv->commandConfigGetHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "config-hash-get") {
+ return (srv->commandConfigHashGetHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "config-test") {
+ return (srv->commandConfigTestHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "dhcp-disable") {
+ return (srv->commandDhcpDisableHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "dhcp-enable") {
+ return (srv->commandDhcpEnableHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "version-get") {
+ return (srv->commandVersionGetHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "build-report") {
+ return (srv->commandBuildReportHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "leases-reclaim") {
+ return (srv->commandLeasesReclaimHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "config-write") {
+ return (srv->commandConfigWriteHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "server-tag-get") {
+ return (srv->commandServerTagGetHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "config-backend-pull") {
+ return (srv->commandConfigBackendPullHandler(command, args));
+ } else if (command == "status-get") {
+ return (srv->commandStatusGetHandler(command, args));
+ }
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, "Unrecognized command:"
+ + command));
+ } catch (const isc::Exception& ex) {
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, "Error while processing command '"
+ + command + "': " + ex.what() +
+ ", params: '" + txt + "'"));
+ }
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::processConfig(isc::data::ConstElementPtr config) {
+ ControlledDhcpv6Srv* srv = ControlledDhcpv6Srv::getInstance();
+ // Single stream instance used in all error clauses
+ std::ostringstream err;
+ if (!srv) {
+ err << "Server object not initialized, can't process config.";
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, err.str()));
+ }
+ .arg(srv->redactConfig(config)->str());
+ ConstElementPtr answer = configureDhcp6Server(*srv, config);
+ // Check that configuration was successful. If not, do not reopen sockets
+ // and don't bother with DDNS stuff.
+ try {
+ int rcode = 0;
+ isc::config::parseAnswer(rcode, answer);
+ if (rcode != 0) {
+ return (answer);
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ err << "Failed to process configuration:" << ex.what();
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, err.str()));
+ }
+ // Re-open lease and host database with new parameters.
+ try {
+ DatabaseConnection::db_lost_callback_ =
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::dbLostCallback, srv, ph::_1);
+ DatabaseConnection::db_recovered_callback_ =
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::dbRecoveredCallback, srv, ph::_1);
+ DatabaseConnection::db_failed_callback_ =
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::dbFailedCallback, srv, ph::_1);
+ CfgDbAccessPtr cfg_db = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgDbAccess();
+ string params = "universe=6";
+ if (cfg_db->getExtendedInfoTablesEnabled()) {
+ params += " extended-info-tables=true";
+ }
+ cfg_db->setAppendedParameters(params);
+ cfg_db->createManagers();
+ // Reset counters related to connections as all managers have been recreated.
+ srv->getNetworkState()->reset(NetworkState::Origin::DB_CONNECTION);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ err << "Unable to open database: " << ex.what();
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, err.str()));
+ }
+ // Regenerate server identifier if needed.
+ try {
+ const std::string duid_file =
+ std::string(CfgMgr::instance().getDataDir()) + "/" +
+ std::string(SERVER_DUID_FILE);
+ DuidPtr duid = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgDUID()->create(duid_file);
+ server_->serverid_.reset(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_SERVERID, duid->getDuid()));
+ if (duid) {
+ .arg(duid->toText())
+ .arg(duid_file);
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ err << "unable to configure server identifier: " << ex.what();
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, err.str()));
+ }
+ // Server will start DDNS communications if its enabled.
+ try {
+ srv->startD2();
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ err << "Error starting DHCP_DDNS client after server reconfiguration: "
+ << ex.what();
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, err.str()));
+ }
+ // Setup DHCPv4-over-DHCPv6 IPC
+ try {
+ Dhcp6to4Ipc::instance().open();
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ err << "error starting DHCPv4-over-DHCPv6 IPC "
+ " after server reconfiguration: " << ex.what();
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, err.str()));
+ }
+ // Configure DHCP packet queueing
+ try {
+ data::ConstElementPtr qc;
+ qc = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getDHCPQueueControl();
+ if (IfaceMgr::instance().configureDHCPPacketQueue(AF_INET6, qc)) {
+ .arg(IfaceMgr::instance().getPacketQueue6()->getInfoStr());
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ err << "Error setting packet queue controls after server reconfiguration: "
+ << ex.what();
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, err.str()));
+ }
+ // Configure a callback to shut down the server when the bind socket
+ // attempts exceeded.
+ CfgIface::open_sockets_failed_callback_ =
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::openSocketsFailedCallback, srv, ph::_1);
+ // Configuration may change active interfaces. Therefore, we have to reopen
+ // sockets according to new configuration. It is possible that this
+ // operation will fail for some interfaces but the openSockets function
+ // guards against exceptions and invokes a callback function to
+ // log warnings. Since we allow that this fails for some interfaces there
+ // is no need to rollback configuration if socket fails to open on any
+ // of the interfaces.
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgIface()->
+ openSockets(AF_INET6, srv->getServerPort());
+ // Install the timers for handling leases reclamation.
+ try {
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgExpiration()->
+ setupTimers(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::reclaimExpiredLeases,
+ &ControlledDhcpv6Srv::deleteExpiredReclaimedLeases,
+ server_);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ err << "unable to setup timers for periodically running the"
+ " reclamation of the expired leases: "
+ << ex.what() << ".";
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, err.str()));
+ }
+ // Setup config backend polling, if configured for it.
+ auto ctl_info = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getConfigControlInfo();
+ if (ctl_info) {
+ long fetch_time = static_cast<long>(ctl_info->getConfigFetchWaitTime());
+ // Only schedule the CB fetch timer if the fetch wait time is greater
+ // than 0.
+ if (fetch_time > 0) {
+ // When we run unit tests, we want to use milliseconds unit for the
+ // specified interval. Otherwise, we use seconds. Note that using
+ // milliseconds as a unit in unit tests prevents us from waiting 1
+ // second on more before the timer goes off. Instead, we wait one
+ // millisecond which significantly reduces the test time.
+ if (!server_->inTestMode()) {
+ fetch_time = 1000 * fetch_time;
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr<unsigned> failure_count(new unsigned(0));
+ TimerMgr::instance()->
+ registerTimer("Dhcp6CBFetchTimer",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::cbFetchUpdates,
+ server_, CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg(),
+ failure_count),
+ fetch_time,
+ asiolink::IntervalTimer::ONE_SHOT);
+ TimerMgr::instance()->setup("Dhcp6CBFetchTimer");
+ }
+ }
+ // Finally, we can commit runtime option definitions in libdhcp++. This is
+ // exception free.
+ LibDHCP::commitRuntimeOptionDefs();
+ auto notify_libraries = ControlledDhcpv6Srv::finishConfigHookLibraries(config);
+ if (notify_libraries) {
+ return (notify_libraries);
+ }
+ // Initialize the allocators. If the user selected a Free Lease Queue Allocator
+ // for any of the subnets, the server will now populate free leases to the queue.
+ // It may take a while!
+ try {
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->initAllocatorsAfterConfigure();
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ err << "Error initializing the lease allocators: " << ex.what();
+ }
+ // Apply multi threading settings.
+ // @note These settings are applied/updated only if no errors occur while
+ // applying the new configuration.
+ // @todo This should be fixed.
+ try {
+ CfgMultiThreading::apply(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getDHCPMultiThreading());
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ err << "Error applying multi threading settings: "
+ << ex.what();
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, err.str()));
+ }
+ return (answer);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::finishConfigHookLibraries(isc::data::ConstElementPtr config) {
+ ControlledDhcpv6Srv* srv = ControlledDhcpv6Srv::getInstance();
+ // This hook point notifies hooks libraries that the configuration of the
+ // DHCPv6 server has completed. It provides the hook library with the pointer
+ // to the common IO service object, new server configuration in the JSON
+ // format and with the pointer to the configuration storage where the
+ // parsed configuration is stored.
+ if (HooksManager::calloutsPresent(Hooks.hooks_index_dhcp6_srv_configured_)) {
+ CalloutHandlePtr callout_handle = HooksManager::createCalloutHandle();
+ callout_handle->setArgument("io_context", srv->getIOService());
+ callout_handle->setArgument("network_state", srv->getNetworkState());
+ callout_handle->setArgument("json_config", config);
+ callout_handle->setArgument("server_config", CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg());
+ HooksManager::callCallouts(Hooks.hooks_index_dhcp6_srv_configured_,
+ *callout_handle);
+ // If next step is DROP, report a configuration error.
+ if (callout_handle->getStatus() == CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_DROP) {
+ string error;
+ try {
+ callout_handle->getArgument("error", error);
+ } catch (NoSuchArgument const& ex) {
+ error = "unknown error";
+ }
+ return (isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, error));
+ }
+ }
+ return (ConstElementPtr());
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::checkConfig(isc::data::ConstElementPtr config) {
+ ControlledDhcpv6Srv* srv = ControlledDhcpv6Srv::getInstance();
+ if (!srv) {
+ ConstElementPtr no_srv = isc::config::createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+ "Server object not initialized, can't process config.");
+ return (no_srv);
+ }
+ .arg(srv->redactConfig(config)->str());
+ return (configureDhcp6Server(*srv, config, true));
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::ControlledDhcpv6Srv(uint16_t server_port /*= DHCP6_SERVER_PORT*/,
+ uint16_t client_port /*= 0*/)
+ : Dhcpv6Srv(server_port, client_port), timer_mgr_(TimerMgr::instance()) {
+ if (getInstance()) {
+ isc_throw(InvalidOperation,
+ "There is another Dhcpv6Srv instance already.");
+ }
+ server_ = this; // remember this instance for later use in handlers
+ // TimerMgr uses IO service to run asynchronous timers.
+ TimerMgr::instance()->setIOService(getIOService());
+ // CommandMgr uses IO service to run asynchronous socket operations.
+ CommandMgr::instance().setIOService(getIOService());
+ // LeaseMgr uses IO service to run asynchronous timers.
+ LeaseMgr::setIOService(getIOService());
+ // HostMgr uses IO service to run asynchronous timers.
+ HostMgr::setIOService(getIOService());
+ // These are the commands always supported by the DHCPv6 server.
+ // Please keep the list in alphabetic order.
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("build-report",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandBuildReportHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("config-backend-pull",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigBackendPullHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("config-get",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigGetHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("config-hash-get",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigHashGetHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("config-reload",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigReloadHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("config-set",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigSetHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("config-test",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigTestHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("config-write",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandConfigWriteHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("dhcp-enable",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandDhcpEnableHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("dhcp-disable",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandDhcpDisableHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("libreload",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandLibReloadHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("leases-reclaim",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandLeasesReclaimHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("server-tag-get",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandServerTagGetHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("shutdown",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandShutdownHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("status-get",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandStatusGetHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("version-get",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandVersionGetHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ // Register statistic related commands
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("statistic-get",
+ std::bind(&StatsMgr::statisticGetHandler, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("statistic-reset",
+ std::bind(&StatsMgr::statisticResetHandler, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("statistic-remove",
+ std::bind(&StatsMgr::statisticRemoveHandler, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("statistic-get-all",
+ std::bind(&StatsMgr::statisticGetAllHandler, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("statistic-reset-all",
+ std::bind(&StatsMgr::statisticResetAllHandler, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("statistic-remove-all",
+ std::bind(&StatsMgr::statisticRemoveAllHandler, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("statistic-sample-age-set",
+ std::bind(&StatsMgr::statisticSetMaxSampleAgeHandler, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("statistic-sample-age-set-all",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandStatisticSetMaxSampleAgeAllHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("statistic-sample-count-set",
+ std::bind(&StatsMgr::statisticSetMaxSampleCountHandler, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("statistic-sample-count-set-all",
+ std::bind(&ControlledDhcpv6Srv::commandStatisticSetMaxSampleCountAllHandler, this, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+void ControlledDhcpv6Srv::shutdownServer(int exit_value) {
+ setExitValue(exit_value);
+ getIOService()->stop(); // Stop ASIO transmissions
+ shutdown(); // Initiate DHCPv6 shutdown procedure.
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::~ControlledDhcpv6Srv() {
+ try {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().apply(false, 0, 0);
+ LeaseMgrFactory::destroy();
+ HostMgr::create();
+ cleanup();
+ // The closure captures either a shared pointer (memory leak)
+ // or a raw pointer (pointing to a deleted object).
+ DatabaseConnection::db_lost_callback_ = 0;
+ DatabaseConnection::db_recovered_callback_ = 0;
+ DatabaseConnection::db_failed_callback_ = 0;
+ timer_mgr_->unregisterTimers();
+ // Close the command socket (if it exists).
+ CommandMgr::instance().closeCommandSocket();
+ // Deregister any registered commands (please keep in alphabetic order)
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("build-report");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("config-backend-pull");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("config-get");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("config-hash-get");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("config-reload");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("config-set");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("config-test");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("config-write");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("dhcp-disable");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("dhcp-enable");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("leases-reclaim");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("libreload");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("server-tag-get");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("shutdown");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("statistic-get");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("statistic-get-all");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("statistic-remove");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("statistic-remove-all");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("statistic-reset");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("statistic-reset-all");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("statistic-sample-age-set");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("statistic-sample-age-set-all");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("statistic-sample-count-set");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("statistic-sample-count-set-all");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("status-get");
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterCommand("version-get");
+ // LeaseMgr uses IO service to run asynchronous timers.
+ LeaseMgr::setIOService(IOServicePtr());
+ // HostMgr uses IO service to run asynchronous timers.
+ HostMgr::setIOService(IOServicePtr());
+ } catch (...) {
+ // Don't want to throw exceptions from the destructor. The server
+ // is shutting down anyway.
+ ;
+ }
+ server_ = NULL; // forget this instance. There should be no callback anymore
+ // at this stage anyway.
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::reclaimExpiredLeases(const size_t max_leases,
+ const uint16_t timeout,
+ const bool remove_lease,
+ const uint16_t max_unwarned_cycles) {
+ try {
+ server_->alloc_engine_->reclaimExpiredLeases6(max_leases, timeout,
+ remove_lease,
+ max_unwarned_cycles);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ .arg(ex.what());
+ }
+ // We're using the ONE_SHOT timer so there is a need to re-schedule it.
+ TimerMgr::instance()->setup(CfgExpiration::RECLAIM_EXPIRED_TIMER_NAME);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::deleteExpiredReclaimedLeases(const uint32_t secs) {
+ server_->alloc_engine_->deleteExpiredReclaimedLeases6(secs);
+ // We're using the ONE_SHOT timer so there is a need to re-schedule it.
+ TimerMgr::instance()->setup(CfgExpiration::FLUSH_RECLAIMED_TIMER_NAME);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::dbLostCallback(ReconnectCtlPtr db_reconnect_ctl) {
+ if (!db_reconnect_ctl) {
+ // This should never happen
+ return (false);
+ }
+ // Disable service until the connection is recovered.
+ if (db_reconnect_ctl->retriesLeft() == db_reconnect_ctl->maxRetries() &&
+ db_reconnect_ctl->alterServiceState()) {
+ network_state_->disableService(NetworkState::Origin::DB_CONNECTION);
+ }
+ // If reconnect isn't enabled log it, initiate a shutdown if needed and
+ // return false.
+ if (!db_reconnect_ctl->retriesLeft() ||
+ !db_reconnect_ctl->retryInterval()) {
+ .arg(db_reconnect_ctl->retriesLeft())
+ .arg(db_reconnect_ctl->retryInterval());
+ if (db_reconnect_ctl->exitOnFailure()) {
+ shutdownServer(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ return (false);
+ }
+ return (true);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::dbRecoveredCallback(ReconnectCtlPtr db_reconnect_ctl) {
+ if (!db_reconnect_ctl) {
+ // This should never happen
+ return (false);
+ }
+ // Enable service after the connection is recovered.
+ if (db_reconnect_ctl->alterServiceState()) {
+ network_state_->enableService(NetworkState::Origin::DB_CONNECTION);
+ }
+ db_reconnect_ctl->resetRetries();
+ return (true);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::dbFailedCallback(ReconnectCtlPtr db_reconnect_ctl) {
+ if (!db_reconnect_ctl) {
+ // This should never happen
+ return (false);
+ }
+ .arg(db_reconnect_ctl->maxRetries());
+ if (db_reconnect_ctl->exitOnFailure()) {
+ shutdownServer(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ return (true);
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::openSocketsFailedCallback(ReconnectCtlPtr reconnect_ctl) {
+ if (!reconnect_ctl) {
+ // This should never happen
+ return;
+ }
+ .arg(reconnect_ctl->maxRetries());
+ if (reconnect_ctl->exitOnFailure()) {
+ shutdownServer(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ControlledDhcpv6Srv::cbFetchUpdates(const SrvConfigPtr& srv_cfg,
+ boost::shared_ptr<unsigned> failure_count) {
+ // stop thread pool (if running)
+ MultiThreadingCriticalSection cs;
+ try {
+ // Fetch any configuration backend updates since our last fetch.
+ server_->getCBControl()->databaseConfigFetch(srv_cfg,
+ CBControlDHCPv6::FetchMode::FETCH_UPDATE);
+ (*failure_count) = 0;
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ .arg(ex.what());
+ // We allow at most 10 consecutive failures after which we stop
+ // making further attempts to fetch the configuration updates.
+ // Let's return without re-scheduling the timer.
+ if (++(*failure_count) > 10) {
+ LOG_ERROR(dhcp6_logger,
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Reschedule the timer to fetch new updates or re-try if
+ // the previous attempt resulted in an error.
+ if (TimerMgr::instance()->isTimerRegistered("Dhcp6CBFetchTimer")) {
+ TimerMgr::instance()->setup("Dhcp6CBFetchTimer");
+ }
+} // namespace dhcp
+} // namespace isc