path: root/src/lib/dhcpsrv/csv_lease_file4.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dhcpsrv/csv_lease_file4.h')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcpsrv/csv_lease_file4.h b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/csv_lease_file4.h
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/csv_lease_file4.h
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+// Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#ifndef CSV_LEASE_FILE4_H
+#define CSV_LEASE_FILE4_H
+#include <asiolink/io_address.h>
+#include <dhcp/duid.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/lease.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/subnet.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/lease_file_stats.h>
+#include <util/versioned_csv_file.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <time.h>
+namespace isc {
+namespace dhcp {
+/// @brief Provides methods to access CSV file with DHCPv4 leases.
+/// This class contains methods customized to read and write DHCPv4 leases from
+/// and to the CSV file. It expects that the CSV file being parsed contains a
+/// set of columns with well known names (initialized in the class constructor).
+/// @todo This class doesn't validate the lease values read from the file.
+/// The @c Lease4 is a structure that should be itself responsible for this
+/// validation. However, the @c next function may need to be updated to use the
+/// validation capability of @c Lease4.
+class CSVLeaseFile4 : public isc::util::VersionedCSVFile, public LeaseFileStats {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ ///
+ /// Initializes columns of the lease file.
+ ///
+ /// @param filename Name of the lease file.
+ CSVLeaseFile4(const std::string& filename);
+ /// @brief Opens a lease file.
+ ///
+ /// This function calls the base class open to do the
+ /// work of opening a file. It is used to clear any
+ /// statistics associated with any previous use of the file
+ /// While it doesn't throw any exceptions of its own
+ /// the base class may do so.
+ virtual void open(const bool seek_to_end = false);
+ /// @brief Appends the lease record to the CSV file.
+ ///
+ /// This function doesn't throw exceptions itself. In theory, exceptions
+ /// are possible when the index of the indexes of the values being written
+ /// to the file are invalid. However, this would have been a programming
+ /// error.
+ ///
+ /// @param lease Structure representing a DHCPv4 lease.
+ /// @throw BadValue if the lease has no hardware address, no client id and
+ /// is not in STATE_DECLINED.
+ void append(const Lease4& lease);
+ /// @brief Reads next lease from the CSV file.
+ ///
+ /// If this function hits an error during lease read, it sets the error
+ /// message using @c CSVFile::setReadMsg and returns false. The error
+ /// string may be read using @c CSVFile::getReadMsg.
+ ///
+ /// Treats rows without a hardware address or a client id when their
+ /// state is not STATE_DECLINED as an error.
+ ///
+ /// This function is exception safe.
+ ///
+ /// @param [out] lease Pointer to the lease read from CSV file or
+ /// NULL pointer if lease hasn't been read.
+ ///
+ /// @return Boolean value indicating that the new lease has been
+ /// read from the CSV file (if true), or that the error has occurred
+ /// (false).
+ ///
+ /// @todo Make sure that the values read from the file are correct.
+ /// The appropriate @c Lease4 validation mechanism should be used.
+ bool next(Lease4Ptr& lease);
+ /// @brief Initializes columns of the CSV file holding leases.
+ ///
+ /// This function initializes the following columns:
+ /// - address
+ /// - hwaddr
+ /// - client_id
+ /// - valid_lifetime
+ /// - expire
+ /// - subnet_id
+ /// - fqdn_fwd
+ /// - fqdn_rev
+ /// - hostname
+ /// - state
+ /// - user_context
+ /// - pool_id
+ void initColumns();
+ ///
+ /// @name Methods which read specific lease fields from the CSV row.
+ ///
+ //@{
+ ///
+ /// @brief Reads lease address from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ asiolink::IOAddress readAddress(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ /// @brief Reads HW address from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ HWAddr readHWAddr(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ /// @brief Reads client identifier from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ ClientIdPtr readClientId(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ /// @brief Reads valid lifetime from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ uint32_t readValid(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ /// @brief Reads cltt value from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ time_t readCltt(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ /// @brief Reads subnet id from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ SubnetID readSubnetID(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ /// @brief Reads pool id from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ uint32_t readPoolID(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ /// @brief Reads the FQDN forward flag from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ bool readFqdnFwd(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ /// @brief Reads the FQDN reverse flag from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ bool readFqdnRev(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ /// @brief Reads hostname from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ std::string readHostname(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ /// @brief Reads lease state from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ uint32_t readState(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ /// @brief Reads lease user context from the CSV file row.
+ ///
+ /// @param row CSV file row holding lease information.
+ data::ConstElementPtr readContext(const util::CSVRow& row);
+ //@}
+} // namespace isc::dhcp
+} // namespace isc
+#endif // CSV_LEASE_FILE4_H