path: root/src/kmk/tests/scripts/variables/special
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/kmk/tests/scripts/variables/special')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/kmk/tests/scripts/variables/special b/src/kmk/tests/scripts/variables/special
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e8a64f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kmk/tests/scripts/variables/special
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# -*-perl-*-
+$description = "Test special GNU make variables.";
+$details = "";
+X1 := $(sort $(filter FOO BAR,$(.VARIABLES)))
+FOO := foo
+X2 := $(sort $(filter FOO BAR,$(.VARIABLES)))
+BAR := bar
+all: ; @echo X1 = $(X1); echo X2 = $(X2); echo LAST = $(sort $(filter FOO BAR,$(.VARIABLES)))
+ '', "X1 =\nX2 = FOO\nLAST = BAR FOO\n");
+# SV 45728: Test that undefining a variable is reflected properly
+FOO := foo
+BAR := bar
+$(info one: $(sort $(filter FOO BAR BAZ,$(.VARIABLES))))
+undefine BAR
+BAZ := baz
+$(info two: $(sort $(filter FOO BAR BAZ,$(.VARIABLES))))
+ '', "one: BAR FOO\ntwo: BAZ FOO\n");
+# $makefile2 = &get_tmpfile;
+# open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile2");
+# print MAKEFILE <<'EOF';
+# X1 := $(sort $(.TARGETS))
+# all: foo
+# @echo X1 = $(X1)
+# @echo X2 = $(X2)
+# @echo LAST = $(sort $(.TARGETS))
+# X2 := $(sort $(.TARGETS))
+# foo:
+# EOF
+# close(MAKEFILE);
+# # TEST #2
+# # -------
+# &run_make_with_options($makefile2, "", &get_logfile);
+# $answer = "X1 =\nX2 = all\nLAST = all foo\n";
+# &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
+# Test the .RECIPEPREFIX variable
+# kmk: This test isn't -j1 safe, haven't bother looking into why yet.
+define foo
+: foo-one\
+: foo-three
+ : foo-four
+orig: ; : orig-one
+ : orig-two \
+orig-three \
+ orig-four \
+ orig-five \\\\
+ : orig-six
+ $(foo)
+test: ; : test-one
+>: test-two \
+test-three \
+>test-four \
+> test-five \\\\
+>: test-six
+reset: ; : reset-one
+ : reset-two \
+reset-three \
+ reset-four \
+ reset-five \\\\
+ : reset-six
+ $(foo)
+ '-j1 orig test reset',
+ ': orig-one
+: orig-two \
+orig-three \
+orig-four \
+ orig-five \\\\
+: orig-six
+: foo-one foo-two
+: foo-three
+: foo-four
+: test-one
+: test-two \
+test-three \
+test-four \
+ test-five \\\\
+: test-six
+: foo-one foo-two
+: foo-three
+: foo-four
+: reset-one
+: reset-two \
+reset-three \
+reset-four \
+ reset-five \\\\
+: reset-six
+: foo-one foo-two
+: foo-three
+: foo-four');
+# Test that the "did you mean TAB" message is printed properly
+ '', '#MAKEFILE#:2: *** missing separator. Stop.', 512);
+ bar
+ '', '#MAKEFILE#:3: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.', 512);
+ bar
+ '', '#MAKEFILE#:4: *** missing separator. Stop.', 512);
+### Local Variables:
+### eval: (setq whitespace-action (delq 'auto-cleanup whitespace-action))
+### End: