path: root/doc/nbi-spec.txt
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 02:56:35 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 02:56:35 +0000
commiteba0cfa6b0bef4f2e73c8630a7efa3944df8b0f8 (patch)
tree74c37eede1f0634cc5de1c63c934edaa1630c6bc /doc/nbi-spec.txt
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1:2.0.27.upstream/1%2.0.27upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/nbi-spec.txt')
1 files changed, 660 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/nbi-spec.txt b/doc/nbi-spec.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..320f025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/nbi-spec.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+ Draft Net Boot Image Proposal 0.3
+ Jamie Honan and Gero Kuhlmann,
+ June 15, 1997
+ This is the specification of the "tagged image" format
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ Table of Contents
+ 1. Note
+ 2. Preamble - the why
+ 3. The target
+ 4. Net Boot Process Description.
+ 5. Image Format with Initial Magic Number.
+ 6. Boot prom entry points.
+ 7. Example of a boot image.
+ 8. Terms
+ 9. References
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ 11.. NNoottee
+ In order to provide more functionality to the boot rom code I changed
+ Jamie's draft a little bit. All my changes are preceded and followed
+ by ((ggkk)).
+ Gero Kuhlmann
+ 22.. PPrreeaammbbllee -- tthhee wwhhyy
+ Whilst researching what other boot proms do (at least those
+ implementing TCP/IP protocols) it is clear that each 'does their own
+ thing' in terms of what they expect in a boot image.
+ If we could all agree on working toward an open standard, O/S
+ suppliers and boot rom suppliers can build their products to this
+ norm, and be confident that they will work with each other.
+ This is a description of how I will implement the boot rom for Linux.
+ I believe it to be flexible enough for any OS that will be loaded
+ when a PC boots from a network in the TCP/IP environment.
+ It would be good if this could be turned into some form of standard.
+ This is very much a first draft. I am inviting comment.
+ The ideas presented here should be independant of any implementation.
+ In the end, where there is a conflict between the final of this draft,
+ and an implementation, this description should prevail.
+ The terms I use are defined at the end.
+ ((ggkk))IMPORTANT NOTE: The scope of this document starts at the point
+ where the net boot process gains control from the BIOS, to where the
+ booted image reaches a state from which there is no return to the net
+ boot program possible.((ggkk))
+ 33.. TThhee ttaarrggeett
+ The target is to have a PC retrieve a boot image from a network in the
+ TCP/IP environment.
+ ((ggkk))The boot may take place from a network adaptor rom, from a boot
+ floppy.((ggkk))
+ 44.. NNeett BBoooott PPrroocceessss DDeessccrriippttiioonn..
+ ((ggkk))The net boot process is started as a result of the PC boot
+ process. The net boot program can reside on a rom, e.g. on an adaptor
+ card, or in ram as a result of reading off disk.((ggkk))
+ The boot process may execute in any mode (e.g. 8086, 80386) it
+ desires. When it jumps to the start location in the boot image, it
+ must be in 8086 mode and be capable of going into any mode supported
+ by the underlying processor.
+ The image cannot be loaded into address spaces below 10000h, or
+ between A0000h through FFFFFh, or between 98000h through 9FFFFh.
+ ((ggkk))Only when the image is not going to return to the boot process,
+ all the memory is available to it once it has been started, so it can
+ relocate parts of itself to these areas.((ggkk))
+ The boot process must be capable of loading the image into all other
+ memory locations. Specifically, where the machine supports this, this
+ means memory over 100000h.
+ The net boot process must execute the bootp protocol, followed by the
+ tftp protocol, as defined in the relevant rfc's.
+ The file name used in the tftp protocol must be that given by the
+ bootp record.
+ If less than 512 bytes are loaded, the net boot process attempts to
+ display on the screen any ascii data at the start of the image. The
+ net boot process then exits in the normal manner. For a boot prom,
+ this will allow normal disk booting. ((ggkk))Reference to DOS deleted.((ggkk))
+ When the first 512 bytes have been loaded, the boot process checks for
+ an initial magic number, which is defined later. If this number is
+ present, the net process continues loading under the control of the
+ image format. The image, which is described later, tells the net boot
+ process where to put this record and all subsequent data.
+ If no initial magic number is present the net boot process checks for
+ a second magic number at offset 510. If the magic number 510 = 55h,
+ 511 = AAh, then the net process continues. If this second magic number
+ is not present, then the net boot process terminates the tftp
+ protocol, displays an error message and exits in the normal manner.
+ If no initial magic number is present and the second one is, the net
+ boot process relocates the 512 bytes to location 7c00h. The net boot
+ process continues to load any further image data to 10000h up. This
+ data can overwrite the first 512 boot bytes. If the image reaches
+ 98000h, then any further data is continued to be loaded above 100000h.
+ When all the data has been loaded, the net boot process jumps to
+ location 0:7c00.
+ ((ggkk))When the net boot program calls the image, it places 2 far
+ pointers onto the stack, in standard intel order (e.g. segment:offset
+ representation). The first far pointer which immediately follows the
+ return address on the stack, points to the loaded boot image header.
+ The second far pointer which is placed above the first one, shows to
+ the memory area where the net boot process saved the bootp reply.
+ If the boot image is flagged as being returnable to the boot process,
+ the boot program has to provide the boot image with interrupt vector
+ 78h. It's an interface to services provided by the net boot program
+ (see below for further description).
+ If the boot image is not flagged as being returnable to the boot
+ process, before the boot image is called, the boot program has to set
+ the system into a state in which it was before the net boot process
+ has started.((ggkk))
+ 55.. IImmaaggee FFoorrmmaatt wwiitthh IInniittiiaall MMaaggiicc NNuummbbeerr..
+ The first 512 bytes of the image file contain the image header, and
+ image loading information records. This contains all the information
+ needed by the net boot process as to where data is to be loaded.
+ The magic number (in time-honoured tradition (well why not?)) is:
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ 0 = 36h
+ 1 = 13h
+ 2 = 03h
+ 3 = 1Bh
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ Apart from the two magic numbers, all words and double words are in PC
+ native endian.
+ Including the initial magic number the header record is:
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ +---------------------+
+ | |
+ | Initial Magic No. | 4 bytes
+ +---------------------+
+ | |
+ | Flags and length | double word
+ +---------------------+
+ | |
+ | Location Address | double word in ds:bx format
+ +---------------------+
+ | |
+ | Execute Address | double word in cs:ip format
+ +---------------------+
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ The Location address is where to place the 512 bytes. The net boot
+ process does this before loading the rest of the image. The location
+ address cannot be one of the reserved locations mentioned above, but
+ must be an address lower than 100000h.
+ The rest of the image must not overwrite these initial 512 bytes,
+ placed at the required location. The writing of data by the net boot
+ process into these 512 bytes is deprecated. These 512 bytes must be
+ available for the image to interogate once it is loaded and running.
+ The execute address is the location in cs:ip of the initial
+ instruction once the full image has been loaded. This must be lower
+ than 100000h, since the initial instructions will be executed in 8086
+ mode. When the jump (actaully a far call) is made to the boot image,
+ the stack contains a far return address, with a far pointer parameter
+ above that, pointing to the location of this header.
+ The flags and length field is broken up in the following way:
+ Bits 0 to 3 (lowest 4 bits) define the length of the non vendor header
+ in double words. Currently the value is 4.
+ Bits 4 to 7 define the length required by the vendor extra information
+ in double words. A value of zero indicates no extra vendor
+ information.
+ ((ggkk))Bit 8 is set if the boot image can return to the net boot process
+ after execution. If this bit is not set the boot image does never
+ return to the net boot process, and the net boot program has to set
+ the system into a clean state before calling the boot image.
+ Bits 9 to 31 are reserved for future use and must be set to zero.((ggkk))
+ After this header, and any vendor header, come the image loading
+ information records. These specify where data is to be loaded, how
+ long it is, and communicates to the loaded image what sort of data it
+ is.
+ The format of each image loading information record is :
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ +---------------------+
+ | Flags, tags and | double word
+ | lengths |
+ +---------------------+
+ | |
+ | Load Address | double word
+ +---------------------+
+ | |
+ | Image Length | double word
+ +---------------------+
+ | |
+ | Memory Length | double word
+ +---------------------+
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ Each image loading information record follows the previous, or the
+ header.
+ The memory length, image length and load address fields are unsigned
+ 32 numbers. They do not have the segment:offset format used by the
+ 8086.
+ The flags, tags and lengths field is broken up as follows:
+ Bits 0 to 3 (lowest 4 bits) are the length of the non vendor part of
+ this header in double words. Currently this value is 4.
+ Bits 4 to 7 indicate the length of any vendor information, in double
+ words.
+ Bits 8 to 15 are for vendor's tags. The vendor tag is a private number
+ that the loaded image can use to determine what sort of image is at
+ this particular location.
+ Bits 16 to 23 are for future expansion and should be set to zero.
+ Bits 24 to 31 are for flags, which are defined later.
+ Vendors may place further information after this information record,
+ and before the next. Each information record may have a different
+ vendor length.
+ There are two restrictions on vendor information.
+ One is that the header and all information records that the net boot
+ process is to use fall within the first 512 bytes.
+ The second restriction is that the net boot process must ignore all
+ vendor additions. The net boot process may not overwrite vendor
+ supplied information, or other undefined data in the initial 512
+ bytes.
+ The flags are used to modify the load address field, and to indicate
+ that this is the last information record that the net boot process
+ should use.
+ Bit 24 works in conjunction with bit 25 to specify the meaning of the
+ load address.
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ B24 B25
+ 0 0 load address is an absolute 32 number
+ 1 0 add the load address to the location one past the last byte
+ of the memory area required by the last image loaded.
+ If the first image, then add to 512 plus the location
+ where the 512 bytes were placed
+ 0 1 subtract the load address from the one past the
+ last writeable location in memory. Thus 1 would
+ be the last location one could write in memory.
+ 1 1 load address is subtracted from the start of
+ the last image loaded. If the first image, then
+ subtract from the start of where the 512 bytes were
+ placed
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ (For convenience bit 24 is byte 0 of the flag field)
+ Bit 26 is the end marker for the net boot process. It is set when this
+ is the last information record the net boot process should look at.
+ More records may be present, but the net boot process will not look at
+ them. (Vendors can continue information records out past the 512
+ boundary for private use in this manner).
+ The image length tells the net boot process how many bytes are to be
+ loaded. Zero is a valid value. This can be used to mark memory areas
+ such as shared memory for interprocessor communication, flash eproms,
+ data in eproms.
+ The image length can also be different from the memory length. This
+ allows decompression programs to fluff up the kernel image. It also
+ allows a file system to be larger then the loaded file system image.
+ Bits 27 through 31 are not defined as yet and must be set to zero
+ until they are.
+ 66.. BBoooott pprroomm eennttrryy ppooiinnttss..
+ ((ggkk))As mentioned above the net boot process has to provide interrupt
+ 78h as an entry point in case, the returnable flag (bit 9 of the flags
+ field in the image header) of the boot image has been set. When
+ calling this interface interrupt, the caller has to load the AH
+ register with a value indicating the type of operation requested:
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ 00h - Installation check
+ Input: none
+ Output: AX - returns the value 474Bh
+ BX - flags indicating what further services are
+ provided by the net boot program:
+ Bit 0 - packet driver interface (see below)
+ Bits 1 to 15 are unused and have to be zero
+ 01h - Cleanup and terminate the boot process services. This will
+ also remove the services provided by interrupt 87h.
+ Input: none
+ Output: none
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ Further functions are not yet defined. These functions are only
+ available to boot images which have the first magic number at the
+ beginning of the image header, and have the returnable flag set in the
+ flags field.
+ In order to provide compatibility with net boot programs written to
+ match an earlier version of this document, the loaded image should
+ check for the existence of interrupt 78h by looking at it's vector. If
+ that's 0:0, or if it does not return a proper magic ID after calling
+ the installation check function, the boot image has to assume that the
+ net boot program does not support this services interrupt.
+ If the bit 0 of register BX of function 00h is set, the boot program
+ has to provide a packet driver <> interface at
+ interrupt 79h as described in the packet driver interface standard,
+ version 1.09, published by FTP Software, Inc., which is not repeated
+ here. It serves as an interface to the system's network card. It is
+ important to note that the net boot process has to provide a clean
+ packet driver interface without any handles being defined when the
+ boot image gets started. It is expected that the boot image sets up
+ it's own TCP/IP or other network's stack on top of this packet driver
+ interface. When the boot image returns to the net boot process, it
+ has to return a clean packet driver interface as well, without any
+ handles being defined.((ggkk))
+ 77.. EExxaammppllee ooff aa bboooott iimmaaggee..
+ Here is an example of how the boot image would look for Linux:
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ 0x1B031336, /* magic number */
+ 0x4, /* length of header is 16 bytes, no vendor info */
+ 0x90000000, /* location in ds:bx format */
+ 0x90000200, /* execute address in cs:ip format */
+ /* 2048 setup.S bytes */
+ 0x4, /* flags, not end, absolute address, 16 bytes this
+ record, no vendor info */
+ 0x90200, /* load address - note format */
+ 0x800, /* 4 8 512 byte blocks for linux */
+ 0x800,
+ /* kernel image */
+ 0x4, /* flags, not end, absolute address, 16 bytes this
+ record, no vendor info */
+ 0x10000, /* load address - note format */
+ 0x80000, /* 512K (this could be shorter */
+ 0x80000,
+ /* ramdisk for root file system */
+ 0x04000004, /* flags = last, absolute address, 16 bytes this
+ record, no vendor info *//
+ 0x100000, /* load address - in extended memory */
+ 0x80000, /* 512K for instance */
+ 0x80000,
+ /* Then follows linux specific information */
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ 88.. TTeerrmmss
+ When I say 'the net boot process', I mean the act of loading the image
+ into memory, setting up any tables, up until the jump to the required
+ location in the image.
+ The net booting program executes the net boot process. The net boot
+ program may be a rom, but not neccassarily. It is a set of
+ instructions and data residing on the booting machine.
+ The image, or boot image, consists of the data loaded by the net boot
+ process.
+ When I say 'the PC boot process', I mean the general PC rom bios boot
+ process, the setting up of hardware, the scanning for adaptor roms,
+ the execution of adaptor roms, the loading in of the initial boot
+ track. The PC boot process will include the net boot process, if one
+ is present.
+ When I say client, I mean the PC booting up.
+ When I say 'image host', I mean the host where the boot image is
+ comming from. This may not have the same architecture as the client.
+ The bootp protocol is defined in RFC951 and RFC1084. The tftp protocol
+ is defined in RFC783. These are available on many sites. See Comer
+ 1991 for details on how to obtain them.
+ A bootp server is the machine that answers the bootp request. It is
+ not neccessarily the image host.
+ "Can" and "may" means doesn't have to, but is allowed to and might.
+ "Must" means just that. "Cannot" means must not.
+ 99.. RReeffeerreenncceess
+ Comer, D.E. 1991, Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol I: Principles,
+ Protocols, and Architecture Second Edition, Prentice Hall, Englewood
+ Cliffs, N.J., 1991
+ Stevens, W.R 1990, Unix Network Programming, Prentice Hall, Englewood
+ Cliffs, N.J., 1990