path: root/xbmc/music/infoscanner/MusicInfoScanner.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xbmc/music/infoscanner/MusicInfoScanner.cpp')
1 files changed, 2338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/music/infoscanner/MusicInfoScanner.cpp b/xbmc/music/infoscanner/MusicInfoScanner.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f828b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xbmc/music/infoscanner/MusicInfoScanner.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2338 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi
+ * This file is part of Kodi -
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * See LICENSES/ for more information.
+ */
+#include "MusicInfoScanner.h"
+#include "FileItem.h"
+#include "GUIInfoManager.h"
+#include "GUIUserMessages.h"
+#include "MusicAlbumInfo.h"
+#include "MusicInfoScraper.h"
+#include "NfoFile.h"
+#include "ServiceBroker.h"
+#include "TextureCache.h"
+#include "URL.h"
+#include "Util.h"
+#include "addons/AddonSystemSettings.h"
+#include "addons/Scraper.h"
+#include "addons/addoninfo/AddonType.h"
+#include "dialogs/GUIDialogExtendedProgressBar.h"
+#include "dialogs/GUIDialogProgress.h"
+#include "dialogs/GUIDialogSelect.h"
+#include "dialogs/GUIDialogYesNo.h"
+#include "events/EventLog.h"
+#include "events/MediaLibraryEvent.h"
+#include "filesystem/Directory.h"
+#include "filesystem/MusicDatabaseDirectory.h"
+#include "filesystem/MusicDatabaseDirectory/DirectoryNode.h"
+#include "filesystem/SmartPlaylistDirectory.h"
+#include "guilib/GUIComponent.h"
+#include "guilib/GUIKeyboardFactory.h"
+#include "guilib/GUIWindowManager.h"
+#include "guilib/LocalizeStrings.h"
+#include "interfaces/AnnouncementManager.h"
+#include "music/MusicLibraryQueue.h"
+#include "music/MusicThumbLoader.h"
+#include "music/MusicUtils.h"
+#include "music/tags/MusicInfoTag.h"
+#include "music/tags/MusicInfoTagLoaderFactory.h"
+#include "settings/AdvancedSettings.h"
+#include "settings/Settings.h"
+#include "settings/SettingsComponent.h"
+#include "utils/Digest.h"
+#include "utils/FileExtensionProvider.h"
+#include "utils/FileUtils.h"
+#include "utils/StringUtils.h"
+#include "utils/URIUtils.h"
+#include "utils/Variant.h"
+#include "utils/log.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <utility>
+using namespace MUSIC_INFO;
+using namespace XFILE;
+using namespace MUSIC_GRABBER;
+using namespace ADDON;
+using KODI::UTILITY::CDigest;
+: m_fileCountReader(this, "MusicFileCounter")
+ m_bStop = false;
+ m_currentItem=0;
+ m_itemCount=0;
+ m_flags = 0;
+CMusicInfoScanner::~CMusicInfoScanner() = default;
+void CMusicInfoScanner::Process()
+ m_bStop = false;
+ CServiceBroker::GetAnnouncementManager()->Announce(ANNOUNCEMENT::AudioLibrary, "OnScanStarted");
+ try
+ {
+ if (m_showDialog && !CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_MUSICLIBRARY_BACKGROUNDUPDATE))
+ {
+ CGUIDialogExtendedProgressBar* dialog =
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().GetWindow<CGUIDialogExtendedProgressBar>(WINDOW_DIALOG_EXT_PROGRESS);
+ if (dialog)
+ m_handle = dialog->GetHandle(g_localizeStrings.Get(314));
+ }
+ // check if we only need to perform a cleaning
+ if (m_bClean && m_pathsToScan.empty())
+ {
+ CMusicLibraryQueue::GetInstance().CleanLibrary(false);
+ m_handle = NULL;
+ m_bRunning = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ auto tick = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ m_musicDatabase.Open();
+ m_bCanInterrupt = true;
+ if (m_scanType == 0) // load info from files
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} - Starting scan", __FUNCTION__);
+ if (m_handle)
+ m_handle->SetTitle(g_localizeStrings.Get(505));
+ // Reset progress vars
+ m_currentItem=0;
+ m_itemCount=-1;
+ // Create the thread to count all files to be scanned
+ if (m_handle)
+ m_fileCountReader.Create();
+ // Database operations should not be canceled
+ // using Interrupt() while scanning as it could
+ // result in unexpected behaviour.
+ m_bCanInterrupt = false;
+ m_needsCleanup = false;
+ bool commit = true;
+ for (const auto& it : m_pathsToScan)
+ {
+ if (!CDirectory::Exists(it) && !m_bClean)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Note that this will skip scanning (if m_bClean is disabled) if the directory really
+ * doesn't exist. Since the music scanner is fed with a list of existing paths from the DB
+ * and cleans out all songs under that path as its first step before re-adding files, if
+ * the entire source is offline we totally empty the music database in one go.
+ */
+ CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "{} directory '{}' does not exist - skipping scan.", __FUNCTION__,
+ it);
+ m_seenPaths.insert(it);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Clear list of albums added by this scan
+ m_albumsAdded.clear();
+ bool scancomplete = DoScan(it);
+ if (scancomplete)
+ {
+ if (m_albumsAdded.size() > 0)
+ {
+ // Set local art for added album disc sets and primary album artists
+ if (CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(
+ RetrieveLocalArt();
+ if (m_flags & SCAN_ONLINE)
+ // Download additional album and artist information for the recently added albums.
+ // This also identifies any local artist art if it exists, and gives it priority,
+ // otherwise it is set to the first available from the remote art that was scraped.
+ ScrapeInfoAddedAlbums();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ commit = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (commit)
+ {
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetInfoManager().GetInfoProviders().GetLibraryInfoProvider().ResetLibraryBools();
+ if (m_needsCleanup)
+ {
+ if (m_handle)
+ {
+ m_handle->SetTitle(g_localizeStrings.Get(700));
+ m_handle->SetText("");
+ }
+ m_musicDatabase.CleanupOrphanedItems();
+ m_musicDatabase.CheckArtistLinksChanged();
+ if (m_handle)
+ m_handle->SetTitle(g_localizeStrings.Get(331));
+ m_musicDatabase.Compress(false);
+ }
+ }
+ m_fileCountReader.StopThread();
+ m_musicDatabase.EmptyCache();
+ auto elapsed =
+ std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - tick);
+ CLog::Log(LOGINFO,
+ "My Music: Scanning for music info using worker thread, operation took {}s",
+ elapsed.count());
+ }
+ if (m_scanType == 1) // load album info
+ {
+ for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = m_pathsToScan.begin(); it != m_pathsToScan.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ CQueryParams params;
+ CDirectoryNode::GetDatabaseInfo(*it, params);
+ // Only scrape information for albums that have not been scraped before
+ // For refresh of information the lastscraped date is optionally clearered elsewhere
+ if (m_musicDatabase.HasAlbumBeenScraped(params.GetAlbumId()))
+ continue;
+ CAlbum album;
+ m_musicDatabase.GetAlbum(params.GetAlbumId(), album);
+ if (m_handle)
+ {
+ float percentage = static_cast<float>(std::distance(m_pathsToScan.begin(), it) * 100) / static_cast<float>(m_pathsToScan.size());
+ m_handle->SetText(album.GetAlbumArtistString() + " - " + album.strAlbum);
+ m_handle->SetPercentage(percentage);
+ }
+ // find album info
+ ADDON::ScraperPtr scraper;
+ if (!m_musicDatabase.GetScraper(album.idAlbum, CONTENT_ALBUMS, scraper))
+ continue;
+ UpdateDatabaseAlbumInfo(album, scraper, false);
+ if (m_bStop)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_scanType == 2) // load artist info
+ {
+ for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = m_pathsToScan.begin(); it != m_pathsToScan.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ CQueryParams params;
+ CDirectoryNode::GetDatabaseInfo(*it, params);
+ // Only scrape information for artists that have not been scraped before
+ // For refresh of information the lastscraped date is optionally clearered elsewhere
+ if (m_musicDatabase.HasArtistBeenScraped(params.GetArtistId()))
+ continue;
+ CArtist artist;
+ m_musicDatabase.GetArtist(params.GetArtistId(), artist);
+ m_musicDatabase.GetArtistPath(artist, artist.strPath);
+ if (m_handle)
+ {
+ float percentage = static_cast<float>(std::distance(m_pathsToScan.begin(), it) * 100) / static_cast<float>(m_pathsToScan.size());
+ m_handle->SetText(artist.strArtist);
+ m_handle->SetPercentage(percentage);
+ }
+ // find album info
+ ADDON::ScraperPtr scraper;
+ if (!m_musicDatabase.GetScraper(artist.idArtist, CONTENT_ARTISTS, scraper) || !scraper)
+ continue;
+ UpdateDatabaseArtistInfo(artist, scraper, false);
+ if (m_bStop)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //propagate artist sort names to albums and songs
+ if (CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_bMusicLibraryArtistSortOnUpdate)
+ m_musicDatabase.UpdateArtistSortNames();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "MusicInfoScanner: Exception while scanning.");
+ }
+ m_musicDatabase.Close();
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} - Finished scan", __FUNCTION__);
+ m_bRunning = false;
+ CServiceBroker::GetAnnouncementManager()->Announce(ANNOUNCEMENT::AudioLibrary, "OnScanFinished");
+ // we need to clear the musicdb cache and update any active lists
+ CUtil::DeleteMusicDatabaseDirectoryCache();
+ CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_SCAN_FINISHED, 0, 0, 0);
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendThreadMessage(msg);
+ if (m_handle)
+ m_handle->MarkFinished();
+ m_handle = NULL;
+void CMusicInfoScanner::Start(const std::string& strDirectory, int flags)
+ m_fileCountReader.StopThread();
+ m_pathsToScan.clear();
+ m_seenPaths.clear();
+ m_albumsAdded.clear();
+ m_flags = flags;
+ m_musicDatabase.Open();
+ // Check db sources match xml file and update if they don't
+ m_musicDatabase.UpdateSources();
+ if (strDirectory.empty())
+ { // Scan all paths in the database. We do this by scanning all paths in the
+ // db, and crossing them off the list as we go.
+ m_musicDatabase.GetPaths(m_pathsToScan);
+ m_idSourcePath = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pathsToScan.insert(strDirectory);
+ m_idSourcePath = m_musicDatabase.GetSourceFromPath(strDirectory);
+ }
+ m_musicDatabase.Close();
+ m_bClean = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_bMusicLibraryCleanOnUpdate;
+ m_scanType = 0;
+ m_bRunning = true;
+ Process();
+void CMusicInfoScanner::FetchAlbumInfo(const std::string& strDirectory,
+ bool refresh)
+ m_fileCountReader.StopThread();
+ m_pathsToScan.clear();
+ CFileItemList items;
+ if (strDirectory.empty())
+ {
+ m_musicDatabase.Open();
+ m_musicDatabase.GetAlbumsNav("musicdb://albums/", items);
+ m_musicDatabase.Close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CURL pathToUrl(strDirectory);
+ if (pathToUrl.IsProtocol("musicdb"))
+ {
+ CQueryParams params;
+ CDirectoryNode::GetDatabaseInfo(strDirectory, params);
+ if (params.GetAlbumId() != -1)
+ {
+ //Add single album (id and path) as item to scan
+ CFileItemPtr item(new CFileItem(strDirectory, false));
+ item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetDatabaseId(params.GetAlbumId(), MediaTypeAlbum);
+ items.Add(item);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CMusicDatabaseDirectory dir;
+ NODE_TYPE childtype = dir.GetDirectoryChildType(strDirectory);
+ if (childtype == NODE_TYPE_ALBUM)
+ dir.GetDirectory(pathToUrl, items);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (StringUtils::EndsWith(strDirectory, ".xsp"))
+ {
+ CSmartPlaylistDirectory dir;
+ dir.GetDirectory(pathToUrl, items);
+ }
+ }
+ m_musicDatabase.Open();
+ for (int i=0;i<items.Size();++i)
+ {
+ if (CMusicDatabaseDirectory::IsAllItem(items[i]->GetPath()) || items[i]->IsParentFolder())
+ continue;
+ m_pathsToScan.insert(items[i]->GetPath());
+ if (refresh)
+ {
+ m_musicDatabase.ClearAlbumLastScrapedTime(items[i]->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetDatabaseId());
+ }
+ }
+ m_musicDatabase.Close();
+ m_scanType = 1;
+ m_bRunning = true;
+ Process();
+void CMusicInfoScanner::FetchArtistInfo(const std::string& strDirectory,
+ bool refresh)
+ m_fileCountReader.StopThread();
+ m_pathsToScan.clear();
+ CFileItemList items;
+ if (strDirectory.empty())
+ {
+ m_musicDatabase.Open();
+ m_musicDatabase.GetArtistsNav("musicdb://artists/", items, !CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_MUSICLIBRARY_SHOWCOMPILATIONARTISTS), -1);
+ m_musicDatabase.Close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CURL pathToUrl(strDirectory);
+ if (pathToUrl.IsProtocol("musicdb"))
+ {
+ CQueryParams params;
+ CDirectoryNode::GetDatabaseInfo(strDirectory, params);
+ if (params.GetArtistId() != -1)
+ {
+ //Add single artist (id and path) as item to scan
+ CFileItemPtr item(new CFileItem(strDirectory, false));
+ item->GetMusicInfoTag()->SetDatabaseId(params.GetAlbumId(), MediaTypeArtist);
+ items.Add(item);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CMusicDatabaseDirectory dir;
+ NODE_TYPE childtype = dir.GetDirectoryChildType(strDirectory);
+ if (childtype == NODE_TYPE_ARTIST)
+ dir.GetDirectory(pathToUrl, items);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (StringUtils::EndsWith(strDirectory, ".xsp"))
+ {
+ CSmartPlaylistDirectory dir;
+ dir.GetDirectory(pathToUrl, items);
+ }
+ }
+ m_musicDatabase.Open();
+ for (int i=0;i<items.Size();++i)
+ {
+ if (CMusicDatabaseDirectory::IsAllItem(items[i]->GetPath()) || items[i]->IsParentFolder())
+ continue;
+ m_pathsToScan.insert(items[i]->GetPath());
+ if (refresh)
+ {
+ m_musicDatabase.ClearArtistLastScrapedTime(items[i]->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetDatabaseId());
+ }
+ }
+ m_musicDatabase.Close();
+ m_scanType = 2;
+ m_bRunning = true;
+ Process();
+void CMusicInfoScanner::Stop()
+ if (m_bCanInterrupt)
+ m_musicDatabase.Interrupt();
+ m_bStop = true;
+static void OnDirectoryScanned(const std::string& strDirectory)
+ CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_DIRECTORY_SCANNED, 0, 0, 0);
+ msg.SetStringParam(strDirectory);
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendThreadMessage(msg);
+static std::string Prettify(const std::string& strDirectory)
+ CURL url(strDirectory);
+ return CURL::Decode(url.GetWithoutUserDetails());
+bool CMusicInfoScanner::DoScan(const std::string& strDirectory)
+ if (m_handle)
+ {
+ m_handle->SetTitle(g_localizeStrings.Get(506)); //"Checking media files..."
+ m_handle->SetText(Prettify(strDirectory));
+ }
+ std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = m_seenPaths.find(strDirectory);
+ if (it != m_seenPaths.end())
+ return true;
+ m_seenPaths.insert(strDirectory);
+ // Discard all excluded files defined by m_musicExcludeRegExps
+ const std::vector<std::string> &regexps = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_audioExcludeFromScanRegExps;
+ if (CUtil::ExcludeFileOrFolder(strDirectory, regexps))
+ return true;
+ if (HasNoMedia(strDirectory))
+ return true;
+ // load subfolder
+ CFileItemList items;
+ CDirectory::GetDirectory(strDirectory, items, CServiceBroker::GetFileExtensionProvider().GetMusicExtensions() + "|.jpg|.tbn|.lrc|.cdg", DIR_FLAG_DEFAULTS);
+ // sort and get the path hash. Note that we don't filter .cue sheet items here as we want
+ // to detect changes in the .cue sheet as well. The .cue sheet items only need filtering
+ // if we have a changed hash.
+ items.Sort(SortByLabel, SortOrderAscending);
+ std::string hash;
+ GetPathHash(items, hash);
+ // check whether we need to rescan or not
+ std::string dbHash;
+ if ((m_flags & SCAN_RESCAN) || !m_musicDatabase.GetPathHash(strDirectory, dbHash) || !StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(dbHash, hash))
+ { // path has changed - rescan
+ if (dbHash.empty())
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} Scanning dir '{}' as not in the database", __FUNCTION__,
+ CURL::GetRedacted(strDirectory));
+ else
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} Rescanning dir '{}' due to change", __FUNCTION__,
+ CURL::GetRedacted(strDirectory));
+ if (m_handle)
+ m_handle->SetTitle(g_localizeStrings.Get(505)); //"Loading media information from files..."
+ // filter items in the sub dir (for .cue sheet support)
+ items.FilterCueItems();
+ items.Sort(SortByLabel, SortOrderAscending);
+ // and then scan in the new information from tags
+ if (RetrieveMusicInfo(strDirectory, items) > 0)
+ {
+ if (m_handle)
+ OnDirectoryScanned(strDirectory);
+ }
+ // save information about this folder
+ m_musicDatabase.SetPathHash(strDirectory, hash);
+ }
+ else
+ { // path is the same - no need to rescan
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} Skipping dir '{}' due to no change", __FUNCTION__,
+ CURL::GetRedacted(strDirectory));
+ m_currentItem += CountFiles(items, false); // false for non-recursive
+ // updated the dialog with our progress
+ if (m_handle)
+ {
+ if (m_itemCount>0)
+ m_handle->SetPercentage(static_cast<float>(m_currentItem * 100) / static_cast<float>(m_itemCount));
+ OnDirectoryScanned(strDirectory);
+ }
+ }
+ // now scan the subfolders
+ for (int i = 0; i < items.Size(); ++i)
+ {
+ CFileItemPtr pItem = items[i];
+ if (m_bStop)
+ break;
+ // if we have a directory item (non-playlist) we then recurse into that folder
+ if (pItem->m_bIsFolder && !pItem->IsParentFolder() && !pItem->IsPlayList())
+ {
+ std::string strPath=pItem->GetPath();
+ if (!DoScan(strPath))
+ {
+ m_bStop = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return !m_bStop;
+CInfoScanner::INFO_RET CMusicInfoScanner::ScanTags(const CFileItemList& items,
+ CFileItemList& scannedItems)
+ std::vector<std::string> regexps = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_audioExcludeFromScanRegExps;
+ for (int i = 0; i < items.Size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (m_bStop)
+ CFileItemPtr pItem = items[i];
+ if (CUtil::ExcludeFileOrFolder(pItem->GetPath(), regexps))
+ continue;
+ if (pItem->m_bIsFolder || pItem->IsPlayList() || pItem->IsPicture() || pItem->IsLyrics())
+ continue;
+ m_currentItem++;
+ CMusicInfoTag& tag = *pItem->GetMusicInfoTag();
+ if (!tag.Loaded())
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<IMusicInfoTagLoader> pLoader (CMusicInfoTagLoaderFactory::CreateLoader(*pItem));
+ if (nullptr != pLoader)
+ pLoader->Load(pItem->GetPath(), tag);
+ }
+ if (m_handle && m_itemCount>0)
+ m_handle->SetPercentage(static_cast<float>(m_currentItem * 100) / static_cast<float>(m_itemCount));
+ if (!tag.Loaded() && !pItem->HasCueDocument())
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} - No tag found for: {}", __FUNCTION__, pItem->GetPath());
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!tag.GetCueSheet().empty())
+ pItem->LoadEmbeddedCue();
+ }
+ if (pItem->HasCueDocument())
+ pItem->LoadTracksFromCueDocument(scannedItems);
+ else
+ scannedItems.Add(pItem);
+ }
+ return INFO_ADDED;
+static bool SortSongsByTrack(const CSong& song, const CSong& song2)
+ return song.iTrack < song2.iTrack;
+void CMusicInfoScanner::FileItemsToAlbums(CFileItemList& items, VECALBUMS& albums, MAPSONGS* songsMap /* = NULL */)
+ /*
+ * Step 1: Convert the FileItems into Songs.
+ * If they're MB tagged, create albums directly from the FileItems.
+ * If they're non-MB tagged, index them by album name ready for step 2.
+ */
+ std::map<std::string, VECSONGS> songsByAlbumNames;
+ for (int i = 0; i < items.Size(); ++i)
+ {
+ CMusicInfoTag& tag = *items[i]->GetMusicInfoTag();
+ CSong song(*items[i]);
+ // keep the db-only fields intact on rescan...
+ if (songsMap != NULL)
+ {
+ // Match up item to songs in library previously scanned with this path
+ MAPSONGS::iterator songlist = songsMap->find(items[i]->GetPath());
+ if (songlist != songsMap->end())
+ {
+ VECSONGS::iterator foundsong;
+ if (songlist->second.size() == 1)
+ foundsong = songlist->second.begin();
+ else
+ {
+ // When filename mapped to multiple songs it is from cuesheet, match on disc/track number
+ int disctrack = tag.GetTrackAndDiscNumber();
+ foundsong = std::find_if(songlist->second.begin(), songlist->second.end(),
+ [&](const CSong& song) { return disctrack == song.iTrack; });
+ }
+ if (foundsong != songlist->second.end())
+ {
+ song.idSong = foundsong->idSong; // Reuse ID
+ song.dateNew = foundsong->dateNew; // Keep date originally created
+ song.iTimesPlayed = foundsong->iTimesPlayed;
+ song.lastPlayed = foundsong->lastPlayed;
+ if (song.rating == 0)
+ song.rating = foundsong->rating;
+ if (song.userrating == 0)
+ song.userrating = foundsong->userrating;
+ if (song.strThumb.empty())
+ song.strThumb = foundsong->strThumb;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!tag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumID().empty())
+ {
+ VECALBUMS::iterator it;
+ for (it = albums.begin(); it != albums.end(); ++it)
+ if (it->strMusicBrainzAlbumID == tag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumID())
+ break;
+ if (it == albums.end())
+ {
+ CAlbum album(*items[i]);
+ album.songs.push_back(song);
+ albums.push_back(album);
+ }
+ else
+ it->songs.push_back(song);
+ }
+ else
+ songsByAlbumNames[tag.GetAlbum()].push_back(song);
+ }
+ /*
+ Step 2: Split into unique albums based on album name and album artist
+ In the case where the album artist is unknown, we use the primary artist
+ (i.e. first artist from each song).
+ */
+ for (auto& songsByAlbumName : songsByAlbumNames)
+ {
+ VECSONGS& songs = songsByAlbumName.second;
+ // sort the songs by tracknumber to identify duplicate track numbers
+ sort(songs.begin(), songs.end(), SortSongsByTrack);
+ // map the songs to their primary artists
+ bool tracksOverlap = false;
+ bool hasAlbumArtist = false;
+ bool isCompilation = true;
+ std::string old_DiscSubtitle;
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<CSong *> > artists;
+ for (VECSONGS::iterator song = songs.begin(); song != songs.end(); ++song)
+ {
+ // test for song overlap
+ if (song != songs.begin() && song->iTrack == (song - 1)->iTrack)
+ tracksOverlap = true;
+ if (!song->bCompilation)
+ isCompilation = false;
+ if (song->strDiscSubtitle != old_DiscSubtitle)
+ old_DiscSubtitle = song->strDiscSubtitle;
+ // get primary artist
+ std::string primary;
+ if (!song->GetAlbumArtist().empty())
+ {
+ primary = song->GetAlbumArtist()[0];
+ hasAlbumArtist = true;
+ }
+ else if (!song->artistCredits.empty())
+ primary = song->artistCredits.begin()->GetArtist();
+ // add to the artist map
+ artists[primary].push_back(&(*song));
+ }
+ /*
+ We have a Various Artists compilation if
+ 1. album name is non-empty AND
+ 2a. no tracks overlap OR
+ 2b. all tracks are marked as part of compilation AND
+ 3a. a unique primary artist is specified as "various", "various artists" or the localized value
+ OR
+ 3b. we have at least two primary artists and no album artist specified.
+ */
+ std::string various = g_localizeStrings.Get(340); // Various Artists
+ bool compilation =
+ !songsByAlbumName.first.empty() && (isCompilation || !tracksOverlap); // 1+2b+2a
+ if (artists.size() == 1)
+ {
+ std::string artist = artists.begin()->first; StringUtils::ToLower(artist);
+ if (!StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(artist, "various") &&
+ !StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(artist, "various artists") &&
+ !StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(artist, various)) // 3a
+ compilation = false;
+ else
+ // Grab name for use in "various artist" artist
+ various = artists.begin()->first;
+ }
+ else if (hasAlbumArtist) // 3b
+ compilation = false;
+ // Such a compilation album is stored under a unique artist that matches on Musicbrainz ID
+ // the "various artists" artist for music tagged with mbids.
+ if (compilation)
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Album '{}' is a compilation as there's no overlapping tracks and {}",
+ songsByAlbumName.first,
+ hasAlbumArtist ? "the album artist is 'Various'"
+ : "there is more than one unique artist");
+ // Clear song artists from artists map, put songs under "various artists" mbid entry
+ artists.clear();
+ for (auto& song : songs)
+ artists[VARIOUSARTISTS_MBID].push_back(&song);
+ }
+ /*
+ We also have a compilation album when album name is non-empty and ALL tracks are marked as part of
+ a compilation even if an album artist is given, or all songs have the same primary artist. For
+ example an anthology - a collection of recordings from various old sources
+ combined together such as a "best of", retrospective or rarities type release.
+ Such an anthology compilation will not have been caught by the previous tests as it fails 3a and 3b.
+ The album artist can be determined just like any normal album.
+ */
+ if (!compilation && !songsByAlbumName.first.empty() && isCompilation)
+ {
+ compilation = true;
+ "Album '{}' is a compilation as all songs are marked as part of a compilation",
+ songsByAlbumName.first);
+ }
+ /*
+ Step 3: Find the common albumartist for each song and assign
+ albumartist to those tracks that don't have it set.
+ */
+ for (auto& j : artists)
+ {
+ /* Find the common artist(s) for these songs (grouped under primary artist).
+ Various artist compilations already under the unique "various artists" mbid.
+ Take from albumartist tag when present, or use artist tag.
+ When from albumartist tag also check albumartistsort tag and take first non-empty value
+ */
+ std::vector<CSong*>& artistSongs = j.second;
+ std::vector<std::string> common;
+ std::string albumartistsort;
+ if (artistSongs.front()->GetAlbumArtist().empty())
+ common = artistSongs.front()->GetArtist();
+ else
+ {
+ common = artistSongs.front()->GetAlbumArtist();
+ albumartistsort = artistSongs.front()->GetAlbumArtistSort();
+ }
+ for (std::vector<CSong *>::iterator k = artistSongs.begin() + 1; k != artistSongs.end(); ++k)
+ {
+ unsigned int match = 0;
+ std::vector<std::string> compare;
+ if ((*k)->GetAlbumArtist().empty())
+ compare = (*k)->GetArtist();
+ else
+ {
+ compare = (*k)->GetAlbumArtist();
+ if (albumartistsort.empty())
+ albumartistsort = (*k)->GetAlbumArtistSort();
+ }
+ for (; match < common.size() && match < compare.size(); match++)
+ {
+ if (compare[match] != common[match])
+ break;
+ }
+ common.erase(common.begin() + match, common.end());
+ }
+ if (j.first == VARIOUSARTISTS_MBID)
+ {
+ common.clear();
+ common.emplace_back(VARIOUSARTISTS_MBID);
+ }
+ /*
+ Step 4: Assign the album artist for each song that doesn't have it set
+ and add to the album vector
+ */
+ CAlbum album;
+ album.strAlbum = songsByAlbumName.first;
+ //Split the albumartist sort string to try and get sort names for individual artists
+ std::vector<std::string> sortnames = StringUtils::Split(albumartistsort, CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_musicItemSeparator);
+ if (sortnames.size() != common.size())
+ // Split artist sort names further using multiple possible delimiters, over single separator applied in Tag loader
+ sortnames = StringUtils::SplitMulti(sortnames, { ";", ":", "|", "#" });
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < common.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (common[i] == VARIOUSARTISTS_MBID)
+ /* Treat "various", "various artists" and the localized equivalent name as the same
+ album artist as the artist with Musicbrainz ID 89ad4ac3-39f7-470e-963a-56509c546377.
+ If adding this artist for the first time then the name will be set to either the primary
+ artist read from tags when 3a, or the localized value for "various artists" when not 3a.
+ This means that tag values are no longer translated into the current language.
+ */
+ album.artistCredits.emplace_back(various, VARIOUSARTISTS_MBID);
+ else
+ {
+ album.artistCredits.emplace_back(StringUtils::Trim(common[i]));
+ // Set artist sort name providing we have as many as we have artists,
+ // otherwise something is wrong with them so ignore rather than guess.
+ if (sortnames.size() == common.size())
+ album.artistCredits.back().SetSortName(StringUtils::Trim(sortnames[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ album.bCompilation = compilation;
+ for (auto& k : artistSongs)
+ {
+ if (k->GetAlbumArtist().empty())
+ k->SetAlbumArtist(common);
+ //! @todo in future we may wish to union up the genres, for now we assume they're the same
+ album.genre = k->genre;
+ album.strArtistSort = k->GetAlbumArtistSort();
+ // in addition, we may want to use release date as discriminating between albums
+ album.strReleaseDate = k->strReleaseDate,
+ album.strLabel = k->strRecordLabel;
+ album.strType = k->strAlbumType;
+ album.songs.push_back(*k);
+ }
+ albums.push_back(album);
+ }
+ }
+CMusicInfoScanner::UpdateAlbumInfo(CAlbum& album,
+ const ADDON::ScraperPtr& scraper,
+ bool bAllowSelection,
+ CGUIDialogProgress* pDialog)
+ m_musicDatabase.Open();
+ INFO_RET result = UpdateDatabaseAlbumInfo(album, scraper, bAllowSelection, pDialog);
+ m_musicDatabase.Close();
+ return result;
+CMusicInfoScanner::UpdateArtistInfo(CArtist& artist,
+ const ADDON::ScraperPtr& scraper,
+ bool bAllowSelection,
+ CGUIDialogProgress* pDialog)
+ m_musicDatabase.Open();
+ INFO_RET result = UpdateDatabaseArtistInfo(artist, scraper, bAllowSelection, pDialog);
+ m_musicDatabase.Close();
+ return result;
+int CMusicInfoScanner::RetrieveMusicInfo(const std::string& strDirectory, CFileItemList& items)
+ MAPSONGS songsMap;
+ // get all information for all files in current directory from database, and remove them
+ if (m_musicDatabase.RemoveSongsFromPath(strDirectory, songsMap))
+ m_needsCleanup = true;
+ CFileItemList scannedItems;
+ if (ScanTags(items, scannedItems) == INFO_CANCELLED || scannedItems.Size() == 0)
+ return 0;
+ VECALBUMS albums;
+ FileItemsToAlbums(scannedItems, albums, &songsMap);
+ /*
+ Set thumb for songs and, if only one album in folder, store the thumb for
+ the album (music db) and the folder path (in Textures db) too.
+ The album and path thumb is either set to the folder art, or failing that to
+ the art embedded in the first music file.
+ Song thumb is only set when it varies, otherwise it is cleared so that it will
+ fallback to the album art (that may be from the first file, or that of the
+ folder or set later by scraping from NFO files or remote sources). Clearing
+ saves caching repeats of the same image.
+ However even if all songs are from one album this may not be the album
+ folder. It could be just a subfolder containing some of the songs from a disc
+ set e.g. CD1, CD2 etc., or the album could spread across many folders. In
+ this case the album art gets reset every time a folder with songs from just
+ that album is processed, and needs to be corrected later once all the parts
+ of the album have been scanned.
+ */
+ FindArtForAlbums(albums, items.GetPath());
+ /* Strategy: Having scanned tags and made a list of albums, add them to the library. Only then try
+ to scrape additional album and artist information. Music is often tagged to a mixed standard
+ - some albums have mbid tags, some don't. Once all the music files have been added to the library,
+ the mbid for an artist will be known even if it was only tagged on one song. The artist is best
+ scraped with an mbid, so scrape after all the files that may provide that tag have been scanned.
+ That artist mbid can then be used to improve the accuracy of scraping other albums by that artist
+ even when it was not in the tagging for that album.
+ Doing scraping, generally the slower activity, in the background after scanning has fully populated
+ the library also means that the user can use their library to select music to play sooner.
+ */
+ int numAdded = 0;
+ // Add all albums to the library, and hence any new song or album artists or other contributors
+ for (auto& album : albums)
+ {
+ if (m_bStop)
+ break;
+ // mark albums without a title as singles
+ if (album.strAlbum.empty())
+ album.releaseType = CAlbum::Single;
+ album.strPath = strDirectory;
+ m_musicDatabase.AddAlbum(album, m_idSourcePath);
+ m_albumsAdded.insert(album.idAlbum);
+ numAdded += static_cast<int>(album.songs.size());
+ }
+ return numAdded;
+void MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::ScrapeInfoAddedAlbums()
+ /* Strategy: Having scanned tags, make a list of albums and add them to the library, only then try
+ to scrape additional album and artist information. Music is often tagged to a mixed standard
+ - some albums have mbid tags, some don't. Once all the music files have been added to the library,
+ the mbid for an artist will be known even if it was only tagged on one song. The artist is best
+ scraped with an mbid, so scrape after all the files that may provide that tag have been scanned.
+ That artist mbid can then be used to improve the accuracy of scraping other albums by that artist
+ even when it was not in the tagging for that album.
+ Doing scraping, generally the slower activity, in the background after scanning has fully populated
+ the library also means that the user can use their library to select music to play sooner.
+ */
+ /* Scrape additional album and artist data.
+ For albums and artists without mbids, matching on album-artist pair can
+ be used to identify artist with greater accuracy than artist name alone.
+ Artist mbid returned by album scraper is used if we do not already have it.
+ Hence scrape album then related artists.
+ */
+ ADDON::AddonPtr addon;
+ ADDON::ScraperPtr albumScraper;
+ ADDON::ScraperPtr artistScraper;
+ if (ADDON::CAddonSystemSettings::GetInstance().GetActive(ADDON::AddonType::SCRAPER_ALBUMS, addon))
+ albumScraper = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ADDON::CScraper>(addon);
+ if (ADDON::CAddonSystemSettings::GetInstance().GetActive(ADDON::AddonType::SCRAPER_ARTISTS,
+ addon))
+ artistScraper = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ADDON::CScraper>(addon);
+ bool albumartistsonly = !CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_MUSICLIBRARY_SHOWCOMPILATIONARTISTS);
+ if (!albumScraper || !artistScraper)
+ return;
+ int i = 0;
+ std::set<int> artists;
+ for (auto albumId : m_albumsAdded)
+ {
+ i++;
+ if (m_bStop)
+ break;
+ // Scrape album data
+ CAlbum album;
+ if (!m_musicDatabase.HasAlbumBeenScraped(albumId))
+ {
+ if (m_handle)
+ {
+ m_handle->SetText(album.GetAlbumArtistString() + " - " + album.strAlbum);
+ m_handle->SetProgress(i, static_cast<int>(m_albumsAdded.size()));
+ }
+ // Fetch any artist mbids for album artist(s) and song artists when scraping those too.
+ m_musicDatabase.GetAlbum(albumId, album, !albumartistsonly);
+ UpdateDatabaseAlbumInfo(album, albumScraper, false);
+ // Scrape information for artists that have not been scraped before, avoiding repeating
+ // unsuccessful attempts for every album and song.
+ for (const auto &artistCredit : album.artistCredits)
+ {
+ if (m_bStop)
+ break;
+ if (!m_musicDatabase.HasArtistBeenScraped(artistCredit.GetArtistId()) &&
+ artists.find(artistCredit.GetArtistId()) == artists.end())
+ {
+ artists.insert(artistCredit.GetArtistId()); // Artist scraping attempted
+ CArtist artist;
+ m_musicDatabase.GetArtist(artistCredit.GetArtistId(), artist);
+ UpdateDatabaseArtistInfo(artist, artistScraper, false);
+ }
+ }
+ // Only scrape song artists if they are being displayed in artists node by default
+ if (!albumartistsonly)
+ {
+ for (auto &song : album.songs)
+ {
+ if (m_bStop)
+ break;
+ for (const auto &artistCredit : song.artistCredits)
+ {
+ if (m_bStop)
+ break;
+ CMusicArtistInfo musicArtistInfo;
+ if (!m_musicDatabase.HasArtistBeenScraped(artistCredit.GetArtistId()) &&
+ artists.find(artistCredit.GetArtistId()) == artists.end())
+ {
+ artists.insert(artistCredit.GetArtistId()); // Artist scraping attempted
+ CArtist artist;
+ m_musicDatabase.GetArtist(artistCredit.GetArtistId(), artist);
+ UpdateDatabaseArtistInfo(artist, artistScraper, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Set thumb for songs and the album(if only one album in folder).
+ The album thumb is either set to the folder art, or failing that to the art
+ embedded in the first music file. However this does not allow for there being
+ other folders with more songs from the album e.g. this was a subfolder CD1
+ and there is CD2 etc. yet to be processed
+ Song thumb is only set when it varies, otherwise it is cleared so that it will
+ fallback to the album art(that may be from the first file, or that of the
+ folder or set later by scraping from NFO files or remote sources).Clearing
+ saves caching repeats of the same image.
+void CMusicInfoScanner::FindArtForAlbums(VECALBUMS &albums, const std::string &path)
+ /*
+ If there's a single album in the folder, then art can be taken from
+ the folder art.
+ */
+ std::string albumArt;
+ if (albums.size() == 1)
+ {
+ CFileItem album(path, true);
+ /*
+ If we are scanning a directory served over http(s) the root directory for an album will set
+ IsInternetStream to true which prevents scanning it for art. As we can't reach this point
+ without having read some tags (and tags are not read from streams) we can safely check for
+ that case and set the IsHTTPDirectory property to enable scanning for art.
+ */
+ if (StringUtils::StartsWithNoCase(path, "http") && StringUtils::EndsWith(path, "/"))
+ album.SetProperty("IsHTTPDirectory", true);
+ albumArt = album.GetUserMusicThumb(true);
+ if (!albumArt.empty())
+ albums[0].art["thumb"] = albumArt;
+ }
+ for (auto& album : albums)
+ {
+ if (albums.size() != 1)
+ albumArt = "";
+ /*
+ Find art that is common across these items
+ If we find a single art image we treat it as the album art
+ and discard song art else we use first as album art and
+ keep everything as song art.
+ */
+ bool singleArt = true;
+ CSong *art = NULL;
+ for (auto& song : album.songs)
+ {
+ if (song.HasArt())
+ {
+ if (art && !art->ArtMatches(song))
+ {
+ singleArt = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!art)
+ art = &song;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ assign the first art found to the album - better than no art at all
+ */
+ if (art && albumArt.empty())
+ {
+ if (!art->strThumb.empty())
+ albumArt = art->strThumb;
+ else
+ albumArt = CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(art->strFileName, "music");
+ }
+ if (!albumArt.empty())
+["thumb"] = albumArt;
+ if (singleArt)
+ { //if singleArt then we can clear the artwork for all songs
+ for (auto& k : album.songs)
+ k.strThumb.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ { // more than one piece of art was found for these songs, so cache per song
+ for (auto& k : album.songs)
+ {
+ if (k.strThumb.empty() && !k.embeddedArt.Empty())
+ k.strThumb = CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(k.strFileName, "music");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (albums.size() == 1 && !albumArt.empty())
+ {
+ // assign to folder thumb as well
+ CFileItem albumItem(path, true);
+ CMusicThumbLoader loader;
+ loader.SetCachedImage(albumItem, "thumb", albumArt);
+ }
+void MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::RetrieveLocalArt()
+ if (m_handle)
+ {
+ m_handle->SetTitle(g_localizeStrings.Get(506)); //"Checking media files..."
+ //!@todo: title = Checking for local art
+ }
+ std::set<int> artistsArtDone; // artists processed to avoid unsuccessful repeats
+ int count = 0;
+ for (auto albumId : m_albumsAdded)
+ {
+ count++;
+ if (m_bStop)
+ break;
+ CAlbum album;
+ m_musicDatabase.GetAlbum(albumId, album, false);
+ if (m_handle)
+ {
+ m_handle->SetText(album.GetAlbumArtistString() + " - " + album.strAlbum);
+ m_handle->SetProgress(count, static_cast<int>(m_albumsAdded.size()));
+ }
+ /*
+ Automatically fetch local art from album folder and any disc sets subfolders
+ Providing all songs from an album are are under a unique common album
+ folder (no songs from other albums) then thumb has been set to local art,
+ or failing that to embedded art, during scanning by FindArtForAlbums().
+ But when songs are also spread over multiple subfolders within it e.g. disc
+ sets, it will have been set to either the art of the last subfolder that was
+ processed (if there is any), or from the first song in that subfolder with
+ embedded art (if there is any). To correct this and find any thumb in the
+ (common) album folder add "thumb" to those missing.
+ */
+ AddAlbumArtwork(album);
+ /*
+ Local album artist art
+ Look in the nominated "Artist Information Folder" for thumbs and fanart.
+ Failing that, for backward compatibility, fallback to the folder immediately
+ above the album folder.
+ It can only fallback if the album has a unique folder, and can only do so
+ for the first album artist if the album is a collaboration e.g. composer,
+ conductor, orchestra, or by several pop artists in their own right.
+ Avoids repeatedly processing the same artist by maintaining a set.
+ Adding the album may have added new artists, or provide art for an existing
+ (song) artist, but does not replace any artwork already set. Hence once art
+ has been found for an album artist, art is not searched for in other folders.
+ It will find art for "various artists", if artwork is located above the
+ folder containing compilatons.
+ */
+ for (auto artistCredit = album.artistCredits.begin(); artistCredit != album.artistCredits.end(); ++artistCredit)
+ {
+ if (m_bStop)
+ break;
+ int idArtist = artistCredit->GetArtistId();
+ if (artistsArtDone.find(idArtist) == artistsArtDone.end())
+ {
+ artistsArtDone.insert(idArtist); // Artist processed
+ // Get artist and subfolder within the Artist Information Folder
+ CArtist artist;
+ m_musicDatabase.GetArtist(idArtist, artist);
+ m_musicDatabase.GetArtistPath(artist, artist.strPath);
+ // Location of local art
+ std::string artfolder;
+ if (CDirectory::Exists(artist.strPath))
+ // When subfolder exists that is only place we look for local art
+ artfolder = artist.strPath;
+ else if (!album.strPath.empty() && artistCredit == album.artistCredits.begin())
+ {
+ // If no individual artist subfolder has been found, for primary
+ // album artist only look in the folder immediately above the album
+ // folder. Not using GetOldArtistPath here because may not have not
+ // have scanned all the albums yet.
+ artfolder = URIUtils::GetParentPath(album.strPath);
+ }
+ AddArtistArtwork(artist, artfolder);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int CMusicInfoScanner::GetPathHash(const CFileItemList &items, std::string &hash)
+ // Create a hash based on the filenames, filesize and filedate. Also count the number of files
+ if (0 == items.Size()) return 0;
+ CDigest digest{CDigest::Type::MD5};
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < items.Size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const CFileItemPtr pItem = items[i];
+ digest.Update(pItem->GetPath());
+ digest.Update((unsigned char *)&pItem->m_dwSize, sizeof(pItem->m_dwSize));
+ KODI::TIME::FileTime time = pItem->m_dateTime;
+ digest.Update((unsigned char*)&time, sizeof(KODI::TIME::FileTime));
+ if (pItem->IsAudio() && !pItem->IsPlayList() && !pItem->IsNFO())
+ count++;
+ }
+ hash = digest.Finalize();
+ return count;
+CMusicInfoScanner::UpdateDatabaseAlbumInfo(CAlbum& album,
+ const ADDON::ScraperPtr& scraper,
+ bool bAllowSelection,
+ CGUIDialogProgress* pDialog /* = NULL */)
+ if (!scraper)
+ return INFO_ERROR;
+ CMusicAlbumInfo albumInfo;
+ INFO_RET albumDownloadStatus(INFO_CANCELLED);
+ std::string origArtist(album.GetAlbumArtistString());
+ std::string origAlbum(album.strAlbum);
+ bool stop(false);
+ while (!stop)
+ {
+ stop = true;
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} downloading info for: {}", __FUNCTION__, album.strAlbum);
+ albumDownloadStatus = DownloadAlbumInfo(album, scraper, albumInfo, !bAllowSelection, pDialog);
+ if (albumDownloadStatus == INFO_NOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ if (pDialog && bAllowSelection)
+ {
+ std::string strTempAlbum(album.strAlbum);
+ if (!CGUIKeyboardFactory::ShowAndGetInput(strTempAlbum, CVariant{ g_localizeStrings.Get(16011) }, false))
+ albumDownloadStatus = INFO_CANCELLED;
+ else
+ {
+ std::string strTempArtist(album.GetAlbumArtistString());
+ if (!CGUIKeyboardFactory::ShowAndGetInput(strTempArtist, CVariant{ g_localizeStrings.Get(16025) }, false))
+ albumDownloadStatus = INFO_CANCELLED;
+ else
+ {
+ album.strAlbum = strTempAlbum;
+ album.strArtistDesc = strTempArtist;
+ stop = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto eventLog = CServiceBroker::GetEventLog();
+ if (eventLog)
+ eventLog->Add(EventPtr(new CMediaLibraryEvent(
+ MediaTypeAlbum, album.strPath, 24146,
+ StringUtils::Format(g_localizeStrings.Get(24147), MediaTypeAlbum, album.strAlbum),
+ CScraperUrl::GetThumbUrl(album.thumbURL.GetFirstUrlByType()),
+ CURL::GetRedacted(album.strPath), EventLevel::Warning)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Restore original album and artist name, possibly changed by manual entry
+ // to get info but should not change outside merge
+ album.strAlbum = origAlbum;
+ album.strArtistDesc = origArtist;
+ if (albumDownloadStatus == INFO_ADDED)
+ {
+ bool overridetags = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_MUSICLIBRARY_OVERRIDETAGS);
+ // Remove art accidentally set by the Python scraper, it only provides URLs of possible artwork
+ // Art is selected later applying whitelist and other art preferences
+ albumInfo.GetAlbum().art.clear();
+ album.MergeScrapedAlbum(albumInfo.GetAlbum(), overridetags);
+ m_musicDatabase.UpdateAlbum(album);
+ albumInfo.SetLoaded(true);
+ }
+ // Check album art.
+ // Fill any gaps with local art files or use first available from scraped URL list (when it has
+ // been successfully scraped) as controlled by whitelist. Do this even when no info added
+ // (cancelled, not found or error), there may be new local art files.
+ if (CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(
+ AddAlbumArtwork(album))
+ albumDownloadStatus = INFO_ADDED; // Local art added
+ return albumDownloadStatus;
+CMusicInfoScanner::UpdateDatabaseArtistInfo(CArtist& artist,
+ const ADDON::ScraperPtr& scraper,
+ bool bAllowSelection,
+ CGUIDialogProgress* pDialog /* = NULL */)
+ if (!scraper)
+ return INFO_ERROR;
+ CMusicArtistInfo artistInfo;
+ INFO_RET artistDownloadStatus(INFO_CANCELLED);
+ std::string origArtist(artist.strArtist);
+ bool stop(false);
+ while (!stop)
+ {
+ stop = true;
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} downloading info for: {}", __FUNCTION__, artist.strArtist);
+ artistDownloadStatus = DownloadArtistInfo(artist, scraper, artistInfo, !bAllowSelection, pDialog);
+ if (artistDownloadStatus == INFO_NOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ if (pDialog && bAllowSelection)
+ {
+ if (!CGUIKeyboardFactory::ShowAndGetInput(artist.strArtist, CVariant{ g_localizeStrings.Get(16025) }, false))
+ artistDownloadStatus = INFO_CANCELLED;
+ else
+ stop = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto eventLog = CServiceBroker::GetEventLog();
+ if (eventLog)
+ eventLog->Add(EventPtr(new CMediaLibraryEvent(
+ MediaTypeArtist, artist.strPath, 24146,
+ StringUtils::Format(g_localizeStrings.Get(24147), MediaTypeArtist, artist.strArtist),
+ CScraperUrl::GetThumbUrl(artist.thumbURL.GetFirstUrlByType()),
+ CURL::GetRedacted(artist.strPath), EventLevel::Warning)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Restore original artist name, possibly changed by manual entry to get info
+ // but should not change outside merge
+ artist.strArtist = origArtist;
+ if (artistDownloadStatus == INFO_ADDED)
+ {
+ artist.MergeScrapedArtist(artistInfo.GetArtist(), CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_MUSICLIBRARY_OVERRIDETAGS));
+ m_musicDatabase.UpdateArtist(artist);
+ artistInfo.SetLoaded();
+ }
+ if (CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(
+ return artistDownloadStatus;
+ // Check artist art.
+ // Fill any gaps with local art files, or use first available from scraped
+ // list (when it has been successfully scraped). Do this even when no info
+ // added (cancelled, not found or error), there may be new local art files.
+ // Get individual artist subfolder within the Artist Information Folder
+ m_musicDatabase.GetArtistPath(artist, artist.strPath);
+ // Location of local art
+ std::string artfolder;
+ if (CDirectory::Exists(artist.strPath))
+ // When subfolder exists that is only place we look for art
+ artfolder = artist.strPath;
+ else
+ {
+ // Fallback to the old location local to music files (when there is a
+ // unique folder). If there is no folder for the artist, and *only* the
+ // artist, this will be blank
+ m_musicDatabase.GetOldArtistPath(artist.idArtist, artfolder);
+ }
+ if (AddArtistArtwork(artist, artfolder))
+ artistDownloadStatus = INFO_ADDED; // Local art added
+ return artistDownloadStatus; // Added, cancelled or not found
+#define THRESHOLD .95f
+CMusicInfoScanner::DownloadAlbumInfo(const CAlbum& album,
+ const ADDON::ScraperPtr& info,
+ CMusicAlbumInfo& albumInfo,
+ bool bUseScrapedMBID,
+ CGUIDialogProgress* pDialog)
+ if (m_handle)
+ {
+ m_handle->SetTitle(StringUtils::Format(g_localizeStrings.Get(20321), info->Name()));
+ m_handle->SetText(album.GetAlbumArtistString() + " - " + album.strAlbum);
+ }
+ // clear our scraper cache
+ info->ClearCache();
+ CMusicInfoScraper scraper(info);
+ bool bMusicBrainz = false;
+ /*
+ When the mbid is derived from tags scraping of album information is done directly
+ using that ID, otherwise the lookup is based on album and artist names and can mis-identify the
+ album (i.e. classical music has many "Symphony No. 5"). To be able to correct any mistakes a
+ manual refresh of artist information uses either the mbid if derived from tags or the album
+ and artist names, not any previously scraped mbid.
+ */
+ if (!album.strMusicBrainzAlbumID.empty() && (!album.bScrapedMBID || bUseScrapedMBID))
+ {
+ CScraperUrl musicBrainzURL;
+ if (ResolveMusicBrainz(album.strMusicBrainzAlbumID, info, musicBrainzURL))
+ {
+ CMusicAlbumInfo albumNfo("nfo", musicBrainzURL);
+ scraper.GetAlbums().clear();
+ scraper.GetAlbums().push_back(albumNfo);
+ bMusicBrainz = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // handle nfo files
+ bool existsNFO = false;
+ std::string path = album.strPath;
+ if (path.empty())
+ m_musicDatabase.GetAlbumPath(album.idAlbum, path);
+ std::string strNfo = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(path, "album.nfo");
+ CInfoScanner::INFO_TYPE result = CInfoScanner::NO_NFO;
+ CNfoFile nfoReader;
+ existsNFO = CFileUtils::Exists(strNfo);
+ // When on GUI ask user if they want to ignore nfo and refresh from Internet
+ if (existsNFO && pDialog && CGUIDialogYesNo::ShowAndGetInput(10523, 20446))
+ {
+ existsNFO = false;
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Ignoring nfo file: {}", CURL::GetRedacted(strNfo));
+ }
+ if (existsNFO)
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Found matching nfo file: {}", CURL::GetRedacted(strNfo));
+ result = nfoReader.Create(strNfo, info);
+ if (result == CInfoScanner::FULL_NFO)
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} Got details from nfo", __FUNCTION__);
+ nfoReader.GetDetails(albumInfo.GetAlbum());
+ return INFO_ADDED;
+ }
+ else if (result == CInfoScanner::URL_NFO ||
+ result == CInfoScanner::COMBINED_NFO)
+ {
+ CScraperUrl scrUrl(nfoReader.ScraperUrl());
+ CMusicAlbumInfo albumNfo("nfo",scrUrl);
+ ADDON::ScraperPtr nfoReaderScraper = nfoReader.GetScraperInfo();
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "-- nfo-scraper: {}", nfoReaderScraper->Name());
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "-- nfo url: {}", scrUrl.GetFirstThumbUrl());
+ scraper.SetScraperInfo(nfoReaderScraper);
+ scraper.GetAlbums().clear();
+ scraper.GetAlbums().push_back(albumNfo);
+ }
+ else if (result != CInfoScanner::OVERRIDE_NFO)
+ CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Unable to find an url in nfo file: {}", strNfo);
+ }
+ if (!scraper.CheckValidOrFallback(CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetString(CSettings::SETTING_MUSICLIBRARY_ALBUMSSCRAPER)))
+ { // the current scraper is invalid, as is the default - bail
+ CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{} - current and default scrapers are invalid. Pick another one",
+ __FUNCTION__);
+ return INFO_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (!scraper.GetAlbumCount())
+ {
+ scraper.FindAlbumInfo(album.strAlbum, album.GetAlbumArtistString());
+ while (!scraper.Completed())
+ {
+ if (m_bStop)
+ {
+ scraper.Cancel();
+ }
+ ScannerWait(1);
+ }
+ /*
+ Finding album using xml scraper may request data from Musicbrainz.
+ MusicBrainz rate-limits queries to 1 per sec, once we hit the rate-limiter the server
+ returns 503 errors for all calls from that IP address.
+ To stay below the rate-limit threshold wait 1s before proceeding
+ */
+ if (!info->IsPython())
+ ScannerWait(1000);
+ }
+ CGUIDialogSelect *pDlg = NULL;
+ int iSelectedAlbum=0;
+ if ((result == CInfoScanner::NO_NFO || result == CInfoScanner::OVERRIDE_NFO)
+ && !bMusicBrainz)
+ {
+ iSelectedAlbum = -1; // set negative so that we can detect a failure
+ if (scraper.Succeeded() && scraper.GetAlbumCount() >= 1)
+ {
+ double bestRelevance = 0;
+ double minRelevance = static_cast<double>(THRESHOLD);
+ if (pDialog || scraper.GetAlbumCount() > 1) // score the matches
+ {
+ //show dialog with all albums found
+ if (pDialog)
+ {
+ pDlg = CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().GetWindow<CGUIDialogSelect>(WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT);
+ pDlg->SetHeading(CVariant{g_localizeStrings.Get(181)});
+ pDlg->Reset();
+ pDlg->EnableButton(true, 413); // manual
+ pDlg->SetUseDetails(true);
+ }
+ CFileItemList items;
+ for (int i = 0; i < scraper.GetAlbumCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ CMusicAlbumInfo& info = scraper.GetAlbum(i);
+ double relevance = static_cast<double>(info.GetRelevance());
+ if (relevance < 0)
+ relevance = CUtil::AlbumRelevance(info.GetAlbum().strAlbum, album.strAlbum,
+ info.GetAlbum().GetAlbumArtistString(),
+ album.GetAlbumArtistString());
+ // if we're doing auto-selection (ie querying all albums at once, then allow 95->100% for perfect matches)
+ // otherwise, perfect matches only
+ if (relevance >= std::max(minRelevance, bestRelevance))
+ { // we auto-select the best of these
+ bestRelevance = relevance;
+ iSelectedAlbum = i;
+ }
+ if (pDialog)
+ {
+ // set the label to [relevance] album - artist
+ std::string strTemp = StringUtils::Format("[{:0.2f}] {}", relevance, info.GetTitle2());
+ CFileItemPtr item(new CFileItem("", false));
+ item->SetLabel(strTemp);
+ std::string strTemp2;
+ if (!scraper.GetAlbum(i).GetAlbum().strType.empty())
+ strTemp2 += scraper.GetAlbum(i).GetAlbum().strType;
+ if (!scraper.GetAlbum(i).GetAlbum().strReleaseDate.empty())
+ strTemp2 += " - " + scraper.GetAlbum(i).GetAlbum().strReleaseDate;
+ if (!scraper.GetAlbum(i).GetAlbum().strReleaseStatus.empty())
+ strTemp2 += " - " + scraper.GetAlbum(i).GetAlbum().strReleaseStatus;
+ if (!scraper.GetAlbum(i).GetAlbum().strLabel.empty())
+ strTemp2 += " - " + scraper.GetAlbum(i).GetAlbum().strLabel;
+ item->SetLabel2(strTemp2);
+ item->SetArt(scraper.GetAlbum(i).GetAlbum().art);
+ items.Add(item);
+ }
+ if (!pDialog && relevance > 0.999) // we're so close, no reason to search further
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pDialog)
+ {
+ pDlg->Sort(false);
+ pDlg->SetItems(items);
+ pDlg->Open();
+ // and wait till user selects one
+ if (pDlg->GetSelectedItem() < 0)
+ { // none chosen
+ if (!pDlg->IsButtonPressed())
+ // manual button pressed
+ std::string strNewAlbum = album.strAlbum;
+ if (!CGUIKeyboardFactory::ShowAndGetInput(strNewAlbum, CVariant{g_localizeStrings.Get(16011)}, false))
+ if (strNewAlbum == "")
+ std::string strNewArtist = album.GetAlbumArtistString();
+ if (!CGUIKeyboardFactory::ShowAndGetInput(strNewArtist, CVariant{g_localizeStrings.Get(16025)}, false))
+ pDialog->SetLine(0, CVariant{strNewAlbum});
+ pDialog->SetLine(1, CVariant{strNewArtist});
+ pDialog->Progress();
+ CAlbum newAlbum = album;
+ newAlbum.strAlbum = strNewAlbum;
+ newAlbum.strArtistDesc = strNewArtist;
+ return DownloadAlbumInfo(newAlbum, info, albumInfo, bUseScrapedMBID, pDialog);
+ }
+ iSelectedAlbum = pDlg->GetSelectedItem();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CMusicAlbumInfo& info = scraper.GetAlbum(0);
+ double relevance = static_cast<double>(info.GetRelevance());
+ if (relevance < 0)
+ relevance = CUtil::AlbumRelevance(info.GetAlbum().strAlbum,
+ album.strAlbum,
+ info.GetAlbum().GetAlbumArtistString(),
+ album.GetAlbumArtistString());
+ if (relevance < static_cast<double>(THRESHOLD))
+ return INFO_NOT_FOUND;
+ iSelectedAlbum = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iSelectedAlbum < 0)
+ return INFO_NOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ scraper.LoadAlbumInfo(iSelectedAlbum);
+ while (!scraper.Completed())
+ {
+ if (m_bStop)
+ {
+ scraper.Cancel();
+ }
+ ScannerWait(1);
+ }
+ if (!scraper.Succeeded())
+ return INFO_ERROR;
+ /*
+ Fetching album details using xml scraper may makes requests for data from Musicbrainz.
+ MusicBrainz rate-limits queries to 1 per sec, once we hit the rate-limiter the server
+ returns 503 errors for all calls from that IP address.
+ To stay below the rate-limit threshold wait 1s before proceeding incase next action is
+ to scrape another album or artist
+ */
+ if (!info->IsPython())
+ ScannerWait(1000);
+ albumInfo = scraper.GetAlbum(iSelectedAlbum);
+ if (result == CInfoScanner::COMBINED_NFO || result == CInfoScanner::OVERRIDE_NFO)
+ nfoReader.GetDetails(albumInfo.GetAlbum(), NULL, true);
+ return INFO_ADDED;
+CMusicInfoScanner::DownloadArtistInfo(const CArtist& artist,
+ const ADDON::ScraperPtr& info,
+ MUSIC_GRABBER::CMusicArtistInfo& artistInfo,
+ bool bUseScrapedMBID,
+ CGUIDialogProgress* pDialog)
+ if (m_handle)
+ {
+ m_handle->SetTitle(StringUtils::Format(g_localizeStrings.Get(20320), info->Name()));
+ m_handle->SetText(artist.strArtist);
+ }
+ // clear our scraper cache
+ info->ClearCache();
+ CMusicInfoScraper scraper(info);
+ bool bMusicBrainz = false;
+ /*
+ When the mbid is derived from tags scraping of artist information is done directly
+ using that ID, otherwise the lookup is based on name and can mis-identify the artist
+ (many have same name). To be able to correct any mistakes a manual refresh of artist
+ information uses either the mbid if derived from tags or the artist name, not any previously
+ scraped mbid.
+ */
+ if (!artist.strMusicBrainzArtistID.empty() && (!artist.bScrapedMBID || bUseScrapedMBID))
+ {
+ CScraperUrl musicBrainzURL;
+ if (ResolveMusicBrainz(artist.strMusicBrainzArtistID, info, musicBrainzURL))
+ {
+ CMusicArtistInfo artistNfo("nfo", musicBrainzURL);
+ scraper.GetArtists().clear();
+ scraper.GetArtists().push_back(artistNfo);
+ bMusicBrainz = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle nfo files
+ CInfoScanner::INFO_TYPE result = CInfoScanner::NO_NFO;
+ CNfoFile nfoReader;
+ std::string strNfo;
+ std::string path;
+ bool existsNFO = false;
+ // First look for nfo in the artists folder, the primary location
+ path = artist.strPath;
+ // Get path when don't already have it.
+ bool artistpathfound = !path.empty();
+ if (!artistpathfound)
+ artistpathfound = m_musicDatabase.GetArtistPath(artist, path);
+ if (artistpathfound)
+ {
+ strNfo = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(path, "artist.nfo");
+ existsNFO = CFileUtils::Exists(strNfo);
+ }
+ // If not there fall back local to music files (historic location for those album artists with a unique folder)
+ if (!existsNFO)
+ {
+ artistpathfound = m_musicDatabase.GetOldArtistPath(artist.idArtist, path);
+ if (artistpathfound)
+ {
+ strNfo = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(path, "artist.nfo");
+ existsNFO = CFileUtils::Exists(strNfo);
+ }
+ else
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} not have path, nfo file not possible", artist.strArtist);
+ }
+ // When on GUI ask user if they want to ignore nfo and refresh from Internet
+ if (existsNFO && pDialog && CGUIDialogYesNo::ShowAndGetInput(21891, 20446))
+ {
+ existsNFO = false;
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Ignoring nfo file: {}", CURL::GetRedacted(strNfo));
+ }
+ if (existsNFO)
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Found matching nfo file: {}", CURL::GetRedacted(strNfo));
+ result = nfoReader.Create(strNfo, info);
+ if (result == CInfoScanner::FULL_NFO)
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} Got details from nfo", __FUNCTION__);
+ nfoReader.GetDetails(artistInfo.GetArtist());
+ return INFO_ADDED;
+ }
+ else if (result == CInfoScanner::URL_NFO || result == CInfoScanner::COMBINED_NFO)
+ {
+ CScraperUrl scrUrl(nfoReader.ScraperUrl());
+ CMusicArtistInfo artistNfo("nfo", scrUrl);
+ ADDON::ScraperPtr nfoReaderScraper = nfoReader.GetScraperInfo();
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "-- nfo-scraper: {}", nfoReaderScraper->Name());
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "-- nfo url: {}", scrUrl.GetFirstThumbUrl());
+ scraper.SetScraperInfo(nfoReaderScraper);
+ scraper.GetArtists().push_back(artistNfo);
+ }
+ else
+ CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Unable to find an url in nfo file: {}", strNfo);
+ }
+ if (!scraper.GetArtistCount())
+ {
+ scraper.FindArtistInfo(artist.strArtist);
+ while (!scraper.Completed())
+ {
+ if (m_bStop)
+ {
+ scraper.Cancel();
+ }
+ ScannerWait(1);
+ }
+ /*
+ Finding artist using xml scraper makes a request for data from Musicbrainz.
+ MusicBrainz rate-limits queries to 1 per sec, once we hit the rate-limiter
+ the server returns 503 errors for all calls from that IP address. To stay
+ below the rate-limit threshold wait 1s before proceeding
+ */
+ if (!info->IsPython())
+ ScannerWait(1000);
+ }
+ int iSelectedArtist = 0;
+ if (result == CInfoScanner::NO_NFO && !bMusicBrainz)
+ {
+ if (scraper.GetArtistCount() >= 1)
+ {
+ // now load the first match
+ if (pDialog && scraper.GetArtistCount() > 1)
+ {
+ // if we found more then 1 album, let user choose one
+ CGUIDialogSelect *pDlg = CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().GetWindow<CGUIDialogSelect>(WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT);
+ if (pDlg)
+ {
+ pDlg->SetHeading(CVariant{g_localizeStrings.Get(21890)});
+ pDlg->Reset();
+ pDlg->EnableButton(true, 413); // manual
+ for (int i = 0; i < scraper.GetArtistCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ // set the label to artist
+ CFileItem item(scraper.GetArtist(i).GetArtist());
+ std::string strTemp = scraper.GetArtist(i).GetArtist().strArtist;
+ if (!scraper.GetArtist(i).GetArtist().strBorn.empty())
+ strTemp += " ("+scraper.GetArtist(i).GetArtist().strBorn+")";
+ if (!scraper.GetArtist(i).GetArtist().strDisambiguation.empty())
+ strTemp += " - " + scraper.GetArtist(i).GetArtist().strDisambiguation;
+ if (!scraper.GetArtist(i).GetArtist().genre.empty())
+ {
+ std::string genres = StringUtils::Join(scraper.GetArtist(i).GetArtist().genre, CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_musicItemSeparator);
+ if (!genres.empty())
+ strTemp = StringUtils::Format("[{}] {}", genres, strTemp);
+ }
+ item.SetLabel(strTemp);
+ item.m_idepth = i; // use this to hold the index of the album in the scraper
+ pDlg->Add(item);
+ }
+ pDlg->Open();
+ // and wait till user selects one
+ if (pDlg->GetSelectedItem() < 0)
+ { // none chosen
+ if (!pDlg->IsButtonPressed())
+ // manual button pressed
+ std::string strNewArtist = artist.strArtist;
+ if (!CGUIKeyboardFactory::ShowAndGetInput(strNewArtist, CVariant{g_localizeStrings.Get(16025)}, false))
+ if (pDialog)
+ {
+ pDialog->SetLine(0, CVariant{strNewArtist});
+ pDialog->Progress();
+ }
+ CArtist newArtist;
+ newArtist.strArtist = strNewArtist;
+ return DownloadArtistInfo(newArtist, info, artistInfo, bUseScrapedMBID, pDialog);
+ }
+ iSelectedArtist = pDlg->GetSelectedFileItem()->m_idepth;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return INFO_NOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ /*
+ Fetching artist details using xml scraper makes requests for data from Musicbrainz.
+ MusicBrainz rate-limits queries to 1 per sec, once we hit the rate-limiter the server
+ returns 503 errors for all calls from that IP address.
+ To stay below the rate-limit threshold wait 1s before proceeding incase next action is
+ to scrape another album or artist
+ */
+ if (!info->IsPython())
+ ScannerWait(1000);
+ scraper.LoadArtistInfo(iSelectedArtist, artist.strArtist);
+ while (!scraper.Completed())
+ {
+ if (m_bStop)
+ {
+ scraper.Cancel();
+ }
+ ScannerWait(1);
+ }
+ if (!scraper.Succeeded())
+ return INFO_ERROR;
+ artistInfo = scraper.GetArtist(iSelectedArtist);
+ if (result == CInfoScanner::COMBINED_NFO)
+ nfoReader.GetDetails(artistInfo.GetArtist(), NULL, true);
+ return INFO_ADDED;
+bool CMusicInfoScanner::ResolveMusicBrainz(const std::string &strMusicBrainzID, const ScraperPtr &preferredScraper, CScraperUrl &musicBrainzURL)
+ // We have a MusicBrainz ID
+ // Get a scraper that can resolve it to a MusicBrainz URL & force our
+ // search directly to the specific album.
+ bool bMusicBrainz = false;
+ try
+ {
+ musicBrainzURL = preferredScraper->ResolveIDToUrl(strMusicBrainzID);
+ }
+ catch (const ADDON::CScraperError &sce)
+ {
+ if (sce.FAborted())
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (musicBrainzURL.HasUrls())
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "-- nfo-scraper: {}", preferredScraper->Name());
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "-- nfo url: {}", musicBrainzURL.GetFirstThumbUrl());
+ bMusicBrainz = true;
+ }
+ return bMusicBrainz;
+void CMusicInfoScanner::ScannerWait(unsigned int milliseconds)
+ if (milliseconds > 10)
+ {
+ CEvent m_StopEvent;
+ m_StopEvent.Wait(std::chrono::milliseconds(milliseconds));
+ }
+ else
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(milliseconds));
+bool CMusicInfoScanner::AddArtistArtwork(CArtist& artist, const std::string& artfolder)
+ if (!artist.thumbURL.HasUrls() && artfolder.empty())
+ return false; // No local or scraped possible art to process
+ if (
+ m_musicDatabase.GetArtForItem(artist.idArtist, MediaTypeArtist,;
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> addedart;
+ std::string strArt;
+ // Handle thumb separately, can be from multiple confgurable file names
+ if ("thumb") ==
+ {
+ if (!artfolder.empty())
+ { // Local music thumbnail images named by "musiclibrary.musicthumbs"
+ CFileItem item(artfolder, true);
+ strArt = item.GetUserMusicThumb(true);
+ }
+ if (strArt.empty())
+ strArt = CScraperUrl::GetThumbUrl(artist.thumbURL.GetFirstUrlByType("thumb"));
+ if (!strArt.empty())
+ addedart.insert(std::make_pair("thumb", strArt));
+ }
+ // Process additional art types in artist folder
+ AddLocalArtwork(addedart, MediaTypeArtist, artist.strArtist, artfolder);
+ // Process remote artist art filling gaps with first of scraped art URLs
+ AddRemoteArtwork(addedart, MediaTypeArtist, artist.thumbURL);
+ int iArtLevel = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(
+ for (const auto& it : addedart)
+ {
+ // Cache thumb, fanart and other whitelisted artwork immediately
+ // (other art types will be cached when first displayed)
+ if (iArtLevel != CSettings::MUSICLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL_ALL || it.first == "thumb" ||
+ it.first == "fanart")
+ CServiceBroker::GetTextureCache()->BackgroundCacheImage(it.second);
+ auto ret =;
+ if (ret.second)
+ m_musicDatabase.SetArtForItem(artist.idArtist, MediaTypeArtist, it.first, it.second);
+ }
+ return addedart.size() > 0;
+bool CMusicInfoScanner::AddAlbumArtwork(CAlbum& album)
+ // Fetch album path and any subfolders (disc sets).
+ // No paths found when songs from different albums are in one folder
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> paths;
+ m_musicDatabase.GetAlbumPaths(album.idAlbum, paths);
+ for (const auto& pathpair : paths)
+ {
+ if (album.strPath.empty())
+ album.strPath = pathpair.first.c_str();
+ else
+ // When more than one album path is the common path
+ URIUtils::GetCommonPath(album.strPath, pathpair.first.c_str());
+ }
+ if (!album.thumbURL.HasUrls() && album.strPath.empty())
+ return false; // No local or scraped possible art to process
+ if (
+ m_musicDatabase.GetArtForItem(album.idAlbum, MediaTypeAlbum,;
+ auto thumb ="thumb"); // Find "thumb", may want to replace it
+ bool replaceThumb = paths.size() > 1;
+ if (CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetBool(
+ {
+ // When "prefer online album art" enabled and we have a thumb as embedded art
+ // then replace it if we find a scraped cover
+ if (thumb != && StringUtils::StartsWith(thumb->second, "image://"))
+ replaceThumb = true;
+ }
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> addedart;
+ std::string strArt;
+ // Fetch local art from album folder
+ // Handle thumbs separately, can be from multiple confgurable file names
+ if (replaceThumb || thumb ==
+ {
+ if (!album.strPath.empty())
+ { // Local music thumbnail images named by "musiclibrary.musicthumbs"
+ CFileItem item(album.strPath, true);
+ strArt = item.GetUserMusicThumb(true);
+ }
+ if (strArt.empty())
+ strArt = CScraperUrl::GetThumbUrl(album.thumbURL.GetFirstUrlByType("thumb"));
+ if (!strArt.empty())
+ {
+ if (thumb !=
+ addedart.insert(std::make_pair("thumb", strArt));
+ }
+ }
+ // Process additional art types in album folder
+ AddLocalArtwork(addedart, MediaTypeAlbum, album.strAlbum, album.strPath);
+ // Fetch local art from disc subfolders
+ if (paths.size() > 1)
+ {
+ CMusicThumbLoader loader;
+ std::string firstDiscThumb;
+ int iDiscThumb = 10000;
+ for (const auto& pathpair : paths)
+ {
+ strArt.clear();
+ int discnum = m_musicDatabase.GetDiscnumberForPathID(pathpair.second);
+ if (discnum > 0)
+ {
+ // Handle thumbs separately. Get thumb for path from textures db cached during scan
+ // (could be embedded or local file from multiple confgurable file names)
+ CFileItem item(pathpair.first.c_str(), true);
+ std::string strArtType = StringUtils::Format("{}{}", "thumb", discnum);
+ strArt = loader.GetCachedImage(item, "thumb");
+ if (strArt.empty())
+ strArt = CScraperUrl::GetThumbUrl(album.thumbURL.GetFirstUrlByType(strArtType));
+ if (!strArt.empty())
+ {
+ addedart.insert(std::make_pair(strArtType, strArt));
+ // Store thumb of first disc with a thumb
+ if (discnum < iDiscThumb)
+ {
+ iDiscThumb = discnum;
+ firstDiscThumb = strArt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Process additional art types in disc subfolder
+ AddLocalArtwork(addedart, MediaTypeAlbum, album.strAlbum, pathpair.first, discnum);
+ }
+ // Finally if we still don't have album thumb then use the art from the
+ // first disc in the set with a thumb
+ if (!firstDiscThumb.empty() &&"thumb") ==
+ {
+ m_musicDatabase.SetArtForItem(album.idAlbum, MediaTypeAlbum, "thumb", firstDiscThumb);
+ // Assign art as folder thumb (in textures db) as well
+ CFileItem albumItem(album.strPath, true);
+ loader.SetCachedImage(albumItem, "thumb", firstDiscThumb);
+ }
+ }
+ // Process remote album art filling gaps with first of scraped art URLs
+ AddRemoteArtwork(addedart, MediaTypeAlbum, album.thumbURL);
+ int iArtLevel = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(
+ for (const auto& it : addedart)
+ {
+ // Cache thumb, fanart and whitelisted artwork immediately
+ // (other art types will be cached when first displayed)
+ if (iArtLevel != CSettings::MUSICLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL_ALL || it.first == "thumb" ||
+ it.first == "fanart")
+ CServiceBroker::GetTextureCache()->BackgroundCacheImage(it.second);
+ auto ret =;
+ if (ret.second)
+ m_musicDatabase.SetArtForItem(album.idAlbum, MediaTypeAlbum, it.first, it.second);
+ }
+ return addedart.size() > 0;
+std::vector<CVariant> CMusicInfoScanner::GetArtWhitelist(const MediaType& mediaType, int iArtLevel)
+ std::vector<CVariant> whitelistarttypes;
+ {
+ // Basic artist artwork = thumb + fanart (but not "family" fanart1, fanart2 etc.)
+ // Basic album artwork = thumb only, thumb handled separately not in whitelist
+ if (mediaType == MediaTypeArtist)
+ whitelistarttypes.emplace_back("fanart");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (mediaType == MediaTypeArtist)
+ whitelistarttypes = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetList(
+ else
+ whitelistarttypes = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetList(
+ }
+ return whitelistarttypes;
+bool CMusicInfoScanner::AddLocalArtwork(std::map<std::string, std::string>& art,
+ const std::string& mediaType,
+ const std::string& mediaName,
+ const std::string& artfolder,
+ int discnum)
+ if (artfolder.empty())
+ return false;
+ int iArtLevel = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(
+ std::vector<CVariant> whitelistarttypes = GetArtWhitelist(mediaType, iArtLevel);
+ bool bUseAll = (iArtLevel == CSettings::MUSICLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL_ALL) ||
+ CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetBool(
+ // Not useall and empty whitelist means no extra art is picked up from either place
+ if (!bUseAll && whitelistarttypes.empty())
+ return false;
+ // Image files used as thumbs
+ std::vector<CVariant> thumbs = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetList(
+ // Find local art
+ CFileItemList availableArtFiles;
+ CDirectory::GetDirectory(artfolder, availableArtFiles,
+ CServiceBroker::GetFileExtensionProvider().GetPictureExtensions(),
+ for (const auto& artFile : availableArtFiles)
+ {
+ if (artFile->m_bIsFolder)
+ continue;
+ std::string strCandidate = URIUtils::GetFileName(artFile->GetPath());
+ // Strip media name
+ if (!mediaName.empty() && StringUtils::StartsWith(strCandidate, mediaName))
+ strCandidate.erase(0, mediaName.length());
+ StringUtils::ToLower(strCandidate);
+ // Skip files already used as "thumb"
+ // Typically folder.jpg but can be from multiple confgurable file names
+ if (std::find(thumbs.begin(), thumbs.end(), strCandidate) != thumbs.end())
+ continue;
+ // Grab and strip file extension
+ std::string strExt;
+ size_t period = strCandidate.find_last_of("./\\");
+ if (period != std::string::npos && strCandidate[period] == '.')
+ {
+ strExt = strCandidate.substr(period); // ".jpg", ".png" etc.
+ strCandidate.erase(period); // "abc16" for file Abc16.jpg
+ }
+ if (strCandidate.empty())
+ continue;
+ // Validate art type name
+ size_t last_index = strCandidate.find_last_not_of("0123456789");
+ std::string strDigits = strCandidate.substr(last_index + 1);
+ std::string strFamily = strCandidate.substr(0, last_index + 1); // "abc" of "abc16"
+ if (strFamily.empty())
+ continue;
+ if (!MUSIC_UTILS::IsValidArtType(strCandidate))
+ continue;
+ // Disc specific art from disc subfolder
+ // Skip art where digits of filename do not match disc number
+ if (discnum > 0 && !strDigits.empty() && (atoi(strDigits.c_str()) != discnum))
+ continue;
+ // Use all art, or check for basic level art in whitelist exactly allowing for disc number,
+ // or for custom art check whitelist contains art type family (strip trailing digits)
+ // e.g. 'fanart', 'fanart1', 'fanart2' etc. all match whitelist entry 'fanart'
+ std::string strCheck = strCandidate;
+ if (discnum > 0 || iArtLevel == CSettings::MUSICLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL_CUSTOM)
+ strCheck = strFamily;
+ if (bUseAll || std::find(whitelistarttypes.begin(), whitelistarttypes.end(), strCheck) !=
+ whitelistarttypes.end())
+ {
+ if (!strDigits.empty())
+ {
+ // Catch any variants of music thumbs e.g. folder2.jpg as "thumb2"
+ // Used for disc sets when files all in one album folder
+ if (std::find(thumbs.begin(), thumbs.end(), strFamily + strExt) != thumbs.end())
+ strCandidate = "thumb" + strDigits;
+ }
+ else if (discnum > 0)
+ // Append disc number when candidate art type (and file) not have it
+ strCandidate += std::to_string(discnum);
+ if (art.find(strCandidate) == art.end())
+ art.insert(std::make_pair(strCandidate, artFile->GetPath()));
+ }
+ }
+ return art.size() > 0;
+bool CMusicInfoScanner::AddRemoteArtwork(std::map<std::string, std::string>& art,
+ const std::string& mediaType,
+ const CScraperUrl& thumbURL)
+ int iArtLevel = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(
+ std::vector<CVariant> whitelistarttypes = GetArtWhitelist(mediaType, iArtLevel);
+ bool bUseAll = (iArtLevel == CSettings::MUSICLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL_ALL) ||
+ CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetBool(
+ // not useall and empty whitelist means no extra art is picked up from either place
+ if (!bUseAll && whitelistarttypes.empty())
+ return false;
+ // Add online art
+ // Done for artists and albums, so not need repeating at disc level
+ for (const auto& url : thumbURL.GetUrls())
+ {
+ // Art type is encoded into the scraper XML held in thumbURL as optional "aspect=" field.
+ // Those URL without aspect are also returned for all other type values.
+ // Loop through all the first URLS of each type except "thumb" and add if art missing
+ if (url.m_aspect.empty() || url.m_aspect == "thumb")
+ continue;
+ if (!bUseAll)
+ { // Check whitelist for art type family e.g. "discart" for aspect="discart2"
+ std::string strName = url.m_aspect;
+ StringUtils::TrimRight(strName, "0123456789");
+ if (std::find(whitelistarttypes.begin(), whitelistarttypes.end(), strName) ==
+ whitelistarttypes.end())
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (art.find(url.m_aspect) == art.end())
+ {
+ std::string strArt = CScraperUrl::GetThumbUrl(url);
+ if (!strArt.empty())
+ art.insert(std::make_pair(url.m_aspect, strArt));
+ }
+ }
+ return art.size() > 0;
+// This function is the Run() function of the IRunnable
+// CFileCountReader and runs in a separate thread.
+void CMusicInfoScanner::Run()
+ int count = 0;
+ for (auto& it : m_pathsToScan)
+ {
+ count += CountFilesRecursively(it);
+ }
+ m_itemCount = count;
+// Recurse through all folders we scan and count files
+int CMusicInfoScanner::CountFilesRecursively(const std::string& strPath)
+ // load subfolder
+ CFileItemList items;
+ CDirectory::GetDirectory(strPath, items, CServiceBroker::GetFileExtensionProvider().GetMusicExtensions(), DIR_FLAG_NO_FILE_DIRS);
+ if (m_bStop)
+ return 0;
+ // true for recursive counting
+ int count = CountFiles(items, true);
+ return count;
+int CMusicInfoScanner::CountFiles(const CFileItemList &items, bool recursive)
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<items.Size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const CFileItemPtr pItem=items[i];
+ if (recursive && pItem->m_bIsFolder)
+ count+=CountFilesRecursively(pItem->GetPath());
+ else if (pItem->IsAudio() && !pItem->IsPlayList() && !pItem->IsNFO())
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;