path: root/src/2geom/orphan-code/intersection-by-smashing.cpp
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1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/2geom/orphan-code/intersection-by-smashing.cpp b/src/2geom/orphan-code/intersection-by-smashing.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02e44b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/2geom/orphan-code/intersection-by-smashing.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+#include <2geom/d2.h>
+#include <2geom/sbasis.h>
+#include <2geom/sbasis-geometric.h>
+#include <2geom/orphan-code/intersection-by-smashing.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Geom {
+using namespace Geom;
+ * Computes the top and bottom boundaries of the L_\infty neighborhood
+ * of a curve. The curve is supposed to be a graph over the x-axis.
+ */
+void computeLinfinityNeighborhood( D2<SBasis > const &f, double tol, D2<Piecewise<SBasis> > &topside, D2<Piecewise<SBasis> > &botside ){
+ double signx = ( f[X].at0() > f[X].at1() )? -1 : 1;
+ double signy = ( f[Y].at0() > f[Y].at1() )? -1 : 1;
+ Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > top, bot;
+ top = Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > (f);
+ top.cuts.insert( top.cuts.end(), 2);
+ top.segs.insert( top.segs.end(), D2<SBasis>(SBasis(Linear( f[X].at1(), f[X].at1()+2*tol*signx)),
+ SBasis(Linear( f[Y].at1() )) ));
+ bot = Piecewise<D2<SBasis> >(f);
+ bot.cuts.insert( bot.cuts.begin(), - 1 );
+ bot.segs.insert( bot.segs.begin(), D2<SBasis>(SBasis(Linear( f[X].at0()-2*tol*signx, f[X].at0())),
+ SBasis(Linear( f[Y].at0() )) ));
+ top += Point(-tol*signx, tol);
+ bot += Point( tol*signx, -tol);
+ if ( signy < 0 ){
+ std::swap( top, bot );
+ top += Point( 0, 2*tol);
+ bot += Point( 0, -2*tol);
+ }
+ topside = make_cuts_independent(top);
+ botside = make_cuts_independent(bot);
+ * Compute top and bottom boundaries of the L^infty nbhd of the graph of a *monotonic* function f.
+ * if f is increasing, it is given by [f(t-tol)-tol, f(t+tol)+tol].
+ * if not, it is [f(t+tol)-tol, f(t-tol)+tol].
+ */
+void computeLinfinityNeighborhood( Piecewise<SBasis> const &f, double tol, Piecewise<SBasis> &top, Piecewise<SBasis> &bot){
+ top = f + tol;
+ top.offsetDomain( - tol );
+ top.cuts.insert( top.cuts.end(), f.domain().max() + tol);
+ top.segs.insert( top.segs.end(), SBasis(Linear( f.lastValue() + tol )) );
+ bot = f - tol;
+ bot.offsetDomain( tol );
+ bot.cuts.insert( bot.cuts.begin(), f.domain().min() - tol);
+ bot.segs.insert( bot.segs.begin(), SBasis(Linear( f.firstValue() - tol )) );
+ if (f.firstValue() > f.lastValue()) {
+ std::swap(top, bot);
+ top += 2 * tol;
+ bot -= 2 * tol;
+ }
+ * Returns the intervals over which the curve keeps its slope
+ * in one of the 8 sectors delimited by x=0, y=0, y=x, y=-x.
+ */
+std::vector<Interval> monotonicSplit(D2<SBasis> const &p){
+ std::vector<Interval> result;
+ D2<SBasis> v = derivative(p);
+ std::vector<double> someroots;
+ std::vector<double> cuts (2,0.);
+ cuts[1] = 1.;
+ someroots = roots(v[X]);
+ cuts.insert( cuts.end(), someroots.begin(), someroots.end() );
+ someroots = roots(v[Y]);
+ cuts.insert( cuts.end(), someroots.begin(), someroots.end() );
+ //we could split in the middle to avoid computing roots again...
+ someroots = roots(v[X]-v[Y]);
+ cuts.insert( cuts.end(), someroots.begin(), someroots.end() );
+ someroots = roots(v[X]+v[Y]);
+ cuts.insert( cuts.end(), someroots.begin(), someroots.end() );
+ sort(cuts.begin(),cuts.end());
+ unique(cuts.begin(), cuts.end() );
+ for (unsigned i=1; i<cuts.size(); i++){
+ result.push_back( Interval( cuts[i-1], cuts[i] ) );
+ }
+ return result;
+//std::vector<Interval> level_set( D2<SBasis> const &f, Rect region){
+// std::vector<Interval> x_in_reg = level_set( f[X], region[X] );
+// std::vector<Interval> y_in_reg = level_set( f[Y], region[Y] );
+// std::vector<Interval> result = intersect ( x_in_reg, y_in_reg );
+// return result;
+/*TODO: remove this!!!
+ * the minimum would be to move it to piecewise.h but this would be stupid.
+ * The best would be to let 'compose' be aware of extension modes (constant, linear, polynomial..)
+ * (I think the extension modes (at start and end) should be properties of the pwsb).
+ */
+void prolongateByConstants( Piecewise<SBasis> &f, double paddle_width ){
+ if ( f.size() == 0 ) return; //do we have a covention about the domain of empty pwsb?
+ f.cuts.insert( f.cuts.begin(), f.cuts.front() - paddle_width );
+ f.segs.insert( f.segs.begin(), SBasis( f.segs.front().at0() ) );
+ f.cuts.insert( f.cuts.end(), f.cuts.back() + paddle_width );
+ f.segs.insert( f.segs.end(), SBasis( f.segs.back().at1() ) );
+bool compareIntersectionsTimesX( SmashIntersection const &inter1, SmashIntersection const &inter2 ){
+ return inter1.times[X].min() < inter2.times[Y].min();
+/*Fuse contiguous intersection domains
+ *
+ */
+void cleanup_and_fuse( std::vector<SmashIntersection> &inters ){
+ std::sort( inters.begin(), inters.end(), compareIntersectionsTimesX);
+ for (unsigned i=0; i < inters.size(); i++ ){
+ for (unsigned j=i+1; j < inters.size() && inters[i].times[X].intersects( inters[j].times[X]) ; j++ ){
+ if (inters[i].times[Y].intersects( inters[j].times[Y] ) ){
+ inters[i].times.unionWith(inters[j].times);
+ inters[i].bbox.unionWith(inters[j].bbox);
+ inters.erase( inters.begin() + j );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Computes the intersection of two sets given as (ordered) union intervals.
+ */
+std::vector<Interval> intersect( std::vector<Interval> const &a, std::vector<Interval> const &b){
+ std::vector<Interval> result;
+ //TODO: use order to optimize this!
+ for (auto i : a){
+ for (auto j : b){
+ OptInterval c( i );
+ c &= j;
+ if ( c ) {
+ result.push_back( *c );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+/* Returns the intervals over which the curves are in the
+ * tol-neighborhood one of the other for the L_\infty metric.
+ * WARNING: each curve is supposed to be a graph over x or y axis
+ * (but not necessarily the same axis for both) and the smaller
+ * the slope the better (typically <=45°).
+ */
+std::vector<SmashIntersection> monotonic_smash_intersect( D2<SBasis> const &a, D2<SBasis> const &b, double tol){
+ using std::swap;
+ // a and b or X and Y may have to be exchanged, so make local copies.
+ D2<SBasis> aa = a;
+ D2<SBasis> bb = b;
+ bool swapresult = false;
+ bool swapcoord = false;//debug only!
+ //if the (enlarged) bounding boxes don't intersect, stop.
+ OptRect abounds = bounds_fast( a );
+ OptRect bbounds = bounds_fast( b );
+ if ( !abounds || !bbounds ) return std::vector<SmashIntersection>();
+ abounds->expandBy(tol);
+ if ( !(abounds->intersects(*bbounds))){
+ return std::vector<SmashIntersection>();
+ }
+ //Choose the best curve to be re-parametrized by x or y values.
+ OptRect dabounds = bounds_exact(derivative(a));
+ OptRect dbbounds = bounds_exact(derivative(b));
+ if ( dbbounds->min().length() > dabounds->min().length() ){
+ aa=b;
+ bb=a;
+ swap( dabounds, dbbounds );
+ swapresult = true;
+ }
+ //Choose the best coordinate to use as new parameter
+ double dxmin = std::min( std::abs((*dabounds)[X].max()), std::abs((*dabounds)[X].min()) );
+ double dymin = std::min( std::abs((*dabounds)[Y].max()), std::abs((*dabounds)[Y].min()) );
+ if ( (*dabounds)[X].max()*(*dabounds)[X].min() < 0 ) dxmin=0;
+ if ( (*dabounds)[Y].max()*(*dabounds)[Y].min() < 0 ) dymin=0;
+ assert (dxmin>=0 && dymin>=0);
+ if (dxmin < dymin) {
+ aa = D2<SBasis>( aa[Y], aa[X] );
+ bb = D2<SBasis>( bb[Y], bb[X] );
+ swapcoord = true;
+ }
+ //re-parametrize aa by the value of x.
+ Interval x_range_strict( aa[X].at0(), aa[X].at1() );
+ Piecewise<SBasis> y_of_x = pw_compose_inverse(aa[Y],aa[X], 2, 1e-5);
+ //Compute top and bottom boundaries of the L^infty nbhd of aa.
+ Piecewise<SBasis> top_ay, bot_ay;
+ computeLinfinityNeighborhood( y_of_x, tol, top_ay, bot_ay);
+ Interval ax_range = top_ay.domain();//i.e. aa[X] domain ewpanded by tol.
+ std::vector<Interval> bx_in_ax_range = level_set(bb[X], ax_range );
+ // find times when bb is in the neighborhood of aa.
+ std::vector<Interval> tbs;
+ for (auto & i : bx_in_ax_range){
+ D2<Piecewise<SBasis> > bb_in;
+ bb_in[X] = Piecewise<SBasis> ( portion( bb[X], i ) );
+ bb_in[Y] = Piecewise<SBasis> ( portion( bb[Y], i) );
+ bb_in[X].setDomain( i );
+ bb_in[Y].setDomain( i );
+ Piecewise<SBasis> h;
+ Interval level;
+ h = bb_in[Y] - compose( top_ay, bb_in[X] );
+ level = Interval( -infinity(), 0 );
+ std::vector<Interval> rts_lo = level_set( h, level);
+ h = bb_in[Y] - compose( bot_ay, bb_in[X] );
+ level = Interval( 0, infinity());
+ std::vector<Interval> rts_hi = level_set( h, level);
+ std::vector<Interval> rts = intersect( rts_lo, rts_hi );
+ tbs.insert(tbs.end(), rts.begin(), rts.end() );
+ }
+ std::vector<SmashIntersection> result(tbs.size(), SmashIntersection());
+ /* for each solution I, find times when aa is in the neighborhood of bb(I).
+ * (Note: the preimage of bb[X](I) by aa[X], enlarged by tol, is a good approximation of this:
+ * it would give points in the 2*tol neighborhood of bb (if the slope of aa is never more than 1).
+ * + faster computation.
+ * - implies little jumps depending on the subdivision of the input curve into monotonic pieces
+ * and on the choice of preferred axis. If noticeable, these jumps would feel random to the user :-(
+ */
+ for (unsigned j=0; j<tbs.size(); j++){
+ result[j].times[Y] = tbs[j];
+ std::vector<Interval> tas;
+ //TODO: replace this by some option in the "compose(pw,pw)" method!
+ Piecewise<SBasis> fat_y_of_x = y_of_x;
+ prolongateByConstants( fat_y_of_x, 100*(1+tol) );
+ D2<Piecewise<SBasis> > top_b, bot_b;
+ D2<SBasis> bbj = portion( bb, tbs[j] );
+ computeLinfinityNeighborhood( bbj, tol, top_b, bot_b );
+ Piecewise<SBasis> h;
+ Interval level;
+ h = top_b[Y] - compose( fat_y_of_x, top_b[X] );
+ level = Interval( +infinity(), 0 );
+ std::vector<Interval> rts_top = level_set( h, level);
+ for (auto & idx : rts_top){
+ idx = Interval( top_b[X].valueAt( idx.min() ),
+ top_b[X].valueAt( idx.max() ) );
+ }
+ assert( rts_top.size() == 1 );
+ h = bot_b[Y] - compose( fat_y_of_x, bot_b[X] );
+ level = Interval( 0, -infinity());
+ std::vector<Interval> rts_bot = level_set( h, level);
+ for (auto & idx : rts_bot){
+ idx = Interval( bot_b[X].valueAt( idx.min() ),
+ bot_b[X].valueAt( idx.max() ) );
+ }
+ assert( rts_bot.size() == 1 );
+ rts_top = intersect( rts_top, rts_bot );
+ assert (rts_top.size() == 1);
+ Interval x_dom = rts_top[0];
+ if ( x_dom.max() <= x_range_strict.min() ){
+ tas.push_back( Interval ( ( aa[X].at0() < aa[X].at1() ) ? 0 : 1 ) );
+ }else if ( x_dom.min() >= x_range_strict.max() ){
+ tas.push_back( Interval ( ( aa[X].at0() < aa[X].at1() ) ? 1 : 0 ) );
+ }else{
+ tas = level_set(aa[X], x_dom );
+ }
+ assert( tas.size()==1 );
+ result[j].times[X] = tas.front();
+ result[j].bbox = Rect( bbj.at0(), bbj.at1() );
+ Interval y_dom( aa[Y](result[j].times[X].min()), aa[Y](result[j].times[X].max()) );
+ result[j].bbox.unionWith( Rect( x_dom, y_dom ) );
+ }
+ if (swapresult) {
+ for (auto & i : result){
+ swap( i.times[X], i.times[Y]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (swapcoord) {
+ for (auto & i : result){
+ swap( i.bbox[X], i.bbox[Y] );
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO: cleanup result? fuse contiguous intersections?
+ return result;
+std::vector<SmashIntersection> smash_intersect( D2<SBasis> const &a, D2<SBasis> const &b, double tol){
+ std::vector<SmashIntersection> result;
+ std::vector<Interval> acuts = monotonicSplit(a);
+ std::vector<Interval> bcuts = monotonicSplit(b);
+ for (auto & acut : acuts){
+ D2<SBasis> ai = portion( a, acut);
+ for (auto & bcut : bcuts){
+ D2<SBasis> bj = portion( b, bcut);
+ std::vector<SmashIntersection> ai_cap_bj = monotonic_smash_intersect( ai, bj, tol );
+ for (auto & k : ai_cap_bj){
+ k.times[X] = k.times[X] * acut.extent() + acut.min();
+ k.times[Y] = k.times[Y] * bcut.extent() + bcut.min();
+ }
+ result.insert( result.end(), ai_cap_bj.begin(), ai_cap_bj.end() );
+ }
+ }
+ cleanup_and_fuse( result );
+ return result;
+ Local Variables:
+ mode:c++
+ c-file-style:"stroustrup"
+ c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
+ indent-tabs-mode:nil
+ fill-column:99
+ End:
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