path: root/translations/source/eu/readlicense_oo
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 05:54:39 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 05:54:39 +0000
commit267c6f2ac71f92999e969232431ba04678e7437e (patch)
tree358c9467650e1d0a1d7227a21dac2e3d08b622b2 /translations/source/eu/readlicense_oo
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 4:24.2.0.upstream/4%24.2.0
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'translations/source/eu/readlicense_oo')
1 files changed, 926 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/translations/source/eu/readlicense_oo/docs.po b/translations/source/eu/readlicense_oo/docs.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0be56bf6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/source/eu/readlicense_oo/docs.po
@@ -0,0 +1,926 @@
+#. extracted from readlicense_oo/docs
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-04 15:07+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-03 15:45+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
+"Language: eu\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1542142627.000000\n"
+#. q6Gg3
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+#. wHdDE
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "For the latest updates to this readme file, see <a href=\"\"></a>"
+msgstr "Readme fitxategi honen azken aldaketak ikusteko, joan <a href=\"\"></a> gunera."
+#. PUvpE
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "This file contains important information about the ${PRODUCTNAME} software. You are recommended to read this information very carefully before starting installation."
+msgstr "Fitxategi honek ${PRODUCTNAME} softwareari buruzko informazio garrantzitsua du. Informazio hau arretaz irakurtzea gomendatzen dizugu instalazioari ekin baino lehen."
+#. RZziP
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The ${PRODUCTNAME} community is responsible for the development of this product, and invites you to consider participating as a community member. If you are a new user, you can visit the ${PRODUCTNAME} site, where you will find lots of information about the ${PRODUCTNAME} project and the communities that exist around it. Go to <a href=\"\"></a>."
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME} komunitateak du produktu honen garapenaren ardura, eta komunitatearen kide izatera eta parte hartzera gonbidatzen dizu. Erabiltzaile berria bazara, ${PRODUCTNAME} produktuaren webgunea bisita dezakezu ${PRODUCTNAME} proiektuari eta haren inguruan dauden komunitateei buruzko informazio gehiago jasotzeko. Joan <a href=\"\"></a> helbidera."
+#. EVaKB
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Is ${PRODUCTNAME} Really Free for Any User?"
+msgstr "Edozein erabiltzailerentzako benetan doakoa al da ${PRODUCTNAME}?"
+#. ThKSG
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "${PRODUCTNAME} is free for use by everybody. You may take this copy of ${PRODUCTNAME} and install it on as many computers as you like, and use it for any purpose you like (including commercial, government, public administration and educational use). For further details see the license text packaged with this ${PRODUCTNAME} download."
+msgstr "Edozeinek erabil dezake ${PRODUCTNAME} askatasun osoarekin. ${PRODUCTNAME} kopia hau hartu eta zuk nahi dituzun ordenagailu guztietan instala dezakezu, eta nahi duzunerako erabili (erabilera komertzialerako, gobernuan, administrazio publikoan edo hezkuntzarako barne). Xehetasun gehiagorako, irakurri ${PRODUCTNAME} deskarga honen paketean dagoen lizentziaren testua."
+#. zu3iF
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Why is ${PRODUCTNAME} Free for Any User?"
+msgstr "Zergatik da edonorentzako doakoa ${PRODUCTNAME}?"
+#. 97bFC
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "You can use this copy of ${PRODUCTNAME} free of charge because individual contributors and corporate sponsors have designed, developed, tested, translated, documented, supported, marketed, and helped in many other ways to make ${PRODUCTNAME} what it is today - the world's leading Open Source productivity software for home and office."
+msgstr "Inongo kargurik gabe erabili dezakezu ${PRODUCTNAME} banako laguntzaileek zein esponsor korporatibo ugarik diseinatu, garatu, probatu, itzuli, dokumentatu, sostengatu, merkaturatu, eta beste hainbat modutan lagundu dutelako gaur egun dena izan dadin ${PRODUCTNAME} - etxerako eta bulegorako munduko kodigo irekiko produktibitate-software nagusia."
+#. CTGH2
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If you appreciate their efforts, and would like to ensure that ${PRODUCTNAME} continues to be available far into the future, please consider contributing to the project - see <a href=\"\"></a> for details. Everyone can make a contribution of some kind."
+msgstr "Haien ahaleginak eskertzen badituzu, eta ${PRODUCTNAME} etorkizunean ere erabilgarri egotea nahi baduzu, proiektuari laguntza eman diezaiokezu - ikus <a href=\"\"></a> xehetasun gehiagorako. Edozeinek egin ditzake edozein motako ekarpenak."
+#. B8wNY
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Notes on Installation"
+msgstr "Instalazioari buruzko oharrak"
+#. emGDw
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "${PRODUCTNAME} requires a recent version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for full functionality. JRE is not part of the ${PRODUCTNAME} installation package, it should be installed separately."
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME} produktuak Java Runtime Environment (JRE) bertsio berria behar du funtzionaltasun osoarekin aritzeko. JRE ez da ${PRODUCTNAME}(e)n instalazio-paketearen atal bat, aparte instalatu behar da."
+#. XDQ7y
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "System Requirements"
+msgstr "Sistemaren eskakizunak"
+#. Y6XnE
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or higher"
+msgstr "macOS 10.15 (Catalina) edo berriagoa"
+#. zfLqy
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, 8, 8.1 Update (S14) or 10"
+msgstr "Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, 8, 8.1 eguneraketa (S14) edo 10"
+#. kaNFX
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Please be aware that administrator rights are needed for the installation process."
+msgstr "Kontuan izan administrazio-eskubideak behar direla instalazio-prozesua egiteko."
+#. AcDKB
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Registration of ${PRODUCTNAME} as default application for Microsoft Office formats can be forced or suppressed by using the following command line switches with the installer:"
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME} aplikazio lehenetsi gisa erregistratzea Microsoft Officen formatuentzako derrigortu edo ken daiteke instalatzailearen honako komando-lerroko aldatzaileekin:"
+#. Cwdv7
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<tt>REGISTER_ALL_MSO_TYPES=1</tt> will force registration of ${PRODUCTNAME} as default application for Microsoft Office formats."
+msgstr "<tt>REGISTER_ALL_MSO_TYPES=1</tt> bidez ${PRODUCTNAME} Microsoft Office formatuetarako aplikazio lehenetsia izateko erregistra dadin behartuko da."
+#. BrBwT
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<tt>REGISTER_NO_MSO_TYPES=1</tt> will suppress registration of ${PRODUCTNAME} as default application for Microsoft Office formats."
+msgstr "<tt>REGISTER_NO_MSO_TYPES=1</tt> bidez ez da behartuko ${PRODUCTNAME} Microsoft Office formatuetarako aplikazio lehenetsia izateko erregistra dadin."
+#. GGBmC
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "As a general rule, you are recommended to install ${PRODUCTNAME} via the installation methods recommended by your particular Linux distribution (such as the Ubuntu Software Center, in the case of Ubuntu Linux). This is because it is usually the simplest way to obtain an installation that is optimally integrated into your system. Indeed, ${PRODUCTNAME} may well be already installed by default when you originally install your Linux operating system."
+msgstr "Arau orokor gisa, ${PRODUCTNAME} zure Linux banaketak gomendatutako instalazio-metodoaren bidez instalatzea gomendatzen dugu (esaterako, Ubuntu Software Center erabilita Unbuntu Linuxen kasuan). Izan ere, zure sistema modu optimoan integratutako instalazio bat lortzeko modurik sinpleena da gehienetan. Are gehiago, beharbada ${PRODUCTNAME} modu lehenetsian instalatu da zure Linux sistema eragilea instalatu duzunean."
+#. 7qBGn
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "This \"stand-alone\" ${PRODUCTNAME} installer is provided for users in need of previews, having special needs, and for out-of-the-ordinary cases."
+msgstr "Aurrebista bat nahi duten, beharrizan bereziak dituzten eta ezohiko kasuren batean dauden erabiltzaileentzako eskaintzen da ${PRODUCTNAME}-instalatzaile \"autonomo\" hau."
+#. FGoTY
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Linux Kernel version 3.10 or higher;"
+msgstr "Linux 3.10 kernel bertsioa edo berriagoa;"
+#. pNgKX
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "glibc2 version 2.17 or higher;"
+msgstr "glibc2 2.17 bertsioa edo berriagoa;"
+#. rstw9
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "FreeType version 2.8.0 or higher;"
+msgstr "FreeType 2.8.0 bertsioa edo berriagoa;"
+#. biUGt
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "GTK version 3.20 or higher;"
+msgstr "GTK 3.20 bertsioa edo berriagoa;"
+#. nA9h9
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Gnome 3.18 or higher, with the at-spi2 1.32 package (required for support for assistive technology [AT] tools), or another compatible GUI (such as KDE, among others)."
+msgstr "Gnome 3.18 edo berriagoa, at-spi2 1.32 paketearekin (teknologia-tresna lagungarriak erabili ahal izateko), edo beste erabiltzaile-interfaze bateragarri bat (adibidez KDE, beste batzuen artean)."
+#. q9SJs
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "There is a wide variety of Linux distributions, and there may be different installation options (KDE vs Gnome, etc.) available from the same Linux vendor. Some distributions ship with their own “native” version of ${PRODUCTNAME}, which may have different features from this community-supplied version of ${PRODUCTNAME}. In many cases, you can install the community-supplied ${PRODUCTNAME} alongside a native version. However, you may prefer to remove the “native” version before installing this community-supplied version. For details on how to do that, please consult the user help resources provided by your particular Linux vendor."
+msgstr "Linux banaketa asko daude, eta Linux hornitzaile bakoitzak hainbat instalazio-aukera eman ditzake (KDE vs GNOME etab.) Zenbait banaketak ${PRODUCTNAME} aplikazioaren haien bertsio \"natiboa\" argitaratzen dute. Bertsio horrek ezaugarri desberdinak eduki ditzake komunitatearen ${PRODUCTNAME}(e)kin alderatuta. Kasu askotan komunitateak argitaratutako ${PRODUCTNAME} bertsioa instala dezakezu bertsio natiboarekin batera. Hala ere, egokiagoa izan daiteke bertsio \"natiboa\" kentzea komunitateak eskainitako bertsio hau instalatu baino lehen. Hori nola egin jakiteko, kontsultatu zure Linux hornitzaileak erabiltzaileentzat eskainitako laguntza-baliabideak."
+#. SKCtD
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "It is a recommended best practice to back-up your system and data before you remove or install software."
+msgstr "Ohitura gomendagarria da zure sistemaren eta datuen babes-kopia bat egitea softwarerik kendu edu instalatu aurretik."
+#. bSQER
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Please make sure you have enough free memory in the temporary directory on your system, and please ensure that read, write and run access rights have been granted. Close all other programs before starting the installation process."
+msgstr "Ziurtatu nahiko memoria libre duzula zure sistemaren aldi baterako direktorioan, eta ziurtatu irakurtzeko, idazteko eta exekutatzeko baimenak ongi daudela. Itxi beste programa guztiak instalazio-prozesuari ekin baino lehen."
+#. 9CnSc
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Installation of ${PRODUCTNAME} on Debian/Ubuntu-based Linux systems"
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME} Debian/Ubuntu oinarriko Linux-sistemetan instalatzea"
+#. RGiQM
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "For instructions on how to install a language pack (after having installed the US English version of ${PRODUCTNAME}), please read the section below entitled Installing a Language Pack."
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME}(e)n ingeleseko bertsioa (US English) instalatu baduzu eta ondoren beste hizkuntza-pakete bat instalatu nahi baduzu, irakurri 'Hizkuntza-pakete bat instalatzea' atala."
+#. EvKZu
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "When you unpack the downloaded archive, you will see that the contents have been decompressed into a sub-directory. Open a file manager window, and change directory to the one starting with \"LibreOffice_\", followed by the version number and some platform information."
+msgstr "Deskargatutako fitxategia deskonprimatzen duzunean, edukiak azpidirektorio batean deskonprimatu direla ikusiko duzu. Ireki zure fitxategi-arakatzailearen leiho bat eta joan \"LibreOffice_\" testuarekin hasten den izena duen direktoriora. Izenean bertsio-zenbakia eta plataformari buruzko informazioa ere ikusiko duzu."
+#. MkcLD
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "This directory contains a subdirectory called \"DEBS\". Change directory to the \"DEBS\" directory."
+msgstr "Direktorioak \"DEBS\" deitzen den azpidirektorio bat du. Joan \"DEBS\" direktorio horretara."
+#. oPTWv
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Right-click within the directory and choose \"Open in Terminal\". A terminal window will open. From the command line of the terminal window, enter the following command (you will be prompted to enter your root user's password before the command will execute):"
+msgstr "Egin klik eskuineko botoiaz direktorio barruan eta hautatu \"Ireki terminalean\". Terminal-leiho bat irekiko da. Terminal-leihoaren komando-lerrotik, sartu honako komandoa (erro-erabiltzailearen pasahitza sartu beharko duzu komandoa exekutatzeko):"
+#. 369gg
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The following commands will install LibreOffice and the desktop integration packages (you may just copy and paste them into the terminal screen rather than trying to type them):"
+msgstr "Honako komandoek LibreOffice eta mahaigain-integrazioko paketeak instalatuko ditu (horiek idazten saiatu baino, kopiatu eta terminalean itsats ditzakezu):"
+#. AhETV
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "sudo dpkg -i *.deb"
+msgstr "sudo dpkg -i *.deb"
+#. wmweu
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The installation process is now completed, and you should have icons for all the ${PRODUCTNAME} applications in your desktop's Applications/Office menu."
+msgstr "Burutu da jada instalazio-prozesua, eta ${PRODUCTNAME} aplikazio guztien ikurrak eduki beharko zenituzke zure mahaigainaren Aplikazioak/Bulegoa menuan."
+#. AnTC8
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Installation of ${PRODUCTNAME} on Fedora, openSUSE, Mandriva and other Linux systems using RPM packages"
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME} Fedoran, openSUSEn, Mandrivan eta beste Linux sistema batzuetan instalatzea RPM paketeak erabiliz"
+#. JEyDa
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "For instructions on how to install a language pack (after having installed the US English version of ${PRODUCTNAME}), please read the section below entitled Installing a Language Pack."
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME}(e)n ingeleseko bertsioa (US English) instalatu baduzu eta ondoren beste hizkuntza-pakete bat instalatu nahi baduzu, irakurri 'Hizkuntza-pakete bat instalatzea' atala."
+#. gKEeg
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "When you unpack the downloaded archive, you will see that the contents have been decompressed into a sub-directory. Open a file manager window, and change directory to the one starting with \"LibreOffice_\", followed by the version number and some platform information."
+msgstr "Deskargatutako fitxategia deskonprimatzen duzunean, edukiak azpidirektorio batean deskonprimatu direla ikusiko duzu. Ireki zure fitxategi-arakatzailearen leiho bat eta joan \"LibreOffice_\" testuarekin hasten den izena duen direktoriora. Izenean bertsio-zenbakia eta plataformari buruzko informazioa ere ikusiko duzu."
+#. 7wgn6
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "This directory contains a subdirectory called \"RPMS\". Change directory to the \"RPMS\" directory."
+msgstr "Direktorioak \"RPMS\" deitzen den azpidirektorio bat du. Joan \"RPMS\" direktorio horretara."
+#. VGeBx
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Right-click within the directory and choose \"Open in Terminal\". A terminal window will open. From the command line of the terminal window, enter the following command (you will be prompted to enter your root user's password before the command will execute):"
+msgstr "Egin klik eskuineko botoiaz direktorio barruan eta hautatu \"Ireki terminalean\". Terminal-leiho bat irekiko da. Terminal-leihoaren komando-lerrotik, sartu honako komandoa (erro-erabiltzailearen pasahitza sartu beharko duzu komandoa exekutatzeko):"
+#. DSXFr
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "For Fedora-based systems: sudo dnf install *.rpm"
+msgstr "Fedoran oinarritutako sistemetan: sudo dnf install *.rpm"
+#. BwvxR
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "For Mandriva-based systems: sudo urpmi *.rpm"
+msgstr "Mandriva oinarriko sistemetarako: sudo urpmi *.rpm"
+#. hRPhJ
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "For other RPM-based systems (openSUSE, etc.): rpm -Uvh *.rpm"
+msgstr "RPM formatuan oinarritutako beste sistema batzuetan (openSUSE, etab.): rpm -Uvh *.rpm"
+#. fFRDn
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The installation process is now completed, and you should have icons for all the ${PRODUCTNAME} applications in your desktop's Applications/Office menu."
+msgstr "Burutu da jada instalazio-prozesua, eta ${PRODUCTNAME} aplikazio guztien ikurrak eduki beharko zenituzke zure mahaigainaren Aplikazioak/Bulegoa menuan."
+#. GKgVu
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Alternatively, you can use the 'install' script, located in the toplevel directory of this archive to perform an installation as a user. The script will set up ${PRODUCTNAME} to have its own profile for this installation, separated from your normal ${PRODUCTNAME} profile. Note that this will not install the system integration parts such as desktop menu items and desktop MIME type registrations."
+msgstr "Bestela, instalazioa erabiltzaile gisa egin nahi baduzu, fitxategi honetako maila goreneko direktorioan dagoen 'install' scripta erabil dezakezu. Scriptak ${PRODUCTNAME} konfiguratuko du instalazio honetan profil propioa izan dezan, zure ${PRODUCTNAME} profil normaletik aparte. Kontuan izan honek ez duela instalatuko sistema-integraziorako atalak, esaterako menu-elementuak eta mahaigainaren MIME moten erregistroa."
+#. wx2tD
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Notes Concerning Desktop Integration for Linux Distributions Not Covered in the Above Installation Instructions"
+msgstr "Goiko instalazio-argibideetan aipatu ez diren Linux banaketen mahaigainetan integratzeko oharrak"
+#. ptDBr
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "It should be easily possible to install ${PRODUCTNAME} on other Linux distributions not specifically covered in these installation instructions. The main aspect for which differences might be encountered is desktop integration."
+msgstr "Erraza izan beharko luke ${PRODUCTNAME} instalazio-argibide hauetan azaltzen ez diren beste Linux banaketa batzuetan instalatzea. Desberdintasun nagusienak mahaigaineko integrazioan egongo dira."
+#. SAEkj
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The RPMS (or DEBS, respectively) directory also contains a package named libreoffice${PRODUCTVERSION}-freedesktop-menus-${PRODUCTVERSION}.0.1-1.noarch.rpm (or libreoffice${PRODUCTVERSION}-debian-menus_${PRODUCTVERSION}.0.1-1_all.deb, respectively, or similar). This is a package for all Linux distributions that support the specifications/recommendations (<a href=\"\"></a>), and is provided for installation on other Linux distributions not covered in the aforementioned instructions."
+msgstr "RPMS (edo DEBS) direktorioan badago libreoffice${PRODUCTVERSION}-freedesktop-menus-${PRODUCTVERSION}.0.1-1.noarch.rpm (edo libreoffice${PRODUCTVERSION}-debian-menus_${PRODUCTVERSION}.0.1-1_all.deb edo antzeko zerbait) izena duen pakete bat ere. espezifikazioak/gomendioak (<a href=\"\"></a>) jarraitzen dituzten Linux banaketa guztietarako da pakete hau, eta goian aipatu ez diren beste Linux banaketetan instalatzeko erabil daiteke."
+#. irqxi
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Installing a Language Pack"
+msgstr "Hizkuntza-pakete bat instalatzea"
+#. A9wLG
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Download the language pack for your desired language and platform. They are available from the same location as the main installation archive. From the Nautilus file manager, extract the downloaded archive into a directory (your desktop, for instance). Ensure that you have exited all ${PRODUCTNAME} applications (including the QuickStarter, if it is started)."
+msgstr "Deskargatu zure hizkuntzarako eta plataformarako egokia den hizkuntza-paketea. Instalazio-fitxategi nagusia dagoen kokaleku berean dago eskuragarri. Nautilus fitxategi-kudeatzailea erabiliz, erauzi deskargatutako fitxategikoak direktorio batera (adibidez, zure mahaiganera). Ziurtatu ${PRODUCTNAME} aplikazio guztietatn irten zarela (baita abiarazle bizkorretik, abiarazita badago)."
+#. uQM2g
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Change directory to the directory in which you extracted your downloaded language pack."
+msgstr "Joan zaitez deskargatu duzun hizkuntza-paketea erauzi duzun direktoriora."
+#. Dq9xE
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Now change directory to the directory that was created during the extraction process. For instance, for the French language pack for a 32-bit Debian/Ubuntu-based system, the directory is named LibreOffice_, plus some version information, plus Linux_x86_langpack-deb_fr."
+msgstr "Orain joan erauzketa-prozesuan sortu den direktoriora. Esaterako, 32 biteko Debian/Ubuntu oinarriko sistema baterako frantsesezko hizkuntza-paketean, direktorioaren izena hau izango da: LibreOffice_, gehi bertsioaren informazioa, gehi Linux_x86_langpack-deb_fr."
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Now change directory to the directory that contains the packages to install. On Debian/Ubuntu-based systems, the directory will be DEBS. On Fedora, openSUSE or Mandriva systems, the directory will be RPMS."
+msgstr "Orain joan instalatuko diren paketeak dituen direktoriora. Debian/Ubuntu oinarriko sistemetan, direktorioaren izena DEBS izango da. Fedoran, openSUSEn edo Madrivan, direktorioa RPMS izango da."
+#. nyM9e
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "From the Nautilus file manager, right-click in the directory and choose the command \"Open in terminal\". In the terminal window you just opened, execute the command to install the language pack (with all of the commands below, you may be prompted to enter your root user's password):"
+msgstr "Nautilus fitxategi-kudeatzailea erabiliz, egin klik eskuineko botoiaz direktorioan eta hautatu \"Ireki terminalean\" komandoa. Ireki berri duzun terminal-leihoan, exekutatu hizkuntza-paketea instalatzeko komandoa (beheko komando guztiekin, askotan zure erro-erabiltzailearen pasahitza sartzeko eskatuko dizu sistemak):"
+#. Ak9Pt
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "For Debian/Ubuntu-based systems: sudo dpkg -i *.deb"
+msgstr "Debian/Ubuntu oinarriko sistemetarako: sudo dpkg -i *.deb"
+#. qhEUW
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "For Fedora-based systems: su -c 'dnf install *.rpm'"
+msgstr "Fedoran oinarritutako sistemetan: su -c 'dnf install *.rpm'"
+#. nrFRB
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "For Mandriva-based systems: sudo urpmi *.rpm"
+msgstr "Mandriva oinarriko sistemetarako: sudo urpmi *.rpm"
+#. o5YTe
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "For other RPM-using systems (openSUSE, etc.): rpm -Uvh *.rpm"
+msgstr "RPM erabiltzen duten beste sistema batzuetan (openSUSE, eta.): rpm -Uvh *.rpm"
+#. EQqhF
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Now start one of the ${PRODUCTNAME} applications - Writer, for instance. Go to the Tools menu and choose Options. In the Options dialog box, click on \"Languages and Locales\" and then click on \"General\". Dropdown the \"User interface\" list and select the language you just installed. If you want, do the same thing for the \"Locale setting\", the \"Default currency\", and the \"Default languages for documents\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. ntGdw
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "After adjusting those settings, click on OK. The dialog box will close, and you will see an information message telling you that your changes will only be activated after you exit ${PRODUCTNAME} and start it again (remember to also exit the QuickStarter if it is started)."
+msgstr "Ezarpen horiek doitu ondoren, sakatu Ados. Elkarrizketa-koadroa itxiko da, eta zure aldaketak ${PRODUCTNAME} utzi eta berriro abiarazi ondoren aktibatuko direla dioen mezu bat ikusiko duzu (gogoan izan abiarazle azkarretik ere irtetea, abian badago)."
+#. DCABt
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The next time you start ${PRODUCTNAME}, it will start in the language you just installed."
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME} abiarazten duzun hurrengoan, instalatu-berri duzun hizkuntzan abiaraziko da."
+#. dzpfA
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Problems During Program Startup"
+msgstr "Arazoak programa abiaraztean"
+#. fGzkD
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Difficulties starting ${PRODUCTNAME} (e.g. applications hang) as well as problems with the screen display are often caused by the graphics card driver. If these problems occur, please update your graphics card driver or try using the graphics driver delivered with your operating system."
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME} abiaraztean (adibidez, aplikazioak blokeatzea) edo pantailarekin arazoak agertzen badira, sarritan erruduna txartel grafikoaren kontrolatzailea izaten da. Arazo horiek badituzu, eguneratu txartel grafikoaren kontrolatzailea edo saiatu zure sistema eragileak eskaintzen dizun kontrolatzailea erabiltzen."
+#. inrAd
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ALPS/Synaptics notebook touchpads in Windows"
+msgstr "ALPS touchpad-ak/touchpad sinaptikoak Windows-en"
+#. TNYx3
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Due to a Windows driver issue, you cannot scroll through ${PRODUCTNAME} documents when you slide your finger across an ALPS/Synaptics touchpad."
+msgstr "Windows-en kontrolatzaile-arazo baten ondorioz, ezin duzu ${PRODUCTNAME} dokumentuetan behatzarekin korritu ALPS touchpad-ak/touchpad sinaptikoak erabiliz."
+#. fchQZ
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "To enable touchpad scrolling, add the following lines to the \"<tt>C:\\Program Files\\Synaptics\\SynTP\\SynTPEnh.ini</tt>\" configuration file, and restart your computer:"
+msgstr "Touchpad bidez korritzea gaitzeko, gehitu honako lerroak <tt>C:\\Program Files\\Synaptics\\SynTP\\SynTPEnh.ini</tt> konfigurazio-fitxategian eta berrabiarazi ordenagailua:"
+#. BdEXg
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The location of the configuration file might vary on different versions of Windows."
+msgstr "Baliteke konfigurazio-fitxategiaren kokalekua ezberdina izatea Windows-en bertsioaren arabera."
+#. YFEgC
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Shortcut Keys"
+msgstr "Laster-teklak"
+#. SbwJj
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Only shortcut keys (key combinations) not used by the operating system can be used in ${PRODUCTNAME}. If a key combination in ${PRODUCTNAME} does not work as described in the ${PRODUCTNAME} Help, check if that shortcut is already used by the operating system. To rectify such conflicts, you can change the keys assigned by your operating system. Alternatively, you can change almost any key assignment in ${PRODUCTNAME}. For more information on this topic, refer to the ${PRODUCTNAME} Help or the Help documentation of your operating system."
+msgstr "Sistema eragileak erabiltzen ez dituen laster-teklak (tekla-konbinazioak) besterik ezin ditu erabili ${PRODUCTNAME} aplikazioak. ${PRODUCTNAME} aplikazio bateko tekla-konbinazio batek ez badu funtzionatzen ${PRODUCTNAME} laguntzan deskribatu bezala, egiaztatu sistema eragilea ez dela laster-tekla hori erabiltzen ari. Gatazka horiek saihesteko, zure sistema eragileak esleitutako teklak alda ditzakezu. Bestela, ${PRODUCTNAME} aplikazioko ia edozein tekla-esleipen ere alda dezakezu. Gai horren inguruko informazio gehiago jasotzeko, ikusi ${PRODUCTNAME} laguntza edo zure sistema eragilearen laguntza-dokumentazioa."
+#. DBXZ8
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The application help of ${PRODUCTNAME} may use shortcut combinations for PC keyboards only."
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME} produktuen laguntzako aplikazioak PCko teklatuko laster-teklak erabil ditzake."
+#. VAmvp
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "File Locking"
+msgstr "Fitxategien blokeoa"
+#. 2WU2G
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "File locking is enabled by default in ${PRODUCTNAME}. On a network that uses the Network File System protocol (NFS), the locking daemon for NFS clients must be active. To disable file locking, edit the <tt>soffice</tt> script and change the line \"<tt>export SAL_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING</tt>\" to \"<tt># export SAL_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING</tt>\". If you disable file locking, the write access of a document is not restricted to the user who first opens the document."
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME}(e)k fitxategien blokeoa gaituta dauka modu lehenetsian. Network File System (NFS) protokoloa erabiltzen duen sare batean, NFS bezeroentzako deabruak aktibo egon behar du. Fitxategien blokeoa desgaitzeko, editatu <tt>soffice</tt> scripta eta aldatu \"<tt>export SAL_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING</tt>\" lerroa eta jarri \"<tt># export SAL_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING</tt>\". Fitxategien blokeoa desgaitzen baduzu, dokumentu bat idazteko baimena ez da mugatuko dokumentua lehen ireki duen erabiltzailera."
+#. cbpAz
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Graphic Performance"
+msgstr "Errendimendu grafikoa"
+#. dDsXM
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "By default, ${PRODUCTNAME} favours nice-looking graphics over speed. If you experience slow graphics, switching off 'Tools - Options - ${PRODUCTNAME} - View - Use Anti-Aliasing' may help."
+msgstr "Modu lehenetsian, ${PRODUCTNAME}(e)k itxura politeko grafikoak lehenesten ditu abiaduraren gainetik. Grafikoen moteltasuna sumatzen baduzu, 'Tresnak - Aukerak - ${PRODUCTNAME} - Bista - Erabili antialiasing-a' desaktibatzea lagungarri izan daiteke."
+#. bbgfk
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Problems When Sending Documents as Emails From ${PRODUCTNAME}"
+msgstr "Arazoak dokumentuak posta elektroniko gisa bidaltzean ${PRODUCTNAME}(e)tik"
+#. D5sqw
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "When sending a document via 'File - Send - Email Document' or 'File - Send - Email as PDF' problems might occur (program crashes or hangs). This is due to the Windows system file \"Mapi\" (Messaging Application Programming Interface) which causes problems in some file versions. Unfortunately, the problem cannot be narrowed down to a certain version number. For more information visit <a href=\"\"></a> to search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for \"mapi dll\"."
+msgstr "Dokumentu bat 'Fitxategia - Bidali - Dokumentua posta elektronikoko mezu gisa' edo 'Fitxategia - Bidali - Dokumentua PDF eranskin gisa' aukeren bidez bidaltzean, arazoak gerta daitezke (programa kraskatzea edo blokeatzea). Windows fitxategi-sistemaren \"Mapi\" (Messaging Application Programming Interface) izan daiteke arazo horren jatorria, zenbait fitxategi-bertsiotan arazoak eragiten baititu. Zoritxarrez, arazoa ezin izan da osoki mugatu bertsio batera. Informazio gehiago jasotzeko, joan <a href=\"\"></a> webgunera eta bilatu \"mapi dll\" 'Microsoft Knowledge Base' atalean."
+#. a426D
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Important Accessibility Notes"
+msgstr "Erabilerraztasunaren ohar garrantzitsuak"
+#. r7AUE
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "For more information on the accessibility features in ${PRODUCTNAME}, see <a href=\"\"></a>"
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME} aplikazioaren erabilerraztasun-ezaugarrien inguruko informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, irakurri <a href=\"\"></a>"
+#. Cumnc
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "User Support"
+msgstr "Erabiltzailearentzako laguntza"
+#. jSnfN
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The <a href=\"\">main support page</a> offers various possibilities for help with ${PRODUCTNAME}. Your question may have already been answered - check the Community Forum at <a href=\"\"></a> or search the archives of the '' mailing list at <a href=\"\"></a>. Alternatively, you can send in your questions to <a href=\"\"></a>. If you like to subscribe to the list (to get email responses), send an empty mail to: <a href=\"\"></a>."
+msgstr "<a href=\"\">Laguntzarako webgune nagusiak</a> ${PRODUCTNAME} erabiltzean egon daitezkeen galderetarako erantzuna eduki dezake. Zure galderari beharbada jadanik erantzuna eman diote - begiratu komunitatearen foroa <a href=\"\"></a> helbidean edo egin bilaketak '' posta-zerrendako fitxategien artean <a href=\"\"></a> helbidean. Bestela, zure galderak <a href=\"\"></a> posta-zerrendan ere bota ditzakezu. Zerrendan izena eman nahi baduzu (posta bidezko erantzunak jasotzeko), bidali posta bat hona: <a href=\"\"></a>."
+#. YnDMB
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Also check the FAQ section at <a href=\"\">the LibreOffice website</a>."
+msgstr "Begiratu, baita ere, <a href=\"\">LibreOffice webguneko</a> ohiko galderen atala."
+#. CgBtA
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Reporting Bugs &amp; Issues"
+msgstr "Akatsak &amp; bestelako arazoak jakinaraztea"
+#. MkEhR
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Our system for reporting, tracking and solving bugs is currently Bugzilla, hosted at <a href=\"\"></a>. We encourage all users to feel entitled and welcome to report bugs that may arise on your particular platform. Energetic reporting of bugs is one of the most important contributions that the user community can make to the ongoing development and improvement of ${PRODUCTNAME}."
+msgstr "Akatsak jakinarazi eta konpontzeko darabilgun sistema Bugzilla da, <a href=\"\"></a> webgunean ostatatuta dagoena. Erabiltzaile guztiak animatzen ditugu bertan parte hartzera eta nork bere plataforman aurki ditzakeen akatsak jakinaraztera. Akatsen jakinarazpen bizia da erabiltzaileen komunitateak ${PRODUCTNAME} hobetzeko abian den etengabeko garapenerako egin dezakeen ekarpenik garrantzitsuenetako bat."
+#. WpD2B
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Getting Involved"
+msgstr "Parte-hartzea"
+#. kQUBk
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The ${PRODUCTNAME} Community would very much benefit from your active participation in the development of this important open source project."
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME} komunitatearentzat oso onuragarria izango litzateke zuk iturburu irekiko proiektu garrantzitsu honen garapenean aktiboki parte hartzea."
+#. kAfhp
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "As a user, you are already a valuable part of the suite's development process and we would like to encourage you to take an even more active role with a view to being a long-term contributor to the community. Please join and check out the contributing page at <a href=\"\">the LibreOffice website</a>."
+msgstr "Erabiltzaile gisa, suitearen garapen-prozesuaren atal garrantzitsua zara jadanik, eta zeregin aktiboagoa har dezazun animatzen dizugu, komunitatearen epe luzeko laguntzailea bihur zaitezen. Egin bat gurekin eta begiratu ekarpenen orrian, <a href=\"\">LibreOffice webgunearen barruan</a>, ea zer egin dezakezun."
+#. zfwR2
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "How to Start"
+msgstr "Nola hasi"
+#. gYxt2
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The best way to start contributing is to subscribe to one or more of the mailing lists, lurk for a while, and gradually use the mail archives to familiarize yourself with many of the topics covered since the ${PRODUCTNAME} source code was released back in October 2000. When you're comfortable, all you need to do is send an email self-introduction and jump right in. If you are familiar with Open Source Projects, check out our To-Dos list and see if there is anything you would like to help with at <a href=\"\">the LibreOffice website</a>."
+msgstr "Laguntzen hasteko biderik onena da posta-zerrendetan izena ematea, mezu-trukeak irakurtzen hastea eta pixkanaka posta-artxibatzaileak erabiltzea bertan aztertzen diren hamaika gaiak ezagutzen joateko, ${PRODUCTNAME} lehen aldiz 2000ko urrian argitaratu zenez asko baitira jorratutako gaiak. Eroso zaudenean, egin behar duzun gauza bakarra da zure burua aurkezten duen posta bat bidaltzea eta lanean hastea. Kode irekiko proiektuak ezagutzen badituzu, begiratu egin beharrekoen zerrenda <a href=\"\">LibreOfficen webgunean</a> eta ikusi ea non lagun dezakezun."
+#. LGEzy
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Subscribe"
+msgstr "Harpidetzea"
+#. NFsc6
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Here are a few of the mailing lists to which you can subscribe at <a href=\"\"></a>"
+msgstr "Hemen dituzu harpidetu zaitezkeen posta-zerrendetako batzuk: <a href=\"\"></a>"
+#. FxDPA
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "News: *recommended to all users* (light traffic)"
+msgstr "Notiziak: *erabiltzaile guztientzako gomendatua* (trafiko arina)"
+#. BcgDM
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Main user list: *easy way to lurk on discussions* (heavy traffic)"
+msgstr "Erabiltzaileen zerrenda nagusia: *eztabaidetan kuxkuxeatzeko modu erraza* (mezu-truke bizia)"
+#. EG5hN
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Marketing project: *beyond development* (getting heavy)"
+msgstr "Marketing proiektua: *garapenaz haratago* (gero eta mezu gehiago)"
+#. PbCp3
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "General developer list: (heavy traffic)"
+msgstr "Garatzaile-zerrenda orokorra: (mezu-truke latza)"
+#. MrCBN
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Joining one or more Projects"
+msgstr "Proiektu bat edo gehiagorekin bat egitea"
+#. 3TAwi
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "You can make major contributions to this important open source project even if you have limited software design or coding experience. Yes, you!"
+msgstr "Ekarpen garrantzitsuak egin diezazkiokezu kode irekiko proiektu garrantzitsu honi, berdin dio softwarearen diseinuan edo kodea idaztean eskarmentu asko duzun ala ez. Bai, zuk!"
+#. ZZKwU
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "We hope you enjoy working with the new ${PRODUCTNAME} ${PRODUCTVERSION} and will join us online."
+msgstr "${PRODUCTNAME} ${PRODUCTVERSION}(r)ekin lanean gustura arituko zarela eta linean gurekin bat egingo duzula espero dugu."
+#. ugBr5
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The LibreOffice Community"
+msgstr "LibreOffice komunitatea"
+#. AqGnx
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Used / Modified Source Code"
+msgstr "Erabilitako/aldatutako iturburu-kodea"
+#. ZLBg5
+#: readme.xrm
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Portions Copyright 1998, 1999 James Clark. Portions Copyright 1996, 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation."
+msgstr "Zati batzuk Copyright 1998, 1999 James Clark. Zati batzuk Copyright 1996, 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation."