path: root/android/source/build.gradle
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'android/source/build.gradle')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/android/source/build.gradle b/android/source/build.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8843330b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/source/build.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+apply plugin: ''
+// buildhost settings - paths and the like
+apply from: 'liboSettings.gradle'
+allprojects {
+ repositories {
+ mavenCentral()
+ maven {
+ url ""
+ }
+ google()
+ }
+//build-time dependencies - android plugin for gradle
+buildscript {
+ repositories {
+ mavenCentral()
+ maven {
+ url ""
+ }
+ google()
+ }
+ dependencies {
+ classpath ''
+ }
+// compile-time dependencies
+dependencies {
+ implementation fileTree(dir: "${liboInstdir}/${liboUREJavaFolder}", include: [
+ "java_uno.jar",
+ "libreoffice.jar",
+ "unoloader.jar"
+ ])
+ implementation ''
+ implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.4'
+ implementation "androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1"
+android {
+ namespace 'org.libreoffice'
+ compileSdk 34
+ // uses non-conventional source layout, so need to reconfigure accordingly
+ // ToDo move to conventional layout, so stuff can be stripped down.
+ sourceSets {
+ main.manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
+ main.assets.srcDirs = ['assets']
+ main.res.srcDirs = ['res', 'res_generated']
+ = ['../Bootstrap/src', 'src/java']
+ main.jniLibs.srcDirs = ["${liboJniLibsdir}"]
+ // the configuration data that might be stripped or not
+ fullUI.assets.srcDirs 'assets_fullUI'
+ strippedUI.assets.srcDirs 'assets_strippedUI'
+ strippedUIEditing.assets.srcDirs 'assets_strippedUI'
+ }
+ defaultConfig {
+ // minSdkVersion is set in liboSettings.gradle
+ targetSdkVersion 34
+ // multidex needed when > 65,536 methods referenced with minSdKVersion < 21
+ // s.
+ multiDexEnabled true
+ vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
+ }
+ buildTypes {
+ debug {
+ // make android studio happy...
+ jniDebuggable true
+ // would work just fine with external, but setting emulator up is a little more work
+ manifestPlaceholders = [installLocation: "auto"]
+ }
+ release {
+ manifestPlaceholders = [installLocation: "preferExternal"]
+ }
+ }
+ flavorDimensions "default"
+ productFlavors {
+ strippedUI {
+ dimension "default"
+ buildConfigField 'boolean', 'ALLOW_EDITING', 'false'
+ }
+ strippedUIEditing {
+ dimension "default"
+ buildConfigField 'boolean', 'ALLOW_EDITING', 'true'
+ }
+ fullUI.dimension "default"
+ }
+ lint {
+ // don't error-out on missing translations
+ warning 'MissingTranslation'
+ }
+// show warnings about use of deprecated API
+tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
+ options.deprecation = true
+/* remark inherited from makefile:
+Then "assets". Let the directory structure under assets mimic
+that under solver for now.
+Please note that I have no idea what all of this is really necessary and for
+much of this stuff being copied, no idea whether it makes any sense at all.
+Much of this is copy-pasted from android/qa/sc/Makefile (where a couple of
+unit tests for sc are built, and those do seem to mostly work) and
+android/qa/desktop/Makefile (mmeeks's desktop demo, also works to some
+ */
+// Assets that are unpacked at run-time into the app's data directory. These
+// are files read by non-LO code, fontconfig and freetype for now, that doesn't
+// understand "/assets" paths.
+task copyUnpackAssets(type: Copy) {
+ description "copies assets that need to be extracted on the device"
+ into 'assets/unpack'
+ into('program') {
+ from("${liboInstdir}/${liboEtcFolder}/types") {
+ includes = [
+ "offapi.rdb",
+ "oovbaapi.rdb"
+ ]
+ }
+ from("${liboInstdir}/${liboUreMiscFolder}") {
+ includes = ["types.rdb"]
+ rename 'types.rdb', 'udkapi.rdb'
+ }
+ }
+ into('user/fonts') {
+ from "${liboInstdir}/share/fonts/truetype"
+ // Note: restrict list of fonts due to size considerations - no technical reason anymore
+ // ToDo: fonts would be good candidate for using Expansion Files instead
+ includes = [
+ "Liberation*.ttf",
+ "Caladea-*.ttf",
+ "Carlito-*.ttf",
+ "Gen*.ttf",
+ "opens___.ttf"
+ ]
+ }
+ into('etc/fonts') {
+ from "./"
+ includes = ['fonts.conf']
+ filter {
+ String line ->
+ line.replaceAll(
+ '@@APPLICATION_ID@@', new String("${android.defaultConfig.applicationId}")
+ )
+ }
+ }
+task copyAssets(type: Copy) {
+ description "copies assets that can be accessed within the installed apk"
+ into 'assets'
+ // include icons, Impress styles and required .ui files
+ into ('share') {
+ into ('config') {
+ from ("${liboInstdir}/share/config")
+ includes = ['images_**.zip',
+ '**/simpress/**.xml',
+ '**/annotation.ui',
+ '**/hfmenubutton.ui',
+ '**/inforeadonlydialog.ui',
+ '**/pbmenubutton.ui',
+ '**/scrollbars.ui',
+ '**/tabbuttons.ui',
+ '**/tabviewbar.ui'
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ into('program') {
+ from "${liboInstdir}/program"
+ includes = ['services.rdb', 'services/services.rdb']
+ into('resource') {
+ from "${liboInstdir}/${liboSharedResFolder}"
+ includes = ['*en-US.res']
+ }
+ }
+ into('share') {
+ from("${liboInstdir}/share") {
+ // Filter data is needed by e.g. the drawingML preset shape import.
+ includes = ['registry/**', 'filter/**']
+ // those two get processed by
+ excludes = ['registry/main.xcd', 'registry/res/registry_en-US.xcd']
+ }
+ // separate data files for Chinese and Japanese
+ from("${liboWorkdir}/CustomTarget/i18npool/breakiterator/") {
+ include '*.data'
+ }
+ }
+task copyAppResources(type: Copy) {
+ description "copies documents to make them available as app resources"
+ into 'res_generated/raw'
+ from("${liboInstdir}") {
+ includes = ["LICENSE", "NOTICE"]
+ rename "LICENSE", "license.txt"
+ rename "NOTICE", "notice.txt"
+ }
+task createFullConfig(type: Copy) {
+ // grab dir to clear whole hierarchy on clean target
+ outputs.dir "assets_fullUI"
+ into 'assets_fullUI/share/config/soffice.cfg'
+ from "${liboInstdir}/share/config/soffice.cfg"
+task createStrippedConfig {
+ def preserveDir = file("assets_strippedUI/share/config/soffice.cfg/empty")
+ outputs.dir "assets_strippedUI"
+ outputs.dir "assets_strippedUI/share/registry/res"
+ outputs.file preserveDir
+ doLast {
+ file('assets_strippedUI/share/registry/res').mkdirs()
+ file("assets_strippedUI/share/config/soffice.cfg").mkdirs()
+ // just empty file
+ preserveDir.text = ""
+ }
+task createStrippedConfigMain(type: Exec) {
+ dependsOn 'createStrippedConfig'
+ inputs.files "${liboInstdir}/share/registry/main.xcd", "${liboSrcRoot}/android/"
+ outputs.file "assets_strippedUI/share/registry/main.xcd"
+ executable "${liboSrcRoot}/android/"
+ args = ["${liboInstdir}/share/registry/main.xcd", "assets_strippedUI/share/registry/main.xcd"]
+task createStrippedConfigRegistry(type: Exec) {
+ dependsOn 'createStrippedConfig'
+ inputs.files "${liboInstdir}/share/registry/res/registry_en-US.xcd", "${liboSrcRoot}/android/"
+ outputs.file "assets_strippedUI/share/registry/res/registry_en-US.xcd"
+ executable "${liboSrcRoot}/android/"
+ args = ["${liboInstdir}/share/registry/res/registry_en-US.xcd", "assets_strippedUI/share/registry/res/registry_en-US.xcd"]
+ doFirst {
+ file('assets_strippedUI/share/registry/res').mkdirs()
+ }
+task createRCfiles {
+ inputs.file "liboSettings.gradle"
+ dependsOn copyUnpackAssets, copyAssets
+ def sofficerc = file('assets/unpack/program/sofficerc')
+ def fundamentalrc = file('assets/program/fundamentalrc')
+ def bootstraprc = file('assets/program/bootstraprc')
+ def unorc = file('assets/program/unorc')
+ def versionrc = file('assets/program/versionrc')
+ outputs.files sofficerc, fundamentalrc, unorc, bootstraprc, versionrc
+ doLast {
+ sofficerc.text = '''\
+ [Bootstrap]
+ Logo=1
+ NativeProgress=1
+ URE_BOOTSTRAP=file:///assets/program/fundamentalrc
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ fundamentalrc.text = '''\
+ [Bootstrap]
+ LO_LIB_DIR=file://$APP_DATA_DIR/lib/
+ BRAND_BASE_DIR=file:///assets
+ CONFIGURATION_LAYERS=xcsxcu:${BRAND_BASE_DIR}/share/registry res:${BRAND_BASE_DIR}/share/registry
+ URE_BIN_DIR=file:///assets/ure/bin/dir/nothing-here/we-can/exec-anyway
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ bootstraprc.text = '''\
+ [Bootstrap]
+ InstallMode=<installmode>
+ ProductKey=LibreOffice '''+ "${liboVersionMajor}.${liboVersionMinor}" + '''
+ UserInstallation=file://$APP_DATA_DIR
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ unorc.text = '''\
+ [Bootstrap]
+ UNO_TYPES=file://$APP_DATA_DIR/program/udkapi.rdb file://$APP_DATA_DIR/program/offapi.rdb file://$APP_DATA_DIR/program/oovbaapi.rdb
+ UNO_SERVICES=file:///assets/program/services.rdb file:///assets/program/services/services.rdb
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ versionrc.text = '''\
+ [Version]
+ AllLanguages=en-US
+ buildid=''' + "${liboGitFullCommit}" + '''
+ ReferenceOOoMajorMinor=4.1
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ }
+// creating the UI stuff is cheap, don't bother only applying it for the flavor...
+preBuild.dependsOn 'createRCfiles',
+ 'createStrippedConfigMain',
+ 'createStrippedConfigRegistry',
+ 'createFullConfig',
+ 'copyAppResources'
+clean.dependsOn 'cleanCopyAssets',
+ 'cleanCreateStrippedConfig',
+ 'cleanCreateFullConfig'