path: root/odk/examples/DevelopersGuide/FirstSteps/HelloTextTableShape/basic/HelloTextTableShape.bas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'odk/examples/DevelopersGuide/FirstSteps/HelloTextTableShape/basic/HelloTextTableShape.bas')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/odk/examples/DevelopersGuide/FirstSteps/HelloTextTableShape/basic/HelloTextTableShape.bas b/odk/examples/DevelopersGuide/FirstSteps/HelloTextTableShape/basic/HelloTextTableShape.bas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96d75a445f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odk/examples/DevelopersGuide/FirstSteps/HelloTextTableShape/basic/HelloTextTableShape.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+' This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+' This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+' License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+' file, You can obtain one at
+Function new_doc_component(doc_type As String)
+ load_url = "private:factory/" & doc_type
+ desktop = createUnoService("")
+ Set new_doc_component = desktop.loadComponentFromURL(load_url, "_blank", 0, Array())
+End Function
+Sub use_documents
+ use_writer()
+ use_calc()
+ use_draw()
+End Sub
+Sub use_writer
+ Set doc = new_doc_component("swriter")
+ Set xtext = doc.Text
+ manipulateText(xtext)
+ ' insert TextTable and get cell text, then manipulate text in cell
+ Set table = doc.createInstance("")
+ xtext.insertTextContent(xtext.End, table, False)
+ xcell = table.getCellByPosition(0, 1)
+ manipulateText(xcell.getText())
+ manipulateTable(table)
+ ' insert RectangleShape and get shape text, then manipulate text
+ Set writer_shape = doc.createInstance("")
+ Dim Point As New
+ Dim Size As New
+ Size.Width= 10000
+ Size.Height= 10000
+ writer_shape.setSize(Size)
+ xtext.insertTextContent(xtext.End, writer_shape, False)
+ ' wrap text inside shape
+ writer_shape.TextContourFrame = True
+ manipulateText(writer_shape)
+ manipulateShape(writer_shape)
+ bookmark = doc.createInstance("")
+ bookmark.Name = "MyUniqueBookmarkName"
+ ' insert the bookmark at the end of the document
+ xtext.insertTextContent(xtext.End, bookmark, False)
+ ' Query the added bookmark and set a string
+ found_bookmark = doc.Bookmarks.getByName("MyUniqueBookmarkName")
+ found_bookmark.Anchor.String = _
+ "The throat mike, glued to her neck, " +_
+ "looked as much as possible like an analgesic dermadisk." _
+ Set text_table = doc.TextTables
+ For i = 0 To text_table.getCount() - 1
+ text_table.getByIndex(i).BackColor = &HC8FFB9
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub use_calc
+ doc = new_doc_component("scalc")
+ sheet = doc.Sheets(0)
+ ' get cell A2 in first sheet
+ cell = sheet.getCellByPosition(1, 0)
+ cell.IsTextWrapped = True
+ manipulateText(cell.getText())
+ manipulateTable(sheet)
+ ' create and insert RectangleShape and get shape text,
+ ' then manipulate text
+ shape = doc.createInstance("")
+ Dim Point As New
+ Dim Size As New
+ shape = doc.createInstance("")
+ Point.X = 7000
+ Point.Y = 3000
+ Size.Width= 10000
+ Size.Height= 10000
+ shape.setSize(Size)
+ shape.setPosition(Point)
+ shape.TextContourFrame = True
+ sheet.DrawPage.add(shape)
+ manipulateText(shape)
+ manipulateShape(shape)
+End Sub
+Sub use_draw
+ doc = new_doc_component("sdraw")
+ Dim Point As New
+ Dim Size As New
+ draw_shape = doc.createInstance("")
+ Point.X = 5000
+ Point.Y = 5000
+ Size.Width= 10000
+ Size.Height= 10000
+ draw_shape.setSize(Size)
+ draw_shape.setPosition(Point)
+ doc.DrawPages(0).add(draw_shape)
+ ' wrap text inside shape
+ draw_shape.TextContourFrame = True
+ manipulateText(draw_shape)
+ manipulateShape(draw_shape)
+End Sub
+Sub manipulateText(xtext As Object)
+ ' Insert text content
+ 'param xtext: object that implements interface.
+ ' simply set whole text as one string
+ xtext.String = "He lay flat on the brown, pine-needled floor of the forest, " +_
+ "his chin on his folded arms, and high overhead the wind blew " +_
+ "in the tops of the pine trees."
+ ' create text cursor for selecting and formatting
+ text_cursor = xtext.createTextCursor()
+ ' use cursor to select "He lay" and apply bold italic
+ text_cursor.gotoStart(False)
+ text_cursor.goRight(6, True)
+ ' from CharacterProperties
+ text_cursor.CharPosture =
+ text_cursor.CharWeight = 150
+ ' add more text at the end of the text using insertString
+ text_cursor.gotoEnd(False)
+ content = _
+ " The mountainside sloped gently where he lay; " +_
+ "but below it was steep and he could see the dark of the oiled " +_
+ "road winding through the pass. There was a stream alongside the " +_
+ "road and far down the pass he saw a mill beside the stream and " +_
+ "the falling water of the dam, white in the summer sunlight."
+ xtext.insertString(text_cursor, content, False)
+ ' after insertString the cursor is behind the inserted text,
+ ' insert more text
+ content = CHR$(10) & " ""Is that the mill?"" he asked."
+ xtext.insertString(text_cursor, content, False)
+End Sub
+Sub manipulateTable(xcellrange As Object)
+ 'Format a table area
+ ':param xcellrange: object that implements interface.
+ ' enter column titles and a cell value
+ xcellrange.getCellByPosition(0, 0).SetString("Quotation")
+ xcellrange.getCellByPosition(0, 1).SetString("Year")
+ xcellrange.getCellByPosition(1, 1).SetValue(1940)
+ ' format table headers and table borders
+ ' we need to distinguish text and sheet tables:
+ ' property name for cell colors is different in text and sheet cells
+ ' we want to apply TableBorder to whole text table, but only to sheet
+ ' cells with content
+ background_color = &H99CCFF
+ ' create description for blue line, width 10
+ Dim border_line As New
+ border_line.Color = &H000099
+ border_line.OuterLineWidth = 10
+ ' apply line description to all border lines and make them valid
+ Dim border As New
+ border.VerticalLine = border_line
+ border.HorizontalLine = border_line
+ border.LeftLine = border_line
+ border.RightLine = border_line
+ border.TopLine = border_line
+ border.BottomLine = border_line
+ border.IsVerticalLineValid = True
+ border.IsHorizontalLineValid = True
+ border.IsLeftLineValid = True
+ border.IsRightLineValid = True
+ border.IsTopLineValid = True
+ border.IsBottomLineValid = True
+ If xcellrange.supportsService("") Then
+ selected_cells = xcellrange.getCellRangeByName("A1:B2")
+ selected_cells.CellBackColor = background_color
+ selected_cells.TableBorder = border
+' Print selected_cells.TableBorder.TopLine.Color
+ ElseIf xcellrange.supportsService("") Then
+ selected_cells = xcellrange.getCellRangeByName("A1:B1")
+ selected_cells.BackColor = background_color
+ xcellrange.TableBorder = border
+' Print xcellrange.TableBorder.TopLine.Color
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub manipulateShape(xshape As Object)
+ 'Format a shape
+ 'param xshape: object that implements interface.
+ xshape.FillColor = &H99CCFF
+ xshape.LineColor = &H000099
+ xshape.RotateAngle = 3000
+ xshape.TextLeftDistance = 0
+ xshape.TextRightDistance = 0
+ xshape.TextUpperDistance = 0
+ xshape.TextLowerDistance = 0
+End Sub
+Sub Main
+ use_documents()
+End Sub \ No newline at end of file