path: root/translations/source/is/dbaccess/messages.po
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'translations/source/is/dbaccess/messages.po')
1 files changed, 5371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/translations/source/is/dbaccess/messages.po b/translations/source/is/dbaccess/messages.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fd6fd408b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/source/is/dbaccess/messages.po
@@ -0,0 +1,5371 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/inc
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 14:48+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-02 12:18+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Sveinn í Felli <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Icelandic <>\n"
+"Language: is\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1563517570.000000\n"
+#. BiN6g
+#: dbaccess/inc/query.hrc:28
+msgid "The table view"
+msgstr "Töflusýnin"
+#. ySuKZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/query.hrc:29
+msgid "The query"
+msgstr "Fyrirspurnin"
+#. akGh9
+#: dbaccess/inc/query.hrc:30
+msgid "The SQL statement"
+msgstr "SQL fullyrðingin"
+#. wH3TZ
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "Bæt_a við"
+#. S9dsC
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Apply"
+msgstr "Virkj_a"
+#. TMo6G
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr "_Hætta við"
+#. MRCkv
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Loka"
+#. nvx5t
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "E_yða"
+#. YspCj
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "Br_eyta"
+#. imQxr
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hjálp"
+#. RbjyB
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Nýtt"
+#. dx2yy
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_No"
+msgstr "_Nei"
+#. M9DsL
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_OK"
+msgstr "Í _lagi"
+#. VtJS9
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "Fja_rlægja"
+#. C69Fy
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Reset"
+msgstr "F_rumstilla"
+#. mgpxh
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Yes"
+msgstr "_Já"
+#. FAMGa
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:26
+msgid "No connection could be established."
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að koma á tengingu."
+#. y8rYj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:27
+msgid "The table $name$ already exists. It is not visible because it has been filtered out."
+msgstr "Taflan $name$ er nú þegar til. Hún er ekki sýnileg því hún hefur verið síuð frá."
+#. ZfmVR
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:28
+msgid "The connection to the external data source could not be established. An unknown error occurred. The driver is probably defective."
+msgstr "Ekki var hægt að koma á tengingu við ytri gagnaveituna. Óþekkt villa kom upp. Rekillinn er líklega gallaður."
+#. XdFHe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:29
+msgid "The connection to the external data source could not be established. No SDBC driver was found for the URL '$name$'."
+msgstr "Ekki var hægt að koma á tengingu við ytri gagnaveituna. Ekki fannst SDBC-rekill fyrir vistfangið '$name$'."
+#. HFLkw
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:30
+msgid "The connection to the external data source could not be established. The SDBC driver manager could not be loaded."
+msgstr "Ekki var hægt að koma á tengingu við ytri gagnaveituna. Ekki náðist að ræsa SDBC reklastjórann."
+#. PzEVD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:31
+msgctxt "RID_STR_FORM"
+msgid "Form"
+msgstr "Innfyllingarform"
+#. nkamB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:32
+msgctxt "RID_STR_REPORT"
+msgid "Report"
+msgstr "Skýrsla"
+#. bYjEz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:33
+msgid "The data source was not saved. Please use the interface XStorable to save the data source."
+msgstr "Gagnaveitan var ekki vistuð. Notaðu XStorable skilin til að vista gagnaveituna."
+#. BuEPn
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:34
+msgid ""
+"The given command is not a SELECT statement.\n"
+"Only queries are allowed."
+msgstr ""
+"Uppgefin skipun er ekki SELECT setning.\n"
+"Aðeins fyrirspurnir eru leyfðar."
+#. 4CSx9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:35
+msgid "No values were modified."
+msgstr "Engum gildum var breytt."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:36
+msgid "Values could not be inserted. The XRowUpdate interface is not supported by ResultSet."
+msgstr "Ekki var hægt að færa gildi inn. XRowUpdate skilin eru ekki studd af ResultSet."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:37
+msgid "Values could not be inserted. The XResultSetUpdate interface is not supported by ResultSet."
+msgstr "Ekki var hægt að færa gildi inn. XResultSerUpdate skilin eru ekki studd af ResultSet."
+#. EAkm5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:38
+msgid "Values could not be modified, due to a missing condition statement."
+msgstr "Ekki var hægt að breyta gildum, vegna þess að skilyrðissetningu vantaði."
+#. 7Jns7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:39
+msgid "The adding of columns is not supported."
+msgstr "Innskot á dálkum er ekki stutt."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:40
+msgid "The dropping of columns is not supported."
+msgstr "Fjarlæging dálka er ekki studd."
+#. e2SUr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:41
+msgid "The WHERE condition could not be created for the primary key."
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að búa til WHERE skilyrði fyrir aðallykil."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:42
+msgid "The column does not support the property '%value'."
+msgstr "Dálkurinn styður ekki eiginleikann '%value'."
+#. MDPRn
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:43
+msgid "The column is not searchable!"
+msgstr "Leit í þessum dálki er ekki möguleg!"
+#. s9iVh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:44
+msgid "The value of the columns is not of the type Sequence<sal_Int8>."
+msgstr "Gildið í dálkunum er ekki af gerðinni Röð<sal_Int8>."
+#. Mrizz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:45
+msgid "The column is not valid."
+msgstr "Dálkurinn er ekki gildur."
+#. CyL8V
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:46
+msgid "The column '%name' must be visible as a column."
+msgstr "Dálkurinn '%name' verður að vera sýnilegur sem dálkur."
+#. kZnJD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:47
+msgid "The interface XQueriesSupplier is not available."
+msgstr "Skilin XQueriesSupplier eru ekki í boði."
+#. fBeqP
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:48
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NO_ABS_ZERO"
+msgid "An 'absolute(0)' call is not allowed."
+msgstr "'absolute(0)' kall er ekki heimilað."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:49
+msgid "Relative positioning is not allowed in this state."
+msgstr "Afstæð staðsetning er ekki heimiluð í þessum ham."
+#. LgS5s
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:50
+msgid "A row cannot be refreshed when the ResultSet is positioned after the last row."
+msgstr "Ekki er hægt að glæða röð þegar ResultSet er staðsett eftir síðustu röð."
+#. TqUZX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:51
+msgid "A new row cannot be inserted when the ResultSet is not first moved to the insert row."
+msgstr "Ekki er hægt að skjóta inn nýrri röð þegar ResultSet hefur ekki verið fært í innskotsröðina."
+#. aGfUX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:52
+msgid "A row cannot be modified in this state"
+msgstr "Ekki er hægt að breyta röð í þessum ham"
+#. uaxsC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:53
+msgid "A row cannot be deleted in this state."
+msgstr "Ekki er hægt að eyða röð í þessum ham."
+#. 6aAaN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:54
+msgid "The driver does not support table renaming."
+msgstr "Rekillinn styður ekki endurnefningu taflna."
+#. Q8ADk
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:55
+msgid "The driver does not support the modification of column descriptions by changing the name."
+msgstr "Rekillinn styður ekki breytingar á lýsingum dálka með nafnabreytingu."
+#. tZWaL
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:56
+msgid "The driver does not support the modification of column descriptions by changing the index."
+msgstr "Rekillinn styður ekki breytingar á lýsingum dálka með breytingu vísis."
+#. Z5gGE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:57
+msgid "The file \"$file$\" does not exist."
+msgstr "Skráin \"$file$\" er ekki til."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:58
+msgid "There exists no table named \"$table$\"."
+msgstr "Ekki er til nein tafla sem heitir \"$table$\"."
+#. XcJvN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:59
+msgid "There exists no query named \"$table$\"."
+msgstr "Ekki er til nein fyrirspurn sem heitir \"$table$\"."
+#. anFDx
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:60
+msgid "There are tables in the database whose names conflict with the names of existing queries. To make full use of all queries and tables, make sure they have distinct names."
+msgstr "Það eru töflur í gagnagrunninum sem bera sömu nöfn og fyrirspurnir. Til að nýta til fullnustu fyrirspurnir og töflur skal gæta þess að nöfn skarist ekki."
+#. e2YrR
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:61
+msgid ""
+"The SQL command leading to this error is:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"SQL skipunin sem veldur þessari villu er:\n"
+#. s3B76
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:62
+msgid "The SQL command does not describe a result set."
+msgstr "SQL skipunin lýsir ekki neinni niðurstöðu."
+#. o8AAh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:63
+msgid "The name must not be empty."
+msgstr "Nafnið getur ekki verið tómt."
+#. EDBgs
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:64
+msgid "The container cannot contain NULL objects."
+msgstr "Safnið má ekki innihalda NULL hluti."
+#. BADJn
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:65
+msgid "There already is an object with the given name."
+msgstr "Þegar er til hlutur með þessu nafni."
+#. VdEjV
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:66
+msgid "This object cannot be part of this container."
+msgstr "Hluturinn getur ekki verið í þessu safni."
+#. DFQvz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:67
+msgid "The object already is, with a different name, part of the container."
+msgstr "Hluturinn er þegar til, með öðru nafni, í safninu."
+#. CjNwC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "Unable to find the document '$name$'."
+msgstr "Fann ekki skjalið '$name$'."
+#. LM7dF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:69
+msgid ""
+"Could not save the document to $location$:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Gat ekki vistað skjalið í $location$:\n"
+#. tHzew
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:70
+msgid ""
+"Error accessing data source '$name$':\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Villa við að tengjast gagnagjafanum '$name$':\n"
+#. ALTav
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:71
+msgid "There exists no folder named \"$folder$\"."
+msgstr "Ekki er til nein mappa sem heitir \"$folder$\"."
+#. Fhh7V
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:72
+msgid "Cannot delete the before-first or after-last row."
+msgstr "Ekki er hægt að eyða röðinni fyrir framan fyrstu röð eða röðinni fyrir aftan öftustu röð."
+#. nqVfA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:73
+msgid "Cannot delete the insert-row."
+msgstr "Ekki er hægt að eyða innsetningarröðinni."
+#. 9BUGj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:74
+msgid "Result set is read only."
+msgstr "Niðurstöður eru ritvarnar."
+#. 47GAs
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:75
+msgid "DELETE privilege not available."
+msgstr "DELETE heimild er ekki tiltæk."
+#. SsHD3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:76
+msgid "Current row is already deleted."
+msgstr "Þegar er búið að eyða núverandi röð."
+#. DkbQp
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:77
+msgid "Current row could not be updated."
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að uppfæra núverandi röð."
+#. ccyRu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:78
+msgid "INSERT privilege not available."
+msgstr "INSERT heimild er ekki tiltæk."
+#. RyCJt
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:79
+msgid "Internal error: no statement object provided by the database driver."
+msgstr "Innri villa: engin skipun er tiltæk frá gagnagrunnsreklinum."
+#. SMWJi
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:80
+msgid "Expression1"
+msgstr "Segð1"
+#. 32Lgg
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:81
+msgid "No SQL command was provided."
+msgstr "Engin SQL skipun var gefin."
+#. bvez7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:82
+msgid "Invalid column index."
+msgstr "Ógildur dálkvísir."
+#. uAGCJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:83
+msgid "Invalid cursor state."
+msgstr "Ógild bendilstaða."
+#. Dqrzw
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:84
+msgid "The cursor points to before the first or after the last row."
+msgstr "Bendillinn er fyrir framan fyrstu röð eða fyrir aftan seinustu röð."
+#. z9fkj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:85
+msgid "The rows before the first and after the last row don't have a bookmark."
+msgstr "Raðirnar fyrir fram fyrstu og eftir seinustu röð eru ekki með bókamerki."
+#. uYeyd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:86
+msgid "The current row is deleted, and thus doesn't have a bookmark."
+msgstr "Núverandi röð hefur verið eytt, og er þar af leiðandi ekki með bókamerki."
+#. 935sJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:87
+msgid "A connection for the following URL was requested \"$name$\"."
+msgstr "Beðið var um tengingu fyrir efirfarandi vefslóð \"$name$\"."
+#. UgP8s
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:88
+msgid "The extension is not installed."
+msgstr "Viðbót er ekki uppsett."
+#. CvFBA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:90
+msgid "You cannot give a table and a query the same name. Please use a name which is not yet used by a query or table."
+msgstr "Ekki er hægt að nefna töflu og fyrirspurn sama nafni. Notið nafn sem ekki hefur áður verið notað á töflu eða fyrirspurn."
+#. bT6Um
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:91
+msgid "Table"
+msgstr "Tafla"
+#. Qw69D
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:92
+msgid "Query"
+msgstr "Fyrirspurn"
+#. 7vX2A
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:93
+msgid "The given connection is no valid query and/or tables supplier."
+msgstr "Tilgreind tenging er ekki gild uppspretta fyrirspurna og/eða taflna."
+#. 7J5ZA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:94
+msgid "The given object is no table object."
+msgstr "Hluturinn er ekki töfluhlutur."
+#. WboPA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:95
+msgid "Invalid composition type - need a value from"
+msgstr "Ógild samsetningartegund - þarf að vera gildi frá"
+#. 2aCE8
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:96
+msgid "Invalid command type - only TABLE and QUERY from are allowed."
+msgstr "Ógild tegund skipunar - aðeins TABLE og QUERY frá eru leyfðar."
+#. j84AZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:98
+msgid "Add Table Window"
+msgstr "Bæta við töfluglugga"
+#. DUDsr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:99
+msgid "Move table window"
+msgstr "Færa töfluglugga"
+#. BzDGJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:100
+msgid "Insert Join"
+msgstr "Setja inn töflutengingu"
+#. isNxK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:101
+msgid "Delete Join"
+msgstr "Eyða töflutengingu"
+#. 9Uu5p
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:102
+msgid "Resize table window"
+msgstr "Breyta stærð töfluglugga"
+#. 3qaWu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:103
+msgid "Delete Column"
+msgstr "Eyða dálki"
+#. srRyA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:104
+msgid "Move column"
+msgstr "Færa dálk"
+#. BdYiZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:105
+msgid "Add Column"
+msgstr "Bæta við dálki"
+#. r5myi
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:106
+msgid "Invalid expression, field name '$name$' does not exist."
+msgstr "Ógild segð, sviðið '$name$' er ekki til."
+#. WiCaf
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:107
+msgid "Delete Table Window"
+msgstr "Eyða töfluglugga"
+#. 4677G
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:108
+msgid "Edit Column Description"
+msgstr "Breyta lýsingu dálks"
+#. 79APm
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:109
+msgid "Adjust column width"
+msgstr "Breyta breidd dálks"
+#. BGEE7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:110
+msgid "(not sorted);ascending;descending"
+msgstr "(ekki raðað);hækkandi;lækkandi"
+#. NEDpJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:111
+msgid "(no function);Group"
+msgstr "(ekkert fall);Hópur"
+#. rLdqC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:112
+msgid "(no table)"
+msgstr "(engin tafla)"
+#. PZ5mq
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:113
+msgid "The database only supports sorting for visible fields."
+msgstr "Gagnagrunnurinn styður aðeins röðun fyrir sýnileg svið."
+#. 9w7Ce
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:114
+msgid "Field;Alias;Table;Sort;Visible;Function;Criterion;Or;Or"
+msgstr "Svið;Samheiti;Tafla;Röðun;Sýnileiki;Fall;Skilyrði;Eða;Eða"
+#. qPqvZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:115
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Allt"
+#. Zz34h
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:116
+msgid "There are too many columns."
+msgstr "Það eru of margir dálkar."
+#. hY4NU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:117
+msgid "A condition cannot be applied to field [*]"
+msgstr "Skilyrði er ekki hægt að beita á svið [*]"
+#. ygnPh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:118
+msgid "The SQL statement created is too long."
+msgstr "SQL skipunin sem búin var til er of löng."
+#. EumQ9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:119
+msgid "Query is too complex"
+msgstr "Fyrirspurnin er of flókin"
+#. Ht5Xf
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:120
+msgid "Nothing has been selected."
+msgstr "Ekkert hefur verið valið."
+#. oUXZD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:121
+msgctxt "STR_QRY_SYNTAX"
+msgid "SQL syntax error"
+msgstr "SQL samhengisvilla"
+#. D5qmZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:122
+msgid "[*] cannot be used as a sort criterion."
+msgstr "Ekki er hægt að nota [*] sem röðunarsvið."
+#. E4YC3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:123
+msgid "There are too many tables."
+msgstr "Það eru of margar töflur."
+#. fnEYE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:124
+msgctxt "STR_QRY_NATIVE"
+msgid "The statement will not be applied when querying in the SQL dialect of the database."
+msgstr "Skipunin mun ekki verða notuð þegar notuð er fyrirspurn sem er á SQL mállýsku gagnagrunnsins."
+#. iEVz7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:125
+msgid "Join could not be processed"
+msgstr "Gat ekki meðhöndlað töflutengingu"
+#. 3EkzD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:126
+msgid "Syntax error in SQL statement"
+msgstr "Samhengisvilla í SQL skipun"
+#. 4umu8
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:127
+msgid "This database does not support table views."
+msgstr "Þessi gagnagrunnur styður ekki töflusýnir."
+#. wsWmH
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:128
+msgid "This database does not support altering of existing table views."
+msgstr "Þessi gagnagrunnur styður ekki breytingar á töflusýnum sem eru þegar til."
+#. DersC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:129
+msgid "Do you want to create a query instead?"
+msgstr "Viltu í staðinn búa til fyrirspurn?"
+#. LWaN7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:130
+msgid "The corresponding data source has been deleted. Therefore, data relevant to that data source cannot be saved."
+msgstr "Samsvarandi gagnagjafa hefur verið eytt. Þannig að, ekki er hægt að vista þau gögn sem eru tengd við gagnagjafann."
+#. r9TeF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:131
+msgid "The column '$name$' is unknown."
+msgstr "Dálkurinn '$name$' er óþekktur."
+#. FzLYr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:132
+msgid "Columns can only be compared using '='."
+msgstr "Aðeins er hægt að bera saman dálka með '='."
+#. Pzh6C
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:133
+msgid "You must use a column name before 'LIKE'."
+msgstr "Þú verður að nota dálknafn fyrir framan 'LIKE'."
+#. bwj8B
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:134
+msgid "The column could not be found. Please note that the database is case-sensitive."
+msgstr "Fann ekki dálkinn. Athugaðu að gagnagrunnurinn gerir greinarmun á hástöfum og lágstöfum."
+#. 8fSWD
+#. To translators: for $object$, one of the values of the RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE resource will be inserted.
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:136
+msgid ""
+"$object$ has been changed.\n"
+"Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr ""
+"$object$ var breytt.\n"
+"Viltu vista breytingar?"
+#. rLMEX
+#. To translators: for $object$, one of the values of the RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE resource (except \"SQL command\", which doesn't make sense here) will be inserted.
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:138
+msgid "$object$ is based on an SQL command which could not be parsed."
+msgstr "$object$ er byggt á SQL skipun sem ekki var hægt að þátta."
+#. 6cpa3
+#. To translators: for $object$, one of the values of the RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE resource (except \"SQL command\", which doesn't make sense here) will be inserted.
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:140
+msgid "$object$ will be opened in SQL view."
+msgstr "$object$ verður opnað í SQL sýn."
+#. pH2Jv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:141
+msgid "The query does not create a result set, and thus cannot be part of another query."
+msgstr "Fyrirspurnin skilar ekki niðurstöðu, og þar sem er ekki hægt að nota hana í annarri fyrirspurn."
+#. HErUD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:143
+msgid "Column ~Format..."
+msgstr "Snið ~dálks..."
+#. pSid2
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:144
+msgid "Column ~Width..."
+msgstr "Dálk~breidd..."
+#. mczq6
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:145
+msgid "Table Format..."
+msgstr "Snið töflu..."
+#. Giaeq
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:146
+msgid "Row Height..."
+msgstr "Hæð raðar..."
+#. F8EEk
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:147
+msgctxt "RID_STR_COPY"
+msgid "~Copy"
+msgstr "~Afrita"
+#. hAGj6
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:148
+msgid "Undo: Data Input"
+msgstr "Afturkalla: innsetningu gagna"
+#. NeA2w
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:149
+msgid "Save current record"
+msgstr "Vista núverandi færslu"
+#. tV569
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:150
+msgctxt "STR_QRY_TITLE"
+msgid "Query #"
+msgstr "Fyrirspurn #"
+#. FBqHA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:151
+msgctxt "STR_TBL_TITLE"
+msgid "Table #"
+msgstr "Tafla #"
+#. cCYzs
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:152
+msgctxt "STR_VIEW_TITLE"
+msgid "View #"
+msgstr "Sýn #"
+#. 8yp2G
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:153
+msgid "The name \"#\" already exists."
+msgstr "Nafnið \"#\" er þegar til."
+#. EmTa7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:154
+msgid "No matching column names were found."
+msgstr "Engin samsvarandi dálkaheiti fundust."
+#. 4EFDH
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:155
+msgid "An error occurred. Do you want to continue copying?"
+msgstr "Villa kom upp. Viltu halda áfram afritun?"
+#. xnbDP
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:156
+msgid "Data source table view"
+msgstr "Gagnagjafi sem tafla"
+#. r58gb
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:157
+msgid "Shows the selected table or query."
+msgstr "Sýnir valda töflu eða fyrirspurn."
+#. a8LWj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:159
+msgid "Modify SQL statement(s)"
+msgstr "Breyta SQL skipun(um)"
+#. U3N6g
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:161
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NEW_FORM"
+msgid "Create Form in Design View..."
+msgstr "Búa til innfyllingarform í hönnunarsýn..."
+#. vLzx4
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:162
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Form..."
+msgstr "Nota leiðarvísi til að búa til innfyllingarform..."
+#. ZRnDp
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:163
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Report..."
+msgstr "Nota leiðarvísi til að búa til skýrslu..."
+#. aSmAa
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:164
+msgid "Create Report in Design View..."
+msgstr "Búa til skýrslu í hönnunarsýn..."
+#. mGsho
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:165
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NEW_QUERY"
+msgid "Create Query in Design View..."
+msgstr "Búa til fyrirspurn í hönnunarsýn..."
+#. sfADq
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:166
+msgid "Create Query in SQL View..."
+msgstr "Búa til fyrirspurn í SQL sýn..."
+#. 57XvA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:167
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Query..."
+msgstr "Nota leiðarvísi til að búa til fyrirspurn..."
+#. wzNZ2
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:168
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NEW_TABLE"
+msgid "Create Table in Design View..."
+msgstr "Búa til töflu í hönnunarsýn..."
+#. SZdVd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:169
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Table..."
+msgstr "Nota leiðarvísi til að búa til töflu..."
+#. Xdxfp
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:170
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NEW_VIEW"
+msgid "Create View..."
+msgstr "Búa til sýn..."
+#. uinhG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:171
+msgid "Forms"
+msgstr "Innfyllingarform"
+#. EhPGD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:172
+msgid "Reports"
+msgstr "Skýrslur"
+#. DFmZD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:173
+msgid "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a report."
+msgstr "Þessi leiðarvísir mun hjálpa þér í gegnum þau skref sem eru nauðsynleg til að búa til skýrslu."
+#. e4rD6
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:174
+msgid "Create a form by specifying the record source, controls, and control properties."
+msgstr "Búðu til innfyllingarform með því að skilgreina uppruna gagnanna, svæði, og eiginleika svæða."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:175
+msgid "Create a report by specifying the record source, controls, and control properties."
+msgstr "Búðu til skýrslu með því að skilgreina uppruna gagnanna, svæði, og eiginleika svæða."
+#. mJ9jD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:176
+msgid "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a form."
+msgstr "Þessi leiðarvísir mun hjálpa þér í gegnum þau skref sem eru nauðsynleg til að búa til innfyllingarform."
+#. c6NPF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:177
+msgid "Create a query by specifying the filters, input tables, field names, and properties for sorting or grouping."
+msgstr "Búðu til fyrirspurn með því að skilgreina síur, inntakstöflur, gagnasvið, og eiginleika röðunar og hópunar."
+#. Gk7RQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:178
+msgid "Create a query by entering an SQL statement directly."
+msgstr "Búðu til fyrirspurn með því að slá beint inn SQL skipun."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:179
+msgid "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a query."
+msgstr "Þessi leiðarvísir mun hjálpa þér í gegnum þau skref sem eru nauðsynleg til að búa til fyrirspurn."
+#. hFmde
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:180
+msgid "Create a table by specifying the field names and properties, as well as the data types."
+msgstr "Búðu til töflu með því að skilgreina gagnasvæði og eiginleika, og einnig gagnategundir."
+#. ctDmY
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:181
+msgid "Choose from a selection of business and personal table samples, which you customize to create a table."
+msgstr "Veldu töflu úr safni af sýnishornum sem innihalda töflur fyrir viðskipti og persónulegar töflur, þessa töflu getur þú svo sérsniðið til að búa til þína töflu."
+#. GmBmQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:182
+msgid "Create a view by specifying the tables and field names you would like to have visible."
+msgstr "Búðu til sýn með því að skilgreina þær töflur og gagnasvið sem þú vilt að séu sýnilegar."
+#. 5ADJN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:183
+msgctxt "STR_DATABASE"
+msgid "Database"
+msgstr "Gagnagrunnur"
+#. D2GFx
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:184
+msgctxt "STR_TASKS"
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Verk"
+#. i4BHJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:185
+msgctxt "STR_PREVIEW"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Forskoða"
+#. MpYZa
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:186
+msgid ""
+"The connection type has been altered.\n"
+"For the changes to take effect, all forms, reports, queries and tables must be closed.\n"
+"Do you want to close all documents now?"
+msgstr ""
+"Búið er að breyta tegund tengingar.\n"
+"Til að breytingar verði virkar, verður að loka öllum innfyllingarformum, skýrslum, fyrirspurnum og töflum.\n"
+"Viltu loka öllum skjölum núna?"
+#. 5Ujux
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:189
+msgctxt "STR_FRM_LABEL"
+msgid "F~orm name"
+msgstr "Heiti innfyllingarf~orms"
+#. zA6vD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:190
+msgctxt "STR_RPT_LABEL"
+msgid "~Report name"
+msgstr "~Skýrsluheiti"
+#. 8RUit
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:191
+msgid "F~older name"
+msgstr "~Möppuheiti"
+#. Twota
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:192
+msgid "The document contains forms or reports with embedded macros."
+msgstr "Skjalið inniheldur innfyllingarform eða skýrslur með innbyggðum fjölvum."
+#. v33uG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:193
+msgid ""
+"Macros should be embedded into the database document itself.\n"
+"You can continue to use your document as before, however, you are encouraged to migrate your macros. The menu item 'Tools / Migrate Macros ...' will assist you with this.\n"
+"Note that you won't be able to embed macros into the database document itself until this migration is done. "
+msgstr ""
+"Fjölvar ættu að vera innbyggðir í skjalið sjálft.\n"
+"Þú getur haldið áfram að nota skjalið eins og áður, en mælt er með að þú yfirfærir fjölvana. Valmyndin 'Verkfæri / Yfirfæra fjölva ...' getur hjálpað þér með þetta atriði.\n"
+"Athugaðu að þú munt ekki geta sett innbyggða fjölva í skjalið sjálft fyrr en þessari yfirfærslu er lokið. "
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:198
+msgid "Embedded database"
+msgstr "Innbyggður gagnagrunnur"
+#. 9GfaL
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:199
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NO_DIFF_CAT"
+msgid "You cannot select different categories."
+msgstr "Þú getur ekki valið mismunandi flokka."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:200
+msgid "Unsupported object type found ($type$)."
+msgstr "Óstudd hlutategund fannst ($type$)."
+#. YgB34
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:201
+msgid "Advanced Properties"
+msgstr "Ítarlegir eiginleikar"
+#. wFDHD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:202
+msgid "Additional Settings"
+msgstr "Valfrjálsar stillingar"
+#. HYDjE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:203
+msgid "Connection settings"
+msgstr "Tengistillingar"
+#. KLRak
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:204
+msgctxt "STR_TBL_LABEL"
+msgid "~Table Name"
+msgstr "Heiti ~töflu"
+#. WPmUe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:205
+msgctxt "STR_QRY_LABEL"
+msgid "~Query name"
+msgstr "Heiti ~fyrirspurnar"
+#. cGPht
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:206
+msgid "Rename to"
+msgstr "Endurnefna í"
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:207
+msgid "Insert as"
+msgstr "Setja inn sem"
+#. yGyEU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:209
+msgid "Do you want to delete the selected data?"
+msgstr "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða völdu gögnunum?"
+#. AMTEz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:210
+msgid "Error setting the sort criteria"
+msgstr "Villa við að stilla skilyrði röðunar"
+#. kXqdF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:211
+msgid "Error setting the filter criteria"
+msgstr "Villa við að stilla skilyrði síu"
+#. tXz3U
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:212
+msgid "Connection lost"
+msgstr "Tenging rofnaði"
+#. 5ELXe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:213
+msgid "Queries"
+msgstr "Fyrirspurnir"
+#. wdm7E
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:214
+msgid "Tables"
+msgstr "Töflur"
+#. BTcMU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:215
+msgid "Confirm Deletion"
+msgstr "Staðfesta eyðingu"
+#. pbjZT
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:216
+msgid "Do you want to delete the table '%1'?"
+msgstr "Viltu eyða töflunni '%1'?"
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:217
+msgid "The connection to the database has been lost. Do you want to reconnect?"
+msgstr "Tengingin við gagnagrunnin slitnaði. Viltu tengjast aftur?"
+#. NRXrT
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:218
+msgid "Warnings encountered"
+msgstr "Viðvaranir komu upp"
+#. EXau9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:219
+msgid "While retrieving the tables, warnings were reported by the database connection."
+msgstr "Þegar náð var í tölurnar komu upp viðvaranir frá gagnagrunnstengingunni."
+#. HtRDf
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:220
+msgid "Connecting to \"$name$\" ..."
+msgstr "Tengist við \"$name$\" ..."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgid "Loading query $name$ ..."
+msgstr "Hleð inn fyrirspurn $name$ ..."
+#. QfTUB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:222
+msgid "Loading table $name$ ..."
+msgstr "Hleð inn töflu $name$ ..."
+#. FECQm
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:223
+msgid "No table format could be found."
+msgstr "Engin töflusnið fundust."
+#. 6isKD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:224
+msgid "The connection to the data source \"$name$\" could not be established."
+msgstr "Tókst ekki að tengjast við \"$name$\" gagnagjafann."
+#. CmzsA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:226
+msgid "Unknown;Text;Number;Date/Time;Date;Time;Yes/No;Currency;Memo;Counter;Image;Text (fix);Decimal;Binary (fix);Binary;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;Object;Distinct;Structure;Field;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER;Bit (fix)"
+msgstr "Óþekkt;Texti;Tala;Dagsetning/Tími;Dagsetning;Tími;Já/Nei;Gjaldmiðill;Minnismiði;Teljari;Mynd;Texti (fast);Rauntölur;Tvíundar (föst);Tvíundar;Stór heiltala;Tvöföld;Fleytitala;Rauntala;Heiltala;Lítil heiltala;Örsmá heiltala;SQL núll;Hlutur;Aðgreindur;Uppbygging;Gagnasvið;BLOB;CLOB;REF;ANNAÐ;Biti (fastur)"
+#. hhXGF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:227
+msgid "Insert/remove primary key"
+msgstr "Setja inn/fjarlægja aðallykil"
+#. 26uKH
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:228
+msgctxt "STR_VALUE_YES"
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Já"
+#. vqVF5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:229
+msgctxt "STR_VALUE_NO"
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nei"
+#. TDokm
+#. Note: should somehow fit to the word "value" in other languages as well: value - none...
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:231
+msgctxt "STR_VALUE_NONE"
+msgid "<none>"
+msgstr "<ekkert>"
+#. 66g23
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Field Name"
+msgstr "Heiti gagnasviðs"
+#. F6UGZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:233
+msgid "Field Type"
+msgstr "Tegund gagnasviðs"
+#. LFBuq
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:234
+msgctxt "STR_TAB_HELP_TEXT"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Lýsing"
+#. BYE5G
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:235
+msgid "Column Description"
+msgstr "Lýsing dálks"
+#. Aney5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:236
+msgid "Field Properties"
+msgstr "Eiginleikar sviðs"
+#. kjdpF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:237
+msgid "Modify cell"
+msgstr "Breyta reit"
+#. aPzA3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:238
+msgid "Delete row"
+msgstr "Eyða röð"
+#. DFnqv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Modify field type"
+msgstr "Breyta tegund svæðis"
+#. XLRpC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:240
+msgid "Insert row"
+msgstr "Setja inn röð"
+#. LgbwQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:241
+msgid "Insert new row"
+msgstr "Setja inn nýja röð"
+#. gi8TU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:242
+msgid "~Default value"
+msgstr "~Sjálfgefið gildi"
+#. 3AyBV
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:243
+msgid ""
+"Select a value that is to appear in all new records as default.\n"
+"If the field is not to have a default value, select the empty string."
+msgstr ""
+"Veldu gildi sem á að birtast sjálfgefið í öllum nýjum færslum.\n"
+"Ef sviðið á ekki að vera með sjálfgefið gildi, veldu þá tóma strenginn."
+#. AbZU4
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:244
+msgid ""
+"Enter a default value for this field.\n"
+"When you later enter data in the table, this string will be used in each new record for the field selected. It should, therefore, correspond to the cell format that needs to be entered below."
+msgstr ""
+"Sláðu inn sjálfgefið gildi fyrir þetta svið.\n"
+"Þegar þú slærð svo inn seinna gildi í þessa töflu, verður strengurinn notaður fyrir hverja nýja færslu fyrir þetta svið. Því ætti það að, passa við sniðið á svæðinu sem þarf að slá hér fyrir neðan."
+#. hwwVA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:245
+msgid "Enter the maximum text length permitted."
+msgstr "Sláðu inn leyfða hámarkslengd texta."
+#. yPnZq
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:246
+msgid "Enter the number format."
+msgstr "Sláðu inn tölusnið."
+#. 2yCJu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:247
+msgctxt "STR_HELP_LENGTH"
+msgid ""
+"Determine the length data can have in this field.\n"
+"If decimal fields, then the maximum length of the number to be entered, if binary fields, then the length of the data block.\n"
+"The value will be corrected accordingly when it exceeds the maximum for this database."
+msgstr ""
+"Ákveddu hvaða stærð á að vera á þessu sviði.\n"
+"Ef þetta er tölusvið, þá er stærðin hámarkslengd tölunnar, ef þetta er gagnasvæði, þá er stærðin hámarksstærð gagnanna.\n"
+"Gildið verður leiðrétt sjálfkrafa þegar það fer fram úr hámarkinu fyrir gagnagrunninn."
+#. BY4V7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:248
+msgctxt "STR_HELP_SCALE"
+msgid "Specify the number of decimal places permitted in this field."
+msgstr "Skilgreindu hvað margir tölustafir mega vera í þessu sviði."
+#. QBHjm
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:249
+msgid "This is where you see how the data would be displayed in the current format (use the button on the right to modify the format)."
+msgstr "Hérna geturðu séð hvernig gögnin munu líta út miðað við núverandi snið (notaðu hnappinn hægra megin til að breyta sniðinu)."
+#. eV4sD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:250
+msgid "This is where you determine the output format of the data."
+msgstr "Hérna skilgreinir þú sniðið á úttakinu á gögnunum."
+#. Y5q39
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:251
+msgid ""
+"Choose if this field should contain AutoIncrement values.\n"
+"You can not enter data in fields of this type. An intrinsic value will be assigned to each new record automatically (resulting from the increment of the previous record)."
+msgstr ""
+"Veldu hvort þetta svæði eigi að innihalda sjálfvirkt hækkandi gildi.\n"
+"Ekki er hægt að slá gögn inn í svæði af þessari tegund. Sjálfvirku gildi verður sett inn sjálfkrafa (út frá hækkuðu gildi frá fyrri færslu)."
+#. 5uQpF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:252
+msgid "The table cannot be saved because column name \"$column$\" was assigned twice."
+msgstr "Ekki er hægt að vista töfluna því dálk nafnið \"$column$\" hefur verið úthlutað tvisvar."
+#. vayRE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:253
+msgid "The column \"$column$\" belongs to the primary key. If the column is deleted, the primary key will also be deleted. Do you really want to continue?"
+msgstr "Dálkurinn \"$column$\" tilheyrir aðallykli. Ef dálknum er eytt, verður aðallykli einnig eytt. Ertu viss um að þú viljir halda áfram?"
+#. fo93e
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:254
+msgid "Primary Key Affected"
+msgstr "Áhrif á aðallykil"
+#. wcLcG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:255
+msgctxt "STR_COLUMN_NAME"
+msgid "Column"
+msgstr "Dálkur"
+#. ES566
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:256
+msgid "Continue anyway?"
+msgstr "Halda samt áfram?"
+#. iXbw5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:257
+msgid "The table could not be saved due to problems connecting to the database."
+msgstr "Ekki var hægt að vista töflu vegna vandamála við að tengjast við gagnagrunninn."
+#. kuExF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:258
+msgid "The table filter could not be adjusted because the data source has been deleted."
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að stilla töflusíu því búið er að eyða gagnagjafanum."
+#. Lt4Yc
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:259
+msgid ""
+"Before you can edit the indexes of a table, you have to save it.\n"
+"Do you want to save the changes now?"
+msgstr ""
+"Áður en þú getu breytt röðunarskrá töflu, verður að vista hana.\n"
+"Viltu vista breytingarnar núna?"
+#. HFLQk
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:260
+msgid "No primary key"
+msgstr "Enginn aðallykill"
+#. ir5Du
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:261
+msgid ""
+"A unique index or primary key is required for data record identification in this database.\n"
+"You can only enter data into this table when one of these two structural conditions has been met.\n"
+"Should a primary key be created now?"
+msgstr ""
+"Einkvæmur vísir eða aðallykill er nauðsynlegur í þessum gagnagrunni til að hægt sé að bera kennsl á gagnafærslur.\n"
+"Þú getur ekki slegið inn gögn fyrr en annað af þessum skilyrðum er uppfyllt.\n"
+"Ætti að búa til aðallykil núna?"
+#. R7KDG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:262
+msgid "The column \"$column$\" could not be changed. Should the column instead be deleted and the new format appended?"
+msgstr "Ekki var hægt að breyta dálki \"$column$\". Ætti frekar að eyða dálknum og nýja sniðinu bætt við?"
+#. U3f4j
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:263
+msgid "Error while saving the table design"
+msgstr "Villa við að vista töfluhönnun"
+#. 9BsSL
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:264
+msgid "The column $column$ could not be deleted."
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að eyða dálkinum $column$."
+#. Etkrj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:265
+msgid ""
+"Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n"
+"This statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created."
+msgstr ""
+"Sláðu inn SQL skipun fyrir sjálfvirkt hækkandi gildið.\n"
+"Þessi skipun mun verða færð beint yfir í gagnagrunninn þegar taflan er búinn til."
+#. fAEud
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:266
+msgid ""
+"No type information could be retrieved from the database.\n"
+"The table design mode is not available for this data source."
+msgstr ""
+"Ekki var hægt að ná í upplýsingar um tegundir frá gagnagrunninum.\n"
+"Töfluhönnunarsýnin er ekki aðgengileg í þessum gagnagjafa."
+#. 2s2rr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:267
+msgid "change field name"
+msgstr "breyta nafni svæðis"
+#. PC3QD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:268
+msgid "change field type"
+msgstr "breyta tegund svæðis"
+#. Z2B9o
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:269
+msgid "change field description"
+msgstr "breyta lýsingu svæðis"
+#. aDrTE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:270
+msgid "change field attribute"
+msgstr "breyta eiginleika svæðis"
+#. 3srwC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:272
+msgid "A password is needed to connect to the data source \"$name$\"."
+msgstr "Lykilorðs er krafist til að tengjast við gagnagjafann \"$name$\"."
+#. tYDxc
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:273
+msgid ""
+"The directory\n"
+"does not exist. Should it be created?"
+msgstr ""
+"er ekki til. Ætti að búa hana til?"
+#. 3PFxY
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:274
+msgid "The directory $name$ could not be created."
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að búa til möppu $name$."
+#. V9kGF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:275
+msgid "The file already exists. Overwrite?"
+msgstr "Skráin er þegar til. Yfirskrifa?"
+#. i47ye
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:276
+msgctxt "STR_NEW_FOLDER"
+msgid "Folder"
+msgstr "Mappa"
+#. U2bRK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:278
+msgid "Database properties"
+msgstr "Eiginleikar gagnagrunns"
+#. etNzz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:279
+msgid "Data Source Properties: #"
+msgstr "Eiginleikar gagnagjafa: #"
+#. z9Ecp
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:280
+msgid "Please choose 'Connect to an existing database' to connect to an existing database instead."
+msgstr "Veldu 'Tengjast við tilbúinn gagnagrunn' til að tengjast staðinn við tilbúinn gagnagrunn."
+#. PfAC6
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:281
+msgid "Could not load the program library #lib# or it is corrupted. The ODBC data source selection is not available."
+msgstr "Gat ekki hlaðið inn forritssafn #lib# eða það er skemmt. Val á ODBC gagnagjafa er ekki tiltækt."
+#. d3vbZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:282
+msgid ""
+"This kind of data source is not supported on this platform.\n"
+"You are allowed to change the settings, but you probably will not be able to connect to the database."
+msgstr ""
+"Þessi tegund af gagnagrunni er ekki studdur á þessu stýrikerfi.\n"
+"Þú getur breytt stillingum, en þú munt líklega ekki geta tengst við gagnagrunninn."
+#. 2f7Ga
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:283
+msgid "{None}"
+msgstr "{Ekkert}"
+#. iR7CJ
+#. To translators: EM Dec 2002: 'Space' refers t o what you get when you hit the space bar on your keyboard.
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:285
+msgid ";\t59\t,\t44\t:\t58\t{Tab}\t9\t{Space}\t32"
+msgstr ";\t59\t,\t44\t:\t58\t{Tab}\t9\t{Bil}\t32"
+#. DFGo9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:286
+msgid "#1 must be set."
+msgstr "#1 verður að vera skilgreint."
+#. ZDRBf
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:287
+msgid "#1 and #2 must be different."
+msgstr "#1 og #2 má ekki vera það sama."
+#. 9oCZr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:288
+msgid "Wildcards such as ?,* are not allowed in #1."
+msgstr "Algildisstafir eins og ?,* eru ekki leyfðir í #1."
+#. BdzcB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:290
+msgid "Connection Test"
+msgstr "Prófa tengingu"
+#. oAAKs
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:291
+msgid "The connection was established successfully."
+msgstr "Tenging tókst."
+#. 5V7Ay
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:292
+msgid "The connection could not be established."
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að koma tengingu á."
+#. wvNFP
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:293
+msgid "The JDBC driver was loaded successfully."
+msgstr "Það tókst vel að hlaða inn JDBC reklinum."
+#. RdMCN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:294
+msgid "The JDBC driver could not be loaded."
+msgstr "Ekki var hægt að hlaða inn JDBC reklinum."
+#. dyCvN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:295
+msgid "MS Access file"
+msgstr "MS Access skrá"
+#. rDsuu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:296
+msgid "MS Access 2007 file"
+msgstr "MS Access 2007 skrá"
+#. jFwxU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:297
+msgid "Firebird Database"
+msgstr "Firebird gagnagrunnur"
+#. 8Uiv2
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:299
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Kerfi"
+#. pnwDB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "Error during creation"
+msgstr "Villa við að búa til"
+#. hnyJF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "An error occurred. The operation could not be performed."
+msgstr "Óvænt villa kom upp. Ekki var hægt að framkvæma aðgerðina."
+#. kXCG9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "The document \"$file$\" could not be opened."
+msgstr "Ekki var hægt að opna skjalið \"$file$\"."
+#. bFHHW
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:303
+msgid "The table cannot be deleted because the database connection does not support this."
+msgstr "Ekki er hægt að eyða töflu þar sem gagnagrunnstengingin styður ekki það."
+#. ZNB5D
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:304
+msgid "~All"
+msgstr "~Allt"
+#. C8eBG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:305
+msgctxt "STR_UNDO_COLON"
+msgid "Undo:"
+msgstr "Afturkalla:"
+#. aje2A
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:306
+msgctxt "STR_REDO_COLON"
+msgid "Redo:"
+msgstr "Gera aftur:"
+#. ixMkj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgid "No corresponding column type could be found for column '#1'."
+msgstr "Enginn samsvarandi dálkategund fannst fyrir dálk '#1'."
+#. qVax3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgid "The file \"$file$\" does not exist."
+msgstr "Skráin \"$file$\" er ekki til."
+#. 737k3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:309
+msgid "Warnings were encountered while connecting to the data source. Press \"$buttontext$\" to view them."
+msgstr "Aðvaranir komu upp þegar tengst var við gagnagjafann. Ýttu á \"$buttontext$\" til að skoða þær."
+#. cGJja
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:310
+msgid ""
+"The name '$#$' already exists.\n"
+"Please enter another name."
+msgstr ""
+"Heitið '$#$' er þegar til.\n"
+"Settu inn eitthvað annað nafn."
+#. xTNjt
+#. #i96130# use hard coded name
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:312
+msgid "The report, \"$file$\", requires the Report Builder feature."
+msgstr "Skýrslan, \"$file$\", þarfnast skýrslugerðarviðbótarinnar."
+#. oC8Px
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Cannot connect to the SDBC driver manager (#servicename#)."
+msgstr "Get ekki tengst við SDBC rekilstjóra (#servicename#)."
+#. aym6r
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "A driver is not registered for the URL #connurl#."
+msgstr "Rekill er ekki skráður fyrir URL #connurl#."
+#. oafZG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Successfully connected, but information about database tables is not available."
+msgstr "Tenging tókst, en upplýsingar um gagnagrunnstöflur eru ekki aðgengilegar."
+#. uBW6C
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgctxt "STR_ALL_TABLES"
+msgid "All tables"
+msgstr "Allar töflur"
+#. nhz6M
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgctxt "STR_ALL_VIEWS"
+msgid "All views"
+msgstr "Allar sýnir"
+#. APBCw
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "All tables and views"
+msgstr "Allar töflur og sýnir"
+#. 4SGBJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:321
+msgid "Table name"
+msgstr "Heiti töflu"
+#. Nw93R
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Insert data"
+msgstr "Setja inn gögn"
+#. nLFJd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Delete data"
+msgstr "Eyða gögnum"
+#. eGEDE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Modify data"
+msgstr "Breyta gögnum"
+#. e2bxV
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Alter structure"
+msgstr "Breyta skipan"
+#. zejFA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "Read data"
+msgstr "Lesin gögn"
+#. UsMj8
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:327
+msgid "Modify references"
+msgstr "Breyta tilvísunum"
+#. SEGp9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:328
+msgid "Drop structure"
+msgstr "Henda skipan"
+#. BCCiv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "Path to the dBASE files"
+msgstr "Slóð á dBASE skrárnar"
+#. hnBFY
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:331
+msgid "Path to the text files"
+msgstr "Slóð á textaskrárnar"
+#. DRFyX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:332
+msgid "Path to the spreadsheet document"
+msgstr "Slóð á töflureikniskjalið"
+#. H3cem
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:333
+msgid "Name of the ODBC data source"
+msgstr "Heiti ODBC-gagnagjafans"
+#. mGJE9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:334
+msgid "Path to the Writer document"
+msgstr "Slóð á Writer-skjalið"
+#. JScWd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:335
+msgid "Name of the MySQL/MariaDB database"
+msgstr "Nafn MySQL/MariaDB gagnagrunns"
+#. uhRMQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:336
+msgid "Name of the Oracle database"
+msgstr "Heiti Oracle gagnagrunns"
+#. nmoae
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:337
+msgid "Microsoft Access database file"
+msgstr "Microsoft Access gagnagrunnsskrá"
+#. 34zwh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:338
+msgid "No more settings are necessary. To verify that the connection is working, click the '%test' button."
+msgstr "Ekki þarf meira af upplýsingum. Til að athuga hvort tengingin virki, smelltu á '%test' hnappinn."
+#. DDLwe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:339
+msgctxt "STR_COMMONURL"
+msgid "Enter the DBMS/driver-specific connection string here"
+msgstr ""
+#. rKH3t
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:340
+msgctxt "STR_HOSTNAME"
+msgid "~Host name"
+msgstr "~Vélarheiti"
+#. Gdbjz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:341
+msgid "~Mozilla profile name"
+msgstr "~Mozilla notandanafn"
+#. A6YJb
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:342
+msgid "~Thunderbird profile name"
+msgstr "Heiti ~Thunderbird forstillinga"
+#. HnmRA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:343
+msgctxt "STR_ADD_TABLES"
+msgid "Add Tables"
+msgstr "Bæta við töflum"
+#. eHahH
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:344
+msgid "Add Table or Query"
+msgstr "Bæta við töflu eða fyrirspurn"
+#. 5dqK5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:346
+msgid "Apply columns"
+msgstr "Velja dálka"
+#. nZ7x6
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:347
+msgid "Type formatting"
+msgstr "Sníða tegund"
+#. C5Zs4
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:348
+msgid ""
+"Enter a unique name for the new primary key data field.\n"
+"The following name is already in use:"
+msgstr ""
+"Settu inn einstakt heiti á nýja aðallykils-gagnasviðinu.\n"
+"Eftirfarandi nafn er nú þegar í notkun:"
+#. MuQ2C
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:349
+msgid "Assign columns"
+msgstr "Úthluta dálkum"
+#. 5vCFA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:350
+msgctxt "STR_WIZ_PB_PREV"
+msgid "< ~Back"
+msgstr "< ~Baka"
+#. aWFVD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:351
+msgctxt "STR_WIZ_PB_NEXT"
+msgid "~Next>"
+msgstr "~Næsta>"
+#. aKHUX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:352
+msgctxt "STR_WIZ_PB_OK"
+msgid "C~reate"
+msgstr "~Búa til"
+#. 3XyRu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:353
+msgid "Copy table"
+msgstr "Afrita töflu"
+#. uNGvx
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:354
+msgid "Copy table"
+msgstr "Afrita töflu"
+#. xCPkD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:355
+msgid "This table name is not valid in the current database."
+msgstr "Þetta töflunafn er ekki löglegt í núverandi gagnagrunni."
+#. m35Lx
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:356
+msgid "Choose the option 'Append data' on the first page to append data to an existing table."
+msgstr "Veldu valkostinn 'Bæta við gögnum' á fyrstu síðunni til að bæta við gögnum í töflu sem er þegar til."
+#. XbmVN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:357
+msgid "Please change the table name. It is too long."
+msgstr "Breyttu þessu töfluheiti. Nafnið er of langt."
+#. 55EA7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:359
+msgid "Database Wizard"
+msgstr "Leiðarvísir fyrir gagnagrunna"
+#. p4Yy4
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:360
+msgid "Select database"
+msgstr "Veldu gagnagrunn"
+#. GTpDz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:361
+msgid "Set up dBASE connection"
+msgstr "Setja upp dBASE tengingu"
+#. VBaQN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:362
+msgid "Set up a connection to text files"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við textaskrár"
+#. TiBeQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:363
+msgid "Set up Microsoft Access connection"
+msgstr "Setja upp Microsoft Access tengingu"
+#. XaDDh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:364
+msgid "Set up LDAP connection"
+msgstr "Setja upp LDAP tengingu"
+#. WZtzU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:365
+msgid "Set up ADO connection"
+msgstr "Setja upp ADO tengingu"
+#. n3HgX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:366
+msgid "Set up JDBC connection"
+msgstr "Setja upp JDBC tengingu"
+#. qiZT5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:367
+msgid "Set up Oracle database connection"
+msgstr "Setja upp Oracle gagnagrunnstengingu"
+#. rdZFv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:368
+msgid "Set up MySQL/MariaDB connection"
+msgstr "Setja upp MySQL/MariaDB tengingu"
+#. E3iYi
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:369
+msgid "Set up PostgreSQL connection"
+msgstr ""
+#. uJuNs
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:370
+msgid "Set up ODBC connection"
+msgstr "Setja upp ODBC tengingu"
+#. ecB4x
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:371
+msgid "Set up Writer Document or Spreadsheet connection"
+msgstr "Setja upp Writer-skjal eða tengingu í töflureikniskjal"
+#. wUEMA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:372
+msgid "Set up user authentication"
+msgstr "Setja upp auðkenningu notanda"
+#. twW6d
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:373
+msgid "Set up MySQL/MariaDB server data"
+msgstr "Setja upp MySQL/MariaDB netþjónstengingu"
+#. 6Fy7C
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:374
+msgid "Save and proceed"
+msgstr "Vista og halda áfram"
+#. LhDjK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:375
+msgid "New Database"
+msgstr "Nýr gagnagrunnur"
+#. f5EbK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:376
+msgid "Set up connection to a MySQL/MariaDB database using JDBC"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við MySQL/MariaDB gagnagrunn með JDBC"
+#. tqpeM
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:377
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the required information to connect to a MySQL/MariaDB database using JDBC. Note that a JDBC driver class must be installed on your system and registered with %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Sláðu inn nauðsynlegar upplýsingar til að tengjast við MySQL/MariaDB gagnagrunn með JDBC. Athugaðu að JDBC rekill þarf að vera uppsettur í kerfinu og skráður í %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra ef þú ert ekki viss um eftirfarandi stillingar."
+#. Lrd3G
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:378
+msgid "MySQL/MariaDB JDBC d~river class:"
+msgstr "MySQL/MariaDB JDBC ~reklaflokkur:"
+#. cBiSe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:379
+msgid "Default: 3306"
+msgstr "Sjálfgefið: 3306"
+#. zDx7G
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:380
+msgid "Set up a connection to dBASE files"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við dBASE skrár"
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:381
+msgid "Select the folder where the dBASE files are stored."
+msgstr "Veldu möppuna þar sem dBASE skrárnar eru geymdar."
+#. Ke4xP
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:382
+msgid "Set up a connection to text files"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við textaskrár"
+#. uJFWa
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:383
+msgid "Select the folder where the CSV (Comma Separated Values) text files are stored. %PRODUCTNAME Base will open these files in read-only mode."
+msgstr "Veldu möppuna þar sem CSV (semíkommuafmörkuð gildi) textaskrárnar eru geymdar. %PRODUCTNAME Base mun opna þessar skrár í lesham."
+#. chkNh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:384
+msgid "Path to text files"
+msgstr "Slóð á textaskrár"
+#. VXUEj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:385
+msgid "Set up a connection to a Microsoft Access database"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við Microsoft Access gagnagrunn"
+#. rTF65
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:386
+msgid "Please select the Microsoft Access file you want to access."
+msgstr "Veldu Microsoft Access skrána sem þú vilt fá aðgang að."
+#. DYcM8
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:387
+msgid "Set up a connection to an ADO database"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við Adabas D gagnagrunn"
+#. WzZiB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:388
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the URL of the ADO data source you want to connect to.\n"
+"Click 'Browse' to configure provider-specific settings.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Sláðu inn vefslóðina fyrir ADO gagnagjafann sem þú vilt tengjast við.\n"
+"Smelltu á 'Velja' til að stilla sérsniðnar stillingar.\n"
+"Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra ef þú ert ekki viss um eftirfarandi stillingar."
+#. CE5Rv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:389
+msgid "Set up a connection to an ODBC data source"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við ODBC gagnagjafa"
+#. BELnF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:390
+msgid ""
+"Enter the name of the ODBC data source you want to use.\n"
+"Click 'Browse...' to select an ODBC data source that is already registered in %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Settu inn nafnið á ODBC gagnagjafann sem þú vilt nota.\n"
+"Smelltu á 'Velja...' til að velja ODBC-gagnagjafa sem er þegar skráður í %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra ef þú ert ekki viss um eftirfarandi stillingar."
+#. dmi7n
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:391
+msgid "Set up a connection to a JDBC database"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við JDBC gagnagrunn"
+#. dYGeU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:392
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the required information to connect to a JDBC database.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Sláðu inn nauðsynlegar upplýsingar til að tengjast við JDBC gagnagrunn.\n"
+"Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra ef þú ert ekki viss um eftirfarandi stillingar."
+#. DWgup
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:393
+msgid "Set up a connection to an Oracle database"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við Oracle gagnagrunn"
+#. Z57ca
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:394
+msgid "Default: 1521"
+msgstr "Sjálfgefið"
+#. dnAP9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:395
+msgid "Oracle JDBC ~driver class"
+msgstr "~Oracle JDBC rekilklasi"
+#. aD8dK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:396
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the required information to connect to an Oracle database. Note that a JDBC Driver Class must be installed on your system and registered with %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Sláðu inn nauðsynlegar upplýsingar til að tengjast við Oracle gagnagrunn. Athugaðu að JDBC rekill þarf að vera uppsettur í kerfinu og skráður í %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra ef þú ert ekki viss um eftirfarandi stillingar."
+#. Vqjfj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:397
+msgid "Set up a connection to spreadsheets"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við töflureikni"
+#. FnpBr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:398
+msgid ""
+"Click 'Browse...' to select a %PRODUCTNAME spreadsheet or Microsoft Excel workbook.\n"
+"%PRODUCTNAME will open this file in read-only mode."
+msgstr ""
+"Veldu 'Velja...' til að velja %PRODUCTNAME töflureikni eða Microsoft Excel töflureikni.\n"
+"%PRODUCTNAME mun opna þessa skrá í lesham."
+#. fxmJG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:399
+msgid "~Location and file name"
+msgstr "~Staðsetning og skráarheiti"
+#. og5kg
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:401
+msgid "Command successfully executed."
+msgstr "Tókst að keyra skipun."
+#. BhFXv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:402
+msgid "The connection to the database has been lost. This dialog will be closed."
+msgstr "Tengingin við gagnagrunnin slitnaði. Þessum gluggi verður lokað."
+#. WTysM
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:404
+msgid "Sort order"
+msgstr "Röðunarátt"
+#. 67TCR
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:405
+msgid "Index field"
+msgstr "Vísissvið"
+#. rCZbG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:406
+msgid "Ascending"
+msgstr "Hækkandi"
+#. zUeEN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:407
+msgid "Descending"
+msgstr "Lækkandi"
+#. DpB67
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:408
+msgid "Do you really want to delete the index '$name$'?"
+msgstr "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða vísi '$name$'?"
+#. 3sTLe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:409
+msgid "index"
+msgstr "vísir"
+#. HFaXn
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:410
+msgid "The index must contain at least one field."
+msgstr "Færsluvísir verður að innihalda að minnsta kosti eitt svið."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:411
+msgid "There is already another index named \"$name$\"."
+msgstr "Þegar er til vísir sem heitir \"$name$\"."
+#. 9C3mx
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:412
+msgid "In an index definition, no table column may occur more than once. However, you have entered column \"$name$\" twice."
+msgstr "Í skilgreiningu á vísi, má töflusvæði ekki vera notað oftar en einu sinni. Þú hefur hinsvegar slegið inn dálk \"$name$\" tvisvar."
+#. XANpc
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:414
+msgid "The entry could not be converted to a valid value for the \"$name$\" parameter"
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að breyta færslunni í löglegt gildi fyrir \"$name$\" viðfangið"
+#. FCnE3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:416
+msgid "SQL Status"
+msgstr "SQL staða"
+#. ha64T
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:417
+msgid "Error code"
+msgstr "Villukóði"
+#. 9A2cX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:418
+msgid "A frequent reason for this error is an inappropriate character set setting for the language of your database. Check the setting by choosing Edit - Database - Properties."
+msgstr "Algeng ástæða fyrir slíkri villu er að óviðeigandi stafasett er notað í tungumálsstillingum gagnagrunnsins. Athugaðu með þessar stillingar með því að fara í Breyta - Gagnagrunnur - Eiginleikar."
+#. itnjJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:419
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Villa"
+#. Q4A2Y
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:420
+msgid "Warning"
+msgstr "Aðvörun"
+#. LSBpE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:421
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Upplýsingar"
+#. DKRwR
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:422
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Upplýsingar"
+#. CXpeS
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:424
+msgctxt "STR_ADD_USER"
+msgid "Add User"
+msgstr "Bæta við notanda"
+#. YG5iB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:425
+msgctxt "STR_DELETE_USER"
+msgid "Delete User"
+msgstr "Eyða notanda"
+#. mDe9f
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:426
+msgid "Change Password"
+msgstr "Breyta lykilorði"
+#. Avmtu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:427
+msgid "Do you really want to delete the user?"
+msgstr "Viltu örugglega eyða notandanum?"
+#. yeKZF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:428
+msgid "The database does not support user administration."
+msgstr "Gagnagrunnurinn styður ekki notendastjórnun."
+#. 4CVtX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:429
+msgid "The passwords do not match. Please enter the password again."
+msgstr "Lykilorðin stemma ekki. Settu þau aftur inn."
+#. iu64w
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:431
+msgid "Please note that some databases may not support this join type."
+msgstr "Athugaðu að sumir gagnagrunnar styðja ekki þessa tegund töflutengingar."
+#. Khmn9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:432
+msgid "Includes only records for which the contents of the related fields of both tables are identical."
+msgstr "Inniheldur aðeins færslur þar sem gildi í tengdum sviðum fyrir báðar töflur eru eins."
+#. JUyyK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:433
+msgid "Contains ALL records from table '%1' but only records from table '%2' where the values in the related fields are matching."
+msgstr "Inniheldur ALLAR færslur frá töflu '%1' en aðeins færslur frá töflu '%2' þar sem gildi í tengdum sviðum passa."
+#. EdhCU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:434
+msgid "Contains ALL records from '%1' and from '%2'."
+msgstr "Inniheldur ALLAR færslur frá '%1' og með '%2'."
+#. c9PsZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:435
+msgid "Contains the Cartesian product of ALL records from '%1' and from '%2'."
+msgstr "Inniheldur mengjamargfeldi ALLRA færslna frá '%1' og með '%2'."
+#. KyLuN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:437
+msgid "The destination database does not support views."
+msgstr "Viðtökugrunnur styður ekki sýnir."
+#. RaJQd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:438
+msgid "The destination database does not support primary keys."
+msgstr "Viðtökugrunnur styður ekki aðallykla."
+#. JBBmY
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:439
+msgid "no data access descriptor found, or no data access descriptor able to provide all necessary information"
+msgstr "fann ekki upplýsingar fyrir gögn, eða það fundust ekki nægjanlegar upplýsingar fyrir gögn"
+#. Z4JFe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:440
+msgid "Only tables and queries are supported at the moment."
+msgstr "Aðeins töflur og fyrirspurnir eru studdar eins og er."
+#. KvUFb
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:441
+msgid "The copy source's result set must support bookmarks."
+msgstr "Viðtökustaður afrits verður að styðja við bókamerki."
+#. XVb6E
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:442
+msgid "Unsupported source column type ($type$) at column position $pos$."
+msgstr "Ekki er stutt við dálka tegund ($type$) í dálki $pos$."
+#. 7pnvE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:443
+msgid "Illegal number of initialization parameters."
+msgstr "Óleyfilegur fjöldi af frumstillingarbreytum."
+#. z3h9J
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:444
+msgid "An error occurred during initialization."
+msgstr "Villa kom upp við frumstillingu."
+#. Qpda7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:445
+msgid "Unsupported setting in the copy source descriptor: $name$."
+msgstr "Óstuddur eiginleiki í lýsingu viðtökustaðar: $name$."
+#. BsP8j
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:446
+msgid "To copy a query, your connection must be able to provide queries."
+msgstr "Til að geta afritað fyrirspurn, verður tengingin að styðja við fyrirspurnir."
+#. QYh2y
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:447
+msgid "The given interaction handler is invalid."
+msgstr "Uppgefið handfang víxlverkunar er ógilt."
+#. ixrDD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:449
+msgid "This relation already exists. Do you want to edit it or create a new one?"
+msgstr "Töfluvenslin eru þegar til staðar. Viltu breyta þeim eða búa til ný?"
+#. nFRsS
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:450
+msgid "Edit..."
+msgstr "Breyta..."
+#. yRkFG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:451
+msgid "Create..."
+msgstr "Búa til..."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:452
+msgid " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Relation design"
+msgstr " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Gerð töfluvensla"
+#. ZCd5X
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:453
+msgid "The database does not support relations."
+msgstr "Gagnagrunnurinn styður ekki töfluvensl."
+#. CG2Pd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:454
+msgid "When you delete this table all corresponding relations will be deleted as well. Continue?"
+msgstr "Þegar þý eyðir þessari töflu, verður öllum tengdum töfluvenslum eytt í leiðinni. Halda áfram?"
+#. Wzf9T
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:455
+msgid ""
+"The database could not create the relation. Maybe foreign keys for this kind of table aren't supported.\n"
+"Please check your documentation of the database."
+msgstr ""
+"Gagnagrunnurinn gat ekki myndað töfluvenslin. Kannski eru tilvísunarlyklar (foreign keys) ekki studdir í þessari tegund töflu.\n"
+"Skoðaðu hjálparskjölun gagnagrunnsins."
+#. Fsz7D
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:42
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Titill"
+#. zo57j
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:43
+msgid "By"
+msgstr "Eftir"
+#. Zh8Ni
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:44
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Dagsetning"
+#. eHFA4
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:45
+msgid "Keywords"
+msgstr "Lykilorð"
+#. eYGnQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:46
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Lýsing"
+#. Eg2eG
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:47
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "Tegund"
+#. hokZy
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:48
+msgid "Modified on"
+msgstr "Breytt þann"
+#. XMEJb
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:49
+msgid "Modified by"
+msgstr "Breytt af"
+#. MWkd5
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:50
+msgid "Printed on"
+msgstr "Prentað þann"
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:51
+msgid "Printed by"
+msgstr "Prentað af"
+#. VCGe3
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:52
+msgid "Subject"
+msgstr "Viðfangsefni"
+#. HVYdE
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:53
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Stærð"
+#. 4KVZn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/admindialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "admindialog|AdminDialog"
+msgid "Database Properties"
+msgstr "Eiginleikar gagnagrunns"
+#. k3TWc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/admindialog.ui:139
+msgctxt "admindialog|advanced"
+msgid "Advanced Properties"
+msgstr "Ítarlegir eiginleikar"
+#. 2CAoQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/advancedsettingsdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "advancedsettingsdialog|AdvancedSettingsDialog"
+msgid "Advanced Settings"
+msgstr "Fleiri valkostir"
+#. UGSGn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/advancedsettingsdialog.ui:139
+msgctxt "advancedsettingsdialog|generated"
+msgid "Generated Values"
+msgstr "Útreiknuð gögn"
+#. KunTv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/advancedsettingsdialog.ui:186
+msgctxt "advancedsettingsdialog|special"
+msgid "Special Settings"
+msgstr "Sérstakar stillingar"
+#. CAaA9
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/applycolpage.ui:224
+msgctxt "applycolpage|label1"
+msgid "Existing Columns"
+msgstr "Tiltækir dálkar"
+#. 6FMF4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/authentificationpage.ui:19
+msgctxt "authentificationpage|header"
+msgid "Set up the user authentication"
+msgstr "Setja upp auðkenni notanda"
+#. zJ8Zt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/authentificationpage.ui:35
+msgctxt "authentificationpage|helptext"
+msgid "Some databases require you to enter a user name."
+msgstr "Sumir gagnagrunnar þarfnast þess að þú sláir inn notandanafn."
+#. ZqSUv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/authentificationpage.ui:60
+msgctxt "authentificationpage|generalUserNameLabel"
+msgid "_User name"
+msgstr "_Notandanafn"
+#. ZE2AC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/authentificationpage.ui:84
+msgctxt "authentificationpage|passRequiredCheckbutton"
+msgid "Password re_quired"
+msgstr "Lykilorð nauðs_ynlegt"
+#. zASUB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/authentificationpage.ui:108
+msgctxt "authentificationpage|testConnectionButton"
+msgid "_Test Connection"
+msgstr "Prófa _tengingu"
+#. AKLpS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/autocharsetpage.ui:32
+msgctxt "autocharsetpage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "_Stafatafla:"
+#. tgPJD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/autocharsetpage.ui:60
+msgctxt "autocharsetpage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Gagnaumbreyting"
+#. fw3s6
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/choosedatasourcedialog.ui:16
+msgctxt "choosedatasourcedialog|ChooseDataSourceDialog"
+msgid "Data Source"
+msgstr "Gagnagjafi"
+#. jctjv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/choosedatasourcedialog.ui:81
+msgctxt "choosedatasourcedialog|organize"
+msgid "Or_ganize..."
+msgstr "Ski_puleggja..."
+#. auhD3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/choosedatasourcedialog.ui:114
+msgctxt "choosedatasourcedialog|label1"
+msgid "Choose a data source:"
+msgstr "Veldu gagnagjafa:"
+#. pqsFf
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:28
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|CollectionView"
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Vista"
+#. dBcxN
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:49
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|ok"
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "Vi_sta"
+#. mvCb2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:138
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|newFolderButton|tooltip_text"
+msgid "Create New Directory"
+msgstr "Búa til nýja möppu"
+#. Bwm2H
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:154
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|upButton|tooltip_text"
+msgid "Up One Level"
+msgstr "Upp um eitt stig"
+#. rSTnu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:193
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|columntitle"
+msgid "Folder Name"
+msgstr "Möppuheiti"
+#. G5Eev
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:221
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|fileNameLabel"
+msgid "File _name:"
+msgstr "Skráar_heiti:"
+#. ZnGGB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:15
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|ColWidthDialog"
+msgid "Column Width"
+msgstr "Dálkabreidd"
+#. AiEUA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:97
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|label1"
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Breidd:"
+#. j9AMh
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:118
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|extended_tip|value"
+msgid "Enter the column width that you want to use."
+msgstr "Settu inn dálkbreiddina sem þú vilt nota."
+#. LtAmr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:129
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|automatic"
+msgid "_Automatic"
+msgstr "Sjálfvir_kt"
+#. HWoLr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:137
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|extended_tip|automatic"
+msgid "Automatically adjusts the column width based on the current font."
+msgstr ""
+#. enAfe
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:168
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|extended_tip|ColWidthDialog"
+msgid "Changes the width of the current column, or the selected columns."
+msgstr ""
+#. zBVS9
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:36
+msgctxt "connectionpage|browseurllabel"
+msgid "Path to the dBASE files:"
+msgstr "Slóð á dBASE skrárnar:"
+#. Xmumk
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:51
+msgctxt "connectionpage|create"
+msgid "_Create New"
+msgstr "_Búa til nýtt"
+#. zvUpu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:64
+msgctxt "connectionpage|browse"
+msgid "_Browse…"
+msgstr "_Velja…"
+#. PxXFZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:115
+msgctxt "connectionpage|generalLabel"
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Almennt"
+#. BvLEW
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:151
+msgctxt "connectionpage|userNameLabel"
+msgid "_User name:"
+msgstr "_Notandanafn:"
+#. VM8W3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:175
+msgctxt "connectionpage|passCheckbutton"
+msgid "Password required"
+msgstr "Lykilorð nauðsynlegt"
+#. rG2VU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:196
+msgctxt "connectionpage|userlabel"
+msgid "User Authentication"
+msgstr "Sannvottun notanda"
+#. jtAGx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:230
+msgctxt "connectionpage|javaDriverLabel"
+msgid "_JDBC driver class:"
+msgstr "_JDBC reklaklassi:"
+#. iv6Vk
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:256
+msgctxt "connectionpage|driverButton"
+msgid "Test Class"
+msgstr "Prufuklassi"
+#. uzAzE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:273
+msgctxt "connectionpage|JDBCLabel"
+msgid "JDBC Properties"
+msgstr "JDBC eiginleikar"
+#. UgDTb
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:288
+msgctxt "connectionpage|connectionButton"
+msgid "Test Connection"
+msgstr "Prófa tengingu"
+#. 4wjAh
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:31
+msgctxt "copytablepage|defdata"
+msgid "De_finition and data"
+msgstr "Sk_ilgreining og gögn"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:46
+msgctxt "copytablepage|def"
+msgid "Def_inition"
+msgstr "Skil_greining"
+#. MWhAZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:61
+msgctxt "copytablepage|view"
+msgid "A_s table view"
+msgstr "_Sem töflusýn"
+#. rhvDJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:76
+msgctxt "copytablepage|data"
+msgid "Append _data"
+msgstr "Skeyta _gögnum við"
+#. 8FEcc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:91
+msgctxt "copytablepage|firstline"
+msgid "Use first _line as column names"
+msgstr "Nota fyrstu _línu sem heiti dálka"
+#. XdVmL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:105
+msgctxt "copytablepage|primarykey"
+msgid "Crea_te new field as primary key"
+msgstr "Búa _til nýtt svið sem aðallykil"
+#. 4NZf8
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:129
+msgctxt "copytablepage|keynamelabel"
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Heiti:"
+#. 4KFNk
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:162
+msgctxt "copytablepage|infoLabel"
+msgid "Existing data fields can be set as primary key on the type formatting step (third page) of the wizard."
+msgstr "Svið sem er þegar eru til staðar má stilla sem aðallykil í skrefinu þar sem tegundir eru settar upp (þriðja síðan) í leiðarvísinum."
+#. LqAEB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:182
+msgctxt "copytablepage|label1"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Valkostir"
+#. gKEgD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:205
+msgctxt "copytablepage|label2"
+msgid "Ta_ble name:"
+msgstr "_Heiti töflu:"
+#. PUvDR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbaseindexdialog.ui:44
+msgctxt "dbaseindexdialog|DBaseIndexDialog"
+msgid "Indexes"
+msgstr "Atriðaskrár"
+#. ThFEm
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbaseindexdialog.ui:130
+msgctxt "dbaseindexdialog|label1"
+msgid "_Table:"
+msgstr "_Tafla:"
+#. yKLwM
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbaseindexdialog.ui:184
+msgctxt "dbaseindexdialog|label3"
+msgid "T_able indexes"
+msgstr "Töfluvís_ar"
+#. CeDzT
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbaseindexdialog.ui:198
+msgctxt "dbaseindexdialog|label4"
+msgid "_Free indexes"
+msgstr "_Sleppa vísum"
+#. DqAFB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbaseindexdialog.ui:366
+msgctxt "dbaseindexdialog|label2"
+msgid "Assignment"
+msgstr "Úthlutun"
+#. nLTCr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:32
+msgctxt "dbasepage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "_Stafatafla:"
+#. CT9hn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:60
+msgctxt "dbasepage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Gagnaumbreyting"
+#. jH7nJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:91
+msgctxt "dbasepage|showDelRowsCheckbutton"
+msgid "Display deleted records as well"
+msgstr "Sýna einnig færslur sem hefur verið eytt"
+#. sD2dr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:108
+msgctxt "dbasepage|specMessageLabel"
+msgid "Note: When deleted, and thus inactive, records are displayed, you will not be able to delete records from the data source."
+msgstr "Athugaðu: Ef eyddar færslur eru sýndar, og þar af leiðandi óvirkar, muntu ekki geta eytt færslum frá gagnagjafa."
+#. fhzxC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:126
+msgctxt "dbasepage|label1"
+msgid "Optional Settings"
+msgstr "Valfrjálsar stillingar"
+#. sLxfs
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:141
+msgctxt "dbasepage|indiciesButton"
+msgid "Indexes..."
+msgstr "Vísar..."
+#. JTECg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizconnectionpage.ui:34
+msgctxt "dbwizconnectionpage|helptext"
+msgid "label"
+msgstr "skýring"
+#. hDn8s
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizconnectionpage.ui:58
+msgctxt "dbwizconnectionpage|browseurllabel"
+msgid "Path to the dBASE files:"
+msgstr "Slóð á dBASE skrárnar:"
+#. AiYtB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizconnectionpage.ui:73
+msgctxt "dbwizconnectionpage|create"
+msgid "_Create New"
+msgstr "_Búa til nýtt"
+#. PDgBn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizconnectionpage.ui:86
+msgctxt "dbwizconnectionpage|browse"
+msgid "_Browse…"
+msgstr "_Velja…"
+#. pXU9R
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:32
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|label2"
+msgid ""
+"You can connect to a MySQL database using either ODBC or JDBC.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Þú getur tengst við MySQL gagnagrunn með því að nota annaðhvort ODBC eða JDBC.\n"
+"Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra ef þú ert ekki viss um eftirfarandi stillingar."
+#. QSqAG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:61
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|odbc"
+msgid "Connect using ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)"
+msgstr "Tengjast með ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)"
+#. Ysd73
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:77
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|jdbc"
+msgid "Connect using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)"
+msgstr "Tengjast með JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)"
+#. 3haAx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:93
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|directly"
+msgid "Connect directly (using MariaDB C connector)"
+msgstr ""
+#. C9PFE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:112
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|label1"
+msgid "How do you want to connect to your MySQL database?"
+msgstr "Hvernig viltu tengjast við MySQL gagnagrunninn?"
+#. C9PGh
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:128
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|header"
+msgid "Set Up a Connection to a MySQL/MariaDB Database"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við MySQL/MariaDB gagnagrunn"
+#. 3cSEi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlnativepage.ui:35
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlnativepage|helptext"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to a MySQL/MariaDB database."
+msgstr "Settu inn nauðsynlegar upplýsingar til að tengjast MySQL/MariaDB gagnagrunni."
+#. 4uetU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlnativepage.ui:70
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlnativepage|header"
+msgid "Set Up a Connection to a MySQL/MariaDB Database"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við MySQL/MariaDB gagnagrunn"
+#. AEty7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizspreadsheetpage.ui:55
+msgctxt "dbwizspreadsheetpage|browse"
+msgid "Browse"
+msgstr "Flakka"
+#. eEY69
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizspreadsheetpage.ui:67
+msgctxt "dbwizspreadsheetpage|create"
+msgid "Create New"
+msgstr "Búa til nýtt"
+#. iycse
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizspreadsheetpage.ui:130
+msgctxt "dbwizspreadsheetpage|passwordrequired"
+msgid "_Password required"
+msgstr "_Lykilorð nauðsynlegt"
+#. TQ6pX
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwiztextpage.ui:56
+msgctxt "dbwiztextpage|browse"
+msgid "Browse"
+msgstr "Flakka"
+#. cFQNG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwiztextpage.ui:68
+msgctxt "dbwiztextpage|create"
+msgid "Create New"
+msgstr "Búa til nýtt"
+#. hKFLd
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/deleteallrowsdialog.ui:12
+msgctxt "deleteallrowsdialog|DeleteAllRowsDialog"
+msgid "You are trying to delete all the columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged."
+msgstr "Þú ert að reyna að eyða öllum dálkum í töflunni. Tafla getur ekki verið án dálka. Viltu eyða töflunni úr gagnagrunninum? Ef svo er ekki, verður taflan óbreytt."
+#. xXvq5
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/designsavemodifieddialog.ui:12
+msgctxt "designsavemodifieddialog|DesignSaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr "Viltu vista breytingarnar?"
+#. GVoxS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/designsavemodifieddialog.ui:13
+msgctxt "designsavemodifieddialog|DesignSaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "The relation design has been changed."
+msgstr "Hönnun töfluvensla hefur breyst."
+#. ebrWc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|DirectSQLDialog"
+msgid "Execute SQL Statement"
+msgstr "Keyra SQL skipun"
+#. 8LX77
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:99
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|sql"
+msgid "Enter the SQL administration command that you want to run."
+msgstr ""
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:116
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|sql_label"
+msgid "_Command to execute:"
+msgstr "S_kipun sem á að keyra:"
+#. KDRkq
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:134
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|directsql"
+msgid "Run SQL command _directly"
+msgstr "Keyra SQL-fyrirspurn beint"
+#. dAffv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:142
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|directsql"
+msgid "Execute the SQL command directly without escape processing."
+msgstr ""
+#. gpXeL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:154
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|showoutput"
+msgid "_Show output of \"select\" statements"
+msgstr "Sýna útkomu \"select\" fullyrðinga"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:162
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|showoutput"
+msgid "Show the result of the SQL SELECT command in the Output box."
+msgstr ""
+#. xJT2B
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:173
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|execute"
+msgid "_Execute"
+msgstr "_Keyra"
+#. heWKD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:198
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|sqlhistory"
+msgid "Lists the previously executed SQL commands. To run a command again, click the command, and then click Execute."
+msgstr ""
+#. FoYMP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:211
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|sqlhistory_label"
+msgid "_Previous commands:"
+msgstr "_Fyrri skipanir:"
+#. aqBRi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:227
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|label1"
+msgid "SQL Command"
+msgstr "SQL skipun"
+#. eDyEA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:260
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|status"
+msgid "Displays the results, including errors, of the SQL command that you ran."
+msgstr ""
+#. iUSnR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:271
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|label2"
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Staða"
+#. 25QR4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:304
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|output"
+msgid "Displays the results of the SQL command that you ran."
+msgstr "Birtir niðurstöður SQL-skipunarinnar sem þú keyrðir."
+#. DYZA5
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:315
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|label3"
+msgid "Output"
+msgstr "Frálag"
+#. YiZrG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:62
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_TAB_FIELD_NAME"
+msgid "Field name"
+msgstr "Nafn gagnasviðs"
+#. jYgBz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:88
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_AUTOINCREMENT_VALUE"
+msgid "A_uto-increment statement"
+msgstr "Sjálfvirk hækkandi skip_un"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:115
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_DEFAULT_VALUE"
+msgid "_Default value"
+msgstr "_Sjálfgefið gildi"
+#. niTFN
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:141
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_DEFAULT_VALUE"
+msgid "Format example"
+msgstr "Dæmi um snið"
+#. QMeHq
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:172
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_BUTTON_FORMAT"
+msgid "_Format Field"
+msgstr "Sníða _gagnasvið"
+#. Ff2B8
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:194
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:221
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_LENGTH"
+msgid "_Length"
+msgstr "_Lengd"
+#. 5DRu2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:248
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_LENGTH"
+msgid "Decimal _places"
+msgstr "Tuga_brotasæti"
+#. oXywj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:275
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_FIELD_REQUIRED"
+msgid "_Entry required"
+msgstr "_Færslu krafist"
+#. SWgjj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:300
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_FIELD_AUTOINCREMENT"
+msgid "_AutoValue"
+msgstr "Sjálfvirkt _gildi"
+#. xNbpF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:325
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_FIELD_REQUIRED"
+msgid "_Default value"
+msgstr "_Sjálfgefið gildi"
+#. XYtyx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:350
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_NUMERIC_TYPE"
+msgid "_Type"
+msgstr "_Tegund"
+#. Uym6E
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:375
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_TAB_FIELD_DATATYPE"
+msgid "Field _type"
+msgstr "_Gerð gagnasviðs"
+#. dUE3D
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpanel.ui:46
+msgctxt "designhelpbox|textview-tooltip"
+msgid "Field Properties Help"
+msgstr ""
+#. KUVUc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "fielddialog|FieldDialog"
+msgid "Field Format"
+msgstr "Snið gagnareits"
+#. WhGAL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddialog.ui:145
+msgctxt "fielddialog|format"
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Snið"
+#. MvFHK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddialog.ui:192
+msgctxt "fielddialog|alignment"
+msgid "Alignment"
+msgstr "Jöfnun"
+#. M2WyU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddialog.ui:211
+msgctxt "fielddialog|alttitle"
+msgid "Table Format"
+msgstr "Snið töflu"
+#. nTFUa
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:18
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|headerText"
+msgid "Decide How to Proceed After Saving the Database"
+msgstr "Veldu hvað þú vilt gera eftir að þú hefur vistað gagnagrunninn"
+#. 8F6gE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:46
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|helpText"
+msgid "Do you want the wizard to register the database in %PRODUCTNAME?"
+msgstr "Viltu að leiðarvísirinn skrái gagnagrunninn í %PRODUCTNAME?"
+#. KheM5
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:59
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|yesregister"
+msgid "_Yes, register the database for me"
+msgstr "_Já, skráðu gagnagrunninn fyrir mig"
+#. wLXis
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:75
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|noregister"
+msgid "N_o, do not register the database"
+msgstr "_Nei, ekki skrá gagnagrunninn"
+#. 3AhL3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:105
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|additionalText"
+msgid "After the database file has been saved, what do you want to do?"
+msgstr "Eftir að gagnagrunnurinn hefur verið vistaður í skrá, hvað viltu þá gera?"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:118
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|openediting"
+msgid "Open the database for editing"
+msgstr "Opna gagnagrunninn til breytinga"
+#. C8hgG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:133
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|usewizard"
+msgid "Create tables using the table wizard"
+msgstr "Búa til töflur með töfluleiðarvísi"
+#. JpPEA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:156
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|finishText"
+msgid "Click 'Finish' to save the database."
+msgstr "Smelltu á 'Ljúka' til að vista gagnagrunninn."
+#. eUk5Q
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagedialog.ui:18
+msgctxt "generalpagedialog|datasourceTypePre"
+msgid "Select the type of database to which you want to establish a connection."
+msgstr "Veldu þá tegund gagnagrunns sem þú vilt tengjast við."
+#. YBtFA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagedialog.ui:34
+msgctxt "generalpagedialog|datasourceTypeLabel"
+msgid "Database _type:"
+msgstr "_Tegund gagnagrunns:"
+#. CBhUu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagedialog.ui:62
+msgctxt "generalpagedialog|datasourceTypeHelp"
+msgid ""
+"On the following pages, you can make detailed settings for the connection.\n"
+"The new settings you make will overwrite your existing settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Á eftirfarandi síðum, geturðu breytt ítarlegum stillingum fyrir tenginguna.\n"
+"Nýju stillingarnar munu yfirskrifa eldri stillingar."
+#. bWHAD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:23
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|headerText"
+msgid "Welcome to the %PRODUCTNAME Database Wizard"
+msgstr "Velkomin(n) í leiðarvísi %PRODUCTNAME gagnagrunna"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:40
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|helpText"
+msgid "Use the Database Wizard to create a new database, open an existing database file, or connect to a database stored on a server."
+msgstr "Notaðu leiðarvísinn fyrir gagnagrunna til að búa til nýjan gagnagrunn, opna gagnagrunn sem þegar er til, eða tengjast við gagnagrunn sem staðsettur er á netþjóni."
+#. KxZny
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:55
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|sourceTypeHeader"
+msgid "What do you want to do?"
+msgstr "Hvað á að gera?"
+#. M3vFA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:66
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|createDatabase"
+msgid "Create a n_ew database"
+msgstr "_Búa til nýjan gagnagrunn"
+#. AxE5z
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:77
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|createDatabase"
+msgid "Select to create a new database."
+msgstr "Veldu þetta til að búa til nýjan gagnagrunn."
+#. BRSfR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:96
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|embeddeddbLabel"
+msgid "_Embedded database:"
+msgstr "Ív_afinn gagnagrunnur:"
+#. S2RBe
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:126
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|openExistingDatabase"
+msgid "Open an existing database _file"
+msgstr "Opna tilbúna _gagnagrunnsskrá"
+#. qBi4U
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:136
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|openExistingDatabase"
+msgid "Select to open a database file from a list of recently used files or from a file selection dialog."
+msgstr ""
+#. dfae2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:155
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|docListLabel"
+msgid "_Recently used:"
+msgstr "_Nýlega notað:"
+#. bxkCC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:180
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|docListBox"
+msgid "Select a database file to open from the list of recently used files. Click Finish to open the file immediately and to exit the wizard."
+msgstr ""
+#. dVAEy
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:191
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|openDatabase"
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Opna"
+#. 6A3Fu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:202
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|openDatabase"
+msgid "Opens a file selection dialog where you can select a database file. Click Open or OK in the file selection dialog to open the file immediately and to exit the wizard."
+msgstr ""
+#. cKpTp
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:213
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|connectDatabase"
+msgid "Connect to an e_xisting database"
+msgstr "_Tengjast við tilbúinn gagnagrunn"
+#. 8uBqf
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:223
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|connectDatabase"
+msgid "Select to create a database document for an existing database connection."
+msgstr ""
+#. CYq28
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:240
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|datasourceType"
+msgid "Select the database type for the existing database connection."
+msgstr ""
+#. emqeD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:263
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|noembeddeddbLabel"
+msgid ""
+"It is not possible to create a new database, because neither HSQLDB, nor Firebird is\n"
+"available in this setup."
+msgstr ""
+#. n2DxH
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:278
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|PageGeneral"
+msgid "The Database Wizard creates a database file that contains information about a database."
+msgstr ""
+#. DQvKi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:39
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|label2"
+msgid "_Host name:"
+msgstr "Vélar_heiti:"
+#. NmRqx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:53
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|label3"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr "Númer _gáttar:"
+#. JjYBA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:80
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|socketLabel"
+msgid "Socket:"
+msgstr "Sökkull:"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:94
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|driverClassLabel"
+msgid "MySQL JDBC d_river class:"
+msgstr "MySQL JDBC reklaklassi:"
+#. QDQ3G
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:119
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|testDriverClassButton"
+msgid "Test Class"
+msgstr "Prufuklassi"
+#. DNTGo
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:170
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|label1"
+msgid "Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Tengistillingar"
+#. yPG6n
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:202
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "_Stafatafla:"
+#. 3acBr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:230
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Gagnaumbreyting"
+#. hLDiy
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generatedvaluespage.ui:25
+msgctxt "generatedvaluespage|autoretrieve"
+msgid "Re_trieve generated values"
+msgstr "En_durheimta útreiknuð gögn"
+#. 3aTBK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generatedvaluespage.ui:56
+msgctxt "generatedvaluespage|statementft"
+msgid "_Auto-increment statement:"
+msgstr "_Sjálfvirk hækkandi skipun:"
+#. o7FfB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generatedvaluespage.ui:97
+msgctxt "generatedvaluespage|queryft"
+msgid "_Query of generated values:"
+msgstr "_Fyrirspurn með útreiknuðum gögnum:"
+#. oZ7DF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generatedvaluespage.ui:139
+msgctxt "generatedvaluespage|label1"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Stillingar"
+#. WKPaP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:18
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|IndexDesignDialog"
+msgid "Indexes"
+msgstr "Vísar"
+#. pYSUo
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:89
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|ID_INDEX_NEW"
+msgid "New Index"
+msgstr "Nýr vísir"
+#. xvFrq
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:102
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|ID_INDEX_DROP"
+msgid "Delete Current Index"
+msgstr "Eyða núverandi vísi"
+#. bWECV
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:115
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|ID_INDEX_RENAME"
+msgid "Rename Current Index"
+msgstr "Endurnefna núverandi vísi"
+#. Bqozz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:128
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|ID_INDEX_SAVE"
+msgid "Save Current Index"
+msgstr "Vista núverandi vísi"
+#. Dxbbx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:141
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|ID_INDEX_RESET"
+msgid "Reset Current Index"
+msgstr "Endurstilla núverandi vísi"
+#. RqkCS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:239
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|DESC_LABEL"
+msgid "Index identifier:"
+msgstr "Auðkenni vísis:"
+#. 5gKPi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:261
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|UNIQUE"
+msgid "_Unique"
+msgstr "_Einkvæmur"
+#. GDL3o
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:280
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|FIELDS_LABEL"
+msgid "Fields:"
+msgstr "Gagnasvið:"
+#. CzG9d
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:309
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|INDEX_DETAILS"
+msgid "Index Details"
+msgstr "Upplýsingar vísis"
+#. XpEhE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:19
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|header"
+msgid "Set Up a Connection to a JDBC Database"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við JDBC gagnagrunn"
+#. PYDNi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:34
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|helptext"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to a JDBC database. Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr "Sláðu inn nauðsynlegar upplýsingar til að tengjast við JDBC gagnagrunn. Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra ef þú ert ekki viss um eftirfarandi stillingar."
+#. E4598
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:58
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|browseurllabel"
+msgid "Path to the dBASE files:"
+msgstr "Slóð á dBASE skrárnar:"
+#. WuCxz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:73
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|create"
+msgid "_Create New"
+msgstr "_Búa til nýtt"
+#. D3Tg7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:86
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|browse"
+msgid "_Browse…"
+msgstr "_Velja…"
+#. DDHsx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:152
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|jdbcLabel"
+msgid "JDBC d_river class:"
+msgstr "JDBC _reklaklassi:"
+#. SfoBB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:184
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|jdbcButton"
+msgid "_Test Class"
+msgstr "_Prufuklassi"
+#. hNXMZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "joindialog|JoinDialog"
+msgid "Join Properties"
+msgstr "Tengja eiginleika"
+#. YUCgu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:131
+msgctxt "joindialog|label1"
+msgid "Tables Involved"
+msgstr "Töflur sem koma við sögu"
+#. kbsrd
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:190
+msgctxt "joindialog|label2"
+msgid "Fields Involved"
+msgstr "Svið sem koma við sögu"
+#. C3Avj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:222
+msgctxt "joindialog|label5"
+msgid "_Type:"
+msgstr "_Tegund:"
+#. RAXzW
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:238
+msgctxt "joindialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Inner join"
+msgstr "Innri töflutenging"
+#. ZEaHj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:239
+msgctxt "joindialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Left join"
+msgstr "Vinstri töflutenging"
+#. y9EMH
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:240
+msgctxt "joindialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Right join"
+msgstr "Hægri töflutenging"
+#. G57Ed
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:241
+msgctxt "joindialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Full (outer) join"
+msgstr "Full (ytri) töflutenging"
+#. vwzCL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:242
+msgctxt "joindialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Cross join"
+msgstr "Krossfeldi töflutenging"
+#. GTvPb
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:252
+msgctxt "joindialog|natural"
+msgid "Natural"
+msgstr "Náttúruleg"
+#. UkuPe
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:273
+msgctxt "joindialog|label6"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Valkostir"
+#. urRcL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jointablemenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "jointablemenu|delete"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "E_yða"
+#. 2WDtr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joinviewmenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "joinviewmenu|delete"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "E_yða"
+#. phaLD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joinviewmenu.ui:20
+msgctxt "joinviewmenu|edit"
+msgid "Edit..."
+msgstr "Breyta..."
+#. KF2HS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/keymenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "keymenu|primarykey"
+msgid "Primary Key"
+msgstr "Aðallykill"
+#. GNYro
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:23
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|header"
+msgid "Set Up a Connection to an LDAP Directory"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við LDAP nafnaskrá"
+#. jCxP3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:38
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|helpLabel"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to an LDAP directory. Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr "Settu inn nauðsynlegar upplýsingar til að tengjast við LDAP nafnaskrá. Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra ef þú ert ekki viss um eftirfarandi stillingar."
+#. YCmvx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:63
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|hostNameLabel"
+msgid "_Server:"
+msgstr "_Þjónn:"
+#. Xp6uQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:77
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|portNumLabel"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr "Númer _gáttar:"
+#. Gcxv9
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:125
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|portNumDefLabel"
+msgid "Default: 389"
+msgstr "Sjálfgefið: 389"
+#. zAZYs
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:143
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|baseDNLabel"
+msgid "Base _DN:"
+msgstr "Grunn _DN:"
+#. LXX9R
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:175
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|useSSLCheckbutton"
+msgid "Use _secure connection (TLS/SSL)"
+msgstr "_Nota örugga tengingu (TLS/SSL)"
+#. UyMMA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldappage.ui:44
+msgctxt "ldappage|label1"
+msgid "_Base DN:"
+msgstr "_Grunn DN:"
+#. iAAWx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldappage.ui:69
+msgctxt "ldappage|useSSLCheckbutton"
+msgid "Use secure connection (TLS/SSL)"
+msgstr "Nota örugga tengingu (TLS/SSL)"
+#. uYkAF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldappage.ui:86
+msgctxt "ldappage|label2"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr "Númer _gáttar:"
+#. UMj7r
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldappage.ui:114
+msgctxt "ldappage|label3"
+msgid "Maximum number of _records:"
+msgstr "Háma_rksfjöldi færslna:"
+#. azHuR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldappage.ui:144
+msgctxt "ldappage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Tengistillingar"
+#. DJyKE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/migrwarndlg.ui:7
+msgctxt "migrationwarndialog|MigrationWarnDialog"
+msgid "Confirm Migration"
+msgstr "Staðfesta yfirfærslu"
+#. kFt2Q
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/migrwarndlg.ui:11
+msgctxt "migrationwarndialog|MigrationWarnDialog"
+msgid "The document contains embedded HSQL data, which is deprecated."
+msgstr "Skjalið inniheldur ívafin HSQL-gögn, sem er úrelt."
+#. EDMYj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/migrwarndlg.ui:12
+msgctxt "migrationwarndialog|MigrationWarnDialog"
+msgid "Would you like to migrate to Firebird now?"
+msgstr "Viltu færa yfir í Firebird núna?"
+#. emrEJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/migrwarndlg.ui:37
+msgctxt "migrationwarndialog|later"
+msgid "_Later"
+msgstr "_Síðar"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/migrwarndlg.ui:61
+msgctxt "migrationwarndialog|link"
+msgid "Click for important information about migration."
+msgstr "Smelltu til að sjá mikilvægar upplýsingar varðandi yfirfærslu."
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:39
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|connectionheader"
+msgid "Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Tengistillingar"
+#. 2sdZK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:75
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|usernamelabel"
+msgid "_User name:"
+msgstr "_Notandanafn:"
+#. oz8Rm
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:100
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|passwordrequired"
+msgid "Password required"
+msgstr "Lykilorð nauðsynlegt"
+#. DsZGv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:121
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|userheader"
+msgid "User Authentication"
+msgstr "Sannvottun notanda"
+#. 8SNx7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:154
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "_Stafatafla:"
+#. VP2sP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:183
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Gagnaumbreyting"
+#. 2zNgz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:29
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|dbnamelabel"
+msgid "_Database name:"
+msgstr "Heiti _gagnagrunns:"
+#. CKY7R
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:70
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|hostport"
+msgid "Se_rver/port"
+msgstr "Þ_jónn / Gátt"
+#. RVEr2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:96
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|serverlabel"
+msgid "_Server:"
+msgstr "_Þjónn:"
+#. DH5Eg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:110
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|portlabel"
+msgid "_Port:"
+msgstr "_Gátt:"
+#. gFnmA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:139
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|defaultport"
+msgid "Default: 3306"
+msgstr "Sjálfgefið: 3306"
+#. MQVfg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:185
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|socketlabel"
+msgid "So_cket:"
+msgstr "Sö_kkull:"
+#. 2qXzD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:228
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|namedpipelabel"
+msgid "Named p_ipe:"
+msgstr "Nefnd _pípa:"
+#. CzRyx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/namematchingpage.ui:67
+msgctxt "namematchingpage|all"
+msgid "_All"
+msgstr "_Allt"
+#. db6rw
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/namematchingpage.ui:81
+msgctxt "namematchingpage|none"
+msgid "Non_e"
+msgstr "_Ekkert"
+#. yScg2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/namematchingpage.ui:113
+msgctxt "namematchingpage|leftlabel"
+msgid "Source table: "
+msgstr "Upprunatafla: "
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/namematchingpage.ui:200
+msgctxt "namematchingpage|rightlabel"
+msgid "Destination table: "
+msgstr "Úttakstafla: "
+#. GnhfA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/odbcpage.ui:32
+msgctxt "odbcpage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "_Stafatafla:"
+#. ebokD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/odbcpage.ui:60
+msgctxt "odbcpage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Gagnaumbreyting"
+#. doAQr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/odbcpage.ui:99
+msgctxt "odbcpage|optionslabel"
+msgid "ODBC _options:"
+msgstr "ODBC _stillingar:"
+#. siTp3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/odbcpage.ui:132
+msgctxt "odbcpage|useCatalogCheckbutton"
+msgid "Use catalog for file-based databases"
+msgstr "Nota efnisskrá fyrir skráargagnagrunna"
+#. GMUZg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/odbcpage.ui:151
+msgctxt "odbcpage|label1"
+msgid "Optional Settings"
+msgstr "Valfrjálsar stillingar"
+#. zjHDt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/parametersdialog.ui:18
+msgctxt "parametersdialog|Parameters"
+msgid "Parameter Input"
+msgstr "Innsláttarbreyta"
+#. 64gyj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/parametersdialog.ui:151
+msgctxt "parametersdialog|label2"
+msgid "_Value:"
+msgstr "_Gildi:"
+#. BqYRw
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/parametersdialog.ui:183
+msgctxt "parametersdialog|next"
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Næsta"
+#. xirKR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/parametersdialog.ui:209
+msgctxt "parametersdialog|label1"
+msgid "_Parameters"
+msgstr "Við_föng"
+#. cJozC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:8
+msgctxt "password|PasswordDialog"
+msgid "Change Password"
+msgstr "Breyta lykilorði"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:128
+msgctxt "password|label2"
+msgid "Old p_assword:"
+msgstr "Eldra _lykilorð:"
+#. tJbEC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:142
+msgctxt "password|label3"
+msgid "_Password:"
+msgstr "_Lykilorð:"
+#. hWJs6
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:156
+msgctxt "password|label4"
+msgid "_Confirm password:"
+msgstr "Stað_festa lykilorð:"
+#. 8t7zU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:187
+msgctxt "password|label1"
+msgid "User “$name$: $”"
+msgstr "Notandi \"$name$: $\""
+#. 4E7F9
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:24
+msgctxt "postgrespage|header"
+msgid "Set up a connection to a PostgreSQL database"
+msgstr ""
+#. o8BnM
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:30
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|header"
+msgid "Set up connection to a PostgreSQL database"
+msgstr ""
+#. ux2MJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:45
+msgctxt "postgrespage|helpLabel"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to a PostgreSQL database, either by entering the host name, port number and server, or by entering the connection string."
+msgstr ""
+#. cwtYL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:52
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|helpLabel"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to a PostgreSQL database. Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings. "
+msgstr ""
+#. XWvWU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:67
+msgctxt "postgrespage|helpSupport"
+msgid "Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure"
+msgstr ""
+#. EJzdP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:89
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|dbNameLabel"
+msgid "_Database name:"
+msgstr ""
+#. P2FVr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:103
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|hostNameLabel"
+msgid "_Server:"
+msgstr ""
+#. MgpLR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:117
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|portNumLabel"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr ""
+#. D6Ey2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:136
+msgctxt "postgrespage|extended_tip|dbNameEntry"
+msgid "Enter the name of the database."
+msgstr ""
+#. LC4Q7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:154
+msgctxt "postgrespage|extended_tip|hostNameEntry"
+msgid "Enter the server url of the database. "
+msgstr ""
+#. DT5z8
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:179
+msgctxt "postgrespage|extended_tip|portNumEntry"
+msgid "Enter the port number of the DBMS service. Default for PostgreSQL is 5432."
+msgstr ""
+#. oa9jC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:193
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|portNumDefLabel"
+msgid "Default: 5432"
+msgstr ""
+#. 7hasQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:228
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|connectionStringLabel"
+msgid "Alternatively, enter the driver-specific connection string here"
+msgstr ""
+#. EoCp5
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:252
+msgctxt "postgrespage|extended_tip|browseurl"
+msgid "Enter the complete connector URL to access the PostGreSQL DBMS service. The connector URL is in the form \"postgresql://myHost:port/MyDatabase\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. 9sAsA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querycolmenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "querycolmenu|width"
+msgid "Column _Width..."
+msgstr "_Dálkbreidd..."
+#. JBFyN
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querycolmenu.ui:26
+msgctxt "querycolmenu|delete"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "E_yða"
+#. FeWU3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|QueryFilterDialog"
+msgid "Standard Filter"
+msgstr "Venjuleg sía"
+#. Vj95w
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:95
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|label2"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Aðgerð"
+#. epkLc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:107
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|label5"
+msgid "Field name"
+msgstr "Nafn gagnasviðs"
+#. Y5DBo
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:118
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|label6"
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr "Skilyrði"
+#. DdcwC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:131
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|field1"
+msgid "- none -"
+msgstr "- ekkert -"
+#. eYDCU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:135
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|field1"
+msgid "Specifies the field names from the current table to set them in the argument."
+msgstr ""
+#. 57zBE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:151
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "="
+msgstr "="
+#. GGX3G
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:152
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "<>"
+msgstr "<>"
+#. k5DCL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:153
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "<"
+msgstr "<"
+#. FAAzh
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:154
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "<="
+msgstr "<="
+#. Qzo9n
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:155
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid ">"
+msgstr ">"
+#. H4pEw
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:156
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid ">="
+msgstr ">="
+#. PWqBz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:157
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "like"
+msgstr "eins og"
+#. RDy6G
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:158
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "not like"
+msgstr "ekki eins"
+#. 2qvuA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:159
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "null"
+msgstr "núll"
+#. 4znh7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:160
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "not null"
+msgstr "er ekki núll"
+#. 4qhBZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:164
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|cond1"
+msgid "Specifies the comparative operators through which the entries in the Field name and Value fields can be linked."
+msgstr ""
+#. A8jis
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:179
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|field2"
+msgid "- none -"
+msgstr "- ekkert -"
+#. y2FAQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:183
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|field2"
+msgid "Specifies the field names from the current table to set them in the argument."
+msgstr ""
+#. FdHSG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:198
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|field3"
+msgid "- none -"
+msgstr "- ekkert -"
+#. FvUHF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:202
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|field3"
+msgid "Specifies the field names from the current table to set them in the argument."
+msgstr ""
+#. oCJaY
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:219
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|cond2"
+msgid "Specifies the comparative operators through which the entries in the Field name and Value fields can be linked."
+msgstr ""
+#. rY6Pi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:236
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|cond3"
+msgid "Specifies the comparative operators through which the entries in the Field name and Value fields can be linked."
+msgstr ""
+#. tBd3g
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:249
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|label7"
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Gildi"
+#. o2BNC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:265
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|value1"
+msgid "Specifies a value to filter the field."
+msgstr ""
+#. w42mr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:283
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|value2"
+msgid "Specifies a value to filter the field."
+msgstr ""
+#. tB93H
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:301
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|value3"
+msgid "Specifies a value to filter the field."
+msgstr ""
+#. PFZ8z
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:316
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|op2"
+msgid "AND"
+msgstr "OG"
+#. pQza3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:317
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|op2"
+msgid "OR"
+msgstr "EÐA"
+#. msKEj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:321
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|op2"
+msgid "For the following arguments, you can choose between the logical operators AND / OR."
+msgstr ""
+#. EaXyP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:336
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|op3"
+msgid "AND"
+msgstr "OG"
+#. DV78L
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:337
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|op3"
+msgid "OR"
+msgstr "EÐA"
+#. kdWnt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:341
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|op3"
+msgid "For the following arguments, you can choose between the logical operators AND / OR."
+msgstr ""
+#. SESZq
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:359
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|label1"
+msgid "Criteria"
+msgstr "Forsenda"
+#. S22Fy
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:384
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|QueryFilterDialog"
+msgid "Allows you to set the filtering options."
+msgstr "Gerir kleift að stilla valkosti við síun."
+#. jFD4L
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfuncmenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "queryfuncmenu|functions"
+msgid "Functions"
+msgstr "Föll"
+#. PyQCz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfuncmenu.ui:26
+msgctxt "queryfuncmenu|tablename"
+msgid "Table Name"
+msgstr "Heiti töflu"
+#. zV9Fb
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfuncmenu.ui:34
+msgctxt "queryfuncmenu|alias"
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Samheiti"
+#. V3RBW
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfuncmenu.ui:48
+msgctxt "queryfuncmenu|distinct"
+msgid "Distinct Values"
+msgstr "Aðgreind gildi"
+#. peEt4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|QueryPropertiesDialog"
+msgid "Query Properties"
+msgstr "Eiginleikar fyrirspurnar"
+#. fyogK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:87
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|limit-label"
+msgid "Limit:"
+msgstr "Takmörk:"
+#. 2D6E2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:102
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|distinct"
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Já"
+#. jgttX
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:111
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|extended_tip|distinct"
+msgid "Use distinct values in query."
+msgstr ""
+#. rErxt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:123
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|nondistinct"
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nei"
+#. QAGhF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:132
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|extended_tip|nondistinct"
+msgid "Not use distinct values in query."
+msgstr ""
+#. P9quF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:152
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|distinctvalues"
+msgid "Distinct values:"
+msgstr "Aðgreind gildi:"
+#. asbjN
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:175
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|extended_tip|limitbox"
+msgid "Adds a Limit to set the maximum number of records to return."
+msgstr ""
+#. GoEm9
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:203
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|extended_tip|QueryPropertiesDialog"
+msgid "In the Query Properties dialog you can set two properties of the SQL Query, i.e. whether to return distinct values, and whether to limit the result set."
+msgstr ""
+#. gLFLt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "relationdialog|RelationDialog"
+msgid "Relations"
+msgstr "Vensl"
+#. DEGM2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:131
+msgctxt "relationdialog|label1"
+msgid "Tables Involved"
+msgstr "Töflur sem koma við sögu"
+#. 87WEB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:163
+msgctxt "relationdialog|label2"
+msgid "Fields Involved"
+msgstr "Svið sem koma við sögu"
+#. pf4b4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:199
+msgctxt "relationdialog|addaction"
+msgid "_No action"
+msgstr "E_ngin aðgerð"
+#. uZGGW
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:214
+msgctxt "relationdialog|addcascade"
+msgid "_Update cascade"
+msgstr "_Uppfæra keðjuverkun"
+#. PfRDx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:229
+msgctxt "relationdialog|addnull"
+msgid "_Set NULL"
+msgstr "_Setja sem núll"
+#. xNWHg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:244
+msgctxt "relationdialog|adddefault"
+msgid "Set _default"
+msgstr "_Gera sjálfgefið"
+#. SfKFG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:263
+msgctxt "relationdialog|label3"
+msgid "Update Options"
+msgstr "Uppfærsluvalkostir"
+#. wnvZa
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:293
+msgctxt "relationdialog|delaction"
+msgid "_No action"
+msgstr "E_ngin aðgerð"
+#. 3BAEe
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:308
+msgctxt "relationdialog|delcascade"
+msgid "Delete _cascade"
+msgstr "Eyða _keðjuverkun"
+#. Zd5SC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:323
+msgctxt "relationdialog|delnull"
+msgid "_Set NULL"
+msgstr "_Setja sem núll"
+#. hZGB8
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:338
+msgctxt "relationdialog|deldefault"
+msgid "Set _default"
+msgstr "_Gera sjálfgefið"
+#. LLcup
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:357
+msgctxt "relationdialog|label4"
+msgid "Delete Options"
+msgstr "Valkostir eyðingar"
+#. 2Cb2G
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:410
+msgctxt "relationdialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Inner join"
+msgstr "Innri töflutenging"
+#. nhWNP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:414
+msgctxt "relationdialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Left join"
+msgstr "Vinstri töflutenging"
+#. TD2LX
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:418
+msgctxt "relationdialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Right join"
+msgstr "Hægri töflutenging"
+#. yLDPS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:422
+msgctxt "relationdialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Full (outer) join"
+msgstr "Ytri töflutenging"
+#. UYDBa
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:426
+msgctxt "relationdialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Cross join"
+msgstr "Krossfeldi töflutenging"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:15
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|RowHeightDialog"
+msgid "Row Height"
+msgstr "Hæð raðar"
+#. 8pFfi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:97
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|label1"
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Hæð:"
+#. cZCeF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:118
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|extended_tip|value"
+msgid "Enter the row height that you want to use."
+msgstr ""
+#. 4QFsD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:129
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|automatic"
+msgid "_Automatic"
+msgstr "Sjálfvir_kt"
+#. HKRpK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:137
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|extended_tip|automatic"
+msgid "Adjusts the row height to the size based on the default template. Existing contents may be shown vertically cropped. The height no longer increases automatically when you enter larger contents."
+msgstr ""
+#. qEa9T
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:168
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|extended_tip|RowHeightDialog"
+msgid "Changes the height of the current row, or the selected rows."
+msgstr ""
+#. SD2FQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savedialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "savedialog|SaveDialog"
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Vista sem"
+#. fTe5E
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savedialog.ui:90
+msgctxt "savedialog|descriptionft"
+msgid "Please enter a name for the object to be created:"
+msgstr "Sláðu inn nafn fyrir hlutinn sem á að búa til:"
+#. oiUCs
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savedialog.ui:105
+msgctxt "savedialog|catalogft"
+msgid "_Catalog:"
+msgstr "_Efnisskrá:"
+#. CGa85
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savedialog.ui:119
+msgctxt "savedialog|schemaft"
+msgid "_Schema:"
+msgstr "_Skema:"
+#. FCptK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/saveindexdialog.ui:7
+msgctxt "saveindexdialog|SaveIndexDialog"
+msgid "Exit Index Design"
+msgstr "Hætta í hönnun vísis"
+#. k9pCR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/saveindexdialog.ui:13
+msgctxt "saveindexdialog|SaveIndexDialog"
+msgid "Do you want to save the changes made to the current index?"
+msgstr "Viltu vista breytingar á núverandi atriðaskra?"
+#. h9UfS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savemodifieddialog.ui:12
+msgctxt "savemodifieddialog|SaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr "Viltu vista breytingarnar?"
+#. P326A
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savemodifieddialog.ui:13
+msgctxt "savemodifieddialog|SaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "The current record has been changed."
+msgstr "Núverandi færslu var breytt."
+#. wmp9V
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "sortdialog|SortDialog"
+msgid "Sort Order"
+msgstr "Röðunarátt"
+#. szD83
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:96
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label2"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Aðgerð"
+#. UcmpV
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:108
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label3"
+msgid "and then"
+msgstr "og svo"
+#. u8kT2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:121
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label4"
+msgid "and then"
+msgstr "og svo"
+#. oK7UF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:134
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label5"
+msgid "Field name"
+msgstr "Nafn gagnasviðs"
+#. AVPtE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:146
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label6"
+msgid "Order"
+msgstr "Röð"
+#. EGDpm
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:171
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value1"
+msgid "ascending"
+msgstr "hækkandi"
+#. PGxfE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:172
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value1"
+msgid "descending"
+msgstr "lækkandi"
+#. FqcgB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:208
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value2"
+msgid "ascending"
+msgstr "hækkandi"
+#. E5DBL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:209
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value2"
+msgid "descending"
+msgstr "lækkandi"
+#. Fa8EC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:223
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value3"
+msgid "ascending"
+msgstr "hækkandi"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:224
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value3"
+msgid "descending"
+msgstr "lækkandi"
+#. C6iQ6
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:241
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label1"
+msgid "Sort Order"
+msgstr "Stefna uppröðunar"
+#. VCWPc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:266
+msgctxt "sortdialog|extended_tip|SortDialog"
+msgid "Specifies the sort criteria for the data display."
+msgstr ""
+#. nDP3A
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:24
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|header"
+msgid "Set up connection to a MySQL/MariaDB database using JDBC"
+msgstr "Setja upp tengingu við MySQL/MariaDB gagnagrunn með JDBC"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:39
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|helpLabel"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to a MySQL/MariaDB database using JDBC. Note that a JDBC driver class must be installed on your system and registered with %PRODUCTNAME. Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings. "
+msgstr "Settu inn nauðsynlegar upplýsingar til að tengjast við MySQL/MariaDB gagnagrunn með JDBC. Athugaðu að JDBC-rekill þarf að vera uppsettur í kerfinu og skráður í %PRODUCTNAME. Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra ef þú ert ekki viss um eftirfarandi stillingar. "
+#. GchzZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:64
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|dbNameLabel"
+msgid "_Database name:"
+msgstr "Heiti _gagnagrunns:"
+#. ZuWG7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:78
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|hostNameLabel"
+msgid "_Server:"
+msgstr "_Þjónn:"
+#. iZmbB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:92
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|portNumLabel"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr "Númer _gáttar:"
+#. ECnjE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:153
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|portNumDefLabel"
+msgid "Default: 3306"
+msgstr "Sjálfgefið: 3306"
+#. o9YhU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:188
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|jdbcDriverLabel"
+msgid "MySQL/MariaDB JDBC d_river class:"
+msgstr "MySQL/MariaDB JDBC reklaklassi:"
+#. 8oG6P
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:212
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|testDriverButton"
+msgid "_Test Class"
+msgstr "_Prufuklassi"
+#. WKnRX
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:24
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|usesql92"
+msgid "Use SQL92 naming constraints"
+msgstr "Nota SQL92 nafnahömlur"
+#. d8pYB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:32
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|usesql92"
+msgid "Only allows characters that conform to the SQL92 naming convention in a name in a data source. All other characters are rejected. Each name must begin with a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, or an underscore ( _ ). The remaining characters can be ASCII letters, numbers, and underscores."
+msgstr ""
+#. Gwn9n
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:43
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|append"
+msgid "Append the table alias name on SELECT statements"
+msgstr "Skeyta við samheiti töflu á SELECT skipanir"
+#. tU88G
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:51
+msgctxt "specialsettings|extended_tip|append"
+msgid "Appends the alias to the table name in SELECT statements."
+msgstr ""
+#. rim5j
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:62
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|useas"
+msgid "Use keyword AS before table alias names"
+msgstr "Nota lykilorð AS fyrir framan töflusamheiti"
+#. GFzLp
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:70
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|useas"
+msgid "Some databases use the keyword \"AS\" between a name and its alias, while other databases use a whitespace. Enable this option to insert AS before the alias."
+msgstr ""
+#. JDTsA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:81
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|useoj"
+msgid "Use Outer Join syntax '{oj }'"
+msgstr "Nota ytri töflutengingu '{OJ }'"
+#. EFF2V
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:89
+msgctxt "specialsettingsoage|extended_tip|useoj"
+msgid "Use escape sequences for outer joins. The syntax for this escape sequence is {oj outer-join}"
+msgstr ""
+#. T8TKQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:100
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|ignoreprivs"
+msgid "Ignore the privileges from the database driver"
+msgstr "Hunsa réttindi frá gagnagrunns reklinum"
+#. DEPCt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:108
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|ignoreprivs"
+msgid "Ignores access privileges that are provided by the database driver."
+msgstr ""
+#. QK4W3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:119
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|replaceparams"
+msgid "Replace named parameters with '?'"
+msgstr "Skipta út nefndum breytum með '?'"
+#. DBRrE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:127
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|replaceparams"
+msgid "Replaces named parameters in a data source with a question mark (?)."
+msgstr ""
+#. kfSki
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:138
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|displayver"
+msgid "Display version columns (when available)"
+msgstr "Sýna útgáfudálka (ef tiltækir)"
+#. X4qSb
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:146
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|displayver"
+msgid "Displays the internal version number of the record in the database table."
+msgstr ""
+#. JqBdc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:157
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|usecatalogname"
+msgid "Use catalog name in SELECT statements"
+msgstr "Nota nafn efnisskrár í SELECT skipunum"
+#. YG2AT
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:165
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|usecatalogname"
+msgid "Uses the current data source of the catalog. This option is useful when the ODBC data source is a database server. Do not select this option if the ODBC data source is a dBASE driver."
+msgstr ""
+#. yFGxG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:176
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|useschemaname"
+msgid "Use schema name in SELECT statements"
+msgstr "Nota nafn á skema í SELECT skipunum"
+#. PEM2R
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:184
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|useschemaname"
+msgid "Allows you to use the schema name in SELECT statements."
+msgstr ""
+#. gyC7J
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:195
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|createindex"
+msgid "Create index with ASC or DESC statement"
+msgstr "Búa til vísi með ASC eða DESC skipun"
+#. 2hRPG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:203
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|createindex"
+msgid "Creates an index with ASC or DESC statements."
+msgstr ""
+#. Xabxp
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:214
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|eol"
+msgid "End text lines with CR+LF"
+msgstr "Enda textaskrá með CR+LF"
+#. vjCZB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:222
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|eol"
+msgid "Select to use the CR + LF code pair to end every text line (preferred for DOS and Windows operating systems)."
+msgstr ""
+#. XFM7x
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:233
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|ignorecurrency"
+msgid "Ignore currency field information"
+msgstr "Hunsa upplýsingar gjaldmiðlasviða"
+#. yQkEn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:241
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|ignorecurrency"
+msgid "Only for Oracle JDBC connections. When enabled it specifies that no column is treated as a currency field. The field type returned from the database driver is discarded."
+msgstr ""
+#. 2tRzG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:252
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|inputchecks"
+msgid "Form data input checks for required fields"
+msgstr "Athuga nauðsynlega reiti í innfyllingarformi"
+#. NyABn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:260
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|inputchecks"
+msgid "When you enter a new record or update an existing record in a form, and you leave a field empty which is bound to a database column which requires input, then you will see a message complaining about the empty field."
+msgstr ""
+#. jEgvf
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:271
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|useodbcliterals"
+msgid "Use ODBC conformant date/time literals"
+msgstr "Nota ODBC samhæfða dagsetninga/tíma strengi"
+#. Lp8bE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:279
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|useodbcliterals"
+msgid "Use date/time literals that conform to ODBC standard."
+msgstr ""
+#. GuCLC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:290
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|primarykeys"
+msgid "Supports primary keys"
+msgstr "Styður aðallykla"
+#. SARQc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:298
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|primarykeys"
+msgid "Enable to overrule Base's heuristics used to detect whether the database supports primary keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. o7mns
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:309
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|resulttype"
+msgid "Respect the result set type from the database driver"
+msgstr "Virða útkomu tegundaskilgreininga frá gagnagrunnsreklinum"
+#. xAeze
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:317
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|resulttype"
+msgid "Use the database driver different scroll capabilities of a result set."
+msgstr ""
+#. RQ7hP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:337
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|comparisonft"
+msgid "Comparison of Boolean values:"
+msgstr "Samanburður á Bool gildum:"
+#. MrrnQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:352
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|comparison"
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Sjálfgefið"
+#. D7LWx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:353
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|comparison"
+msgid "SQL"
+msgstr "SQL"
+#. NzvwB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:354
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|comparison"
+msgid "Mixed"
+msgstr "Blandað"
+#. NhGDH
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:355
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|comparison"
+msgid "MS Access"
+msgstr "MS Access"
+#. FxEbE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:359
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|comparison"
+msgid "Select the type of Boolean comparison that you want to use."
+msgstr ""
+#. 3eorZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:372
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|rowsft"
+msgid "Rows to scan column types:"
+msgstr "Fjöldi raða sem á að yfirfara vegna dálktegunda:"
+#. N2emg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:391
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|rows"
+msgid "Select the number of rows to let the driver detect the data type."
+msgstr ""
+#. Y7PiJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sqlexception.ui:18
+msgctxt "sqlexception|SQLExceptionDialog"
+msgid "Error Details"
+msgstr "Nánar um villu"
+#. sWSQ4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sqlexception.ui:69
+msgctxt "sqlexception|label2"
+msgid "Error _list:"
+msgstr "Villu_listi:"
+#. AFG3c
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sqlexception.ui:83
+msgctxt "sqlexception|label3"
+msgid "_Description:"
+msgstr "_Lýsing:"
+#. Y3ZXm
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|cut"
+msgid "Cu_t"
+msgstr "_Klippa"
+#. YBoBk
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:20
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|copy"
+msgid "_Copy"
+msgstr "_Afrita"
+#. dGPAA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:28
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|paste"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr "_Líma"
+#. Ekmvg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:36
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|delete"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "E_yða"
+#. PWZ9E
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:44
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|insert"
+msgid "Insert Rows"
+msgstr "Setja inn raðir"
+#. 4XEhH
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:58
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|primarykey"
+msgid "Primary Key"
+msgstr "Aðallykill"
+#. PnMFo
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignsavemodifieddialog.ui:12
+msgctxt "tabledesignsavemodifieddialog|TableDesignSaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr "Viltu vista breytingarnar?"
+#. C3FHu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignsavemodifieddialog.ui:13
+msgctxt "tabledesignsavemodifieddialog|TableDesignSaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "The table has been changed."
+msgstr "Töflunni var breytt."
+#. iFfXZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesfilterdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "tablesfilterdialog|TablesFilterDialog"
+msgid "Tables Filter"
+msgstr "Töflusía"
+#. 5ZNAA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesfilterpage.ui:45
+msgctxt "tablesfilterpage|label2"
+msgid "Mark the tables that should be visible for the applications."
+msgstr "Merktu þær töflur sem eiga að vera sýnilegar fyrir forritin."
+#. Cvzwv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesfilterpage.ui:118
+msgctxt "tablesfilterpage|label1"
+msgid "Tables and Table Filter"
+msgstr "Tölfur og töflusíur"
+#. xfec4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesjoindialog.ui:109
+msgctxt "tablesjoindialog|tables"
+msgid "Tables"
+msgstr "Töflur"
+#. WPTyJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesjoindialog.ui:124
+msgctxt "tablesjoindialog|queries"
+msgid "Queries"
+msgstr "Fyrirspurnir"
+#. TYE5C
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesjoindialog.ui:190
+msgctxt "tablesjoindialog|title"
+msgid "Add Tables"
+msgstr "Bæta við töflum"
+#. zFRKj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesjoindialog.ui:201
+msgctxt "tablesjoindialog|alttitle"
+msgid "Add Table or Query"
+msgstr "Bæta við töflu eða fyrirspurn"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/taskwindow.ui:109
+msgctxt "taskwindow|STR_DESCRIPTION"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Lýsing"
+#. 8b2nn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textconnectionsettings.ui:8
+msgctxt "textconnectionsettings|TextConnectionSettingsDialog"
+msgid "Text Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Stillingar textatengingar"
+#. HScTi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:34
+msgctxt "textpage|textfile"
+msgid "Plain text files (*.txt)"
+msgstr "Venjulegar textaskrár (*.txt)"
+#. i2ntJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "textpage|csvfile"
+msgid "Comma-separated value files (*.csv)"
+msgstr "Kommu-aðgreindar textaskrár (*csv)"
+#. 9DRFR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:66
+msgctxt "textpage|custom"
+msgid "Custom:"
+msgstr "Sérsnið:"
+#. x3eWP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:98
+msgctxt "textpage|example"
+msgid "Custom: *.abc"
+msgstr "Sérsnið: *.abc"
+#. aSpdr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:111
+msgctxt "textpage|extensionheader"
+msgid "Specify the Type of Files You Want to Access"
+msgstr "Skilgreindu hvaða skráategundir þú vilt hafa aðgang í"
+#. 4VGRV
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:145
+msgctxt "textpage|containsheaders"
+msgid "_Text contains headers"
+msgstr "_Texti inniheldur fyrirsagnir"
+#. PGqYA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:164
+msgctxt "textpage|fieldlabel"
+msgid "Field separator:"
+msgstr "Aðgreinir gagnasviða:"
+#. EBzXo
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:178
+msgctxt "textpage|textlabel"
+msgid "Text separator:"
+msgstr "Textaaðgreinir:"
+#. Va37w
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:192
+msgctxt "textpage|decimallabel"
+msgid "Decimal separator:"
+msgstr "Tugabrotstákn:"
+#. qF6Aj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:206
+msgctxt "textpage|thousandslabel"
+msgid "Thousands separator:"
+msgstr "Þúsundaaðgreinir:"
+#. DSrai
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:261
+msgctxt "textpage|decimalseparator"
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#. yWQdQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:262
+msgctxt "textpage|decimalseparator"
+msgid ","
+msgstr ","
+#. rD7yP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:263
+msgctxt "textpage|decimalseparator"
+msgid ";"
+msgstr ";"
+#. FBFxB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:264
+msgctxt "textpage|decimalseparator"
+msgid ":"
+msgstr ":"
+#. cuU6W
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:286
+msgctxt "textpage|thousandsseparator"
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#. 7y57B
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:287
+msgctxt "textpage|thousandsseparator"
+msgid ","
+msgstr ","
+#. R3dp6
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:308
+msgctxt "textpage|formatlabel"
+msgid "Row Format"
+msgstr "Snið raðar"
+#. 8GaPt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:342
+msgctxt "textpage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "_Stafatafla:"
+#. 752ii
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:371
+msgctxt "textpage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Gagnaumbreyting"
+#. cQGgr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/typeselectpage.ui:109
+msgctxt "typeselectpage|columns"
+msgid "Column Information"
+msgstr "Upplýsingar um dálk"
+#. GneVZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/typeselectpage.ui:144
+msgctxt "typeselectpage|autolabel"
+msgid "Lines (ma_x.):"
+msgstr "Línur (_hám.):"
+#. hsswG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/typeselectpage.ui:156
+msgctxt "typeselectpage|autobutton"
+msgid "_Auto"
+msgstr "S_jálfvirkt"
+#. sTgpa
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/typeselectpage.ui:187
+msgctxt "typeselectpage|autotype"
+msgid "Automatic Type Recognition"
+msgstr "Bera sjálfvirkt kennsl á tegund"
+#. VANs7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradmindialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "useradmindialog|UserAdminDialog"
+msgid "User Administration"
+msgstr "Notendaumsjón"
+#. siFUA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradmindialog.ui:138
+msgctxt "useradmindialog|settings"
+msgid "User Settings"
+msgstr "Notandastillingar"
+#. Jvnnk
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradminpage.ui:46
+msgctxt "useradminpage|label3"
+msgid "Us_er:"
+msgstr "N_otandi:"
+#. DF5YC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradminpage.ui:70
+msgctxt "templatedlg|action_menu|label"
+msgid "_Manage"
+msgstr ""
+#. gMJwT
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradminpage.ui:102
+msgctxt "useradminpage|label1"
+msgid "User Selection"
+msgstr "Val notanda"
+#. ADQpm
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradminpage.ui:144
+msgctxt "useradminpage|label2"
+msgid "Access Rights for Selected User"
+msgstr "Aðgangsheimildir fyrir valinn notanda"
+#. 5X3RP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:40
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|hostnameft"
+msgid "_Host name:"
+msgstr "Vélar_heiti:"
+#. eDvjr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:56
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|portnumberft"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr "Númer _gáttar:"
+#. rEGAs
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:95
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|usecatalog"
+msgid "_Use catalog"
+msgstr "N_ota yfirlitsskrá"
+#. BzFdV
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:113
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|optionslabel"
+msgid "_Driver settings:"
+msgstr "Stillingar _rekils:"
+#. Gjovq
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:142
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|label1"
+msgid "Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Tengistillingar"
+#. eLA6J
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:174
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "_Stafatafla:"
+#. 6ZS8N
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:203
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Gagnaumbreyting"