path: root/generator/plugins/dotnet/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'generator/plugins/dotnet/')
1 files changed, 1024 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/generator/plugins/dotnet/ b/generator/plugins/dotnet/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a705cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/plugins/dotnet/
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+import re
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+import cattrs
+from generator import model
+from .dotnet_commons import TypeData
+from .dotnet_constants import NAMESPACE
+from .dotnet_helpers import (
+ class_wrapper,
+ generate_extras,
+ get_doc,
+ get_special_case_class_name,
+ get_special_case_property_name,
+ get_usings,
+ indent_lines,
+ lsp_method_to_name,
+ namespace_wrapper,
+ to_camel_case,
+ to_upper_camel_case,
+ORTYPE_CONVERTER_RE = re.compile(r"OrType<(?P<parts>.*)>")
+IMMUTABLE_ARRAY_CONVERTER_RE = re.compile(r"ImmutableArray<(?P<elements>.*)>")
+def _get_enum(name: str, spec: model.LSPModel) -> Optional[model.Enum]:
+ for enum in spec.enumerations:
+ if == name:
+ return enum
+ return None
+def _get_struct(name: str, spec: model.LSPModel) -> Optional[model.Structure]:
+ for struct in spec.structures:
+ if == name:
+ return struct
+ return None
+def _is_str_enum(enum_def: model.Enum) -> bool:
+ return all(isinstance(item.value, str) for item in enum_def.values)
+def _is_int_enum(enum_def: model.Enum) -> bool:
+ return all(isinstance(item.value, int) for item in enum_def.values)
+def lsp_to_base_types(lsp_type: model.BaseType):
+ if in ["string", "RegExp"]:
+ return "string"
+ elif in ["DocumentUri", "URI"]:
+ return "Uri"
+ elif in ["decimal"]:
+ return "float"
+ elif in ["integer"]:
+ return "int"
+ elif in ["uinteger"]:
+ return "uint"
+ elif in ["boolean"]:
+ return "bool"
+ elif in ["null"]:
+ return "object"
+ # null should be handled by the caller as an Option<> type
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown base type: {}")
+def get_types_for_usings(code: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+ immutable = []
+ for line in code:
+ if "ImmutableArray<" in line:
+ immutable.append("ImmutableArray")
+ if "ImmutableDictionary<" in line:
+ immutable.append("ImmutableDictionary")
+ return list(set(immutable))
+def has_null_base_type(items: List[model.LSP_TYPE_SPEC]) -> bool:
+ return any(item.kind == "base" and == "null" for item in items)
+def filter_null_base_type(
+ items: List[model.LSP_TYPE_SPEC],
+) -> List[model.LSP_TYPE_SPEC]:
+ return [item for item in items if not (item.kind == "base" and == "null")]
+def get_type_name(
+ type_def: model.LSP_TYPE_SPEC,
+ types: TypeData,
+ spec: model.LSPModel,
+ name_context: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> str:
+ name = None
+ if type_def.kind == "reference":
+ enum_def = _get_enum(, spec)
+ if enum_def and enum_def.supportsCustomValues:
+ if _is_str_enum(enum_def):
+ name = f"string"
+ elif _is_int_enum(enum_def):
+ name = f"int"
+ else:
+ name = get_special_case_class_name(
+ elif type_def.kind == "array":
+ name = f"ImmutableArray<{get_type_name(type_def.element, types, spec, name_context)}>"
+ elif type_def.kind == "map":
+ name = generate_map_type(type_def, types, spec, name_context)
+ elif type_def.kind == "base":
+ name = lsp_to_base_types(type_def)
+ elif type_def.kind == "literal":
+ name = generate_literal_type(type_def, types, spec, name_context)
+ elif type_def.kind == "stringLiteral":
+ name = "string"
+ elif type_def.kind == "tuple":
+ subset = filter_null_base_type(type_def.items)
+ subset_types = [
+ get_type_name(item, types, spec, name_context) for item in subset
+ ]
+ name = f"({', '.join(subset_types)})"
+ elif type_def.kind == "or":
+ subset = filter_null_base_type(type_def.items)
+ if len(subset) == 1:
+ name = get_type_name(subset[0], types, spec, name_context)
+ elif len(subset) >= 2:
+ if are_variant_literals(subset):
+ name = generate_class_from_variant_literals(
+ subset, spec, types, name_context
+ )
+ else:
+ subset_types = [
+ get_type_name(item, types, spec, name_context) for item in subset
+ ]
+ name = f"OrType<{', '.join(subset_types)}>"
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown type kind: {type_def.kind}")
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown type kind: {type_def.kind}")
+ return name
+def generate_map_type(
+ type_def: model.LSP_TYPE_SPEC,
+ types: TypeData,
+ spec: model.LSPModel,
+ name_context: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> str:
+ key_type = get_type_name(type_def.key, types, spec, name_context)
+ if type_def.value.kind == "or":
+ subset = filter_null_base_type(type_def.value.items)
+ if len(subset) == 1:
+ value_type = get_type_name(type_def.value, types, spec, name_context)
+ else:
+ value_type = to_upper_camel_case(f"{name_context}Value")
+ type_alias = model.TypeAlias(
+ **{
+ "name": value_type,
+ "type": type_def.value,
+ }
+ )
+ generate_class_from_type_alias(type_alias, spec, types)
+ else:
+ value_type = get_type_name(type_def.value, types, spec, name_context)
+ return f"ImmutableDictionary<{key_type}, {value_type}>"
+def get_converter(type_def: model.LSP_TYPE_SPEC, type_name: str) -> Optional[str]:
+ if type_def.kind == "base" and in ["DocumentUri", "URI"]:
+ return "[JsonConverter(typeof(CustomStringConverter<Uri>))]"
+ elif type_def.kind == "reference" and in [
+ "Pattern",
+ "ChangeAnnotationIdentifier",
+ ]:
+ return f"[JsonConverter(typeof(CustomStringConverter<{}>))]"
+ elif type_def.kind == "reference" and == "DocumentSelector":
+ return "[JsonConverter(typeof(DocumentSelectorConverter))]"
+ elif type_def.kind == "or":
+ subset = filter_null_base_type(type_def.items)
+ if len(subset) == 1:
+ return get_converter(subset[0], type_name)
+ elif len(subset) >= 2:
+ converter = type_name.replace("OrType<", "OrTypeConverter<")
+ return f"[JsonConverter(typeof({converter}))]"
+ elif type_def.kind == "array" and type_name.startswith("OrType<"):
+ matches = ORTYPE_CONVERTER_RE.match(type_name).groupdict()
+ if "parts" in matches:
+ converter = f"OrTypeArrayConverter<{matches['parts']}>"
+ return f"[JsonConverter(typeof({converter}))]"
+ elif type_def.kind == "array":
+ matches = IMMUTABLE_ARRAY_CONVERTER_RE.match(type_name).groupdict()
+ elements = matches["elements"]
+ if elements.startswith("OrType<"):
+ matches = ORTYPE_CONVERTER_RE.match(elements).groupdict()
+ converter = f"OrTypeArrayConverter<{matches['parts']}>"
+ return f"[JsonConverter(typeof({converter}))]"
+ else:
+ converter = f"CustomArrayConverter<{elements}>"
+ return f"[JsonConverter(typeof({converter}))]"
+ return None
+def generate_property(
+ prop_def: model.Property,
+ spec: model.LSPModel,
+ types: TypeData,
+ usings: List[str],
+ class_name: str = "",
+) -> Tuple[List[str], str]:
+ if == "jsonrpc":
+ name = "JsonRPC"
+ else:
+ name = to_upper_camel_case(
+ type_name = get_type_name(
+ prop_def.type, types, spec, f"{class_name}_{}"
+ )
+ converter = get_converter(prop_def.type, type_name)
+ special_optional = prop_def.type.kind == "or" and has_null_base_type(
+ prop_def.type.items
+ )
+ optional = (
+ "?"
+ if (prop_def.optional or special_optional)
+ and not (
+ type_name.startswith("ImmutableArray<")
+ or type_name.startswith("ImmutableDictionary<")
+ )
+ else ""
+ )
+ lines = (
+ get_doc(prop_def.documentation)
+ + generate_extras(prop_def)
+ + ([converter] if converter else [])
+ + (
+ ["[JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)]"]
+ if optional and not special_optional
+ else []
+ )
+ + [
+ f'[DataMember(Name = "{}")]',
+ ]
+ )
+ if prop_def.type.kind == "stringLiteral":
+ lines.append(
+ f'public {type_name}{optional} {name} {{ get; init; }} = "{prop_def.type.value}";'
+ )
+ else:
+ lines.append(f"public {type_name}{optional} {name} {{ get; init; }}")
+ usings.append("DataMember")
+ if converter:
+ usings.append("JsonConverter")
+ if optional and not special_optional:
+ usings.append("JsonProperty")
+ return lines, type_name
+def generate_name(name_context: str, types: TypeData) -> str:
+ # If name context has a '_' it is likely a property.
+ # Try name generation using just the property name
+ parts = [to_upper_camel_case(p) for p in name_context.split("_") if len(p) > 3]
+ # Try the last part of the name context
+ name = parts[-1]
+ if not types.get_by_name(name) and "info" in name_context.lower():
+ return name
+ # Combine all parts and try again
+ name = "".join(parts)
+ if not types.get_by_name(name):
+ return name
+ raise ValueError(f"Unable to generate name for {name_context}")
+def generate_literal_type(
+ literal: model.LiteralType,
+ types: TypeData,
+ spec: model.LSPModel,
+ name_context: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> str:
+ if len( == 0:
+ return "LSPObject"
+ if types.get_by_name( and not _get_struct(, spec):
+ return
+ if name_context is None:
+ raise ValueError("name_context must be provided for literal types")
+ if name_context.startswith("I") and name_context[1].isupper():
+ # This is a interface name ISomething => Something
+ name_context = name_context[1:]
+ if "_" not in name_context:
+ name_context = f"{name_context}_{get_context_from_literal(literal)}"
+ = generate_name(name_context, types)
+ usings = ["DataContract"]
+ inner = []
+ for prop in
+ prop_code, _ = generate_property(prop, spec, types, usings,
+ inner += prop_code
+ lines = namespace_wrapper(
+ get_usings(usings + get_types_for_usings(inner)),
+ class_wrapper(literal, inner),
+ )
+ types.add_type_info(literal,, lines)
+ return
+def generate_constructor(
+ struct: model.Structure,
+ types: TypeData,
+ properties: List[Tuple[model.Property, str]],
+) -> List[str]:
+ class_name = get_special_case_class_name(
+ constructor = [
+ "[JsonConstructor]",
+ f"public {class_name}(",
+ ]
+ arguments = []
+ optional_args = []
+ assignments = []
+ ctor_data = []
+ for prop, prop_type in properties:
+ name = get_special_case_property_name(to_camel_case(
+ special_optional = prop.type.kind == "or" and has_null_base_type(
+ prop.type.items
+ )
+ if prop.optional or special_optional:
+ if prop_type.startswith("ImmutableArray<") or prop_type.startswith(
+ "ImmutableDictionary<"
+ ):
+ optional_args += [f"{prop_type} {name} = default!"]
+ else:
+ optional_args += [f"{prop_type}? {name} = null"]
+ ctor_data += [(prop_type, name, True)]
+ elif == "jsonrpc":
+ optional_args += [f'{prop_type} {name} = "2.0"']
+ ctor_data += [(prop_type, name, True)]
+ else:
+ arguments += [f"{prop_type} {name}"]
+ ctor_data += [(prop_type, name, False)]
+ if == "jsonrpc":
+ assignments += [f"JsonRPC = {name};"]
+ else:
+ assignments += [f"{to_upper_camel_case(} = {name};"]
+ # combine args with a '\n' to get comma with indent
+ all_args = (",\n".join(indent_lines(arguments + optional_args))).splitlines()
+ types.add_ctor(, ctor_data)
+ # re-split args to get the right coma placement and indent
+ constructor += all_args
+ constructor += [")", "{"]
+ constructor += indent_lines(assignments)
+ constructor += ["}"]
+ return constructor
+def generate_class_from_struct(
+ struct: model.Structure,
+ spec: model.LSPModel,
+ types: TypeData,
+ derived: Optional[str] = None,
+ attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+ if types.get_by_name( or"_"):
+ return
+ if attributes is None:
+ attributes = []
+ inner = []
+ usings = ["DataContract", "JsonConstructor"]
+ properties = get_all_properties(struct, spec)
+ prop_types = []
+ for prop in properties:
+ prop_code, prop_type = generate_property(prop, spec, types, usings,
+ inner += prop_code
+ prop_types += [prop_type]
+ ctor = generate_constructor(struct, types, zip(properties, prop_types))
+ inner = ctor + inner
+ lines = namespace_wrapper(
+ get_usings(usings + get_types_for_usings(inner + attributes)),
+ class_wrapper(struct, inner, derived, attributes),
+ )
+ types.add_type_info(struct,, lines)
+def get_context_from_literal(literal: model.LiteralType) -> str:
+ if len( == 0:
+ return "LSPObject"
+ skipped = 0
+ skip = [
+ "range",
+ "rangeLength",
+ "position",
+ "position",
+ "location",
+ "locationLink",
+ "text",
+ ]
+ for prop in
+ if in skip:
+ skipped += 1
+ continue
+ return
+ if skipped == len(
+ # pick property with longest name
+ names = sorted([ for p in])
+ return sorted(names, key=lambda n: len(n))[-1]
+ return ""
+def generate_type_alias_constructor(
+ type_def: model.TypeAlias, spec: model.LSPModel, types: TypeData
+) -> List[str]:
+ constructor = []
+ if type_def.type.kind == "or":
+ subset = filter_null_base_type(type_def.type.items)
+ if len(subset) == 1:
+ raise ValueError("Unable to generate constructor for single item union")
+ elif len(subset) >= 2:
+ type_name = to_upper_camel_case(
+ for t in subset:
+ sub_type = get_type_name(t, types, spec,
+ arg = get_special_case_property_name(to_camel_case(sub_type))
+ matches = re.match(r"ImmutableArray<(?P<arg>\w+)>", arg)
+ if matches:
+ arg = f"{matches['arg']}s"
+ constructor += [
+ f"public {type_name}({sub_type} {arg}): base({arg}) {{}}",
+ ]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unable to generate constructor for empty union")
+ elif type_def.type.kind == "reference":
+ type_name = to_upper_camel_case(
+ ctor_data = types.get_ctor(
+ required = [
+ (prop_type, prop_name)
+ for prop_type, prop_name, optional in ctor_data
+ if not optional
+ ]
+ optional = [
+ (prop_type, prop_name)
+ for prop_type, prop_name, optional in ctor_data
+ if optional
+ ]
+ ctor_args = [f"{prop_type} {prop_name}" for prop_type, prop_name in required]
+ ctor_args += [
+ f"{prop_type}? {prop_name} = null" for prop_type, prop_name in optional
+ ]
+ base_args = [f"{prop_name}" for _, prop_name in required + optional]
+ constructor += [
+ f"public {type_name}({','.join(ctor_args)}): base({','.join(base_args)}) {{}}",
+ ]
+ return constructor
+def generate_type_alias_converter(
+ type_def: model.TypeAlias, spec: model.LSPModel, types: TypeData
+) -> None:
+ assert type_def.type.kind == "or"
+ subset_types = [
+ get_type_name(i, types, spec,
+ for i in filter_null_base_type(type_def.type.items)
+ ]
+ converter = f"{}Converter"
+ or_type_converter = f"OrTypeConverter<{','.join(subset_types)}>"
+ or_type = f"OrType<{','.join(subset_types)}>"
+ code = [
+ f"public class {converter} : JsonConverter<{}>",
+ "{",
+ f"private {or_type_converter} _orType;",
+ f"public {converter}()",
+ "{",
+ f"_orType = new {or_type_converter}();",
+ "}",
+ f"public override {}? ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, {}? existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)",
+ "{",
+ "reader = reader ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(reader));",
+ "if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null) { return null; }",
+ f"var o = _orType.ReadJson(reader, objectType, existingValue, serializer);",
+ f"if (o is {or_type} orType)",
+ "{",
+ ]
+ for t in subset_types:
+ code += [
+ f"if (orType.Value?.GetType() == typeof({t}))",
+ "{",
+ f"return new {}(({t})orType.Value);",
+ "}",
+ ]
+ code += [
+ "}",
+ 'throw new JsonSerializationException($"Unexpected token type.");',
+ "}",
+ f"public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, {}? value, JsonSerializer serializer)",
+ "{",
+ "_orType.WriteJson(writer, value, serializer);",
+ "}",
+ "}",
+ ]
+ code = namespace_wrapper(
+ NAMESPACE, get_usings(["JsonConverter"] + get_types_for_usings(code)), code
+ )
+ ref = model.Structure(**{"name": converter, "properties": []})
+ types.add_type_info(ref, converter, code)
+ return converter
+def generate_class_from_type_alias(
+ type_def: model.TypeAlias, spec: model.LSPModel, types: TypeData
+) -> None:
+ if types.get_by_name(
+ return
+ usings = ["DataContract"]
+ type_name = get_type_name(type_def.type, types, spec,
+ class_attributes = []
+ if type_def.type.kind == "or":
+ converter = generate_type_alias_converter(type_def, spec, types)
+ class_attributes += [f"[JsonConverter(typeof({converter}))]"]
+ usings.append("JsonConverter")
+ inner = generate_type_alias_constructor(type_def, spec, types)
+ lines = namespace_wrapper(
+ get_usings(usings + get_types_for_usings(inner)),
+ class_wrapper(type_def, inner, type_name, class_attributes),
+ )
+ types.add_type_info(type_def,, lines)
+def generate_class_from_variant_literals(
+ literals: List[model.LiteralType],
+ spec: model.LSPModel,
+ types: TypeData,
+ name_context: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> str:
+ name = generate_name(name_context, types)
+ if types.get_by_name(name):
+ raise ValueError(f"Name {name} already exists")
+ struct = model.Structure(
+ **{
+ "name": name,
+ "properties": get_properties_from_literals(literals),
+ }
+ )
+ lines = generate_code_for_variant_struct(struct, spec, types)
+ types.add_type_info(struct,, lines)
+ return
+def get_properties_from_literals(literals: List[model.LiteralType]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ properties = []
+ for literal in literals:
+ assert literal.kind == "literal"
+ for prop in
+ if not in [p["name"] for p in properties]:
+ properties.append(
+ {
+ "name":,
+ "type": cattrs.unstructure(prop.type),
+ "optional": has_optional_variant(literals,, #
+ }
+ )
+ return properties
+def generate_code_for_variant_struct(
+ struct: model.Structure,
+ spec: model.LSPModel,
+ types: TypeData,
+) -> None:
+ prop_types = []
+ inner = []
+ usings = ["DataContract", "JsonConstructor"]
+ for prop in
+ prop_code, prop_type = generate_property(prop, spec, types, usings,
+ inner += prop_code
+ prop_types += [prop_type]
+ ctor_data = []
+ constructor_args = []
+ conditions = []
+ for prop, prop_type in zip(, prop_types):
+ name = get_special_case_property_name(to_camel_case(
+ immutable = prop_type.startswith("ImmutableArray<") or prop_type.startswith(
+ "ImmutableDictionary<"
+ )
+ constructor_args += [
+ f"{prop_type} {name}" if immutable else f"{prop_type}? {name}"
+ ]
+ ctor_data = [(prop_type)]
+ if immutable:
+ conditions += [f"({name}.IsDefault)"]
+ else:
+ conditions += [f"({name} is null)"]
+ sig = ", ".join(constructor_args)
+ types.add_ctor(, ctor_data)
+ ctor = [
+ f"[JsonConstructor]",
+ f"public {}({sig})",
+ "{",
+ *indent_lines(
+ [
+ f"if ({'&&'.join(conditions)})",
+ "{",
+ *indent_lines(
+ [
+ f'throw new ArgumentException("At least one of the arguments must be non-null");'
+ ]
+ ),
+ "}",
+ ]
+ ),
+ *indent_lines(
+ [
+ f"{to_upper_camel_case(} = {get_special_case_property_name(to_camel_case(};"
+ for prop in
+ ]
+ ),
+ "}",
+ ]
+ inner = ctor + inner
+ return namespace_wrapper(
+ get_usings(usings + get_types_for_usings(inner)),
+ class_wrapper(struct, inner, None),
+ )
+def generate_class_from_variant_type_alias(
+ type_def: model.TypeAlias,
+ spec: model.LSPModel,
+ types: TypeData,
+ name_context: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> None:
+ struct = model.Structure(
+ **{
+ "name":,
+ "properties": get_properties_from_literals(type_def.type.items),
+ "documentation": type_def.documentation,
+ "since": type_def.since,
+ "deprecated": type_def.deprecated,
+ "proposed": type_def.proposed,
+ }
+ )
+ lines = generate_code_for_variant_struct(struct, spec, types)
+ types.add_type_info(type_def,, lines)
+def has_optional_variant(literals: List[model.LiteralType], property_name: str) -> bool:
+ count = 0
+ optional = False
+ for literal in literals:
+ for prop in
+ if == property_name:
+ count += 1
+ optional = optional or prop.optional
+ return optional and count == len(literals)
+def are_variant_literals(literals: List[model.LiteralType]) -> bool:
+ if all(i.kind == "literal" for i in literals):
+ return all(
+ has_optional_variant(literals,
+ for prop in literals[0]
+ )
+ return False
+def is_variant_type_alias(type_def: model.TypeAlias) -> bool:
+ if type_def.type.kind == "or" and all(
+ i.kind == "literal" for i in type_def.type.items
+ ):
+ literals = type_def.type.items
+ return all(
+ has_optional_variant(literals,
+ for prop in literals[0]
+ )
+ return False
+def copy_struct(struct_def: model.Structure, new_name: str):
+ converter = cattrs.GenConverter()
+ obj = converter.unstructure(struct_def, model.Structure)
+ obj["name"] = new_name
+ return model.Structure(**obj)
+def copy_property(prop_def: model.Property):
+ converter = cattrs.GenConverter()
+ obj = converter.unstructure(prop_def, model.Property)
+ return model.Property(**obj)
+def get_all_extends(struct_def: model.Structure, spec) -> List[model.Structure]:
+ extends = []
+ for extend in struct_def.extends:
+ extends.append(_get_struct(, spec))
+ for struct in get_all_extends(_get_struct(, spec), spec):
+ if not any( == for e in extends):
+ extends.append(struct)
+ return extends
+def get_all_properties(struct: model.Structure, spec) -> List[model.Structure]:
+ properties = []
+ for prop in
+ properties.append(copy_property(prop))
+ for extend in get_all_extends(struct, spec):
+ for prop in get_all_properties(extend, spec):
+ if not any( == for p in properties):
+ properties.append(copy_property(prop))
+ if not all(mixin.kind == "reference" for mixin in struct.mixins):
+ raise ValueError(f"Struct {} has non-reference mixins")
+ for mixin in [_get_struct(, spec) for mixin in struct.mixins]:
+ for prop in get_all_properties(mixin, spec):
+ if not any( == for p in properties):
+ properties.append(copy_property(prop))
+ return properties
+def generate_code_for_request(request: model.Request):
+ lines = get_doc(request.documentation) + generate_extras(request)
+ lines.append(
+ f'public static string {lsp_method_to_name(request.method)} {{ get; }} = "{request.method}";'
+ )
+ return lines
+def generate_code_for_notification(notify: model.Notification):
+ lines = get_doc(notify.documentation) + generate_extras(notify)
+ lines.append(
+ f'public static string {lsp_method_to_name(notify.method)} {{ get; }} = "{notify.method}";'
+ )
+ return lines
+def generate_request_notification_methods(spec: model.LSPModel, types: TypeData):
+ inner_lines = []
+ for request in spec.requests:
+ inner_lines += generate_code_for_request(request)
+ for notification in spec.notifications:
+ inner_lines += generate_code_for_notification(notification)
+ lines = namespace_wrapper(
+ get_usings(["System"] + get_types_for_usings(inner_lines)),
+ ["public static class LSPMethods", "{", *indent_lines(inner_lines), "}"],
+ )
+ enum_type = model.Enum(
+ **{
+ "name": "LSPMethods",
+ "type": {"kind": "base", "name": "string"},
+ "values": [],
+ "documentation": "LSP methods as defined in the LSP spec",
+ }
+ )
+ types.add_type_info(enum_type, "LSPMethods", lines)
+def get_message_template(
+ obj: Union[model.Request, model.Notification],
+ is_request: bool,
+) -> model.Structure:
+ text = "Request" if is_request else "Notification"
+ properties = [
+ {
+ "name": "jsonrpc",
+ "type": {"kind": "stringLiteral", "value": "2.0"},
+ "documentation": "The jsonrpc version.",
+ }
+ ]
+ if is_request:
+ properties += [
+ {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": {
+ "kind": "or",
+ "items": [
+ {"kind": "base", "name": "string"},
+ {"kind": "base", "name": "integer"},
+ ],
+ },
+ "documentation": f"The {text} id.",
+ }
+ ]
+ properties += [
+ {
+ "name": "method",
+ "type": {"kind": "base", "name": "string"},
+ "documentation": f"The {text} method.",
+ },
+ ]
+ if obj.params:
+ properties.append(
+ {
+ "name": "params",
+ "type": cattrs.unstructure(obj.params),
+ "documentation": f"The {text} parameters.",
+ }
+ )
+ else:
+ properties.append(
+ {
+ "name": "params",
+ "type": {"kind": "reference", "name": "LSPAny"},
+ "documentation": f"The {text} parameters.",
+ "optional": True,
+ }
+ )
+ class_template = {
+ "name": f"{lsp_method_to_name(obj.method)}{text}",
+ "properties": properties,
+ "documentation": obj.documentation,
+ "since": obj.since,
+ "deprecated": obj.deprecated,
+ "proposed": obj.proposed,
+ }
+ return model.Structure(**class_template)
+def get_response_template(
+ obj: model.Request, spec: model.LSPModel, types: TypeData
+) -> model.Structure:
+ properties = [
+ {
+ "name": "jsonrpc",
+ "type": {"kind": "stringLiteral", "value": "2.0"},
+ "documentation": "The jsonrpc version.",
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": {
+ "kind": "or",
+ "items": [
+ {"kind": "base", "name": "string"},
+ {"kind": "base", "name": "integer"},
+ ],
+ },
+ "documentation": f"The Request id.",
+ },
+ ]
+ if obj.result:
+ properties.append(
+ {
+ "name": "result",
+ "type": cattrs.unstructure(obj.result),
+ "documentation": f"Results for the request.",
+ "optional": True,
+ }
+ )
+ else:
+ properties.append(
+ {
+ "name": "result",
+ "type": {"kind": "base", "name": "null"},
+ "documentation": f"Results for the request.",
+ "optional": True,
+ }
+ )
+ properties.append(
+ {
+ "name": "error",
+ "type": {"kind": "reference", "name": "ResponseError"},
+ "documentation": f"Error while handling the request.",
+ "optional": True,
+ }
+ )
+ class_template = {
+ "name": f"{lsp_method_to_name(obj.method)}Response",
+ "properties": properties,
+ "documentation": obj.documentation,
+ "since": obj.since,
+ "deprecated": obj.deprecated,
+ "proposed": obj.proposed,
+ }
+ return model.Structure(**class_template)
+def get_registration_options_template(
+ obj: Union[model.Request, model.Notification],
+ spec: model.LSPModel,
+ types: TypeData,
+) -> model.Structure:
+ if obj.registrationOptions and obj.registrationOptions.kind != "reference":
+ if obj.registrationOptions.kind == "and":
+ structs = [_get_struct(, spec) for s in obj.registrationOptions.items]
+ properties = []
+ for struct in structs:
+ properties += get_all_properties(struct, spec)
+ class_template = {
+ "name": f"{lsp_method_to_name(obj.method)}RegistrationOptions",
+ "properties": [
+ cattrs.unstructure(p, model.Property) for p in properties
+ ],
+ }
+ return model.Structure(**class_template)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Unexpected registrationOptions type: {obj.registrationOptions.type.kind}"
+ )
+ return None
+def generate_all_classes(spec: model.LSPModel, types: TypeData):
+ for struct in spec.structures:
+ generate_class_from_struct(struct, spec, types)
+ for type_alias in spec.typeAliases:
+ if is_variant_type_alias(type_alias):
+ generate_class_from_variant_type_alias(type_alias, spec, types)
+ else:
+ generate_class_from_type_alias(type_alias, spec, types)
+ generate_request_notification_methods(spec, types)
+ for request in spec.requests:
+ partial_result_name = None
+ if request.partialResult:
+ partial_result_name = get_type_name(request.partialResult, types, spec)
+ struct = get_message_template(request, is_request=True)
+ generate_class_from_struct(
+ struct,
+ spec,
+ types,
+ (
+ f"IRequest<{get_type_name(request.params, types, spec)}>"
+ if request.params
+ else "IRequest<LSPAny?>"
+ ),
+ [
+ f"[Direction(MessageDirection.{to_upper_camel_case(request.messageDirection)})]",
+ f'[LSPRequest("{request.method}", typeof({lsp_method_to_name(request.method)}Response), typeof({partial_result_name}))]'
+ if partial_result_name
+ else f'[LSPRequest("{request.method}", typeof({lsp_method_to_name(request.method)}Response))]',
+ ],
+ )
+ response = get_response_template(request, spec, types)
+ generate_class_from_struct(
+ response,
+ spec,
+ types,
+ f"IResponse<{get_type_name(request.result, types, spec)}>",
+ [
+ f"[LSPResponse(typeof({lsp_method_to_name(request.method)}Request))]",
+ ],
+ )
+ registration_options = get_registration_options_template(request, spec, types)
+ if registration_options:
+ generate_class_from_struct(
+ registration_options,
+ spec,
+ types,
+ )
+ for notification in spec.notifications:
+ struct = get_message_template(notification, is_request=False)
+ generate_class_from_struct(
+ struct,
+ spec,
+ types,
+ (
+ f"INotification<{get_type_name(notification.params, types, spec)}>"
+ if notification.params
+ else "INotification<LSPAny>"
+ ),
+ [
+ f"[Direction(MessageDirection.{to_upper_camel_case(request.messageDirection)})]",
+ ],
+ )
+ registration_options = get_registration_options_template(
+ notification, spec, types
+ )
+ if registration_options:
+ generate_class_from_struct(
+ registration_options,
+ spec,
+ types,
+ )