path: root/extra/readline
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-13 12:24:36 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-13 12:24:36 +0000
commit06eaf7232e9a920468c0f8d74dcf2fe8b555501c (patch)
treee2c7b5777f728320e5b5542b6213fd3591ba51e2 /extra/readline
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1:10.11.6.upstream/1%10.11.6
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'extra/readline')
61 files changed, 29185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extra/readline/CMakeLists.txt b/extra/readline/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a02d9b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA
+ readline.c
+ funmap.c
+ keymaps.c
+ vi_mode.c
+ parens.c
+ rltty.c
+ complete.c
+ bind.c
+ isearch.c
+ display.c
+ signals.c
+ util.c
+ kill.c
+ undo.c
+ macro.c
+ input.c
+ callback.c
+ terminal.c
+ xmalloc.c
+ history.c
+ histsearch.c
+ histexpand.c
+ histfile.c
+ nls.c
+ search.c
+ shell.c
+ tilde.c
+ misc.c
+ text.c
+ mbutil.c
+ compat.c
+ savestring.c
+# Declare dependency
+# so every executable that links with readline links with curses as well
diff --git a/extra/readline/COPYING b/extra/readline/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ca98023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/extra/readline/INSTALL b/extra/readline/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f360b9e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+Basic Installation
+These are installation instructions for Readline-5.2.
+The simplest way to compile readline is:
+ 1. `cd' to the directory containing the readline source code and type
+ `./configure' to configure readline for your system. If you're
+ using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type
+ `sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute
+ `configure' itself.
+ Running `configure' takes some time. While running, it prints some
+ messages telling which features it is checking for.
+ 2. Type `make' to compile readline and build the static readline
+ and history libraries. If supported, the shared readline and history
+ libraries will be built also. See below for instructions on compiling
+ the other parts of the distribution. Typing `make everything' will
+ cause the static and shared libraries (if supported) and the example
+ programs to be built.
+ 3. Type `make install' to install the static readline and history
+ libraries, the readline include files, the documentation, and, if
+ supported, the shared readline and history libraries.
+ 4. You can remove the created libraries and object files from the
+ build directory by typing `make clean'. To also remove the
+ files that `configure' created (so you can compile readline for
+ a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'. There is
+ also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly
+ for the readline developers, and should be used with care.
+The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
+various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It
+uses those values to create a `Makefile' in the build directory,
+and Makefiles in the `doc', `shlib', and `examples'
+subdirectories. It also creates a `config.h' file containing
+system-dependent definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script
+`config.status' that you can run in the future to recreate the
+current configuration, a file `config.cache' that saves the
+results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring, and a file
+`config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for
+debugging `configure').
+If you need to do unusual things to compile readline, please try
+to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and
+mail diffs or instructions to <> so they can
+be considered for the next release. If at some point
+`config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you may
+remove or edit it.
+The file `' is used to create `configure' by a
+program called `autoconf'. You only need `' if you
+want to change it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version
+of `autoconf'. The readline `' requires autoconf
+version 2.50 or newer.
+Compilers and Options
+Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that
+the `configure' script does not know about. You can give `configure'
+initial values for variables by setting them in the environment. Using
+a Bourne-compatible shell, you can do that on the command line like
+ CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix ./configure
+Or on systems that have the `env' program, you can do it like this:
+ env CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-s ./configure
+Compiling For Multiple Architectures
+You can compile readline for more than one kind of computer at the
+same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
+own directory. To do this, you must use a version of `make' that
+supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'. `cd' to the
+directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
+the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the
+source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.
+If you have to use a `make' that does not supports the `VPATH'
+variable, you have to compile readline for one architecture at a
+time in the source code directory. After you have installed
+readline for one architecture, use `make distclean' before
+reconfiguring for another architecture.
+Installation Names
+By default, `make install' will install the readline libraries in
+`/usr/local/lib', the include files in
+`/usr/local/include/readline', the man pages in `/usr/local/man',
+and the info files in `/usr/local/info'. You can specify an
+installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure'
+the option `--prefix=PATH' or by supplying a value for the
+DESTDIR variable when running `make install'.
+You can specify separate installation prefixes for
+architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files.
+If you give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the
+readline Makefiles will use PATH as the prefix for installing the
+libraries. Documentation and other data files will still use the
+regular prefix.
+Specifying the System Type
+There may be some features `configure' can not figure out
+automatically, but need to determine by the type of host readline
+will run on. Usually `configure' can figure that out, but if it
+prints a message saying it can not guess the host type, give it
+the `--host=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for
+the system type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name with three
+fields: CPU-COMPANY-SYSTEM (e.g., i386-unknown-freebsd4.2).
+See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field.
+Sharing Defaults
+If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share,
+you can create a site shell script called `' that gives
+default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
+`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/' if it exists, then
+`PREFIX/etc/' if it exists. Or, you can set the
+`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
+A warning: the readline `configure' looks for a site script, but not
+all `configure' scripts do.
+Operation Controls
+`configure' recognizes the following options to control how it
+ Use and save the results of the tests in FILE instead of
+ `./config.cache'. Set FILE to `/dev/null' to disable caching, for
+ debugging `configure'.
+ Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit.
+ Do not print messages saying which checks are being made.
+ Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually
+ `configure' can determine that directory automatically.
+ Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
+ script, and exit.
+`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options.
+Optional Features
+The readline `configure' recognizes a single `--with-PACKAGE' option:
+ This tells readline that it can find the termcap library functions
+ (tgetent, et al.) in the curses library, rather than a separate
+ termcap library. Readline uses the termcap functions, but does not
+ link with the termcap or curses library itself, allowing applications
+ which link with readline the to choose an appropriate library.
+ This option tells readline to link the example programs with the
+ curses library rather than libtermcap.
+`configure' also recognizes two `--enable-FEATURE' options:
+ Build the shared libraries by default on supported platforms. The
+ default is `yes'.
+ Build the static libraries by default. The default is `yes'.
+Shared Libraries
+There is support for building shared versions of the readline and
+history libraries. The configure script creates a Makefile in
+the `shlib' subdirectory, and typing `make shared' will cause
+shared versions of the readline and history libraries to be built
+on supported platforms.
+If `configure' is given the `--enable-shared' option, it will attempt
+to build the shared libraries by default on supported platforms.
+Configure calls the script support/shobj-conf to test whether or
+not shared library creation is supported and to generate the values
+of variables that are substituted into shlib/Makefile. If you
+try to build shared libraries on an unsupported platform, `make'
+will display a message asking you to update support/shobj-conf for
+your platform.
+If you need to update support/shobj-conf, you will need to create
+a `stanza' for your operating system and compiler. The script uses
+the value of host_os and ${CC} as determined by configure. For
+instance, FreeBSD 4.2 with any version of gcc is identified as
+In the stanza for your operating system-compiler pair, you will need to
+define several variables. They are:
+SHOBJ_CC The C compiler used to compile source files into shareable
+ object files. This is normally set to the value of ${CC}
+ by configure, and should not need to be changed.
+SHOBJ_CFLAGS Flags to pass to the C compiler ($SHOBJ_CC) to create
+ position-independent code. If you are using gcc, this
+ should probably be set to `-fpic'.
+SHOBJ_LD The link editor to be used to create the shared library from
+ the object files created by $SHOBJ_CC. If you are using
+ gcc, a value of `gcc' will probably work.
+SHOBJ_LDFLAGS Flags to pass to SHOBJ_LD to enable shared object creation.
+ If you are using gcc, `-shared' may be all that is necessary.
+ These should be the flags needed for generic shared object
+ creation.
+SHLIB_XLDFLAGS Additional flags to pass to SHOBJ_LD for shared library
+ creation. Many systems use the -R option to the link
+ editor to embed a path within the library for run-time
+ library searches. A reasonable value for such systems would
+ be `-R$(libdir)'.
+SHLIB_LIBS Any additional libraries that shared libraries should be
+ linked against when they are created.
+SHLIB_LIBPREF The prefix to use when generating the filename of the shared
+ library. The default is `lib'; Cygwin uses `cyg'.
+SHLIB_LIBSUFF The suffix to add to `libreadline' and `libhistory' when
+ generating the filename of the shared library. Many systems
+ use `so'; HP-UX uses `sl'.
+SHLIB_LIBVERSION The string to append to the filename to indicate the version
+ of the shared library. It should begin with $(SHLIB_LIBSUFF),
+ and possibly include version information that allows the
+ run-time loader to load the version of the shared library
+ appropriate for a particular program. Systems using shared
+ libraries similar to SunOS 4.x use major and minor library
+ version numbers; for those systems a value of
+ `$(SHLIB_LIBSUFF).$(SHLIB_MAJOR)$(SHLIB_MINOR)' is appropriate.
+ Systems based on System V Release 4 don't use minor version
+ numbers; use `$(SHLIB_LIBSUFF).$(SHLIB_MAJOR)' on those systems.
+ Other Unix versions use different schemes.
+SHLIB_DLLVERSION The version number for shared libraries that determines API
+ compatibility between readline versions and the underlying
+ system. Used only on Cygwin. Defaults to $SHLIB_MAJOR, but
+ can be overridden at configuration time by defining DLLVERSION
+ in the environment.
+SHLIB_DOT The character used to separate the name of the shared library
+ from the suffix and version information. The default is `.';
+ systems like Cygwin which don't separate version information
+ from the library name should set this to the empty string.
+SHLIB_STATUS Set this to `supported' when you have defined the other
+ necessary variables. Make uses this to determine whether
+ or not shared library creation should be attempted. If
+ shared libraries are not supported, this will be set to
+ `unsupported'.
+You should look at the existing stanzas in support/shobj-conf for ideas.
+Once you have updated support/shobj-conf, re-run configure and type
+`make shared' or `make'. The shared libraries will be created in the
+shlib subdirectory.
+If shared libraries are created, `make install' will install them.
+You may install only the shared libraries by running `make
+install-shared' from the top-level build directory. Running `make
+install' in the shlib subdirectory will also work. If you don't want
+to install any created shared libraries, run `make install-static'.
diff --git a/extra/readline/README b/extra/readline/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8da99626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/README
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+This is the Gnu Readline library, version 5.2.
+The Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications
+that allow users to edit command lines as they are typed in. Both
+Emacs and vi editing modes are available. The Readline library includes
+additional functions to maintain a list of previously-entered command
+lines, to recall and perhaps reedit those lines, and perform csh-like
+history expansion on previous commands.
+The history facilites are also placed into a separate library, the
+History library, as part of the build process. The History library
+may be used without Readline in applications which desire its
+The Readline library is free software, distributed under the terms of
+the [GNU] General Public License, version 2. For more information, see
+the file COPYING.
+To build the library, try typing `./configure', then `make'. The
+configuration process is automated, so no further intervention should
+be necessary. Readline builds with `gcc' by default if it is
+available. If you want to use `cc' instead, type
+ CC=cc ./configure
+if you are using a Bourne-style shell. If you are not, the following
+may work:
+ env CC=cc ./configure
+Read the file INSTALL in this directory for more information about how
+to customize and control the build process.
+The file rlconf.h contains C preprocessor defines that enable and disable
+certain Readline features.
+The special make target `everything' will build the static and shared
+libraries (if the target platform supports them) and the examples.
+There are several example programs that use Readline features in the
+examples directory. The `rl' program is of particular interest. It
+is a command-line interface to Readline, suitable for use in shell
+scripts in place of `read'.
+Shared Libraries
+There is skeletal support for building shared versions of the
+Readline and History libraries. The configure script creates
+a Makefile in the `shlib' subdirectory, and typing `make shared'
+will cause shared versions of the Readline and History libraries
+to be built on supported platforms.
+If `configure' is given the `--enable-shared' option, it will attempt
+to build the shared libraries by default on supported platforms.
+Configure calls the script support/shobj-conf to test whether or
+not shared library creation is supported and to generate the values
+of variables that are substituted into shlib/Makefile. If you
+try to build shared libraries on an unsupported platform, `make'
+will display a message asking you to update support/shobj-conf for
+your platform.
+If you need to update support/shobj-conf, you will need to create
+a `stanza' for your operating system and compiler. The script uses
+the value of host_os and ${CC} as determined by configure. For
+instance, FreeBSD 4.2 with any version of gcc is identified as
+In the stanza for your operating system-compiler pair, you will need to
+define several variables. They are:
+SHOBJ_CC The C compiler used to compile source files into shareable
+ object files. This is normally set to the value of ${CC}
+ by configure, and should not need to be changed.
+SHOBJ_CFLAGS Flags to pass to the C compiler ($SHOBJ_CC) to create
+ position-independent code. If you are using gcc, this
+ should probably be set to `-fpic'.
+SHOBJ_LD The link editor to be used to create the shared library from
+ the object files created by $SHOBJ_CC. If you are using
+ gcc, a value of `gcc' will probably work.
+SHOBJ_LDFLAGS Flags to pass to SHOBJ_LD to enable shared object creation.
+ If you are using gcc, `-shared' may be all that is necessary.
+ These should be the flags needed for generic shared object
+ creation.
+SHLIB_XLDFLAGS Additional flags to pass to SHOBJ_LD for shared library
+ creation. Many systems use the -R option to the link
+ editor to embed a path within the library for run-time
+ library searches. A reasonable value for such systems would
+ be `-R$(libdir)'.
+SHLIB_LIBS Any additional libraries that shared libraries should be
+ linked against when they are created.
+SHLIB_LIBPREF The prefix to use when generating the filename of the shared
+ library. The default is `lib'; Cygwin uses `cyg'.
+SHLIB_LIBSUFF The suffix to add to `libreadline' and `libhistory' when
+ generating the filename of the shared library. Many systems
+ use `so'; HP-UX uses `sl'.
+SHLIB_LIBVERSION The string to append to the filename to indicate the version
+ of the shared library. It should begin with $(SHLIB_LIBSUFF),
+ and possibly include version information that allows the
+ run-time loader to load the version of the shared library
+ appropriate for a particular program. Systems using shared
+ libraries similar to SunOS 4.x use major and minor library
+ version numbers; for those systems a value of
+ `$(SHLIB_LIBSUFF).$(SHLIB_MAJOR)$(SHLIB_MINOR)' is appropriate.
+ Systems based on System V Release 4 don't use minor version
+ numbers; use `$(SHLIB_LIBSUFF).$(SHLIB_MAJOR)' on those systems.
+ Other Unix versions use different schemes.
+SHLIB_DLLVERSION The version number for shared libraries that determines API
+ compatibility between readline versions and the underlying
+ system. Used only on Cygwin. Defaults to $SHLIB_MAJOR, but
+ can be overridden at configuration time by defining DLLVERSION
+ in the environment.
+SHLIB_DOT The character used to separate the name of the shared library
+ from the suffix and version information. The default is `.';
+ systems like Cygwin which don't separate version information
+ from the library name should set this to the empty string.
+SHLIB_STATUS Set this to `supported' when you have defined the other
+ necessary variables. Make uses this to determine whether
+ or not shared library creation should be attempted.
+You should look at the existing stanzas in support/shobj-conf for ideas.
+Once you have updated support/shobj-conf, re-run configure and type
+`make shared'. The shared libraries will be created in the shlib
+If shared libraries are created, `make install' will install them.
+You may install only the shared libraries by running `make
+install-shared' from the top-level build directory. Running `make
+install' in the shlib subdirectory will also work. If you don't want
+to install any created shared libraries, run `make install-static'.
+The documentation for the Readline and History libraries appears in
+the `doc' subdirectory. There are three texinfo files and a
+Unix-style manual page describing the facilities available in the
+Readline library. The texinfo files include both user and
+programmer's manuals. HTML versions of the manuals appear in the
+`doc' subdirectory as well.
+Reporting Bugs
+Bug reports for Readline should be sent to:
+When reporting a bug, please include the following information:
+ * the version number and release status of Readline (e.g., 4.2-release)
+ * the machine and OS that it is running on
+ * a list of the compilation flags or the contents of `config.h', if
+ appropriate
+ * a description of the bug
+ * a recipe for recreating the bug reliably
+ * a fix for the bug if you have one!
+If you would like to contact the Readline maintainer directly, send mail
+Since Readline is developed along with bash, the mailing
+list (mirrored to the Usenet newsgroup gnu.bash.bug) often contains
+Readline bug reports and fixes.
+Chet Ramey
diff --git a/extra/readline/ansi_stdlib.h b/extra/readline/ansi_stdlib.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c6da58c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/ansi_stdlib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* ansi_stdlib.h -- An ANSI Standard stdlib.h. */
+/* A minimal stdlib.h containing extern declarations for those functions
+ that bash uses. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell.
+ Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with Bash; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_STDLIB_H_)
+#define _STDLIB_H_ 1
+/* String conversion functions. */
+extern int atoi ();
+extern double atof ();
+extern double strtod ();
+/* Memory allocation functions. */
+/* Generic pointer type. */
+#ifndef PTR_T
+#if defined (__STDC__)
+# define PTR_T void *
+# define PTR_T char *
+#endif /* PTR_T */
+extern PTR_T malloc ();
+extern PTR_T realloc ();
+extern void free ();
+/* Other miscellaneous functions. */
+extern void abort ();
+extern void exit ();
+extern char *getenv ();
+extern void qsort ();
+#endif /* _STDLIB_H */
diff --git a/extra/readline/bind.c b/extra/readline/bind.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..282053e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/bind.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2311 @@
+/* bind.c -- key binding and startup file support for the readline library. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (__TANDEM)
+# include <floss.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_SYS_FILE_H)
+# include <sys/file.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_SYS_FILE_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include <errno.h>
+#if !defined (errno)
+extern int errno;
+#endif /* !errno */
+#include "posixstat.h"
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "rlshell.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+#if !defined (strchr) && !defined (__STDC__)
+extern char *strchr (), *strrchr ();
+#endif /* !strchr && !__STDC__ */
+/* Variables exported by this file. */
+Keymap rl_binding_keymap;
+static char *_rl_read_file PARAMS((char *, size_t *));
+static void _rl_init_file_error PARAMS((const char *));
+static int _rl_read_init_file PARAMS((const char *, int));
+static int glean_key_from_name PARAMS((char *));
+static int find_boolean_var PARAMS((const char *));
+static const char *_rl_get_string_variable_value PARAMS((const char *));
+static int substring_member_of_array PARAMS((char *, const char **));
+static int currently_reading_init_file;
+/* used only in this file */
+static int _rl_prefer_visible_bell = 1;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Binding keys */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* rl_add_defun (char *name, rl_command_func_t *function, int key)
+ Add NAME to the list of named functions. Make FUNCTION be the function
+ that gets called. If KEY is not -1, then bind it. */
+rl_add_defun (name, function, key)
+ const char *name;
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+ int key;
+ if (key != -1)
+ rl_bind_key (key, function);
+ rl_add_funmap_entry (name, function);
+ return 0;
+/* Bind KEY to FUNCTION. Returns non-zero if KEY is out of range. */
+rl_bind_key (key, function)
+ int key;
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+ if (key < 0)
+ return (key);
+ if (META_CHAR (key) && _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii)
+ {
+ if (_rl_keymap[ESC].type == ISKMAP)
+ {
+ Keymap escmap;
+ escmap = FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (_rl_keymap, ESC);
+ key = UNMETA (key);
+ escmap[key].type = ISFUNC;
+ escmap[key].function = function;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return (key);
+ }
+ _rl_keymap[key].type = ISFUNC;
+ _rl_keymap[key].function = function;
+ rl_binding_keymap = _rl_keymap;
+ return (0);
+/* Bind KEY to FUNCTION in MAP. Returns non-zero in case of invalid
+ KEY. */
+rl_bind_key_in_map (key, function, map)
+ int key;
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+ Keymap map;
+ int result;
+ Keymap oldmap;
+ oldmap = _rl_keymap;
+ _rl_keymap = map;
+ result = rl_bind_key (key, function);
+ _rl_keymap = oldmap;
+ return (result);
+/* Bind key sequence KEYSEQ to DEFAULT_FUNC if KEYSEQ is unbound. Right
+ now, this is always used to attempt to bind the arrow keys, hence the
+ check for rl_vi_movement_mode. */
+rl_bind_key_if_unbound_in_map (key, default_func, kmap)
+ int key;
+ rl_command_func_t *default_func;
+ Keymap kmap;
+ char keyseq[2];
+ keyseq[0] = (unsigned char)key;
+ keyseq[1] = '\0';
+ return (rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound_in_map (keyseq, default_func, kmap));
+rl_bind_key_if_unbound (key, default_func)
+ int key;
+ rl_command_func_t *default_func;
+ char keyseq[2];
+ keyseq[0] = (unsigned char)key;
+ keyseq[1] = '\0';
+ return (rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound_in_map (keyseq, default_func, _rl_keymap));
+/* Make KEY do nothing in the currently selected keymap.
+ Returns non-zero in case of error. */
+rl_unbind_key (key)
+ int key;
+ return (rl_bind_key (key, (rl_command_func_t *)NULL));
+/* Make KEY do nothing in MAP.
+ Returns non-zero in case of error. */
+rl_unbind_key_in_map (key, map)
+ int key;
+ Keymap map;
+ return (rl_bind_key_in_map (key, (rl_command_func_t *)NULL, map));
+/* Unbind all keys bound to FUNCTION in MAP. */
+rl_unbind_function_in_map (func, map)
+ rl_command_func_t *func;
+ Keymap map;
+ register int i, rval;
+ for (i = rval = 0; i < KEYMAP_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ if (map[i].type == ISFUNC && map[i].function == func)
+ {
+ map[i].function = (rl_command_func_t *)NULL;
+ rval = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return rval;
+rl_unbind_command_in_map (command, map)
+ const char *command;
+ Keymap map;
+ rl_command_func_t *func;
+ func = rl_named_function (command);
+ if (func == 0)
+ return 0;
+ return (rl_unbind_function_in_map (func, map));
+/* Bind the key sequence represented by the string KEYSEQ to
+ FUNCTION, starting in the current keymap. This makes new
+ keymaps as necessary. */
+rl_bind_keyseq (keyseq, function)
+ const char *keyseq;
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+ return (rl_generic_bind (ISFUNC, keyseq, (char *)function, _rl_keymap));
+/* Bind the key sequence represented by the string KEYSEQ to
+ FUNCTION. This makes new keymaps as necessary. The initial
+ place to do bindings is in MAP. */
+rl_bind_keyseq_in_map (keyseq, function, map)
+ const char *keyseq;
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+ Keymap map;
+ return (rl_generic_bind (ISFUNC, keyseq, (char *)function, map));
+/* Backwards compatibility; equivalent to rl_bind_keyseq_in_map() */
+rl_set_key (keyseq, function, map)
+ const char *keyseq;
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+ Keymap map;
+ return (rl_generic_bind (ISFUNC, keyseq, (char *)function, map));
+/* Bind key sequence KEYSEQ to DEFAULT_FUNC if KEYSEQ is unbound. Right
+ now, this is always used to attempt to bind the arrow keys, hence the
+ check for rl_vi_movement_mode. */
+rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound_in_map (keyseq, default_func, kmap)
+ const char *keyseq;
+ rl_command_func_t *default_func;
+ Keymap kmap;
+ rl_command_func_t *func;
+ if (keyseq)
+ {
+ func = rl_function_of_keyseq (keyseq, kmap, (int *)NULL);
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ if (!func || func == rl_do_lowercase_version || func == rl_vi_movement_mode)
+ if (!func || func == rl_do_lowercase_version)
+ return (rl_bind_keyseq_in_map (keyseq, default_func, kmap));
+ else
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound (keyseq, default_func)
+ const char *keyseq;
+ rl_command_func_t *default_func;
+ return (rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound_in_map (keyseq, default_func, _rl_keymap));
+/* Bind the key sequence represented by the string KEYSEQ to
+ the string of characters MACRO. This makes new keymaps as
+ necessary. The initial place to do bindings is in MAP. */
+rl_macro_bind (keyseq, macro, map)
+ const char *keyseq, *macro;
+ Keymap map;
+ char *macro_keys;
+ int macro_keys_len;
+ macro_keys = (char *)xmalloc ((2 * strlen (macro)) + 1);
+ if (rl_translate_keyseq (macro, macro_keys, &macro_keys_len))
+ {
+ free (macro_keys);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ rl_generic_bind (ISMACR, keyseq, macro_keys, map);
+ return 0;
+/* Bind the key sequence represented by the string KEYSEQ to
+ the arbitrary pointer DATA. TYPE says what kind of data is
+ pointed to by DATA, right now this can be a function (ISFUNC),
+ a macro (ISMACR), or a keymap (ISKMAP). This makes new keymaps
+ as necessary. The initial place to do bindings is in MAP. */
+rl_generic_bind (type, keyseq, data, map)
+ int type;
+ const char *keyseq;
+ char *data;
+ Keymap map;
+ char *keys;
+ int keys_len;
+ register int i;
+ KEYMAP_ENTRY k= { 0, NULL };
+ /* If no keys to bind to, exit right away. */
+ if (keyseq == 0 || *keyseq == 0)
+ {
+ if (type == ISMACR)
+ free (data);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ keys = (char *)xmalloc (1 + (2 * strlen (keyseq)));
+ /* Translate the ASCII representation of KEYSEQ into an array of
+ characters. Stuff the characters into KEYS, and the length of
+ KEYS into KEYS_LEN. */
+ if (rl_translate_keyseq (keyseq, keys, &keys_len))
+ {
+ free (keys);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Bind keys, making new keymaps as necessary. */
+ for (i = 0; i < keys_len; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned char uc = keys[i];
+ int ic;
+ ic = uc;
+ if (ic < 0 || ic >= KEYMAP_SIZE)
+ {
+ free (keys);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (META_CHAR (ic) && _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii)
+ {
+ ic = UNMETA (ic);
+ if (map[ESC].type == ISKMAP)
+ map = FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, ESC);
+ }
+ if ((i + 1) < keys_len)
+ {
+ if (map[ic].type != ISKMAP)
+ {
+ /* We allow subsequences of keys. If a keymap is being
+ created that will `shadow' an existing function or macro
+ key binding, we save that keybinding into the ANYOTHERKEY
+ index in the new map. The dispatch code will look there
+ to find the function to execute if the subsequence is not
+ matched. ANYOTHERKEY was chosen to be greater than
+ k = map[ic];
+ map[ic].type = ISKMAP;
+ map[ic].function = KEYMAP_TO_FUNCTION (rl_make_bare_keymap());
+ }
+ map = FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, ic);
+ /* The dispatch code will return this function if no matching
+ key sequence is found in the keymap. This (with a little
+ help from the dispatch code in readline.c) allows `a' to be
+ mapped to something, `abc' to be mapped to something else,
+ and the function bound to `a' to be executed when the user
+ types `abx', leaving `bx' in the input queue. */
+ if (k.function && ((k.type == ISFUNC && k.function != rl_do_lowercase_version) || k.type == ISMACR))
+ {
+ map[ANYOTHERKEY] = k;
+ k.function = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (map[ic].type == ISMACR)
+ free ((char *)map[ic].function);
+ else if (map[ic].type == ISKMAP)
+ {
+ map = FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, ic);
+ }
+ map[ic].function = KEYMAP_TO_FUNCTION (data);
+ map[ic].type = type;
+ }
+ rl_binding_keymap = map;
+ }
+ free (keys);
+ return 0;
+/* Translate the ASCII representation of SEQ, stuffing the values into ARRAY,
+ an array of characters. LEN gets the final length of ARRAY. Return
+ non-zero if there was an error parsing SEQ. */
+rl_translate_keyseq (seq, array, len)
+ const char *seq;
+ char *array;
+ int *len;
+ register int i, c, l, temp;
+ for (i = l = 0; (c = seq[i]); i++)
+ {
+ if (c == '\\')
+ {
+ c = seq[++i];
+ if (c == 0)
+ break;
+ /* Handle \C- and \M- prefixes. */
+ if ((c == 'C' || c == 'M') && seq[i + 1] == '-')
+ {
+ /* Handle special case of backwards define. */
+ if (strncmp (&seq[i], "C-\\M-", 5) == 0)
+ {
+ array[l++] = ESC; /* ESC is meta-prefix */
+ i += 5;
+ array[l++] = CTRL (_rl_to_upper (seq[i]));
+ if (seq[i] == '\0')
+ i--;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'M')
+ {
+ i++; /* seq[i] == '-' */
+ /* XXX - obey convert-meta setting */
+ if (_rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii && _rl_keymap[ESC].type == ISKMAP)
+ array[l++] = ESC; /* ESC is meta-prefix */
+ else if (seq[i+1] == '\\' && seq[i+2] == 'C' && seq[i+3] == '-')
+ {
+ i += 4;
+ temp = (seq[i] == '?') ? RUBOUT : CTRL (_rl_to_upper (seq[i]));
+ array[l++] = META (temp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* This doesn't yet handle things like \M-\a, which may
+ or may not have any reasonable meaning. You're
+ probably better off using straight octal or hex. */
+ i++;
+ array[l++] = META (seq[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c == 'C')
+ {
+ i += 2;
+ /* Special hack for C-?... */
+ array[l++] = (seq[i] == '?') ? RUBOUT : CTRL (_rl_to_upper (seq[i]));
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Translate other backslash-escaped characters. These are the
+ same escape sequences that bash's `echo' and `printf' builtins
+ handle, with the addition of \d -> RUBOUT. A backslash
+ preceding a character that is not special is stripped. */
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case 'a':
+ array[l++] = '\007';
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ array[l++] = '\b';
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ array[l++] = RUBOUT; /* readline-specific */
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ array[l++] = ESC;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ array[l++] = '\f';
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ array[l++] = NEWLINE;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ array[l++] = RETURN;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ array[l++] = TAB;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ array[l++] = 0x0B;
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ array[l++] = '\\';
+ break;
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
+ case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
+ i++;
+ for (temp = 2, c -= '0'; ISOCTAL (seq[i]) && temp--; i++)
+ c = (c * 8) + OCTVALUE (seq[i]);
+ i--; /* auto-increment in for loop */
+ array[l++] = c & largest_char;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ i++;
+ for (temp = 2, c = 0; ISXDIGIT ((unsigned char)seq[i]) && temp--; i++)
+ c = (c * 16) + HEXVALUE (seq[i]);
+ if (temp == 2)
+ c = 'x';
+ i--; /* auto-increment in for loop */
+ array[l++] = c & largest_char;
+ break;
+ default: /* backslashes before non-special chars just add the char */
+ array[l++] = c;
+ break; /* the backslash is stripped */
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ array[l++] = c;
+ }
+ *len = l;
+ array[l] = '\0';
+ return (0);
+char *
+rl_untranslate_keyseq (seq)
+ int seq;
+ static char kseq[16];
+ int i, c;
+ i = 0;
+ c = seq;
+ if (META_CHAR (c))
+ {
+ kseq[i++] = '\\';
+ kseq[i++] = 'M';
+ kseq[i++] = '-';
+ c = UNMETA (c);
+ }
+ else if (c == ESC)
+ {
+ kseq[i++] = '\\';
+ c = 'e';
+ }
+ else if (CTRL_CHAR (c))
+ {
+ kseq[i++] = '\\';
+ kseq[i++] = 'C';
+ kseq[i++] = '-';
+ c = _rl_to_lower (UNCTRL (c));
+ }
+ else if (c == RUBOUT)
+ {
+ kseq[i++] = '\\';
+ kseq[i++] = 'C';
+ kseq[i++] = '-';
+ c = '?';
+ }
+ if (c == ESC)
+ {
+ kseq[i++] = '\\';
+ c = 'e';
+ }
+ else if (c == '\\' || c == '"')
+ {
+ kseq[i++] = '\\';
+ }
+ kseq[i++] = (unsigned char) c;
+ kseq[i] = '\0';
+ return kseq;
+static char *
+_rl_untranslate_macro_value (seq)
+ char *seq;
+ char *ret, *r, *s;
+ int c;
+ r = ret = (char *)xmalloc (7 * strlen (seq) + 1);
+ for (s = seq; *s; s++)
+ {
+ c = *s;
+ if (META_CHAR (c))
+ {
+ *r++ = '\\';
+ *r++ = 'M';
+ *r++ = '-';
+ c = UNMETA (c);
+ }
+ else if (c == ESC)
+ {
+ *r++ = '\\';
+ c = 'e';
+ }
+ else if (CTRL_CHAR (c))
+ {
+ *r++ = '\\';
+ *r++ = 'C';
+ *r++ = '-';
+ c = _rl_to_lower (UNCTRL (c));
+ }
+ else if (c == RUBOUT)
+ {
+ *r++ = '\\';
+ *r++ = 'C';
+ *r++ = '-';
+ c = '?';
+ }
+ if (c == ESC)
+ {
+ *r++ = '\\';
+ c = 'e';
+ }
+ else if (c == '\\' || c == '"')
+ *r++ = '\\';
+ *r++ = (unsigned char)c;
+ }
+ *r = '\0';
+ return ret;
+/* Return a pointer to the function that STRING represents.
+ If STRING doesn't have a matching function, then a NULL pointer
+ is returned. */
+rl_command_func_t *
+rl_named_function (string)
+ const char *string;
+ register int i;
+ rl_initialize_funmap ();
+ for (i = 0; funmap[i]; i++)
+ if (_rl_stricmp (funmap[i]->name, string) == 0)
+ return (funmap[i]->function);
+ return ((rl_command_func_t *)NULL);
+/* Return the function (or macro) definition which would be invoked via
+ KEYSEQ if executed in MAP. If MAP is NULL, then the current keymap is
+ used. TYPE, if non-NULL, is a pointer to an int which will receive the
+ type of the object pointed to. One of ISFUNC (function), ISKMAP (keymap),
+ or ISMACR (macro). */
+rl_command_func_t *
+rl_function_of_keyseq (keyseq, map, type)
+ const char *keyseq;
+ Keymap map;
+ int *type;
+ register int i;
+ if (map == 0)
+ map = _rl_keymap;
+ for (i = 0; keyseq && keyseq[i]; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned char ic = keyseq[i];
+ if (META_CHAR_FOR_UCHAR(ic) && _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii)
+ {
+ if (map[ESC].type == ISKMAP)
+ {
+ map = FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, ESC);
+ ic = UNMETA (ic);
+ }
+ /* XXX - should we just return NULL here, since this obviously
+ doesn't match? */
+ else
+ {
+ if (type)
+ *type = map[ESC].type;
+ return (map[ESC].function);
+ }
+ }
+ if (map[ic].type == ISKMAP)
+ {
+ /* If this is the last key in the key sequence, return the
+ map. */
+ if (keyseq[i + 1] == '\0')
+ {
+ if (type)
+ *type = ISKMAP;
+ return (map[ic].function);
+ }
+ else
+ map = FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, ic);
+ }
+ /* If we're not at the end of the key sequence, and the current key
+ is bound to something other than a keymap, then the entire key
+ sequence is not bound. */
+ else if (map[ic].type != ISKMAP && keyseq[i+1])
+ return ((rl_command_func_t *)NULL);
+ else /* map[ic].type != ISKMAP && keyseq[i+1] == 0 */
+ {
+ if (type)
+ *type = map[ic].type;
+ return (map[ic].function);
+ }
+ }
+ return ((rl_command_func_t *) NULL);
+/* The last key bindings file read. */
+static char *last_readline_init_file = (char *)NULL;
+/* The file we're currently reading key bindings from. */
+static const char *current_readline_init_file;
+static int current_readline_init_include_level;
+static int current_readline_init_lineno;
+/* Read FILENAME into a locally-allocated buffer and return the buffer.
+ The size of the buffer is returned in *SIZEP. Returns NULL if any
+ errors were encountered. */
+static char *
+_rl_read_file (filename, sizep)
+ char *filename;
+ size_t *sizep;
+ struct stat finfo;
+ size_t file_size;
+ char *buffer;
+ int i, file;
+ if ((stat (filename, &finfo) < 0) || (file = open (filename, O_RDONLY, 0666)) < 0)
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+ file_size = (size_t)finfo.st_size;
+ /* check for overflow on very large files */
+ if ((sizeof(off_t) > sizeof(size_t) && finfo.st_size > (off_t)(size_t)~0) ||
+ file_size + 1 < file_size)
+ {
+ if (file >= 0)
+ close (file);
+#if defined (EFBIG)
+ errno = EFBIG;
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+ }
+ /* Read the file into BUFFER. */
+ buffer = (char *)xmalloc (file_size + 1);
+ i = read (file, buffer, file_size);
+ close (file);
+ if (i < 0)
+ {
+ free (buffer);
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+ }
+ buffer[i] = '\0';
+ if (sizep)
+ *sizep = i;
+ return (buffer);
+/* Re-read the current keybindings file. */
+rl_re_read_init_file (count, ignore)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ int r;
+ r = rl_read_init_file ((const char *)NULL);
+ rl_set_keymap_from_edit_mode ();
+ return r;
+/* Do key bindings from a file. If FILENAME is NULL it defaults
+ to the first non-null filename from this list:
+ 1. the filename used for the previous call
+ 2. the value of the shell variable `INPUTRC'
+ 3. ~/.inputrc
+ 4. /etc/inputrc
+ If the file existed and could be opened and read, 0 is returned,
+ otherwise errno is returned. */
+rl_read_init_file (filename)
+ const char *filename;
+ /* Default the filename. */
+ if (filename == 0)
+ filename = last_readline_init_file;
+ if (filename == 0)
+ filename = sh_get_env_value ("INPUTRC");
+ if (filename == 0 || *filename == 0)
+ {
+ filename = DEFAULT_INPUTRC;
+ /* Try to read DEFAULT_INPUTRC; fall back to SYS_INPUTRC on failure */
+ if (_rl_read_init_file (filename, 0) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ filename = SYS_INPUTRC;
+ }
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ if (_rl_read_init_file (filename, 0) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ filename = "~/_inputrc";
+ return (_rl_read_init_file (filename, 0));
+static int
+_rl_read_init_file (filename, include_level)
+ const char *filename;
+ int include_level;
+ register int i;
+ char *buffer, *openname, *line, *end;
+ size_t file_size = 0;
+ current_readline_init_file = filename;
+ current_readline_init_include_level = include_level;
+ openname = tilde_expand (filename);
+ buffer = _rl_read_file (openname, &file_size);
+ free (openname);
+ if (buffer == 0)
+ return (errno);
+ if (include_level == 0 && filename != last_readline_init_file)
+ {
+ FREE (last_readline_init_file);
+ last_readline_init_file = savestring (filename);
+ }
+ currently_reading_init_file = 1;
+ /* Loop over the lines in the file. Lines that start with `#' are
+ comments; all other lines are commands for readline initialization. */
+ current_readline_init_lineno = 1;
+ line = buffer;
+ end = buffer + file_size;
+ while (line < end)
+ {
+ /* Find the end of this line. */
+ for (i = 0; line + i != end && line[i] != '\n'; i++);
+#if defined (__CYGWIN__)
+ /* ``Be liberal in what you accept.'' */
+ if (line[i] == '\n' && line[i-1] == '\r')
+ line[i - 1] = '\0';
+ /* Mark end of line. */
+ line[i] = '\0';
+ /* Skip leading whitespace. */
+ while (*line && whitespace (*line))
+ {
+ line++;
+ i--;
+ }
+ /* If the line is not a comment, then parse it. */
+ if (*line && *line != '#')
+ rl_parse_and_bind (line);
+ /* Move to the next line. */
+ line += i + 1;
+ current_readline_init_lineno++;
+ }
+ free (buffer);
+ currently_reading_init_file = 0;
+ return (0);
+static void
+_rl_init_file_error (msg)
+ const char *msg;
+ if (currently_reading_init_file)
+ fprintf (stderr, "readline: %s: line %d: %s\n", current_readline_init_file,
+ current_readline_init_lineno, msg);
+ else
+ fprintf (stderr, "readline: %s\n", msg);
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Parser Directives */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+typedef int _rl_parser_func_t PARAMS((char *));
+/* Things that mean `Control'. */
+const char *_rl_possible_control_prefixes[] = {
+ "Control-", "C-", "CTRL-", (const char *)NULL
+const char *_rl_possible_meta_prefixes[] = {
+ "Meta", "M-", (const char *)NULL
+/* Conditionals. */
+/* Calling programs set this to have their argv[0]. */
+const char *rl_readline_name = "other";
+/* Stack of previous values of parsing_conditionalized_out. */
+static unsigned char *if_stack = (unsigned char *)NULL;
+static int if_stack_depth;
+static int if_stack_size;
+/* Push _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out, and set parser state based
+ on ARGS. */
+static int
+parser_if (args)
+ char *args;
+ register int i;
+ /* Push parser state. */
+ if (if_stack_depth + 1 >= if_stack_size)
+ {
+ if (!if_stack)
+ if_stack = (unsigned char *)xmalloc (if_stack_size = 20);
+ else
+ if_stack = (unsigned char *)xrealloc (if_stack, if_stack_size += 20);
+ }
+ if_stack[if_stack_depth++] = _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out;
+ /* If parsing is turned off, then nothing can turn it back on except
+ for finding the matching endif. In that case, return right now. */
+ if (_rl_parsing_conditionalized_out)
+ return 0;
+ /* Isolate first argument. */
+ for (i = 0; args[i] && !whitespace (args[i]); i++);
+ if (args[i])
+ args[i++] = '\0';
+ /* Handle "$if term=foo" and "$if mode=emacs" constructs. If this
+ isn't term=foo, or mode=emacs, then check to see if the first
+ word in ARGS is the same as the value stored in rl_readline_name. */
+ if (rl_terminal_name && _rl_strnicmp (args, "term=", 5) == 0)
+ {
+ char *tem, *tname;
+ /* Terminals like "aaa-60" are equivalent to "aaa". */
+ tname = savestring (rl_terminal_name);
+ tem = strchr (tname, '-');
+ if (tem)
+ *tem = '\0';
+ /* Test the `long' and `short' forms of the terminal name so that
+ if someone has a `sun-cmd' and does not want to have bindings
+ that will be executed if the terminal is a `sun', they can put
+ `$if term=sun-cmd' into their .inputrc. */
+ _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out = _rl_stricmp (args + 5, tname) &&
+ _rl_stricmp (args + 5, rl_terminal_name);
+ free (tname);
+ }
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ else if (_rl_strnicmp (args, "mode=", 5) == 0)
+ {
+ int mode;
+ if (_rl_stricmp (args + 5, "emacs") == 0)
+ mode = emacs_mode;
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (args + 5, "vi") == 0)
+ mode = vi_mode;
+ else
+ mode = no_mode;
+ _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out = mode != rl_editing_mode;
+ }
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ /* Check to see if the first word in ARGS is the same as the
+ value stored in rl_readline_name. */
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (args, rl_readline_name) == 0)
+ _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out = 0;
+ else
+ _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out = 1;
+ return 0;
+/* Invert the current parser state if there is anything on the stack. */
+static int
+parser_else (args)
+ char *args __attribute__((unused));
+ register int i;
+ if (if_stack_depth == 0)
+ {
+ _rl_init_file_error ("$else found without matching $if");
+ return 0;
+ }
+#if 0
+ /* Check the previous (n - 1) levels of the stack to make sure that
+ we haven't previously turned off parsing. */
+ for (i = 0; i < if_stack_depth - 1; i++)
+ /* Check the previous (n) levels of the stack to make sure that
+ we haven't previously turned off parsing. */
+ for (i = 0; i < if_stack_depth; i++)
+ if (if_stack[i] == 1)
+ return 0;
+ /* Invert the state of parsing if at top level. */
+ _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out = !_rl_parsing_conditionalized_out;
+ return 0;
+/* Terminate a conditional, popping the value of
+ _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out from the stack. */
+static int
+parser_endif (args)
+ char *args __attribute__((unused));
+ if (if_stack_depth)
+ _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out = if_stack[--if_stack_depth];
+ else
+ _rl_init_file_error ("$endif without matching $if");
+ return 0;
+static int
+parser_include (args)
+ char *args;
+ const char *old_init_file;
+ char *e;
+ int old_line_number, old_include_level, r;
+ if (_rl_parsing_conditionalized_out)
+ return (0);
+ old_init_file = current_readline_init_file;
+ old_line_number = current_readline_init_lineno;
+ old_include_level = current_readline_init_include_level;
+ e = strchr (args, '\n');
+ if (e)
+ *e = '\0';
+ r = _rl_read_init_file ((const char *)args, old_include_level + 1);
+ current_readline_init_file = old_init_file;
+ current_readline_init_lineno = old_line_number;
+ current_readline_init_include_level = old_include_level;
+ return r;
+/* Associate textual names with actual functions. */
+static struct {
+ const char *name;
+ _rl_parser_func_t *function;
+} parser_directives [] = {
+ { "if", parser_if },
+ { "endif", parser_endif },
+ { "else", parser_else },
+ { "include", parser_include },
+ { (char *)0x0, (_rl_parser_func_t *)0x0 }
+/* Handle a parser directive. STATEMENT is the line of the directive
+ without any leading `$'. */
+static int
+handle_parser_directive (statement)
+ char *statement;
+ register int i;
+ char *directive, *args;
+ /* Isolate the actual directive. */
+ /* Skip whitespace. */
+ for (i = 0; whitespace (statement[i]); i++);
+ directive = &statement[i];
+ for (; statement[i] && !whitespace (statement[i]); i++);
+ if (statement[i])
+ statement[i++] = '\0';
+ for (; statement[i] && whitespace (statement[i]); i++);
+ args = &statement[i];
+ /* Lookup the command, and act on it. */
+ for (i = 0; parser_directives[i].name; i++)
+ if (_rl_stricmp (directive, parser_directives[i].name) == 0)
+ {
+ (*parser_directives[i].function) (args);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /* display an error message about the unknown parser directive */
+ _rl_init_file_error ("unknown parser directive");
+ return (1);
+/* Read the binding command from STRING and perform it.
+ A key binding command looks like: Keyname: function-name\0,
+ a variable binding command looks like: set variable value.
+ A new-style keybinding looks like "\C-x\C-x": exchange-point-and-mark. */
+rl_parse_and_bind (string)
+ char *string;
+ char *funname, *kname;
+ register int c, i;
+ int key, equivalency;
+ while (string && whitespace (*string))
+ string++;
+ if (!string || !*string || *string == '#')
+ return 0;
+ /* If this is a parser directive, act on it. */
+ if (*string == '$')
+ {
+ handle_parser_directive (&string[1]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* If we aren't supposed to be parsing right now, then we're done. */
+ if (_rl_parsing_conditionalized_out)
+ return 0;
+ i = 0;
+ /* If this keyname is a complex key expression surrounded by quotes,
+ advance to after the matching close quote. This code allows the
+ backslash to quote characters in the key expression. */
+ if (*string == '"')
+ {
+ int passc = 0;
+ for (i = 1; (c = string[i]); i++)
+ {
+ if (passc)
+ {
+ passc = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == '\\')
+ {
+ passc++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == '"')
+ break;
+ }
+ /* If we didn't find a closing quote, abort the line. */
+ if (string[i] == '\0')
+ {
+ _rl_init_file_error ("no closing `\"' in key binding");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Advance to the colon (:) or whitespace which separates the two objects. */
+ for (; (c = string[i]) && c != ':' && c != ' ' && c != '\t'; i++ );
+ equivalency = (c == ':' && string[i + 1] == '=');
+ /* Mark the end of the command (or keyname). */
+ if (string[i])
+ string[i++] = '\0';
+ /* If doing assignment, skip the '=' sign as well. */
+ if (equivalency)
+ string[i++] = '\0';
+ /* If this is a command to set a variable, then do that. */
+ if (_rl_stricmp (string, "set") == 0)
+ {
+ char *var, *value, *e;
+ var = string + i;
+ /* Make VAR point to start of variable name. */
+ while (*var && whitespace (*var)) var++;
+ /* Make VALUE point to start of value string. */
+ value = var;
+ while (*value && !whitespace (*value)) value++;
+ if (*value)
+ *value++ = '\0';
+ while (*value && whitespace (*value)) value++;
+ /* Strip trailing whitespace from values to boolean variables. Temp
+ fix until I get a real quoted-string parser here. */
+ i = find_boolean_var (var);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ /* remove trailing whitespace */
+ e = value + strlen (value) - 1;
+ while (e >= value && whitespace (*e))
+ e--;
+ e++; /* skip back to whitespace or EOS */
+ if (*e && e >= value)
+ *e = '\0';
+ }
+ rl_variable_bind (var, value);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Skip any whitespace between keyname and funname. */
+ for (; string[i] && whitespace (string[i]); i++);
+ funname = &string[i];
+ /* Now isolate funname.
+ For straight function names just look for whitespace, since
+ that will signify the end of the string. But this could be a
+ macro definition. In that case, the string is quoted, so skip
+ to the matching delimiter. We allow the backslash to quote the
+ delimiter characters in the macro body. */
+ /* This code exists to allow whitespace in macro expansions, which
+ would otherwise be gobbled up by the next `for' loop.*/
+ /* XXX - it may be desirable to allow backslash quoting only if " is
+ the quoted string delimiter, like the shell. */
+ if (*funname == '\'' || *funname == '"')
+ {
+ int delimiter, passc;
+ delimiter = string[i++];
+ for (passc = 0; (c = string[i]); i++)
+ {
+ if (passc)
+ {
+ passc = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == '\\')
+ {
+ passc = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == delimiter)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (c)
+ i++;
+ }
+ /* Advance to the end of the string. */
+ for (; string[i] && !whitespace (string[i]); i++);
+ /* No extra whitespace at the end of the string. */
+ string[i] = '\0';
+ /* Handle equivalency bindings here. Make the left-hand side be exactly
+ whatever the right-hand evaluates to, including keymaps. */
+ if (equivalency)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* If this is a new-style key-binding, then do the binding with
+ rl_bind_keyseq (). Otherwise, let the older code deal with it. */
+ if (*string == '"')
+ {
+ char *seq;
+ register int j, k, passc;
+ seq = (char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (string));
+ for (j = 1, k = passc = 0; string[j]; j++)
+ {
+ /* Allow backslash to quote characters, but leave them in place.
+ This allows a string to end with a backslash quoting another
+ backslash, or with a backslash quoting a double quote. The
+ backslashes are left in place for rl_translate_keyseq (). */
+ if (passc || (string[j] == '\\'))
+ {
+ seq[k++] = string[j];
+ passc = !passc;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (string[j] == '"')
+ break;
+ seq[k++] = string[j];
+ }
+ seq[k] = '\0';
+ /* Binding macro? */
+ if (*funname == '\'' || *funname == '"')
+ {
+ j = strlen (funname);
+ /* Remove the delimiting quotes from each end of FUNNAME. */
+ if (j && funname[j - 1] == *funname)
+ funname[j - 1] = '\0';
+ rl_macro_bind (seq, &funname[1], _rl_keymap);
+ }
+ else
+ rl_bind_keyseq (seq, rl_named_function (funname));
+ free (seq);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Get the actual character we want to deal with. */
+ kname = strrchr (string, '-');
+ if (!kname)
+ kname = string;
+ else
+ kname++;
+ key = glean_key_from_name (kname);
+ /* Add in control and meta bits. */
+ if (substring_member_of_array (string, _rl_possible_control_prefixes))
+ key = CTRL (_rl_to_upper (key));
+ if (substring_member_of_array (string, _rl_possible_meta_prefixes))
+ key = META (key);
+ /* Temporary. Handle old-style keyname with macro-binding. */
+ if (*funname == '\'' || *funname == '"')
+ {
+ char useq[2];
+ int fl = strlen (funname);
+ useq[0] = key; useq[1] = '\0';
+ if (fl && funname[fl - 1] == *funname)
+ funname[fl - 1] = '\0';
+ rl_macro_bind (useq, &funname[1], _rl_keymap);
+ }
+#if defined (PREFIX_META_HACK)
+ /* Ugly, but working hack to keep prefix-meta around. */
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (funname, "prefix-meta") == 0)
+ {
+ char seq[2];
+ seq[0] = key;
+ seq[1] = '\0';
+ rl_generic_bind (ISKMAP, seq, (char *)emacs_meta_keymap, _rl_keymap);
+ }
+#endif /* PREFIX_META_HACK */
+ else
+ rl_bind_key (key, rl_named_function (funname));
+ return 0;
+/* Simple structure for boolean readline variables (i.e., those that can
+ have one of two values; either "On" or 1 for truth, or "Off" or 0 for
+ false. */
+#define V_SPECIAL 0x1
+static struct {
+ const char *name;
+ int *value;
+ int flags;
+} boolean_varlist [] = {
+ { "bind-tty-special-chars", &_rl_bind_stty_chars, 0 },
+ { "blink-matching-paren", &rl_blink_matching_paren, V_SPECIAL },
+ { "byte-oriented", &rl_byte_oriented, 0 },
+ { "completion-ignore-case", &_rl_completion_case_fold, 0 },
+ { "convert-meta", &_rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii, 0 },
+ { "disable-completion", &rl_inhibit_completion, 0 },
+ { "enable-keypad", &_rl_enable_keypad, 0 },
+ { "expand-tilde", &rl_complete_with_tilde_expansion, 0 },
+ { "history-preserve-point", &_rl_history_preserve_point, 0 },
+ { "horizontal-scroll-mode", &_rl_horizontal_scroll_mode, 0 },
+ { "input-meta", &_rl_meta_flag, 0 },
+ { "mark-directories", &_rl_complete_mark_directories, 0 },
+ { "mark-modified-lines", &_rl_mark_modified_lines, 0 },
+ { "mark-symlinked-directories", &_rl_complete_mark_symlink_dirs, 0 },
+ { "match-hidden-files", &_rl_match_hidden_files, 0 },
+ { "meta-flag", &_rl_meta_flag, 0 },
+ { "output-meta", &_rl_output_meta_chars, 0 },
+ { "page-completions", &_rl_page_completions, 0 },
+ { "prefer-visible-bell", &_rl_prefer_visible_bell, V_SPECIAL },
+ { "print-completions-horizontally", &_rl_print_completions_horizontally, 0 },
+ { "show-all-if-ambiguous", &_rl_complete_show_all, 0 },
+ { "show-all-if-unmodified", &_rl_complete_show_unmodified, 0 },
+#if defined (VISIBLE_STATS)
+ { "visible-stats", &rl_visible_stats, 0 },
+#endif /* VISIBLE_STATS */
+ { (char *)NULL, (int *)NULL, 0 }
+static int
+find_boolean_var (name)
+ const char *name;
+ register int i;
+ for (i = 0; boolean_varlist[i].name; i++)
+ if (_rl_stricmp (name, boolean_varlist[i].name) == 0)
+ return i;
+ return -1;
+/* Hooks for handling special boolean variables, where a
+ function needs to be called or another variable needs
+ to be changed when they're changed. */
+static void
+hack_special_boolean_var (i)
+ int i;
+ const char *name;
+ name = boolean_varlist[i].name;
+ if (_rl_stricmp (name, "blink-matching-paren") == 0)
+ _rl_enable_paren_matching (rl_blink_matching_paren);
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (name, "prefer-visible-bell") == 0)
+ {
+ if (_rl_prefer_visible_bell)
+ _rl_bell_preference = VISIBLE_BELL;
+ else
+ _rl_bell_preference = AUDIBLE_BELL;
+ }
+typedef int _rl_sv_func_t PARAMS((const char *));
+/* These *must* correspond to the array indices for the appropriate
+ string variable. (Though they're not used right now.) */
+#define V_BELLSTYLE 0
+#define V_COMBEGIN 1
+#define V_EDITMODE 2
+#define V_ISRCHTERM 3
+#define V_KEYMAP 4
+#define V_STRING 1
+#define V_INT 2
+/* Forward declarations */
+static int sv_bell_style PARAMS((const char *));
+static int sv_combegin PARAMS((const char *));
+static int sv_compquery PARAMS((const char *));
+static int sv_editmode PARAMS((const char *));
+static int sv_isrchterm PARAMS((const char *));
+static int sv_keymap PARAMS((const char *));
+static struct {
+ const char *name;
+ int flags;
+ _rl_sv_func_t *set_func;
+} string_varlist[] = {
+ { "bell-style", V_STRING, sv_bell_style },
+ { "comment-begin", V_STRING, sv_combegin },
+ { "completion-query-items", V_INT, sv_compquery },
+ { "editing-mode", V_STRING, sv_editmode },
+ { "isearch-terminators", V_STRING, sv_isrchterm },
+ { "keymap", V_STRING, sv_keymap },
+ { (char *)NULL, 0, (_rl_sv_func_t*)NULL }
+static int
+find_string_var (name)
+ const char *name;
+ register int i;
+ for (i = 0; string_varlist[i].name; i++)
+ if (_rl_stricmp (name, string_varlist[i].name) == 0)
+ return i;
+ return -1;
+/* A boolean value that can appear in a `set variable' command is true if
+ the value is null or empty, `on' (case-insenstive), or "1". Any other
+ values result in 0 (false). */
+static int
+bool_to_int (value)
+ const char *value;
+ return (value == 0 || *value == '\0' ||
+ (_rl_stricmp (value, "on") == 0) ||
+ (value[0] == '1' && value[1] == '\0'));
+const char *
+rl_variable_value (name)
+ const char *name;
+ register int i;
+ /* Check for simple variables first. */
+ i = find_boolean_var (name);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ return (*boolean_varlist[i].value ? "on" : "off");
+ i = find_string_var (name);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ return (_rl_get_string_variable_value (string_varlist[i].name));
+ /* Unknown variable names return NULL. */
+ return 0;
+rl_variable_bind (name, value)
+ const char *name, *value;
+ register int i;
+ int v;
+ /* Check for simple variables first. */
+ i = find_boolean_var (name);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ *boolean_varlist[i].value = bool_to_int (value);
+ if (boolean_varlist[i].flags & V_SPECIAL)
+ hack_special_boolean_var (i);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ i = find_string_var (name);
+ /* For the time being, unknown variable names or string names without a
+ handler function are simply ignored. */
+ if (i < 0 || string_varlist[i].set_func == 0)
+ return 0;
+ v = (*string_varlist[i].set_func) (value);
+ return v;
+static int
+sv_editmode (value)
+ const char *value;
+ if (_rl_strnicmp (value, "vi", 2) == 0)
+ {
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ _rl_keymap = vi_insertion_keymap;
+ rl_editing_mode = vi_mode;
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (_rl_strnicmp (value, "emacs", 5) == 0)
+ {
+ _rl_keymap = emacs_standard_keymap;
+ rl_editing_mode = emacs_mode;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+sv_combegin (value)
+ const char *value;
+ if (value && *value)
+ {
+ FREE (_rl_comment_begin);
+ _rl_comment_begin = savestring (value);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+sv_compquery (value)
+ const char *value;
+ int nval = 100;
+ if (value && *value)
+ {
+ nval = atoi (value);
+ if (nval < 0)
+ nval = 0;
+ }
+ rl_completion_query_items = nval;
+ return 0;
+static int
+sv_keymap (value)
+ const char *value;
+ Keymap kmap;
+ kmap = rl_get_keymap_by_name (value);
+ if (kmap)
+ {
+ rl_set_keymap (kmap);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+sv_bell_style (value)
+ const char *value;
+ if (value == 0 || *value == '\0')
+ _rl_bell_preference = AUDIBLE_BELL;
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (value, "none") == 0 || _rl_stricmp (value, "off") == 0)
+ _rl_bell_preference = NO_BELL;
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (value, "audible") == 0 || _rl_stricmp (value, "on") == 0)
+ _rl_bell_preference = AUDIBLE_BELL;
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (value, "visible") == 0)
+ _rl_bell_preference = VISIBLE_BELL;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int
+sv_isrchterm (value)
+ const char *value;
+ int beg, end, delim;
+ char *v;
+ if (value == 0)
+ return 1;
+ /* Isolate the value and translate it into a character string. */
+ v = savestring (value);
+ FREE (_rl_isearch_terminators);
+ if (v[0] == '"' || v[0] == '\'')
+ {
+ delim = v[0];
+ for (beg = end = 1; v[end] && v[end] != delim; end++)
+ ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (beg = end = 0; whitespace (v[end]) == 0; end++)
+ ;
+ }
+ v[end] = '\0';
+ /* The value starts at v + beg. Translate it into a character string. */
+ _rl_isearch_terminators = (char *)xmalloc (2 * strlen (v) + 1);
+ rl_translate_keyseq (v + beg, _rl_isearch_terminators, &end);
+ _rl_isearch_terminators[end] = '\0';
+ free (v);
+ return 0;
+/* Return the character which matches NAME.
+ For example, `Space' returns ' '. */
+typedef struct {
+ const char *name;
+ int value;
+} assoc_list;
+static assoc_list name_key_alist[] = {
+ { "DEL", 0x7f },
+ { "ESC", '\033' },
+ { "Escape", '\033' },
+ { "LFD", '\n' },
+ { "Newline", '\n' },
+ { "RET", '\r' },
+ { "Return", '\r' },
+ { "Rubout", 0x7f },
+ { "SPC", ' ' },
+ { "Space", ' ' },
+ { "Tab", 0x09 },
+ { (char *)0x0, 0 }
+static int
+glean_key_from_name (name)
+ char *name;
+ register int i;
+ for (i = 0; name_key_alist[i].name; i++)
+ if (_rl_stricmp (name, name_key_alist[i].name) == 0)
+ return (name_key_alist[i].value);
+ return (*(unsigned char *)name); /* XXX was return (*name) */
+/* Auxiliary functions to manage keymaps. */
+static struct {
+ const char *name;
+ Keymap map;
+} keymap_names[] = {
+ { "emacs", emacs_standard_keymap },
+ { "emacs-standard", emacs_standard_keymap },
+ { "emacs-meta", emacs_meta_keymap },
+ { "emacs-ctlx", emacs_ctlx_keymap },
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ { "vi", vi_movement_keymap },
+ { "vi-move", vi_movement_keymap },
+ { "vi-command", vi_movement_keymap },
+ { "vi-insert", vi_insertion_keymap },
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ { (char *)0x0, (Keymap)0x0 }
+rl_get_keymap_by_name (name)
+ const char *name;
+ register int i;
+ for (i = 0; keymap_names[i].name; i++)
+ if (_rl_stricmp (name, keymap_names[i].name) == 0)
+ return (keymap_names[i].map);
+ return ((Keymap) NULL);
+char *
+rl_get_keymap_name (map)
+ Keymap map;
+ register int i;
+ for (i = 0; keymap_names[i].name; i++)
+ if (map == keymap_names[i].map)
+ return ((char *)keymap_names[i].name);
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+rl_set_keymap (map)
+ Keymap map;
+ if (map)
+ _rl_keymap = map;
+rl_get_keymap ()
+ return (_rl_keymap);
+rl_set_keymap_from_edit_mode ()
+ if (rl_editing_mode == emacs_mode)
+ _rl_keymap = emacs_standard_keymap;
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ else if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ _rl_keymap = vi_insertion_keymap;
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+const char *
+rl_get_keymap_name_from_edit_mode ()
+ if (rl_editing_mode == emacs_mode)
+ return "emacs";
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ else if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ return "vi";
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ else
+ return "none";
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Key Binding and Function Information */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Each of the following functions produces information about the
+ state of keybindings and functions known to Readline. The info
+ is always printed to rl_outstream, and in such a way that it can
+ be read back in (i.e., passed to rl_parse_and_bind ()). */
+/* Print the names of functions known to Readline. */
+rl_list_funmap_names ()
+ register int i;
+ const char **funmap_names;
+ funmap_names = rl_funmap_names ();
+ if (!funmap_names)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; funmap_names[i]; i++)
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "%s\n", funmap_names[i]);
+ free (funmap_names);
+static char *
+_rl_get_keyname (key)
+ int key;
+ char *keyname;
+ int i, c;
+ keyname = (char *)xmalloc (8);
+ c = key;
+ /* Since this is going to be used to write out keysequence-function
+ pairs for possible inclusion in an inputrc file, we don't want to
+ do any special meta processing on KEY. */
+#if 1
+ /* XXX - Experimental */
+ /* We might want to do this, but the old version of the code did not. */
+ /* If this is an escape character, we don't want to do any more processing.
+ Just add the special ESC key sequence and return. */
+ if (c == ESC)
+ {
+ keyname[0] = '\\';
+ keyname[1] = 'e';
+ keyname[2] = '\0';
+ return keyname;
+ }
+ /* RUBOUT is translated directly into \C-? */
+ if (key == RUBOUT)
+ {
+ keyname[0] = '\\';
+ keyname[1] = 'C';
+ keyname[2] = '-';
+ keyname[3] = '?';
+ keyname[4] = '\0';
+ return keyname;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ /* Now add special prefixes needed for control characters. This can
+ potentially change C. */
+ if (CTRL_CHAR (c))
+ {
+ keyname[i++] = '\\';
+ keyname[i++] = 'C';
+ keyname[i++] = '-';
+ c = _rl_to_lower (UNCTRL (c));
+ }
+ /* XXX experimental code. Turn the characters that are not ASCII or
+ ISO Latin 1 (128 - 159) into octal escape sequences (\200 - \237).
+ This changes C. */
+ if (c >= 128 && c <= 159)
+ {
+ keyname[i++] = '\\';
+ keyname[i++] = '2';
+ c -= 128;
+ keyname[i++] = (c / 8) + '0';
+ c = (c % 8) + '0';
+ }
+ /* Now, if the character needs to be quoted with a backslash, do that. */
+ if (c == '\\' || c == '"')
+ keyname[i++] = '\\';
+ /* Now add the key, terminate the string, and return it. */
+ keyname[i++] = (char) c;
+ keyname[i] = '\0';
+ return keyname;
+/* Return a NULL terminated array of strings which represent the key
+ sequences that are used to invoke FUNCTION in MAP. */
+char **
+rl_invoking_keyseqs_in_map (function, map)
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+ Keymap map;
+ register int key;
+ char **result;
+ int result_index, result_size;
+ result = (char **)NULL;
+ result_index = result_size = 0;
+ for (key = 0; key < KEYMAP_SIZE; key++)
+ {
+ switch (map[key].type)
+ {
+ case ISMACR:
+ /* Macros match, if, and only if, the pointers are identical.
+ Thus, they are treated exactly like functions in here. */
+ case ISFUNC:
+ /* If the function in the keymap is the one we are looking for,
+ then add the current KEY to the list of invoking keys. */
+ if (map[key].function == function)
+ {
+ char *keyname;
+ keyname = _rl_get_keyname (key);
+ if (result_index + 2 > result_size)
+ {
+ result_size += 10;
+ result = (char **)xrealloc (result, result_size * sizeof (char *));
+ }
+ result[result_index++] = keyname;
+ result[result_index] = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ISKMAP:
+ {
+ char **seqs;
+ register int i;
+ /* Find the list of keyseqs in this map which have FUNCTION as
+ their target. Add the key sequences found to RESULT. */
+ if (map[key].function)
+ seqs =
+ rl_invoking_keyseqs_in_map (function, FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, key));
+ else
+ break;
+ if (seqs == 0)
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; seqs[i]; i++)
+ {
+ char *keyname = (char *)xmalloc (6 + strlen (seqs[i]));
+ if (key == ESC)
+ {
+ /* If ESC is the meta prefix and we're converting chars
+ with the eighth bit set to ESC-prefixed sequences, then
+ we can use \M-. Otherwise we need to use the sequence
+ for ESC. */
+ if (_rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii && map[ESC].type == ISKMAP)
+ sprintf (keyname, "\\M-");
+ else
+ sprintf (keyname, "\\e");
+ }
+ else if (CTRL_CHAR (key))
+ sprintf (keyname, "\\C-%c", _rl_to_lower (UNCTRL (key)));
+ else if (key == RUBOUT)
+ sprintf (keyname, "\\C-?");
+ else if (key == '\\' || key == '"')
+ {
+ keyname[0] = '\\';
+ keyname[1] = (char) key;
+ keyname[2] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ keyname[0] = (char) key;
+ keyname[1] = '\0';
+ }
+ strcat (keyname, seqs[i]);
+ free (seqs[i]);
+ if (result_index + 2 > result_size)
+ {
+ result_size += 10;
+ result = (char **)xrealloc (result, result_size * sizeof (char *));
+ }
+ result[result_index++] = keyname;
+ result[result_index] = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ free (seqs);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (result);
+/* Return a NULL terminated array of strings which represent the key
+ sequences that can be used to invoke FUNCTION using the current keymap. */
+char **
+rl_invoking_keyseqs (function)
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+ return (rl_invoking_keyseqs_in_map (function, _rl_keymap));
+/* Print all of the functions and their bindings to rl_outstream. If
+ PRINT_READABLY is non-zero, then print the output in such a way
+ that it can be read back in. */
+rl_function_dumper (print_readably)
+ int print_readably;
+ register int i;
+ const char **names;
+ const char *name;
+ names = rl_funmap_names ();
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "\n");
+ for (i = 0; (name = names[i]); i++)
+ {
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+ char **invokers;
+ function = rl_named_function (name);
+ invokers = rl_invoking_keyseqs_in_map (function, _rl_keymap);
+ if (print_readably)
+ {
+ if (!invokers)
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "# %s (not bound)\n", name);
+ else
+ {
+ register int j;
+ for (j = 0; invokers[j]; j++)
+ {
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "\"%s\": %s\n",
+ invokers[j], name);
+ free (invokers[j]);
+ }
+ free (invokers);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!invokers)
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "%s is not bound to any keys\n",
+ name);
+ else
+ {
+ register int j;
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "%s can be found on ", name);
+ for (j = 0; invokers[j] && j < 5; j++)
+ {
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "\"%s\"%s", invokers[j],
+ invokers[j + 1] ? ", " : ".\n");
+ }
+ if (j == 5 && invokers[j])
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "...\n");
+ for (j = 0; invokers[j]; j++)
+ free (invokers[j]);
+ free (invokers);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Print all of the current functions and their bindings to
+ rl_outstream. If an explicit argument is given, then print
+ the output in such a way that it can be read back in. */
+rl_dump_functions (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ if (rl_dispatching)
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "\r\n");
+ rl_function_dumper (rl_explicit_arg);
+ rl_on_new_line ();
+ return (0);
+static void
+_rl_macro_dumper_internal (print_readably, map, prefix)
+ int print_readably;
+ Keymap map;
+ char *prefix;
+ register int key;
+ char *keyname, *out;
+ int prefix_len;
+ for (key = 0; key < KEYMAP_SIZE; key++)
+ {
+ switch (map[key].type)
+ {
+ case ISMACR:
+ keyname = _rl_get_keyname (key);
+ out = _rl_untranslate_macro_value ((char *)map[key].function);
+ if (print_readably)
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "\"%s%s\": \"%s\"\n", prefix ? prefix : "",
+ keyname,
+ out ? out : "");
+ else
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "%s%s outputs %s\n", prefix ? prefix : "",
+ keyname,
+ out ? out : "");
+ free (keyname);
+ free (out);
+ break;
+ case ISFUNC:
+ break;
+ case ISKMAP:
+ prefix_len = prefix ? strlen (prefix) : 0;
+ if (key == ESC)
+ {
+ keyname = (char *)xmalloc (3 + prefix_len);
+ if (prefix)
+ strcpy (keyname, prefix);
+ keyname[prefix_len] = '\\';
+ keyname[prefix_len + 1] = 'e';
+ keyname[prefix_len + 2] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ keyname = _rl_get_keyname (key);
+ if (prefix)
+ {
+ out = (char *)xmalloc (strlen (keyname) + prefix_len + 1);
+ strcpy (out, prefix);
+ strcpy (out + prefix_len, keyname);
+ free (keyname);
+ keyname = out;
+ }
+ }
+ _rl_macro_dumper_internal (print_readably, FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, key), keyname);
+ free (keyname);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+rl_macro_dumper (print_readably)
+ int print_readably;
+ _rl_macro_dumper_internal (print_readably, _rl_keymap, (char *)NULL);
+rl_dump_macros (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ if (rl_dispatching)
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "\r\n");
+ rl_macro_dumper (rl_explicit_arg);
+ rl_on_new_line ();
+ return (0);
+static const char *
+_rl_get_string_variable_value (name)
+ const char *name;
+ static char numbuf[32];
+ const char *ret;
+ char *tmp;
+ if (_rl_stricmp (name, "bell-style") == 0)
+ {
+ switch (_rl_bell_preference)
+ {
+ case NO_BELL:
+ return "none";
+ return "visible";
+ default:
+ return "audible";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (name, "comment-begin") == 0)
+ return (_rl_comment_begin ? _rl_comment_begin : RL_COMMENT_BEGIN_DEFAULT);
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (name, "completion-query-items") == 0)
+ {
+ sprintf (numbuf, "%d", rl_completion_query_items);
+ return (numbuf);
+ }
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (name, "editing-mode") == 0)
+ return (rl_get_keymap_name_from_edit_mode ());
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (name, "isearch-terminators") == 0)
+ {
+ if (_rl_isearch_terminators == 0)
+ return 0;
+ tmp = _rl_untranslate_macro_value (_rl_isearch_terminators);
+ if (tmp)
+ {
+ strncpy (numbuf, tmp, sizeof (numbuf) - 1);
+ free (tmp);
+ numbuf[sizeof(numbuf) - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ numbuf[0] = '\0';
+ return numbuf;
+ }
+ else if (_rl_stricmp (name, "keymap") == 0)
+ {
+ ret = rl_get_keymap_name (_rl_keymap);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ ret = rl_get_keymap_name_from_edit_mode ();
+ return (ret ? ret : "none");
+ }
+ else
+ return (0);
+rl_variable_dumper (print_readably)
+ int print_readably;
+ int i;
+ const char *v;
+ for (i = 0; boolean_varlist[i].name; i++)
+ {
+ if (print_readably)
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "set %s %s\n", boolean_varlist[i].name,
+ *boolean_varlist[i].value ? "on" : "off");
+ else
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "%s is set to `%s'\n", boolean_varlist[i].name,
+ *boolean_varlist[i].value ? "on" : "off");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; string_varlist[i].name; i++)
+ {
+ v = _rl_get_string_variable_value (string_varlist[i].name);
+ if (v == 0) /* _rl_isearch_terminators can be NULL */
+ continue;
+ if (print_readably)
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "set %s %s\n", string_varlist[i].name, v);
+ else
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "%s is set to `%s'\n", string_varlist[i].name, v);
+ }
+/* Print all of the current variables and their values to
+ rl_outstream. If an explicit argument is given, then print
+ the output in such a way that it can be read back in. */
+rl_dump_variables (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ if (rl_dispatching)
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "\r\n");
+ rl_variable_dumper (rl_explicit_arg);
+ rl_on_new_line ();
+ return (0);
+/* Return non-zero if any members of ARRAY are a substring in STRING. */
+static int
+substring_member_of_array (string, array)
+ char *string;
+ const char **array;
+ while (*array)
+ {
+ if (_rl_strindex (string, *array))
+ return (1);
+ array++;
+ }
+ return (0);
diff --git a/extra/readline/callback.c b/extra/readline/callback.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df15a65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/callback.c
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+/* callback.c -- functions to use readline as an X `callback' mechanism. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include "rlconf.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* Private data for callback registration functions. See comments in
+ rl_callback_read_char for more details. */
+_rl_callback_func_t *_rl_callback_func = 0;
+_rl_callback_generic_arg *_rl_callback_data = 0;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Callback Readline Functions */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Allow using readline in situations where a program may have multiple
+ things to handle at once, and dispatches them via select(). Call
+ rl_callback_handler_install() with the prompt and a function to call
+ whenever a complete line of input is ready. The user must then
+ call rl_callback_read_char() every time some input is available, and
+ rl_callback_read_char() will call the user's function with the complete
+ text read in at each end of line. The terminal is kept prepped and
+ signals handled all the time, except during calls to the user's function. */
+rl_vcpfunc_t *rl_linefunc; /* user callback function */
+static int in_handler; /* terminal_prepped and signals set? */
+/* Make sure the terminal is set up, initialize readline, and prompt. */
+static void
+_rl_callback_newline ()
+ rl_initialize ();
+ if (in_handler == 0)
+ {
+ in_handler = 1;
+ if (rl_prep_term_function)
+ (*rl_prep_term_function) (_rl_meta_flag);
+#if defined (HANDLE_SIGNALS)
+ rl_set_signals ();
+ }
+ readline_internal_setup ();
+/* Install a readline handler, set up the terminal, and issue the prompt. */
+rl_callback_handler_install (prompt, linefunc)
+ const char *prompt;
+ rl_vcpfunc_t *linefunc;
+ rl_set_prompt (prompt);
+ rl_linefunc = linefunc;
+ _rl_callback_newline ();
+/* Read one character, and dispatch to the handler if it ends the line. */
+rl_callback_read_char ()
+ char *line;
+ int eof, jcode;
+ static procenv_t olevel;
+ if (rl_linefunc == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no handler!\r\n");
+ abort ();
+ }
+ memcpy ((void *)olevel, (void *)readline_top_level, sizeof (procenv_t));
+ jcode = setjmp (readline_top_level);
+ if (jcode)
+ {
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 0;
+ memcpy ((void *)readline_top_level, (void *)olevel, sizeof (procenv_t));
+ return;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ {
+ eof = _rl_isearch_callback (_rl_iscxt);
+ rl_callback_read_char ();
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ eof = _rl_nsearch_callback (_rl_nscxt);
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ eof = _rl_arg_callback (_rl_argcxt);
+ rl_callback_read_char ();
+ /* XXX - this should handle _rl_last_command_was_kill better */
+ _rl_internal_char_cleanup ();
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ eof = _rl_dispatch_callback (_rl_kscxt); /* For now */
+ while ((eof == -1 || eof == -2) && RL_ISSTATE (RL_STATE_MULTIKEY) && _rl_kscxt && (_rl_kscxt->flags & KSEQ_DISPATCHED))
+ eof = _rl_dispatch_callback (_rl_kscxt);
+ {
+ _rl_internal_char_cleanup ();
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (_rl_callback_func)
+ {
+ /* This allows functions that simply need to read an additional
+ character (like quoted-insert) to register a function to be
+ called when input is available. _rl_callback_data is simply a
+ pointer to a struct that has the argument count originally
+ passed to the registering function and space for any additional
+ parameters. */
+ eof = (*_rl_callback_func) (_rl_callback_data);
+ /* If the function `deregisters' itself, make sure the data is
+ cleaned up. */
+ if (_rl_callback_func == 0)
+ {
+ if (_rl_callback_data)
+ {
+ _rl_callback_data_dispose (_rl_callback_data);
+ _rl_callback_data = 0;
+ }
+ _rl_internal_char_cleanup ();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ eof = readline_internal_char ();
+ if (rl_done == 0 && _rl_want_redisplay)
+ {
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 0;
+ }
+ if (rl_done)
+ {
+ line = readline_internal_teardown (eof);
+ if (rl_deprep_term_function)
+ (*rl_deprep_term_function) ();
+#if defined (HANDLE_SIGNALS)
+ rl_clear_signals ();
+ in_handler = 0;
+ (*rl_linefunc) (line);
+ /* If the user did not clear out the line, do it for him. */
+ if (rl_line_buffer[0])
+ _rl_init_line_state ();
+ /* Redisplay the prompt if readline_handler_{install,remove}
+ not called. */
+ if (in_handler == 0 && rl_linefunc)
+ _rl_callback_newline ();
+ }
+ }
+ while (rl_pending_input || _rl_pushed_input_available () || RL_ISSTATE (RL_STATE_MACROINPUT));
+/* Remove the handler, and make sure the terminal is in its normal state. */
+rl_callback_handler_remove ()
+ rl_linefunc = NULL;
+ if (in_handler)
+ {
+ in_handler = 0;
+ if (rl_deprep_term_function)
+ (*rl_deprep_term_function) ();
+#if defined (HANDLE_SIGNALS)
+ rl_clear_signals ();
+ }
+_rl_callback_generic_arg *
+_rl_callback_data_alloc (count)
+ int count;
+ _rl_callback_generic_arg *arg;
+ arg = (_rl_callback_generic_arg *)xmalloc (sizeof (_rl_callback_generic_arg));
+ arg->count = count;
+ arg->i1 = arg->i2 = 0;
+ return arg;
+void _rl_callback_data_dispose (arg)
+ _rl_callback_generic_arg *arg;
+ if (arg)
+ free (arg);
diff --git a/extra/readline/chardefs.h b/extra/readline/chardefs.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c3bf833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/chardefs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+/* chardefs.h -- Character definitions for readline. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#ifndef _CHARDEFS_H_
+#define _CHARDEFS_H_
+#include <ctype.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# if defined (HAVE_STRING_H)
+# if ! defined (STDC_HEADERS) && defined (HAVE_MEMORY_H)
+# include <memory.h>
+# endif
+# include <string.h>
+# endif /* HAVE_STRING_H */
+# if defined (HAVE_STRINGS_H)
+# include <strings.h>
+# endif /* HAVE_STRINGS_H */
+# include <string.h>
+#endif /* !HAVE_CONFIG_H */
+#ifndef whitespace
+#define whitespace(c) (((c) == ' ') || ((c) == '\t'))
+#ifdef CTRL
+# undef CTRL
+#ifdef UNCTRL
+# undef UNCTRL
+/* Some character stuff. */
+#define control_character_threshold 0x020 /* Smaller than this is control. */
+#define control_character_mask 0x1f /* 0x20 - 1 */
+#define meta_character_threshold 0x07f /* Larger than this is Meta. */
+#define control_character_bit 0x40 /* 0x000000, must be off. */
+#define meta_character_bit 0x080 /* x0000000, must be on. */
+#define largest_char 255 /* Largest character value. */
+#define CTRL_CHAR(c) ((c) < control_character_threshold && (((c) & 0x80) == 0))
+#define META_CHAR(c) ((c) > meta_character_threshold && (c) <= largest_char)
+#define META_CHAR_FOR_UCHAR(c) ((c) > meta_character_threshold)
+#define CTRL(c) ((c) & control_character_mask)
+#define META(c) ((c) | meta_character_bit)
+#define UNMETA(c) ((c) & (~meta_character_bit))
+#define UNCTRL(c) _rl_to_upper(((c)|control_character_bit))
+#if defined STDC_HEADERS || (!defined (isascii) && !defined (HAVE_ISASCII))
+# define IN_CTYPE_DOMAIN(c) 1
+# define IN_CTYPE_DOMAIN(c) isascii(c)
+#if !defined (isxdigit) && !defined (HAVE_ISXDIGIT)
+# define isxdigit(c) (isdigit((c)) || ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'f') || ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'F'))
+#if defined (CTYPE_NON_ASCII)
+# define NON_NEGATIVE(c) 1
+# define NON_NEGATIVE(c) ((unsigned char)(c) == (c))
+/* Some systems define these; we want our definitions. */
+#undef ISPRINT
+/* Beware: these only work with single-byte ASCII characters. */
+#define ISALNUM(c) (IN_CTYPE_DOMAIN (c) && isalnum (c))
+#define ISALPHA(c) (IN_CTYPE_DOMAIN (c) && isalpha (c))
+#define ISDIGIT(c) (IN_CTYPE_DOMAIN (c) && isdigit (c))
+#define ISLOWER(c) (IN_CTYPE_DOMAIN (c) && islower (c))
+#define ISPRINT(c) (IN_CTYPE_DOMAIN (c) && isprint (c))
+#define ISUPPER(c) (IN_CTYPE_DOMAIN (c) && isupper (c))
+#define ISXDIGIT(c) (IN_CTYPE_DOMAIN (c) && isxdigit (c))
+#define _rl_lowercase_p(c) (NON_NEGATIVE(c) && ISLOWER(c))
+#define _rl_uppercase_p(c) (NON_NEGATIVE(c) && ISUPPER(c))
+#define _rl_digit_p(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')
+#define _rl_pure_alphabetic(c) (NON_NEGATIVE(c) && ISALPHA(c))
+#ifndef _rl_to_upper
+# define _rl_to_upper(c) (_rl_lowercase_p(c) ? toupper((unsigned char)c) : (c))
+# define _rl_to_lower(c) (_rl_uppercase_p(c) ? tolower((unsigned char)c) : (c))
+#ifndef _rl_digit_value
+# define _rl_digit_value(x) ((x) - '0')
+#ifndef _rl_isident
+# define _rl_isident(c) (ISALNUM(c) || (c) == '_')
+#ifndef ISOCTAL
+# define ISOCTAL(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '7')
+#define OCTVALUE(c) ((c) - '0')
+#define HEXVALUE(c) \
+ (((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'f') \
+ ? (c)-'a'+10 \
+ : (c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'F' ? (c)-'A'+10 : (c)-'0')
+#ifndef NEWLINE
+#define NEWLINE '\n'
+#ifndef RETURN
+#define RETURN CTRL('M')
+#ifndef RUBOUT
+#define RUBOUT 0x7f
+#ifndef TAB
+#define TAB '\t'
+#ifdef ABORT_CHAR
+#undef ABORT_CHAR
+#define ABORT_CHAR CTRL('G')
+#ifdef PAGE
+#undef PAGE
+#define PAGE CTRL('L')
+#ifdef SPACE
+#undef SPACE
+#define SPACE ' ' /* XXX - was 0x20 */
+#ifdef ESC
+#undef ESC
+#define ESC CTRL('[')
+#endif /* _CHARDEFS_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/compat.c b/extra/readline/compat.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f9e3f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/compat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* compat.c -- backwards compatibility functions. */
+/* Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "rlstdc.h"
+#include "rltypedefs.h"
+extern void rl_free_undo_list PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_maybe_save_line PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_maybe_unsave_line PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_maybe_replace_line PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_crlf PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_ding PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_alphabetic PARAMS((int));
+extern char **rl_completion_matches PARAMS((const char *, rl_compentry_func_t *));
+extern char *rl_username_completion_function PARAMS((const char *, int));
+extern char *rl_filename_completion_function PARAMS((const char *, int));
+/* Provide backwards-compatible entry points for old function names. */
+free_undo_list ()
+ rl_free_undo_list ();
+maybe_replace_line ()
+ return rl_maybe_replace_line ();
+maybe_save_line ()
+ return rl_maybe_save_line ();
+maybe_unsave_line ()
+ return rl_maybe_unsave_line ();
+ding ()
+ return rl_ding ();
+crlf ()
+ return rl_crlf ();
+alphabetic (c)
+ int c;
+ return rl_alphabetic (c);
+char **
+completion_matches (s, f)
+ const char *s;
+ rl_compentry_func_t *f;
+ return rl_completion_matches (s, f);
+char *
+username_completion_function (s, i)
+ const char *s;
+ int i;
+ return rl_username_completion_function (s, i);
+char *
+filename_completion_function (s, i)
+ const char *s;
+ int i;
+ return rl_filename_completion_function (s, i);
diff --git a/extra/readline/complete.c b/extra/readline/complete.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44bf1382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/complete.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2223 @@
+/* complete.c -- filename completion for readline. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+/* FreeBSD 5.3 will not declare u_int in sys/types.h, file.h needs it */
+#if defined (HAVE_SYS_FILE_H) && !defined(__FreeBSD__)
+# include <sys/file.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#if !defined (errno)
+extern int errno;
+#endif /* !errno */
+#if defined (HAVE_PWD_H)
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include "posixdir.h"
+#include "posixstat.h"
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#ifdef __STDC__
+typedef int QSFUNC (const void *, const void *);
+typedef int QSFUNC ();
+#ifdef HAVE_LSTAT
+# define LSTAT lstat
+# define LSTAT stat
+/* Unix version of a hidden file. Could be different on other systems. */
+#define HIDDEN_FILE(fname) ((fname)[0] == '.')
+/* Most systems don't declare getpwent in <pwd.h> if _POSIX_SOURCE is
+ defined. */
+#if defined (HAVE_GETPWENT) && (!defined (HAVE_GETPW_DECLS) || defined (_POSIX_SOURCE))
+extern struct passwd *getpwent PARAMS((void));
+/* If non-zero, then this is the address of a function to call when
+ completing a word would normally display the list of possible matches.
+ This function is called instead of actually doing the display.
+ It takes three arguments: (char **matches, int num_matches, int max_length)
+ where MATCHES is the array of strings that matched, NUM_MATCHES is the
+ number of strings in that array, and MAX_LENGTH is the length of the
+ longest string in that array. */
+rl_compdisp_func_t *rl_completion_display_matches_hook = (rl_compdisp_func_t *)NULL;
+#if defined (VISIBLE_STATS)
+# if !defined (X_OK)
+# define X_OK 1
+# endif
+static int stat_char PARAMS((char *));
+static int path_isdir PARAMS((const char *));
+static char *rl_quote_filename PARAMS((char *, int, char *));
+static void set_completion_defaults PARAMS((int));
+static int get_y_or_n PARAMS((int));
+static int _rl_internal_pager PARAMS((int));
+static char *printable_part PARAMS((char *));
+static int fnwidth PARAMS((const char *));
+static int fnprint PARAMS((const char *));
+static int print_filename PARAMS((char *, char *));
+static char **gen_completion_matches PARAMS((char *, int, int, rl_compentry_func_t *, int, int));
+static char **remove_duplicate_matches PARAMS((char **));
+static void insert_match PARAMS((char *, int, int, char *));
+static int append_to_match PARAMS((char *, int, int, int));
+static void insert_all_matches PARAMS((char **, int, char *));
+static void display_matches PARAMS((char **));
+static int compute_lcd_of_matches PARAMS((char **, int, const char *));
+static int postprocess_matches PARAMS((char ***, int));
+static char *make_quoted_replacement PARAMS((char *, int, char *));
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Completion matching, from readline's point of view. */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Variables known only to the readline library. */
+/* If non-zero, non-unique completions always show the list of matches. */
+int _rl_complete_show_all = 0;
+/* If non-zero, non-unique completions show the list of matches, unless it
+ is not possible to do partial completion and modify the line. */
+int _rl_complete_show_unmodified = 0;
+/* If non-zero, completed directory names have a slash appended. */
+int _rl_complete_mark_directories = 1;
+/* If non-zero, the symlinked directory completion behavior introduced in
+ readline-4.2a is disabled, and symlinks that point to directories have
+ a slash appended (subject to the value of _rl_complete_mark_directories).
+ This is user-settable via the mark-symlinked-directories variable. */
+int _rl_complete_mark_symlink_dirs = 0;
+/* If non-zero, completions are printed horizontally in alphabetical order,
+ like `ls -x'. */
+int _rl_print_completions_horizontally;
+/* Non-zero means that case is not significant in filename completion. */
+#if defined (__MSDOS__) && !defined (__DJGPP__)
+int _rl_completion_case_fold = 1;
+int _rl_completion_case_fold;
+/* If non-zero, don't match hidden files (filenames beginning with a `.' on
+ Unix) when doing filename completion. */
+int _rl_match_hidden_files = 1;
+/* Global variables available to applications using readline. */
+#if defined (VISIBLE_STATS)
+/* Non-zero means add an additional character to each filename displayed
+ during listing completion iff rl_filename_completion_desired which helps
+ to indicate the type of file being listed. */
+int rl_visible_stats = 0;
+#endif /* VISIBLE_STATS */
+/* If non-zero, then this is the address of a function to call when
+ completing on a directory name. The function is called with
+ the address of a string (the current directory name) as an arg. */
+rl_icppfunc_t *rl_directory_completion_hook = (rl_icppfunc_t *)NULL;
+rl_icppfunc_t *rl_directory_rewrite_hook = (rl_icppfunc_t *)NULL;
+/* Non-zero means readline completion functions perform tilde expansion. */
+int rl_complete_with_tilde_expansion = 0;
+/* Pointer to the generator function for completion_matches ().
+ NULL means to use rl_filename_completion_function (), the default filename
+ completer. */
+rl_compentry_func_t *rl_completion_entry_function = (rl_compentry_func_t *)NULL;
+/* Pointer to alternative function to create matches.
+ Function is called with TEXT, START, and END.
+ START and END are indices in RL_LINE_BUFFER saying what the boundaries
+ of TEXT are.
+ If this function exists and returns NULL then call the value of
+ rl_completion_entry_function to try to match, otherwise use the
+ array of strings returned. */
+rl_completion_func_t *rl_attempted_completion_function = (rl_completion_func_t *)NULL;
+/* Non-zero means to suppress normal filename completion after the
+ user-specified completion function has been called. */
+int rl_attempted_completion_over = 0;
+/* Set to a character indicating the type of completion being performed
+ by rl_complete_internal, available for use by application completion
+ functions. */
+int rl_completion_type = 0;
+/* Up to this many items will be displayed in response to a
+ possible-completions call. After that, we ask the user if
+ she is sure she wants to see them all. A negative value means
+ don't ask. */
+int rl_completion_query_items = 100;
+int _rl_page_completions = 1;
+/* The basic list of characters that signal a break between words for the
+ completer routine. The contents of this variable is what breaks words
+ in the shell, i.e. " \t\n\"\\'`@$><=" */
+const char *rl_basic_word_break_characters = " \t\n\"\\'`@$><=;|&{("; /* }) */
+/* List of basic quoting characters. */
+const char *rl_basic_quote_characters = "\"'";
+/* The list of characters that signal a break between words for
+ rl_complete_internal. The default list is the contents of
+ rl_basic_word_break_characters. */
+/*const*/ char *rl_completer_word_break_characters = (/*const*/ char *)NULL;
+/* Hook function to allow an application to set the completion word
+ break characters before readline breaks up the line. Allows
+ position-dependent word break characters. */
+rl_cpvfunc_t *rl_completion_word_break_hook = (rl_cpvfunc_t *)NULL;
+/* List of characters which can be used to quote a substring of the line.
+ Completion occurs on the entire substring, and within the substring
+ rl_completer_word_break_characters are treated as any other character,
+ unless they also appear within this list. */
+const char *rl_completer_quote_characters = (const char *)NULL;
+/* List of characters that should be quoted in filenames by the completer. */
+const char *rl_filename_quote_characters = (const char *)NULL;
+/* List of characters that are word break characters, but should be left
+ in TEXT when it is passed to the completion function. The shell uses
+ this to help determine what kind of completing to do. */
+const char *rl_special_prefixes = (const char *)NULL;
+/* If non-zero, then disallow duplicates in the matches. */
+int rl_ignore_completion_duplicates = 1;
+/* Non-zero means that the results of the matches are to be treated
+ as filenames. This is ALWAYS zero on entry, and can only be changed
+ within a completion entry finder function. */
+int rl_filename_completion_desired = 0;
+/* Non-zero means that the results of the matches are to be quoted using
+ double quotes (or an application-specific quoting mechanism) if the
+ filename contains any characters in rl_filename_quote_chars. This is
+ ALWAYS non-zero on entry, and can only be changed within a completion
+ entry finder function. */
+int rl_filename_quoting_desired = 1;
+/* This function, if defined, is called by the completer when real
+ filename completion is done, after all the matching names have been
+ generated. It is passed a (char**) known as matches in the code below.
+ It consists of a NULL-terminated array of pointers to potential
+ matching strings. The 1st element (matches[0]) is the maximal
+ substring that is common to all matches. This function can re-arrange
+ the list of matches as required, but all elements of the array must be
+ free()'d if they are deleted. The main intent of this function is
+ to implement FIGNORE a la SunOS csh. */
+rl_compignore_func_t *rl_ignore_some_completions_function = (rl_compignore_func_t *)NULL;
+/* Set to a function to quote a filename in an application-specific fashion.
+ Called with the text to quote, the type of match found (single or multiple)
+ and a pointer to the quoting character to be used, which the function can
+ reset if desired. */
+rl_quote_func_t *rl_filename_quoting_function = rl_quote_filename;
+/* Function to call to remove quoting characters from a filename. Called
+ before completion is attempted, so the embedded quotes do not interfere
+ with matching names in the file system. Readline doesn't do anything
+ with this; it's set only by applications. */
+rl_dequote_func_t *rl_filename_dequoting_function = (rl_dequote_func_t *)NULL;
+/* Function to call to decide whether or not a word break character is
+ quoted. If a character is quoted, it does not break words for the
+ completer. */
+rl_linebuf_func_t *rl_char_is_quoted_p = (rl_linebuf_func_t *)NULL;
+/* If non-zero, the completion functions don't append anything except a
+ possible closing quote. This is set to 0 by rl_complete_internal and
+ may be changed by an application-specific completion function. */
+int rl_completion_suppress_append = 0;
+/* Character appended to completed words when at the end of the line. The
+ default is a space. */
+int rl_completion_append_character = ' ';
+/* If non-zero, the completion functions don't append any closing quote.
+ This is set to 0 by rl_complete_internal and may be changed by an
+ application-specific completion function. */
+int rl_completion_suppress_quote = 0;
+/* Set to any quote character readline thinks it finds before any application
+ completion function is called. */
+int rl_completion_quote_character;
+/* Set to a non-zero value if readline found quoting anywhere in the word to
+ be completed; set before any application completion function is called. */
+int rl_completion_found_quote;
+/* If non-zero, a slash will be appended to completed filenames that are
+ symbolic links to directory names, subject to the value of the
+ mark-directories variable (which is user-settable). This exists so
+ that application completion functions can override the user's preference
+ (set via the mark-symlinked-directories variable) if appropriate.
+ It's set to the value of _rl_complete_mark_symlink_dirs in
+ rl_complete_internal before any application-specific completion
+ function is called, so without that function doing anything, the user's
+ preferences are honored. */
+int rl_completion_mark_symlink_dirs;
+/* If non-zero, inhibit completion (temporarily). */
+int rl_inhibit_completion;
+/* Variables local to this file. */
+/* Local variable states what happened during the last completion attempt. */
+static int completion_changed_buffer;
+/* */
+/* Bindable completion functions */
+/* */
+/* Complete the word at or before point. You have supplied the function
+ that does the initial simple matching selection algorithm (see
+ rl_completion_matches ()). The default is to do filename completion. */
+rl_complete (ignore, invoking_key)
+ int ignore, invoking_key;
+ if (rl_inhibit_completion)
+ return (_rl_insert_char (ignore, invoking_key));
+ else if (rl_last_func == rl_complete && !completion_changed_buffer)
+ return (rl_complete_internal ('?'));
+ else if (_rl_complete_show_all)
+ return (rl_complete_internal ('!'));
+ else if (_rl_complete_show_unmodified)
+ return (rl_complete_internal ('@'));
+ else
+ return (rl_complete_internal (TAB));
+/* List the possible completions. See description of rl_complete (). */
+rl_possible_completions (ignore, invoking_key)
+ int ignore __attribute__((unused)), invoking_key __attribute__((unused));
+ return (rl_complete_internal ('?'));
+rl_insert_completions (ignore, invoking_key)
+ int ignore __attribute__((unused)), invoking_key __attribute__((unused));
+ return (rl_complete_internal ('*'));
+/* Return the correct value to pass to rl_complete_internal performing
+ the same tests as rl_complete. This allows consecutive calls to an
+ application's completion function to list possible completions and for
+ an application-specific completion function to honor the
+ show-all-if-ambiguous readline variable. */
+rl_completion_mode (cfunc)
+ rl_command_func_t *cfunc;
+ if (rl_last_func == cfunc && !completion_changed_buffer)
+ return '?';
+ else if (_rl_complete_show_all)
+ return '!';
+ else if (_rl_complete_show_unmodified)
+ return '@';
+ else
+ return TAB;
+/* */
+/* Completion utility functions */
+/* */
+/* Set default values for readline word completion. These are the variables
+ that application completion functions can change or inspect. */
+static void
+set_completion_defaults (what_to_do)
+ int what_to_do;
+ /* Only the completion entry function can change these. */
+ rl_filename_completion_desired = 0;
+ rl_filename_quoting_desired = 1;
+ rl_completion_type = what_to_do;
+ rl_completion_suppress_append = rl_completion_suppress_quote = 0;
+ /* The completion entry function may optionally change this. */
+ rl_completion_mark_symlink_dirs = _rl_complete_mark_symlink_dirs;
+/* The user must press "y" or "n". Non-zero return means "y" pressed. */
+static int
+get_y_or_n (for_pager)
+ int for_pager;
+ int c;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ c = rl_read_key ();
+ if (c == 'y' || c == 'Y' || c == ' ')
+ return (1);
+ if (c == 'n' || c == 'N' || c == RUBOUT)
+ return (0);
+ if (c == ABORT_CHAR)
+ _rl_abort_internal ();
+ if (for_pager && (c == NEWLINE || c == RETURN))
+ return (2);
+ if (for_pager && (c == 'q' || c == 'Q'))
+ return (0);
+ rl_ding ();
+ }
+static int
+_rl_internal_pager (lines)
+ int lines;
+ int i;
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "--More--");
+ fflush (rl_outstream);
+ i = get_y_or_n (1);
+ _rl_erase_entire_line ();
+ if (i == 0)
+ return -1;
+ else if (i == 2)
+ return (lines - 1);
+ else
+ return 0;
+static int
+path_isdir (filename)
+ const char *filename;
+ struct stat finfo;
+ return (stat (filename, &finfo) == 0 && S_ISDIR (finfo.st_mode));
+#if defined (VISIBLE_STATS)
+/* Return the character which best describes FILENAME.
+ `@' for symbolic links
+ `/' for directories
+ `*' for executables
+ `=' for sockets
+ `|' for FIFOs
+ `%' for character special devices
+ `#' for block special devices */
+static int
+stat_char (filename)
+ char *filename;
+ struct stat finfo;
+ int character, r;
+#if defined (HAVE_LSTAT) && defined (S_ISLNK)
+ r = lstat (filename, &finfo);
+ r = stat (filename, &finfo);
+ if (r == -1)
+ return (0);
+ character = 0;
+ if (S_ISDIR (finfo.st_mode))
+ character = '/';
+#if defined (S_ISCHR)
+ else if (S_ISCHR (finfo.st_mode))
+ character = '%';
+#endif /* S_ISCHR */
+#if defined (S_ISBLK)
+ else if (S_ISBLK (finfo.st_mode))
+ character = '#';
+#endif /* S_ISBLK */
+#if defined (S_ISLNK)
+ else if (S_ISLNK (finfo.st_mode))
+ character = '@';
+#endif /* S_ISLNK */
+#if defined (S_ISSOCK)
+ else if (S_ISSOCK (finfo.st_mode))
+ character = '=';
+#endif /* S_ISSOCK */
+#if defined (S_ISFIFO)
+ else if (S_ISFIFO (finfo.st_mode))
+ character = '|';
+ else if (S_ISREG (finfo.st_mode))
+ {
+ if (access (filename, X_OK) == 0)
+ character = '*';
+ }
+ return (character);
+#endif /* VISIBLE_STATS */
+/* Return the portion of PATHNAME that should be output when listing
+ possible completions. If we are hacking filename completion, we
+ are only interested in the basename, the portion following the
+ final slash. Otherwise, we return what we were passed. Since
+ printing empty strings is not very informative, if we're doing
+ filename completion, and the basename is the empty string, we look
+ for the previous slash and return the portion following that. If
+ there's no previous slash, we just return what we were passed. */
+static char *
+printable_part (pathname)
+ char *pathname;
+ char *temp, *x;
+ if (rl_filename_completion_desired == 0) /* don't need to do anything */
+ return (pathname);
+ temp = strrchr (pathname, '/');
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ if (temp == 0 && ISALPHA ((unsigned char)pathname[0]) && pathname[1] == ':')
+ temp = pathname + 1;
+ if (temp == 0 || *temp == '\0')
+ return (pathname);
+ /* If the basename is NULL, we might have a pathname like '/usr/src/'.
+ Look for a previous slash and, if one is found, return the portion
+ following that slash. If there's no previous slash, just return the
+ pathname we were passed. */
+ else if (temp[1] == '\0')
+ {
+ for (x = temp - 1; x > pathname; x--)
+ if (*x == '/')
+ break;
+ return ((*x == '/') ? x + 1 : pathname);
+ }
+ else
+ return ++temp;
+/* Compute width of STRING when displayed on screen by print_filename */
+static int
+fnwidth (string)
+ const char *string;
+ int width, pos;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ int left, w;
+ size_t clen;
+ wchar_t wc;
+ left = strlen (string) + 1;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ width = pos = 0;
+ while (string[pos])
+ {
+ if (CTRL_CHAR (*string) || *string == RUBOUT)
+ {
+ width += 2;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ clen = mbrtowc (&wc, string + pos, left - pos, &ps);
+ if (MB_INVALIDCH (clen))
+ {
+ width++;
+ pos++;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ }
+ else if (MB_NULLWCH (clen))
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ pos += clen;
+ w = wcwidth (wc);
+ width += (w >= 0) ? w : 1;
+ }
+ width++;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ return width;
+static int
+fnprint (to_print)
+ const char *to_print;
+ int printed_len;
+ const char *s;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ const char *end;
+ size_t tlen;
+ int width, w;
+ wchar_t wc;
+ end = to_print + strlen (to_print) + 1;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ printed_len = 0;
+ s = to_print;
+ while (*s)
+ {
+ if (CTRL_CHAR (*s))
+ {
+ putc ('^', rl_outstream);
+ putc (UNCTRL (*s), rl_outstream);
+ printed_len += 2;
+ s++;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ }
+ else if (*s == RUBOUT)
+ {
+ putc ('^', rl_outstream);
+ putc ('?', rl_outstream);
+ printed_len += 2;
+ s++;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ tlen = mbrtowc (&wc, s, end - s, &ps);
+ if (MB_INVALIDCH (tlen))
+ {
+ tlen = 1;
+ width = 1;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ }
+ else if (MB_NULLWCH (tlen))
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ w = wcwidth (wc);
+ width = (w >= 0) ? w : 1;
+ }
+ s+= fwrite (s, 1, tlen, rl_outstream);
+ printed_len += width;
+ putc (*s, rl_outstream);
+ s++;
+ printed_len++;
+ }
+ }
+ return printed_len;
+/* Output TO_PRINT to rl_outstream. If VISIBLE_STATS is defined and we
+ are using it, check for and output a single character for `special'
+ filenames. Return the number of characters we output. */
+static int
+print_filename (to_print, full_pathname)
+ char *to_print, *full_pathname;
+ int printed_len, extension_char, slen, tlen;
+ char *s, c, *new_full_pathname;
+ const char *dn;
+ extension_char = 0;
+ printed_len = fnprint (to_print);
+#if defined (VISIBLE_STATS)
+ if (rl_filename_completion_desired && (rl_visible_stats || _rl_complete_mark_directories))
+ if (rl_filename_completion_desired && _rl_complete_mark_directories)
+ {
+ /* If to_print != full_pathname, to_print is the basename of the
+ path passed. In this case, we try to expand the directory
+ name before checking for the stat character. */
+ if (to_print != full_pathname)
+ {
+ /* Terminate the directory name. */
+ c = to_print[-1];
+ to_print[-1] = '\0';
+ /* If setting the last slash in full_pathname to a NUL results in
+ full_pathname being the empty string, we are trying to complete
+ files in the root directory. If we pass a null string to the
+ bash directory completion hook, for example, it will expand it
+ to the current directory. We just want the `/'. */
+ if (full_pathname == 0 || *full_pathname == 0)
+ dn = "/";
+ else if (full_pathname[0] != '/')
+ dn = full_pathname;
+ else if (full_pathname[1] == 0)
+ dn = "//"; /* restore trailing slash to `//' */
+ else if (full_pathname[1] == '/' && full_pathname[2] == 0)
+ dn = "/"; /* don't turn /// into // */
+ else
+ dn = full_pathname;
+ s = tilde_expand (dn);
+ if (rl_directory_completion_hook)
+ (*rl_directory_completion_hook) (&s);
+ slen = strlen (s);
+ tlen = strlen (to_print);
+ new_full_pathname = (char *)xmalloc (slen + tlen + 2);
+ strcpy (new_full_pathname, s);
+ if (s[slen - 1] == '/')
+ slen--;
+ else
+ new_full_pathname[slen] = '/';
+ new_full_pathname[slen] = '/';
+ strcpy (new_full_pathname + slen + 1, to_print);
+#if defined (VISIBLE_STATS)
+ if (rl_visible_stats)
+ extension_char = stat_char (new_full_pathname);
+ else
+ if (path_isdir (new_full_pathname))
+ extension_char = '/';
+ free (new_full_pathname);
+ to_print[-1] = c;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s = tilde_expand (full_pathname);
+#if defined (VISIBLE_STATS)
+ if (rl_visible_stats)
+ extension_char = stat_char (s);
+ else
+ if (path_isdir (s))
+ extension_char = '/';
+ }
+ free (s);
+ if (extension_char)
+ {
+ putc (extension_char, rl_outstream);
+ printed_len++;
+ }
+ }
+ return printed_len;
+static char *
+rl_quote_filename (s, rtype, qcp)
+ char *s;
+ int rtype __attribute__((unused));
+ char *qcp;
+ char *r;
+ r = (char *)xmalloc (strlen (s) + 2);
+ *r = *rl_completer_quote_characters;
+ strcpy (r + 1, s);
+ if (qcp)
+ *qcp = *rl_completer_quote_characters;
+ return r;
+/* Find the bounds of the current word for completion purposes, and leave
+ rl_point set to the end of the word. This function skips quoted
+ substrings (characters between matched pairs of characters in
+ rl_completer_quote_characters). First we try to find an unclosed
+ quoted substring on which to do matching. If one is not found, we use
+ the word break characters to find the boundaries of the current word.
+ We call an application-specific function to decide whether or not a
+ particular word break character is quoted; if that function returns a
+ non-zero result, the character does not break a word. This function
+ returns the opening quote character if we found an unclosed quoted
+ substring, '\0' otherwise. FP, if non-null, is set to a value saying
+ which (shell-like) quote characters we found (single quote, double
+ quote, or backslash) anywhere in the string. DP, if non-null, is set to
+ the value of the delimiter character that caused a word break. */
+_rl_find_completion_word (fp, dp)
+ int *fp, *dp;
+ int scan, end, found_quote, delimiter, pass_next, isbrk;
+ char quote_char, *brkchars;
+ end = rl_point;
+ found_quote = delimiter = 0;
+ quote_char = '\0';
+ brkchars = 0;
+ if (rl_completion_word_break_hook)
+ brkchars = (*rl_completion_word_break_hook) ();
+ if (brkchars == 0)
+ brkchars = rl_completer_word_break_characters;
+ if (rl_completer_quote_characters)
+ {
+ /* We have a list of characters which can be used in pairs to
+ quote substrings for the completer. Try to find the start
+ of an unclosed quoted substring. */
+ /* FOUND_QUOTE is set so we know what kind of quotes we found. */
+ for (scan = pass_next = 0; scan < end; scan = MB_NEXTCHAR (rl_line_buffer, scan, 1, MB_FIND_ANY))
+ {
+ if (pass_next)
+ {
+ pass_next = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Shell-like semantics for single quotes -- don't allow backslash
+ to quote anything in single quotes, especially not the closing
+ quote. If you don't like this, take out the check on the value
+ of quote_char. */
+ if (quote_char != '\'' && rl_line_buffer[scan] == '\\')
+ {
+ pass_next = 1;
+ found_quote |= RL_QF_BACKSLASH;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (quote_char != '\0')
+ {
+ /* Ignore everything until the matching close quote char. */
+ if (rl_line_buffer[scan] == quote_char)
+ {
+ /* Found matching close. Abandon this substring. */
+ quote_char = '\0';
+ rl_point = end;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strchr (rl_completer_quote_characters, rl_line_buffer[scan]))
+ {
+ /* Found start of a quoted substring. */
+ quote_char = rl_line_buffer[scan];
+ rl_point = scan + 1;
+ /* Shell-like quoting conventions. */
+ if (quote_char == '\'')
+ found_quote |= RL_QF_SINGLE_QUOTE;
+ else if (quote_char == '"')
+ found_quote |= RL_QF_DOUBLE_QUOTE;
+ else
+ found_quote |= RL_QF_OTHER_QUOTE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (rl_point == end && quote_char == '\0')
+ {
+ /* We didn't find an unclosed quoted substring upon which to do
+ completion, so use the word break characters to find the
+ substring on which to complete. */
+ while ((rl_point = MB_PREVCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_ANY)))
+ {
+ scan = rl_line_buffer[rl_point];
+ if (strchr (brkchars, scan) == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* Call the application-specific function to tell us whether
+ this word break character is quoted and should be skipped. */
+ if (rl_char_is_quoted_p && found_quote &&
+ (*rl_char_is_quoted_p) (rl_line_buffer, rl_point))
+ continue;
+ /* Convoluted code, but it avoids an n^2 algorithm with calls
+ to char_is_quoted. */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we are at an unquoted word break, then advance past it. */
+ scan = rl_line_buffer[rl_point];
+ /* If there is an application-specific function to say whether or not
+ a character is quoted and we found a quote character, let that
+ function decide whether or not a character is a word break, even
+ if it is found in rl_completer_word_break_characters. Don't bother
+ if we're at the end of the line, though. */
+ if (scan)
+ {
+ if (rl_char_is_quoted_p)
+ isbrk = (found_quote == 0 ||
+ (*rl_char_is_quoted_p) (rl_line_buffer, rl_point) == 0) &&
+ strchr (brkchars, scan) != 0;
+ else
+ isbrk = strchr (brkchars, scan) != 0;
+ if (isbrk)
+ {
+ /* If the character that caused the word break was a quoting
+ character, then remember it as the delimiter. */
+ if (rl_basic_quote_characters &&
+ strchr (rl_basic_quote_characters, scan) &&
+ (end - rl_point) > 1)
+ delimiter = scan;
+ /* If the character isn't needed to determine something special
+ about what kind of completion to perform, then advance past it. */
+ if (rl_special_prefixes == 0 || strchr (rl_special_prefixes, scan) == 0)
+ rl_point++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fp)
+ *fp = found_quote;
+ if (dp)
+ *dp = delimiter;
+ return (quote_char);
+static char **
+gen_completion_matches (text, start, end, our_func, found_quote, quote_char)
+ char *text;
+ int start, end;
+ rl_compentry_func_t *our_func;
+ int found_quote, quote_char;
+ char **matches;
+ rl_completion_found_quote = found_quote;
+ rl_completion_quote_character = quote_char;
+ /* If the user wants to TRY to complete, but then wants to give
+ up and use the default completion function, they set the
+ variable rl_attempted_completion_function. */
+ if (rl_attempted_completion_function)
+ {
+ matches = (*rl_attempted_completion_function) (text, start, end);
+ if (matches || rl_attempted_completion_over)
+ {
+ rl_attempted_completion_over = 0;
+ return (matches);
+ }
+ }
+ /* XXX -- filename dequoting moved into rl_filename_completion_function */
+ matches = rl_completion_matches (text, our_func);
+ return matches;
+/* Filter out duplicates in MATCHES. This frees up the strings in
+static char **
+remove_duplicate_matches (matches)
+ char **matches;
+ char *lowest_common;
+ int i, j, newlen;
+ char dead_slot;
+ char **temp_array;
+ /* Sort the items. */
+ for (i = 0; matches[i]; i++)
+ ;
+ /* Sort the array without matches[0], since we need it to
+ stay in place no matter what. */
+ if (i)
+ qsort (matches+1, i-1, sizeof (char *), (QSFUNC *)_rl_qsort_string_compare);
+ /* Remember the lowest common denominator for it may be unique. */
+ lowest_common = savestring (matches[0]);
+ for (i = newlen = 0; matches[i + 1]; i++)
+ {
+ if (strcmp (matches[i], matches[i + 1]) == 0)
+ {
+ free (matches[i]);
+ matches[i] = (char *)&dead_slot;
+ }
+ else
+ newlen++;
+ }
+ /* We have marked all the dead slots with (char *)&dead_slot.
+ Copy all the non-dead entries into a new array. */
+ temp_array = (char **)xmalloc ((3 + newlen) * sizeof (char *));
+ for (i = j = 1; matches[i]; i++)
+ {
+ if (matches[i] != (char *)&dead_slot)
+ temp_array[j++] = matches[i];
+ }
+ temp_array[j] = (char *)NULL;
+ if (matches[0] != (char *)&dead_slot)
+ free (matches[0]);
+ /* Place the lowest common denominator back in [0]. */
+ temp_array[0] = lowest_common;
+ /* If there is one string left, and it is identical to the
+ lowest common denominator, then the LCD is the string to
+ insert. */
+ if (j == 2 && strcmp (temp_array[0], temp_array[1]) == 0)
+ {
+ free (temp_array[1]);
+ temp_array[1] = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ return (temp_array);
+/* Find the common prefix of the list of matches, and put it into
+ matches[0]. */
+static int
+compute_lcd_of_matches (match_list, matches, text)
+ char **match_list;
+ int matches;
+ const char *text;
+ register int i, c1, c2, si;
+ int low; /* Count of max-matched characters. */
+ char *dtext; /* dequoted TEXT, if needed */
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ int v;
+ mbstate_t ps1, ps2;
+ wchar_t wc1, wc2;
+ /* If only one match, just use that. Otherwise, compare each
+ member of the list with the next, finding out where they
+ stop matching. */
+ if (matches == 1)
+ {
+ match_list[0] = match_list[1];
+ match_list[1] = (char *)NULL;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for (i = 1, low = 100000; i < matches; i++)
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ memset (&ps1, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ memset (&ps2, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ }
+ if (_rl_completion_case_fold)
+ {
+ for (si = 0;
+ (c1 = _rl_to_lower(match_list[i][si])) &&
+ (c2 = _rl_to_lower(match_list[i + 1][si]));
+ si++)
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ v = mbrtowc (&wc1, match_list[i]+si, strlen (match_list[i]+si), &ps1);
+ mbrtowc (&wc2, match_list[i+1]+si, strlen (match_list[i+1]+si), &ps2);
+ wc1 = towlower (wc1);
+ wc2 = towlower (wc2);
+ if (wc1 != wc2)
+ break;
+ else if (v > 1)
+ si += v - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ if (c1 != c2)
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (si = 0;
+ (c1 = match_list[i][si]) &&
+ (c2 = match_list[i + 1][si]);
+ si++)
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ mbstate_t ps_back;
+ ps_back = ps1;
+ if (!_rl_compare_chars (match_list[i], si, &ps1, match_list[i+1], si, &ps2))
+ break;
+ else if ((v = _rl_get_char_len (&match_list[i][si], &ps_back)) > 1)
+ si += v - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ if (c1 != c2)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (low > si)
+ low = si;
+ }
+ /* If there were multiple matches, but none matched up to even the
+ first character, and the user typed something, use that as the
+ value of matches[0]. */
+ if (low == 0 && text && *text)
+ {
+ match_list[0] = (char *)xmalloc (strlen (text) + 1);
+ strcpy (match_list[0], text);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ match_list[0] = (char *)xmalloc (low + 1);
+ /* XXX - this might need changes in the presence of multibyte chars */
+ /* If we are ignoring case, try to preserve the case of the string
+ the user typed in the face of multiple matches differing in case. */
+ if (_rl_completion_case_fold)
+ {
+ /* We're making an assumption here:
+ IF we're completing filenames AND
+ the application has defined a filename dequoting function AND
+ we found a quote character AND
+ the application has requested filename quoting
+ we assume that TEXT was dequoted before checking against
+ the file system and needs to be dequoted here before we
+ check against the list of matches
+ FI */
+ dtext = (char *)NULL;
+ if (rl_filename_completion_desired &&
+ rl_filename_dequoting_function &&
+ rl_completion_found_quote &&
+ rl_filename_quoting_desired)
+ {
+ dtext = (*rl_filename_dequoting_function) ((char *)text, rl_completion_quote_character);
+ text = dtext;
+ }
+ /* sort the list to get consistent answers. */
+ qsort (match_list+1, matches, sizeof(char *), (QSFUNC *)_rl_qsort_string_compare);
+ si = strlen (text);
+ if (si <= low)
+ {
+ for (i = 1; i <= matches; i++)
+ if (strncmp (match_list[i], text, si) == 0)
+ {
+ strncpy (match_list[0], match_list[i], low);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* no casematch, use first entry */
+ if (i > matches)
+ strncpy (match_list[0], match_list[1], low);
+ }
+ else
+ /* otherwise, just use the text the user typed. */
+ strncpy (match_list[0], text, low);
+ FREE (dtext);
+ }
+ else
+ strncpy (match_list[0], match_list[1], low);
+ match_list[0][low] = '\0';
+ }
+ return matches;
+static int
+postprocess_matches (matchesp, matching_filenames)
+ char ***matchesp;
+ int matching_filenames;
+ char *t, **matches, **temp_matches;
+ int nmatch, i;
+ matches = *matchesp;
+ if (matches == 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* It seems to me that in all the cases we handle we would like
+ to ignore duplicate possiblilities. Scan for the text to
+ insert being identical to the other completions. */
+ if (rl_ignore_completion_duplicates)
+ {
+ temp_matches = remove_duplicate_matches (matches);
+ free (matches);
+ matches = temp_matches;
+ }
+ /* If we are matching filenames, then here is our chance to
+ do clever processing by re-examining the list. Call the
+ ignore function with the array as a parameter. It can
+ munge the array, deleting matches as it desires. */
+ if (rl_ignore_some_completions_function && matching_filenames)
+ {
+ for (nmatch = 1; matches[nmatch]; nmatch++)
+ ;
+ (void)(*rl_ignore_some_completions_function) (matches);
+ if (matches == 0 || matches[0] == 0)
+ {
+ FREE (matches);
+ *matchesp = (char **)0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* If we removed some matches, recompute the common prefix. */
+ for (i = 1; matches[i]; i++)
+ ;
+ if (i > 1 && i < nmatch)
+ {
+ t = matches[0];
+ compute_lcd_of_matches (matches, i - 1, t);
+ FREE (t);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *matchesp = matches;
+ return (1);
+/* A convenience function for displaying a list of strings in
+ columnar format on readline's output stream. MATCHES is the list
+ of strings, in argv format, LEN is the number of strings in MATCHES,
+ and MAX is the length of the longest string in MATCHES. */
+rl_display_match_list (matches, len, max)
+ char **matches;
+ int len, max;
+ int count, limit, printed_len, lines;
+ int i, j, k, l;
+ char *temp;
+ /* How many items of MAX length can we fit in the screen window? */
+ max += 2;
+ limit = _rl_screenwidth / max;
+ if (limit != 1 && (limit * max == _rl_screenwidth))
+ limit--;
+ /* Avoid a possible floating exception. If max > _rl_screenwidth,
+ limit will be 0 and a divide-by-zero fault will result. */
+ if (limit == 0)
+ limit = 1;
+ /* How many iterations of the printing loop? */
+ count = (len + (limit - 1)) / limit;
+ /* Watch out for special case. If LEN is less than LIMIT, then
+ just do the inner printing loop.
+ 0 < len <= limit implies count = 1. */
+ /* Sort the items if they are not already sorted. */
+ if (rl_ignore_completion_duplicates == 0)
+ qsort (matches + 1, len, sizeof (char *), (QSFUNC *)_rl_qsort_string_compare);
+ rl_crlf ();
+ lines = 0;
+ if (_rl_print_completions_horizontally == 0)
+ {
+ /* Print the sorted items, up-and-down alphabetically, like ls. */
+ for (i = 1; i <= count; i++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0, l = i; j < limit; j++)
+ {
+ if (l > len || matches[l] == 0)
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ temp = printable_part (matches[l]);
+ printed_len = print_filename (temp, matches[l]);
+ if (j + 1 < limit)
+ for (k = 0; k < max - printed_len; k++)
+ putc (' ', rl_outstream);
+ }
+ l += count;
+ }
+ rl_crlf ();
+ lines++;
+ if (_rl_page_completions && lines >= (_rl_screenheight - 1) && i < count)
+ {
+ lines = _rl_internal_pager (lines);
+ if (lines < 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Print the sorted items, across alphabetically, like ls -x. */
+ for (i = 1; matches[i]; i++)
+ {
+ temp = printable_part (matches[i]);
+ printed_len = print_filename (temp, matches[i]);
+ /* Have we reached the end of this line? */
+ if (matches[i+1])
+ {
+ if (i && (limit > 1) && (i % limit) == 0)
+ {
+ rl_crlf ();
+ lines++;
+ if (_rl_page_completions && lines >= _rl_screenheight - 1)
+ {
+ lines = _rl_internal_pager (lines);
+ if (lines < 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ for (k = 0; k < max - printed_len; k++)
+ putc (' ', rl_outstream);
+ }
+ }
+ rl_crlf ();
+ }
+/* Display MATCHES, a list of matching filenames in argv format. This
+ handles the simple case -- a single match -- first. If there is more
+ than one match, we compute the number of strings in the list and the
+ length of the longest string, which will be needed by the display
+ function. If the application wants to handle displaying the list of
+ matches itself, it sets RL_COMPLETION_DISPLAY_MATCHES_HOOK to the
+ address of a function, and we just call it. If we're handling the
+ display ourselves, we just call rl_display_match_list. We also check
+ that the list of matches doesn't exceed the user-settable threshold,
+ and ask the user if he wants to see the list if there are more matches
+static void
+display_matches (matches)
+ char **matches;
+ int len, max, i;
+ char *temp;
+ /* Move to the last visible line of a possibly-multiple-line command. */
+ _rl_move_vert (_rl_vis_botlin);
+ /* Handle simple case first. What if there is only one answer? */
+ if (matches[1] == 0)
+ {
+ temp = printable_part (matches[0]);
+ rl_crlf ();
+ print_filename (temp, matches[0]);
+ rl_crlf ();
+ rl_forced_update_display ();
+ rl_display_fixed = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* There is more than one answer. Find out how many there are,
+ and find the maximum printed length of a single entry. */
+ for (max = 0, i = 1; matches[i]; i++)
+ {
+ temp = printable_part (matches[i]);
+ len = fnwidth (temp);
+ if (len > max)
+ max = len;
+ }
+ len = i - 1;
+ /* If the caller has defined a display hook, then call that now. */
+ if (rl_completion_display_matches_hook)
+ {
+ (*rl_completion_display_matches_hook) (matches, len, max);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If there are many items, then ask the user if she really wants to
+ see them all. */
+ if (rl_completion_query_items > 0 && len >= rl_completion_query_items)
+ {
+ rl_crlf ();
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "Display all %d possibilities? (y or n)", len);
+ fflush (rl_outstream);
+ if (get_y_or_n (0) == 0)
+ {
+ rl_crlf ();
+ rl_forced_update_display ();
+ rl_display_fixed = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ rl_display_match_list (matches, len, max);
+ rl_forced_update_display ();
+ rl_display_fixed = 1;
+static char *
+make_quoted_replacement (match, mtype, qc)
+ char *match;
+ int mtype;
+ char *qc; /* Pointer to quoting character, if any */
+ int should_quote, do_replace;
+ char *replacement;
+ /* If we are doing completion on quoted substrings, and any matches
+ contain any of the completer_word_break_characters, then auto-
+ matically prepend the substring with a quote character (just pick
+ the first one from the list of such) if it does not already begin
+ with a quote string. FIXME: Need to remove any such automatically
+ inserted quote character when it no longer is necessary, such as
+ if we change the string we are completing on and the new set of
+ matches don't require a quoted substring. */
+ replacement = match;
+ should_quote = match && rl_completer_quote_characters &&
+ rl_filename_completion_desired &&
+ rl_filename_quoting_desired;
+ if (should_quote)
+ should_quote = should_quote && (!qc || !*qc ||
+ (rl_completer_quote_characters && strchr (rl_completer_quote_characters, *qc)));
+ if (should_quote)
+ {
+ /* If there is a single match, see if we need to quote it.
+ This also checks whether the common prefix of several
+ matches needs to be quoted. */
+ should_quote = rl_filename_quote_characters
+ ? (_rl_strpbrk (match, rl_filename_quote_characters) != 0)
+ : 0;
+ do_replace = should_quote ? mtype : NO_MATCH;
+ /* Quote the replacement, since we found an embedded
+ word break character in a potential match. */
+ if (do_replace != NO_MATCH && rl_filename_quoting_function)
+ replacement = (*rl_filename_quoting_function) (match, do_replace, qc);
+ }
+ return (replacement);
+static void
+insert_match (match, start, mtype, qc)
+ char *match;
+ int start, mtype;
+ char *qc;
+ char *replacement;
+ char oqc;
+ oqc = qc ? *qc : '\0';
+ replacement = make_quoted_replacement (match, mtype, qc);
+ /* Now insert the match. */
+ if (replacement)
+ {
+ /* Don't double an opening quote character. */
+ if (qc && *qc && start && rl_line_buffer[start - 1] == *qc &&
+ replacement[0] == *qc)
+ start--;
+ /* If make_quoted_replacement changed the quoting character, remove
+ the opening quote and insert the (fully-quoted) replacement. */
+ else if (qc && (*qc != oqc) && start && rl_line_buffer[start - 1] == oqc &&
+ replacement[0] != oqc)
+ start--;
+ _rl_replace_text (replacement, start, rl_point - 1);
+ if (replacement != match)
+ free (replacement);
+ }
+/* Append any necessary closing quote and a separator character to the
+ just-inserted match. If the user has specified that directories
+ should be marked by a trailing `/', append one of those instead. The
+ default trailing character is a space. Returns the number of characters
+ appended. If NONTRIVIAL_MATCH is set, we test for a symlink (if the OS
+ has them) and don't add a suffix for a symlink to a directory. A
+ nontrivial match is one that actually adds to the word being completed.
+ The variable rl_completion_mark_symlink_dirs controls this behavior
+ (it's initially set to the what the user has chosen, indicated by the
+ value of _rl_complete_mark_symlink_dirs, but may be modified by an
+ application's completion function). */
+static int
+append_to_match (text, delimiter, quote_char, nontrivial_match)
+ char *text;
+ int delimiter, quote_char, nontrivial_match;
+ char temp_string[4], *filename;
+ int temp_string_index, s;
+ struct stat finfo;
+ temp_string_index = 0;
+ if (quote_char && rl_point && rl_completion_suppress_quote == 0 &&
+ rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1] != quote_char)
+ temp_string[temp_string_index++] = quote_char;
+ if (delimiter)
+ temp_string[temp_string_index++] = delimiter;
+ else if (rl_completion_suppress_append == 0 && rl_completion_append_character)
+ temp_string[temp_string_index++] = rl_completion_append_character;
+ temp_string[temp_string_index++] = '\0';
+ if (rl_filename_completion_desired)
+ {
+ filename = tilde_expand (text);
+ s = (nontrivial_match && rl_completion_mark_symlink_dirs == 0)
+ ? LSTAT (filename, &finfo)
+ : stat (filename, &finfo);
+ if (s == 0 && S_ISDIR (finfo.st_mode))
+ {
+ if (_rl_complete_mark_directories /* && rl_completion_suppress_append == 0 */)
+ {
+ /* This is clumsy. Avoid putting in a double slash if point
+ is at the end of the line and the previous character is a
+ slash. */
+ if (rl_point && rl_line_buffer[rl_point] == '\0' && rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1] == '/')
+ ;
+ else if (rl_line_buffer[rl_point] != '/')
+ rl_insert_text ("/");
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef S_ISLNK
+ /* Don't add anything if the filename is a symlink and resolves to a
+ directory. */
+ else if (s == 0 && S_ISLNK (finfo.st_mode) &&
+ stat (filename, &finfo) == 0 && S_ISDIR (finfo.st_mode))
+ ;
+ else
+ {
+ if (rl_point == rl_end && temp_string_index)
+ rl_insert_text (temp_string);
+ }
+ free (filename);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (rl_point == rl_end && temp_string_index)
+ rl_insert_text (temp_string);
+ }
+ return (temp_string_index);
+static void
+insert_all_matches (matches, point, qc)
+ char **matches;
+ int point;
+ char *qc;
+ int i;
+ char *rp;
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ /* remove any opening quote character; make_quoted_replacement will add
+ it back. */
+ if (qc && *qc && point && rl_line_buffer[point - 1] == *qc)
+ point--;
+ rl_delete_text (point, rl_point);
+ rl_point = point;
+ if (matches[1])
+ {
+ for (i = 1; matches[i]; i++)
+ {
+ rp = make_quoted_replacement (matches[i], SINGLE_MATCH, qc);
+ rl_insert_text (rp);
+ rl_insert_text (" ");
+ if (rp != matches[i])
+ free (rp);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rp = make_quoted_replacement (matches[0], SINGLE_MATCH, qc);
+ rl_insert_text (rp);
+ rl_insert_text (" ");
+ if (rp != matches[0])
+ free (rp);
+ }
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+_rl_free_match_list (matches)
+ char **matches;
+ register int i;
+ if (matches == 0)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; matches[i]; i++)
+ free (matches[i]);
+ free (matches);
+/* Complete the word at or before point.
+ WHAT_TO_DO says what to do with the completion.
+ `?' means list the possible completions.
+ TAB means do standard completion.
+ `*' means insert all of the possible completions.
+ `!' means to do standard completion, and list all possible completions if
+ there is more than one.
+ `@' means to do standard completion, and list all possible completions if
+ there is more than one and partial completion is not possible. */
+rl_complete_internal (what_to_do)
+ int what_to_do;
+ char **matches;
+ rl_compentry_func_t *our_func;
+ int start, end, delimiter, found_quote, i, nontrivial_lcd;
+ char *text, *saved_line_buffer;
+ char quote_char;
+ set_completion_defaults (what_to_do);
+ saved_line_buffer = rl_line_buffer ? savestring (rl_line_buffer) : (char *)NULL;
+ our_func = rl_completion_entry_function
+ ? rl_completion_entry_function
+ : rl_filename_completion_function;
+ /* We now look backwards for the start of a filename/variable word. */
+ end = rl_point;
+ found_quote = delimiter = 0;
+ quote_char = '\0';
+ if (rl_point)
+ /* This (possibly) changes rl_point. If it returns a non-zero char,
+ we know we have an open quote. */
+ quote_char = _rl_find_completion_word (&found_quote, &delimiter);
+ start = rl_point;
+ rl_point = end;
+ text = rl_copy_text (start, end);
+ matches = gen_completion_matches (text, start, end, our_func, found_quote, quote_char);
+ /* nontrivial_lcd is set if the common prefix adds something to the word
+ being completed. */
+ nontrivial_lcd = matches && strcmp (text, matches[0]) != 0;
+ free (text);
+ if (matches == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ FREE (saved_line_buffer);
+ completion_changed_buffer = 0;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /* If we are matching filenames, the attempted completion function will
+ have set rl_filename_completion_desired to a non-zero value. The basic
+ rl_filename_completion_function does this. */
+ i = rl_filename_completion_desired;
+ if (postprocess_matches (&matches, i) == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ FREE (saved_line_buffer);
+ completion_changed_buffer = 0;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ switch (what_to_do)
+ {
+ case TAB:
+ case '!':
+ case '@':
+ /* Insert the first match with proper quoting. */
+ if (*matches[0])
+ insert_match (matches[0], start, matches[1] ? MULT_MATCH : SINGLE_MATCH, &quote_char);
+ /* If there are more matches, ring the bell to indicate.
+ If we are in vi mode, Posix.2 says to not ring the bell.
+ If the `show-all-if-ambiguous' variable is set, display
+ all the matches immediately. Otherwise, if this was the
+ only match, and we are hacking files, check the file to
+ see if it was a directory. If so, and the `mark-directories'
+ variable is set, add a '/' to the name. If not, and we
+ are at the end of the line, then add a space. */
+ if (matches[1])
+ {
+ if (what_to_do == '!')
+ {
+ display_matches (matches);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (what_to_do == '@')
+ {
+ if (nontrivial_lcd == 0)
+ display_matches (matches);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (rl_editing_mode != vi_mode)
+ rl_ding (); /* There are other matches remaining. */
+ }
+ else
+ append_to_match (matches[0], delimiter, quote_char, nontrivial_lcd);
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ insert_all_matches (matches, start, &quote_char);
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ display_matches (matches);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf (stderr, "\r\nreadline: bad value %d for what_to_do in rl_complete\n", what_to_do);
+ rl_ding ();
+ FREE (saved_line_buffer);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ _rl_free_match_list (matches);
+ /* Check to see if the line has changed through all of this manipulation. */
+ if (saved_line_buffer)
+ {
+ completion_changed_buffer = strcmp (rl_line_buffer, saved_line_buffer) != 0;
+ free (saved_line_buffer);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* */
+/* Application-callable completion match generator functions */
+/* */
+/* Return an array of (char *) which is a list of completions for TEXT.
+ If there are no completions, return a NULL pointer.
+ The first entry in the returned array is the substitution for TEXT.
+ The remaining entries are the possible completions.
+ The array is terminated with a NULL pointer.
+ ENTRY_FUNCTION is a function of two args, and returns a (char *).
+ The first argument is TEXT.
+ The second is a state argument; it should be zero on the first call, and
+ non-zero on subsequent calls. It returns a NULL pointer to the caller
+ when there are no more matches.
+ */
+char **
+rl_completion_matches (text, entry_function)
+ const char *text;
+ rl_compentry_func_t *entry_function;
+ /* Number of slots in match_list. */
+ int match_list_size;
+ /* The list of matches. */
+ char **match_list;
+ /* Number of matches actually found. */
+ int matches;
+ /* Temporary string binder. */
+ char *string;
+ matches = 0;
+ match_list_size = 10;
+ match_list = (char **)xmalloc ((match_list_size + 1) * sizeof (char *));
+ match_list[1] = (char *)NULL;
+ while ((string = (*entry_function) (text, matches)))
+ {
+ if (matches + 1 == match_list_size)
+ match_list = (char **)xrealloc
+ (match_list, ((match_list_size += 10) + 1) * sizeof (char *));
+ match_list[++matches] = string;
+ match_list[matches + 1] = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ /* If there were any matches, then look through them finding out the
+ lowest common denominator. That then becomes match_list[0]. */
+ if (matches)
+ compute_lcd_of_matches (match_list, matches, text);
+ else /* There were no matches. */
+ {
+ free (match_list);
+ match_list = (char **)NULL;
+ }
+ return (match_list);
+/* A completion function for usernames.
+ TEXT contains a partial username preceded by a random
+ character (usually `~'). */
+char *
+rl_username_completion_function (text, state)
+ const char *text;
+ int state;
+#if defined (__WIN32__) || defined (__OPENNT)
+ return (char *)NULL;
+#else /* !__WIN32__ && !__OPENNT) */
+ static char *username = (char *)NULL;
+ static struct passwd *entry;
+ static int first_char, first_char_loc;
+ char *value;
+#if defined (HAVE_GETPWENT)
+ static int namelen;
+ if (state == 0)
+ {
+ FREE (username);
+ first_char = *text;
+ first_char_loc = first_char == '~';
+ username = savestring (&text[first_char_loc]);
+#if defined (HAVE_GETPWENT)
+ namelen = strlen (username);
+ setpwent ();
+ }
+#if defined (HAVE_GETPWENT)
+ while (entry = getpwent ())
+ {
+ /* Null usernames should result in all users as possible completions. */
+ if (namelen == 0 || (STREQN (username, entry->pw_name, namelen)))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (entry == 0)
+ {
+#if defined (HAVE_GETPWENT)
+ endpwent ();
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value = (char *)xmalloc (2 + strlen (entry->pw_name));
+ *value = *text;
+ strcpy (value + first_char_loc, entry->pw_name);
+ if (first_char == '~')
+ rl_filename_completion_desired = 1;
+ return (value);
+ }
+#endif /* !__WIN32__ && !__OPENNT */
+/* Okay, now we write the entry_function for filename completion. In the
+ general case. Note that completion in the shell is a little different
+ because of all the pathnames that must be followed when looking up the
+ completion for a command. */
+char *
+rl_filename_completion_function (text, state)
+ const char *text;
+ int state;
+ static DIR *directory = (DIR *)NULL;
+ static char *filename = (char *)NULL;
+ static char *dirname = (char *)NULL;
+ static char *users_dirname = (char *)NULL;
+ static int filename_len;
+ char *temp;
+ int dirlen;
+ struct dirent *entry;
+ /* If we don't have any state, then do some initialization. */
+ if (state == 0)
+ {
+ /* If we were interrupted before closing the directory or reading
+ all of its contents, close it. */
+ if (directory)
+ {
+ closedir (directory);
+ directory = (DIR *)NULL;
+ }
+ FREE (dirname);
+ FREE (filename);
+ FREE (users_dirname);
+ filename = savestring (text);
+ if (*text == 0)
+ text = ".";
+ dirname = savestring (text);
+ temp = strrchr (dirname, '/');
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ /* special hack for //X/... */
+ if (dirname[0] == '/' && dirname[1] == '/' && ISALPHA ((unsigned char)dirname[2]) && dirname[3] == '/')
+ temp = strrchr (dirname + 3, '/');
+ if (temp)
+ {
+ strcpy (filename, ++temp);
+ *temp = '\0';
+ }
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ /* searches from current directory on the drive */
+ else if (ISALPHA ((unsigned char)dirname[0]) && dirname[1] == ':')
+ {
+ strcpy (filename, dirname + 2);
+ dirname[2] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dirname[0] = '.';
+ dirname[1] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* We aren't done yet. We also support the "~user" syntax. */
+ /* Save the version of the directory that the user typed. */
+ users_dirname = savestring (dirname);
+ if (*dirname == '~')
+ {
+ temp = tilde_expand (dirname);
+ free (dirname);
+ dirname = temp;
+ }
+ if (rl_directory_rewrite_hook)
+ (*rl_directory_rewrite_hook) (&dirname);
+ /* The directory completion hook should perform any necessary
+ dequoting. */
+ if (rl_directory_completion_hook && (*rl_directory_completion_hook) (&dirname))
+ {
+ free (users_dirname);
+ users_dirname = savestring (dirname);
+ }
+ else if (rl_completion_found_quote && rl_filename_dequoting_function)
+ {
+ /* delete single and double quotes */
+ temp = (*rl_filename_dequoting_function) (users_dirname, rl_completion_quote_character);
+ free (users_dirname);
+ users_dirname = temp;
+ }
+ directory = opendir (dirname);
+ /* Now dequote a non-null filename. */
+ if (filename && *filename && rl_completion_found_quote && rl_filename_dequoting_function)
+ {
+ /* delete single and double quotes */
+ temp = (*rl_filename_dequoting_function) (filename, rl_completion_quote_character);
+ free (filename);
+ filename = temp;
+ }
+ filename_len = strlen (filename);
+ rl_filename_completion_desired = 1;
+ }
+ /* At this point we should entertain the possibility of hacking wildcarded
+ filenames, like /usr/man/man<WILD>/te<TAB>. If the directory name
+ contains globbing characters, then build an array of directories, and
+ then map over that list while completing. */
+ /* *** UNIMPLEMENTED *** */
+ /* Now that we have some state, we can read the directory. */
+ entry = (struct dirent *)NULL;
+ while (directory && (entry = readdir (directory)))
+ {
+ /* Special case for no filename. If the user has disabled the
+ `match-hidden-files' variable, skip filenames beginning with `.'.
+ All other entries except "." and ".." match. */
+ if (filename_len == 0)
+ {
+ if (_rl_match_hidden_files == 0 && HIDDEN_FILE (entry->d_name))
+ continue;
+ if (entry->d_name[0] != '.' ||
+ (entry->d_name[1] &&
+ (entry->d_name[1] != '.' || entry->d_name[2])))
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Otherwise, if these match up to the length of filename, then
+ it is a match. */
+ if (_rl_completion_case_fold)
+ {
+ if ((_rl_to_lower (entry->d_name[0]) == _rl_to_lower (filename[0])) &&
+ (((int)D_NAMLEN (entry)) >= filename_len) &&
+ (_rl_strnicmp (filename, entry->d_name, filename_len) == 0))
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((entry->d_name[0] == filename[0]) &&
+ (((int)D_NAMLEN (entry)) >= filename_len) &&
+ (strncmp (filename, entry->d_name, filename_len) == 0))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (entry == 0)
+ {
+ if (directory)
+ {
+ closedir (directory);
+ directory = (DIR *)NULL;
+ }
+ if (dirname)
+ {
+ free (dirname);
+ dirname = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ if (filename)
+ {
+ free (filename);
+ filename = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ if (users_dirname)
+ {
+ free (users_dirname);
+ users_dirname = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ return (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* dirname && (strcmp (dirname, ".") != 0) */
+ if (dirname && (dirname[0] != '.' || dirname[1]))
+ {
+ if (rl_complete_with_tilde_expansion && *users_dirname == '~')
+ {
+ dirlen = strlen (dirname);
+ temp = (char *)xmalloc (2 + dirlen + D_NAMLEN (entry));
+ strcpy (temp, dirname);
+ /* Canonicalization cuts off any final slash present. We
+ may need to add it back. */
+ if (dirname[dirlen - 1] != '/')
+ {
+ temp[dirlen++] = '/';
+ temp[dirlen] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dirlen = strlen (users_dirname);
+ temp = (char *)xmalloc (2 + dirlen + D_NAMLEN (entry));
+ strcpy (temp, users_dirname);
+ /* Make sure that temp has a trailing slash here. */
+ if (users_dirname[dirlen - 1] != '/')
+ temp[dirlen++] = '/';
+ }
+ strcpy (temp + dirlen, entry->d_name);
+ }
+ else
+ temp = savestring (entry->d_name);
+ return (temp);
+ }
+/* An initial implementation of a menu completion function a la tcsh. The
+ first time (if the last readline command was not rl_menu_complete), we
+ generate the list of matches. This code is very similar to the code in
+ rl_complete_internal -- there should be a way to combine the two. Then,
+ for each item in the list of matches, we insert the match in an undoable
+ fashion, with the appropriate character appended (this happens on the
+ second and subsequent consecutive calls to rl_menu_complete). When we
+ hit the end of the match list, we restore the original unmatched text,
+ ring the bell, and reset the counter to zero. */
+rl_menu_complete (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ rl_compentry_func_t *our_func;
+ int matching_filenames, found_quote;
+ static char *orig_text;
+ static char **matches = (char **)0;
+ static int match_list_index = 0;
+ static int match_list_size = 0;
+ static int orig_start, orig_end;
+ static char quote_char;
+ static int delimiter;
+ /* The first time through, we generate the list of matches and set things
+ up to insert them. */
+ if (rl_last_func != rl_menu_complete)
+ {
+ /* Clean up from previous call, if any. */
+ FREE (orig_text);
+ if (matches)
+ _rl_free_match_list (matches);
+ match_list_index = match_list_size = 0;
+ matches = (char **)NULL;
+ /* Only the completion entry function can change these. */
+ set_completion_defaults ('%');
+ our_func = rl_completion_entry_function
+ ? rl_completion_entry_function
+ : rl_filename_completion_function;
+ /* We now look backwards for the start of a filename/variable word. */
+ orig_end = rl_point;
+ found_quote = delimiter = 0;
+ quote_char = '\0';
+ if (rl_point)
+ /* This (possibly) changes rl_point. If it returns a non-zero char,
+ we know we have an open quote. */
+ quote_char = _rl_find_completion_word (&found_quote, &delimiter);
+ orig_start = rl_point;
+ rl_point = orig_end;
+ orig_text = rl_copy_text (orig_start, orig_end);
+ matches = gen_completion_matches (orig_text, orig_start, orig_end,
+ our_func, found_quote, quote_char);
+ /* If we are matching filenames, the attempted completion function will
+ have set rl_filename_completion_desired to a non-zero value. The basic
+ rl_filename_completion_function does this. */
+ matching_filenames = rl_filename_completion_desired;
+ if (matches == 0 || postprocess_matches (&matches, matching_filenames) == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ FREE (matches);
+ matches = (char **)0;
+ FREE (orig_text);
+ orig_text = (char *)0;
+ completion_changed_buffer = 0;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ for (match_list_size = 0; matches[match_list_size]; match_list_size++)
+ ;
+ /* matches[0] is lcd if match_list_size > 1, but the circular buffer
+ code below should take care of it. */
+ }
+ /* Now we have the list of matches. Replace the text between
+ rl_line_buffer[orig_start] and rl_line_buffer[rl_point] with
+ matches[match_list_index], and add any necessary closing char. */
+ if (matches == 0 || match_list_size == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ FREE (matches);
+ matches = (char **)0;
+ completion_changed_buffer = 0;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ match_list_index += count;
+ if (match_list_index < 0)
+ match_list_index += match_list_size;
+ else
+ match_list_index %= match_list_size;
+ if (match_list_index == 0 && match_list_size > 1)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ insert_match (orig_text, orig_start, MULT_MATCH, &quote_char);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ insert_match (matches[match_list_index], orig_start, SINGLE_MATCH, &quote_char);
+ append_to_match (matches[match_list_index], delimiter, quote_char,
+ strcmp (orig_text, matches[match_list_index]));
+ }
+ completion_changed_buffer = 1;
+ return (0);
diff --git a/extra/readline/config_readline.h b/extra/readline/config_readline.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9aa46495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/config_readline.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ config-readline.h Maintained by hand. Contains the readline specific
+ parts from in readline 4.3
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include <config.h>
+#ifdef NOT_YET /* causes problem on MacOSX */
+/* to get wcwidth() defined */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
+#define _XOPEN_
+ Ultrix botches type-ahead when switching from canonical to
+ non-canonical mode, at least through version 4.3
+#if !defined (HAVE_TERMIOS_H) || !defined (HAVE_TCGETATTR) || defined (ultrix)
+#if defined (STRCOLL_BROKEN)
+#if defined (__STDC__) && defined (HAVE_STDARG_H)
+# define USE_VARARGS
+# if defined (HAVE_VARARGS_H)
+# define USE_VARARGS
+# endif
diff --git a/extra/readline/ b/extra/readline/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..067e37ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+dnl Configure script for readline library
+dnl report bugs to
+dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+# Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1335 USA.
+AC_REVISION([for Readline 5.2, version 2.61])
+AC_INIT(readline, 5.2,
+dnl make sure we are using a recent autoconf version
+dnl update the value of RL_READLINE_VERSION in readline.h when this changes
+dnl configure defaults
+dnl arguments to configure
+AC_ARG_WITH(curses, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-curses], [use the curses library instead of the termcap library]), opt_curses=$withval)
+AC_ARG_WITH(purify, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-purify], [configure to postprocess with purify]), opt_purify=$withval)
+if test "$opt_curses" = "yes"; then
+ prefer_curses=yes
+if test "$opt_purify" = yes; then
+ PURIFY="purify"
+dnl option parsing for optional features
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(multibyte, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-multibyte], [enable multibyte characters if OS supports them]), opt_multibyte=$enableval)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(shared, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-shared], [build shared libraries [[default=YES]]]), opt_shared_libs=$enableval)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(static, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-static], [build static libraries [[default=YES]]]), opt_static_libs=$enableval)
+if test $opt_multibyte = no; then
+dnl load up the cross-building cache file -- add more cases and cache
+dnl files as necessary
+dnl Note that host and target machine are the same, and different than the
+dnl build machine.
+if test "x$cross_compiling" = "xyes"; then
+ case "${host}" in
+ *-cygwin*)
+ cross_cache=${srcdir}/cross-build/cygwin.cache
+ ;;
+ *-mingw*)
+ cross_cache=${srcdir}/cross-build/mingw.cache
+ ;;
+ i[[3456]]86-*-beos*)
+ cross_cache=${srcdir}/cross-build/x86-beos.cache
+ ;;
+ *) echo "configure: cross-compiling for $host is not supported" >&2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test -n "${cross_cache}" && test -r "${cross_cache}"; then
+ echo "loading cross-build cache file ${cross_cache}"
+ . ${cross_cache}
+ fi
+ unset cross_cache
+echo ""
+echo "Beginning configuration for readline-$LIBVERSION for ${host_cpu}-${host_vendor}-${host_os}"
+echo ""
+# We want these before the checks, so the checks can modify their values.
+test -z "$CFLAGS" && CFLAGS=-g auto_cflags=1
+dnl AC_AIX
+# If we're using gcc and the user hasn't specified CFLAGS, add -O to CFLAGS.
+test -n "$GCC" && test -n "$auto_cflags" && CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O"
+AC_CHECK_PROG(AR, ar, , ar)
+dnl Set default for ARFLAGS, since autoconf does not have a macro for it.
+dnl This allows people to set it when running configure or make
+test -n "$ARFLAGS" || ARFLAGS="cr"
+AC_CHECK_TYPE(ssize_t, int)
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(fcntl kill lstat)
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(memmove putenv select setenv setlocale \
+ strcasecmp strpbrk tcgetattr vsnprintf)
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(isascii isxdigit)
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getpwent getpwnam getpwuid)
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h unistd.h stdlib.h varargs.h stdarg.h string.h strings.h \
+ limits.h locale.h pwd.h memory.h termcap.h termios.h termio.h)
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/pte.h sys/stream.h sys/select.h sys/file.h)
+# include <sys/stream.h>
+dnl yuck
+case "$host_os" in
+aix*) prefer_curses=yes ;;
+if test "$TERMCAP_LIB" = "./lib/termcap/libtermcap.a"; then
+ if test "$prefer_curses" = yes; then
+ TERMCAP_LIB=-lcurses
+ else
+ TERMCAP_LIB=-ltermcap #default
+ fi
+case "$host_cpu" in
+*s390*) LOCAL_CFLAGS=-fsigned-char ;;
+case "$host_os" in
+isc*) LOCAL_CFLAGS=-Disc386 ;;
+# shared library configuration section
+# Shared object configuration section. These values are generated by
+# ${srcdir}/support/shobj-conf
+if test -f ${srcdir}/support/shobj-conf; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(configuration for building shared libraries)
+ eval `TERMCAP_LIB=$TERMCAP_LIB ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} ${srcdir}/support/shobj-conf -C "${CC}" -c ${host_cpu} -o ${host_os} -v ${host_vendor}`
+# case "$SHLIB_LIBS" in
+# *curses*|*termcap*|*termlib*) ;;
+# esac
+ # SHLIB_STATUS is either `supported' or `unsupported'. If it's
+ # `unsupported', turn off any default shared library building
+ if test "$SHLIB_STATUS" = 'unsupported'; then
+ opt_shared_libs=no
+ fi
+ # shared library versioning
+ # quoted for m4 so I can use character classes
+ SHLIB_MAJOR=[`expr "$LIBVERSION" : '\([0-9]\)\..*'`]
+ SHLIB_MINOR=[`expr "$LIBVERSION" : '[0-9]\.\([0-9]\).*'`]
+if test "$opt_static_libs" = "yes"; then
+ STATIC_INSTALL_TARGET=install-static
+if test "$opt_shared_libs" = "yes"; then
+ SHARED_INSTALL_TARGET=install-shared
+case "$host_os" in
+msdosdjgpp*) BUILD_DIR=`pwd.exe` ;; # to prevent //d/path/file
+*) BUILD_DIR=`pwd` ;;
+case "$BUILD_DIR" in
+*\ *) BUILD_DIR=`echo "$BUILD_DIR" | sed 's: :\\\\ :g'` ;;
+*) ;;
+AC_OUTPUT([Makefile doc/Makefile examples/Makefile shlib/Makefile],
+# Makefile uses this timestamp file to record whether config.h is up to date.
+echo > stamp-h
diff --git a/extra/readline/display.c b/extra/readline/display.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8500f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/display.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2452 @@
+/* display.c -- readline redisplay facility. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#include "posixstat.h"
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+/* Termcap library stuff. */
+#include "tcap.h"
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+#if !defined (strchr) && !defined (__STDC__)
+extern char *strchr (), *strrchr ();
+#endif /* !strchr && !__STDC__ */
+static void update_line PARAMS((char *, char *, int, int, int, int));
+static void space_to_eol PARAMS((int));
+static void delete_chars PARAMS((int));
+static void insert_some_chars PARAMS((char *, int, int));
+static void cr PARAMS((void));
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+static int _rl_col_width PARAMS((const char *, int, int));
+static int *_rl_wrapped_line;
+# define _rl_col_width(l, s, e) (((e) <= (s)) ? 0 : (e) - (s))
+static int *inv_lbreaks, *vis_lbreaks;
+static int inv_lbsize, vis_lbsize;
+/* Heuristic used to decide whether it is faster to move from CUR to NEW
+ by backing up or outputting a carriage return and moving forward. CUR
+ and NEW are either both buffer positions or absolute screen positions. */
+#define CR_FASTER(new, cur) (((new) + 1) < ((cur) - (new)))
+/* _rl_last_c_pos is an absolute cursor position in multibyte locales and a
+ buffer index in others. This macro is used when deciding whether the
+ current cursor position is in the middle of a prompt string containing
+ invisible characters. */
+ ((MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0) ? prompt_physical_chars : prompt_last_invisible+1)
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Display stuff */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* This is the stuff that is hard for me. I never seem to write good
+ display routines in C. Let's see how I do this time. */
+/* (PWP) Well... Good for a simple line updater, but totally ignores
+ the problems of input lines longer than the screen width.
+ update_line and the code that calls it makes a multiple line,
+ automatically wrapping line update. Careful attention needs
+ to be paid to the vertical position variables. */
+/* Keep two buffers; one which reflects the current contents of the
+ screen, and the other to draw what we think the new contents should
+ be. Then compare the buffers, and make whatever changes to the
+ screen itself that we should. Finally, make the buffer that we
+ just drew into be the one which reflects the current contents of the
+ screen, and place the cursor where it belongs.
+ Commands that want to can fix the display themselves, and then let
+ this function know that the display has been fixed by setting the
+ RL_DISPLAY_FIXED variable. This is good for efficiency. */
+/* Application-specific redisplay function. */
+rl_voidfunc_t *rl_redisplay_function = rl_redisplay;
+/* Global variables declared here. */
+/* What YOU turn on when you have handled all redisplay yourself. */
+int rl_display_fixed = 0;
+int _rl_suppress_redisplay = 0;
+int _rl_want_redisplay = 0;
+/* The stuff that gets printed out before the actual text of the line.
+ This is usually pointing to rl_prompt. */
+const char *rl_display_prompt = (const char *)NULL;
+/* Pseudo-global variables declared here. */
+/* The visible cursor position. If you print some text, adjust this. */
+/* NOTE: _rl_last_c_pos is used as a buffer index when not in a locale
+ supporting multibyte characters, and an absolute cursor position when
+ in such a locale. This is an artifact of the donated multibyte support.
+ Care must be taken when modifying its value. */
+int _rl_last_c_pos = 0;
+int _rl_last_v_pos = 0;
+static int cpos_adjusted;
+static int cpos_buffer_position;
+/* Number of lines currently on screen minus 1. */
+int _rl_vis_botlin = 0;
+/* Variables used only in this file. */
+/* The last left edge of text that was displayed. This is used when
+ doing horizontal scrolling. It shifts in thirds of a screenwidth. */
+static int last_lmargin;
+/* The line display buffers. One is the line currently displayed on
+ the screen. The other is the line about to be displayed. */
+static char *visible_line = (char *)NULL;
+static char *invisible_line = (char *)NULL;
+/* A buffer for `modeline' messages. */
+static char msg_buf[128];
+/* Non-zero forces the redisplay even if we thought it was unnecessary. */
+static int forced_display;
+/* Default and initial buffer size. Can grow. */
+static int line_size = 1024;
+/* Variables to keep track of the expanded prompt string, which may
+ include invisible characters. */
+static char *local_prompt, *local_prompt_prefix;
+static int local_prompt_len;
+static int prompt_visible_length, prompt_prefix_length;
+/* The number of invisible characters in the line currently being
+ displayed on the screen. */
+static int visible_wrap_offset;
+/* The number of invisible characters in the prompt string. Static so it
+ can be shared between rl_redisplay and update_line */
+static int wrap_offset;
+/* The index of the last invisible character in the prompt string. */
+static int prompt_last_invisible;
+/* The length (buffer offset) of the first line of the last (possibly
+ multi-line) buffer displayed on the screen. */
+static int visible_first_line_len;
+/* Number of invisible characters on the first physical line of the prompt.
+ Only valid when the number of physical characters in the prompt exceeds
+ (or is equal to) _rl_screenwidth. */
+static int prompt_invis_chars_first_line;
+static int prompt_physical_chars;
+/* Variables to save and restore prompt and display information. */
+/* These are getting numerous enough that it's time to create a struct. */
+static char *saved_local_prompt;
+static char *saved_local_prefix;
+static int saved_last_invisible;
+static int saved_visible_length;
+static int saved_prefix_length;
+static int saved_local_length;
+static int saved_invis_chars_first_line;
+static int saved_physical_chars;
+/* Expand the prompt string S and return the number of visible
+ characters in *LP, if LP is not null. This is currently more-or-less
+ a placeholder for expansion. LIP, if non-null is a place to store the
+ index of the last invisible character in the returned string. NIFLP,
+ if non-zero, is a place to store the number of invisible characters in
+ the first prompt line. The previous are used as byte counts -- indexes
+ into a character buffer. */
+/* Current implementation:
+ \001 (^A) start non-visible characters
+ \002 (^B) end non-visible characters
+ all characters except \001 and \002 (following a \001) are copied to
+ the returned string; all characters except those between \001 and
+ \002 are assumed to be `visible'. */
+static char *
+expand_prompt (pmt, lp, lip, niflp, vlp)
+ char *pmt;
+ int *lp, *lip, *niflp, *vlp;
+ char *r, *ret, *p, *igstart;
+ int l, rl, last, ignoring, ninvis, invfl, invflset, physchars;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ int ind, pind;
+ /* Short-circuit if we can. */
+ if ((MB_CUR_MAX <= 1 || rl_byte_oriented) && strchr (pmt, RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE) == 0)
+ {
+ r = savestring (pmt);
+ if (lp)
+ *lp = strlen (r);
+ if (lip)
+ *lip = 0;
+ if (niflp)
+ *niflp = 0;
+ if (vlp)
+ *vlp = lp ? *lp : (int)strlen (r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ l = strlen (pmt);
+ r = ret = (char *)xmalloc (l + 1);
+ invfl = 0; /* invisible chars in first line of prompt */
+ invflset = 0; /* we only want to set invfl once */
+ igstart = 0;
+ for (rl = ignoring = last = ninvis = physchars = 0, p = pmt; p && *p; p++)
+ {
+ /* This code strips the invisible character string markers
+ if (ignoring == 0 && *p == RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE) /* XXX - check ignoring? */
+ {
+ ignoring = 1;
+ igstart = p;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ignoring && *p == RL_PROMPT_END_IGNORE)
+ {
+ ignoring = 0;
+ if (p != (igstart + 1))
+ last = r - ret - 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ pind = p - pmt;
+ ind = _rl_find_next_mbchar (pmt, pind, 1, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ l = ind - pind;
+ while (l--)
+ *r++ = *p++;
+ if (!ignoring)
+ {
+ rl += ind - pind;
+ physchars += _rl_col_width (pmt, pind, ind);
+ }
+ else
+ ninvis += ind - pind;
+ p--; /* compensate for later increment */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *r++ = *p;
+ if (!ignoring)
+ {
+ rl++; /* visible length byte counter */
+ physchars++;
+ }
+ else
+ ninvis++; /* invisible chars byte counter */
+ }
+ if (invflset == 0 && rl >= _rl_screenwidth)
+ {
+ invfl = ninvis;
+ invflset = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (rl < _rl_screenwidth)
+ invfl = ninvis;
+ *r = '\0';
+ if (lp)
+ *lp = rl;
+ if (lip)
+ *lip = last;
+ if (niflp)
+ *niflp = invfl;
+ if (vlp)
+ *vlp = physchars;
+ return ret;
+ PMT and return the rest of PMT. */
+char *
+_rl_strip_prompt (pmt)
+ char *pmt;
+ char *ret;
+ ret = expand_prompt (pmt, (int *)NULL, (int *)NULL, (int *)NULL, (int *)NULL);
+ return ret;
+ * Expand the prompt string into the various display components, if
+ * necessary.
+ *
+ * local_prompt = expanded last line of string in rl_display_prompt
+ * (portion after the final newline)
+ * local_prompt_prefix = portion before last newline of rl_display_prompt,
+ * expanded via expand_prompt
+ * prompt_visible_length = number of visible characters in local_prompt
+ * prompt_prefix_length = number of visible characters in local_prompt_prefix
+ *
+ * This function is called once per call to readline(). It may also be
+ * called arbitrarily to expand the primary prompt.
+ *
+ * The return value is the number of visible characters on the last line
+ * of the (possibly multi-line) prompt.
+ */
+rl_expand_prompt (prompt)
+ char *prompt;
+ char *p, *t;
+ int c;
+ /* Clear out any saved values. */
+ FREE (local_prompt);
+ FREE (local_prompt_prefix);
+ local_prompt = local_prompt_prefix = (char *)0;
+ local_prompt_len = 0;
+ prompt_last_invisible = prompt_invis_chars_first_line = 0;
+ prompt_visible_length = prompt_physical_chars = 0;
+ if (prompt == 0 || *prompt == 0)
+ return (0);
+ p = strrchr (prompt, '\n');
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ /* The prompt is only one logical line, though it might wrap. */
+ local_prompt = expand_prompt (prompt, &prompt_visible_length,
+ &prompt_last_invisible,
+ &prompt_invis_chars_first_line,
+ &prompt_physical_chars);
+ local_prompt_prefix = (char *)0;
+ local_prompt_len = local_prompt ? strlen (local_prompt) : 0;
+ return (prompt_visible_length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The prompt spans multiple lines. */
+ t = ++p;
+ local_prompt = expand_prompt (p, &prompt_visible_length,
+ &prompt_last_invisible,
+ (int *)NULL,
+ &prompt_physical_chars);
+ c = *t; *t = '\0';
+ /* The portion of the prompt string up to and including the
+ final newline is now null-terminated. */
+ local_prompt_prefix = expand_prompt (prompt, &prompt_prefix_length,
+ (int *)NULL,
+ &prompt_invis_chars_first_line,
+ (int *)NULL);
+ *t = c;
+ local_prompt_len = local_prompt ? strlen (local_prompt) : 0;
+ return (prompt_prefix_length);
+ }
+/* Initialize the VISIBLE_LINE and INVISIBLE_LINE arrays, and their associated
+ arrays of line break markers. MINSIZE is the minimum size of VISIBLE_LINE
+ and INVISIBLE_LINE; if it is greater than LINE_SIZE, LINE_SIZE is
+ increased. If the lines have already been allocated, this ensures that
+ they can hold at least MINSIZE characters. */
+static void
+init_line_structures (minsize)
+ int minsize;
+ register int n;
+ if (invisible_line == 0) /* initialize it */
+ {
+ if (line_size < minsize)
+ line_size = minsize;
+ visible_line = (char *)xmalloc (line_size);
+ invisible_line = (char *)xmalloc (line_size);
+ }
+ else if (line_size < minsize) /* ensure it can hold MINSIZE chars */
+ {
+ line_size *= 2;
+ if (line_size < minsize)
+ line_size = minsize;
+ visible_line = (char *)xrealloc (visible_line, line_size);
+ invisible_line = (char *)xrealloc (invisible_line, line_size);
+ }
+ for (n = minsize; n < line_size; n++)
+ {
+ visible_line[n] = 0;
+ invisible_line[n] = 1;
+ }
+ if (vis_lbreaks == 0)
+ {
+ /* should be enough. */
+ inv_lbsize = vis_lbsize = 256;
+ inv_lbreaks = (int *)xmalloc (inv_lbsize * sizeof (int));
+ vis_lbreaks = (int *)xmalloc (vis_lbsize * sizeof (int));
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ _rl_wrapped_line = (int *)xmalloc (vis_lbsize * sizeof (int));
+ inv_lbreaks[0] = vis_lbreaks[0] = 0;
+ }
+/* Basic redisplay algorithm. */
+rl_redisplay ()
+ register int in, out, c, linenum, cursor_linenum;
+ register char *line;
+ int inv_botlin, lb_linenum, o_cpos;
+ int newlines, lpos, temp, modmark;
+ const char *prompt_this_line;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ int num, n0= 0;
+ wchar_t wc;
+ size_t wc_bytes;
+ int wc_width= 0;
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ int _rl_wrapped_multicolumn = 0;
+ if (!readline_echoing_p)
+ return;
+ if (!rl_display_prompt)
+ rl_display_prompt = "";
+ if (invisible_line == 0 || vis_lbreaks == 0)
+ {
+ init_line_structures (0);
+ rl_on_new_line ();
+ }
+ /* Draw the line into the buffer. */
+ cpos_buffer_position = -1;
+ line = invisible_line;
+ out = inv_botlin = 0;
+ /* Mark the line as modified or not. We only do this for history
+ lines. */
+ modmark = 0;
+ if (_rl_mark_modified_lines && current_history () && rl_undo_list)
+ {
+ line[out++] = '*';
+ line[out] = '\0';
+ modmark = 1;
+ }
+ /* If someone thought that the redisplay was handled, but the currently
+ visible line has a different modification state than the one about
+ to become visible, then correct the caller's misconception. */
+ if (visible_line[0] != invisible_line[0])
+ rl_display_fixed = 0;
+ /* If the prompt to be displayed is the `primary' readline prompt (the
+ one passed to readline()), use the values we have already expanded.
+ If not, use what's already in rl_display_prompt. WRAP_OFFSET is the
+ number of non-visible characters in the prompt string. */
+ if (rl_display_prompt == rl_prompt || local_prompt)
+ {
+ if (local_prompt_prefix && forced_display)
+ _rl_output_some_chars (local_prompt_prefix, strlen (local_prompt_prefix));
+ if (local_prompt_len > 0)
+ {
+ temp = local_prompt_len + out + 2;
+ if (temp >= line_size)
+ {
+ line_size = (temp + 1024) - (temp % 1024);
+ visible_line = (char *)xrealloc (visible_line, line_size);
+ line = invisible_line = (char *)xrealloc (invisible_line, line_size);
+ }
+ strncpy (line + out, local_prompt, local_prompt_len);
+ out += local_prompt_len;
+ }
+ line[out] = '\0';
+ wrap_offset = local_prompt_len - prompt_visible_length;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int pmtlen;
+ prompt_this_line = strrchr (rl_display_prompt, '\n');
+ if (!prompt_this_line)
+ prompt_this_line = rl_display_prompt;
+ else
+ {
+ prompt_this_line++;
+ pmtlen = prompt_this_line - rl_display_prompt; /* temp var */
+ if (forced_display)
+ {
+ _rl_output_some_chars (rl_display_prompt, pmtlen);
+ /* Make sure we are at column zero even after a newline,
+ regardless of the state of terminal output processing. */
+ if (pmtlen < 2 || prompt_this_line[-2] != '\r')
+ cr ();
+ }
+ }
+ prompt_physical_chars = pmtlen = strlen (prompt_this_line);
+ temp = pmtlen + out + 2;
+ if (temp >= line_size)
+ {
+ line_size = (temp + 1024) - (temp % 1024);
+ visible_line = (char *)xrealloc (visible_line, line_size);
+ line = invisible_line = (char *)xrealloc (invisible_line, line_size);
+ }
+ strncpy (line + out, prompt_this_line, pmtlen);
+ out += pmtlen;
+ line[out] = '\0';
+ wrap_offset = prompt_invis_chars_first_line = 0;
+ }
+#define CHECK_INV_LBREAKS() \
+ do { \
+ if (newlines >= (inv_lbsize - 2)) \
+ { \
+ inv_lbsize *= 2; \
+ inv_lbreaks = (int *)xrealloc (inv_lbreaks, inv_lbsize * sizeof (int)); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+#define CHECK_LPOS() \
+ do { \
+ lpos++; \
+ if (lpos >= _rl_screenwidth) \
+ { \
+ if (newlines >= (inv_lbsize - 2)) \
+ { \
+ inv_lbsize *= 2; \
+ inv_lbreaks = (int *)xrealloc (inv_lbreaks, inv_lbsize * sizeof (int)); \
+ _rl_wrapped_line = (int *)xrealloc (_rl_wrapped_line, inv_lbsize * sizeof (int)); \
+ } \
+ inv_lbreaks[++newlines] = out; \
+ _rl_wrapped_line[newlines] = _rl_wrapped_multicolumn; \
+ lpos = 0; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#define CHECK_LPOS() \
+ do { \
+ lpos++; \
+ if (lpos >= _rl_screenwidth) \
+ { \
+ if (newlines >= (inv_lbsize - 2)) \
+ { \
+ inv_lbsize *= 2; \
+ inv_lbreaks = (int *)xrealloc (inv_lbreaks, inv_lbsize * sizeof (int)); \
+ } \
+ inv_lbreaks[++newlines] = out; \
+ lpos = 0; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ /* inv_lbreaks[i] is where line i starts in the buffer. */
+ inv_lbreaks[newlines = 0] = 0;
+#if 0
+ lpos = out - wrap_offset;
+ lpos = prompt_physical_chars + modmark;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ memset (_rl_wrapped_line, 0, vis_lbsize);
+ num = 0;
+ /* prompt_invis_chars_first_line is the number of invisible characters in
+ the first physical line of the prompt.
+ wrap_offset - prompt_invis_chars_first_line is the number of invis
+ chars on the second line. */
+ /* what if lpos is already >= _rl_screenwidth before we start drawing the
+ contents of the command line? */
+ while (lpos >= _rl_screenwidth)
+ {
+ /* fix from Darin Johnson <> for prompt string with
+ invisible characters that is longer than the screen width. The
+ prompt_invis_chars_first_line variable could be made into an array
+ saying how many invisible characters there are per line, but that's
+ probably too much work for the benefit gained. How many people have
+ prompts that exceed two physical lines?
+ Additional logic fix from Edward Catmur <> */
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ int z;
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ n0 = num;
+ temp = local_prompt_len;
+ while (num < temp)
+ {
+ z = _rl_col_width (local_prompt, n0, num);
+ if (z > _rl_screenwidth)
+ {
+ num = _rl_find_prev_mbchar (local_prompt, num, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (z == _rl_screenwidth)
+ break;
+ num++;
+ }
+ temp = num;
+ }
+ else
+#endif /* !HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ temp = ((newlines + 1) * _rl_screenwidth);
+ /* Now account for invisible characters in the current line. */
+ temp += ((local_prompt_prefix == 0) ? ((newlines == 0) ? prompt_invis_chars_first_line
+ : ((newlines == 1) ? wrap_offset : 0))
+ : ((newlines == 0) ? wrap_offset :0));
+ inv_lbreaks[++newlines] = temp;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ lpos -= _rl_col_width (local_prompt, n0, num);
+ else
+ lpos -= _rl_screenwidth;
+ }
+ /* Draw the rest of the line (after the prompt) into invisible_line, keeping
+ track of where the cursor is (cpos_buffer_position), the number of the line containing
+ the cursor (lb_linenum), the last line number (inv_botlin).
+ It maintains an array of line breaks for display (inv_lbreaks).
+ This handles expanding tabs for display and displaying meta characters. */
+ lb_linenum = 0;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ in = 0;
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ wc_bytes = mbrtowc (&wc, rl_line_buffer, rl_end, &ps);
+ }
+ else
+ wc_bytes = 1;
+ while (in < rl_end)
+ for (in = 0; in < rl_end; in++)
+ {
+ c = (unsigned char)rl_line_buffer[in];
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ if (MB_INVALIDCH (wc_bytes))
+ {
+ /* Byte sequence is invalid or shortened. Assume that the
+ first byte represents a character. */
+ wc_bytes = 1;
+ /* Assume that a character occupies a single column. */
+ wc_width = 1;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ }
+ else if (MB_NULLWCH (wc_bytes))
+ break; /* Found '\0' */
+ else
+ {
+ temp = wcwidth (wc);
+ wc_width = (temp >= 0) ? temp : 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (out + 8 >= line_size) /* XXX - 8 for \t */
+ {
+ line_size *= 2;
+ visible_line = (char *)xrealloc (visible_line, line_size);
+ invisible_line = (char *)xrealloc (invisible_line, line_size);
+ line = invisible_line;
+ }
+ if (in == rl_point)
+ {
+ cpos_buffer_position = out;
+ lb_linenum = newlines;
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (META_CHAR (c) && _rl_output_meta_chars == 0) /* XXX - clean up */
+ if (META_CHAR (c))
+ {
+ if (_rl_output_meta_chars == 0)
+ {
+ sprintf (line + out, "\\%o", c);
+ if (lpos + 4 >= _rl_screenwidth)
+ {
+ temp = _rl_screenwidth - lpos;
+ inv_lbreaks[++newlines] = out + temp;
+ lpos = 4 - temp;
+ }
+ else
+ lpos += 4;
+ out += 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ line[out++] = c;
+ }
+ }
+#if defined (DISPLAY_TABS)
+ else if (c == '\t')
+ {
+ register int newout;
+#if 0
+ newout = (out | (int)7) + 1;
+ newout = out + 8 - lpos % 8;
+ temp = newout - out;
+ if (lpos + temp >= _rl_screenwidth)
+ {
+ register int temp2;
+ temp2 = _rl_screenwidth - lpos;
+ inv_lbreaks[++newlines] = out + temp2;
+ lpos = temp - temp2;
+ while (out < newout)
+ line[out++] = ' ';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (out < newout)
+ line[out++] = ' ';
+ lpos += temp;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c == '\n' && _rl_horizontal_scroll_mode == 0 && _rl_term_up && *_rl_term_up)
+ {
+ line[out++] = '\0'; /* XXX - sentinel */
+ inv_lbreaks[++newlines] = out;
+ lpos = 0;
+ }
+ else if (CTRL_CHAR (c) || c == RUBOUT)
+ {
+ line[out++] = '^';
+ line[out++] = CTRL_CHAR (c) ? UNCTRL (c) : '?';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ register int i;
+ _rl_wrapped_multicolumn = 0;
+ if (_rl_screenwidth < lpos + wc_width)
+ for (i = lpos; i < _rl_screenwidth; i++)
+ {
+ /* The space will be removed in update_line() */
+ line[out++] = ' ';
+ _rl_wrapped_multicolumn++;
+ }
+ if (in == rl_point)
+ {
+ cpos_buffer_position = out;
+ lb_linenum = newlines;
+ }
+ for (i = in; i < in+(int)wc_bytes; i++)
+ line[out++] = rl_line_buffer[i];
+ for (i = 0; i < wc_width; i++)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ line[out++] = c;
+ }
+ line[out++] = c;
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ in += wc_bytes;
+ wc_bytes = mbrtowc (&wc, rl_line_buffer + in, rl_end - in, &ps);
+ }
+ else
+ in++;
+ }
+ line[out] = '\0';
+ if (cpos_buffer_position < 0)
+ {
+ cpos_buffer_position = out;
+ lb_linenum = newlines;
+ }
+ inv_botlin = newlines;
+ inv_lbreaks[newlines+1] = out;
+ cursor_linenum = lb_linenum;
+ /* CPOS_BUFFER_POSITION == position in buffer where cursor should be placed.
+ CURSOR_LINENUM == line number where the cursor should be placed. */
+ /* PWP: now is when things get a bit hairy. The visible and invisible
+ line buffers are really multiple lines, which would wrap every
+ (screenwidth - 1) characters. Go through each in turn, finding
+ the changed region and updating it. The line order is top to bottom. */
+ /* If we can move the cursor up and down, then use multiple lines,
+ otherwise, let long lines display in a single terminal line, and
+ horizontally scroll it. */
+ if (_rl_horizontal_scroll_mode == 0 && _rl_term_up && *_rl_term_up)
+ {
+ int nleft, pos, changed_screen_line, tx;
+ char empty_str[1] = { 0 };
+ if (!rl_display_fixed || forced_display)
+ {
+ forced_display = 0;
+ /* If we have more than a screenful of material to display, then
+ only display a screenful. We should display the last screen,
+ not the first. */
+ if (out >= _rl_screenchars)
+ {
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ out = _rl_find_prev_mbchar (line, _rl_screenchars, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ else
+ out = _rl_screenchars - 1;
+ }
+ /* The first line is at character position 0 in the buffer. The
+ second and subsequent lines start at inv_lbreaks[N], offset by
+ OFFSET (which has already been calculated above). */
+#define W_OFFSET(line, offset) ((line) == 0 ? offset : 0)
+#define VIS_LLEN(l) ((l) > _rl_vis_botlin ? 0 : (vis_lbreaks[l+1] - vis_lbreaks[l]))
+#define INV_LLEN(l) (inv_lbreaks[l+1] - inv_lbreaks[l])
+#define VIS_CHARS(line) (visible_line + vis_lbreaks[line])
+#define VIS_LINE(line) ((line) > _rl_vis_botlin) ? empty_str : VIS_CHARS(line)
+#define INV_LINE(line) (invisible_line + inv_lbreaks[line])
+ /* For each line in the buffer, do the updating display. */
+ for (linenum = 0; linenum <= inv_botlin; linenum++)
+ {
+ /* This can lead us astray if we execute a program that changes
+ the locale from a non-multibyte to a multibyte one. */
+ o_cpos = _rl_last_c_pos;
+ cpos_adjusted = 0;
+ update_line (VIS_LINE(linenum), INV_LINE(linenum), linenum,
+ VIS_LLEN(linenum), INV_LLEN(linenum), inv_botlin);
+ /* update_line potentially changes _rl_last_c_pos, but doesn't
+ take invisible characters into account, since _rl_last_c_pos
+ is an absolute cursor position in a multibyte locale. See
+ if compensating here is the right thing, or if we have to
+ change update_line itself. There is one case in which
+ update_line adjusts _rl_last_c_pos itself (so it can pass
+ _rl_move_cursor_relative accurate values); it communicates
+ this back by setting cpos_adjusted. If we assume that
+ _rl_last_c_pos is correct (an absolute cursor position) each
+ time update_line is called, then we can assume in our
+ calculations that o_cpos does not need to be adjusted by
+ wrap_offset. */
+ if (linenum == 0 && (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0) &&
+ cpos_adjusted == 0 &&
+ _rl_last_c_pos != o_cpos &&
+ _rl_last_c_pos > wrap_offset &&
+ o_cpos < prompt_last_invisible)
+ _rl_last_c_pos -= wrap_offset;
+ /* If this is the line with the prompt, we might need to
+ compensate for invisible characters in the new line. Do
+ this only if there is not more than one new line (which
+ implies that we completely overwrite the old visible line)
+ and the new line is shorter than the old. Make sure we are
+ at the end of the new line before clearing. */
+ if (linenum == 0 &&
+ inv_botlin == 0 && _rl_last_c_pos == out &&
+ (wrap_offset > visible_wrap_offset) &&
+ (_rl_last_c_pos < visible_first_line_len))
+ {
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ nleft = _rl_screenwidth - _rl_last_c_pos;
+ else
+ nleft = _rl_screenwidth + wrap_offset - _rl_last_c_pos;
+ if (nleft)
+ _rl_clear_to_eol (nleft);
+ }
+ /* Since the new first line is now visible, save its length. */
+ if (linenum == 0)
+ visible_first_line_len = (inv_botlin > 0) ? inv_lbreaks[1] : out - wrap_offset;
+ }
+ /* We may have deleted some lines. If so, clear the left over
+ blank ones at the bottom out. */
+ if (_rl_vis_botlin > inv_botlin)
+ {
+ char *tt;
+ for (; linenum <= _rl_vis_botlin; linenum++)
+ {
+ tt = VIS_CHARS (linenum);
+ _rl_move_vert (linenum);
+ _rl_move_cursor_relative (0, tt);
+ _rl_clear_to_eol
+ ((linenum == _rl_vis_botlin) ? (int)strlen (tt) : _rl_screenwidth);
+ }
+ }
+ _rl_vis_botlin = inv_botlin;
+ /* CHANGED_SCREEN_LINE is set to 1 if we have moved to a
+ different screen line during this redisplay. */
+ changed_screen_line = _rl_last_v_pos != cursor_linenum;
+ if (changed_screen_line)
+ {
+ _rl_move_vert (cursor_linenum);
+ /* If we moved up to the line with the prompt using _rl_term_up,
+ the physical cursor position on the screen stays the same,
+ but the buffer position needs to be adjusted to account
+ for invisible characters. */
+ if ((MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented) && cursor_linenum == 0 && wrap_offset)
+ _rl_last_c_pos += wrap_offset;
+ }
+ /* We have to reprint the prompt if it contains invisible
+ characters, since it's not generally OK to just reprint
+ the characters from the current cursor position. But we
+ only need to reprint it if the cursor is before the last
+ invisible character in the prompt string. */
+ nleft = prompt_visible_length + wrap_offset;
+ if (cursor_linenum == 0 && wrap_offset > 0 && _rl_last_c_pos > 0 &&
+#if 0
+ _rl_last_c_pos <= PROMPT_ENDING_INDEX && local_prompt)
+ _rl_last_c_pos < PROMPT_ENDING_INDEX && local_prompt)
+ {
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ putc ('\r', rl_outstream);
+ if (_rl_term_cr)
+ tputs (_rl_term_cr, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ _rl_output_some_chars (local_prompt, nleft);
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ _rl_last_c_pos = _rl_col_width (local_prompt, 0, nleft) - wrap_offset;
+ else
+ _rl_last_c_pos = nleft;
+ }
+ /* Where on that line? And where does that line start
+ in the buffer? */
+ pos = inv_lbreaks[cursor_linenum];
+ /* nleft == number of characters in the line buffer between the
+ start of the line and the desired cursor position. */
+ nleft = cpos_buffer_position - pos;
+ /* NLEFT is now a number of characters in a buffer. When in a
+ multibyte locale, however, _rl_last_c_pos is an absolute cursor
+ position that doesn't take invisible characters in the prompt
+ into account. We use a fudge factor to compensate. */
+ /* Since _rl_backspace() doesn't know about invisible characters in the
+ prompt, and there's no good way to tell it, we compensate for
+ those characters here and call _rl_backspace() directly. */
+ if (wrap_offset && cursor_linenum == 0 && nleft < _rl_last_c_pos)
+ {
+ /* TX == new physical cursor position in multibyte locale. */
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ tx = _rl_col_width (&visible_line[pos], 0, nleft) - visible_wrap_offset;
+ else
+ tx = nleft;
+ if (_rl_last_c_pos > tx)
+ {
+ _rl_backspace (_rl_last_c_pos - tx); /* XXX */
+ _rl_last_c_pos = tx;
+ }
+ }
+ /* We need to note that in a multibyte locale we are dealing with
+ _rl_last_c_pos as an absolute cursor position, but moving to a
+ point specified by a buffer position (NLEFT) that doesn't take
+ invisible characters into account. */
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ _rl_move_cursor_relative (nleft, &invisible_line[pos]);
+ else if (nleft != _rl_last_c_pos)
+ _rl_move_cursor_relative (nleft, &invisible_line[pos]);
+ }
+ }
+ else /* Do horizontal scrolling. */
+ {
+#define M_OFFSET(margin, offset) ((margin) == 0 ? offset : 0)
+ int lmargin, ndisp, nleft, phys_c_pos, t;
+ /* Always at top line. */
+ _rl_last_v_pos = 0;
+ /* Compute where in the buffer the displayed line should start. This
+ will be LMARGIN. */
+ /* The number of characters that will be displayed before the cursor. */
+ ndisp = cpos_buffer_position - wrap_offset;
+ nleft = prompt_visible_length + wrap_offset;
+ /* Where the new cursor position will be on the screen. This can be
+ longer than SCREENWIDTH; if it is, lmargin will be adjusted. */
+ phys_c_pos = cpos_buffer_position - (last_lmargin ? last_lmargin : wrap_offset);
+ t = _rl_screenwidth / 3;
+ /* If the number of characters had already exceeded the screenwidth,
+ last_lmargin will be > 0. */
+ /* If the number of characters to be displayed is more than the screen
+ width, compute the starting offset so that the cursor is about
+ two-thirds of the way across the screen. */
+ if (phys_c_pos > _rl_screenwidth - 2)
+ {
+ lmargin = cpos_buffer_position - (2 * t);
+ if (lmargin < 0)
+ lmargin = 0;
+ /* If the left margin would be in the middle of a prompt with
+ invisible characters, don't display the prompt at all. */
+ if (wrap_offset && lmargin > 0 && lmargin < nleft)
+ lmargin = nleft;
+ }
+ else if (ndisp < _rl_screenwidth - 2) /* XXX - was -1 */
+ lmargin = 0;
+ else if (phys_c_pos < 1)
+ {
+ /* If we are moving back towards the beginning of the line and
+ the last margin is no longer correct, compute a new one. */
+ lmargin = ((cpos_buffer_position - 1) / t) * t; /* XXX */
+ if (wrap_offset && lmargin > 0 && lmargin < nleft)
+ lmargin = nleft;
+ }
+ else
+ lmargin = last_lmargin;
+ /* If the first character on the screen isn't the first character
+ in the display line, indicate this with a special character. */
+ if (lmargin > 0)
+ line[lmargin] = '<';
+ /* If SCREENWIDTH characters starting at LMARGIN do not encompass
+ the whole line, indicate that with a special character at the
+ right edge of the screen. If LMARGIN is 0, we need to take the
+ wrap offset into account. */
+ t = lmargin + M_OFFSET (lmargin, wrap_offset) + _rl_screenwidth;
+ if (t < out)
+ line[t - 1] = '>';
+ if (!rl_display_fixed || forced_display || lmargin != last_lmargin)
+ {
+ forced_display = 0;
+ update_line (&visible_line[last_lmargin],
+ &invisible_line[lmargin],
+ 0,
+ _rl_screenwidth + visible_wrap_offset,
+ _rl_screenwidth + (lmargin ? 0 : wrap_offset),
+ 0);
+ /* If the visible new line is shorter than the old, but the number
+ of invisible characters is greater, and we are at the end of
+ the new line, we need to clear to eol. */
+ t = _rl_last_c_pos - M_OFFSET (lmargin, wrap_offset);
+ if ((M_OFFSET (lmargin, wrap_offset) > visible_wrap_offset) &&
+ (_rl_last_c_pos == out) &&
+ t < visible_first_line_len)
+ {
+ nleft = _rl_screenwidth - t;
+ _rl_clear_to_eol (nleft);
+ }
+ visible_first_line_len = out - lmargin - M_OFFSET (lmargin, wrap_offset);
+ if (visible_first_line_len > _rl_screenwidth)
+ visible_first_line_len = _rl_screenwidth;
+ _rl_move_cursor_relative (cpos_buffer_position - lmargin, &invisible_line[lmargin]);
+ last_lmargin = lmargin;
+ }
+ }
+ fflush (rl_outstream);
+ /* Swap visible and non-visible lines. */
+ {
+ char *vtemp = visible_line;
+ int *itemp = vis_lbreaks, ntemp = vis_lbsize;
+ visible_line = invisible_line;
+ invisible_line = vtemp;
+ vis_lbreaks = inv_lbreaks;
+ inv_lbreaks = itemp;
+ vis_lbsize = inv_lbsize;
+ inv_lbsize = ntemp;
+ rl_display_fixed = 0;
+ /* If we are displaying on a single line, and last_lmargin is > 0, we
+ are not displaying any invisible characters, so set visible_wrap_offset
+ to 0. */
+ if (_rl_horizontal_scroll_mode && last_lmargin)
+ visible_wrap_offset = 0;
+ else
+ visible_wrap_offset = wrap_offset;
+ }
+/* PWP: update_line() is based on finding the middle difference of each
+ line on the screen; vis:
+ /old first difference
+ /beginning of line | /old last same /old EOL
+ v v v v
+old: eddie> Oh, my little gruntle-buggy is to me, as lurgid as
+new: eddie> Oh, my little buggy says to me, as lurgid as
+ ^ ^ ^ ^
+ \beginning of line | \new last same \new end of line
+ \new first difference
+ All are character pointers for the sake of speed. Special cases for
+ no differences, as well as for end of line additions must be handled.
+ Could be made even smarter, but this works well enough */
+static void
+update_line (old, new, current_line, omax, nmax, inv_botlin)
+ register char *old, *new;
+ int current_line, omax, nmax, inv_botlin;
+ register char *ofd, *ols, *oe, *nfd, *nls, *ne;
+ int temp, lendiff, wsatend, od, nd;
+ int current_invis_chars;
+ int col_lendiff, col_temp;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ mbstate_t ps_new, ps_old;
+ int new_offset, old_offset;
+ /* If we're at the right edge of a terminal that supports xn, we're
+ ready to wrap around, so do so. This fixes problems with knowing
+ the exact cursor position and cut-and-paste with certain terminal
+ emulators. In this calculation, TEMP is the physical screen
+ position of the cursor. */
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ temp = _rl_last_c_pos;
+ else
+ temp = _rl_last_c_pos - W_OFFSET(_rl_last_v_pos, visible_wrap_offset);
+ if (temp == _rl_screenwidth && _rl_term_autowrap && !_rl_horizontal_scroll_mode
+ && _rl_last_v_pos == current_line - 1)
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ wchar_t wc;
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ int tempwidth, bytes;
+ size_t ret;
+ /* This fixes only double-column characters, but if the wrapped
+ character comsumes more than three columns, spaces will be
+ inserted in the string buffer. */
+ if (_rl_wrapped_line[current_line] > 0)
+ _rl_clear_to_eol (_rl_wrapped_line[current_line]);
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ ret = mbrtowc (&wc, new, MB_CUR_MAX, &ps);
+ if (MB_INVALIDCH (ret))
+ {
+ tempwidth = 1;
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ else if (MB_NULLWCH (ret))
+ tempwidth = 0;
+ else
+ tempwidth = wcwidth (wc);
+ if (tempwidth > 0)
+ {
+ int count;
+ bytes = ret;
+ for (count = 0; count < bytes; count++)
+ putc (new[count], rl_outstream);
+ _rl_last_c_pos = tempwidth;
+ _rl_last_v_pos++;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ ret = mbrtowc (&wc, old, MB_CUR_MAX, &ps);
+ if (ret != 0 && bytes != 0)
+ {
+ if (MB_INVALIDCH (ret))
+ memmove (old+bytes, old+1, strlen (old+1));
+ else
+ memmove (old+bytes, old+ret, strlen (old+ret));
+ memcpy (old, new, bytes);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ putc (' ', rl_outstream);
+ _rl_last_c_pos = 1;
+ _rl_last_v_pos++;
+ if (old[0] && new[0])
+ old[0] = new[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (new[0])
+ putc (new[0], rl_outstream);
+ else
+ putc (' ', rl_outstream);
+ _rl_last_c_pos = 1;
+ _rl_last_v_pos++;
+ if (old[0] && new[0])
+ old[0] = new[0];
+ }
+ }
+ /* Find first difference. */
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ /* See if the old line is a subset of the new line, so that the
+ only change is adding characters. */
+ temp = (omax < nmax) ? omax : nmax;
+ if (memcmp (old, new, temp) == 0)
+ {
+ ofd = old + temp;
+ nfd = new + temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memset (&ps_new, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t));
+ memset (&ps_old, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t));
+ if (omax == nmax && STREQN (new, old, omax))
+ {
+ ofd = old + omax;
+ nfd = new + nmax;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_offset = old_offset = 0;
+ for (ofd = old, nfd = new;
+ (ofd - old < omax) && *ofd &&
+ _rl_compare_chars(old, old_offset, &ps_old, new, new_offset, &ps_new); )
+ {
+ old_offset = _rl_find_next_mbchar (old, old_offset, 1, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ new_offset = _rl_find_next_mbchar (new, new_offset, 1, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ ofd = old + old_offset;
+ nfd = new + new_offset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ for (ofd = old, nfd = new;
+ (ofd - old < omax) && *ofd && (*ofd == *nfd);
+ ofd++, nfd++)
+ ;
+ /* Move to the end of the screen line. ND and OD are used to keep track
+ of the distance between ne and new and oe and old, respectively, to
+ move a subtraction out of each loop. */
+ for (od = ofd - old, oe = ofd; od < omax && *oe; oe++, od++);
+ for (nd = nfd - new, ne = nfd; nd < nmax && *ne; ne++, nd++);
+ /* If no difference, continue to next line. */
+ if (ofd == oe && nfd == ne)
+ return;
+ wsatend = 1; /* flag for trailing whitespace */
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ ols = old + _rl_find_prev_mbchar (old, oe - old, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ nls = new + _rl_find_prev_mbchar (new, ne - new, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ while ((ols > ofd) && (nls > nfd))
+ {
+ memset (&ps_old, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ memset (&ps_new, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+#if 0
+ /* On advice from */
+ _rl_adjust_point (old, ols - old, &ps_old);
+ _rl_adjust_point (new, nls - new, &ps_new);
+ if (_rl_compare_chars (old, ols - old, &ps_old, new, nls - new, &ps_new) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (*ols == ' ')
+ wsatend = 0;
+ ols = old + _rl_find_prev_mbchar (old, ols - old, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ nls = new + _rl_find_prev_mbchar (new, nls - new, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#endif /* HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ ols = oe - 1; /* find last same */
+ nls = ne - 1;
+ while ((ols > ofd) && (nls > nfd) && (*ols == *nls))
+ {
+ if (*ols != ' ')
+ wsatend = 0;
+ ols--;
+ nls--;
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ }
+ if (wsatend)
+ {
+ ols = oe;
+ nls = ne;
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ /* This may not work for stateful encoding, but who cares? To handle
+ stateful encoding properly, we have to scan each string from the
+ beginning and compare. */
+ else if (_rl_compare_chars (ols, 0, NULL, nls, 0, NULL) == 0)
+ else if (*ols != *nls)
+ {
+ if (*ols) /* don't step past the NUL */
+ {
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ ols = old + _rl_find_next_mbchar (old, ols - old, 1, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ else
+ ols++;
+ }
+ if (*nls)
+ {
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ nls = new + _rl_find_next_mbchar (new, nls - new, 1, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ else
+ nls++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* count of invisible characters in the current invisible line. */
+ current_invis_chars = W_OFFSET (current_line, wrap_offset);
+ if (_rl_last_v_pos != current_line)
+ {
+ _rl_move_vert (current_line);
+ if ((MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented) && current_line == 0 && visible_wrap_offset)
+ _rl_last_c_pos += visible_wrap_offset;
+ }
+ /* If this is the first line and there are invisible characters in the
+ prompt string, and the prompt string has not changed, and the current
+ cursor position is before the last invisible character in the prompt,
+ and the index of the character to move to is past the end of the prompt
+ string, then redraw the entire prompt string. We can only do this
+ reliably if the terminal supports a `cr' capability.
+ This is not an efficiency hack -- there is a problem with redrawing
+ portions of the prompt string if they contain terminal escape
+ sequences (like drawing the `unbold' sequence without a corresponding
+ `bold') that manifests itself on certain terminals. */
+ lendiff = local_prompt_len;
+ od = ofd - old; /* index of first difference in visible line */
+ if (current_line == 0 && !_rl_horizontal_scroll_mode &&
+ _rl_term_cr && lendiff > prompt_visible_length && _rl_last_c_pos > 0 &&
+ od >= lendiff && _rl_last_c_pos < PROMPT_ENDING_INDEX)
+ {
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ putc ('\r', rl_outstream);
+ tputs (_rl_term_cr, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ _rl_output_some_chars (local_prompt, lendiff);
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ /* We take wrap_offset into account here so we can pass correct
+ information to _rl_move_cursor_relative. */
+ _rl_last_c_pos = _rl_col_width (local_prompt, 0, lendiff) - wrap_offset;
+ cpos_adjusted = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ _rl_last_c_pos = lendiff;
+ }
+ /* When this function returns, _rl_last_c_pos is correct, and an absolute
+ cursor postion in multibyte mode, but a buffer index when not in a
+ multibyte locale. */
+ _rl_move_cursor_relative (od, old);
+#if 1
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ /* We need to indicate that the cursor position is correct in the presence of
+ invisible characters in the prompt string. Let's see if setting this when
+ we make sure we're at the end of the drawn prompt string works. */
+ if (current_line == 0 && MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0 && _rl_last_c_pos == prompt_physical_chars)
+ cpos_adjusted = 1;
+ /* if (len (new) > len (old))
+ lendiff == difference in buffer
+ col_lendiff == difference on screen
+ When not using multibyte characters, these are equal */
+ lendiff = (nls - nfd) - (ols - ofd);
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ col_lendiff = _rl_col_width (new, nfd - new, nls - new) - _rl_col_width (old, ofd - old, ols - old);
+ else
+ col_lendiff = lendiff;
+ /* If we are changing the number of invisible characters in a line, and
+ the spot of first difference is before the end of the invisible chars,
+ lendiff needs to be adjusted. */
+ if (current_line == 0 && !_rl_horizontal_scroll_mode &&
+ current_invis_chars != visible_wrap_offset)
+ {
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ lendiff += visible_wrap_offset - current_invis_chars;
+ col_lendiff += visible_wrap_offset - current_invis_chars;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lendiff += visible_wrap_offset - current_invis_chars;
+ col_lendiff = lendiff;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Insert (diff (len (old), len (new)) ch. */
+ temp = ne - nfd;
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ col_temp = _rl_col_width (new, nfd - new, ne - new);
+ else
+ col_temp = temp;
+ if (col_lendiff > 0) /* XXX - was lendiff */
+ {
+ /* Non-zero if we're increasing the number of lines. */
+ int gl = current_line >= _rl_vis_botlin && inv_botlin > _rl_vis_botlin;
+ /* Sometimes it is cheaper to print the characters rather than
+ use the terminal's capabilities. If we're growing the number
+ of lines, make sure we actually cause the new line to wrap
+ around on auto-wrapping terminals. */
+ if (_rl_terminal_can_insert && ((2 * col_temp) >= col_lendiff || _rl_term_IC) && (!_rl_term_autowrap || !gl))
+ {
+ /* If lendiff > prompt_visible_length and _rl_last_c_pos == 0 and
+ _rl_horizontal_scroll_mode == 1, inserting the characters with
+ _rl_term_IC or _rl_term_ic will screw up the screen because of the
+ invisible characters. We need to just draw them. */
+ if (*ols && (!_rl_horizontal_scroll_mode || _rl_last_c_pos > 0 ||
+ lendiff <= prompt_visible_length || !current_invis_chars))
+ {
+ insert_some_chars (nfd, lendiff, col_lendiff);
+ _rl_last_c_pos += col_lendiff;
+ }
+ else if ((MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented != 0) && *ols == 0 && lendiff > 0)
+ {
+ /* At the end of a line the characters do not have to
+ be "inserted". They can just be placed on the screen. */
+ /* However, this screws up the rest of this block, which
+ assumes you've done the insert because you can. */
+ _rl_output_some_chars (nfd, lendiff);
+ _rl_last_c_pos += col_lendiff;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* We have horizontal scrolling and we are not inserting at
+ the end. We have invisible characters in this line. This
+ is a dumb update. */
+ _rl_output_some_chars (nfd, temp);
+ _rl_last_c_pos += col_temp;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Copy (new) chars to screen from first diff to last match. */
+ temp = nls - nfd;
+ if ((temp - lendiff) > 0)
+ {
+ _rl_output_some_chars (nfd + lendiff, temp - lendiff);
+#if 1
+ /* XXX -- this bears closer inspection. Fixes a redisplay bug
+ reported against bash-3.0-alpha by Andreas Schwab involving
+ multibyte characters and prompt strings with invisible
+ characters, but was previously disabled. */
+ _rl_last_c_pos += _rl_col_width (nfd+lendiff, 0, temp-col_lendiff);
+ _rl_last_c_pos += _rl_col_width (nfd+lendiff, 0, temp-lendiff);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* cannot insert chars, write to EOL */
+ _rl_output_some_chars (nfd, temp);
+ _rl_last_c_pos += col_temp;
+ /* If we're in a multibyte locale and were before the last invisible
+ char in the current line (which implies we just output some invisible
+ characters) we need to adjust _rl_last_c_pos, since it represents
+ a physical character position. */
+ }
+ }
+ else /* Delete characters from line. */
+ {
+ /* If possible and inexpensive to use terminal deletion, then do so. */
+ if (_rl_term_dc && (2 * col_temp) >= -col_lendiff)
+ {
+ /* If all we're doing is erasing the invisible characters in the
+ prompt string, don't bother. It screws up the assumptions
+ about what's on the screen. */
+ if (_rl_horizontal_scroll_mode && _rl_last_c_pos == 0 &&
+ -lendiff == visible_wrap_offset)
+ col_lendiff = 0;
+ if (col_lendiff)
+ delete_chars (-col_lendiff); /* delete (diff) characters */
+ /* Copy (new) chars to screen from first diff to last match */
+ temp = nls - nfd;
+ if (temp > 0)
+ {
+ _rl_output_some_chars (nfd, temp);
+ _rl_last_c_pos += _rl_col_width (nfd, 0, temp);;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Otherwise, print over the existing material. */
+ else
+ {
+ if (temp > 0)
+ {
+ _rl_output_some_chars (nfd, temp);
+ _rl_last_c_pos += col_temp; /* XXX */
+ }
+ lendiff = (oe - old) - (ne - new);
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ col_lendiff = _rl_col_width (old, 0, oe - old) - _rl_col_width (new, 0, ne - new);
+ else
+ col_lendiff = lendiff;
+ if (col_lendiff)
+ {
+ if (_rl_term_autowrap && current_line < inv_botlin)
+ space_to_eol (col_lendiff);
+ else
+ _rl_clear_to_eol (col_lendiff);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Tell the update routines that we have moved onto a new (empty) line. */
+rl_on_new_line ()
+ if (visible_line)
+ visible_line[0] = '\0';
+ _rl_last_c_pos = _rl_last_v_pos = 0;
+ _rl_vis_botlin = last_lmargin = 0;
+ if (vis_lbreaks)
+ vis_lbreaks[0] = vis_lbreaks[1] = 0;
+ visible_wrap_offset = 0;
+ return 0;
+/* Tell the update routines that we have moved onto a new line with the
+ prompt already displayed. Code originally from the version of readline
+ distributed with CLISP. rl_expand_prompt must have already been called
+ (explicitly or implicitly). This still doesn't work exactly right. */
+rl_on_new_line_with_prompt ()
+ int prompt_size, i, l, real_screenwidth, newlines;
+ char *prompt_last_line, *lprompt;
+ /* Initialize visible_line and invisible_line to ensure that they can hold
+ the already-displayed prompt. */
+ prompt_size = strlen (rl_prompt) + 1;
+ init_line_structures (prompt_size);
+ /* Make sure the line structures hold the already-displayed prompt for
+ redisplay. */
+ lprompt = local_prompt ? local_prompt : rl_prompt;
+ strcpy (visible_line, lprompt);
+ strcpy (invisible_line, lprompt);
+ /* If the prompt contains newlines, take the last tail. */
+ prompt_last_line = strrchr (rl_prompt, '\n');
+ if (!prompt_last_line)
+ prompt_last_line = rl_prompt;
+ l = strlen (prompt_last_line);
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ _rl_last_c_pos = _rl_col_width (prompt_last_line, 0, l); /* XXX */
+ else
+ _rl_last_c_pos = l;
+ /* Dissect prompt_last_line into screen lines. Note that here we have
+ to use the real screenwidth. Readline's notion of screenwidth might be
+ one less, see terminal.c. */
+ real_screenwidth = _rl_screenwidth + (_rl_term_autowrap ? 0 : 1);
+ _rl_last_v_pos = l / real_screenwidth;
+ /* If the prompt length is a multiple of real_screenwidth, we don't know
+ whether the cursor is at the end of the last line, or already at the
+ beginning of the next line. Output a newline just to be safe. */
+ if (l > 0 && (l % real_screenwidth) == 0)
+ _rl_output_some_chars ("\n", 1);
+ last_lmargin = 0;
+ newlines = 0; i = 0;
+ while (i <= l)
+ {
+ _rl_vis_botlin = newlines;
+ vis_lbreaks[newlines++] = i;
+ i += real_screenwidth;
+ }
+ vis_lbreaks[newlines] = l;
+ visible_wrap_offset = 0;
+ rl_display_prompt = rl_prompt; /* XXX - make sure it's set */
+ return 0;
+/* Actually update the display, period. */
+rl_forced_update_display ()
+ register char *temp;
+ if (visible_line)
+ {
+ temp = visible_line;
+ while (*temp)
+ *temp++ = '\0';
+ }
+ rl_on_new_line ();
+ forced_display++;
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ return 0;
+/* Move the cursor from _rl_last_c_pos to NEW, which are buffer indices.
+ (Well, when we don't have multibyte characters, _rl_last_c_pos is a
+ buffer index.)
+ DATA is the contents of the screen line of interest; i.e., where
+ the movement is being done. */
+_rl_move_cursor_relative (new, data)
+ int new;
+ const char *data;
+ register int i;
+ int woff; /* number of invisible chars on current line */
+ int cpos, dpos; /* current and desired cursor positions */
+ woff = W_OFFSET (_rl_last_v_pos, wrap_offset);
+ cpos = _rl_last_c_pos;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ /* If we have multibyte characters, NEW is indexed by the buffer point in
+ a multibyte string, but _rl_last_c_pos is the display position. In
+ this case, NEW's display position is not obvious and must be
+ calculated. We need to account for invisible characters in this line,
+ as long as we are past them and they are counted by _rl_col_width. */
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ dpos = _rl_col_width (data, 0, new);
+ if (dpos > prompt_last_invisible) /* XXX - don't use woff here */
+ {
+ dpos -= woff;
+ /* Since this will be assigned to _rl_last_c_pos at the end (more
+ precisely, _rl_last_c_pos == dpos when this function returns),
+ let the caller know. */
+ cpos_adjusted = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ dpos = new;
+ /* If we don't have to do anything, then return. */
+ if (cpos == dpos)
+ return;
+ /* It may be faster to output a CR, and then move forwards instead
+ of moving backwards. */
+ /* i == current physical cursor position. */
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ i = _rl_last_c_pos;
+ else
+ i = _rl_last_c_pos - woff;
+ if (dpos == 0 || CR_FASTER (dpos, _rl_last_c_pos) ||
+ (_rl_term_autowrap && i == _rl_screenwidth))
+ {
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ putc ('\r', rl_outstream);
+ tputs (_rl_term_cr, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+#endif /* !__MSDOS__ */
+ cpos = _rl_last_c_pos = 0;
+ }
+ if (cpos < dpos)
+ {
+ /* Move the cursor forward. We do it by printing the command
+ to move the cursor forward if there is one, else print that
+ portion of the output buffer again. Which is cheaper? */
+ /* The above comment is left here for posterity. It is faster
+ to print one character (non-control) than to print a control
+ sequence telling the terminal to move forward one character.
+ That kind of control is for people who don't know what the
+ data is underneath the cursor. */
+ /* However, we need a handle on where the current display position is
+ in the buffer for the immediately preceding comment to be true.
+ In multibyte locales, we don't currently have that info available.
+ Without it, we don't know where the data we have to display begins
+ in the buffer and we have to go back to the beginning of the screen
+ line. In this case, we can use the terminal sequence to move forward
+ if it's available. */
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ if (_rl_term_forward_char)
+ {
+ for (i = cpos; i < dpos; i++)
+ tputs (_rl_term_forward_char, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tputs (_rl_term_cr, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ for (i = 0; i < new; i++)
+ putc (data[i], rl_outstream);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ for (i = cpos; i < new; i++)
+ putc (data[i], rl_outstream);
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ /* NEW points to the buffer point, but _rl_last_c_pos is the display point.
+ The byte length of the string is probably bigger than the column width
+ of the string, which means that if NEW == _rl_last_c_pos, then NEW's
+ display point is less than _rl_last_c_pos. */
+ else if (cpos > dpos)
+ _rl_backspace (cpos - dpos);
+ _rl_last_c_pos = dpos;
+/* PWP: move the cursor up or down. */
+_rl_move_vert (to)
+ int to;
+ register int delta, i;
+ if (_rl_last_v_pos == to || to > _rl_screenheight)
+ return;
+ if ((delta = to - _rl_last_v_pos) > 0)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < delta; i++)
+ putc ('\n', rl_outstream);
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ putc ('\r', rl_outstream);
+ tputs (_rl_term_cr, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ _rl_last_c_pos = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* delta < 0 */
+ if (_rl_term_up && *_rl_term_up)
+ for (i = 0; i < -delta; i++)
+ tputs (_rl_term_up, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ }
+ _rl_last_v_pos = to; /* Now TO is here */
+/* Physically print C on rl_outstream. This is for functions which know
+ how to optimize the display. Return the number of characters output. */
+rl_show_char (c)
+ int c;
+ int n = 1;
+ if (META_CHAR (c) && (_rl_output_meta_chars == 0))
+ {
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "M-");
+ n += 2;
+ c = UNMETA (c);
+ }
+#if defined (DISPLAY_TABS)
+ if ((CTRL_CHAR (c) && c != '\t') || c == RUBOUT)
+ if (CTRL_CHAR (c) || c == RUBOUT)
+#endif /* !DISPLAY_TABS */
+ {
+ fprintf (rl_outstream, "C-");
+ n += 2;
+ c = CTRL_CHAR (c) ? UNCTRL (c) : '?';
+ }
+ putc (c, rl_outstream);
+ fflush (rl_outstream);
+ return n;
+rl_character_len (c, pos)
+ register int c, pos;
+ unsigned char uc;
+ uc = (unsigned char)c;
+ return ((_rl_output_meta_chars == 0) ? 4 : 1);
+ if (uc == '\t')
+ {
+#if defined (DISPLAY_TABS)
+ return (((pos | 7) + 1) - pos);
+ return (2);
+#endif /* !DISPLAY_TABS */
+ }
+ if (CTRL_CHAR (c) || c == RUBOUT)
+ return (2);
+ return ((ISPRINT (uc)) ? 1 : 2);
+/* How to print things in the "echo-area". The prompt is treated as a
+ mini-modeline. */
+static int msg_saved_prompt = 0;
+#if defined (USE_VARARGS)
+#if defined (PREFER_STDARG)
+rl_message (const char *format, ...)
+rl_message (va_alist)
+ va_dcl
+ va_list args;
+#if defined (PREFER_VARARGS)
+ char *format;
+#if defined (PREFER_STDARG)
+ va_start (args, format);
+ va_start (args);
+ format = va_arg (args, char *);
+#if defined (HAVE_VSNPRINTF)
+ vsnprintf (msg_buf, sizeof (msg_buf) - 1, format, args);
+ vsprintf (msg_buf, format, args);
+ msg_buf[sizeof(msg_buf) - 1] = '\0'; /* overflow? */
+ va_end (args);
+ if (saved_local_prompt == 0)
+ {
+ rl_save_prompt ();
+ msg_saved_prompt = 1;
+ }
+ rl_display_prompt = msg_buf;
+ local_prompt = expand_prompt (msg_buf, &prompt_visible_length,
+ &prompt_last_invisible,
+ &prompt_invis_chars_first_line,
+ &prompt_physical_chars);
+ local_prompt_prefix = (char *)NULL;
+ local_prompt_len = local_prompt ? strlen (local_prompt) : 0;
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ return 0;
+#else /* !USE_VARARGS */
+rl_message (format, arg1, arg2)
+ char *format;
+ sprintf (msg_buf, format, arg1, arg2);
+ msg_buf[sizeof(msg_buf) - 1] = '\0'; /* overflow? */
+ rl_display_prompt = msg_buf;
+ if (saved_local_prompt == 0)
+ {
+ rl_save_prompt ();
+ msg_saved_prompt = 1;
+ }
+ local_prompt = expand_prompt (msg_buf, &prompt_visible_length,
+ &prompt_last_invisible,
+ &prompt_invis_chars_first_line,
+ &prompt_physical_chars);
+ local_prompt_prefix = (char *)NULL;
+ local_prompt_len = local_prompt ? strlen (local_prompt) : 0;
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ return 0;
+#endif /* !USE_VARARGS */
+/* How to clear things from the "echo-area". */
+rl_clear_message ()
+ rl_display_prompt = rl_prompt;
+ if (msg_saved_prompt)
+ {
+ rl_restore_prompt ();
+ msg_saved_prompt = 0;
+ }
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ return 0;
+rl_reset_line_state ()
+ rl_on_new_line ();
+ rl_display_prompt = rl_prompt ? rl_prompt : "";
+ forced_display = 1;
+ return 0;
+rl_save_prompt ()
+ saved_local_prompt = local_prompt;
+ saved_local_prefix = local_prompt_prefix;
+ saved_prefix_length = prompt_prefix_length;
+ saved_local_length = local_prompt_len;
+ saved_last_invisible = prompt_last_invisible;
+ saved_visible_length = prompt_visible_length;
+ saved_invis_chars_first_line = prompt_invis_chars_first_line;
+ saved_physical_chars = prompt_physical_chars;
+ local_prompt = local_prompt_prefix = (char *)0;
+ local_prompt_len = 0;
+ prompt_last_invisible = prompt_visible_length = prompt_prefix_length = 0;
+ prompt_invis_chars_first_line = prompt_physical_chars = 0;
+rl_restore_prompt ()
+ FREE (local_prompt);
+ FREE (local_prompt_prefix);
+ local_prompt = saved_local_prompt;
+ local_prompt_prefix = saved_local_prefix;
+ local_prompt_len = saved_local_length;
+ prompt_prefix_length = saved_prefix_length;
+ prompt_last_invisible = saved_last_invisible;
+ prompt_visible_length = saved_visible_length;
+ prompt_invis_chars_first_line = saved_invis_chars_first_line;
+ prompt_physical_chars = saved_physical_chars;
+ /* can test saved_local_prompt to see if prompt info has been saved. */
+ saved_local_prompt = saved_local_prefix = (char *)0;
+ saved_local_length = 0;
+ saved_last_invisible = saved_visible_length = saved_prefix_length = 0;
+ saved_invis_chars_first_line = saved_physical_chars = 0;
+char *
+_rl_make_prompt_for_search (pchar)
+ int pchar;
+ int len;
+ char *pmt, *p;
+ rl_save_prompt ();
+ /* We've saved the prompt, and can do anything with the various prompt
+ strings we need before they're restored. We want the unexpanded
+ portion of the prompt string after any final newline. */
+ p = rl_prompt ? strrchr (rl_prompt, '\n') : 0;
+ if (p == 0)
+ {
+ len = (rl_prompt && *rl_prompt) ? strlen (rl_prompt) : 0;
+ pmt = (char *)xmalloc (len + 2);
+ if (len)
+ strcpy (pmt, rl_prompt);
+ pmt[len] = pchar;
+ pmt[len+1] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p++;
+ len = strlen (p);
+ pmt = (char *)xmalloc (len + 2);
+ if (len)
+ strcpy (pmt, p);
+ pmt[len] = pchar;
+ pmt[len+1] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* will be overwritten by expand_prompt, called from rl_message */
+ prompt_physical_chars = saved_physical_chars + 1;
+ return pmt;
+/* Quick redisplay hack when erasing characters at the end of the line. */
+_rl_erase_at_end_of_line (l)
+ int l;
+ register int i;
+ _rl_backspace (l);
+ for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
+ putc (' ', rl_outstream);
+ _rl_backspace (l);
+ for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
+ visible_line[--_rl_last_c_pos] = '\0';
+ rl_display_fixed++;
+/* Clear to the end of the line. COUNT is the minimum
+ number of character spaces to clear, */
+_rl_clear_to_eol (count)
+ int count;
+ if (_rl_term_clreol)
+ tputs (_rl_term_clreol, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ else if (count)
+ space_to_eol (count);
+/* Clear to the end of the line using spaces. COUNT is the minimum
+ number of character spaces to clear, */
+static void
+space_to_eol (count)
+ int count;
+ register int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ putc (' ', rl_outstream);
+ _rl_last_c_pos += count;
+_rl_clear_screen ()
+ if (_rl_term_clrpag)
+ tputs (_rl_term_clrpag, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ else
+ rl_crlf ();
+/* Insert COUNT characters from STRING to the output stream at column COL. */
+static void
+insert_some_chars (string, count, col)
+ char *string;
+ int count, col;
+#if defined (__MSDOS__) || defined (__MINGW32__)
+ _rl_output_some_chars (string, count);
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented)
+ if (count != col)
+ fprintf(stderr, "readline: debug: insert_some_chars: count (%d) != col (%d)\n", count, col);
+ /* If IC is defined, then we do not have to "enter" insert mode. */
+ if (_rl_term_IC)
+ {
+ char *buffer;
+ buffer = tgoto (_rl_term_IC, 0, col);
+ tputs (buffer, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ _rl_output_some_chars (string, count);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ register int i;
+ /* If we have to turn on insert-mode, then do so. */
+ if (_rl_term_im && *_rl_term_im)
+ tputs (_rl_term_im, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ /* If there is a special command for inserting characters, then
+ use that first to open up the space. */
+ if (_rl_term_ic && *_rl_term_ic)
+ {
+ for (i = col; i--; )
+ tputs (_rl_term_ic, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ }
+ /* Print the text. */
+ _rl_output_some_chars (string, count);
+ /* If there is a string to turn off insert mode, we had best use
+ it now. */
+ if (_rl_term_ei && *_rl_term_ei)
+ tputs (_rl_term_ei, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ }
+#endif /* __MSDOS__ || __MINGW32__ */
+/* Delete COUNT characters from the display line. */
+static void
+delete_chars (count)
+ int count;
+ if (count > _rl_screenwidth) /* XXX */
+ return;
+#if !defined (__MSDOS__) && !defined (__MINGW32__)
+ if (_rl_term_DC && *_rl_term_DC)
+ {
+ char *buffer;
+ buffer = tgoto (_rl_term_DC, count, count);
+ tputs (buffer, count, _rl_output_character_function);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_rl_term_dc && *_rl_term_dc)
+ while (count--)
+ tputs (_rl_term_dc, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ }
+#endif /* !__MSDOS__ && !__MINGW32__ */
+_rl_update_final ()
+ int full_lines;
+ full_lines = 0;
+ /* If the cursor is the only thing on an otherwise-blank last line,
+ compensate so we don't print an extra CRLF. */
+ if (_rl_vis_botlin && _rl_last_c_pos == 0 &&
+ visible_line[vis_lbreaks[_rl_vis_botlin]] == 0)
+ {
+ _rl_vis_botlin--;
+ full_lines = 1;
+ }
+ _rl_move_vert (_rl_vis_botlin);
+ /* If we've wrapped lines, remove the final xterm line-wrap flag. */
+ if (full_lines && _rl_term_autowrap && (VIS_LLEN(_rl_vis_botlin) == _rl_screenwidth))
+ {
+ char *last_line;
+ last_line = &visible_line[vis_lbreaks[_rl_vis_botlin]];
+ cpos_buffer_position = -1; /* don't know where we are in buffer */
+ _rl_move_cursor_relative (_rl_screenwidth - 1, last_line); /* XXX */
+ _rl_clear_to_eol (0);
+ putc (last_line[_rl_screenwidth - 1], rl_outstream);
+ }
+ _rl_vis_botlin = 0;
+ rl_crlf ();
+ fflush (rl_outstream);
+ rl_display_fixed++;
+/* Move to the start of the current line. */
+static void
+cr ()
+ if (_rl_term_cr)
+ {
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ putc ('\r', rl_outstream);
+ tputs (_rl_term_cr, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ _rl_last_c_pos = 0;
+ }
+/* Redraw the last line of a multi-line prompt that may possibly contain
+ terminal escape sequences. Called with the cursor at column 0 of the
+ line to draw the prompt on. */
+static void
+redraw_prompt (t)
+ char *t;
+ const char *oldp;
+ oldp = rl_display_prompt;
+ rl_save_prompt ();
+ rl_display_prompt = t;
+ local_prompt = expand_prompt (t, &prompt_visible_length,
+ &prompt_last_invisible,
+ &prompt_invis_chars_first_line,
+ &prompt_physical_chars);
+ local_prompt_prefix = (char *)NULL;
+ local_prompt_len = local_prompt ? strlen (local_prompt) : 0;
+ rl_forced_update_display ();
+ rl_display_prompt = oldp;
+ rl_restore_prompt();
+/* Redisplay the current line after a SIGWINCH is received. */
+_rl_redisplay_after_sigwinch ()
+ char *t;
+ /* Clear the current line and put the cursor at column 0. Make sure
+ the right thing happens if we have wrapped to a new screen line. */
+ if (_rl_term_cr)
+ {
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ putc ('\r', rl_outstream);
+ tputs (_rl_term_cr, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ _rl_last_c_pos = 0;
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ space_to_eol (_rl_screenwidth);
+ putc ('\r', rl_outstream);
+ if (_rl_term_clreol)
+ tputs (_rl_term_clreol, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ else
+ {
+ space_to_eol (_rl_screenwidth);
+ tputs (_rl_term_cr, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ }
+ if (_rl_last_v_pos > 0)
+ _rl_move_vert (0);
+ }
+ else
+ rl_crlf ();
+ /* Redraw only the last line of a multi-line prompt. */
+ t = strrchr (rl_display_prompt, '\n');
+ if (t)
+ redraw_prompt (++t);
+ else
+ rl_forced_update_display ();
+_rl_clean_up_for_exit ()
+ if (readline_echoing_p)
+ {
+ _rl_move_vert (_rl_vis_botlin);
+ _rl_vis_botlin = 0;
+ fflush (rl_outstream);
+ rl_restart_output (1, 0);
+ }
+_rl_erase_entire_line ()
+ cr ();
+ _rl_clear_to_eol (0);
+ cr ();
+ fflush (rl_outstream);
+/* return the `current display line' of the cursor -- the number of lines to
+ move up to get to the first screen line of the current readline line. */
+_rl_current_display_line ()
+ int ret, nleft;
+ /* Find out whether or not there might be invisible characters in the
+ editing buffer. */
+ if (rl_display_prompt == rl_prompt)
+ nleft = _rl_last_c_pos - _rl_screenwidth - rl_visible_prompt_length;
+ else
+ nleft = _rl_last_c_pos - _rl_screenwidth;
+ if (nleft > 0)
+ ret = 1 + nleft / _rl_screenwidth;
+ else
+ ret = 0;
+ return ret;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+/* Calculate the number of screen columns occupied by STR from START to END.
+ In the case of multibyte characters with stateful encoding, we have to
+ scan from the beginning of the string to take the state into account. */
+static int
+_rl_col_width (str, start, end)
+ const char *str;
+ int start, end;
+ wchar_t wc;
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ int tmp, point, width, max;
+ if (end <= start)
+ return 0;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ point = 0;
+ max = end;
+ while (point < start)
+ {
+ tmp = mbrlen (str + point, max, &ps);
+ if (MB_INVALIDCH ((size_t)tmp))
+ {
+ /* In this case, the bytes are invalid or too short to compose a
+ multibyte character, so we assume that the first byte represents
+ a single character. */
+ point++;
+ max--;
+ /* Clear the state of the byte sequence, because in this case the
+ effect of mbstate is undefined. */
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ }
+ else if (MB_NULLWCH (tmp))
+ break; /* Found '\0' */
+ else
+ {
+ point += tmp;
+ max -= tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If START is not a byte that starts a character, then POINT will be
+ greater than START. In this case, assume that (POINT - START) gives
+ a byte count that is the number of columns of difference. */
+ width = point - start;
+ while (point < end)
+ {
+ tmp = mbrtowc (&wc, str + point, max, &ps);
+ if (MB_INVALIDCH ((size_t)tmp))
+ {
+ /* In this case, the bytes are invalid or too short to compose a
+ multibyte character, so we assume that the first byte represents
+ a single character. */
+ point++;
+ max--;
+ /* and assume that the byte occupies a single column. */
+ width++;
+ /* Clear the state of the byte sequence, because in this case the
+ effect of mbstate is undefined. */
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ }
+ else if (MB_NULLWCH (tmp))
+ break; /* Found '\0' */
+ else
+ {
+ point += tmp;
+ max -= tmp;
+ tmp = wcwidth(wc);
+ width += (tmp >= 0) ? tmp : 1;
+ }
+ }
+ width += point - end;
+ return width;
+#endif /* HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
diff --git a/extra/readline/emacs_keymap.c b/extra/readline/emacs_keymap.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31e6b490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/emacs_keymap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+/* emacs_keymap.c -- the keymap for emacs_mode in readline (). */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987, 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (BUFSIZ)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#endif /* !BUFSIZ */
+#include "readline.h"
+/* An array of function pointers, one for each possible key.
+ If the type byte is ISKMAP, then the pointer is the address of
+ a keymap. */
+KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY emacs_standard_keymap = {
+ /* Control keys. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_set_mark }, /* Control-@ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_beg_of_line }, /* Control-a */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_backward_char }, /* Control-b */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-c */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_delete }, /* Control-d */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_end_of_line }, /* Control-e */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_forward_char }, /* Control-f */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_abort }, /* Control-g */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_rubout }, /* Control-h */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_complete }, /* Control-i */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_newline }, /* Control-j */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_kill_line }, /* Control-k */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_clear_screen }, /* Control-l */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_newline }, /* Control-m */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_get_next_history }, /* Control-n */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-o */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_get_previous_history }, /* Control-p */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_quoted_insert }, /* Control-q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_reverse_search_history }, /* Control-r */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_forward_search_history }, /* Control-s */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_transpose_chars }, /* Control-t */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_unix_line_discard }, /* Control-u */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_quoted_insert }, /* Control-v */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_unix_word_rubout }, /* Control-w */
+ { ISKMAP, (rl_command_func_t *)emacs_ctlx_keymap }, /* Control-x */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_yank }, /* Control-y */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-z */
+ { ISKMAP, (rl_command_func_t *)emacs_meta_keymap }, /* Control-[ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-\ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_char_search }, /* Control-] */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-^ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_undo_command }, /* Control-_ */
+ /* The start of printing characters. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* SPACE */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ! */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* " */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* # */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* $ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* % */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* & */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ' */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ( */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* * */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* + */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* , */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* - */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* . */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* / */
+ /* Regular digits. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 0 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 1 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 2 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 3 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 4 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 5 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 6 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 7 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 8 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 9 */
+ /* A little more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* : */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ; */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* < */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* = */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* > */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* @ */
+ /* Uppercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* A */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* B */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* C */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* D */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* E */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* F */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* G */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* H */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* I */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* J */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* K */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* L */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* M */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* N */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* O */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* P */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* R */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* S */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* T */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* U */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* V */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* W */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* X */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Y */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Z */
+ /* Some more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* [ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* \ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ] */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ^ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* _ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ` */
+ /* Lowercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* a */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* b */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* c */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* d */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* e */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* f */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* g */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* h */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* i */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* j */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* k */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* l */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* m */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* n */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* o */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* p */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* r */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* s */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* t */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* u */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* v */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* w */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* x */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* y */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* z */
+ /* Final punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* { */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* | */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* } */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ~ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_rubout }, /* RUBOUT */
+#if KEYMAP_SIZE > 128
+ /* Pure 8-bit characters (128 - 159).
+ These might be used in some
+ character sets. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ /* ISO Latin-1 characters (160 - 255) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* No-break space */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Inverted exclamation mark */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Cent sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Pound sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Currency sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Yen sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Broken bar */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Section sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Copyright sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Feminine ordinal indicator */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Left pointing double angle quotation mark */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Not sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Soft hyphen */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Registered sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Macron */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Degree sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Plus-minus sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Superscript two */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Superscript three */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Acute accent */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Micro sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Pilcrow sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Middle dot */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Cedilla */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Superscript one */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Masculine ordinal indicator */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Right pointing double angle quotation mark */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Vulgar fraction one quarter */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Vulgar fraction one half */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Vulgar fraction three quarters */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Inverted questionk mark */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with ring above */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter ae */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter c with cedilla */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter e with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter e with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter e with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter e with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter i with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter i with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter i with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter i with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter eth (Icelandic) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter n with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Multiplication sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with stroke */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter u with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter u with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter u with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter u with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter Y with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter thorn (Icelandic) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter sharp s (German) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with ring above */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter ae */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter c with cedilla */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter e with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter e with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter e with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter e with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter i with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter i with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter i with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter i with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter eth (Icelandic) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter n with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Division sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with stroke */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter u with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter u with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter u with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter u with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter y with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter thorn (Icelandic) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert } /* Latin small letter y with diaeresis */
+#endif /* KEYMAP_SIZE > 128 */
+KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY emacs_meta_keymap = {
+ /* Meta keys. Just like above, but the high bit is set. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-@ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-a */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-b */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-c */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-d */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-e */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-f */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_abort }, /* Meta-Control-g */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_backward_kill_word }, /* Meta-Control-h */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_tab_insert }, /* Meta-Control-i */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_editing_mode }, /* Meta-Control-j */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-k */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-l */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_editing_mode }, /* Meta-Control-m */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-n */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-o */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-p */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_revert_line }, /* Meta-Control-r */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-s */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-t */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-u */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-v */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-w */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-x */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_yank_nth_arg }, /* Meta-Control-y */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-z */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_complete }, /* Meta-Control-[ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-\ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_backward_char_search }, /* Meta-Control-] */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-^ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-Control-_ */
+ /* The start of printing characters. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_set_mark }, /* Meta-SPACE */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-! */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-" */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert_comment }, /* Meta-# */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-$ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-% */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_tilde_expand }, /* Meta-& */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-' */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-( */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert_completions }, /* Meta-* */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-+ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-, */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-- */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_yank_last_arg}, /* Meta-. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-/ */
+ /* Regular digits. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-0 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-1 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-2 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-3 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-4 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-5 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-6 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-7 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-8 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-9 */
+ /* A little more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-: */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-; */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_beginning_of_history }, /* Meta-< */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_possible_completions }, /* Meta-= */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_end_of_history }, /* Meta-> */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_possible_completions }, /* Meta-? */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-@ */
+ /* Uppercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-A */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-B */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-C */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-D */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-E */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-F */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-G */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-H */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-I */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-J */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-K */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-L */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-M */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-N */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-O */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-P */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-Q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-R */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-S */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-T */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-U */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-V */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-W */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-X */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-Y */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Meta-Z */
+ /* Some more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-[ */ /* was rl_arrow_keys */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_delete_horizontal_space }, /* Meta-\ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-] */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-^ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_yank_last_arg }, /* Meta-_ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-` */
+ /* Lowercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-a */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_backward_word }, /* Meta-b */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_capitalize_word }, /* Meta-c */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_kill_word }, /* Meta-d */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-e */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_forward_word }, /* Meta-f */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-g */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-h */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-i */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-j */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-k */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_downcase_word }, /* Meta-l */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-m */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_noninc_forward_search }, /* Meta-n */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-o */ /* was rl_arrow_keys */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_noninc_reverse_search }, /* Meta-p */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_revert_line }, /* Meta-r */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-s */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_transpose_words }, /* Meta-t */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_upcase_word }, /* Meta-u */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-v */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-w */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-x */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_yank_pop }, /* Meta-y */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-z */
+ /* Final punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-{ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-| */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Meta-} */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_tilde_expand }, /* Meta-~ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_backward_kill_word }, /* Meta-rubout */
+#if KEYMAP_SIZE > 128
+ /* Undefined keys. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }
+#endif /* KEYMAP_SIZE > 128 */
+KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY emacs_ctlx_keymap = {
+ /* Control keys. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-@ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-a */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-b */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-c */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-d */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-e */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-f */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_abort }, /* Control-g */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-h */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-i */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-j */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-k */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-l */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-m */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-n */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-o */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-p */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_re_read_init_file }, /* Control-r */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-s */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-t */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_undo_command }, /* Control-u */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-v */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-w */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_exchange_point_and_mark }, /* Control-x */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-y */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-z */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-[ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-\ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-] */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-^ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-_ */
+ /* The start of printing characters. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* SPACE */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ! */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* " */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* # */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* $ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* % */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* & */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ' */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_start_kbd_macro }, /* ( */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_end_kbd_macro }, /* ) */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* * */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* + */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* , */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* - */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* . */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* / */
+ /* Regular digits. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* 0 */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* 1 */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* 2 */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* 3 */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* 4 */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* 5 */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* 6 */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* 7 */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* 8 */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* 9 */
+ /* A little more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* : */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ; */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* < */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* = */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* > */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* @ */
+ /* Uppercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* A */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* B */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* C */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* D */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* E */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* F */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* G */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* H */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* I */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* J */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* K */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* L */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* M */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* N */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* O */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* P */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* R */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* S */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* T */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* U */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* V */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* W */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* X */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Y */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Z */
+ /* Some more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* [ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* \ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ] */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ^ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* _ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ` */
+ /* Lowercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* a */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* b */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* c */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* d */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_call_last_kbd_macro }, /* e */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* f */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* g */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* h */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* i */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* j */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* k */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* l */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* m */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* n */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* o */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* p */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* q */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* r */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* s */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* t */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* u */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* v */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* w */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* x */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* y */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* z */
+ /* Final punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* { */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* | */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* } */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ~ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_backward_kill_line }, /* RUBOUT */
+#if KEYMAP_SIZE > 128
+ /* Undefined keys. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }
+#endif /* KEYMAP_SIZE > 128 */
diff --git a/extra/readline/funmap.c b/extra/readline/funmap.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23b3ce19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/funmap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+/* funmap.c -- attach names to functions. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987, 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#if !defined (BUFSIZ)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#endif /* BUFSIZ */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include "rlconf.h"
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+#ifdef __STDC__
+typedef int QSFUNC (const void *, const void *);
+typedef int QSFUNC ();
+extern int _rl_qsort_string_compare PARAMS((char **, char **));
+FUNMAP **funmap;
+static int funmap_size;
+static int funmap_entry;
+/* After initializing the function map, this is the index of the first
+ program specific function. */
+int funmap_program_specific_entry_start;
+static FUNMAP default_funmap[] = {
+ { "abort", rl_abort },
+ { "accept-line", rl_newline },
+ { "arrow-key-prefix", rl_arrow_keys },
+ { "backward-byte", rl_backward_byte },
+ { "backward-char", rl_backward_char },
+ { "backward-delete-char", rl_rubout },
+ { "backward-kill-line", rl_backward_kill_line },
+ { "backward-kill-word", rl_backward_kill_word },
+ { "backward-word", rl_backward_word },
+ { "beginning-of-history", rl_beginning_of_history },
+ { "beginning-of-line", rl_beg_of_line },
+ { "call-last-kbd-macro", rl_call_last_kbd_macro },
+ { "capitalize-word", rl_capitalize_word },
+ { "character-search", rl_char_search },
+ { "character-search-backward", rl_backward_char_search },
+ { "clear-screen", rl_clear_screen },
+ { "complete", rl_complete },
+ { "copy-backward-word", rl_copy_backward_word },
+ { "copy-forward-word", rl_copy_forward_word },
+ { "copy-region-as-kill", rl_copy_region_to_kill },
+ { "delete-char", rl_delete },
+ { "delete-char-or-list", rl_delete_or_show_completions },
+ { "delete-horizontal-space", rl_delete_horizontal_space },
+ { "digit-argument", rl_digit_argument },
+ { "do-lowercase-version", rl_do_lowercase_version },
+ { "downcase-word", rl_downcase_word },
+ { "dump-functions", rl_dump_functions },
+ { "dump-macros", rl_dump_macros },
+ { "dump-variables", rl_dump_variables },
+ { "emacs-editing-mode", rl_emacs_editing_mode },
+ { "end-kbd-macro", rl_end_kbd_macro },
+ { "end-of-history", rl_end_of_history },
+ { "end-of-line", rl_end_of_line },
+ { "exchange-point-and-mark", rl_exchange_point_and_mark },
+ { "forward-backward-delete-char", rl_rubout_or_delete },
+ { "forward-byte", rl_forward_byte },
+ { "forward-char", rl_forward_char },
+ { "forward-search-history", rl_forward_search_history },
+ { "forward-word", rl_forward_word },
+ { "history-search-backward", rl_history_search_backward },
+ { "history-search-forward", rl_history_search_forward },
+ { "insert-comment", rl_insert_comment },
+ { "insert-completions", rl_insert_completions },
+ { "kill-whole-line", rl_kill_full_line },
+ { "kill-line", rl_kill_line },
+ { "kill-region", rl_kill_region },
+ { "kill-word", rl_kill_word },
+ { "menu-complete", rl_menu_complete },
+ { "next-history", rl_get_next_history },
+ { "non-incremental-forward-search-history", rl_noninc_forward_search },
+ { "non-incremental-reverse-search-history", rl_noninc_reverse_search },
+ { "non-incremental-forward-search-history-again", rl_noninc_forward_search_again },
+ { "non-incremental-reverse-search-history-again", rl_noninc_reverse_search_again },
+ { "overwrite-mode", rl_overwrite_mode },
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+ { "paste-from-clipboard", rl_paste_from_clipboard },
+ { "possible-completions", rl_possible_completions },
+ { "previous-history", rl_get_previous_history },
+ { "quoted-insert", rl_quoted_insert },
+ { "re-read-init-file", rl_re_read_init_file },
+ { "redraw-current-line", rl_refresh_line},
+ { "reverse-search-history", rl_reverse_search_history },
+ { "revert-line", rl_revert_line },
+ { "self-insert", rl_insert },
+ { "set-mark", rl_set_mark },
+ { "start-kbd-macro", rl_start_kbd_macro },
+ { "tab-insert", rl_tab_insert },
+ { "tilde-expand", rl_tilde_expand },
+ { "transpose-chars", rl_transpose_chars },
+ { "transpose-words", rl_transpose_words },
+ { "tty-status", rl_tty_status },
+ { "undo", rl_undo_command },
+ { "universal-argument", rl_universal_argument },
+ { "unix-filename-rubout", rl_unix_filename_rubout },
+ { "unix-line-discard", rl_unix_line_discard },
+ { "unix-word-rubout", rl_unix_word_rubout },
+ { "upcase-word", rl_upcase_word },
+ { "yank", rl_yank },
+ { "yank-last-arg", rl_yank_last_arg },
+ { "yank-nth-arg", rl_yank_nth_arg },
+ { "yank-pop", rl_yank_pop },
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ { "vi-append-eol", rl_vi_append_eol },
+ { "vi-append-mode", rl_vi_append_mode },
+ { "vi-arg-digit", rl_vi_arg_digit },
+ { "vi-back-to-indent", rl_vi_back_to_indent },
+ { "vi-bWord", rl_vi_bWord },
+ { "vi-bword", rl_vi_bword },
+ { "vi-change-case", rl_vi_change_case },
+ { "vi-change-char", rl_vi_change_char },
+ { "vi-change-to", rl_vi_change_to },
+ { "vi-char-search", rl_vi_char_search },
+ { "vi-column", rl_vi_column },
+ { "vi-complete", rl_vi_complete },
+ { "vi-delete", rl_vi_delete },
+ { "vi-delete-to", rl_vi_delete_to },
+ { "vi-eWord", rl_vi_eWord },
+ { "vi-editing-mode", rl_vi_editing_mode },
+ { "vi-end-word", rl_vi_end_word },
+ { "vi-eof-maybe", rl_vi_eof_maybe },
+ { "vi-eword", rl_vi_eword },
+ { "vi-fWord", rl_vi_fWord },
+ { "vi-fetch-history", rl_vi_fetch_history },
+ { "vi-first-print", rl_vi_first_print },
+ { "vi-fword", rl_vi_fword },
+ { "vi-goto-mark", rl_vi_goto_mark },
+ { "vi-insert-beg", rl_vi_insert_beg },
+ { "vi-insertion-mode", rl_vi_insertion_mode },
+ { "vi-match", rl_vi_match },
+ { "vi-movement-mode", rl_vi_movement_mode },
+ { "vi-next-word", rl_vi_next_word },
+ { "vi-overstrike", rl_vi_overstrike },
+ { "vi-overstrike-delete", rl_vi_overstrike_delete },
+ { "vi-prev-word", rl_vi_prev_word },
+ { "vi-put", rl_vi_put },
+ { "vi-redo", rl_vi_redo },
+ { "vi-replace", rl_vi_replace },
+ { "vi-rubout", rl_vi_rubout },
+ { "vi-search", rl_vi_search },
+ { "vi-search-again", rl_vi_search_again },
+ { "vi-set-mark", rl_vi_set_mark },
+ { "vi-subst", rl_vi_subst },
+ { "vi-tilde-expand", rl_vi_tilde_expand },
+ { "vi-yank-arg", rl_vi_yank_arg },
+ { "vi-yank-to", rl_vi_yank_to },
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ {(char *)NULL, (rl_command_func_t *)NULL }
+rl_add_funmap_entry (name, function)
+ const char *name;
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+ if (funmap_entry + 2 >= funmap_size)
+ {
+ funmap_size += 64;
+ funmap = (FUNMAP **)xrealloc (funmap, funmap_size * sizeof (FUNMAP *));
+ }
+ funmap[funmap_entry] = (FUNMAP *)xmalloc (sizeof (FUNMAP));
+ funmap[funmap_entry]->name = name;
+ funmap[funmap_entry]->function = function;
+ funmap[++funmap_entry] = (FUNMAP *)NULL;
+ return funmap_entry;
+static int funmap_initialized;
+/* Make the funmap contain all of the default entries. */
+rl_initialize_funmap ()
+ register int i;
+ if (funmap_initialized)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; default_funmap[i].name; i++)
+ rl_add_funmap_entry (default_funmap[i].name, default_funmap[i].function);
+ funmap_initialized = 1;
+ funmap_program_specific_entry_start = i;
+/* Produce a NULL terminated array of known function names. The array
+ is sorted. The array itself is allocated, but not the strings inside.
+ You should free () the array when you done, but not the pointrs. */
+const char **
+rl_funmap_names ()
+ const char **result;
+ int result_size, result_index;
+ /* Make sure that the function map has been initialized. */
+ rl_initialize_funmap ();
+ for (result_index = result_size = 0, result = (const char **)NULL; funmap[result_index]; result_index++)
+ {
+ if (result_index + 2 > result_size)
+ {
+ result_size += 20;
+ result = (const char **)xrealloc (result, result_size * sizeof (char *));
+ }
+ result[result_index] = funmap[result_index]->name;
+ result[result_index + 1] = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ qsort (result, result_index, sizeof (char *), (QSFUNC *)_rl_qsort_string_compare);
+ return (result);
diff --git a/extra/readline/histexpand.c b/extra/readline/histexpand.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38292c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/histexpand.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1592 @@
+/* histexpand.c -- history expansion. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1989-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the GNU History Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for managing the text of previously typed lines.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# ifndef _MINIX
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# endif
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "histlib.h"
+#include "rlshell.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+#define HISTORY_WORD_DELIMITERS " \t\n;&()|<>"
+#define slashify_in_quotes "\\`\"$"
+typedef int _hist_search_func_t PARAMS((const char *, int));
+static char error_pointer;
+static char *subst_lhs;
+static char *subst_rhs;
+static int subst_lhs_len;
+static int subst_rhs_len;
+static char *get_history_word_specifier PARAMS((char *, char *, int *));
+static char *history_find_word PARAMS((char *, int));
+static int history_tokenize_word PARAMS((const char *, int));
+static char *history_substring PARAMS((const char *, int, int));
+static char *quote_breaks PARAMS((char *));
+/* Variables exported by this file. */
+/* The character that represents the start of a history expansion
+ request. This is usually `!'. */
+char history_expansion_char = '!';
+/* The character that invokes word substitution if found at the start of
+ a line. This is usually `^'. */
+char history_subst_char = '^';
+/* During tokenization, if this character is seen as the first character
+ of a word, then it, and all subsequent characters upto a newline are
+ ignored. For a Bourne shell, this should be '#'. Bash special cases
+ the interactive comment character to not be a comment delimiter. */
+char history_comment_char = '\0';
+/* The list of characters which inhibit the expansion of text if found
+ immediately following history_expansion_char. */
+const char *history_no_expand_chars = " \t\n\r=";
+/* If set to a non-zero value, single quotes inhibit history expansion.
+ The default is 0. */
+int history_quotes_inhibit_expansion = 0;
+/* Used to split words by history_tokenize_internal. */
+const char *history_word_delimiters = HISTORY_WORD_DELIMITERS;
+/* If set, this points to a function that is called to verify that a
+ particular history expansion should be performed. */
+rl_linebuf_func_t *history_inhibit_expansion_function;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* History Expansion */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Hairy history expansion on text, not tokens. This is of general
+ use, and thus belongs in this library. */
+/* The last string searched for by a !?string? search. */
+static char *search_string;
+/* The last string matched by a !?string? search. */
+static char *search_match;
+/* Return the event specified at TEXT + OFFSET modifying OFFSET to
+ point to after the event specifier. Just a pointer to the history
+ line is returned; NULL is returned in the event of a bad specifier.
+ You pass STRING with *INDEX equal to the history_expansion_char that
+ begins this specification.
+ DELIMITING_QUOTE is a character that is allowed to end the string
+ specification for what to search for in addition to the normal
+ characters `:', ` ', `\t', `\n', and sometimes `?'.
+ So you might call this function like:
+ line = get_history_event ("!echo:p", &index, 0); */
+char *
+get_history_event (string, caller_index, delimiting_quote)
+ const char *string;
+ int *caller_index;
+ int delimiting_quote;
+ register int i;
+ register char c;
+ HIST_ENTRY *entry;
+ int which, sign, local_index, substring_okay;
+ _hist_search_func_t *search_func;
+ char *temp;
+ /* The event can be specified in a number of ways.
+ !! the previous command
+ !n command line N
+ !-n current command-line minus N
+ !str the most recent command starting with STR
+ !?str[?]
+ the most recent command containing STR
+ All values N are determined via HISTORY_BASE. */
+ i = *caller_index;
+ if (string[i] != history_expansion_char)
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+ /* Move on to the specification. */
+ i++;
+ sign = 1;
+ substring_okay = 0;
+#define RETURN_ENTRY(e, w) \
+ return ((e = history_get (w)) ? e->line : (char *)NULL)
+ /* Handle !! case. */
+ if (string[i] == history_expansion_char)
+ {
+ i++;
+ which = history_base + (history_length - 1);
+ *caller_index = i;
+ RETURN_ENTRY (entry, which);
+ }
+ /* Hack case of numeric line specification. */
+ if (string[i] == '-')
+ {
+ sign = -1;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (_rl_digit_p (string[i]))
+ {
+ /* Get the extent of the digits and compute the value. */
+ for (which = 0; _rl_digit_p (string[i]); i++)
+ which = (which * 10) + _rl_digit_value (string[i]);
+ *caller_index = i;
+ if (sign < 0)
+ which = (history_length + history_base) - which;
+ RETURN_ENTRY (entry, which);
+ }
+ /* This must be something to search for. If the spec begins with
+ a '?', then the string may be anywhere on the line. Otherwise,
+ the string must be found at the start of a line. */
+ if (string[i] == '?')
+ {
+ substring_okay++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ /* Only a closing `?' or a newline delimit a substring search string. */
+ for (local_index = i; (c = string[i]); i++)
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ int v;
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ /* These produce warnings because we're passing a const string to a
+ function that takes a non-const string. */
+ _rl_adjust_point ((char *)string, i, &ps);
+ if ((v = _rl_get_char_len ((char *)string + i, &ps)) > 1)
+ {
+ i += v - 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ if ((!substring_okay && (whitespace (c) || c == ':' ||
+ (history_search_delimiter_chars && member (c, history_search_delimiter_chars)) ||
+ string[i] == delimiting_quote)) ||
+ string[i] == '\n' ||
+ (substring_okay && string[i] == '?'))
+ break;
+ }
+ which = i - local_index;
+ temp = (char *)xmalloc (1 + which);
+ if (which)
+ strncpy (temp, string + local_index, which);
+ temp[which] = '\0';
+ if (substring_okay && string[i] == '?')
+ i++;
+ *caller_index = i;
+#define FAIL_SEARCH() \
+ do { \
+ history_offset = history_length; free (temp) ; return (char *)NULL; \
+ } while (0)
+ /* If there is no search string, try to use the previous search string,
+ if one exists. If not, fail immediately. */
+ if (*temp == '\0' && substring_okay)
+ {
+ if (search_string)
+ {
+ free (temp);
+ temp = savestring (search_string);
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ search_func = substring_okay ? history_search : history_search_prefix;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ local_index = (*search_func) (temp, -1);
+ if (local_index < 0)
+ if (local_index == 0 || substring_okay)
+ {
+ entry = current_history ();
+ history_offset = history_length;
+ /* If this was a substring search, then remember the
+ string that we matched for word substitution. */
+ if (substring_okay)
+ {
+ FREE (search_string);
+ search_string = temp;
+ FREE (search_match);
+ search_match = history_find_word (entry->line, local_index);
+ }
+ else
+ free (temp);
+ return (entry->line);
+ }
+ if (history_offset)
+ history_offset--;
+ else
+ }
+/* Function for extracting single-quoted strings. Used for inhibiting
+ history expansion within single quotes. */
+/* Extract the contents of STRING as if it is enclosed in single quotes.
+ SINDEX, when passed in, is the offset of the character immediately
+ following the opening single quote; on exit, SINDEX is left pointing
+ to the closing single quote. */
+static void
+hist_string_extract_single_quoted (string, sindex)
+ char *string;
+ int *sindex;
+ register int i;
+ for (i = *sindex; string[i] && string[i] != '\''; i++)
+ ;
+ *sindex = i;
+static char *
+quote_breaks (s)
+ char *s;
+ register char *p, *r;
+ char *ret;
+ int len = 3;
+ for (p = s; p && *p; p++, len++)
+ {
+ if (*p == '\'')
+ len += 3;
+ else if (whitespace (*p) || *p == '\n')
+ len += 2;
+ }
+ r = ret = (char *)xmalloc (len);
+ *r++ = '\'';
+ for (p = s; p && *p; )
+ {
+ if (*p == '\'')
+ {
+ *r++ = '\'';
+ *r++ = '\\';
+ *r++ = '\'';
+ *r++ = '\'';
+ p++;
+ }
+ else if (whitespace (*p) || *p == '\n')
+ {
+ *r++ = '\'';
+ *r++ = *p++;
+ *r++ = '\'';
+ }
+ else
+ *r++ = *p++;
+ }
+ *r++ = '\'';
+ *r = '\0';
+ return ret;
+static char *
+hist_error(s, start, current, errtype)
+ char *s;
+ int start, current, errtype;
+ char *temp;
+ const char *emsg;
+ int ll, elen;
+ ll = current - start;
+ switch (errtype)
+ {
+ emsg = "event not found";
+ elen = 15;
+ break;
+ emsg = "bad word specifier";
+ elen = 18;
+ break;
+ emsg = "substitution failed";
+ elen = 19;
+ break;
+ emsg = "unrecognized history modifier";
+ elen = 29;
+ break;
+ emsg = "no previous substitution";
+ elen = 24;
+ break;
+ default:
+ emsg = "unknown expansion error";
+ elen = 23;
+ break;
+ }
+ temp = (char *)xmalloc (ll + elen + 3);
+ strncpy (temp, s + start, ll);
+ temp[ll] = ':';
+ temp[ll + 1] = ' ';
+ strcpy (temp + ll + 2, emsg);
+ return (temp);
+/* Get a history substitution string from STR starting at *IPTR
+ and return it. The length is returned in LENPTR.
+ A backslash can quote the delimiter. If the string is the
+ empty string, the previous pattern is used. If there is
+ no previous pattern for the lhs, the last history search
+ string is used.
+ If IS_RHS is 1, we ignore empty strings and set the pattern
+ to "" anyway. subst_lhs is not changed if the lhs is empty;
+ subst_rhs is allowed to be set to the empty string. */
+static char *
+get_subst_pattern (str, iptr, delimiter, is_rhs, lenptr)
+ char *str;
+ int *iptr, delimiter, is_rhs, *lenptr;
+ register int si, i, j, k;
+ char *s;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ s = (char *)NULL;
+ i = *iptr;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ _rl_adjust_point (str, i, &ps);
+ for (si = i; str[si] && str[si] != delimiter; si++)
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ int v;
+ if ((v = _rl_get_char_len (str + si, &ps)) > 1)
+ si += v - 1;
+ else if (str[si] == '\\' && str[si + 1] == delimiter)
+ si++;
+ }
+ else
+#endif /* HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ if (str[si] == '\\' && str[si + 1] == delimiter)
+ si++;
+ if (si > i || is_rhs)
+ {
+ s = (char *)xmalloc (si - i + 1);
+ for (j = 0, k = i; k < si; j++, k++)
+ {
+ /* Remove a backslash quoting the search string delimiter. */
+ if (str[k] == '\\' && str[k + 1] == delimiter)
+ k++;
+ s[j] = str[k];
+ }
+ s[j] = '\0';
+ if (lenptr)
+ *lenptr = j;
+ }
+ i = si;
+ if (str[i])
+ i++;
+ *iptr = i;
+ return s;
+static void
+postproc_subst_rhs ()
+ char *new;
+ int i, j, new_size;
+ new = (char *)xmalloc (new_size = subst_rhs_len + subst_lhs_len);
+ for (i = j = 0; i < subst_rhs_len; i++)
+ {
+ if (subst_rhs[i] == '&')
+ {
+ if (j + subst_lhs_len >= new_size)
+ new = (char *)xrealloc (new, (new_size = new_size * 2 + subst_lhs_len));
+ strcpy (new + j, subst_lhs);
+ j += subst_lhs_len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* a single backslash protects the `&' from lhs interpolation */
+ if (subst_rhs[i] == '\\' && subst_rhs[i + 1] == '&')
+ i++;
+ if (j >= new_size)
+ new = (char *)xrealloc (new, new_size *= 2);
+ new[j++] = subst_rhs[i];
+ }
+ }
+ new[j] = '\0';
+ free (subst_rhs);
+ subst_rhs = new;
+ subst_rhs_len = j;
+/* Expand the bulk of a history specifier starting at STRING[START].
+ Returns 0 if everything is OK, -1 if an error occurred, and 1
+ if the `p' modifier was supplied and the caller should just print
+ the returned string. Returns the new index into string in
+ *END_INDEX_PTR, and the expanded specifier in *RET_STRING. */
+static int
+history_expand_internal (string, start, end_index_ptr, ret_string, current_line)
+ char *string;
+ int start, *end_index_ptr;
+ char **ret_string;
+ char *current_line; /* for !# */
+ int i, n, starting_index;
+ int substitute_globally, subst_bywords, want_quotes, print_only;
+ char *event, *temp, *result, *tstr, *t, c, *word_spec;
+ int result_len;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ result = (char *)xmalloc (result_len = 128);
+ i = start;
+ /* If it is followed by something that starts a word specifier,
+ then !! is implied as the event specifier. */
+ if (member (string[i + 1], ":$*%^"))
+ {
+ char fake_s[3];
+ int fake_i = 0;
+ i++;
+ fake_s[0] = fake_s[1] = history_expansion_char;
+ fake_s[2] = '\0';
+ event = get_history_event (fake_s, &fake_i, 0);
+ }
+ else if (string[i + 1] == '#')
+ {
+ i += 2;
+ event = current_line;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int quoted_search_delimiter = 0;
+ /* If the character before this `!' is a double or single
+ quote, then this expansion takes place inside of the
+ quoted string. If we have to search for some text ("!foo"),
+ allow the delimiter to end the search string. */
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ int ch, l;
+ l = _rl_find_prev_mbchar (string, i, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ ch = string[l];
+ /* XXX - original patch had i - 1 ??? If i == 0 it would fail. */
+ if (i && (ch == '\'' || ch == '"'))
+ quoted_search_delimiter = ch;
+ }
+ else
+#endif /* HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ if (i && (string[i - 1] == '\'' || string[i - 1] == '"'))
+ quoted_search_delimiter = string[i - 1];
+ event = get_history_event (string, &i, quoted_search_delimiter);
+ }
+ if (event == 0)
+ {
+ *ret_string = hist_error (string, start, i, EVENT_NOT_FOUND);
+ free (result);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /* If a word specifier is found, then do what that requires. */
+ starting_index = i;
+ word_spec = get_history_word_specifier (string, event, &i);
+ /* There is no such thing as a `malformed word specifier'. However,
+ it is possible for a specifier that has no match. In that case,
+ we complain. */
+ if (word_spec == (char *)&error_pointer)
+ {
+ *ret_string = hist_error (string, starting_index, i, BAD_WORD_SPEC);
+ free (result);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /* If no word specifier, than the thing of interest was the event. */
+ temp = word_spec ? savestring (word_spec) : savestring (event);
+ FREE (word_spec);
+ /* Perhaps there are other modifiers involved. Do what they say. */
+ want_quotes = substitute_globally = subst_bywords = print_only = 0;
+ starting_index = i;
+ while (string[i] == ':')
+ {
+ c = string[i + 1];
+ if (c == 'g' || c == 'a')
+ {
+ substitute_globally = 1;
+ i++;
+ c = string[i + 1];
+ }
+ else if (c == 'G')
+ {
+ subst_bywords = 1;
+ i++;
+ c = string[i + 1];
+ }
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ default:
+ *ret_string = hist_error (string, i+1, i+2, BAD_MODIFIER);
+ free (result);
+ free (temp);
+ return -1;
+ case 'q':
+ want_quotes = 'q';
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ want_quotes = 'x';
+ break;
+ /* :p means make this the last executed line. So we
+ return an error state after adding this line to the
+ history. */
+ case 'p':
+ print_only++;
+ break;
+ /* :t discards all but the last part of the pathname. */
+ case 't':
+ tstr = strrchr (temp, '/');
+ if (tstr)
+ {
+ tstr++;
+ t = savestring (tstr);
+ free (temp);
+ temp = t;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* :h discards the last part of a pathname. */
+ case 'h':
+ tstr = strrchr (temp, '/');
+ if (tstr)
+ *tstr = '\0';
+ break;
+ /* :r discards the suffix. */
+ case 'r':
+ tstr = strrchr (temp, '.');
+ if (tstr)
+ *tstr = '\0';
+ break;
+ /* :e discards everything but the suffix. */
+ case 'e':
+ tstr = strrchr (temp, '.');
+ if (tstr)
+ {
+ t = savestring (tstr);
+ free (temp);
+ temp = t;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* :s/this/that substitutes `that' for the first
+ occurrence of `this'. :gs/this/that substitutes `that'
+ for each occurrence of `this'. :& repeats the last
+ substitution. :g& repeats the last substitution
+ globally. */
+ case '&':
+ case 's':
+ {
+ char *new_event;
+ int delimiter, failed, si, l_temp, we;
+ if (c == 's')
+ {
+ if (i + 2 < (int)strlen (string))
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ _rl_adjust_point (string, i + 2, &ps);
+ if (_rl_get_char_len (string + i + 2, &ps) > 1)
+ delimiter = 0;
+ else
+ delimiter = string[i + 2];
+ }
+ else
+#endif /* HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ delimiter = string[i + 2];
+ }
+ else
+ break; /* no search delimiter */
+ i += 3;
+ t = get_subst_pattern (string, &i, delimiter, 0, &subst_lhs_len);
+ /* An empty substitution lhs with no previous substitution
+ uses the last search string as the lhs. */
+ if (t)
+ {
+ FREE (subst_lhs);
+ subst_lhs = t;
+ }
+ else if (!subst_lhs)
+ {
+ if (search_string && *search_string)
+ {
+ subst_lhs = savestring (search_string);
+ subst_lhs_len = strlen (subst_lhs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ subst_lhs = (char *) NULL;
+ subst_lhs_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ FREE (subst_rhs);
+ subst_rhs = get_subst_pattern (string, &i, delimiter, 1, &subst_rhs_len);
+ /* If `&' appears in the rhs, it's supposed to be replaced
+ with the lhs. */
+ if (member ('&', subst_rhs))
+ postproc_subst_rhs ();
+ }
+ else
+ i += 2;
+ /* If there is no lhs, the substitution can't succeed. */
+ if (subst_lhs_len == 0)
+ {
+ *ret_string = hist_error (string, starting_index, i, NO_PREV_SUBST);
+ free (result);
+ free (temp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ l_temp = strlen (temp);
+ /* Ignore impossible cases. */
+ if (subst_lhs_len > l_temp)
+ {
+ *ret_string = hist_error (string, starting_index, i, SUBST_FAILED);
+ free (result);
+ free (temp);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /* Find the first occurrence of THIS in TEMP. */
+ /* Substitute SUBST_RHS for SUBST_LHS in TEMP. There are three
+ cases to consider:
+ 1. substitute_globally == subst_bywords == 0
+ 2. substitute_globally == 1 && subst_bywords == 0
+ 3. substitute_globally == 0 && subst_bywords == 1
+ In the first case, we substitute for the first occurrence only.
+ In the second case, we substitute for every occurrence.
+ In the third case, we tokenize into words and substitute the
+ first occurrence of each word. */
+ si = we = 0;
+ for (failed = 1; (si + subst_lhs_len) <= l_temp; si++)
+ {
+ /* First skip whitespace and find word boundaries if
+ we're past the end of the word boundary we found
+ the last time. */
+ if (subst_bywords && si > we)
+ {
+ for (; temp[si] && whitespace (temp[si]); si++)
+ ;
+ we = history_tokenize_word (temp, si);
+ }
+ if (STREQN (temp+si, subst_lhs, subst_lhs_len))
+ {
+ int len = subst_rhs_len - subst_lhs_len + l_temp;
+ new_event = (char *)xmalloc (1 + len);
+ strncpy (new_event, temp, si);
+ strncpy (new_event + si, subst_rhs, subst_rhs_len);
+ strncpy (new_event + si + subst_rhs_len,
+ temp + si + subst_lhs_len,
+ l_temp - (si + subst_lhs_len));
+ new_event[len] = '\0';
+ free (temp);
+ temp = new_event;
+ failed = 0;
+ if (substitute_globally)
+ {
+ /* Reported to fix a bug that causes it to skip every
+ other match when matching a single character. Was
+ si += subst_rhs_len previously. */
+ si += subst_rhs_len - 1;
+ l_temp = strlen (temp);
+ substitute_globally++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (subst_bywords)
+ {
+ si = we;
+ l_temp = strlen (temp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (substitute_globally > 1)
+ {
+ substitute_globally = 0;
+ continue; /* don't want to increment i */
+ }
+ if (failed == 0)
+ continue; /* don't want to increment i */
+ *ret_string = hist_error (string, starting_index, i, SUBST_FAILED);
+ free (result);
+ free (temp);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ i += 2;
+ }
+ /* Done with modfiers. */
+ /* Believe it or not, we have to back the pointer up by one. */
+ --i;
+ if (want_quotes)
+ {
+ char *x;
+ if (want_quotes == 'q')
+ x = sh_single_quote (temp);
+ else if (want_quotes == 'x')
+ x = quote_breaks (temp);
+ else
+ x = savestring (temp);
+ free (temp);
+ temp = x;
+ }
+ n = strlen (temp);
+ if (n >= result_len)
+ result = (char *)xrealloc (result, n + 2);
+ strcpy (result, temp);
+ free (temp);
+ *end_index_ptr = i;
+ *ret_string = result;
+ return (print_only);
+/* Expand the string STRING, placing the result into OUTPUT, a pointer
+ to a string. Returns:
+ -1) If there was an error in expansion.
+ 0) If no expansions took place (or, if the only change in
+ the text was the de-slashifying of the history expansion
+ character)
+ 1) If expansions did take place
+ 2) If the `p' modifier was given and the caller should print the result
+ If an error ocurred in expansion, then OUTPUT contains a descriptive
+ error message. */
+#define ADD_STRING(s) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ int sl = strlen (s); \
+ j += sl; \
+ if (j >= result_len) \
+ { \
+ while (j >= result_len) \
+ result_len += 128; \
+ result = (char *)xrealloc (result, result_len); \
+ } \
+ strcpy (result + j - sl, s); \
+ } \
+ while (0)
+#define ADD_CHAR(c) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ if (j >= result_len - 1) \
+ result = (char *)xrealloc (result, result_len += 64); \
+ result[j++] = c; \
+ result[j] = '\0'; \
+ } \
+ while (0)
+history_expand (hstring, output)
+ char *hstring;
+ char **output;
+ register int j;
+ int i, r, l, passc, cc, modified, eindex, only_printing, dquote;
+ char *string;
+ /* The output string, and its length. */
+ int result_len;
+ char *result;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ char mb[MB_LEN_MAX];
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ /* Used when adding the string. */
+ char *temp;
+ if (output == 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* Setting the history expansion character to 0 inhibits all
+ history expansion. */
+ if (history_expansion_char == 0)
+ {
+ *output = savestring (hstring);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /* Prepare the buffer for printing error messages. */
+ result = (char *)xmalloc (result_len = 256);
+ result[0] = '\0';
+ only_printing = modified = 0;
+ l = strlen (hstring);
+ /* Grovel the string. Only backslash and single quotes can quote the
+ history escape character. We also handle arg specifiers. */
+ /* Before we grovel forever, see if the history_expansion_char appears
+ anywhere within the text. */
+ /* The quick substitution character is a history expansion all right. That
+ is to say, "^this^that^" is equivalent to "!!:s^this^that^", and in fact,
+ that is the substitution that we do. */
+ if (hstring[0] == history_subst_char)
+ {
+ string = (char *)xmalloc (l + 5);
+ string[0] = string[1] = history_expansion_char;
+ string[2] = ':';
+ string[3] = 's';
+ strcpy (string + 4, hstring);
+ l += 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ string = hstring;
+ /* If not quick substitution, still maybe have to do expansion. */
+ /* `!' followed by one of the characters in history_no_expand_chars
+ is NOT an expansion. */
+ for (i = dquote = 0; string[i]; i++)
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ int v;
+ v = _rl_get_char_len (string + i, &ps);
+ if (v > 1)
+ {
+ i += v - 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ cc = string[i + 1];
+ /* The history_comment_char, if set, appearing at the beginning
+ of a word signifies that the rest of the line should not have
+ history expansion performed on it.
+ Skip the rest of the line and break out of the loop. */
+ if (history_comment_char && string[i] == history_comment_char &&
+ (i == 0 || member (string[i - 1], history_word_delimiters)))
+ {
+ while (string[i])
+ i++;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (string[i] == history_expansion_char)
+ {
+ if (!cc || member (cc, history_no_expand_chars))
+ continue;
+ /* If the calling application has set
+ history_inhibit_expansion_function to a function that checks
+ for special cases that should not be history expanded,
+ call the function and skip the expansion if it returns a
+ non-zero value. */
+ else if (history_inhibit_expansion_function &&
+ (*history_inhibit_expansion_function) (string, i))
+ continue;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Shell-like quoting: allow backslashes to quote double quotes
+ inside a double-quoted string. */
+ else if (dquote && string[i] == '\\' && cc == '"')
+ i++;
+ /* More shell-like quoting: if we're paying attention to single
+ quotes and letting them quote the history expansion character,
+ then we need to pay attention to double quotes, because single
+ quotes are not special inside double-quoted strings. */
+ else if (history_quotes_inhibit_expansion && string[i] == '"')
+ {
+ dquote = 1 - dquote;
+ }
+ else if (dquote == 0 && history_quotes_inhibit_expansion && string[i] == '\'')
+ {
+ /* If this is bash, single quotes inhibit history expansion. */
+ i++;
+ hist_string_extract_single_quoted (string, &i);
+ }
+ else if (history_quotes_inhibit_expansion && string[i] == '\\')
+ {
+ /* If this is bash, allow backslashes to quote single
+ quotes and the history expansion character. */
+ if (cc == '\'' || cc == history_expansion_char)
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (string[i] != history_expansion_char)
+ {
+ free (result);
+ *output = savestring (string);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Extract and perform the substitution. */
+ for (passc = dquote = i = j = 0; i < l; i++)
+ {
+ int tchar = string[i];
+ if (passc)
+ {
+ passc = 0;
+ ADD_CHAR (tchar);
+ continue;
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ int k, c;
+ c = tchar;
+ memset (mb, 0, sizeof (mb));
+ for (k = 0; k < MB_LEN_MAX; k++)
+ {
+ mb[k] = (char)c;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ if (_rl_get_char_len (mb, &ps) == -2)
+ c = string[++i];
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (strlen (mb) > 1)
+ {
+ ADD_STRING (mb);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ if (tchar == history_expansion_char)
+ tchar = -3;
+ else if (tchar == history_comment_char)
+ tchar = -2;
+ switch (tchar)
+ {
+ default:
+ ADD_CHAR (string[i]);
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ passc++;
+ ADD_CHAR (tchar);
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ dquote = 1 - dquote;
+ ADD_CHAR (tchar);
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ {
+ /* If history_quotes_inhibit_expansion is set, single quotes
+ inhibit history expansion. */
+ if (dquote == 0 && history_quotes_inhibit_expansion)
+ {
+ int quote, slen;
+ quote = i++;
+ hist_string_extract_single_quoted (string, &i);
+ slen = i - quote + 2;
+ temp = (char *)xmalloc (slen);
+ strncpy (temp, string + quote, slen);
+ temp[slen - 1] = '\0';
+ ADD_STRING (temp);
+ free (temp);
+ }
+ else
+ ADD_CHAR (string[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ case -2: /* history_comment_char */
+ if (i == 0 || member (string[i - 1], history_word_delimiters))
+ {
+ temp = (char *)xmalloc (l - i + 1);
+ strcpy (temp, string + i);
+ ADD_STRING (temp);
+ free (temp);
+ i = l;
+ }
+ else
+ ADD_CHAR (string[i]);
+ break;
+ case -3: /* history_expansion_char */
+ cc = string[i + 1];
+ /* If the history_expansion_char is followed by one of the
+ characters in history_no_expand_chars, then it is not a
+ candidate for expansion of any kind. */
+ if (member (cc, history_no_expand_chars))
+ {
+ ADD_CHAR (string[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* There is something that is listed as a `word specifier' in csh
+ documentation which means `the expanded text to this point'.
+ That is not a word specifier, it is an event specifier. If we
+ don't want to allow modifiers with `!#', just stick the current
+ output line in again. */
+ if (cc == '#')
+ {
+ if (result)
+ {
+ temp = (char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (result));
+ strcpy (temp, result);
+ ADD_STRING (temp);
+ free (temp);
+ }
+ i++;
+ break;
+ }
+ r = history_expand_internal (string, i, &eindex, &temp, result);
+ if (r < 0)
+ {
+ *output = temp;
+ free (result);
+ if (string != hstring)
+ free (string);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (temp)
+ {
+ modified++;
+ if (*temp)
+ ADD_STRING (temp);
+ free (temp);
+ }
+ only_printing = r == 1;
+ i = eindex;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *output = result;
+ if (string != hstring)
+ free (string);
+ if (only_printing)
+ {
+#if 0
+ add_history (result);
+ return (2);
+ }
+ return (modified != 0);
+/* Return a consed string which is the word specified in SPEC, and found
+ in FROM. NULL is returned if there is no spec. The address of
+ ERROR_POINTER is returned if the word specified cannot be found.
+ CALLER_INDEX is the offset in SPEC to start looking; it is updated
+ to point to just after the last character parsed. */
+static char *
+get_history_word_specifier (spec, from, caller_index)
+ char *spec, *from;
+ int *caller_index;
+ register int i = *caller_index;
+ int first, last;
+ int expecting_word_spec = 0;
+ char *result;
+ /* The range of words to return doesn't exist yet. */
+ first = last = 0;
+ result = (char *)NULL;
+ /* If we found a colon, then this *must* be a word specification. If
+ it isn't, then it is an error. */
+ if (spec[i] == ':')
+ {
+ i++;
+ expecting_word_spec++;
+ }
+ /* Handle special cases first. */
+ /* `%' is the word last searched for. */
+ if (spec[i] == '%')
+ {
+ *caller_index = i + 1;
+ return (search_match ? savestring (search_match) : savestring (""));
+ }
+ /* `*' matches all of the arguments, but not the command. */
+ if (spec[i] == '*')
+ {
+ *caller_index = i + 1;
+ result = history_arg_extract (1, '$', from);
+ return (result ? result : savestring (""));
+ }
+ /* `$' is last arg. */
+ if (spec[i] == '$')
+ {
+ *caller_index = i + 1;
+ return (history_arg_extract ('$', '$', from));
+ }
+ /* Try to get FIRST and LAST figured out. */
+ if (spec[i] == '-')
+ first = 0;
+ else if (spec[i] == '^')
+ {
+ first = 1;
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (_rl_digit_p (spec[i]) && expecting_word_spec)
+ {
+ for (first = 0; _rl_digit_p (spec[i]); i++)
+ first = (first * 10) + _rl_digit_value (spec[i]);
+ }
+ else
+ return ((char *)NULL); /* no valid `first' for word specifier */
+ if (spec[i] == '^' || spec[i] == '*')
+ {
+ last = (spec[i] == '^') ? 1 : '$'; /* x* abbreviates x-$ */
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (spec[i] != '-')
+ last = first;
+ else
+ {
+ i++;
+ if (_rl_digit_p (spec[i]))
+ {
+ for (last = 0; _rl_digit_p (spec[i]); i++)
+ last = (last * 10) + _rl_digit_value (spec[i]);
+ }
+ else if (spec[i] == '$')
+ {
+ i++;
+ last = '$';
+ }
+#if 0
+ else if (!spec[i] || spec[i] == ':')
+ /* check against `:' because there could be a modifier separator */
+ else
+ /* csh seems to allow anything to terminate the word spec here,
+ leaving it as an abbreviation. */
+ last = -1; /* x- abbreviates x-$ omitting word `$' */
+ }
+ *caller_index = i;
+ if (last >= first || last == '$' || last < 0)
+ result = history_arg_extract (first, last, from);
+ return (result ? result : (char *)&error_pointer);
+/* Extract the args specified, starting at FIRST, and ending at LAST.
+ The args are taken from STRING. If either FIRST or LAST is < 0,
+ then make that arg count from the right (subtract from the number of
+ tokens, so that FIRST = -1 means the next to last token on the line).
+ If LAST is `$' the last arg from STRING is used. */
+char *
+history_arg_extract (first, last, string)
+ int first, last;
+ const char *string;
+ register int i, len;
+ char *result;
+ int size, offset;
+ char **list;
+ /* XXX - think about making history_tokenize return a struct array,
+ each struct in array being a string and a length to avoid the
+ calls to strlen below. */
+ if ((list = history_tokenize (string)) == NULL)
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+ for (len = 0; list[len]; len++)
+ ;
+ if (last < 0)
+ last = len + last - 1;
+ if (first < 0)
+ first = len + first - 1;
+ if (last == '$')
+ last = len - 1;
+ if (first == '$')
+ first = len - 1;
+ last++;
+ if (first >= len || last > len || first < 0 || last < 0 || first > last)
+ result = ((char *)NULL);
+ else
+ {
+ for (size = 0, i = first; i < last; i++)
+ size += strlen (list[i]) + 1;
+ result = (char *)xmalloc (size + 1);
+ result[0] = '\0';
+ for (i = first, offset = 0; i < last; i++)
+ {
+ strcpy (result + offset, list[i]);
+ offset += strlen (list[i]);
+ if (i + 1 < last)
+ {
+ result[offset++] = ' ';
+ result[offset] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ free (list[i]);
+ free (list);
+ return (result);
+static int
+history_tokenize_word (string, ind)
+ const char *string;
+ int ind;
+ register int i;
+ int delimiter;
+ i = ind;
+ delimiter = 0;
+ if (member (string[i], "()\n"))
+ {
+ i++;
+ return i;
+ }
+ if (member (string[i], "<>;&|$"))
+ {
+ int peek = string[i + 1];
+ if (peek == string[i] && peek != '$')
+ {
+ if (peek == '<' && string[i + 2] == '-')
+ i++;
+ else if (peek == '<' && string[i + 2] == '<')
+ i++;
+ i += 2;
+ return i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((peek == '&' && (string[i] == '>' || string[i] == '<')) ||
+ (peek == '>' && string[i] == '&') ||
+ (peek == '(' && (string[i] == '>' || string[i] == '<')) || /* ) */
+ (peek == '(' && string[i] == '$')) /* ) */
+ {
+ i += 2;
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (string[i] != '$')
+ {
+ i++;
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Get word from string + i; */
+ if (member (string[i], HISTORY_QUOTE_CHARACTERS))
+ delimiter = string[i++];
+ for (; string[i]; i++)
+ {
+ if (string[i] == '\\' && string[i + 1] == '\n')
+ {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (string[i] == '\\' && delimiter != '\'' &&
+ (delimiter != '"' || member (string[i], slashify_in_quotes)))
+ {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (delimiter && string[i] == delimiter)
+ {
+ delimiter = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!delimiter && (member (string[i], history_word_delimiters)))
+ break;
+ if (!delimiter && member (string[i], HISTORY_QUOTE_CHARACTERS))
+ delimiter = string[i];
+ }
+ return i;
+static char *
+history_substring (string, start, end)
+ const char *string;
+ int start, end;
+ register int len;
+ register char *result;
+ len = end - start;
+ result = (char *)xmalloc (len + 1);
+ strncpy (result, string + start, len);
+ result[len] = '\0';
+ return result;
+/* Parse STRING into tokens and return an array of strings. If WIND is
+ not -1 and INDP is not null, we also want the word surrounding index
+ WIND. The position in the returned array of strings is returned in
+ *INDP. */
+static char **
+history_tokenize_internal (string, wind, indp)
+ const char *string;
+ int wind, *indp;
+ char **result;
+ register int i, start, result_index, size;
+ /* If we're searching for a string that's not part of a word (e.g., " "),
+ make sure we set *INDP to a reasonable value. */
+ if (indp && wind != -1)
+ *indp = -1;
+ /* Get a token, and stuff it into RESULT. The tokens are split
+ exactly where the shell would split them. */
+ for (i = result_index = size = 0, result = (char **)NULL; string[i]; )
+ {
+ /* Skip leading whitespace. */
+ for (; string[i] && whitespace (string[i]); i++)
+ ;
+ if (string[i] == 0 || string[i] == history_comment_char)
+ return (result);
+ start = i;
+ i = history_tokenize_word (string, start);
+ /* If we have a non-whitespace delimiter character (which would not be
+ skipped by the loop above), use it and any adjacent delimiters to
+ make a separate field. Any adjacent white space will be skipped the
+ next time through the loop. */
+ if (i == start && history_word_delimiters)
+ {
+ i++;
+ while (string[i] && member (string[i], history_word_delimiters))
+ i++;
+ }
+ /* If we are looking for the word in which the character at a
+ particular index falls, remember it. */
+ if (indp && wind != -1 && wind >= start && wind < i)
+ *indp = result_index;
+ if (result_index + 2 >= size)
+ result = (char **)xrealloc (result, ((size += 10) * sizeof (char *)));
+ result[result_index++] = history_substring (string, start, i);
+ result[result_index] = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ return (result);
+/* Return an array of tokens, much as the shell might. The tokens are
+ parsed out of STRING. */
+char **
+history_tokenize (string)
+ const char *string;
+ return (history_tokenize_internal (string, -1, (int *)NULL));
+/* Find and return the word which contains the character at index IND
+ in the history line LINE. Used to save the word matched by the
+ last history !?string? search. */
+static char *
+history_find_word (line, ind)
+ char *line;
+ int ind;
+ char **words, *s;
+ int i, wind;
+ words = history_tokenize_internal (line, ind, &wind);
+ if (wind == -1 || words == 0)
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+ s = words[wind];
+ for (i = 0; i < wind; i++)
+ free (words[i]);
+ for (i = wind + 1; words[i]; i++)
+ free (words[i]);
+ free (words);
+ return s;
diff --git a/extra/readline/histfile.c b/extra/readline/histfile.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ad828d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/histfile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+/* histfile.c - functions to manipulate the history file. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1989-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the GNU History Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for managing the text of previously typed lines.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+/* The goal is to make the implementation transparent, so that you
+ don't have to know what data types are used, just what functions
+ you can call. I think I have done that. */
+#if defined (__TANDEM)
+# include <floss.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if ! defined (_MINIX) && defined (HAVE_SYS_FILE_H)
+# include <sys/file.h>
+#include "posixstat.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#if defined (__EMX__) || defined (__CYGWIN__)
+# undef HAVE_MMAP
+# include <sys/mman.h>
+# ifdef MAP_FILE
+# else
+# endif
+# ifndef MAP_FAILED
+# define MAP_FAILED ((void *)-1)
+# endif
+#endif /* HISTORY_USE_MMAP */
+/* If we're compiling for __EMX__ (OS/2) or __CYGWIN__ (cygwin32 environment
+ on win 95/98/nt), we want to open files with O_BINARY mode so that there
+ is no \n -> \r\n conversion performed. On other systems, we don't want to
+ mess around with O_BINARY at all, so we ensure that it's defined to 0. */
+#if defined (__EMX__) || defined (__CYGWIN__)
+# ifndef O_BINARY
+# define O_BINARY 0
+# endif
+#else /* !__EMX__ && !__CYGWIN__ */
+# undef O_BINARY
+# define O_BINARY 0
+#endif /* !__EMX__ && !__CYGWIN__ */
+#include <errno.h>
+#if !defined (errno)
+extern int errno;
+#endif /* !errno */
+#include "history.h"
+#include "histlib.h"
+#include "rlshell.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* If non-zero, we write timestamps to the history file in history_do_write() */
+int history_write_timestamps = 0;
+/* Does S look like the beginning of a history timestamp entry? Placeholder
+ for more extensive tests. */
+#define HIST_TIMESTAMP_START(s) (*(s) == history_comment_char)
+/* Return the string that should be used in the place of this
+ filename. This only matters when you don't specify the
+ filename to read_history (), or write_history (). */
+static char *
+history_filename (filename)
+ const char *filename;
+ char *return_val;
+ const char *home;
+ int home_len;
+ return_val = filename ? savestring (filename) : (char *)NULL;
+ if (return_val)
+ return (return_val);
+ home = sh_get_env_value ("HOME");
+ if (home == 0)
+ {
+ home = ".";
+ home_len = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ home_len = strlen (home);
+ return_val = (char *)xmalloc (2 + home_len + 8); /* strlen(".history") == 8 */
+ strcpy (return_val, home);
+ return_val[home_len] = '/';
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ strcpy (return_val + home_len + 1, "_history");
+ strcpy (return_val + home_len + 1, ".history");
+ return (return_val);
+/* Add the contents of FILENAME to the history list, a line at a time.
+ If FILENAME is NULL, then read from ~/.history. Returns 0 if
+ successful, or errno if not. */
+read_history (filename)
+ const char *filename;
+ return (read_history_range (filename, 0, -1));
+/* Read a range of lines from FILENAME, adding them to the history list.
+ Start reading at the FROM'th line and end at the TO'th. If FROM
+ is zero, start at the beginning. If TO is less than FROM, read
+ until the end of the file. If FILENAME is NULL, then read from
+ ~/.history. Returns 0 if successful, or errno if not. */
+read_history_range (filename, from, to)
+ const char *filename;
+ int from, to;
+ register char *line_start, *line_end, *p;
+ char *input, *buffer, *bufend, *last_ts;
+ int file, current_line, chars_read;
+ struct stat finfo;
+ size_t file_size;
+#if defined (EFBIG)
+ int overflow_errno = EFBIG;
+#elif defined (EOVERFLOW)
+ int overflow_errno = EOVERFLOW;
+ int overflow_errno = EIO;
+ buffer = last_ts = (char *)NULL;
+ input = history_filename (filename);
+ file = open (input, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0666);
+ if ((file < 0) || (fstat (file, &finfo) == -1))
+ goto error_and_exit;
+ file_size = (size_t)finfo.st_size;
+ /* check for overflow on very large files */
+ if ((sizeof(off_t) > sizeof(size_t) && finfo.st_size > (off_t)(size_t)~0) ||
+ file_size + 1 < file_size)
+ {
+ errno = overflow_errno;
+ goto error_and_exit;
+ }
+ /* We map read/write and private so we can change newlines to NULs without
+ affecting the underlying object. */
+ buffer = (char *)mmap (0, file_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_RFLAGS, file, 0);
+ if ((void *)buffer == MAP_FAILED)
+ {
+ errno = overflow_errno;
+ goto error_and_exit;
+ }
+ chars_read = file_size;
+ buffer = (char *)malloc (file_size + 1);
+ if (buffer == 0)
+ {
+ errno = overflow_errno;
+ goto error_and_exit;
+ }
+ chars_read = read (file, buffer, file_size);
+ if (chars_read < 0)
+ {
+ error_and_exit:
+ if (errno != 0)
+ chars_read = errno;
+ else
+ chars_read = EIO;
+ if (file >= 0)
+ close (file);
+ FREE (input);
+ FREE (buffer);
+ return (chars_read);
+ }
+ close (file);
+ /* Set TO to larger than end of file if negative. */
+ if (to < 0)
+ to = chars_read;
+ /* Start at beginning of file, work to end. */
+ bufend = buffer + chars_read;
+ current_line = 0;
+ /* Skip lines until we are at FROM. */
+ for (line_start = line_end = buffer; line_end < bufend && current_line < from; line_end++)
+ if (*line_end == '\n')
+ {
+ p = line_end + 1;
+ /* If we see something we think is a timestamp, continue with this
+ line. We should check more extensively here... */
+ current_line++;
+ line_start = p;
+ }
+ /* If there are lines left to gobble, then gobble them now. */
+ for (line_end = line_start; line_end < bufend; line_end++)
+ if (*line_end == '\n')
+ {
+ /* Change to allow Windows-like \r\n end of line delimiter. */
+ if (line_end > line_start && line_end[-1] == '\r')
+ line_end[-1] = '\0';
+ else
+ *line_end = '\0';
+ if (*line_start)
+ {
+ if (HIST_TIMESTAMP_START(line_start) == 0)
+ {
+ add_history (line_start);
+ if (last_ts)
+ {
+ add_history_time (last_ts);
+ last_ts = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ last_ts = line_start;
+ current_line--;
+ }
+ }
+ current_line++;
+ if (current_line >= to)
+ break;
+ line_start = line_end + 1;
+ }
+ FREE (input);
+ FREE (buffer);
+ munmap (buffer, file_size);
+ return (0);
+/* Truncate the history file FNAME, leaving only LINES trailing lines.
+ If FNAME is NULL, then use ~/.history. Returns 0 on success, errno
+ on failure. */
+history_truncate_file (fname, lines)
+ const char *fname;
+ int lines;
+ char *buffer, *filename, *bp, *bp1; /* bp1 == bp+1 */
+ int file, chars_read, rv;
+ struct stat finfo;
+ size_t file_size;
+ size_t bytes_written;
+ buffer = (char *)NULL;
+ filename = history_filename (fname);
+ file = open (filename, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0666);
+ rv = 0;
+ /* Don't try to truncate non-regular files. */
+ if (file == -1 || fstat (file, &finfo) == -1)
+ {
+ rv = errno;
+ if (file != -1)
+ close (file);
+ goto truncate_exit;
+ }
+ if (S_ISREG (finfo.st_mode) == 0)
+ {
+ close (file);
+#ifdef EFTYPE
+ rv = EFTYPE;
+ rv = EINVAL;
+ goto truncate_exit;
+ }
+ file_size = (size_t)finfo.st_size;
+ /* check for overflow on very large files */
+ if ((sizeof(off_t) > sizeof(size_t) && finfo.st_size > (off_t)(size_t)~0) ||
+ file_size + 1 < file_size)
+ {
+ close (file);
+#if defined (EFBIG)
+ rv = errno = EFBIG;
+#elif defined (EOVERFLOW)
+ rv = errno = EOVERFLOW;
+ rv = errno = EINVAL;
+ goto truncate_exit;
+ }
+ buffer = (char *)malloc (file_size + 1);
+ if (buffer == 0)
+ {
+ close (file);
+ goto truncate_exit;
+ }
+ chars_read = read (file, buffer, file_size);
+ close (file);
+ if (chars_read <= 0)
+ {
+ rv = (chars_read < 0) ? errno : 0;
+ goto truncate_exit;
+ }
+ /* Count backwards from the end of buffer until we have passed
+ LINES lines. bp1 is set funny initially. But since bp[1] can't
+ be a comment character (since it's off the end) and *bp can't be
+ both a newline and the history comment character, it should be OK. */
+ for (bp1 = bp = buffer + chars_read - 1; lines && bp > buffer; bp--)
+ {
+ if (*bp == '\n' && HIST_TIMESTAMP_START(bp1) == 0)
+ lines--;
+ bp1 = bp;
+ }
+ /* If this is the first line, then the file contains exactly the
+ number of lines we want to truncate to, so we don't need to do
+ anything. It's the first line if we don't find a newline between
+ the current value of i and 0. Otherwise, write from the start of
+ this line until the end of the buffer. */
+ for ( ; bp > buffer; bp--)
+ {
+ if (*bp == '\n' && HIST_TIMESTAMP_START(bp1) == 0)
+ {
+ bp++;
+ break;
+ }
+ bp1 = bp;
+ }
+ /* Write only if there are more lines in the file than we want to
+ truncate to. */
+ if (bp > buffer && ((file = open (filename, O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, 0600)) != -1))
+ {
+ bytes_written= write (file, bp, chars_read - (bp - buffer));
+ (void) bytes_written;
+#if defined (__BEOS__)
+ /* BeOS ignores O_TRUNC. */
+ ftruncate (file, chars_read - (bp - buffer));
+ close (file);
+ }
+ truncate_exit:
+ FREE (buffer);
+ free (filename);
+ return rv;
+/* Workhorse function for writing history. Writes NELEMENT entries
+ from the history list to FILENAME. OVERWRITE is non-zero if you
+ wish to replace FILENAME with the entries. */
+static int
+history_do_write (filename, nelements, overwrite)
+ const char *filename;
+ int nelements, overwrite;
+ register int i;
+ char *output;
+ int file, mode, rv;
+ size_t cursize;
+ output = history_filename (filename);
+ rv = 0;
+ if ((file = open (output, mode, 0600)) == -1)
+ {
+ FREE (output);
+ return (errno);
+ }
+ cursize = overwrite ? 0 : lseek (file, 0, SEEK_END);
+ if (nelements > history_length)
+ nelements = history_length;
+ /* Build a buffer of all the lines to write, and write them in one syscall.
+ Suggested by Peter Ho ( */
+ {
+ HIST_ENTRY **the_history; /* local */
+ register int j;
+ int buffer_size;
+ char *buffer;
+ the_history = history_list ();
+ /* Calculate the total number of bytes to write. */
+ for (buffer_size = 0, i = history_length - nelements; i < history_length; i++)
+#if 0
+ buffer_size += 2 + HISTENT_BYTES (the_history[i]);
+ {
+ if (history_write_timestamps && the_history[i]->timestamp && the_history[i]->timestamp[0])
+ buffer_size += strlen (the_history[i]->timestamp) + 1;
+ buffer_size += strlen (the_history[i]->line) + 1;
+ }
+ /* Allocate the buffer, and fill it. */
+ if (ftruncate (file, buffer_size+cursize) == -1)
+ goto mmap_error;
+ buffer = (char *)mmap (0, buffer_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_WFLAGS, file, cursize);
+ if ((void *)buffer == MAP_FAILED)
+ {
+ rv = errno;
+ FREE (output);
+ close (file);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ buffer = (char *)malloc (buffer_size);
+ if (buffer == 0)
+ {
+ rv = errno;
+ FREE (output);
+ close (file);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ for (j = 0, i = history_length - nelements; i < history_length; i++)
+ {
+ if (history_write_timestamps && the_history[i]->timestamp && the_history[i]->timestamp[0])
+ {
+ strcpy (buffer + j, the_history[i]->timestamp);
+ j += strlen (the_history[i]->timestamp);
+ buffer[j++] = '\n';
+ }
+ strcpy (buffer + j, the_history[i]->line);
+ j += strlen (the_history[i]->line);
+ buffer[j++] = '\n';
+ }
+ if (msync (buffer, buffer_size, 0) != 0 || munmap (buffer, buffer_size) != 0)
+ rv = errno;
+ if (write (file, buffer, buffer_size) < 0)
+ rv = errno;
+ free (buffer);
+ }
+ close (file);
+ FREE (output);
+ return (rv);
+/* Append NELEMENT entries to FILENAME. The entries appended are from
+ the end of the list minus NELEMENTs up to the end of the list. */
+append_history (nelements, filename)
+ int nelements;
+ const char *filename;
+ return (history_do_write (filename, nelements, HISTORY_APPEND));
+/* Overwrite FILENAME with the current history. If FILENAME is NULL,
+ then write the history list to ~/.history. Values returned
+ are as in read_history ().*/
+write_history (filename)
+ const char *filename;
+ return (history_do_write (filename, history_length, HISTORY_OVERWRITE));
diff --git a/extra/readline/histlib.h b/extra/readline/histlib.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d63ca74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/histlib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+/* histlib.h -- internal definitions for the history library. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the GNU History Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for managing the text of previously typed lines.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_HISTLIB_H_)
+#define _HISTLIB_H_
+#if defined (HAVE_STRING_H)
+# include <string.h>
+# include <strings.h>
+#endif /* !HAVE_STRING_H */
+#if !defined (STREQ)
+#define STREQ(a, b) (((a)[0] == (b)[0]) && (strcmp ((a), (b)) == 0))
+#define STREQN(a, b, n) (((n) == 0) ? (1) \
+ : ((a)[0] == (b)[0]) && (strncmp ((a), (b), (n)) == 0))
+#ifndef savestring
+#define savestring(x) strcpy (xmalloc (1 + strlen (x)), (x))
+#ifndef whitespace
+#define whitespace(c) (((c) == ' ') || ((c) == '\t'))
+#ifndef _rl_digit_p
+#define _rl_digit_p(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')
+#ifndef _rl_digit_value
+#define _rl_digit_value(c) ((c) - '0')
+#ifndef member
+# ifndef strchr
+extern char *strchr ();
+# endif
+#define member(c, s) ((c) ? ((char *)strchr ((s), (c)) != (char *)NULL) : 0)
+#ifndef FREE
+# define FREE(x) if (x) free (x)
+/* Possible history errors passed to hist_error. */
+#define EVENT_NOT_FOUND 0
+#define BAD_WORD_SPEC 1
+#define SUBST_FAILED 2
+#define BAD_MODIFIER 3
+#define NO_PREV_SUBST 4
+/* Possible definitions for history starting point specification. */
+/* Possible definitions for what style of writing the history file we want. */
+/* Some variable definitions shared across history source files. */
+extern int history_offset;
+#endif /* !_HISTLIB_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/history.c b/extra/readline/history.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7772292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/history.c
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+/* history.c -- standalone history library */
+/* Copyright (C) 1989-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the GNU History Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for managing the text of previously typed lines.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+/* The goal is to make the implementation transparent, so that you
+ don't have to know what data types are used, just what functions
+ you can call. I think I have done that. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# ifdef _MINIX
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# endif
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include "history.h"
+#include "histlib.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* The number of slots to increase the_history by. */
+static char *hist_inittime PARAMS((void));
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* History Functions */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* An array of HIST_ENTRY. This is where we store the history. */
+static HIST_ENTRY **the_history = (HIST_ENTRY **)NULL;
+/* Non-zero means that we have enforced a limit on the amount of
+ history that we save. */
+static int history_stifled;
+/* The current number of slots allocated to the input_history. */
+static int history_size;
+/* If HISTORY_STIFLED is non-zero, then this is the maximum number of
+ entries to remember. */
+int history_max_entries;
+int max_input_history; /* backwards compatibility */
+/* The current location of the interactive history pointer. Just makes
+ life easier for outside callers. */
+int history_offset;
+/* The number of strings currently stored in the history list. */
+int history_length;
+/* The logical `base' of the history array. It defaults to 1. */
+int history_base = 1;
+/* Return the current HISTORY_STATE of the history. */
+history_get_history_state ()
+ state = (HISTORY_STATE *)xmalloc (sizeof (HISTORY_STATE));
+ state->entries = the_history;
+ state->offset = history_offset;
+ state->length = history_length;
+ state->size = history_size;
+ state->flags = 0;
+ if (history_stifled)
+ state->flags |= HS_STIFLED;
+ return (state);
+/* Set the state of the current history array to STATE. */
+history_set_history_state (state)
+ the_history = state->entries;
+ history_offset = state->offset;
+ history_length = state->length;
+ history_size = state->size;
+ if (state->flags & HS_STIFLED)
+ history_stifled = 1;
+/* Begin a session in which the history functions might be used. This
+ initializes interactive variables. */
+using_history ()
+ history_offset = history_length;
+/* Return the number of bytes that the primary history entries are using.
+ This just adds up the lengths of the_history->lines and the associated
+ timestamps. */
+history_total_bytes ()
+ register int i, result;
+ for (i = result = 0; the_history && the_history[i]; i++)
+ result += HISTENT_BYTES (the_history[i]);
+ return (result);
+/* Returns the magic number which says what history element we are
+ looking at now. In this implementation, it returns history_offset. */
+where_history ()
+ return (history_offset);
+/* Make the current history item be the one at POS, an absolute index.
+ Returns zero if POS is out of range, else non-zero. */
+history_set_pos (pos)
+ int pos;
+ if (pos > history_length || pos < 0 || !the_history)
+ return (0);
+ history_offset = pos;
+ return (1);
+/* Return the current history array. The caller has to be carefull, since this
+ is the actual array of data, and could be bashed or made corrupt easily.
+ The array is terminated with a NULL pointer. */
+history_list ()
+ return (the_history);
+/* Return the history entry at the current position, as determined by
+ history_offset. If there is no entry there, return a NULL pointer. */
+current_history ()
+ return ((history_offset == history_length) || the_history == 0)
+ : the_history[history_offset];
+/* Back up history_offset to the previous history entry, and return
+ a pointer to that entry. If there is no previous entry then return
+ a NULL pointer. */
+previous_history ()
+ return history_offset ? the_history[--history_offset] : (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+/* Move history_offset forward to the next history entry, and return
+ a pointer to that entry. If there is no next entry then return a
+ NULL pointer. */
+next_history ()
+ return (history_offset == history_length) ? (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL : the_history[++history_offset];
+/* Return the history entry which is logically at OFFSET in the history array.
+ OFFSET is relative to history_base. */
+history_get (offset)
+ int offset;
+ int local_index;
+ local_index = offset - history_base;
+ return (local_index >= history_length || local_index < 0 || the_history == 0)
+ : the_history[local_index];
+alloc_history_entry (string, ts)
+ const char *string;
+ char *ts;
+ HIST_ENTRY *temp;
+ temp = (HIST_ENTRY *)xmalloc (sizeof (HIST_ENTRY));
+ temp->line = string ? savestring ((char*) string) : (char*) string;
+ temp->data = (char *)NULL;
+ temp->timestamp = ts;
+ return temp;
+history_get_time (hist)
+ HIST_ENTRY *hist;
+ char *ts;
+ time_t t;
+ if (hist == 0 || hist->timestamp == 0)
+ return 0;
+ ts = hist->timestamp;
+ if (ts[0] != history_comment_char)
+ return 0;
+ t = (time_t) atol (ts + 1); /* XXX - should use strtol() here */
+ return t;
+static char *
+hist_inittime ()
+ time_t t;
+ char ts[64], *ret;
+ t = (time_t) time ((time_t *)0);
+#if defined (HAVE_VSNPRINTF) /* assume snprintf if vsnprintf exists */
+ snprintf (ts, sizeof (ts) - 1, "X%lu", (unsigned long) t);
+ sprintf (ts, "X%lu", (unsigned long) t);
+ ret = savestring (ts);
+ ret[0] = history_comment_char;
+ return ret;
+/* Place STRING at the end of the history list. The data field
+ is set to NULL. */
+add_history (string)
+ const char *string;
+ HIST_ENTRY *temp;
+ if (history_stifled && (history_length == history_max_entries))
+ {
+ register int i;
+ /* If the history is stifled, and history_length is zero,
+ and it equals history_max_entries, we don't save items. */
+ if (history_length == 0)
+ return;
+ /* If there is something in the slot, then remove it. */
+ if (the_history[0])
+ (void) free_history_entry (the_history[0]);
+ /* Copy the rest of the entries, moving down one slot. */
+ for (i = 0; i < history_length; i++)
+ the_history[i] = the_history[i + 1];
+ history_base++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (history_size == 0)
+ {
+ the_history = (HIST_ENTRY **)xmalloc (history_size * sizeof (HIST_ENTRY *));
+ history_length = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (history_length == (history_size - 1))
+ {
+ history_size += DEFAULT_HISTORY_GROW_SIZE;
+ the_history = (HIST_ENTRY **)
+ xrealloc (the_history, history_size * sizeof (HIST_ENTRY *));
+ }
+ history_length++;
+ }
+ }
+ temp = alloc_history_entry ((char*) string, hist_inittime ());
+ the_history[history_length] = (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+ the_history[history_length - 1] = temp;
+/* Change the time stamp of the most recent history entry to STRING. */
+add_history_time (string)
+ const char *string;
+ hs = the_history[history_length - 1];
+ FREE (hs->timestamp);
+ hs->timestamp = savestring (string);
+/* Free HIST and return the data so the calling application can free it
+ if necessary and desired. */
+free_history_entry (hist)
+ HIST_ENTRY *hist;
+ histdata_t x;
+ if (hist == 0)
+ return ((histdata_t) 0);
+ FREE (hist->line);
+ FREE (hist->timestamp);
+ x = hist->data;
+ free (hist);
+ return (x);
+copy_history_entry (hist)
+ HIST_ENTRY *hist;
+ HIST_ENTRY *ret;
+ char *ts;
+ if (hist == 0)
+ return hist;
+ ret = alloc_history_entry (hist->line, (char *)NULL);
+ ts = hist->timestamp ? savestring (hist->timestamp) : hist->timestamp;
+ ret->timestamp = ts;
+ ret->data = hist->data;
+ return ret;
+/* Make the history entry at WHICH have LINE and DATA. This returns
+ the old entry so you can dispose of the data. In the case of an
+ invalid WHICH, a NULL pointer is returned. */
+replace_history_entry (which, line, data)
+ int which;
+ const char *line;
+ histdata_t data;
+ HIST_ENTRY *temp, *old_value;
+ if (which < 0 || which >= history_length)
+ return ((HIST_ENTRY *)NULL);
+ temp = (HIST_ENTRY *)xmalloc (sizeof (HIST_ENTRY));
+ old_value = the_history[which];
+ temp->line = savestring (line);
+ temp->data = data;
+ temp->timestamp = savestring (old_value->timestamp);
+ the_history[which] = temp;
+ return (old_value);
+/* Replace the DATA in the specified history entries, replacing OLD with
+ NEW. WHICH says which one(s) to replace: WHICH == -1 means to replace
+ all of the history entries where entry->data == OLD; WHICH == -2 means
+ to replace the `newest' history entry where entry->data == OLD; and
+ WHICH >= 0 means to replace that particular history entry's data, as
+ long as it matches OLD. */
+replace_history_data (which,old, new)
+ int which;
+ histdata_t *old, *new;
+ HIST_ENTRY *entry;
+ register int i, last;
+ if (which < -2 || which >= history_length || history_length == 0 || the_history == 0)
+ return;
+ if (which >= 0)
+ {
+ entry = the_history[which];
+ if (entry && entry->data == old)
+ entry->data = new;
+ return;
+ }
+ last = -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < history_length; i++)
+ {
+ entry = the_history[i];
+ if (entry == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (entry->data == old)
+ {
+ last = i;
+ if (which == -1)
+ entry->data = new;
+ }
+ }
+ if (which == -2 && last >= 0)
+ {
+ entry = the_history[last];
+ entry->data = new; /* XXX - we don't check entry->old */
+ }
+/* Remove history element WHICH from the history. The removed
+ element is returned to you so you can free the line, data,
+ and containing structure. */
+remove_history (which)
+ int which;
+ HIST_ENTRY *return_value;
+ register int i;
+ if (which < 0 || which >= history_length || history_length == 0 || the_history == 0)
+ return ((HIST_ENTRY *)NULL);
+ return_value = the_history[which];
+ for (i = which; i < history_length; i++)
+ the_history[i] = the_history[i + 1];
+ history_length--;
+ return (return_value);
+/* Stifle the history list, remembering only MAX number of lines. */
+stifle_history (max)
+ int max;
+ register int i, j;
+ if (max < 0)
+ max = 0;
+ if (history_length > max)
+ {
+ /* This loses because we cannot free the data. */
+ for (i = 0, j = history_length - max; i < j; i++)
+ free_history_entry (the_history[i]);
+ history_base = i;
+ for (j = 0, i = history_length - max; j < max; i++, j++)
+ the_history[j] = the_history[i];
+ the_history[j] = (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+ history_length = j;
+ }
+ history_stifled = 1;
+ max_input_history = history_max_entries = max;
+/* Stop stifling the history. This returns the previous maximum
+ number of history entries. The value is positive if the history
+ was stifled, negative if it wasn't. */
+unstifle_history ()
+ if (history_stifled)
+ {
+ history_stifled = 0;
+ return (history_max_entries);
+ }
+ else
+ return (-history_max_entries);
+history_is_stifled ()
+ return (history_stifled);
+clear_history ()
+ register int i;
+ /* This loses because we cannot free the data. */
+ for (i = 0; i < history_length; i++)
+ {
+ free_history_entry (the_history[i]);
+ the_history[i] = (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+ }
+ history_offset = history_length = 0;
diff --git a/extra/readline/history.h b/extra/readline/history.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd8169dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/history.h
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+/* history.h -- the names of functions that you can call in history. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1989-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the GNU History Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for managing the text of previously typed lines.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#ifndef _HISTORY_H_
+#define _HISTORY_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <time.h> /* XXX - for history timestamp code */
+# include "rlstdc.h"
+# include "rltypedefs.h"
+# include <rlstdc.h>
+# include <rltypedefs.h>
+#ifdef __STDC__
+typedef void *histdata_t;
+typedef char *histdata_t;
+/* The structure used to store a history entry. */
+typedef struct _hist_entry {
+ char *line;
+ char *timestamp; /* char * rather than time_t for read/write */
+ histdata_t data;
+/* Size of the history-library-managed space in history entry HS. */
+#define HISTENT_BYTES(hs) (strlen ((hs)->line) + strlen ((hs)->timestamp))
+/* A structure used to pass the current state of the history stuff around. */
+typedef struct _hist_state {
+ HIST_ENTRY **entries; /* Pointer to the entries themselves. */
+ int offset; /* The location pointer within this array. */
+ int length; /* Number of elements within this array. */
+ int size; /* Number of slots allocated to this array. */
+ int flags;
+/* Flag values for the `flags' member of HISTORY_STATE. */
+#define HS_STIFLED 0x01
+/* Initialization and state management. */
+/* Begin a session in which the history functions might be used. This
+ just initializes the interactive variables. */
+extern void using_history PARAMS((void));
+/* Return the current HISTORY_STATE of the history. */
+extern HISTORY_STATE *history_get_history_state PARAMS((void));
+/* Set the state of the current history array to STATE. */
+extern void history_set_history_state PARAMS((HISTORY_STATE *));
+/* Manage the history list. */
+/* Place STRING at the end of the history list.
+ The associated data field (if any) is set to NULL. */
+extern void add_history PARAMS((const char *));
+/* Change the timestamp associated with the most recent history entry to
+ STRING. */
+extern void add_history_time PARAMS((const char *));
+/* A reasonably useless function, only here for completeness. WHICH
+ is the magic number that tells us which element to delete. The
+ elements are numbered from 0. */
+extern HIST_ENTRY *remove_history PARAMS((int));
+/* Free the history entry H and return any application-specific data
+ associated with it. */
+extern histdata_t free_history_entry PARAMS((HIST_ENTRY *));
+/* Make the history entry at WHICH have LINE and DATA. This returns
+ the old entry so you can dispose of the data. In the case of an
+ invalid WHICH, a NULL pointer is returned. */
+extern HIST_ENTRY *replace_history_entry PARAMS((int, const char *, histdata_t));
+/* Clear the history list and start over. */
+extern void clear_history PARAMS((void));
+/* Stifle the history list, remembering only MAX number of entries. */
+extern void stifle_history PARAMS((int));
+/* Stop stifling the history. This returns the previous amount the
+ history was stifled by. The value is positive if the history was
+ stifled, negative if it wasn't. */
+extern int unstifle_history PARAMS((void));
+/* Return 1 if the history is stifled, 0 if it is not. */
+extern int history_is_stifled PARAMS((void));
+/* Information about the history list. */
+/* Return a NULL terminated array of HIST_ENTRY which is the current input
+ history. Element 0 of this list is the beginning of time. If there
+ is no history, return NULL. */
+extern HIST_ENTRY **history_list PARAMS((void));
+/* Returns the number which says what history element we are now
+ looking at. */
+extern int where_history PARAMS((void));
+/* Return the history entry at the current position, as determined by
+ history_offset. If there is no entry there, return a NULL pointer. */
+extern HIST_ENTRY *current_history PARAMS((void));
+/* Return the history entry which is logically at OFFSET in the history
+ array. OFFSET is relative to history_base. */
+extern HIST_ENTRY *history_get PARAMS((int));
+/* Return the timestamp associated with the HIST_ENTRY * passed as an
+ argument */
+extern time_t history_get_time PARAMS((HIST_ENTRY *));
+/* Return the number of bytes that the primary history entries are using.
+ This just adds up the lengths of the_history->lines. */
+extern int history_total_bytes PARAMS((void));
+/* Moving around the history list. */
+/* Set the position in the history list to POS. */
+extern int history_set_pos PARAMS((int));
+/* Back up history_offset to the previous history entry, and return
+ a pointer to that entry. If there is no previous entry, return
+ a NULL pointer. */
+extern HIST_ENTRY *previous_history PARAMS((void));
+/* Move history_offset forward to the next item in the input_history,
+ and return the a pointer to that entry. If there is no next entry,
+ return a NULL pointer. */
+extern HIST_ENTRY *next_history PARAMS((void));
+/* Searching the history list. */
+/* Search the history for STRING, starting at history_offset.
+ If DIRECTION < 0, then the search is through previous entries,
+ else through subsequent. If the string is found, then
+ current_history () is the history entry, and the value of this function
+ is the offset in the line of that history entry that the string was
+ found in. Otherwise, nothing is changed, and a -1 is returned. */
+extern int history_search PARAMS((const char *, int));
+/* Search the history for STRING, starting at history_offset.
+ The search is anchored: matching lines must begin with string.
+ DIRECTION is as in history_search(). */
+extern int history_search_prefix PARAMS((const char *, int));
+/* Search for STRING in the history list, starting at POS, an
+ absolute index into the list. DIR, if negative, says to search
+ backwards from POS, else forwards.
+ Returns the absolute index of the history element where STRING
+ was found, or -1 otherwise. */
+extern int history_search_pos PARAMS((const char *, int, int));
+/* Managing the history file. */
+/* Add the contents of FILENAME to the history list, a line at a time.
+ If FILENAME is NULL, then read from ~/.history. Returns 0 if
+ successful, or errno if not. */
+extern int read_history PARAMS((const char *));
+/* Read a range of lines from FILENAME, adding them to the history list.
+ Start reading at the FROM'th line and end at the TO'th. If FROM
+ is zero, start at the beginning. If TO is less than FROM, read
+ until the end of the file. If FILENAME is NULL, then read from
+ ~/.history. Returns 0 if successful, or errno if not. */
+extern int read_history_range PARAMS((const char *, int, int));
+/* Write the current history to FILENAME. If FILENAME is NULL,
+ then write the history list to ~/.history. Values returned
+ are as in read_history (). */
+extern int write_history PARAMS((const char *));
+/* Append NELEMENT entries to FILENAME. The entries appended are from
+ the end of the list minus NELEMENTs up to the end of the list. */
+extern int append_history PARAMS((int, const char *));
+/* Truncate the history file, leaving only the last NLINES lines. */
+extern int history_truncate_file PARAMS((const char *, int));
+/* History expansion. */
+/* Expand the string STRING, placing the result into OUTPUT, a pointer
+ to a string. Returns:
+ 0) If no expansions took place (or, if the only change in
+ the text was the de-slashifying of the history expansion
+ character)
+ 1) If expansions did take place
+ -1) If there was an error in expansion.
+ 2) If the returned line should just be printed.
+ If an error ocurred in expansion, then OUTPUT contains a descriptive
+ error message. */
+extern int history_expand PARAMS((char *, char **));
+/* Extract a string segment consisting of the FIRST through LAST
+ arguments present in STRING. Arguments are broken up as in
+ the shell. */
+extern char *history_arg_extract PARAMS((int, int, const char *));
+/* Return the text of the history event beginning at the current
+ offset into STRING. Pass STRING with *INDEX equal to the
+ history_expansion_char that begins this specification.
+ DELIMITING_QUOTE is a character that is allowed to end the string
+ specification for what to search for in addition to the normal
+ characters `:', ` ', `\t', `\n', and sometimes `?'. */
+extern char *get_history_event PARAMS((const char *, int *, int));
+/* Return an array of tokens, much as the shell might. The tokens are
+ parsed out of STRING. */
+extern char **history_tokenize PARAMS((const char *));
+/* Exported history variables. */
+extern int history_base;
+extern int history_length;
+extern int history_max_entries;
+extern char history_expansion_char;
+extern char history_subst_char;
+extern const char *history_word_delimiters;
+extern char history_comment_char;
+extern const char *history_no_expand_chars;
+extern char *history_search_delimiter_chars;
+extern int history_quotes_inhibit_expansion;
+extern int history_write_timestamps;
+/* Backwards compatibility */
+extern int max_input_history;
+/* If set, this function is called to decide whether or not a particular
+ history expansion should be treated as a special case for the calling
+ application and not expanded. */
+extern rl_linebuf_func_t *history_inhibit_expansion_function;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !_HISTORY_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/histsearch.c b/extra/readline/histsearch.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43cac20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/histsearch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+/* histsearch.c -- searching the history list. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the GNU History Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for managing the text of previously typed lines.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# ifdef _MINIX
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# endif
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include "history.h"
+#include "histlib.h"
+/* The list of alternate characters that can delimit a history search
+ string. */
+char *history_search_delimiter_chars = (char *)NULL;
+static int history_search_internal PARAMS((const char *, int, int));
+/* Search the history for STRING, starting at history_offset.
+ If DIRECTION < 0, then the search is through previous entries, else
+ through subsequent. If ANCHORED is non-zero, the string must
+ appear at the beginning of a history line, otherwise, the string
+ may appear anywhere in the line. If the string is found, then
+ current_history () is the history entry, and the value of this
+ function is the offset in the line of that history entry that the
+ string was found in. Otherwise, nothing is changed, and a -1 is
+ returned. */
+static int
+history_search_internal (string, direction, anchored)
+ const char *string;
+ int direction, anchored;
+ register int i, reverse;
+ register char *line;
+ register int line_index;
+ int string_len;
+ HIST_ENTRY **the_history; /* local */
+ i = history_offset;
+ reverse = (direction < 0);
+ /* Take care of trivial cases first. */
+ if (string == 0 || *string == '\0')
+ return (-1);
+ if (!history_length || ((i >= history_length) && !reverse))
+ return (-1);
+ if (reverse && (i >= history_length))
+ i = history_length - 1;
+#define NEXT_LINE() do { if (reverse) i--; else i++; } while (0)
+ the_history = history_list ();
+ string_len = strlen (string);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ /* Search each line in the history list for STRING. */
+ /* At limit for direction? */
+ if ((reverse && i < 0) || (!reverse && i == history_length))
+ return (-1);
+ line = the_history[i]->line;
+ line_index = strlen (line);
+ /* If STRING is longer than line, no match. */
+ if (string_len > line_index)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Handle anchored searches first. */
+ if (anchored == ANCHORED_SEARCH)
+ {
+ if (STREQN (string, line, string_len))
+ {
+ history_offset = i;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Do substring search. */
+ if (reverse)
+ {
+ line_index -= string_len;
+ while (line_index >= 0)
+ {
+ if (STREQN (string, line + line_index, string_len))
+ {
+ history_offset = i;
+ return (line_index);
+ }
+ line_index--;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ register int limit;
+ limit = line_index - string_len + 1;
+ line_index = 0;
+ while (line_index < limit)
+ {
+ if (STREQN (string, line + line_index, string_len))
+ {
+ history_offset = i;
+ return (line_index);
+ }
+ line_index++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Do a non-anchored search for STRING through the history in DIRECTION. */
+history_search (string, direction)
+ const char *string;
+ int direction;
+ return (history_search_internal (string, direction, NON_ANCHORED_SEARCH));
+/* Do an anchored search for string through the history in DIRECTION. */
+history_search_prefix (string, direction)
+ const char *string;
+ int direction;
+ return (history_search_internal (string, direction, ANCHORED_SEARCH));
+/* Search for STRING in the history list. DIR is < 0 for searching
+ backwards. POS is an absolute index into the history list at
+ which point to begin searching. */
+history_search_pos (string, dir, pos)
+ const char *string;
+ int dir, pos;
+ int ret, old;
+ old = where_history ();
+ history_set_pos (pos);
+ if (history_search (string, dir) == -1)
+ {
+ history_set_pos (old);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ ret = where_history ();
+ history_set_pos (old);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/extra/readline/input.c b/extra/readline/input.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e88df08a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/input.c
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+/* input.c -- character input functions for readline. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1994-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (__TANDEM)
+# include <floss.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_SYS_FILE_H)
+# include <sys/file.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_SYS_FILE_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_SELECT)
+# if !defined (HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H) || !defined (M_UNIX)
+# include <sys/time.h>
+# endif
+#endif /* HAVE_SELECT */
+#if defined (HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H)
+# include <sys/select.h>
+#if defined (FIONREAD_IN_SYS_IOCTL)
+# include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#if !defined (errno)
+extern int errno;
+#endif /* !errno */
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "rlshell.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* What kind of non-blocking I/O do we have? */
+#if !defined (O_NDELAY) && defined (O_NONBLOCK)
+# define O_NDELAY O_NONBLOCK /* Posix style */
+/* Non-null means it is a pointer to a function to run while waiting for
+ character input. */
+rl_hook_func_t *rl_event_hook = (rl_hook_func_t *)NULL;
+rl_getc_func_t *rl_getc_function = rl_getc;
+static int _keyboard_input_timeout = 100000; /* 0.1 seconds; it's in usec */
+static int ibuffer_space PARAMS((void));
+static int rl_get_char PARAMS((int *));
+static int rl_gather_tyi PARAMS((void));
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Character Input Buffering */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+static int pop_index, push_index;
+static unsigned char ibuffer[512];
+static int ibuffer_len = sizeof (ibuffer) - 1;
+#define any_typein (push_index != pop_index)
+_rl_any_typein ()
+ return any_typein;
+/* Return the amount of space available in the buffer for stuffing
+ characters. */
+static int
+ibuffer_space ()
+ if (pop_index > push_index)
+ return (pop_index - push_index - 1);
+ else
+ return (ibuffer_len - (push_index - pop_index));
+/* Get a key from the buffer of characters to be read.
+ Return the key in KEY.
+ Result is KEY if there was a key, or 0 if there wasn't. */
+static int
+rl_get_char (key)
+ int *key;
+ if (push_index == pop_index)
+ return (0);
+ *key = ibuffer[pop_index++];
+ if (pop_index >= ibuffer_len)
+ pop_index = 0;
+ return (1);
+/* Stuff KEY into the *front* of the input buffer.
+ Returns non-zero if successful, zero if there is
+ no space left in the buffer. */
+_rl_unget_char (key)
+ int key;
+ if (ibuffer_space ())
+ {
+ pop_index--;
+ if (pop_index < 0)
+ pop_index = ibuffer_len - 1;
+ ibuffer[pop_index] = key;
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return (0);
+_rl_pushed_input_available ()
+ return (push_index != pop_index);
+/* If a character is available to be read, then read it and stuff it into
+ IBUFFER. Otherwise, just return. Returns number of characters read
+ (0 if none available) and -1 on error (EIO). */
+static int
+rl_gather_tyi ()
+ int tty;
+ register int tem, result;
+ int chars_avail, k;
+ char input;
+#if defined(HAVE_SELECT)
+ fd_set readfds, exceptfds;
+ struct timeval timeout;
+ chars_avail = 0;
+ tty = fileno (rl_instream);
+#if defined (HAVE_SELECT)
+ FD_ZERO (&readfds);
+ FD_ZERO (&exceptfds);
+ FD_SET (tty, &readfds);
+ FD_SET (tty, &exceptfds);
+ timeout.tv_sec = 0;
+ timeout.tv_usec = _keyboard_input_timeout;
+ result = select (tty + 1, &readfds, (fd_set *)NULL, &exceptfds, &timeout);
+ if (result <= 0)
+ return 0; /* Nothing to read. */
+ result = -1;
+#if defined (FIONREAD)
+ errno = 0;
+ result = ioctl (tty, FIONREAD, &chars_avail);
+ if (result == -1 && errno == EIO)
+ return -1;
+#if defined (O_NDELAY)
+ if (result == -1)
+ {
+ tem = fcntl (tty, F_GETFL, 0);
+ fcntl (tty, F_SETFL, (tem | O_NDELAY));
+ chars_avail = read (tty, &input, 1);
+ fcntl (tty, F_SETFL, tem);
+ if (chars_avail == -1 && errno == EAGAIN)
+ return 0;
+ if (chars_avail == 0) /* EOF */
+ {
+ rl_stuff_char (EOF);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* O_NDELAY */
+#if defined (__MINGW32__)
+ /* Use getch/_kbhit to check for available console input, in the same way
+ that we read it normally. */
+ chars_avail = isatty (tty) ? _kbhit () : 0;
+ result = 0;
+ /* If there's nothing available, don't waste time trying to read
+ something. */
+ if (chars_avail <= 0)
+ return 0;
+ tem = ibuffer_space ();
+ if (chars_avail > tem)
+ chars_avail = tem;
+ /* One cannot read all of the available input. I can only read a single
+ character at a time, or else programs which require input can be
+ thwarted. If the buffer is larger than one character, I lose.
+ Damn! */
+ if (tem < ibuffer_len)
+ chars_avail = 0;
+ if (result != -1)
+ {
+ while (chars_avail--)
+ {
+ k = (*rl_getc_function) (rl_instream);
+ rl_stuff_char (k);
+ if (k == NEWLINE || k == RETURN)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (chars_avail)
+ rl_stuff_char (input);
+ }
+ return 1;
+rl_set_keyboard_input_timeout (u)
+ int u;
+ int o;
+ o = _keyboard_input_timeout;
+ if (u >= 0)
+ _keyboard_input_timeout = u;
+ return (o);
+/* Is there input available to be read on the readline input file
+ descriptor? Only works if the system has select(2) or FIONREAD.
+ Uses the value of _keyboard_input_timeout as the timeout; if another
+ readline function wants to specify a timeout and not leave it up to
+ the user, it should use _rl_input_queued(timeout_value_in_microseconds)
+ instead. */
+_rl_input_available ()
+#if defined(HAVE_SELECT)
+ fd_set readfds, exceptfds;
+ struct timeval timeout;
+#if !defined (HAVE_SELECT) && defined(FIONREAD)
+ int chars_avail;
+ int tty;
+ tty = fileno (rl_instream);
+#if defined (HAVE_SELECT)
+ FD_ZERO (&readfds);
+ FD_ZERO (&exceptfds);
+ FD_SET (tty, &readfds);
+ FD_SET (tty, &exceptfds);
+ timeout.tv_sec = 0;
+ timeout.tv_usec = _keyboard_input_timeout;
+ return (select (tty + 1, &readfds, (fd_set *)NULL, &exceptfds, &timeout) > 0);
+#if defined (FIONREAD)
+ if (ioctl (tty, FIONREAD, &chars_avail) == 0)
+ return (chars_avail);
+#if defined (__MINGW32__)
+ if (isatty (tty))
+ return (_kbhit ());
+#if !defined (HAVE_SELECT)
+ return 0;
+_rl_input_queued (t)
+ int t;
+ int old_timeout, r;
+ old_timeout = rl_set_keyboard_input_timeout (t);
+ r = _rl_input_available ();
+ rl_set_keyboard_input_timeout (old_timeout);
+ return r;
+_rl_insert_typein (c)
+ int c;
+ int key, t, i;
+ char *string;
+ i = key = 0;
+ string = (char *)xmalloc (ibuffer_len + 1);
+ string[i++] = (char) c;
+ while ((t = rl_get_char (&key)) &&
+ _rl_keymap[key].type == ISFUNC &&
+ _rl_keymap[key].function == rl_insert)
+ string[i++] = key;
+ if (t)
+ _rl_unget_char (key);
+ string[i] = '\0';
+ rl_insert_text (string);
+ free (string);
+/* Add KEY to the buffer of characters to be read. Returns 1 if the
+ character was stuffed correctly; 0 otherwise. */
+rl_stuff_char (key)
+ int key;
+ if (ibuffer_space () == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (key == EOF)
+ {
+ key = NEWLINE;
+ rl_pending_input = EOF;
+ }
+ ibuffer[push_index++] = key;
+ if (push_index >= ibuffer_len)
+ push_index = 0;
+ return 1;
+/* Make C be the next command to be executed. */
+rl_execute_next (c)
+ int c;
+ rl_pending_input = c;
+ return 0;
+/* Clear any pending input pushed with rl_execute_next() */
+rl_clear_pending_input ()
+ rl_pending_input = 0;
+ return 0;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Character Input */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Read a key, including pending input. */
+rl_read_key ()
+ int c;
+ rl_key_sequence_length++;
+ if (rl_pending_input)
+ {
+ c = rl_pending_input;
+ rl_clear_pending_input ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* If input is coming from a macro, then use that. */
+ if ((c = _rl_next_macro_key ()))
+ return (c);
+ /* If the user has an event function, then call it periodically. */
+ if (rl_event_hook)
+ {
+ while (rl_event_hook && rl_get_char (&c) == 0)
+ {
+ (*rl_event_hook) ();
+ if (rl_done) /* XXX - experimental */
+ return ('\n');
+ if (rl_gather_tyi () < 0) /* XXX - EIO */
+ {
+ rl_done = 1;
+ return ('\n');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (rl_get_char (&c) == 0)
+ c = (*rl_getc_function) (rl_instream);
+ }
+ }
+ return (c);
+rl_getc (stream)
+ FILE *stream;
+ int result;
+ unsigned char c;
+ while (1)
+ {
+#if defined (__MINGW32__)
+ if (isatty (fileno (stream)))
+ return (getch ());
+ result = read (fileno (stream), &c, sizeof (unsigned char));
+ if (result == sizeof (unsigned char))
+ return (c);
+ /* If zero characters are returned, then the file that we are
+ reading from is empty! Return EOF in that case. */
+ if (result == 0)
+ return (EOF);
+#if defined (__BEOS__)
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+#if defined (EWOULDBLOCK)
+# define X_EWOULDBLOCK -99
+#if defined (EAGAIN)
+# define X_EAGAIN -99
+ if (errno == X_EWOULDBLOCK || errno == X_EAGAIN)
+ {
+ if (sh_unset_nodelay_mode (fileno (stream)) < 0)
+ return (EOF);
+ continue;
+ }
+#undef X_EAGAIN
+ /* If the error that we received was SIGINT, then try again,
+ this is simply an interrupted system call to read ().
+ Otherwise, some error ocurred, also signifying EOF. */
+ if (errno != EINTR)
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+/* read multibyte char */
+_rl_read_mbchar (mbchar, size)
+ char *mbchar;
+ int size;
+ int mb_len = 0;
+ size_t mbchar_bytes_length;
+ wchar_t wc;
+ mbstate_t ps, ps_back;
+ memset(&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ memset(&ps_back, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ while (mb_len < size)
+ {
+ mbchar[mb_len++] = rl_read_key ();
+ mbchar_bytes_length = mbrtowc (&wc, mbchar, mb_len, &ps);
+ if (mbchar_bytes_length == (size_t)(-1))
+ break; /* invalid byte sequence for the current locale */
+ else if (mbchar_bytes_length == (size_t)(-2))
+ {
+ /* shorted bytes */
+ ps = ps_back;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (mbchar_bytes_length == 0)
+ {
+ mbchar[0] = '\0'; /* null wide character */
+ mb_len = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (mbchar_bytes_length > (size_t)(0))
+ break;
+ }
+ return mb_len;
+/* Read a multibyte-character string whose first character is FIRST into
+ the buffer MB of length MLEN. Returns the last character read, which
+ may be FIRST. Used by the search functions, among others. Very similar
+ to _rl_read_mbchar. */
+_rl_read_mbstring (first, mb, mlen)
+ int first;
+ char *mb;
+ int mlen;
+ int i, c;
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ c = first;
+ memset (mb, 0, mlen);
+ for (i = 0; i < mlen; i++)
+ {
+ mb[i] = (char)c;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ if (_rl_get_char_len (mb, &ps) == -2)
+ {
+ /* Read more for multibyte character */
+ c = rl_read_key ();
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return c;
+#endif /* HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
diff --git a/extra/readline/isearch.c b/extra/readline/isearch.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..750113f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/isearch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* I-Search and Searching */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the Readline Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for providing Emacs style line input to programs that ask
+ for it.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* Variables exported to other files in the readline library. */
+char *_rl_isearch_terminators = (char *)NULL;
+_rl_search_cxt *_rl_iscxt = 0;
+/* Variables imported from other files in the readline library. */
+extern HIST_ENTRY *_rl_saved_line_for_history;
+static int rl_search_history PARAMS((int, int));
+static _rl_search_cxt *_rl_isearch_init PARAMS((int));
+static void _rl_isearch_fini PARAMS((_rl_search_cxt *));
+static int _rl_isearch_cleanup PARAMS((_rl_search_cxt *, int));
+/* Last line found by the current incremental search, so we don't `find'
+ identical lines many times in a row. Now part of isearch context. */
+/* static char *prev_line_found; */
+/* Last search string and its length. */
+static char *last_isearch_string;
+static int last_isearch_string_len;
+static const char *default_isearch_terminators = "\033\012";
+_rl_search_cxt *
+_rl_scxt_alloc (type, flags)
+ int type, flags;
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ cxt = (_rl_search_cxt *)xmalloc (sizeof (_rl_search_cxt));
+ cxt->type = type;
+ cxt->sflags = flags;
+ cxt->search_string = 0;
+ cxt->search_string_size = cxt->search_string_index = 0;
+ cxt->lines = 0;
+ cxt->allocated_line = 0;
+ cxt->hlen = cxt->hindex = 0;
+ cxt->save_point = rl_point;
+ cxt->save_mark = rl_mark;
+ cxt->save_line = where_history ();
+ cxt->last_found_line = cxt->save_line;
+ cxt->prev_line_found = 0;
+ cxt->save_undo_list = 0;
+ cxt->history_pos = 0;
+ cxt->direction = 0;
+ cxt->lastc = 0;
+ cxt->sline = 0;
+ cxt->sline_len = cxt->sline_index = 0;
+ cxt->search_terminators = 0;
+ return cxt;
+_rl_scxt_dispose (cxt, flags)
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ int flags __attribute__((unused));
+ FREE (cxt->search_string);
+ FREE (cxt->allocated_line);
+ FREE (cxt->lines);
+ free (cxt);
+/* Search backwards through the history looking for a string which is typed
+ interactively. Start with the current line. */
+rl_reverse_search_history (sign, key)
+ int sign, key;
+ return (rl_search_history (-sign, key));
+/* Search forwards through the history looking for a string which is typed
+ interactively. Start with the current line. */
+rl_forward_search_history (sign, key)
+ int sign, key;
+ return (rl_search_history (sign, key));
+/* Display the current state of the search in the echo-area.
+ SEARCH_STRING contains the string that is being searched for,
+ DIRECTION is zero for forward, or non-zero for reverse,
+ WHERE is the history list number of the current line. If it is
+ -1, then this line is the starting one. */
+static void
+rl_display_search (search_string, reverse_p, where)
+ char *search_string;
+ int reverse_p, where __attribute__((unused));
+ char *message;
+ int msglen, searchlen;
+ searchlen = (search_string && *search_string) ? strlen (search_string) : 0;
+ message = (char *)xmalloc (searchlen + 33);
+ msglen = 0;
+#if defined (NOTDEF)
+ if (where != -1)
+ {
+ sprintf (message, "[%d]", where + history_base);
+ msglen = strlen (message);
+ }
+#endif /* NOTDEF */
+ message[msglen++] = '(';
+ if (reverse_p)
+ {
+ strcpy (message + msglen, "reverse-");
+ msglen += 8;
+ }
+ strcpy (message + msglen, "i-search)`");
+ msglen += 10;
+ if (search_string)
+ {
+ strcpy (message + msglen, search_string);
+ msglen += searchlen;
+ }
+ strcpy (message + msglen, "': ");
+ rl_message ("%s", message);
+ free (message);
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+static _rl_search_cxt *
+_rl_isearch_init (direction)
+ int direction;
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ register int i;
+ HIST_ENTRY **hlist;
+ cxt = _rl_scxt_alloc (RL_SEARCH_ISEARCH, 0);
+ if (direction < 0)
+ cxt->sflags |= SF_REVERSE;
+ cxt->search_terminators = _rl_isearch_terminators ? _rl_isearch_terminators
+ : default_isearch_terminators;
+ /* Create an arrary of pointers to the lines that we want to search. */
+ hlist = history_list ();
+ rl_maybe_replace_line ();
+ i = 0;
+ if (hlist)
+ for (i = 0; hlist[i]; i++);
+ /* Allocate space for this many lines, +1 for the current input line,
+ and remember those lines. */
+ cxt->lines = (char **)xmalloc ((1 + (cxt->hlen = i)) * sizeof (char *));
+ for (i = 0; i < cxt->hlen; i++)
+ cxt->lines[i] = hlist[i]->line;
+ if (_rl_saved_line_for_history)
+ cxt->lines[i] = _rl_saved_line_for_history->line;
+ else
+ {
+ /* Keep track of this so we can free it. */
+ cxt->allocated_line = (char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (rl_line_buffer));
+ strcpy (cxt->allocated_line, &rl_line_buffer[0]);
+ cxt->lines[i] = cxt->allocated_line;
+ }
+ cxt->hlen++;
+ /* The line where we start the search. */
+ cxt->history_pos = cxt->save_line;
+ rl_save_prompt ();
+ /* Initialize search parameters. */
+ cxt->search_string = (char *)xmalloc (cxt->search_string_size = 128);
+ cxt->search_string[cxt->search_string_index = 0] = '\0';
+ /* Normalize DIRECTION into 1 or -1. */
+ cxt->direction = (direction >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
+ cxt->sline = rl_line_buffer;
+ cxt->sline_len = strlen (cxt->sline);
+ cxt->sline_index = rl_point;
+ _rl_iscxt = cxt; /* save globally */
+ return cxt;
+static void
+_rl_isearch_fini (cxt)
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ /* First put back the original state. */
+ strcpy (rl_line_buffer, cxt->lines[cxt->save_line]);
+ rl_restore_prompt ();
+ /* Save the search string for possible later use. */
+ FREE (last_isearch_string);
+ last_isearch_string = cxt->search_string;
+ last_isearch_string_len = cxt->search_string_index;
+ cxt->search_string = 0;
+ if (cxt->last_found_line < cxt->save_line)
+ rl_get_previous_history (cxt->save_line - cxt->last_found_line, 0);
+ else
+ rl_get_next_history (cxt->last_found_line - cxt->save_line, 0);
+ /* If the string was not found, put point at the end of the last matching
+ line. If last_found_line == orig_line, we didn't find any matching
+ history lines at all, so put point back in its original position. */
+ if (cxt->sline_index < 0)
+ {
+ if (cxt->last_found_line == cxt->save_line)
+ cxt->sline_index = cxt->save_point;
+ else
+ cxt->sline_index = strlen (rl_line_buffer);
+ rl_mark = cxt->save_mark;
+ }
+ rl_point = cxt->sline_index;
+ /* Don't worry about where to put the mark here; rl_get_previous_history
+ and rl_get_next_history take care of it. */
+ rl_clear_message ();
+_rl_search_getchar (cxt)
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ int c;
+ /* Read a key and decide how to proceed. */
+ c = cxt->lastc = rl_read_key ();
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ c = cxt->lastc = _rl_read_mbstring (cxt->lastc, cxt->mb, MB_LEN_MAX);
+ return c;
+/* Process just-read character C according to isearch context CXT. Return
+ -1 if the caller should just free the context and return, 0 if we should
+ break out of the loop, and 1 if we should continue to read characters. */
+_rl_isearch_dispatch (cxt, c)
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ int c;
+ int n, wstart, wlen, limit, cval;
+ rl_command_func_t *f;
+ f = (rl_command_func_t *)NULL;
+ /* Translate the keys we do something with to opcodes. */
+ if (c >= 0 && _rl_keymap[c].type == ISFUNC)
+ {
+ f = _rl_keymap[c].function;
+ if (f == rl_reverse_search_history)
+ cxt->lastc = (cxt->sflags & SF_REVERSE) ? -1 : -2;
+ else if (f == rl_forward_search_history)
+ cxt->lastc = (cxt->sflags & SF_REVERSE) ? -2 : -1;
+ else if (f == rl_rubout)
+ cxt->lastc = -3;
+ else if (c == CTRL ('G'))
+ cxt->lastc = -4;
+ else if (c == CTRL ('W')) /* XXX */
+ cxt->lastc = -5;
+ else if (c == CTRL ('Y')) /* XXX */
+ cxt->lastc = -6;
+ }
+ /* The characters in isearch_terminators (set from the user-settable
+ variable isearch-terminators) are used to terminate the search but
+ not subsequently execute the character as a command. The default
+ value is "\033\012" (ESC and C-J). */
+ if (strchr (cxt->search_terminators, cxt->lastc))
+ {
+ /* ESC still terminates the search, but if there is pending
+ input or if input arrives within 0.1 seconds (on systems
+ with select(2)) it is used as a prefix character
+ with rl_execute_next. WATCH OUT FOR THIS! This is intended
+ to allow the arrow keys to be used like ^F and ^B are used
+ to terminate the search and execute the movement command.
+ XXX - since _rl_input_available depends on the application-
+ settable keyboard timeout value, this could alternatively
+ use _rl_input_queued(100000) */
+ if (cxt->lastc == ESC && _rl_input_available ())
+ rl_execute_next (ESC);
+ return (0);
+ }
+#define ENDSRCH_CHAR(c) \
+ ((CTRL_CHAR (c) || META_CHAR (c) || (c) == RUBOUT) && ((c) != CTRL ('G')))
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ if (cxt->lastc >= 0 && (cxt->mb[0] && cxt->mb[1] == '\0') && ENDSRCH_CHAR (cxt->lastc))
+ {
+ /* This sets rl_pending_input to c; it will be picked up the next
+ time rl_read_key is called. */
+ rl_execute_next (cxt->lastc);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (cxt->lastc >= 0 && ENDSRCH_CHAR (cxt->lastc))
+ {
+ /* This sets rl_pending_input to LASTC; it will be picked up the next
+ time rl_read_key is called. */
+ rl_execute_next (cxt->lastc);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /* Now dispatch on the character. `Opcodes' affect the search string or
+ state. Other characters are added to the string. */
+ switch (cxt->lastc)
+ {
+ /* search again */
+ case -1:
+ if (cxt->search_string_index == 0)
+ {
+ if (last_isearch_string)
+ {
+ cxt->search_string_size = 64 + last_isearch_string_len;
+ cxt->search_string = (char *)xrealloc (cxt->search_string, cxt->search_string_size);
+ strcpy (cxt->search_string, last_isearch_string);
+ cxt->search_string_index = last_isearch_string_len;
+ rl_display_search (cxt->search_string, (cxt->sflags & SF_REVERSE), -1);
+ break;
+ }
+ return (1);
+ }
+ else if (cxt->sflags & SF_REVERSE)
+ cxt->sline_index--;
+ else if (cxt->sline_index != cxt->sline_len)
+ cxt->sline_index++;
+ else
+ rl_ding ();
+ break;
+ /* switch directions */
+ case -2:
+ cxt->direction = -cxt->direction;
+ if (cxt->direction < 0)
+ cxt->sflags |= SF_REVERSE;
+ else
+ cxt->sflags &= ~SF_REVERSE;
+ break;
+ /* delete character from search string. */
+ case -3: /* C-H, DEL */
+ /* This is tricky. To do this right, we need to keep a
+ stack of search positions for the current search, with
+ sentinels marking the beginning and end. But this will
+ do until we have a real isearch-undo. */
+ if (cxt->search_string_index == 0)
+ rl_ding ();
+ else
+ cxt->search_string[--cxt->search_string_index] = '\0';
+ break;
+ case -4: /* C-G, abort */
+ rl_replace_line (cxt->lines[cxt->save_line], 0);
+ rl_point = cxt->save_point;
+ rl_mark = cxt->save_mark;
+ rl_restore_prompt();
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ return -1;
+ case -5: /* C-W */
+ /* skip over portion of line we already matched and yank word */
+ wstart = rl_point + cxt->search_string_index;
+ if (wstart >= rl_end)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ break;
+ }
+ /* if not in a word, move to one. */
+ cval = _rl_char_value (rl_line_buffer, wstart);
+ if (_rl_walphabetic (cval) == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ break;
+ }
+ n = MB_NEXTCHAR (rl_line_buffer, wstart, 1, MB_FIND_NONZERO);;
+ while (n < rl_end)
+ {
+ cval = _rl_char_value (rl_line_buffer, n);
+ if (_rl_walphabetic (cval) == 0)
+ break;
+ n = MB_NEXTCHAR (rl_line_buffer, n, 1, MB_FIND_NONZERO);;
+ }
+ wlen = n - wstart + 1;
+ if (cxt->search_string_index + wlen + 1 >= cxt->search_string_size)
+ {
+ cxt->search_string_size += wlen + 1;
+ cxt->search_string = (char *)xrealloc (cxt->search_string, cxt->search_string_size);
+ }
+ for (; wstart < n; wstart++)
+ cxt->search_string[cxt->search_string_index++] = rl_line_buffer[wstart];
+ cxt->search_string[cxt->search_string_index] = '\0';
+ break;
+ case -6: /* C-Y */
+ /* skip over portion of line we already matched and yank rest */
+ wstart = rl_point + cxt->search_string_index;
+ if (wstart >= rl_end)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ break;
+ }
+ n = rl_end - wstart + 1;
+ if (cxt->search_string_index + n + 1 >= cxt->search_string_size)
+ {
+ cxt->search_string_size += n + 1;
+ cxt->search_string = (char *)xrealloc (cxt->search_string, cxt->search_string_size);
+ }
+ for (n = wstart; n < rl_end; n++)
+ cxt->search_string[cxt->search_string_index++] = rl_line_buffer[n];
+ cxt->search_string[cxt->search_string_index] = '\0';
+ break;
+ /* Add character to search string and continue search. */
+ default:
+ if (cxt->search_string_index + 2 >= cxt->search_string_size)
+ {
+ cxt->search_string_size += 128;
+ cxt->search_string = (char *)xrealloc (cxt->search_string, cxt->search_string_size);
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ int j, l;
+ for (j = 0, l = strlen (cxt->mb); j < l; )
+ cxt->search_string[cxt->search_string_index++] = cxt->mb[j++];
+ }
+ else
+ cxt->search_string[cxt->search_string_index++] = c;
+ cxt->search_string[cxt->search_string_index] = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ for (cxt->sflags &= ~(SF_FOUND|SF_FAILED);; )
+ {
+ limit = cxt->sline_len - cxt->search_string_index + 1;
+ /* Search the current line. */
+ while ((cxt->sflags & SF_REVERSE) ? (cxt->sline_index >= 0) : (cxt->sline_index < limit))
+ {
+ if (STREQN (cxt->search_string, cxt->sline + cxt->sline_index, cxt->search_string_index))
+ {
+ cxt->sflags |= SF_FOUND;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ cxt->sline_index += cxt->direction;
+ }
+ if (cxt->sflags & SF_FOUND)
+ break;
+ /* Move to the next line, but skip new copies of the line
+ we just found and lines shorter than the string we're
+ searching for. */
+ do
+ {
+ /* Move to the next line. */
+ cxt->history_pos += cxt->direction;
+ /* At limit for direction? */
+ if ((cxt->sflags & SF_REVERSE) ? (cxt->history_pos < 0) : (cxt->history_pos == cxt->hlen))
+ {
+ cxt->sflags |= SF_FAILED;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* We will need these later. */
+ cxt->sline = cxt->lines[cxt->history_pos];
+ cxt->sline_len = strlen (cxt->sline);
+ }
+ while ((cxt->prev_line_found && STREQ (cxt->prev_line_found, cxt->lines[cxt->history_pos])) ||
+ (cxt->search_string_index > cxt->sline_len));
+ if (cxt->sflags & SF_FAILED)
+ break;
+ /* Now set up the line for searching... */
+ cxt->sline_index = (cxt->sflags & SF_REVERSE) ? cxt->sline_len - cxt->search_string_index : 0;
+ }
+ if (cxt->sflags & SF_FAILED)
+ {
+ /* We cannot find the search string. Ding the bell. */
+ rl_ding ();
+ cxt->history_pos = cxt->last_found_line;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* We have found the search string. Just display it. But don't
+ actually move there in the history list until the user accepts
+ the location. */
+ if (cxt->sflags & SF_FOUND)
+ {
+ cxt->prev_line_found = cxt->lines[cxt->history_pos];
+ rl_replace_line (cxt->lines[cxt->history_pos], 0);
+ rl_point = cxt->sline_index;
+ cxt->last_found_line = cxt->history_pos;
+ rl_display_search (cxt->search_string, (cxt->sflags & SF_REVERSE), (cxt->history_pos == cxt->save_line) ? -1 : cxt->history_pos);
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+_rl_isearch_cleanup (cxt, r)
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ int r;
+ if (r >= 0)
+ _rl_isearch_fini (cxt);
+ _rl_scxt_dispose (cxt, 0);
+ _rl_iscxt = 0;
+ return (r != 0);
+/* Search through the history looking for an interactively typed string.
+ This is analogous to i-search. We start the search in the current line.
+ DIRECTION is which direction to search; >= 0 means forward, < 0 means
+ backwards. */
+static int
+rl_search_history (direction, invoking_key)
+ int direction, invoking_key __attribute__((unused));
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt; /* local for now, but saved globally */
+ int r;
+ cxt = _rl_isearch_init (direction);
+ rl_display_search (cxt->search_string, (cxt->sflags & SF_REVERSE), -1);
+ /* If we are using the callback interface, all we do is set up here and
+ return. The key is that we leave RL_STATE_ISEARCH set. */
+ return (0);
+ r = -1;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ _rl_search_getchar (cxt);
+ /* We might want to handle EOF here (c == 0) */
+ r = _rl_isearch_dispatch (cxt, cxt->lastc);
+ if (r <= 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ /* The searching is over. The user may have found the string that she
+ was looking for, or else she may have exited a failing search. If
+ LINE_INDEX is -1, then that shows that the string searched for was
+ not found. We use this to determine where to place rl_point. */
+ return (_rl_isearch_cleanup (cxt, r));
+/* Called from the callback functions when we are ready to read a key. The
+ callback functions know to call this because RL_ISSTATE(RL_STATE_ISEARCH).
+ If _rl_isearch_dispatch finishes searching, this function is responsible
+ for turning off RL_STATE_ISEARCH, which it does using _rl_isearch_cleanup. */
+_rl_isearch_callback (cxt)
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ int r;
+ _rl_search_getchar (cxt);
+ /* We might want to handle EOF here */
+ r = _rl_isearch_dispatch (cxt, cxt->lastc);
+ return (r <= 0) ? _rl_isearch_cleanup (cxt, r) : 0;
diff --git a/extra/readline/keymaps.c b/extra/readline/keymaps.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f431b9da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/keymaps.c
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+/* keymaps.c -- Functions and keymaps for the GNU Readline library. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1988,1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Readline, a library for reading lines
+ of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ Readline is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+ later version.
+ Readline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Readline; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include <stdio.h> /* for FILE * definition for readline.h */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "rlconf.h"
+#include "emacs_keymap.c"
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+#include "vi_keymap.c"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Functions for manipulating Keymaps. */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Return a new, empty keymap.
+ Free it with free() when you are done. */
+rl_make_bare_keymap ()
+ register int i;
+ Keymap keymap = (Keymap)xmalloc (KEYMAP_SIZE * sizeof (KEYMAP_ENTRY));
+ for (i = 0; i < KEYMAP_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ keymap[i].type = ISFUNC;
+ keymap[i].function = (rl_command_func_t *)NULL;
+ }
+#if 0
+ for (i = 'A'; i < ('Z' + 1); i++)
+ {
+ keymap[i].type = ISFUNC;
+ keymap[i].function = rl_do_lowercase_version;
+ }
+ return (keymap);
+/* Return a new keymap which is a copy of MAP. */
+rl_copy_keymap (map)
+ Keymap map;
+ register int i;
+ Keymap temp;
+ temp = rl_make_bare_keymap ();
+ for (i = 0; i < KEYMAP_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ temp[i].type = map[i].type;
+ temp[i].function = map[i].function;
+ }
+ return (temp);
+/* Return a new keymap with the printing characters bound to rl_insert,
+ the uppercase Meta characters bound to run their lowercase equivalents,
+ and the Meta digits bound to produce numeric arguments. */
+rl_make_keymap ()
+ register int i;
+ Keymap newmap;
+ newmap = rl_make_bare_keymap ();
+ /* All ASCII printing characters are self-inserting. */
+ for (i = ' '; i < 127; i++)
+ newmap[i].function = rl_insert;
+ newmap[TAB].function = rl_insert;
+ newmap[RUBOUT].function = rl_rubout; /* RUBOUT == 127 */
+ newmap[CTRL('H')].function = rl_rubout;
+#if KEYMAP_SIZE > 128
+ /* Printing characters in ISO Latin-1 and some 8-bit character sets. */
+ for (i = 128; i < 256; i++)
+ newmap[i].function = rl_insert;
+#endif /* KEYMAP_SIZE > 128 */
+ return (newmap);
+/* Free the storage associated with MAP. */
+rl_discard_keymap (map)
+ Keymap map;
+ int i;
+ if (!map)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; i < KEYMAP_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ switch (map[i].type)
+ {
+ case ISFUNC:
+ break;
+ case ISKMAP:
+ rl_discard_keymap ((Keymap)map[i].function);
+ break;
+ case ISMACR:
+ free ((char *)map[i].function);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/extra/readline/keymaps.h b/extra/readline/keymaps.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64bd4c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/keymaps.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+/* keymaps.h -- Manipulation of readline keymaps. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987, 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#ifndef _KEYMAPS_H_
+#define _KEYMAPS_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#if defined (READLINE_LIBRARY)
+# include "rlstdc.h"
+# include "chardefs.h"
+# include "rltypedefs.h"
+# include <rlstdc.h>
+# include <chardefs.h>
+# include <rltypedefs.h>
+/* A keymap contains one entry for each key in the ASCII set.
+ Each entry consists of a type and a pointer.
+ FUNCTION is the address of a function to run, or the
+ address of a keymap to indirect through.
+ TYPE says which kind of thing FUNCTION is. */
+typedef struct _keymap_entry {
+ char type;
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+/* This must be large enough to hold bindings for all of the characters
+ in a desired character set (e.g, 128 for ASCII, 256 for ISO Latin-x,
+ and so on) plus one for subsequence matching. */
+#define KEYMAP_SIZE 257
+/* I wanted to make the above structure contain a union of:
+ union { rl_command_func_t *function; struct _keymap_entry *keymap; } value;
+ but this made it impossible for me to create a static array.
+ Maybe I need C lessons. */
+typedef KEYMAP_ENTRY *Keymap;
+/* The values that TYPE can have in a keymap entry. */
+#define ISFUNC 0
+#define ISKMAP 1
+#define ISMACR 2
+extern KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY emacs_standard_keymap, emacs_meta_keymap, emacs_ctlx_keymap;
+extern KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY vi_insertion_keymap, vi_movement_keymap;
+/* Return a new, empty keymap.
+ Free it with free() when you are done. */
+extern Keymap rl_make_bare_keymap PARAMS((void));
+/* Return a new keymap which is a copy of MAP. */
+extern Keymap rl_copy_keymap PARAMS((Keymap));
+/* Return a new keymap with the printing characters bound to rl_insert,
+ the lowercase Meta characters bound to run their equivalents, and
+ the Meta digits bound to produce numeric arguments. */
+extern Keymap rl_make_keymap PARAMS((void));
+/* Free the storage associated with a keymap. */
+extern void rl_discard_keymap PARAMS((Keymap));
+/* These functions actually appear in bind.c */
+/* Return the keymap corresponding to a given name. Names look like
+ `emacs' or `emacs-meta' or `vi-insert'. */
+extern Keymap rl_get_keymap_by_name PARAMS((const char *));
+/* Return the current keymap. */
+extern Keymap rl_get_keymap PARAMS((void));
+/* Set the current keymap to MAP. */
+extern void rl_set_keymap PARAMS((Keymap));
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _KEYMAPS_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/kill.c b/extra/readline/kill.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..accda438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/kill.c
@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
+/* kill.c -- kill ring management. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h> /* for _POSIX_VERSION */
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Killing Mechanism */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* What we assume for a max number of kills. */
+/* The real variable to look at to find out when to flush kills. */
+static int rl_max_kills = DEFAULT_MAX_KILLS;
+/* Where to store killed text. */
+static char **rl_kill_ring = (char **)NULL;
+/* Where we are in the kill ring. */
+static int rl_kill_index;
+/* How many slots we have in the kill ring. */
+static int rl_kill_ring_length;
+static int _rl_copy_to_kill_ring PARAMS((char *, int));
+static int region_kill_internal PARAMS((int));
+static int _rl_copy_word_as_kill PARAMS((int, int));
+static int rl_yank_nth_arg_internal PARAMS((int, int, int));
+/* How to say that you only want to save a certain amount
+ of kill material. */
+rl_set_retained_kills (num)
+ int num __attribute__((unused));
+ return 0;
+/* Add TEXT to the kill ring, allocating a new kill ring slot as necessary.
+ This uses TEXT directly, so the caller must not free it. If APPEND is
+ non-zero, and the last command was a kill, the text is appended to the
+ current kill ring slot, otherwise prepended. */
+static int
+_rl_copy_to_kill_ring (text, append)
+ char *text;
+ int append;
+ char *old, *new;
+ int slot;
+ /* First, find the slot to work with. */
+ if (_rl_last_command_was_kill == 0)
+ {
+ /* Get a new slot. */
+ if (rl_kill_ring == 0)
+ {
+ /* If we don't have any defined, then make one. */
+ rl_kill_ring = (char **)
+ xmalloc (((rl_kill_ring_length = 1) + 1) * sizeof (char *));
+ rl_kill_ring[slot = 0] = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* We have to add a new slot on the end, unless we have
+ exceeded the max limit for remembering kills. */
+ slot = rl_kill_ring_length;
+ if (slot == rl_max_kills)
+ {
+ register int i;
+ free (rl_kill_ring[0]);
+ for (i = 0; i < slot; i++)
+ rl_kill_ring[i] = rl_kill_ring[i + 1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ slot = rl_kill_ring_length += 1;
+ rl_kill_ring = (char **)xrealloc (rl_kill_ring, slot * sizeof (char *));
+ }
+ rl_kill_ring[--slot] = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ slot = rl_kill_ring_length - 1;
+ /* If the last command was a kill, prepend or append. */
+ if (_rl_last_command_was_kill && rl_editing_mode != vi_mode)
+ {
+ old = rl_kill_ring[slot];
+ new = (char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (old) + strlen (text));
+ if (append)
+ {
+ strcpy (new, old);
+ strcat (new, text);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy (new, text);
+ strcat (new, old);
+ }
+ free (old);
+ free (text);
+ rl_kill_ring[slot] = new;
+ }
+ else
+ rl_kill_ring[slot] = text;
+ rl_kill_index = slot;
+ return 0;
+/* The way to kill something. This appends or prepends to the last
+ kill, if the last command was a kill command. if FROM is less
+ than TO, then the text is appended, otherwise prepended. If the
+ last command was not a kill command, then a new slot is made for
+ this kill. */
+rl_kill_text (from, to)
+ int from, to;
+ char *text;
+ /* Is there anything to kill? */
+ if (from == to)
+ {
+ _rl_last_command_was_kill++;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ text = rl_copy_text (from, to);
+ /* Delete the copied text from the line. */
+ rl_delete_text (from, to);
+ _rl_copy_to_kill_ring (text, from < to);
+ _rl_last_command_was_kill++;
+ return 0;
+/* Now REMEMBER! In order to do prepending or appending correctly, kill
+ commands always make rl_point's original position be the FROM argument,
+ and rl_point's extent be the TO argument. */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Killing Commands */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Delete the word at point, saving the text in the kill ring. */
+rl_kill_word (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ int orig_point;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_backward_kill_word (-count, key));
+ else
+ {
+ orig_point = rl_point;
+ rl_forward_word (count, key);
+ if (rl_point != orig_point)
+ rl_kill_text (orig_point, rl_point);
+ rl_point = orig_point;
+ if (rl_editing_mode == emacs_mode)
+ rl_mark = rl_point;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Rubout the word before point, placing it on the kill ring. */
+rl_backward_kill_word (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore;
+ int orig_point;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_kill_word (-count, ignore));
+ else
+ {
+ orig_point = rl_point;
+ rl_backward_word (count, ignore);
+ if (rl_point != orig_point)
+ rl_kill_text (orig_point, rl_point);
+ if (rl_editing_mode == emacs_mode)
+ rl_mark = rl_point;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Kill from here to the end of the line. If DIRECTION is negative, kill
+ back to the line start instead. */
+rl_kill_line (direction, ignore)
+ int direction, ignore;
+ int orig_point;
+ if (direction < 0)
+ return (rl_backward_kill_line (1, ignore));
+ else
+ {
+ orig_point = rl_point;
+ rl_end_of_line (1, ignore);
+ if (orig_point != rl_point)
+ rl_kill_text (orig_point, rl_point);
+ rl_point = orig_point;
+ if (rl_editing_mode == emacs_mode)
+ rl_mark = rl_point;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Kill backwards to the start of the line. If DIRECTION is negative, kill
+ forwards to the line end instead. */
+rl_backward_kill_line (direction, ignore)
+ int direction, ignore;
+ int orig_point;
+ if (direction < 0)
+ return (rl_kill_line (1, ignore));
+ else
+ {
+ if (!rl_point)
+ rl_ding ();
+ else
+ {
+ orig_point = rl_point;
+ rl_beg_of_line (1, ignore);
+ if (rl_point != orig_point)
+ rl_kill_text (orig_point, rl_point);
+ if (rl_editing_mode == emacs_mode)
+ rl_mark = rl_point;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Kill the whole line, no matter where point is. */
+rl_kill_full_line (count, ignore)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ rl_point = 0;
+ rl_kill_text (rl_point, rl_end);
+ rl_mark = 0;
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ return 0;
+/* The next two functions mimic unix line editing behaviour, except they
+ save the deleted text on the kill ring. This is safer than not saving
+ it, and since we have a ring, nobody should get screwed. */
+/* This does what C-w does in Unix. We can't prevent people from
+ using behaviour that they expect. */
+rl_unix_word_rubout (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ int orig_point;
+ if (rl_point == 0)
+ rl_ding ();
+ else
+ {
+ orig_point = rl_point;
+ if (count <= 0)
+ count = 1;
+ while (count--)
+ {
+ while (rl_point && whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1]))
+ rl_point--;
+ while (rl_point && (whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1]) == 0))
+ rl_point--;
+ }
+ rl_kill_text (orig_point, rl_point);
+ if (rl_editing_mode == emacs_mode)
+ rl_mark = rl_point;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* This deletes one filename component in a Unix pathname. That is, it
+ deletes backward to directory separator (`/') or whitespace. */
+rl_unix_filename_rubout (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ int orig_point, c;
+ if (rl_point == 0)
+ rl_ding ();
+ else
+ {
+ orig_point = rl_point;
+ if (count <= 0)
+ count = 1;
+ while (count--)
+ {
+ c = rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1];
+ while (rl_point && (whitespace (c) || c == '/'))
+ {
+ rl_point--;
+ c = rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1];
+ }
+ while (rl_point && (whitespace (c) == 0) && c != '/')
+ {
+ rl_point--;
+ c = rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ rl_kill_text (orig_point, rl_point);
+ if (rl_editing_mode == emacs_mode)
+ rl_mark = rl_point;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Here is C-u doing what Unix does. You don't *have* to use these
+ key-bindings. We have a choice of killing the entire line, or
+ killing from where we are to the start of the line. We choose the
+ latter, because if you are a Unix weenie, then you haven't backspaced
+ into the line at all, and if you aren't, then you know what you are
+ doing. */
+rl_unix_line_discard (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ if (rl_point == 0)
+ rl_ding ();
+ else
+ {
+ rl_kill_text (rl_point, 0);
+ rl_point = 0;
+ if (rl_editing_mode == emacs_mode)
+ rl_mark = rl_point;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Copy the text in the `region' to the kill ring. If DELETE is non-zero,
+ delete the text from the line as well. */
+static int
+region_kill_internal (delete)
+ int delete;
+ char *text;
+ if (rl_mark != rl_point)
+ {
+ text = rl_copy_text (rl_point, rl_mark);
+ if (delete)
+ rl_delete_text (rl_point, rl_mark);
+ _rl_copy_to_kill_ring (text, rl_point < rl_mark);
+ }
+ _rl_last_command_was_kill++;
+ return 0;
+/* Copy the text in the region to the kill ring. */
+rl_copy_region_to_kill (count, ignore)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ return (region_kill_internal (0));
+/* Kill the text between the point and mark. */
+rl_kill_region (count, ignore)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ int r, npoint;
+ npoint = (rl_point < rl_mark) ? rl_point : rl_mark;
+ r = region_kill_internal (1);
+ _rl_fix_point (1);
+ rl_point = npoint;
+ return r;
+/* Copy COUNT words to the kill ring. DIR says which direction we look
+ to find the words. */
+static int
+_rl_copy_word_as_kill (count, dir)
+ int count, dir;
+ int om, op, r;
+ om = rl_mark;
+ op = rl_point;
+ if (dir > 0)
+ rl_forward_word (count, 0);
+ else
+ rl_backward_word (count, 0);
+ rl_mark = rl_point;
+ if (dir > 0)
+ rl_backward_word (count, 0);
+ else
+ rl_forward_word (count, 0);
+ r = region_kill_internal (0);
+ rl_mark = om;
+ rl_point = op;
+ return r;
+rl_copy_forward_word (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_copy_backward_word (-count, key));
+ return (_rl_copy_word_as_kill (count, 1));
+rl_copy_backward_word (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_copy_forward_word (-count, key));
+ return (_rl_copy_word_as_kill (count, -1));
+/* Yank back the last killed text. This ignores arguments. */
+rl_yank (count, ignore)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ if (rl_kill_ring == 0)
+ {
+ _rl_abort_internal ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ _rl_set_mark_at_pos (rl_point);
+ rl_insert_text (rl_kill_ring[rl_kill_index]);
+ return 0;
+/* If the last command was yank, or yank_pop, and the text just
+ before point is identical to the current kill item, then
+ delete that text from the line, rotate the index down, and
+ yank back some other text. */
+rl_yank_pop (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ int l, n;
+ if (((rl_last_func != rl_yank_pop) && (rl_last_func != rl_yank)) ||
+ !rl_kill_ring)
+ {
+ _rl_abort_internal ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ l = strlen (rl_kill_ring[rl_kill_index]);
+ n = rl_point - l;
+ if (n >= 0 && STREQN (rl_line_buffer + n, rl_kill_ring[rl_kill_index], l))
+ {
+ rl_delete_text (n, rl_point);
+ rl_point = n;
+ rl_kill_index--;
+ if (rl_kill_index < 0)
+ rl_kill_index = rl_kill_ring_length - 1;
+ rl_yank (1, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _rl_abort_internal ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+/* Yank the COUNTh argument from the previous history line, skipping
+ HISTORY_SKIP lines before looking for the `previous line'. */
+static int
+rl_yank_nth_arg_internal (count, ignore, history_skip)
+ int count, ignore, history_skip;
+ register HIST_ENTRY *entry;
+ char *arg;
+ int i, pos;
+ pos = where_history ();
+ if (history_skip)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < history_skip; i++)
+ entry = previous_history ();
+ }
+ entry = previous_history ();
+ history_set_pos (pos);
+ if (entry == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ arg = history_arg_extract (count, count, entry->line);
+ if (!arg || !*arg)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ FREE (arg);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ _rl_set_mark_at_pos (rl_point);
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ /* Vi mode always inserts a space before yanking the argument, and it
+ inserts it right *after* rl_point. */
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ {
+ rl_vi_append_mode (1, ignore);
+ rl_insert_text (" ");
+ }
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ rl_insert_text (arg);
+ free (arg);
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ return 0;
+/* Yank the COUNTth argument from the previous history line. */
+rl_yank_nth_arg (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore;
+ return (rl_yank_nth_arg_internal (count, ignore, 0));
+/* Yank the last argument from the previous history line. This `knows'
+ how rl_yank_nth_arg treats a count of `$'. With an argument, this
+ behaves the same as rl_yank_nth_arg. */
+rl_yank_last_arg (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ static int history_skip = 0;
+ static int explicit_arg_p = 0;
+ static int count_passed = 1;
+ static int direction = 1;
+ static int undo_needed = 0;
+ int retval;
+ if (rl_last_func != rl_yank_last_arg)
+ {
+ history_skip = 0;
+ explicit_arg_p = rl_explicit_arg;
+ count_passed = count;
+ direction = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (undo_needed)
+ rl_do_undo ();
+ if (count < 1)
+ direction = -direction;
+ history_skip += direction;
+ if (history_skip < 0)
+ history_skip = 0;
+ }
+ if (explicit_arg_p)
+ retval = rl_yank_nth_arg_internal (count_passed, key, history_skip);
+ else
+ retval = rl_yank_nth_arg_internal ('$', key, history_skip);
+ undo_needed = retval == 0;
+ return retval;
+/* A special paste command for users of Cygnus's cygwin32. */
+#if defined (__CYGWIN__)
+#include <windows.h>
+rl_paste_from_clipboard (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ char *data, *ptr;
+ int len;
+ if (OpenClipboard (NULL) == 0)
+ return (0);
+ data = (char *)GetClipboardData (CF_TEXT);
+ if (data)
+ {
+ ptr = strchr (data, '\r');
+ if (ptr)
+ {
+ len = ptr - data;
+ ptr = (char *)xmalloc (len + 1);
+ ptr[len] = '\0';
+ strncpy (ptr, data, len);
+ }
+ else
+ ptr = data;
+ _rl_set_mark_at_pos (rl_point);
+ rl_insert_text (ptr);
+ if (ptr != data)
+ free (ptr);
+ CloseClipboard ();
+ }
+ return (0);
+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/macro.c b/extra/readline/macro.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0dd02fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/macro.c
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+/* macro.c -- keyboard macros for readline. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h> /* for _POSIX_VERSION */
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Hacking Keyboard Macros */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* The currently executing macro string. If this is non-zero,
+ then it is a malloc ()'ed string where input is coming from. */
+char *rl_executing_macro = (char *)NULL;
+/* The offset in the above string to the next character to be read. */
+static int executing_macro_index;
+/* The current macro string being built. Characters get stuffed
+ in here by add_macro_char (). */
+static char *current_macro = (char *)NULL;
+/* The size of the buffer allocated to current_macro. */
+static int current_macro_size;
+/* The index at which characters are being added to current_macro. */
+static int current_macro_index;
+/* A structure used to save nested macro strings.
+ It is a linked list of string/index for each saved macro. */
+struct saved_macro {
+ struct saved_macro *next;
+ char *string;
+ int sindex;
+/* The list of saved macros. */
+static struct saved_macro *macro_list = (struct saved_macro *)NULL;
+/* Set up to read subsequent input from STRING.
+ STRING is free ()'ed when we are done with it. */
+_rl_with_macro_input (string)
+ char *string;
+ _rl_push_executing_macro ();
+ rl_executing_macro = string;
+ executing_macro_index = 0;
+/* Return the next character available from a macro, or 0 if
+ there are no macro characters. */
+_rl_next_macro_key ()
+ int c;
+ if (rl_executing_macro == 0)
+ return (0);
+ if (rl_executing_macro[executing_macro_index] == 0)
+ {
+ _rl_pop_executing_macro ();
+ return (_rl_next_macro_key ());
+ }
+ c = rl_executing_macro[executing_macro_index++];
+ if (RL_ISSTATE (RL_STATE_CALLBACK) && RL_ISSTATE (RL_STATE_READCMD|RL_STATE_MOREINPUT) && rl_executing_macro[executing_macro_index] == 0)
+ _rl_pop_executing_macro ();
+ return c;
+ return (rl_executing_macro[executing_macro_index++]);
+/* Save the currently executing macro on a stack of saved macros. */
+_rl_push_executing_macro ()
+ struct saved_macro *saver;
+ saver = (struct saved_macro *)xmalloc (sizeof (struct saved_macro));
+ saver->next = macro_list;
+ saver->sindex = executing_macro_index;
+ saver->string = rl_executing_macro;
+ macro_list = saver;
+/* Discard the current macro, replacing it with the one
+ on the top of the stack of saved macros. */
+_rl_pop_executing_macro ()
+ struct saved_macro *macro;
+ FREE (rl_executing_macro);
+ rl_executing_macro = (char *)NULL;
+ executing_macro_index = 0;
+ if (macro_list)
+ {
+ macro = macro_list;
+ rl_executing_macro = macro_list->string;
+ executing_macro_index = macro_list->sindex;
+ macro_list = macro_list->next;
+ free (macro);
+ }
+ if (rl_executing_macro == 0)
+/* Add a character to the macro being built. */
+_rl_add_macro_char (c)
+ int c;
+ if (current_macro_index + 1 >= current_macro_size)
+ {
+ if (current_macro == 0)
+ current_macro = (char *)xmalloc (current_macro_size = 25);
+ else
+ current_macro = (char *)xrealloc (current_macro, current_macro_size += 25);
+ }
+ current_macro[current_macro_index++] = c;
+ current_macro[current_macro_index] = '\0';
+_rl_kill_kbd_macro ()
+ if (current_macro)
+ {
+ free (current_macro);
+ current_macro = (char *) NULL;
+ }
+ current_macro_size = current_macro_index = 0;
+ FREE (rl_executing_macro);
+ rl_executing_macro = (char *) NULL;
+ executing_macro_index = 0;
+/* Begin defining a keyboard macro.
+ Keystrokes are recorded as they are executed.
+ End the definition with rl_end_kbd_macro ().
+ If a numeric argument was explicitly typed, then append this
+ definition to the end of the existing macro, and start by
+ re-executing the existing macro. */
+rl_start_kbd_macro (ignore1, ignore2)
+ int ignore1 __attribute__((unused)), ignore2 __attribute__((unused));
+ {
+ _rl_abort_internal ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (rl_explicit_arg)
+ {
+ if (current_macro)
+ _rl_with_macro_input (savestring (current_macro));
+ }
+ else
+ current_macro_index = 0;
+ return 0;
+/* Stop defining a keyboard macro.
+ A numeric argument says to execute the macro right now,
+ that many times, counting the definition as the first time. */
+rl_end_kbd_macro (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ {
+ _rl_abort_internal ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ current_macro_index -= rl_key_sequence_length - 1;
+ current_macro[current_macro_index] = '\0';
+ return (rl_call_last_kbd_macro (--count, 0));
+/* Execute the most recently defined keyboard macro.
+ COUNT says how many times to execute it. */
+rl_call_last_kbd_macro (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ if (current_macro == 0)
+ _rl_abort_internal ();
+ {
+ rl_ding (); /* no recursive macros */
+ current_macro[--current_macro_index] = '\0'; /* erase this char */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (count--)
+ _rl_with_macro_input (savestring (current_macro));
+ return 0;
+rl_push_macro_input (macro)
+ char *macro;
+ _rl_with_macro_input (macro);
diff --git a/extra/readline/mbutil.c b/extra/readline/mbutil.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d6d8bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/mbutil.c
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+/* mbutil.c -- readline multibyte character utility functions */
+/* Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "posixjmp.h"
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h> /* for _POSIX_VERSION */
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+#if defined (TIOCSTAT_IN_SYS_IOCTL)
+# include <sys/ioctl.h>
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* Declared here so it can be shared between the readline and history
+ libraries. */
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+int rl_byte_oriented = 0;
+int rl_byte_oriented = 1;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Multibyte Character Utility Functions */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+#if defined(HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+static int
+_rl_find_next_mbchar_internal (string, seed, count, find_non_zero)
+ char *string;
+ int seed, count, find_non_zero;
+ size_t tmp;
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ int point;
+ wchar_t wc;
+ tmp = 0;
+ memset(&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ if (seed < 0)
+ seed = 0;
+ if (count <= 0)
+ return seed;
+ point = seed + _rl_adjust_point (string, seed, &ps);
+ /* if this is true, means that seed was not pointed character
+ started byte. So correct the point and consume count */
+ if (seed < point)
+ count--;
+ while (count > 0)
+ {
+ tmp = mbrtowc (&wc, string+point, strlen(string + point), &ps);
+ if (MB_INVALIDCH ((size_t)tmp))
+ {
+ /* invalid bytes. asume a byte represents a character */
+ point++;
+ count--;
+ /* reset states. */
+ memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t));
+ }
+ else if (MB_NULLWCH (tmp))
+ break; /* found wide '\0' */
+ else
+ {
+ /* valid bytes */
+ point += tmp;
+ if (find_non_zero)
+ {
+ if (wcwidth (wc) == 0)
+ continue;
+ else
+ count--;
+ }
+ else
+ count--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (find_non_zero)
+ {
+ tmp = mbrtowc (&wc, string + point, strlen (string + point), &ps);
+ while (tmp > 0 && wcwidth (wc) == 0)
+ {
+ point += tmp;
+ tmp = mbrtowc (&wc, string + point, strlen (string + point), &ps);
+ if (MB_NULLWCH (tmp) || MB_INVALIDCH (tmp))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return point;
+static int
+_rl_find_prev_mbchar_internal (string, seed, find_non_zero)
+ char *string;
+ int seed, find_non_zero;
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ int prev, non_zero_prev, point, length;
+ size_t tmp;
+ wchar_t wc;
+ memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t));
+ length = strlen(string);
+ if (seed < 0)
+ return 0;
+ else if (length < seed)
+ return length;
+ prev = non_zero_prev = point = 0;
+ while (point < seed)
+ {
+ tmp = mbrtowc (&wc, string + point, length - point, &ps);
+ if (MB_INVALIDCH ((size_t)tmp))
+ {
+ /* in this case, bytes are invalid or shorted to compose
+ multibyte char, so assume that the first byte represents
+ a single character anyway. */
+ tmp = 1;
+ /* clear the state of the byte sequence, because
+ in this case effect of mbstate is undefined */
+ memset(&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ /* Since we're assuming that this byte represents a single
+ non-zero-width character, don't forget about it. */
+ prev = point;
+ }
+ else if (MB_NULLWCH (tmp))
+ break; /* Found '\0' char. Can this happen? */
+ else
+ {
+ if (find_non_zero)
+ {
+ if (wcwidth (wc) != 0)
+ prev = point;
+ }
+ else
+ prev = point;
+ }
+ point += tmp;
+ }
+ return prev;
+/* return the number of bytes parsed from the multibyte sequence starting
+ at src, if a non-L'\0' wide character was recognized. It returns 0,
+ if a L'\0' wide character was recognized. It returns (size_t)(-1),
+ if an invalid multibyte sequence was encountered. It returns (size_t)(-2)
+ if it couldn't parse a complete multibyte character. */
+_rl_get_char_len (src, ps)
+ char *src;
+ mbstate_t *ps;
+ size_t tmp;
+ tmp = mbrlen((const char *)src, (size_t)strlen (src), ps);
+ if (tmp == (size_t)(-2))
+ {
+ /* shorted to compose multibyte char */
+ if (ps)
+ memset (ps, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t));
+ return -2;
+ }
+ else if (tmp == (size_t)(-1))
+ {
+ /* invalid to compose multibyte char */
+ /* initialize the conversion state */
+ if (ps)
+ memset (ps, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if (tmp == (size_t)0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return (int)tmp;
+/* compare the specified two characters. If the characters matched,
+ return 1. Otherwise return 0. */
+_rl_compare_chars (buf1, pos1, ps1, buf2, pos2, ps2)
+ char *buf1;
+ int pos1;
+ mbstate_t *ps1;
+ char *buf2;
+ int pos2;
+ mbstate_t *ps2;
+ int i, w1, w2;
+ if ((w1 = _rl_get_char_len (&buf1[pos1], ps1)) <= 0 ||
+ (w2 = _rl_get_char_len (&buf2[pos2], ps2)) <= 0 ||
+ (w1 != w2) ||
+ (buf1[pos1] != buf2[pos2]))
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 1; i < w1; i++)
+ if (buf1[pos1+i] != buf2[pos2+i])
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+/* adjust pointed byte and find mbstate of the point of string.
+ adjusted point will be point <= adjusted_point, and returns
+ differences of the byte(adjusted_point - point).
+ if point is invalied (point < 0 || more than string length),
+ it returns -1 */
+_rl_adjust_point(string, point, ps)
+ char *string;
+ int point;
+ mbstate_t *ps;
+ size_t tmp = 0;
+ int length;
+ int pos = 0;
+ length = strlen(string);
+ if (point < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (length < point)
+ return -1;
+ while (pos < point)
+ {
+ tmp = mbrlen (string + pos, length - pos, ps);
+ if (MB_INVALIDCH ((size_t)tmp))
+ {
+ /* in this case, bytes are invalid or shorted to compose
+ multibyte char, so assume that the first byte represents
+ a single character anyway. */
+ pos++;
+ /* clear the state of the byte sequence, because
+ in this case effect of mbstate is undefined */
+ if (ps)
+ memset (ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ }
+ else if (MB_NULLWCH (tmp))
+ pos++;
+ else
+ pos += tmp;
+ }
+ return (pos - point);
+_rl_is_mbchar_matched (string, seed, end, mbchar, length)
+ char *string;
+ int seed, end;
+ char *mbchar;
+ int length;
+ int i;
+ if ((end - seed) < length)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ if (string[seed + i] != mbchar[i])
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+_rl_char_value (buf, ind)
+ char *buf;
+ int ind;
+ size_t tmp;
+ wchar_t wc;
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ int l;
+ if (MB_LEN_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented)
+ return ((wchar_t) buf[ind]);
+ l = strlen (buf);
+ if (ind >= l - 1)
+ return ((wchar_t) buf[ind]);
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ tmp = mbrtowc (&wc, buf + ind, l - ind, &ps);
+ if (MB_INVALIDCH (tmp) || MB_NULLWCH (tmp))
+ return ((wchar_t) buf[ind]);
+ return wc;
+#endif /* HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+/* Find next `count' characters started byte point of the specified seed.
+ If flags is MB_FIND_NONZERO, we look for non-zero-width multibyte
+ characters. */
+#undef _rl_find_next_mbchar
+_rl_find_next_mbchar (string, seed, count, flags)
+ char *string __attribute__((unused));
+ int seed, count, flags __attribute__((unused));
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ return _rl_find_next_mbchar_internal (string, seed, count, flags);
+ return (seed + count);
+/* Find previous character started byte point of the specified seed.
+ Returned point will be point <= seed. If flags is MB_FIND_NONZERO,
+ we look for non-zero-width multibyte characters. */
+#undef _rl_find_prev_mbchar
+_rl_find_prev_mbchar (string, seed, flags)
+ char *string __attribute__((unused));
+ int seed, flags __attribute__((unused));
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ return _rl_find_prev_mbchar_internal (string, seed, flags);
+ return ((seed == 0) ? seed : seed - 1);
diff --git a/extra/readline/misc.c b/extra/readline/misc.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d5f2732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/misc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+/* misc.c -- miscellaneous bindable readline functions. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_LOCALE_H)
+# include <locale.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "rlshell.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+static int rl_digit_loop PARAMS((void));
+static void _rl_history_set_point PARAMS((void));
+/* Forward declarations used in this file */
+void _rl_free_history_entry PARAMS((HIST_ENTRY *));
+/* If non-zero, rl_get_previous_history and rl_get_next_history attempt
+ to preserve the value of rl_point from line to line. */
+int _rl_history_preserve_point = 0;
+_rl_arg_cxt _rl_argcxt;
+/* Saved target point for when _rl_history_preserve_point is set. Special
+ value of -1 means that point is at the end of the line. */
+int _rl_history_saved_point = -1;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Numeric Arguments */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+_rl_arg_overflow ()
+ if (rl_numeric_arg > 1000000)
+ {
+ _rl_argcxt = 0;
+ rl_explicit_arg = rl_numeric_arg = 0;
+ rl_ding ();
+ rl_restore_prompt ();
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+_rl_arg_init ()
+ rl_save_prompt ();
+ _rl_argcxt = 0;
+_rl_arg_getchar ()
+ int c;
+ rl_message ("(arg: %d) ", rl_arg_sign * rl_numeric_arg);
+ c = rl_read_key ();
+ return c;
+/* Process C as part of the current numeric argument. Return -1 if the
+ argument should be aborted, 0 if we should not read any more chars, and
+ 1 if we should continue to read chars. */
+_rl_arg_dispatch (cxt, c)
+ _rl_arg_cxt cxt;
+ int c;
+ int key, r;
+ key = c;
+ /* If we see a key bound to `universal-argument' after seeing digits,
+ it ends the argument but is otherwise ignored. */
+ if (_rl_keymap[c].type == ISFUNC && _rl_keymap[c].function == rl_universal_argument)
+ {
+ if ((cxt & NUM_SAWDIGITS) == 0)
+ {
+ rl_numeric_arg *= 4;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ {
+ _rl_argcxt |= NUM_READONE;
+ return 0; /* XXX */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ key = rl_read_key ();
+ rl_restore_prompt ();
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ return (_rl_dispatch (key, _rl_keymap));
+ }
+ }
+ c = UNMETA (c);
+ if (_rl_digit_p (c))
+ {
+ r = _rl_digit_value (c);
+ rl_numeric_arg = rl_explicit_arg ? (rl_numeric_arg * 10) + r : r;
+ rl_explicit_arg = 1;
+ _rl_argcxt |= NUM_SAWDIGITS;
+ }
+ else if (c == '-' && rl_explicit_arg == 0)
+ {
+ rl_numeric_arg = 1;
+ _rl_argcxt |= NUM_SAWMINUS;
+ rl_arg_sign = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Make M-- command equivalent to M--1 command. */
+ if ((_rl_argcxt & NUM_SAWMINUS) && rl_numeric_arg == 1 && rl_explicit_arg == 0)
+ rl_explicit_arg = 1;
+ rl_restore_prompt ();
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ r = _rl_dispatch (key, _rl_keymap);
+ {
+ /* At worst, this will cause an extra redisplay. Otherwise,
+ we have to wait until the next character comes in. */
+ if (rl_done == 0)
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ r = 0;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* Handle C-u style numeric args, as well as M--, and M-digits. */
+static int
+rl_digit_loop ()
+ int c, r;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (_rl_arg_overflow ())
+ return 1;
+ c = _rl_arg_getchar ();
+ if (c < 0)
+ {
+ _rl_abort_internal ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ r = _rl_arg_dispatch (_rl_argcxt, c);
+ if (r <= 0 || (RL_ISSTATE (RL_STATE_NUMERICARG) == 0))
+ break;
+ }
+ return r;
+/* Create a default argument. */
+_rl_reset_argument ()
+ rl_numeric_arg = rl_arg_sign = 1;
+ rl_explicit_arg = 0;
+ _rl_argcxt = 0;
+/* Start a numeric argument with initial value KEY */
+rl_digit_argument (ignore, key)
+ int ignore __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ _rl_arg_init ();
+ {
+ _rl_arg_dispatch (_rl_argcxt, key);
+ rl_message ("(arg: %d) ", rl_arg_sign * rl_numeric_arg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rl_execute_next (key);
+ return (rl_digit_loop ());
+ }
+/* C-u, universal argument. Multiply the current argument by 4.
+ Read a key. If the key has nothing to do with arguments, then
+ dispatch on it. If the key is the abort character then abort. */
+rl_universal_argument (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ _rl_arg_init ();
+ rl_numeric_arg *= 4;
+ return (RL_ISSTATE (RL_STATE_CALLBACK) ? 0 : rl_digit_loop ());
+_rl_arg_callback (cxt)
+ _rl_arg_cxt cxt;
+ int c, r;
+ c = _rl_arg_getchar ();
+ if (_rl_argcxt & NUM_READONE)
+ {
+ _rl_argcxt &= ~NUM_READONE;
+ rl_restore_prompt ();
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ rl_execute_next (c);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ r = _rl_arg_dispatch (cxt, c);
+ return (r != 1);
+/* What to do when you abort reading an argument. */
+rl_discard_argument ()
+ rl_ding ();
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ _rl_reset_argument ();
+ return 0;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* History Utilities */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* We already have a history library, and that is what we use to control
+ the history features of readline. This is our local interface to
+ the history mechanism. */
+/* While we are editing the history, this is the saved
+ version of the original line. */
+HIST_ENTRY *_rl_saved_line_for_history = (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+/* Set the history pointer back to the last entry in the history. */
+_rl_start_using_history ()
+ using_history ();
+ if (_rl_saved_line_for_history)
+ _rl_free_history_entry (_rl_saved_line_for_history);
+ _rl_saved_line_for_history = (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+/* Free the contents (and containing structure) of a HIST_ENTRY. */
+_rl_free_history_entry (entry)
+ HIST_ENTRY *entry;
+ if (entry == 0)
+ return;
+ FREE (entry->line);
+ FREE (entry->timestamp);
+ free (entry);
+/* Perhaps put back the current line if it has changed. */
+rl_maybe_replace_line ()
+ HIST_ENTRY *temp;
+ temp = current_history ();
+ /* If the current line has changed, save the changes. */
+ if (temp && ((UNDO_LIST *)(temp->data) != rl_undo_list))
+ {
+ temp = replace_history_entry (where_history (), rl_line_buffer, (histdata_t)rl_undo_list);
+ free (temp->line);
+ FREE (temp->timestamp);
+ free (temp);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Restore the _rl_saved_line_for_history if there is one. */
+rl_maybe_unsave_line ()
+ if (_rl_saved_line_for_history)
+ {
+ /* Can't call with `1' because rl_undo_list might point to an undo
+ list from a history entry, as in rl_replace_from_history() below. */
+ rl_replace_line (_rl_saved_line_for_history->line, 0);
+ rl_undo_list = (UNDO_LIST *)_rl_saved_line_for_history->data;
+ _rl_free_history_entry (_rl_saved_line_for_history);
+ _rl_saved_line_for_history = (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+ rl_point = rl_end; /* rl_replace_line sets rl_end */
+ }
+ else
+ rl_ding ();
+ return 0;
+/* Save the current line in _rl_saved_line_for_history. */
+rl_maybe_save_line ()
+ if (_rl_saved_line_for_history == 0)
+ {
+ _rl_saved_line_for_history = (HIST_ENTRY *)xmalloc (sizeof (HIST_ENTRY));
+ _rl_saved_line_for_history->line = savestring (rl_line_buffer);
+ _rl_saved_line_for_history->timestamp = (char *)NULL;
+ _rl_saved_line_for_history->data = (char *)rl_undo_list;
+ }
+ return 0;
+_rl_free_saved_history_line ()
+ if (_rl_saved_line_for_history)
+ {
+ _rl_free_history_entry (_rl_saved_line_for_history);
+ _rl_saved_line_for_history = (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void
+_rl_history_set_point ()
+ rl_point = (_rl_history_preserve_point && _rl_history_saved_point != -1)
+ ? _rl_history_saved_point
+ : rl_end;
+ if (rl_point > rl_end)
+ rl_point = rl_end;
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode && _rl_keymap != vi_insertion_keymap)
+ rl_point = 0;
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ if (rl_editing_mode == emacs_mode)
+ rl_mark = (rl_point == rl_end ? 0 : rl_end);
+rl_replace_from_history (entry, flags)
+ HIST_ENTRY *entry;
+ int flags __attribute__((unused)); /* currently unused */
+ /* Can't call with `1' because rl_undo_list might point to an undo list
+ from a history entry, just like we're setting up here. */
+ rl_replace_line (entry->line, 0);
+ rl_undo_list = (UNDO_LIST *)entry->data;
+ rl_point = rl_end;
+ rl_mark = 0;
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ {
+ rl_point = 0;
+ rl_mark = rl_end;
+ }
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* History Commands */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Meta-< goes to the start of the history. */
+rl_beginning_of_history (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ return (rl_get_previous_history (1 + where_history (), key));
+/* Meta-> goes to the end of the history. (The current line). */
+rl_end_of_history (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ rl_maybe_replace_line ();
+ using_history ();
+ rl_maybe_unsave_line ();
+ return 0;
+/* Move down to the next history line. */
+rl_get_next_history (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ HIST_ENTRY *temp;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_get_previous_history (-count, key));
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 0;
+ rl_maybe_replace_line ();
+ /* either not saved by rl_newline or at end of line, so set appropriately. */
+ if (_rl_history_saved_point == -1 && (rl_point || rl_end))
+ _rl_history_saved_point = (rl_point == rl_end) ? -1 : rl_point;
+ temp = (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+ while (count)
+ {
+ temp = next_history ();
+ if (!temp)
+ break;
+ --count;
+ }
+ if (temp == 0)
+ rl_maybe_unsave_line ();
+ else
+ {
+ rl_replace_from_history (temp, 0);
+ _rl_history_set_point ();
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Get the previous item out of our interactive history, making it the current
+ line. If there is no previous history, just ding. */
+rl_get_previous_history (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ HIST_ENTRY *old_temp, *temp;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_get_next_history (-count, key));
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* either not saved by rl_newline or at end of line, so set appropriately. */
+ if (_rl_history_saved_point == -1 && (rl_point || rl_end))
+ _rl_history_saved_point = (rl_point == rl_end) ? -1 : rl_point;
+ /* If we don't have a line saved, then save this one. */
+ rl_maybe_save_line ();
+ /* If the current line has changed, save the changes. */
+ rl_maybe_replace_line ();
+ temp = old_temp = (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+ while (count)
+ {
+ temp = previous_history ();
+ if (temp == 0)
+ break;
+ old_temp = temp;
+ --count;
+ }
+ /* If there was a large argument, and we moved back to the start of the
+ history, that is not an error. So use the last value found. */
+ if (!temp && old_temp)
+ temp = old_temp;
+ if (temp == 0)
+ rl_ding ();
+ else
+ {
+ rl_replace_from_history (temp, 0);
+ _rl_history_set_point ();
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Editing Modes */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* How to toggle back and forth between editing modes. */
+rl_vi_editing_mode (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ _rl_set_insert_mode (RL_IM_INSERT, 1); /* vi mode ignores insert mode */
+ rl_editing_mode = vi_mode;
+ rl_vi_insertion_mode (1, key);
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ return 0;
+rl_emacs_editing_mode (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ rl_editing_mode = emacs_mode;
+ _rl_set_insert_mode (RL_IM_INSERT, 1); /* emacs mode default is insert mode */
+ _rl_keymap = emacs_standard_keymap;
+ return 0;
+/* Function for the rest of the library to use to set insert/overwrite mode. */
+_rl_set_insert_mode (im, force)
+ int im, force __attribute__((unused));
+ _rl_set_cursor (im, force);
+ rl_insert_mode = im;
+/* Toggle overwrite mode. A positive explicit argument selects overwrite
+ mode. A negative or zero explicit argument selects insert mode. */
+rl_overwrite_mode (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ if (rl_explicit_arg == 0)
+ _rl_set_insert_mode (rl_insert_mode ^ 1, 0);
+ else if (count > 0)
+ _rl_set_insert_mode (RL_IM_OVERWRITE, 0);
+ else
+ _rl_set_insert_mode (RL_IM_INSERT, 0);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/extra/readline/nls.c b/extra/readline/nls.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..089ef8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/nls.c
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+/* nls.c -- skeletal internationalization code. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_LOCALE_H)
+# include <locale.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "rlshell.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#if !defined (HAVE_SETLOCALE)
+/* A list of legal values for the LANG or LC_CTYPE environment variables.
+ If a locale name in this list is the value for the LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE,
+ or LANG environment variable (using the first of those with a value),
+ readline eight-bit mode is enabled. */
+static char *legal_lang_values[] =
+ "iso88591",
+ "iso88592",
+ "iso88593",
+ "iso88594",
+ "iso88595",
+ "iso88596",
+ "iso88597",
+ "iso88598",
+ "iso88599",
+ "iso885910",
+ "koi8r",
+ 0
+static char *normalize_codeset PARAMS((char *));
+static char *find_codeset PARAMS((char *, size_t *));
+#endif /* !HAVE_SETLOCALE */
+static char *_rl_get_locale_var PARAMS((const char *));
+static char *
+_rl_get_locale_var (v)
+ const char *v;
+ char *lspec;
+ lspec = sh_get_env_value ("LC_ALL");
+ if (lspec == 0 || *lspec == 0)
+ lspec = sh_get_env_value (v);
+ if (lspec == 0 || *lspec == 0)
+ lspec = sh_get_env_value ("LANG");
+ return lspec;
+/* Check for LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, and LANG and use the first with a value
+ to decide the defaults for 8-bit character input and output. Returns
+ 1 if we set eight-bit mode. */
+_rl_init_eightbit ()
+/* If we have setlocale(3), just check the current LC_CTYPE category
+ value, and go into eight-bit mode if it's not C or POSIX. */
+#if defined (HAVE_SETLOCALE)
+ const char *lspec;
+ char *t;
+ /* Set the LC_CTYPE locale category from environment variables. */
+ lspec = _rl_get_locale_var ("LC_CTYPE");
+ /* Since _rl_get_locale_var queries the right environment variables,
+ we query the current locale settings with setlocale(), and, if
+ that doesn't return anything, we set lspec to the empty string to
+ force the subsequent call to setlocale() to define the `native'
+ environment. */
+ if (lspec == 0 || *lspec == 0)
+ lspec = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, (char *)NULL);
+ if (lspec == 0)
+ lspec = "";
+ t = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, lspec);
+ if (t && *t && (t[0] != 'C' || t[1]) && (STREQ (t, "POSIX") == 0))
+ {
+ _rl_meta_flag = 1;
+ _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii = 0;
+ _rl_output_meta_chars = 1;
+ return (1);
+ }
+ else
+ return (0);
+#else /* !HAVE_SETLOCALE */
+ const char *lspec;
+ char *t;
+ int i;
+ /* We don't have setlocale. Finesse it. Check the environment for the
+ appropriate variables and set eight-bit mode if they have the right
+ values. */
+ lspec = _rl_get_locale_var ("LC_CTYPE");
+ if (lspec == 0 || (t = normalize_codeset (lspec)) == 0)
+ return (0);
+ for (i = 0; t && legal_lang_values[i]; i++)
+ if (STREQ (t, legal_lang_values[i]))
+ {
+ _rl_meta_flag = 1;
+ _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii = 0;
+ _rl_output_meta_chars = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ free (t);
+ return (legal_lang_values[i] ? 1 : 0);
+#endif /* !HAVE_SETLOCALE */
+#if !defined (HAVE_SETLOCALE)
+static char *
+normalize_codeset (codeset)
+ char *codeset;
+ size_t namelen, i;
+ int len, all_digits;
+ char *wp, *retval;
+ codeset = find_codeset (codeset, &namelen);
+ if (codeset == 0)
+ return (codeset);
+ all_digits = 1;
+ for (len = 0, i = 0; i < namelen; i++)
+ {
+ if (ISALNUM ((unsigned char)codeset[i]))
+ {
+ len++;
+ all_digits &= _rl_digit_p (codeset[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ retval = (char *)malloc ((all_digits ? 3 : 0) + len + 1);
+ if (retval == 0)
+ return ((char *)0);
+ wp = retval;
+ /* Add `iso' to beginning of an all-digit codeset */
+ if (all_digits)
+ {
+ *wp++ = 'i';
+ *wp++ = 's';
+ *wp++ = 'o';
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < namelen; i++)
+ if (ISALPHA ((unsigned char)codeset[i]))
+ *wp++ = _rl_to_lower (codeset[i]);
+ else if (_rl_digit_p (codeset[i]))
+ *wp++ = codeset[i];
+ *wp = '\0';
+ return retval;
+/* Isolate codeset portion of locale specification. */
+static char *
+find_codeset (name, lenp)
+ char *name;
+ size_t *lenp;
+ char *cp, *language, *result;
+ cp = language = name;
+ result = (char *)0;
+ while (*cp && *cp != '_' && *cp != '@' && *cp != '+' && *cp != ',')
+ cp++;
+ /* This does not make sense: language has to be specified. As
+ an exception we allow the variable to contain only the codeset
+ name. Perhaps there are funny codeset names. */
+ if (language == cp)
+ {
+ *lenp = strlen (language);
+ result = language;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Next is the territory. */
+ if (*cp == '_')
+ do
+ ++cp;
+ while (*cp && *cp != '.' && *cp != '@' && *cp != '+' && *cp != ',' && *cp != '_');
+ /* Now, finally, is the codeset. */
+ result = cp;
+ if (*cp == '.')
+ do
+ ++cp;
+ while (*cp && *cp != '@');
+ if (cp - result > 2)
+ {
+ result++;
+ *lenp = cp - result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *lenp = strlen (language);
+ result = language;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+#endif /* !HAVE_SETLOCALE */
diff --git a/extra/readline/parens.c b/extra/readline/parens.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9390e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/parens.c
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+/* parens.c -- Implementation of matching parentheses feature. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987, 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (__TANDEM)
+# include <floss.h>
+#include "rlconf.h"
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#if defined (FD_SET) && !defined (HAVE_SELECT)
+# define HAVE_SELECT
+#if defined (HAVE_SELECT)
+# include <sys/time.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_SELECT */
+#if defined (HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H)
+# include <sys/select.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_STRING_H)
+# include <string.h>
+#else /* !HAVE_STRING_H */
+# include <strings.h>
+#endif /* !HAVE_STRING_H */
+#if !defined (strchr) && !defined (__STDC__)
+extern char *strchr (), *strrchr ();
+#endif /* !strchr && !__STDC__ */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+static int find_matching_open PARAMS((char *, int, int));
+/* Non-zero means try to blink the matching open parenthesis when the
+ close parenthesis is inserted. */
+#if defined (HAVE_SELECT)
+int rl_blink_matching_paren = 1;
+#else /* !HAVE_SELECT */
+int rl_blink_matching_paren = 0;
+#endif /* !HAVE_SELECT */
+static int _paren_blink_usec = 500000;
+/* Change emacs_standard_keymap to have bindings for paren matching when
+ ON_OR_OFF is 1, change them back to self_insert when ON_OR_OFF == 0. */
+_rl_enable_paren_matching (on_or_off)
+ int on_or_off;
+ if (on_or_off)
+ { /* ([{ */
+ rl_bind_key_in_map (')', rl_insert_close, emacs_standard_keymap);
+ rl_bind_key_in_map (']', rl_insert_close, emacs_standard_keymap);
+ rl_bind_key_in_map ('}', rl_insert_close, emacs_standard_keymap);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* ([{ */
+ rl_bind_key_in_map (')', rl_insert, emacs_standard_keymap);
+ rl_bind_key_in_map (']', rl_insert, emacs_standard_keymap);
+ rl_bind_key_in_map ('}', rl_insert, emacs_standard_keymap);
+ }
+rl_set_paren_blink_timeout (u)
+ int u;
+ int o;
+ o = _paren_blink_usec;
+ if (u > 0)
+ _paren_blink_usec = u;
+ return (o);
+rl_insert_close (count, invoking_key)
+ int count, invoking_key;
+ if (rl_explicit_arg || !rl_blink_matching_paren)
+ _rl_insert_char (count, invoking_key);
+ else
+ {
+#if defined (HAVE_SELECT)
+ int orig_point, match_point;
+ struct timeval timer;
+ fd_set readfds;
+ _rl_insert_char (1, invoking_key);
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ match_point =
+ find_matching_open (rl_line_buffer, rl_point - 2, invoking_key);
+ /* Emacs might message or ring the bell here, but I don't. */
+ if (match_point < 0)
+ return -1;
+ FD_ZERO (&readfds);
+ FD_SET (fileno (rl_instream), &readfds);
+ timer.tv_sec = 0;
+ timer.tv_usec = _paren_blink_usec;
+ orig_point = rl_point;
+ rl_point = match_point;
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ select (1, &readfds, (fd_set *)NULL, (fd_set *)NULL, &timer);
+ rl_point = orig_point;
+#else /* !HAVE_SELECT */
+ _rl_insert_char (count, invoking_key);
+#endif /* !HAVE_SELECT */
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+find_matching_open (string, from, closer)
+ char *string;
+ int from, closer;
+ register int i;
+ int opener, level, delimiter;
+ switch (closer)
+ {
+ case ']': opener = '['; break;
+ case '}': opener = '{'; break;
+ case ')': opener = '('; break;
+ default:
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ level = 1; /* The closer passed in counts as 1. */
+ delimiter = 0; /* Delimited state unknown. */
+ for (i = from; i > -1; i--)
+ {
+ if (delimiter && (string[i] == delimiter))
+ delimiter = 0;
+ else if (rl_basic_quote_characters && strchr (rl_basic_quote_characters, string[i]))
+ delimiter = string[i];
+ else if (!delimiter && (string[i] == closer))
+ level++;
+ else if (!delimiter && (string[i] == opener))
+ level--;
+ if (!level)
+ break;
+ }
+ return (i);
diff --git a/extra/readline/posixdir.h b/extra/readline/posixdir.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..156ad363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/posixdir.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* posixdir.h -- Posix directory reading includes and defines. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987,1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell.
+ Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Bash; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+/* This file should be included instead of <dirent.h> or <sys/dir.h>. */
+#if !defined (_POSIXDIR_H_)
+#define _POSIXDIR_H_
+#if defined (HAVE_DIRENT_H)
+# include <dirent.h>
+# define D_NAMLEN(d) ((d)->d_namlen)
+# else
+# define D_NAMLEN(d) (strlen ((d)->d_name))
+# if defined (HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H)
+# include <sys/ndir.h>
+# endif
+# if defined (HAVE_SYS_DIR_H)
+# include <sys/dir.h>
+# endif
+# if defined (HAVE_NDIR_H)
+# include <ndir.h>
+# endif
+# if !defined (dirent)
+# define dirent direct
+# endif /* !dirent */
+# define D_NAMLEN(d) ((d)->d_namlen)
+#endif /* !HAVE_DIRENT_H */
+# define d_fileno d_ino
+#if defined (_POSIX_SOURCE) && (!defined (HAVE_STRUCT_DIRENT_D_INO) || defined (BROKEN_DIRENT_D_INO))
+/* Posix does not require that the d_ino field be present, and some
+ systems do not provide it. */
+# define REAL_DIR_ENTRY(dp) 1
+# define REAL_DIR_ENTRY(dp) (dp->d_ino != 0)
+#endif /* _POSIX_SOURCE */
+#endif /* !_POSIXDIR_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/posixjmp.h b/extra/readline/posixjmp.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94af2bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/posixjmp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* posixjmp.h -- wrapper for setjmp.h with changes for POSIX systems. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987,1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell.
+ Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Bash; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#ifndef _POSIXJMP_H_
+#define _POSIXJMP_H_
+#include <setjmp.h>
+/* This *must* be included *after* config.h */
+# define procenv_t sigjmp_buf
+# if !defined (__OPENNT)
+# undef setjmp
+# define setjmp(x) sigsetjmp((x), 1)
+# undef longjmp
+# define longjmp(x, n) siglongjmp((x), (n))
+# endif /* !__OPENNT */
+# define procenv_t jmp_buf
+#endif /* _POSIXJMP_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/posixstat.h b/extra/readline/posixstat.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0957260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/posixstat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/* posixstat.h -- Posix stat(2) definitions for systems that
+ don't have them. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987,1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell.
+ Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Bash; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+/* This file should be included instead of <sys/stat.h>.
+ It relies on the local sys/stat.h to work though. */
+#if !defined (_POSIXSTAT_H_)
+#define _POSIXSTAT_H_
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#if defined (STAT_MACROS_BROKEN)
+# undef S_ISBLK
+# undef S_ISCHR
+# undef S_ISDIR
+# undef S_ISFIFO
+# undef S_ISREG
+# undef S_ISLNK
+#endif /* STAT_MACROS_BROKEN */
+/* These are guaranteed to work only on isc386 */
+#if !defined (S_IFDIR) && !defined (S_ISDIR)
+# define S_IFDIR 0040000
+#endif /* !S_IFDIR && !S_ISDIR */
+#if !defined (S_IFMT)
+# define S_IFMT 0170000
+#endif /* !S_IFMT */
+/* Posix 1003.1 <sys/stat.h> file types */
+/* Some Posix-wannabe systems define _S_IF* macros instead of S_IF*, but
+ do not provide the S_IS* macros that Posix requires. */
+#if defined (_S_IFMT) && !defined (S_IFMT)
+#define S_IFMT _S_IFMT
+#if defined (_S_IFIFO) && !defined (S_IFIFO)
+#define S_IFIFO _S_IFIFO
+#if defined (_S_IFCHR) && !defined (S_IFCHR)
+#define S_IFCHR _S_IFCHR
+#if defined (_S_IFDIR) && !defined (S_IFDIR)
+#define S_IFDIR _S_IFDIR
+#if defined (_S_IFBLK) && !defined (S_IFBLK)
+#define S_IFBLK _S_IFBLK
+#if defined (_S_IFREG) && !defined (S_IFREG)
+#define S_IFREG _S_IFREG
+#if defined (_S_IFLNK) && !defined (S_IFLNK)
+#define S_IFLNK _S_IFLNK
+#if defined (_S_IFSOCK) && !defined (S_IFSOCK)
+/* Test for each symbol individually and define the ones necessary (some
+ systems claiming Posix compatibility define some but not all). */
+#if defined (S_IFBLK) && !defined (S_ISBLK)
+#define S_ISBLK(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFBLK) /* block device */
+#if defined (S_IFCHR) && !defined (S_ISCHR)
+#define S_ISCHR(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR) /* character device */
+#if defined (S_IFDIR) && !defined (S_ISDIR)
+#define S_ISDIR(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) /* directory */
+#if defined (S_IFREG) && !defined (S_ISREG)
+#define S_ISREG(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) /* file */
+#if defined (S_IFIFO) && !defined (S_ISFIFO)
+#define S_ISFIFO(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFIFO) /* fifo - named pipe */
+#if defined (S_IFLNK) && !defined (S_ISLNK)
+#define S_ISLNK(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) /* symbolic link */
+#if defined (S_IFSOCK) && !defined (S_ISSOCK)
+#define S_ISSOCK(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFSOCK) /* socket */
+ * POSIX 1003.1 <sys/stat.h> File Modes
+ */
+#if !defined (S_IRWXU)
+# if !defined (S_IREAD)
+# define S_IREAD 00400
+# define S_IWRITE 00200
+# define S_IEXEC 00100
+# endif /* S_IREAD */
+# if !defined (S_IRUSR)
+# define S_IRUSR S_IREAD /* read, owner */
+# define S_IWUSR S_IWRITE /* write, owner */
+# define S_IXUSR S_IEXEC /* execute, owner */
+# define S_IRGRP (S_IREAD >> 3) /* read, group */
+# define S_IWGRP (S_IWRITE >> 3) /* write, group */
+# define S_IXGRP (S_IEXEC >> 3) /* execute, group */
+# define S_IROTH (S_IREAD >> 6) /* read, other */
+# define S_IWOTH (S_IWRITE >> 6) /* write, other */
+# define S_IXOTH (S_IEXEC >> 6) /* execute, other */
+# endif /* !S_IRUSR */
+#endif /* !S_IRWXU */
+/* These are non-standard, but are used in builtins.c$symbolic_umask() */
+#endif /* _POSIXSTAT_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/readline.c b/extra/readline/readline.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77e8e17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/readline.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1200 @@
+/* readline.c -- a general facility for reading lines of input
+ with emacs style editing and completion. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "posixstat.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_SYS_FILE_H)
+# include <sys/file.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_SYS_FILE_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_LOCALE_H)
+# include <locale.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "posixjmp.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#if !defined (errno)
+extern int errno;
+#endif /* !errno */
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+#if defined (__EMX__)
+# include <os2.h>
+#endif /* __EMX__ */
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "rlshell.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+# define RL_LIBRARY_VERSION "5.1"
+# define RL_READLINE_VERSION 0x0501
+extern void _rl_free_history_entry PARAMS((HIST_ENTRY *));
+/* Forward declarations used in this file. */
+static char *readline_internal PARAMS((void));
+static void readline_initialize_everything PARAMS((void));
+static void bind_arrow_keys_internal PARAMS((Keymap));
+static void bind_arrow_keys PARAMS((void));
+static void readline_default_bindings PARAMS((void));
+static int _rl_subseq_result PARAMS((int, Keymap, int, int));
+static int _rl_subseq_getchar PARAMS((int));
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Line editing input utility */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+const char *rl_library_version = RL_LIBRARY_VERSION;
+int rl_readline_version = RL_READLINE_VERSION;
+/* True if this is `real' readline as opposed to some stub substitute. */
+int rl_gnu_readline_p = 1;
+/* A pointer to the keymap that is currently in use.
+ By default, it is the standard emacs keymap. */
+Keymap _rl_keymap = emacs_standard_keymap;
+/* The current style of editing. */
+int rl_editing_mode = emacs_mode;
+/* The current insert mode: input (the default) or overwrite */
+int rl_insert_mode = RL_IM_DEFAULT;
+/* Non-zero if we called this function from _rl_dispatch(). It's present
+ so functions can find out whether they were called from a key binding
+ or directly from an application. */
+int rl_dispatching;
+/* Non-zero if the previous command was a kill command. */
+int _rl_last_command_was_kill = 0;
+/* The current value of the numeric argument specified by the user. */
+int rl_numeric_arg = 1;
+/* Non-zero if an argument was typed. */
+int rl_explicit_arg = 0;
+/* Temporary value used while generating the argument. */
+int rl_arg_sign = 1;
+/* Non-zero means we have been called at least once before. */
+static int rl_initialized;
+#if 0
+/* If non-zero, this program is running in an EMACS buffer. */
+static int running_in_emacs;
+/* Flags word encapsulating the current readline state. */
+int rl_readline_state = RL_STATE_NONE;
+/* The current offset in the current input line. */
+int rl_point;
+/* Mark in the current input line. */
+int rl_mark;
+/* Length of the current input line. */
+int rl_end;
+/* Make this non-zero to return the current input_line. */
+int rl_done;
+/* The last function executed by readline. */
+rl_command_func_t *rl_last_func = (rl_command_func_t *)NULL;
+/* Top level environment for readline_internal (). */
+procenv_t readline_top_level;
+/* The streams we interact with. */
+FILE *_rl_in_stream, *_rl_out_stream;
+/* The names of the streams that we do input and output to. */
+FILE *rl_instream = (FILE *)NULL;
+FILE *rl_outstream = (FILE *)NULL;
+/* Non-zero means echo characters as they are read. Defaults to no echo;
+ set to 1 if there is a controlling terminal, we can get its attributes,
+ and the attributes include `echo'. Look at rltty.c:prepare_terminal_settings
+ for the code that sets it. */
+int readline_echoing_p = 0;
+/* Current prompt. */
+char *rl_prompt = (char *)NULL;
+int rl_visible_prompt_length = 0;
+/* Set to non-zero by calling application if it has already printed rl_prompt
+ and does not want readline to do it the first time. */
+int rl_already_prompted = 0;
+/* The number of characters read in order to type this complete command. */
+int rl_key_sequence_length = 0;
+/* If non-zero, then this is the address of a function to call just
+ before readline_internal_setup () prints the first prompt. */
+rl_hook_func_t *rl_startup_hook = (rl_hook_func_t *)NULL;
+/* If non-zero, this is the address of a function to call just before
+ readline_internal_setup () returns and readline_internal starts
+ reading input characters. */
+rl_hook_func_t *rl_pre_input_hook = (rl_hook_func_t *)NULL;
+/* What we use internally. You should always refer to RL_LINE_BUFFER. */
+static char *the_line;
+/* The character that can generate an EOF. Really read from
+ the terminal driver... just defaulted here. */
+int _rl_eof_char = CTRL ('D');
+/* Non-zero makes this the next keystroke to read. */
+int rl_pending_input = 0;
+/* Pointer to a useful terminal name. */
+const char *rl_terminal_name = (const char *)NULL;
+/* Non-zero means to always use horizontal scrolling in line display. */
+int _rl_horizontal_scroll_mode = 0;
+/* Non-zero means to display an asterisk at the starts of history lines
+ which have been modified. */
+int _rl_mark_modified_lines = 0;
+/* The style of `bell' notification preferred. This can be set to NO_BELL,
+int _rl_bell_preference = AUDIBLE_BELL;
+/* String inserted into the line by rl_insert_comment (). */
+char *_rl_comment_begin;
+/* Keymap holding the function currently being executed. */
+Keymap rl_executing_keymap;
+/* Keymap we're currently using to dispatch. */
+Keymap _rl_dispatching_keymap;
+/* Non-zero means to erase entire line, including prompt, on empty input lines. */
+int rl_erase_empty_line = 0;
+/* Non-zero means to read only this many characters rather than up to a
+ character bound to accept-line. */
+int rl_num_chars_to_read;
+/* Line buffer and maintenence. */
+char *rl_line_buffer = (char *)NULL;
+int rl_line_buffer_len = 0;
+/* Key sequence `contexts' */
+_rl_keyseq_cxt *_rl_kscxt = 0;
+/* Forward declarations used by the display, termcap, and history code. */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* `Forward' declarations */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Non-zero means do not parse any lines other than comments and
+ parser directives. */
+unsigned char _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out = 0;
+/* Non-zero means to convert characters with the meta bit set to
+ escape-prefixed characters so we can indirect through
+ emacs_meta_keymap or vi_escape_keymap. */
+int _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii = 1;
+/* Non-zero means to output characters with the meta bit set directly
+ rather than as a meta-prefixed escape sequence. */
+int _rl_output_meta_chars = 0;
+/* Non-zero means to look at the termios special characters and bind
+ them to equivalent readline functions at startup. */
+int _rl_bind_stty_chars = 1;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Top Level Functions */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Non-zero means treat 0200 bit in terminal input as Meta bit. */
+int _rl_meta_flag = 0; /* Forward declaration */
+/* Set up the prompt and expand it. Called from readline() and
+ rl_callback_handler_install (). */
+rl_set_prompt (prompt)
+ const char *prompt;
+ FREE (rl_prompt);
+ rl_prompt = prompt ? savestring (prompt) : (char *)NULL;
+ rl_display_prompt = rl_prompt ? rl_prompt : (char*) "";
+ rl_visible_prompt_length = rl_expand_prompt (rl_prompt);
+ return 0;
+/* Read a line of input. Prompt with PROMPT. An empty PROMPT means
+ none. A return value of NULL means that EOF was encountered. */
+char *
+readline (prompt)
+ const char *prompt;
+ char *value;
+ /* If we are at EOF return a NULL string. */
+ if (rl_pending_input == EOF)
+ {
+ rl_clear_pending_input ();
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+ }
+ rl_set_prompt (prompt);
+ rl_initialize ();
+ if (rl_prep_term_function)
+ (*rl_prep_term_function) (_rl_meta_flag);
+#if defined (HANDLE_SIGNALS)
+ rl_set_signals ();
+ value = readline_internal ();
+ if (rl_deprep_term_function)
+ (*rl_deprep_term_function) ();
+#if defined (HANDLE_SIGNALS)
+ rl_clear_signals ();
+ return (value);
+# define STATIC_CALLBACK static
+readline_internal_setup ()
+ char *nprompt;
+ _rl_in_stream = rl_instream;
+ _rl_out_stream = rl_outstream;
+ if (rl_startup_hook)
+ (*rl_startup_hook) ();
+ /* If we're not echoing, we still want to at least print a prompt, because
+ rl_redisplay will not do it for us. If the calling application has a
+ custom redisplay function, though, let that function handle it. */
+ if (readline_echoing_p == 0 && rl_redisplay_function == rl_redisplay)
+ {
+ if (rl_prompt && rl_already_prompted == 0)
+ {
+ nprompt = _rl_strip_prompt (rl_prompt);
+ fprintf (_rl_out_stream, "%s", nprompt);
+ fflush (_rl_out_stream);
+ free (nprompt);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (rl_prompt && rl_already_prompted)
+ rl_on_new_line_with_prompt ();
+ else
+ rl_on_new_line ();
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ }
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ rl_vi_insertion_mode (1, 'i');
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ if (rl_pre_input_hook)
+ (*rl_pre_input_hook) ();
+readline_internal_teardown (eof)
+ int eof;
+ char *temp;
+ HIST_ENTRY *entry;
+ /* Restore the original of this history line, iff the line that we
+ are editing was originally in the history, AND the line has changed. */
+ entry = current_history ();
+ if (entry && rl_undo_list)
+ {
+ temp = savestring (the_line);
+ rl_revert_line (1, 0);
+ entry = replace_history_entry (where_history (), the_line, (histdata_t)NULL);
+ _rl_free_history_entry (entry);
+ strcpy (the_line, temp);
+ free (temp);
+ }
+ /* At any rate, it is highly likely that this line has an undo list. Get
+ rid of it now. */
+ if (rl_undo_list)
+ rl_free_undo_list ();
+ /* Restore normal cursor, if available. */
+ _rl_set_insert_mode (RL_IM_INSERT, 0);
+ return (eof ? (char *)NULL : savestring (the_line));
+_rl_internal_char_cleanup ()
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ /* In vi mode, when you exit insert mode, the cursor moves back
+ over the previous character. We explicitly check for that here. */
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode && _rl_keymap == vi_movement_keymap)
+ rl_vi_check ();
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ if (rl_num_chars_to_read && rl_end >= rl_num_chars_to_read)
+ {
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 0;
+ rl_newline (1, '\n');
+ }
+ if (rl_done == 0)
+ {
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 0;
+ }
+ /* If the application writer has told us to erase the entire line if
+ the only character typed was something bound to rl_newline, do so. */
+ if (rl_erase_empty_line && rl_done && rl_last_func == rl_newline &&
+ rl_point == 0 && rl_end == 0)
+ _rl_erase_entire_line ();
+readline_internal_char ()
+readline_internal_charloop ()
+ static int lastc;
+ int c, code, lk;
+ lastc = -1;
+#if !defined (READLINE_CALLBACKS)
+ while (rl_done == 0)
+ {
+ lk = _rl_last_command_was_kill;
+ code = setjmp (readline_top_level);
+ if (code)
+ {
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 0;
+ /* If we get here, we're not being called from something dispatched
+ from _rl_callback_read_char(), which sets up its own value of
+ readline_top_level (saving and restoring the old, of course), so
+ we can just return here. */
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if (rl_pending_input == 0)
+ {
+ /* Then initialize the argument and number of keys read. */
+ _rl_reset_argument ();
+ rl_key_sequence_length = 0;
+ }
+ c = rl_read_key ();
+ /* look at input.c:rl_getc() for the circumstances under which this will
+ be returned; punt immediately on read error without converting it to
+ a newline. */
+ if (c == READERR)
+ {
+ return (rl_done = 1);
+ eof_found = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* EOF typed to a non-blank line is a <NL>. */
+ if (c == EOF && rl_end)
+ c = NEWLINE;
+ /* The character _rl_eof_char typed to blank line, and not as the
+ previous character is interpreted as EOF. */
+ if (((c == _rl_eof_char && lastc != c) || c == EOF) && !rl_end)
+ {
+ return (rl_done = 1);
+ eof_found = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ lastc = c;
+ _rl_dispatch ((unsigned char)c, _rl_keymap);
+ /* If there was no change in _rl_last_command_was_kill, then no kill
+ has taken place. Note that if input is pending we are reading
+ a prefix command, so nothing has changed yet. */
+ if (rl_pending_input == 0 && lk == _rl_last_command_was_kill)
+ _rl_last_command_was_kill = 0;
+ _rl_internal_char_cleanup ();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return (eof_found);
+static int
+readline_internal_charloop ()
+ int eof = 1;
+ while (rl_done == 0)
+ eof = readline_internal_char ();
+ return (eof);
+/* Read a line of input from the global rl_instream, doing output on
+ the global rl_outstream.
+ If rl_prompt is non-null, then that is our prompt. */
+static char *
+readline_internal ()
+ int eof;
+ readline_internal_setup ();
+ eof = readline_internal_charloop ();
+ return (readline_internal_teardown (eof));
+_rl_init_line_state ()
+ rl_point = rl_end = rl_mark = 0;
+ the_line = rl_line_buffer;
+ the_line[0] = 0;
+_rl_set_the_line ()
+ the_line = rl_line_buffer;
+_rl_keyseq_cxt *
+_rl_keyseq_cxt_alloc ()
+ _rl_keyseq_cxt *cxt;
+ cxt = (_rl_keyseq_cxt *)xmalloc (sizeof (_rl_keyseq_cxt));
+ cxt->flags = cxt->subseq_arg = cxt->subseq_retval = 0;
+ cxt->okey = 0;
+ cxt->ocxt = _rl_kscxt;
+ cxt->childval = 42; /* sentinel value */
+ return cxt;
+_rl_keyseq_cxt_dispose (cxt)
+ _rl_keyseq_cxt *cxt;
+ free (cxt);
+_rl_keyseq_chain_dispose ()
+ _rl_keyseq_cxt *cxt;
+ while (_rl_kscxt)
+ {
+ cxt = _rl_kscxt;
+ _rl_kscxt = _rl_kscxt->ocxt;
+ _rl_keyseq_cxt_dispose (cxt);
+ }
+static int
+_rl_subseq_getchar (key)
+ int key;
+ int k;
+ if (key == ESC)
+ k = rl_read_key ();
+ if (key == ESC)
+ return k;
+_rl_dispatch_callback (cxt)
+ _rl_keyseq_cxt *cxt;
+ int nkey, r;
+ /* For now */
+#if 1
+ /* The first time this context is used, we want to read input and dispatch
+ on it. When traversing the chain of contexts back `up', we want to use
+ the value from the next context down. We're simulating recursion using
+ a chain of contexts. */
+ if ((cxt->flags & KSEQ_DISPATCHED) == 0)
+ {
+ nkey = _rl_subseq_getchar (cxt->okey);
+ r = _rl_dispatch_subseq (nkey, cxt->dmap, cxt->subseq_arg);
+ cxt->flags |= KSEQ_DISPATCHED;
+ }
+ else
+ r = cxt->childval;
+ r = _rl_dispatch_subseq (nkey, cxt->dmap, cxt->subseq_arg);
+ /* For now */
+ r = _rl_subseq_result (r, cxt->oldmap, cxt->okey, (cxt->flags & KSEQ_SUBSEQ));
+ if (r == 0) /* success! */
+ {
+ _rl_keyseq_chain_dispose ();
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (r != -3) /* magic value that says we added to the chain */
+ _rl_kscxt = cxt->ocxt;
+ if (_rl_kscxt)
+ _rl_kscxt->childval = r;
+ if (r != -3)
+ _rl_keyseq_cxt_dispose (cxt);
+ return r;
+/* Do the command associated with KEY in MAP.
+ If the associated command is really a keymap, then read
+ another key, and dispatch into that map. */
+_rl_dispatch (key, map)
+ register int key;
+ Keymap map;
+ _rl_dispatching_keymap = map;
+ return _rl_dispatch_subseq (key, map, 0);
+_rl_dispatch_subseq (key, map, got_subseq)
+ register int key;
+ Keymap map;
+ int got_subseq;
+ int r, newkey;
+ char *macro;
+ rl_command_func_t *func;
+ _rl_keyseq_cxt *cxt;
+ if (META_CHAR (key) && _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii)
+ {
+ if (map[ESC].type == ISKMAP)
+ {
+ _rl_add_macro_char (ESC);
+ map = FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, ESC);
+ key = UNMETA (key);
+ rl_key_sequence_length += 2;
+ return (_rl_dispatch (key, map));
+ }
+ else
+ rl_ding ();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ _rl_add_macro_char (key);
+ r = 0;
+ switch (map[key].type)
+ {
+ case ISFUNC:
+ func = map[key].function;
+ if (func)
+ {
+ /* Special case rl_do_lowercase_version (). */
+ if (func == rl_do_lowercase_version)
+ return (_rl_dispatch (_rl_to_lower (key), map));
+ rl_executing_keymap = map;
+ rl_dispatching = 1;
+ (*map[key].function)(rl_numeric_arg * rl_arg_sign, key);
+ rl_dispatching = 0;
+ /* If we have input pending, then the last command was a prefix
+ command. Don't change the state of rl_last_func. Otherwise,
+ remember the last command executed in this variable. */
+ if (rl_pending_input == 0 && map[key].function != rl_digit_argument)
+ rl_last_func = map[key].function;
+ }
+ else if (map[ANYOTHERKEY].function)
+ {
+ /* OK, there's no function bound in this map, but there is a
+ shadow function that was overridden when the current keymap
+ was created. Return -2 to note that. */
+ _rl_unget_char (key);
+ return -2;
+ }
+ else if (got_subseq)
+ {
+ /* Return -1 to note that we're in a subsequence, but we don't
+ have a matching key, nor was one overridden. This means
+ we need to back up the recursion chain and find the last
+ subsequence that is bound to a function. */
+ _rl_unget_char (key);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _rl_keyseq_chain_dispose ();
+ _rl_abort_internal ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ISKMAP:
+ if (map[key].function != 0)
+ {
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ /* The only way this test will be true is if a subsequence has been
+ bound starting with ESC, generally the arrow keys. What we do is
+ check whether there's input in the queue, which there generally
+ will be if an arrow key has been pressed, and, if there's not,
+ just dispatch to (what we assume is) rl_vi_movement_mode right
+ away. This is essentially an input test with a zero timeout. */
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode && key == ESC && map == vi_insertion_keymap
+ && _rl_input_queued (0) == 0)
+ return (_rl_dispatch (ANYOTHERKEY, FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, key)));
+ rl_key_sequence_length++;
+ _rl_dispatching_keymap = FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, key);
+ /* Allocate new context here. Use linked contexts (linked through
+ cxt->ocxt) to simulate recursion */
+ {
+ /* Return 0 only the first time, to indicate success to
+ _rl_callback_read_char. The rest of the time, we're called
+ from _rl_dispatch_callback, so we return 3 to indicate
+ special handling is necessary. */
+ cxt = _rl_keyseq_cxt_alloc ();
+ if (got_subseq)
+ cxt->flags |= KSEQ_SUBSEQ;
+ cxt->okey = key;
+ cxt->oldmap = map;
+ cxt->dmap = _rl_dispatching_keymap;
+ cxt->subseq_arg = got_subseq || cxt->dmap[ANYOTHERKEY].function;
+ _rl_kscxt = cxt;
+ return r; /* don't indicate immediate success */
+ }
+ newkey = _rl_subseq_getchar (key);
+ if (newkey < 0)
+ {
+ _rl_abort_internal ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ r = _rl_dispatch_subseq (newkey, _rl_dispatching_keymap, got_subseq || map[ANYOTHERKEY].function);
+ return _rl_subseq_result (r, map, key, got_subseq);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _rl_abort_internal ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ISMACR:
+ if (map[key].function != 0)
+ {
+ macro = savestring ((char *)map[key].function);
+ _rl_with_macro_input (macro);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode && _rl_keymap == vi_movement_keymap &&
+ key != ANYOTHERKEY &&
+ _rl_vi_textmod_command (key))
+ _rl_vi_set_last (key, rl_numeric_arg, rl_arg_sign);
+ return (r);
+static int
+_rl_subseq_result (r, map, key, got_subseq)
+ int r;
+ Keymap map;
+ int key, got_subseq;
+ Keymap m;
+ int type, nt;
+ rl_command_func_t *func, *nf;
+ if (r == -2)
+ /* We didn't match anything, and the keymap we're indexed into
+ shadowed a function previously bound to that prefix. Call
+ the function. The recursive call to _rl_dispatch_subseq has
+ already taken care of pushing any necessary input back onto
+ the input queue with _rl_unget_char. */
+ {
+ m = _rl_dispatching_keymap;
+ type = m[ANYOTHERKEY].type;
+ func = m[ANYOTHERKEY].function;
+ if (type == ISFUNC && func == rl_do_lowercase_version)
+ r = _rl_dispatch (_rl_to_lower (key), map);
+ else if (type == ISFUNC && func == rl_insert)
+ {
+ /* If the function that was shadowed was self-insert, we
+ somehow need a keymap with map[key].func == self-insert.
+ Let's use this one. */
+ nt = m[key].type;
+ nf = m[key].function;
+ m[key].type = type;
+ m[key].function = func;
+ r = _rl_dispatch (key, m);
+ m[key].type = nt;
+ m[key].function = nf;
+ }
+ else
+ r = _rl_dispatch (ANYOTHERKEY, m);
+ }
+ else if (r && map[ANYOTHERKEY].function)
+ {
+ /* We didn't match (r is probably -1), so return something to
+ tell the caller that it should try ANYOTHERKEY for an
+ overridden function. */
+ _rl_unget_char (key);
+ _rl_dispatching_keymap = map;
+ return -2;
+ }
+ else if (r && got_subseq)
+ {
+ /* OK, back up the chain. */
+ _rl_unget_char (key);
+ _rl_dispatching_keymap = map;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return r;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Initializations */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Initialize readline (and terminal if not already). */
+rl_initialize ()
+ /* If we have never been called before, initialize the
+ terminal and data structures. */
+ if (!rl_initialized)
+ {
+ readline_initialize_everything ();
+ rl_initialized++;
+ }
+ /* Initalize the current line information. */
+ _rl_init_line_state ();
+ /* We aren't done yet. We haven't even gotten started yet! */
+ rl_done = 0;
+ /* Tell the history routines what is going on. */
+ _rl_start_using_history ();
+ /* Make the display buffer match the state of the line. */
+ rl_reset_line_state ();
+ /* No such function typed yet. */
+ rl_last_func = (rl_command_func_t *)NULL;
+ /* Parsing of key-bindings begins in an enabled state. */
+ _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out = 0;
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ _rl_vi_initialize_line ();
+ /* Each line starts in insert mode (the default). */
+ _rl_set_insert_mode (RL_IM_DEFAULT, 1);
+ return 0;
+#if 0
+#if defined (__EMX__)
+static void
+_emx_build_environ ()
+ TIB *tibp;
+ PIB *pibp;
+ char *t, **tp;
+ int c;
+ DosGetInfoBlocks (&tibp, &pibp);
+ t = pibp->pib_pchenv;
+ for (c = 1; *t; c++)
+ t += strlen (t) + 1;
+ tp = environ = (char **)xmalloc ((c + 1) * sizeof (char *));
+ t = pibp->pib_pchenv;
+ while (*t)
+ {
+ *tp++ = t;
+ t += strlen (t) + 1;
+ }
+ *tp = 0;
+#endif /* __EMX__ */
+/* Initialize the entire state of the world. */
+static void
+readline_initialize_everything ()
+#if 0
+#if defined (__EMX__)
+ if (environ == 0)
+ _emx_build_environ ();
+#if 0
+ /* Find out if we are running in Emacs -- UNUSED. */
+ running_in_emacs = sh_get_env_value ("EMACS") != (char *)0;
+ /* Set up input and output if they are not already set up. */
+ if (!rl_instream)
+ rl_instream = stdin;
+ if (!rl_outstream)
+ rl_outstream = stdout;
+ /* Bind _rl_in_stream and _rl_out_stream immediately. These values
+ may change, but they may also be used before readline_internal ()
+ is called. */
+ _rl_in_stream = rl_instream;
+ _rl_out_stream = rl_outstream;
+ /* Allocate data structures. */
+ if (rl_line_buffer == 0)
+ rl_line_buffer = (char *)xmalloc (rl_line_buffer_len = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ /* Initialize the terminal interface. */
+ if (rl_terminal_name == 0)
+ rl_terminal_name = sh_get_env_value ("TERM");
+ _rl_init_terminal_io (rl_terminal_name);
+ /* Bind tty characters to readline functions. */
+ readline_default_bindings ();
+ /* Initialize the function names. */
+ rl_initialize_funmap ();
+ /* Decide whether we should automatically go into eight-bit mode. */
+ _rl_init_eightbit ();
+ /* Read in the init file. */
+ rl_read_init_file ((char *)NULL);
+ /* XXX */
+ if (_rl_horizontal_scroll_mode && _rl_term_autowrap)
+ {
+ _rl_screenwidth--;
+ _rl_screenchars -= _rl_screenheight;
+ }
+ /* Override the effect of any `set keymap' assignments in the
+ inputrc file. */
+ rl_set_keymap_from_edit_mode ();
+ /* Try to bind a common arrow key prefix, if not already bound. */
+ bind_arrow_keys ();
+ /* Enable the meta key, if this terminal has one. */
+ if (_rl_enable_meta)
+ _rl_enable_meta_key ();
+ /* If the completion parser's default word break characters haven't
+ been set yet, then do so now. */
+ if (rl_completer_word_break_characters == (char *)NULL)
+ rl_completer_word_break_characters = (char *)rl_basic_word_break_characters;
+/* If this system allows us to look at the values of the regular
+ input editing characters, then bind them to their readline
+ equivalents, iff the characters are not bound to keymaps. */
+static void
+readline_default_bindings ()
+ if (_rl_bind_stty_chars)
+ rl_tty_set_default_bindings (_rl_keymap);
+/* Bind some common arrow key sequences in MAP. */
+static void
+bind_arrow_keys_internal (map)
+ Keymap map;
+ Keymap xkeymap;
+ xkeymap = _rl_keymap;
+ _rl_keymap = map;
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033[0A", rl_get_previous_history);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033[0B", rl_backward_char);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033[0C", rl_forward_char);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033[0D", rl_get_next_history);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033[A", rl_get_previous_history);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033[B", rl_get_next_history);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033[C", rl_forward_char);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033[D", rl_backward_char);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033[H", rl_beg_of_line);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033[F", rl_end_of_line);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033OA", rl_get_previous_history);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033OB", rl_get_next_history);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033OC", rl_forward_char);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033OD", rl_backward_char);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033OH", rl_beg_of_line);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\033OF", rl_end_of_line);
+#if defined (__MINGW32__)
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\340H", rl_get_previous_history);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\340P", rl_get_next_history);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\340M", rl_forward_char);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound ("\340K", rl_backward_char);
+ _rl_keymap = xkeymap;
+/* Try and bind the common arrow key prefixes after giving termcap and
+ the inputrc file a chance to bind them and create `real' keymaps
+ for the arrow key prefix. */
+static void
+bind_arrow_keys ()
+ bind_arrow_keys_internal (emacs_standard_keymap);
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ bind_arrow_keys_internal (vi_movement_keymap);
+ bind_arrow_keys_internal (vi_insertion_keymap);
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Saving and Restoring Readline's state */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+rl_save_state (sp)
+ struct readline_state *sp;
+ if (sp == 0)
+ return -1;
+ sp->point = rl_point;
+ sp->end = rl_end;
+ sp->mark = rl_mark;
+ sp->buffer = rl_line_buffer;
+ sp->buflen = rl_line_buffer_len;
+ sp->ul = rl_undo_list;
+ sp->prompt = rl_prompt;
+ sp->rlstate = rl_readline_state;
+ sp->done = rl_done;
+ sp->kmap = _rl_keymap;
+ sp->lastfunc = rl_last_func;
+ sp->insmode = rl_insert_mode;
+ sp->edmode = rl_editing_mode;
+ sp->kseqlen = rl_key_sequence_length;
+ sp->inf = rl_instream;
+ sp->outf = rl_outstream;
+ sp->pendingin = rl_pending_input;
+ sp->macro = rl_executing_macro;
+ sp->catchsigs = rl_catch_signals;
+ sp->catchsigwinch = rl_catch_sigwinch;
+ return (0);
+rl_restore_state (sp)
+ struct readline_state *sp;
+ if (sp == 0)
+ return -1;
+ rl_point = sp->point;
+ rl_end = sp->end;
+ rl_mark = sp->mark;
+ the_line = rl_line_buffer = sp->buffer;
+ rl_line_buffer_len = sp->buflen;
+ rl_undo_list = sp->ul;
+ rl_prompt = sp->prompt;
+ rl_readline_state = sp->rlstate;
+ rl_done = sp->done;
+ _rl_keymap = sp->kmap;
+ rl_last_func = sp->lastfunc;
+ rl_insert_mode = sp->insmode;
+ rl_editing_mode = sp->edmode;
+ rl_key_sequence_length = sp->kseqlen;
+ rl_instream = sp->inf;
+ rl_outstream = sp->outf;
+ rl_pending_input = sp->pendingin;
+ rl_executing_macro = sp->macro;
+ rl_catch_signals = sp->catchsigs;
+ rl_catch_sigwinch = sp->catchsigwinch;
+ return (0);
diff --git a/extra/readline/readline.h b/extra/readline/readline.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ace11f7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/readline.h
@@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
+/* Readline.h -- the names of functions callable from within readline. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_READLINE_H_)
+#define _READLINE_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#if defined (READLINE_LIBRARY)
+# include "rlstdc.h"
+# include "rltypedefs.h"
+# include "keymaps.h"
+# include "tilde.h"
+# include <rlstdc.h>
+# include <rltypedefs.h>
+# include <keymaps.h>
+# include <tilde.h>
+/* Hex-encoded Readline version number. */
+#define RL_READLINE_VERSION 0x0502 /* Readline 5.2 */
+/* Readline data structures. */
+/* Maintaining the state of undo. We remember individual deletes and inserts
+ on a chain of things to do. */
+/* The actions that undo knows how to undo. Notice that UNDO_DELETE means
+ to insert some text, and UNDO_INSERT means to delete some text. I.e.,
+ the code tells undo what to undo, not how to undo it. */
+/* What an element of THE_UNDO_LIST looks like. */
+typedef struct undo_list {
+ struct undo_list *next;
+ int start, end; /* Where the change took place. */
+ char *text; /* The text to insert, if undoing a delete. */
+ enum undo_code what; /* Delete, Insert, Begin, End. */
+/* The current undo list for RL_LINE_BUFFER. */
+extern UNDO_LIST *rl_undo_list;
+/* The data structure for mapping textual names to code addresses. */
+typedef struct _funmap {
+ const char *name;
+ rl_command_func_t *function;
+extern FUNMAP **funmap;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Functions available to bind to key sequences */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Bindable commands for numeric arguments. */
+extern int rl_digit_argument PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_universal_argument PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for moving the cursor. */
+extern int rl_forward_byte PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_forward_char PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_forward PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_backward_byte PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_backward_char PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_backward PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_beg_of_line PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_end_of_line PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_forward_word PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_backward_word PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_refresh_line PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_clear_screen PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_arrow_keys PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for inserting and deleting text. */
+extern int rl_insert PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_quoted_insert PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_tab_insert PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_newline PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_do_lowercase_version PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_rubout PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_delete PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_rubout_or_delete PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_delete_horizontal_space PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_delete_or_show_completions PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_insert_comment PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for changing case. */
+extern int rl_upcase_word PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_downcase_word PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_capitalize_word PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for transposing characters and words. */
+extern int rl_transpose_words PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_transpose_chars PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for searching within a line. */
+extern int rl_char_search PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_backward_char_search PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for readline's interface to the command history. */
+extern int rl_beginning_of_history PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_end_of_history PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_get_next_history PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_get_previous_history PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for managing the mark and region. */
+extern int rl_set_mark PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_exchange_point_and_mark PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands to set the editing mode (emacs or vi). */
+extern int rl_vi_editing_mode PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_emacs_editing_mode PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands to change the insert mode (insert or overwrite) */
+extern int rl_overwrite_mode PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for managing key bindings. */
+extern int rl_re_read_init_file PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_dump_functions PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_dump_macros PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_dump_variables PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for word completion. */
+extern int rl_complete PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_possible_completions PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_insert_completions PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_menu_complete PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for killing and yanking text, and managing the kill ring. */
+extern int rl_kill_word PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_backward_kill_word PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_kill_line PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_backward_kill_line PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_kill_full_line PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_unix_word_rubout PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_unix_filename_rubout PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_unix_line_discard PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_copy_region_to_kill PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_kill_region PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_copy_forward_word PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_copy_backward_word PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_yank PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_yank_pop PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_yank_nth_arg PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_yank_last_arg PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Not available unless __CYGWIN__ is defined. */
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+extern int rl_paste_from_clipboard PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for incremental searching. */
+extern int rl_reverse_search_history PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_forward_search_history PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable keyboard macro commands. */
+extern int rl_start_kbd_macro PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_end_kbd_macro PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_call_last_kbd_macro PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable undo commands. */
+extern int rl_revert_line PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_undo_command PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable tilde expansion commands. */
+extern int rl_tilde_expand PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable terminal control commands. */
+extern int rl_restart_output PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_stop_output PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Miscellaneous bindable commands. */
+extern int rl_abort PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_tty_status PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable commands for incremental and non-incremental history searching. */
+extern int rl_history_search_forward PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_history_search_backward PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_noninc_forward_search PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_noninc_reverse_search PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_noninc_forward_search_again PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_noninc_reverse_search_again PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Bindable command used when inserting a matching close character. */
+extern int rl_insert_close PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Not available unless READLINE_CALLBACKS is defined. */
+extern void rl_callback_handler_install PARAMS((const char *, rl_vcpfunc_t *));
+extern void rl_callback_read_char PARAMS((void));
+extern void rl_callback_handler_remove PARAMS((void));
+/* Things for vi mode. Not available unless readline is compiled -DVI_MODE. */
+/* VI-mode bindable commands. */
+extern int rl_vi_redo PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_undo PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_yank_arg PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_fetch_history PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_search_again PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_search PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_complete PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_tilde_expand PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_prev_word PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_next_word PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_end_word PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_insert_beg PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_append_mode PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_append_eol PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_eof_maybe PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_insertion_mode PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_movement_mode PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_arg_digit PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_change_case PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_put PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_column PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_delete_to PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_change_to PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_yank_to PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_rubout PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_delete PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_back_to_indent PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_first_print PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_char_search PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_match PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_change_char PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_subst PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_overstrike PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_overstrike_delete PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_replace PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_set_mark PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_goto_mark PARAMS((int, int));
+/* VI-mode utility functions. */
+extern int rl_vi_check PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_vi_domove PARAMS((int, int *));
+extern int rl_vi_bracktype PARAMS((int));
+extern void rl_vi_start_inserting PARAMS((int, int, int));
+/* VI-mode pseudo-bindable commands, used as utility functions. */
+extern int rl_vi_fWord PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_bWord PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_eWord PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_fword PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_bword PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_vi_eword PARAMS((int, int));
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Well Published Functions */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Readline functions. */
+/* Read a line of input. Prompt with PROMPT. A NULL PROMPT means none. */
+extern char *readline PARAMS((const char *));
+extern int rl_set_prompt PARAMS((const char *));
+extern int rl_expand_prompt PARAMS((char *));
+extern int rl_initialize PARAMS((void));
+/* Undocumented; unused by readline */
+extern int rl_discard_argument PARAMS((void));
+/* Utility functions to bind keys to readline commands. */
+extern int rl_add_defun PARAMS((const char *, rl_command_func_t *, int));
+extern int rl_bind_key PARAMS((int, rl_command_func_t *));
+extern int rl_bind_key_in_map PARAMS((int, rl_command_func_t *, Keymap));
+extern int rl_unbind_key PARAMS((int));
+extern int rl_unbind_key_in_map PARAMS((int, Keymap));
+extern int rl_bind_key_if_unbound PARAMS((int, rl_command_func_t *));
+extern int rl_bind_key_if_unbound_in_map PARAMS((int, rl_command_func_t *, Keymap));
+extern int rl_unbind_function_in_map PARAMS((rl_command_func_t *, Keymap));
+extern int rl_unbind_command_in_map PARAMS((const char *, Keymap));
+extern int rl_bind_keyseq PARAMS((const char *, rl_command_func_t *));
+extern int rl_bind_keyseq_in_map PARAMS((const char *, rl_command_func_t *, Keymap));
+extern int rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound PARAMS((const char *, rl_command_func_t *));
+extern int rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound_in_map PARAMS((const char *, rl_command_func_t *, Keymap));
+extern int rl_generic_bind PARAMS((int, const char *, char *, Keymap));
+extern const char *rl_variable_value PARAMS((const char *));
+extern int rl_variable_bind PARAMS((const char *, const char *));
+/* Backwards compatibility, use rl_bind_keyseq_in_map instead. */
+extern int rl_set_key PARAMS((const char *, rl_command_func_t *, Keymap));
+/* Backwards compatibility, use rl_generic_bind instead. */
+extern int rl_macro_bind PARAMS((const char *, const char *, Keymap));
+/* Undocumented in the texinfo manual; not really useful to programs. */
+extern int rl_translate_keyseq PARAMS((const char *, char *, int *));
+extern char *rl_untranslate_keyseq PARAMS((int));
+extern rl_command_func_t *rl_named_function PARAMS((const char *));
+extern rl_command_func_t *rl_function_of_keyseq PARAMS((const char *, Keymap, int *));
+extern void rl_list_funmap_names PARAMS((void));
+extern char **rl_invoking_keyseqs_in_map PARAMS((rl_command_func_t *, Keymap));
+extern char **rl_invoking_keyseqs PARAMS((rl_command_func_t *));
+extern void rl_function_dumper PARAMS((int));
+extern void rl_macro_dumper PARAMS((int));
+extern void rl_variable_dumper PARAMS((int));
+extern int rl_read_init_file PARAMS((const char *));
+extern int rl_parse_and_bind PARAMS((char *));
+/* Functions for manipulating keymaps. */
+extern Keymap rl_make_bare_keymap PARAMS((void));
+extern Keymap rl_copy_keymap PARAMS((Keymap));
+extern Keymap rl_make_keymap PARAMS((void));
+extern void rl_discard_keymap PARAMS((Keymap));
+extern Keymap rl_get_keymap_by_name PARAMS((const char *));
+extern char *rl_get_keymap_name PARAMS((Keymap));
+extern void rl_set_keymap PARAMS((Keymap));
+extern Keymap rl_get_keymap PARAMS((void));
+/* Undocumented; used internally only. */
+extern void rl_set_keymap_from_edit_mode PARAMS((void));
+extern const char *rl_get_keymap_name_from_edit_mode PARAMS((void));
+/* Functions for manipulating the funmap, which maps command names to functions. */
+extern int rl_add_funmap_entry PARAMS((const char *, rl_command_func_t *));
+extern const char **rl_funmap_names PARAMS((void));
+/* Undocumented, only used internally -- there is only one funmap, and this
+ function may be called only once. */
+extern void rl_initialize_funmap PARAMS((void));
+/* Utility functions for managing keyboard macros. */
+extern void rl_push_macro_input PARAMS((char *));
+/* Functions for undoing, from undo.c */
+extern void rl_add_undo PARAMS((enum undo_code, int, int, char *));
+extern void rl_free_undo_list PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_do_undo PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_begin_undo_group PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_end_undo_group PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_modifying PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Functions for redisplay. */
+extern void rl_redisplay PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_on_new_line PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_on_new_line_with_prompt PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_forced_update_display PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_clear_message PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_reset_line_state PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_crlf PARAMS((void));
+#if defined (USE_VARARGS) && defined (PREFER_STDARG)
+extern int rl_message (const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 1, 2)));
+extern int rl_message ();
+extern int rl_show_char PARAMS((int));
+/* Undocumented in texinfo manual. */
+extern int rl_character_len PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Save and restore internal prompt redisplay information. */
+extern void rl_save_prompt PARAMS((void));
+extern void rl_restore_prompt PARAMS((void));
+/* Modifying text. */
+extern void rl_replace_line PARAMS((const char *, int));
+extern int rl_insert_text PARAMS((const char *));
+extern int rl_delete_text PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int rl_kill_text PARAMS((int, int));
+extern char *rl_copy_text PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Terminal and tty mode management. */
+extern void rl_prep_terminal PARAMS((int));
+extern void rl_deprep_terminal PARAMS((void));
+extern void rl_tty_set_default_bindings PARAMS((Keymap));
+extern void rl_tty_unset_default_bindings PARAMS((Keymap));
+extern int rl_reset_terminal PARAMS((const char *));
+extern void rl_resize_terminal PARAMS((void));
+extern void rl_set_screen_size PARAMS((int, int));
+extern void rl_get_screen_size PARAMS((int *, int *));
+extern void rl_reset_screen_size PARAMS((void));
+extern const char *rl_get_termcap PARAMS((const char *));
+/* Functions for character input. */
+extern int rl_stuff_char PARAMS((int));
+extern int rl_execute_next PARAMS((int));
+extern int rl_clear_pending_input PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_read_key PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_getc PARAMS((FILE *));
+extern int rl_set_keyboard_input_timeout PARAMS((int));
+/* `Public' utility functions . */
+extern void rl_extend_line_buffer PARAMS((int));
+extern int rl_ding PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_alphabetic PARAMS((int));
+/* Readline signal handling, from signals.c */
+extern int rl_set_signals PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_clear_signals PARAMS((void));
+extern void rl_cleanup_after_signal PARAMS((void));
+extern void rl_reset_after_signal PARAMS((void));
+extern void rl_free_line_state PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_set_paren_blink_timeout PARAMS((int));
+/* Undocumented. */
+extern int rl_maybe_save_line PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_maybe_unsave_line PARAMS((void));
+extern int rl_maybe_replace_line PARAMS((void));
+/* Completion functions. */
+extern int rl_complete_internal PARAMS((int));
+extern void rl_display_match_list PARAMS((char **, int, int));
+extern char **rl_completion_matches PARAMS((const char *, rl_compentry_func_t *));
+extern char *rl_username_completion_function PARAMS((const char *, int));
+extern char *rl_filename_completion_function PARAMS((const char *, int));
+extern int rl_completion_mode PARAMS((rl_command_func_t *));
+#if 0
+/* Backwards compatibility (compat.c). These will go away sometime. */
+extern void free_undo_list PARAMS((void));
+extern int maybe_save_line PARAMS((void));
+extern int maybe_unsave_line PARAMS((void));
+extern int maybe_replace_line PARAMS((void));
+extern int ding PARAMS((void));
+extern int alphabetic PARAMS((int));
+extern int crlf PARAMS((void));
+extern char **completion_matches PARAMS((char *, rl_compentry_func_t *));
+extern char *username_completion_function PARAMS((const char *, int));
+extern char *filename_completion_function PARAMS((const char *, int));
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Well Published Variables */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* The version of this incarnation of the readline library. */
+extern const char *rl_library_version; /* e.g., "4.2" */
+extern int rl_readline_version; /* e.g., 0x0402 */
+/* True if this is real GNU readline. */
+extern int rl_gnu_readline_p;
+/* Flags word encapsulating the current readline state. */
+extern int rl_readline_state;
+/* Says which editing mode readline is currently using. 1 means emacs mode;
+ 0 means vi mode. */
+extern int rl_editing_mode;
+/* Insert or overwrite mode for emacs mode. 1 means insert mode; 0 means
+ overwrite mode. Reset to insert mode on each input line. */
+extern int rl_insert_mode;
+/* The name of the calling program. You should initialize this to
+ whatever was in argv[0]. It is used when parsing conditionals. */
+extern const char *rl_readline_name;
+/* The prompt readline uses. This is set from the argument to
+ readline (), and should not be assigned to directly. */
+extern char *rl_prompt;
+/* The line buffer that is in use. */
+extern char *rl_line_buffer;
+/* The location of point, and end. */
+extern int rl_point;
+extern int rl_end;
+/* The mark, or saved cursor position. */
+extern int rl_mark;
+/* Flag to indicate that readline has finished with the current input
+ line and should return it. */
+extern int rl_done;
+/* If set to a character value, that will be the next keystroke read. */
+extern int rl_pending_input;
+/* Non-zero if we called this function from _rl_dispatch(). It's present
+ so functions can find out whether they were called from a key binding
+ or directly from an application. */
+extern int rl_dispatching;
+/* Non-zero if the user typed a numeric argument before executing the
+ current function. */
+extern int rl_explicit_arg;
+/* The current value of the numeric argument specified by the user. */
+extern int rl_numeric_arg;
+/* The address of the last command function Readline executed. */
+extern rl_command_func_t *rl_last_func;
+/* The name of the terminal to use. */
+extern const char *rl_terminal_name;
+/* The input and output streams. */
+extern FILE *rl_instream;
+extern FILE *rl_outstream;
+/* If non-zero, Readline gives values of LINES and COLUMNS from the environment
+ greater precedence than values fetched from the kernel when computing the
+ screen dimensions. */
+extern int rl_prefer_env_winsize;
+/* If non-zero, then this is the address of a function to call just
+ before readline_internal () prints the first prompt. */
+extern rl_hook_func_t *rl_startup_hook;
+/* If non-zero, this is the address of a function to call just before
+ readline_internal_setup () returns and readline_internal starts
+ reading input characters. */
+extern rl_hook_func_t *rl_pre_input_hook;
+/* The address of a function to call periodically while Readline is
+ awaiting character input, or NULL, for no event handling. */
+extern rl_hook_func_t *rl_event_hook;
+/* The address of the function to call to fetch a character from the current
+ Readline input stream */
+extern rl_getc_func_t *rl_getc_function;
+extern rl_voidfunc_t *rl_redisplay_function;
+extern rl_vintfunc_t *rl_prep_term_function;
+extern rl_voidfunc_t *rl_deprep_term_function;
+/* Dispatch variables. */
+extern Keymap rl_executing_keymap;
+extern Keymap rl_binding_keymap;
+/* Display variables. */
+/* If non-zero, readline will erase the entire line, including any prompt,
+ if the only thing typed on an otherwise-blank line is something bound to
+ rl_newline. */
+extern int rl_erase_empty_line;
+/* If non-zero, the application has already printed the prompt (rl_prompt)
+ before calling readline, so readline should not output it the first time
+ redisplay is done. */
+extern int rl_already_prompted;
+/* A non-zero value means to read only this many characters rather than
+ up to a character bound to accept-line. */
+extern int rl_num_chars_to_read;
+/* The text of a currently-executing keyboard macro. */
+extern char *rl_executing_macro;
+/* Variables to control readline signal handling. */
+/* If non-zero, readline will install its own signal handlers for
+extern int rl_catch_signals;
+/* If non-zero, readline will install a signal handler for SIGWINCH
+ that also attempts to call any calling application's SIGWINCH signal
+ handler. Note that the terminal is not cleaned up before the
+ application's signal handler is called; use rl_cleanup_after_signal()
+ to do that. */
+extern int rl_catch_sigwinch;
+/* Completion variables. */
+/* Pointer to the generator function for completion_matches ().
+ NULL means to use rl_filename_completion_function (), the default
+ filename completer. */
+extern rl_compentry_func_t *rl_completion_entry_function;
+/* If rl_ignore_some_completions_function is non-NULL it is the address
+ of a function to call after all of the possible matches have been
+ generated, but before the actual completion is done to the input line.
+ The function is called with one argument; a NULL terminated array
+ of (char *). If your function removes any of the elements, they
+ must be free()'ed. */
+extern rl_compignore_func_t *rl_ignore_some_completions_function;
+/* Pointer to alternative function to create matches.
+ Function is called with TEXT, START, and END.
+ START and END are indices in RL_LINE_BUFFER saying what the boundaries
+ of TEXT are.
+ If this function exists and returns NULL then call the value of
+ rl_completion_entry_function to try to match, otherwise use the
+ array of strings returned. */
+extern rl_completion_func_t *rl_attempted_completion_function;
+/* The basic list of characters that signal a break between words for the
+ completer routine. The initial contents of this variable is what
+ breaks words in the shell, i.e. "n\"\\'`@$>". */
+extern const char *rl_basic_word_break_characters;
+/* The list of characters that signal a break between words for
+ rl_complete_internal. The default list is the contents of
+ rl_basic_word_break_characters. */
+extern /*const*/ char *rl_completer_word_break_characters;
+/* Hook function to allow an application to set the completion word
+ break characters before readline breaks up the line. Allows
+ position-dependent word break characters. */
+extern rl_cpvfunc_t *rl_completion_word_break_hook;
+/* List of characters which can be used to quote a substring of the line.
+ Completion occurs on the entire substring, and within the substring
+ rl_completer_word_break_characters are treated as any other character,
+ unless they also appear within this list. */
+extern const char *rl_completer_quote_characters;
+/* List of quote characters which cause a word break. */
+extern const char *rl_basic_quote_characters;
+/* List of characters that need to be quoted in filenames by the completer. */
+extern const char *rl_filename_quote_characters;
+/* List of characters that are word break characters, but should be left
+ in TEXT when it is passed to the completion function. The shell uses
+ this to help determine what kind of completing to do. */
+extern const char *rl_special_prefixes;
+/* If non-zero, then this is the address of a function to call when
+ completing on a directory name. The function is called with
+ the address of a string (the current directory name) as an arg. It
+ changes what is displayed when the possible completions are printed
+ or inserted. */
+extern rl_icppfunc_t *rl_directory_completion_hook;
+/* If non-zero, this is the address of a function to call when completing
+ a directory name. This function takes the address of the directory name
+ to be modified as an argument. Unlike rl_directory_completion_hook, it
+ only modifies the directory name used in opendir(2), not what is displayed
+ when the possible completions are printed or inserted. It is called
+ before rl_directory_completion_hook. I'm not happy with how this works
+ yet, so it's undocumented. */
+extern rl_icppfunc_t *rl_directory_rewrite_hook;
+/* Backwards compatibility with previous versions of readline. */
+#define rl_symbolic_link_hook rl_directory_completion_hook
+/* If non-zero, then this is the address of a function to call when
+ completing a word would normally display the list of possible matches.
+ This function is called instead of actually doing the display.
+ It takes three arguments: (char **matches, int num_matches, int max_length)
+ where MATCHES is the array of strings that matched, NUM_MATCHES is the
+ number of strings in that array, and MAX_LENGTH is the length of the
+ longest string in that array. */
+extern rl_compdisp_func_t *rl_completion_display_matches_hook;
+/* Non-zero means that the results of the matches are to be treated
+ as filenames. This is ALWAYS zero on entry, and can only be changed
+ within a completion entry finder function. */
+extern int rl_filename_completion_desired;
+/* Non-zero means that the results of the matches are to be quoted using
+ double quotes (or an application-specific quoting mechanism) if the
+ filename contains any characters in rl_word_break_chars. This is
+ ALWAYS non-zero on entry, and can only be changed within a completion
+ entry finder function. */
+extern int rl_filename_quoting_desired;
+/* Set to a function to quote a filename in an application-specific fashion.
+ Called with the text to quote, the type of match found (single or multiple)
+ and a pointer to the quoting character to be used, which the function can
+ reset if desired. */
+extern rl_quote_func_t *rl_filename_quoting_function;
+/* Function to call to remove quoting characters from a filename. Called
+ before completion is attempted, so the embedded quotes do not interfere
+ with matching names in the file system. */
+extern rl_dequote_func_t *rl_filename_dequoting_function;
+/* Function to call to decide whether or not a word break character is
+ quoted. If a character is quoted, it does not break words for the
+ completer. */
+extern rl_linebuf_func_t *rl_char_is_quoted_p;
+/* Non-zero means to suppress normal filename completion after the
+ user-specified completion function has been called. */
+extern int rl_attempted_completion_over;
+/* Set to a character describing the type of completion being attempted by
+ rl_complete_internal; available for use by application completion
+ functions. */
+extern int rl_completion_type;
+/* Up to this many items will be displayed in response to a
+ possible-completions call. After that, we ask the user if she
+ is sure she wants to see them all. The default value is 100. */
+extern int rl_completion_query_items;
+/* Character appended to completed words when at the end of the line. The
+ default is a space. Nothing is added if this is '\0'. */
+extern int rl_completion_append_character;
+/* If set to non-zero by an application completion function,
+ rl_completion_append_character will not be appended. */
+extern int rl_completion_suppress_append;
+/* Set to any quote character readline thinks it finds before any application
+ completion function is called. */
+extern int rl_completion_quote_character;
+/* Set to a non-zero value if readline found quoting anywhere in the word to
+ be completed; set before any application completion function is called. */
+extern int rl_completion_found_quote;
+/* If non-zero, the completion functions don't append any closing quote.
+ This is set to 0 by rl_complete_internal and may be changed by an
+ application-specific completion function. */
+extern int rl_completion_suppress_quote;
+/* If non-zero, a slash will be appended to completed filenames that are
+ symbolic links to directory names, subject to the value of the
+ mark-directories variable (which is user-settable). This exists so
+ that application completion functions can override the user's preference
+ (set via the mark-symlinked-directories variable) if appropriate.
+ It's set to the value of _rl_complete_mark_symlink_dirs in
+ rl_complete_internal before any application-specific completion
+ function is called, so without that function doing anything, the user's
+ preferences are honored. */
+extern int rl_completion_mark_symlink_dirs;
+/* If non-zero, then disallow duplicates in the matches. */
+extern int rl_ignore_completion_duplicates;
+/* If this is non-zero, completion is (temporarily) inhibited, and the
+ completion character will be inserted as any other. */
+extern int rl_inhibit_completion;
+/* Input error; can be returned by (*rl_getc_function) if readline is reading
+ a top-level command (RL_ISSTATE (RL_STATE_READCMD)). */
+#define READERR (-2)
+/* Definitions available for use by readline clients. */
+#define RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE '\001'
+#define RL_PROMPT_END_IGNORE '\002'
+/* Possible values for do_replace argument to rl_filename_quoting_function,
+ called by rl_complete_internal. */
+#define NO_MATCH 0
+#define SINGLE_MATCH 1
+#define MULT_MATCH 2
+/* Possible state values for rl_readline_state */
+#define RL_STATE_NONE 0x000000 /* no state; before first call */
+#define RL_STATE_INITIALIZING 0x000001 /* initializing */
+#define RL_STATE_INITIALIZED 0x000002 /* initialization done */
+#define RL_STATE_TERMPREPPED 0x000004 /* terminal is prepped */
+#define RL_STATE_READCMD 0x000008 /* reading a command key */
+#define RL_STATE_METANEXT 0x000010 /* reading input after ESC */
+#define RL_STATE_DISPATCHING 0x000020 /* dispatching to a command */
+#define RL_STATE_MOREINPUT 0x000040 /* reading more input in a command function */
+#define RL_STATE_ISEARCH 0x000080 /* doing incremental search */
+#define RL_STATE_NSEARCH 0x000100 /* doing non-inc search */
+#define RL_STATE_SEARCH 0x000200 /* doing a history search */
+#define RL_STATE_NUMERICARG 0x000400 /* reading numeric argument */
+#define RL_STATE_MACROINPUT 0x000800 /* getting input from a macro */
+#define RL_STATE_MACRODEF 0x001000 /* defining keyboard macro */
+#define RL_STATE_OVERWRITE 0x002000 /* overwrite mode */
+#define RL_STATE_COMPLETING 0x004000 /* doing completion */
+#define RL_STATE_SIGHANDLER 0x008000 /* in readline sighandler */
+#define RL_STATE_UNDOING 0x010000 /* doing an undo */
+#define RL_STATE_INPUTPENDING 0x020000 /* rl_execute_next called */
+#define RL_STATE_TTYCSAVED 0x040000 /* tty special chars saved */
+#define RL_STATE_CALLBACK 0x080000 /* using the callback interface */
+#define RL_STATE_VIMOTION 0x100000 /* reading vi motion arg */
+#define RL_STATE_MULTIKEY 0x200000 /* reading multiple-key command */
+#define RL_STATE_VICMDONCE 0x400000 /* entered vi command mode at least once */
+#define RL_STATE_DONE 0x800000 /* done; accepted line */
+#define RL_SETSTATE(x) (rl_readline_state |= (x))
+#define RL_UNSETSTATE(x) (rl_readline_state &= ~(x))
+#define RL_ISSTATE(x) (rl_readline_state & (x))
+struct readline_state {
+ /* line state */
+ int point;
+ int end;
+ int mark;
+ char *buffer;
+ int buflen;
+ UNDO_LIST *ul;
+ char *prompt;
+ /* global state */
+ int rlstate;
+ int done;
+ Keymap kmap;
+ /* input state */
+ rl_command_func_t *lastfunc;
+ int insmode;
+ int edmode;
+ int kseqlen;
+ FILE *inf;
+ FILE *outf;
+ int pendingin;
+ char *macro;
+ /* signal state */
+ int catchsigs;
+ int catchsigwinch;
+ /* search state */
+ /* completion state */
+ /* options state */
+ /* reserved for future expansion, so the struct size doesn't change */
+ char reserved[64];
+extern int rl_save_state PARAMS((struct readline_state *));
+extern int rl_restore_state PARAMS((struct readline_state *));
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _READLINE_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/rlconf.h b/extra/readline/rlconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57103da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/rlconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/* rlconf.h -- readline configuration definitions */
+/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the Readline Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for providing Emacs style line input to programs that ask
+ for it.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_RLCONF_H_)
+#define _RLCONF_H_
+/* Define this if you want the vi-mode editing available. */
+#define VI_MODE
+/* Define this to get an indication of file type when listing completions. */
+/* This definition is needed by readline.c, rltty.c, and signals.c. */
+/* If on, then readline handles signals in a way that doesn't screw. */
+/* Ugly but working hack for binding prefix meta. */
+/* The next-to-last-ditch effort file name for a user-specific init file. */
+#define DEFAULT_INPUTRC "~/.inputrc"
+/* The ultimate last-ditch filenname for an init file -- system-wide. */
+#define SYS_INPUTRC "/etc/inputrc"
+/* If defined, expand tabs to spaces. */
+/* If defined, use the terminal escape sequence to move the cursor forward
+ over a character when updating the line rather than rewriting it. */
+/* #define HACK_TERMCAP_MOTION */
+/* The string inserted by the `insert comment' command. */
+/* Define this if you want code that allows readline to be used in an
+ X `callback' style. */
+/* Define this if you want the cursor to indicate insert or overwrite mode. */
+/* #define CURSOR_MODE */
+#endif /* _RLCONF_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/rldefs.h b/extra/readline/rldefs.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8334bd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/rldefs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+/* rldefs.h -- an attempt to isolate some of the system-specific defines
+ for readline. This should be included after any files that define
+ system-specific constants like _POSIX_VERSION or USG. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the Readline Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for providing Emacs style line input to programs that ask
+ for it.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_RLDEFS_H_)
+#define _RLDEFS_H_
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include "rlstdc.h"
+#if defined (_POSIX_VERSION) && !defined (TERMIOS_MISSING)
+# if defined (HAVE_TERMIO_H)
+# else
+# if !defined (__MINGW32__)
+# define NEW_TTY_DRIVER
+# else
+# define NO_TTY_DRIVER
+# endif
+# endif
+/* Posix macro to check file in statbuf for directory-ness.
+ This requires that <sys/stat.h> be included before this test. */
+#if defined (S_IFDIR) && !defined (S_ISDIR)
+# define S_ISDIR(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
+/* Decide which flavor of the header file describing the C library
+ string functions to include and include it. */
+#if defined (HAVE_STRING_H)
+# include <string.h>
+#else /* !HAVE_STRING_H */
+# include <strings.h>
+#endif /* !HAVE_STRING_H */
+#if !defined (strchr) && !defined (__STDC__)
+extern char *strchr (), *strrchr ();
+#endif /* !strchr && !__STDC__ */
+#if defined (PREFER_STDARG)
+# include <stdarg.h>
+# if defined (PREFER_VARARGS)
+# include <varargs.h>
+# endif
+#if defined (HAVE_STRCASECMP)
+#define _rl_stricmp strcasecmp
+#define _rl_strnicmp strncasecmp
+extern int _rl_stricmp PARAMS((char *, char *));
+extern int _rl_strnicmp PARAMS((char *, char *, int));
+#if defined (HAVE_STRPBRK) && !defined (HAVE_MULTIBYTE)
+# define _rl_strpbrk(a,b) strpbrk((a),(b))
+extern char *_rl_strpbrk PARAMS((const char *, const char *));
+#if !defined (emacs_mode)
+# define no_mode -1
+# define vi_mode 0
+# define emacs_mode 1
+#if !defined (RL_IM_INSERT)
+# define RL_IM_INSERT 1
+# define RL_IM_OVERWRITE 0
+/* If you cast map[key].function to type (Keymap) on a Cray,
+ the compiler takes the value of map[key].function and
+ divides it by 4 to convert between pointer types (pointers
+ to functions and pointers to structs are different sizes).
+ This is not what is wanted. */
+#if defined (CRAY)
+# define FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP(map, key) (Keymap)((int)map[key].function)
+# define KEYMAP_TO_FUNCTION(data) (rl_command_func_t *)((int)(data))
+# define FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP(map, key) (Keymap)(map[key].function)
+# define KEYMAP_TO_FUNCTION(data) (rl_command_func_t *)(data)
+#ifndef savestring
+#define savestring(x) strcpy ((char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (x)), (x))
+/* Possible values for _rl_bell_preference. */
+#define NO_BELL 0
+#define AUDIBLE_BELL 1
+#define VISIBLE_BELL 2
+/* Definitions used when searching the line for characters. */
+/* NOTE: it is necessary that opposite directions are inverses */
+#define FTO 1 /* forward to */
+#define BTO -1 /* backward to */
+#define FFIND 2 /* forward find */
+#define BFIND -2 /* backward find */
+/* Possible values for the found_quote flags word used by the completion
+ functions. It says what kind of (shell-like) quoting we found anywhere
+ in the line. */
+#define RL_QF_SINGLE_QUOTE 0x01
+#define RL_QF_DOUBLE_QUOTE 0x02
+#define RL_QF_BACKSLASH 0x04
+#define RL_QF_OTHER_QUOTE 0x08
+/* Default readline line buffer length. */
+#if !defined (STREQ)
+#define STREQ(a, b) (((a)[0] == (b)[0]) && (strcmp ((a), (b)) == 0))
+#define STREQN(a, b, n) (((n) == 0) ? (1) \
+ : ((a)[0] == (b)[0]) && (strncmp ((a), (b), (n)) == 0))
+#if !defined (FREE)
+# define FREE(x) if (x) free (x)
+#if !defined (SWAP)
+# define SWAP(s, e) do { int t; t = s; s = e; e = t; } while (0)
+#include "rlconf.h"
+#endif /* !_RLDEFS_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/rlmbutil.h b/extra/readline/rlmbutil.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e8fa222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/rlmbutil.h
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+/* rlmbutil.h -- utility functions for multibyte characters. */
+/* Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_RL_MBUTIL_H_)
+#define _RL_MBUTIL_H_
+#include "rlstdc.h"
+/* check multibyte capability for I18N code */
+/* For platforms which support the ISO C amendement 1 functionality we
+ support user defined character classes. */
+ /* Solaris 2.5 has a bug: <wchar.h> must be included before <wctype.h>. */
+#if defined (HAVE_WCTYPE_H) && defined (HAVE_WCHAR_H) && defined (HAVE_LOCALE_H)
+# include <wchar.h>
+# include <wctype.h>
+# if defined (HAVE_ISWCTYPE) && \
+ defined (HAVE_ISWLOWER) && \
+ defined (HAVE_ISWUPPER) && \
+ defined (HAVE_MBSRTOWCS) && \
+ defined (HAVE_MBRTOWC) && \
+ defined (HAVE_MBRLEN) && \
+ defined (HAVE_TOWLOWER) && \
+ defined (HAVE_TOWUPPER) && \
+ defined (HAVE_WCHAR_T) && \
+ defined (HAVE_WCWIDTH)
+ /* system is supposed to support XPG5 */
+# endif
+/* If we don't want multibyte chars even on a system that supports them, let
+ the configuring user turn multibyte support off. */
+/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t. */
+# define wcsrtombs(dest, src, len, ps) (wcsrtombs) (dest, src, len, 0)
+# define mbsrtowcs(dest, src, len, ps) (mbsrtowcs) (dest, src, len, 0)
+# define wcrtomb(s, wc, ps) (wcrtomb) (s, wc, 0)
+# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
+# define mbrlen(s, n, ps) (mbrlen) (s, n, 0)
+# define mbstate_t int
+/* Make sure MB_LEN_MAX is at least 16 on systems that claim to be able to
+ handle multibyte chars (some systems define MB_LEN_MAX as 1) */
+# include <limits.h>
+# if defined(MB_LEN_MAX) && (MB_LEN_MAX < 16)
+# undef MB_LEN_MAX
+# endif
+# if !defined (MB_LEN_MAX)
+# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
+# endif
+/* end of multibyte capability checks for I18N */
+ * Flags for _rl_find_prev_mbchar and _rl_find_next_mbchar:
+ *
+ * MB_FIND_ANY find any multibyte character
+ * MB_FIND_NONZERO find a non-zero-width multibyte character
+ */
+#define MB_FIND_ANY 0x00
+#define MB_FIND_NONZERO 0x01
+extern int _rl_find_prev_mbchar PARAMS((char *, int, int));
+extern int _rl_find_next_mbchar PARAMS((char *, int, int, int));
+extern int _rl_compare_chars PARAMS((char *, int, mbstate_t *, char *, int, mbstate_t *));
+extern int _rl_get_char_len PARAMS((char *, mbstate_t *));
+extern int _rl_adjust_point PARAMS((char *, int, mbstate_t *));
+extern int _rl_read_mbchar PARAMS((char *, int));
+extern int _rl_read_mbstring PARAMS((int, char *, int));
+extern int _rl_is_mbchar_matched PARAMS((char *, int, int, char *, int));
+extern wchar_t _rl_char_value PARAMS((char *, int));
+extern int _rl_walphabetic PARAMS((wchar_t));
+#define _rl_to_wupper(wc) (iswlower (wc) ? (wchar_t)towupper (wc) : (wc))
+#define _rl_to_wlower(wc) (iswupper (wc) ? (wchar_t)towlower (wc) : (wc))
+#define MB_NEXTCHAR(b,s,c,f) \
+ ((MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0) \
+ ? _rl_find_next_mbchar ((b), (s), (c), (f)) \
+ : ((s) + (c)))
+#define MB_PREVCHAR(b,s,f) \
+ ((MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0) \
+ ? _rl_find_prev_mbchar ((b), (s), (f)) \
+ : ((s) - 1))
+#define MB_INVALIDCH(x) ((x) == (size_t)-1 || (x) == (size_t)-2)
+#define MB_NULLWCH(x) ((x) == 0)
+#else /* !HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+#undef MB_LEN_MAX
+#undef MB_CUR_MAX
+#define MB_LEN_MAX 1
+#define MB_CUR_MAX 1
+#define _rl_find_prev_mbchar(b, i, f) (((i) == 0) ? (i) : ((i) - 1))
+#define _rl_find_next_mbchar(b, i1, i2, f) ((i1) + (i2))
+#define _rl_char_value(buf,ind) ((buf)[(ind)])
+#define _rl_walphabetic(c) (rl_alphabetic (c))
+#define _rl_to_wupper(c) (_rl_to_upper (c))
+#define _rl_to_wlower(c) (_rl_to_lower (c))
+#define MB_NEXTCHAR(b,s,c,f) ((s) + (c))
+#define MB_PREVCHAR(b,s,f) ((s) - 1)
+#define MB_INVALIDCH(x) (0)
+#define MB_NULLWCH(x) (0)
+#endif /* !HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+extern int rl_byte_oriented;
+#endif /* _RL_MBUTIL_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/rlprivate.h b/extra/readline/rlprivate.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf3d2038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/rlprivate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+/* rlprivate.h -- functions and variables global to the readline library,
+ but not intended for use by applications. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_RL_PRIVATE_H_)
+#define _RL_PRIVATE_H_
+#include "rlconf.h" /* for VISIBLE_STATS */
+#include "rlstdc.h"
+#include "posixjmp.h" /* defines procenv_t */
+ * *
+ * Global structs undocumented in texinfo manual and not in readline.h *
+ * *
+ *************************************************************************/
+/* search types */
+#define RL_SEARCH_ISEARCH 0x01 /* incremental search */
+#define RL_SEARCH_NSEARCH 0x02 /* non-incremental search */
+#define RL_SEARCH_CSEARCH 0x04 /* intra-line char search */
+/* search flags */
+#define SF_REVERSE 0x01
+#define SF_FOUND 0x02
+#define SF_FAILED 0x04
+typedef struct __rl_search_context
+ int type;
+ int sflags;
+ char *search_string;
+ int search_string_index;
+ int search_string_size;
+ char **lines;
+ char *allocated_line;
+ int hlen;
+ int hindex;
+ int save_point;
+ int save_mark;
+ int save_line;
+ int last_found_line;
+ char *prev_line_found;
+ UNDO_LIST *save_undo_list;
+ int history_pos;
+ int direction;
+ int lastc;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ char mb[MB_LEN_MAX];
+ char *sline;
+ int sline_len;
+ int sline_index;
+ const char *search_terminators;
+} _rl_search_cxt;
+/* Callback data for reading numeric arguments */
+#define NUM_SAWMINUS 0x01
+#define NUM_SAWDIGITS 0x02
+#define NUM_READONE 0x04
+typedef int _rl_arg_cxt;
+/* A context for reading key sequences longer than a single character when
+ using the callback interface. */
+#define KSEQ_DISPATCHED 0x01
+#define KSEQ_SUBSEQ 0x02
+#define KSEQ_RECURSIVE 0x04
+typedef struct __rl_keyseq_context
+ int flags;
+ int subseq_arg;
+ int subseq_retval; /* XXX */
+ Keymap dmap;
+ Keymap oldmap;
+ int okey;
+ struct __rl_keyseq_context *ocxt;
+ int childval;
+} _rl_keyseq_cxt;
+ /* fill in more as needed */
+/* `Generic' callback data and functions */
+typedef struct __rl_callback_generic_arg
+ int count;
+ int i1, i2;
+ /* add here as needed */
+} _rl_callback_generic_arg;
+typedef int _rl_callback_func_t PARAMS((_rl_callback_generic_arg *));
+ * *
+ * Global functions undocumented in texinfo manual and not in readline.h *
+ * *
+ *************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * Global variables undocumented in texinfo manual and not in readline.h *
+ * *
+ *************************************************************************/
+/* complete.c */
+extern int rl_complete_with_tilde_expansion;
+#if defined (VISIBLE_STATS)
+extern int rl_visible_stats;
+#endif /* VISIBLE_STATS */
+/* readline.c */
+extern int rl_line_buffer_len;
+extern int rl_arg_sign;
+extern int rl_visible_prompt_length;
+extern int readline_echoing_p;
+extern int rl_key_sequence_length;
+extern int rl_byte_oriented;
+extern _rl_keyseq_cxt *_rl_kscxt;
+/* display.c */
+extern int rl_display_fixed;
+/* parens.c */
+extern int rl_blink_matching_paren;
+ * *
+ * Global functions and variables unsed and undocumented *
+ * *
+ *************************************************************************/
+/* kill.c */
+extern int rl_set_retained_kills PARAMS((int));
+/* terminal.c */
+extern void _rl_set_screen_size PARAMS((int, int));
+/* undo.c */
+extern int _rl_fix_last_undo_of_type PARAMS((enum undo_code, int, int));
+/* util.c */
+extern char *_rl_savestring PARAMS((const char *));
+ * *
+ * Functions and variables private to the readline library *
+ * *
+ *************************************************************************/
+/* NOTE: Functions and variables prefixed with `_rl_' are
+ pseudo-global: they are global so they can be shared
+ between files in the readline library, but are not intended
+ to be visible to readline callers. */
+ * Undocumented private functions *
+ *************************************************************************/
+/* readline.c */
+extern void readline_internal_setup PARAMS((void));
+extern char *readline_internal_teardown PARAMS((int));
+extern int readline_internal_char PARAMS((void));
+extern _rl_keyseq_cxt *_rl_keyseq_cxt_alloc PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_keyseq_cxt_dispose PARAMS((_rl_keyseq_cxt *));
+extern void _rl_keyseq_chain_dispose PARAMS((void));
+extern int _rl_dispatch_callback PARAMS((_rl_keyseq_cxt *));
+/* callback.c */
+extern _rl_callback_generic_arg *_rl_callback_data_alloc PARAMS((int));
+extern void _rl_callback_data_dispose PARAMS((_rl_callback_generic_arg *));
+/* bind.c */
+/* complete.c */
+extern char _rl_find_completion_word PARAMS((int *, int *));
+extern void _rl_free_match_list PARAMS((char **));
+/* display.c */
+extern char *_rl_strip_prompt PARAMS((char *));
+extern void _rl_move_cursor_relative PARAMS((int, const char *));
+extern void _rl_move_vert PARAMS((int));
+extern void _rl_save_prompt PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_restore_prompt PARAMS((void));
+extern char *_rl_make_prompt_for_search PARAMS((int));
+extern void _rl_erase_at_end_of_line PARAMS((int));
+extern void _rl_clear_to_eol PARAMS((int));
+extern void _rl_clear_screen PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_update_final PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_redisplay_after_sigwinch PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_clean_up_for_exit PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_erase_entire_line PARAMS((void));
+extern int _rl_current_display_line PARAMS((void));
+/* input.c */
+extern int _rl_any_typein PARAMS((void));
+extern int _rl_input_available PARAMS((void));
+extern int _rl_input_queued PARAMS((int));
+extern void _rl_insert_typein PARAMS((int));
+extern int _rl_unget_char PARAMS((int));
+extern int _rl_pushed_input_available PARAMS((void));
+/* isearch.c */
+extern _rl_search_cxt *_rl_scxt_alloc PARAMS((int, int));
+extern void _rl_scxt_dispose PARAMS((_rl_search_cxt *, int));
+extern int _rl_isearch_dispatch PARAMS((_rl_search_cxt *, int));
+extern int _rl_isearch_callback PARAMS((_rl_search_cxt *));
+extern int _rl_search_getchar PARAMS((_rl_search_cxt *));
+/* macro.c */
+extern void _rl_with_macro_input PARAMS((char *));
+extern int _rl_next_macro_key PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_push_executing_macro PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_pop_executing_macro PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_add_macro_char PARAMS((int));
+extern void _rl_kill_kbd_macro PARAMS((void));
+/* misc.c */
+extern int _rl_arg_overflow PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_arg_init PARAMS((void));
+extern int _rl_arg_getchar PARAMS((void));
+extern int _rl_arg_callback PARAMS((_rl_arg_cxt));
+extern void _rl_reset_argument PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_start_using_history PARAMS((void));
+extern int _rl_free_saved_history_line PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_set_insert_mode PARAMS((int, int));
+/* nls.c */
+extern int _rl_init_eightbit PARAMS((void));
+/* parens.c */
+extern void _rl_enable_paren_matching PARAMS((int));
+/* readline.c */
+extern void _rl_init_line_state PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_set_the_line PARAMS((void));
+extern int _rl_dispatch PARAMS((int, Keymap));
+extern int _rl_dispatch_subseq PARAMS((int, Keymap, int));
+extern void _rl_internal_char_cleanup PARAMS((void));
+/* rltty.c */
+extern int _rl_disable_tty_signals PARAMS((void));
+extern int _rl_restore_tty_signals PARAMS((void));
+/* search.c */
+extern int _rl_nsearch_callback PARAMS((_rl_search_cxt *));
+/* terminal.c */
+extern void _rl_get_screen_size PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int _rl_init_terminal_io PARAMS((const char *));
+#ifdef _MINIX
+extern void _rl_output_character_function PARAMS((int));
+extern int _rl_output_character_function PARAMS((int));
+extern void _rl_output_some_chars PARAMS((const char *, int));
+extern int _rl_backspace PARAMS((int));
+extern void _rl_enable_meta_key PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_control_keypad PARAMS((int));
+extern void _rl_set_cursor PARAMS((int, int));
+/* text.c */
+extern void _rl_fix_point PARAMS((int));
+extern int _rl_replace_text PARAMS((const char *, int, int));
+extern int _rl_insert_char PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int _rl_overwrite_char PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int _rl_overwrite_rubout PARAMS((int, int));
+extern int _rl_rubout_char PARAMS((int, int));
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+extern int _rl_char_search_internal PARAMS((int, int, char *, int));
+extern int _rl_char_search_internal PARAMS((int, int, int));
+extern int _rl_set_mark_at_pos PARAMS((int));
+/* undo.c */
+extern UNDO_LIST *_rl_copy_undo_entry PARAMS((UNDO_LIST *));
+extern UNDO_LIST *_rl_copy_undo_list PARAMS((UNDO_LIST *));
+/* util.c */
+extern int _rl_abort_internal PARAMS((void));
+extern char *_rl_strindex PARAMS((const char *, const char *));
+extern int _rl_qsort_string_compare PARAMS((char **, char **));
+extern int (_rl_uppercase_p) PARAMS((int));
+extern int (_rl_lowercase_p) PARAMS((int));
+extern int (_rl_pure_alphabetic) PARAMS((int));
+extern int (_rl_digit_p) PARAMS((int));
+extern int (_rl_to_lower) PARAMS((int));
+extern int (_rl_to_upper) PARAMS((int));
+extern int (_rl_digit_value) PARAMS((int));
+/* vi_mode.c */
+extern void _rl_vi_initialize_line PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_vi_reset_last PARAMS((void));
+extern void _rl_vi_set_last PARAMS((int, int, int));
+extern int _rl_vi_textmod_command PARAMS((int));
+extern void _rl_vi_done_inserting PARAMS((void));
+ * Undocumented private variables *
+ *************************************************************************/
+/* bind.c */
+extern const char *_rl_possible_control_prefixes[];
+extern const char *_rl_possible_meta_prefixes[];
+/* callback.c */
+extern _rl_callback_func_t *_rl_callback_func;
+extern _rl_callback_generic_arg *_rl_callback_data;
+/* complete.c */
+extern int _rl_complete_show_all;
+extern int _rl_complete_show_unmodified;
+extern int _rl_complete_mark_directories;
+extern int _rl_complete_mark_symlink_dirs;
+extern int _rl_print_completions_horizontally;
+extern int _rl_completion_case_fold;
+extern int _rl_match_hidden_files;
+extern int _rl_page_completions;
+/* display.c */
+extern int _rl_vis_botlin;
+extern int _rl_last_c_pos;
+extern int _rl_suppress_redisplay;
+extern int _rl_want_redisplay;
+extern const char *rl_display_prompt;
+/* isearch.c */
+extern char *_rl_isearch_terminators;
+extern _rl_search_cxt *_rl_iscxt;
+/* macro.c */
+extern char *_rl_executing_macro;
+/* misc.c */
+extern int _rl_history_preserve_point;
+extern int _rl_history_saved_point;
+extern _rl_arg_cxt _rl_argcxt;
+/* readline.c */
+extern int _rl_horizontal_scroll_mode;
+extern int _rl_mark_modified_lines;
+extern int _rl_bell_preference;
+extern int _rl_meta_flag;
+extern int _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii;
+extern int _rl_output_meta_chars;
+extern int _rl_bind_stty_chars;
+extern char *_rl_comment_begin;
+extern unsigned char _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out;
+extern Keymap _rl_keymap;
+extern FILE *_rl_in_stream;
+extern FILE *_rl_out_stream;
+extern int _rl_last_command_was_kill;
+extern int _rl_eof_char;
+extern procenv_t readline_top_level;
+/* search.c */
+extern _rl_search_cxt *_rl_nscxt;
+/* terminal.c */
+extern int _rl_enable_keypad;
+extern int _rl_enable_meta;
+extern const char *_rl_term_clreol;
+extern const char *_rl_term_clrpag;
+extern const char *_rl_term_im;
+extern const char *_rl_term_ic;
+extern const char *_rl_term_ei;
+extern const char *_rl_term_DC;
+extern const char *_rl_term_up;
+extern const char *_rl_term_dc;
+extern const char *_rl_term_cr;
+extern const char *_rl_term_IC;
+extern const char *_rl_term_forward_char;
+extern int _rl_screenheight;
+extern int _rl_screenwidth;
+extern int _rl_screenchars;
+extern int _rl_terminal_can_insert;
+extern int _rl_term_autowrap;
+/* undo.c */
+extern int _rl_doing_an_undo;
+extern int _rl_undo_group_level;
+/* vi_mode.c */
+extern int _rl_vi_last_command;
+#endif /* _RL_PRIVATE_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/rlshell.h b/extra/readline/rlshell.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d5db889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/rlshell.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* rlshell.h -- utility functions normally provided by bash. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_RL_SHELL_H_)
+#define _RL_SHELL_H_
+#include "rlstdc.h"
+extern char *sh_single_quote PARAMS((char *));
+extern void sh_set_lines_and_columns PARAMS((int, int));
+extern char *sh_get_env_value PARAMS((const char *));
+extern char *sh_get_home_dir PARAMS((void));
+extern int sh_unset_nodelay_mode PARAMS((int));
+#endif /* _RL_SHELL_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/rlstdc.h b/extra/readline/rlstdc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bcaff3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/rlstdc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* stdc.h -- macros to make source compile on both ANSI C and K&R C
+ compilers. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell.
+ Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Bash; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_RL_STDC_H_)
+#define _RL_STDC_H_
+/* Adapted from BSD /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h. */
+/* A function can be defined using prototypes and compile on both ANSI C
+ and traditional C compilers with something like this:
+ extern char *func PARAMS((char *, char *, int)); */
+#if !defined (PARAMS)
+# if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__GNUC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+# define PARAMS(protos) protos
+# else
+# define PARAMS(protos) ()
+# endif
+#ifndef __attribute__
+# if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 8)
+# define __attribute__(x)
+# endif
+#endif /* !_RL_STDC_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/rltty.c b/extra/readline/rltty.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0efacf18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/rltty.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1033 @@
+/* rltty.c -- functions to prepare and restore the terminal for readline's
+ use. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#if defined (GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL)
+# include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#endif /* GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL */
+#include "rltty.h"
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#if !defined (errno)
+extern int errno;
+#endif /* !errno */
+rl_vintfunc_t *rl_prep_term_function = rl_prep_terminal;
+rl_voidfunc_t *rl_deprep_term_function = rl_deprep_terminal;
+static void block_sigint PARAMS((void));
+static void release_sigint PARAMS((void));
+static void set_winsize PARAMS((int));
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Signal Management */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+static sigset_t sigint_set, sigint_oset;
+#else /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+# if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
+static int sigint_oldmask;
+# endif /* HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
+#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+static int sigint_blocked;
+/* Cause SIGINT to not be delivered until the corresponding call to
+ release_sigint(). */
+static void
+block_sigint ()
+ if (sigint_blocked)
+ return;
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+ sigemptyset (&sigint_set);
+ sigemptyset (&sigint_oset);
+ sigaddset (&sigint_set, SIGINT);
+ sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &sigint_set, &sigint_oset);
+#else /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+# if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
+ sigint_oldmask = sigblock (sigmask (SIGINT));
+# else /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
+# if defined (HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD)
+ sighold (SIGINT);
+# endif /* HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD */
+# endif /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
+#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+ sigint_blocked = 1;
+/* Allow SIGINT to be delivered. */
+static void
+release_sigint ()
+ if (sigint_blocked == 0)
+ return;
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+ sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &sigint_oset, (sigset_t *)NULL);
+# if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
+ sigsetmask (sigint_oldmask);
+# else /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
+# if defined (HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD)
+ sigrelse (SIGINT);
+# endif /* HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD */
+# endif /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
+#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+ sigint_blocked = 0;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Saving and Restoring the TTY */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Non-zero means that the terminal is in a prepped state. */
+static int terminal_prepped;
+static _RL_TTY_CHARS _rl_tty_chars, _rl_last_tty_chars;
+/* If non-zero, means that this process has called tcflow(fd, TCOOFF)
+ and output is suspended. */
+#if defined (__ksr1__)
+static int ksrflow;
+/* Dummy call to force a backgrounded readline to stop before it tries
+ to get the tty settings. */
+static void
+set_winsize (int tty __attribute__((unused)))
+#if defined (TIOCGWINSZ)
+ struct winsize w;
+ if (ioctl (tty, TIOCGWINSZ, &w) == 0)
+ (void) ioctl (tty, TIOCSWINSZ, &w);
+#endif /* TIOCGWINSZ */
+#if defined (NO_TTY_DRIVER)
+/* Nothing */
+#elif defined (NEW_TTY_DRIVER)
+/* Values for the `flags' field of a struct bsdtty. This tells which
+ elements of the struct bsdtty have been fetched from the system and
+ are valid. */
+#define SGTTY_SET 0x01
+#define LFLAG_SET 0x02
+#define TCHARS_SET 0x04
+#define LTCHARS_SET 0x08
+struct bsdtty {
+ struct sgttyb sgttyb; /* Basic BSD tty driver information. */
+ int lflag; /* Local mode flags, like LPASS8. */
+#if defined (TIOCGETC)
+ struct tchars tchars; /* Terminal special characters, including ^S and ^Q. */
+#if defined (TIOCGLTC)
+ struct ltchars ltchars; /* 4.2 BSD editing characters */
+ int flags; /* Bitmap saying which parts of the struct are valid. */
+#define TIOTYPE struct bsdtty
+static TIOTYPE otio;
+static void save_tty_chars PARAMS((TIOTYPE *));
+static int _get_tty_settings PARAMS((int, TIOTYPE *));
+static int get_tty_settings PARAMS((int, TIOTYPE *));
+static int _set_tty_settings PARAMS((int, TIOTYPE *));
+static int set_tty_settings PARAMS((int, TIOTYPE *));
+static void prepare_terminal_settings PARAMS((int, TIOTYPE, TIOTYPE *));
+static void set_special_char PARAMS((Keymap, TIOTYPE *, int, rl_command_func_t));
+static void
+save_tty_chars (tiop)
+ TIOTYPE *tiop;
+ _rl_last_tty_chars = _rl_tty_chars;
+ if (tiop->flags & SGTTY_SET)
+ {
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_erase = tiop->sgttyb.sg_erase;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_kill = tiop->sgttyb.sg_kill;
+ }
+ if (tiop->flags & TCHARS_SET)
+ {
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_intr = tiop->tchars.t_intrc;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_quit = tiop->tchars.t_quitc;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_start = tiop->tchars.t_startc;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_stop = tiop->tchars.t_stopc;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_eof = tiop->tchars.t_eofc;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_eol = '\n';
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_eol2 = tiop->tchars.t_brkc;
+ }
+ if (tiop->flags & LTCHARS_SET)
+ {
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_susp = tiop->ltchars.t_suspc;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_dsusp = tiop->ltchars.t_dsuspc;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_reprint = tiop->ltchars.t_rprntc;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_flush = tiop->ltchars.t_flushc;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_werase = tiop->ltchars.t_werasc;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_lnext = tiop->ltchars.t_lnextc;
+ }
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_status = -1;
+static int
+get_tty_settings (tty, tiop)
+ int tty;
+ TIOTYPE *tiop;
+ set_winsize (tty);
+ tiop->flags = tiop->lflag = 0;
+ errno = 0;
+ if (ioctl (tty, TIOCGETP, &(tiop->sgttyb)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ tiop->flags |= SGTTY_SET;
+#if defined (TIOCLGET)
+ if (ioctl (tty, TIOCLGET, &(tiop->lflag)) == 0)
+ tiop->flags |= LFLAG_SET;
+#if defined (TIOCGETC)
+ if (ioctl (tty, TIOCGETC, &(tiop->tchars)) == 0)
+ tiop->flags |= TCHARS_SET;
+#if defined (TIOCGLTC)
+ if (ioctl (tty, TIOCGLTC, &(tiop->ltchars)) == 0)
+ tiop->flags |= LTCHARS_SET;
+ return 0;
+static int
+set_tty_settings (tty, tiop)
+ int tty;
+ TIOTYPE *tiop;
+ if (tiop->flags & SGTTY_SET)
+ {
+ ioctl (tty, TIOCSETN, &(tiop->sgttyb));
+ tiop->flags &= ~SGTTY_SET;
+ }
+ readline_echoing_p = 1;
+#if defined (TIOCLSET)
+ if (tiop->flags & LFLAG_SET)
+ {
+ ioctl (tty, TIOCLSET, &(tiop->lflag));
+ tiop->flags &= ~LFLAG_SET;
+ }
+#if defined (TIOCSETC)
+ if (tiop->flags & TCHARS_SET)
+ {
+ ioctl (tty, TIOCSETC, &(tiop->tchars));
+ tiop->flags &= ~TCHARS_SET;
+ }
+#if defined (TIOCSLTC)
+ if (tiop->flags & LTCHARS_SET)
+ {
+ ioctl (tty, TIOCSLTC, &(tiop->ltchars));
+ tiop->flags &= ~LTCHARS_SET;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void
+prepare_terminal_settings (meta_flag, oldtio, tiop)
+ int meta_flag;
+ TIOTYPE oldtio, *tiop;
+ readline_echoing_p = (oldtio.sgttyb.sg_flags & ECHO);
+ /* Copy the original settings to the structure we're going to use for
+ our settings. */
+ tiop->sgttyb = oldtio.sgttyb;
+ tiop->lflag = oldtio.lflag;
+#if defined (TIOCGETC)
+ tiop->tchars = oldtio.tchars;
+#if defined (TIOCGLTC)
+ tiop->ltchars = oldtio.ltchars;
+ tiop->flags = oldtio.flags;
+ /* First, the basic settings to put us into character-at-a-time, no-echo
+ input mode. */
+ tiop->sgttyb.sg_flags &= ~(ECHO | CRMOD);
+ tiop->sgttyb.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
+ /* If this terminal doesn't care how the 8th bit is used, then we can
+ use it for the meta-key. If only one of even or odd parity is
+ specified, then the terminal is using parity, and we cannot. */
+#if !defined (ANYP)
+# define ANYP (EVENP | ODDP)
+ if (((oldtio.sgttyb.sg_flags & ANYP) == ANYP) ||
+ ((oldtio.sgttyb.sg_flags & ANYP) == 0))
+ {
+ tiop->sgttyb.sg_flags |= ANYP;
+ /* Hack on local mode flags if we can. */
+#if defined (TIOCLGET)
+# if defined (LPASS8)
+ tiop->lflag |= LPASS8;
+# endif /* LPASS8 */
+#endif /* TIOCLGET */
+ }
+#if defined (TIOCGETC)
+# if defined (USE_XON_XOFF)
+ /* Get rid of terminal output start and stop characters. */
+ tiop->tchars.t_stopc = -1; /* C-s */
+ tiop->tchars.t_startc = -1; /* C-q */
+ /* If there is an XON character, bind it to restart the output. */
+ if (oldtio.tchars.t_startc != -1)
+ rl_bind_key (oldtio.tchars.t_startc, rl_restart_output);
+# endif /* USE_XON_XOFF */
+ /* If there is an EOF char, bind _rl_eof_char to it. */
+ if (oldtio.tchars.t_eofc != -1)
+ _rl_eof_char = oldtio.tchars.t_eofc;
+# if defined (NO_KILL_INTR)
+ /* Get rid of terminal-generated SIGQUIT and SIGINT. */
+ tiop->tchars.t_quitc = -1; /* C-\ */
+ tiop->tchars.t_intrc = -1; /* C-c */
+# endif /* NO_KILL_INTR */
+#endif /* TIOCGETC */
+#if defined (TIOCGLTC)
+ /* Make the interrupt keys go away. Just enough to make people happy. */
+ tiop->ltchars.t_dsuspc = -1; /* C-y */
+ tiop->ltchars.t_lnextc = -1; /* C-v */
+#endif /* TIOCGLTC */
+#else /* !defined (NEW_TTY_DRIVER) */
+#if !defined (VMIN)
+# define VMIN VEOF
+#if !defined (VTIME)
+# define VTIME VEOL
+#if defined (TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER)
+# define TIOTYPE struct termios
+# define DRAIN_OUTPUT(fd) tcdrain (fd)
+# define GETATTR(tty, tiop) (tcgetattr (tty, tiop))
+# ifdef M_UNIX
+# define SETATTR(tty, tiop) (tcsetattr (tty, TCSANOW, tiop))
+# else
+# define SETATTR(tty, tiop) (tcsetattr (tty, TCSADRAIN, tiop))
+# endif /* !M_UNIX */
+# define TIOTYPE struct termio
+# define DRAIN_OUTPUT(fd)
+# define GETATTR(tty, tiop) (ioctl (tty, TCGETA, tiop))
+# define SETATTR(tty, tiop) (ioctl (tty, TCSETAW, tiop))
+#endif /* !TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER */
+static TIOTYPE otio;
+static void save_tty_chars PARAMS((TIOTYPE *));
+static int _get_tty_settings PARAMS((int, TIOTYPE *));
+static int get_tty_settings PARAMS((int, TIOTYPE *));
+static int _set_tty_settings PARAMS((int, TIOTYPE *));
+static int set_tty_settings PARAMS((int, TIOTYPE *));
+static void prepare_terminal_settings PARAMS((int, TIOTYPE, TIOTYPE *));
+static void set_special_char PARAMS((Keymap, TIOTYPE *, int, rl_command_func_t));
+static void _rl_bind_tty_special_chars PARAMS((Keymap, TIOTYPE));
+#if defined (FLUSHO)
+# define OUTPUT_BEING_FLUSHED(tp) (tp->c_lflag & FLUSHO)
+# define OUTPUT_BEING_FLUSHED(tp) 0
+static void
+save_tty_chars (tiop)
+ TIOTYPE *tiop;
+ _rl_last_tty_chars = _rl_tty_chars;
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_eof = tiop->c_cc[VEOF];
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_eol = tiop->c_cc[VEOL];
+#ifdef VEOL2
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_eol2 = tiop->c_cc[VEOL2];
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_erase = tiop->c_cc[VERASE];
+#ifdef VWERASE
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_werase = tiop->c_cc[VWERASE];
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_kill = tiop->c_cc[VKILL];
+#ifdef VREPRINT
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_reprint = tiop->c_cc[VREPRINT];
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_intr = tiop->c_cc[VINTR];
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_quit = tiop->c_cc[VQUIT];
+#ifdef VSUSP
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_susp = tiop->c_cc[VSUSP];
+#ifdef VDSUSP
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_dsusp = tiop->c_cc[VDSUSP];
+#ifdef VSTART
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_start = tiop->c_cc[VSTART];
+#ifdef VSTOP
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_stop = tiop->c_cc[VSTOP];
+#ifdef VLNEXT
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_lnext = tiop->c_cc[VLNEXT];
+#ifdef VDISCARD
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_flush = tiop->c_cc[VDISCARD];
+#ifdef VSTATUS
+ _rl_tty_chars.t_status = tiop->c_cc[VSTATUS];
+#if defined (_AIX) || defined (_AIX41)
+/* Currently this is only used on AIX */
+static void
+rltty_warning (msg)
+ char *msg;
+ fprintf (stderr, "readline: warning: %s\n", msg);
+#if defined (_AIX)
+ if ((tp->c_oflag & OPOST) == 0)
+ {
+ rltty_warning ("turning on OPOST for terminal\r");
+ tp->c_oflag |= OPOST|ONLCR;
+ }
+static int
+_get_tty_settings (tty, tiop)
+ int tty;
+ TIOTYPE *tiop;
+ int ioctl_ret;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ ioctl_ret = GETATTR (tty, tiop);
+ if (ioctl_ret < 0)
+ {
+ if (errno != EINTR)
+ return -1;
+ else
+ continue;
+ }
+ {
+#if defined (FLUSHO) && defined (_AIX41)
+ rltty_warning ("turning off output flushing");
+ tiop->c_lflag &= ~FLUSHO;
+ break;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+get_tty_settings (tty, tiop)
+ int tty;
+ TIOTYPE *tiop;
+ set_winsize (tty);
+ errno = 0;
+ if (_get_tty_settings (tty, tiop) < 0)
+ return -1;
+#if defined (_AIX)
+ setopost(tiop);
+ return 0;
+static int
+_set_tty_settings (tty, tiop)
+ int tty;
+ TIOTYPE *tiop;
+ while (SETATTR (tty, tiop) < 0)
+ {
+ if (errno != EINTR)
+ return -1;
+ errno = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+set_tty_settings (tty, tiop)
+ int tty;
+ TIOTYPE *tiop;
+ if (_set_tty_settings (tty, tiop) < 0)
+ return -1;
+#if 0
+#if defined (TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER)
+# if defined (__ksr1__)
+ if (ksrflow)
+ {
+ ksrflow = 0;
+ tcflow (tty, TCOON);
+ }
+# else /* !ksr1 */
+ tcflow (tty, TCOON); /* Simulate a ^Q. */
+# endif /* !ksr1 */
+ ioctl (tty, TCXONC, 1); /* Simulate a ^Q. */
+#endif /* !TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER */
+#endif /* 0 */
+ return 0;
+static void
+prepare_terminal_settings (meta_flag, oldtio, tiop)
+ int meta_flag;
+ TIOTYPE oldtio, *tiop;
+ readline_echoing_p = (oldtio.c_lflag & ECHO);
+ tiop->c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
+ if ((unsigned char) oldtio.c_cc[VEOF] != (unsigned char) _POSIX_VDISABLE)
+ _rl_eof_char = oldtio.c_cc[VEOF];
+#if defined (USE_XON_XOFF)
+#if defined (IXANY)
+ tiop->c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY);
+ /* `strict' Posix systems do not define IXANY. */
+ tiop->c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF);
+#endif /* IXANY */
+#endif /* USE_XON_XOFF */
+ /* Only turn this off if we are using all 8 bits. */
+ if (((tiop->c_cflag & CSIZE) == CS8) || meta_flag)
+ tiop->c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP | INPCK);
+ /* Make sure we differentiate between CR and NL on input. */
+ tiop->c_iflag &= ~(ICRNL | INLCR);
+#if !defined (HANDLE_SIGNALS)
+ tiop->c_lflag &= ~ISIG;
+ tiop->c_lflag |= ISIG;
+ tiop->c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
+ tiop->c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
+#if defined (FLUSHO)
+ {
+ tiop->c_lflag &= ~FLUSHO;
+ oldtio.c_lflag &= ~FLUSHO;
+ }
+ /* Turn off characters that we need on Posix systems with job control,
+ just to be sure. This includes ^Y and ^V. This should not really
+ be necessary. */
+#if defined (TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER) && defined (_POSIX_VDISABLE)
+#if defined (VLNEXT)
+ tiop->c_cc[VLNEXT] = _POSIX_VDISABLE;
+#if defined (VDSUSP)
+ tiop->c_cc[VDSUSP] = _POSIX_VDISABLE;
+#endif /* !NEW_TTY_DRIVER */
+/* Put the terminal in CBREAK mode so that we can detect key presses. */
+#if defined (NO_TTY_DRIVER)
+rl_prep_terminal (meta_flag)
+ int meta_flag;
+ readline_echoing_p = 1;
+rl_deprep_terminal ()
+#else /* ! NO_TTY_DRIVER */
+rl_prep_terminal (meta_flag)
+ int meta_flag;
+ int tty;
+ TIOTYPE tio;
+ if (terminal_prepped)
+ return;
+ /* Try to keep this function from being INTerrupted. */
+ block_sigint ();
+ tty = fileno (rl_instream);
+ if (get_tty_settings (tty, &tio) < 0)
+ {
+#if defined (ENOTSUP)
+ /* MacOS X, at least, lies about the value of errno if tcgetattr fails. */
+ if (errno == ENOTTY || errno == ENOTSUP)
+ if (errno == ENOTTY)
+ readline_echoing_p = 1; /* XXX */
+ release_sigint ();
+ return;
+ }
+ otio = tio;
+ if (_rl_bind_stty_chars)
+ {
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ /* If editing in vi mode, make sure we restore the bindings in the
+ insertion keymap no matter what keymap we ended up in. */
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ rl_tty_unset_default_bindings (vi_insertion_keymap);
+ else
+ rl_tty_unset_default_bindings (_rl_keymap);
+ }
+ save_tty_chars (&otio);
+ if (_rl_bind_stty_chars)
+ {
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ /* If editing in vi mode, make sure we set the bindings in the
+ insertion keymap no matter what keymap we ended up in. */
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ _rl_bind_tty_special_chars (vi_insertion_keymap, tio);
+ else
+ _rl_bind_tty_special_chars (_rl_keymap, tio);
+ }
+ prepare_terminal_settings (meta_flag, otio, &tio);
+ if (set_tty_settings (tty, &tio) < 0)
+ {
+ release_sigint ();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_rl_enable_keypad)
+ _rl_control_keypad (1);
+ fflush (rl_outstream);
+ terminal_prepped = 1;
+ release_sigint ();
+/* Restore the terminal's normal settings and modes. */
+rl_deprep_terminal ()
+ int tty;
+ if (!terminal_prepped)
+ return;
+ /* Try to keep this function from being interrupted. */
+ block_sigint ();
+ tty = fileno (rl_instream);
+ if (_rl_enable_keypad)
+ _rl_control_keypad (0);
+ fflush (rl_outstream);
+ if (set_tty_settings (tty, &otio) < 0)
+ {
+ release_sigint ();
+ return;
+ }
+ terminal_prepped = 0;
+ release_sigint ();
+#endif /* !NO_TTY_DRIVER */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Bogus Flow Control */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+rl_restart_output (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+#if defined (__MINGW32__)
+ return 0;
+#else /* !__MING32__ */
+ int fildes = fileno (rl_outstream);
+#if defined (TIOCSTART)
+#if defined (apollo)
+ ioctl (&fildes, TIOCSTART, 0);
+ ioctl (fildes, TIOCSTART, 0);
+#endif /* apollo */
+#else /* !TIOCSTART */
+# if defined (TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER)
+# if defined (__ksr1__)
+ if (ksrflow)
+ {
+ ksrflow = 0;
+ tcflow (fildes, TCOON);
+ }
+# else /* !ksr1 */
+ tcflow (fildes, TCOON); /* Simulate a ^Q. */
+# endif /* !ksr1 */
+# else /* !TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER */
+# if defined (TCXONC)
+ ioctl (fildes, TCXONC, TCOON);
+# endif /* TCXONC */
+# endif /* !TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER */
+#endif /* !TIOCSTART */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* !__MINGW32__ */
+rl_stop_output (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+#if defined (__MINGW32__)
+ return 0;
+ int fildes = fileno (rl_instream);
+#if defined (TIOCSTOP)
+# if defined (apollo)
+ ioctl (&fildes, TIOCSTOP, 0);
+# else
+ ioctl (fildes, TIOCSTOP, 0);
+# endif /* apollo */
+#else /* !TIOCSTOP */
+# if defined (TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER)
+# if defined (__ksr1__)
+ ksrflow = 1;
+# endif /* ksr1 */
+ tcflow (fildes, TCOOFF);
+# else
+# if defined (TCXONC)
+ ioctl (fildes, TCXONC, TCOON);
+# endif /* TCXONC */
+# endif /* !TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER */
+#endif /* !TIOCSTOP */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* !__MINGW32__ */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Default Key Bindings */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+#if !defined (NO_TTY_DRIVER)
+#define SET_SPECIAL(sc, func) set_special_char(kmap, &ttybuff, sc, func)
+#if defined (NO_TTY_DRIVER)
+#define SET_SPECIAL(sc, func)
+#define RESET_SPECIAL(c)
+#elif defined (NEW_TTY_DRIVER)
+static void
+set_special_char (kmap, tiop, sc, func)
+ Keymap kmap;
+ TIOTYPE *tiop;
+ int sc;
+ rl_command_func_t *func;
+ if (sc != -1 && kmap[(unsigned char)sc].type == ISFUNC)
+ kmap[(unsigned char)sc].function = func;
+#define RESET_SPECIAL(c) \
+ if (c != -1 && kmap[(unsigned char)c].type == ISFUNC)
+ kmap[(unsigned char)c].function = rl_insert;
+static void
+_rl_bind_tty_special_chars (kmap, ttybuff)
+ Keymap kmap;
+ TIOTYPE ttybuff;
+ if (ttybuff.flags & SGTTY_SET)
+ {
+ SET_SPECIAL (ttybuff.sgttyb.sg_erase, rl_rubout);
+ SET_SPECIAL (ttybuff.sgttyb.sg_kill, rl_unix_line_discard);
+ }
+# if defined (TIOCGLTC)
+ if (ttybuff.flags & LTCHARS_SET)
+ {
+ SET_SPECIAL (ttybuff.ltchars.t_werasc, rl_unix_word_rubout);
+ SET_SPECIAL (ttybuff.ltchars.t_lnextc, rl_quoted_insert);
+ }
+# endif /* TIOCGLTC */
+#else /* !NEW_TTY_DRIVER */
+static void
+set_special_char (kmap, tiop, sc, func)
+ Keymap kmap;
+ TIOTYPE *tiop;
+ int sc;
+ rl_command_func_t *func;
+ unsigned char uc;
+ uc = tiop->c_cc[sc];
+ if (uc != (unsigned char)_POSIX_VDISABLE && kmap[uc].type == ISFUNC)
+ kmap[uc].function = func;
+/* used later */
+#define RESET_SPECIAL(uc) \
+ if (uc != (unsigned char)_POSIX_VDISABLE && kmap[uc].type == ISFUNC) \
+ kmap[uc].function = rl_insert;
+static void
+_rl_bind_tty_special_chars (kmap, ttybuff)
+ Keymap kmap;
+ TIOTYPE ttybuff;
+ SET_SPECIAL (VERASE, rl_rubout);
+ SET_SPECIAL (VKILL, rl_unix_line_discard);
+# if defined (VLNEXT) && defined (TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER)
+ SET_SPECIAL (VLNEXT, rl_quoted_insert);
+# if defined (VWERASE) && defined (TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER)
+ SET_SPECIAL (VWERASE, rl_unix_word_rubout);
+#endif /* !NEW_TTY_DRIVER */
+/* Set the system's default editing characters to their readline equivalents
+ in KMAP. Should be static, now that we have rl_tty_set_default_bindings. */
+rltty_set_default_bindings (kmap)
+ Keymap kmap;
+#if !defined (NO_TTY_DRIVER)
+ TIOTYPE ttybuff;
+ int tty;
+ tty = fileno (rl_instream);
+ if (get_tty_settings (tty, &ttybuff) == 0)
+ _rl_bind_tty_special_chars (kmap, ttybuff);
+/* New public way to set the system default editing chars to their readline
+ equivalents. */
+rl_tty_set_default_bindings (kmap)
+ Keymap kmap;
+ rltty_set_default_bindings (kmap);
+/* Rebind all of the tty special chars that readline worries about back
+ to self-insert. Call this before saving the current terminal special
+ chars with save_tty_chars(). This only works on POSIX termios or termio
+ systems. */
+rl_tty_unset_default_bindings (kmap)
+ Keymap kmap;
+ /* Don't bother before we've saved the tty special chars at least once. */
+ return;
+ RESET_SPECIAL (_rl_tty_chars.t_erase);
+ RESET_SPECIAL (_rl_tty_chars.t_kill);
+# if defined (VLNEXT) && defined (TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER)
+ RESET_SPECIAL (_rl_tty_chars.t_lnext);
+# if defined (VWERASE) && defined (TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER)
+ RESET_SPECIAL (_rl_tty_chars.t_werase);
+#if defined (HANDLE_SIGNALS)
+#if defined (NEW_TTY_DRIVER) || defined (NO_TTY_DRIVER)
+_rl_disable_tty_signals ()
+ return 0;
+_rl_restore_tty_signals ()
+ return 0;
+static TIOTYPE sigstty, nosigstty;
+static int tty_sigs_disabled = 0;
+_rl_disable_tty_signals ()
+ if (tty_sigs_disabled)
+ return 0;
+ if (_get_tty_settings (fileno (rl_instream), &sigstty) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ nosigstty = sigstty;
+ nosigstty.c_lflag &= ~ISIG;
+ nosigstty.c_iflag &= ~IXON;
+ if (_set_tty_settings (fileno (rl_instream), &nosigstty) < 0)
+ return (_set_tty_settings (fileno (rl_instream), &sigstty));
+ tty_sigs_disabled = 1;
+ return 0;
+_rl_restore_tty_signals ()
+ int r;
+ if (tty_sigs_disabled == 0)
+ return 0;
+ r = _set_tty_settings (fileno (rl_instream), &sigstty);
+ if (r == 0)
+ tty_sigs_disabled = 0;
+ return r;
+#endif /* !NEW_TTY_DRIVER */
+#endif /* HANDLE_SIGNALS */
diff --git a/extra/readline/rltty.h b/extra/readline/rltty.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fa38bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/rltty.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+/* rltty.h - tty driver-related definitions used by some library files. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the Readline Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for providing Emacs style line input to programs that ask
+ for it.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_RLTTY_H_)
+#define _RLTTY_H_
+/* Posix systems use termios and the Posix signal functions. */
+#if defined (TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER)
+# include <termios.h>
+#endif /* TERMIOS_TTY_DRIVER */
+/* System V machines use termio. */
+#if defined (TERMIO_TTY_DRIVER)
+# include <termio.h>
+# if !defined (TCOON)
+# define TCOON 1
+# endif
+#endif /* TERMIO_TTY_DRIVER */
+/* Other (BSD) machines use sgtty. */
+#if defined (NEW_TTY_DRIVER)
+# include <sgtty.h>
+#include "rlwinsize.h"
+/* Define _POSIX_VDISABLE if we are not using the `new' tty driver and
+ it is not already defined. It is used both to determine if a
+ special character is disabled and to disable certain special
+ characters. Posix systems should set to 0, USG systems to -1. */
+#if !defined (NEW_TTY_DRIVER) && !defined (_POSIX_VDISABLE)
+# if defined (_SVR4_VDISABLE)
+# else
+# if defined (_POSIX_VERSION)
+# define _POSIX_VDISABLE 0
+# else /* !_POSIX_VERSION */
+# define _POSIX_VDISABLE -1
+# endif /* !_POSIX_VERSION */
+# endif /* !_SVR4_DISABLE */
+typedef struct _rl_tty_chars {
+ unsigned char t_eof;
+ unsigned char t_eol;
+ unsigned char t_eol2;
+ unsigned char t_erase;
+ unsigned char t_werase;
+ unsigned char t_kill;
+ unsigned char t_reprint;
+ unsigned char t_intr;
+ unsigned char t_quit;
+ unsigned char t_susp;
+ unsigned char t_dsusp;
+ unsigned char t_start;
+ unsigned char t_stop;
+ unsigned char t_lnext;
+ unsigned char t_flush;
+ unsigned char t_status;
+#endif /* _RLTTY_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/rltypedefs.h b/extra/readline/rltypedefs.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23316622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/rltypedefs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+/* rltypedefs.h -- Type declarations for readline functions. */
+/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#ifndef _RL_TYPEDEFS_H_
+#define _RL_TYPEDEFS_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Old-style */
+#if !defined (_FUNCTION_DEF)
+# define _FUNCTION_DEF
+typedef int Function ();
+typedef void VFunction ();
+typedef char *CPFunction ();
+typedef char **CPPFunction ();
+#endif /* _FUNCTION_DEF */
+/* New style. */
+#if !defined (_RL_FUNCTION_TYPEDEF)
+/* Bindable functions */
+typedef int rl_command_func_t PARAMS((int, int));
+/* Typedefs for the completion system */
+typedef char *rl_compentry_func_t PARAMS((const char *, int));
+typedef char **rl_completion_func_t PARAMS((const char *, int, int));
+typedef char *rl_quote_func_t PARAMS((char *, int, char *));
+typedef char *rl_dequote_func_t PARAMS((char *, int));
+typedef int rl_compignore_func_t PARAMS((char **));
+typedef void rl_compdisp_func_t PARAMS((char **, int, int));
+/* Type for input and pre-read hook functions like rl_event_hook */
+typedef int rl_hook_func_t PARAMS((void));
+/* Input function type */
+typedef int rl_getc_func_t PARAMS((FILE *));
+/* Generic function that takes a character buffer (which could be the readline
+ line buffer) and an index into it (which could be rl_point) and returns
+ an int. */
+typedef int rl_linebuf_func_t PARAMS((char *, int));
+/* `Generic' function pointer typedefs */
+typedef int rl_intfunc_t PARAMS((int));
+#define rl_ivoidfunc_t rl_hook_func_t
+typedef int rl_icpfunc_t PARAMS((char *));
+typedef int rl_icppfunc_t PARAMS((char **));
+typedef void rl_voidfunc_t PARAMS((void));
+typedef void rl_vintfunc_t PARAMS((int));
+typedef void rl_vcpfunc_t PARAMS((char *));
+typedef void rl_vcppfunc_t PARAMS((char **));
+typedef char *rl_cpvfunc_t PARAMS((void));
+typedef char *rl_cpifunc_t PARAMS((int));
+typedef char *rl_cpcpfunc_t PARAMS((char *));
+typedef char *rl_cpcppfunc_t PARAMS((char **));
+#endif /* _RL_FUNCTION_TYPEDEF */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _RL_TYPEDEFS_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/rlwinsize.h b/extra/readline/rlwinsize.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14a1f8bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/rlwinsize.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* rlwinsize.h -- an attempt to isolate some of the system-specific defines
+ for `struct winsize' and TIOCGWINSZ. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the Readline Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for providing Emacs style line input to programs that ask
+ for it.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_RLWINSIZE_H_)
+#define _RLWINSIZE_H_
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+/* Try to find the definitions of `struct winsize' and TIOGCWINSZ */
+#if defined (GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL) && !defined (TIOCGWINSZ)
+# include <sys/ioctl.h>
+# include <termios.h>
+/* Not in either of the standard places, look around. */
+# if defined (HAVE_SYS_STREAM_H)
+# include <sys/stream.h>
+# endif /* HAVE_SYS_STREAM_H */
+# if defined (HAVE_SYS_PTEM_H) /* SVR4.2, at least, has it here */
+# include <sys/ptem.h>
+# define _IO_PTEM_H /* work around SVR4.2 1.1.4 bug */
+# endif /* HAVE_SYS_PTEM_H */
+# if defined (HAVE_SYS_PTE_H) /* ??? */
+# include <sys/pte.h>
+# endif /* HAVE_SYS_PTE_H */
+#endif /* _RL_WINSIZE_H */
diff --git a/extra/readline/savestring.c b/extra/readline/savestring.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a9ad425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/savestring.c
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* savestring.c */
+/* Copyright (C) 1998,2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#include "config_readline.h"
+# include <string.h>
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* Backwards compatibility, now that savestring has been removed from
+ all `public' readline header files. */
+char *
+savestring (s)
+ const char *s;
+ return ((char *)strcpy ((char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (s)), (s)));
diff --git a/extra/readline/search.c b/extra/readline/search.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9345be4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/search.c
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+/* search.c - code for non-incremental searching in emacs and vi modes. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the Readline Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for providing Emacs style line input to programs that ask
+ for it.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+#ifdef abs
+# undef abs
+#define abs(x) (((x) >= 0) ? (x) : -(x))
+_rl_search_cxt *_rl_nscxt = 0;
+extern HIST_ENTRY *_rl_saved_line_for_history;
+/* Functions imported from the rest of the library. */
+extern int _rl_free_history_entry PARAMS((HIST_ENTRY *));
+static char *noninc_search_string = (char *) NULL;
+static int noninc_history_pos;
+static char *prev_line_found = (char *) NULL;
+static int rl_history_search_len;
+static int rl_history_search_pos;
+static char *history_search_string;
+static int history_string_size;
+static void make_history_line_current PARAMS((HIST_ENTRY *));
+static int noninc_search_from_pos PARAMS((char *, int, int));
+static int noninc_dosearch PARAMS((char *, int));
+static int noninc_search PARAMS((int, int));
+static int rl_history_search_internal PARAMS((int, int));
+static void rl_history_search_reinit PARAMS((void));
+static _rl_search_cxt *_rl_nsearch_init PARAMS((int, int));
+static int _rl_nsearch_cleanup PARAMS((_rl_search_cxt *, int));
+static void _rl_nsearch_abort PARAMS((_rl_search_cxt *));
+static int _rl_nsearch_dispatch PARAMS((_rl_search_cxt *, int));
+/* Make the data from the history entry ENTRY be the contents of the
+ current line. This doesn't do anything with rl_point; the caller
+ must set it. */
+static void
+make_history_line_current (entry)
+ HIST_ENTRY *entry;
+ _rl_replace_text (entry->line, 0, rl_end);
+ _rl_fix_point (1);
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ /* POSIX.2 says that the `U' command doesn't affect the copy of any
+ command lines to the edit line. We're going to implement that by
+ making the undo list start after the matching line is copied to the
+ current editing buffer. */
+ rl_free_undo_list ();
+ if (_rl_saved_line_for_history)
+ _rl_free_history_entry (_rl_saved_line_for_history);
+ _rl_saved_line_for_history = (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+/* Search the history list for STRING starting at absolute history position
+ POS. If STRING begins with `^', the search must match STRING at the
+ beginning of a history line, otherwise a full substring match is performed
+ for STRING. DIR < 0 means to search backwards through the history list,
+ DIR >= 0 means to search forward. */
+static int
+noninc_search_from_pos (string, pos, dir)
+ char *string;
+ int pos, dir;
+ int ret, old;
+ if (pos < 0)
+ return -1;
+ old = where_history ();
+ if (history_set_pos (pos) == 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (*string == '^')
+ ret = history_search_prefix (string + 1, dir);
+ else
+ ret = history_search (string, dir);
+ if (ret != -1)
+ ret = where_history ();
+ history_set_pos (old);
+ return (ret);
+/* Search for a line in the history containing STRING. If DIR is < 0, the
+ search is backwards through previous entries, else through subsequent
+ entries. Returns 1 if the search was successful, 0 otherwise. */
+static int
+noninc_dosearch (string, dir)
+ char *string;
+ int dir;
+ int oldpos, pos;
+ HIST_ENTRY *entry;
+ if (string == 0 || *string == '\0' || noninc_history_pos < 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pos = noninc_search_from_pos (string, noninc_history_pos + dir, dir);
+ if (pos == -1)
+ {
+ /* Search failed, current history position unchanged. */
+ rl_maybe_unsave_line ();
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ rl_point = 0;
+ rl_ding ();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ noninc_history_pos = pos;
+ oldpos = where_history ();
+ history_set_pos (noninc_history_pos);
+ entry = current_history ();
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ if (rl_editing_mode != vi_mode)
+ history_set_pos (oldpos);
+ make_history_line_current (entry);
+ rl_point = 0;
+ rl_mark = rl_end;
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ return 1;
+static _rl_search_cxt *
+_rl_nsearch_init (dir, pchar)
+ int dir, pchar;
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ char *p;
+ cxt = _rl_scxt_alloc (RL_SEARCH_NSEARCH, 0);
+ if (dir < 0)
+ cxt->sflags |= SF_REVERSE; /* not strictly needed */
+ cxt->direction = dir;
+ cxt->history_pos = cxt->save_line;
+ rl_maybe_save_line ();
+ /* Clear the undo list, since reading the search string should create its
+ own undo list, and the whole list will end up being freed when we
+ finish reading the search string. */
+ rl_undo_list = 0;
+ /* Use the line buffer to read the search string. */
+ rl_line_buffer[0] = 0;
+ rl_end = rl_point = 0;
+ p = _rl_make_prompt_for_search (pchar ? pchar : ':');
+ rl_message ("%s", p);
+ free (p);
+ _rl_nscxt = cxt;
+ return cxt;
+static int
+_rl_nsearch_cleanup (cxt, r)
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ int r;
+ _rl_scxt_dispose (cxt, 0);
+ _rl_nscxt = 0;
+ return (r != 1);
+static void
+_rl_nsearch_abort (cxt)
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ rl_maybe_unsave_line ();
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ rl_point = cxt->save_point;
+ rl_mark = cxt->save_mark;
+ rl_restore_prompt ();
+/* Process just-read character C according to search context CXT. Return -1
+ if the caller should abort the search, 0 if we should break out of the
+ loop, and 1 if we should continue to read characters. */
+static int
+_rl_nsearch_dispatch (cxt, c)
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ int c;
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case CTRL('W'):
+ rl_unix_word_rubout (1, c);
+ break;
+ case CTRL('U'):
+ rl_unix_line_discard (1, c);
+ break;
+ case RETURN:
+ case NEWLINE:
+ return 0;
+ case CTRL('H'):
+ case RUBOUT:
+ if (rl_point == 0)
+ {
+ _rl_nsearch_abort (cxt);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ _rl_rubout_char (1, c);
+ break;
+ case CTRL('C'):
+ case CTRL('G'):
+ rl_ding ();
+ _rl_nsearch_abort (cxt);
+ return -1;
+ default:
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ rl_insert_text (cxt->mb);
+ else
+ _rl_insert_char (1, c);
+ break;
+ }
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ return 1;
+/* Perform one search according to CXT, using NONINC_SEARCH_STRING. Return
+ -1 if the search should be aborted, any other value means to clean up
+ using _rl_nsearch_cleanup (). Returns 1 if the search was successful,
+ 0 otherwise. */
+static int
+_rl_nsearch_dosearch (cxt)
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ rl_mark = cxt->save_mark;
+ /* If rl_point == 0, we want to re-use the previous search string and
+ start from the saved history position. If there's no previous search
+ string, punt. */
+ if (rl_point == 0)
+ {
+ if (noninc_search_string == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ rl_restore_prompt ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* We want to start the search from the current history position. */
+ noninc_history_pos = cxt->save_line;
+ FREE (noninc_search_string);
+ noninc_search_string = savestring (rl_line_buffer);
+ /* If we don't want the subsequent undo list generated by the search
+ matching a history line to include the contents of the search string,
+ we need to clear rl_line_buffer here. For now, we just clear the
+ undo list generated by reading the search string. (If the search
+ fails, the old undo list will be restored by rl_maybe_unsave_line.) */
+ rl_free_undo_list ();
+ }
+ rl_restore_prompt ();
+ return (noninc_dosearch (noninc_search_string, cxt->direction));
+/* Search non-interactively through the history list. DIR < 0 means to
+ search backwards through the history of previous commands; otherwise
+ the search is for commands subsequent to the current position in the
+ history list. PCHAR is the character to use for prompting when reading
+ the search string; if not specified (0), it defaults to `:'. */
+static int
+noninc_search (dir, pchar)
+ int dir;
+ int pchar;
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ int c, r;
+ cxt = _rl_nsearch_init (dir, pchar);
+ return (0);
+ /* Read the search string. */
+ r = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ c = _rl_search_getchar (cxt);
+ if (c == 0)
+ break;
+ r = _rl_nsearch_dispatch (cxt, c);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return 1;
+ else if (r == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ r = _rl_nsearch_dosearch (cxt);
+ return ((r >= 0) ? _rl_nsearch_cleanup (cxt, r) : (r != 1));
+/* Search forward through the history list for a string. If the vi-mode
+ code calls this, KEY will be `?'. */
+rl_noninc_forward_search (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ return noninc_search (1, (key == '?') ? '?' : 0);
+/* Reverse search the history list for a string. If the vi-mode code
+ calls this, KEY will be `/'. */
+rl_noninc_reverse_search (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ return noninc_search (-1, (key == '/') ? '/' : 0);
+/* Search forward through the history list for the last string searched
+ for. If there is no saved search string, abort. */
+rl_noninc_forward_search_again (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ int r;
+ if (!noninc_search_string)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ r = noninc_dosearch (noninc_search_string, 1);
+ return (r != 1);
+/* Reverse search in the history list for the last string searched
+ for. If there is no saved search string, abort. */
+rl_noninc_reverse_search_again (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ int r;
+ if (!noninc_search_string)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ r = noninc_dosearch (noninc_search_string, -1);
+ return (r != 1);
+_rl_nsearch_callback (cxt)
+ _rl_search_cxt *cxt;
+ int c, r;
+ c = _rl_search_getchar (cxt);
+ r = _rl_nsearch_dispatch (cxt, c);
+ if (r != 0)
+ return 1;
+ r = _rl_nsearch_dosearch (cxt);
+ return ((r >= 0) ? _rl_nsearch_cleanup (cxt, r) : (r != 1));
+static int
+rl_history_search_internal (count, dir)
+ int count, dir;
+ HIST_ENTRY *temp;
+ int ret, oldpos;
+ rl_maybe_save_line ();
+ temp = (HIST_ENTRY *)NULL;
+ /* Search COUNT times through the history for a line whose prefix
+ matches history_search_string. When this loop finishes, TEMP,
+ if non-null, is the history line to copy into the line buffer. */
+ while (count)
+ {
+ ret = noninc_search_from_pos (history_search_string, rl_history_search_pos + dir, dir);
+ if (ret == -1)
+ break;
+ /* Get the history entry we found. */
+ rl_history_search_pos = ret;
+ oldpos = where_history ();
+ history_set_pos (rl_history_search_pos);
+ temp = current_history ();
+ history_set_pos (oldpos);
+ /* Don't find multiple instances of the same line. */
+ if (prev_line_found && STREQ (prev_line_found, temp->line))
+ continue;
+ prev_line_found = temp->line;
+ count--;
+ }
+ /* If we didn't find anything at all, return. */
+ if (temp == 0)
+ {
+ rl_maybe_unsave_line ();
+ rl_ding ();
+ /* If you don't want the saved history line (last match) to show up
+ in the line buffer after the search fails, change the #if 0 to
+ #if 1 */
+#if 0
+ if (rl_point > rl_history_search_len)
+ {
+ rl_point = rl_end = rl_history_search_len;
+ rl_line_buffer[rl_end] = '\0';
+ rl_mark = 0;
+ }
+ rl_point = rl_history_search_len; /* rl_maybe_unsave_line changes it */
+ rl_mark = rl_end;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Copy the line we found into the current line buffer. */
+ make_history_line_current (temp);
+ rl_point = rl_history_search_len;
+ rl_mark = rl_end;
+ return 0;
+static void
+rl_history_search_reinit ()
+ rl_history_search_pos = where_history ();
+ rl_history_search_len = rl_point;
+ prev_line_found = (char *)NULL;
+ if (rl_point)
+ {
+ if (rl_history_search_len >= history_string_size - 2)
+ {
+ history_string_size = rl_history_search_len + 2;
+ history_search_string = (char *)xrealloc (history_search_string, history_string_size);
+ }
+ history_search_string[0] = '^';
+ strncpy (history_search_string + 1, rl_line_buffer, rl_point);
+ history_search_string[rl_point + 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ _rl_free_saved_history_line ();
+/* Search forward in the history for the string of characters
+ from the start of the line to rl_point. This is a non-incremental
+ search. */
+rl_history_search_forward (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return (0);
+ if (rl_last_func != rl_history_search_forward &&
+ rl_last_func != rl_history_search_backward)
+ rl_history_search_reinit ();
+ if (rl_history_search_len == 0)
+ return (rl_get_next_history (count, ignore));
+ return (rl_history_search_internal (abs (count), (count > 0) ? 1 : -1));
+/* Search backward through the history for the string of characters
+ from the start of the line to rl_point. This is a non-incremental
+ search. */
+rl_history_search_backward (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return (0);
+ if (rl_last_func != rl_history_search_forward &&
+ rl_last_func != rl_history_search_backward)
+ rl_history_search_reinit ();
+ if (rl_history_search_len == 0)
+ return (rl_get_previous_history (count, ignore));
+ return (rl_history_search_internal (abs (count), (count > 0) ? -1 : 1));
diff --git a/extra/readline/shell.c b/extra/readline/shell.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b331e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/shell.c
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+/* shell.c -- readline utility functions that are normally provided by
+ bash when readline is linked as part of the shell. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STRING_H)
+# include <string.h>
+# include <strings.h>
+#endif /* !HAVE_STRING_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_LIMITS_H)
+# include <limits.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_FCNTL_H)
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_PWD_H)
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "rlstdc.h"
+#include "rlshell.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+#if defined (HAVE_GETPWUID) && !defined (HAVE_GETPW_DECLS)
+extern struct passwd *getpwuid PARAMS((uid_t));
+#ifndef NULL
+# define NULL 0
+#ifndef CHAR_BIT
+# define CHAR_BIT 8
+/* Nonzero if the integer type T is signed. */
+#define TYPE_SIGNED(t) (! ((t) 0 < (t) -1))
+/* Bound on length of the string representing an integer value of type T.
+ Subtract one for the sign bit if T is signed;
+ 302 / 1000 is log10 (2) rounded up;
+ add one for integer division truncation;
+ add one more for a minus sign if t is signed. */
+#define INT_STRLEN_BOUND(t) \
+ ((sizeof (t) * CHAR_BIT - TYPE_SIGNED (t)) * 302 / 1000 \
+ + 1 + TYPE_SIGNED (t))
+/* All of these functions are resolved from bash if we are linking readline
+ as part of bash. */
+/* Does shell-like quoting using single quotes. */
+char *
+sh_single_quote (string)
+ char *string;
+ register int c;
+ char *result, *r, *s;
+ result = (char *)xmalloc (3 + (4 * strlen (string)));
+ r = result;
+ *r++ = '\'';
+ for (s = string; s && (c = *s); s++)
+ {
+ *r++ = c;
+ if (c == '\'')
+ {
+ *r++ = '\\'; /* insert escaped single quote */
+ *r++ = '\'';
+ *r++ = '\''; /* start new quoted string */
+ }
+ }
+ *r++ = '\'';
+ *r = '\0';
+ return (result);
+/* Set the environment variables LINES and COLUMNS to lines and cols,
+ respectively. */
+sh_set_lines_and_columns (lines, cols)
+ int lines, cols;
+ char *b;
+#if defined (HAVE_SETENV)
+ b = (char *)xmalloc (INT_STRLEN_BOUND (int) + 1);
+ sprintf (b, "%d", lines);
+ setenv ("LINES", b, 1);
+ free (b);
+ b = (char *)xmalloc (INT_STRLEN_BOUND (int) + 1);
+ sprintf (b, "%d", cols);
+ setenv ("COLUMNS", b, 1);
+ free (b);
+#else /* !HAVE_SETENV */
+# if defined (HAVE_PUTENV)
+ b = (char *)xmalloc (INT_STRLEN_BOUND (int) + sizeof ("LINES=") + 1);
+ sprintf (b, "LINES=%d", lines);
+ putenv (b);
+ b = (char *)xmalloc (INT_STRLEN_BOUND (int) + sizeof ("COLUMNS=") + 1);
+ sprintf (b, "COLUMNS=%d", cols);
+ putenv (b);
+# endif /* HAVE_PUTENV */
+#endif /* !HAVE_SETENV */
+char *
+sh_get_env_value (varname)
+ const char *varname;
+ return ((char *)getenv (varname));
+char *
+sh_get_home_dir ()
+ char *home_dir;
+ struct passwd *entry;
+ home_dir = (char *)NULL;
+#if defined (HAVE_GETPWUID)
+ entry = getpwuid (getuid ());
+ if (entry)
+ home_dir = entry->pw_dir;
+ return (home_dir);
+#if !defined (O_NDELAY)
+# if defined (FNDELAY)
+# endif
+sh_unset_nodelay_mode (fd)
+ int fd;
+#if defined (HAVE_FCNTL)
+ int flags, bflags;
+ if ((flags = fcntl (fd, F_GETFL, 0)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ bflags = 0;
+#ifdef O_NONBLOCK
+ bflags |= O_NONBLOCK;
+#ifdef O_NDELAY
+ bflags |= O_NDELAY;
+ if (flags & bflags)
+ {
+ flags &= ~bflags;
+ return (fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, flags));
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/extra/readline/signals.c b/extra/readline/signals.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cda33b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/signals.c
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+/* signals.c -- signal handling support for readline. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <stdio.h> /* Just for NULL. Yuck. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#if defined (GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL)
+# include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#endif /* GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL */
+#if defined (HANDLE_SIGNALS)
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#if !defined (RETSIGTYPE)
+# if defined (VOID_SIGHANDLER)
+# define RETSIGTYPE void
+# else
+# define RETSIGTYPE int
+# endif /* !VOID_SIGHANDLER */
+#endif /* !RETSIGTYPE */
+#if defined (VOID_SIGHANDLER)
+# define SIGHANDLER_RETURN return
+# define SIGHANDLER_RETURN return (0)
+/* This typedef is equivalent to the one for Function; it allows us
+ to say SigHandler *foo = signal (SIGKILL, SIG_IGN); */
+typedef RETSIGTYPE SigHandler ();
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+typedef struct sigaction sighandler_cxt;
+# define rl_sigaction(s, nh, oh) sigaction(s, nh, oh)
+typedef struct { SigHandler *sa_handler; int sa_mask, sa_flags; } sighandler_cxt;
+# define sigemptyset(m)
+#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+#ifndef SA_RESTART
+# define SA_RESTART 0
+static SigHandler *rl_set_sighandler PARAMS((int, SigHandler *, sighandler_cxt *));
+static void rl_maybe_set_sighandler PARAMS((int, SigHandler *, sighandler_cxt *));
+/* Exported variables for use by applications. */
+/* If non-zero, readline will install its own signal handlers for
+int rl_catch_signals = 1;
+/* If non-zero, readline will install a signal handler for SIGWINCH. */
+#ifdef SIGWINCH
+int rl_catch_sigwinch = 1;
+int rl_catch_sigwinch = 0; /* for the readline state struct in readline.c */
+static int signals_set_flag;
+static int sigwinch_set_flag;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Signal Handling */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+static sighandler_cxt old_int, old_term, old_alrm, old_quit;
+#if defined (SIGTSTP)
+static sighandler_cxt old_tstp, old_ttou, old_ttin;
+#if defined (SIGWINCH)
+static sighandler_cxt old_winch;
+/* Readline signal handler functions. */
+rl_signal_handler (sig)
+ int sig;
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+ sigset_t set;
+#else /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+# if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
+ long omask;
+# else /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
+ sighandler_cxt dummy_cxt; /* needed for rl_set_sighandler call */
+# endif /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
+#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+#if !defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS) && !defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+ /* Since the signal will not be blocked while we are in the signal
+ handler, ignore it until rl_clear_signals resets the catcher. */
+# if defined (SIGALRM)
+ if (sig == SIGINT || sig == SIGALRM)
+# else
+ if (sig == SIGINT)
+# endif
+ rl_set_sighandler (sig, SIG_IGN, &dummy_cxt);
+ switch (sig)
+ {
+ case SIGINT:
+ rl_free_line_state ();
+ case SIGTERM:
+#if defined (SIGTSTP)
+ case SIGTSTP:
+ case SIGTTOU:
+ case SIGTTIN:
+#endif /* SIGTSTP */
+#if defined (SIGALRM)
+ case SIGALRM:
+#if defined (SIGQUIT)
+ case SIGQUIT:
+ rl_cleanup_after_signal ();
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+ sigemptyset (&set);
+ sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, (sigset_t *)NULL, &set);
+ sigdelset (&set, sig);
+#else /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+# if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
+ omask = sigblock (0);
+# endif /* HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
+#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+#if defined (__EMX__)
+ signal (sig, SIG_ACK);
+#if defined (HAVE_KILL)
+ kill (getpid (), sig);
+ raise (sig); /* assume we have raise */
+ /* Let the signal that we just sent through. */
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+ sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &set, (sigset_t *)NULL);
+#else /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+# if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
+ sigsetmask (omask & ~(sigmask (sig)));
+# endif /* HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
+#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+ rl_reset_after_signal ();
+ }
+#if defined (SIGWINCH)
+rl_sigwinch_handler (sig)
+ int sig;
+ SigHandler *oh;
+ sighandler_cxt dummy_winch;
+ /* We don't want to change old_winch -- it holds the state of SIGWINCH
+ disposition set by the calling application. We need this state
+ because we call the application's SIGWINCH handler after updating
+ our own idea of the screen size. */
+ rl_set_sighandler (SIGWINCH, rl_sigwinch_handler, &dummy_winch);
+ rl_resize_terminal ();
+ /* If another sigwinch handler has been installed, call it. */
+ oh = (SigHandler *)old_winch.sa_handler;
+ if (oh && oh != (SigHandler *)SIG_IGN && oh != (SigHandler *)SIG_DFL)
+ (*oh) (sig);
+#endif /* SIGWINCH */
+/* Functions to manage signal handling. */
+#if !defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+static int
+rl_sigaction (sig, nh, oh)
+ int sig;
+ sighandler_cxt *nh, *oh;
+ oh->sa_handler = signal (sig, nh->sa_handler);
+ return 0;
+#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+/* Set up a readline-specific signal handler, saving the old signal
+ information in OHANDLER. Return the old signal handler, like
+ signal(). */
+static SigHandler *
+rl_set_sighandler (sig, handler, ohandler)
+ int sig;
+ SigHandler *handler;
+ sighandler_cxt *ohandler;
+ sighandler_cxt old_handler;
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+ struct sigaction act;
+ act.sa_handler = handler;
+ act.sa_flags = (sig == SIGWINCH) ? SA_RESTART : 0;
+ sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask);
+ sigemptyset (&ohandler->sa_mask);
+ sigaction (sig, &act, &old_handler);
+ old_handler.sa_handler = (SigHandler *)signal (sig, handler);
+#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+ /* XXX -- assume we have memcpy */
+ /* If rl_set_signals is called twice in a row, don't set the old handler to
+ rl_signal_handler, because that would cause infinite recursion. */
+ if (handler != rl_signal_handler || old_handler.sa_handler != rl_signal_handler)
+ memcpy (ohandler, &old_handler, sizeof (sighandler_cxt));
+ return (ohandler->sa_handler);
+static void
+rl_maybe_set_sighandler (sig, handler, ohandler)
+ int sig;
+ SigHandler *handler;
+ sighandler_cxt *ohandler;
+ sighandler_cxt dummy;
+ SigHandler *oh;
+ sigemptyset (&dummy.sa_mask);
+ oh = rl_set_sighandler (sig, handler, ohandler);
+ if (oh == (SigHandler *)SIG_IGN)
+ rl_sigaction (sig, ohandler, &dummy);
+rl_set_signals ()
+ sighandler_cxt dummy;
+ SigHandler *oh;
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+ static int sigmask_set = 0;
+ static sigset_t bset, oset;
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+ if (rl_catch_signals && sigmask_set == 0)
+ {
+ sigemptyset (&bset);
+ sigaddset (&bset, SIGINT);
+ sigaddset (&bset, SIGINT);
+#if defined (SIGQUIT)
+ sigaddset (&bset, SIGQUIT);
+#if defined (SIGALRM)
+ sigaddset (&bset, SIGALRM);
+#if defined (SIGTSTP)
+ sigaddset (&bset, SIGTSTP);
+#if defined (SIGTTIN)
+ sigaddset (&bset, SIGTTIN);
+#if defined (SIGTTOU)
+ sigaddset (&bset, SIGTTOU);
+ sigmask_set = 1;
+ }
+#endif /* HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+ if (rl_catch_signals && signals_set_flag == 0)
+ {
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+ sigemptyset (&oset);
+ sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &bset, &oset);
+ rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGINT, rl_signal_handler, &old_int);
+ rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGTERM, rl_signal_handler, &old_term);
+#if defined (SIGQUIT)
+ rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGQUIT, rl_signal_handler, &old_quit);
+#if defined (SIGALRM)
+ oh = rl_set_sighandler (SIGALRM, rl_signal_handler, &old_alrm);
+ if (oh == (SigHandler *)SIG_IGN)
+ rl_sigaction (SIGALRM, &old_alrm, &dummy);
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS) && defined (SA_RESTART)
+ /* If the application using readline has already installed a signal
+ handler with SA_RESTART, SIGALRM will cause reads to be restarted
+ automatically, so readline should just get out of the way. Since
+ we tested for SIG_IGN above, we can just test for SIG_DFL here. */
+ if (oh != (SigHandler *)SIG_DFL && (old_alrm.sa_flags & SA_RESTART))
+ rl_sigaction (SIGALRM, &old_alrm, &dummy);
+#endif /* HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */
+#endif /* SIGALRM */
+#if defined (SIGTSTP)
+ rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGTSTP, rl_signal_handler, &old_tstp);
+#endif /* SIGTSTP */
+#if defined (SIGTTOU)
+ rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGTTOU, rl_signal_handler, &old_ttou);
+#endif /* SIGTTOU */
+#if defined (SIGTTIN)
+ rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGTTIN, rl_signal_handler, &old_ttin);
+#endif /* SIGTTIN */
+ signals_set_flag = 1;
+#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
+ sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &oset, (sigset_t *)NULL);
+ }
+#if defined (SIGWINCH)
+ if (rl_catch_sigwinch && sigwinch_set_flag == 0)
+ {
+ rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGWINCH, rl_sigwinch_handler, &old_winch);
+ sigwinch_set_flag = 1;
+ }
+#endif /* SIGWINCH */
+ return 0;
+rl_clear_signals ()
+ sighandler_cxt dummy;
+ if (rl_catch_signals && signals_set_flag == 1)
+ {
+ sigemptyset (&dummy.sa_mask);
+ rl_sigaction (SIGINT, &old_int, &dummy);
+ rl_sigaction (SIGTERM, &old_term, &dummy);
+#if defined (SIGQUIT)
+ rl_sigaction (SIGQUIT, &old_quit, &dummy);
+#if defined (SIGALRM)
+ rl_sigaction (SIGALRM, &old_alrm, &dummy);
+#if defined (SIGTSTP)
+ rl_sigaction (SIGTSTP, &old_tstp, &dummy);
+#endif /* SIGTSTP */
+#if defined (SIGTTOU)
+ rl_sigaction (SIGTTOU, &old_ttou, &dummy);
+#endif /* SIGTTOU */
+#if defined (SIGTTIN)
+ rl_sigaction (SIGTTIN, &old_ttin, &dummy);
+#endif /* SIGTTIN */
+ signals_set_flag = 0;
+ }
+#if defined (SIGWINCH)
+ if (rl_catch_sigwinch && sigwinch_set_flag == 1)
+ {
+ sigemptyset (&dummy.sa_mask);
+ rl_sigaction (SIGWINCH, &old_winch, &dummy);
+ sigwinch_set_flag = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Clean up the terminal and readline state after catching a signal, before
+ resending it to the calling application. */
+rl_cleanup_after_signal ()
+ _rl_clean_up_for_exit ();
+ if (rl_deprep_term_function)
+ (*rl_deprep_term_function) ();
+ rl_clear_pending_input ();
+ rl_clear_signals ();
+/* Reset the terminal and readline state after a signal handler returns. */
+rl_reset_after_signal ()
+ if (rl_prep_term_function)
+ (*rl_prep_term_function) (_rl_meta_flag);
+ rl_set_signals ();
+/* Free up the readline variable line state for the current line (undo list,
+ any partial history entry, any keyboard macros in progress, and any
+ numeric arguments in process) after catching a signal, before calling
+ rl_cleanup_after_signal(). */
+rl_free_line_state ()
+ register HIST_ENTRY *entry;
+ rl_free_undo_list ();
+ entry = current_history ();
+ if (entry)
+ entry->data = (char *)NULL;
+ _rl_kill_kbd_macro ();
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ _rl_reset_argument ();
+#endif /* HANDLE_SIGNALS */
diff --git a/extra/readline/tcap.h b/extra/readline/tcap.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28ec669b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/tcap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/* tcap.h -- termcap library functions and variables. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the Readline Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for providing Emacs style line input to programs that ask
+ for it.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_RLTCAP_H_)
+#define _RLTCAP_H_
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#if defined (HAVE_TERMCAP_H)
+# if defined (__linux__) && !defined (SPEED_T_IN_SYS_TYPES)
+# include "rltty.h"
+# endif
+# include <termcap.h>
+/* On Solaris2, sys/types.h #includes sys/reg.h, which #defines PC.
+ Unfortunately, PC is a global variable used by the termcap library. */
+#ifdef PC
+# undef PC
+extern char PC;
+extern char *UP, *BC;
+extern short ospeed;
+extern int tgetent ();
+extern int tgetflag ();
+extern int tgetnum ();
+extern char *tgetstr ();
+extern int tputs ();
+extern char *tgoto ();
+#endif /* HAVE_TERMCAP_H */
+#endif /* !_RLTCAP_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/terminal.c b/extra/readline/terminal.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27397c82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/terminal.c
@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
+/* terminal.c -- controlling the terminal with termcap. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1996-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "posixstat.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_SYS_FILE_H)
+# include <sys/file.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_SYS_FILE_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_LOCALE_H)
+# include <locale.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#if defined (GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL) && !defined (TIOCGWINSZ)
+# include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include "rltty.h"
+#include "tcap.h"
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "rlshell.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+#if defined (__MINGW32__)
+# include <windows.h>
+# include <wincon.h>
+static void _win_get_screensize PARAMS((int *, int *));
+#if defined (__EMX__)
+static void _emx_get_screensize PARAMS((int *, int *));
+#define CUSTOM_REDISPLAY_FUNC() (rl_redisplay_function != rl_redisplay)
+#define CUSTOM_INPUT_FUNC() (rl_getc_function != rl_getc)
+/* If the calling application sets this to a non-zero value, readline will
+ use the $LINES and $COLUMNS environment variables to set its idea of the
+ window size before interrogating the kernel. */
+int rl_prefer_env_winsize = 0;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Terminal and Termcap */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+static char *term_buffer = (char *)NULL;
+static char *term_string_buffer = (char *)NULL;
+static int tcap_initialized;
+#if !defined (__linux__)
+# if defined (__EMX__) || defined (NEED_EXTERN_PC)
+# endif /* __EMX__ || NEED_EXTERN_PC */
+char PC, *BC, *UP;
+#endif /* __linux__ */
+/* Some strings to control terminal actions. These are output by tputs (). */
+const char *_rl_term_clreol;
+const char *_rl_term_clrpag;
+const char *_rl_term_cr;
+const char *_rl_term_backspace;
+char _rl_term_backspace_default[2] = { '\b', 0 };
+const char *_rl_term_goto;
+const char *_rl_term_pc;
+/* Non-zero if we determine that the terminal can do character insertion. */
+int _rl_terminal_can_insert = 0;
+/* How to insert characters. */
+const char *_rl_term_im;
+const char *_rl_term_ei;
+const char *_rl_term_ic;
+const char *_rl_term_ip;
+const char *_rl_term_IC;
+/* How to delete characters. */
+const char *_rl_term_dc;
+const char *_rl_term_DC;
+const char *_rl_term_forward_char;
+/* How to go up a line. */
+const char *_rl_term_up;
+char _rl_term_up_default[2] = { 0, 0 };
+/* A visible bell; char if the terminal can be made to flash the screen. */
+static const char *_rl_visible_bell;
+/* Non-zero means the terminal can auto-wrap lines. */
+int _rl_term_autowrap = -1;
+/* Non-zero means that this terminal has a meta key. */
+static int term_has_meta;
+/* The sequences to write to turn on and off the meta key, if this
+ terminal has one. */
+static const char *_rl_term_mm;
+static const char *_rl_term_mo;
+/* The key sequences output by the arrow keys, if this terminal has any. */
+static const char *_rl_term_ku;
+static const char *_rl_term_kd;
+static const char *_rl_term_kr;
+static const char *_rl_term_kl;
+/* How to initialize and reset the arrow keys, if this terminal has any. */
+static const char *_rl_term_ks;
+static const char *_rl_term_ke;
+/* The key sequences sent by the Home and End keys, if any. */
+static const char *_rl_term_kh;
+static const char *_rl_term_kH;
+static const char *_rl_term_at7; /* @7 */
+/* Delete key */
+static const char *_rl_term_kD;
+/* Insert key */
+static const char *_rl_term_kI;
+/* Cursor control */
+static const char *_rl_term_vs; /* very visible */
+static const char *_rl_term_ve; /* normal */
+static void bind_termcap_arrow_keys PARAMS((Keymap));
+/* Variables that hold the screen dimensions, used by the display code. */
+int _rl_screenwidth, _rl_screenheight, _rl_screenchars;
+/* Non-zero means the user wants to enable the keypad. */
+int _rl_enable_keypad;
+/* Non-zero means the user wants to enable a meta key. */
+int _rl_enable_meta = 1;
+#if defined (__EMX__)
+static void
+_emx_get_screensize (swp, shp)
+ int *swp, *shp;
+ int sz[2];
+ _scrsize (sz);
+ if (swp)
+ *swp = sz[0];
+ if (shp)
+ *shp = sz[1];
+#if defined (__MINGW32__)
+static void
+_win_get_screensize (swp, shp)
+ int *swp, *shp;
+ HANDLE hConOut;
+ hConOut = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+ {
+ if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (hConOut, &scr))
+ {
+ *swp = scr.dwSize.X;
+ *shp = scr.srWindow.Bottom - scr.srWindow.Top + 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Get readline's idea of the screen size. TTY is a file descriptor open
+ to the terminal. If IGNORE_ENV is true, we do not pay attention to the
+ values of $LINES and $COLUMNS. The tests for TERM_STRING_BUFFER being
+ non-null serve to check whether or not we have initialized termcap. */
+_rl_get_screen_size (tty, ignore_env)
+ int tty, ignore_env;
+ char *ss;
+#if defined (TIOCGWINSZ)
+ struct winsize window_size;
+#endif /* TIOCGWINSZ */
+ int wr, wc;
+ wr = wc = -1;
+#if defined (TIOCGWINSZ)
+ if (ioctl (tty, TIOCGWINSZ, &window_size) == 0)
+ {
+ wc = (int) window_size.ws_col;
+ wr = (int) window_size.ws_row;
+ }
+#endif /* TIOCGWINSZ */
+#if defined (__EMX__)
+ _emx_get_screensize (&wc, &wr);
+#elif defined (__MINGW32__)
+ _win_get_screensize (&wc, &wr);
+ if (ignore_env || rl_prefer_env_winsize == 0)
+ {
+ _rl_screenwidth = wc;
+ _rl_screenheight = wr;
+ }
+ else
+ _rl_screenwidth = _rl_screenheight = -1;
+ /* Environment variable COLUMNS overrides setting of "co" if IGNORE_ENV
+ is unset. If we prefer the environment, check it first before
+ assigning the value returned by the kernel. */
+ if (_rl_screenwidth <= 0)
+ {
+ if (ignore_env == 0 && (ss = sh_get_env_value ("COLUMNS")))
+ _rl_screenwidth = atoi (ss);
+ if (_rl_screenwidth <= 0)
+ _rl_screenwidth = wc;
+#if !defined (__DJGPP__)
+ if (_rl_screenwidth <= 0 && term_string_buffer)
+ _rl_screenwidth = tgetnum ((char *)"co");
+ }
+ /* Environment variable LINES overrides setting of "li" if IGNORE_ENV
+ is unset. */
+ if (_rl_screenheight <= 0)
+ {
+ if (ignore_env == 0 && (ss = sh_get_env_value ("LINES")))
+ _rl_screenheight = atoi (ss);
+ if (_rl_screenheight <= 0)
+ _rl_screenheight = wr;
+#if !defined (__DJGPP__)
+ if (_rl_screenheight <= 0 && term_string_buffer)
+ _rl_screenheight = tgetnum ((char *)"li");
+ }
+ /* If all else fails, default to 80x24 terminal. */
+ if (_rl_screenwidth <= 1)
+ _rl_screenwidth = 80;
+ if (_rl_screenheight <= 0)
+ _rl_screenheight = 24;
+ /* If we're being compiled as part of bash, set the environment
+ variables $LINES and $COLUMNS to new values. Otherwise, just
+ do a pair of putenv () or setenv () calls. */
+ sh_set_lines_and_columns (_rl_screenheight, _rl_screenwidth);
+ if (_rl_term_autowrap == 0)
+ _rl_screenwidth--;
+ _rl_screenchars = _rl_screenwidth * _rl_screenheight;
+_rl_set_screen_size (rows, cols)
+ int rows, cols;
+ if (_rl_term_autowrap == -1)
+ _rl_init_terminal_io (rl_terminal_name);
+ if (rows > 0)
+ _rl_screenheight = rows;
+ if (cols > 0)
+ {
+ _rl_screenwidth = cols;
+ if (_rl_term_autowrap == 0)
+ _rl_screenwidth--;
+ }
+ if (rows > 0 || cols > 0)
+ _rl_screenchars = _rl_screenwidth * _rl_screenheight;
+rl_set_screen_size (rows, cols)
+ int rows, cols;
+ _rl_set_screen_size (rows, cols);
+rl_get_screen_size (rows, cols)
+ int *rows, *cols;
+ if (rows)
+ *rows = _rl_screenheight;
+ if (cols)
+ *cols = _rl_screenwidth;
+rl_reset_screen_size ()
+ _rl_get_screen_size (fileno (rl_instream), 0);
+rl_resize_terminal ()
+ if (readline_echoing_p)
+ {
+ _rl_get_screen_size (fileno (rl_instream), 1);
+ rl_forced_update_display ();
+ else
+ _rl_redisplay_after_sigwinch ();
+ }
+struct _tc_string {
+ const char *tc_var;
+ const char **tc_value;
+/* This should be kept sorted, just in case we decide to change the
+ search algorithm to something smarter. */
+static struct _tc_string tc_strings[] =
+ { "@7", &_rl_term_at7 },
+ { "DC", &_rl_term_DC },
+ { "IC", &_rl_term_IC },
+ { "ce", &_rl_term_clreol },
+ { "cl", &_rl_term_clrpag },
+ { "cr", &_rl_term_cr },
+ { "dc", &_rl_term_dc },
+ { "ei", &_rl_term_ei },
+ { "ic", &_rl_term_ic },
+ { "im", &_rl_term_im },
+ { "kD", &_rl_term_kD }, /* delete */
+ { "kH", &_rl_term_kH }, /* home down ?? */
+ { "kI", &_rl_term_kI }, /* insert */
+ { "kd", &_rl_term_kd },
+ { "ke", &_rl_term_ke }, /* end keypad mode */
+ { "kh", &_rl_term_kh }, /* home */
+ { "kl", &_rl_term_kl },
+ { "kr", &_rl_term_kr },
+ { "ks", &_rl_term_ks }, /* start keypad mode */
+ { "ku", &_rl_term_ku },
+ { "le", &_rl_term_backspace },
+ { "mm", &_rl_term_mm },
+ { "mo", &_rl_term_mo },
+ { "nd", &_rl_term_forward_char },
+ { "pc", &_rl_term_pc },
+ { "up", &_rl_term_up },
+ { "vb", &_rl_visible_bell },
+ { "vs", &_rl_term_vs },
+ { "ve", &_rl_term_ve },
+#define NUM_TC_STRINGS (sizeof (tc_strings) / sizeof (struct _tc_string))
+/* Read the desired terminal capability strings into BP. The capabilities
+ are described in the TC_STRINGS table. */
+static void
+get_term_capabilities (bp)
+ char **bp;
+#if !defined (__DJGPP__) /* XXX - doesn't DJGPP have a termcap library? */
+ register unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < NUM_TC_STRINGS; i++)
+ *(tc_strings[i].tc_value) = tgetstr ((char *)tc_strings[i].tc_var, bp);
+ tcap_initialized = 1;
+_rl_init_terminal_io (terminal_name)
+ const char *terminal_name;
+ const char *term;
+ char *buffer;
+ int tty, tgetent_ret;
+ term = terminal_name ? terminal_name : sh_get_env_value ("TERM");
+ _rl_term_clrpag = _rl_term_cr = _rl_term_clreol = (char *)NULL;
+ tty = rl_instream ? fileno (rl_instream) : 0;
+ if (term == 0)
+ term = "dumb";
+ /* I've separated this out for later work on not calling tgetent at all
+ if the calling application has supplied a custom redisplay function,
+ (and possibly if the application has supplied a custom input function). */
+ {
+ tgetent_ret = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (term_string_buffer == 0)
+ term_string_buffer = (char *)xmalloc(2032);
+ if (term_buffer == 0)
+ term_buffer = (char *)xmalloc(4080);
+ buffer = term_string_buffer;
+ tgetent_ret = tgetent (term_buffer, term);
+ }
+ if (tgetent_ret <= 0)
+ {
+ FREE (term_string_buffer);
+ FREE (term_buffer);
+ buffer = term_buffer = term_string_buffer = (char *)NULL;
+ _rl_term_autowrap = 0; /* used by _rl_get_screen_size */
+ /* Allow calling application to set default height and width, using
+ rl_set_screen_size */
+ if (_rl_screenwidth <= 0 || _rl_screenheight <= 0)
+ {
+#if defined (__EMX__)
+ _emx_get_screensize (&_rl_screenwidth, &_rl_screenheight);
+ _rl_screenwidth--;
+#else /* !__EMX__ */
+ _rl_get_screen_size (tty, 0);
+#endif /* !__EMX__ */
+ }
+ /* Defaults. */
+ if (_rl_screenwidth <= 0 || _rl_screenheight <= 0)
+ {
+ _rl_screenwidth = 79;
+ _rl_screenheight = 24;
+ }
+ /* Everything below here is used by the redisplay code (tputs). */
+ _rl_screenchars = _rl_screenwidth * _rl_screenheight;
+ _rl_term_cr = "\r";
+ _rl_term_im = _rl_term_ei = _rl_term_ic = _rl_term_IC = (char *)NULL;
+ _rl_term_up = _rl_term_dc = _rl_term_DC = _rl_visible_bell = (char *)NULL;
+ _rl_term_ku = _rl_term_kd = _rl_term_kl = _rl_term_kr = (char *)NULL;
+ _rl_term_kh = _rl_term_kH = _rl_term_kI = _rl_term_kD = (char *)NULL;
+ _rl_term_ks = _rl_term_ke = _rl_term_at7 = (char *)NULL;
+ _rl_term_mm = _rl_term_mo = (char *)NULL;
+ _rl_term_ve = _rl_term_vs = (char *)NULL;
+ _rl_term_forward_char = (char *)NULL;
+ _rl_terminal_can_insert = term_has_meta = 0;
+ /* Reasonable defaults for tgoto(). Readline currently only uses
+ tgoto if _rl_term_IC or _rl_term_DC is defined, but just in case we
+ change that later... */
+ PC = '\0';
+ _rl_term_backspace = _rl_term_backspace_default;
+ BC = (char*)_rl_term_backspace;
+ UP = (char*)_rl_term_up;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ get_term_capabilities (&buffer);
+ /* Set up the variables that the termcap library expects the application
+ to provide. */
+ PC = _rl_term_pc ? *_rl_term_pc : 0;
+ BC = (char*)_rl_term_backspace;
+ UP = (char*)_rl_term_up;
+ if (!_rl_term_cr)
+ _rl_term_cr = "\r";
+ _rl_term_autowrap = tgetflag ((char *)"am") && tgetflag ((char *)"xn");
+ /* Allow calling application to set default height and width, using
+ rl_set_screen_size */
+ if (_rl_screenwidth <= 0 || _rl_screenheight <= 0)
+ _rl_get_screen_size (tty, 0);
+ /* "An application program can assume that the terminal can do
+ character insertion if *any one of* the capabilities `IC',
+ `im', `ic' or `ip' is provided." But we can't do anything if
+ only `ip' is provided, so... */
+ _rl_terminal_can_insert = (_rl_term_IC || _rl_term_im || _rl_term_ic);
+ /* Check to see if this terminal has a meta key and clear the capability
+ variables if there is none. */
+ term_has_meta = (tgetflag ((char *)"km") || tgetflag ((char *)"MT"));
+ if (!term_has_meta)
+ _rl_term_mm = _rl_term_mo = (char *)NULL;
+ /* Attempt to find and bind the arrow keys. Do not override already
+ bound keys in an overzealous attempt, however. */
+ bind_termcap_arrow_keys (emacs_standard_keymap);
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ bind_termcap_arrow_keys (vi_movement_keymap);
+ bind_termcap_arrow_keys (vi_insertion_keymap);
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ return 0;
+/* Bind the arrow key sequences from the termcap description in MAP. */
+static void
+bind_termcap_arrow_keys (map)
+ Keymap map;
+ Keymap xkeymap;
+ xkeymap = _rl_keymap;
+ _rl_keymap = map;
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound (_rl_term_ku, rl_get_previous_history);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound (_rl_term_kd, rl_get_next_history);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound (_rl_term_kr, rl_forward_char);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound (_rl_term_kl, rl_backward_char);
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound (_rl_term_kh, rl_beg_of_line); /* Home */
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound (_rl_term_at7, rl_end_of_line); /* End */
+ rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound (_rl_term_kD, rl_delete);
+ _rl_keymap = xkeymap;
+const char *
+rl_get_termcap (cap)
+ const char *cap;
+ register unsigned int i;
+ if (tcap_initialized == 0)
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+ for (i = 0; i < NUM_TC_STRINGS; i++)
+ {
+ if (tc_strings[i].tc_var[0] == cap[0] && strcmp (tc_strings[i].tc_var, cap) == 0)
+ return *(tc_strings[i].tc_value);
+ }
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+/* Re-initialize the terminal considering that the TERM/TERMCAP variable
+ has changed. */
+rl_reset_terminal (terminal_name)
+ const char *terminal_name;
+ _rl_screenwidth = _rl_screenheight = 0;
+ _rl_init_terminal_io (terminal_name);
+ return 0;
+/* A function for the use of tputs () */
+#ifdef _MINIX
+_rl_output_character_function (c)
+ int c;
+ putc (c, _rl_out_stream);
+#else /* !_MINIX */
+_rl_output_character_function (c)
+ int c;
+ return putc (c, _rl_out_stream);
+#endif /* !_MINIX */
+/* Write COUNT characters from STRING to the output stream. */
+_rl_output_some_chars (string, count)
+ const char *string;
+ int count;
+ if (fwrite (string, 1, count, _rl_out_stream) != (size_t)count)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Write failed\n");
+/* Move the cursor back. */
+_rl_backspace (count)
+ int count;
+ register int i;
+ if (_rl_term_backspace)
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ tputs (_rl_term_backspace, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ else
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ putc ('\b', _rl_out_stream);
+ return 0;
+/* Move to the start of the next line. */
+rl_crlf ()
+#if defined (NEW_TTY_DRIVER)
+ if (_rl_term_cr)
+ tputs (_rl_term_cr, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+#endif /* NEW_TTY_DRIVER */
+ putc ('\n', _rl_out_stream);
+ return 0;
+/* Ring the terminal bell. */
+rl_ding ()
+ if (readline_echoing_p)
+ {
+ switch (_rl_bell_preference)
+ {
+ case NO_BELL:
+ default:
+ break;
+ if (_rl_visible_bell)
+ {
+ tputs (_rl_visible_bell, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ break;
+ }
+ fprintf (stderr, "\007");
+ fflush (stderr);
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return (-1);
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Controlling the Meta Key and Keypad */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+_rl_enable_meta_key ()
+#if !defined (__DJGPP__)
+ if (term_has_meta && _rl_term_mm)
+ tputs (_rl_term_mm, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+_rl_control_keypad (on)
+ int on;
+#if !defined (__DJGPP__)
+ if (on && _rl_term_ks)
+ tputs (_rl_term_ks, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ else if (!on && _rl_term_ke)
+ tputs (_rl_term_ke, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Controlling the Cursor */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Set the cursor appropriately depending on IM, which is one of the
+ insert modes (insert or overwrite). Insert mode gets the normal
+ cursor. Overwrite mode gets a very visible cursor. Only does
+ anything if we have both capabilities. */
+_rl_set_cursor (im, force)
+ int im, force;
+ if (_rl_term_ve && _rl_term_vs)
+ {
+ if (force || im != rl_insert_mode)
+ {
+ if (im == RL_IM_OVERWRITE)
+ tputs (_rl_term_vs, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ else
+ tputs (_rl_term_ve, 1, _rl_output_character_function);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/extra/readline/text.c b/extra/readline/text.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9cceac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/text.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1639 @@
+/* text.c -- text handling commands for readline. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_LOCALE_H)
+# include <locale.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+#if defined (__EMX__)
+# include <os2.h>
+#endif /* __EMX__ */
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "rlshell.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* Forward declarations. */
+static int rl_change_case PARAMS((int, int));
+static int _rl_char_search PARAMS((int, int, int));
+static int _rl_insert_next_callback PARAMS((_rl_callback_generic_arg *));
+static int _rl_char_search_callback PARAMS((_rl_callback_generic_arg *));
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Insert and Delete */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Insert a string of text into the line at point. This is the only
+ way that you should do insertion. _rl_insert_char () calls this
+ function. Returns the number of characters inserted. */
+rl_insert_text (string)
+ const char *string;
+ register int i, l;
+ l = (string && *string) ? strlen (string) : 0;
+ if (l == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (rl_end + l >= rl_line_buffer_len)
+ rl_extend_line_buffer (rl_end + l);
+ for (i = rl_end; i >= rl_point; i--)
+ rl_line_buffer[i + l] = rl_line_buffer[i];
+ strncpy (rl_line_buffer + rl_point, string, l);
+ /* Remember how to undo this if we aren't undoing something. */
+ if (_rl_doing_an_undo == 0)
+ {
+ /* If possible and desirable, concatenate the undos. */
+ if ((l == 1) &&
+ rl_undo_list &&
+ (rl_undo_list->what == UNDO_INSERT) &&
+ (rl_undo_list->end == rl_point) &&
+ (rl_undo_list->end - rl_undo_list->start < 20))
+ rl_undo_list->end++;
+ else
+ rl_add_undo (UNDO_INSERT, rl_point, rl_point + l, (char *)NULL);
+ }
+ rl_point += l;
+ rl_end += l;
+ rl_line_buffer[rl_end] = '\0';
+ return l;
+/* Delete the string between FROM and TO. FROM is inclusive, TO is not.
+ Returns the number of characters deleted. */
+rl_delete_text (from, to)
+ int from, to;
+ register char *text;
+ register int diff, i;
+ /* Fix it if the caller is confused. */
+ if (from > to)
+ SWAP (from, to);
+ /* fix boundaries */
+ if (to > rl_end)
+ {
+ to = rl_end;
+ if (from > to)
+ from = to;
+ }
+ if (from < 0)
+ from = 0;
+ text = rl_copy_text (from, to);
+ /* Some versions of strncpy() can't handle overlapping arguments. */
+ diff = to - from;
+ for (i = from; i < rl_end - diff; i++)
+ rl_line_buffer[i] = rl_line_buffer[i + diff];
+ /* Remember how to undo this delete. */
+ if (_rl_doing_an_undo == 0)
+ rl_add_undo (UNDO_DELETE, from, to, text);
+ else
+ free (text);
+ rl_end -= diff;
+ rl_line_buffer[rl_end] = '\0';
+ return (diff);
+/* Fix up point so that it is within the line boundaries after killing
+ text. If FIX_MARK_TOO is non-zero, the mark is forced within line
+ boundaries also. */
+#define _RL_FIX_POINT(x) \
+ do { \
+ if (x > rl_end) \
+ x = rl_end; \
+ else if (x < 0) \
+ x = 0; \
+ } while (0)
+_rl_fix_point (fix_mark_too)
+ int fix_mark_too;
+ _RL_FIX_POINT (rl_point);
+ if (fix_mark_too)
+ _RL_FIX_POINT (rl_mark);
+#undef _RL_FIX_POINT
+/* Replace the contents of the line buffer between START and END with
+ TEXT. The operation is undoable. To replace the entire line in an
+ undoable mode, use _rl_replace_text(text, 0, rl_end); */
+_rl_replace_text (text, start, end)
+ const char *text;
+ int start, end;
+ int n;
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ rl_delete_text (start, end + 1);
+ rl_point = start;
+ n = rl_insert_text (text);
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ return n;
+/* Replace the current line buffer contents with TEXT. If CLEAR_UNDO is
+ non-zero, we free the current undo list. */
+rl_replace_line (text, clear_undo)
+ const char *text;
+ int clear_undo;
+ int len;
+ len = strlen (text);
+ if (len >= rl_line_buffer_len)
+ rl_extend_line_buffer (len);
+ strcpy (rl_line_buffer, text);
+ rl_end = len;
+ if (clear_undo)
+ rl_free_undo_list ();
+ _rl_fix_point (1);
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Readline character functions */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* This is not a gap editor, just a stupid line input routine. No hair
+ is involved in writing any of the functions, and none should be. */
+/* Note that:
+ rl_end is the place in the string that we would place '\0';
+ i.e., it is always safe to place '\0' there.
+ rl_point is the place in the string where the cursor is. Sometimes
+ this is the same as rl_end.
+ Any command that is called interactively receives two arguments.
+ The first is a count: the numeric arg pased to this command.
+ The second is the key which invoked this command.
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Movement Commands */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Note that if you `optimize' the display for these functions, you cannot
+ use said functions in other functions which do not do optimizing display.
+ I.e., you will have to update the data base for rl_redisplay, and you
+ might as well let rl_redisplay do that job. */
+/* Move forward COUNT bytes. */
+rl_forward_byte (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_backward_byte (-count, key));
+ if (count > 0)
+ {
+ int end = rl_point + count;
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ int lend = rl_end > 0 ? rl_end - (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode) : rl_end;
+ int lend = rl_end;
+ if (end > lend)
+ {
+ rl_point = lend;
+ rl_ding ();
+ }
+ else
+ rl_point = end;
+ }
+ if (rl_end < 0)
+ rl_end = 0;
+ return 0;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+/* Move forward COUNT characters. */
+rl_forward_char (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ int point;
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented)
+ return (rl_forward_byte (count, key));
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_backward_char (-count, key));
+ if (count > 0)
+ {
+ point = _rl_find_next_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, count, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ if (rl_end <= point && rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ point = _rl_find_prev_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, rl_end, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ if (rl_point == point)
+ rl_ding ();
+ rl_point = point;
+ if (rl_end < 0)
+ rl_end = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#else /* !HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+rl_forward_char (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ return (rl_forward_byte (count, key));
+#endif /* !HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+/* Backwards compatibility. */
+rl_forward (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ return (rl_forward_char (count, key));
+/* Move backward COUNT bytes. */
+rl_backward_byte (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_forward_byte (-count, key));
+ if (count > 0)
+ {
+ if (rl_point < count)
+ {
+ rl_point = 0;
+ rl_ding ();
+ }
+ else
+ rl_point -= count;
+ }
+ if (rl_point < 0)
+ rl_point = 0;
+ return 0;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+/* Move backward COUNT characters. */
+rl_backward_char (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ int point;
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented)
+ return (rl_backward_byte (count, key));
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_forward_char (-count, key));
+ if (count > 0)
+ {
+ point = rl_point;
+ while (count > 0 && point > 0)
+ {
+ point = _rl_find_prev_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, point, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ count--;
+ }
+ if (count > 0)
+ {
+ rl_point = 0;
+ rl_ding ();
+ }
+ else
+ rl_point = point;
+ }
+ return 0;
+rl_backward_char (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ return (rl_backward_byte (count, key));
+/* Backwards compatibility. */
+rl_backward (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ return (rl_backward_char (count, key));
+/* Move to the beginning of the line. */
+rl_beg_of_line (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ rl_point = 0;
+ return 0;
+/* Move to the end of the line. */
+rl_end_of_line (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ rl_point = rl_end;
+ return 0;
+/* Move forward a word. We do what Emacs does. Handles multibyte chars. */
+rl_forward_word (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ int c;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_backward_word (-count, key));
+ while (count)
+ {
+ if (rl_point == rl_end)
+ return 0;
+ /* If we are not in a word, move forward until we are in one.
+ Then, move forward until we hit a non-alphabetic character. */
+ c = _rl_char_value (rl_line_buffer, rl_point);
+ if (_rl_walphabetic (c) == 0)
+ {
+ rl_point = MB_NEXTCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, 1, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ while (rl_point < rl_end)
+ {
+ c = _rl_char_value (rl_line_buffer, rl_point);
+ if (_rl_walphabetic (c))
+ break;
+ rl_point = MB_NEXTCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, 1, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ }
+ }
+ if (rl_point == rl_end)
+ return 0;
+ rl_point = MB_NEXTCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, 1, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ while (rl_point < rl_end)
+ {
+ c = _rl_char_value (rl_line_buffer, rl_point);
+ if (_rl_walphabetic (c) == 0)
+ break;
+ rl_point = MB_NEXTCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, 1, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ }
+ --count;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Move backward a word. We do what Emacs does. Handles multibyte chars. */
+rl_backward_word (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ int c, p;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_forward_word (-count, key));
+ while (count)
+ {
+ if (rl_point == 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* Like rl_forward_word (), except that we look at the characters
+ just before point. */
+ p = MB_PREVCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ c = _rl_char_value (rl_line_buffer, p);
+ if (_rl_walphabetic (c) == 0)
+ {
+ rl_point = p;
+ while (rl_point > 0)
+ {
+ p = MB_PREVCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ c = _rl_char_value (rl_line_buffer, p);
+ if (_rl_walphabetic (c))
+ break;
+ rl_point = p;
+ }
+ }
+ while (rl_point)
+ {
+ p = MB_PREVCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ c = _rl_char_value (rl_line_buffer, p);
+ if (_rl_walphabetic (c) == 0)
+ break;
+ else
+ rl_point = p;
+ }
+ --count;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Clear the current line. Numeric argument to C-l does this. */
+rl_refresh_line (ignore1, ignore2)
+ int ignore1 __attribute__((unused)), ignore2 __attribute__((unused));
+ int curr_line;
+ curr_line = _rl_current_display_line ();
+ _rl_move_vert (curr_line);
+ _rl_move_cursor_relative (0, rl_line_buffer); /* XXX is this right */
+ _rl_clear_to_eol (0); /* arg of 0 means to not use spaces */
+ rl_forced_update_display ();
+ rl_display_fixed = 1;
+ return 0;
+/* C-l typed to a line without quoting clears the screen, and then reprints
+ the prompt and the current input line. Given a numeric arg, redraw only
+ the current line. */
+rl_clear_screen (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (rl_explicit_arg)
+ {
+ rl_refresh_line (count, key);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ _rl_clear_screen (); /* calls termcap function to clear screen */
+ rl_forced_update_display ();
+ rl_display_fixed = 1;
+ return 0;
+rl_arrow_keys (count, c)
+ int count, c __attribute__((unused));
+ int ch;
+ ch = rl_read_key ();
+ switch (_rl_to_upper (ch))
+ {
+ case 'A':
+ rl_get_previous_history (count, ch);
+ break;
+ case 'B':
+ rl_get_next_history (count, ch);
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ rl_forward_char (count, ch);
+ else
+ rl_forward_byte (count, ch);
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ rl_backward_char (count, ch);
+ else
+ rl_backward_byte (count, ch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ rl_ding ();
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Text commands */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+static char pending_bytes[MB_LEN_MAX];
+static int pending_bytes_length = 0;
+static mbstate_t ps;
+/* Insert the character C at the current location, moving point forward.
+ If C introduces a multibyte sequence, we read the whole sequence and
+ then insert the multibyte char into the line buffer. */
+_rl_insert_char (count, c)
+ int count, c;
+ register int i;
+ char *string;
+ int string_size;
+ char incoming[MB_LEN_MAX + 1];
+ int incoming_length = 0;
+ mbstate_t ps_back;
+ static int stored_count = 0;
+ if (count <= 0)
+ return 0;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented)
+ {
+ incoming[0] = c;
+ incoming[1] = '\0';
+ incoming_length = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wchar_t wc;
+ size_t ret;
+ if (stored_count <= 0)
+ stored_count = count;
+ else
+ count = stored_count;
+ ps_back = ps;
+ pending_bytes[pending_bytes_length++] = c;
+ ret = mbrtowc (&wc, pending_bytes, pending_bytes_length, &ps);
+ if (ret == (size_t)-2)
+ {
+ /* Bytes too short to compose character, try to wait for next byte.
+ Restore the state of the byte sequence, because in this case the
+ effect of mbstate is undefined. */
+ ps = ps_back;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if (ret == (size_t)-1)
+ {
+ /* Invalid byte sequence for the current locale. Treat first byte
+ as a single character. */
+ incoming[0] = pending_bytes[0];
+ incoming[1] = '\0';
+ incoming_length = 1;
+ pending_bytes_length--;
+ memmove (pending_bytes, pending_bytes + 1, pending_bytes_length);
+ /* Clear the state of the byte sequence, because in this case the
+ effect of mbstate is undefined. */
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ }
+ else if (ret == (size_t)0)
+ {
+ incoming[0] = '\0';
+ incoming_length = 0;
+ pending_bytes_length--;
+ /* Clear the state of the byte sequence, because in this case the
+ effect of mbstate is undefined. */
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* We successfully read a single multibyte character. */
+ memcpy (incoming, pending_bytes, pending_bytes_length);
+ incoming[pending_bytes_length] = '\0';
+ incoming_length = pending_bytes_length;
+ pending_bytes_length = 0;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ /* If we can optimize, then do it. But don't let people crash
+ readline because of extra large arguments. */
+ if (count > 1 && count <= 1024)
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ string_size = count * incoming_length;
+ string = (char *)xmalloc (1 + string_size);
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < string_size)
+ {
+ strncpy (string + i, incoming, incoming_length);
+ i += incoming_length;
+ }
+ incoming_length = 0;
+ stored_count = 0;
+#else /* !HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ string = (char *)xmalloc (1 + count);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ string[i] = c;
+#endif /* !HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ string[i] = '\0';
+ rl_insert_text (string);
+ free (string);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (count > 1024)
+ {
+ int decreaser;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ string_size = incoming_length * 1024;
+ string = (char *)xmalloc (1 + string_size);
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < string_size)
+ {
+ strncpy (string + i, incoming, incoming_length);
+ i += incoming_length;
+ }
+ while (count)
+ {
+ decreaser = (count > 1024) ? 1024 : count;
+ string[decreaser*incoming_length] = '\0';
+ rl_insert_text (string);
+ count -= decreaser;
+ }
+ free (string);
+ incoming_length = 0;
+ stored_count = 0;
+#else /* !HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ char str[1024+1];
+ for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
+ str[i] = c;
+ while (count)
+ {
+ decreaser = (count > 1024 ? 1024 : count);
+ str[decreaser] = '\0';
+ rl_insert_text (str);
+ count -= decreaser;
+ }
+#endif /* !HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented)
+ {
+ /* We are inserting a single character.
+ If there is pending input, then make a string of all of the
+ pending characters that are bound to rl_insert, and insert
+ them all. */
+ if (_rl_any_typein ())
+ _rl_insert_typein (c);
+ else
+ {
+ /* Inserting a single character. */
+ char str[2];
+ str[1] = '\0';
+ str[0] = c;
+ rl_insert_text (str);
+ }
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ else
+ {
+ rl_insert_text (incoming);
+ stored_count = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Overwrite the character at point (or next COUNT characters) with C.
+ If C introduces a multibyte character sequence, read the entire sequence
+ before starting the overwrite loop. */
+_rl_overwrite_char (count, c)
+ int count, c;
+ int i;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ char mbkey[MB_LEN_MAX];
+ /* Read an entire multibyte character sequence to insert COUNT times. */
+ if (count > 0 && MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ _rl_read_mbstring (c, mbkey, MB_LEN_MAX);
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ rl_insert_text (mbkey);
+ else
+ _rl_insert_char (1, c);
+ if (rl_point < rl_end)
+ rl_delete (1, c);
+ }
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ return 0;
+rl_insert (count, c)
+ int count, c;
+ return (rl_insert_mode == RL_IM_INSERT ? _rl_insert_char (count, c)
+ : _rl_overwrite_char (count, c));
+/* Insert the next typed character verbatim. */
+static int
+_rl_insert_next (count)
+ int count;
+ int c;
+ c = rl_read_key ();
+#if defined (HANDLE_SIGNALS)
+ _rl_restore_tty_signals ();
+ return (_rl_insert_char (count, c));
+static int
+_rl_insert_next_callback (data)
+ _rl_callback_generic_arg *data;
+ int count;
+ count = data->count;
+ /* Deregister function, let rl_callback_read_char deallocate data */
+ _rl_callback_func = 0;
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 1;
+ return _rl_insert_next (count);
+rl_quoted_insert (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ /* Let's see...should the callback interface futz with signal handling? */
+#if defined (HANDLE_SIGNALS)
+ _rl_disable_tty_signals ();
+ {
+ _rl_callback_data = _rl_callback_data_alloc (count);
+ _rl_callback_func = _rl_insert_next_callback;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return _rl_insert_next (count);
+/* Insert a tab character. */
+rl_tab_insert (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ return (_rl_insert_char (count, '\t'));
+/* What to do when a NEWLINE is pressed. We accept the whole line.
+ KEY is the key that invoked this command. I guess it could have
+ meaning in the future. */
+rl_newline (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ rl_done = 1;
+ if (_rl_history_preserve_point)
+ _rl_history_saved_point = (rl_point == rl_end) ? -1 : rl_point;
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ {
+ _rl_vi_done_inserting ();
+ if (_rl_vi_textmod_command (_rl_vi_last_command) == 0) /* XXX */
+ _rl_vi_reset_last ();
+ }
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
+ /* If we've been asked to erase empty lines, suppress the final update,
+ since _rl_update_final calls rl_crlf(). */
+ if (rl_erase_empty_line && rl_point == 0 && rl_end == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (readline_echoing_p)
+ _rl_update_final ();
+ return 0;
+/* What to do for some uppercase characters, like meta characters,
+ and some characters appearing in emacs_ctlx_keymap. This function
+ is just a stub, you bind keys to it and the code in _rl_dispatch ()
+ is special cased. */
+rl_do_lowercase_version (ignore1, ignore2)
+ int ignore1 __attribute__((unused)), ignore2 __attribute__((unused));
+ return 0;
+/* This is different from what vi does, so the code's not shared. Emacs
+ rubout in overwrite mode has one oddity: it replaces a control
+ character that's displayed as two characters (^X) with two spaces. */
+_rl_overwrite_rubout (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ int opoint;
+ int i, l;
+ if (rl_point == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ opoint = rl_point;
+ /* L == number of spaces to insert */
+ for (i = l = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ rl_backward_char (1, key);
+ l += rl_character_len (rl_line_buffer[rl_point], rl_point); /* not exactly right */
+ }
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ if (count > 1 || rl_explicit_arg)
+ rl_kill_text (opoint, rl_point);
+ else
+ rl_delete_text (opoint, rl_point);
+ /* Emacs puts point at the beginning of the sequence of spaces. */
+ if (rl_point < rl_end)
+ {
+ opoint = rl_point;
+ _rl_insert_char (l, ' ');
+ rl_point = opoint;
+ }
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ return 0;
+/* Rubout the character behind point. */
+rl_rubout (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_delete (-count, key));
+ if (!rl_point)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (rl_insert_mode == RL_IM_OVERWRITE)
+ return (_rl_overwrite_rubout (count, key));
+ return (_rl_rubout_char (count, key));
+_rl_rubout_char (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ int orig_point;
+ unsigned char c;
+ /* Duplicated code because this is called from other parts of the library. */
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_delete (-count, key));
+ if (rl_point == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ orig_point = rl_point;
+ if (count > 1 || rl_explicit_arg)
+ {
+ rl_backward_char (count, key);
+ rl_kill_text (orig_point, rl_point);
+ }
+ else if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented)
+ {
+ c = rl_line_buffer[--rl_point];
+ rl_delete_text (rl_point, orig_point);
+ /* The erase-at-end-of-line hack is of questionable merit now. */
+ if (rl_point == rl_end && ISPRINT (c) && _rl_last_c_pos)
+ {
+ int l;
+ l = rl_character_len (c, rl_point);
+ _rl_erase_at_end_of_line (l);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rl_point = _rl_find_prev_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ rl_delete_text (rl_point, orig_point);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Delete the character under the cursor. Given a numeric argument,
+ kill that many characters instead. */
+rl_delete (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ int xpoint;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (_rl_rubout_char (-count, key));
+ if (rl_point == rl_end)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (count > 1 || rl_explicit_arg)
+ {
+ xpoint = rl_point;
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ rl_forward_char (count, key);
+ else
+ rl_forward_byte (count, key);
+ rl_kill_text (xpoint, rl_point);
+ rl_point = xpoint;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xpoint = MB_NEXTCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, 1, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ rl_delete_text (rl_point, xpoint);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Delete the character under the cursor, unless the insertion
+ point is at the end of the line, in which case the character
+ behind the cursor is deleted. COUNT is obeyed and may be used
+ to delete forward or backward that many characters. */
+rl_rubout_or_delete (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (rl_end != 0 && rl_point == rl_end)
+ return (_rl_rubout_char (count, key));
+ else
+ return (rl_delete (count, key));
+/* Delete all spaces and tabs around point. */
+rl_delete_horizontal_space (count, ignore)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ int start = rl_point;
+ while (rl_point && whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1]))
+ rl_point--;
+ start = rl_point;
+ while (rl_point < rl_end && whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point++;
+ if (start != rl_point)
+ {
+ rl_delete_text (start, rl_point);
+ rl_point = start;
+ }
+ if (rl_point < 0)
+ rl_point = 0;
+ return 0;
+/* Like the tcsh editing function delete-char-or-list. The eof character
+ is caught before this is invoked, so this really does the same thing as
+ delete-char-or-list-or-eof, as long as it's bound to the eof character. */
+rl_delete_or_show_completions (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (rl_end != 0 && rl_point == rl_end)
+ return (rl_possible_completions (count, key));
+ else
+ return (rl_delete (count, key));
+/* Turn the current line into a comment in shell history.
+ A K*rn shell style function. */
+rl_insert_comment (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ const char *rl_comment_text;
+ int rl_comment_len;
+ rl_beg_of_line (1, key);
+ rl_comment_text = _rl_comment_begin ? _rl_comment_begin : (char*) RL_COMMENT_BEGIN_DEFAULT;
+ if (rl_explicit_arg == 0)
+ rl_insert_text (rl_comment_text);
+ else
+ {
+ rl_comment_len = strlen (rl_comment_text);
+ if (STREQN (rl_comment_text, rl_line_buffer, rl_comment_len))
+ rl_delete_text (rl_point, rl_point + rl_comment_len);
+ else
+ rl_insert_text (rl_comment_text);
+ }
+ (*rl_redisplay_function) ();
+ rl_newline (1, '\n');
+ return (0);
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Changing Case */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* The three kinds of things that we know how to do. */
+#define UpCase 1
+#define DownCase 2
+#define CapCase 3
+/* Uppercase the word at point. */
+rl_upcase_word (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ return (rl_change_case (count, UpCase));
+/* Lowercase the word at point. */
+rl_downcase_word (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ return (rl_change_case (count, DownCase));
+/* Upcase the first letter, downcase the rest. */
+rl_capitalize_word (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ return (rl_change_case (count, CapCase));
+/* The meaty function.
+ Change the case of COUNT words, performing OP on them.
+ OP is one of UpCase, DownCase, or CapCase.
+ If a negative argument is given, leave point where it started,
+ otherwise, leave it where it moves to. */
+static int
+rl_change_case (count, op)
+ int count, op;
+ int start, next, end;
+ int inword, c, nc, nop;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ wchar_t wc, nwc;
+ char mb[MB_LEN_MAX+1];
+ int mlen;
+ mbstate_t mps;
+ start = rl_point;
+ rl_forward_word (count, 0);
+ end = rl_point;
+ if (op != UpCase && op != DownCase && op != CapCase)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (count < 0)
+ SWAP (start, end);
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ memset (&mps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ /* We are going to modify some text, so let's prepare to undo it. */
+ rl_modifying (start, end);
+ inword = 0;
+ while (start < end)
+ {
+ c = _rl_char_value (rl_line_buffer, start);
+ /* This assumes that the upper and lower case versions are the same width. */
+ next = MB_NEXTCHAR (rl_line_buffer, start, 1, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ if (_rl_walphabetic (c) == 0)
+ {
+ inword = 0;
+ start = next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (op == CapCase)
+ {
+ nop = inword ? DownCase : UpCase;
+ inword = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ nop = op;
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented || isascii (c))
+ {
+ nc = (nop == UpCase) ? _rl_to_upper (c) : _rl_to_lower (c);
+ rl_line_buffer[start] = nc;
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ else
+ {
+ mbrtowc (&wc, rl_line_buffer + start, end - start, &mps);
+ nwc = (nop == UpCase) ? _rl_to_wupper (wc) : _rl_to_wlower (wc);
+ if (nwc != wc) /* just skip unchanged characters */
+ {
+ mlen = wcrtomb (mb, nwc, &mps);
+ if (mlen > 0)
+ mb[mlen] = '\0';
+ /* Assume the same width */
+ strncpy (rl_line_buffer + start, mb, mlen);
+ }
+ }
+ start = next;
+ }
+ rl_point = end;
+ return 0;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Transposition */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Transpose the words at point. If point is at the end of the line,
+ transpose the two words before point. */
+rl_transpose_words (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ char *word1, *word2;
+ int w1_beg, w1_end, w2_beg, w2_end;
+ int orig_point = rl_point;
+ if (!count)
+ return 0;
+ /* Find the two words. */
+ rl_forward_word (count, key);
+ w2_end = rl_point;
+ rl_backward_word (1, key);
+ w2_beg = rl_point;
+ rl_backward_word (count, key);
+ w1_beg = rl_point;
+ rl_forward_word (1, key);
+ w1_end = rl_point;
+ /* Do some check to make sure that there really are two words. */
+ if ((w1_beg == w2_beg) || (w2_beg < w1_end))
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ rl_point = orig_point;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Get the text of the words. */
+ word1 = rl_copy_text (w1_beg, w1_end);
+ word2 = rl_copy_text (w2_beg, w2_end);
+ /* We are about to do many insertions and deletions. Remember them
+ as one operation. */
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ /* Do the stuff at word2 first, so that we don't have to worry
+ about word1 moving. */
+ rl_point = w2_beg;
+ rl_delete_text (w2_beg, w2_end);
+ rl_insert_text (word1);
+ rl_point = w1_beg;
+ rl_delete_text (w1_beg, w1_end);
+ rl_insert_text (word2);
+ /* This is exactly correct since the text before this point has not
+ changed in length. */
+ rl_point = w2_end;
+ /* I think that does it. */
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ free (word1);
+ free (word2);
+ return 0;
+/* Transpose the characters at point. If point is at the end of the line,
+ then transpose the characters before point. */
+rl_transpose_chars (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ char *dummy;
+ int i;
+ int prev_point;
+ char dummy[2];
+ int char_length;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (!rl_point || rl_end < 2)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ if (rl_point == rl_end)
+ {
+ rl_point = MB_PREVCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ count = 1;
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ prev_point = rl_point;
+ rl_point = MB_PREVCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ char_length = prev_point - rl_point;
+ dummy = (char *)xmalloc (char_length + 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < char_length; i++)
+ dummy[i] = rl_line_buffer[rl_point + i];
+ dummy[i] = '\0';
+ dummy[0] = rl_line_buffer[rl_point];
+ dummy[char_length = 1] = '\0';
+ rl_delete_text (rl_point, rl_point + char_length);
+ rl_point = _rl_find_next_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, count, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ _rl_fix_point (0);
+ rl_insert_text (dummy);
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ free (dummy);
+ return 0;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Character Searching */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+_rl_char_search_internal (count, dir, smbchar, len)
+ int count, dir;
+ char *smbchar;
+ int len;
+_rl_char_search_internal (count, dir, schar)
+ int count, dir, schar;
+ int pos, inc;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ int prepos;
+ pos = rl_point;
+ inc = (dir < 0) ? -1 : 1;
+ while (count)
+ {
+ if ((dir < 0 && pos <= 0) || (dir > 0 && pos >= rl_end))
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ pos = (inc > 0) ? _rl_find_next_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, pos, 1, MB_FIND_ANY)
+ : _rl_find_prev_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, pos, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ pos += inc;
+ do
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (_rl_is_mbchar_matched (rl_line_buffer, pos, rl_end, smbchar, len))
+ if (rl_line_buffer[pos] == schar)
+ {
+ count--;
+ if (dir < 0)
+ rl_point = (dir == BTO) ? _rl_find_next_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, pos, 1, MB_FIND_ANY)
+ : pos;
+ else
+ rl_point = (dir == FTO) ? _rl_find_prev_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, pos, MB_FIND_ANY)
+ : pos;
+ break;
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ prepos = pos;
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ while ((dir < 0) ? (pos = _rl_find_prev_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, pos, MB_FIND_ANY)) != prepos
+ : (pos = _rl_find_next_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, pos, 1, MB_FIND_ANY)) != prepos);
+ while ((dir < 0) ? pos-- : ++pos < rl_end);
+ }
+ return (0);
+/* Search COUNT times for a character read from the current input stream.
+ FDIR is the direction to search if COUNT is non-negative; otherwise
+ the search goes in BDIR. So much is dependent on HANDLE_MULTIBYTE
+ that there are two separate versions of this function. */
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+static int
+_rl_char_search (count, fdir, bdir)
+ int count, fdir, bdir;
+ char mbchar[MB_LEN_MAX];
+ int mb_len;
+ mb_len = _rl_read_mbchar (mbchar, MB_LEN_MAX);
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (_rl_char_search_internal (-count, bdir, mbchar, mb_len));
+ else
+ return (_rl_char_search_internal (count, fdir, mbchar, mb_len));
+#else /* !HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+static int
+_rl_char_search (count, fdir, bdir)
+ int count, fdir, bdir;
+ int c;
+ c = rl_read_key ();
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (_rl_char_search_internal (-count, bdir, c));
+ else
+ return (_rl_char_search_internal (count, fdir, c));
+#endif /* !HANDLE_MULTIBYTE */
+static int
+_rl_char_search_callback (data)
+ _rl_callback_generic_arg *data;
+ _rl_callback_func = 0;
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 1;
+ return (_rl_char_search (data->count, data->i1, data->i2));
+rl_char_search (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ {
+ _rl_callback_data = _rl_callback_data_alloc (count);
+ _rl_callback_data->i1 = FFIND;
+ _rl_callback_data->i2 = BFIND;
+ _rl_callback_func = _rl_char_search_callback;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return (_rl_char_search (count, FFIND, BFIND));
+rl_backward_char_search (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ {
+ _rl_callback_data = _rl_callback_data_alloc (count);
+ _rl_callback_data->i1 = BFIND;
+ _rl_callback_data->i2 = FFIND;
+ _rl_callback_func = _rl_char_search_callback;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return (_rl_char_search (count, BFIND, FFIND));
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* The Mark and the Region. */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Set the mark at POSITION. */
+_rl_set_mark_at_pos (position)
+ int position;
+ if (position > rl_end)
+ return -1;
+ rl_mark = position;
+ return 0;
+/* A bindable command to set the mark. */
+rl_set_mark (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ return (_rl_set_mark_at_pos (rl_explicit_arg ? count : rl_point));
+/* Exchange the position of mark and point. */
+rl_exchange_point_and_mark (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ if (rl_mark > rl_end)
+ rl_mark = -1;
+ if (rl_mark == -1)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else
+ SWAP (rl_point, rl_mark);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/extra/readline/tilde.c b/extra/readline/tilde.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aace95d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/tilde.c
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+/* tilde.c -- Tilde expansion code (~/foo := $HOME/foo). */
+/* Copyright (C) 1988,1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Readline, a library for reading lines
+ of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ Readline is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+ later version.
+ Readline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Readline; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# ifdef _MINIX
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# endif
+# include <unistd.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_STRING_H)
+# include <string.h>
+#else /* !HAVE_STRING_H */
+# include <strings.h>
+#endif /* !HAVE_STRING_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_PWD_H)
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include "tilde.h"
+#if defined (TEST) || defined (STATIC_MALLOC)
+static void *xmalloc (), *xrealloc ();
+# include "xmalloc.h"
+#endif /* TEST || STATIC_MALLOC */
+#if !defined (HAVE_GETPW_DECLS)
+# if defined (HAVE_GETPWUID)
+extern struct passwd *getpwuid PARAMS((uid_t));
+# endif
+# if defined (HAVE_GETPWNAM)
+extern struct passwd *getpwnam PARAMS((const char *));
+# endif
+#endif /* !HAVE_GETPW_DECLS */
+#if !defined (savestring)
+#define savestring(x) strcpy ((char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (x)), (x))
+#endif /* !savestring */
+#if !defined (NULL)
+# if defined (__STDC__)
+# define NULL ((void *) 0)
+# else
+# define NULL 0x0
+# endif /* !__STDC__ */
+#endif /* !NULL */
+/* If being compiled as part of bash, these will be satisfied from
+ variables.o. If being compiled as part of readline, they will
+ be satisfied from shell.o. */
+extern char *sh_get_home_dir PARAMS((void));
+extern char *sh_get_env_value PARAMS((const char *));
+/* The default value of tilde_additional_prefixes. This is set to
+ whitespace preceding a tilde so that simple programs which do not
+ perform any word separation get desired behaviour. */
+static const char *default_prefixes[] =
+ { " ~", "\t~", (const char *)NULL };
+/* The default value of tilde_additional_suffixes. This is set to
+ whitespace or newline so that simple programs which do not
+ perform any word separation get desired behaviour. */
+static const char *default_suffixes[] =
+ { " ", "\n", (const char *)NULL };
+/* If non-null, this contains the address of a function that the application
+ wants called before trying the standard tilde expansions. The function
+ is called with the text sans tilde, and returns a malloc()'ed string
+ which is the expansion, or a NULL pointer if the expansion fails. */
+tilde_hook_func_t *tilde_expansion_preexpansion_hook = (tilde_hook_func_t *)NULL;
+/* If non-null, this contains the address of a function to call if the
+ standard meaning for expanding a tilde fails. The function is called
+ with the text (sans tilde, as in "foo"), and returns a malloc()'ed string
+ which is the expansion, or a NULL pointer if there is no expansion. */
+tilde_hook_func_t *tilde_expansion_failure_hook = (tilde_hook_func_t *)NULL;
+/* When non-null, this is a NULL terminated array of strings which
+ are duplicates for a tilde prefix. Bash uses this to expand
+ `=~' and `:~'. */
+char **tilde_additional_prefixes = (char **)default_prefixes;
+/* When non-null, this is a NULL terminated array of strings which match
+ the end of a username, instead of just "/". Bash sets this to
+ `:' and `=~'. */
+char **tilde_additional_suffixes = (char **)default_suffixes;
+static int tilde_find_prefix PARAMS((const char *, int *));
+static int tilde_find_suffix PARAMS((const char *));
+static char *isolate_tilde_prefix PARAMS((const char *, int *));
+static char *glue_prefix_and_suffix PARAMS((char *, const char *, int));
+/* Find the start of a tilde expansion in STRING, and return the index of
+ the tilde which starts the expansion. Place the length of the text
+ which identified this tilde starter in LEN, excluding the tilde itself. */
+static int
+tilde_find_prefix (string, len)
+ const char *string;
+ int *len;
+ register int i, j, string_len;
+ register char **prefixes;
+ prefixes = tilde_additional_prefixes;
+ string_len = strlen (string);
+ *len = 0;
+ if (*string == '\0' || *string == '~')
+ return (0);
+ if (prefixes)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < string_len; i++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; prefixes[j]; j++)
+ {
+ if (strncmp (string + i, prefixes[j], strlen (prefixes[j])) == 0)
+ {
+ *len = strlen (prefixes[j]) - 1;
+ return (i + *len);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (string_len);
+/* Find the end of a tilde expansion in STRING, and return the index of
+ the character which ends the tilde definition. */
+static int
+tilde_find_suffix (string)
+ const char *string;
+ register int i, j, string_len;
+ register char **suffixes;
+ suffixes = tilde_additional_suffixes;
+ string_len = strlen (string);
+ for (i = 0; i < string_len; i++)
+ {
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ if (string[i] == '/' || string[i] == '\\' /* || !string[i] */)
+ if (string[i] == '/' /* || !string[i] */)
+ break;
+ for (j = 0; suffixes && suffixes[j]; j++)
+ {
+ if (strncmp (string + i, suffixes[j], strlen (suffixes[j])) == 0)
+ return (i);
+ }
+ }
+ return (i);
+/* Return a new string which is the result of tilde expanding STRING. */
+char *
+tilde_expand (string)
+ const char *string;
+ char *result;
+ int result_size, result_index;
+ result_index = result_size = 0;
+ if ((result = strchr (string, '~')))
+ result = (char *)xmalloc (result_size = (strlen (string) + 16));
+ else
+ result = (char *)xmalloc (result_size = (strlen (string) + 1));
+ /* Scan through STRING expanding tildes as we come to them. */
+ while (1)
+ {
+ register int start, end;
+ char *tilde_word, *expansion;
+ int len;
+ /* Make START point to the tilde which starts the expansion. */
+ start = tilde_find_prefix (string, &len);
+ /* Copy the skipped text into the result. */
+ if ((result_index + start + 1) > result_size)
+ result = (char *)xrealloc (result, 1 + (result_size += (start + 20)));
+ strncpy (result + result_index, string, start);
+ result_index += start;
+ /* Advance STRING to the starting tilde. */
+ string += start;
+ /* Make END be the index of one after the last character of the
+ username. */
+ end = tilde_find_suffix (string);
+ /* If both START and END are zero, we are all done. */
+ if (!start && !end)
+ break;
+ /* Expand the entire tilde word, and copy it into RESULT. */
+ tilde_word = (char *)xmalloc (1 + end);
+ strncpy (tilde_word, string, end);
+ tilde_word[end] = '\0';
+ string += end;
+ expansion = tilde_expand_word (tilde_word);
+ free (tilde_word);
+ len = strlen (expansion);
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+ /* Fix for Cygwin to prevent ~user/xxx from expanding to //xxx when
+ $HOME for `user' is /. On cygwin, // denotes a network drive. */
+ if (len > 1 || *expansion != '/' || *string != '/')
+ {
+ if ((result_index + len + 1) > result_size)
+ result = (char *)xrealloc (result, 1 + (result_size += (len + 20)));
+ strcpy (result + result_index, expansion);
+ result_index += len;
+ }
+ free (expansion);
+ }
+ result[result_index] = '\0';
+ return (result);
+/* Take FNAME and return the tilde prefix we want expanded. If LENP is
+ non-null, the index of the end of the prefix into FNAME is returned in
+ the location it points to. */
+static char *
+isolate_tilde_prefix (fname, lenp)
+ const char *fname;
+ int *lenp;
+ char *ret;
+ int i;
+ ret = (char *)xmalloc (strlen (fname));
+#if defined (__MSDOS__)
+ for (i = 1; fname[i] && fname[i] != '/' && fname[i] != '\\'; i++)
+ for (i = 1; fname[i] && fname[i] != '/'; i++)
+ ret[i - 1] = fname[i];
+ ret[i - 1] = '\0';
+ if (lenp)
+ *lenp = i;
+ return ret;
+#if 0
+/* Public function to scan a string (FNAME) beginning with a tilde and find
+ the portion of the string that should be passed to the tilde expansion
+ function. Right now, it just calls tilde_find_suffix and allocates new
+ memory, but it can be expanded to do different things later. */
+char *
+tilde_find_word (fname, flags, lenp)
+ const char *fname;
+ int flags, *lenp;
+ int x;
+ char *r;
+ x = tilde_find_suffix (fname);
+ if (x == 0)
+ {
+ r = savestring (fname);
+ if (lenp)
+ *lenp = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = (char *)xmalloc (1 + x);
+ strncpy (r, fname, x);
+ r[x] = '\0';
+ if (lenp)
+ *lenp = x;
+ }
+ return r;
+/* Return a string that is PREFIX concatenated with SUFFIX starting at
+static char *
+glue_prefix_and_suffix (prefix, suffix, suffind)
+ char *prefix;
+ const char *suffix;
+ int suffind;
+ char *ret;
+ int plen, slen;
+ plen = (prefix && *prefix) ? strlen (prefix) : 0;
+ slen = strlen (suffix + suffind);
+ ret = (char *)xmalloc (plen + slen + 1);
+ if (plen)
+ strcpy (ret, prefix);
+ strcpy (ret + plen, suffix + suffind);
+ return ret;
+/* Do the work of tilde expansion on FILENAME. FILENAME starts with a
+ tilde. If there is no expansion, call tilde_expansion_failure_hook.
+ This always returns a newly-allocated string, never static storage. */
+char *
+tilde_expand_word (filename)
+ const char *filename;
+ char *dirname, *expansion, *username;
+ int user_len;
+ struct passwd *user_entry;
+ if (filename == 0)
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+ if (*filename != '~')
+ return (savestring (filename));
+ /* A leading `~/' or a bare `~' is *always* translated to the value of
+ $HOME or the home directory of the current user, regardless of any
+ preexpansion hook. */
+ if (filename[1] == '\0' || filename[1] == '/')
+ {
+ /* Prefix $HOME to the rest of the string. */
+ expansion = sh_get_env_value ("HOME");
+ /* If there is no HOME variable, look up the directory in
+ the password database. */
+ if (expansion == 0)
+ expansion = sh_get_home_dir ();
+ return (glue_prefix_and_suffix (expansion, filename, 1));
+ }
+ username = isolate_tilde_prefix (filename, &user_len);
+ if (tilde_expansion_preexpansion_hook)
+ {
+ expansion = (*tilde_expansion_preexpansion_hook) (username);
+ if (expansion)
+ {
+ dirname = glue_prefix_and_suffix (expansion, filename, user_len);
+ free (username);
+ free (expansion);
+ return (dirname);
+ }
+ }
+ /* No preexpansion hook, or the preexpansion hook failed. Look in the
+ password database. */
+ dirname = (char *)NULL;
+#if defined (HAVE_GETPWNAM)
+ user_entry = getpwnam (username);
+ user_entry = 0;
+ if (user_entry == 0)
+ {
+ /* If the calling program has a special syntax for expanding tildes,
+ and we couldn't find a standard expansion, then let them try. */
+ if (tilde_expansion_failure_hook)
+ {
+ expansion = (*tilde_expansion_failure_hook) (username);
+ if (expansion)
+ {
+ dirname = glue_prefix_and_suffix (expansion, filename, user_len);
+ free (expansion);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we don't have a failure hook, or if the failure hook did not
+ expand the tilde, return a copy of what we were passed. */
+ if (dirname == 0)
+ dirname = savestring (filename);
+ }
+#if defined (HAVE_GETPWENT)
+ else
+ dirname = glue_prefix_and_suffix (user_entry->pw_dir, filename, user_len);
+ free (username);
+#if defined (HAVE_GETPWENT)
+ endpwent ();
+ return (dirname);
+#if defined (TEST)
+#undef NULL
+#include <stdio.h>
+main (argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv;
+ char *result, line[512];
+ int done = 0;
+ while (!done)
+ {
+ printf ("~expand: ");
+ fflush (stdout);
+ if (!gets (line))
+ strcpy (line, "done");
+ if ((strcmp (line, "done") == 0) ||
+ (strcmp (line, "quit") == 0) ||
+ (strcmp (line, "exit") == 0))
+ {
+ done = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ result = tilde_expand (line);
+ printf (" --> %s\n", result);
+ free (result);
+ }
+ exit (0);
+static void memory_error_and_abort ();
+static void *
+xmalloc (bytes)
+ size_t bytes;
+ void *temp = (char *)malloc (bytes);
+ if (!temp)
+ memory_error_and_abort ();
+ return (temp);
+static void *
+xrealloc (pointer, bytes)
+ void *pointer;
+ int bytes;
+ void *temp;
+ if (!pointer)
+ temp = malloc (bytes);
+ else
+ temp = realloc (pointer, bytes);
+ if (!temp)
+ memory_error_and_abort ();
+ return (temp);
+static void
+memory_error_and_abort ()
+ fprintf (stderr, "readline: out of virtual memory\n");
+ abort ();
+ * Local variables:
+ * compile-command: "gcc -g -DTEST -o tilde tilde.c"
+ * end:
+ */
+#endif /* TEST */
diff --git a/extra/readline/tilde.h b/extra/readline/tilde.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56986c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/tilde.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* tilde.h: Externally available variables and function in libtilde.a. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file contains the Readline Library (the Library), a set of
+ routines for providing Emacs style line input to programs that ask
+ for it.
+ The Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ The Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_TILDE_H_)
+# define _TILDE_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* A function can be defined using prototypes and compile on both ANSI C
+ and traditional C compilers with something like this:
+ extern char *func PARAMS((char *, char *, int)); */
+#if !defined (PARAMS)
+# if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__GNUC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+# define PARAMS(protos) protos
+# else
+# define PARAMS(protos) ()
+# endif
+typedef char *tilde_hook_func_t PARAMS((char *));
+/* If non-null, this contains the address of a function that the application
+ wants called before trying the standard tilde expansions. The function
+ is called with the text sans tilde, and returns a malloc()'ed string
+ which is the expansion, or a NULL pointer if the expansion fails. */
+extern tilde_hook_func_t *tilde_expansion_preexpansion_hook;
+/* If non-null, this contains the address of a function to call if the
+ standard meaning for expanding a tilde fails. The function is called
+ with the text (sans tilde, as in "foo"), and returns a malloc()'ed string
+ which is the expansion, or a NULL pointer if there is no expansion. */
+extern tilde_hook_func_t *tilde_expansion_failure_hook;
+/* When non-null, this is a NULL terminated array of strings which
+ are duplicates for a tilde prefix. Bash uses this to expand
+ `=~' and `:~'. */
+extern char **tilde_additional_prefixes;
+/* When non-null, this is a NULL terminated array of strings which match
+ the end of a username, instead of just "/". Bash sets this to
+ `:' and `=~'. */
+extern char **tilde_additional_suffixes;
+/* Return a new string which is the result of tilde expanding STRING. */
+extern char *tilde_expand PARAMS((const char *));
+/* Do the work of tilde expansion on FILENAME. FILENAME starts with a
+ tilde. If there is no expansion, call tilde_expansion_failure_hook. */
+extern char *tilde_expand_word PARAMS((const char *));
+/* Find the portion of the string beginning with ~ that should be expanded. */
+extern char *tilde_find_word PARAMS((const char *, int, int *));
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _TILDE_H_ */
diff --git a/extra/readline/undo.c b/extra/readline/undo.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9931b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/undo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+/* readline.c -- a general facility for reading lines of input
+ with emacs style editing and completion. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987, 1989, 1992, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h> /* for _POSIX_VERSION */
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+extern void replace_history_data PARAMS((int, histdata_t *, histdata_t *));
+/* Non-zero tells rl_delete_text and rl_insert_text to not add to
+ the undo list. */
+int _rl_doing_an_undo = 0;
+/* How many unclosed undo groups we currently have. */
+int _rl_undo_group_level = 0;
+/* The current undo list for THE_LINE. */
+UNDO_LIST *rl_undo_list = (UNDO_LIST *)NULL;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Undo, and Undoing */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+static UNDO_LIST *
+alloc_undo_entry (what, start, end, text)
+ enum undo_code what;
+ int start, end;
+ char *text;
+ UNDO_LIST *temp;
+ temp = (UNDO_LIST *)xmalloc (sizeof (UNDO_LIST));
+ temp->what = what;
+ temp->start = start;
+ temp->end = end;
+ temp->text = text;
+ temp->next = (UNDO_LIST *)NULL;
+ return temp;
+/* Remember how to undo something. Concatenate some undos if that
+ seems right. */
+rl_add_undo (what, start, end, text)
+ enum undo_code what;
+ int start, end;
+ char *text;
+ UNDO_LIST *temp;
+ temp = alloc_undo_entry (what, start, end, text);
+ temp->next = rl_undo_list;
+ rl_undo_list = temp;
+/* Free the existing undo list. */
+rl_free_undo_list ()
+ UNDO_LIST *release, *orig_list;
+ orig_list = rl_undo_list;
+ while (rl_undo_list)
+ {
+ release = rl_undo_list;
+ rl_undo_list = rl_undo_list->next;
+ if (release->what == UNDO_DELETE)
+ free (release->text);
+ free (release);
+ }
+ rl_undo_list = (UNDO_LIST *)NULL;
+ replace_history_data (-1, (histdata_t *)orig_list, (histdata_t *)NULL);
+_rl_copy_undo_entry (entry)
+ UNDO_LIST *entry;
+ UNDO_LIST *new;
+ new = alloc_undo_entry (entry->what, entry->start, entry->end, (char *)NULL);
+ new->text = entry->text ? savestring (entry->text) : 0;
+ return new;
+_rl_copy_undo_list (head)
+ UNDO_LIST *head;
+ UNDO_LIST *list, *new, *c;
+ UNDO_LIST *roving= NULL;
+ list = head;
+ new = 0;
+ while (list)
+ {
+ c = _rl_copy_undo_entry (list);
+ if (new == 0)
+ roving = new = c;
+ else
+ {
+ roving->next = c;
+ roving = roving->next;
+ }
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ roving->next = 0;
+ return new;
+/* Undo the next thing in the list. Return 0 if there
+ is nothing to undo, or non-zero if there was. */
+rl_do_undo ()
+ UNDO_LIST *release;
+ int waiting_for_begin, start, end;
+#define TRANS(i) ((i) == -1 ? rl_point : ((i) == -2 ? rl_end : (i)))
+ start = end = waiting_for_begin = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ if (!rl_undo_list)
+ return (0);
+ _rl_doing_an_undo = 1;
+ /* To better support vi-mode, a start or end value of -1 means
+ rl_point, and a value of -2 means rl_end. */
+ if (rl_undo_list->what == UNDO_DELETE || rl_undo_list->what == UNDO_INSERT)
+ {
+ start = TRANS (rl_undo_list->start);
+ end = TRANS (rl_undo_list->end);
+ }
+ switch (rl_undo_list->what)
+ {
+ /* Undoing deletes means inserting some text. */
+ rl_point = start;
+ rl_insert_text (rl_undo_list->text);
+ free (rl_undo_list->text);
+ break;
+ /* Undoing inserts means deleting some text. */
+ rl_delete_text (start, end);
+ rl_point = start;
+ break;
+ /* Undoing an END means undoing everything 'til we get to a BEGIN. */
+ case UNDO_END:
+ waiting_for_begin++;
+ break;
+ /* Undoing a BEGIN means that we are done with this group. */
+ case UNDO_BEGIN:
+ if (waiting_for_begin)
+ waiting_for_begin--;
+ else
+ rl_ding ();
+ break;
+ }
+ _rl_doing_an_undo = 0;
+ release = rl_undo_list;
+ rl_undo_list = rl_undo_list->next;
+ replace_history_data (-1, (histdata_t *)release, (histdata_t *)rl_undo_list);
+ free (release);
+ }
+ while (waiting_for_begin);
+ return (1);
+#undef TRANS
+_rl_fix_last_undo_of_type (type, start, end)
+ enum undo_code type;
+ int start, end;
+ UNDO_LIST *rl;
+ for (rl = rl_undo_list; rl; rl = rl->next)
+ {
+ if (rl->what == type)
+ {
+ rl->start = start;
+ rl->end = end;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* Begin a group. Subsequent undos are undone as an atomic operation. */
+rl_begin_undo_group ()
+ rl_add_undo (UNDO_BEGIN, 0, 0, 0);
+ _rl_undo_group_level++;
+ return 0;
+/* End an undo group started with rl_begin_undo_group (). */
+rl_end_undo_group ()
+ rl_add_undo (UNDO_END, 0, 0, 0);
+ _rl_undo_group_level--;
+ return 0;
+/* Save an undo entry for the text from START to END. */
+rl_modifying (start, end)
+ int start, end;
+ if (start > end)
+ {
+ SWAP (start, end);
+ }
+ if (start != end)
+ {
+ char *temp = rl_copy_text (start, end);
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ rl_add_undo (UNDO_DELETE, start, end, temp);
+ rl_add_undo (UNDO_INSERT, start, end, (char *)NULL);
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Revert the current line to its previous state. */
+rl_revert_line (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ if (!rl_undo_list)
+ rl_ding ();
+ else
+ {
+ while (rl_undo_list)
+ rl_do_undo ();
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+ if (rl_editing_mode == vi_mode)
+ rl_point = rl_mark = 0; /* rl_end should be set correctly */
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Do some undoing of things that were done. */
+rl_undo_command (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ if (count < 0)
+ return 0; /* Nothing to do. */
+ while (count)
+ {
+ if (rl_do_undo ())
+ count--;
+ else
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/extra/readline/util.c b/extra/readline/util.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fafb5d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+/* util.c -- readline utility functions */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "posixjmp.h"
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h> /* for _POSIX_VERSION */
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+#if defined (TIOCSTAT_IN_SYS_IOCTL)
+# include <sys/ioctl.h>
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Utility Functions */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Return 0 if C is not a member of the class of characters that belong
+ in words, or 1 if it is. */
+int _rl_allow_pathname_alphabetic_chars = 0;
+static const char *pathname_alphabetic_chars = "/-_=~.#$";
+rl_alphabetic (c)
+ int c;
+ if (ALPHABETIC (c))
+ return (1);
+ return (_rl_allow_pathname_alphabetic_chars &&
+ strchr (pathname_alphabetic_chars, c) != NULL);
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ Portability issue with VisualAge C++ Professional / C for AIX Compiler, Version 6:
+ "util.c", line 84.1: 1506-343 (S) Redeclaration of _rl_walphabetic differs
+ from previous declaration on line 110 of "rlmbutil.h".
+ So, put type in the function signature here.
+_rl_walphabetic (wchar_t wc)
+ int c;
+ if (iswalnum (wc))
+ return (1);
+ c = wc & 0177;
+ return (_rl_allow_pathname_alphabetic_chars &&
+ strchr (pathname_alphabetic_chars, c) != NULL);
+/* How to abort things. */
+_rl_abort_internal ()
+ rl_ding ();
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ _rl_reset_argument ();
+ rl_clear_pending_input ();
+ while (rl_executing_macro)
+ _rl_pop_executing_macro ();
+ rl_last_func = (rl_command_func_t *)NULL;
+ longjmp (readline_top_level, 1);
+ return (0);
+rl_abort (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ return (_rl_abort_internal ());
+rl_tty_status (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+#if defined (TIOCSTAT)
+ ioctl (1, TIOCSTAT, (char *)0);
+ rl_refresh_line (count, key);
+ rl_ding ();
+ return 0;
+/* Return a copy of the string between FROM and TO.
+ FROM is inclusive, TO is not. */
+char *
+rl_copy_text (from, to)
+ int from, to;
+ register int length;
+ char *copy;
+ /* Fix it if the caller is confused. */
+ if (from > to)
+ SWAP (from, to);
+ length = to - from;
+ copy = (char *)xmalloc (1 + length);
+ strncpy (copy, rl_line_buffer + from, length);
+ copy[length] = '\0';
+ return (copy);
+/* Increase the size of RL_LINE_BUFFER until it has enough space to hold
+ LEN characters. */
+rl_extend_line_buffer (len)
+ int len;
+ while (len >= rl_line_buffer_len)
+ {
+ rl_line_buffer_len += DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
+ rl_line_buffer = (char *)xrealloc (rl_line_buffer, rl_line_buffer_len);
+ }
+ _rl_set_the_line ();
+/* A function for simple tilde expansion. */
+rl_tilde_expand (ignore, key)
+ int ignore __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ register int start, end;
+ char *homedir, *temp;
+ int len;
+ end = rl_point;
+ start = end - 1;
+ if (rl_point == rl_end && rl_line_buffer[rl_point] == '~')
+ {
+ homedir = tilde_expand ("~");
+ _rl_replace_text (homedir, start, end);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ else if (rl_line_buffer[start] != '~')
+ {
+ for (; !whitespace (rl_line_buffer[start]) && start >= 0; start--)
+ ;
+ start++;
+ }
+ end = start;
+ do
+ end++;
+ while (whitespace (rl_line_buffer[end]) == 0 && end < rl_end);
+ if (whitespace (rl_line_buffer[end]) || end >= rl_end)
+ end--;
+ /* If the first character of the current word is a tilde, perform
+ tilde expansion and insert the result. If not a tilde, do
+ nothing. */
+ if (rl_line_buffer[start] == '~')
+ {
+ len = end - start + 1;
+ temp = (char *)xmalloc (len + 1);
+ strncpy (temp, rl_line_buffer + start, len);
+ temp[len] = '\0';
+ homedir = tilde_expand (temp);
+ free (temp);
+ _rl_replace_text (homedir, start, end);
+ }
+ return (0);
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* String Utility Functions */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* Determine if s2 occurs in s1. If so, return a pointer to the
+ match in s1. The compare is case insensitive. */
+char *
+_rl_strindex (s1, s2)
+ register const char *s1, *s2;
+ register int i, l, len;
+ for (i = 0, l = strlen (s2), len = strlen (s1); (len - i) >= l; i++)
+ if (_rl_strnicmp (s1 + i, s2, l) == 0)
+ return ((char *) (s1 + i));
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+/* Find the first occurrence in STRING1 of any character from STRING2.
+ Return a pointer to the character in STRING1. */
+char *
+_rl_strpbrk (string1, string2)
+ const char *string1, *string2;
+ register const char *scan;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ register int i, v;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ for (; *string1; string1++)
+ {
+ for (scan = string2; *scan; scan++)
+ {
+ if (*string1 == *scan)
+ return ((char *)string1);
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ v = _rl_get_char_len (string1, &ps);
+ if (v > 1)
+ string1 += v - 1; /* -1 to account for auto-increment in loop */
+ }
+ }
+ return ((char *)NULL);
+#if !defined (HAVE_STRCASECMP)
+/* Compare at most COUNT characters from string1 to string2. Case
+ doesn't matter. */
+_rl_strnicmp (string1, string2, count)
+ char *string1, *string2;
+ int count;
+ register char ch1, ch2;
+ while (count)
+ {
+ ch1 = *string1++;
+ ch2 = *string2++;
+ if (_rl_to_upper(ch1) == _rl_to_upper(ch2))
+ count--;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return (count);
+/* strcmp (), but caseless. */
+_rl_stricmp (string1, string2)
+ char *string1, *string2;
+ register char ch1, ch2;
+ while (*string1 && *string2)
+ {
+ ch1 = *string1++;
+ ch2 = *string2++;
+ if (_rl_to_upper(ch1) != _rl_to_upper(ch2))
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return (*string1 - *string2);
+#endif /* !HAVE_STRCASECMP */
+/* Stupid comparison routine for qsort () ing strings. */
+_rl_qsort_string_compare (s1, s2)
+ char **s1, **s2;
+#if defined (HAVE_STRCOLL)
+ return (strcoll (*s1, *s2));
+ int result;
+ result = **s1 - **s2;
+ if (result == 0)
+ result = strcmp (*s1, *s2);
+ return result;
+/* Function equivalents for the macros defined in chardefs.h. */
+#define FUNCTION_FOR_MACRO(f) int (f) (c) int c; { return f (c); }
+FUNCTION_FOR_MACRO (_rl_digit_p)
+FUNCTION_FOR_MACRO (_rl_digit_value)
+FUNCTION_FOR_MACRO (_rl_lowercase_p)
+FUNCTION_FOR_MACRO (_rl_pure_alphabetic)
+FUNCTION_FOR_MACRO (_rl_to_lower)
+FUNCTION_FOR_MACRO (_rl_to_upper)
+FUNCTION_FOR_MACRO (_rl_uppercase_p)
+/* Backwards compatibility, now that savestring has been removed from
+ all `public' readline header files. */
+#undef _rl_savestring
+char *
+_rl_savestring (s)
+ const char *s;
+ return (strcpy ((char *)xmalloc (1 + (int)strlen (s)), (s)));
diff --git a/extra/readline/vi_keymap.c b/extra/readline/vi_keymap.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89acdf22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/vi_keymap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
+/* vi_keymap.c -- the keymap for vi_mode in readline (). */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987, 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (BUFSIZ)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#endif /* !BUFSIZ */
+#include "readline.h"
+#if 0
+extern KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY vi_escape_keymap;
+/* The keymap arrays for handling vi mode. */
+KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY vi_movement_keymap = {
+ /* The regular control keys come first. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-@ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-a */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-b */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-c */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_eof_maybe }, /* Control-d */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_emacs_editing_mode }, /* Control-e */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-f */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_abort }, /* Control-g */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_backward_char }, /* Control-h */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-i */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_newline }, /* Control-j */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_kill_line }, /* Control-k */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_clear_screen }, /* Control-l */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_newline }, /* Control-m */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_get_next_history }, /* Control-n */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-o */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_get_previous_history }, /* Control-p */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_quoted_insert }, /* Control-q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_reverse_search_history }, /* Control-r */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_forward_search_history }, /* Control-s */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_transpose_chars }, /* Control-t */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_unix_line_discard }, /* Control-u */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_quoted_insert }, /* Control-v */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_unix_word_rubout }, /* Control-w */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-x */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_yank }, /* Control-y */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-z */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-[ */ /* vi_escape_keymap */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-\ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-] */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-^ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_undo }, /* Control-_ */
+ /* The start of printing characters. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_forward_char }, /* SPACE */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ! */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* " */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert_comment }, /* # */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_end_of_line }, /* $ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_match }, /* % */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_tilde_expand }, /* & */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ' */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ( */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_complete }, /* * */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_get_next_history}, /* + */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_char_search }, /* , */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_get_previous_history }, /* - */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_redo }, /* . */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_search }, /* / */
+ /* Regular digits. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_beg_of_line }, /* 0 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 1 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 2 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 3 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 4 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 5 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 6 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 7 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 8 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 9 */
+ /* A little more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* : */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_char_search }, /* ; */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* < */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_complete }, /* = */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* > */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_search }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* @ */
+ /* Uppercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_append_eol }, /* A */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_prev_word}, /* B */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_change_to }, /* C */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_delete_to }, /* D */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_end_word }, /* E */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_char_search }, /* F */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_fetch_history }, /* G */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* H */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_insert_beg }, /* I */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* J */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* K */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* L */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* M */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_search_again }, /* N */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* O */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_put }, /* P */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_replace }, /* R */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_subst }, /* S */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_char_search }, /* T */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_revert_line }, /* U */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* V */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_next_word }, /* W */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_rubout }, /* X */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_yank_to }, /* Y */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Z */
+ /* Some more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* [ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_complete }, /* \ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ] */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_first_print }, /* ^ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_yank_arg }, /* _ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_goto_mark }, /* ` */
+ /* Lowercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_append_mode }, /* a */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_prev_word }, /* b */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_change_to }, /* c */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_delete_to }, /* d */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_end_word }, /* e */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_char_search }, /* f */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* g */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_backward_char }, /* h */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_insertion_mode }, /* i */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_get_next_history }, /* j */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_get_previous_history }, /* k */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_forward_char }, /* l */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_set_mark }, /* m */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_search_again }, /* n */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* o */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_put }, /* p */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_change_char }, /* r */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_subst }, /* s */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_char_search }, /* t */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_undo }, /* u */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* v */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_next_word }, /* w */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_delete }, /* x */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_yank_to }, /* y */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* z */
+ /* Final punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* { */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_column }, /* | */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* } */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_change_case }, /* ~ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* RUBOUT */
+#if KEYMAP_SIZE > 128
+ /* Undefined keys. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }
+#endif /* KEYMAP_SIZE > 128 */
+KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY vi_insertion_keymap = {
+ /* The regular control keys come first. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-@ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-a */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-b */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-c */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_eof_maybe }, /* Control-d */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-e */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-f */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-g */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_rubout }, /* Control-h */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_complete }, /* Control-i */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_newline }, /* Control-j */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-k */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-l */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_newline }, /* Control-m */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-n */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-o */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-p */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_reverse_search_history }, /* Control-r */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_forward_search_history }, /* Control-s */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_transpose_chars }, /* Control-t */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_unix_line_discard }, /* Control-u */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_quoted_insert }, /* Control-v */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_unix_word_rubout }, /* Control-w */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-x */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_yank }, /* Control-y */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-z */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_movement_mode }, /* Control-[ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-\ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-] */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Control-^ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_undo }, /* Control-_ */
+ /* The start of printing characters. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* SPACE */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ! */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* " */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* # */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* $ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* % */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* & */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ' */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ( */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* * */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* + */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* , */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* - */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* . */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* / */
+ /* Regular digits. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 0 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 1 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 2 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 3 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 4 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 5 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 6 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 7 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 8 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* 9 */
+ /* A little more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* : */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ; */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* < */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* = */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* > */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* @ */
+ /* Uppercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* A */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* B */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* C */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* D */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* E */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* F */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* G */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* H */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* I */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* J */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* K */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* L */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* M */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* N */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* O */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* P */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* R */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* S */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* T */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* U */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* V */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* W */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* X */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Y */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Z */
+ /* Some more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* [ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* \ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ] */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ^ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* _ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ` */
+ /* Lowercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* a */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* b */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* c */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* d */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* e */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* f */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* g */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* h */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* i */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* j */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* k */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* l */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* m */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* n */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* o */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* p */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* r */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* s */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* t */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* u */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* v */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* w */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* x */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* y */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* z */
+ /* Final punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* { */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* | */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* } */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ~ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_rubout }, /* RUBOUT */
+#if KEYMAP_SIZE > 128
+ /* Pure 8-bit characters (128 - 159).
+ These might be used in some
+ character sets. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* ? */
+ /* ISO Latin-1 characters (160 - 255) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* No-break space */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Inverted exclamation mark */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Cent sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Pound sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Currency sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Yen sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Broken bar */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Section sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Copyright sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Feminine ordinal indicator */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Left pointing double angle quotation mark */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Not sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Soft hyphen */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Registered sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Macron */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Degree sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Plus-minus sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Superscript two */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Superscript three */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Acute accent */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Micro sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Pilcrow sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Middle dot */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Cedilla */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Superscript one */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Masculine ordinal indicator */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Right pointing double angle quotation mark */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Vulgar fraction one quarter */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Vulgar fraction one half */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Vulgar fraction three quarters */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Inverted questionk mark */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter a with ring above */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter ae */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter c with cedilla */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter e with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter e with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter e with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter e with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter i with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter i with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter i with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter i with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter eth (Icelandic) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter n with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Multiplication sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter o with stroke */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter u with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter u with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter u with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter u with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter Y with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin capital letter thorn (Icelandic) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter sharp s (German) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter a with ring above */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter ae */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter c with cedilla */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter e with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter e with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter e with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter e with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter i with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter i with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter i with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter i with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter eth (Icelandic) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter n with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with tilde */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Division sign */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter o with stroke */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter u with grave */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter u with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter u with circumflex */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter u with diaeresis */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter y with acute */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert }, /* Latin small letter thorn (Icelandic) */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_insert } /* Latin small letter y with diaeresis */
+#endif /* KEYMAP_SIZE > 128 */
+/* Unused for the time being. */
+#if 0
+KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY vi_escape_keymap = {
+ /* The regular control keys come first. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-@ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-a */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-b */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-c */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-d */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-e */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-f */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-g */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-h */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_tab_insert}, /* Control-i */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_emacs_editing_mode}, /* Control-j */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_kill_line }, /* Control-k */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-l */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_emacs_editing_mode}, /* Control-m */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-n */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-o */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-p */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-q */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-r */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-s */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-t */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-u */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-v */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-w */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-x */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-y */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-z */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_movement_mode }, /* Control-[ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-\ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-] */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* Control-^ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_undo }, /* Control-_ */
+ /* The start of printing characters. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* SPACE */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ! */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* " */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* # */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* $ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* % */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* & */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ' */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ( */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ) */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* * */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* + */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* , */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* - */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* . */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* / */
+ /* Regular digits. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 0 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 1 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 2 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 3 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 4 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 5 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 6 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 7 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 8 */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_vi_arg_digit }, /* 9 */
+ /* A little more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* : */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ; */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* < */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* = */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* > */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ? */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* @ */
+ /* Uppercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* A */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* B */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* C */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* D */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* E */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* F */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* G */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* H */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* I */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* J */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* K */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* L */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* M */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* N */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* O */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* P */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Q */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* R */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* S */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* T */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* U */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* V */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* W */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* X */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Y */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version }, /* Z */
+ /* Some more punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_arrow_keys }, /* [ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* \ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ] */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ^ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* _ */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ` */
+ /* Lowercase alphabet. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* a */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* b */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* c */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* d */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* e */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* f */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* g */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* h */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* i */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* j */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* k */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* l */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* m */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* n */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_arrow_keys }, /* o */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* p */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* q */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* r */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* s */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* t */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* u */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* v */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* w */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* x */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* y */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* z */
+ /* Final punctuation. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* { */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* | */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* } */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }, /* ~ */
+ { ISFUNC, rl_backward_kill_word }, /* RUBOUT */
+#if KEYMAP_SIZE > 128
+ /* Undefined keys. */
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 },
+ { ISFUNC, (rl_command_func_t *)0x0 }
+#endif /* KEYMAP_SIZE > 128 */
diff --git a/extra/readline/vi_mode.c b/extra/readline/vi_mode.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cae0b29e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/vi_mode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1748 @@
+/* vi_mode.c -- A vi emulation mode for Bash.
+ Derived from code written by Jeff Sparkes ( */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* VI Emulation Mode */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+#include "rlconf.h"
+#if defined (VI_MODE)
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config_readline.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* Some standard library routines. */
+#include "rldefs.h"
+#include "rlmbutil.h"
+#include "readline.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#include "rlprivate.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+#ifndef member
+#define member(c, s) ((c) ? (char *)strchr ((s), (c)) != (char *)NULL : 0)
+int _rl_vi_last_command = 'i'; /* default `.' puts you in insert mode */
+/* Non-zero means enter insertion mode. */
+static int _rl_vi_doing_insert;
+/* Command keys which do movement for xxx_to commands. */
+static const char *vi_motion = " hl^$0ftFT;,%wbeWBE|";
+/* Keymap used for vi replace characters. Created dynamically since
+ rarely used. */
+static Keymap vi_replace_map;
+/* The number of characters inserted in the last replace operation. */
+static int vi_replace_count;
+/* If non-zero, we have text inserted after a c[motion] command that put
+ us implicitly into insert mode. Some people want this text to be
+ attached to the command so that it is `redoable' with `.'. */
+static int vi_continued_command;
+static char *vi_insert_buffer;
+static int vi_insert_buffer_size;
+static int _rl_vi_last_repeat = 1;
+static int _rl_vi_last_arg_sign = 1;
+static int _rl_vi_last_motion;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+static char _rl_vi_last_search_mbchar[MB_LEN_MAX];
+static int _rl_vi_last_search_mblen;
+static int _rl_vi_last_search_char;
+static int _rl_vi_last_replacement;
+static int _rl_vi_last_key_before_insert;
+static int vi_redoing;
+/* Text modification commands. These are the `redoable' commands. */
+static const char *vi_textmod = "_*\\AaIiCcDdPpYyRrSsXx~";
+/* Arrays for the saved marks. */
+static int vi_mark_chars['z' - 'a' + 1];
+static void _rl_vi_stuff_insert PARAMS((int));
+static void _rl_vi_save_insert PARAMS((UNDO_LIST *));
+static void _rl_vi_backup PARAMS((void));
+static int _rl_vi_arg_dispatch PARAMS((int));
+static int rl_digit_loop1 PARAMS((void));
+static int _rl_vi_set_mark PARAMS((void));
+static int _rl_vi_goto_mark PARAMS((void));
+static void _rl_vi_append_forward PARAMS((int));
+static int _rl_vi_callback_getchar PARAMS((char *, int));
+static int _rl_vi_callback_set_mark PARAMS((_rl_callback_generic_arg *));
+static int _rl_vi_callback_goto_mark PARAMS((_rl_callback_generic_arg *));
+static int _rl_vi_callback_change_char PARAMS((_rl_callback_generic_arg *));
+static int _rl_vi_callback_char_search PARAMS((_rl_callback_generic_arg *));
+_rl_vi_initialize_line ()
+ register size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof (vi_mark_chars) / sizeof (int); i++)
+ vi_mark_chars[i] = -1;
+_rl_vi_reset_last ()
+ _rl_vi_last_command = 'i';
+ _rl_vi_last_repeat = 1;
+ _rl_vi_last_arg_sign = 1;
+ _rl_vi_last_motion = 0;
+_rl_vi_set_last (key, repeat, sign)
+ int key, repeat, sign;
+ _rl_vi_last_command = key;
+ _rl_vi_last_repeat = repeat;
+ _rl_vi_last_arg_sign = sign;
+/* A convenience function that calls _rl_vi_set_last to save the last command
+ information and enters insertion mode. */
+rl_vi_start_inserting (key, repeat, sign)
+ int key, repeat, sign;
+ _rl_vi_set_last (key, repeat, sign);
+ rl_vi_insertion_mode (1, key);
+/* Is the command C a VI mode text modification command? */
+_rl_vi_textmod_command (c)
+ int c;
+ return (member (c, vi_textmod));
+static void
+_rl_vi_stuff_insert (count)
+ int count;
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ while (count--)
+ rl_insert_text (vi_insert_buffer);
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+/* Bound to `.'. Called from command mode, so we know that we have to
+ redo a text modification command. The default for _rl_vi_last_command
+ puts you back into insert mode. */
+rl_vi_redo (count, c)
+ int count, c __attribute__((unused));
+ int r;
+ if (!rl_explicit_arg)
+ {
+ rl_numeric_arg = _rl_vi_last_repeat;
+ rl_arg_sign = _rl_vi_last_arg_sign;
+ }
+ r = 0;
+ vi_redoing = 1;
+ /* If we're redoing an insert with `i', stuff in the inserted text
+ and do not go into insertion mode. */
+ if (_rl_vi_last_command == 'i' && vi_insert_buffer && *vi_insert_buffer)
+ {
+ _rl_vi_stuff_insert (count);
+ /* And back up point over the last character inserted. */
+ if (rl_point > 0)
+ _rl_vi_backup ();
+ }
+ /* Ditto for redoing an insert with `a', but move forward a character first
+ like the `a' command does. */
+ else if (_rl_vi_last_command == 'a' && vi_insert_buffer && *vi_insert_buffer)
+ {
+ _rl_vi_append_forward ('a');
+ _rl_vi_stuff_insert (count);
+ if (rl_point > 0)
+ _rl_vi_backup ();
+ }
+ else
+ r = _rl_dispatch (_rl_vi_last_command, _rl_keymap);
+ vi_redoing = 0;
+ return (r);
+/* A placeholder for further expansion. */
+rl_vi_undo (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ return (rl_undo_command (count, key));
+/* Yank the nth arg from the previous line into this line at point. */
+rl_vi_yank_arg (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ /* Readline thinks that the first word on a line is the 0th, while vi
+ thinks the first word on a line is the 1st. Compensate. */
+ if (rl_explicit_arg)
+ rl_yank_nth_arg (count - 1, 0);
+ else
+ rl_yank_nth_arg ('$', 0);
+ return (0);
+/* With an argument, move back that many history lines, else move to the
+ beginning of history. */
+rl_vi_fetch_history (count, c)
+ int count, c;
+ int wanted;
+ /* Giving an argument of n means we want the nth command in the history
+ file. The command number is interpreted the same way that the bash
+ `history' command does it -- that is, giving an argument count of 450
+ to this command would get the command listed as number 450 in the
+ output of `history'. */
+ if (rl_explicit_arg)
+ {
+ wanted = history_base + where_history () - count;
+ if (wanted <= 0)
+ rl_beginning_of_history (0, 0);
+ else
+ rl_get_previous_history (wanted, c);
+ }
+ else
+ rl_beginning_of_history (count, 0);
+ return (0);
+/* Search again for the last thing searched for. */
+rl_vi_search_again (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 'n':
+ rl_noninc_reverse_search_again (count, key);
+ break;
+ case 'N':
+ rl_noninc_forward_search_again (count, key);
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0);
+/* Do a vi style search. */
+rl_vi_search (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case '?':
+ _rl_free_saved_history_line ();
+ rl_noninc_forward_search (count, key);
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ _rl_free_saved_history_line ();
+ rl_noninc_reverse_search (count, key);
+ break;
+ default:
+ rl_ding ();
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0);
+/* Completion, from vi's point of view. */
+rl_vi_complete (ignore, key)
+ int ignore __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ if ((rl_point < rl_end) && (!whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point])))
+ {
+ if (!whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point + 1]))
+ rl_vi_end_word (1, 'E');
+ rl_point++;
+ }
+ if (key == '*')
+ rl_complete_internal ('*'); /* Expansion and replacement. */
+ else if (key == '=')
+ rl_complete_internal ('?'); /* List possible completions. */
+ else if (key == '\\')
+ rl_complete_internal (TAB); /* Standard Readline completion. */
+ else
+ rl_complete (0, key);
+ if (key == '*' || key == '\\')
+ rl_vi_start_inserting (key, 1, rl_arg_sign);
+ return (0);
+/* Tilde expansion for vi mode. */
+rl_vi_tilde_expand (ignore, key)
+ int ignore __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ rl_tilde_expand (0, key);
+ rl_vi_start_inserting (key, 1, rl_arg_sign);
+ return (0);
+/* Previous word in vi mode. */
+rl_vi_prev_word (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_vi_next_word (-count, key));
+ if (rl_point == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if (_rl_uppercase_p (key))
+ rl_vi_bWord (count, key);
+ else
+ rl_vi_bword (count, key);
+ return (0);
+/* Next word in vi mode. */
+rl_vi_next_word (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_vi_prev_word (-count, key));
+ if (rl_point >= (rl_end - 1))
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if (_rl_uppercase_p (key))
+ rl_vi_fWord (count, key);
+ else
+ rl_vi_fword (count, key);
+ return (0);
+/* Move to the end of the ?next? word. */
+rl_vi_end_word (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (count < 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_rl_uppercase_p (key))
+ rl_vi_eWord (count, key);
+ else
+ rl_vi_eword (count, key);
+ return (0);
+/* Move forward a word the way that 'W' does. */
+rl_vi_fWord (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ while (count-- && rl_point < (rl_end - 1))
+ {
+ /* Skip until whitespace. */
+ while (!whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]) && rl_point < rl_end)
+ rl_point++;
+ /* Now skip whitespace. */
+ while (whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]) && rl_point < rl_end)
+ rl_point++;
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_bWord (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ while (count-- && rl_point > 0)
+ {
+ /* If we are at the start of a word, move back to whitespace so
+ we will go back to the start of the previous word. */
+ if (!whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]) &&
+ whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1]))
+ rl_point--;
+ while (rl_point > 0 && whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point--;
+ if (rl_point > 0)
+ {
+ while (--rl_point >= 0 && !whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]));
+ rl_point++;
+ }
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_eWord (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ while (count-- && rl_point < (rl_end - 1))
+ {
+ if (!whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point++;
+ /* Move to the next non-whitespace character (to the start of the
+ next word). */
+ while (rl_point < rl_end && whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point++;
+ if (rl_point && rl_point < rl_end)
+ {
+ /* Skip whitespace. */
+ while (rl_point < rl_end && whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point++;
+ /* Skip until whitespace. */
+ while (rl_point < rl_end && !whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point++;
+ /* Move back to the last character of the word. */
+ rl_point--;
+ }
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_fword (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ while (count-- && rl_point < (rl_end - 1))
+ {
+ /* Move to white space (really non-identifer). */
+ if (_rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ {
+ while (_rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]) && rl_point < rl_end)
+ rl_point++;
+ }
+ else /* if (!whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point])) */
+ {
+ while (!_rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]) &&
+ !whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]) && rl_point < rl_end)
+ rl_point++;
+ }
+ /* Move past whitespace. */
+ while (whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]) && rl_point < rl_end)
+ rl_point++;
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_bword (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ while (count-- && rl_point > 0)
+ {
+ int last_is_ident;
+ /* If we are at the start of a word, move back to whitespace
+ so we will go back to the start of the previous word. */
+ if (!whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]) &&
+ whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1]))
+ rl_point--;
+ /* If this character and the previous character are `opposite', move
+ back so we don't get messed up by the rl_point++ down there in
+ the while loop. Without this code, words like `l;' screw up the
+ function. */
+ last_is_ident = _rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1]);
+ if ((_rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]) && !last_is_ident) ||
+ (!_rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]) && last_is_ident))
+ rl_point--;
+ while (rl_point > 0 && whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point--;
+ if (rl_point > 0)
+ {
+ if (_rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ while (--rl_point >= 0 && _rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]));
+ else
+ while (--rl_point >= 0 && !_rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]) &&
+ !whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]));
+ rl_point++;
+ }
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_eword (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ while (count-- && rl_point < rl_end - 1)
+ {
+ if (!whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point++;
+ while (rl_point < rl_end && whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point++;
+ if (rl_point < rl_end)
+ {
+ if (_rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ while (++rl_point < rl_end && _rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]));
+ else
+ while (++rl_point < rl_end && !_rl_isident (rl_line_buffer[rl_point])
+ && !whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]));
+ }
+ rl_point--;
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_insert_beg (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ rl_beg_of_line (1, key);
+ rl_vi_insertion_mode (1, key);
+ return (0);
+static void
+_rl_vi_append_forward (key)
+ int key;
+ int point;
+ if (rl_point < rl_end)
+ {
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented)
+ rl_point++;
+ else
+ {
+ point = rl_point;
+ rl_forward_char (1, key);
+ if (point == rl_point)
+ rl_point = rl_end;
+ }
+ }
+rl_vi_append_mode (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ _rl_vi_append_forward (key);
+ rl_vi_start_inserting (key, 1, rl_arg_sign);
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_append_eol (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ rl_end_of_line (1, key);
+ rl_vi_append_mode (1, key);
+ return (0);
+/* What to do in the case of C-d. */
+rl_vi_eof_maybe (count, c)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), c __attribute__((unused));
+ return (rl_newline (1, '\n'));
+/* Insertion mode stuff. */
+/* Switching from one mode to the other really just involves
+ switching keymaps. */
+rl_vi_insertion_mode (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ _rl_keymap = vi_insertion_keymap;
+ _rl_vi_last_key_before_insert = key;
+ return (0);
+static void
+_rl_vi_save_insert (up)
+ UNDO_LIST *up;
+ int len, start, end;
+ if (up == 0 || up->what != UNDO_INSERT)
+ {
+ if (vi_insert_buffer_size >= 1)
+ vi_insert_buffer[0] = '\0';
+ return;
+ }
+ start = up->start;
+ end = up->end;
+ len = end - start + 1;
+ if (len >= vi_insert_buffer_size)
+ {
+ vi_insert_buffer_size += (len + 32) - (len % 32);
+ vi_insert_buffer = (char *)xrealloc (vi_insert_buffer, vi_insert_buffer_size);
+ }
+ strncpy (vi_insert_buffer, rl_line_buffer + start, len - 1);
+ vi_insert_buffer[len-1] = '\0';
+_rl_vi_done_inserting ()
+ if (_rl_vi_doing_insert)
+ {
+ /* The `C', `s', and `S' commands set this. */
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ /* Now, the text between rl_undo_list->next->start and
+ rl_undo_list->next->end is what was inserted while in insert
+ mode. It gets copied to VI_INSERT_BUFFER because it depends
+ on absolute indices into the line which may change (though they
+ probably will not). */
+ _rl_vi_doing_insert = 0;
+ _rl_vi_save_insert (rl_undo_list->next);
+ vi_continued_command = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((_rl_vi_last_key_before_insert == 'i' || _rl_vi_last_key_before_insert == 'a') && rl_undo_list)
+ _rl_vi_save_insert (rl_undo_list);
+ /* XXX - Other keys probably need to be checked. */
+ else if (_rl_vi_last_key_before_insert == 'C')
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ while (_rl_undo_group_level > 0)
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ vi_continued_command = 0;
+ }
+rl_vi_movement_mode (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ if (rl_point > 0)
+ rl_backward_char (1, key);
+ _rl_keymap = vi_movement_keymap;
+ _rl_vi_done_inserting ();
+ /* This is how POSIX.2 says `U' should behave -- everything up until the
+ first time you go into command mode should not be undone. */
+ rl_free_undo_list ();
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_arg_digit (count, c)
+ int count, c;
+ if (c == '0' && rl_numeric_arg == 1 && !rl_explicit_arg)
+ return (rl_beg_of_line (1, c));
+ else
+ return (rl_digit_argument (count, c));
+/* Change the case of the next COUNT characters. */
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+static int
+_rl_vi_change_mbchar_case (count)
+ int count;
+ wchar_t wc;
+ char mb[MB_LEN_MAX+1];
+ int mlen, p;
+ mbstate_t ps;
+ memset (&ps, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ if (_rl_adjust_point (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, &ps) > 0)
+ count--;
+ while (count-- && rl_point < rl_end)
+ {
+ mbrtowc (&wc, rl_line_buffer + rl_point, rl_end - rl_point, &ps);
+ if (iswupper (wc))
+ wc = towlower (wc);
+ else if (iswlower (wc))
+ wc = towupper (wc);
+ else
+ {
+ /* Just skip over chars neither upper nor lower case */
+ rl_forward_char (1, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Vi is kind of strange here. */
+ if (wc)
+ {
+ p = rl_point;
+ mlen = wcrtomb (mb, wc, &ps);
+ if (mlen >= 0)
+ mb[mlen] = '\0';
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ rl_vi_delete (1, 0);
+ if (rl_point < p) /* Did we retreat at EOL? */
+ rl_point++; /* XXX - should we advance more than 1 for mbchar? */
+ rl_insert_text (mb);
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ rl_vi_check ();
+ }
+ else
+ rl_forward_char (1, 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+rl_vi_change_case (count, ignore)
+ int count, ignore __attribute__((unused));
+ int c, p;
+ /* Don't try this on an empty line. */
+ if (rl_point >= rl_end)
+ return (0);
+ c = 0;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ return (_rl_vi_change_mbchar_case (count));
+ while (count-- && rl_point < rl_end)
+ {
+ if (_rl_uppercase_p (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ c = _rl_to_lower (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]);
+ else if (_rl_lowercase_p (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ c = _rl_to_upper (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]);
+ else
+ {
+ /* Just skip over characters neither upper nor lower case. */
+ rl_forward_char (1, c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Vi is kind of strange here. */
+ if (c)
+ {
+ p = rl_point;
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ rl_vi_delete (1, c);
+ if (rl_point < p) /* Did we retreat at EOL? */
+ rl_point++;
+ _rl_insert_char (1, c);
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ rl_vi_check ();
+ }
+ else
+ rl_forward_char (1, c);
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_put (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (!_rl_uppercase_p (key) && (rl_point + 1 <= rl_end))
+ rl_point = _rl_find_next_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, 1, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ while (count--)
+ rl_yank (1, key);
+ rl_backward_char (1, key);
+ return (0);
+static void
+_rl_vi_backup ()
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ rl_point = _rl_find_prev_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ else
+ rl_point--;
+rl_vi_check ()
+ if (rl_point && rl_point == rl_end)
+ {
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ rl_point = _rl_find_prev_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ else
+ rl_point--;
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_column (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (count > rl_end)
+ rl_end_of_line (1, key);
+ else
+ rl_point = count - 1;
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_domove (key, nextkey)
+ int key, *nextkey;
+ int c, save;
+ int old_end;
+ rl_mark = rl_point;
+ c = rl_read_key ();
+ *nextkey = c;
+ if (!member (c, vi_motion))
+ {
+ if (_rl_digit_p (c))
+ {
+ save = rl_numeric_arg;
+ rl_numeric_arg = _rl_digit_value (c);
+ rl_explicit_arg = 1;
+ rl_digit_loop1 ();
+ rl_numeric_arg *= save;
+ c = rl_read_key (); /* real command */
+ *nextkey = c;
+ }
+ else if (key == c && (key == 'd' || key == 'y' || key == 'c'))
+ {
+ rl_mark = rl_end;
+ rl_beg_of_line (1, c);
+ _rl_vi_last_motion = c;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ else
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ _rl_vi_last_motion = c;
+ /* Append a blank character temporarily so that the motion routines
+ work right at the end of the line. */
+ old_end = rl_end;
+ rl_line_buffer[rl_end++] = ' ';
+ rl_line_buffer[rl_end] = '\0';
+ _rl_dispatch (c, _rl_keymap);
+ /* Remove the blank that we added. */
+ rl_end = old_end;
+ rl_line_buffer[rl_end] = '\0';
+ if (rl_point > rl_end)
+ rl_point = rl_end;
+ /* No change in position means the command failed. */
+ if (rl_mark == rl_point)
+ return (-1);
+ /* rl_vi_f[wW]ord () leaves the cursor on the first character of the next
+ word. If we are not at the end of the line, and we are on a
+ non-whitespace character, move back one (presumably to whitespace). */
+ if ((_rl_to_upper (c) == 'W') && rl_point < rl_end && rl_point > rl_mark &&
+ !whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point--;
+ /* If cw or cW, back up to the end of a word, so the behaviour of ce
+ or cE is the actual result. Brute-force, no subtlety. */
+ if (key == 'c' && rl_point >= rl_mark && (_rl_to_upper (c) == 'W'))
+ {
+ /* Don't move farther back than where we started. */
+ while (rl_point > rl_mark && whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point--;
+ /* Posix.2 says that if cw or cW moves the cursor towards the end of
+ the line, the character under the cursor should be deleted. */
+ if (rl_point == rl_mark)
+ rl_point++;
+ else
+ {
+ /* Move past the end of the word so that the kill doesn't
+ remove the last letter of the previous word. Only do this
+ if we are not at the end of the line. */
+ if (rl_point >= 0 && rl_point < (rl_end - 1) && !whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rl_mark < rl_point)
+ SWAP (rl_point, rl_mark);
+ return (0);
+/* Process C as part of the current numeric argument. Return -1 if the
+ argument should be aborted, 0 if we should not read any more chars, and
+ 1 if we should continue to read chars. */
+static int
+_rl_vi_arg_dispatch (c)
+ int c;
+ int key;
+ key = c;
+ if (c >= 0 && _rl_keymap[c].type == ISFUNC && _rl_keymap[c].function == rl_universal_argument)
+ {
+ rl_numeric_arg *= 4;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ c = UNMETA (c);
+ if (_rl_digit_p (c))
+ {
+ if (rl_explicit_arg)
+ rl_numeric_arg = (rl_numeric_arg * 10) + _rl_digit_value (c);
+ else
+ rl_numeric_arg = _rl_digit_value (c);
+ rl_explicit_arg = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rl_clear_message ();
+ rl_stuff_char (key);
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* A simplified loop for vi. Don't dispatch key at end.
+ Don't recognize minus sign?
+ Should this do rl_save_prompt/rl_restore_prompt? */
+static int
+rl_digit_loop1 ()
+ int c, r;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (_rl_arg_overflow ())
+ return 1;
+ c = _rl_arg_getchar ();
+ r = _rl_vi_arg_dispatch (c);
+ if (r <= 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_delete_to (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ int c;
+ if (_rl_uppercase_p (key))
+ rl_stuff_char ('$');
+ else if (vi_redoing)
+ rl_stuff_char (_rl_vi_last_motion);
+ if (rl_vi_domove (key, &c))
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* These are the motion commands that do not require adjusting the
+ mark. */
+ if ((strchr (" l|h^0bB", c) == 0) && (rl_mark < rl_end))
+ rl_mark++;
+ rl_kill_text (rl_point, rl_mark);
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_change_to (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ int c, start_pos;
+ if (_rl_uppercase_p (key))
+ rl_stuff_char ('$');
+ else if (vi_redoing)
+ rl_stuff_char (_rl_vi_last_motion);
+ start_pos = rl_point;
+ if (rl_vi_domove (key, &c))
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* These are the motion commands that do not require adjusting the
+ mark. c[wW] are handled by special-case code in rl_vi_domove(),
+ and already leave the mark at the correct location. */
+ if ((strchr (" l|hwW^0bB", c) == 0) && (rl_mark < rl_end))
+ rl_mark++;
+ /* The cursor never moves with c[wW]. */
+ if ((_rl_to_upper (c) == 'W') && rl_point < start_pos)
+ rl_point = start_pos;
+ if (vi_redoing)
+ {
+ if (vi_insert_buffer && *vi_insert_buffer)
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ rl_delete_text (rl_point, rl_mark);
+ if (vi_insert_buffer && *vi_insert_buffer)
+ {
+ rl_insert_text (vi_insert_buffer);
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rl_begin_undo_group (); /* to make the `u' command work */
+ rl_kill_text (rl_point, rl_mark);
+ /* `C' does not save the text inserted for undoing or redoing. */
+ if (_rl_uppercase_p (key) == 0)
+ _rl_vi_doing_insert = 1;
+ rl_vi_start_inserting (key, rl_numeric_arg, rl_arg_sign);
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_yank_to (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ int c, save;
+ save = rl_point;
+ if (_rl_uppercase_p (key))
+ rl_stuff_char ('$');
+ if (rl_vi_domove (key, &c))
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* These are the motion commands that do not require adjusting the
+ mark. */
+ if ((strchr (" l|h^0%bB", c) == 0) && (rl_mark < rl_end))
+ rl_mark++;
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ rl_kill_text (rl_point, rl_mark);
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ rl_do_undo ();
+ rl_point = save;
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_rubout (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ int opoint;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_vi_delete (-count, key));
+ if (rl_point == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ opoint = rl_point;
+ if (count > 1 && MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ rl_backward_char (count, key);
+ else if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ rl_point = _rl_find_prev_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ else
+ rl_point -= count;
+ if (rl_point < 0)
+ rl_point = 0;
+ rl_kill_text (rl_point, opoint);
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_delete (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ int end;
+ if (count < 0)
+ return (rl_vi_rubout (-count, key));
+ if (rl_end == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ end = _rl_find_next_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, count, MB_FIND_NONZERO);
+ else
+ end = rl_point + count;
+ if (end >= rl_end)
+ end = rl_end;
+ rl_kill_text (rl_point, end);
+ if (rl_point > 0 && rl_point == rl_end)
+ rl_backward_char (1, key);
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_back_to_indent (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ rl_beg_of_line (1, key);
+ while (rl_point < rl_end && whitespace (rl_line_buffer[rl_point]))
+ rl_point++;
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_first_print (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ return (rl_vi_back_to_indent (1, key));
+static int _rl_cs_dir, _rl_cs_orig_dir;
+static int
+_rl_vi_callback_char_search (data)
+ _rl_callback_generic_arg *data;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ _rl_vi_last_search_mblen = _rl_read_mbchar (_rl_vi_last_search_mbchar, MB_LEN_MAX);
+ _rl_vi_last_search_char = rl_read_key ();
+ _rl_callback_func = 0;
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 1;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ return (_rl_char_search_internal (data->count, _rl_cs_dir, _rl_vi_last_search_mbchar, _rl_vi_last_search_mblen));
+ return (_rl_char_search_internal (data->count, _rl_cs_dir, _rl_vi_last_search_char));
+rl_vi_char_search (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ static char *target;
+ static int tlen;
+ static char target;
+ if (key == ';' || key == ',')
+ _rl_cs_dir = (key == ';') ? _rl_cs_orig_dir : -_rl_cs_orig_dir;
+ else
+ {
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 't':
+ _rl_cs_orig_dir = _rl_cs_dir = FTO;
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ _rl_cs_orig_dir = _rl_cs_dir = BTO;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ _rl_cs_orig_dir = _rl_cs_dir = FFIND;
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ _rl_cs_orig_dir = _rl_cs_dir = BFIND;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (vi_redoing)
+ {
+ /* set target and tlen below */
+ }
+ {
+ _rl_callback_data = _rl_callback_data_alloc (count);
+ _rl_callback_data->i1 = _rl_cs_dir;
+ _rl_callback_func = _rl_vi_callback_char_search;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ _rl_vi_last_search_mblen = _rl_read_mbchar (_rl_vi_last_search_mbchar, MB_LEN_MAX);
+ _rl_vi_last_search_char = rl_read_key ();
+ }
+ }
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ target = _rl_vi_last_search_mbchar;
+ tlen = _rl_vi_last_search_mblen;
+ target = _rl_vi_last_search_char;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ return (_rl_char_search_internal (count, _rl_cs_dir, target, tlen));
+ return (_rl_char_search_internal (count, _rl_cs_dir, target));
+/* Match brackets */
+rl_vi_match (ignore, key)
+ int ignore __attribute__((unused)), key;
+ int count = 1, brack, pos, tmp, pre;
+ pos = rl_point;
+ if ((brack = rl_vi_bracktype (rl_line_buffer[rl_point])) == 0)
+ {
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ {
+ while ((brack = rl_vi_bracktype (rl_line_buffer[rl_point])) == 0)
+ {
+ pre = rl_point;
+ rl_forward_char (1, key);
+ if (pre == rl_point)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ while ((brack = rl_vi_bracktype (rl_line_buffer[rl_point])) == 0 &&
+ rl_point < rl_end - 1)
+ rl_forward_char (1, key);
+ if (brack <= 0)
+ {
+ rl_point = pos;
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ pos = rl_point;
+ if (brack < 0)
+ {
+ while (count)
+ {
+ tmp = pos;
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented)
+ pos--;
+ else
+ {
+ pos = _rl_find_prev_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, pos, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ if (tmp == pos)
+ pos--;
+ }
+ if (pos >= 0)
+ {
+ int b = rl_vi_bracktype (rl_line_buffer[pos]);
+ if (b == -brack)
+ count--;
+ else if (b == brack)
+ count++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* brack > 0 */
+ while (count)
+ {
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1 || rl_byte_oriented)
+ pos++;
+ else
+ pos = _rl_find_next_mbchar (rl_line_buffer, pos, 1, MB_FIND_ANY);
+ if (pos < rl_end)
+ {
+ int b = rl_vi_bracktype (rl_line_buffer[pos]);
+ if (b == -brack)
+ count--;
+ else if (b == brack)
+ count++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rl_point = pos;
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_bracktype (c)
+ int c;
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case '(': return 1;
+ case ')': return -1;
+ case '[': return 2;
+ case ']': return -2;
+ case '{': return 3;
+ case '}': return -3;
+ default: return 0;
+ }
+static int
+_rl_vi_change_char (count, c, mb)
+ int count, c;
+ char *mb __attribute__((unused));
+ int p;
+ if (c == '\033' || c == CTRL ('C'))
+ return -1;
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ while (count-- && rl_point < rl_end)
+ {
+ p = rl_point;
+ rl_vi_delete (1, c);
+ if (rl_point < p) /* Did we retreat at EOL? */
+ rl_point++;
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ rl_insert_text (mb);
+ else
+ _rl_insert_char (1, c);
+ }
+ /* The cursor shall be left on the last character changed. */
+ rl_backward_char (1, c);
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ return (0);
+static int
+_rl_vi_callback_getchar (mb, mlen)
+ char *mb __attribute__((unused));
+ int mlen __attribute__((unused));
+ int c;
+ c = rl_read_key ();
+#if defined (HANDLE_MULTIBYTE)
+ if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && rl_byte_oriented == 0)
+ c = _rl_read_mbstring (c, mb, mlen);
+ return c;
+static int
+_rl_vi_callback_change_char (data)
+ _rl_callback_generic_arg *data;
+ int c;
+ char mb[MB_LEN_MAX];
+ _rl_vi_last_replacement = c = _rl_vi_callback_getchar (mb, MB_LEN_MAX);
+ _rl_callback_func = 0;
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 1;
+ return (_rl_vi_change_char (data->count, c, mb));
+rl_vi_change_char (count, key)
+ int count, key __attribute__((unused));
+ int c;
+ char mb[MB_LEN_MAX];
+ if (vi_redoing)
+ {
+ c = _rl_vi_last_replacement;
+ mb[0] = c;
+ mb[1] = '\0';
+ }
+ {
+ _rl_callback_data = _rl_callback_data_alloc (count);
+ _rl_callback_func = _rl_vi_callback_change_char;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ else
+ _rl_vi_last_replacement = c = _rl_vi_callback_getchar (mb, MB_LEN_MAX);
+ return (_rl_vi_change_char (count, c, mb));
+rl_vi_subst (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ /* If we are redoing, rl_vi_change_to will stuff the last motion char */
+ if (vi_redoing == 0)
+ rl_stuff_char ((key == 'S') ? 'c' : 'l'); /* `S' == `cc', `s' == `cl' */
+ return (rl_vi_change_to (count, 'c'));
+rl_vi_overstrike (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ if (_rl_vi_doing_insert == 0)
+ {
+ _rl_vi_doing_insert = 1;
+ rl_begin_undo_group ();
+ }
+ if (count > 0)
+ {
+ _rl_overwrite_char (count, key);
+ vi_replace_count += count;
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_overstrike_delete (count, key)
+ int count, key;
+ int i, s;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ if (vi_replace_count == 0)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ break;
+ }
+ s = rl_point;
+ if (rl_do_undo ())
+ vi_replace_count--;
+ if (rl_point == s)
+ rl_backward_char (1, key);
+ }
+ if (vi_replace_count == 0 && _rl_vi_doing_insert)
+ {
+ rl_end_undo_group ();
+ rl_do_undo ();
+ _rl_vi_doing_insert = 0;
+ }
+ return (0);
+rl_vi_replace (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ int i;
+ vi_replace_count = 0;
+ if (!vi_replace_map)
+ {
+ vi_replace_map = rl_make_bare_keymap ();
+ for (i = ' '; i < KEYMAP_SIZE; i++)
+ vi_replace_map[i].function = rl_vi_overstrike;
+ vi_replace_map[RUBOUT].function = rl_vi_overstrike_delete;
+ vi_replace_map[ESC].function = rl_vi_movement_mode;
+ vi_replace_map[RETURN].function = rl_newline;
+ vi_replace_map[NEWLINE].function = rl_newline;
+ /* If the normal vi insertion keymap has ^H bound to erase, do the
+ same here. Probably should remove the assignment to RUBOUT up
+ there, but I don't think it will make a difference in real life. */
+ if (vi_insertion_keymap[CTRL ('H')].type == ISFUNC &&
+ vi_insertion_keymap[CTRL ('H')].function == rl_rubout)
+ vi_replace_map[CTRL ('H')].function = rl_vi_overstrike_delete;
+ }
+ _rl_keymap = vi_replace_map;
+ return (0);
+#if 0
+/* Try to complete the word we are standing on or the word that ends with
+ the previous character. A space matches everything. Word delimiters are
+ space and ;. */
+ int save_pos = rl_point;
+ if (rl_line_buffer[rl_point] != ' ' && rl_line_buffer[rl_point] != ';')
+ {
+ while (rl_point < rl_end && rl_line_buffer[rl_point] != ' ' &&
+ rl_line_buffer[rl_point] != ';')
+ rl_point++;
+ }
+ else if (rl_line_buffer[rl_point - 1] == ';')
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return (0);
+ }
+ rl_possible_completions ();
+ rl_point = save_pos;
+ return (0);
+/* Functions to save and restore marks. */
+static int
+_rl_vi_set_mark ()
+ int ch;
+ ch = rl_read_key ();
+ if (ch < 'a' || ch > 'z')
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ch -= 'a';
+ vi_mark_chars[ch] = rl_point;
+ return 0;
+static int
+_rl_vi_callback_set_mark (data)
+ _rl_callback_generic_arg *data __attribute__((unused));
+ _rl_callback_func = 0;
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 1;
+ return (_rl_vi_set_mark ());
+rl_vi_set_mark (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ {
+ _rl_callback_data = 0;
+ _rl_callback_func = _rl_vi_callback_set_mark;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return (_rl_vi_set_mark ());
+static int
+_rl_vi_goto_mark ()
+ int ch;
+ ch = rl_read_key ();
+ if (ch == '`')
+ {
+ rl_point = rl_mark;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (ch < 'a' || ch > 'z')
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ch -= 'a';
+ if (vi_mark_chars[ch] == -1)
+ {
+ rl_ding ();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ rl_point = vi_mark_chars[ch];
+ return 0;
+static int
+_rl_vi_callback_goto_mark (data)
+ _rl_callback_generic_arg *data __attribute__((unused));
+ _rl_callback_func = 0;
+ _rl_want_redisplay = 1;
+ return (_rl_vi_goto_mark ());
+rl_vi_goto_mark (count, key)
+ int count __attribute__((unused)), key __attribute__((unused));
+ {
+ _rl_callback_data = 0;
+ _rl_callback_func = _rl_vi_callback_goto_mark;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return (_rl_vi_goto_mark ());
+#endif /* VI_MODE */
diff --git a/extra/readline/xmalloc.c b/extra/readline/xmalloc.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73d760ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/xmalloc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/* xmalloc.c -- safe versions of malloc and realloc */
+/* Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Readline, a library for reading lines
+ of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ Readline is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+ later version.
+ Readline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Readline; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+#include "config_readline.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Memory Allocation and Deallocation. */
+/* */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+static void
+memory_error_and_abort (fname)
+ const char *fname;
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of virtual memory\n", fname);
+ exit (2);
+/* Return a pointer to free()able block of memory large enough
+ to hold BYTES number of bytes. If the memory cannot be allocated,
+ print an error message and abort. */
+xmalloc (bytes)
+ size_t bytes;
+ PTR_T temp;
+ temp = malloc (bytes);
+ if (temp == 0)
+ memory_error_and_abort ("xmalloc");
+ return (temp);
+xrealloc (pointer, bytes)
+ PTR_T pointer;
+ size_t bytes;
+ PTR_T temp;
+ temp = pointer ? realloc (pointer, bytes) : malloc (bytes);
+ if (temp == 0)
+ memory_error_and_abort ("xrealloc");
+ return (temp);
+/* Use this as the function to call when adding unwind protects so we
+ don't need to know what free() returns. */
+xfree (string)
+ PTR_T string;
+ if (string)
+ free (string);
diff --git a/extra/readline/xmalloc.h b/extra/readline/xmalloc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a01449b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/readline/xmalloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* xmalloc.h -- memory allocation that aborts on errors. */
+/* Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU Readline Library, a library for
+ reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
+ The GNU Readline Library is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU Readline Library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ The GNU General Public License is often shipped with GNU software, and
+ is generally kept in a file called COPYING or LICENSE. If you do not
+ have a copy of the license, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */
+#if !defined (_XMALLOC_H_)
+#define _XMALLOC_H_
+#if defined (READLINE_LIBRARY)
+# include "rlstdc.h"
+# include <rlstdc.h>
+#ifndef PTR_T
+#ifdef __STDC__
+# define PTR_T void *
+# define PTR_T char *
+#endif /* !PTR_T */
+extern PTR_T xmalloc PARAMS((size_t));
+extern PTR_T xrealloc PARAMS((void *, size_t));
+extern void xfree PARAMS((void *));
+#endif /* _XMALLOC_H_ */