path: root/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb/t/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb/t/')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb/t/ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb/t/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9575abb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+--source include/
+--source include/
+--source include/
+--source include/
+connection master;
+drop table if exists t1;
+connection master;
+create table t0 (a int) engine=myisam;
+insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
+create table t1(a int) engine=myisam;
+insert into t1 select A.a + B.a* 10 + C.a * 100 from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (
+ pk int primary key,
+ kp1 int,
+ kp2 int,
+ col1 int,
+ key (kp1,kp2)
+) engine=rocksdb;
+# Use RBR for next few statements to avoid the
+# 'Unsafe statement written to the binary log' warnings.
+set @tmp_binlog_format=@@binlog_format;
+set @@binlog_format=ROW;
+insert into t2 select a,a,a,a from t1;
+create table t3 like t2;
+insert into t3 select * from t2;
+set binlog_format=@tmp_binlog_format;
+# For GitHub issue#166
+# Slave is suspended at ha_rocksdb::read_range_first() -> index_read_map_impl()
+# -> ha_rocksdb::get_row_by_rowid() -- which is after creating an iterator,
+# Seek(), Next() (getting pk=1)
+# and before GetForUpdate() and before creating a snapshot.
+# Deletes remove pk=2 and pk=3, then resumes update on slave.
+# The update resumes with GetForUpdate(pk=1),
+# index_next() -> secondary_index_read() -> get_row_by_rowid(pk=2)
+# then doesn't find a row.
+# The slave should not stop with error (Can't find a record).
+--source include/
+connection slave;
+let $old_debug = `select @@global.debug`;
+set global debug_dbug= 'd,dbug.rocksdb.get_row_by_rowid';
+--source include/
+--source include/
+connection master;
+update t2 set col1=100 where kp1 between 1 and 3 and mod(kp2,2)=0;
+connection slave;
+set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR Reached';
+eval set global debug_dbug = '$old_debug';
+set sql_log_bin=0;
+delete from t2 where pk=2;
+delete from t2 where pk=3;
+set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL signal.rocksdb.get_row_by_rowid_let_running';
+connection master;
+--source include/
+connection slave;
+select * from t2 where pk < 5;
+# For GitHub issue#162 (result file must be updated after fixing #162)
+connection slave;
+set global debug_dbug= 'd,dbug.rocksdb.get_row_by_rowid';
+--source include/
+--source include/
+connection master;
+update t3 set col1=100 where kp1 between 1 and 4 and mod(kp2,2)=0;
+connection slave;
+call mtr.add_suppression("Deadlock found when trying to get lock");
+set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR Reached';
+eval set global debug_dbug = '$old_debug';
+set sql_log_bin=0;
+delete from t3 where pk=2;
+delete from t3 where pk=3;
+set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL signal.rocksdb.get_row_by_rowid_let_running';
+connection master;
+--source include/
+connection slave;
+# col1 for pk=4 should be 100
+select * from t3 where pk < 5;
+set debug_sync='RESET';
+# Cleanup
+connection master;
+drop table t0, t1, t2, t3;
+--source include/