path: root/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_stress/t/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_stress/t/')
1 files changed, 1042 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_stress/t/ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_stress/t/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91dd9e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_stress/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@
+import cStringIO
+import array
+import hashlib
+import MySQLdb
+from MySQLdb.constants import CR
+from MySQLdb.constants import ER
+from collections import deque
+import os
+import random
+import signal
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import string
+import traceback
+import logging
+import argparse
+# This is a generic load_generator for mysqld which persists across server
+# restarts and attempts to verify both committed and uncommitted transactions
+# are persisted correctly.
+# The table schema used should look something like:
+# thread_id INT NOT NULL,
+# zero_sum INT DEFAULT 0,
+# msg VARCHAR(1024),
+# msg_length int,
+# msg_checksum varchar(128),
+# KEY msg_i(msg(255), zero_sum))
+# ENGINE=RocksDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_bin;
+# zero_sum should always sum up to 0 regardless of when the transaction tries
+# to process the transaction. Each transaction always maintain this sum to 0.
+# request_id should be unique across transactions. It is used during
+# transaction verification and is monotonically increasing..
+# Several threads are spawned at the start of the test to populate the table.
+# Once the table is populated, both loader and checker threads are created.
+# The row id space is split into two sections: exclusive and shared. Each
+# loader thread owns some part of the exclusive section which it maintains
+# complete information on insert/updates/deletes. Since this section is only
+# modified by one thread, the thread can maintain an accurate picture of all
+# changes. The shared section contains rows which multiple threads can
+# update/delete/insert. For checking purposes, the request_id is used to
+# determine if a row is consistent with a committed transaction.
+# Each loader thread's transaction consists of selecting some number of rows
+# randomly. The thread can choose to delete the row, update the row or insert
+# the row if it doesn't exist. The state of rows that are owned by the loader
+# thread are tracked within the thread's id_map. This map contains the row id
+# and the request_id of the latest update. For indicating deleted rows, the
+# -request_id marker is used. Thus, at any point in time, the thread's id_map
+# should reflect the exact state of the rows that are owned.
+# The loader thread also maintains the state of older transactions that were
+# successfully processed in addition to the current transaction, which may or
+# may not be committed. Each transaction state consists of the row id, and the
+# request_id. Again, -request_id is used to indicate a delete. For committed
+# transactions, the thread can verify the request_id of the row is larger than
+# what the thread has recorded. For uncommitted transactions, the thread would
+# verify the request_id of the row does not match that of the transaction. To
+# determine whether or not a transaction succeeded in case of a crash right at
+# commit, each thread always includes a particular row in the transaction which
+# it could use to check the request id against.
+# Checker threads run continuously to verify the checksums on the rows and to
+# verify the zero_sum column sums up to zero at any point in time. The checker
+# threads run both point lookups and range scans for selecting the rows.
+class ValidateError(Exception):
+ """Raised when validation fails"""
+ pass
+class TestError(Exception):
+ """Raised when the test cannot make forward progress"""
+ pass
+CHARS = string.letters + string.digits
+# max number of rows per transaction
+# global variable checked by threads to determine if the test is stopping
+TEST_STOP = False
+# global monotonically increasing request id counter
+REQUEST_ID_LOCK = threading.Lock()
+INSERT_ID_SET = set()
+def get_next_request_id():
+ global REQUEST_ID
+ return REQUEST_ID
+# given a percentage value, rolls a 100-sided die and return whether the
+# given value is above or equal to the die roll
+# passing 0 should always return false and 100 should always return true
+def roll_d100(p):
+ assert p >= 0 and p <= 100
+ return p >= random.randint(1, 100)
+def sha1(x):
+ return hashlib.sha1(str(x)).hexdigest()
+def is_connection_error(exc):
+ error_code = exc.args[0]
+ return (error_code == MySQLdb.constants.CR.CONNECTION_ERROR or
+ error_code == MySQLdb.constants.CR.CONN_HOST_ERROR or
+ error_code == MySQLdb.constants.CR.SERVER_LOST or
+ error_code == MySQLdb.constants.CR.SERVER_GONE_ERROR or
+ error_code == MySQLdb.constants.ER.QUERY_INTERRUPTED or
+ error_code == MySQLdb.constants.ER.SERVER_SHUTDOWN)
+def is_deadlock_error(exc):
+ error_code = exc.args[0]
+ return (error_code == MySQLdb.constants.ER.LOCK_DEADLOCK or
+ error_code == MySQLdb.constants.ER.LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+# should be deterministic given an idx
+def gen_msg(idx, thread_id, request_id):
+ random.seed(idx);
+ # field length is 1024 bytes, but 32 are reserved for the tid and req tag
+ blob_length = random.randint(1, 1024 - 32)
+ if roll_d100(50):
+ # blob that cannot be compressed (well, compresses to 85% of original size)
+ msg = ''.join([random.choice(CHARS) for x in xrange(blob_length)])
+ else:
+ # blob that can be compressed
+ msg = random.choice(CHARS) * blob_length
+ # append the thread_id and request_id to the end of the msg
+ return ''.join([msg, ' tid: %d req: %d' % (thread_id, request_id)])
+def execute(cur, stmt):
+ ROW_COUNT_ERROR = 18446744073709551615L
+ logging.debug("Executing %s" % stmt)
+ cur.execute(stmt)
+ if cur.rowcount < 0 or cur.rowcount == ROW_COUNT_ERROR:
+ raise MySQLdb.OperationalError(MySQLdb.constants.CR.CONNECTION_ERROR,
+ "Possible connection error, rowcount is %d"
+ % cur.rowcount)
+def wait_for_workers(workers, min_active = 0):
+"Waiting for %d workers", len(workers))
+ # min_active needs to include the current waiting thread
+ min_active += 1
+ # polling here allows this thread to be responsive to keyboard interrupt
+ # exceptions, otherwise a user hitting ctrl-c would see the load_generator as
+ # hanging and unresponsive
+ try:
+ while threading.active_count() > min_active:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
+ os._exit(1)
+ num_failures = 0
+ for w in workers:
+ w.join()
+ if w.exception:
+ logging.error(w.exception)
+ num_failures += 1
+ return num_failures
+# base class for worker threads and contains logic for handling reconnecting to
+# the mysqld server during connection failure
+class WorkerThread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ = name
+ self.exception = None
+ self.con = None
+ self.cur = None
+ self.isolation_level = None
+ self.start_time = time.time()
+ self.total_time = 0
+ def run(self):
+ global TEST_STOP
+ try:
+ self.runme()
+"Completed successfully")
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.exception = traceback.format_exc()
+ logging.error(self.exception)
+ TEST_STOP = True
+ finally:
+ self.total_time = time.time() - self.start_time
+"Total run time: %.2f s" % self.total_time)
+ self.finish()
+ def reconnect(self, timeout=900):
+ global TEST_STOP
+ self.con = None
+ attempts = 1
+"Attempting to connect to MariaDB Server")
+ while not self.con and timeout > 0 and not TEST_STOP:
+ try:
+ self.con = MySQLdb.connect(user=OPTIONS.user,,
+ port=OPTIONS.port, db=OPTIONS.db)
+ if self.con:
+ self.con.autocommit(False)
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ self.set_isolation_level(self.isolation_level)
+"Connection successful after attempt %d" % attempts)
+ break
+ except MySQLdb.Error, e:
+ logging.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ attempts += 1
+ return self.con is None
+ def get_isolation_level(self):
+ execute(self.cur, "SELECT @@SESSION.tx_isolation")
+ if self.cur.rowcount != 1:
+ raise TestError("Unable to retrieve tx_isolation")
+ return self.cur.fetchone()[0]
+ def set_isolation_level(self, isolation_level, persist = False):
+ if isolation_level is not None:
+ execute(self.cur, "SET @@SESSION.tx_isolation = '%s'" % isolation_level)
+ if self.cur.rowcount != 0:
+ raise TestError("Unable to set the isolation level to %s")
+ if isolation_level is None or persist:
+ self.isolation_level = isolation_level
+# periodically kills the server
+class ReaperWorker(WorkerThread):
+ def __init__(self):
+ WorkerThread.__init__(self, 'reaper')
+ self.start()
+ self.kills = 0
+ def finish(self):
+'complete with %d kills' % self.kills)
+ if self.con:
+ self.con.close()
+ def get_server_pid(self):
+ execute(self.cur, "SELECT @@pid_file")
+ if self.cur.rowcount != 1:
+ raise TestError("Unable to retrieve pid_file")
+ return int(open(self.cur.fetchone()[0]).read())
+ def runme(self):
+ global TEST_STOP
+ time_remain = random.randint(10, 30)
+ while not TEST_STOP:
+ if time_remain > 0:
+ time_remain -= 1
+ time.sleep(1)
+ continue
+ if self.reconnect():
+ raise Exception("Unable to connect to MariaDB server")
+'killing server...')
+ with open(OPTIONS.expect_file, 'w+') as expect_file:
+ expect_file.write('restart')
+ os.kill(self.get_server_pid(), signal.SIGTERM)
+ self.kills += 1
+ time_remain = random.randint(0, 30) + OPTIONS.reap_delay;
+# runs initially to populate the table with the given number of rows
+class PopulateWorker(WorkerThread):
+ def __init__(self, thread_id, start_id, num_to_add):
+ WorkerThread.__init__(self, 'populate-%d' % thread_id)
+ self.thread_id = thread_id
+ self.start_id = start_id
+ self.num_to_add = num_to_add
+ self.table = OPTIONS.table
+ self.start()
+ def finish(self):
+ if self.con:
+ self.con.commit()
+ self.con.close()
+ def runme(self):
+ if self.reconnect():
+ raise Exception("Unable to connect to MariaDB server")
+ stmt = None
+ for i in xrange(self.start_id, self.start_id + self.num_to_add):
+ stmt = gen_insert(self.table, i, 0, 0, 0)
+ execute(self.cur, stmt)
+ if i % 101 == 0:
+ self.con.commit()
+ check_id(self.con.insert_id())
+ self.con.commit()
+ check_id(self.con.insert_id())
+"Inserted %d rows starting at id %d" %
+ (self.num_to_add, self.start_id))
+def check_id(id):
+ if id == 0:
+ return
+ if id in INSERT_ID_SET:
+ raise Exception("Duplicate auto_inc id %d" % id)
+ INSERT_ID_SET.add(id)
+def populate_table(num_records):
+"Populate_table started for %d records" % num_records)
+ if num_records == 0:
+ return False
+ num_workers = min(10, num_records / 100)
+ workers = []
+ N = num_records / num_workers
+ start_id = 0
+ for i in xrange(num_workers):
+ workers.append(PopulateWorker(i, start_id, N))
+ start_id += N
+ if num_records > start_id:
+ workers.append(PopulateWorker(num_workers, start_id,
+ num_records - start_id))
+ # Wait for the populate threads to complete
+ return wait_for_workers(workers) > 0
+def gen_insert(table, idx, thread_id, request_id, zero_sum):
+ msg = gen_msg(idx, thread_id, request_id)
+ return ("INSERT INTO %s (id, thread_id, request_id, zero_sum, "
+ "msg, msg_length, msg_checksum) VALUES (%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s',%d,'%s')"
+ % (table, idx, thread_id, request_id,
+ zero_sum, msg, len(msg), sha1(msg)))
+def gen_update(table, idx, thread_id, request_id, zero_sum):
+ msg = gen_msg(idx, thread_id, request_id)
+ return ("UPDATE %s SET thread_id = %d, request_id = %d, "
+ "update_count = update_count + 1, zero_sum = zero_sum + (%d), "
+ "msg = '%s', msg_length = %d, msg_checksum = '%s' WHERE id = %d "
+ % (table, thread_id, request_id, zero_sum, msg, len(msg),
+ sha1(msg), idx))
+def gen_delete(table, idx):
+ return "DELETE FROM %s WHERE id = %d" % (table, idx)
+def gen_insert_on_dup(table, idx, thread_id, request_id, zero_sum):
+ msg = gen_msg(idx, thread_id, request_id)
+ msg_checksum = sha1(msg)
+ return ("INSERT INTO %s (id, thread_id, request_id, zero_sum, "
+ "msg, msg_length, msg_checksum) VALUES (%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s',%d,'%s') "
+ "thread_id=%d, request_id=%d, "
+ "update_count=update_count+1, "
+ "zero_sum=zero_sum + (%d), msg='%s', msg_length=%d, "
+ "msg_checksum='%s'" %
+ (table, idx, thread_id, request_id,
+ zero_sum, msg, len(msg), msg_checksum, thread_id, request_id,
+ zero_sum, msg, len(msg), msg_checksum))
+# Each loader thread owns a part of the id space which it maintains inventory
+# for. The loader thread generates inserts, updates and deletes for the table.
+# The latest successful transaction and the latest open transaction are kept to
+# verify after a disconnect that the rows were recovered properly.
+class LoadGenWorker(WorkerThread):
+ def __init__(self, thread_id):
+ WorkerThread.__init__(self, 'loader-%02d' % thread_id)
+ self.thread_id = thread_id
+ self.rand = random.Random()
+ self.rand.seed(thread_id)
+ self.loop_num = 0
+ # id_map contains the array of id's owned by this worker thread. It needs
+ # to be offset by start_id for the actual id
+ self.id_map = array.array('l')
+ self.start_id = thread_id * OPTIONS.ids_per_loader
+ self.num_id = OPTIONS.ids_per_loader
+ self.start_share_id = OPTIONS.num_loaders * OPTIONS.ids_per_loader
+ self.max_id = OPTIONS.max_id
+ self.table = OPTIONS.table
+ self.num_requests = OPTIONS.num_requests
+ # stores information about the latest series of successful transactions
+ #
+ # each transaction is simply a map of id -> request_id
+ # deleted rows are indicated by -request_id
+ self.prev_txn = deque()
+ self.cur_txn = None
+ self.cur_txn_state = None
+ self.start()
+ def finish(self):
+ if self.total_time:
+ req_per_sec = self.loop_num / self.total_time
+ else:
+ req_per_sec = -1
+"total txns: %d, txn/s: %.2f rps" %
+ (self.loop_num, req_per_sec))
+ # constructs the internal hash map of the ids owned by this thread and
+ # the request id of each id
+ def populate_id_map(self):
+"Populating id map")
+ REQ_ID_COL = 0
+ stmt = "SELECT request_id FROM %s WHERE id = %d"
+ # the start_id is used for tracking active transactions, so the row needs
+ # to exist
+ idx = self.start_id
+ execute(self.cur, stmt % (self.table, idx))
+ if self.cur.rowcount > 0:
+ request_id = self.cur.fetchone()[REQ_ID_COL]
+ else:
+ request_id = get_next_request_id()
+ execute(self.cur, gen_insert(self.table, idx, self.thread_id,
+ request_id, 0))
+ self.con.commit()
+ check_id(self.con.insert_id())
+ self.id_map.append(request_id)
+ self.cur_txn = {idx:request_id}
+ self.cur_txn_state = self.TXN_COMMITTED
+ for i in xrange(OPTIONS.committed_txns):
+ self.prev_txn.append(self.cur_txn)
+ # fetch the rest of the row for the id space owned by this thread
+ for idx in xrange(self.start_id + 1, self.start_id + self.num_id):
+ execute(self.cur, stmt % (self.table, idx))
+ if self.cur.rowcount == 0:
+ # Negative number is used to indicated a missing row
+ self.id_map.append(-1)
+ else:
+ res = self.cur.fetchone()
+ self.id_map.append(res[REQ_ID_COL])
+ self.con.commit()
+ def apply_cur_txn_changes(self):
+ # apply the changes to the id_map
+ for idx in self.cur_txn:
+ if idx < self.start_id + self.num_id:
+ assert idx >= self.start_id
+ self.id_map[idx - self.start_id] = self.cur_txn[idx]
+ self.cur_txn_state = self.TXN_COMMITTED
+ self.prev_txn.append(self.cur_txn)
+ self.prev_txn.popleft()
+ def verify_txn(self, txn, committed):
+ request_id = txn[self.start_id]
+ if not committed:
+ # if the transaction was not committed, then there should be no rows
+ # in the table that have this request_id
+ cond = '='
+ # it is possible the start_id used to track this transaction is in
+ # the process of being deleted
+ if request_id < 0:
+ request_id = -request_id
+ else:
+ # if the transaction was committed, then no rows modified by this
+ # transaction should have a request_id less than this transaction's id
+ cond = '<'
+ stmt = ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE id IN (%s) AND request_id %s %d" %
+ (self.table, ','.join(str(x) for x in txn), cond, request_id))
+ execute(self.cur, stmt)
+ if (self.cur.rowcount != 1):
+ raise TestError("Unable to retrieve results for query '%s'" % stmt)
+ count = self.cur.fetchone()[0]
+ if (count > 0):
+ raise TestError("Expected '%s' to return 0 rows, but %d returned "
+ "instead" % (stmt, count))
+ self.con.commit()
+ def verify_data(self):
+ # if the state of the current transaction is unknown (i.e. a commit was
+ # issued, but the connection failed before, check the start_id row to
+ # determine if it was committed
+ request_id = self.cur_txn[self.start_id]
+ if self.cur_txn_state == self.TXN_COMMIT_STARTED:
+ assert request_id >= 0
+ idx = self.start_id
+ stmt = "SELECT id, request_id FROM %s where id = %d" % (self.table, idx)
+ execute(self.cur, stmt)
+ if (self.cur.rowcount == 0):
+ raise TestError("Fetching start_id %d via '%s' returned no data! "
+ "This row should never be deleted!" % (idx, stmt))
+ res = self.cur.fetchone()
+ if res[REQUEST_ID_COL] == self.cur_txn[idx]:
+ self.apply_cur_txn_changes()
+ else:
+ self.cur_txn_state = self.TXN_UNCOMMITTED
+ self.con.commit()
+ # if the transaction was not committed, verify there are no rows at this
+ # request id
+ #
+ # however, if the transaction was committed, then verify none of the rows
+ # have a request_id below the request_id recorded by the start_id row.
+ if self.cur_txn_state == self.TXN_UNCOMMITTED:
+ self.verify_txn(self.cur_txn, False)
+ # verify all committed transactions
+ for txn in self.prev_txn:
+ self.verify_txn(txn, True)
+ # verify the rows owned by this worker matches the request_id at which
+ # they were set.
+ idx = self.start_id
+ max_map_id = self.start_id + self.num_id
+ row_count = 0
+ ID_COL = 0
+ while idx < max_map_id:
+ if (row_count == 0):
+ num_rows_to_check = random.randint(50, 100)
+ execute(self.cur,
+ "SELECT id, request_id FROM %s where id >= %d and id < %d "
+ "ORDER BY id LIMIT %d"
+ % (self.table, idx, max_map_id, num_rows_to_check))
+ # prevent future queries from being issued since we've hit the end of
+ # the rows that exist in the table
+ row_count = self.cur.rowcount if self.cur.rowcount != 0 else -1
+ # determine the id of the next available row in the table
+ if (row_count > 0):
+ res = self.cur.fetchone()
+ assert idx <= res[ID_COL]
+ next_id = res[ID_COL]
+ row_count -= 1
+ else:
+ next_id = max_map_id
+ # rows up to the next id don't exist within the table, verify our
+ # map has them as removed
+ while idx < next_id:
+ # see if the latest transaction may have modified this id. If so, use
+ # that value.
+ if self.id_map[idx - self.start_id] >= 0:
+ raise ValidateError("Row id %d was not found in table, but "
+ "id_map has it at request_id %d" %
+ (idx, self.id_map[idx - self.start_id]))
+ idx += 1
+ if idx == max_map_id:
+ break
+ if (self.id_map[idx - self.start_id] != res[REQ_ID_COL]):
+ raise ValidateError("Row id %d has req id %d, but %d is the "
+ "expected value!" %
+ (idx, res[REQ_ID_COL],
+ self.id_map[idx - self.start_id]))
+ idx += 1
+ self.con.commit()
+ logging.debug("Verified data successfully")
+ def execute_one(self):
+ # select a number of rows; perform an insert; update or delete operation on
+ # them
+ num_rows = random.randint(1, MAX_ROWS_PER_REQ)
+ ids = array.array('L')
+ # allocate at least one row in the id space owned by this worker
+ idx = random.randint(self.start_id, self.start_id + self.num_id - 1)
+ ids.append(idx)
+ for i in xrange(1, num_rows):
+ # The valid ranges for ids is from start_id to start_id + num_id and from
+ # start_share_id to max_id. The randint() uses the range from
+ # start_share_id to max_id + num_id - 1. start_share_id to max_id covers
+ # the shared range. The exclusive range is covered by max_id to max_id +
+ # num_id - 1. If any number lands in this >= max_id section, it is
+ # remapped to start_id and used for selecting a row in the exclusive
+ # section.
+ idx = random.randint(self.start_share_id, self.max_id + self.num_id - 1)
+ if idx >= self.max_id:
+ idx -= self.max_id - self.start_id
+ if ids.count(idx) == 0:
+ ids.append(idx)
+ # perform a read of these rows
+ ID_COL = 0
+ # For repeatable-read isolation levels on MyRocks, during the lock
+ # acquisition part of this transaction, it is possible the selected rows
+ # conflict with another thread's transaction. This results in a deadlock
+ # error that requires the whole transaction to be rolled back because the
+ # transaction's current snapshot will always be reading an older version of
+ # the row. MyRocks will prevent any updates to this row until the
+ # snapshot is released and re-acquired.
+ for i in xrange(NUM_RETRIES):
+ ids_found = {}
+ try:
+ for idx in ids:
+ stmt = ("SELECT id, zero_sum FROM %s WHERE id = %d "
+ "FOR UPDATE" % (self.table, idx))
+ execute(self.cur, stmt)
+ if self.cur.rowcount > 0:
+ res = self.cur.fetchone()
+ ids_found[res[ID_COL]] = res[ZERO_SUM_COL]
+ break
+ except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e:
+ if not is_deadlock_error(e):
+ raise e
+ # if a deadlock occurred, rollback the transaction and wait a short time
+ # before retrying.
+ logging.debug("%s generated deadlock, retry %d of %d" %
+ (stmt, i, NUM_RETRIES))
+ self.con.rollback()
+ time.sleep(0.2)
+ if i == NUM_RETRIES - 1:
+ raise TestError("Unable to acquire locks after a number of retries "
+ "for query '%s'" % stmt)
+ # ensure that the zero_sum column remains summed up to zero at the
+ # end of this operation
+ current_sum = 0
+ # all row locks acquired at this point, so allocate a request_id
+ request_id = get_next_request_id()
+ self.cur_txn = {self.start_id:request_id}
+ self.cur_txn_state = self.TXN_UNCOMMITTED
+ for idx in ids:
+ stmt = None
+ zero_sum = self.rand.randint(-1000, 1000)
+ action = self.rand.randint(0, 3)
+ is_delete = False
+ if idx in ids_found:
+ # for each row found, determine if it should be updated or deleted
+ if action == 0:
+ stmt = gen_delete(self.table, idx)
+ is_delete = True
+ current_sum -= ids_found[idx]
+ else:
+ stmt = gen_update(self.table, idx, self.thread_id, request_id,
+ zero_sum)
+ current_sum += zero_sum
+ else:
+ # if it does not exist, then determine if an insert should happen
+ if action <= 1:
+ stmt = gen_insert(self.table, idx, self.thread_id, request_id,
+ zero_sum)
+ current_sum += zero_sum
+ if stmt is not None:
+ # mark in self.cur_txn what these new changes will be
+ if is_delete:
+ self.cur_txn[idx] = -request_id
+ else:
+ self.cur_txn[idx] = request_id
+ execute(self.cur, stmt)
+ if self.cur.rowcount == 0:
+ raise TestError("Executing %s returned row count of 0!" % stmt)
+ # the start_id row is used to determine if this transaction has been
+ # committed if the connect fails and it is used to adjust the zero_sum
+ # correctly
+ idx = self.start_id
+ ids.append(idx)
+ self.cur_txn[idx] = request_id
+ stmt = gen_insert_on_dup(self.table, idx, self.thread_id, request_id,
+ -current_sum)
+ execute(self.cur, stmt)
+ if self.cur.rowcount == 0:
+ raise TestError("Executing '%s' returned row count of 0!" % stmt)
+ # 90% commit, 10% rollback
+ if roll_d100(90):
+ self.con.rollback()
+ logging.debug("request %s was rolled back" % request_id)
+ else:
+ self.cur_txn_state = self.TXN_COMMIT_STARTED
+ self.con.commit()
+ check_id(self.con.insert_id())
+ if not self.con.get_server_info():
+ raise MySQLdb.OperationalError(MySQLdb.constants.CR.CONNECTION_ERROR,
+ "Possible connection error on commit")
+ self.apply_cur_txn_changes()
+ self.loop_num += 1
+ if self.loop_num % 1000 == 0:
+"Processed %d transactions so far" % self.loop_num)
+ def runme(self):
+ self.start_time = time.time()
+ if self.reconnect():
+ raise Exception("Unable to connect to MariaDB server")
+ self.populate_id_map()
+ self.verify_data()
+"Starting load generator")
+ reconnected = False
+ while self.loop_num < self.num_requests and not TEST_STOP:
+ try:
+ # verify our data on each reconnect and also on ocassion
+ if reconnected or random.randint(1, 500) == 1:
+ self.verify_data()
+ reconnected = False
+ self.execute_one()
+ self.loop_num += 1
+ except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e:
+ if not is_connection_error(e):
+ raise e
+ if self.reconnect():
+ raise Exception("Unable to connect to MariaDB server")
+ reconnected = True
+ return
+# the checker thread is running read only transactions to verify the row
+# checksums match the message.
+class CheckerWorker(WorkerThread):
+ def __init__(self, thread_id):
+ WorkerThread.__init__(self, 'checker-%02d' % thread_id)
+ self.thread_id = thread_id
+ self.rand = random.Random()
+ self.rand.seed(thread_id)
+ self.max_id = OPTIONS.max_id
+ self.table = OPTIONS.table
+ self.loop_num = 0
+ self.start()
+ def finish(self):
+"total loops: %d" % self.loop_num)
+ def check_zerosum(self):
+ # two methods for checking zero sum
+ # 1. request the server to do it (90% of the time for now)
+ # 2. read all rows and calculate directly
+ if roll_d100(90):
+ stmt = "SELECT SUM(zero_sum) FROM %s" % self.table
+ if roll_d100(50):
+ stmt += " FORCE INDEX(msg_i)"
+ execute(self.cur, stmt)
+ if self.cur.rowcount != 1:
+ raise ValidateError("Error with query '%s'" % stmt)
+ res = self.cur.fetchone()[0]
+ if res != 0:
+ raise ValidateError("Expected zero_sum to be 0, but %d returned "
+ "instead" % res)
+ else:
+ cur_isolation_level = self.get_isolation_level()
+ self.set_isolation_level('REPEATABLE-READ')
+ num_rows_to_check = random.randint(500, 1000)
+ idx = 0
+ sum = 0
+ stmt = "SELECT id, zero_sum FROM %s where id >= %d ORDER BY id LIMIT %d"
+ ID_COL = 0
+ while idx < self.max_id:
+ execute(self.cur, stmt % (self.table, idx, num_rows_to_check))
+ if self.cur.rowcount == 0:
+ break
+ for i in xrange(self.cur.rowcount - 1):
+ sum += self.cur.fetchone()[ZERO_SUM_COL]
+ last_row = self.cur.fetchone()
+ idx = last_row[ID_COL] + 1
+ sum += last_row[ZERO_SUM_COL]
+ if sum != 0:
+ raise TestError("Zero sum column expected to total 0, but sum is %d "
+ "instead!" % sum)
+ self.set_isolation_level(cur_isolation_level)
+ def check_rows(self):
+ class id_range():
+ def __init__(self, min_id, min_inclusive, max_id, max_inclusive):
+ self.min_id = min_id if min_inclusive else min_id + 1
+ self.max_id = max_id if max_inclusive else max_id - 1
+ def count(self, idx):
+ return idx >= self.min_id and idx <= self.max_id
+ stmt = ("SELECT id, msg, msg_length, msg_checksum FROM %s WHERE " %
+ self.table)
+ # two methods for checking rows
+ # 1. pick a number of rows at random
+ # 2. range scan
+ if roll_d100(90):
+ ids = []
+ for i in xrange(random.randint(1, MAX_ROWS_PER_REQ)):
+ ids.append(random.randint(0, self.max_id - 1))
+ stmt += "id in (%s)" % ','.join(str(x) for x in ids)
+ else:
+ id1 = random.randint(0, self.max_id - 1)
+ id2 = random.randint(0, self.max_id - 1)
+ min_inclusive = random.randint(0, 1)
+ cond1 = '>=' if min_inclusive else '>'
+ max_inclusive = random.randint(0, 1)
+ cond2 = '<=' if max_inclusive else '<'
+ stmt += ("id %s %d AND id %s %d" %
+ (cond1, min(id1, id2), cond2, max(id1, id2)))
+ ids = id_range(min(id1, id2), min_inclusive, max(id1, id2), max_inclusive)
+ execute(self.cur, stmt)
+ ID_COL = 0
+ MSG_COL = ID_COL + 1
+ for row in self.cur.fetchall():
+ idx = row[ID_COL]
+ msg = row[MSG_COL]
+ msg_length = row[MSG_LENGTH_COL]
+ msg_checksum = row[MSG_CHECKSUM_COL]
+ if ids.count(idx) < 1:
+ raise ValidateError(
+ "id %d returned from database, but query was '%s'" % (idx, stmt))
+ if (len(msg) != msg_length):
+ raise ValidateError(
+ "id %d contains msg_length %d, but msg '%s' is only %d "
+ "characters long" % (idx, msg_length, msg, len(msg)))
+ if (sha1(msg) != msg_checksum):
+ raise ValidateError("id %d has checksum '%s', but expected checksum "
+ "is '%s'" % (idx, msg_checksum, sha1(msg)))
+ def runme(self):
+ global TEST_STOP
+ self.start_time = time.time()
+ if self.reconnect():
+ raise Exception("Unable to connect to MariaDB server")
+"Starting checker")
+ while not TEST_STOP:
+ try:
+ # choose one of three options:
+ # 1. compute zero_sum across all rows is 0
+ # 2. read a number of rows and verify checksums
+ if roll_d100(25):
+ self.check_zerosum()
+ else:
+ self.check_rows()
+ self.con.commit()
+ self.loop_num += 1
+ if self.loop_num % 10000 == 0:
+"Processed %d transactions so far" % self.loop_num)
+ except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e:
+ if not is_connection_error(e):
+ raise e
+ if self.reconnect():
+ raise Exception("Unable to reconnect to MariaDB server")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Concurrent load generator.')
+ parser.add_argument('-C, --committed-txns', dest='committed_txns',
+ default=3, type=int,
+ help="number of committed txns to verify")
+ parser.add_argument('-c, --num-checkers', dest='num_checkers', type=int,
+ default=4,
+ help="number of reader/checker threads to test with")
+ parser.add_argument('-d, --db', dest='db', default='test',
+ help="mysqld server database to test with")
+ parser.add_argument('-H, --host', dest='host', default='',
+ help="mysqld server host ip address")
+ parser.add_argument('-i, --ids-per-loader', dest='ids_per_loader',
+ type=int, default=100,
+ help="number of records which each loader owns "
+ "exclusively, up to max-id / 2 / num-loaders")
+ parser.add_argument('-L, --log-file', dest='log_file', default=None,
+ help="log file for output")
+ parser.add_argument('-l, --num-loaders', dest='num_loaders', type=int,
+ default=16,
+ help="number of loader threads to test with")
+ parser.add_argument('-m, --max-id', dest='max_id', type=int, default=1000,
+ help="maximum number of records which the table "
+ "extends to, must be larger than ids_per_loader * "
+ "num_loaders")
+ parser.add_argument('-n, --num-records', dest='num_records', type=int,
+ default=0,
+ help="number of records to populate the table with")
+ parser.add_argument('-P, --port', dest='port', default=3307, type=int,
+ help='mysqld server host port')
+ parser.add_argument('-r, --num-requests', dest='num_requests', type=int,
+ default=100000000,
+ help="number of requests issued per worker thread")
+ parser.add_argument('-T, --truncate', dest='truncate', action='store_true',
+ help="truncates or creates the table before the test")
+ parser.add_argument('-t, --table', dest='table', default='t1',
+ help="mysqld server table to test with")
+ parser.add_argument('-u, --user', dest='user', default='root',
+ help="user to log into the mysql server")
+ parser.add_argument('-v, --verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
+ help="enable debug logging")
+ parser.add_argument('-E, --expect-file', dest='expect_file', default=None,
+ help="expect file for server restart")
+ parser.add_argument('-D, --reap-delay', dest='reap_delay', type=int,
+ default=0,
+ help="seconds to sleep after each server reap")
+ OPTIONS = parser.parse_args()
+ if OPTIONS.verbose:
+ log_level = logging.DEBUG
+ else:
+ log_level = logging.INFO
+ logging.basicConfig(level=log_level,
+ format='%(asctime)s %(threadName)s [%(levelname)s] '
+ '%(message)s',
+ datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
+ filename=OPTIONS.log_file)
+"Command line given: %s" % ' '.join(sys.argv))
+ if (OPTIONS.max_id < 0 or OPTIONS.ids_per_loader <= 0 or
+ OPTIONS.max_id < OPTIONS.ids_per_loader * OPTIONS.num_loaders):
+ logging.error("ids-per-loader must be larger tha 0 and max-id must be "
+ "larger than ids_per_loader * num_loaders")
+ exit(1)
+"Using table %s.%s for test" % (OPTIONS.db, OPTIONS.table))
+ if OPTIONS.truncate:
+"Truncating table")
+ con = MySQLdb.connect(user=OPTIONS.user,,
+ port=OPTIONS.port, db=OPTIONS.db)
+ if not con:
+ raise TestError("Unable to connect to mysqld server to create/truncate "
+ "table")
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ "table_schema = '%s' AND table_name = '%s'" %
+ (OPTIONS.db, OPTIONS.table))
+ if cur.rowcount != 1:
+ logging.error("Unable to retrieve information about table %s "
+ "from information_schema!" % OPTIONS.table)
+ exit(1)
+ if cur.fetchone()[0] == 0:
+"Table %s not found, creating a new one" % OPTIONS.table)
+ cur.execute("CREATE TABLE %s (id INT PRIMARY KEY, "
+ "thread_id INT NOT NULL, "
+ "update_count INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "
+ "zero_sum INT DEFAULT 0, "
+ "msg VARCHAR(1024), "
+ "msg_length int, "
+ "msg_checksum varchar(128), "
+ "KEY msg_i(msg(255), zero_sum)) "
+ "ENGINE=RocksDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_bin" %
+ OPTIONS.table)
+ else:
+"Table %s found, truncating" % OPTIONS.table)
+ cur.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE %s" % OPTIONS.table)
+ con.commit()
+ if populate_table(OPTIONS.num_records):
+ logging.error("Populate table returned an error")
+ exit(1)
+"Starting %d loaders" % OPTIONS.num_loaders)
+ loaders = []
+ for i in xrange(OPTIONS.num_loaders):
+ loaders.append(LoadGenWorker(i))
+"Starting %d checkers" % OPTIONS.num_checkers)
+ checkers = []
+ for i in xrange(OPTIONS.num_checkers):
+ checkers.append(CheckerWorker(i))
+ while LOADERS_READY < OPTIONS.num_loaders:
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ if OPTIONS.expect_file and OPTIONS.reap_delay > 0:
+'Starting reaper')
+ checkers.append(ReaperWorker())
+ workers_failed = 0
+ workers_failed += wait_for_workers(loaders, len(checkers))
+ logging.error("Detected test failure, aborting")
+ os._exit(1)
+ TEST_STOP = True
+ workers_failed += wait_for_workers(checkers)
+ if workers_failed > 0:
+ logging.error("Test detected %d failures, aborting" % workers_failed)
+ sys.exit(1)
+"Test completed successfully")
+ sys.exit(0)