path: root/tools
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-13 11:48:22 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-13 11:48:22 +0000
commit7373ce3d6988706388f136e1c06afd20a3e8d5be (patch)
treee9ae5af7d102667e5706187646db45de8238e8c4 /tools
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 2.3.5.upstream/2.3.5upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
2 files changed, 580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/build_perl_modules b/tools/build_perl_modules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8cd34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/build_perl_modules
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# build_perl_modules -d dest_dir [-c] [-m] [-t] [-i] [-s <section>] tarball_dir
+# Installs perl modules found in tarball_dir
+# Expects a file called install_order, containing one line per distribution name
+# Will take action against each distribution in turn
+# -d is a necessary destination directory for the perl mods
+# If -c is set, will remove the module build directories and exit
+# If -e is set, will extract module
+# If -m is set, will run perl Makefile.PL and make
+# If -t is set, will run make test
+# If -i is set, will run make install
+# If -s <section> specified will only work on that section in the
+# install_order file - defaults to first section only
+# Options are discrete. This is because an overall ./configure, make, make test, make install
+# are run in different invocations. Obviously, you can't run a -t without a -m, but there's no
+# checking here for that
+# Can only use base modules
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Config;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use Cwd;
+use File::Path;
+# remove host site_lib directories to ensure this is a 'full & clean' build of deps
+ my @user_libs = split( /:/, $ENV{PERL5LIB} || "" );
+ chomp(@user_libs);
+ # clear out old PERL5LIB to avoid confusion with anything preinstalled
+ foreach my $lib (@INC) {
+ next if $lib eq ".";
+ foreach my $var (qw/ sitelib_stem sitelib sitearch sitearchexp /) {
+ foreach my $user_lib (@user_libs) {
+ $lib = '' if ( $lib =~ m/$user_lib/ );
+ }
+ $lib = ''
+ if ( ( $Config{$var} && $lib =~ m/^$Config{$var}/ )
+ || $lib =~ m/site_perl/ );
+ }
+ }
+my $file_regexp = '(\.pm)?-v?([\d_]+\.?)*\.(?:tgz|tar\.gz)$';
+my $have_yaml = 0;
+my $have_module_build = 0;
+my $opts = {};
+getopts( 'd:cemtis:', $opts ) || die "Invalid options";
+my $moddir = shift @ARGV
+ or die "Must specify a directory where tarballs exist";
+my $prefix = $opts->{d};
+die "Must set a destination directory" unless $prefix;
+my $destdir = '';
+my $mm_destdir = '';
+my $mb_destdir = '';
+if ( $ENV{DESTDIR} ) {
+ $destdir = $ENV{DESTDIR};
+ $mm_destdir = 'DESTDIR=' . $destdir;
+ $mb_destdir = '--destdir ' . $destdir;
+chdir $moddir or die "Cannot change to $moddir";
+open F, "install_order" or die "Cannot open install_order file";
+my @files = grep { !/^#/ && chop } <F>;
+close F;
+# Remove linux only perl module from Solaris systems
+if ( $^O eq "solaris" ) {
+ @files = grep { !/Sys-Statistics-Linux/ } @files;
+my @filelist;
+opendir( DIR, "." );
+foreach my $found ( readdir(DIR) ) {
+ push( @filelist, $found )
+ if ( -f $found && $found =~ m/\.(?:tgz|tar\.gz)$/ );
+my $tag = $opts->{s} || "default";
+my $in_section = 0;
+my @tarballs;
+foreach my $f (@files) {
+ next
+ if ( !$f || $f =~ m/^\s+$/ || $f =~ m/^\s*#/ ); # ignore all blank lines
+ $f =~ s/\s+//; # remove all whitespaces from line
+ $f =~ s/\s+#.*//; # remove all comments from the line
+ if ( $f =~ m/^(\w+):$/ ) {
+ if ( $tag && $1 ne $tag && $tag ne "all" ) {
+ $in_section = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ $in_section = 1;
+ $tag = $1 if ( !$tag );
+ last if ( $1 ne $tag && $tag ne "all" );
+ next;
+ }
+ next if ( !$in_section );
+ # sort fully qualified names
+ #$f =~ s/(\.pm)?-v?(\d+\.?)*\.(?:tgz|tar\.gz)//;
+ #warn("b4 f=$f");
+ $f =~ s/$file_regexp//;
+ # Needs to be better. Also, what if there are two with same name?
+ #warn("f=$f");
+ my $tarball = ( grep( /^$f$file_regexp/, @filelist ) )[0];
+ #warn("got f=$f tarball=$tarball");
+ #eval '$tarball = <' . "$f" . '[-pmv0-9.]*.tar.gz>';
+ die("Couldn't find tarball for $f in $moddir\n")
+ unless ( $tarball && -f $tarball );
+ push @tarballs, $tarball;
+ ( my $dir = $tarball ) =~ s/\.(?:tgz|tar.gz)$//;
+ # Need to do cleaning before doing each module in turn
+ if ( $opts->{c} ) {
+ print "Cleaning $dir", $/;
+ rmtree($dir) if ($dir);
+ }
+if ( $opts->{c} ) {
+ print "Finished cleaning", $/;
+ exit;
+my $libs = "$destdir/$prefix/lib:$destdir/$prefix/lib/$Config{archname}";
+my $topdir = cwd();
+# set an initial value if there isn't one already
+# Need to use PERL5LIB to ensure we get pre-installed mods from earlier
+# tags in the install_order file
+$ENV{PERL5LIB} ||= q{};
+# Set Module::AutoInstall to ignore CPAN, to avoid trying to pull dependencies in
+$ENV{PERL_AUTOINSTALL} = "--skipdeps";
+# keep a record of how many times a module build is done. This is so they may
+# be built a second time to include optional prereq's that couldn't
+# previously be built due to circular dependencies
+my %built_modules;
+foreach my $tarball (@tarballs) {
+ ( my $dir = $tarball ) =~ s/\.(?:tgz|tar.gz)$//;
+ die if ( $dir eq "exit" );
+ if ( $opts->{e} ) {
+ unless ( -e $dir ) {
+ print 'Extracting ', $tarball, $/;
+ system("gunzip -c $tarball | tar -xf -") == 0
+ or die "Cannot extract $tarball";
+ }
+ next unless ( $opts->{m} || $opts->{t} || $opts->{i} );
+ }
+ # Need to add this so all modules is are for subsequent ones
+ # Done here to partial previous builds can be continued
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = "$topdir/$dir/blib/arch:" . $ENV{PERL5LIB}; # Required for IO-Compress, I think
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = "$topdir/$dir/blib/lib:" . $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ # PathTools does something weird where it removes blib from @INC. We manually force ExtUtils::MakeMaker to be included
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = "$topdir/$dir/lib:" . $ENV{PERL5LIB} if ($dir =~/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/);
+ # warn("PERL5LIB=$ENV{PERL5LIB}");
+ if ( !$have_yaml ) {
+ $have_yaml = 0;
+ }
+ if ( !$have_module_build ) {
+ $have_module_build = check_for_module('Module::Build');
+ }
+ if ( $opts->{m} ) {
+ # Don't compile if already done - this is because of invocating this
+ # script at different stages
+ print "******************** $tarball\n";
+ if ( $built_modules{$dir} || !-f "$dir/Makefile" && !-f "$dir/Build" ) {
+ $built_modules{$dir}++;
+ my @missing;
+ chdir "$topdir/$dir" or die "Can't chdir into $dir";
+ warn("\nWorking in: $topdir/$dir\n\n");
+ # Another horrible hack. XML-Parser uses special Makefile variables, so we add these on here for Solaris only
+ my $extra_args = "";
+ if ( $^O eq "solaris" && $dir =~ /^XML-Parser-/ ) {
+ $extra_args = "EXPATLIBPATH=/usr/sfw/lib EXPATINCPATH=/usr/sfw/share/src/expat/lib/";
+ }
+ #warn("PERL5LIB=$ENV{PERL5LIB}\n");
+ if ( -f "Build.PL" && $have_module_build ) {
+ warn("Using Build.PL\n");
+ }
+ elsif ( -f 'Makefile.PL' ) {
+ warn("Using Makefile.PL\n");
+ # Horribly hacky - remove xdefine if this is Time-HiRes
+ # because the subsequent perl Makefile.PL will fail
+ if ( $dir =~ /Time-HiRes/ ) {
+ unlink "xdefine";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ die "No Makefile.PL nor Build.PL found";
+ }
+ my $command;
+ if ( -f "Build.PL" && $have_module_build ) {
+ open( CMD, "|-", "perl Build.PL $mb_destdir --install_base=$prefix --install_path lib=$prefix/lib --install_path arch=$prefix/lib/$Config{archname} --install_path bin=$prefix/bin --install_path script=$prefix/bin --install_path bindoc=$prefix/man/man1 --install_path libdoc=$prefix/man/man3" ) || die "Can't run perl Build.PL";
+ $command = "./Build";
+ }
+ elsif ( -f 'Makefile.PL' ) {
+ open( CMD, "|-", "perl Makefile.PL $mm_destdir INSTALL_BASE=$prefix INSTALLDIRS=site INSTALLSITELIB=$prefix/lib INSTALLSITEARCH=$prefix/lib/$Config{archname} $extra_args" ) || die "Can't run perl Makefile.PL";
+ $command = "make";
+ }
+ else {
+ die "No Makefile.PL nor Build.PL found";
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ system($command) == 0
+ or die "Can't run $command. Please\n\trm -rf $topdir/$dir\nto remake from this point)";
+ chdir $topdir or die "Can't chdir to top";
+ }
+ }
+ chdir $dir or die "Can't chdir into $dir";
+ if ( $opts->{t} ) {
+ warn("****** Testing $dir ****** \n");
+ if ( -f "Build.PL" ) {
+ system("./Build test") == 0
+ or die "'Build test' failed in $dir: $!\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ system("make test") == 0
+ or die "'make test' failed in $dir: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $opts->{i} && !-f 'installed' ) {
+ # Need to set this so that XML::SAX will install ParserDetails.ini by finding the right XML::SAX copy
+ # Also makes sense to do this anyway, as I guess CPAN must be doing this for it to usually work
+ my $saved_PERL5LIB = $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = "$destdir/$prefix/lib:$saved_PERL5LIB";
+ if ( -f "Build" ) {
+ system("./Build install") == 0
+ or die "Can't run make install: $!\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ system("make install") == 0
+ or die "Can't run make install: $!\n";
+ }
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $saved_PERL5LIB;
+ open my $install_flag_file, '>', 'installed'
+ or die 'Unable to touch "installed": ', $!, $/;
+ close $install_flag_file
+ or die 'Unable to close "installed": ', $!, $/;
+ }
+ chdir $topdir or die "Can't go back to $topdir";
+sub check_for_module {
+ my ($module) = @_;
+ warn 'Checking if ', $module, ' is available yet...', $/;
+ if ( system("$^X -M$module -e 0 2>/dev/null") == 0 ) {
+ warn '... yes!', $/;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ warn '... no!', $/;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tools/tinderbox_build b/tools/tinderbox_build
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1a41f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/tinderbox_build
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# This script builds the monitoringplugins and then sends
+# logs back to the master tinderbox server
+# This script is based on which comes with tinderbox2
+# See for more details
+require 5.000;
+use strict;
+use Sys::Hostname;
+use Cwd;
+use Time::Local;
+my $Version = `git describe --abbrev=4 HEAD`;
+my $myhost = hostname;
+my ($host, $junk) = split(/\./, $myhost);
+my $BuildAdministrator = $ENV{TINDERBOX_BUILD_ADMIN} || "$ENV{'USER'}\@$myhost";
+my $TmpDir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || "/tmp";
+#Default values of cmdline opts
+my $ReportStatus = 0; # Do not send results to server
+# Set these to what makes sense for your system
+# Set these proper values for your tinderbox server
+# Have the StrictHostKeyChecking=no so that a new host will automatically add hostkey without
+# prompting. If host key changes, then will get error, so this should still be secure
+my $Tinderbox_server = '-p 1022 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no';
+# These shouldn't really need to be changed
+my $BuildTree = 'monitoringplug';
+my $BuildName = '';
+my $ConfigureArgs = $ENV{CONFIGURE_ARGS};
+my $OS = `uname -s`;
+my $OSVer = `uname -r`;
+chop($OS, $OSVer);
+if ( $OS eq 'AIX' ) {
+ $OSVer = `uname -v`;
+ chop($OSVer);
+ $OSVer = $OSVer . "." . `uname -r`;
+ chop($OSVer);
+if ( $OS eq 'IRIX64' ) {
+ $OS = 'IRIX';
+if ( $OS eq 'SCO_SV' ) {
+ $OS = 'SCOOS';
+ $OSVer = '5.0';
+if ( "$host" ne "" ) {
+ $BuildName = $host . ' ';
+$BuildName .= $OS . ' ' . $OSVer;
+$_ = $BuildName;
+s/ /_/g;
+my $logfile = "$_.log";
+sub BuildIt {
+ my ($fe, @felist, $EarlyExit, $LastTime);
+ my $StartDir = getcwd();
+ $LastTime = 0;
+ print "Starting dir is : $StartDir\n";
+ my $EarlyExit = 0;
+ chdir("$StartDir");
+ my $StartTime = time;
+ if (-e (my $file = "monitoring-plugins.spec")) {
+ open F, $file;
+ while (<F>) {
+ if (/^Version: trunk-(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/) {
+ $StartTime = timegm(0, $5, $4, $3, ($2 - 1), ($1 - 1900));
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "Start time is $StartTime",$/;
+ my $CurrentDir = getcwd();
+ if ( $CurrentDir ne $StartDir ) {
+ print "startdir: $StartDir, curdir $CurrentDir\n";
+ die "curdir != startdir";
+ }
+ unlink( "$logfile" );
+ print "opening $logfile\n";
+ open( LOG, ">$logfile" ) || print "can't open $?\n";
+ print LOG "current dir is -- $host:$CurrentDir\n";
+ print LOG "Build Administrator is $BuildAdministrator\n";
+ &PrintEnv;
+ my $BuildStatus;
+ if (&configure) {
+ if (&make) {
+ if (&maketest) {
+ $BuildStatus = "success";
+ } else {
+ $BuildStatus = "test_failed";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $BuildStatus = "build_failed";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $BuildStatus = "busted";
+ }
+ print LOG "\nBuild Status = $BuildStatus\n";
+ close(LOG);
+ chdir("$StartDir");
+# TV: Leaving this in, because process mail program probably has some
+# limitation retained
+# this fun line added on 2/5/98. do not remove. Translated to english,
+# that's "take any line longer than 1000 characters, and split it into less
+# than 1000 char lines. If any of the resulting lines is
+# a dot on a line by itself, replace that with a blank line."
+# This is to prevent cases where a <cr>.<cr> occurs in the log file. Sendmail
+# interprets that as the end of the mail, and truncates the log before
+# it gets to Tinderbox. (terry weismann, chris yeh)
+# This was replaced by a perl 'port' of the above, written by
+#; good things: no need for system() call, and now it's
+# all in perl, so we don't have to do OS checking like before.
+ open(LOG, "$logfile") || die "Couldn't open logfile: $!\n";
+ open(OUTLOG, ">${logfile}.last") || die "Couldn't open logfile: $!\n";
+ print OUTLOG $/;
+ print OUTLOG "tinderbox: tree: $BuildTree\n";
+ print OUTLOG "tinderbox: builddate: $StartTime\n";
+ print OUTLOG "tinderbox: status: $BuildStatus\n";
+ print OUTLOG "tinderbox: build: $BuildName $fe\n";
+ print OUTLOG "tinderbox: errorparser: unix\n";
+ print OUTLOG "tinderbox: buildfamily: unix\n";
+ print OUTLOG "tinderbox: END\n";
+ print OUTLOG $/;
+ while (<LOG>) {
+ my $q = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ my $val = $q * 1000;
+ my $Output = substr($_, $val, 1000);
+ last if $Output eq undef;
+ $Output =~ s/^\.$//g;
+ $Output =~ s/\n//g;
+ print OUTLOG "$Output\n";
+ $q++;
+ } #EndFor
+ } #EndWhile
+ close(LOG);
+ close(OUTLOG);
+ if ($ReportStatus) {
+ system( "ssh $Tinderbox_server tinderbox_receive < ${logfile}.last" )
+ } else {
+ print <<"EOF"
+Not sending logs to
+If you have SSH keys setup on the tinderbox server, you can manually send
+with 'ssh $Tinderbox_server tinderbox_receive < ${logfile}.last'
+ }
+ unlink("$logfile");
+ print "Finished building for tinderbox",$/;
+} #EndSub-BuildIt
+sub ParseArgs {
+ my($i);
+ $i = 0;
+ while( $i < @ARGV ) {
+ if ($ARGV[$i] eq '--version' || $ARGV[$i] eq '-v') {
+ die "$0: version $Version\n";
+ } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-y') {
+ $ReportStatus = 1;
+ } else {
+ &PrintUsage;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ } #EndWhile
+} #EndSub-ParseArgs
+sub PrintUsage {
+ die "usage: $0 [-v | --version ] [-t do not send report to tinderbox server]\n";
+sub PrintEnv {
+ my ($key);
+ foreach $key (keys %ENV) {
+ print LOG "$key = $ENV{$key}\n";
+ print "$key = $ENV{$key}\n";
+ }
+ # Print the NPTest variables
+ if (-e "/var/tmp/NPTest.cache") {
+ open F, "/var/tmp/NPTest.cache";
+ print LOG "NPTest variables:\n";
+ print LOG <F>;
+ close F;
+ }
+} #EndSub-PrintEnv
+sub SetupPath {
+ my($Path);
+ $Path = $ENV{PATH};
+ print "Path before: $Path\n";
+ # Don't alter path if we're building off a repository tree;
+ # SunOS make will be used only for snapshots and releases.
+ if ( $OS eq 'SunOS' && !( -e '.svn' || -e '.git' )) {
+ $ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/ccs/bin:' . $ENV{'PATH'};
+ }
+ $Path = $ENV{PATH};
+ print "Path After: $Path\n";
+} #EndSub-SetupPath
+sub configure {
+ # Configure
+ print LOG "./configure --enable-extra-opts --enable-libtap $ConfigureArgs 2>&1\n";
+ open (CONFIGURE, "./configure --enable-extra-opts --enable-libtap $ConfigureArgs 2>&1 |") || die "../configure: $!\n";
+ while (<CONFIGURE>) {
+ print $_;
+ print LOG $_;
+ }
+ close(CONFIGURE);
+ return ! $?;
+sub make {
+ # Building
+ print LOG "make 2>&1\n";
+ open( MAKE, "make 2>&1 |");
+ while ( <MAKE> ) {
+ print $_;
+ print LOG $_;
+ }
+ close( MAKE);
+ return ! $?;
+sub maketest {
+ # Tests
+ print LOG "LANG=C make test 2>&1 && make install DESTDIR=$TmpDir/tinderbox_build.$$ 2>&1 && make install-strip DESTDIR=$TmpDir/tinderbox_build2.$$ 2>&1\n";
+ open( MAKE, "LANG=C make test 2>&1 && make install DESTDIR=$TmpDir/tinderbox_build.$$ 2>&1 && make install-strip DESTDIR=$TmpDir/tinderbox_build2.$$ 2>&1 |");
+ while ( <MAKE> ) {
+ print $_;
+ print LOG $_;
+ }
+ close( MAKE);
+ my $rc = $?;
+ system("rm -fr $TmpDir/tinderbox_build.$$ $TmpDir/tinderbox_build2.$$");
+ return ! $rc;
+# Main function