path: root/
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1 files changed, 646 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+package NPTest;
+# Helper Functions for testing Monitoring Plugins
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(getTestParameter checkCmd skipMissingCmd skipMsg);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(DetermineTestHarnessDirectory TestsFrom SetCacheFilename);
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd;
+use File::Basename;
+use IO::File;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Test;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = "1556."; # must be all one line, for MakeMaker
+=head1 NAME
+NPTest - Simplify the testing of Monitoring Plugins
+This modules provides convenience functions to assist in the testing
+of Monitoring Plugins, making the testing code easier to read and write;
+hopefully encouraging the development of a more complete test suite for
+the Monitoring Plugins. It is based on the patterns of testing seen in the
+1.4.0 release, and continues to use the L<Test> module as the basis of
+This module defines four public functions, C<getTestParameter(...)>,
+C<checkCmd(...)>, C<skipMissingCmd(...)> and C<skipMsg(...)>. These are exported by
+default via the C<use NPTest;> statement.
+=item getTestParameter( "ENV_VARIABLE", $brief_description, $default )
+$default is optional.
+This function allows the test harness
+developer to interactively request test parameter information from the
+user. The user can accept the developer's default value or reply "none"
+which will then be returned as "" for the test to skip if appropriate.
+If a parameter needs to be entered and the test is run without a tty
+attached (such as a cronjob), the parameter will be assigned as if it
+was "none". Tests can check for the parameter and skip if not set.
+Responses are stored in an external, file-based cache so subsequent test
+runs will use these values. The user is able to change the values by
+amending the values in the file /var/tmp/NPTest.cache, or by setting
+the appropriate environment variable before running the test.
+To facilitate quick testing setup, it is possible to accept all the
+developer provided defaults by setting the environment variable
+"NPTEST_ACCEPTDEFAULT" to "1" (or any other perl truth value). Note
+that, such defaults are not stored in the cache, as there is currently
+no mechanism to edit existing cache entries, save the use of text
+editor or removing the cache file completely.
+=item C<testCmd($command)>
+Call with NPTest->testCmd("./check_disk ...."). This returns a NPTest object
+which you can then run $object->return_code or $object->output against.
+Testing of results would be done in your test script, not in this module.
+=item C<checkCmd(...)>
+This function is obsolete. Use C<testCmd()> instead.
+This function attempts to encompass the majority of test styles used
+in testing Monitoring Plugins. As each plug-in is a separate command, the
+typical tests we wish to perform are against the exit status of the
+command and the output (if any) it generated. Simplifying these tests
+into a single function call, makes the test harness easier to read and
+maintain and allows additional functionality (such as debugging) to be
+provided without additional effort on the part of the test harness
+It is possible to enable debugging via the environment variable
+C<NPTEST_DEBUG>. If this environment variable exists and its value in PERL's
+boolean context evaluates to true, debugging is enabled.
+The function prototype can be expressed as follows:
+ Parameter 1 : command => DEFINED SCALAR(string)
+ Parameter 2 : desiredExitStatus => ONE OF
+ SCALAR(integer)
+ ARRAYREF(integer)
+ HASHREF(integer,string)
+ Parameter 3 : desiredOutput => SCALAR(string) OR UNDEFINED
+ Parameter 4 : exceptions => HASH(integer,string) OR UNDEFINED
+ Returns : SCALAR(integer) as defined by Test::ok(...)
+The function treats the first parameter C<$command> as a command line
+to execute as part of the test, it is executed only once and its exit
+status (C<$?E<gt>E<gt>8>) and output are captured.
+At this point if debugging is enabled the command, its exit status and
+output are displayed to the tester.
+C<checkCmd(...)> allows the testing of either the exit status or the
+generated output or both, not testing either will result in neither
+the C<Test::ok(...)> or C<Test::skip(...)> functions being called,
+something you probably don't want. Note that each defined test
+(C<$desiredExitStatus> and C<$desiredOutput>) results in a invocation
+of either C<Test::ok(...)> or C<Test::skip(...)>, so remember this
+when counting the number of tests to place in the C<Test::plan(...)>
+Many Monitoring Plugins test network services, some of which may not be
+present on all systems. To cater for this, C<checkCmd(...)> allows the
+tester to define exceptions based on the command's exit status. These
+exceptions are provided to skip tests if the test case developer
+believes the service is not being provided. For example, if a site
+does not have a POP3 server, the test harness could map the
+appropriate exit status to a useful message the person running the
+tests, telling the reason the test is being skipped.
+my %exceptions = ( 2 =E<gt> "No POP Server present?" );
+$t += checkCmd( "./check_pop I<some args>", 0, undef, %exceptions );
+Thus, in the above example, an exit status of 2 does not result in a
+failed test case (as the exit status is not the desired value of 0),
+but a skipped test case with the message "No POP Server present?"
+given as the reason.
+Sometimes the exit status of a command should be tested against a set
+of possible values, rather than a single value, this could especially
+be the case in failure testing. C<checkCmd(...)> support two methods
+of testing against a set of desired exit status values.
+=item *
+Firstly, if C<$desiredExitStatus> is a reference to an array of exit
+statuses, if the actual exit status of the command is present in the
+array, it is used in the call to C<Test::ok(...)> when testing the
+exit status.
+=item *
+Alternatively, if C<$desiredExitStatus> is a reference to a hash of
+exit statuses(mapped to the strings "continue" or "skip"), similar
+processing to the above occurs with the side affect of determining if
+any generated output testing should proceed. Note: only the string
+"skip" will result in generated output testing being skipped.
+=item C<skipMissingCmd(...)>
+If a command is missing and the test harness must C<Test::skip()> some
+or all of the tests in a given test harness this function provides a
+simple iterator to issue an appropriate message the requested number
+of times.
+=item C<skipMsg(...)>
+If for any reason the test harness must C<Test::skip()> some
+or all of the tests in a given test harness this function provides a
+simple iterator to issue an appropriate message the requested number
+of times.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+The rest of the code, as I have only commented on the major public
+functions that test harness writers will use, not all the code present
+in this helper module.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (c) 2005 Peter Bray. All rights reserved.
+This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
+or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified
+under the same terms as the Monitoring Plugins release.
+# Package Scope Variables
+my( %CACHE ) = ();
+# I'm not really sure whether to house a site-specific cache inside
+# or outside of the extracted source / build tree - lets default to outside
+my( $CACHEFILENAME ) = ( exists( $ENV{'NPTEST_CACHE'} ) && $ENV{'NPTEST_CACHE'} )
+ ? $ENV{'NPTEST_CACHE'} : "/var/tmp/NPTest.cache"; # "../Cache.pdd";
+# Testing Functions
+sub checkCmd
+ my( $command, $desiredExitStatus, $desiredOutput, %exceptions ) = @_;
+ my $result = NPTest->testCmd($command);
+ my $output = $result->output;
+ my $exitStatus = $result->return_code;
+ $output = "" unless defined( $output );
+ chomp( $output );
+ my $testStatus;
+ my $testOutput = "continue";
+ if ( defined( $desiredExitStatus ) )
+ {
+ if ( ref $desiredExitStatus eq "ARRAY" )
+ {
+ if ( scalar( grep { $_ == $exitStatus } @{$desiredExitStatus} ) )
+ {
+ $desiredExitStatus = $exitStatus;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $desiredExitStatus = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( ref $desiredExitStatus eq "HASH" )
+ {
+ if ( exists( ${$desiredExitStatus}{$exitStatus} ) )
+ {
+ if ( defined( ${$desiredExitStatus}{$exitStatus} ) )
+ {
+ $testOutput = ${$desiredExitStatus}{$exitStatus};
+ }
+ $desiredExitStatus = $exitStatus;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $desiredExitStatus = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( %exceptions && exists( $exceptions{$exitStatus} ) )
+ {
+ $testStatus += skip( $exceptions{$exitStatus}, $exitStatus, $desiredExitStatus );
+ $testOutput = "skip";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $testStatus += ok( $exitStatus, $desiredExitStatus );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( defined( $desiredOutput ) )
+ {
+ if ( $testOutput ne "skip" )
+ {
+ $testStatus += ok( $output, $desiredOutput );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $testStatus += skip( "Skipping output test as requested", $output, $desiredOutput );
+ }
+ }
+ return $testStatus;
+sub skipMissingCmd
+ my( $command, $count ) = @_;
+ my $testStatus;
+ for ( 1 .. $count )
+ {
+ $testStatus += skip( "Missing ${command} - tests skipped", 1 );
+ }
+ return $testStatus;
+sub skipMsg
+ my( $msg, $count ) = @_;
+ my $testStatus;
+ for ( 1 .. $count )
+ {
+ $testStatus += skip( $msg, 1 );
+ }
+ return $testStatus;
+sub getTestParameter {
+ my($param, $description, $default) = @_;
+ if($param !~ m/^NP_[A-Z0-9_]+$/mx) {
+ die("parameter should be all uppercase and start with NP_ (requested from ".(caller(0))[1].")");
+ }
+ return $ENV{$param} if $ENV{$param};
+ my $cachedValue = SearchCache($param);
+ if(defined $cachedValue) {
+ return $cachedValue;
+ }
+ return $default if $default;
+ return "";
+ }
+ # Set "none" if no terminal attached (eg, tinderbox build servers when new variables set)
+ return "" unless (-t STDIN);
+ my $userResponse = "";
+ while($userResponse eq "") {
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ print STDERR "Test File : ".(caller(0))[1]."\n";
+ print STDERR "Test Parameter : $param\n";
+ print STDERR "Description : $description\n";
+ print STDERR "Enter value (or 'none') ", ($default ? "[${default}]" : "[]"), " => ";
+ $userResponse = <STDIN>;
+ $userResponse = "" if ! defined( $userResponse ); # Handle EOF
+ chomp($userResponse);
+ if($default && $userResponse eq "") {
+ $userResponse = $default;
+ }
+ }
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ if($userResponse =~ /^(na|none)$/) {
+ $userResponse = "";
+ }
+ # store user responses
+ SetCacheParameter($param, $userResponse);
+ return $userResponse;
+# Internal Cache Management Functions
+sub SearchCache {
+ my($param) = @_;
+ LoadCache();
+ if(exists $CACHE{$param}) {
+ return $CACHE{$param};
+ }
+ return undef; # Need this to say "nothing found"
+sub SetCacheParameter {
+ my($param, $value) = @_;
+ $CACHE{$param} = $value;
+ SaveCache();
+sub LoadCache
+ return if exists( $CACHE{'_cache_loaded_'} );
+ my $fileContents = "";
+ if ( -f $CACHEFILENAME )
+ {
+ my( $fileHandle ) = new IO::File;
+ if ( ! $fileHandle->open( "< ${CACHEFILENAME}" ) )
+ {
+ print STDERR "NPTest::LoadCache() : Problem opening ${CACHEFILENAME} : $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $fileContents = join("", <$fileHandle>);
+ $fileHandle->close();
+ chomp($fileContents);
+ my( $contentsRef ) = eval $fileContents;
+ %CACHE = %{$contentsRef} if (defined($contentsRef));
+ }
+ $CACHE{'_cache_loaded_'} = 1;
+ $CACHE{'_original_cache'} = $fileContents;
+sub SaveCache
+ delete $CACHE{'_cache_loaded_'};
+ my $oldFileContents = delete $CACHE{'_original_cache'};
+ # clean up old style params
+ for my $key (keys %CACHE) {
+ delete $CACHE{$key} if $key !~ m/^NP_[A-Z0-9_]+$/mx;
+ }
+ my($dataDumper) = new Data::Dumper([\%CACHE]);
+ $dataDumper->Terse(1);
+ $dataDumper->Sortkeys(1);
+ my $data = $dataDumper->Dump();
+ $data =~ s/^\s+/ /gmx; # make sure all systems use same amount of whitespace
+ $data =~ s/^\s+}/}/gmx;
+ chomp($data);
+ if($oldFileContents ne $data) {
+ my($fileHandle) = new IO::File;
+ if (!$fileHandle->open( "> ${CACHEFILENAME}")) {
+ print STDERR "NPTest::SaveCache() : Problem saving ${CACHEFILENAME} : $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ print $fileHandle $data;
+ $fileHandle->close();
+ }
+ $CACHE{'_cache_loaded_'} = 1;
+ $CACHE{'_original_cache'} = $data;
+# (Questionable) Public Cache Management Functions
+sub SetCacheFilename
+ my( $filename ) = @_;
+ # Unfortunately we can not validate the filename
+ # in any meaningful way, as it may not yet exist
+ $CACHEFILENAME = $filename;
+# Test Harness Wrapper Functions
+sub DetermineTestHarnessDirectory
+ my( @userSupplied ) = @_;
+ my @dirs;
+ # User Supplied
+ if ( @userSupplied > 0 )
+ {
+ for my $u ( @userSupplied )
+ {
+ if ( -d $u )
+ {
+ push ( @dirs, $u );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Simple Cases: "t" and tests are subdirectories of the current directory
+ if ( -d "./t" )
+ {
+ push ( @dirs, "./t");
+ }
+ if ( -d "./tests" )
+ {
+ push ( @dirs, "./tests");
+ }
+ if ( @dirs > 0 )
+ {
+ return @dirs;
+ }
+ # To be honest I don't understand which case satisfies the
+ # original code in : when $tstdir == `pwd` w.r.t.
+ # $tstdir =~ s|^(.*)/([^/]+)/?$|$1/$2|; and if (-d "../../$2/t")
+ # Assuming pwd is "/a/b/c/d/e" then we are testing for "/a/b/c/e/t"
+ # if I understand the code correctly (a big assumption)
+ # Simple Case : the current directory is "t"
+ my $pwd = cwd();
+ if ( $pwd =~ m|/t$| )
+ {
+ push ( @dirs, $pwd );
+ # The alternate that might work better is
+ # chdir( ".." );
+ # return "./t";
+ # As the current test harnesses assume the application
+ # to be tested is in the current directory (ie "./check_disk ....")
+ }
+ return @dirs;
+sub TestsFrom
+ my( $directory, $excludeIfAppMissing ) = @_;
+ $excludeIfAppMissing = 0 unless defined( $excludeIfAppMissing );
+ if ( ! opendir( DIR, $directory ) )
+ {
+ print STDERR "NPTest::TestsFrom() - Failed to open ${directory} : $!\n";
+ return ();
+ }
+ my( @tests ) = ();
+ my $filename;
+ my $application;
+ while ( $filename = readdir( DIR ) )
+ {
+ if ( $filename =~ m/\.t$/ )
+ {
+ if ( $excludeIfAppMissing )
+ {
+ $application = basename( $filename, ".t" );
+ if ( ! -e $application and ! -e $application.'.pm' )
+ {
+ print STDERR "No application (${application}) found for test harness (${filename})\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ push @tests, "${directory}/${filename}";
+ }
+ }
+ closedir( DIR );
+ return sort @tests;
+# All the new object oriented stuff below
+sub new {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $self = {};
+ return bless $self, $type;
+# Accessors
+sub return_code {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ return $self->{return_code} = shift;
+ } else {
+ return $self->{return_code};
+ }
+sub output {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ return $self->{output} = shift;
+ } else {
+ return $self->{output};
+ }
+sub perf_output {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $_ = $self->{output};
+ /\|(.*)$/;
+ return $1 || "";
+sub only_output {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $_ = $self->{output};
+ /(.*?)\|/;
+ return $1 || "";
+sub testCmd {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $command = shift or die "No command passed to testCmd";
+ my $timeout = shift || 120;
+ my $object = $class->new;
+ local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die("timeout in command: $command"); };
+ alarm($timeout); # no test should take longer than 120 seconds
+ my $output = `$command`;
+ $object->return_code($? >> 8);
+ $_ = $? & 127;
+ if ($_) {
+ die "Got signal $_ for command $command";
+ }
+ chomp $output;
+ $object->output($output);
+ alarm(0);
+ my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller(0);
+ print "Testing: $command", $/;
+ if ($ENV{'NPTEST_DEBUG'}) {
+ print "testCmd: Called from line $line in $file", $/;
+ print "Output: ", $object->output, $/;
+ print "Return code: ", $object->return_code, $/;
+ }
+ return $object;
+# do we have ipv6
+sub has_ipv6 {
+ # assume ipv6 if a ping6 to works
+ `ping6 -c 1 2a03:3680:0:2::21 2>&1`;
+ if($? == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return;
+# End of File