path: root/fluent-bit/lib/ctraces/examples/otlp-encoder/otlp-encoder.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fluent-bit/lib/ctraces/examples/otlp-encoder/otlp-encoder.c')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/ctraces/examples/otlp-encoder/otlp-encoder.c b/fluent-bit/lib/ctraces/examples/otlp-encoder/otlp-encoder.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00b984a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluent-bit/lib/ctraces/examples/otlp-encoder/otlp-encoder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+#include <ctraces/ctraces.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <curl/curl.h>
+int main()
+ cfl_sds_t buf;
+ struct ctrace *ctx;
+ struct ctrace_opts opts;
+ struct ctrace_span *span_root;
+ struct ctrace_span *span_child;
+ struct ctrace_span_event *event;
+ struct ctrace_resource_span *resource_span;
+ struct ctrace_resource *resource;
+ struct ctrace_scope_span *scope_span;
+ struct ctrace_instrumentation_scope *instrumentation_scope;
+ struct ctrace_link *link;
+ struct ctrace_id *span_id;
+ struct ctrace_id *trace_id;
+ struct cfl_array *array;
+ struct cfl_array *sub_array;
+ struct cfl_kvlist *kv;
+ struct curl_slist *headers;
+ CURL *curl;
+ CURLcode res;
+ /*
+ * create an options context: this is used to initialize a CTrace context only,
+ * it's not mandatory and you can pass a NULL instead on context creation.
+ *
+ * note: not used.
+ */
+ ctr_opts_init(&opts);
+ /* ctrace context */
+ ctx = ctr_create(&opts);
+ if (!ctx) {
+ ctr_opts_exit(&opts);
+ }
+ /* resource span */
+ resource_span = ctr_resource_span_create(ctx);
+ ctr_resource_span_set_schema_url(resource_span, "https://ctraces/resource_span_schema_url");
+ /* create a 'resource' for the 'resource span' in question */
+ resource = ctr_resource_span_get_resource(resource_span);
+ ctr_resource_set_dropped_attr_count(resource, 5);
+ /* scope span */
+ scope_span = ctr_scope_span_create(resource_span);
+ ctr_scope_span_set_schema_url(scope_span, "https://ctraces/scope_span_schema_url");
+ /* create an optional instrumentation scope */
+ instrumentation_scope = ctr_instrumentation_scope_create("ctrace", "a.b.c", 3, NULL);
+ ctr_scope_span_set_instrumentation_scope(scope_span, instrumentation_scope);
+ /* generate a random trace_id */
+ trace_id = ctr_id_create_random(CTR_ID_OTEL_TRACE_SIZE);
+ /* generate a random ID for the new span */
+ span_id = ctr_id_create_random(CTR_ID_OTEL_SPAN_SIZE);
+ /* Create a root span */
+ span_root = ctr_span_create(ctx, scope_span, "main", NULL);
+ if (!span_root) {
+ ctr_destroy(ctx);
+ ctr_opts_exit(&opts);
+ }
+ /* assign the random ID */
+ ctr_span_set_span_id_with_cid(span_root, span_id);
+ /* set random trace_id */
+ ctr_span_set_trace_id_with_cid(span_root, trace_id);
+ /* add some attributes to the span */
+ ctr_span_set_attribute_string(span_root, "agent", "Fluent Bit");
+ ctr_span_set_attribute_int64(span_root, "year", 2022);
+ ctr_span_set_attribute_bool(span_root, "open_source", CTR_TRUE);
+ ctr_span_set_attribute_double(span_root, "temperature", 25.5);
+ /* pack an array: create an array context by using the CFL api */
+ array = cfl_array_create(4);
+ cfl_array_append_string(array, "first");
+ cfl_array_append_double(array, 2.0);
+ cfl_array_append_bool(array, CFL_FALSE);
+ sub_array = cfl_array_create(3);
+ cfl_array_append_double(sub_array, 3.1);
+ cfl_array_append_double(sub_array, 5.2);
+ cfl_array_append_double(sub_array, 6.3);
+ cfl_array_append_array(array, sub_array);
+ /* add array to the attribute list */
+ ctr_span_set_attribute_array(span_root, "my_array", array);
+ /* event: add one event and set attributes to it */
+ event = ctr_span_event_add(span_root, "connect to remote server");
+ ctr_span_event_set_attribute_string(event, "syscall 1", "open()");
+ ctr_span_event_set_attribute_string(event, "syscall 2", "connect()");
+ ctr_span_event_set_attribute_string(event, "syscall 3", "write()");
+ /* add a key/value pair list */
+ kv = cfl_kvlist_create(1);
+ cfl_kvlist_insert_string(kv, "language", "c");
+ ctr_span_set_attribute_kvlist(span_root, "my-list", kv);
+ /* create a child span */
+ span_child = ctr_span_create(ctx, scope_span, "do-work", span_root);
+ if (!span_child) {
+ ctr_destroy(ctx);
+ ctr_opts_exit(&opts);
+ }
+ /* set trace_id */
+ ctr_span_set_trace_id_with_cid(span_child, trace_id);
+ /* use span_root ID as parent_span_id */
+ ctr_span_set_parent_span_id_with_cid(span_child, span_id);
+ /* delete old span id and generate a new one */
+ ctr_id_destroy(span_id);
+ span_id = ctr_id_create_random(CTR_ID_OTEL_SPAN_SIZE);
+ ctr_span_set_span_id_with_cid(span_child, span_id);
+ /* destroy the IDs since is not longer needed */
+ ctr_id_destroy(span_id);
+ ctr_id_destroy(trace_id);
+ /* change span kind to client */
+ ctr_span_kind_set(span_child, CTRACE_SPAN_CLIENT);
+ /* create a Link (no valid IDs of course) */
+ trace_id = ctr_id_create_random(CTR_ID_OTEL_TRACE_SIZE);
+ span_id = ctr_id_create_random(CTR_ID_OTEL_SPAN_SIZE);
+ link = ctr_link_create_with_cid(span_child, trace_id, span_id);
+ ctr_link_set_trace_state(link, "aaabbbccc");
+ ctr_link_set_dropped_attr_count(link, 2);
+ /* delete IDs */
+ ctr_id_destroy(span_id);
+ ctr_id_destroy(trace_id);
+ /* Encode Trace as otlp buffer */
+ buf = ctr_encode_opentelemetry_create(ctx);
+ if (!buf) {
+ ctr_destroy(ctx);
+ ctr_encode_opentelemetry_destroy(buf);
+ ctr_opts_exit(&opts);
+ }
+ curl = curl_easy_init();
+ if (curl){
+ headers = NULL;
+ headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Content-Type: application/x-protobuf");
+ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
+ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);
+ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, buf);
+ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, cfl_sds_len(buf));
+ res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
+ if(res != CURLE_OK)
+ fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_perform() failed: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(res));
+ curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
+ }
+ curl_global_cleanup();
+ /* destroy the context */
+ ctr_destroy(ctx);
+ ctr_encode_opentelemetry_destroy(buf);
+ /* exit options (it release resources allocated) */
+ ctr_opts_exit(&opts);
+ return 0;