path: root/doc/sphinx/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/sphinx/')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/ b/doc/sphinx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4ade5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# Copyright 2003-2023 the Pacemaker project contributors
+# The version control history for this file may have further details.
+# This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+# or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
+include $(top_srcdir)/mk/
+# Define release-related variables
+include $(top_srcdir)/mk/
+# Things you might want to override on the command line
+# Books to generate
+BOOKS ?= Clusters_from_Scratch \
+ Pacemaker_Administration \
+ Pacemaker_Development \
+ Pacemaker_Explained \
+ Pacemaker_Python_API \
+ Pacemaker_Remote
+# Output formats to generate. Possible values:
+# html (multiple HTML files)
+# dirhtml (HTML files named index.html in multiple directories)
+# singlehtml (a single large HTML file)
+# text
+# pdf
+# epub
+# latex
+# linkcheck (not actually a format; check validity of external links)
+# The results will end up in <book>/_build/<format>
+BOOK_FORMATS ?= singlehtml
+# Set to "a4paper" or "letterpaper" if building latex format
+PAPER ?= letterpaper
+# Additional options for sphinx-build
+# toplevel rsync destination for www targets (without trailing slash)
+# End of useful overrides
+# Example scheduler transition graphs
+# @TODO The original CIB XML for these is long lost. Ideally, we would recreate
+# something similar and keep those here instead of the DOTs (or use a couple of
+# scheduler regression test inputs instead), then regenerate the SVG
+# equivalents using crm_simulate and dot when making a release.
+DOTS = $(wildcard shared/images/*.dot)
+# Vector sources for generated PNGs (including SVG equivalents of DOTS, created
+# manually using dot)
+SVGS = $(wildcard shared/images/pcmk-*.svg) $(
+# PNG images generated from SVGS
+# These will not be accessible in a VPATH build, which will generate warnings
+# when building the documentation, but the make will still succeed. It is
+# nontrivial to get them working for VPATH builds and not worth the effort.
+PNGS_GENERATED = $(SVGS:%.svg=%.png)
+# Original PNG image sources
+PNGS_Clusters_from_Scratch = $(wildcard Clusters_from_Scratch/images/*.png)
+PNGS_Pacemaker_Explained = $(wildcard Pacemaker_Explained/images/*.png)
+PNGS_Pacemaker_Remote = $(wildcard Pacemaker_Remote/images/*.png)
+STATIC_FILES = $(wildcard _static/*.css)
+EXTRA_DIST = $(wildcard */*.rst) $(DOTS) $(SVGS) \
+ $(PNGS_Clusters_from_Scratch) \
+ $(PNGS_Pacemaker_Explained) \
+ $(PNGS_Pacemaker_Remote) \
+ $(wildcard Pacemaker_Python_API/_templates/*rst) \
+# recursive, preserve symlinks/permissions/times, verbose, compress,
+# don't cross filesystems, sparse, show progress
+RSYNC_OPTS = -rlptvzxS --progress
+BOOK = none
+DEPS_intro = shared/pacemaker-intro.rst $(PNGS_GENERATED)
+DEPS_Clusters_from_Scratch = $(DEPS_intro) $(PNGS_Clusters_from_Scratch)
+DEPS_Pacemaker_Administration = $(DEPS_intro)
+DEPS_Pacemaker_Development =
+DEPS_Pacemaker_Explained = $(DEPS_intro) $(PNGS_Pacemaker_Explained)
+DEPS_Pacemaker_Python_API = ../../python
+DEPS_Pacemaker_Remote = $(PNGS_Pacemaker_Remote)
+INKSCAPE_CMD = $(INKSCAPE) --export-dpi=90 -C
+# Pattern rule to generate PNGs from SVGs
+# (--export-png works with Inkscape <1.0, --export-filename with >=1.0;
+# create the destination directory in case this is a VPATH build)
+%.png: %.svg
+ $(AM_V_at)-$(MKDIR_P) "$(shell dirname "$@")"
+ $(AM_V_GEN) { \
+ $(INKSCAPE_CMD) --export-png="$@" "$<" 2>/dev/null \
+ || $(INKSCAPE_CMD) --export-filename="$@" "$<"; \
+ } $(PCMK_quiet)
+# Create a book's Sphinx configuration.
+# Create the book directory in case this is a VPATH build.
+ $(AM_V_at)-$(MKDIR_P) "$(@:%/"
+ $(AM_V_GEN)sed \
+ -e 's/%VERSION%/$(VERSION)/g' \
+ -e 's/%BOOK_ID%/$(@:%/' \
+ -e 's/%BOOK_TITLE%/$(subst _, ,$(@:%/' \
+ -e 's#%SRC_DIR%#$(abs_srcdir)#g' \
+ -e 's#%ABS_TOP_SRCDIR%#$(abs_top_srcdir)#g' \
+ $(<) > "$@"
+$(BOOK)/_build: $(STATIC_FILES) $(BOOK)/ $(DEPS_$(BOOK)) $(wildcard $(srcdir)/$(BOOK)/*.rst)
+ @echo 'Building "$(subst _, ,$(BOOK))" because of $?' $(PCMK_quiet)
+ $(AM_V_at)rm -rf "$@"
+ $(AM_V_BOOK)for format in $(BOOK_FORMATS); do \
+ echo -e "\n * Building $$format" $(PCMK_quiet); \
+ doctrees="doctrees"; \
+ real_format="$$format"; \
+ case "$$format" in \
+ pdf) real_format="latex" ;; \
+ gettext) doctrees="gettext-doctrees" ;; \
+ esac; \
+ $(SPHINX) -b "$$real_format" -d "$@/$$doctrees" \
+ -c "$(builddir)/$(BOOK)" \
+ -D latex_elements.papersize=$(PAPER) \
+ "$(srcdir)/$(BOOK)" "$@/$$format" \
+ $(PCMK_quiet); \
+ if [ "$$format" = "pdf" ]; then \
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) -C "$@/$$format" \
+ all-pdf; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+build-$(PACKAGE_SERIES).txt: all
+ $(AM_V_GEN)echo "Generated on `date --utc` from version $(TAG)" > "$@"
+.PHONY: books-upload
+books-upload: all build-$(PACKAGE_SERIES).txt
+ @echo "Uploading $(PACKAGE_SERIES) documentation set"
+ @for book in $(BOOKS); do \
+ echo " * $$book"; \
+ rsync $(RSYNC_OPTS) $(BOOK_FORMATS:%=$$book/_build/%) \
+ "$(BOOK_RSYNC_DEST)/$$book/"; \
+ done
+ @rsync $(RSYNC_OPTS) "$(builddir)/build-$(PACKAGE_SERIES).txt" \
+ "$(RSYNC_DEST)/$(PACKAGE)/doc"
+ @for book in $(BOOKS); do \
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) BOOK=$$book \
+ BOOK_FORMATS="$(BOOK_FORMATS)" $$book/_build; \
+ done
+install-data-local: all-local
+ $(AM_V_at)for book in $(BOOKS); do \
+ for format in $(BOOK_FORMATS); do \
+ formatdir="$$book/_build/$$format"; \
+ for f in `find "$$formatdir" -print`; do \
+ dname="`echo $$f | sed s:_build/::`"; \
+ dloc="$(DESTDIR)/$(docdir)/$$dname"; \
+ if [ -d "$$f" ]; then \
+ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 "$$dloc"; \
+ else \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$f" "$$dloc"; \
+ fi \
+ done; \
+ done; \
+ done
+ $(AM_V_at)for book in $(BOOKS); do \
+ rm -rf "$(DESTDIR)/$(docdir)/$$book"; \
+ done
+ $(AM_V_at)-rm -rf \
+ $(BOOKS:%="$(builddir)/%/_build") \
+ $(BOOKS:%="$(builddir)/%/") \
+ $(BOOKS:%="$(builddir)/%/generated") \