path: root/xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xml')
248 files changed, 31871 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xml/ b/xml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70dc8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# Copyright 2004-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors
+# The version control history for this file may have further details.
+# This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+# or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
+include $(top_srcdir)/mk/
+noarch_pkgconfig_DATA = $(builddir)/pacemaker-schemas.pc
+# Pacemaker has 3 schemas: the CIB schema, the API schema (for command-line
+# tool XML output), and a legacy schema for crm_mon --as-xml.
+# See for details on updating CIB schema files (API is similar)
+# The CIB and crm_mon schemas are installed directly in CRM_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY
+# for historical reasons, while the API schema is installed in a subdirectory.
+basexsltdir = $(CRM_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY)/base
+dist_basexslt_DATA = $(srcdir)/base/access-render-2.xsl
+# Extract a sorted list of available numeric schema versions
+# from filenames like NAME-MAJOR[.MINOR][.MINOR-MINOR].rng
+numeric_versions = $(shell ls -1 $(1) \
+ | sed -n -e 's/^.*-\([0-9][0-9.]*\).rng$$/\1/p' \
+ | sort -u -t. -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n)
+# @COMPAT: pacemaker-next is deprecated since 2.1.5
+version_pairs = $(join \
+ $(1),$(addprefix \
+ -,$(wordlist \
+ 2,$(words $(1)),$(1) \
+ ) next \
+ ) \
+ )
+version_pairs_last = $(wordlist \
+ $(words \
+ $(wordlist \
+ 2,$(1),$(2) \
+ ) \
+ ),$(1),$(2) \
+ )
+# NOTE: All files in API_request_base, CIB_cfg_base, API_base, and CIB_base
+# need to start with a unique prefix. These variables all get iterated over
+# and globbed, and two files starting with the same prefix will cause
+# problems.
+# Names of API schemas that form the choices for pacemaker-result content
+API_request_base = command-output \
+ crm_attribute \
+ crm_error \
+ crm_mon \
+ crm_resource \
+ crm_rule \
+ crm_shadow \
+ crm_simulate \
+ crmadmin \
+ digests \
+ pacemakerd \
+ stonith_admin \
+ version
+# Names of CIB schemas that form the choices for cib/configuration content
+CIB_cfg_base = options nodes resources constraints fencing acls tags alerts
+# Names of all schemas (including top level and those included by others)
+API_base = $(API_request_base) \
+ any-element \
+ failure \
+ fence-event \
+ generic-list \
+ instruction \
+ item \
+ node-attrs \
+ node-history \
+ nodes \
+ patchset \
+ resources \
+ status \
+ subprocess-output
+CIB_base = cib $(CIB_cfg_base) status score rule nvset
+# Static schema files and transforms (only CIB has transforms)
+# This is more complicated than it should be due to the need to support
+# VPATH builds and "make distcheck". We need the absolute paths for reliable
+# substitution back and forth, and relative paths for distributed files.
+API_abs_files = $(foreach base,$(API_base),$(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/api/$(base)-*.rng))
+CIB_abs_files = $(foreach base,$(CIB_base),$(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/$(base).rng $(abs_srcdir)/$(base)-*.rng))
+CIB_abs_xsl = $(abs_srcdir)/upgrade-1.3.xsl \
+ $(abs_srcdir)/upgrade-2.10.xsl \
+ $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/upgrade-*enter.xsl) \
+ $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/upgrade-*leave.xsl)
+MON_abs_files = $(abs_srcdir)/crm_mon.rng
+API_files = $(foreach base,$(API_base),$(wildcard $(srcdir)/api/$(base)-*.rng))
+CIB_files = $(foreach base,$(CIB_base),$(wildcard $(srcdir)/$(base).rng $(srcdir)/$(base)-*.rng))
+CIB_xsl = $(srcdir)/upgrade-1.3.xsl \
+ $(srcdir)/upgrade-2.10.xsl \
+ $(wildcard $(srcdir)/upgrade-*enter.xsl) \
+ $(wildcard $(srcdir)/upgrade-*leave.xsl)
+MON_files = $(srcdir)/crm_mon.rng
+# Sorted lists of all numeric schema versions
+API_numeric_versions = $(call numeric_versions,${API_files})
+CIB_numeric_versions = $(call numeric_versions,${CIB_files})
+MON_numeric_versions = $(call numeric_versions,$(wildcard $(srcdir)/api/crm_mon*.rng))
+# The highest numeric schema version
+API_max ?= $(lastword $(API_numeric_versions))
+CIB_max ?= $(lastword $(CIB_numeric_versions))
+MON_max ?= $(lastword $(MON_numeric_versions))
+# Sorted lists of all schema versions (including "next")
+# @COMPAT: pacemaker-next is deprecated since 2.1.5
+API_versions = next $(API_numeric_versions)
+CIB_versions = next $(CIB_numeric_versions)
+# Build tree locations of static schema files and transforms (for VPATH builds)
+API_build_copies = $(foreach f,$(API_abs_files),$(subst $(abs_srcdir),$(abs_builddir),$(f)))
+CIB_build_copies = $(foreach f,$(CIB_abs_files) $(CIB_abs_xsl),$(subst $(abs_srcdir),$(abs_builddir),$(f)))
+MON_build_copies = $(foreach f,$(MON_abs_files),$(subst $(abs_srcdir),$(abs_builddir),$(f)))
+# Dynamically generated schema files
+API_generated = api/api-result.rng $(foreach base,$(API_versions),api/api-result-$(base).rng)
+CIB_generated = pacemaker.rng $(foreach base,$(CIB_versions),pacemaker-$(base).rng) versions.rng
+MON_generated = crm_mon.rng
+CIB_version_pairs = $(call version_pairs,${CIB_numeric_versions})
+CIB_version_pairs_cnt = $(words ${CIB_version_pairs})
+CIB_version_pairs_last = $(call version_pairs_last,${CIB_version_pairs_cnt},${CIB_version_pairs})
+dist_API_DATA = $(API_files)
+dist_CIB_DATA = $(CIB_files) $(CIB_xsl)
+nodist_API_DATA = $(API_generated)
+nodist_CIB_DATA = $(CIB_generated)
+nodist_MON_DATA = $(MON_generated)
+ \
+ cibtr-2.rng \
+ context-of.xsl \
+ ocf-meta2man.xsl \
+ \
+ upgrade-2.10-roundtrip.xsl \
+ upgrade-detail.xsl \
+ xslt_cibtr-2.rng \
+ assets \
+ test-2 \
+ test-2-enter \
+ test-2-leave \
+ test-2-roundtrip
+ @echo "Max: $(CIB_max)"
+ @echo "Available: $(CIB_versions)"
+ @echo "Max: $(API_max)"
+ @echo "Available: $(API_versions)"
+# Dynamically generated top-level API schema
+api/api-result.rng: api/api-result-$(API_max).rng
+ $(AM_V_at)$(MKDIR_P) api # might not exist in VPATH build
+ $(AM_V_SCHEMA)cp $(top_builddir)/xml/$< $@
+api/api-result-%.rng: $(API_build_copies)
+ $(AM_V_at)echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' > $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo '<grammar xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <start>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <element name="pacemaker-result">' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <attribute name="api-version"> <text /> </attribute>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <attribute name="request"> <text /> </attribute>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <optional>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <choice>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)for rng in $(API_request_base); do $(srcdir)/ api/$$rng $(*) $(@) " " || :; done
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </choice>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </optional>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)$(srcdir)/ api/status $(*) $(@) " " || :
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </element>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </start>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_SCHEMA)echo '</grammar>' >> $@
+crm_mon.rng: api/crm_mon-$(MON_max).rng
+ $(AM_V_at)echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' > $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo '<grammar xmlns=""' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' datatypeLibrary="">' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <start>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <ref name="element-crm_mon-old"/>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </start>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <define name="element-crm_mon-old">' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <element name="crm_mon">' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <attribute name="version"> <text/> </attribute>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <externalRef href="$(<)" />' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </element>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </define>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_SCHEMA)echo '</grammar>' >> $@
+# Dynamically generated top-level CIB schema
+pacemaker.rng: pacemaker-$(CIB_max).rng
+ $(AM_V_SCHEMA)cp $(top_builddir)/xml/$< $@
+pacemaker-%.rng: $(CIB_build_copies)
+ $(AM_V_at)echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' > $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo '<grammar xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <start>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <element name="cib">' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)$(srcdir)/ cib $(*) $(@) " "
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <element name="configuration">' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <interleave>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)for rng in $(CIB_cfg_base); do $(srcdir)/ $$rng $(*) $(@) " " || :; done
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </interleave>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </element>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <optional>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <element name="status">' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)$(srcdir)/ status $(*) $(@) " "
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </element>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </optional>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </element>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </start>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_SCHEMA)echo '</grammar>' >> $@
+# Dynamically generated CIB schema listing all pacemaker versions
+versions.rng: pacemaker-$(CIB_max).rng
+ $(AM_V_at)echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' > $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo '<grammar xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <start>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <interleave>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <optional>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <attribute name="validate-with">' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <choice>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <value>none</value>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <value>pacemaker-0.6</value>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <value>transitional-0.6</value>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <value>pacemaker-0.7</value>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <value>pacemaker-1.1</value>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)for rng in $(CIB_versions); do echo " <value>pacemaker-$$rng</value>" >> $@; done
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </choice>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </attribute>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </optional>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <attribute name="admin_epoch"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></attribute>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <attribute name="epoch"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></attribute>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' <attribute name="num_updates"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></attribute>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </interleave>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_at)echo ' </start>' >> $@
+ $(AM_V_SCHEMA)echo '</grammar>' >> $@
+# diff fails with ec=2 if no predecessor is found;
+# this uses '=' GNU extension to sed, if that's not available,
+# one can use: hline=`echo "$${p}" | grep -Fn "$${hunk}" | cut -d: -f1`;
+# XXX: use line information from hunk to avoid "not detected" for ambiguity
+version_diff = \
+ @for p in $(1); do \
+ set `echo "$${p}" | tr '-' ' '`; \
+ echo "\#\#\# *-$$2.rng vs. predecessor"; \
+ for v in *-$$2.rng; do \
+ echo "\#\#\#\# $${v} vs. predecessor"; b=`echo "$${v}" | cut -d- -f1`; \
+ old=`./ $${b} $$1`; \
+ p=`diff -u "$${old}" "$${v}" 2>/dev/null`; \
+ case $$? in \
+ 1) echo "$${p}" | sed -n -e '/^@@ /!d;=;p' \
+ -e ':l;n;/^\([- ]\|+.*<[^ />]\+\([^/>]\+="ID\|>$$\)\)/bl;s/^[+ ]\(.*\)/\1/p' \
+ | while read hline; do \
+ read h && read i || break; \
+ iline=`grep -Fn "$${i}" "$${v}" | cut -d: -f1`; \
+ ctxt="(not detected)"; \
+ if test `echo "$${iline}" | wc -l` -eq 1; then \
+ ctxt=`{ sed -n -e "1,$$(($${iline}-1))p" "$${v}"; \
+ echo "<inject id=\"GOAL\"/>$${i}"; \
+ sed -n -e "$$(($${iline}+1)),$$ p" "$${v}"; \
+ } | $(XSLTPROC) --param skip 1 context-of.xsl -`; \
+ fi; \
+ echo "$${p}" | sed -n -e "$$(($${hline}-2)),$${hline}!d" \
+ -e '/^\(+++\|---\)/p'; \
+ echo "$${h} context: $${ctxt}"; \
+ echo "$${p}" | sed -n -e "1,$${hline}d" \
+ -e '/^\(---\|@@ \)/be;p;d;:e;n;be'; \
+ done; \
+ ;; \
+ 2) echo "\#\#\#\#\# $${v} has no predecessor";; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ done
+ @echo "# Comparing changes in + since $(CIB_max)"
+ $(call version_diff,${CIB_version_pairs_last})
+ @echo "# Comparing all changes across all the subsequent increments"
+ $(call version_diff,${CIB_version_pairs})
+CLEANFILES = $(API_generated) $(CIB_generated) $(MON_generated)
+# Remove pacemaker schema files generated by *any* source version. This allows
+# "make -C xml clean" to have the desired effect when checking out an earlier
+# revision in a source tree.
+ if [ "x$(srcdir)" != "x$(builddir)" ]; then \
+ rm -f $(API_build_copies) $(CIB_build_copies) $(MON_build_copies); \
+ fi
+ rm -f $(builddir)/pacemaker-[0-9]*.[0-9]*.rng
+# Enable ability to use $@ in prerequisite
+# For VPATH builds, copy the static schema files into the build tree
+$(API_build_copies) $(CIB_build_copies) $(MON_build_copies): $$(subst $(abs_builddir),$(srcdir),$$(@))
+ $(AM_V_GEN)if [ "x$(srcdir)" != "x$(builddir)" ]; then \
+ $(MKDIR_P) "$(dir $(@))"; \
+ cp "$(<)" "$(@)"; \
+ fi
diff --git a/xml/ b/xml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e32edc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Schema Reference
+Pacemaker's XML schema has a version of its own, independent of the version of
+Pacemaker itself.
+## Versioned Schema Evolution
+A versioned schema offers transparent backward and forward compatibility.
+- It reflects the timeline of schema-backed features (introduction,
+ changes to the syntax, possibly deprecation) through the versioned
+ stable schema increments, while keeping schema versions used by default
+ by older Pacemaker versions untouched.
+- Pacemaker internally uses the latest stable schema version, and relies on
+ supplemental transformations to promote cluster configurations based on
+ older, incompatible schema versions into the desired form.
+## Mapping Pacemaker Versions to Schema Versions
+| Pacemaker | Latest Schema | Changed
+| --------- | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------
+| `2.1.5` | `3.9` | `alerts`, `constraints`, `nodes`, `nvset`,
+| | | `options`, `resources`, `rule`
+| `2.1.3` | `3.8` | `acls`
+| `2.1.0` | `3.7` | `constraints`, `resources`
+| `2.0.5` | `3.5` | `api`, `resources`, `rule`
+| `2.0.4` | `3.3` | `tags`
+| `2.0.1` | `3.2` | `resources`
+| `2.0.0` | `3.1` | `constraints`, `resources`
+| `1.1.18` | `2.10` | `resources`, `alerts`
+| `1.1.17` | `2.9` | `resources`, `rule`
+| `1.1.16` | `2.6` | `constraints`
+| `1.1.15` | `2.5` | `alerts`
+| `1.1.14` | `2.4` | `fencing`
+| `1.1.13` | `2.3` | `constraints`
+| `1.1.12` | `2.0` | `nodes`, `nvset`, `resources`, `tags`, `acls`
+| `1.1.8` | `1.2` |
+## Schema generation
+Each logical portion of the schema goes into its own RNG file, named like
+`${base}-${X}.${Y}.rng`. `${base}` identifies the portion of the schema
+(e.g. constraints, resources); ${X}.${Y} is the latest schema version that
+contained changes in this portion of the schema.
+The complete, overall schema, `pacemaker-${X}.${Y}.rng`, is automatically
+generated from the other files via the Makefile.
+# Updating schema files #
+## New features ##
+The current schema version is determined at runtime when
+crm\_schema\_init() scans the CRM\_SCHEMA\_DIRECTORY.
+It will have the form `pacemaker-${X}.${Y}` and the highest
+`${X}.${Y}` wins.
+### Simple Additions
+When the new syntax is a simple addition to the previous one, create a
+new entry, incrementing `${Y}`.
+### Feature Removal or otherwise Incompatible Changes
+When the new syntax is not a simple addition to the previous one,
+create a new entry, incrementing `${X}` and setting `${Y} = 0`.
+An XSLT file is also required that converts an old syntax to the new
+one and must be named `upgrade-${Xold}.${Yold}.xsl`.
+See `xml/upgrade-1.3.xsl` for an example.
+Since `xml/upgrade-2.10.xsl`, rather self-descriptive approach is taken,
+separating metadata of the replacements and other modifications to
+perform from the actual executive parts, which is leveraged, e.g., with
+the on-the-fly overview as obtained with `./ -X test2to3`.
+Also this was the first time particular key names of `nvpair`s,
+i.e. below the granularity of the schemas so far, received attention,
+and consequently, no longer expected names became systemically banned
+in the after-upgrade schemas, using `<except>` construct in the
+data type specification pertaining the affected XML path.
+The implied complexity also resulted in establishing a new compound,
+stepwise transformation, alleviating the procedural burden from the
+core upgrade recipe. In particular, `id-ref` based syntactic
+simplification granted in the CIB format introduces nonnegligible
+internal "noise" because of the extra indirection encumbered with
+generally non-bijective character of such a scheme (context-dependent
+interpretation). To reduce this strain, a symmetric arrangement is
+introduced as a pair of _enter_/_leave_ (pre-upgrade/post-upgrade)
+transformations where the latter is meant to eventually reversibly
+restore what the former intentionally simplified (normalized) for
+upgrade transformation's peruse. It's optional (even the post-upgrade
+counterpart is optional alone) and depends on whether the suitable
+files are found along the upgrade transformation itself: e.g., for
+`upgrade-2.10.xsl`, such files are `upgrade-2.10-enter.xsl` and
+`upgrade-2.10-leave.xsl`. Note that unfolding + refolding `id-ref`
+shortcuts is just a practically imposed individual case of how to
+reversibly make the configuration space tractable in the upgrade
+itself, allowing for more sophistication down the road.
+### General Procedure
+1. Copy the most recent version of `${base}-*.rng` to `${base}-${X}.${Y}.rng`,
+ such that the new file name increments the highest number of any schema file,
+ not just the file being edited.
+2. Commit the copy, e.g. `"Low: xml: clone ${base} schema in preparation for
+ changes"`. This way, the actual change will be obvious in the commit history.
+3. Modify `${base}-${X}.${Y}.rng` as required.
+4. If required, add an XSLT file, and update `xslt\_SCRIPTS` in `xml/`.
+5. Commit.
+6. Run `make -C xml clean; make -C xml` to rebuild the schemas in the local
+6. Run `make -C xml clean; make -C xml` to rebuild the schemas in the local
+ source directory.
+7. The CIB validity and upgrade regression tests will break after the schema is
+ updated. Run `cts/cts-cli -s` to make the expected outputs reflect the
+ changes made so far, and run `git diff` to ensure that these changes look
+ sane. Finally, commit the changes.
+8. Similarly, with the new major version `${X}`, it's advisable to refresh
+ scheduler tests at some point. See the instructions in `cts/`.
+## Using a New Schema
+New features will not be available until the cluster administrator:
+1. Updates all the nodes
+2. Runs the equivalent of `cibadmin --upgrade --force`
+## Random Notes
+From the source directory, run `make -C xml diff` to see the changes
+in the current schema (compared to the previous ones).
+Alternatively, if the intention is to grok the overall historical schema
+evolution, use `make -C xml fulldiff`.
diff --git a/xml/acls-1.2.rng b/xml/acls-1.2.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..378ce08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/acls-1.2.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-acls"/>
+ </optional>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-acls">
+ <element name="acls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="acl_user">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="role_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-acl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ <element name="acl_role">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-acl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-acl">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="read">
+ <ref name="attribute-acl"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="write">
+ <ref name="attribute-acl"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="deny">
+ <ref name="attribute-acl"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-acl">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="tag"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="tag"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="xpath"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/acls-2.0.rng b/xml/acls-2.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fe6eed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/acls-2.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-acls"/>
+ </optional>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-acls">
+ <element name="acls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="acl_target">
+ <attribute name="id"><text/></attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="role">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="acl_group">
+ <!-- Here 'id' is the name of a unix group -->
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="role">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="acl_role">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-permission"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-permission">
+ <element name="acl_permission">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <choice>
+ <value>read</value>
+ <value>write</value>
+ <value>deny</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="xpath"><text/></attribute>
+ <!-- reference is already sufficiently specific without 'object-type' -->
+ <attribute name="reference"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <!-- Use 'object-type' to avoid conflicting with the 'tag' configuration concept -->
+ <attribute name="object-type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!--
+ does not make sense with anything other than object-type
+ xpath and reference are already sufficiently specific
+ -->
+ <attribute name="attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/acls-3.8.rng b/xml/acls-3.8.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48bcdff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/acls-3.8.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-acls"/>
+ </optional>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-acls">
+ <element name="acls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="acl_target">
+ <attribute name="id"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="role">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="acl_group">
+ <!-- Here 'id' is the name of a unix group -->
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="role">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="acl_role">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-permission"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-permission">
+ <element name="acl_permission">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <choice>
+ <value>read</value>
+ <value>write</value>
+ <value>deny</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="xpath"><text/></attribute>
+ <!-- reference is already sufficiently specific without 'object-type' -->
+ <attribute name="reference"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <!-- Use 'object-type' to avoid conflicting with the 'tag' configuration concept -->
+ <attribute name="object-type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!--
+ does not make sense with anything other than object-type
+ xpath and reference are already sufficiently specific
+ -->
+ <attribute name="attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/alerts-2.10.rng b/xml/alerts-2.10.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca3cdf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/alerts-2.10.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-alerts"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-alerts">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="alerts">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="alert">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- path to the script called for alert -->
+ <attribute name="path"><text/></attribute>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-alert-extra"/>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_fencing">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_nodes">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_resources">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="recipient">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-alert-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-alert-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/alerts-2.5.rng b/xml/alerts-2.5.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15d72f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/alerts-2.5.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-alerts"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-alerts">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="alerts">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="alert">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- path to the script called for alert -->
+ <attribute name="path"><text/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-alert-extra"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="recipient">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-alert-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-alert-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/alerts-2.9.rng b/xml/alerts-2.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f12e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/alerts-2.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-alerts"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-alerts">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="alerts">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="alert">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- path to the script called for alert -->
+ <attribute name="path"><text/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-alert-extra"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="recipient">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-alert-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-alert-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/alerts-3.5.rng b/xml/alerts-3.5.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32e7b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/alerts-3.5.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-alerts"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-alerts">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="alerts">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="alert">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- path to the script called for alert -->
+ <attribute name="path"><text/></attribute>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-alert-extra"/>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_fencing">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_nodes">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_resources">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="recipient">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-alert-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-alert-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/alerts-3.9.rng b/xml/alerts-3.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea25af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/alerts-3.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-alerts"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-alerts">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="alerts">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="alert">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- path to the script called for alert -->
+ <attribute name="path"><text/></attribute>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-alert-extra"/>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_fencing">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_nodes">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="select_resources">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="recipient">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-alert-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-alert-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/any-element-2.30.rng b/xml/api/any-element-2.30.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d4b1d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/any-element-2.30.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <!--
+ Generic element (from
+ -->
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-any" />
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-any">
+ <element>
+ <anyName/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute> <anyName/> <text/> </attribute>
+ <text/>
+ <ref name="element-any" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/command-output-1.0.rng b/xml/api/command-output-1.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..710c134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/command-output-1.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="command-output" />
+ </start>
+ <define name="command-output">
+ <element name="command">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="output">
+ <attribute name="source"><value>stdout</value></attribute>
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="output">
+ <attribute name="source"><value>stderr</value></attribute>
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/command-output-2.23.rng b/xml/api/command-output-2.23.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4de49bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/command-output-2.23.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="command-output" />
+ </start>
+ <define name="command-output">
+ <element name="command">
+ <externalRef href="subprocess-output-2.23.rng" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_attribute-2.17.rng b/xml/api/crm_attribute-2.17.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c16ce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_attribute-2.17.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm_attribute"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm_attribute">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-attribute" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-attribute">
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="scope"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_attribute-2.18.rng b/xml/api/crm_attribute-2.18.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c040ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_attribute-2.18.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm_attribute"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm_attribute">
+ <choice>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-attribute" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-attribute">
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="scope"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_error-2.23.rng b/xml/api/crm_error-2.23.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ba6e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_error-2.23.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm_error" />
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm_error">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-result-code" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-result-code">
+ <element name="result-code">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="description"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.0.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c03cd15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-history-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-full-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-with-attributes" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-history-list">
+ <element name="node_history">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-failure" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-with-attributes">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="expected"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-history">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-history">
+ <element name="resource_history">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphan"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="migration-threshold"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fail-count"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-failure"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-history">
+ <element name="operation_history">
+ <attribute name="call"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-run"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="queue-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc_text"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-failure">
+ <element name="failure">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="op_key"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitstatus"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitreason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitcode"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="queued"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-list">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-bundle" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-clone" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-group" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>docker</value>
+ <value>rkt</value>
+ <value>podman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="image"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="replica">
+ <attribute name="id"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="multi_state"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="number_resources"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource">
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource_agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="active"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphaned"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="nodes_running_on"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <!-- crm_mon prints the node only if group-by-node is false -->
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="cached"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.1.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.1.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56a08a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.1.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-history-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-full-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-with-attributes" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-history-list">
+ <element name="node_history">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-failure" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-with-attributes">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="expected"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-history">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-history">
+ <element name="resource_history">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphan"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="migration-threshold"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fail-count"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-failure"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-history">
+ <element name="operation_history">
+ <attribute name="call"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-run"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="queue-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc_text"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-failure">
+ <element name="failure">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="op_key"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitstatus"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitreason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitcode"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="queued"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-list">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-bundle" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-clone" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-group" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>docker</value>
+ <value>rkt</value>
+ <value>podman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="image"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="replica">
+ <attribute name="id"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="multi_state"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="number_resources"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource">
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource_agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="active"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphaned"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="nodes_running_on"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <!-- crm_mon prints the node only if group-by-node is false -->
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="cached"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.12.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.12.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be14412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.12.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.13.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.13.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c73457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.13.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stonith-timeout-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="priority-fencing-delay-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.15.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.15.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04aed7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.15.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stonith-timeout-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="priority-fencing-delay-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.15.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.19.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.19.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d01d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.19.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stonith-timeout-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="priority-fencing-delay-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.19.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.15.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.2.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.2.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03e60d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.2.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-history-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-full-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-with-attributes" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-history-list">
+ <element name="node_history">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-failure" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-with-attributes">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="expected"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-history">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-history">
+ <element name="resource_history">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphan"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="migration-threshold"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fail-count"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-failure"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-history">
+ <element name="operation_history">
+ <attribute name="call"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-run"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="queue-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc_text"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-failure">
+ <element name="failure">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="op_key"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitstatus"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitreason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitcode"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="queued"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-list">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-bundle" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-clone" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-group" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>docker</value>
+ <value>rkt</value>
+ <value>podman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="image"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="replica">
+ <attribute name="id"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="multi_state"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="number_resources"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource">
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource_agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="active"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphaned"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="nodes_running_on"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <!-- crm_mon prints the node only if group-by-node is false -->
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="cached"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.21.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.21.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e99bcc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.21.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="mixed_version"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stonith-timeout-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="priority-fencing-delay-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.21.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.15.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.24.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.24.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b52307a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.24.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="mixed_version"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stonith-timeout-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="priority-fencing-delay-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.24.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.24.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.15.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.25.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.25.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e501dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.25.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="pacemakerd-health-2.25.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="mixed_version"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stonith-timeout-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="priority-fencing-delay-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.24.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.24.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.15.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.26.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.26.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac6410c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.26.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon-disconnected" />
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="pacemakerd-health-2.25.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon-disconnected">
+ <element name="crm-mon-disconnected">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pacemakerd-state"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pacemakerd-state">
+ <text />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="mixed_version"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stonith-timeout-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="priority-fencing-delay-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.24.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.24.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.15.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.27.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.27.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38c1ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.27.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon-disconnected" />
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="pacemakerd-health-2.25.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon-disconnected">
+ <element name="crm-mon-disconnected">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pacemakerd-state"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pacemakerd-state">
+ <text />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="mixed_version"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stonith-timeout-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="priority-fencing-delay-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.24.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.24.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.15.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.28.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.28.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45a6059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.28.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon-disconnected" />
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="pacemakerd-health-2.25.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon-disconnected">
+ <element name="crm-mon-disconnected">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pacemakerd-state"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pacemakerd-state">
+ <text />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="mixed_version"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stonith-timeout-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="priority-fencing-delay-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.28.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.28.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.15.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.29.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.29.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cc554c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.29.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon-disconnected" />
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="pacemakerd-health-2.25.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon-disconnected">
+ <element name="crm-mon-disconnected">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pacemakerd-state"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pacemakerd-state">
+ <text />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="mixed_version"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stonith-timeout-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="priority-fencing-delay-ms"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.29.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.29.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.15.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.3.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.3.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..651ae29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.3.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-history-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-full-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-with-attributes" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-history-list">
+ <element name="node_history">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-failure" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-with-attributes">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="expected"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-history">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-history">
+ <element name="resource_history">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphan"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="migration-threshold"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fail-count"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-failure"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-history">
+ <element name="operation_history">
+ <attribute name="call"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-run"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="queue-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc_text"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-failure">
+ <element name="failure">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="op_key"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitstatus"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitreason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitcode"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="queued"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-list">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-bundle" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-clone" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-group" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>docker</value>
+ <value>rkt</value>
+ <value>podman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="image"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="replica">
+ <attribute name="id"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="multi_state"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="number_resources"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource">
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource_agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="active"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphaned"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="nodes_running_on"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <!-- crm_mon prints the node only if group-by-node is false -->
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="cached"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.4.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.4.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88973a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.4.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-history-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-full-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-with-attributes" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-history-list">
+ <element name="node_history">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-failure" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-with-attributes">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="expected"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-history">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-history">
+ <element name="resource_history">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphan"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="migration-threshold"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fail-count"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-failure"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-history">
+ <element name="operation_history">
+ <attribute name="call"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-run"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="queue-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc_text"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-failure">
+ <element name="failure">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="op_key"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitstatus"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitreason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitcode"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="queued"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.7.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.7.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e6792b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.7.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-history-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-full-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-with-attributes" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-history-list">
+ <element name="node_history">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-failure" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-with-attributes">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="expected"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-history">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-history">
+ <element name="resource_history">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphan"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="migration-threshold"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fail-count"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-failure"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-history">
+ <element name="operation_history">
+ <attribute name="call"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-run"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="queue-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc_text"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-failure">
+ <element name="failure">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="op_key"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitstatus"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitreason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitcode"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="queued"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.8.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.8.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a3f49e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.8.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-history-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-history-list">
+ <element name="node_history">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-history">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-history">
+ <element name="resource_history">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphan"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="migration-threshold"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fail-count"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-failure"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-history">
+ <element name="operation_history">
+ <attribute name="call"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-run"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="queue-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc_text"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_mon-2.9.rng b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffec923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_mon-2.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-mon"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-mon">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-summary" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-history-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="fence-event-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="tickets-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="bans-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-summary">
+ <element name="summary">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="stack">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="current_dc">
+ <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="last_update">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="last_change">
+ <attribute name="time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="nodes_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="resources_configured">
+ <attribute name="number"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="cluster_options">
+ <attribute name="stonith-enabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="symmetric-cluster"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-policy"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance-mode"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="stop-all-resources"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-history-list">
+ <element name="node_history">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fence-event-list">
+ <element name="fence_history">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tickets-list">
+ <element name="tickets">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bans-list">
+ <element name="bans">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-ban" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-history">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-history">
+ <element name="resource_history">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphan"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="migration-threshold"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fail-count"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-failure"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-history">
+ <element name="operation_history">
+ <attribute name="call"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-run"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="queue-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc_text"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ticket">
+ <element name="ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>granted</value>
+ <value>revoked</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-granted"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-ban">
+ <element name="ban">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="weight"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED: master_only is a duplicate of promoted-only that is
+ provided solely for API backward compatibility. It will be
+ removed in a future release. Check promoted-only instead.
+ -->
+ <attribute name="master_only"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_resource-2.11.rng b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.11.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaa54d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.11.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-resource"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-resource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="agents-list" />
+ <ref name="alternatives-list" />
+ <ref name="constraints-list" />
+ <externalRef href="generic-list-2.4.rng"/>
+ <element name="metadata"> <text/> </element>
+ <ref name="locate-list" />
+ <ref name="operations-list" />
+ <ref name="providers-list" />
+ <ref name="reasons-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-check" />
+ <ref name="resource-config" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-agent-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agents-list">
+ <element name="agents">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="agent"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="alternatives-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="for"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="constraints-list">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-location" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-colocation" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locate-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="state"><value>promoted</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="operations-list">
+ <element name="operations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-list" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="providers-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <value>ocf</value> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-list">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="no-resource-or-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-and-uname"/>
+ <ref name="no-resource-but-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-but-no-uname"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-or-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-and-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running_on"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-but-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-but-no-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-config">
+ <element name="resource_config">
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-check">
+ <element name="check">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="remain_stopped"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promotable"><value>false</value></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unmanaged"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked-to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-list">
+ <element name="operation">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-agent-action">
+ <element name="resource-agent-action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="class"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="overrides-list"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="agent-status"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="command">
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ <externalRef href="command-output-1.0.rng"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="overrides-list">
+ <element name="overrides">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="override">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agent-status">
+ <element name="agent-status">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_resource-2.14.rng b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.14.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c9d538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.14.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-resource"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-resource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="agents-list" />
+ <ref name="alternatives-list" />
+ <ref name="constraints-list" />
+ <externalRef href="generic-list-2.4.rng"/>
+ <element name="metadata"> <text/> </element>
+ <ref name="locate-list" />
+ <ref name="operations-list" />
+ <ref name="providers-list" />
+ <ref name="reasons-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-check" />
+ <ref name="resource-config" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-agent-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agents-list">
+ <element name="agents">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="agent"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="alternatives-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="for"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="constraints-list">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-location" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-colocation" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locate-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="state"><value>promoted</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="operations-list">
+ <element name="operations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-list" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="providers-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <value>ocf</value> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-list">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="no-resource-or-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-and-uname"/>
+ <ref name="no-resource-but-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-but-no-uname"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-or-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-and-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running_on"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-but-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-but-no-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-config">
+ <element name="resource_config">
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-check">
+ <element name="check">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="remain_stopped"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promotable"><value>false</value></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unmanaged"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked-to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-list">
+ <element name="operation">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-agent-action">
+ <element name="resource-agent-action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="class"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="overrides-list"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="agent-status"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="command">
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ <externalRef href="command-output-1.0.rng"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="overrides-list">
+ <element name="overrides">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="override">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agent-status">
+ <element name="agent-status">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_resource-2.20.rng b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.20.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd74da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.20.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-resource"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-resource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="agents-list" />
+ <ref name="alternatives-list" />
+ <ref name="constraints-list" />
+ <externalRef href="generic-list-2.4.rng"/>
+ <element name="metadata"> <text/> </element>
+ <ref name="locate-list" />
+ <ref name="operations-list" />
+ <ref name="providers-list" />
+ <ref name="reasons-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-check" />
+ <ref name="resource-config" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-agent-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agents-list">
+ <element name="agents">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="agent"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="alternatives-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="for"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="constraints-list">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-location" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-colocation" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locate-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="state"><value>promoted</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="operations-list">
+ <element name="operations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-list" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="providers-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <value>ocf</value> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-list">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="no-resource-or-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-and-uname"/>
+ <ref name="no-resource-but-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-but-no-uname"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-or-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-and-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running_on"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-but-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-but-no-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-config">
+ <element name="resource_config">
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-check">
+ <element name="check">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="remain_stopped"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promotable"><value>false</value></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unmanaged"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked-to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-list">
+ <element name="operation">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-agent-action">
+ <element name="resource-agent-action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="class"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="overrides-list"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="agent-status"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="command">
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ <externalRef href="command-output-1.0.rng"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="overrides-list">
+ <element name="overrides">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="override">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agent-status">
+ <element name="agent-status">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Promoted</value>
+ <value>Unpromoted</value>
+ <!-- These synonyms for Promoted/Unpromoted are allowed for
+ backward compatibility with output from older Pacemaker
+ versions that used them -->
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_resource-2.22.rng b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.22.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a46675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.22.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-resource"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-resource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="agents-list" />
+ <ref name="alternatives-list" />
+ <ref name="constraints-list" />
+ <externalRef href="generic-list-2.4.rng"/>
+ <element name="metadata"> <text/> </element>
+ <ref name="locate-list" />
+ <ref name="operations-list" />
+ <ref name="providers-list" />
+ <ref name="reasons-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-check" />
+ <ref name="resource-config" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-agent-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agents-list">
+ <element name="agents">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="agent"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="alternatives-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="for"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="constraints-list">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-location" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-colocation" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locate-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="state"><value>promoted</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="operations-list">
+ <element name="operations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-list" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="providers-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <value>ocf</value> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-list">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <!-- set only when resource and node are both specified -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="running_on"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- set only when only a resource is specified -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="reasons-with-no-resource"/>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-with-no-resource">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-config">
+ <element name="resource_config">
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-check">
+ <element name="check">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="remain_stopped"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promotable"><value>false</value></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unmanaged"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked-to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unhealthy"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-list">
+ <element name="operation">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-agent-action">
+ <element name="resource-agent-action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="class"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="overrides-list"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="agent-status"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="command">
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ <externalRef href="command-output-1.0.rng"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="overrides-list">
+ <element name="overrides">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="override">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agent-status">
+ <element name="agent-status">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Promoted</value>
+ <value>Unpromoted</value>
+ <!-- These synonyms for Promoted/Unpromoted are allowed for
+ backward compatibility with output from older Pacemaker
+ versions that used them -->
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_resource-2.23.rng b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.23.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f841026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.23.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-resource"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-resource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="agents-list" />
+ <ref name="alternatives-list" />
+ <ref name="constraints-list" />
+ <externalRef href="generic-list-2.4.rng"/>
+ <element name="metadata"> <text/> </element>
+ <ref name="locate-list" />
+ <ref name="operations-list" />
+ <ref name="providers-list" />
+ <ref name="reasons-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-check" />
+ <ref name="resource-config" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-agent-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agents-list">
+ <element name="agents">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="agent"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="alternatives-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="for"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="constraints-list">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-location" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-colocation" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locate-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="state"><value>promoted</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="operations-list">
+ <element name="operations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-list" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="providers-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <value>ocf</value> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-list">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <!-- set only when resource and node are both specified -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="running_on"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- set only when only a resource is specified -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="reasons-with-no-resource"/>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-with-no-resource">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-config">
+ <element name="resource_config">
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-check">
+ <element name="check">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="remain_stopped"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promotable"><value>false</value></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unmanaged"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked-to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unhealthy"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-list">
+ <element name="operation">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-agent-action">
+ <element name="resource-agent-action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="class"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="overrides-list"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="agent-status"/>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="command">
+ <choice>
+ <text />
+ <externalRef href="subprocess-output-2.23.rng"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="overrides-list">
+ <element name="overrides">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="override">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agent-status">
+ <element name="agent-status">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Promoted</value>
+ <value>Unpromoted</value>
+ <!-- These synonyms for Promoted/Unpromoted are allowed for
+ backward compatibility with output from older Pacemaker
+ versions that used them -->
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_resource-2.24.rng b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.24.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a3334c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.24.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-resource"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-resource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="agents-list" />
+ <ref name="alternatives-list" />
+ <ref name="constraints-list" />
+ <externalRef href="generic-list-2.4.rng"/>
+ <element name="metadata"> <text/> </element>
+ <ref name="locate-list" />
+ <ref name="operations-list" />
+ <ref name="providers-list" />
+ <ref name="reasons-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-check" />
+ <ref name="resource-config" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-agent-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agents-list">
+ <element name="agents">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="agent"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="alternatives-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="for"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="constraints-list">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-location" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-colocation" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locate-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="state"><value>promoted</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="operations-list">
+ <element name="operations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-list" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="providers-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <value>ocf</value> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-list">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <!-- set only when resource and node are both specified -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="running_on"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- set only when only a resource is specified -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="reasons-with-no-resource"/>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-with-no-resource">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-config">
+ <element name="resource_config">
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.24.rng" />
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-check">
+ <element name="check">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="remain_stopped"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promotable"><value>false</value></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unmanaged"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked-to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unhealthy"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.24.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-list">
+ <element name="operation">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-agent-action">
+ <element name="resource-agent-action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="class"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="overrides-list"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="agent-status"/>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="command">
+ <choice>
+ <text />
+ <externalRef href="subprocess-output-2.23.rng"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="overrides-list">
+ <element name="overrides">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="override">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agent-status">
+ <element name="agent-status">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Promoted</value>
+ <value>Unpromoted</value>
+ <!-- These synonyms for Promoted/Unpromoted are allowed for
+ backward compatibility with output from older Pacemaker
+ versions that used them -->
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_resource-2.28.rng b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.28.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..901b81d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.28.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-resource"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-resource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="agents-list" />
+ <ref name="alternatives-list" />
+ <ref name="constraints-list" />
+ <externalRef href="generic-list-2.4.rng"/>
+ <element name="metadata"> <text/> </element>
+ <ref name="locate-list" />
+ <ref name="operations-list" />
+ <ref name="providers-list" />
+ <ref name="reasons-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-check" />
+ <ref name="resource-config" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-agent-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agents-list">
+ <element name="agents">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="agent"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="alternatives-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="for"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="constraints-list">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-location" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-colocation" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locate-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="state"><value>promoted</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="operations-list">
+ <element name="operations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-list" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="providers-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <value>ocf</value> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-list">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <!-- set only when resource and node are both specified -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="running_on"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- set only when only a resource is specified -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="reasons-with-no-resource"/>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-with-no-resource">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-config">
+ <element name="resource_config">
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.28.rng" />
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-check">
+ <element name="check">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="remain_stopped"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promotable"><value>false</value></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unmanaged"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked-to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unhealthy"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.28.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-list">
+ <element name="operation">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-agent-action">
+ <element name="resource-agent-action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="class"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="overrides-list"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="agent-status"/>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="command">
+ <choice>
+ <text />
+ <externalRef href="subprocess-output-2.23.rng"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="overrides-list">
+ <element name="overrides">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="override">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agent-status">
+ <element name="agent-status">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Promoted</value>
+ <value>Unpromoted</value>
+ <!-- These synonyms for Promoted/Unpromoted are allowed for
+ backward compatibility with output from older Pacemaker
+ versions that used them -->
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_resource-2.29.rng b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.29.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d95fd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.29.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-resource"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-resource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="agents-list" />
+ <ref name="alternatives-list" />
+ <ref name="constraints-list" />
+ <externalRef href="generic-list-2.4.rng"/>
+ <element name="metadata"> <text/> </element>
+ <ref name="locate-list" />
+ <ref name="operations-list" />
+ <ref name="providers-list" />
+ <ref name="reasons-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-check" />
+ <ref name="resource-config" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-agent-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agents-list">
+ <element name="agents">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="agent"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="alternatives-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="for"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="constraints-list">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-location" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-colocation" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locate-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="state"><value>promoted</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="operations-list">
+ <element name="operations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-list" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="providers-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <value>ocf</value> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-list">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <!-- set only when resource and node are both specified -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="running_on"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- set only when only a resource is specified -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="reasons-with-no-resource"/>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-with-no-resource">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-config">
+ <element name="resource_config">
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.29.rng" />
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-check">
+ <element name="check">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="remain_stopped"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promotable"><value>false</value></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unmanaged"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked-to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unhealthy"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.29.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-list">
+ <element name="operation">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-agent-action">
+ <element name="resource-agent-action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="class"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="overrides-list"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="agent-status"/>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="command">
+ <choice>
+ <text />
+ <externalRef href="subprocess-output-2.23.rng"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="overrides-list">
+ <element name="overrides">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="override">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agent-status">
+ <element name="agent-status">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution_message"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Promoted</value>
+ <value>Unpromoted</value>
+ <!-- These synonyms for Promoted/Unpromoted are allowed for
+ backward compatibility with output from older Pacemaker
+ versions that used them -->
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_resource-2.4.rng b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.4.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bcb969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.4.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-resource"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-resource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="agents-list" />
+ <ref name="alternatives-list" />
+ <ref name="constraints-list" />
+ <externalRef href="generic-list-2.4.rng"/>
+ <element name="metadata"> <text/> </element>
+ <ref name="locate-list" />
+ <ref name="operations-list" />
+ <ref name="providers-list" />
+ <ref name="reasons-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-check" />
+ <ref name="resource-config" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agents-list">
+ <element name="agents">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="agent"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="alternatives-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="for"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="colocations-list">
+ <element name="colocations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-colocation-list"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="constraints-list">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="colocations-list"/>
+ </optional>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="locations-list"/>
+ </element>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="colocations-list"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locate-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="state"><value>promoted</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locations-list">
+ <element name="locations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="location">
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="score"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="operations-list">
+ <element name="operations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-list" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="providers-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <value>ocf</value> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-list">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="no-resource-or-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-and-uname"/>
+ <ref name="no-resource-but-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-but-no-uname"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-or-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-and-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running_on"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-but-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-but-no-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-config">
+ <element name="resource_config">
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-check">
+ <element name="check">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="remain_stopped"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promotable"><value>false</value></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unmanaged"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked-to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation-list">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="colocation">
+ <attribute name="peer"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="colocations-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="colocation">
+ <attribute name="peer"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="score"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="dependends">
+ <choice>
+ <value>needs</value>
+ <value>with</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="colocation">
+ <attribute name="peer"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="score"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <ref name="locations-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="colocations-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-list">
+ <element name="operation">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_resource-2.6.rng b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.6.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b49e24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.6.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-resource"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-resource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="agents-list" />
+ <ref name="alternatives-list" />
+ <ref name="constraints-list" />
+ <externalRef href="generic-list-2.4.rng"/>
+ <element name="metadata"> <text/> </element>
+ <ref name="locate-list" />
+ <ref name="operations-list" />
+ <ref name="providers-list" />
+ <ref name="reasons-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-check" />
+ <ref name="resource-config" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agents-list">
+ <element name="agents">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="agent"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="alternatives-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="for"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="constraints-list">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-location" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-colocation" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locate-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="state"><value>promoted</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="operations-list">
+ <element name="operations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-list" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="providers-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <value>ocf</value> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-list">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="no-resource-or-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-and-uname"/>
+ <ref name="no-resource-but-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-but-no-uname"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-or-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-and-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running_on"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-but-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-but-no-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-config">
+ <element name="resource_config">
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-check">
+ <element name="check">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="remain_stopped"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promotable"><value>false</value></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unmanaged"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked-to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-list">
+ <element name="operation">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_resource-2.7.rng b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.7.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e386db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_resource-2.7.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-resource"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-resource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="agents-list" />
+ <ref name="alternatives-list" />
+ <ref name="constraints-list" />
+ <externalRef href="generic-list-2.4.rng"/>
+ <element name="metadata"> <text/> </element>
+ <ref name="locate-list" />
+ <ref name="operations-list" />
+ <ref name="providers-list" />
+ <ref name="reasons-list" />
+ <ref name="resource-check" />
+ <ref name="resource-config" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="agents-list">
+ <element name="agents">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="agent"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="alternatives-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="for"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="constraints-list">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-location" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="rsc-colocation" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="locate-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="state"><value>promoted</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="operations-list">
+ <element name="operations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-list" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="providers-list">
+ <element name="providers">
+ <attribute name="standard"> <value>ocf</value> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="provider"> <text/> </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="reasons-list">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="no-resource-or-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-and-uname"/>
+ <ref name="no-resource-but-uname"/>
+ <ref name="resource-but-no-uname"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-or-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-and-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running_on"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="no-resource-but-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="host"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-but-no-uname">
+ <element name="reason">
+ <attribute name="running"> <data type="boolean"/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="resource-check"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-config">
+ <element name="resource_config">
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resource-check">
+ <element name="check">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="remain_stopped"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promotable"><value>false</value></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="unmanaged"><value>true</value></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked-to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-list">
+ <element name="operation">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_rule-2.16.rng b/xml/api/crm_rule-2.16.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3a5956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_rule-2.16.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm_rule"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm_rule">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-rule-check" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rule-check">
+ <element name="rule-check">
+ <attribute name="rule-id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_shadow-2.30.rng b/xml/api/crm_shadow-2.30.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f654995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_shadow-2.30.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <!-- Output of the crm_shadow command -->
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-shadow" />
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-shadow">
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="instruction-2.30.rng" />
+ <ref name="element-shadow" />
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-shadow">
+ <element name="shadow">
+ <attribute name="instance">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="file">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="content">
+ <!-- CDATA block containing shadow CIB XML -->
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="xml-patchset">
+ <!--
+ CDATA block containing the XML patchset (diff) of the
+ shadow CIB versus the active CIB
+ -->
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.12.rng b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.12.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f90bd36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.12.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-simulate"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-simulate">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="timings-list" />
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cluster-status" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="modifications-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="allocations-utilizations-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="action-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cluster-injected-actions-list" />
+ <ref name="revised-cluster-status" />
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="allocations-utilizations-list">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="allocations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="allocations_utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-status">
+ <element name="cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="modifications-list">
+ <element name="modifications">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="quorum"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="watchdog"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-spec" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-attr" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="revised-cluster-status">
+ <element name="revised_cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-attr">
+ <element name="inject_attr">
+ <attribute name="cib_node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node_path"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-node">
+ <element name="modify_node">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-spec">
+ <element name="inject_spec">
+ <attribute name="spec"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-ticket">
+ <element name="modify_ticket">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="ticket"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-injected-actions-list">
+ <element name="transition">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-injected-actions" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="timings-list">
+ <element name="timings">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-timing" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="action-list">
+ <element name="actions">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-rsc-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-allocation">
+ <element name="node_weight">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-capacity">
+ <element name="capacity">
+ <attribute name="comment"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-cluster-action">
+ <element name="cluster_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-injected-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-inject-cluster-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-fencing-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-pseudo-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-rsc-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-fencing-action">
+ <element name="fencing_action">
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-action">
+ <element name="node_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-promotion">
+ <element name="promotion_score">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-pseudo-action">
+ <element name="pseudo_action">
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-timing">
+ <element name="timing">
+ <attribute name="file"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="duration"> <data type="double" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dest"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="next-role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="source"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-utilization">
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.19.rng b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.19.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f37a909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.19.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-simulate"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-simulate">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="timings-list" />
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cluster-status" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="modifications-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="allocations-utilizations-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="action-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cluster-injected-actions-list" />
+ <ref name="revised-cluster-status" />
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="allocations-utilizations-list">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="allocations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="allocations_utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-status">
+ <element name="cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="modifications-list">
+ <element name="modifications">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="quorum"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="watchdog"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-spec" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-attr" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="revised-cluster-status">
+ <element name="revised_cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-attr">
+ <element name="inject_attr">
+ <attribute name="cib_node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node_path"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-node">
+ <element name="modify_node">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-spec">
+ <element name="inject_spec">
+ <attribute name="spec"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-ticket">
+ <element name="modify_ticket">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="ticket"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-injected-actions-list">
+ <element name="transition">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-injected-actions" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.19.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="timings-list">
+ <element name="timings">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-timing" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="action-list">
+ <element name="actions">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-rsc-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-allocation">
+ <element name="node_weight">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-capacity">
+ <element name="capacity">
+ <attribute name="comment"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-cluster-action">
+ <element name="cluster_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-injected-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-inject-cluster-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-fencing-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-pseudo-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-rsc-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-fencing-action">
+ <element name="fencing_action">
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-action">
+ <element name="node_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-promotion">
+ <element name="promotion_score">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-pseudo-action">
+ <element name="pseudo_action">
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-timing">
+ <element name="timing">
+ <attribute name="file"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="duration"> <data type="double" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dest"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="next-role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="source"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-utilization">
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.21.rng b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.21.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75a9b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.21.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-simulate"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-simulate">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="timings-list" />
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cluster-status" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="modifications-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="allocations-utilizations-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="action-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cluster-injected-actions-list" />
+ <ref name="revised-cluster-status" />
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="allocations-utilizations-list">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="allocations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="allocations_utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-status">
+ <element name="cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="modifications-list">
+ <element name="modifications">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="quorum"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="watchdog"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-spec" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-attr" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="revised-cluster-status">
+ <element name="revised_cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-attr">
+ <element name="inject_attr">
+ <attribute name="cib_node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node_path"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-node">
+ <element name="modify_node">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-spec">
+ <element name="inject_spec">
+ <attribute name="spec"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-ticket">
+ <element name="modify_ticket">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="ticket"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-injected-actions-list">
+ <element name="transition">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-injected-actions" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.21.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="timings-list">
+ <element name="timings">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-timing" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="action-list">
+ <element name="actions">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-rsc-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-allocation">
+ <element name="node_weight">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-capacity">
+ <element name="capacity">
+ <attribute name="comment"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-cluster-action">
+ <element name="cluster_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-injected-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-inject-cluster-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-fencing-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-pseudo-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-rsc-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-fencing-action">
+ <element name="fencing_action">
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-action">
+ <element name="node_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-promotion">
+ <element name="promotion_score">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-pseudo-action">
+ <element name="pseudo_action">
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-timing">
+ <element name="timing">
+ <attribute name="file"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="duration"> <data type="double" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dest"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="next-role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="source"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-utilization">
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.24.rng b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.24.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5be0afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.24.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-simulate"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-simulate">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="timings-list" />
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cluster-status" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="modifications-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="allocations-utilizations-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="action-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cluster-injected-actions-list" />
+ <ref name="revised-cluster-status" />
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="allocations-utilizations-list">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="allocations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="allocations_utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-status">
+ <element name="cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="modifications-list">
+ <element name="modifications">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="quorum"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="watchdog"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-spec" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-attr" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="revised-cluster-status">
+ <element name="revised_cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-attr">
+ <element name="inject_attr">
+ <attribute name="cib_node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node_path"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-node">
+ <element name="modify_node">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-spec">
+ <element name="inject_spec">
+ <attribute name="spec"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-ticket">
+ <element name="modify_ticket">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="ticket"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-injected-actions-list">
+ <element name="transition">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-injected-actions" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.24.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.24.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="timings-list">
+ <element name="timings">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-timing" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="action-list">
+ <element name="actions">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-rsc-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-allocation">
+ <element name="node_weight">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-capacity">
+ <element name="capacity">
+ <attribute name="comment"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-cluster-action">
+ <element name="cluster_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-injected-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-inject-cluster-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-fencing-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-pseudo-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-rsc-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-fencing-action">
+ <element name="fencing_action">
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-action">
+ <element name="node_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-promotion">
+ <element name="promotion_score">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-pseudo-action">
+ <element name="pseudo_action">
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-timing">
+ <element name="timing">
+ <attribute name="file"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="duration"> <data type="double" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dest"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="next-role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="source"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-utilization">
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.28.rng b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.28.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58be93d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.28.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-simulate"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-simulate">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="timings-list" />
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cluster-status" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="modifications-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="allocations-utilizations-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="action-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cluster-injected-actions-list" />
+ <ref name="revised-cluster-status" />
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="allocations-utilizations-list">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="allocations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="allocations_utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-status">
+ <element name="cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="modifications-list">
+ <element name="modifications">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="quorum"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="watchdog"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-spec" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-attr" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="revised-cluster-status">
+ <element name="revised_cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-attr">
+ <element name="inject_attr">
+ <attribute name="cib_node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node_path"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-node">
+ <element name="modify_node">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-spec">
+ <element name="inject_spec">
+ <attribute name="spec"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-ticket">
+ <element name="modify_ticket">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="ticket"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-injected-actions-list">
+ <element name="transition">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-injected-actions" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.28.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.28.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="timings-list">
+ <element name="timings">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-timing" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="action-list">
+ <element name="actions">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-rsc-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-allocation">
+ <element name="node_weight">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-capacity">
+ <element name="capacity">
+ <attribute name="comment"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-cluster-action">
+ <element name="cluster_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-injected-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-inject-cluster-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-fencing-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-pseudo-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-rsc-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-fencing-action">
+ <element name="fencing_action">
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-action">
+ <element name="node_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-promotion">
+ <element name="promotion_score">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-pseudo-action">
+ <element name="pseudo_action">
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-timing">
+ <element name="timing">
+ <attribute name="file"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="duration"> <data type="double" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dest"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="next-role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="source"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-utilization">
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.29.rng b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.29.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48cf942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.29.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-simulate"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-simulate">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="timings-list" />
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cluster-status" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="modifications-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="allocations-utilizations-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="action-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cluster-injected-actions-list" />
+ <ref name="revised-cluster-status" />
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="allocations-utilizations-list">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="allocations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="allocations_utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-status">
+ <element name="cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="node-history-2.12.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="modifications-list">
+ <element name="modifications">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="quorum"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="watchdog"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-spec" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-attr" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="revised-cluster-status">
+ <element name="revised_cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-attr">
+ <element name="inject_attr">
+ <attribute name="cib_node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node_path"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-node">
+ <element name="modify_node">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-spec">
+ <element name="inject_spec">
+ <attribute name="spec"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-ticket">
+ <element name="modify_ticket">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="ticket"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-injected-actions-list">
+ <element name="transition">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-injected-actions" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.29.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.29.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="timings-list">
+ <element name="timings">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-timing" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="action-list">
+ <element name="actions">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-rsc-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-allocation">
+ <element name="node_weight">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-capacity">
+ <element name="capacity">
+ <attribute name="comment"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-cluster-action">
+ <element name="cluster_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-injected-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-inject-cluster-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-fencing-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-pseudo-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-rsc-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-fencing-action">
+ <element name="fencing_action">
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-action">
+ <element name="node_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-promotion">
+ <element name="promotion_score">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-pseudo-action">
+ <element name="pseudo_action">
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-timing">
+ <element name="timing">
+ <attribute name="file"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="duration"> <data type="double" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dest"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="next-role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="source"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-utilization">
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.8.rng b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.8.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a7612d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crm_simulate-2.8.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crm-simulate"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crm-simulate">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="timings-list" />
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cluster-status" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="modifications-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="allocations-utilizations-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="action-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cluster-injected-actions-list" />
+ <ref name="revised-cluster-status" />
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="allocations-utilizations-list">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="allocations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="allocations_utilizations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-allocation" />
+ <ref name="element-promotion" />
+ <ref name="element-capacity" />
+ <ref name="element-utilization" />
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-status">
+ <element name="cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="modifications-list">
+ <element name="modifications">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="quorum"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="watchdog"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-modify-ticket" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-spec" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-inject-attr" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="revised-cluster-status">
+ <element name="revised_cluster_status">
+ <ref name="nodes-list" />
+ <ref name="resources-list" />
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="node-attributes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="failures-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-attr">
+ <element name="inject_attr">
+ <attribute name="cib_node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node_path"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-node">
+ <element name="modify_node">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-spec">
+ <element name="inject_spec">
+ <attribute name="spec"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-modify-ticket">
+ <element name="modify_ticket">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="ticket"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cluster-injected-actions-list">
+ <element name="transition">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-injected-actions" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="node-attributes-list">
+ <element name="node_attributes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="node-attrs-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="failures-list">
+ <element name="failures">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="failure-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="nodes-2.8.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="resources-list">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="timings-list">
+ <element name="timings">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-timing" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="action-list">
+ <element name="actions">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-rsc-action" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-allocation">
+ <element name="node_weight">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-capacity">
+ <element name="capacity">
+ <attribute name="comment"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-cluster-action">
+ <element name="cluster_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-injected-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-inject-cluster-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-fencing-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-pseudo-action" />
+ <ref name="element-inject-rsc-action" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-fencing-action">
+ <element name="fencing_action">
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-action">
+ <element name="node_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-promotion">
+ <element name="promotion_score">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <externalRef href="../score.rng" />
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-pseudo-action">
+ <element name="pseudo_action">
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-inject-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="op"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-timing">
+ <element name="timing">
+ <attribute name="file"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="duration"> <data type="double" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc-action">
+ <element name="rsc_action">
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dest"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="next-role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="source"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-utilization">
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <attribute name="function"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crmadmin-2.25.rng b/xml/api/crmadmin-2.25.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..973f6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crmadmin-2.25.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crmadmin"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crmadmin">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-status" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="pacemakerd-health-2.25.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-dc" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="crmadmin-nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-status">
+ <element name="crmd">
+ <attribute name="node_name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="state"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="result"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-dc">
+ <element name="dc">
+ <attribute name="node_name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="crmadmin-nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-crmadmin-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-crmadmin-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/crmadmin-2.4.rng b/xml/api/crmadmin-2.4.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34c9ca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/crmadmin-2.4.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-crmadmin"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-crmadmin">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-status" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-pacemakerd" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-dc" />
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="crmadmin-nodes-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-status">
+ <element name="crmd">
+ <attribute name="node_name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="state"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="result"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-pacemakerd">
+ <element name="pacemakerd">
+ <attribute name="state"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="last_updated"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-dc">
+ <element name="dc">
+ <attribute name="node_name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="crmadmin-nodes-list">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-crmadmin-node" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-crmadmin-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/diff-2.30.rng b/xml/api/diff-2.30.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb130ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/diff-2.30.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <!--
+ CIB XML patchset
+ Note: This schema supports only v2-format patchsets. It does not and will
+ not support the v1 format. If a newer XML patchset format is created in the
+ future, then this schema should be updated accoridngly, or a new schema
+ should be created.
+ -->
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-diff" />
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-diff">
+ <element name="diff">
+ <attribute name="format"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <element name="version">
+ <element name="source">
+ <ref name="attributes-patchset-version" />
+ </element>
+ <element name="target">
+ <ref name="attributes-patchset-version" />
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-change" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attributes-patchset-version">
+ <attribute name="admin_epoch"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="epoch"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="num_updates"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-change">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-change-create" />
+ <ref name="element-change-delete" />
+ <ref name="element-change-modify" />
+ <ref name="element-change-move" />
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-change-create">
+ <element name="change">
+ <attribute name="operation"> <value>create</value> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="path"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="position"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <!--
+ Copy of the newly created node. To avoid maintenance headaches
+ like forgetting to update this schema when new CIB element types
+ are added, we'll simply allow any element here.
+ -->
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="any-element-2.30.rng" />
+ <text/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-change-delete">
+ <element name="change">
+ <attribute name="operation"> <value>delete</value> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="path"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="position"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-change-modify">
+ <element name="change">
+ <attribute name="operation"> <value>modify</value> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="path"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <ref name="element-change-list" />
+ <ref name="element-change-result" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-change-move">
+ <element name="change">
+ <attribute name="operation"> <value>move</value> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="path"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="position"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!-- List of modified attributes -->
+ <define name="element-change-list">
+ <element name="change-list">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-change-attr" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!-- Attribute that has been modified ((re-)set or unset) -->
+ <define name="element-change-attr">
+ <element name="change-attr">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"> <value>set</value> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="operation"> <value>unset</value> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!-- Result of a modification -->
+ <define name="element-change-result">
+ <element name="change-result">
+ <!-- The modified element, without children -->
+ <element>
+ <anyName />
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <attribute> <anyName /> <text/> </attribute>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/digests-2.6.rng b/xml/api/digests-2.6.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e843d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/digests-2.6.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-digests"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-digests">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-digest"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-digest">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="hash"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="parameters">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <attribute>
+ <anyName/>
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/digests-2.9.rng b/xml/api/digests-2.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d00628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/digests-2.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-digests"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-digests">
+ <element name="digests">
+ <attribute name="resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-digest"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-digest">
+ <element name="digest">
+ <attribute name="type"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="hash"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="parameters">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <attribute>
+ <anyName/>
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/failure-2.8.rng b/xml/api/failure-2.8.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a36d2ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/failure-2.8.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-failure"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-failure">
+ <element name="failure">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="op_key"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="node"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitstatus"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitreason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exitcode"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="call"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="queued"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exec"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/fence-event-2.0.rng b/xml/api/fence-event-2.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e54687c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/fence-event-2.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="fencing-history-event"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="fencing-history-event">
+ <element name="fence_event">
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>failed</value>
+ <value>success</value>
+ <value>pending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="extended-status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="delegate"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="completed"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/fence-event-2.15.rng b/xml/api/fence-event-2.15.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e000ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/fence-event-2.15.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="fencing-history-event"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="fencing-history-event">
+ <element name="fence_event">
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>failed</value>
+ <value>success</value>
+ <value>pending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="extended-status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="exit-reason"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="delegate"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="completed"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/generic-list-2.4.rng b/xml/api/generic-list-2.4.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee93a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/generic-list-2.4.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="generic-list"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="generic-list">
+ <element name="list">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="count"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <empty/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="item-1.1.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/instruction-2.30.rng b/xml/api/instruction-2.30.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22f1856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/instruction-2.30.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <!-- An instruction to the user -->
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-instruction" />
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-instruction">
+ <element name="instruction">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/item-1.1.rng b/xml/api/item-1.1.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a065ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/item-1.1.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <!-- list_item() method -->
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-item"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-item">
+ <element name="item">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <data type="string"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/node-attrs-2.8.rng b/xml/api/node-attrs-2.8.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..754ddb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/node-attrs-2.8.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-node-with-attributes"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-node-with-attributes">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="attribute">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="expected"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/node-history-2.12.rng b/xml/api/node-history-2.12.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9628000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/node-history-2.12.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="node-history-list" />
+ </start>
+ <define name="node-history-list">
+ <element name="node_history">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-node-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-node-history">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-history">
+ <element name="resource_history">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphan"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="migration-threshold"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fail-count"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-failure"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-operation-history" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operation-history">
+ <element name="operation_history">
+ <attribute name="call"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="task"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last-run"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="exec-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="queue-time"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="rc"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="rc_text"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/nodes-2.19.rng b/xml/api/nodes-2.19.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df4c77f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/nodes-2.19.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-full-node"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="health">
+ <choice>
+ <value>red</value>
+ <value>yellow</value>
+ <value>green</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/nodes-2.21.rng b/xml/api/nodes-2.21.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e236ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/nodes-2.21.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-full-node"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="health">
+ <choice>
+ <value>red</value>
+ <value>yellow</value>
+ <value>green</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="feature_set"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/nodes-2.24.rng b/xml/api/nodes-2.24.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9686344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/nodes-2.24.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-full-node"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="health">
+ <choice>
+ <value>red</value>
+ <value>yellow</value>
+ <value>green</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="feature_set"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.24.rng" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/nodes-2.28.rng b/xml/api/nodes-2.28.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19b5c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/nodes-2.28.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-full-node"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="health">
+ <choice>
+ <value>red</value>
+ <value>yellow</value>
+ <value>green</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="feature_set"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.28.rng" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/nodes-2.29.rng b/xml/api/nodes-2.29.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dd1798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/nodes-2.29.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-full-node"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="health">
+ <choice>
+ <value>red</value>
+ <value>yellow</value>
+ <value>green</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="feature_set"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.29.rng" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/nodes-2.8.rng b/xml/api/nodes-2.8.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ef7578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/nodes-2.8.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-full-node"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-full-node">
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <!-- for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes, crm_mon 1.1.13 uses
+ "container_id" while later versions use "id_as_resource" -->
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id_as_resource"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <externalRef href="resources-2.4.rng" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/pacemakerd-2.10.rng b/xml/api/pacemakerd-2.10.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41a11e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/pacemakerd-2.10.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-pacemakerd"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-pacemakerd">
+ <element name="pacemakerd">
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="build"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="feature_set"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="feature-list" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="feature-list">
+ <element name="features">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="feature"> <text/> </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/pacemakerd-health-2.25.rng b/xml/api/pacemakerd-health-2.25.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2089b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/pacemakerd-health-2.25.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-pacemakerd-health"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-pacemakerd-health">
+ <element name="pacemakerd">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sys_from"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="state"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="last_updated"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/resources-2.24.rng b/xml/api/resources-2.24.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ae6eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/resources-2.24.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resource-list">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-bundle" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-clone" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-group" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>docker</value>
+ <value>rkt</value>
+ <value>podman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="image"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="replica">
+ <attribute name="id"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="multi_state"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="number_resources"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource">
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource_agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="active"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphaned"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="nodes_running_on"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked_to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="cached"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/resources-2.28.rng b/xml/api/resources-2.28.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a79bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/resources-2.28.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resource-list">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-bundle" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-clone" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-group" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>docker</value>
+ <value>rkt</value>
+ <value>podman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="image"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="maintenance">
+ <data type="boolean" />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="replica">
+ <attribute name="id"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="multi_state"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="maintenance">
+ <data type="boolean" />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="number_resources"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="maintenance">
+ <data type="boolean" />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource">
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource_agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="active"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphaned"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="maintenance">
+ <data type="boolean" />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="nodes_running_on"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked_to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="cached"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/resources-2.29.rng b/xml/api/resources-2.29.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4214a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/resources-2.29.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resource-list">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-bundle" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-clone" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-group" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>docker</value>
+ <value>rkt</value>
+ <value>podman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="image"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="maintenance">
+ <data type="boolean" />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="replica">
+ <attribute name="id"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="multi_state"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="maintenance">
+ <data type="boolean" />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="number_resources"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="maintenance">
+ <data type="boolean" />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource">
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource_agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="active"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphaned"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="maintenance">
+ <data type="boolean" />
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="nodes_running_on"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="locked_to"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="cached"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/resources-2.4.rng b/xml/api/resources-2.4.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e279583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/resources-2.4.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resource-list">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-bundle" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-clone" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-group" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>docker</value>
+ <value>rkt</value>
+ <value>podman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="image"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="replica">
+ <attribute name="id"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="multi_state"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="number_resources"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disabled"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-list" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource">
+ <element name="resource">
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="resource_agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="target_role"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="active"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="orphaned"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="blocked"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="nodes_running_on"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="pending"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="cached"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="xml"> <text/> </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/status-2.0.rng b/xml/api/status-2.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..865ac08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/status-2.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-status"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-status">
+ <element name="status">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="message"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="errors">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="error">
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/stonith_admin-1.0.rng b/xml/api/stonith_admin-1.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd52a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/stonith_admin-1.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-stonith-admin"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-stonith-admin">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="stonith-admin-list" />
+ <ref name="element-last-fenced" />
+ <ref name="element-validation" />
+ <element name="metadata"> <text /> </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="stonith-admin-list">
+ <element name="list">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="count"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="fencing-history-event" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="fencing-target" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="device" />
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="device">
+ <element name="item">
+ <attribute name="name"> <value>device</value> </attribute>
+ <data type="NCName" />
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fencing-target">
+ <element name="target">
+ <attribute name="hostname"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="uuid"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-last-fenced">
+ <element name="last-fenced">
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="when"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-validation">
+ <element name="validate">
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="valid"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="command-output-1.0.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fencing-history-event">
+ <element name="fence_event">
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>failed</value>
+ <value>success</value>
+ <value>pending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="extended-status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="delegate"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="completed"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/stonith_admin-1.1.rng b/xml/api/stonith_admin-1.1.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..997670f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/stonith_admin-1.1.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-stonith-admin"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-stonith-admin">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="stonith-admin-list" />
+ <ref name="element-last-fenced" />
+ <ref name="element-validation" />
+ <element name="metadata"> <text /> </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="stonith-admin-list">
+ <element name="list">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="count"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <empty/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="item-1.1.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="fencing-history-event" />
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-last-fenced">
+ <element name="last-fenced">
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="when"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-validation">
+ <element name="validate">
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="valid"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="command-output-1.0.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fencing-history-event">
+ <element name="fence_event">
+ <attribute name="status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>failed</value>
+ <value>success</value>
+ <value>pending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="extended-status"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="delegate"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="action"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="client"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="origin"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="completed"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.0.rng b/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..260417c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-stonith-admin"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-stonith-admin">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="stonith-admin-list" />
+ <ref name="element-last-fenced" />
+ <ref name="element-validation" />
+ <element name="metadata"> <text /> </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="stonith-admin-list">
+ <element name="list">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="count"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <empty/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="item-1.1.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-last-fenced">
+ <element name="last-fenced">
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="when"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-validation">
+ <element name="validate">
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="valid"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="command-output-1.0.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.1.rng b/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.1.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23e6a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.1.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-stonith-admin"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-stonith-admin">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="stonith-admin-list" />
+ <ref name="element-last-fenced" />
+ <ref name="element-validation" />
+ <element name="metadata"> <text /> </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="stonith-admin-list">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="list">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="count"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <empty/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="item-1.1.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.0.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-last-fenced">
+ <element name="last-fenced">
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="when"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-validation">
+ <element name="validate">
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="valid"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="command-output-1.0.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.15.rng b/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.15.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b55fae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.15.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-stonith-admin"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-stonith-admin">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="stonith-admin-list" />
+ <ref name="element-last-fenced" />
+ <ref name="element-validation" />
+ <element name="metadata"> <text /> </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="stonith-admin-list">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="list">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="count"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <empty/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="item-1.1.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.15.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-last-fenced">
+ <element name="last-fenced">
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="when"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-validation">
+ <element name="validate">
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="valid"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="command-output-1.0.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.23.rng b/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.23.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3fab68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/stonith_admin-2.23.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-stonith-admin"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-stonith-admin">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="stonith-admin-list" />
+ <ref name="element-last-fenced" />
+ <ref name="element-validation" />
+ <element name="metadata"> <text /> </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="stonith-admin-list">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="list">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="count"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger" /> </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <empty/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="item-1.1.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="fence-event-2.15.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-last-fenced">
+ <element name="last-fenced">
+ <attribute name="target"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="when"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-validation">
+ <element name="validate">
+ <attribute name="agent"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="valid"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="command-output-2.23.rng" />
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/subprocess-output-2.23.rng b/xml/api/subprocess-output-2.23.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f7a8e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/subprocess-output-2.23.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="subprocess-output" />
+ </start>
+ <define name="subprocess-output">
+ <attribute name="code"> <data type="integer" /> </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="output">
+ <attribute name="source"><value>stdout</value></attribute>
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="output">
+ <attribute name="source"><value>stderr</value></attribute>
+ <text />
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/api/version-2.0.rng b/xml/api/version-2.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56c810b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/api/version-2.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-version"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-version">
+ <element name="version">
+ <attribute name="program"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="version"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="author"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="build"> <text /> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="features"> <text /> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl b/xml/assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..175bdb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+ Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+ Author: Jan Pokorny <>
+ Part of pacemaker project
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ -->
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xsl=""
+ xmlns:cibtr=""
+ xmlns:exsl="">
+<!-- NOTE: this is an exception from rule forbidding EXSLT's usage -->
+<xsl:include href="../upgrade-2.10-roundtrip.xsl"/>
+ we are embedding files from 3rd party project so as to reproduce the content
+ of XML into HTML-formatted presentation form; alternatively:
+ * from mozilla/firefox:
+ - view-source.xsl by Keith Visco (example transformation for transformiix)
+ - XMLPrettyPrint.xsl by Jonas Sicking
+ or possibly its readily sanitized version from rdf-viewer project
+ * custom stylesheet to be written
+ -->
+<xsl:param name="highlight-namespace" select="''"/>
+<xsl:include href=""/>
+<xsl:include href=""/>
+ -->
+<xsl:include href="view-source-library.xsl"/>
+<xsl:include href="view-source-original.xsl"/>
+<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8"
+ omit-xml-declaration="yes"
+ doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ doctype-system=""/>
+<!-- B: identity mode -->
+<xsl:template match="@*|node()" mode="identity">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" mode="identity"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+<!-- used in test files to allow in-browser on-the-fly checking -->
+<xsl:template match="processing-instruction()[
+ name() = 'xml-stylesheet'
+ and
+ count(..|/) = 1
+ ]"
+ mode="identity"/>
+<!-- E: identity mode -->
+<xsl:template match="/">
+ <xsl:variable name="before-upgrade">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="identity"/>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="after-upgrade">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="cibtr:roundtrip"/>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <title>
+ <xsl:text>upgrade-2.10 on-the-fly in-browser transformation</xsl:text>
+ </title>
+ <style>
+ ol.count,.possibly-revealed { display: none; }
+ li.delete { color: red; }
+ li.delete em { background-color: #FFE4E1; }
+ li.insert { color: green; }
+ li.insert em { background-color: #FAFAD2; }
+ .count,.data { font-family: monospace;
+ background-color: #F8F8FF;
+ border: 1px solid #DCDCDC; }
+ .err_warning { color: red; background-color: #FFE4E1; }
+ .err_info { color: green; background-color: #FAFAD2; }
+ .err_debug { }
+ </style>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ var global = { prettydiff: {} }, /* for diffview.js */
+ diffview_source = new String("../assets/diffview.js");
+ /* add location-based file detail to the title */
+ var split_url = document.URL.split('/'),
+ basename = new String(split_url[split_url.length - 1]),
+ /* see whether there's 'test-\d+' in URL as a discriminator */
+ is_test = split_url.some(function(item, index, array) {
+ if (index &lt; array.length - 1 &amp;&amp; item.match(/test-\d+/))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ });
+ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
+ /* update title + headline */
+ var basename_title = new String(basename + " upgrade");
+ document.getElementById("headline").innerText = basename_title;
+ document.title = basename_title + " [" + document.title + "]";
+ /* add location-based file detail to the acknowledgement's text */
+ document.getElementById("acknowledgement")
+ .innerHTML = document.getElementById("acknowledgement").innerHTML
+ .replace("@basename@", basename);
+ /* make expand/collapse buttons udner debugging section work */
+ document.querySelectorAll("#original, #transformed").forEach(
+ function(item) {
+ item.querySelector(".expand").addEventListener("click",
+ function(event) {
+ item.querySelectorAll(".possibly-revealed").forEach(
+ function(item) {
+ item.classList.replace("possibly-revealed", "revealed");
+ }
+ );
+ this.classList.add("possibly-revealed");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ item.querySelector(".collapse").addEventListener("click",
+ function(event) {
+ item.querySelectorAll(".revealed").forEach(
+ function(item) {
+ item.classList.replace("revealed", "possibly-revealed");
+ }
+ );
+ item.querySelector(".expand").classList.remove("possibly-revealed");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ if (is_test) {
+ var xhr1 = new XMLHttpRequest(),
+ xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest(),
+ basename_split = basename.split('.');
+ /* fetch expected out-of-band messages */
+ xhr1.onload = function() {
+ var formatted = this.responseText.replace(/^(WARNING|INFO|DEBUG)(: .*)$/gm,
+ function(match, label, rest) {
+ return '&lt;span class="err_' + label.toLowerCase() + '"&gt;&lt;em&gt;'
+ + label + '&lt;/em&gt;' + rest + '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br/&gt;';
+ });
+ document.getElementById("expected-messages").innerHTML = formatted;
+ document.querySelectorAll(["#expected-messages",
+ "#expected-messages-ext",
+ "#navigation"]).forEach(
+ function(item) {
+ item.classList.remove("possibly-revealed");
+ }
+ );
+ };
+"GET", basename_split.splice(0, basename_split.length - 1)
+ .join('.') + ".ref.err");
+ xhr1.responseType = "text";
+ xhr1.send();
+ /* fetch previous/next pointers */
+ xhr2.onload = function() {
+ var prev_link, next_link,
+ found = false;
+ this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("a"),
+ function(item) {
+ if (item.href.endsWith(basename_split[basename_split.length - 1])) {
+ if (item.href.endsWith(basename))
+ found = true;
+ else if (!found)
+ prev_link = item;
+ else if (next_link !== undefined)
+ return false;
+ else
+ next_link = item;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ );
+ if (prev_link !== undefined)
+ document.getElementById("navigation-prev").href = prev_link.href;
+ if (next_link !== undefined)
+ document.getElementById("navigation-next").href = next_link.href;
+ };
+"GET", ".");
+ xhr2.responseType = "document";
+ xhr2.send();
+ }
+ });
+ window.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
+ /* trigger diff'ing */
+ document
+ .getElementById("output")
+ .innerHTML = global.prettydiff.diffview({
+ source: document.getElementById("original-placeholder").innerText,
+ sourcelabel: "Differences: original",
+ diff: document.getElementById("transformed-placeholder").innerText,
+ difflabel: "transformed (some whitespace stripped)",
+ diffview: "inline",
+ lang: "text"
+ })[0];
+ /* add proper location of diffview.js */
+ var diffview_link = document.getElementById("diffview-link");
+ if ( != {
+ diffview_link.href = diffview_source;
+ diffview_link.parentElement.querySelector(".possibly-revealed")
+ .classList.remove("possibly-revealed");
+ diffview_link.parentElement.querySelector(".revealed")
+ .classList.replace("revealed", "possibly-revealed");
+ }
+ });
+ /* bind left/right arrows */
+ window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
+ switch (event.keyCode) {
+ case 37:
+ document.location = document.getElementById("navigation-prev").href;
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ document.location = document.getElementById("navigation-next").href;
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ </script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="../assets/diffview.js"/>
+ <!-- fallback to externally fetched js, without any guarantees,
+ safety ones or otherwise -->
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ if (typeof global.prettydiff.diffview == "undefined") {
+ diffview_source = new String("");
+ document.write(unescape('%3Cscript type="text/javascript" src=' + diffview_source + '/%3E'));
+ }
+ </script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1 id="headline">test</h1>
+ <p>
+ <strong>Using <a href="../upgrade-2.10.xsl">upgrade-2.10</a> on-the-fly in-browser transformation</strong>
+ <span id="navigation" class="possibly-revealed">
+ [
+ <a id="navigation-prev" href="#">previous</a>
+ and
+ <a id="navigation-next" href="#">next</a>, or use arrows
+ ]
+ </span>
+ </p>
+ <p id="output">
+ Differences highlight view to be loaded here.
+ </p>
+ <h3>Diagnostics</h3>
+ <p>
+ Open <a href="">JS console</a>
+ (e.g. <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>J</kbd>, focusing JS + log combo)
+ <span id="expected-messages-ext" class="possibly-revealed">
+ to check the actual messages from the in-browser transformation match the baseline:
+ </span>
+ </p>
+ <p id="expected-messages" class="data possibly-revealed">
+ Expected diagnostic messages to be loaded here.
+ </p>
+ <h3>Debugging</h3>
+ <p>
+ These are raw data (beware, already chewed with the
+ <a href="../assets/view-source-original.xsl">view-source</a>
+ transformation, hence not very suitable for copying) entering
+ the differential generating processs:
+ </p>
+ <p id="original">
+ <span>
+ <a class="expand" href="">original+</a>
+ <a class="collapse possibly-revealed" href="">original-</a>
+ </span>
+ <br/>
+ <pre id="original-placeholder" class="data possibly-revealed">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="exsl:node-set($before-upgrade)/node()" mode="original"/>
+ </pre>
+ </p>
+ <p id="transformed">
+ <span>
+ <a class="expand" href="">transformed+</a>
+ <a class="collapse possibly-revealed" href="">transformed-</a>
+ </span>
+ <br/>
+ <pre id="transformed-placeholder" class="data possibly-revealed">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="exsl:node-set($after-upgrade)/node()" mode="original"/>
+ </pre>
+ </p>
+ <hr/>
+ <p id="acknowledgement">
+ This generated page is based on the externally provided pacemaker XML
+ configuration file (CIB), <span class="data">@basename@</span>, which is
+ the primary object of interest here.
+ But the rendered page wouldn't be possible without the actual
+ transformations and other auxiliary files that come with these notices:
+ <br/>
+ <ul>
+ <li id="ack-diffview">
+ <a href="../assets/diffview.js" id="diffview-link">diffview.js</a>
+ <p class="data revealed">
+ This file was obtained from <a href="">prettydiff/prettydiff</a> project:<br/>
+ <a href="">diffview.js</a><br/>
+ <br/>
+ Licensing governed with:<br/>
+ <a href="">license.txt</a><br/>
+ <br/>
+ > Rights holder Austin Cheney and Pretty Diff<br/>
+ > <br/>
+ > Pretty Diff project, as of version 2.1.17 and all following versions<br/>
+ > unless otherwise changed, is licensed with a Creative Commons 1.0<br/>
+ > Universal license (CC0).
+ </p>
+ <p class="data possibly-revealed">
+ This file is being served directly from <a href="">
+ GitHub hosted location</a>, hence refer to <a href="">
+ respective repo tree</a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li id="ack-view-source">
+ <a href="../assets/view-source-library.xsl">library.xsl</a>
+ and
+ <a href="../assets/view-source-original.xsl">original.xsl</a>
+ <p class="data">
+ This file was obtained from <a href="">Boldewyn/view-source</a> project:<br/>
+ <a href="">library.xsl</a><br/>
+ <a href="">original.xsl</a><br/>
+ <br/>
+ Licensing governed with:<br/>
+ <a href="">README</a><br/>
+ <br/>
+ > The stylesheet is published under an MIT-style license and the GPL v2.<br/>
+ > Choose at your liking.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li id="ack-upgrade">
+ <a href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl">upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl</a>
+ (master template for this report) and
+ <a href="../upgrade-2.10.xsl">upgrade-2.10.xsl</a>
+ (actual upgrade engine)
+ <p class="data">
+ Copyright 2018 <a href="">Red Hat, Inc.</a><br/>
+ Author: <a href="">Jan Pokorny</a>
+ &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br/>
+ <a href="">Part</a> of
+ <a href="">pacemaker</a> project<br/>
+ <a href="">SPDX-License-Identifier</a>:
+ <a href="">GPL-2.0-or-later</a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ </body>
+ </html>
diff --git a/xml/assets/view-source-library.xsl b/xml/assets/view-source-library.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ac0dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/assets/view-source-library.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+ This file was obtained from project:
+ Licensing governed with:
+ > The stylesheet is published under an MIT-style license and the GPL v2.
+ > Choose at your liking.
+ -->
+<t:stylesheet version="1.0"
+ xmlns:t=""
+ xmlns="">
+ <t:variable name="ns" xmlns="">
+ <empty></empty>
+ <xml></xml>
+ <xmlns></xmlns>
+ <xhtml></xhtml>
+ <svg></svg>
+ <mathml></mathml>
+ <xslt></xslt>
+ <fo></fo>
+ <smil></smil>
+ <xlink></xlink>
+ <xsd></xsd>
+ <xsd-inst></xsd-inst>
+ <xforms></xforms>
+ <xinclude></xinclude>
+ <xul></xul>
+ <rdf></rdf>
+ </t:variable>
+ <!--
+ format text, so that newlines get indented correctly
+ -->
+ <t:template name="format-text">
+ <t:param name="text" select="." />
+ <t:param name="indent" />
+ <t:choose>
+ <t:when test="contains($text, '&#xA;')">
+ <t:value-of select="normalize-space(substring-before($text, '&#xA;'))" />
+ <t:text>&#xA;</t:text>
+ <t:value-of select="$indent" />
+ <t:call-template name="format-text">
+ <t:with-param name="text" select="substring-after($text, '&#xA;')" />
+ <t:with-param name="indent" select="$indent " />
+ </t:call-template>
+ </t:when>
+ <t:otherwise>
+ <t:value-of select="normalize-space($text)" />
+ </t:otherwise>
+ </t:choose>
+ </t:template>
+ <!--
+ HTML entity quote stuff
+ -->
+ <t:template name="quote">
+ <t:param name="text" />
+ <t:call-template name="replace">
+ <t:with-param name="text">
+ <t:call-template name="replace">
+ <t:with-param name="text">
+ <t:call-template name="replace">
+ <t:with-param name="text">
+ <t:call-template name="replace">
+ <t:with-param name="text">
+ <t:call-template name="replace">
+ <t:with-param name="text">
+ <t:value-of select="$text" />
+ </t:with-param>
+ <t:with-param name="from" select="'&amp;'" />
+ <t:with-param name="to" select="'&amp;amp;'" />
+ </t:call-template>
+ </t:with-param>
+ <t:with-param name="from" select='"&apos;"' />
+ <t:with-param name="to" select="'&amp;apos;'" />
+ </t:call-template>
+ </t:with-param>
+ <t:with-param name="from" select="'&quot;'" />
+ <t:with-param name="to" select="'&amp;quot;'" />
+ </t:call-template>
+ </t:with-param>
+ <t:with-param name="from" select="'&gt;'" />
+ <t:with-param name="to" select="'&amp;gt;'" />
+ </t:call-template>
+ </t:with-param>
+ <t:with-param name="from" select="'&lt;'" />
+ <t:with-param name="to" select="'&amp;lt;'" />
+ </t:call-template>
+ </t:template>
+ <!--
+ replace a string with another
+ -->
+ <t:template name="replace">
+ <t:param name="text" />
+ <t:param name="from" />
+ <t:param name="to" />
+ <t:choose>
+ <t:when test="not($from)">
+ <t:value-of select="$text" />
+ </t:when>
+ <t:when test="contains($text, $from)">
+ <t:value-of select="substring-before($text, $from)" />
+ <t:value-of select="$to" />
+ <t:call-template name="replace">
+ <t:with-param name="text" select="substring-after($text, $from)" />
+ <t:with-param name="from" select="$from" />
+ <t:with-param name="to" select="$to" />
+ </t:call-template>
+ </t:when>
+ <t:otherwise>
+ <t:value-of select="$text" />
+ </t:otherwise>
+ </t:choose>
+ </t:template>
+ <!--
+ parse the value of an attribute (find links and make them clickable)
+ -->
+ <t:template name="parse-attval">
+ <t:param name="att" select="." />
+ <t:choose>
+ <!-- FIXME: element{xhtml} / @attr{obscure-ns} 'href' gets linkified -->
+ <t:when test="(namespace-uri($att/..) = document('')//t:variable[@name = 'ns']/xml/text() and ( local-name($att) = 'base' )) or
+ (namespace-uri($att/..) = document('')//t:variable[@name = 'ns']/xhtml/text() and ( local-name($att) = 'src' or local-name($att) = 'href' )) or
+ (namespace-uri($att/..) = document('')//t:variable[@name = 'ns']/svg/text() and ( local-name($att) = 'src' )) or
+ (namespace-uri($att/..) = document('')//t:variable[@name = 'ns']/xslt/text() and ( local-name($att) = 'href' )) or
+ (namespace-uri($att/..) = document('')//t:variable[@name = 'ns']/smil/text() and ( local-name($att) = 'src' or local-name($att) = 'href' )) or
+ (namespace-uri($att) = document('')//t:variable[@name = 'ns']/xlink/text() and ( local-name($att) = 'href' or local-name($att) = 'role' )) or
+ contains(substring($att, 1, 7), 'http://') or
+ contains(substring($att, 1, 8), 'https://') or
+ contains(substring($att, 1, 7), 'file://') or
+ contains(substring($att, 1, 7), 'mailto:') or
+ contains(substring($att, 1, 6), 'ftp://') or
+ contains(substring($att, 1, 7), 'ftps://') or
+ contains(substring($att, 1, 5), 'news:') or
+ contains(substring($att, 1, 4), 'urn:') or
+ contains(substring($att, 1, 5), 'ldap:') or
+ contains(substring($att, 1, 5), 'data:')">
+ <a>
+ <t:attribute name="href">
+ <t:value-of select="$att" />
+ </t:attribute>
+ <t:call-template name="quote">
+ <t:with-param name="text" select="$att" />
+ </t:call-template>
+ </a>
+ </t:when>
+ <t:otherwise>
+ <t:call-template name="quote">
+ <t:with-param name="text" select="$att" />
+ </t:call-template>
+ </t:otherwise>
+ </t:choose>
+ </t:template>
+ <!--
+ print the name of a node plus the namespace URI in a title attribute
+ -->
+ <t:template name="print-name">
+ <t:param name="node" select="." />
+ <span class="label">
+ <t:if test="namespace-uri($node)">
+ <t:attribute name="title">
+ <t:value-of select="namespace-uri($node)" />
+ </t:attribute>
+ </t:if>
+ <t:choose>
+ <t:when test="name($node) != local-name($node)">
+ <span class="nsprefix">
+ <t:value-of select="substring-before(name($node), ':')" />
+ </span>
+ <span class="nscolon syntax">
+ <t:text>:</t:text>
+ </span>
+ <span class="local-name">
+ <t:value-of select="local-name($node)" />
+ </span>
+ </t:when>
+ <t:otherwise>
+ <t:value-of select="name($node)" />
+ </t:otherwise>
+ </t:choose>
+ </span>
+ </t:template>
+ <!--
+ check the used language against a list of known ones
+ -->
+ <t:template name="detect-lang">
+ <t:param name="node" select="." />
+ <t:if test="namespace-uri($node) = $highlight-namespace">
+ <t:text>highlight </t:text>
+ </t:if>
+ <t:value-of select="local-name(document('')//t:variable[@name = 'ns']/*[text() = namespace-uri($node)])" />
+ </t:template>
+ <t:key name="kElemByNSURI"
+ match="*[namespace::*[not(. = ../../namespace::*)]]"
+ use="namespace::*[not(. = ../../namespace::*)]" />
+ <!--
+ get a list of all namespaces used in the document
+ -->
+ <t:template name="get-namespace-nodes">
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ var namespaces = [
+ <t:for-each select="//namespace::*[not(. = ../../namespace::*)]
+ [count(..|key('kElemByNSURI',.)[1])=1]">
+ <t:value-of select="concat('&quot;',.,'&quot;,')"/>
+ </t:for-each>
+ ];
+ </script>
+ </t:template>
diff --git a/xml/assets/view-source-original.xsl b/xml/assets/view-source-original.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..327e0d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/assets/view-source-original.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+ This file was obtained from project:
+ Licensing governed with:
+ > The stylesheet is published under an MIT-style license and the GPL v2.
+ > Choose at your liking.
+ -->
+<t:stylesheet version="1.0"
+ xmlns:t=""
+ xmlns="">
+ <!-- Elements (original) -->
+ <t:template match="*" mode="original">
+ <t:variable name="lang">
+ <t:call-template name="detect-lang" />
+ </t:variable>
+ <t:choose>
+ <t:when test="node()">
+ <span class="{$lang} element">
+ <span class="tag start">
+ <t:text>&lt;</t:text>
+ <t:call-template name="print-name" />
+ <t:for-each select="@*">
+ <t:apply-templates select="." mode="original" />
+ </t:for-each>
+ <t:text>&gt;</t:text>
+ </span>
+ <t:apply-templates mode="original" />
+ <span class="tag end">
+ <t:text>&lt;/</t:text>
+ <t:value-of select="name(.)"/>
+ <t:text>&gt;</t:text>
+ </span>
+ </span>
+ </t:when>
+ <t:otherwise>
+ <span class="{$lang} element empty">
+ <span class="tag empty">
+ <t:text>&lt;</t:text>
+ <t:call-template name="print-name" />
+ <t:for-each select="@*">
+ <t:apply-templates select="." mode="original" />
+ </t:for-each>
+ <t:text> /&gt;</t:text>
+ </span>
+ </span>
+ </t:otherwise>
+ </t:choose>
+ </t:template>
+ <!-- Attributes (original) -->
+ <t:template match="@*" mode="original">
+ <t:variable name="lang">
+ <t:call-template name="detect-lang" />
+ </t:variable>
+ <t:text> </t:text>
+ <span class="{$lang} attribute">
+ <t:call-template name="print-name" />
+ <t:text>="</t:text>
+ <span class="attribute-value">
+ <t:call-template name="parse-attval" />
+ </span>
+ <t:text>"</t:text>
+ </span>
+ </t:template>
+ <!-- Processing Instructions (original) -->
+ <t:template match="processing-instruction()" mode="original">
+ <span class="processing-instruction">
+ <t:text>&lt;?</t:text>
+ <t:value-of select="name(.)" />
+ <t:text> </t:text>
+ <t:value-of select="." />
+ <t:text>?&gt;</t:text>
+ </span>
+ </t:template>
+ <!-- Comments (original) -->
+ <t:template match="comment()" mode="original">
+ <span class="comment">
+ <t:text>&lt;!--</t:text>
+ <t:call-template name="quote">
+ <t:with-param name="text" select="." />
+ </t:call-template>
+ <t:text>--></t:text>
+ </span>
+ </t:template>
+ <!-- Text (original) -->
+ <t:template match="text()" mode="original">
+ <span class="text">
+ <t:call-template name="quote">
+ <t:with-param name="text" select="." />
+ </t:call-template>
+ </span>
+ </t:template>
diff --git a/xml/base/access-render-2.xsl b/xml/base/access-render-2.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c370a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/base/access-render-2.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+ Copyright 2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
+ The version control history for this file may have further details.
+ Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later (GPLv2+).
+ -->
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
+ xmlns:accessrender=""
+ xmlns:accessrendercfg="">
+<xsl:output method="text" encoding="UTF-8"/>
+ see;
+ note that we need to retain XML 1.0 (as opposed to 1.1, which in turn
+ is not supported in libxml) compatibility in this very template, meaning
+ we cannot output a superset of what's expressible in the template itself
+ (escaped or not), hence we are forced to work that around for \x1b (ESC,
+ unavoidable for ANSI colorized output) character with encoding it in some
+ way (here using "\x1b" literal notation) and requiring a trivial
+ "xsltproc ... | sed 's/\\x1b/\x1b/'" postprocessing;
+ the above, however, only applies when used directly (which may be the
+ reason to pay attention to this comment to begin with), but fortunately
+ it is conveniently avoidable when XSLT triggered programatically (see
+ pcmk__acl_evaled_render), since libxslt allows for passing raw (further
+ unchecked) parameter strings, in which case the actual content of those
+ parameters is decoded on the fly, meaning that this file is still open
+ to compilation-free customizations if there's an irresistible need...
+<xsl:param name="accessrendercfg:c-writable"><!-- green -->\x1b[32m</xsl:param>
+<xsl:param name="accessrendercfg:c-readable"><!-- blue -->\x1b[34m</xsl:param>
+<xsl:param name="accessrendercfg:c-denied"><!-- red -->\x1b[31m</xsl:param>
+<xsl:param name="accessrendercfg:c-reset"><!-- reset -->\x1b[0m</xsl:param>
+<xsl:param name="accessrender:extra-spacing">
+ <xsl:value-of select="'no'"/>
+<xsl:param name="accessrender:self-reproducing-prefix">
+ <xsl:value-of select="''"/>
+<xsl:variable name="accessrender:ns-writable" select="''"/>
+<xsl:variable name="accessrender:ns-readable" select="''"/>
+<xsl:variable name="accessrender:ns-denied" select="''"/>
+ accessrender:interpolate-annotation named template
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="accessrender:interpolate-annotation">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="namespace-uri() = $accessrender:ns-writable">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$accessrendercfg:c-writable"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="namespace-uri() = $accessrender:ns-readable">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$accessrendercfg:c-readable"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="namespace-uri() = $accessrender:ns-denied">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$accessrendercfg:c-denied"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ accessrender:namespaces mode
+ -->
+<xsl:template match="*" mode="accessrender:namespaces">
+ <!-- assume c-writable is representative of others (c-readable, c-denied) -->
+ <xsl:if test="concat(
+ substring-before($accessrendercfg:c-writable, ':'),
+ ':'
+ ) = $accessrendercfg:c-writable">
+ <xsl:if test="//*[namespace-uri() = $accessrender:ns-writable]
+ or
+ //@*[namespace-uri() = $accessrender:ns-writable]">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(' xmlns:',
+ substring-before($accessrendercfg:c-writable, ':'),
+ '=&quot;', $accessrender:ns-writable, '&quot;')"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="//*[namespace-uri() = $accessrender:ns-readable]
+ or
+ //@*[namespace-uri() = $accessrender:ns-readable]">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(' xmlns:',
+ substring-before($accessrendercfg:c-readable, ':'),
+ '=&quot;', $accessrender:ns-readable, '&quot;')"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="//*[namespace-uri() = $accessrender:ns-denied]
+ or
+ //@*[namespace-uri() = $accessrender:ns-denied]">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(' xmlns:',
+ substring-before($accessrendercfg:c-denied, ':'),
+ '=&quot;', $accessrender:ns-denied, '&quot;')"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:if>
+ accessrender:proceed mode
+ -->
+<xsl:template match="*" mode="accessrender:proceed">
+ <xsl:variable name="whitespace-before">
+ <!-- ensure newline also for the root element -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="preceding-sibling::text()[last()] != ''">
+ <xsl:value-of select="preceding-sibling::text()[last()]"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="'&#xA;'"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="extra-annotation">
+ <xsl:if test="namespace-uri() != namespace-uri(..)
+ or
+ $accessrendercfg:c-reset != ''">
+ <xsl:call-template name="accessrender:interpolate-annotation"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <!-- tag opening -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- special-casing based on $extra-annotation ending with colon -->
+ <xsl:when test="$accessrender:self-reproducing-prefix != ''
+ and
+ concat(
+ substring-before($extra-annotation, ':'),
+ ':'
+ ) = $extra-annotation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('&lt;', $extra-annotation, local-name())"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$accessrender:extra-spacing = 'yes'
+ and
+ $extra-annotation != ''">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(
+ preceding-sibling::text()[last()],
+ $extra-annotation,
+ $whitespace-before,
+ '&lt;',
+ local-name()
+ )"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($extra-annotation, '&lt;', local-name())"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="accessrender:proceed" select="@*"/>
+ <!-- for root and true XML output, figure out the namespaces used -->
+ <xsl:if test=". = /*
+ and
+ $accessrender:self-reproducing-prefix != ''">
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="accessrender:namespaces" select="."/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <!-- tag closing -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="*|comment()|processing-instruction()">
+ <xsl:value-of select="'&gt;'"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="accessrender:proceed" select="node()"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- special-casing based on $extra-annotation ending with colon -->
+ <xsl:when test="$accessrender:self-reproducing-prefix != ''
+ and
+ concat(
+ substring-before($extra-annotation, ':'),
+ ':'
+ ) = $extra-annotation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(
+ '&lt;/',
+ $extra-annotation,
+ local-name(), '&gt;'
+ )"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:if test="$accessrender:extra-spacing = 'no'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$extra-annotation"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(
+ '&lt;/',
+ local-name(),
+ '&gt;'
+ )"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="'/&gt;'"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="accessrender:proceed" select="node()"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <!-- do not taint any subsequent terminal session -->
+ <xsl:value-of select="$accessrendercfg:c-reset"/>
+<xsl:template match="@*" mode="accessrender:proceed">
+ <!-- XXX especially "text" output untest{ed,able} since no support for
+ attribute granularity for now -->
+ <xsl:variable name="extra-annotation">
+ <xsl:if test="namespace-uri() != namespace-uri(..)">
+ <xsl:call-template name="accessrender:interpolate-annotation"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="namespace-uri() != namespace-uri(..)
+ and
+ $accessrender:self-reproducing-prefix != ''">
+ <xsl:value-of select="' '"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="concat(
+ substring-before($extra-annotation, ':'),
+ ':'
+ ) = $extra-annotation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($extra-annotation, ':')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(':', local-name(), '=&quot;', ., '&quot;')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ', local-name(), '=&quot;', ., '&quot;')"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<xsl:template match="comment()|processing-instruction()|text()" mode="accessrender:proceed">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::comment()">
+ <xsl:value-of select="'&lt;!-- '"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::processing-instruction()">
+ <xsl:value-of select="'&lt;? '"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::comment()">
+ <xsl:value-of select="' --&gt;&#xA;'"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::processing-instruction()">
+ <xsl:value-of select="'?&gt;'&#xA;"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<!-- mode-less, easy to override kick-off -->
+<xsl:template match="/">
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="accessrender:proceed" select="@*|node()"/>
diff --git a/xml/ b/xml/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..580c29f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Find the (sub-)schema that best matches a desired version.
+# Version numbers are assumed to be in the format X.Y,
+# where X and Y are integers, and Y is no more than 3 digits,
+# or the special value "next".
+# (Sub-)schema name (e.g. "resources")
+base="$1"; shift
+# Desired version (e.g. "1.0" or "next")
+target="$1"; shift
+# If not empty, append the best match as an XML externalRef to this file
+# (otherwise, just echo the best match). Using readlink allows building
+# from a different directory.
+destination="$(readlink -f "$1")"; shift
+# Arbitrary text to print before XML (generally spaces to indent)
+prefix="$1"; shift
+# Allow building from a different directory
+cd "$(dirname $0)"
+list_candidates() {
+ ls -1 "${1}.rng" "${1}"-[0-9]*.rng 2>/dev/null
+version_from_filename() {
+ vff_filename="$1"
+ case "$vff_filename" in
+ *-*.rng)
+ echo "$vff_filename" | sed -e 's/.*-\(.*\).rng/\1/'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # special case for bare ${base}.rng, no -0.1's around anyway
+ echo 0.1
+ ;;
+ esac
+filename_from_version() {
+ ffv_version="$1"
+ ffv_base="$2"
+ if [ "$ffv_version" = "0.1" ]; then
+ echo "${ffv_base}.rng"
+ else
+ echo "${ffv_base}-${ffv_version}.rng"
+ fi
+# Convert version string (e.g. 2.10) into integer (e.g. 2010) for comparisons
+int_version() {
+ echo "$1" | awk -F. '{ printf("%d%03d\n", $1,$2); }';
+for rng in $(list_candidates "${base}"); do
+ case ${rng} in
+ ${base}-${target}.rng)
+ # We found exactly what was requested
+ best=${target}
+ break
+ ;;
+ *-next.rng)
+ # "Next" schemas cannot be a best match unless directly requested
+ ;;
+ *)
+ v=$(version_from_filename "${rng}")
+ if [ $(int_version "${v}") -gt $(int_version "${best}") ]; then
+ # This version beats the previous best match
+ if [ "${target}" = "next" ]; then
+ best=${v}
+ elif [ $(int_version "${v}") -lt $(int_version "${target}") ]; then
+ # This value is best only if it's still less than the target
+ best=${v}
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [ "$best" != "0.0" ]; then
+ found=$(filename_from_version "$best" "$base")
+ if [ -z "$destination" ]; then
+ echo "$(basename $found)"
+ else
+ echo "${prefix}<externalRef href=\"$(basename $found)\"/>" >> "$destination"
+ fi
+ exit 0
+exit 1
diff --git a/xml/cib-1.0.rng b/xml/cib-1.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b05413d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/cib-1.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="attribute-options"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="attribute-options">
+ <externalRef href="versions.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="crm_feature_set"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="remote-tls-port"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="remote-clear-port"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="have-quorum"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dc-uuid"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="cib-last-written"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-panic"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/cib-1.2.rng b/xml/cib-1.2.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ae03eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/cib-1.2.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="attribute-options"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="attribute-options">
+ <externalRef href="versions.rng"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="crm_feature_set"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="remote-tls-port"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="remote-clear-port"><data type="nonNegativeInteger"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="have-quorum"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dc-uuid"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="cib-last-written"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="no-quorum-panic"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="update-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="update-client"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="update-user"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="execution-date"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/cibtr-2.rng b/xml/cibtr-2.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36e8328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/cibtr-2.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+ Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+ Author: Jan Pokorny <>
+ Part of pacemaker project
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ -->
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ xmlns:cibtr=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="cibtr-2">
+ <element name="cibtr:map">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.table"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.table">
+ <element name="cibtr:table">
+ <attribute name="for">
+ <data type="ID"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="msg-prefix">
+ <data type="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.nonwhereaware"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="where-cases">
+ <!-- pipe-delimited enumeration-->
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="minLength">1</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ <!-- cannot arrange this as an interleave of
+ cibtr-2.replace.whereaware+ and
+ cibtr-2.replace.nonwhereaware* because of
+ -->
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.whereaware"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!-- leaf attributes -->
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-in-case-of">
+ <attribute name="in-case-of">
+ <!-- pipe-delimited enumeration-->
+ <data type="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-in-case-of-droppable-prefix">
+ <attribute name="in-case-of-droppable-prefix">
+ <!-- just a single argument taken verbatim -->
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="minLength">1</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-msg-extra">
+ <attribute name="msg-extra">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="minLength">1</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-msg-severity">
+ <attribute name="msg-severity">
+ <choice>
+ <value>WARNING</value>
+ <value>INFO</value>
+ <value>DEBUG</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-redefined-as">
+ <attribute name="redefined-as">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="minLength">1</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-what">
+ <attribute name="what">
+ <data type="NCName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-where">
+ <attribute name="where">
+ <data type="NCName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-with-possibly">
+ <attribute name="with">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="NCName"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-with-surely">
+ <attribute name="with">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="NCName"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.attrs-common">
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-what"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-msg-extra"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-msg-severity"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.attrs-redefined-as-in-case-of">
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-redefined-as"/>
+ <!-- can be combined with in-case-of, but cannot be combined
+ with in-case-of-droppable-prefix -->
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-in-case-of"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <!-- leaf production using the above attribute definitions -->
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.nonwhereaware">
+ <element name="cibtr:replace">
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attrs-common"/>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-with-possibly"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attrs-redefined-as-in-case-of"/>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-in-case-of"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-with-surely"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attrs-redefined-as-in-case-of"/>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-in-case-of"/>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-in-case-of-droppable-prefix"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cibtr-2.replace.whereaware">
+ <element name="cibtr:replace">
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attrs-common"/>
+ <!-- cf. comment at cibtr-2.table -->
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-with-surely"/>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-where"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attrs-redefined-as-in-case-of"/>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-in-case-of"/>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-in-case-of-droppable-prefix"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-with-surely"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-where"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attrs-redefined-as-in-case-of"/>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-in-case-of"/>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-in-case-of-droppable-prefix"/>
+ </choice>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-with-possibly"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="cibtr-2.replace.attr-in-case-of"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-1.0.rng b/xml/constraints-1.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce273a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-1.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute-mangle"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-1.2.rng b/xml/constraints-1.2.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff62db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-1.2.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute-mangle"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-2.1.rng b/xml/constraints-2.1.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bed941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-2.1.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ordering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>group</value>
+ <value>listed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute-mangle"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-2.2.rng b/xml/constraints-2.2.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98491ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-2.2.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="resource-discovery">
+ <ref name="attribute-discovery"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ordering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>group</value>
+ <value>listed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute-mangle"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-discovery">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>exclusive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-2.3.rng b/xml/constraints-2.3.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17f7afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-2.3.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="resource-discovery">
+ <ref name="attribute-discovery"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ordering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>group</value>
+ <value>listed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute-mangle"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-discovery">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>exclusive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-2.6.rng b/xml/constraints-2.6.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..185db4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-2.6.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc-pattern"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="resource-discovery">
+ <ref name="attribute-discovery"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ordering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>group</value>
+ <value>listed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute-mangle"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-discovery">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>exclusive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-2.9.rng b/xml/constraints-2.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2c05a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-2.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc-pattern"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule-2.9.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="resource-discovery">
+ <ref name="attribute-discovery"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ordering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>group</value>
+ <value>listed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute-mangle"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-discovery">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>exclusive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule-2.9.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-3.0.rng b/xml/constraints-3.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11f4a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-3.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc-pattern"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule-2.9.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="resource-discovery">
+ <ref name="attribute-discovery"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ordering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>group</value>
+ <value>listed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-discovery">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>exclusive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule-2.9.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-3.5.rng b/xml/constraints-3.5.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0d94e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-3.5.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc-pattern"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule-3.5.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="resource-discovery">
+ <ref name="attribute-discovery"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ordering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>group</value>
+ <value>listed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-discovery">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>exclusive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule-3.5.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-3.6.rng b/xml/constraints-3.6.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fece6b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-3.6.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc-pattern"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule-3.5.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="resource-discovery">
+ <ref name="attribute-discovery"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ordering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>group</value>
+ <value>listed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="influence"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-discovery">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>exclusive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule-3.5.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-3.7.rng b/xml/constraints-3.7.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8c667e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-3.7.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc-pattern"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule-3.5.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="resource-discovery">
+ <ref name="attribute-discovery"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ordering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>group</value>
+ <value>listed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="influence"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-discovery">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>exclusive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Promoted</value>
+ <value>Unpromoted</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <externalRef href="rule-3.5.rng"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-3.9.rng b/xml/constraints-3.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f0fa8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-3.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc-pattern"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="rule-3.9.rng">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-rule-location"/>
+ </start>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="resource-discovery">
+ <ref name="attribute-discovery"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ordering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>group</value>
+ <value>listed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="influence"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-discovery">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>exclusive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Promoted</value>
+ <value>Unpromoted</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="rule-3.9.rng">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-rule-location"/>
+ </start>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/constraints-next.rng b/xml/constraints-next.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58fd27f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/constraints-next.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ @COMPAT: The constraints-next schema is deprecated since 2.1.5 and will be
+ removed in a future release.
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-constraints"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-constraints">
+ <element name="constraints">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-location"/>
+ <ref name="element-colocation"/>
+ <ref name="element-order"/>
+ <ref name="element-rsc_ticket"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-location">
+ <element name="rsc_location">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="rsc-pattern"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="node"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="rule-3.9.rng">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-rule-location"/>
+ </start>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="resource-discovery">
+ <ref name="attribute-discovery"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-set">
+ <element name="resource_set">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sequential"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ordering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>group</value>
+ <value>listed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="resource_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-colocation">
+ <element name="rsc_colocation">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="influence"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="node-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-instance"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="with-rsc-instance"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-order">
+ <element name="rsc_order">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-lifetime"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="symmetrical"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="require-all"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="kind">
+ <ref name="order-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="first"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="then"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-action">
+ <ref name="attribute-actions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="first-instance"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="then-instance"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-rsc_ticket">
+ <element name="rsc_ticket">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-resource-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="rsc"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="rsc-role">
+ <ref name="attribute-roles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="ticket"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="loss-policy">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-discovery">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>exclusive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-actions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>promote</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="attribute-roles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Promoted</value>
+ <value>Unpromoted</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="order-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Optional</value>
+ <value>Mandatory</value>
+ <value>Serialize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-lifetime">
+ <element name="lifetime">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="rule-3.9.rng">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-rule-location"/>
+ </start>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/context-of.xsl b/xml/context-of.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96b8c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/context-of.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
+ xmlns:xsl="">
+<xsl:output method="text"/>
+<xsl:param name="goal-name" select="'id'"/>
+<xsl:param name="goal-value" select="'GOAL'"/>
+<xsl:param name="style" select="'rng'"/>
+<xsl:param name="skip" select="0"/>
+<xsl:template match="/">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="not(.//@*[
+ name() = $goal-name
+ and
+ . = $goal-value
+ ])">
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">NOTFOUND</xsl:message>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$style = 'xml'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="xpath-xml-elem">
+ <xsl:with-param name="terminal-elem"
+ select=".//@*[
+ name() = $goal-name
+ and
+ . = $goal-value
+ ]/.."/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$style = 'rng'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="xpath-rng-elem">
+ <xsl:with-param name="terminal-elem"
+ select=".//@*[
+ name() = $goal-name
+ and
+ . = $goal-value
+ ]/.."/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">BADSTYLE</xsl:message>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<xsl:template name="xpath-xml-elem">
+ <xsl:param name="terminal-elem"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="TotalCount"
+ select="count($terminal-elem/ancestor-or-self::*)"/>
+ <xsl:for-each select="$terminal-elem/ancestor-or-self::*">
+ <xsl:if test="$TotalCount - position() &gt;= $skip">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('/', name())"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:value-of select="'&#xa;'"/>
+<xsl:template name="xpath-rng-elem">
+ <xsl:param name="terminal-elem"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="TotalCount"
+ select="count($terminal-elem/ancestor-or-self::*)"/>
+ <xsl:for-each select="$terminal-elem/ancestor-or-self::*">
+ <xsl:if test="$TotalCount - position() &gt;= $skip">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="name() = 'attribute'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('/@', @name)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="name() = 'define'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('/&lt;', @name, '&gt;')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="name() = 'element'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('/', @name)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="name() = 'grammar'">
+ <xsl:if test="$TotalCount &lt; 3">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('&lt;', name(), '&gt;')"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:value-of select="'&#xa;'"/>
diff --git a/xml/crm.xsl b/xml/crm.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25bfbaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/crm.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- Edited with XML Spy v2007 ( -->
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
+<xsl:output method='html' version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' indent='yes'/>
+<xsl:template match="cib">
+ <h2>Cluster Configuration: <xsl:value-of select="@admin_epoch"/>.<xsl:value-of select="@epoch"/>.<xsl:value-of select="@num_updates"/></h2>
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+<xsl:template match="cluster_property_set">
+ <li>
+ Property Set: <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </li>
+<xsl:template match="node">
+ <li>
+ <b>Node <xsl:value-of select="@uname"/></b> (<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>)
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>
+ </li>
+<xsl:template match="primitive">
+ <li>
+ <b>Resource
+ <xsl:value-of select="@class"/>::<xsl:value-of select="@type"/>:<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
+ </b>
+ <ul>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>
+ Preferred Locations:
+ <xsl:call-template name="location_prefs">
+ <xsl:with-param name="resource" select="@id"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<xsl:template name="location_prefs">
+ <xsl:parameter name="resource"/>
+ <xsl:for-each select="/cib/configuration/constraints/rsc_location">
+ <xsl:if test="@rsc = $resource">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+<xsl:template match="group">
+ <li>
+ <h4>Resource Group <xsl:value-of select="@id"/></h4>
+ <ul><xsl:apply-templates/></ul>
+ </li>
+<xsl:template match="clone">
+ <li>
+ <h4>Cloned Resource <xsl:value-of select="@id"/></h4>
+ <ul><xsl:apply-templates/></ul>
+ </li>
+<xsl:template match="op">
+ <li>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>:
+ interval=<xsl:value-of select="@interval"/>
+ timeout=<xsl:value-of select="@timeout"/>
+ </li>
+<xsl:template match="instance_attributes">
+ Options: <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+<xsl:template match="rsc_location">
+ Location: <xsl:value-of select="@rsc"/>
+ <ul><xsl:apply-templates/></ul>
+<xsl:template match="rule">
+ <ul><xsl:apply-templates/></ul>
+<xsl:template match="expression">
+ <li>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@attribute"/>
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@operation"/>
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@value"/>
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ (score=<xsl:value-of select="../@score"/>)
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </li>
+<xsl:template match="attributes/nvpair">
+ <li>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>="<xsl:value-of select="@value"/>"
+ </li>
+<xsl:template match="crm_config">
+ <h3>Cluster Options</h3>
+ <ul><xsl:apply-templates/></ul>
+<xsl:template match="nodes">
+ <h3>Available Nodes</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </ul>
+<xsl:template match="resources">
+ <h3>Configured Resources</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </ul>
+<xsl:template match="constraints">
+ <h3>Inter-Resource Relationships</h3>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="rsc_colocation"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="rsc_order"/>
+<xsl:template match="configuration">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+<xsl:template match="attributes">
+ <ul>
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </ul>
+<xsl:template match="operations">
+ Operations:
+ <ul>
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </ul>
+<xsl:template match="status"/>
+<xsl:template match="/">
+ <html>
+ <body>
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </body>
+ </html>
+<xsl:template match="*">
+ <div>
+ <ul>
+ <font color="#777777">Unknown Object: </font>
+ <xsl:value-of select="name()"/>
+ <p><xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/></p>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+<xsl:template match="@*">
+ <xsl:value-of select="name()"/>
+ <xsl:text>=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
diff --git a/xml/fencing-1.2.rng b/xml/fencing-1.2.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dc72d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/fencing-1.2.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-stonith"/>
+ </optional>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-stonith">
+ <element name="fencing-topology">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-level"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-level">
+ <element name="fencing-level">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="target"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="target-pattern"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="index"><data type="positiveInteger"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="devices">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+)(,[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+)*</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/fencing-2.4.rng b/xml/fencing-2.4.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e01f2f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/fencing-2.4.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-stonith"/>
+ </optional>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-stonith">
+ <element name="fencing-topology">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-level"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-level">
+ <element name="fencing-level">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="target"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="target-pattern"><text/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="target-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="target-value"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="index"><data type="positiveInteger"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="devices">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+)(,[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+)*</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nodes-1.0.rng b/xml/nodes-1.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82153ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nodes-1.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nodes"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-nodes">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="id"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="uname"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nodes-1.2.rng b/xml/nodes-1.2.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8e9399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nodes-1.2.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nodes"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-nodes">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="id"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="uname"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nodes-1.3.rng b/xml/nodes-1.3.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9403860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nodes-1.3.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nodes"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-nodes">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="id"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="uname"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nodes-2.9.rng b/xml/nodes-2.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85a8670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nodes-2.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nodes"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-nodes">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="id"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="uname"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nodes-3.0.rng b/xml/nodes-3.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a213c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nodes-3.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nodes"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-nodes">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="id"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="uname"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nodes-3.4.rng b/xml/nodes-3.4.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0132c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nodes-3.4.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nodes"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-nodes">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="id"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="uname"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.4.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.4.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nodes-3.5.rng b/xml/nodes-3.5.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7a9409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nodes-3.5.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nodes"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-nodes">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="id"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="uname"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nodes-3.9.rng b/xml/nodes-3.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9454ee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nodes-3.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nodes"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-nodes">
+ <element name="nodes">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="node">
+ <attribute name="id"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="uname"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>member</value>
+ <value>ping</value>
+ <value>remote</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nvset-1.3.rng b/xml/nvset-1.3.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f0de23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nvset-1.3.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- types: -->
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nvset"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-nvset">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="nvpair">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nvset-2.9.rng b/xml/nvset-2.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d43be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nvset-2.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- types: -->
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nvset"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-nvset">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="rule-2.9.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="nvpair">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nvset-3.0.rng b/xml/nvset-3.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7555dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nvset-3.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- just as nvset-2.9.rng, but allows for instantiated @name restrictions -->
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nvset"/>
+ </start>
+ <!-- nvpair/@name:
+ * generic string by default, parent grammar may want to prohibit
+ enumerated names -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <!-- nvpair/@name:
+ * defer grammar item
+ nvpair/@value:
+ generic string by default, parent grammar may want to restrict
+ enumerated pairs (i.e. related to @name) at once -->
+ <define name="">
+ <ref name=""/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-nvset">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="rule-2.9.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="nvpair">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name=""/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nvset-3.4.rng b/xml/nvset-3.4.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91a7d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nvset-3.4.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- just as nvset-2.9.rng, but allows for instantiated @name restrictions -->
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nvset"/>
+ </start>
+ <!-- nvpair/@name:
+ * generic string by default, parent grammar may want to prohibit
+ enumerated names -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <!-- nvpair/@name:
+ * defer grammar item
+ nvpair/@value:
+ generic string by default, parent grammar may want to restrict
+ enumerated pairs (i.e. related to @name) at once -->
+ <define name="">
+ <ref name=""/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-nvset">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="rule-3.4.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="nvpair">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name=""/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nvset-3.5.rng b/xml/nvset-3.5.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92225f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nvset-3.5.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- just as nvset-2.9.rng, but allows for instantiated @name restrictions -->
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nvset"/>
+ </start>
+ <!-- nvpair/@name:
+ * generic string by default, parent grammar may want to prohibit
+ enumerated names -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <!-- nvpair/@name:
+ * defer grammar item
+ nvpair/@value:
+ generic string by default, parent grammar may want to restrict
+ enumerated pairs (i.e. related to @name) at once -->
+ <define name="">
+ <ref name=""/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-nvset">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="rule-3.5.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="nvpair">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name=""/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nvset-3.9.rng b/xml/nvset-3.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96383bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nvset-3.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- just as nvset-2.9.rng, but allows for instantiated @name restrictions -->
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nvset"/>
+ </start>
+ <!-- nvpair/@name:
+ * generic string by default, parent grammar may want to prohibit
+ enumerated names -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <!-- nvpair/@name:
+ * defer grammar item
+ nvpair/@value:
+ generic string by default, parent grammar may want to restrict
+ enumerated pairs (i.e. related to @name) at once -->
+ <define name="">
+ <ref name=""/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <!-- Allow easy redefinition in parent grammars -->
+ <define name="element-nvset.rule">
+ <externalRef href="rule-3.9.rng"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-nvset">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-nvset.rule"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="nvpair">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name=""/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/nvset.rng b/xml/nvset.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62eaa47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/nvset.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- types: -->
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-nvset"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-nvset">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="rule.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="nvpair">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/ocf-meta2man.xsl b/xml/ocf-meta2man.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67f5dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/ocf-meta2man.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
+ version="1.0">
+ <xsl:output indent="yes"
+ doctype-public="-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
+ doctype-system="docbookx.dtd"/>
+ <!--<xsl:strip-space elements="longdesc shortdesc"/>-->
+ <!-- -->
+ <xsl:param name="">NA</xsl:param>
+ <!-- -->
+ <xsl:param name="man.vol">7</xsl:param>
+ <!-- -->
+ <xsl:param name="variable.prefix"> </xsl:param>
+ <!-- -->
+ <xsl:param name="command.prefix"> </xsl:param>
+ <!-- Separator between different action/@name -->
+ <xsl:param name="separator"> | </xsl:param>
+ <xsl:template match="/">
+ <refentry>
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="root"/>
+ </refentry>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="resource-agent" mode="root">
+ <xsl:param name="this" select="self::resource-agent"/>
+ <info>
+ <author>
+ <personname>
+ <firstname>Andrew</firstname>
+ <surname>Beekhof</surname>
+ <email></email>
+ </personname>
+ </author>
+ </info>
+ <refmeta>
+ <refentrytitle><xsl:value-of select="concat($command.prefix, @name)"/></refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum><xsl:value-of select="$man.vol"/></manvolnum>
+ <refmiscinfo>
+ <source></source>
+ <manual>Pacemaker Configuration</manual>
+ </refmiscinfo>
+ </refmeta>
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$ = 'NA'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($command.prefix, @name)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </refname>
+ <refpurpose><xsl:apply-templates select="shortdesc"/></refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$this" mode="synopsis"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$this" mode="description"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$this" mode="parameters"/>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- Empty Templates -->
+ <xsl:template match="node()" mode="root"/>
+ <xsl:template match="*" mode="synopsis"/>
+ <xsl:template match="*" mode="description"/>
+ <xsl:template match="*" mode="parameters"/>
+ <!-- Mode synopsis -->
+ <xsl:template match="resource-agent" mode="synopsis">
+ <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+ <refsect1><xsl:text>&#10; </xsl:text>
+ <title>Synopsis</title>
+ <xsl:text>&#10; </xsl:text>
+ <para>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="parameters/parameter" mode="synopsis"/>
+ <xsl:text>&#10; </xsl:text>
+ <literal/>
+ <xsl:text>&#10; </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="actions" mode="synopsis">
+ <xsl:with-param name="name" select="@name"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </para>
+ <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+ </refsect1>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="parameters/parameter" mode="synopsis">
+ <xsl:if test="not(@unique='1')">
+ <xsl:text>[</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <command><xsl:value-of select="concat($variable.prefix, @name)"/></command>
+ <xsl:text>=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="content/@type"/>
+ <xsl:if test="not(@unique='1')">
+ <xsl:text>]</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="actions" mode="synopsis">
+ <xsl:param name="name"/>
+ <command><xsl:value-of select="$name"/></command>
+ <xsl:text> [</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="action" mode="synopsis"/>
+ <xsl:text>]</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="action" mode="synopsis">
+ <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
+ <xsl:if test="following-sibling::action">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$separator"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- Mode Description -->
+ <xsl:template match="resource-agent" mode="description">
+ <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text>
+ <refsect1><xsl:text>&#10; </xsl:text>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="description"/>
+ </refsect1>
+ <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="longdesc" mode="description">
+ <para>
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="description"/>
+ </para>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- Mode Parameters -->
+ <xsl:template match="resource-agent" mode="parameters">
+ <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text>
+ <refsect1><xsl:text>&#10; </xsl:text>
+ <title>Supported Parameters</title>
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="parameters"/>
+ </refsect1>
+ <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="resource-agent/shortdesc|resource-agent/longdesc" mode="parameters"/>
+ <xsl:template match="parameters" mode="parameters">
+ <variablelist>
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="parameters"/>
+ </variablelist>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="parameter" mode="parameters">
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>
+ <command><xsl:value-of select="concat($variable.prefix, @name)"/></command>
+ <xsl:text> = </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="content/@type"/>
+ <xsl:if test="content/@default">
+ <xsl:text> [</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="content/@default"/>
+ <xsl:text>]</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </term>
+ <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="longdesc/text() = shortdesc/text()">
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <xsl:value-of select="shortdesc/text()"/>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <xsl:value-of select="shortdesc/text()"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <xsl:value-of select="longdesc/text()"/>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <!--xsl:if test="longdesc">
+ <xsl:if test="longdesc != shortdesc">
+ <listitem>
+ <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="longdesc" mode="parameters"/>
+ </listitem>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:if-->
+ <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="longdesc" mode="parameters">
+ <para>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="text()" mode="parameters"/>
+ </para>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="shortdesc" mode="parameters">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="text()" mode="parameters"/>
+ </xsl:template>
diff --git a/xml/options-1.0.rng b/xml/options-1.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9e7ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/options-1.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <interleave>
+ <element name="crm_config">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="cluster_property_set">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="rsc_defaults">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="op_defaults">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </start>
diff --git a/xml/options-3.0.rng b/xml/options-3.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c01cb06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/options-3.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="options"/>
+ </start>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="cluster-properties"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <value type="string">cluster-infrastructure</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>openais</value>
+ <value>classic openais</value>
+ <value>classic openais (with plugin)</value>
+ <value>cman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>cluster-infrastructure</value>
+ <value>cluster_recheck_interval</value>
+ <value>dc_deadtime</value>
+ <value>default-action-timeout</value>
+ <value>default_action_timeout</value>
+ <value>default-migration-threshold</value>
+ <value>default_migration_threshold</value>
+ <value>default-resource-failure-stickiness</value>
+ <value>default_resource_failure_stickiness</value>
+ <value>default-resource-stickiness</value>
+ <value>default_resource_stickiness</value>
+ <value>election_timeout</value>
+ <value>expected-quorum-votes</value>
+ <value>is-managed-default</value>
+ <value>is_managed_default</value>
+ <value>no_quorum_policy</value>
+ <value>notification-agent</value>
+ <value>notification-recipient</value>
+ <value>remove_after_stop</value>
+ <value>shutdown_escalation</value>
+ <value>startup_fencing</value>
+ <value>stonith_action</value>
+ <value>stonith_enabled</value>
+ <value>stop_orphan_actions</value>
+ <value>stop_orphan_resources</value>
+ <value>symmetric_cluster</value>
+ <value>transition_idle_timeout</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="options">
+ <interleave>
+ <element name="crm_config">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="cluster_property_set">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.0.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="rsc_defaults">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="op_defaults">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/options-3.4.rng b/xml/options-3.4.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22330d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/options-3.4.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="options"/>
+ </start>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="cluster-properties"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <value type="string">cluster-infrastructure</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>openais</value>
+ <value>classic openais</value>
+ <value>classic openais (with plugin)</value>
+ <value>cman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>cluster-infrastructure</value>
+ <value>cluster_recheck_interval</value>
+ <value>dc_deadtime</value>
+ <value>default-action-timeout</value>
+ <value>default_action_timeout</value>
+ <value>default-migration-threshold</value>
+ <value>default_migration_threshold</value>
+ <value>default-resource-failure-stickiness</value>
+ <value>default_resource_failure_stickiness</value>
+ <value>default-resource-stickiness</value>
+ <value>default_resource_stickiness</value>
+ <value>election_timeout</value>
+ <value>expected-quorum-votes</value>
+ <value>is-managed-default</value>
+ <value>is_managed_default</value>
+ <value>no_quorum_policy</value>
+ <value>notification-agent</value>
+ <value>notification-recipient</value>
+ <value>remove_after_stop</value>
+ <value>shutdown_escalation</value>
+ <value>startup_fencing</value>
+ <value>stonith_action</value>
+ <value>stonith_enabled</value>
+ <value>stop_orphan_actions</value>
+ <value>stop_orphan_resources</value>
+ <value>symmetric_cluster</value>
+ <value>transition_idle_timeout</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="options">
+ <interleave>
+ <element name="crm_config">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="cluster_property_set">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.4.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="rsc_defaults">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.4.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="op_defaults">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.4.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/options-3.5.rng b/xml/options-3.5.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffcebb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/options-3.5.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="options"/>
+ </start>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="cluster-properties"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <value type="string">cluster-infrastructure</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>openais</value>
+ <value>classic openais</value>
+ <value>classic openais (with plugin)</value>
+ <value>cman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>cluster-infrastructure</value>
+ <value>cluster_recheck_interval</value>
+ <value>dc_deadtime</value>
+ <value>default-action-timeout</value>
+ <value>default_action_timeout</value>
+ <value>default-migration-threshold</value>
+ <value>default_migration_threshold</value>
+ <value>default-resource-failure-stickiness</value>
+ <value>default_resource_failure_stickiness</value>
+ <value>default-resource-stickiness</value>
+ <value>default_resource_stickiness</value>
+ <value>election_timeout</value>
+ <value>expected-quorum-votes</value>
+ <value>is-managed-default</value>
+ <value>is_managed_default</value>
+ <value>no_quorum_policy</value>
+ <value>notification-agent</value>
+ <value>notification-recipient</value>
+ <value>remove_after_stop</value>
+ <value>shutdown_escalation</value>
+ <value>startup_fencing</value>
+ <value>stonith_action</value>
+ <value>stonith_enabled</value>
+ <value>stop_orphan_actions</value>
+ <value>stop_orphan_resources</value>
+ <value>symmetric_cluster</value>
+ <value>transition_idle_timeout</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="options">
+ <interleave>
+ <element name="crm_config">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="cluster_property_set">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.5.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="rsc_defaults">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="op_defaults">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/options-3.9.rng b/xml/options-3.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1302b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/options-3.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="options"/>
+ </start>
+ <!--
+ Include rule definitions so that we can override element-nvset.rule based on
+ context
+ -->
+ <include href="rule-3.9.rng">
+ <start combine="choice">
+ <notAllowed/>
+ </start>
+ </include>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="cluster-properties"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <value type="string">cluster-infrastructure</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>openais</value>
+ <value>classic openais</value>
+ <value>classic openais (with plugin)</value>
+ <value>cman</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>cluster-infrastructure</value>
+ <value>cluster_recheck_interval</value>
+ <value>dc_deadtime</value>
+ <value>default-action-timeout</value>
+ <value>default_action_timeout</value>
+ <value>default-migration-threshold</value>
+ <value>default_migration_threshold</value>
+ <value>default-resource-failure-stickiness</value>
+ <value>default_resource_failure_stickiness</value>
+ <value>default-resource-stickiness</value>
+ <value>default_resource_stickiness</value>
+ <value>election_timeout</value>
+ <value>expected-quorum-votes</value>
+ <value>is-managed-default</value>
+ <value>is_managed_default</value>
+ <value>no_quorum_policy</value>
+ <value>notification-agent</value>
+ <value>notification-recipient</value>
+ <value>remove_after_stop</value>
+ <value>shutdown_escalation</value>
+ <value>startup_fencing</value>
+ <value>stonith_action</value>
+ <value>stonith_enabled</value>
+ <value>stop_orphan_actions</value>
+ <value>stop_orphan_resources</value>
+ <value>symmetric_cluster</value>
+ <value>transition_idle_timeout</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="options">
+ <interleave>
+ <element name="crm_config">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="cluster_property_set">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.9.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="rsc_defaults">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.9.rng">
+ <define name="element-nvset.rule">
+ <parentRef name="element-rule-rsc_defaults"/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="op_defaults">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.9.rng">
+ <define name="element-nvset.rule">
+ <parentRef name="element-rule-op_defaults"/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/ b/xml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64e5240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# compatible with pacemaker-cib.pc:schemadir
+# where machine-friendly API interchange format is formalized as schemas
+Name: Pacemaker Schemas & Transformations
+Description: XML validation & transformation variables per Pacemaker build
+# no linker/compiler properties to associate
diff --git a/xml/ b/xml/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7269779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
+# Copyright 2018-2020 the Pacemaker project contributors
+# The version control history for this file may have further details.
+# This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+# or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
+set -eu
+test -d assets && test -d test-2 \
+ || { echo 'Run me from source-tree-like location'; exit 1; }
+# $1=reference (can be '-' for stdin), $2=investigated
+# alt.: wdiff, colordiff, ...
+# $1=schema, $2=validated
+# alt.: jing -i
+RNGVALIDATOR=${RNGVALIDATOR:-xmllint --noout --relaxng}
+# $1=stylesheet, $2=source
+# alt.: Xalan, saxon, sabcmd/Sablotron (note: only validates reliably with -B)
+_xalan_wrapper() {
+ { ${_XSLTPROCESSOR} "$2" "$1" 2>&1 >&3 \
+ | sed -e '/^Source tree node.*$/d' \
+ -e 's|^XSLT message: \(.*\) (Occurred.*)|\1|'; } 3>&- 3>&1 >&2
+# Sablotron doesn't translate '-' file specification to stdin
+# and limits the length of the output message
+_sabcmd_wrapper() {
+ _sabw_sheet=${1:?}
+ _sabw_source=${2:?}
+ test "${_sabw_sheet}" != - || _sabw_sheet=/dev/stdin
+ test "${_sabw_source}" != - || _sabw_source=/dev/stdin
+ { ${_XSLTPROCESSOR} "${_sabw_sheet}" "${_sabw_source}" 2>&1 >&3 \
+ | sed -e '/^Warning \[code:89\]/d' \
+ -e 's|^ xsl:message (\(.*\))$|\1|'; } 3>&- 3>&1 >&2
+# filtered out message:
+_saxon_wrapper() {
+ { ${_XSLTPROCESSOR} "-xsl:$1" "-s:$2" -versionmsg:off 2>&1 >&3 \
+ | sed -e '/^Cannot find$/d'; } 3>&- 3>&1 >&2
+case "${XSLTPROCESSOR}" in
+[Xx]alan*|*/[Xx]alan*) XSLTPROCESSOR=_xalan_wrapper;;
+sabcmd*|*/sabcmd*) XSLTPROCESSOR=_sabcmd_wrapper;;
+saxon*|*/saxon*) XSLTPROCESSOR=_saxon_wrapper;;
+HTTPPORT=${HTTPPORT:-8000} # Python's default
+tests= # test* names (should go first) here will become preselected default
+# commons
+emit_result() {
+ _er_howmany=${1:?} # how many errors (0/anything else incl. strings)
+ _er_subject=${2:?}
+ _er_prefix=${3-}
+ test -z "${_er_prefix}" || _er_prefix="${_er_prefix}: "
+ if test "${_er_howmany}" = 0; then
+ printf "%s%s finished OK\n" "${_er_prefix}" "${_er_subject}"
+ else
+ printf "%s%s encountered ${_er_howmany} errors\n" \
+ "${_er_prefix}" "${_er_subject}"
+ fi
+emit_error() {
+ _ee_msg=${1:?}
+ printf "%s\n" "${_ee_msg}" >&2
+# returns 1 + floor of base 2 logaritm for _lo0r_i in 1...255,
+# or 0 for _lo0r_i = 0
+log2_or_0_return() {
+ _lo0r_i=${1:?}
+ return $(((!(_lo0r_i >> 1) && _lo0r_i) * 1 \
+ + (!(_lo0r_i >> 2) && _lo0r_i & (1 << 1)) * 2 \
+ + (!(_lo0r_i >> 3) && _lo0r_i & (1 << 2)) * 3 \
+ + (!(_lo0r_i >> 4) && _lo0r_i & (1 << 3)) * 4 \
+ + (!(_lo0r_i >> 5) && _lo0r_i & (1 << 4)) * 5 \
+ + (!(_lo0r_i >> 6) && _lo0r_i & (1 << 5)) * 6 \
+ + (!(_lo0r_i >> 7) && _lo0r_i & (1 << 6)) * 7 \
+ + !!(_lo0r_i >> 7) * 7 ))
+# rough addition of two base 2 logarithms
+log2_or_0_add() {
+ _lo0a_op1=${1:?}
+ _lo0a_op2=${2:?}
+ if test ${_lo0a_op1} -gt ${_lo0a_op2}; then
+ return ${_lo0a_op1}
+ elif test ${_lo0a_op2} -gt ${_lo0a_op1}; then
+ return ${_lo0a_op2}
+ elif test ${_lo0a_op1} -gt 0; then
+ return $((_lo0a_op1 + 1))
+ else
+ return ${_lo0a_op1}
+ fi
+# test phases
+# stdin: input file per line
+test_browser() {
+ _tb_cleanref=0
+ _tb_serverpid=
+ while test $# -gt 0; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -r) _tb_cleanref=1;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if ! read _tb_first; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ cat >/dev/null 2>/dev/null # read out the rest
+ test -f assets/diffview.js \
+ || curl -SsLo assets/diffview.js \
+ ''
+ { which python3 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null \
+ && { python3 -m http.server "${HTTPPORT}" -b \
+ || emit_error "Python3 HTTP server fail"; return; } \
+ || emit_error 'Cannot run Python-based HTTP server' ; } &
+ _tb_serverpid=$!
+ ${WEBBROWSER} "http://localhost:${HTTPPORT}/${_tb_first}" &
+ printf "When finished, just press Ctrl+C or kill %d, please\n" \
+ "${_tb_serverpid}"
+ wait
+ test "${_tb_cleanref}" -eq 0 || rm -f assets/diffview.js
+# -r ... whether to remove referential files as well
+# stdin: input file per line
+test_cleaner() {
+ _tc_cleanref=0
+ while test $# -gt 0; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -r) _tc_cleanref=1;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ while read _tc_origin; do
+ _tc_origin=${_tc_origin%.*}
+ rm -f "${_tc_origin}.up" "${_tc_origin}.up.err"
+ rm -f "$(dirname "${_tc_origin}")/.$(basename "${_tc_origin}").up"
+ test ${_tc_cleanref} -eq 0 \
+ || rm -f "${_tc_origin}.ref" "${_tc_origin}.ref.err"
+ done
+# -a= ... action modifier to derive template name from (if any; enter/leave)
+# -o= ... which conventional version to deem as the transform origin
+test_selfcheck() {
+ _tsc_cleanref=0
+ _tsc_ret=0
+ _tsc_action=
+ _tsc_template=
+ _tsc_validator=
+ while test $# -gt 0; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -r) _tsc_cleanref=1;;
+ -a=*) _tsc_action="${1#-a=}";;
+ -o=*) _tsc_template="${1#-o=}";;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ _tsc_validator="${_tsc_template:?}"
+ _tsc_validator="cibtr-${_tsc_validator%%.*}.rng"
+ _tsc_action=${_tsc_action:+-${_tsc_action}}
+ _tsc_template="upgrade-${_tsc_template}${_tsc_action}.xsl"
+ # alt.
+ _tsc_rng_relaxng=
+ # alt.
+ _tsc_rng_xslt=
+ case "${RNGVALIDATOR}" in
+ *xmllint*)
+ test -f "assets/$(basename "${_tsc_rng_relaxng}")" \
+ || curl -SsLo "assets/$(basename "${_tsc_rng_relaxng}")" \
+ "${_tsc_rng_relaxng}"
+ test -f "assets/$(basename "${_tsc_rng_xslt}")" \
+ || curl -SsLo "assets/$(basename "${_tsc_rng_xslt}")" \
+ "${_tsc_rng_xslt}"
+ test -f assets/xmlcatalog || >assets/xmlcatalog cat <<-EOF
+ <catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">
+ <rewriteURI uriStartString="$(dirname "${_tsc_rng_relaxng}")"
+ rewritePrefix="file://$(pwd)/assets"/>
+ <rewriteURI uriStartString="$(dirname "${_tsc_rng_xslt}")"
+ rewritePrefix="file://$(pwd)/assets"/>
+ </catalog>
+"eval env \"XML_CATALOG_FILES=/etc/xml/catalog $(pwd)/assets/xmlcatalog\"
+ # not needed
+ #_tsc_rng_relaxng="assets/$(basename "${_tsc_rng_relaxng}")"
+ #_tsc_rng_xslt="assets/$(basename "${_tsc_rng_xslt}")"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # check schema (sub-grammar) for custom transformation mapping alone;
+ if test -z "${_tsc_action}" \
+ && ! ${RNGVALIDATOR} "${_tsc_rng_relaxng}" "${_tsc_validator}"; then
+ _tsc_ret=$((_tsc_ret + 1))
+ fi
+ # check the overall XSLT per the main grammar + said sub-grammar;
+ test -f "${_tsc_validator}" && _tsc_validator="xslt_${_tsc_validator}" \
+ || _tsc_validator="${_tsc_rng_xslt}"
+ if ! ${RNGVALIDATOR} "${_tsc_validator}" "${_tsc_template}"; then
+ _tsc_ret=$((_tsc_ret + 1))
+ fi
+ test "${_tsc_cleanref}" -eq 0 \
+ || rm -f assets/relaxng.rng assets/xslt.rng assets/xmlcatalog
+ log2_or_0_return ${_tsc_ret}
+test_explanation() {
+ _tsc_template=
+ while test $# -gt 0; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -o=*) _tsc_template="upgrade-${1#-o=}.xsl";;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ ${XSLTPROCESSOR} upgrade-detail.xsl "${_tsc_template}"
+# stdout: filename of the transformed file
+test_runner_upgrade() {
+ _tru_template=${1:?}
+ _tru_source=${2:?} # filename
+ _tru_mode=${3:?} # extra modes wrt. "referential" outcome, see below
+ _tru_ref="${_tru_source%.*}.ref"
+ { test "$((_tru_mode & (1 << 0)))" -ne 0 \
+ || test -f "${_tru_ref}.err"; } \
+ && _tru_ref_err="${_tru_ref}.err" || _tru_ref_err=/dev/null
+ _tru_target="${_tru_source%.*}.up"
+ _tru_target_err="${_tru_target}.err"
+ if test $((_tru_mode & (1 << 2))) -eq 0; then
+ ${XSLTPROCESSOR} "${_tru_template}" "${_tru_source}" \
+ > "${_tru_target}" 2> "${_tru_target_err}" \
+ || { _tru_ref=$?; echo "${_tru_target_err}"
+ return ${_tru_ref}; }
+ else
+ # when -B (deblanked outcomes handling) requested, we:
+ # - drop blanks from the source XML
+ # (effectively emulating pacemaker handling)
+ # - re-drop blanks from the XSLT outcome,
+ # which is compared with referential outcome
+ # processed with even greedier custom deblanking
+ # (extraneous inter-element whitespace like blank
+ # lines will not get removed otherwise, see lower)
+ xmllint --noblanks "${_tru_source}" \
+ | ${XSLTPROCESSOR} "${_tru_template}" - \
+ > "${_tru_target}" 2> "${_tru_target_err}" \
+ || { _tru_ref=$?; echo "${_tru_target_err}"
+ return ${_tru_ref}; }
+ # reusing variable no longer needed
+ _tru_template="$(dirname "${_tru_target}")"
+ _tru_template="${_tru_template}/.$(basename "${_tru_target}")"
+ mv "${_tru_target}" "${_tru_template}"
+ ${XSLTPROCESSOR} - "${_tru_template}" > "${_tru_target}" <<-EOF
+ <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
+ <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
+ <xsl:template match="@*|*|comment()|processing-instruction()">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="text()">
+ <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ </xsl:template>
+ </xsl:stylesheet>
+ fi
+ # only respond with the flags except for "-B", i.e., when both:
+ # - _tru_mode non-zero
+ # - "-B" in _tru_mode is zero (hence non-zero when flipped with XOR)
+ if test "$((_tru_mode * ((_tru_mode ^ (1 << 2)) & (1 << 2))))" -ne 0; then
+ if test $((_tru_mode & (1 << 0))) -ne 0; then
+ cp -a "${_tru_target}" "${_tru_ref}"
+ cp -a "${_tru_target_err}" "${_tru_ref_err}"
+ fi
+ if test $((_tru_mode & (1 << 1))) -ne 0; then
+ { "${DIFF}" ${DIFFOPTS} "${_tru_source}" "${_tru_ref}" \
+ && printf '\n(files match)\n'; } | ${DIFFPAGER} >&2
+ if test $? -ne 0; then
+ printf "\npager failure\n" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ printf '\nIs comparison OK? ' >&2
+ if read _tru_answer </dev/tty; then
+ case "${_tru_answer}" in
+ y|yes) ;;
+ *) echo "Answer not 'y' nor 'yes'" >&2; return 1;;
+ esac
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ elif test -f "${_tru_ref}" && test -e "${_tru_ref_err}"; then
+ { test "$((_tru_mode & (1 << 2)))" -eq 0 && cat "${_tru_ref}" \
+ || ${XSLTPROCESSOR} - "${_tru_ref}" <<-EOF
+ <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
+ <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
+ <xsl:template match="@*|*|comment()|processing-instruction()">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="text()">
+ <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ </xsl:template>
+ </xsl:stylesheet>
+ } \
+ | "${DIFF}" ${DIFFOPTS} - "${_tru_target}" >&2 \
+ && "${DIFF}" ${DIFFOPTS} "${_tru_ref_err}" \
+ "${_tru_target_err}" >&2
+ if test $? -ne 0; then
+ emit_error "Outputs differ from referential ones"
+ echo "/dev/null"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ else
+ emit_error "Referential file(s) missing: ${_tru_ref}"
+ echo "/dev/null"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo "${_tru_target}"
+test_runner_validate() {
+ _trv_schema=${1:?}
+ _trv_target=${2:?} # filename
+ if ! ${RNGVALIDATOR} "${_trv_schema}" "${_trv_target}" \
+ 2>/dev/null; then
+ ${RNGVALIDATOR} "${_trv_schema}" "${_trv_target}"
+ fi
+# -a= ... action modifier completing template name (e.g. 2.10-(enter|leave))
+# -o= ... which conventional version to deem as the transform origin
+# -t= ... which conventional version to deem as the transform target
+# -B
+# -D
+# -G ... see usage
+# stdin: input file per line
+test_runner() {
+ _tr_mode=0
+ _tr_ret=0
+ _tr_action=
+ _tr_schema_o=
+ _tr_schema_t=
+ _tr_target=
+ _tr_template=
+ while test $# -gt 0; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -a=*) _tr_action="${1#-a=}";;
+ -o=*) _tr_template="${1#-o=}"
+ _tr_schema_o="pacemaker-${1#-o=}.rng";;
+ -t=*) _tr_schema_t="pacemaker-${1#-t=}.rng";;
+ -G) _tr_mode=$((_tr_mode | (1 << 0)));;
+ -D) _tr_mode=$((_tr_mode | (1 << 1)));;
+ -B) _tr_mode=$((_tr_mode | (1 << 2)));;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ _tr_template="upgrade-${_tr_action:-${_tr_template:?}}.xsl"
+ if ! test -f "${_tr_schema_o:?}" || ! test -f "${_tr_schema_t:?}"; then
+ emit_error "Origin and/or target schema missing, rerun make"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ while read _tr_origin; do
+ printf '%-60s' "${_tr_origin}... "
+ # pre-validate
+ if ! test_runner_validate "${_tr_schema_o}" "${_tr_origin}"; then
+ _tr_ret=$((_tr_ret + 1)); echo "E:pre-validate"; continue
+ fi
+ # upgrade
+ if ! _tr_target=$(test_runner_upgrade "${_tr_template}" \
+ "${_tr_origin}" "${_tr_mode}"); then
+ _tr_ret=$((_tr_ret + 1));
+ test -n "${_tr_target}" || break
+ echo "E:upgrade"
+ test -s "${_tr_target}" \
+ && { echo ---; cat "${_tr_target}" || :; echo ---; }
+ continue
+ fi
+ # post-validate
+ if ! test_runner_validate "${_tr_schema_t}" "${_tr_target}"; then
+ _tr_ret=$((_tr_ret + 1)); echo "E:post-validate"; continue
+ fi
+ echo "OK"
+ done
+ log2_or_0_return ${_tr_ret}
+# particular test variations
+# -C
+# -S
+# -X
+# -W ... see usage
+# stdin: granular test specification(s) if any
+test2to3() {
+ _t23_cleanopt=
+ _t23_pattern=
+ while read _t23_spec; do
+ _t23_spec=${_t23_spec%.xml}
+ _t23_spec=${_t23_spec%\*}
+ _t23_pattern="${_t23_pattern} -name ${_t23_spec}*.xml -o"
+ done
+ test -z "${_t23_pattern}" || _t23_pattern="( ${_t23_pattern%-o} )"
+ case " $* " in *\ -r\ *) _t23_cleanopt=-r; esac
+ find test-2 -name test-2 -o -type d -prune \
+ -o -name '*.xml' ${_t23_pattern} -print | env LC_ALL=C sort \
+ | { case " $* " in
+ *\ -C\ *) test_cleaner;;
+ *\ -S\ *) test_selfcheck -o=2.10 ${_t23_cleanopt};;
+ *\ -X\ *) test_explanation -o=2.10;;
+ *\ -W\ *) test_browser ${_t23_cleanopt};;
+ *) test_runner -o=2.10 -t=3.0 "$@" || return $?;;
+ esac; }
+tests="${tests} test2to3"
+test2to3enter() {
+ _t23e_cleanopt=
+ _t23e_pattern=
+ while read _t23e_spec; do
+ _t23e_spec=${_t23e_spec%.xml}
+ _t23e_spec=${_t23e_spec%\*}
+ _t23e_pattern="${_t23e_pattern} -name ${_t23e_spec}*.xml -o"
+ done
+ test -z "${_t23e_pattern}" || _t23e_pattern="( ${_t23e_pattern%-o} )"
+ case " $* " in *\ -r\ *) _t23e_cleanopt=-r; esac
+ find test-2-enter -name test-2-enter -o -type d -prune \
+ -o -name '*.xml' ${_t23e_pattern} -print | env LC_ALL=C sort \
+ | { case " $* " in
+ *\ -C\ *) test_cleaner;;
+ *\ -S\ *) test_selfcheck -a=enter -o=2.10 ${_t23e_cleanopt};;
+ *\ -W\ *) emit_result "not implemented" "option -W";;
+ *\ -X\ *) emit_result "not implemented" "option -X";;
+ *) test_runner -a=2.10-enter -o=2.10 -t=2.10 "$@" || return $?;;
+ esac; }
+tests="${tests} test2to3enter"
+test2to3leave() {
+ _t23l_cleanopt=
+ _t23l_pattern=
+ while read _t23l_spec; do
+ _t23l_spec=${_t23l_spec%.xml}
+ _t23l_spec=${_t23l_spec%\*}
+ _t23l_pattern="${_t23l_pattern} -name ${_t23l_spec}*.xml -o"
+ done
+ test -z "${_t23l_pattern}" || _t23l_pattern="( ${_t23l_pattern%-o} )"
+ case " $* " in *\ -r\ *) _t23l_cleanopt=-r; esac
+ find test-2-leave -name test-2-leave -o -type d -prune \
+ -o -name '*.xml' ${_t23l_pattern} -print | env LC_ALL=C sort \
+ | { case " $* " in
+ *\ -C\ *) test_cleaner;;
+ *\ -S\ *) test_selfcheck -a=leave -o=2.10 ${_t23l_cleanopt};;
+ *\ -W\ *) emit_result "not implemented" "option -W";;
+ *\ -X\ *) emit_result "not implemented" "option -X";;
+ *) test_runner -a=2.10-leave -o=3.0 -t=3.0 "$@" || return $?;;
+ esac; }
+tests="${tests} test2to3leave"
+test2to3roundtrip() {
+ _t23rt_cleanopt=
+ _t23rt_pattern=
+ while read _t23tr_spec; do
+ _t23rt_spec=${_t23rt_spec%.xml}
+ _t23rt_spec=${_t23rt_spec%\*}
+ _t23rt_pattern="${_t23rt_pattern} -name ${_t23rt_spec}*.xml -o"
+ done
+ test -z "${_t23rt_pattern}" || _t23rt_pattern="( ${_t23rt_pattern%-o} )"
+ case " $* " in *\ -r\ *) _t23rt_cleanopt=-r; esac
+ find test-2-roundtrip -name test-2-roundtrip -o -type d -prune \
+ -o -name '*.xml' ${_t23rt_pattern} -print | env LC_ALL=C sort \
+ | { case " $* " in
+ *\ -C\ *) test_cleaner;;
+ *\ -S\ *) test_selfcheck -a=roundtrip -o=2.10 ${_t23rt_cleanopt};;
+ *\ -W\ *) test_browser ${_t23rt_cleanopt};;
+ *\ -X\ *) emit_result "not implemented" "option -X";;
+ *) test_runner -a=2.10-roundtrip -o=2.10 -t=3.0 "$@" || return $?;;
+ esac; }
+tests="${tests} test2to3roundtrip"
+# -B
+# -D
+# -G ... see usage
+cts_scheduler() {
+ _tcp_mode=0
+ _tcp_ret=0
+ _tcp_validatewith=
+ _tcp_schema_o=
+ _tcp_schema_t=
+ _tcp_template=
+ find ../cts/scheduler -name scheduler -o -type d -prune \
+ -o -name '*.xml' -print | env LC_ALL=C sort \
+ | { case " $* " in
+ *\ -C\ *) test_cleaner -r;;
+ *\ -S\ *) emit_result "not implemented" "option -S";;
+ *\ -W\ *) emit_result "not implemented" "option -W";;
+ *\ -X\ *) emit_result "not implemented" "option -X";;
+ *)
+ while test $# -gt 0; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -G) _tcp_mode=$((_tcp_mode | (1 << 0)));;
+ -D) _tcp_mode=$((_tcp_mode | (1 << 1)));;
+ -B) _tcp_mode=$((_tcp_mode | (1 << 2)));;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ while read _tcp_origin; do
+ _tcp_validatewith=$(${XSLTPROCESSOR} - "${_tcp_origin}" <<-EOF
+ <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
+ <xsl:output method="text" encoding="UTF-8"/>
+ <xsl:template match="/">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="starts-with(cib/@validate-with, 'pacemaker-')">
+ <xsl:variable name="Version" select="substring-after(cib/@validate-with, 'pacemaker-')"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="contains(\$Version, '.')">
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(\$Version, '.')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="cib/@validate-with"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="cib/@validate-with"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+ </xsl:stylesheet>
+ _tcp_schema_t=${_tcp_validatewith}
+ case "${_tcp_validatewith}" in
+ 1) _tcp_schema_o=1.3;;
+ 2) _tcp_schema_o=2.10;;
+ # only for gradual refinement as upgrade-2.10.xsl under
+ # active development, move to 3.x when schema v4 emerges
+ 3) _tcp_schema_o=2.10
+ _tcp_schema_t=2;;
+ *) emit_error \
+ "need to skip ${_tcp_origin} (schema: ${_tcp_validatewith})"
+ continue;;
+ esac
+ _tcp_template="upgrade-${_tcp_schema_o}.xsl"
+ _tcp_schema_t="pacemaker-$((_tcp_schema_t + 1)).0.rng"
+ test "${_tcp_schema_o%%.*}" = "${_tcp_validatewith}" \
+ && _tcp_schema_o="pacemaker-${_tcp_schema_o}.rng" \
+ || _tcp_schema_o="${_tcp_schema_t}"
+ # pre-validate
+ if test "${_tcp_schema_o}" != "${_tcp_schema_t}" \
+ && ! test_runner_validate "${_tcp_schema_o}" "${_tcp_origin}"; then
+ _tcp_ret=$((_tcp_ret + 1)); echo "E:pre-validate"; continue
+ fi
+ # upgrade
+ test "$((_tcp_mode & (1 << 0)))" -ne 0 \
+ || ln -fs "$(pwd)/${_tcp_origin}" "${_tcp_origin%.*}.ref"
+ if ! _tcp_target=$(test_runner_upgrade "${_tcp_template}" \
+ "${_tcp_origin}" "${_tcp_mode}"); then
+ _tcp_ret=$((_tcp_ret + 1));
+ test -n "${_tcp_target}" || break
+ echo "E:upgrade"
+ test -s "${_tcp_target}" \
+ && { echo ---; cat "${_tcp_target}" || :; echo ---; }
+ continue
+ fi
+ test "$((_tcp_mode & (1 << 0)))" -ne 0 \
+ || rm -f "${_tcp_origin%.*}.ref"
+ # post-validate
+ if ! test_runner_validate "${_tcp_schema_t}" "${_tcp_target}"; then
+ _tcp_ret=$((_tcp_ret + 1)); echo "E:post-validate"; continue
+ fi
+ test "$((_tcp_mode & (1 << 0)))" -eq 0 \
+ || mv "${_tcp_target}" "${_tcp_origin}"
+ done; log2_or_0_return ${_tcp_ret};;
+ esac; }
+tests="${tests} cts_scheduler"
+# "framework"
+# option-likes ... options to be passed down
+# argument-likes ... drives a test selection
+test_suite() {
+ _ts_pass=
+ _ts_select=
+ _ts_select_full=
+ _ts_test_specs=
+ _ts_global_ret=0
+ _ts_ret=0
+ while test $# -gt 0; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -) printf '%s\n' 'waiting for tests specified at stdin...';
+ while read _ts_spec; do _ts_select="${_ts_spec}@$1"; done;;
+ -*) _ts_pass="${_ts_pass} $1";;
+ *) _ts_select_full="${_ts_select_full}@$1"
+ _ts_select="${_ts_select}@${1%%/*}";;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ _ts_select="${_ts_select}@"
+ _ts_select_full="${_ts_select_full}@"
+ for _ts_test in ${tests}; do
+ _ts_test_specs=
+ while true; do
+ case "${_ts_select}" in
+ *@${_ts_test}@*)
+ _ts_test_specs="${_ts_select%%@${_ts_test}@*}"\
+ if test "${_ts_test_specs}" = @; then
+ _ts_select= # nothing left
+ else
+ _ts_select="${_ts_test_specs}"
+ fi
+ continue
+ ;;
+ @) case "${_ts_test}" in test*) break;; esac # filter
+ ;;
+ esac
+ test -z "${_ts_test_specs}" || break
+ continue 2 # move on to matching with next local test
+ done
+ _ts_test_specs=
+ while true; do
+ case "${_ts_select_full}" in
+ *@${_ts_test}/*)
+ _ts_test_full="${_ts_test}/${_ts_select_full#*@${_ts_test}/}"
+ _ts_test_full="${_ts_test_full%%@*}"
+ _ts_select_full="${_ts_select_full%%@${_ts_test_full}@*}"\
+ _ts_test_specs="${_ts_test_specs} ${_ts_test_full#*/}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ for _ts_test_spec in ${_ts_test_specs}; do
+ printf '%s\n' "${_ts_test_spec}"
+ done | "${_ts_test}" ${_ts_pass} || _ts_ret=$?
+ test ${_ts_ret} = 0 \
+ && emit_result ${_ts_ret} "${_ts_test}" \
+ || emit_result "at least 2^$((_ts_ret - 1))" "${_ts_test}"
+ log2_or_0_add ${_ts_global_ret} ${_ts_ret}
+ _ts_global_ret=$?
+ done
+ if test -n "${_ts_select#@}"; then
+ emit_error "Non-existing test(s):$(echo "${_ts_select}" \
+ | tr '@' ' ')"
+ log2_or_0_add ${_ts_global_ret} 1 || _ts_global_ret=$?
+ fi
+ return ${_ts_global_ret}
+# NOTE: big letters are dedicated for per-test-set behaviour,
+# small ones for generic/global behaviour
+usage() {
+ printf \
+'%s\n%s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n' \
+ "usage: $0 [-{B,C,D,G,S,X}]* \\" \
+ " [-|{${tests## }}*]" \
+ "- when no suites (arguments) provided, \"test*\" ones get used" \
+ "- with '-' suite specification the actual ones grabbed on stdin" \
+ "- use '-B' to run validate-only check suppressing blanks first" \
+ "- use '-C' to only cleanup ephemeral byproducts" \
+ "- use '-D' to review originals vs. \"referential\" outcomes" \
+ "- use '-G' to generate \"referential\" outcomes" \
+ "- use '-S' for template self-check (requires net access)" \
+ "- use '-W' to run browser-based, on-the-fly diff'ing test drive" \
+ "- use '-X' to show explanatory details about the upgrade" \
+ "- some modes (e.g. -{S,W}) take also '-r' for cleanup afterwards" \
+ "- test specification can be granular, e.g. 'test2to3/022'"
+ printf \
+ '\n%s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n %s\n' \
+ 'environment variables affecting the run + default/current values:' \
+ "- DIFF (${DIFF}): tool to compute and show differences of 2 files" \
+ "- DIFFOPTS (${DIFFOPTS}): options to the above tool" \
+ "- DIFFPAGER (${DIFFPAGER}): possibly accompanying the above tool" \
+ "- RNGVALIDATOR (${RNGVALIDATOR}): RelaxNG validator" \
+ "- XSLTPROCESSOR (${_XSLTPROCESSOR}): XSLT 1.0 capable processor" \
+ "- HTTPPORT (${HTTPPORT}): port used by test drive HTTP server run" \
+ "- WEBBROWSER (${WEBBROWSER}): used for in-browser test drive"
+main() {
+ _main_pass=
+ _main_bailout=0
+ _main_ret=0
+ while test $# -gt 0; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -h) usage; exit;;
+ -C|-G|-S|-X) _main_bailout=1;;
+ esac
+ _main_pass="${_main_pass} $1"
+ shift
+ done
+ test_suite ${_main_pass} || _main_ret=$?
+ test ${_main_bailout} -ne 0 \
+ || test_suite -C ${_main_pass} >/dev/null || true
+ test ${_main_ret} = 0 && emit_result ${_main_ret} "Overall suite" \
+ || emit_result "at least 2^$((_main_ret - 1))" "Overall suite"
+ return ${_main_ret}
+main "$@"
diff --git a/xml/resources-1.0.rng b/xml/resources-1.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8aa3ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-1.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="requires">
+ <choice>
+ <value>nothing</value>
+ <value>quorum</value>
+ <value>fencing</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-1.2.rng b/xml/resources-1.2.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e38eb7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-1.2.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="requires">
+ <choice>
+ <value>nothing</value>
+ <value>quorum</value>
+ <value>fencing</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-1.3.rng b/xml/resources-1.3.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dba571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-1.3.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="requires">
+ <choice>
+ <value>nothing</value>
+ <value>quorum</value>
+ <value>fencing</value>
+ <value>unfencing</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-2.10.rng b/xml/resources-2.10.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac1b11a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-2.10.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ <ref name="element-bundle"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="docker">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="rkt">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="network">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ip-range-start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="control-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-interface"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-netmask"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="port-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="internal-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="range">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9\-]+)</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="storage">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="storage-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="source-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="source-dir-root"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="target-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="requires">
+ <choice>
+ <value>nothing</value>
+ <value>quorum</value>
+ <value>fencing</value>
+ <value>unfencing</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-class">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-2.7.rng b/xml/resources-2.7.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..355382b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-2.7.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="requires">
+ <choice>
+ <value>nothing</value>
+ <value>quorum</value>
+ <value>fencing</value>
+ <value>unfencing</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-class">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-2.8.rng b/xml/resources-2.8.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3a9975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-2.8.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ <ref name="element-bundle"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="docker">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="network">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ip-range-start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="control-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-interface"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-netmask"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="port-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="internal-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="range">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9\-]+)</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="storage">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="storage-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="source-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="source-dir-root"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="target-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-1.3.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="requires">
+ <choice>
+ <value>nothing</value>
+ <value>quorum</value>
+ <value>fencing</value>
+ <value>unfencing</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-class">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-2.9.rng b/xml/resources-2.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd03674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-2.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ <ref name="element-bundle"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="docker">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="network">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ip-range-start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="control-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-interface"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-netmask"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="port-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="internal-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="range">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9\-]+)</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="storage">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="storage-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="source-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="source-dir-root"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="target-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-2.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="requires">
+ <choice>
+ <value>nothing</value>
+ <value>quorum</value>
+ <value>fencing</value>
+ <value>unfencing</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-class">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-3.0.rng b/xml/resources-3.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b9158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-3.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ <ref name="element-bundle"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resource-meta-attributes"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>isolation</value>
+ <value>isolation-host</value>
+ <value>isolation-instance</value>
+ <value>isolation-wrapper</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resource-instance-attributes"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>pcmk_arg_map</value>
+ <value>pcmk_list_cmd</value>
+ <value>pcmk_monitor_cmd</value>
+ <value>pcmk_off_cmd</value>
+ <value>pcmk_on_cmd</value>
+ <value>pcmk_reboot_cmd</value>
+ <value>pcmk_status_cmd</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.0.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.0.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="docker">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="rkt">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="network">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ip-range-start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="control-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-interface"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-netmask"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="add-host"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="port-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="internal-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="range">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9\-]+)</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="storage">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="storage-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="source-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="source-dir-root"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="target-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resources-operation"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>requires</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see above and upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resources-operation-instance-attributes"
+ NOTE: this is rather a grey area, but setting special parameters
+ just for the particular operation is currently not customary,
+ and unsupported by higher level tools, e.g. pcs:
+ so take the liberty to exclude them for now
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>interval-origin</value>
+ <value>start-delay</value>
+ <value>enabled</value>
+ <value>on-fail</value>
+ <value>record-pending</value>
+ <value>role</value>
+ <value>timeout</value>
+ <value>requires</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.op">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.0.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.0.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.op"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-class">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-3.1.rng b/xml/resources-3.1.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5558ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-3.1.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ <ref name="element-bundle"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resource-meta-attributes"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>isolation</value>
+ <value>isolation-host</value>
+ <value>isolation-instance</value>
+ <value>isolation-wrapper</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.0.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="docker">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="rkt">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="network">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ip-range-start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="control-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-interface"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-netmask"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="add-host"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="port-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="internal-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="range">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9\-]+)</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="storage">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="storage-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="source-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="source-dir-root"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="target-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resources-operation"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>requires</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.op">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.0.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.op"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-class">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-3.2.rng b/xml/resources-3.2.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44656d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-3.2.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ <ref name="element-bundle"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resource-meta-attributes"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>isolation</value>
+ <value>isolation-host</value>
+ <value>isolation-instance</value>
+ <value>isolation-wrapper</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.0.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="docker">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="rkt">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="podman">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="network">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ip-range-start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="control-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-interface"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-netmask"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="add-host"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="port-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="internal-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="range">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9\-]+)</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="storage">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="storage-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="source-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="source-dir-root"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="target-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resources-operation"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>requires</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.op">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.0.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.0.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.op"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-class">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-3.4.rng b/xml/resources-3.4.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..887dc1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-3.4.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ <ref name="element-bundle"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resource-meta-attributes"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>isolation</value>
+ <value>isolation-host</value>
+ <value>isolation-instance</value>
+ <value>isolation-wrapper</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.4.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.4.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.4.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.4.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="docker">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="rkt">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="podman">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="network">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ip-range-start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="control-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-interface"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-netmask"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="add-host"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="port-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="internal-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="range">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9\-]+)</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="storage">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="storage-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="source-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="source-dir-root"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="target-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.4.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.4.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resources-operation"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>requires</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.op">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.4.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.4.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.op"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-class">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-3.5.rng b/xml/resources-3.5.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c6624f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-3.5.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ <ref name="element-bundle"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resource-meta-attributes"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>isolation</value>
+ <value>isolation-host</value>
+ <value>isolation-instance</value>
+ <value>isolation-wrapper</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.5.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="docker">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="rkt">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="podman">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="network">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ip-range-start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="control-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-interface"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-netmask"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="add-host"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="port-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="internal-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="range">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9\-]+)</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="storage">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="storage-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="source-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="source-dir-root"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="target-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resources-operation"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>requires</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.op">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.5.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.op"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-class">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-3.7.rng b/xml/resources-3.7.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b58d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-3.7.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ <ref name="element-bundle"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resource-meta-attributes"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>isolation</value>
+ <value>isolation-host</value>
+ <value>isolation-instance</value>
+ <value>isolation-wrapper</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.5.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="docker">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="rkt">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="podman">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="network">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ip-range-start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="control-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-interface"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-netmask"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="add-host"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="port-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="internal-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="range">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9\-]+)</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="storage">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="storage-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="source-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="source-dir-root"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="target-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resources-operation"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>requires</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.op">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.5.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.5.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Promoted</value>
+ <value>Unpromoted</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.op"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-class">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/resources-3.9.rng b/xml/resources-3.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37118fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/resources-3.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-resources"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-resources">
+ <element name="resources">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ <ref name="element-clone"/>
+ <ref name="element-master"/>
+ <ref name="element-bundle"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resource-meta-attributes"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>isolation</value>
+ <value>isolation-host</value>
+ <value>isolation-instance</value>
+ <value>isolation-wrapper</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.9.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-primitive">
+ <element name="primitive">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="template"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-template">
+ <element name="template">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <ref name="element-resource-class"/>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.primitive-template"/>
+ <ref name="element-operations"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="utilization">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-bundle">
+ <element name="bundle">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="docker">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="rkt">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="podman">
+ <attribute name="image"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="replicas-per-host"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="masters"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="promoted-max"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="run-command"> <text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="network"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="network">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="ip-range-start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="control-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-interface"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="host-netmask"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="add-host"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="port-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="internal-port"><data type="integer"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="range">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9\-]+)</param>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="storage">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="storage-mapping">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="source-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="source-dir-root"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="target-dir"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="options"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-group">
+ <element name="group">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-clone">
+ <element name="clone">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-master">
+ <element name="master">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="element-primitive"/>
+ <ref name="element-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <!--
+ see upgrade-2.10.xsl
+ - cibtr:table for="resources-operation"
+ -->
+ <define name="">
+ <attribute name="name">
+ <data type="string">
+ <except>
+ <choice>
+ <value>requires</value>
+ </choice>
+ </except>
+ </data>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-extra.op">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta_attributes">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="nvset-3.9.rng">
+ <define name="">
+ <parentRef name=""/>
+ </define>
+ </include>
+ </grammar>
+ </element>
+ <element name="instance_attributes">
+ <externalRef href="nvset-3.9.rng"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-operations">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="operations">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="op">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="description"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start-delay"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="interval-origin"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="timeout"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="enabled"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="record-pending"><data type="boolean"/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Stopped</value>
+ <value>Started</value>
+ <value>Promoted</value>
+ <value>Unpromoted</value>
+ <value>Slave</value>
+ <value>Master</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="on-fail">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ <value>block</value>
+ <value>demote</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>restart</value>
+ <value>standby</value>
+ <value>fence</value>
+ <value>restart-container</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="element-resource-extra.op"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="element-resource-class">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="class"><value>ocf</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lsb</value>
+ <value>heartbeat</value>
+ <value>stonith</value>
+ <value>upstart</value>
+ <value>service</value>
+ <value>systemd</value>
+ <value>nagios</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/rule-2.9.rng b/xml/rule-2.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..509eb4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/rule-2.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ xmlns:ann=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-rule"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-rule">
+ <element name="rule">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="boolean-op">
+ <choice>
+ <value>or</value>
+ <value>and</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="operation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lt</value>
+ <value>gt</value>
+ <value>lte</value>
+ <value>gte</value>
+ <value>eq</value>
+ <value>ne</value>
+ <value>defined</value>
+ <value>not_defined</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type" ann:defaultValue="string">
+ <choice>
+ <value>string</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>version</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value-source" ann:defaultValue="literal">
+ <choice>
+ <value>literal</value>
+ <value>param</value>
+ <value>meta</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="date_expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>in_range</value></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="end"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ <element name="duration">
+ <ref name="date-common"/>
+ </element>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>gt</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>lt</value></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="end"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>date_spec</value></attribute>
+ <element name="date_spec">
+ <ref name="date-common"/>
+ </element>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ <ref name="element-rule"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="date-common">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="hours"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="monthdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="yearsdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="months"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weeks"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="years"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekyears"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="moon"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/rule-3.4.rng b/xml/rule-3.4.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d1daf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/rule-3.4.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ xmlns:ann=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-rule"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-rule">
+ <element name="rule">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="boolean-op">
+ <choice>
+ <value>or</value>
+ <value>and</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="operation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lt</value>
+ <value>gt</value>
+ <value>lte</value>
+ <value>gte</value>
+ <value>eq</value>
+ <value>ne</value>
+ <value>defined</value>
+ <value>not_defined</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type" ann:defaultValue="string">
+ <choice>
+ <value>string</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>version</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value-source" ann:defaultValue="literal">
+ <choice>
+ <value>literal</value>
+ <value>param</value>
+ <value>meta</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="date_expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>in_range</value></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="end"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ <element name="duration">
+ <ref name="date-common"/>
+ </element>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>gt</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>lt</value></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="end"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>date_spec</value></attribute>
+ <element name="date_spec">
+ <ref name="date-common"/>
+ </element>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ <element name="rsc_expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="class"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="op_expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <ref name="element-rule"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="date-common">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="hours"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="monthdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="yearsdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="months"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weeks"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="years"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekyears"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="moon"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/rule-3.5.rng b/xml/rule-3.5.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82be4d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/rule-3.5.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ xmlns:ann=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-rule"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-rule">
+ <element name="rule">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="boolean-op">
+ <choice>
+ <value>or</value>
+ <value>and</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="operation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lt</value>
+ <value>gt</value>
+ <value>lte</value>
+ <value>gte</value>
+ <value>eq</value>
+ <value>ne</value>
+ <value>defined</value>
+ <value>not_defined</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type" ann:defaultValue="string">
+ <choice>
+ <value>string</value>
+ <value>integer</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>version</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value-source" ann:defaultValue="literal">
+ <choice>
+ <value>literal</value>
+ <value>param</value>
+ <value>meta</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="date_expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>in_range</value></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="end"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ <element name="duration">
+ <ref name="date-common"/>
+ </element>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>gt</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>lt</value></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="end"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>date_spec</value></attribute>
+ <element name="date_spec">
+ <ref name="date-common"/>
+ </element>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ <element name="rsc_expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="class"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="op_expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <ref name="element-rule"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="date-common">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="hours"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="monthdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="yearsdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="months"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weeks"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="years"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekyears"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="moon"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/rule-3.9.rng b/xml/rule-3.9.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df4eb2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/rule-3.9.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ xmlns:ann=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-rule"/>
+ </start>
+ <!--
+ The COMPAT comments below mark items that are invalid in their given context
+ and should be removed at a compatibility break.
+ -->
+ <!--
+ A rule element that doesn't match any of the special cases defined below
+ -->
+ <define name="element-rule">
+ <element name="rule">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="rule-common"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="expression"/>
+ <ref name="date_expression"/>
+ <ref name="element-rule"/>
+ <!--
+ @COMPAT: The below expression types are invalid for element-rule
+ -->
+ <ref name="rsc_expression"/>
+ <ref name="op_expression"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <!--
+ @COMPAT: The below score attributes are invalid for element-rule
+ -->
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!-- A rule element in a location constraint -->
+ <define name="element-rule-location">
+ <element name="rule">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="rule-common"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="expression-location"/>
+ <ref name="date_expression"/>
+ <ref name="element-rule-location"/>
+ <!--
+ @COMPAT: The below expression types are invalid for
+ element-rule-location
+ -->
+ <ref name="rsc_expression"/>
+ <ref name="op_expression"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!-- A rule element in a rsc_defaults element -->
+ <define name="element-rule-rsc_defaults">
+ <element name="rule">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="rule-common"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="expression"/>
+ <ref name="date_expression"/>
+ <ref name="rsc_expression"/>
+ <ref name="element-rule-rsc_defaults"/>
+ <!--
+ @COMPAT: The below expression type is invalid for
+ element-rule-rsc_defaults
+ -->
+ <ref name="op_expression"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <!--
+ @COMPAT: The below score attributes are invalid for
+ element-rule-rsc_defaults
+ -->
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!-- A rule element in an op_defaults element -->
+ <define name="element-rule-op_defaults">
+ <element name="rule">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="rule-common"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="expression"/>
+ <ref name="date_expression"/>
+ <ref name="rsc_expression"/>
+ <ref name="op_expression"/>
+ <ref name="element-rule-op_defaults"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <!--
+ @COMPAT: The below score attributes are invalid for
+ element-rule-op_defaults
+ -->
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!-- Attributes that are common to all rule elements -->
+ <define name="rule-common">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="boolean-op">
+ <choice>
+ <value>or</value>
+ <value>and</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <!-- A node attribute expression -->
+ <define name="expression">
+ <element name="expression">
+ <ref name="expression-common"/>
+ <!--
+ @COMPAT: The value-source attribute is invalid for expression
+ -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value-source" ann:defaultValue="literal">
+ <choice>
+ <value>literal</value>
+ <value>param</value>
+ <value>meta</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!-- A node attribute expression in a location constraint -->
+ <define name="expression-location">
+ <element name="expression">
+ <ref name="expression-common"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value-source" ann:defaultValue="literal">
+ <choice>
+ <value>literal</value>
+ <value>param</value>
+ <value>meta</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <!-- Attributes that are common to all <expression> elements -->
+ <define name="expression-common">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="operation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lt</value>
+ <value>gt</value>
+ <value>lte</value>
+ <value>gte</value>
+ <value>eq</value>
+ <value>ne</value>
+ <value>defined</value>
+ <value>not_defined</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type" ann:defaultValue="string">
+ <choice>
+ <value>string</value>
+ <value>integer</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>version</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="date_expression">
+ <element name="date_expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>in_range</value></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="end"><text/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="end"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>gt</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>lt</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="end"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>date_spec</value></attribute>
+ <ref name="date_spec"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rsc_expression">
+ <element name="rsc_expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="class"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="provider"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="op_expression">
+ <element name="op_expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="interval"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="duration">
+ <element name="duration">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="years"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="months"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weeks"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="days"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="hours"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="minutes"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="seconds"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- @COMPAT: The below attributes are invalid for duration -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="monthdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="yearsdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekyears"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="moon"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="date_spec">
+ <element name="date_spec">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="years"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="months"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="monthdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="hours"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="minutes"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="seconds"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="yeardays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekyears"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weeks"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="moon"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- @COMPAT: The below attributes are invalid for date_spec -->
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="yearsdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/rule.rng b/xml/rule.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8084526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/rule.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ xmlns:ann=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-rule"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-rule">
+ <element name="rule">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="id-ref"><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <externalRef href="score.rng"/>
+ <attribute name="score-attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="boolean-op">
+ <choice>
+ <value>or</value>
+ <value>and</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="role"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="attribute"><text/></attribute>
+ <attribute name="operation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lt</value>
+ <value>gt</value>
+ <value>lte</value>
+ <value>gte</value>
+ <value>eq</value>
+ <value>ne</value>
+ <value>defined</value>
+ <value>not_defined</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="type" ann:defaultValue="string">
+ <choice>
+ <value>string</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>version</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="date_expression">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>in_range</value></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="end"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ <element name="duration">
+ <ref name="date-common"/>
+ </element>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>gt</value></attribute>
+ <attribute name="start"><text/></attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>lt</value></attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="end"><text/></attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="operation"><value>date_spec</value></attribute>
+ <element name="date_spec">
+ <ref name="date-common"/>
+ </element>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ <ref name="element-rule"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="date-common">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="hours"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="monthdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="yearsdays"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="months"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weeks"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="years"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="weekyears"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="moon"><text/></attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/score.rng b/xml/score.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c632932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/score.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="attribute-score"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="attribute-score">
+ <attribute name="score">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="integer"/>
+ <value>INFINITY</value>
+ <value>+INFINITY</value>
+ <value>-INFINITY</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/status-1.0.rng b/xml/status-1.0.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4e87cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/status-1.0.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <ref name="element-status"/>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-status">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute>
+ <anyName/>
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ <element>
+ <anyName/>
+ <ref name="element-status"/>
+ </element>
+ <text/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+</grammar> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xml/tags-1.3.rng b/xml/tags-1.3.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95e3e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/tags-1.3.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-tags"/>
+ </optional>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-tags">
+ <element name="tags">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="tag">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="obj_ref">
+ <attribute name="id "><data type="IDREF"/></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/tags-3.3.rng b/xml/tags-3.3.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d94d73a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/tags-3.3.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary="">
+ <start>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="element-tags"/>
+ </optional>
+ </start>
+ <define name="element-tags">
+ <element name="tags">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="tag">
+ <attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <element name="obj_ref">
+ <attribute name="id"><text /></attribute>
+ </element>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-enter/010-clu-props.ref b/xml/test-2-enter/010-clu-props.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86369fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-enter/010-clu-props.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith_enabled" value="off"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ <!-- this doesn't make any sense, i.e., a design flaw -->
+ <cluster_property_set id="_cibtr-2_cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="__cibtr-2_cluster-opts__cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith_enabled" value="off"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-enter/010-clu-props.ref.err b/xml/test-2-enter/010-clu-props.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-enter/010-clu-props.ref.err
diff --git a/xml/test-2-enter/010-clu-props.xml b/xml/test-2-enter/010-clu-props.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e44f4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-enter/010-clu-props.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith_enabled" value="off"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ <!-- this doesn't make any sense, i.e., a design flaw -->
+ <cluster_property_set id-ref="cluster-opts"/>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-enter/020-instance_atributes-rsc.ref b/xml/test-2-enter/020-instance_atributes-rsc.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e746319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-enter/020-instance_atributes-rsc.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr1" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr1-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr1-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr1-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-common-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-common-cidr_netmask" name="cidr_netmask" value="23"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myAddr2" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr2-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr2-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr2-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <instance_attributes id="_cibtr-2_myAddr-common-params">
+ <nvpair id="__cibtr-2_myAddr-common-params__myAddr-common-cidr_netmask" name="cidr_netmask" value="23"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-enter/020-instance_atributes-rsc.ref.err b/xml/test-2-enter/020-instance_atributes-rsc.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-enter/020-instance_atributes-rsc.ref.err
diff --git a/xml/test-2-enter/020-instance_atributes-rsc.xml b/xml/test-2-enter/020-instance_atributes-rsc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a651d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-enter/020-instance_atributes-rsc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr1" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr1-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr1-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr1-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-common-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-common-cidr_netmask" name="cidr_netmask" value="23"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myAddr2" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr2-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr2-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr2-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <instance_attributes id-ref="myAddr-common-params"/>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-enter/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref b/xml/test-2-enter/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a94fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-enter/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="mySmartFuse" class="ocf" provider="experiment" type="SmartFuse">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-inputpower" name="monitor" interval="30s">
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-inputpower-instanceparams">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-inputpower-requires" name="requires" value="inputpower"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-outputpower" name="monitor" interval="2s">
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-outputpower-requires" name="requires" value="outputpower"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-params">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-params-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <!-- a bit hairy but valid -->
+ <instance_attributes id="_cibtr-2_mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams">
+ <nvpair id="__cibtr-2_mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams__mySmartFuse-outputpower-requires" name="requires" value="outputpower"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-enter/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref.err b/xml/test-2-enter/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-enter/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref.err
diff --git a/xml/test-2-enter/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.xml b/xml/test-2-enter/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a12ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-enter/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="mySmartFuse" class="ocf" provider="experiment" type="SmartFuse">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-inputpower" name="monitor" interval="30s">
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-inputpower-instanceparams">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-inputpower-requires" name="requires" value="inputpower"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-outputpower" name="monitor" interval="2s">
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-outputpower-requires" name="requires" value="outputpower"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-params">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-params-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <!-- a bit hairy but valid -->
+ <instance_attributes id-ref="mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams"/>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-leave/010-clu-props-can.ref b/xml/test-2-leave/010-clu-props-can.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa924d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-leave/010-clu-props-can.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith-enabled" value="off"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ <cluster_property_set id-ref="cluster-opts"/>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-leave/010-clu-props-can.ref.err b/xml/test-2-leave/010-clu-props-can.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-leave/010-clu-props-can.ref.err
diff --git a/xml/test-2-leave/010-clu-props-can.xml b/xml/test-2-leave/010-clu-props-can.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd82fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-leave/010-clu-props-can.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith-enabled" value="off"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ <cluster_property_set id="_cibtr-2_cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="__cibtr-2_cluster-opts__cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith-enabled" value="off"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-leave/011-clu-props-cannot.ref b/xml/test-2-leave/011-clu-props-cannot.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c129f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-leave/011-clu-props-cannot.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith-enabled" value="off"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ <cluster_property_set id="_cibtr-2_cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="__cibtr-2_cluster-opts__cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith-enabled" value="on"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-leave/011-clu-props-cannot.ref.err b/xml/test-2-leave/011-clu-props-cannot.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-leave/011-clu-props-cannot.ref.err
diff --git a/xml/test-2-leave/011-clu-props-cannot.xml b/xml/test-2-leave/011-clu-props-cannot.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c129f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-leave/011-clu-props-cannot.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith-enabled" value="off"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ <cluster_property_set id="_cibtr-2_cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="__cibtr-2_cluster-opts__cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith-enabled" value="on"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-leave/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref b/xml/test-2-leave/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93ac06f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-leave/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="mySmartFuse" class="ocf" provider="experiment" type="SmartFuse">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-inputpower" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-outputpower" name="monitor" interval="2s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-params">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-params-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <!-- a bit hairy but valid -->
+ <instance_attributes id="_cibtr-2_mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams">
+ <nvpair id="__cibtr-2_mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams__mySmartFuse-outputpower-requires" name="requires" value="outputpower"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-leave/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref.err b/xml/test-2-leave/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70adf27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-leave/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DEBUG: instance_attributes: original element pointed to with @id-ref (mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams) disappeared during upgrade
diff --git a/xml/test-2-leave/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.xml b/xml/test-2-leave/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93ac06f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-leave/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="mySmartFuse" class="ocf" provider="experiment" type="SmartFuse">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-inputpower" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-outputpower" name="monitor" interval="2s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-params">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-params-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <!-- a bit hairy but valid -->
+ <instance_attributes id="_cibtr-2_mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams">
+ <nvpair id="__cibtr-2_mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams__mySmartFuse-outputpower-requires" name="requires" value="outputpower"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-roundtrip/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref b/xml/test-2-roundtrip/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee5819d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-roundtrip/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="mySmartFuse" class="ocf" provider="experiment" type="SmartFuse">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-inputpower" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-outputpower" name="monitor" interval="2s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-params">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-params-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <!-- a bit hairy but valid -->
+ <instance_attributes id="_cibtr-2_mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams">
+ <nvpair id="__cibtr-2_mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams__mySmartFuse-outputpower-requires" name="requires" value="outputpower"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2-roundtrip/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref.err b/xml/test-2-roundtrip/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68de733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-roundtrip/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+INFO: Resources-operation instance_attributes: mySmartFuse-monitor-inputpower (rsc=mySmartFuse, meta=mySmartFuse-inputpower-instanceparams): dropping requires
+INFO: Resources-operation instance_attributes: ... only start/promote operation taken into account
+INFO: Resources-operation instance_attributes: mySmartFuse-monitor-outputpower (rsc=mySmartFuse, meta=mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams): dropping requires
+INFO: Resources-operation instance_attributes: ... only start/promote operation taken into account
+DEBUG: instance_attributes: original element pointed to with @id-ref (mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams) disappeared during upgrade
diff --git a/xml/test-2-roundtrip/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.xml b/xml/test-2-roundtrip/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5d25a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2-roundtrip/021-instance_atributes-rsc-nonbijective.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="mySmartFuse" class="ocf" provider="experiment" type="SmartFuse">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-inputpower" name="monitor" interval="30s">
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-inputpower-instanceparams">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-inputpower-requires" name="requires" value="inputpower"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ <op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-outputpower" name="monitor" interval="2s">
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-outputpower-requires" name="requires" value="outputpower"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-params">
+ <nvpair id="mySmartFuse-params-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <!-- a bit hairy but valid -->
+ <instance_attributes id-ref="mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams"/>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/010-rsc_colocation-dropped-for-noop-sa.ref b/xml/test-2/010-rsc_colocation-dropped-for-noop-sa.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4a4a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/010-rsc_colocation-dropped-for-noop-sa.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ Contrieved example of how rsc_colocation/@score-attribute might have been used
+ This was never implemented and, apparently, will not work.
+ -->
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063">
+ <instance_attributes id="virt-063-attrs">
+ <nvpair id="virt-063-AddrHttpdTogether" name="AddrHttpdTogether" value="INFINITY"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </node>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064">
+ <instance_attributes id="virt-064-attrs">
+ <nvpair id="virt-064-AddrHttpdTogether" name="AddrHttpdTogether" value="INFINITY"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </node>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069">
+ <instance_attributes id="virt-069-attrs">
+ <!-- IPaddr2 won't work here, is DNS-load-balanced or something... -->
+ <nvpair id="virt-069-AddrHttpdTogether" name="AddrHttpdTogether" value="-INFINITY"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </node>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <!-- this never worked like that -->
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/010-rsc_colocation-dropped-for-noop-sa.ref.err b/xml/test-2/010-rsc_colocation-dropped-for-noop-sa.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50791bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/010-rsc_colocation-dropped-for-noop-sa.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+INFO: Constraints-colocation: colocation-addr-httpd: dropping score-attribute
+INFO: Constraints-colocation: ... was actually never in effect
diff --git a/xml/test-2/010-rsc_colocation-dropped-for-noop-sa.xml b/xml/test-2/010-rsc_colocation-dropped-for-noop-sa.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70bedfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/010-rsc_colocation-dropped-for-noop-sa.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+ Contrieved example of how rsc_colocation/@score-attribute might have been used
+ This was never implemented and, apparently, will not work.
+ -->
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063">
+ <instance_attributes id="virt-063-attrs">
+ <nvpair id="virt-063-AddrHttpdTogether" name="AddrHttpdTogether" value="INFINITY"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </node>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064">
+ <instance_attributes id="virt-064-attrs">
+ <nvpair id="virt-064-AddrHttpdTogether" name="AddrHttpdTogether" value="INFINITY"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </node>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069">
+ <instance_attributes id="virt-069-attrs">
+ <!-- IPaddr2 won't work here, is DNS-load-balanced or something... -->
+ <nvpair id="virt-069-AddrHttpdTogether" name="AddrHttpdTogether" value="-INFINITY"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </node>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <!-- this never worked like that -->
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr"
+ score-attribute="AddrHttpdTogether"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/020-rsc-requires-inline.ref b/xml/test-2/020-rsc-requires-inline.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cef2958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/020-rsc-requires-inline.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <!-- relying on order (+ colocation) to guarantee "requires"
+ transitively (unfencing/fencing/quorum)? -->
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <meta_attributes id="_2TO3_myAddr-meta"><nvpair id="_2TO3_myAddr-start-meta-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr" score="INFINITY"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/020-rsc-requires-inline.ref.err b/xml/test-2/020-rsc-requires-inline.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c65697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/020-rsc-requires-inline.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: myAddr-start (rsc=myAddr): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
diff --git a/xml/test-2/020-rsc-requires-inline.xml b/xml/test-2/020-rsc-requires-inline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..630bb18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/020-rsc-requires-inline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <!-- relying on order (+ colocation) to guarantee "requires"
+ transitively (unfencing/fencing/quorum)? -->
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"
+ requires="nothing"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr" score="INFINITY"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/021-rsc-requires-nvpair.ref b/xml/test-2/021-rsc-requires-nvpair.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c239e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/021-rsc-requires-nvpair.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <meta_attributes id="_2TO3_myAddr-start-metaparams">
+ <!-- relying on order (+ colocation) to guarantee "requires"
+ transitively (unfencing/fencing/quorum)? -->
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-start-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr" score="INFINITY"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/021-rsc-requires-nvpair.ref.err b/xml/test-2/021-rsc-requires-nvpair.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6650f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/021-rsc-requires-nvpair.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: myAddr-start (rsc=myAddr, meta=myAddr-start-metaparams): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
diff --git a/xml/test-2/021-rsc-requires-nvpair.xml b/xml/test-2/021-rsc-requires-nvpair.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f75c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/021-rsc-requires-nvpair.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s">
+ <meta_attributes id="myAddr-start-metaparams">
+ <!-- relying on order (+ colocation) to guarantee "requires"
+ transitively (unfencing/fencing/quorum)? -->
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-start-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr" score="INFINITY"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/022-rsc-requires-counterexamples.ref b/xml/test-2/022-rsc-requires-counterexamples.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c100eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/022-rsc-requires-counterexamples.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s">
+ <meta_attributes id="myAddr-start-metaparams">
+ <!-- fake-requires != requires -->
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-start-requires" name="fake-requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ <!-- stop != start -->
+ <op id="myAddr-stop" name="stop" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr" score="INFINITY"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/022-rsc-requires-counterexamples.ref.err b/xml/test-2/022-rsc-requires-counterexamples.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f6a995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/022-rsc-requires-counterexamples.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+INFO: Resources-operation: myAddr-stop (rsc=myAddr): dropping requires
+INFO: Resources-operation: ... only start/promote operation taken into account
diff --git a/xml/test-2/022-rsc-requires-counterexamples.xml b/xml/test-2/022-rsc-requires-counterexamples.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce9717b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/022-rsc-requires-counterexamples.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s">
+ <meta_attributes id="myAddr-start-metaparams">
+ <!-- fake-requires != requires -->
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-start-requires" name="fake-requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ <!-- stop != start -->
+ <op id="myAddr-stop" name="stop" interval="0" timeout="40s"
+ requires="nothing"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr" score="INFINITY"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/023-rsc-requires-no-override.ref b/xml/test-2/023-rsc-requires-no-override.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..233a66a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/023-rsc-requires-no-override.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- possible override from op attribute -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ <!-- stop != start -->
+ <op id="myAddr-stop" name="stop" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <meta_attributes id="myAddr-meta">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-requires" name="requires" value="quorum"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <!-- possible override from op's meta-attribute -->
+ <clone id="master">
+ <meta_attributes id="master-meta">
+ <nvpair id="master-promotable" name="promotable" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-promoted-node-max" name="promoted-node-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-clone-max" name="clone-max" value="3"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-promoted-max" name="promoted-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-clone-node-max" name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <primitive id="stateful" class="ocf" type="Stateful" provider="pacemaker">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="stateful-monitor-15s" interval="15s" name="monitor" timeout="60s"/>
+ <op id="stateful-monitor-16s" interval="16s" name="monitor" timeout="60s" role="Master"/>
+ <op id="stateful-promote" interval="0" name="promote" timeout="40s"/>
+ <!-- demote != promote -->
+ <op id="stateful-demote" interval="0" name="demote" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <meta_attributes id="stateful-meta">
+ <nvpair id="stateful-requires" name="requires" value="quorum"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </clone>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/023-rsc-requires-no-override.ref.err b/xml/test-2/023-rsc-requires-no-override.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad680b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/023-rsc-requires-no-override.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: myAddr-start (rsc=myAddr): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: stateful-promote (rsc=stateful, meta=stateful-promote-meta): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+INFO: Resources-operation: stateful-demote (rsc=stateful, meta=stateful-demote-meta): dropping requires
+INFO: Resources-operation: ... only start/promote operation taken into account
diff --git a/xml/test-2/023-rsc-requires-no-override.xml b/xml/test-2/023-rsc-requires-no-override.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f3d765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/023-rsc-requires-no-override.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- possible override from op attribute -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"
+ requires="nothing"/>
+ <!-- stop != start -->
+ <op id="myAddr-stop" name="stop" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <meta_attributes id="myAddr-meta">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-requires" name="requires" value="quorum"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <!-- possible override from op's meta-attribute -->
+ <clone id="master">
+ <meta_attributes id="master-meta">
+ <nvpair id="master-promotable" name="promotable" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-promoted-node-max" name="promoted-node-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-clone-max" name="clone-max" value="3"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-promoted-max" name="promoted-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-clone-node-max" name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <primitive id="stateful" class="ocf" type="Stateful" provider="pacemaker">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="stateful-monitor-15s" interval="15s" name="monitor" timeout="60s"/>
+ <op id="stateful-monitor-16s" interval="16s" name="monitor" timeout="60s" role="Master"/>
+ <op id="stateful-promote" interval="0" name="promote" timeout="40s">
+ <meta_attributes id="stateful-promote-meta">
+ <nvpair id="stateful-promote-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ <!-- demote != promote -->
+ <op id="stateful-demote" interval="0" name="demote" timeout="40s">
+ <meta_attributes id="stateful-demote-meta">
+ <nvpair id="stateful-demote-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <meta_attributes id="stateful-meta">
+ <nvpair id="stateful-requires" name="requires" value="quorum"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </clone>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/024-rsc-requires-no-selfclash.ref b/xml/test-2/024-rsc-requires-no-selfclash.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..358ccd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/024-rsc-requires-no-selfclash.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- potential clash between pre-existing
+ meta_attributes/nvpair[@name = 'requires'] vs.
+ op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/@requires
+ and/or
+ op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/meta_attributes/nvpair[@name = 'requires'] -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr1" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr1-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr1-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr1-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr1-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <meta_attributes id="myAddr1-meta">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr1-requires" name="requires" value="quorum"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <!-- potential clash between op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/@requires
+ and op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/meta_attributes/nvpair[@name = 'requires']
+ (would-eliminate-override-meta-attribute is missing,
+ allowing for direct clash in the propagation logic) -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr2" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr2-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr2-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr2-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr2-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <meta_attributes id="_2TO3_myAddr2-meta"><nvpair id="_2TO3_myAddr2-start-meta-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <!-- potential clash between multiple op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/@requires
+ (would-eliminate-override-meta-attribute is missing,
+ allowing for direct clash in the propagation logic) -->
+ <clone id="master1">
+ <meta_attributes id="master1-meta">
+ <nvpair id="master1-promotable" name="promotable" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="master1-promoted-node-max" name="promoted-node-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master1-clone-max" name="clone-max" value="3"/>
+ <nvpair id="master1-promoted-max" name="promoted-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master1-clone-node-max" name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <primitive id="stateful1" class="ocf" type="Stateful" provider="pacemaker">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="stateful1-monitor-15s" interval="15s" name="monitor" timeout="60s"/>
+ <op id="stateful1-monitor-16s" interval="16s" name="monitor" timeout="60s" role="Master"/>
+ <op id="stateful1-promote" interval="0" name="promote" timeout="40s"/>
+ <op id="stateful1-start" interval="0" name="start" timeout="40s"/>
+ <!-- demote != promote -->
+ <op id="stateful1-demote" interval="0" name="demote" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <meta_attributes id="_2TO3_stateful1-meta"><nvpair id="_2TO3_stateful1-start-meta-requires" name="requires" value="fencing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </clone>
+ <!-- potential clash between multiple
+ op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/meta_attributes/nvpair[@name = 'requires']
+ (would-eliminate-override-meta-attribute is missing,
+ allowing for direct clash in the propagation logic) -->
+ <clone id="master2">
+ <meta_attributes id="master2-meta">
+ <nvpair id="master2-promotable" name="promotable" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="master2-promoted-node-max" name="promoted-node-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master2-clone-max" name="clone-max" value="3"/>
+ <nvpair id="master2-promoted-max" name="promoted-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master2-clone-node-max" name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <primitive id="stateful2" class="ocf" type="Stateful" provider="pacemaker">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="stateful2-monitor-15s" interval="15s" name="monitor" timeout="60s"/>
+ <op id="stateful2-monitor-16s" interval="16s" name="monitor" timeout="60s" role="Master"/>
+ <op id="stateful2-promote" interval="0" name="promote" timeout="40s"/>
+ <op id="stateful2-start" interval="0" name="start" timeout="40s"/>
+ <!-- demote != promote -->
+ <op id="stateful2-demote" interval="0" name="demote" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <meta_attributes id="_2TO3_stateful2-promote-meta3">
+ <nvpair id="stateful2-promote-requires3-1" name="requires" value="fencing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </clone>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/024-rsc-requires-no-selfclash.ref.err b/xml/test-2/024-rsc-requires-no-selfclash.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b275532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/024-rsc-requires-no-selfclash.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: myAddr1-start (rsc=myAddr1, meta=myAddr1-start-meta): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: myAddr1-start (rsc=myAddr1): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: myAddr2-start (rsc=myAddr2, meta=myAddr2-start-meta): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: myAddr2-start (rsc=myAddr2): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+INFO: Resources-operation: stateful1-demote (rsc=stateful1, meta=stateful1-demote-meta): dropping requires
+INFO: Resources-operation: ... only start/promote operation taken into account
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: stateful1-promote (rsc=stateful1): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: stateful1-start (rsc=stateful1): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: stateful2-promote (rsc=stateful2, meta=stateful2-promote-meta1): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: stateful2-promote (rsc=stateful2, meta=stateful2-promote-meta1): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: stateful2-promote (rsc=stateful2, meta=stateful2-promote-meta2): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: stateful2-start (rsc=stateful2, meta=stateful2-promote-meta3): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+INFO: Resources-operation: stateful2-demote (rsc=stateful2, meta=stateful2-promote-meta): dropping requires
+INFO: Resources-operation: ... only start/promote operation taken into account
diff --git a/xml/test-2/024-rsc-requires-no-selfclash.xml b/xml/test-2/024-rsc-requires-no-selfclash.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..096c61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/024-rsc-requires-no-selfclash.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- potential clash between pre-existing
+ meta_attributes/nvpair[@name = 'requires'] vs.
+ op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/@requires
+ and/or
+ op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/meta_attributes/nvpair[@name = 'requires'] -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr1" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr1-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr1-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"
+ requires="nothing">
+ <meta_attributes id="myAddr1-start-meta">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr1-start-requires" name="requires" value="stonith"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr1-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr1-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <meta_attributes id="myAddr1-meta">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr1-requires" name="requires" value="quorum"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <!-- potential clash between op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/@requires
+ and op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/meta_attributes/nvpair[@name = 'requires']
+ (would-eliminate-override-meta-attribute is missing,
+ allowing for direct clash in the propagation logic) -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr2" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr2-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr2-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"
+ requires="nothing">
+ <meta_attributes id="myAddr2-start-meta">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr2-start-requires" name="requires" value="stonith"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr2-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr2-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <!-- potential clash between multiple op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/@requires
+ (would-eliminate-override-meta-attribute is missing,
+ allowing for direct clash in the propagation logic) -->
+ <clone id="master1">
+ <meta_attributes id="master1-meta">
+ <nvpair id="master1-promotable" name="promotable" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="master1-promoted-node-max" name="promoted-node-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master1-clone-max" name="clone-max" value="3"/>
+ <nvpair id="master1-promoted-max" name="promoted-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master1-clone-node-max" name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <primitive id="stateful1" class="ocf" type="Stateful" provider="pacemaker">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="stateful1-monitor-15s" interval="15s" name="monitor" timeout="60s"/>
+ <op id="stateful1-monitor-16s" interval="16s" name="monitor" timeout="60s" role="Master"/>
+ <op id="stateful1-promote" interval="0" name="promote" timeout="40s"
+ requires="quorum"/>
+ <op id="stateful1-start" interval="0" name="start" timeout="40s"
+ requires="fencing"/>
+ <!-- demote != promote -->
+ <op id="stateful1-demote" interval="0" name="demote" timeout="40s">
+ <meta_attributes id="stateful1-demote-meta">
+ <nvpair id="stateful1-demote-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ </clone>
+ <!-- potential clash between multiple
+ op[@name = 'start'
+ or
+ @name = 'promote']/meta_attributes/nvpair[@name = 'requires']
+ (would-eliminate-override-meta-attribute is missing,
+ allowing for direct clash in the propagation logic) -->
+ <clone id="master2">
+ <meta_attributes id="master2-meta">
+ <nvpair id="master2-promotable" name="promotable" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="master2-promoted-node-max" name="promoted-node-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master2-clone-max" name="clone-max" value="3"/>
+ <nvpair id="master2-promoted-max" name="promoted-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master2-clone-node-max" name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <primitive id="stateful2" class="ocf" type="Stateful" provider="pacemaker">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="stateful2-monitor-15s" interval="15s" name="monitor" timeout="60s"/>
+ <op id="stateful2-monitor-16s" interval="16s" name="monitor" timeout="60s" role="Master"/>
+ <op id="stateful2-promote" interval="0" name="promote" timeout="40s">
+ <meta_attributes id="stateful2-promote-meta1">
+ <nvpair id="stateful2-promote-requires1-1" name="requires" value="quorum"/>
+ <nvpair id="stateful2-promote-requires1-2" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <meta_attributes id="stateful2-promote-meta2">
+ <nvpair id="stateful2-promote-requires2-1" name="requires" value="unfencing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ <op id="stateful2-start" interval="0" name="start" timeout="40s">
+ <meta_attributes id="stateful2-promote-meta3">
+ <nvpair id="stateful2-promote-requires3-1" name="requires" value="fencing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ <!-- demote != promote -->
+ <op id="stateful2-demote" interval="0" name="demote" timeout="40s">
+ <meta_attributes id="stateful2-promote-meta">
+ <nvpair id="stateful2-promote-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ </clone>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/030-clu-props-plain-rename.ref b/xml/test-2/030-clu-props-plain-rename.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f446c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/030-clu-props-plain-rename.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-cluster_recheck_interval" name="cluster-recheck-interval" value="10min"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-dc_deadtime" name="dc-deadtime" value="15s"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-election_timeout" name="election-timeout" value="90s"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-no_quorum_policy" name="no-quorum-policy" value="freeze"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-remove_after_stop" name="remove-after-stop" value="false"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-shutdown_escalation" name="shutdown-escalation" value="15min"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-startup_fencing" name="startup-fencing" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stonith_action" name="stonith-action" value="off"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith-enabled" value="off"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stop_orphan_actions" name="stop-orphan-actions" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stop_orphan_resources" name="stop-orphan-resources" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-symmetric_cluster" name="symmetric-cluster" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-transition_idle_timeout" name="cluster-delay" value="50s"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/030-clu-props-plain-rename.ref.err b/xml/test-2/030-clu-props-plain-rename.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..878c504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/030-clu-props-plain-rename.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-cluster_recheck_interval: renaming cluster_recheck_interval as cluster-recheck-interval
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-dc_deadtime: renaming dc_deadtime as dc-deadtime
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-election_timeout: renaming election_timeout as election-timeout
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-no_quorum_policy: renaming no_quorum_policy as no-quorum-policy
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-remove_after_stop: renaming remove_after_stop as remove-after-stop
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-shutdown_escalation: renaming shutdown_escalation as shutdown-escalation
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-startup_fencing: renaming startup_fencing as startup-fencing
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-stonith_action: renaming stonith_action as stonith-action
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-stonith_enabled: renaming stonith_enabled as stonith-enabled
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-stop_orphan_actions: renaming stop_orphan_actions as stop-orphan-actions
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-stop_orphan_resources: renaming stop_orphan_resources as stop-orphan-resources
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-symmetric_cluster: renaming symmetric_cluster as symmetric-cluster
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-transition_idle_timeout: renaming transition_idle_timeout as cluster-delay
diff --git a/xml/test-2/030-clu-props-plain-rename.xml b/xml/test-2/030-clu-props-plain-rename.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7a0a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/030-clu-props-plain-rename.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-cluster_recheck_interval" name="cluster_recheck_interval" value="10min"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-dc_deadtime" name="dc_deadtime" value="15s"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-election_timeout" name="election_timeout" value="90s"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-no_quorum_policy" name="no_quorum_policy" value="freeze"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-remove_after_stop" name="remove_after_stop" value="false"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-shutdown_escalation" name="shutdown_escalation" value="15min"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-startup_fencing" name="startup_fencing" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stonith_action" name="stonith_action" value="off"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stonith_enabled" name="stonith_enabled" value="off"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stop_orphan_actions" name="stop_orphan_actions" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-stop_orphan_resources" name="stop_orphan_resources" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-symmetric_cluster" name="symmetric_cluster" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-transition_idle_timeout" name="transition_idle_timeout" value="50s"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/031-clu-props-drop.ref b/xml/test-2/031-clu-props-drop.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03e5618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/031-clu-props-drop.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts-2">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-cluster-infrastructure-2" name="cluster-infrastructure" value="corosync"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/031-clu-props-drop.ref.err b/xml/test-2/031-clu-props-drop.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b26de82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/031-clu-props-drop.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+INFO: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-cluster-infrastructure: dropping cluster-infrastructure for matching heartbeat|openais|classic openais|classic openais (with plugin)|cman
+INFO: Cluster properties: ... corosync (2+) infrastructure can be used instead, though the value is not of significance
+INFO: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-default-migration-threshold: dropping default-migration-threshold
+INFO: Cluster properties: ... migration-threshold in rsc_defaults can be configured instead
+INFO: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-default_migration_threshold: dropping default_migration_threshold
+INFO: Cluster properties: ... migration-threshold in rsc_defaults can be configured instead
+INFO: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-expected-quorum-votes: dropping expected-quorum-votes
+INFO: Cluster properties: ... corosync (2+) infrastructure tracks quorum on its own
+INFO: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-notification-agent: dropping notification-agent
+INFO: Cluster properties: ... standalone alerts can be configured instead
diff --git a/xml/test-2/031-clu-props-drop.xml b/xml/test-2/031-clu-props-drop.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..663569c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/031-clu-props-drop.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-cluster-infrastructure" name="cluster-infrastructure" value="heartbeat"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default-migration-threshold" name="default-migration-threshold" value="10"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default_migration_threshold" name="default_migration_threshold" value="10"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-expected-quorum-votes" name="expected-quorum-votes" value="3"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-notification-agent" name="notification-agent" value="/etc/pacemaker/"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts-2">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-cluster-infrastructure-2" name="cluster-infrastructure" value="corosync"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/032-clu-props-move.ref b/xml/test-2/032-clu-props-move.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3477ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/032-clu-props-move.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ <op_defaults><meta_attributes id="_2TO3_-op-defaults">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default-action-timeout" name="timeout" value="30s"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op_defaults><rsc_defaults><meta_attributes id="_2TO3_-rsc-defaults">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default-resource-stickiness" name="resource-stickiness" value="100"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-is-managed-default" name="is-managed" value="true"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </rsc_defaults></configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/032-clu-props-move.ref.err b/xml/test-2/032-clu-props-move.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5d3d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/032-clu-props-move.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-default-action-timeout: moving default-action-timeout under op_defaults as timeout unless already defined there
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-default-resource-stickiness: moving default-resource-stickiness under rsc_defaults as resource-stickiness unless already defined there
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-is-managed-default: moving is-managed-default under rsc_defaults as is-managed unless already defined there
diff --git a/xml/test-2/032-clu-props-move.xml b/xml/test-2/032-clu-props-move.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f34d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/032-clu-props-move.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default-action-timeout" name="default-action-timeout" value="30s"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default-resource-stickiness" name="default-resource-stickiness" value="100"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-is-managed-default" name="is-managed-default" value="true"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/033-clu-props-move-merge.ref b/xml/test-2/033-clu-props-move-merge.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8e5a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/033-clu-props-move-merge.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ </crm_config>
+ <rsc_defaults>
+ <meta_attributes id="rsc-defaults">
+ <nvpair id="rsc-defaults-is-managed" name="is-managed" value="false"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default-resource-stickiness" name="resource-stickiness" value="100"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </rsc_defaults>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ <op_defaults><meta_attributes id="_2TO3_-op-defaults">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default-action-timeout" name="timeout" value="30s"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op_defaults></configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/033-clu-props-move-merge.ref.err b/xml/test-2/033-clu-props-move-merge.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5d3d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/033-clu-props-move-merge.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-default-action-timeout: moving default-action-timeout under op_defaults as timeout unless already defined there
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-default-resource-stickiness: moving default-resource-stickiness under rsc_defaults as resource-stickiness unless already defined there
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-is-managed-default: moving is-managed-default under rsc_defaults as is-managed unless already defined there
diff --git a/xml/test-2/033-clu-props-move-merge.xml b/xml/test-2/033-clu-props-move-merge.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c34085b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/033-clu-props-move-merge.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default-action-timeout" name="default-action-timeout" value="30s"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default-resource-stickiness" name="default-resource-stickiness" value="100"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-is-managed-default" name="is-managed-default" value="true"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ </crm_config>
+ <rsc_defaults>
+ <meta_attributes id="rsc-defaults">
+ <nvpair id="rsc-defaults-is-managed" name="is-managed" value="false"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </rsc_defaults>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/034-clu-props-move-redef.ref b/xml/test-2/034-clu-props-move-redef.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88fb44c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/034-clu-props-move-redef.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ <rsc_defaults><meta_attributes id="_2TO3_-rsc-defaults">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default-resource-failure-stickiness" name="migration-threshold" value="1"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </rsc_defaults></configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/034-clu-props-move-redef.ref.err b/xml/test-2/034-clu-props-move-redef.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8c148f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/034-clu-props-move-redef.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+DEBUG: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-default-resource-failure-stickiness: moving default-resource-failure-stickiness under rsc_defaults as migration-threshold unless already defined there, redefined as 1, for matching -INFINITY
+INFO: Cluster properties: cluster-opts-default_resource_failure_stickiness: dropping default_resource_failure_stickiness
+INFO: Cluster properties: ... migration-threshold in rsc_defaults can be configured instead
diff --git a/xml/test-2/034-clu-props-move-redef.xml b/xml/test-2/034-clu-props-move-redef.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcadf20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/034-clu-props-move-redef.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config>
+ <cluster_property_set id="cluster-opts">
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default-resource-failure-stickiness" name="default-resource-failure-stickiness" value="-INFINITY"/>
+ <nvpair id="cluster-opts-default_resource_failure_stickiness" name="default_resource_failure_stickiness" value="0"/>
+ </cluster_property_set>
+ </crm_config>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/040-nodes-rename-type.ref b/xml/test-2/040-nodes-rename-type.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58d58d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/040-nodes-rename-type.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063" type="member"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064" type="member"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069" type="member"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/040-nodes-rename-type.ref.err b/xml/test-2/040-nodes-rename-type.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce68fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/040-nodes-rename-type.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+DEBUG: Cluster node: virt-063 (id=virt-063): keeping type as type, redefined as member, for matching normal
+DEBUG: Cluster node: virt-064 (id=virt-064): keeping type as type, redefined as member, for matching normal
diff --git a/xml/test-2/040-nodes-rename-type.xml b/xml/test-2/040-nodes-rename-type.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..939b768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/040-nodes-rename-type.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063" type="normal"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064" type="normal"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069" type="member"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources/>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/050-rsc-attrs-instance-plain-rename.ref b/xml/test-2/050-rsc-attrs-instance-plain-rename.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fd7c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/050-rsc-attrs-instance-plain-rename.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive class="stonith" id="fence-vbox" type="fence_vbox">
+ <instance_attributes id="fence-vbox-params">
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox-params-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox-params-login" name="login" value="vboxadmin"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox-params-passwd_script" name="passwd_script" value="/usr/local/cluster/"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox-params-plug" name="plug" value="vboxhost"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox-pcmk_monitor_cmd" name="pcmk_monitor_action" value="metadata"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <operations>
+ <op id="fence-vbox-monitor" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/050-rsc-attrs-instance-plain-rename.ref.err b/xml/test-2/050-rsc-attrs-instance-plain-rename.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3129e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/050-rsc-attrs-instance-plain-rename.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DEBUG: Resource instance_attributes: fence-vbox-pcmk_monitor_cmd: renaming pcmk_monitor_cmd as pcmk_monitor_action
diff --git a/xml/test-2/050-rsc-attrs-instance-plain-rename.xml b/xml/test-2/050-rsc-attrs-instance-plain-rename.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccf2404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/050-rsc-attrs-instance-plain-rename.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive class="stonith" id="fence-vbox" type="fence_vbox">
+ <instance_attributes id="fence-vbox-params">
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox-params-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox-params-login" name="login" value="vboxadmin"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox-params-passwd_script" name="passwd_script" value="/usr/local/cluster/"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox-params-plug" name="plug" value="vboxhost"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox-pcmk_monitor_cmd" name="pcmk_monitor_cmd" value="metadata"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <operations>
+ <op id="fence-vbox-monitor" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/051-rsc-attrs-instance-pcmk_arg_map.ref b/xml/test-2/051-rsc-attrs-instance-pcmk_arg_map.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aa8047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/051-rsc-attrs-instance-pcmk_arg_map.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive class="stonith" id="fence-vbox1" type="fence_vbox">
+ <instance_attributes id="fence-vbox1-params">
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox1-params-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox1-params-login" name="login" value="vboxadmin"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox1-params-passwd_script" name="passwd_script" value="/usr/local/cluster/"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox1-params-plug" name="plug" value="vboxhost"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox1-pcmk_arg_map" name="pcmk_host_argument" value="port"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <operations>
+ <op id="fence-vbox1-monitor" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive class="stonith" id="fence-vbox2" type="fence_vbox">
+ <instance_attributes id="fence-vbox2-params">
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox2-params-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox2-params-login" name="login" value="vboxadmin"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox2-params-passwd_script" name="passwd_script" value="/usr/local/cluster/"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox2-params-plug" name="plug" value="vboxhost"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <operations>
+ <op id="fence-vbox2-monitor" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive class="stonith" id="fence-vbox3" type="fence_vbox">
+ <instance_attributes id="fence-vbox3-params">
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox3-params-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox3-params-login" name="login" value="vboxadmin"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox3-params-passwd_script" name="passwd_script" value="/usr/local/cluster/"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox3-params-plug" name="plug" value="vboxhost"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <operations>
+ <op id="fence-vbox3-monitor" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/051-rsc-attrs-instance-pcmk_arg_map.ref.err b/xml/test-2/051-rsc-attrs-instance-pcmk_arg_map.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0149c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/051-rsc-attrs-instance-pcmk_arg_map.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+DEBUG: Resource instance_attributes: fence-vbox1-pcmk_arg_map: renaming pcmk_arg_map as pcmk_host_argument for matching port: prefix that will, meanwhile, get dropped
+DEBUG: Resource instance_attributes: fence-vbox2-pcmk_arg_map: dropping pcmk_arg_map
+DEBUG: Resource instance_attributes: fence-vbox3-pcmk_arg_map: dropping pcmk_arg_map
diff --git a/xml/test-2/051-rsc-attrs-instance-pcmk_arg_map.xml b/xml/test-2/051-rsc-attrs-instance-pcmk_arg_map.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75ad2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/051-rsc-attrs-instance-pcmk_arg_map.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive class="stonith" id="fence-vbox1" type="fence_vbox">
+ <instance_attributes id="fence-vbox1-params">
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox1-params-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox1-params-login" name="login" value="vboxadmin"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox1-params-passwd_script" name="passwd_script" value="/usr/local/cluster/"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox1-params-plug" name="plug" value="vboxhost"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox1-pcmk_arg_map" name="pcmk_arg_map" value="port:port"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <operations>
+ <op id="fence-vbox1-monitor" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive class="stonith" id="fence-vbox2" type="fence_vbox">
+ <instance_attributes id="fence-vbox2-params">
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox2-params-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox2-params-login" name="login" value="vboxadmin"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox2-params-passwd_script" name="passwd_script" value="/usr/local/cluster/"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox2-params-plug" name="plug" value="vboxhost"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox2-pcmk_arg_map" name="pcmk_arg_map" value="dropme:sure,port:port"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <operations>
+ <op id="fence-vbox2-monitor" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive class="stonith" id="fence-vbox3" type="fence_vbox">
+ <instance_attributes id="fence-vbox3-params">
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox3-params-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox3-params-login" name="login" value="vboxadmin"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox3-params-passwd_script" name="passwd_script" value="/usr/local/cluster/"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox3-params-plug" name="plug" value="vboxhost"/>
+ <nvpair id="fence-vbox3-pcmk_arg_map" name="pcmk_arg_map" value="port:port,dropme:justhope"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <operations>
+ <op id="fence-vbox3-monitor" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/060-rsc-attrs-meta-isolation.ref b/xml/test-2/060-rsc-attrs-meta-isolation.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91c43c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/060-rsc-attrs-meta-isolation.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- from c713bbe39:pengine/test10/isolation-restart-all.xml -->
+ <primitive class="ocf" id="fake" provider="heartbeat" type="Dummy">
+ <instance_attributes id="fake-instance_attributes">
+ <nvpair id="fake-instance_attributes-docker_image" name="pcmk_docker_image" value="centos:dock-wrapper-test"/>
+ <nvpair id="fake-instance_attributes-docker_privileged" name="pcmk_docker_privileged" value="false"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <operations>
+ <op id="fake-monitor-interval-60s" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ <meta_attributes id="fake-meta_attributes">
+ <nvpair id="fake-meta_attributes-isolation-wrapper" name="target-role" value="Stopped"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/060-rsc-attrs-meta-isolation.ref.err b/xml/test-2/060-rsc-attrs-meta-isolation.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb40cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/060-rsc-attrs-meta-isolation.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+WARNING: Resource meta_attributes: fake (meta=fake-meta_attributes): renaming isolation-wrapper as target-role, redefined as Stopped
+WARNING: Resource meta_attributes: ... i.e. resource at hand disabled; isolation wrappers obsoleted with bundle resources
+WARNING: Resource meta_attributes: fake (meta=fake-meta_attributes): renaming isolation-wrapper as target-role, redefined as Stopped
+WARNING: Resource meta_attributes: ... i.e. resource at hand disabled; isolation wrappers obsoleted with bundle resources
diff --git a/xml/test-2/060-rsc-attrs-meta-isolation.xml b/xml/test-2/060-rsc-attrs-meta-isolation.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c7dcb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/060-rsc-attrs-meta-isolation.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- from c713bbe39:pengine/test10/isolation-restart-all.xml -->
+ <primitive class="ocf" id="fake" provider="heartbeat" type="Dummy">
+ <instance_attributes id="fake-instance_attributes">
+ <nvpair id="fake-instance_attributes-docker_image" name="pcmk_docker_image" value="centos:dock-wrapper-test"/>
+ <nvpair id="fake-instance_attributes-docker_privileged" name="pcmk_docker_privileged" value="false"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <operations>
+ <op id="fake-monitor-interval-60s" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ <meta_attributes id="fake-meta_attributes">
+ <nvpair id="fake-meta_attributes-isolation-wrapper" name="isolation-wrapper" value="docker-wrapper"/>
+ <nvpair id="fake-meta_attributes-isolation-wrapper2" name="isolation-wrapper" value="docker-wrapper"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/061-rsc-attrs-meta-exchange.ref b/xml/test-2/061-rsc-attrs-meta-exchange.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8148d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/061-rsc-attrs-meta-exchange.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive class="ocf" id="res1" provider="heartbeat" type="Dummy">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="res1-monitor-interval-60s" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ <meta_attributes id="res1-meta_attributes">
+ <nvpair id="res1-resource-failure-stickiness" name="migration-threshold" value="1"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive class="ocf" id="res2" provider="heartbeat" type="Dummy">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="res2-monitor-interval-60s" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/061-rsc-attrs-meta-exchange.ref.err b/xml/test-2/061-rsc-attrs-meta-exchange.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2938b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/061-rsc-attrs-meta-exchange.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+DEBUG: Resource meta_attributes: res1 (meta=res1-meta_attributes): renaming resource-failure-stickiness as migration-threshold, redefined as 1, for matching -INFINITY
+INFO: Resource meta_attributes: res2 (meta=res2-meta_attributes): dropping resource-failure-stickiness
+INFO: Resource meta_attributes: ... migration-threshold can be configured instead
diff --git a/xml/test-2/061-rsc-attrs-meta-exchange.xml b/xml/test-2/061-rsc-attrs-meta-exchange.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb0c0eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/061-rsc-attrs-meta-exchange.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes/>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive class="ocf" id="res1" provider="heartbeat" type="Dummy">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="res1-monitor-interval-60s" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ <meta_attributes id="res1-meta_attributes">
+ <nvpair id="res1-resource-failure-stickiness" name="resource-failure-stickiness" value="-INFINITY"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive class="ocf" id="res2" provider="heartbeat" type="Dummy">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="res2-monitor-interval-60s" interval="60s" name="monitor"/>
+ </operations>
+ <meta_attributes id="res2-meta_attributes">
+ <nvpair id="res2-resource-failure-stickiness" name="resource-failure-stickiness" value="0"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/070-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-start.ref b/xml/test-2/070-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-start.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20aba39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/070-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-start.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- borrowed from 021-rsc-requires-nvpair -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <meta_attributes id="_2TO3_myAddr-start-instanceparams">
+ <!-- relying on order (+ colocation) to guarantee "requires"
+ transitively (unfencing/fencing/quorum)? -->
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-start-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr" score="INFINITY"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/070-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-start.ref.err b/xml/test-2/070-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-start.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f707bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/070-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-start.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DEBUG: Resources-operation instance_attributes: myAddr-start (rsc=myAddr, meta=myAddr-start-instanceparams): moving requires under per-resource-meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
diff --git a/xml/test-2/070-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-start.xml b/xml/test-2/070-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-start.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2661f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/070-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-start.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- borrowed from 021-rsc-requires-nvpair -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s">
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-start-instanceparams">
+ <!-- relying on order (+ colocation) to guarantee "requires"
+ transitively (unfencing/fencing/quorum)? -->
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-start-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr" score="INFINITY"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/071-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-nonstart.ref b/xml/test-2/071-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-nonstart.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dd5168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/071-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-nonstart.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- borrowed from 021-rsc-requires-nvpair -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-stop" name="stop" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr" score="INFINITY"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/071-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-nonstart.ref.err b/xml/test-2/071-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-nonstart.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b6f8f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/071-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-nonstart.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+INFO: Resources-operation instance_attributes: myAddr-stop (rsc=myAddr, meta=myAddr-stop-instanceparams): dropping requires
+INFO: Resources-operation instance_attributes: ... only start/promote operation taken into account
diff --git a/xml/test-2/071-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-nonstart.xml b/xml/test-2/071-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-nonstart.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f364f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/071-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-nonstart.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- borrowed from 021-rsc-requires-nvpair -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-stop" name="stop" interval="0" timeout="40s">
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-stop-instanceparams">
+ <!-- relying on order (+ colocation) to guarantee "requires"
+ transitively (unfencing/fencing/quorum)? -->
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-stop-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints>
+ <rsc_order id="order-addr-httpd" first="myAddr" then="myHttpd"/>
+ <rsc_colocation id="colocation-addr-httpd" rsc="myHttpd" with-rsc="myAddr" score="INFINITY"/>
+ </constraints>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/072-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-no-override.ref b/xml/test-2/072-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-no-override.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c63230c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/072-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-no-override.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- possible override from op's instance attribute over
+ op attribute -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <meta_attributes id="_2TO3_myAddr-meta"><nvpair id="_2TO3_myAddr-start-meta-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <!-- possible override from op's instance attribute over
+ op's meta-attribute -->
+ <clone id="master">
+ <meta_attributes id="master-meta">
+ <nvpair id="master-promotable" name="promotable" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-promoted-node-max" name="promoted-node-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-clone-max" name="clone-max" value="3"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-promoted-max" name="promoted-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-clone-node-max" name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <primitive id="stateful" class="ocf" type="Stateful" provider="pacemaker">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="stateful-monitor-15s" interval="15s" name="monitor" timeout="60s"/>
+ <op id="stateful-monitor-16s" interval="16s" name="monitor" timeout="60s" role="Master"/>
+ <op id="stateful-promote" interval="0" name="promote" timeout="40s"/>
+ </operations>
+ <meta_attributes id="_2TO3_stateful-promote-meta">
+ <nvpair id="stateful-promote-meta-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </clone>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/072-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-no-override.ref.err b/xml/test-2/072-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-no-override.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc5dd7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/072-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-no-override.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+DEBUG: Resources-operation instance_attributes: myAddr-start (rsc=myAddr, meta=myAddr-start-instance): moving requires under per-resource-meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: myAddr-start (rsc=myAddr): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation instance_attributes: stateful-promote (rsc=stateful, meta=stateful-promote-instance): moving requires under per-resource-meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
+DEBUG: Resources-operation: stateful-promote (rsc=stateful, meta=stateful-promote-meta): moving requires under meta_attributes as requires unless already defined there for matching start|promote
diff --git a/xml/test-2/072-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-no-override.xml b/xml/test-2/072-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-no-override.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8af4bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/072-rsc-op-attrs-inst-requires-no-override.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <!-- possible override from op's instance attribute over
+ op attribute -->
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"
+ requires="nothing">
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-start-instance">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-start-instance-requires" name="requires" value="quorum"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <!-- possible override from op's instance attribute over
+ op's meta-attribute -->
+ <clone id="master">
+ <meta_attributes id="master-meta">
+ <nvpair id="master-promotable" name="promotable" value="true"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-promoted-node-max" name="promoted-node-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-clone-max" name="clone-max" value="3"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-promoted-max" name="promoted-max" value="1"/>
+ <nvpair id="master-clone-node-max" name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <primitive id="stateful" class="ocf" type="Stateful" provider="pacemaker">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="stateful-monitor-15s" interval="15s" name="monitor" timeout="60s"/>
+ <op id="stateful-monitor-16s" interval="16s" name="monitor" timeout="60s" role="Master"/>
+ <op id="stateful-promote" interval="0" name="promote" timeout="40s">
+ <meta_attributes id="stateful-promote-meta">
+ <nvpair id="stateful-promote-meta-requires" name="requires" value="nothing"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <instance_attributes id="stateful-promote-instance">
+ <nvpair id="stateful-promote-instance-requires" name="requires" value="quorum"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ </primitive>
+ </clone>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/073-rsc-op-attrs-inst-meta-meaning.ref b/xml/test-2/073-rsc-op-attrs-inst-meta-meaning.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b1d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/073-rsc-op-attrs-inst-meta-meaning.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-3.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s">
+ <meta_attributes id="_2TO3_myAddr-start-meta">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-start-instance-on-fail" name="on-fail" value="standby"/>
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-start-instance-record-pending" name="record-pending" value="true"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s">
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-monitor-instance">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-monitor-instance-statusurl" name="statusurl" value="http://localhost/server-status"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <meta_attributes id="_2TO3_myHttpd-monitor-meta">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-monitor-instance2-timeout" name="timeout" value="30"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/test-2/073-rsc-op-attrs-inst-meta-meaning.ref.err b/xml/test-2/073-rsc-op-attrs-inst-meta-meaning.ref.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18beb3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/073-rsc-op-attrs-inst-meta-meaning.ref.err
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+DEBUG: Resources-operation instance_attributes: myAddr-start (rsc=myAddr, meta=myAddr-start-instance): moving on-fail under meta_attributes as on-fail unless already defined there
+DEBUG: Resources-operation instance_attributes: myAddr-start (rsc=myAddr, meta=myAddr-start-instance): moving record-pending under meta_attributes as record-pending unless already defined there
+DEBUG: Resources-operation instance_attributes: myHttpd-monitor (rsc=myHttpd, meta=myHttpd-monitor-instance): moving timeout under meta_attributes as timeout unless already defined there
+DEBUG: Resources-operation instance_attributes: myHttpd-monitor (rsc=myHttpd, meta=myHttpd-monitor-instance2): moving timeout under meta_attributes as timeout unless already defined there
diff --git a/xml/test-2/073-rsc-op-attrs-inst-meta-meaning.xml b/xml/test-2/073-rsc-op-attrs-inst-meta-meaning.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a1f73f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/test-2/073-rsc-op-attrs-inst-meta-meaning.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet href="../assets/upgrade-2.10-htmldiff.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+<cib validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
+ <configuration>
+ <crm_config/>
+ <nodes>
+ <node id="virt-063" uname="virt-063"/>
+ <node id="virt-064" uname="virt-064"/>
+ <node id="virt-069" uname="virt-069"/>
+ </nodes>
+ <resources>
+ <primitive id="myAddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myAddr-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s"/>
+ <op id="myAddr-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s">
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-start-instance">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-start-instance-on-fail" name="on-fail" value="standby"/>
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-start-instance-record-pending" name="record-pending" value="true"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myAddr-params">
+ <nvpair id="myAddr-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ <primitive id="myHttpd" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
+ <operations>
+ <op id="myHttpd-monitor" name="monitor" interval="30s">
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-monitor-instance">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-monitor-instance-timeout" name="timeout" value="20"/>
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-monitor-instance-statusurl" name="statusurl" value="http://localhost/server-status"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-monitor-instance2">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-monitor-instance2-timeout" name="timeout" value="30"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </op>
+ </operations>
+ <instance_attributes id="myHttpd-params">
+ <nvpair id="myHttpd-configfile" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/>
+ </instance_attributes>
+ </primitive>
+ </resources>
+ <constraints/>
+ </configuration>
+ <status/>
diff --git a/xml/upgrade-1.3.xsl b/xml/upgrade-1.3.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea56a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/upgrade-1.3.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
+<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
+<xsl:param name="cib-min-ver" select="'2.0'"/>
+<xsl:template match="cib">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
+ <xsl:attribute name="validate-with">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('pacemaker-', $cib-min-ver)"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+<xsl:template match="role_ref">
+ <xsl:element name="role">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
+ </xsl:element>
+<xsl:template match="read|write|deny">
+ <xsl:element name="acl_permission">
+ <xsl:copy-of select="@id"/>
+ <xsl:attribute name="kind"><xsl:value-of select="name()"/></xsl:attribute>
+ <!-- previously, one could have a single element "matched" multiple times,
+ each time using a different attribute (or no attribute at all), which
+ would result, after the generalization (stripping @attribute) in
+ multiple possibly conflicting ACL behaviours for given element(s);
+ we could take this into account by, at the very least, preferring
+ the behavior at attribute-less specification, if any -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@ref">
+ <xsl:attribute name="reference"><xsl:value-of select="@ref"/></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:if test="@attribute">
+ <!-- alternatively, rephrase (generalized a bit) turning it to @xpath -->
+ <xsl:message>ACLs: @attribute cannot accompany @ref for upgrade-1.3.xsl purposes, ignoring</xsl:message>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="@tag">
+ <xsl:attribute name="object-type"><xsl:value-of select="@tag"/></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:if test="@attribute">
+ <xsl:message>ACLs: @attribute (with @tag) handling generalized a bit for upgrade-1.3.xsl purposes</xsl:message>
+ <xsl:copy-of select="@attribute"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <!-- must have been xpath per the schema, then -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@attribute">
+ <xsl:message>ACLs: @attribute (with @xpath) handling generalized a bit for upgrade-1.3.xsl purposes</xsl:message>
+ <xsl:attribute name="xpath">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(@xpath,'[@', @attribute, ']')"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy-of select="@xpath"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:element>
+<xsl:template match="acl_user[role_ref]">
+ <!-- schema disallows role_ref's AND deny/read/write -->
+ <xsl:element name="acl_target">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
+ </xsl:element>
+<xsl:template match="acl_user[not(role_ref)]">
+ <xsl:element name="acl_target">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
+ <xsl:if test="count(deny|read|write)" >
+ <xsl:element name="role">
+ <xsl:attribute name="id">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('auto-', @id)"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:element>
+ <xsl:if test="count(deny|read|write)" >
+ <xsl:element name="acl_role">
+ <xsl:attribute name="id">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('auto-', @id)"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:if>
+<xsl:template match="@*|node()">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
diff --git a/xml/upgrade-2.10-enter.xsl b/xml/upgrade-2.10-enter.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7eb1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/upgrade-2.10-enter.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+ Author: Jan Pokorny <>
+ Part of pacemaker project
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ -->
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
+ xmlns:cibtr=""
+ exclude-result-prefixes="cibtr"
+ cibtr:filename="upgrade-2.10-enter.xsl">
+<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
+ -->
+ Recursive implementation of "basename"
+ Merely parameter driven, no implicit context taken into account:
+ - Uri: input in it's current phase of processing
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:WrapSpecificBasename">
+ <xsl:param name="Uri"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="not(contains($Uri, '/'))">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Uri"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:WrapSpecificBasename">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Uri"
+ select="substring-after($Uri, '/')"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ Id-mangling-enriched identity template.
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:HelperIdentityEnter">
+ <xsl:param name="TargetIdPrefix" select="''"/>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"
+ mode="cibtr:enter">
+ <xsl:with-param name="TargetIdPrefix" select="$TargetIdPrefix"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ Extra modes: cibtr:enter
+ -->
+<xsl:variable name="cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefix">
+ <!-- no sleek way to fetch this, top-level xmlns:cibtr disappears early -->
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:WrapSpecificBasename">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Uri"
+ select="namespace-uri(document('')/xsl:stylesheet/@cibtr:filename)"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+<xsl:variable name="cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefixInitialRoot"
+ select="concat('_', $cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefix, '_')"/>
+ cibtr:enter mode
+ -->
+ This is to cover elements with the internal structure characterized
+ with the following RelaxNG Compact encoded grammar:
+ > attribute id-ref { xsd:IDREF }
+ > | (attribute id { xsd:ID },
+ > (rule?
+ > & nvpair*
+ > & attribute score {
+ > xsd:integer
+ > | xsd:token "INFINITY"
+ > | xsd:token "+INFINITY"
+ > | xsd:token "-INFINITY"
+ > }?))
+ The context node corresponds to "@id-ref" branch, and Original to the other,
+ and the task here is to recursively copy anything from Original to target
+ (with new, unique IDs, of course), and to flip @id-ref to full-fledged,
+ now valid @id, which will be likewise unique, and importantly, reversibly
+ mappable back to original in "leave" XSLT counterpart.
+ -->
+<xsl:template match="*[
+ @id-ref
+ and
+ contains(
+ concat('|cluster_property_set',
+ '|instance_attributes|',
+ '|meta_attributes|'),
+ concat('|', name(), '|')
+ )
+ ]"
+ mode="cibtr:enter">
+ <xsl:variable name="Original"
+ select="//*[
+ name() = name(current())
+ and
+ @id = current()/@id-ref
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="count($Original) = 0">
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('INTERNAL ERROR:',
+ name(), ': dangling @id-ref (',
+ @id-ref, '): no such @id found',
+ ' within the same element class')"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="count($Original) != 1">
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('INTERNAL ERROR:',
+ name(), ': dangling @id-ref (',
+ @id-ref, '): more than one @id found',
+ ' within the same element class')"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:attribute name="id">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefixInitialRoot,
+ $Original/@id)"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$Original/@*[name() != 'id']
+ |$Original/node()"
+ mode="cibtr:enter">
+ <xsl:with-param name="TargetIdPrefix"
+ select="concat('__', $cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefix, '_',
+ $Original/@id, '__')"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ (uniformity as an unattainable goal)
+ -->
+<xsl:template match="@id[
+ name(..) != 'resource_ref'
+ ]"
+ mode="cibtr:enter">
+ <xsl:param name="TargetIdPrefix"/>
+ <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($TargetIdPrefix, .)"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+<xsl:template match="@*|node()" mode="cibtr:enter">
+ <xsl:param name="TargetIdPrefix" select="''"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentityEnter">
+ <xsl:with-param name="TargetIdPrefix" select="$TargetIdPrefix"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+<!-- mode-less, easy to override kick-off -->
+<xsl:template match="/">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentityEnter"/>
diff --git a/xml/upgrade-2.10-leave.xsl b/xml/upgrade-2.10-leave.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e3fe65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/upgrade-2.10-leave.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+ Author: Jan Pokorny <>
+ Part of pacemaker project
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ -->
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
+ xmlns:cibtr=""
+ exclude-result-prefixes="cibtr"
+ cibtr:filename="upgrade-2.10-leave.xsl">
+<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
+<xsl:param name="cibtr:label-debug" select="'DEBUG: '"/>
+ -->
+ Recursive implementation of "basename"
+ Merely parameter driven, no implicit context taken into account:
+ - Uri: input in it's current phase of processing
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:WrapSpecificBasename">
+ <xsl:param name="Uri"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="not(contains($Uri, '/'))">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Uri"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:WrapSpecificBasename">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Uri"
+ select="substring-after($Uri, '/')"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ Id-mangling-enriched identity template.
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:HelperIdentityLeave">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" mode="cibtr:leave"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ Extra modes: cibtr:leave
+ cibtr:leave-serialize
+ -->
+<xsl:variable name="cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefix">
+ <!-- no sleek way to fetch this, top-level xmlns:cibtr disappears early -->
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:WrapSpecificBasename">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Uri"
+ select="namespace-uri(document('')/xsl:stylesheet/@cibtr:filename)"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+<xsl:variable name="cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefixInitialRoot"
+ select="concat('_', $cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefix, '_')"/>
+ cibtr:leave-serialize mode
+ -->
+<xsl:template match="@*|node()" mode="cibtr:leave-serialize">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="count(.|../@*)=count(../@*)
+ and
+ name() = 'id'">
+ <!-- intentionally skip -->
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="count(.|../@*)=count(../@*)
+ or
+ self::processing-instruction()">
+ <xsl:variable name="Mark">
+ <xsl:if test="count(.|../@*)=count(../@*)">A</xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="self::processing-instruction()">P</xsl:if>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($Mark, '(', name(), '=', ., '),')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::*">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('E(', name(), ',')"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"
+ mode="cibtr:leave-serialize"/>
+ <xsl:value-of select="'),'"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::comment()|self::text()">
+ <xsl:variable name="Mark">
+ <xsl:if test="self::comment()">C</xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="self::text()">T</xsl:if>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($Mark, '(', ., '),')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ cibtr:leave mode
+ -->
+ This is to cover elements with the internal structure characterized
+ with the following RelaxNG Compact encoded grammar:
+ > attribute id-ref { xsd:IDREF }
+ > | (attribute id { xsd:ID },
+ > (rule?
+ > & nvpair*
+ > & attribute score {
+ > xsd:integer
+ > | xsd:token "INFINITY"
+ > | xsd:token "+INFINITY"
+ > | xsd:token "-INFINITY"
+ > }?))
+ The context node corresponds to "@id-ref" branch prior to unfolding
+ in the preceding "unfold" XSLT counterpart, and Original to the other,
+ and the task here is to recursively (and deterministically) compare
+ the content of the two, and when there's a match, to collapse the
+ former back to a mere empty @id-ref link.
+ NOTE: name of this template may be a bit misleading, but it's meant
+ to really mean "after upgrade of the same trailing numbers",
+ which effectively means we are playing per 3.X CIB schema
+ rules, which needs to be considered, should any element be
+ renamed, etc.
+ -->
+<xsl:template match="*[
+ contains(
+ concat('|cluster_property_set',
+ '|instance_attributes|',
+ '|meta_attributes|'),
+ concat('|', name(), '|')
+ )
+ ]"
+ mode="cibtr:leave">
+ <xsl:variable name="Original"
+ select="//*[
+ name() = name(current())
+ and
+ @id = substring-after(current()/@id,
+ $cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefixInitialRoot)
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="not(
+ starts-with(@id, $cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefixInitialRoot)
+ )">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"
+ mode="cibtr:leave"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="count($Original) = 0">
+ <xsl:if test="string($cibtr:label-debug) != string(false())">
+ <xsl:message>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($cibtr:label-debug, name(),
+ ': original element pointed to with',
+ ' @id-ref (',
+ substring-after(@id,
+ $cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefixInitialRoot),
+ ') disappeared during upgrade')"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"
+ mode="cibtr:leave"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="count($Original) != 1">
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('INTERNAL ERROR:',
+ name(), ': found several elements',
+ ' that possibly were originally',
+ ' pointed to with @id-ref (',
+ substring-after(@id,
+ $cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefixInitialRoot),
+ '); unexpected ambiguity')"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:variable name="SerializedOriginal">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$Original/@*[name() != 'id']
+ |$Original/node()"
+ mode="cibtr:leave-serialize"/>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="SerializedDependant">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*[name() != 'id']
+ |node()"
+ mode="cibtr:leave-serialize"/>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$SerializedOriginal = $SerializedDependant">
+ <xsl:attribute name="id-ref">
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(@id,
+ $cibtr:WrapSpecificPrefixInitialRoot)"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"
+ mode="cibtr:leave">
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<xsl:template match="@*|node()" mode="cibtr:leave">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentityLeave"/>
+<!-- mode-less, easy to override kick-off -->
+<xsl:template match="/">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentityLeave"/>
diff --git a/xml/upgrade-2.10-roundtrip.xsl b/xml/upgrade-2.10-roundtrip.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18d73c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/upgrade-2.10-roundtrip.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+ Author: Jan Pokorny <>
+ Part of pacemaker project
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ -->
+ For experimenting and maintenance purposes only, pacemaker shall
+ split the transformation pipeline on its own.
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
+ xmlns:cibtr=""
+ xmlns:exsl="">
+<!-- NOTE: this is an exception from rule forbidding EXSLT's usage -->
+<xsl:import href="upgrade-2.10.xsl"/>
+<xsl:import href="upgrade-2.10-enter.xsl"/>
+<xsl:import href="upgrade-2.10-leave.xsl"/>
+<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
+ Extra modes: cibtr:roundtrip
+ -->
+<xsl:template match="/"
+ mode="cibtr:roundtrip">
+ <xsl:variable name="pre-upgrade">
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="cibtr:enter"/>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="upgrade">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="exsl:node-set($pre-upgrade)/node()" mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="exsl:node-set($upgrade)/node()" mode="cibtr:leave"/>
+<!-- mode-less, easy to override kick-off -->
+<xsl:template match="/">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="cibtr:roundtrip"/>
diff --git a/xml/upgrade-2.10.xsl b/xml/upgrade-2.10.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..526ef6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/upgrade-2.10.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,2569 @@
+ Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+ Author: Jan Pokorny <>
+ Part of pacemaker project
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ -->
+ Not compatible with @id-ref occurrences! Normalize generic 2.X-compatible
+ instances with upgrade-2.10-enter.xsl (optionally denormalize back akin
+ to the original with upgrade-2.10-leave.xsl once the upgrade is finished).
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
+ xmlns:cibtr=""
+ exclude-result-prefixes="cibtr">
+<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
+<xsl:param name="cibtr:cib-min-ver" select="'3.0'"/>
+<xsl:param name="cibtr:label-warning" select="'WARNING: '"/>
+<xsl:param name="cibtr:label-info" select="'INFO: '"/>
+<xsl:param name="cibtr:label-debug" select="'DEBUG: '"/>
+ -->
+ <!--
+ Target tag: cluster_property_set
+ Object: ./nvpair/@name
+ Selector ctxt: ./nvpair/@value
+ Move ctxt: op_defaults ~ /cib/configuration/op_defaults
+ rsc_defaults ~ /cib/configuration/rsc_defaults
+ Related commit: c1c66fe13
+ +
+ 7a9891f29
+ 7d0d1b0eb
+ 1f643d610
+ 73a5d63a8
+ +
+ 642a09b22
+ 0c03e366d
+ a28a558f9
+ -->
+ <cibtr:table for="cluster-properties" msg-prefix="Cluster properties"
+ where-cases="op_defaults|rsc_defaults">
+ <cibtr:replace what="cluster-infrastructure"
+ with=""
+ in-case-of="heartbeat|openais|classic openais|classic openais (with plugin)|cman"
+ msg-extra="corosync (2+) infrastructure can be used instead, though the value is not of significance"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="cluster_recheck_interval"
+ with="cluster-recheck-interval"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="dc_deadtime"
+ with="dc-deadtime"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="default-action-timeout"
+ with="timeout"
+ where="op_defaults"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="default_action_timeout"
+ with="timeout"
+ where="op_defaults"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="default-migration-threshold"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="migration-threshold in rsc_defaults can be configured instead"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="default_migration_threshold"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="migration-threshold in rsc_defaults can be configured instead"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="default-resource-stickiness"
+ with="resource-stickiness"
+ where="rsc_defaults"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="default_resource_stickiness"
+ with="resource-stickiness"
+ where="rsc_defaults"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="default-resource-failure-stickiness"
+ with="migration-threshold"
+ where="rsc_defaults"
+ in-case-of="-INFINITY"
+ redefined-as="1"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="default-resource-failure-stickiness"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="migration-threshold in rsc_defaults can be configured instead"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="default_resource_failure_stickiness"
+ with="migration-threshold"
+ where="rsc_defaults"
+ in-case-of="-INFINITY"
+ redefined-as="1"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="default_resource_failure_stickiness"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="migration-threshold in rsc_defaults can be configured instead"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="election_timeout"
+ with="election-timeout"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="expected-quorum-votes"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="corosync (2+) infrastructure tracks quorum on its own"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="is-managed-default"
+ with="is-managed"
+ where="rsc_defaults"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="is_managed_default"
+ with="is-managed"
+ where="rsc_defaults"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="no_quorum_policy"
+ with="no-quorum-policy"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="notification-agent"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="standalone alerts can be configured instead"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="notification-recipient"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="standalone alerts can be configured instead"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="remove_after_stop"
+ with="remove-after-stop"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="shutdown_escalation"
+ with="shutdown-escalation"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="startup_fencing"
+ with="startup-fencing"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="stonith_action"
+ with="stonith-action"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="stonith_enabled"
+ with="stonith-enabled"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="stop_orphan_actions"
+ with="stop-orphan-actions"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="stop_orphan_resources"
+ with="stop-orphan-resources"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="symmetric_cluster"
+ with="symmetric-cluster"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="transition_idle_timeout"
+ with="cluster-delay"/>
+ </cibtr:table>
+ <!--
+ Target tag: node
+ Object: ./@*
+ Selector ctxt: ./@*
+ Move ctxt: N/A
+ Related commit: 55ab749bf
+ -->
+ <cibtr:table for="cluster-node" msg-prefix="Cluster node">
+ <cibtr:replace what="type"
+ with="type"
+ in-case-of="normal"
+ redefined-as="member"/>
+ </cibtr:table>
+ <!--
+ Target tag: primitive
+ template
+ Object: ./instance_attributes/nvpair/@name
+ Selector ctxt: N/A
+ Move ctxt: N/A
+ Related commit: 06d4559cb
+ +
+ 6c8e0be20
+ -->
+ <cibtr:table for="resource-instance-attributes" msg-prefix="Resource instance_attributes">
+ <cibtr:replace what="pcmk_arg_map"
+ with=""/>
+ <!-- simplified as pcmk_arg_map can encode multiple
+ comma-separated pairs (everything would be dropped then,
+ except for a single dangling case: "port" coming first) -->
+ <cibtr:replace what="pcmk_arg_map"
+ with="pcmk_host_argument"
+ in-case-of-droppable-prefix="port:"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="pcmk_list_cmd"
+ with="pcmk_list_action"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="pcmk_monitor_cmd"
+ with="pcmk_monitor_action"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="pcmk_off_cmd"
+ with="pcmk_off_action"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="pcmk_on_cmd"
+ with="pcmk_on_action"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="pcmk_reboot_cmd"
+ with="pcmk_reboot_action"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="pcmk_status_cmd"
+ with="pcmk_status_action"/>
+ </cibtr:table>
+ <!--
+ Target tag: primitive
+ template
+ Object: ./meta_attributes/nvpair/@name
+ Selector ctxt: N/A
+ Move ctxt: N/A
+ Related commit: c713bbe39
+ +
+ 6052ad6da
+ -->
+ <cibtr:table for="resource-meta-attributes" msg-prefix="Resource meta_attributes">
+ <cibtr:replace what="isolation"
+ with="target-role"
+ redefined-as="Stopped"
+ msg-extra="i.e. resource at hand disabled; isolation wrappers obsoleted with bundle resources"
+ msg-severity="WARNING"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="isolation-host"
+ with="target-role"
+ redefined-as="Stopped"
+ msg-extra="i.e. resource at hand disabled; isolation wrappers obsoleted with bundle resources"
+ msg-severity="WARNING"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="isolation-instance"
+ with="target-role"
+ redefined-as="Stopped"
+ msg-extra="i.e. resource at hand disabled; isolation wrappers obsoleted with bundle resources"
+ msg-severity="WARNING"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="isolation-wrapper"
+ with="target-role"
+ redefined-as="Stopped"
+ msg-extra="i.e. resource at hand disabled; isolation wrappers obsoleted with bundle resources"
+ msg-severity="WARNING"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="resource-failure-stickiness"
+ with="migration-threshold"
+ in-case-of="-INFINITY"
+ redefined-as="1"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="resource-failure-stickiness"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="migration-threshold can be configured instead"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="resource_failure_stickiness"
+ with="migration-threshold"
+ in-case-of="-INFINITY"
+ redefined-as="1"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="resource_failure_stickiness"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="migration-threshold can be configured instead"/>
+ </cibtr:table>
+ <!--
+ Target tag: primitive
+ template
+ Object: ./operations/op/@*
+ ./operations/op/meta_attributes/nvpair/@name
+ ./operations/op/instance_attributes/nvpair/@name
+ Selector ctxt: ./operations/op/@name
+ Move ctxt: meta_attributes ~ ./meta_attributes/nvpair
+ Related commit: 014a543d5
+ -->
+ <cibtr:table for="resources-operation" msg-prefix="Resources-operation"
+ where-cases="meta_attributes">
+ <!-- keep this in sync with resource-operation-instance-attributes table -->
+ <cibtr:replace what="requires"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="only start/promote operation taken into account"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="requires"
+ with="requires"
+ in-case-of="start|promote"
+ where="meta_attributes"/>
+ </cibtr:table>
+ <!--
+ Target tag: primitive
+ template
+ Object: ./operations/op/instance_attributes/nvpair/@name
+ Selector ctxt: ./operations/op/@name
+ Move ctxt: per-resource-meta_attributes ~ ./meta_attributes/nvpair
+ meta_attributes ~ ./operations/op/meta_attributes/nvpair
+ Related commit: 023897afc
+ 3100c0e8b
+ -->
+ <cibtr:table for="resource-operation-instance-attributes"
+ msg-prefix="Resources-operation instance_attributes"
+ where-cases="meta_attributes|per-resource-meta_attributes">
+ <!-- this is easier to solve through resources-operation table handling,
+ in the inverse mode, but for compatibility purposes, we need to have
+ it tracked here, so mark it the same way as if we were moving it over
+ to sibling per-op meta_attributes (while in fact we move it up to
+ per-resource meta_attributes, as if it was specified in per-op
+ meta_attributes already), just use a dedicated "where-case" other
+ than "meta_attributes" reserved for proper local move as mentioned;
+ otherwise keep it in sync with said table -->
+ <cibtr:replace what="requires"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="only start/promote operation taken into account"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="requires"
+ with="requires"
+ in-case-of="start|promote"
+ where="per-resource-meta_attributes"/>
+ <!-- these must have been, due to the value sourcing predence arrangement,
+ shadowed by immediate op's attributes, so simply preserve their
+ non-meta meaning -->
+ <!--
+ <cibtr:replace what="name"
+ with="name"
+ where="meta_attributes"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="interval"
+ with="interval"
+ where="meta_attributes"/>
+ -->
+ <cibtr:replace what="interval-origin"
+ with="interval-origin"
+ where="meta_attributes"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="start-delay"
+ with="start-delay"
+ where="meta_attributes"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="enabled"
+ with="enabled"
+ where="meta_attributes"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="on-fail"
+ with="on-fail"
+ where="meta_attributes"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="record-pending"
+ with="record-pending"
+ where="meta_attributes"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="role"
+ with="role"
+ where="meta_attributes"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="timeout"
+ with="timeout"
+ where="meta_attributes"/>
+ </cibtr:table>
+ <!--
+ Target tag: rsc_colocation
+ Object: ./@*
+ Selector ctxt: N/A
+ Move ctxt: N/A
+ Related commit: 96d7ffedf
+ -->
+ <cibtr:table for="constraints-colocation" msg-prefix="Constraints-colocation">
+ <cibtr:replace what="score-attribute"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="was actually never in effect"/>
+ <cibtr:replace what="score-attribute-mangle"
+ with=""
+ msg-extra="was actually never in effect"/>
+ </cibtr:table>
+<xsl:variable name="cibtr:MapClusterProperties"
+ select="document('')/xsl:stylesheet
+ /cibtr:map/cibtr:table[
+ @for = 'cluster-properties'
+ ]"/>
+<xsl:variable name="cibtr:MapClusterNode"
+ select="document('')/xsl:stylesheet
+ /cibtr:map/cibtr:table[
+ @for = 'cluster-node'
+ ]"/>
+<xsl:variable name="cibtr:MapResourceInstanceAttributes"
+ select="document('')/xsl:stylesheet
+ /cibtr:map/cibtr:table[
+ @for = 'resource-instance-attributes'
+ ]"/>
+<xsl:variable name="cibtr:MapResourceMetaAttributes"
+ select="document('')/xsl:stylesheet
+ /cibtr:map/cibtr:table[
+ @for = 'resource-meta-attributes'
+ ]"/>
+<xsl:variable name="cibtr:MapResourcesOperation"
+ select="document('')/xsl:stylesheet
+ /cibtr:map/cibtr:table[
+ @for = 'resources-operation'
+ ]"/>
+<xsl:variable name="cibtr:MapResourcesOperationInstanceAttributes"
+ select="document('')/xsl:stylesheet
+ /cibtr:map/cibtr:table[
+ @for = 'resource-operation-instance-attributes'
+ ]"/>
+<xsl:variable name="cibtr:MapConstraintsColocation"
+ select="document('')/xsl:stylesheet
+ /cibtr:map/cibtr:table[
+ @for = 'constraints-colocation'
+ ]"/>
+ -->
+ Plain identity template
+ Merely implicit-context-driven, no arguments.
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ Emit an message about the replacement, sanity checking the source definitions
+ Merely parameter driven, no implicit context taken into account:
+ - Context: optional message prefix
+ - Replacement: selected subset of cibtr:map's leaves
+ (it's considered a hard error if consists of more than 1 item)
+ Explanation wrt. how target severity gets selected, ordered by priority:
+ - $Replacement/@msg-severity (WARNING/INFO/DEBUG)
+ - $Replacement/@msg-extra defined -> INFO
+ - otherwise -> DEBUG
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:MapMsg">
+ <xsl:param name="Context" select="''"/>
+ <xsl:param name="Replacement"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="not($Replacement)"/>
+ <xsl:when test="count($Replacement) != 1">
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('INTERNAL ERROR: ',
+ $Replacement/../@msg-prefix,
+ ': count($Replacement) != 1',
+ ' does not hold (',
+ count($Replacement), ')')"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:variable name="MsgPrefix" select="concat(
+ ($Replacement|$Replacement/..)
+ /@msg-prefix, ': '
+ )"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="MsgSeverity">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement/@msg-severity">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@msg-severity"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement/@msg-extra">
+ <xsl:value-of select="'INFO'"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="'DEBUG'"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="MsgSeverityLabel">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$MsgSeverity = 'WARNING'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$cibtr:label-warning"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$MsgSeverity = 'INFO'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$cibtr:label-info"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$MsgSeverity = 'DEBUG'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$cibtr:label-debug"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('INTERNAL ERROR: not a valid',
+ ' severity specification: ',
+ $MsgSeverity)"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:if test="string($MsgSeverityLabel) != string(false())">
+ <xsl:message>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($MsgSeverityLabel, $MsgPrefix)"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$Context">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($Context, ': ')"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="string($Replacement/@with)">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="string($Replacement/@where)">
+ <xsl:if test="not(
+ contains(
+ concat('|', $Replacement/../@where-cases, '|'),
+ concat('|', $Replacement/@where, '|')
+ )
+ )">
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('INTERNAL ERROR:',
+ $Replacement/../@msg-prefix,
+ ': $Replacement/@where (',
+ $Replacement/@where, ') not in ',
+ concat('|',
+ $Replacement/../@where-cases,
+ '|'))"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('moving ', $Replacement/@what,
+ ' under ', $Replacement/@where)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement/@with = $Replacement/@what">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('keeping ', $Replacement/@what)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('renaming ', $Replacement/@what)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(' as ', $Replacement/@with)"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$Replacement/@where">
+ <xsl:value-of select="' unless already defined there'"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('dropping ', $Replacement/@what)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:if test="string($Replacement/@redefined-as)">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(', redefined as ',
+ $Replacement/@redefined-as)"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$Replacement/@in-case-of">
+ <xsl:value-of select="','"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="string($Replacement/@in-case-of)">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(' for matching ',
+ $Replacement/@in-case-of)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement/@in-case-of">
+ <xsl:value-of select="' for matching &quot;empty string&quot;'"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement/@in-case-of-droppable-prefix">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(' for matching ',
+ $Replacement/@in-case-of-droppable-prefix,
+ ' prefix that will, meanwhile, get dropped'
+ )"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:message>
+ <xsl:if test="$Replacement/@msg-extra">
+ <xsl:message>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($MsgSeverityLabel, $MsgPrefix, '... ',
+ $Replacement/@msg-extra)"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ Produce a denormalized space if not present in the input (cf. trick A.)
+ Merely parameter driven, no implicit context taken into account:
+ - Source: input selection or result tree fragment to evaluate
+ - ResultTreeFragment: optional self-explanatory flag related to Source
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:param name="Source"/>
+ <xsl:param name="ResultTreeFragment" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerSimulation" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="not($ResultTreeFragment)">
+ <!-- intention here is that immediately surrounding text (mostly expected
+ to be just indenting whitespace) and comments will be preserved;
+ in case no denormalized space is present, " " is injected -->
+ <xsl:variable name="ExistingSpace"
+ select="$Source/preceding-sibling::node()[
+ (
+ self::comment()
+ or
+ self::text()
+ )
+ and
+ generate-id(following-sibling::*[1])
+ = generate-id($Source)
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:copy-of select="$ExistingSpace"/>
+ <xsl:if test="not(
+ $ExistingSpace/self::text()[
+ normalize-space(.) != string(.)
+ ]
+ ) and $InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="normalize-space($Source)
+ != string($Source)">
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ considerations, limitations, etc.:
+ 1. the transformations tries to preserve as much of the original XML
+ as possible, incl. whitespace text/indentation and comments, but
+ at times (corner cases of tricks A. + B. below), this needs to be
+ sacrificed, e.g., distorting nice indentation, hence if the
+ perfection is the goal:
+ - user of the transformation can feed the minimized version of
+ the XML (no denormalized/any white-space present)
+ - user of the transformation can (re-)pretty-print the outcome
+ afterwards
+ tricks and conventions used:
+ A. callable templates only return Result Tree Fragments, which means
+ the only operations allowed are those looking at the underlying,
+ virtual node-set, and since we need to discern their non-void
+ production (i.e. on successful match/es), we use this trick:
+ - ensure the template will not propagate any denormalized whitespace
+ - inject denormalized whitespace (superfluous space) artificially
+ to mark successful production (but see B. below)
+ - with the template production, here stored as Var variable,
+ we test "normalize-space($Var) != $Var" condition to detect
+ non-void production, mainly intended to see whether to emit
+ the enclosing element at all (with the goal of not leaving
+ superfluous elements behind needlessly)
+ B. [extension over A.] to eliminate distorted indentation
+ (cf. consideration 1.), additional reuse of these callable
+ templates is introduced: the template can recursively call
+ itself with a special flag (InnerSimulation) as an oracle to
+ see to whether non-void production will ensue (all pre-existing
+ denormalized whitespace is forcefully removed in this mode),
+ and if positive, all such inner pre-existing whitespace is
+ then preserved in this outer=main invocation
+ C. [extension over B.] when checking the non-void production
+ (via InnerSimulation), beside the injected denormalized whitespace,
+ we can also inject particular strings, which the callsite of such
+ simulation can, in addition, inspect for paricular string
+ occurrences, e.g. to prevent clashes on the production coming
+ from multiple sources
+ D. not only to honour DRY principle and to avoid inner entropy, it's
+ often useful to make callable template bimodal, e.g., when the
+ production is generated in the "what's to stay in place" vs.
+ "what's to be propagated (combined with previous, effectively
+ moved) at this other part of the tree" contexts; for such cases,
+ there's usually InverseMode parameter to be assigned true()
+ (implicit default) and false(), respectively
+ E. the common idiom that emerges is: evaluate simulation value,
+ depending on the presence of the "success mark" (cf. A.),
+ possibly emit non-simulation value; since it would (likely)
+ re-evaluate the simulation anew (wastefully) or perhaps
+ this sort of dependency injection can just come handy,
+ common transformation helpers below offer InnerPass
+ parameter to be optionally passed, either as a string (when
+ no-denormalized-space is an internal criterium for the template)
+ or, conventionally, the result tree fragment representing the
+ output of the template at hand called with a simulation flag
+ * established signaling strings accompanying InnerSimulation=true:
+ - TRIGGER-MSG ... make the template execution emit messages
+ describing changes being performed
+ ... currently used in the oracle-like evaluation
+ of what's the situation with the sibling
+ elements as a recursion guard so that such
+ nested runs won't revisit the new set of
+ siblings per the respective nested context
+ -->
+ Source ctxt: cluster_property_set
+ Target ctxt: cluster_property_set
+ Target-inv ctxt:/cib/configuration/(op_defaults|rsc_defaults)
+ [cluster_property_set -> meta_attributes]
+ Dependencies: N/A
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:ProcessClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:param name="Source"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InverseMode" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerSimulation" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerPass">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="''"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Source"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="$InverseMode"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:param>
+ <xsl:for-each select="$Source/node()">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::text()">
+ <!-- cf. trick A. (consideration 1.) -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="normalize-space($InnerPass)
+ != $InnerPass
+ and
+ (
+ not(following-sibling::nvpair)
+ or
+ generate-id(following-sibling::nvpair[1])
+ != generate-id(following-sibling::*[1])
+ )">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::nvpair">
+ <xsl:variable name="Replacement"
+ select="$cibtr:MapClusterProperties/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = current()/@name
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/@value, '|'))
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ not(@in-case-of)
+ and
+ not(
+ $cibtr:MapClusterProperties/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = current()/@name
+ and
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/@value, '|'))
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$InnerPass = 'TRIGGER-MSG'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:MapMsg">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Context" select="@id"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Replacement" select="$Replacement"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement
+ and
+ (
+ not(string($Replacement/@with))
+ or
+ $Replacement/@where
+ )">
+ <!-- drop (possibly just move over) -->
+ <xsl:if test="$Replacement/@where
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ normalize-space($InverseMode)
+ and
+ $Replacement/@where = $InverseMode
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ not(normalize-space($InverseMode))
+ and
+ (true() or count($InverseMode))
+ and
+ not(
+ $InverseMode/nvpair[
+ @name = $Replacement/@with
+ ]
+ )
+ and
+ $Replacement/@where = name($InverseMode/..)
+ )
+ )">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:for-each select="@*">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="name() = 'name'">
+ <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@with"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="string($Replacement/@redefined-as)
+ and
+ name() = 'value'">
+ <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@redefined-as"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$InverseMode"/>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:for-each select="@*">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="name() = 'name'">
+ <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@with"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="string($Replacement/@redefined-as)
+ and
+ name() = 'value'">
+ <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@redefined-as"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$InverseMode
+ or
+ self::comment()">
+ <!-- drop -->
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ Source ctxt: (primitive|template)/instance_attributes
+ Target ctxt: (primitive|template)/instance_attributes
+ Target-inv ctxt:N/A
+ Dependencies: N/A
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:ProcessRscInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:param name="Source"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerSimulation" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerPass">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="''"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessRscInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Source"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:param>
+ <!-- B: special-casing nvpair -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="$Source/node()">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::text()">
+ <!-- cf. trick A. (consideration 1.) -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="normalize-space($InnerPass)
+ != $InnerPass
+ and
+ (
+ not(following-sibling::nvpair)
+ or
+ generate-id(following-sibling::nvpair[1])
+ != generate-id(following-sibling::*[1])
+ )">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::nvpair">
+ <xsl:variable name="Replacement"
+ select="$cibtr:MapResourceInstanceAttributes/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = current()/@name
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/@value, '|'))
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ @in-case-of-droppable-prefix
+ and
+ starts-with(current()/@value,
+ @in-case-of-droppable-prefix)
+ and
+ not(
+ contains(current()/@value, ',')
+ )
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ not(@in-case-of)
+ and
+ not(@in-case-of-droppable-prefix)
+ and
+ not(
+ $cibtr:MapResourceInstanceAttributes/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = current()/@name
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/@value, '|'))
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ @in-case-of-droppable-prefix
+ and
+ starts-with(current()/@value,
+ @in-case-of-droppable-prefix)
+ and
+ not(
+ contains(current()/@value, ',')
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$InnerPass = 'TRIGGER-MSG'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:MapMsg">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Context" select="@id"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Replacement" select="$Replacement"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement
+ and
+ not(string($Replacement/@with))">
+ <!-- drop (move-over code missing) -->
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement">
+ <!-- plain rename -->
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:for-each select="@*">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="name() = 'name'">
+ <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@with"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="string($Replacement/@redefined-as)
+ and
+ name() = 'value'">
+ <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@redefined-as"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="string($Replacement/@in-case-of-droppable-prefix)
+ and
+ name() = 'value'">
+ <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(
+ ., $Replacement/@in-case-of-droppable-prefix
+ )"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <!-- E: special-casing nvpair -->
+ Source ctxt: (primitive|template)/meta_attributes
+ Target ctxt: (primitive|template)/meta_attributes
+ Target-inv ctxt:N/A
+ Dependencies: N/A
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:ProcessRscMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:param name="Source"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerSimulation" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerPass">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="''"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessRscMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Source"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:param>
+ <!-- B: special-casing nvpair -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="$Source/node()">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::text()">
+ <!-- cf. trick A. (consideration 1.) -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="normalize-space($InnerPass)
+ != $InnerPass
+ and
+ (
+ not(following-sibling::nvpair)
+ or
+ generate-id(following-sibling::nvpair[1])
+ != generate-id(following-sibling::*[1])
+ )">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::nvpair">
+ <xsl:variable name="Replacement"
+ select="$cibtr:MapResourceMetaAttributes/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = current()/@name
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/@value, '|'))
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ not(@in-case-of)
+ and
+ not(
+ $cibtr:MapResourceMetaAttributes/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = current()/@name
+ and
+ (
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/@value, '|'))
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$InnerPass = 'TRIGGER-MSG'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:MapMsg">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Context"
+ select="concat(../../@id,
+ ' (meta=', ../@id,
+ ')')"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Replacement" select="$Replacement"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement
+ and
+ not(string($Replacement/@with))">
+ <!-- drop (move-over code missing) -->
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement">
+ <!-- plain rename -->
+ <xsl:variable name="SimulateFollowingSiblings">
+ <!-- prevent generating redundant name-value pairs -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="(..|../following-sibling::meta_attributes)[
+ not(rule)
+ ]">
+ <xsl:if test="$InnerPass != 'TRIGGER-RECURSION'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessRscMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="'TRIGGER-RECURSION'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- instead of HelperDenormalizedSpace -->
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(generate-id(), '@', $Replacement/@with, ' ')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:if test="not(
+ contains($SimulateFollowingSiblings,
+ concat($Replacement/@with, ' '))
+ )
+ or
+ generate-id()
+ =
+ substring-before($SimulateFollowingSiblings,
+ concat('@', $Replacement/@with))">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:for-each select="@*">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="name() = 'name'">
+ <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@with"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="string($Replacement/@redefined-as)
+ and
+ name() = 'value'">
+ <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@redefined-as"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <!-- E: special-casing nvpair -->
+ Source ctxt: (primitive|template)/operations/op/instance_attributes
+ Target ctxt: (primitive|template)/operations/op/instance_attributes
+ Target-inv ctxt:(primitive|template)/operations/op/meta_attributes
+ Dependencies: ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes [inverse only]
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:ProcessOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:param name="Source"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InverseMode" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerSimulation" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerPass">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="''"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Source"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:param>
+ <xsl:variable name="EnclosingTag" select="../../.."/>
+ <!-- B: special-casing nvpair -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="$Source/node()">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::text()">
+ <!-- cf. trick A. (consideration 1.) -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="normalize-space($InnerPass)
+ != $InnerPass
+ and
+ (
+ not(following-sibling::nvpair)
+ or
+ generate-id(following-sibling::nvpair[1])
+ != generate-id(following-sibling::*[1])
+ )">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::nvpair">
+ <xsl:variable name="Replacement"
+ select="$cibtr:MapResourcesOperationInstanceAttributes/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = current()/@name
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/../../@name, '|'))
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ not(@in-case-of)
+ and
+ not(
+ $cibtr:MapResourcesOperationInstanceAttributes/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = current()/@name
+ and
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/../../@name, '|'))
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$InnerPass = 'TRIGGER-MSG'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:MapMsg">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Context"
+ select="concat(../../@id,
+ ' (rsc=', $EnclosingTag/@id,
+ ', meta=', ../@id,
+ ')')"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Replacement" select="$Replacement"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement
+ and
+ (
+ not(string($Replacement/@with))
+ or
+ $Replacement/@where
+ )">
+ <!-- drop (possibly just move over) -->
+ <xsl:variable name="SimulateAttrOverrides">
+ <xsl:for-each select="../../../op">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessAttrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:if test="$InverseMode
+ and
+ not(
+ contains($SimulateAttrOverrides,
+ concat(@name, ' '))
+ )">
+ <!-- do not override; do not collide with:
+ - newly added from op/@* (see last condition above)
+ - existing - actually subsumed with the previous point
+ - successors sourced like this (see below) -->
+ <xsl:variable name="SimulateFollowingSiblingsMeta">
+ <!-- cf. similar handling in ProcessAttrOpMetaAttributes,
+ but this is more convoluted -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="(../following-sibling::meta_attributes
+ |../../following-sibling::op/meta_attributes)[
+ not(rule)
+ ]">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="SimulateFollowingSiblingsInstance">
+ <xsl:for-each select="../following-sibling::instance_attributes[
+ not(rule)
+ ]">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:if test="$Replacement/@where = 'meta_attributes'
+ and
+ not(
+ $EnclosingTag/meta_attributes[
+ not(rule)
+ and
+ nvpair/@name = $Replacement/@with
+ ]
+ )
+ and
+ not(
+ contains($SimulateFollowingSiblingsInstance,
+ concat(@name, ' '))
+ )">
+ <!-- cf. trick C. (indicate for inverse mode) -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <!-- instead of HelperDenormalizedSpace -->
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(@name, ' ')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement">
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('INTERNAL ERROR: ',
+ $Replacement/../@msg-prefix,
+ ': no in-situ rename',
+ ' does not hold (',
+ not(($InverseMode)), ')')"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$InverseMode"/>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$InverseMode
+ or
+ self::comment()">
+ <!-- drop -->
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <!-- E: special-casing nvpair -->
+ Source ctxt: (primitive|template)/operations/op/meta_attributes
+ (primitive|template)/operations/op/instance_attributes (inverse only)
+ Target ctxt: (primitive|template)/operations/op/meta_attributes
+ Target-inv ctxt:(primitive|template)/meta_attributes
+ Dependencies: ProcessAttrOpMetaAttributes
+ ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:param name="Source"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InverseMode" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerSimulation" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerPass">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="''"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Source"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:param>
+ <xsl:variable name="EnclosingTag" select="../../.."/>
+ <xsl:for-each select="$Source/node()">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::text()
+ and
+ not($InverseMode)">
+ <!-- cf. trick A. (consideration 1.) -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="normalize-space($InnerPass)
+ != $InnerPass
+ and
+ (
+ not(following-sibling::nvpair)
+ or
+ generate-id(following-sibling::nvpair[1])
+ != generate-id(following-sibling::*[1])
+ )">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::nvpair">
+ <xsl:variable name="Replacement"
+ select="$cibtr:MapResourcesOperation/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = current()/@name
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/../../@name, '|'))
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ not(@in-case-of)
+ and
+ not(
+ $cibtr:MapResourcesOperation/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = current()/@name
+ and
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/../../@name, '|'))
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$InnerPass = 'TRIGGER-MSG'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:MapMsg">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Context"
+ select="concat(../../@id,
+ ' (rsc=', $EnclosingTag/@id,
+ ', meta=', ../@id,
+ ')')"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Replacement" select="$Replacement"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement
+ and
+ (
+ not(string($Replacement/@with))
+ or
+ $Replacement/@where
+ )">
+ <!-- drop (possibly just move over) -->
+ <xsl:if test="$InverseMode">
+ <xsl:variable name="SimulateAttrOverrides">
+ <xsl:for-each select="../../../op">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessAttrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:if test="not(
+ contains($SimulateAttrOverrides,
+ concat(@name, ' '))
+ )">
+ <!-- do not override; do not collide with:
+ - newly added from op/@* (see last condition above)
+ - existing - actually subsumed with the previous point
+ - successors sourced like this (see below)
+ and if coming from op/instance_attributes, add also
+ - any meta_attributes sourced like this -->
+ <xsl:variable name="SimulateFollowingSiblings">
+ <!-- cf. similar handling in ProcessAttrOpMetaAttributes,
+ but this is more convoluted -->
+ <xsl:if test="name(..) = 'meta_attributes'">
+ <xsl:for-each select="(../following-sibling::meta_attributes
+ |../../following-sibling::op/meta_attributes)[
+ not(rule)
+ ]">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="name(..) = 'instance_attributes'">
+ <xsl:for-each select="(../following-sibling::instance_attributes
+ |../../following-sibling::op/instance_attributes
+ |../../meta_attributes
+ |../../../op/meta_attributes)[
+ not(rule)
+ ]">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:if test="$Replacement/@where = 'meta_attributes'
+ and
+ not(
+ $EnclosingTag/meta_attributes[
+ not(rule)
+ and
+ nvpair/@name = $Replacement/@with
+ ]
+ )
+ and
+ not(
+ contains($SimulateFollowingSiblings,
+ concat(@name, ' '))
+ )">
+ <!-- cf. trick C. (indicate for inverse mode) -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- instead of HelperDenormalizedSpace -->
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(@name, ' ')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement">
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('INTERNAL ERROR: ',
+ $Replacement/../@msg-prefix,
+ ': no in-situ rename',
+ ' does not hold (',
+ not(($InverseMode)), ')')"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$InverseMode"/>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$InverseMode
+ or
+ self::comment()">
+ <!-- drop -->
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ Source ctxt: (primitive|template)/operations/op
+ Target ctxt: (primitive|template)/operations/op/meta_attributes
+ Target-inv ctxt:(primitive|template)/meta_attributes
+ Dependencies: ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes [non-inverse only]
+ ProcessOpInstanceAttributes [non-inverse only]
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:ProcessAttrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:param name="Source"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InverseMode" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerSimulation" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerPass">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="''"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessAttrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Source"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="$InverseMode"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:param>
+ <xsl:variable name="EnclosingTag" select="../.."/>
+ <xsl:if test="(
+ $InverseMode
+ and
+ (
+ $InnerSimulation
+ or
+ normalize-space($InnerPass)
+ != string($InnerPass)
+ )
+ )
+ or
+ not($InverseMode)">
+ <xsl:if test="$InverseMode
+ and
+ $InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperDenormalizedSpace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$InnerPass"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="ResultTreeFragment" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <!-- cannot combine "copy" with creating a new element, hence we mimic
+ "copy" with recreating the element anew, while still using just
+ a single for-each loop -->
+ <xsl:variable name="ParentName">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="not($InverseMode)">
+ <xsl:value-of select="name()"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="'nvpair'"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:element name="{$ParentName}">
+ <!-- B: special-casing @* -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="@*">
+ <xsl:variable name="Replacement"
+ select="$cibtr:MapResourcesOperation/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = name(current())
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/../@name, '|'))
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ not(@in-case-of)
+ and
+ not(
+ $cibtr:MapResourcesOperation/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = name(current())
+ and
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current()/../@name, '|'))
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$InnerPass = 'TRIGGER-MSG'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:MapMsg">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Context"
+ select="concat(../@id,
+ ' (rsc=', $EnclosingTag/@id,
+ ')')"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Replacement" select="$Replacement"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- use inner simulation to find out if success,
+ then emit also extra denormalized space -->
+ <xsl:when test="$InverseMode
+ and
+ $Replacement/@where = 'meta_attributes'
+ and
+ not(
+ $EnclosingTag/meta_attributes[
+ not(rule)
+ and
+ nvpair/@name = $Replacement/@with
+ ]
+ )">
+ <!-- do not override; do not collide with:
+ - existing (see last condition above)
+ - successors sourced like this (see below) -->
+ <xsl:variable name="SimulateFollowingSiblings">
+ <xsl:for-each select="../following-sibling::op">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessAttrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:if test="not(contains($SimulateFollowingSiblings,
+ concat(name(), ' ')))">
+ <!-- fix concurrent op/@* sources (these themselves are winning
+ over sources from meta_attributes -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <!-- cf. trick C. (indicate for inverse mode) -->
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(name(), ' ')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:attribute name="id">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('_2TO3_', ../@id, '-meta-',
+ $Replacement/@with)"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:attribute name="name">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@with"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:attribute name="value">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$InverseMode"/>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement
+ and
+ (
+ not(string($Replacement/@with))
+ or
+ $Replacement/@where
+ )">
+ <!-- drop (possibly just move over) -->
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement">
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('INTERNAL ERROR: ',
+ $Replacement/../@msg-prefix,
+ ': no in-situ rename',
+ ' does not hold')"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <!-- E: special-casing @* -->
+ <xsl:if test="not($InverseMode)">
+ <!-- Look ahead if there are any meta-like instance_attibutes to
+ be propagated next door, into existing/new meta_attributes -->
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedInverseNonruleOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:for-each select="instance_attributes[not(rule)]">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass"
+ select="substring-after(
+ concat(
+ string($InnerSimulation),
+ ),
+ 'true'
+ )"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <!-- B: special-casing instance_attributes|meta_attributes -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="$Source/node()">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::text()">
+ <!-- cf. trick A. (consideration 1.) -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="normalize-space($InnerPass)
+ != $InnerPass
+ and
+ (
+ not(following-sibling::nvpair)
+ or
+ generate-id(following-sibling::nvpair[1])
+ != generate-id(following-sibling::*[1])
+ )">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::instance_attributes">
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <!-- cf. trick A. -->
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ProcessedOpInstanceAttributes)
+ != $ProcessedOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ <!-- cf. trick E. -->
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="$ProcessedOpInstanceAttributes"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::meta_attributes">
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass"
+ select="substring-after(
+ concat(
+ string($InnerSimulation),
+ ),
+ 'true'
+ )"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <!-- cf. trick A.;
+ possibly piggy-back instance_attributes (if any per
+ above look ahead) to first suitable (not rules-driven)
+ meta_attributes set... -->
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ProcessedOpMetaAttributes)
+ != $ProcessedOpMetaAttributes
+ or
+ (
+ not(rule)
+ and
+ not(preceding-sibling::meta_attributes[not(rule)])
+ and
+ normalize-space($ProcessedInverseNonruleOpInstanceAttributes)
+ != $ProcessedInverseNonruleOpInstanceAttributes
+ )">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ProcessedOpMetaAttributes)
+ != $ProcessedOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ <!-- cf. trick E. -->
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="$ProcessedOpMetaAttributes"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="not(rule)
+ and
+ not(preceding-sibling::meta_attributes[not(rule)])
+ and
+ normalize-space($ProcessedInverseNonruleOpInstanceAttributes)
+ != $ProcessedInverseNonruleOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:for-each select="../instance_attributes[not(rule)]">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <!-- E: special-casing instance_attributes|meta_attributes -->
+ <!-- ...or roll out brand new meta_attributes, first collectively
+ for no-rules instances... -->
+ <xsl:if test="not(meta_attributes[not(rule)])
+ and
+ normalize-space($ProcessedInverseNonruleOpInstanceAttributes)
+ != $ProcessedInverseNonruleOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <meta_attributes id="{concat('_2TO3_', @id, '-meta')}">
+ <xsl:for-each select="instance_attributes[not(rule)]">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="text()[position() = last()]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="text()[position() = last()]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <!-- ...then individually for rules-driven ones -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="instance_attributes[rule]">
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedInverseRuleOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass"
+ select="substring-after(
+ concat(
+ string($InnerSimulation),
+ ),
+ 'true'
+ )"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <!-- cf. trick A. -->
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ProcessedInverseRuleOpInstanceAttributes)
+ != $ProcessedInverseRuleOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <meta_attributes>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*[
+ name() != 'id'
+ ]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <xsl:attribute name='id'>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('_2TO3_', @id)"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()[
+ name() != 'nvpair'
+ ]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessOpInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <!-- cf. trick E. -->
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="$ProcessedInverseRuleOpInstanceAttributes"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="text()[position() = last()]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:if>
+ Source ctxt: configuration
+ Target ctxt: {op,rsc}_defaults/meta_attributes [per $Variant, see below]
+ Target-inv ctxt:N/A
+ Dependencies: ProcessClusterProperties
+ Variant: 'op_defaults' | 'rsc_defaults'
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:param name="Source"/>
+ <xsl:param name="Variant"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerSimulation" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerPass">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="''"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Source"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="$Variant"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:param>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$Source/*[name() = $Variant]/meta_attributes[
+ not(rule)
+ ]">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source"
+ select="$Source/crm_config/cluster_property_set[
+ not(rule)
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode"
+ select="$Source/*[name() = $Variant]/meta_attributes[
+ not(rule)
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source"
+ select="$Source/crm_config/cluster_property_set[
+ not(rule)
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode"
+ select="$Variant"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="$InnerSimulation"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ Source ctxt: configuration
+ Target ctxt: {op,rsc}_defaults/meta_attributes [per $Variant, see below]
+ Target-inv ctxt:N/A
+ Dependencies: ProcessClusterProperties
+ Variant: 'op_defaults' | 'rsc_defaults'
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsRuleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:param name="Source"/>
+ <xsl:param name="Variant"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerSimulation" select="false()"/>
+ <xsl:param name="InnerPass">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$InnerSimulation">
+ <xsl:value-of select="''"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsRuleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Source"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="$Variant"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:param>
+ <xsl:for-each select="crm_config/cluster_property_set[
+ rule
+ ]">
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedPartial">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Source"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="$Variant"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="'TRIGGER-MSG'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ProcessedPartial)
+ != $ProcessedPartial">
+ <meta_attributes id="{concat('_2TO3_', @id)}">
+ <xsl-copy-of select="rule"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Source"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="$Variant"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ -->
+<xsl:template match="cib" mode="cibtr:main">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <xsl:attribute name="validate-with">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('pacemaker-', $cibtr:cib-min-ver)"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+<xsl:template match="cluster_property_set" mode="cibtr:main">
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="'TRIGGER-MSG'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ProcessedClusterProperties)
+ != $ProcessedClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <!-- cf. trick E. -->
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="$ProcessedClusterProperties"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:if>
+<xsl:template match="rsc_colocation" mode="cibtr:main">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:for-each select="@*">
+ <xsl:variable name="Replacement"
+ select="$cibtr:MapConstraintsColocation/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = name(current())
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:MapMsg">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Context" select="../@id"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Replacement" select="$Replacement"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement
+ and
+ not(string($Replacement/@with))">
+ <!-- drop -->
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement">
+ <!-- rename -->
+ <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@with"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+<xsl:template match="node" mode="cibtr:main">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:for-each select="@*">
+ <xsl:variable name="Replacement"
+ select="$cibtr:MapClusterNode/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = name(current())
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current(), '|'))
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ not(@in-case-of)
+ and
+ not(
+ $cibtr:MapClusterNode/cibtr:replace[
+ @what = name(current())
+ and
+ @in-case-of
+ and
+ contains(concat('|', @in-case-of, '|'),
+ concat('|', current(), '|'))
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ]"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:MapMsg">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Context" select="concat(../@uname, ' (id=', ../@id, ')')"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Replacement" select="$Replacement"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement
+ and
+ not(string($Replacement/@with))">
+ <!-- drop -->
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement">
+ <!-- rename -->
+ <xsl:attribute name="{$Replacement/@with}">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement/@redefined-as">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$Replacement/@redefined-as"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ 1a. propagate (primitive|template)/operations/
+ op[name() = 'start' or name() = 'promote']/@requires
+ under new ./meta_attributes/nvpair
+ 1b. "move" (primitive|template)/operations/
+ op[name() = 'start' or name() = 'promote']/
+ meta_attributes/nvpair[@requires]
+ under ./meta_attributes
+ otherwise, just
+ 2a. drop (primitive|template)/operations/
+ op/@requires
+ 2b. drop (primitive|template)/operations/
+ op/meta_attributes/nvpair[@requires]
+ -->
+<xsl:template match="primitive|template" mode="cibtr:main">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <!-- B: special-casing operations|instance_attributes|meta_attributes -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="node()">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::operations">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <!-- B: special-casing op -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="node()">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::op">
+ <!-- process @*|meta_attributes/nvpair
+ (keep/drop/move elsewhere) -->
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessAttrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <!-- E: special-casing op -->
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::instance_attributes">
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedRscInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessRscInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="'TRIGGER-MSG'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <!-- cf. trick A. -->
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ProcessedRscInstanceAttributes)
+ != $ProcessedRscInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessRscInstanceAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <!-- cf. trick E. -->
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="$ProcessedRscInstanceAttributes"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::meta_attributes">
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedRscMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessRscMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="'TRIGGER-MSG'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <!-- cf. trick A. -->
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ProcessedRscMetaAttributes)
+ != $ProcessedRscMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessRscMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <!-- cf. trick E. -->
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="$ProcessedRscMetaAttributes"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <!-- E: special-casing operations|instance_attributes|meta_attributes -->
+ <!-- add as last meta_attributes block... -->
+ <!-- ...indirectly from op attributes -->
+ <xsl:variable name="ToPropagateFromOp">
+ <xsl:for-each select="operations/op">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessAttrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="'TRIGGER-MSG'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <!-- cf. trick A. -->
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ToPropagateFromOp)
+ != $ToPropagateFromOp">
+ <meta_attributes id="{concat('_2TO3_', @id, '-meta')}">
+ <xsl:for-each select="operations/op">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessAttrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="text()[position() = last()]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="text()[position() = last()]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <!-- ...directly by picking existing nvpairs of
+ meta_attributes|instance_attributes -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="operations/op/meta_attributes
+ |operations/op/instance_attributes">
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <!-- cf. trick A. -->
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ProcessedOpMetaAttributes)
+ != $ProcessedOpMetaAttributes">
+ <!-- cannot xsl:copy, need to settle on meta_attributes -->
+ <meta_attributes>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*[
+ name() != 'id'
+ ]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <xsl:attribute name='id'>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('_2TO3_', @id)"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()[
+ name() != 'nvpair'
+ ]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessNonattrOpMetaAttributes">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="."/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InverseMode" select="true()"/>
+ <!-- cf. trick E. -->
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerPass" select="$ProcessedOpMetaAttributes"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="text()[position() = last()]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="text()[position() = last()]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:copy>
+<xsl:template match="configuration" mode="cibtr:main">
+ <xsl:variable name="Configuration" select="."/>
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedOpDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Configuration"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="'op_defaults'"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedRscDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Configuration"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="'rsc_defaults'"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedOpDefaultsRuleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Configuration"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="'op_defaults'"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="ProcessedRscDefaultsRuleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Configuration"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="'rsc_defaults'"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="InnerSimulation" select="true()"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <!-- B: special-casing {op,rsc}_defaults -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="node()">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::op_defaults|self::rsc_defaults">
+ <xsl:variable name="WhichDefaults" select="name()"/>
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <!-- B: special-casing meta_attributes -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="node()">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="self::meta_attributes[
+ not(rule)
+ and
+ not(
+ preceding-sibling::meta_attributes[
+ not(rule)
+ ]
+ )
+ ]">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$WhichDefaults = 'op_defaults'
+ or
+ $WhichDefaults = 'rsc_defaults'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Configuration"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="$WhichDefaults"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:if test="(
+ $WhichDefaults = 'op_defaults'
+ and
+ normalize-space($ProcessedOpDefaultsRuleClusterProperties)
+ != $ProcessedOpDefaultsRuleClusterProperties
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ $WhichDefaults = 'rsc_defaults'
+ and
+ normalize-space($ProcessedRscDefaultsRuleClusterProperties)
+ != $ProcessedRscDefaultsRuleClusterProperties
+ )">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsRuleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Configuration"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="$WhichDefaults"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <!-- E: special-casing meta_attributes -->
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <!-- E: special-casing {op,rsc}_defaults -->
+ <xsl:if test="not(op_defaults)
+ and
+ (
+ normalize-space($ProcessedOpDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties)
+ != $ProcessedOpDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties
+ or
+ normalize-space($ProcessedOpDefaultsRuleClusterProperties)
+ != $ProcessedOpDefaultsRuleClusterProperties
+ )">
+ <op_defaults>
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ProcessedOpDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties)
+ != $ProcessedOpDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <meta_attributes id="{concat('_2TO3_', '-op-defaults')}">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Configuration"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="'op_defaults'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsRuleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Configuration"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="'op_defaults'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="text()[position() = last()]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </op_defaults>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="not(rsc_defaults)
+ and
+ (
+ normalize-space($ProcessedRscDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties)
+ != $ProcessedRscDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties
+ or
+ normalize-space($ProcessedRscDefaultsRuleClusterProperties)
+ != $ProcessedRscDefaultsRuleClusterProperties
+ )">
+ <rsc_defaults>
+ <xsl:if test="normalize-space($ProcessedRscDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties)
+ != $ProcessedRscDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <meta_attributes id="{concat('_2TO3_', '-rsc-defaults')}">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsNonruleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Configuration"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="'rsc_defaults'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </meta_attributes>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:ProcessDefaultsRuleClusterProperties">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Source" select="$Configuration"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="Variant" select="'rsc_defaults'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="text()[position() = last()]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+ </rsc_defaults>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:copy>
+<!-- used in test files to allow in-browser on-the-fly upgrade reports -->
+<xsl:template match="processing-instruction()[
+ name() = 'xml-stylesheet'
+ and
+ count(..|/) = 1
+ ]"
+ mode="cibtr:main"/>
+<xsl:template match="@*|node()" mode="cibtr:main">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
+<!-- mode-less, easy to override kick-off -->
+<xsl:template match="/">
+ <xsl:call-template name="cibtr:HelperIdentity"/>
diff --git a/xml/upgrade-detail.xsl b/xml/upgrade-detail.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da85116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/upgrade-detail.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+ Author: Jan Pokorny <>
+ Part of pacemaker project
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ -->
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
+ xmlns:cibtr-2="">
+<xsl:output method="text" encoding="UTF-8"/>
+<xsl:variable name="NL" select="'&#xA;'"/>
+<xsl:template name="MapMsg-2">
+ <xsl:param name="Replacement"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="not($Replacement)"/>
+ <xsl:when test="count($Replacement) != 1">
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('INTERNAL ERROR:',
+ $Replacement/../@msg-prefix,
+ ': count($Replacement) != 1',
+ ' does not hold (',
+ count($Replacement), ')')"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <cibtr-2:noop>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="string($Replacement/@with)">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="string($Replacement/@where)">
+ <xsl:if test="not(
+ contains(
+ concat('|', $Replacement/../@where-cases, '|'),
+ concat('|', $Replacement/@where, '|')
+ )
+ )">
+ <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('INTERNAL ERROR:',
+ $Replacement/../@msg-prefix,
+ ': $Replacement/@where (',
+ $Replacement/@where, ') not in ',
+ concat('|',
+ $Replacement/../@where-cases,
+ '|'))"/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('moving ', $Replacement/@what,
+ ' under ', $Replacement/@where)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement/@with = $Replacement/@what">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('keeping ', $Replacement/@what)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('renaming ', $Replacement/@what)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(' as ', $Replacement/@with)"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$Replacement/@where">
+ <xsl:value-of select="' unless already defined there'"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('dropping ', $Replacement/@what)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:if test="string($Replacement/@redefined-as)">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(', redefined as ',
+ $Replacement/@redefined-as)"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$Replacement/@in-case-of">
+ <xsl:value-of select="','"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="string($Replacement/@in-case-of)">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(' for matching ',
+ $Replacement/@in-case-of)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement/@in-case-of">
+ <xsl:value-of select="' for matching &quot;empty string&quot;'"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$Replacement/@in-case-of-droppable-prefix">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(' for matching ',
+ $Replacement/@in-case-of-droppable-prefix,
+ ' prefix that will, meanwhile, get dropped'
+ )"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </cibtr-2:noop>
+ <xsl:if test="$Replacement/@msg-extra">
+ <cibtr-2:noop>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($NL, ' ... ',
+ $Replacement/@msg-extra)"/>
+ </cibtr-2:noop>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<xsl:template match="cibtr-2:map">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('Translation tables v2 in detail', $NL,
+ '===============================', $NL, $NL)"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
+<xsl:template match="cibtr-2:table">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('Details for the ', @for, ' table:', $NL)"/>
+ <xsl:if test="@where-cases">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($NL, ' Possible to-move specifiers:', $NL,
+ ' ',' ', @where-cases, $NL)"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(string(preceding-sibling::comment()[1]), $NL)"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$NL"/>
+<xsl:template match="cibtr-2:replace">
+ <xsl:value-of select="' - '"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="MapMsg-2">
+ <xsl:with-param name="Replacement" select="."/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$NL"/>
+<xsl:template match="*">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
diff --git a/xml/xslt_cibtr-2.rng b/xml/xslt_cibtr-2.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7be9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/xslt_cibtr-2.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ Copyright 2018-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
+ The version control history for this file may have further details.
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ -->
+<grammar xmlns="">
+ <include href="">
+ <define name="top-level-extension">
+ <grammar>
+ <include href="cibtr-2.rng"/>
+ </grammar>
+ </define>
+ </include>