diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-10 19:59:03 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-10 19:59:03 +0000
commita848231ae0f346dc7cc000973fbeb65b0894ee92 (patch)
tree44b60b367c86723cc78383ef247885d72b388afe /README_FILES/FILTER_README
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 3.8.5.upstream/3.8.5
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'README_FILES/FILTER_README')
1 files changed, 617 insertions, 0 deletions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a76bb9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+PPoossttffiixx AAfftteerr--QQuueeuuee CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr
+This document requires Postfix version 2.1 or later.
+Normally, Postfix receives mail, stores it in the mail queue and then delivers
+it. With the external content filter described here, mail is filtered AFTER it
+is queued. This approach decouples mail receiving processes from mail filtering
+processes, and gives you maximal control over how many filtering processes you
+are willing to run in parallel.
+The after-queue content filter is meant to be used as follows:
+ Network or -> Postfix -> CCoonntteenntt -> Postfix -> Network or
+ local users queue ffiilltteerr queue local mailbox
+This document describes implementations that use a single Postfix instance for
+everything: receiving, filtering and delivering mail. Applications that use two
+separate Postfix instances will be covered by a later version of this document.
+The after-queue content filter is not to be confused with the approaches
+described in the SMTPD_PROXY_README or MILTER_README documents, where incoming
+SMTP mail is filtered BEFORE it is stored into the Postfix queue.
+This document describes two approaches to content filter all email, as well as
+several options to filter mail selectively:
+ * Principles of operation
+ * Simple content filter
+ o Simple content filter example
+ o Simple content filter performance
+ o Simple content filter limitations
+ o Turning off the simple content filter
+ * Advanced content filter
+ o Advanced content filter example
+ o Advanced content filter performance
+ o Turning off the advanced content filter
+ * Selective content filtering
+ o Filtering mail from outside users only
+ o Different filters for different domains
+ o FILTER actions in access or header/body tables
+PPrriinncciipplleess ooff ooppeerraattiioonn
+An after-queue content filter receives unfiltered mail from Postfix (as
+described further below) and can do one of the following:
+ 1. Re-inject the mail back into Postfix, perhaps after changing content and/or
+ destination.
+ 2. Discard or quarantine the mail.
+ 3. Reject the mail (by sending a suitable status code back to Postfix).
+ Postfix will send the mail back to the sender address.
+NOTE: in this time of mail worms and forged spam, it is a VERY BAD IDEA to send
+viruses back to the sender address, because the sender address is almost
+certainly not the originator. It is better to discard known viruses, and to
+quarantine material that is suspect so that a human can decide what to do with
+SSiimmppllee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr eexxaammppllee
+The first example is simple to set up, but has major limitations that will be
+addressed in a second example. Postfix receives unfiltered mail from the
+network with the smtpd(8) server, and delivers unfiltered mail to a content
+filter with the Postfix pipe(8) delivery agent. The content filter injects
+filtered mail back into Postfix with the Postfix sendmail(1) command, so that
+Postfix can deliver it to the final destination.
+This means that mail submitted via the Postfix sendmail(1) command cannot be
+content filtered.
+In the figure below, names followed by a number represent Postfix commands or
+daemon programs. See the OVERVIEW document for an introduction to the Postfix
+ Unfiltered -> smtpd(8) qmgr(8) local(8) -> Filtered
+ >- cleanup(8) -> Postfix -< smtp(8) -> Filtered
+ pickup(8) queue pipe(8)
+ ^ |
+ | v
+ maildrop Postfix Postfix Content
+ queue <- postdrop <- sendmail <- filter
+ (1) (1)
+The content filter can be a simple shell script like this:
+ 1 #!/bin/sh
+ 2
+ 3 # Simple shell-based filter. It is meant to be invoked as follows:
+ 4 # /path/to/script -f sender recipients...
+ 5
+ 6 # Localize these. The -G option does nothing before Postfix 2.3.
+ 7 INSPECT_DIR=/var/spool/filter
+ 8 SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail -G -i" # NEVER NEVER NEVER use "-t" here.
+ 9
+ 10 # Exit codes from <sysexits.h>
+ 13
+ 14 # Clean up when done or when aborting.
+ 15 trap "rm -f in.$$" 0 1 2 3 15
+ 16
+ 17 # Start processing.
+ 18 cd $INSPECT_DIR || {
+ 19 echo $INSPECT_DIR does not exist; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }
+ 20
+ 21 cat >in.$$ || {
+ 22 echo Cannot save mail to file; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }
+ 23
+ 24 # Specify your content filter here.
+ 25 # filter <in.$$ || {
+ 26 # echo Message content rejected; exit $EX_UNAVAILABLE; }
+ 27
+ 28 $SENDMAIL "$@" <in.$$
+ 29
+ 30 exit $?
+ * Line 8: The -G option says the filter output is not a local mail
+ submission: don't do silly things like appending the local domain name to
+ addresses in message headers. This option does nothing before Postfix
+ version 2.3.
+ * Line 8: The -i option says don't stop reading input when a line contains
+ "." only.
+ * Line 8: NEVER NEVER NEVER use the "-t" command-line option here. It will
+ mis-deliver mail, like sending messages from a mailing list back to the
+ mailing list.
+ * Line 21: The idea is to first capture the message to file and then run the
+ content through a third-party content filter program.
+ * Line 22: If the message cannot be captured to file, mail delivery is
+ deferred by terminating with exit status 75 (EX_TEMPFAIL). Postfix places
+ the message in the deferred mail queue and tries again later.
+ * Line 25: You will need to specify a real content filter program here that
+ receives the content on standard input.
+ * Line 26: If the content filter program finds a problem, the mail is bounced
+ by terminating with exit status 69 (EX_UNAVAILABLE). Postfix will send the
+ message back to the sender as undeliverable mail.
+ * NOTE: in this time of mail worms and spam, it is a BAD IDEA to send known
+ viruses or spam back to the sender, because that address is likely to be
+ forged. It is safer to discard known viruses and to quarantine suspicious
+ content so that it can be inspected by a human being.
+ * Line 28: If the content is OK, it is given as input to the Postfix sendmail
+ command, and the exit status of the filter command is whatever exit status
+ the Postfix sendmail command produces. Postfix will deliver the message as
+ usual.
+ * Line 30: Postfix returns the exit status of the Postfix sendmail command.
+I suggest that you first run this script by hand until you are satisfied with
+the results. Run it with a real message (headers+body) as input:
+ % /path/to/script -f sender -- recipient... <message-file
+Once you're satisfied with the content filtering script:
+ * Create a dedicated local user account called "filter". This user handles
+ all potentially dangerous mail content - that is why it should be a
+ separate account. Do not use "nobody", and most certainly do not use "root"
+ or "postfix".
+ * Create a directory /var/spool/filter that is accessible only to the
+ "filter" user. This is where the content filtering script is supposed to
+ store its temporary files.
+ * Configure Postfix to deliver mail to the content filter with the pipe(8)
+ delivery agent (see the pipe(8) manpage for a description of the command
+ syntax below).
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # =============================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =============================================================
+ filter unix - n n - 10 pipe
+ flags=Rq user=filter null_sender=
+ argv=/path/to/script -f ${sender} -- ${recipient}
+ This runs up to 10 content filters in parallel. Instead of a limit of 10
+ concurrent processes, use whatever process limit is feasible for your
+ machine. Content inspection software can gobble up a lot of system
+ resources, so you don't want to have too much of it running at the same
+ time. The empty null_sender setting is required with Postfix 2.3 and later.
+ * To turn on content filtering for mail arriving via SMTP only, append "-
+ o content_filter=filter:dummy" to the entry that defines the
+ Postfix SMTP server:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # =============================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =============================================================
+ smtp inet ...other stuff here, do not change... smtpd
+ -o content_filter=filter:dummy
+ The "-o content_filter" line causes Postfix to add one content filter
+ request record to each incoming mail message, with content "filter:dummy".
+ This record overrides the normal mail routing and causes mail to be given
+ to the content filter instead.
+ The content_filter configuration parameter expects a value of the form
+ transport:destination. The transport name specifies the first field of a
+ mail delivery agent definition in; the syntax of the next-hop
+ destination is described in the manual page of the corresponding delivery
+ agent.
+ The meaning of an empty next-hop filter destination is version dependent.
+ Postfix 2.7 and later will use the recipient domain; earlier versions will
+ use $myhostname. Specify "default_filter_nexthop = $myhostname" for
+ compatibility with Postfix 2.6 or earlier, or specify a non-empty next-hop
+ filter destination.
+ The content_filter setting has lower precedence than a FILTER action that
+ is specified in an access(5), header_checks(5) or body_checks(5) table.
+ * Execute "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" to complete the change.
+SSiimmppllee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee
+With the shell script as shown above you will lose a factor of four in Postfix
+performance for transit mail that arrives and leaves via SMTP. You will lose
+another factor in transit performance for each additional temporary file that
+is created and deleted in the process of content filtering. The performance
+impact is less for mail that is submitted or delivered locally, because such
+deliveries are already slower than SMTP transit mail.
+SSiimmppllee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr lliimmiittaattiioonnss
+The problem with content filters like the one above is that they are not very
+robust. The reason is that the software does not talk a well-defined protocol
+with Postfix. If the filter shell script aborts because the shell runs into
+some memory allocation problem, the script will not produce a nice exit status
+as defined in the file /usr/include/sysexits.h. Instead of going to the
+deferred queue, mail will bounce. The same lack of robustness can happen when
+the content filtering software itself runs into a resource problem.
+The simple content filter method is not suitable for content filter actions
+that are invoked via header_checks or body_checks patterns. These patterns will
+be applied again after mail is re-injected with the Postfix sendmail command,
+resulting in a mail filtering loop. The advanced content filtering method (see
+below) makes it possible to turn off header_checks or body_checks patterns for
+filtered mail.
+TTuurrnniinngg ooffff tthhee ssiimmppllee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr
+To turn off "simple" content filtering:
+ * Edit the file, remove the "-o content_filter=filter:dummy" text
+ from the entry that defines the Postfix SMTP server.
+ * Execute "ppoossttssuuppeerr --rr AALLLL" to remove content filter request records from
+ existing queue files.
+ * Execute another "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd".
+AAddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr eexxaammppllee
+The second example is more complex, but can give better performance, and is
+less likely to bounce mail when the machine runs into some resource problem.
+This content filter receives unfiltered mail with SMTP on localhost port 10025,
+and sends filtered mail back into Postfix with SMTP on localhost port 10026.
+For non-SMTP capable content filtering software, Bennett Todd's SMTP proxy
+implements a nice PERL/SMTP content filtering framework. See: https://
+In the figure below, names followed by a number represent Postfix commands or
+daemon programs. See the OVERVIEW document for an introduction to the Postfix
+ Unfiltered -> smtpd(8) qmgr(8) smtp(8) -> Filtered
+ >- cleanup(8) -> Postfix -<
+ Unfiltered -> pickup(8) queue local(8) -> Filtered
+ ^ |
+ | v
+ smtpd(8) smtp(8)
+ 10026
+ ^ |
+ | v
+ content filter 10025
+The example given here filters all mail, including mail that arrives via SMTP
+and mail that is locally submitted via the Postfix sendmail command (local
+submissions enter Postfix via the pickup(8) server; to keep the figure simple
+we omit local submission details). See examples near the end of this document
+for how to exclude local users from filtering, or how to configure a
+destination dependent content filter.
+You can expect to lose about a factor of two in Postfix performance for mail
+that arrives and leaves via SMTP, provided that the content filter creates no
+temporary files. Each temporary file created by the content filter adds another
+factor to the performance loss.
+AAddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr:: rreeqquueessttiinngg tthhaatt aallll mmaaiill iiss ffiilltteerreedd
+To enable the advanced content filter method for all mail, specify in
+ /etc/postfix/
+ content_filter = scan:localhost:10025
+ receive_override_options = no_address_mappings
+ * The "receive_override_options" line disables address manipulation before
+ the content filter, so that the content filter sees the original mail
+ addresses instead of the result of virtual alias expansion, canonical
+ mapping, automatic bcc, address masquerading, etc.
+ * The "content_filter" line causes Postfix to add one content filter request
+ record to each incoming mail message, with content "scan:localhost:10025".
+ The content filter request records are added by the smtpd(8) and pickup(8)
+ servers (and qmqpd(8) if you decide to enable this service).
+ * Content filter requests are stored in queue files; this is how Postfix
+ keeps track of what mail needs filtering. When a queue file contains a
+ content filter request, the queue manager will deliver the mail to the
+ specified content filter regardless of its final destination.
+ * The content_filter configuration parameter expects a value of the form
+ transport:destination. The transport name specifies the first field of a
+ mail delivery agent definition in; the syntax of the next-hop
+ destination is described in the manual page of the corresponding delivery
+ agent.
+ * The meaning of an empty next-hop filter destination is version dependent.
+ Postfix 2.7 and later will use the recipient domain; earlier versions will
+ use $myhostname. Specify "default_filter_nexthop = $myhostname" for
+ compatibility with Postfix 2.6 or earlier, or specify a non-empty next-hop
+ filter destination.
+ * The content_filter setting has lower precedence than a FILTER action that
+ is specified in an access(5), header_checks(5) or body_checks(5) table.
+AAddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr:: sseennddiinngg uunnffiilltteerreedd mmaaiill ttoo tthhee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr
+In this example, "scan" is an instance of the Postfix SMTP client with slightly
+different configuration parameters. This is how one would set up the service in
+the Postfix file:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # =============================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =============================================================
+ scan unix - - n - 10 smtp
+ -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
+ -o disable_mime_output_conversion=yes
+ -o smtp_generic_maps=
+ * This runs up to 10 content filters in parallel. Instead of a limit of 10
+ concurrent processes, use whatever process limit is feasible for your
+ machine. Content inspection software can gobble up a lot of system
+ resources, so you don't want to have too much of it running at the same
+ time.
+ * With "-o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes", the scan transport will try to
+ forward the original client name and IP address through the content filter
+ to the after-filter smtpd process, so that filtered mail is logged with the
+ real client name IP address. See smtp(8) and XFORWARD_README for more
+ information.
+ * The "-o disable_mime_output_conversion=yes" is a workaround that prevents
+ the breaking of domainkeys and other digital signatures. This is needed
+ because some SMTP-based content filters don't announce 8BITMIME support,
+ even though they can handle 8-bit mail.
+ * The "-o smtp_generic_maps=" is a workaround that prevents local address
+ rewriting with generic(5) maps. Such rewriting should happen only when mail
+ is sent out to the Internet.
+AAddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr:: rruunnnniinngg tthhee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr
+The content filter can be set up with the Postfix spawn service, which is the
+Postfix equivalent of inetd. For example, to instantiate up to 10 content
+filtering processes on localhost port 10025:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # ===================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # ===================================================================
+ localhost:10025 inet n n n - 10 spawn
+ user=filter argv=/path/to/filter localhost 10026
+ * "filter" is a dedicated local user account. The user will never log in, and
+ can be given a "*" password and non-existent shell and home directory. This
+ user handles all potentially dangerous mail content - that is why it should
+ be a separate account.
+ * By default, Postfix will terminate a command that runs longer than
+ command_time_limit seconds (default: 1000s). This is a safety measure that
+ prevents filters from running forever.
+If you want to have your filter listening on port localhost:10025 instead of
+Postfix, then you must run your filter as a stand-alone program, and must not
+use the Postfix spawn service.
+AAddvvaanncceedd ffiilltteerr:: iinnjjeeccttiinngg mmaaiill bbaacckk iinnttoo PPoossttffiixx
+The job of the content filter is to either bounce mail with a suitable
+diagnostic, or to feed the mail back into Postfix through a dedicated listener
+on port localhost 10026.
+The simplest content filter just copies SMTP commands and data between its
+inputs and outputs. If it has a problem, all it has to do is to reply to an
+input of `.' from Postfix with `550 content rejected', and to disconnect
+without sending `.' on the connection that injects mail back into Postfix.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # ===================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # ===================================================================
+ localhost:10026 inet n - n - 10 smtpd
+ -o content_filter=
+ -
+ o
+ receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_header_body_checks,no_milters
+ -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
+ -o smtpd_client_restrictions=
+ -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
+ # Postfix 2.10 and later: specify empty smtpd_relay_restrictions.
+ -o smtpd_relay_restrictions=
+ -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
+ -o mynetworks=
+ -o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=
+ * NOTE: do not use spaces around the "=" or "," characters.
+ * NOTE: the SMTP server must not have a smaller process limit than the
+ "filter" entry.
+ * The "-o content_filter=" overrides settings, and requests no
+ content filtering for mail from the content filter. This is required or
+ else mail will loop.
+ * The "-o receive_override_options" overrides settings to avoid
+ duplicating work that was already done before the content filter. These
+ options are complementary to the options that are specified in
+ o We specify "no_unknown_recipient_checks" to disable attempts to find
+ out if a recipient is unknown.
+ o We specify "no_header_body_checks" to disable header/body checks.
+ o We specify "no_milters" to disable Milter applications (this option is
+ available only in Postfix 2.3 and later).
+ o We don't specify "no_address_mappings" here. This enables virtual alias
+ expansion, canonical mappings, address masquerading, and other address
+ mappings after the content filter. The setting of
+ "receive_override_options" disables these mappings before the content
+ filter.
+ These receive override options are either implemented by the SMTP server
+ itself, or they are passed on to the cleanup server.
+ * The "-o smtpd_xxx_restrictions" and "-o mynetworks=" override
+ settings. They turn off junk mail controls that would only waste
+ time here.
+ * With "-o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=", the scan transport
+ will try to forward the original client name and IP address to the after-
+ filter smtpd process, so that filtered mail is logged with the real client
+ name and IP address. See XFORWARD_README and smtpd(8).
+AAddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee
+With the "sandwich" approach to content filtering described here, it is
+important to match the filter concurrency to the available CPU, memory and I/
+O resources. Too few content filter processes and mail accumulates in the
+active queue even with low traffic volume; too much concurrency and Postfix
+ends up deferring mail destined for the content filter because processes fail
+due to insufficient resources.
+Currently, content filter performance tuning is a process of trial and error;
+analysis is handicapped because filtered and unfiltered messages share the same
+queue. As mentioned in the introduction of this document, content filtering
+with multiple Postfix instances will be covered in a future version.
+TTuurrnniinngg ooffff tthhee aaddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr
+To turn off "advanced" content filtering:
+ * Delete or comment out the two following lines. The other changes
+ made for advanced content filtering have no effect when content filtering
+ is turned off.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ content_filter = scan:localhost:10025
+ receive_override_options = no_address_mappings
+ * Execute "ppoossttssuuppeerr --rr AALLLL" to remove content filter request records from
+ existing queue files.
+ * Execute another "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd".
+FFiilltteerriinngg mmaaiill ffrroomm oouuttssiiddee uusseerrss oonnllyy
+The easiest approach is to configure ONE Postfix instance with multiple SMTP
+server IP addresses in
+ * Two SMTP server IP addresses for mail from inside users only, with content
+ filtering turned off.
+ /etc/
+ # ==================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # ==================================================================
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
+ * One SMTP server address for mail from outside users with content filtering
+ turned on.
+ /etc/
+ # =================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =================================================================
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o content_filter=filter-service:filter-destination
+ -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
+After this, you can follow the same procedure as outlined in the "advanced" or
+"simple" content filtering examples above, except that you must not specify
+"content_filter" or "receive_override_options" in the file.
+DDiiffffeerreenntt ffiilltteerrss ffoorr ddiiffffeerreenntt ddoommaaiinnss
+If you are an MX service provider and want to apply different content filters
+for different domains, you can configure ONE Postfix instance with multiple
+SMTP server IP addresses in Each address provides a different
+content filter service.
+ /etc/
+ # =================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =================================================================
+ # SMTP service for domains that are filtered with service1:dest1
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o content_filter=service1:dest1
+ -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
+ # SMTP service for domains that are filtered with service2:dest2
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o content_filter=service2:dest2
+ -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
+After this, you can follow the same procedure as outlined in the "advanced" or
+"simple" content filtering examples above, except that you must not specify
+"content_filter" or "receive_override_options" in the file.
+Set up MX records in the DNS that route each domain to the proper SMTP server
+FFIILLTTEERR aaccttiioonnss iinn aacccceessss oorr hheeaaddeerr//bbooddyy ttaabblleess
+The above filtering configurations are static. Mail that follows a given path
+is either always filtered or it is never filtered. As of Postfix 2.0 you can
+also turn on content filtering on the fly.
+To turn on content filtering with an access(5) table rule:
+ /etc/postfix/access:
+ whatever FILTER foo:bar
+To turn on content filtering with a header_checks(5) or body_checks(5) table
+ /etc/postfix/header_checks:
+ /whatever/ FILTER foo:bar
+You can do this in smtpd access maps as well as the cleanup server's header/
+body_checks. This feature must be used with great care: you must disable all
+the UCE features in the after-filter smtpd and cleanup daemons or else you will
+have a content filtering loop.
+ * FILTER actions from smtpd access maps and header/body_checks take
+ precedence over filters specified with the content_filter
+ parameter.
+ * If a message triggers more than one filter action, only the last one takes
+ effect.
+ * The same content filter is applied to all the recipients of a given
+ message.