path: root/src/bin/pg_amcheck/t/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bin/pg_amcheck/t/')
1 files changed, 520 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_amcheck/t/ b/src/bin/pg_amcheck/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cf6706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/pg_amcheck/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
+use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
+use Test::More;
+my ($node, $port, %corrupt_page, %remove_relation);
+# Returns the filesystem path for the named relation.
+# Assumes the test node is running
+sub relation_filepath
+ my ($dbname, $relname) = @_;
+ my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
+ my $rel =
+ $node->safe_psql($dbname, qq(SELECT pg_relation_filepath('$relname')));
+ die "path not found for relation $relname" unless defined $rel;
+ return "$pgdata/$rel";
+# Returns the name of the toast relation associated with the named relation.
+# Assumes the test node is running
+sub relation_toast
+ my ($dbname, $relname) = @_;
+ my $rel = $node->safe_psql(
+ $dbname, qq(
+ SELECT c.reltoastrelid::regclass
+ FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
+ WHERE c.oid = '$relname'::regclass
+ AND c.reltoastrelid != 0
+ ));
+ return $rel;
+# Adds the relation file for the given (dbname, relname) to the list
+# to be corrupted by means of overwriting junk in the first page.
+# Assumes the test node is running.
+sub plan_to_corrupt_first_page
+ my ($dbname, $relname) = @_;
+ my $relpath = relation_filepath($dbname, $relname);
+ $corrupt_page{$relpath} = 1;
+# Adds the relation file for the given (dbname, relname) to the list
+# to be corrupted by means of removing the file..
+# Assumes the test node is running
+sub plan_to_remove_relation_file
+ my ($dbname, $relname) = @_;
+ my $relpath = relation_filepath($dbname, $relname);
+ $remove_relation{$relpath} = 1;
+# For the given (dbname, relname), if a corresponding toast table
+# exists, adds that toast table's relation file to the list to be
+# corrupted by means of removing the file.
+# Assumes the test node is running.
+sub plan_to_remove_toast_file
+ my ($dbname, $relname) = @_;
+ my $toastname = relation_toast($dbname, $relname);
+ plan_to_remove_relation_file($dbname, $toastname) if ($toastname);
+# Corrupts the first page of the given file path
+sub corrupt_first_page
+ my ($relpath) = @_;
+ my $fh;
+ open($fh, '+<', $relpath)
+ or BAIL_OUT("open failed: $!");
+ binmode $fh;
+ # Corrupt some line pointers. The values are chosen to hit the
+ # various line-pointer-corruption checks in verify_heapam.c
+ # on both little-endian and big-endian architectures.
+ sysseek($fh, 32, 0)
+ or BAIL_OUT("sysseek failed: $!");
+ syswrite(
+ $fh,
+ pack("L*",
+ 0xAAA15550, 0xAAA0D550, 0x00010000, 0x00008000,
+ 0x0000800F, 0x001e8000, 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ ) or BAIL_OUT("syswrite failed: $!");
+ close($fh)
+ or BAIL_OUT("close failed: $!");
+# Stops the node, performs all the corruptions previously planned, and
+# starts the node again.
+sub perform_all_corruptions()
+ $node->stop();
+ for my $relpath (keys %corrupt_page)
+ {
+ corrupt_first_page($relpath);
+ }
+ for my $relpath (keys %remove_relation)
+ {
+ unlink($relpath);
+ }
+ $node->start;
+# Test set-up
+$node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('test');
+$node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', 'autovacuum=off');
+$port = $node->port;
+for my $dbname (qw(db1 db2 db3))
+ # Create the database
+ $node->safe_psql('postgres', qq(CREATE DATABASE $dbname));
+ # Load the amcheck extension, upon which pg_amcheck depends. Put the
+ # extension in an unexpected location to test that pg_amcheck finds it
+ # correctly. Create tables with names that look like pg_catalog names to
+ # check that pg_amcheck does not get confused by them. Create functions in
+ # schema public that look like amcheck functions to check that pg_amcheck
+ # does not use them.
+ $node->safe_psql(
+ $dbname, q(
+ CREATE SCHEMA amcheck_schema;
+ CREATE EXTENSION amcheck WITH SCHEMA amcheck_schema;
+ CREATE TABLE amcheck_schema.pg_database (junk text);
+ CREATE TABLE amcheck_schema.pg_namespace (junk text);
+ CREATE TABLE amcheck_schema.pg_class (junk text);
+ CREATE TABLE amcheck_schema.pg_operator (junk text);
+ CREATE TABLE amcheck_schema.pg_proc (junk text);
+ CREATE TABLE amcheck_schema.pg_tablespace (junk text);
+ CREATE FUNCTION public.bt_index_check(index regclass,
+ heapallindexed boolean default false)
+ RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invoked wrong bt_index_check!';
+ END;
+ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+ CREATE FUNCTION public.bt_index_parent_check(index regclass,
+ heapallindexed boolean default false,
+ rootdescend boolean default false)
+ RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invoked wrong bt_index_parent_check!';
+ END;
+ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+ CREATE FUNCTION public.verify_heapam(relation regclass,
+ on_error_stop boolean default false,
+ check_toast boolean default false,
+ skip text default 'none',
+ startblock bigint default null,
+ endblock bigint default null,
+ blkno OUT bigint,
+ offnum OUT integer,
+ attnum OUT integer,
+ msg OUT text)
+ RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
+ RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invoked wrong verify_heapam!';
+ END;
+ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+ ));
+ # Create schemas, tables and indexes in five separate
+ # schemas. The schemas are all identical to start, but
+ # we will corrupt them differently later.
+ #
+ for my $schema (qw(s1 s2 s3 s4 s5))
+ {
+ $node->safe_psql(
+ $dbname, qq(
+ CREATE SCHEMA $schema;
+ CREATE SEQUENCE $schema.seq1;
+ CREATE SEQUENCE $schema.seq2;
+ CREATE TABLE $schema.t1 (
+ b BOX,
+ ia int4[],
+ ir int4range,
+ t TEXT
+ );
+ CREATE TABLE $schema.t2 (
+ b BOX,
+ ia int4[],
+ ir int4range,
+ t TEXT
+ );
+ CREATE VIEW $schema.t2_view AS (
+ SELECT i*2, t FROM $schema.t2
+ );
+ ALTER TABLE $schema.t2
+ INSERT INTO $schema.t1 (i, b, ia, ir, t)
+ box(point(gs,gs+5),point(gs*2,gs*3)) AS b,
+ array[gs, gs + 1]::int4[] AS ia,
+ int4range(gs, gs+100) AS ir,
+ repeat('foo', gs) AS t
+ FROM generate_series(1,10000,3000) AS gs);
+ INSERT INTO $schema.t2 (i, b, ia, ir, t)
+ box(point(gs,gs+5),point(gs*2,gs*3)) AS b,
+ array[gs, gs + 1]::int4[] AS ia,
+ int4range(gs, gs+100) AS ir,
+ repeat('foo', gs) AS t
+ FROM generate_series(1,10000,3000) AS gs);
+ CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW $schema.t1_mv AS SELECT * FROM $schema.t1;
+ CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW $schema.t2_mv AS SELECT * FROM $schema.t2;
+ create table $schema.p1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY list (a);
+ create table $schema.p2 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY list (a);
+ create table $schema.p1_1 partition of $schema.p1 for values in (1, 2, 3);
+ create table $schema.p1_2 partition of $schema.p1 for values in (4, 5, 6);
+ create table $schema.p2_1 partition of $schema.p2 for values in (1, 2, 3);
+ create table $schema.p2_2 partition of $schema.p2 for values in (4, 5, 6);
+ CREATE INDEX t1_btree ON $schema.t1 USING BTREE (i);
+ CREATE INDEX t2_btree ON $schema.t2 USING BTREE (i);
+ CREATE INDEX t1_hash ON $schema.t1 USING HASH (i);
+ CREATE INDEX t2_hash ON $schema.t2 USING HASH (i);
+ CREATE INDEX t1_brin ON $schema.t1 USING BRIN (i);
+ CREATE INDEX t2_brin ON $schema.t2 USING BRIN (i);
+ CREATE INDEX t1_gist ON $schema.t1 USING GIST (b);
+ CREATE INDEX t2_gist ON $schema.t2 USING GIST (b);
+ CREATE INDEX t1_gin ON $schema.t1 USING GIN (ia);
+ CREATE INDEX t2_gin ON $schema.t2 USING GIN (ia);
+ CREATE INDEX t1_spgist ON $schema.t1 USING SPGIST (ir);
+ CREATE INDEX t2_spgist ON $schema.t2 USING SPGIST (ir);
+ ));
+ }
+# Database 'db1' corruptions
+# Corrupt indexes in schema "s1"
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's1.t1_btree');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's1.t2_btree');
+# Corrupt tables in schema "s2"
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's2.t1');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's2.t2');
+# Corrupt tables, partitions, matviews, and btrees in schema "s3"
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's3.t1');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's3.t2');
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's3.t1_mv');
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's3.p1_1');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's3.t2_mv');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's3.p2_1');
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's3.t1_btree');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's3.t2_btree');
+# Corrupt toast table, partitions, and materialized views in schema "s4"
+plan_to_remove_toast_file('db1', 's4.t2');
+# Corrupt all other object types in schema "s5". We don't have amcheck support
+# for these types, but we check that their corruption does not trigger any
+# errors in pg_amcheck
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's5.seq1');
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's5.t1_hash');
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's5.t1_gist');
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's5.t1_gin');
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's5.t1_brin');
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db1', 's5.t1_spgist');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's5.seq2');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's5.t2_hash');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's5.t2_gist');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's5.t2_gin');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's5.t2_brin');
+plan_to_corrupt_first_page('db1', 's5.t2_spgist');
+# Database 'db2' corruptions
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db2', 's1.t1');
+plan_to_remove_relation_file('db2', 's1.t1_btree');
+# Leave 'db3' uncorrupted
+# Standard first arguments to PostgreSQL::Test::Utils functions
+my @cmd = ('pg_amcheck', '-p', $port);
+# Regular expressions to match various expected output
+my $no_output_re = qr/^$/;
+my $line_pointer_corruption_re = qr/line pointer/;
+my $missing_file_re = qr/could not open file ".*": No such file or directory/;
+my $index_missing_relation_fork_re =
+ qr/index ".*" lacks a main relation fork/;
+# We have created test databases with tables populated with data, but have not
+# yet corrupted anything. As such, we expect no corruption and verify that
+# none is reported
+$node->command_checks_all([ @cmd, '-d', 'db1', '-d', 'db2', '-d', 'db3' ],
+ 0, [$no_output_re], [$no_output_re], 'pg_amcheck prior to corruption');
+# Perform the corruptions we planned above using only a single database restart.
+# Checking databases with amcheck installed and corrupt relations, pg_amcheck
+# command itself should return exit status = 2, because tables and indexes are
+# corrupt, not exit status = 1, which would mean the pg_amcheck command itself
+# failed. Corruption messages should go to stdout, and nothing to stderr.
+ [ @cmd, 'db1' ],
+ 2,
+ [
+ $index_missing_relation_fork_re, $line_pointer_corruption_re,
+ $missing_file_re,
+ ],
+ [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck all schemas, tables and indexes in database db1');
+ [ @cmd, '-d', 'db1', '-d', 'db2', '-d', 'db3' ],
+ 2,
+ [
+ $index_missing_relation_fork_re, $line_pointer_corruption_re,
+ $missing_file_re,
+ ],
+ [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck all schemas, tables and indexes in databases db1, db2, and db3'
+# Scans of indexes in s1 should detect the specific corruption that we created
+# above. For missing relation forks, we know what the error message looks
+# like. For corrupted index pages, the error might vary depending on how the
+# page was formatted on disk, including variations due to alignment differences
+# between platforms, so we accept any non-empty error message.
+# If we don't limit the check to databases with amcheck installed, we expect
+# complaint on stderr, but otherwise stderr should be quiet.
+ [ @cmd, '--all', '-s', 's1', '-i', 't1_btree' ],
+ 2,
+ [$index_missing_relation_fork_re],
+ [
+ qr/pg_amcheck: warning: skipping database "postgres": amcheck is not installed/
+ ],
+ 'pg_amcheck index s1.t1_btree reports missing main relation fork');
+ [ @cmd, '-d', 'db1', '-s', 's1', '-i', 't2_btree' ],
+ 2,
+ [qr/.+/], # Any non-empty error message is acceptable
+ [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck index s1.s2 reports index corruption');
+# Checking db1.s1 with indexes excluded should show no corruptions because we
+# did not corrupt any tables in db1.s1. Verify that both stdout and stderr
+# are quiet.
+ [ @cmd, '-t', 's1.*', '--no-dependent-indexes', 'db1' ],
+ 0, [$no_output_re], [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck of db1.s1 excluding indexes');
+# Checking db2.s1 should show table corruptions if indexes are excluded
+ [ @cmd, '-t', 's1.*', '--no-dependent-indexes', 'db2' ],
+ 2, [$missing_file_re], [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck of db2.s1 excluding indexes');
+# In schema db1.s3, the tables and indexes are both corrupt. We should see
+# corruption messages on stdout, and nothing on stderr.
+ [ @cmd, '-s', 's3', 'db1' ],
+ 2,
+ [
+ $index_missing_relation_fork_re, $line_pointer_corruption_re,
+ $missing_file_re,
+ ],
+ [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck schema s3 reports table and index errors');
+# In schema db1.s4, only toast tables are corrupt. Check that under default
+# options the toast corruption is reported, but when excluding toast we get no
+# error reports.
+$node->command_checks_all([ @cmd, '-s', 's4', 'db1' ],
+ 2, [$missing_file_re], [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck in schema s4 reports toast corruption');
+ [
+ @cmd, '--no-dependent-toast', '--exclude-toast-pointers', '-s', 's4',
+ 'db1'
+ ],
+ 0,
+ [$no_output_re],
+ [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck in schema s4 excluding toast reports no corruption');
+# Check that no corruption is reported in schema db1.s5
+$node->command_checks_all([ @cmd, '-s', 's5', 'db1' ],
+ 0, [$no_output_re], [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck over schema s5 reports no corruption');
+# In schema db1.s1, only indexes are corrupt. Verify that when we exclude
+# the indexes, no corruption is reported about the schema.
+ [ @cmd, '-s', 's1', '-I', 't1_btree', '-I', 't2_btree', 'db1' ],
+ 0,
+ [$no_output_re],
+ [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck over schema s1 with corrupt indexes excluded reports no corruption'
+# In schema db1.s1, only indexes are corrupt. Verify that when we provide only
+# table inclusions, and disable index expansion, no corruption is reported
+# about the schema.
+ [ @cmd, '-t', 's1.*', '--no-dependent-indexes', 'db1' ],
+ 0,
+ [$no_output_re],
+ [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck over schema s1 with all indexes excluded reports no corruption'
+# In schema db1.s2, only tables are corrupt. Verify that when we exclude those
+# tables that no corruption is reported.
+ [ @cmd, '-s', 's2', '-T', 't1', '-T', 't2', 'db1' ],
+ 0,
+ [$no_output_re],
+ [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck over schema s2 with corrupt tables excluded reports no corruption'
+# Check errors about bad block range command line arguments. We use schema s5
+# to avoid getting messages about corrupt tables or indexes.
+ [ @cmd, '-s', 's5', '--startblock', 'junk', 'db1' ],
+ qr/invalid start block/,
+ 'pg_amcheck rejects garbage startblock');
+ [ @cmd, '-s', 's5', '--endblock', '1234junk', 'db1' ],
+ qr/invalid end block/,
+ 'pg_amcheck rejects garbage endblock');
+ [ @cmd, '-s', 's5', '--startblock', '5', '--endblock', '4', 'db1' ],
+ qr/end block precedes start block/,
+ 'pg_amcheck rejects invalid block range');
+# Check bt_index_parent_check alternates. We don't create any index corruption
+# that would behave differently under these modes, so just smoke test that the
+# arguments are handled sensibly.
+ [ @cmd, '-s', 's1', '-i', 't1_btree', '--parent-check', 'db1' ],
+ 2,
+ [$index_missing_relation_fork_re],
+ [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck smoke test --parent-check');
+ [
+ @cmd, '-s', 's1', '-i', 't1_btree', '--heapallindexed',
+ '--rootdescend', 'db1'
+ ],
+ 2,
+ [$index_missing_relation_fork_re],
+ [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck smoke test --heapallindexed --rootdescend');
+ [ @cmd, '-d', 'db1', '-d', 'db2', '-d', 'db3', '-S', 's*' ],
+ 0, [$no_output_re], [$no_output_re],
+ 'pg_amcheck excluding all corrupt schemas');