path: root/src/pl/plpython/sql/plpython_error.sql
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pl/plpython/sql/plpython_error.sql')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pl/plpython/sql/plpython_error.sql b/src/pl/plpython/sql/plpython_error.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bb1c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pl/plpython/sql/plpython_error.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+-- test error handling, i forgot to restore Warn_restart in
+-- the trigger handler once. the errors and subsequent core dump were
+-- interesting.
+/* Flat out Python syntax error
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION python_syntax_error() RETURNS text
+ AS
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+/* With check_function_bodies = false the function should get defined
+ * and the error reported when called
+ */
+SET check_function_bodies = false;
+CREATE FUNCTION python_syntax_error() RETURNS text
+ AS
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT python_syntax_error();
+/* Run the function twice to check if the hashtable entry gets cleaned up */
+SELECT python_syntax_error();
+RESET check_function_bodies;
+/* Flat out syntax error
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION sql_syntax_error() RETURNS text
+ AS
+'plpy.execute("syntax error")'
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT sql_syntax_error();
+/* check the handling of uncaught python exceptions
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION exception_index_invalid(text) RETURNS text
+ AS
+'return args[1]'
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT exception_index_invalid('test');
+/* check handling of nested exceptions
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION exception_index_invalid_nested() RETURNS text
+ AS
+'rv = plpy.execute("SELECT test5(''foo'')")
+return rv[0]'
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT exception_index_invalid_nested();
+/* a typo
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_uncaught(a text) RETURNS text
+ AS
+'if "plan" not in SD:
+ q = "SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1"
+ SD["plan"] = plpy.prepare(q, [ "test" ])
+rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
+if len(rv):
+ return rv[0]["fname"]
+return None
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT invalid_type_uncaught('rick');
+/* for what it's worth catch the exception generated by
+ * the typo, and return None
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_caught(a text) RETURNS text
+ AS
+'if "plan" not in SD:
+ q = "SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1"
+ try:
+ SD["plan"] = plpy.prepare(q, [ "test" ])
+ except plpy.SPIError as ex:
+ plpy.notice(str(ex))
+ return None
+rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
+if len(rv):
+ return rv[0]["fname"]
+return None
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT invalid_type_caught('rick');
+/* for what it's worth catch the exception generated by
+ * the typo, and reraise it as a plain error
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_reraised(a text) RETURNS text
+ AS
+'if "plan" not in SD:
+ q = "SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1"
+ try:
+ SD["plan"] = plpy.prepare(q, [ "test" ])
+ except plpy.SPIError as ex:
+ plpy.error(str(ex))
+rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
+if len(rv):
+ return rv[0]["fname"]
+return None
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT invalid_type_reraised('rick');
+/* no typo no messing about
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION valid_type(a text) RETURNS text
+ AS
+'if "plan" not in SD:
+ SD["plan"] = plpy.prepare("SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1", [ "text" ])
+rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
+if len(rv):
+ return rv[0]["fname"]
+return None
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT valid_type('rick');
+/* error in nested functions to get a traceback
+CREATE FUNCTION nested_error() RETURNS text
+ AS
+'def fun1():
+ plpy.error("boom")
+def fun2():
+ fun1()
+def fun3():
+ fun2()
+return "not reached"
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT nested_error();
+/* raising plpy.Error is just like calling plpy.error
+CREATE FUNCTION nested_error_raise() RETURNS text
+ AS
+'def fun1():
+ raise plpy.Error("boom")
+def fun2():
+ fun1()
+def fun3():
+ fun2()
+return "not reached"
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT nested_error_raise();
+/* using plpy.warning should not produce a traceback
+CREATE FUNCTION nested_warning() RETURNS text
+ AS
+'def fun1():
+ plpy.warning("boom")
+def fun2():
+ fun1()
+def fun3():
+ fun2()
+return "you''ve been warned"
+ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT nested_warning();
+/* AttributeError at toplevel used to give segfaults with the traceback
+CREATE FUNCTION toplevel_attribute_error() RETURNS void AS
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT toplevel_attribute_error();
+/* Calling PL/Python functions from SQL and vice versa should not lose context.
+ */
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION python_traceback() RETURNS void AS $$
+def first():
+ second()
+def second():
+ third()
+def third():
+ plpy.execute("select sql_error()")
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+ select 1/0;
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION python_from_sql_error() RETURNS void AS $$
+ select python_traceback();
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sql_from_python_error() RETURNS void AS $$
+plpy.execute("select sql_error()")
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT python_traceback();
+SELECT sql_error();
+SELECT python_from_sql_error();
+SELECT sql_from_python_error();
+/* check catching specific types of exceptions
+ */
+CREATE TABLE specific (
+ i integer PRIMARY KEY
+CREATE FUNCTION specific_exception(i integer) RETURNS void AS
+from plpy import spiexceptions
+ plpy.execute("insert into specific values (%s)" % (i or "NULL"));
+except spiexceptions.NotNullViolation as e:
+ plpy.notice("Violated the NOT NULL constraint, sqlstate %s" % e.sqlstate)
+except spiexceptions.UniqueViolation as e:
+ plpy.notice("Violated the UNIQUE constraint, sqlstate %s" % e.sqlstate)
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT specific_exception(2);
+SELECT specific_exception(NULL);
+SELECT specific_exception(2);
+/* SPI errors in PL/Python functions should preserve the SQLSTATE value
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION python_unique_violation() RETURNS void AS $$
+plpy.execute("insert into specific values (1)")
+plpy.execute("insert into specific values (1)")
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+CREATE FUNCTION catch_python_unique_violation() RETURNS text AS $$
+ begin
+ perform python_unique_violation();
+ exception when unique_violation then
+ return 'ok';
+ end;
+ return 'not reached';
+$$ language plpgsql;
+SELECT catch_python_unique_violation();
+/* manually starting subtransactions - a bad idea
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION manual_subxact() RETURNS void AS $$
+plpy.execute("savepoint save")
+plpy.execute("create table foo(x integer)")
+plpy.execute("rollback to save")
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT manual_subxact();
+/* same for prepared plans
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION manual_subxact_prepared() RETURNS void AS $$
+save = plpy.prepare("savepoint save")
+rollback = plpy.prepare("rollback to save")
+plpy.execute("create table foo(x integer)")
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT manual_subxact_prepared();
+/* raising plpy.spiexception.* from python code should preserve sqlstate
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION plpy_raise_spiexception() RETURNS void AS $$
+raise plpy.spiexceptions.DivisionByZero()
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+DO $$
+ SELECT plpy_raise_spiexception();
+EXCEPTION WHEN division_by_zero THEN
+ -- NOOP
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+/* setting a custom sqlstate should be handled
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION plpy_raise_spiexception_override() RETURNS void AS $$
+exc = plpy.spiexceptions.DivisionByZero()
+exc.sqlstate = 'SILLY'
+raise exc
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+DO $$
+ SELECT plpy_raise_spiexception_override();
+ -- NOOP
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+/* test the context stack trace for nested execution levels
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION notice_innerfunc() RETURNS int AS $$
+plpy.execute("DO LANGUAGE plpython3u $x$ plpy.notice('inside DO') $x$")
+return 1
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+CREATE FUNCTION notice_outerfunc() RETURNS int AS $$
+plpy.execute("SELECT notice_innerfunc()")
+return 1
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+\set SHOW_CONTEXT always
+SELECT notice_outerfunc();
+/* test error logged with an underlying exception that includes a detail
+ * string (bug #18070).
+ */
+CREATE FUNCTION python_error_detail() RETURNS SETOF text AS $$
+ plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT to_date('xy', 'DD') d")
+ for row in plpy.cursor(plan):
+ yield row['d']
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT python_error_detail();