path: root/src/test/regress/expected/conversion.out
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/regress/expected/conversion.out')
1 files changed, 734 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/conversion.out b/src/test/regress/expected/conversion.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..442e7af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/conversion.out
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+-- create user defined conversion
+-- directory paths and dlsuffix are passed to us in environment variables
+\getenv libdir PG_LIBDIR
+\getenv dlsuffix PG_DLSUFFIX
+\set regresslib :libdir '/regress' :dlsuffix
+CREATE FUNCTION test_enc_conversion(bytea, name, name, bool, validlen OUT int, result OUT bytea)
+ AS :'regresslib', 'test_enc_conversion'
+SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_conversion_user;
+CREATE CONVERSION myconv FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8' FROM iso8859_1_to_utf8;
+-- cannot make same name conversion in same schema
+CREATE CONVERSION myconv FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8' FROM iso8859_1_to_utf8;
+ERROR: conversion "myconv" already exists
+-- create default conversion with qualified name
+CREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION public.mydef FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8' FROM iso8859_1_to_utf8;
+-- cannot make default conversion with same schema/for_encoding/to_encoding
+CREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION public.mydef2 FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8' FROM iso8859_1_to_utf8;
+ERROR: default conversion for LATIN1 to UTF8 already exists
+-- test comments
+COMMENT ON CONVERSION myconv_bad IS 'foo';
+ERROR: conversion "myconv_bad" does not exist
+-- drop user defined conversion
+-- Note: the built-in conversions are exercised in opr_sanity.sql,
+-- so there's no need to do that here.
+-- return to the superuser
+DROP USER regress_conversion_user;
+-- Test built-in conversion functions.
+-- Helper function to test a conversion. Uses the test_enc_conversion function
+-- that was created in the create_function_0 test.
+create or replace function test_conv(
+ input IN bytea,
+ src_encoding IN text,
+ dst_encoding IN text,
+ result OUT bytea,
+ errorat OUT bytea,
+ error OUT text)
+language plpgsql as
+ validlen int;
+ -- First try to perform the conversion with noError = false. If that errors out,
+ -- capture the error message, and try again with noError = true. The second call
+ -- should succeed and return the position of the error, return that too.
+ begin
+ select * into validlen, result from test_enc_conversion(input, src_encoding, dst_encoding, false);
+ errorat = NULL;
+ error := NULL;
+ exception when others then
+ error := sqlerrm;
+ select * into validlen, result from test_enc_conversion(input, src_encoding, dst_encoding, true);
+ errorat = substr(input, validlen + 1);
+ end;
+ return;
+-- UTF-8
+-- The description column must be unique.
+CREATE TABLE utf8_verification_inputs (inbytes bytea, description text PRIMARY KEY);
+insert into utf8_verification_inputs values
+ ('\x66006f', 'NUL byte'),
+ ('\xaf', 'bare continuation'),
+ ('\xc5', 'missing second byte in 2-byte char'),
+ ('\xc080', 'smallest 2-byte overlong'),
+ ('\xc1bf', 'largest 2-byte overlong'),
+ ('\xc280', 'next 2-byte after overlongs'),
+ ('\xdfbf', 'largest 2-byte'),
+ ('\xe9af', 'missing third byte in 3-byte char'),
+ ('\xe08080', 'smallest 3-byte overlong'),
+ ('\xe09fbf', 'largest 3-byte overlong'),
+ ('\xe0a080', 'next 3-byte after overlong'),
+ ('\xed9fbf', 'last before surrogates'),
+ ('\xeda080', 'smallest surrogate'),
+ ('\xedbfbf', 'largest surrogate'),
+ ('\xee8080', 'next after surrogates'),
+ ('\xefbfbf', 'largest 3-byte'),
+ ('\xf1afbf', 'missing fourth byte in 4-byte char'),
+ ('\xf0808080', 'smallest 4-byte overlong'),
+ ('\xf08fbfbf', 'largest 4-byte overlong'),
+ ('\xf0908080', 'next 4-byte after overlong'),
+ ('\xf48fbfbf', 'largest 4-byte'),
+ ('\xf4908080', 'smallest too large'),
+ ('\xfa9a9a8a8a', '5-byte');
+-- Test UTF-8 verification slow path
+select description, (test_conv(inbytes, 'utf8', 'utf8')).* from utf8_verification_inputs;
+ description | result | errorat | error
+ NUL byte | \x66 | \x006f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
+ bare continuation | \x | \xaf | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xaf
+ missing second byte in 2-byte char | \x | \xc5 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc5
+ smallest 2-byte overlong | \x | \xc080 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc0 0x80
+ largest 2-byte overlong | \x | \xc1bf | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc1 0xbf
+ next 2-byte after overlongs | \xc280 | |
+ largest 2-byte | \xdfbf | |
+ missing third byte in 3-byte char | \x | \xe9af | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe9 0xaf
+ smallest 3-byte overlong | \x | \xe08080 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe0 0x80 0x80
+ largest 3-byte overlong | \x | \xe09fbf | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe0 0x9f 0xbf
+ next 3-byte after overlong | \xe0a080 | |
+ last before surrogates | \xed9fbf | |
+ smallest surrogate | \x | \xeda080 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xed 0xa0 0x80
+ largest surrogate | \x | \xedbfbf | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xed 0xbf 0xbf
+ next after surrogates | \xee8080 | |
+ largest 3-byte | \xefbfbf | |
+ missing fourth byte in 4-byte char | \x | \xf1afbf | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xf1 0xaf 0xbf
+ smallest 4-byte overlong | \x | \xf0808080 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xf0 0x80 0x80 0x80
+ largest 4-byte overlong | \x | \xf08fbfbf | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xf0 0x8f 0xbf 0xbf
+ next 4-byte after overlong | \xf0908080 | |
+ largest 4-byte | \xf48fbfbf | |
+ smallest too large | \x | \xf4908080 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xf4 0x90 0x80 0x80
+ 5-byte | \x | \xfa9a9a8a8a | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xfa
+(23 rows)
+-- Test UTF-8 verification with ASCII padding appended to provide
+-- coverage for algorithms that work on multiple bytes at a time.
+-- The error message for a sequence starting with a 4-byte lead
+-- will contain all 4 bytes if they are present, so various
+-- expressions below add 3 ASCII bytes to the end to ensure
+-- consistent error messages.
+-- The number 64 below needs to be at least the value of STRIDE_LENGTH in wchar.c.
+-- Test multibyte verification in fast path
+with test_bytes as (
+ select
+ inbytes,
+ description,
+ (test_conv(inbytes || repeat('.', 3)::bytea, 'utf8', 'utf8')).error
+ from utf8_verification_inputs
+), test_padded as (
+ select
+ description,
+ (test_conv(inbytes || repeat('.', 64)::bytea, 'utf8', 'utf8')).error
+ from test_bytes
+ description,
+ b.error as orig_error,
+ p.error as error_after_padding
+from test_padded p
+join test_bytes b
+using (description)
+where p.error is distinct from b.error
+order by description;
+ description | orig_error | error_after_padding
+(0 rows)
+-- Test ASCII verification in fast path where incomplete
+-- UTF-8 sequences fall at the end of the preceding chunk.
+with test_bytes as (
+ select
+ inbytes,
+ description,
+ (test_conv(inbytes || repeat('.', 3)::bytea, 'utf8', 'utf8')).error
+ from utf8_verification_inputs
+), test_padded as (
+ select
+ description,
+ (test_conv(repeat('.', 64 - length(inbytes))::bytea || inbytes || repeat('.', 64)::bytea, 'utf8', 'utf8')).error
+ from test_bytes
+ description,
+ b.error as orig_error,
+ p.error as error_after_padding
+from test_padded p
+join test_bytes b
+using (description)
+where p.error is distinct from b.error
+order by description;
+ description | orig_error | error_after_padding
+(0 rows)
+-- Test cases where UTF-8 sequences within short text
+-- come after the fast path returns.
+with test_bytes as (
+ select
+ inbytes,
+ description,
+ (test_conv(inbytes || repeat('.', 3)::bytea, 'utf8', 'utf8')).error
+ from utf8_verification_inputs
+), test_padded as (
+ select
+ description,
+ (test_conv(repeat('.', 64)::bytea || inbytes || repeat('.', 3)::bytea, 'utf8', 'utf8')).error
+ from test_bytes
+ description,
+ b.error as orig_error,
+ p.error as error_after_padding
+from test_padded p
+join test_bytes b
+using (description)
+where p.error is distinct from b.error
+order by description;
+ description | orig_error | error_after_padding
+(0 rows)
+-- Test cases where incomplete UTF-8 sequences fall at the
+-- end of the part checked by the fast path.
+with test_bytes as (
+ select
+ inbytes,
+ description,
+ (test_conv(inbytes || repeat('.', 3)::bytea, 'utf8', 'utf8')).error
+ from utf8_verification_inputs
+), test_padded as (
+ select
+ description,
+ (test_conv(repeat('.', 64 - length(inbytes))::bytea || inbytes || repeat('.', 3)::bytea, 'utf8', 'utf8')).error
+ from test_bytes
+ description,
+ b.error as orig_error,
+ p.error as error_after_padding
+from test_padded p
+join test_bytes b
+using (description)
+where p.error is distinct from b.error
+order by description;
+ description | orig_error | error_after_padding
+(0 rows)
+CREATE TABLE utf8_inputs (inbytes bytea, description text);
+insert into utf8_inputs values
+ ('\x666f6f', 'valid, pure ASCII'),
+ ('\xc3a4c3b6', 'valid, extra latin chars'),
+ ('\xd184d0bed0be', 'valid, cyrillic'),
+ ('\x666f6fe8b1a1', 'valid, kanji/Chinese'),
+ ('\xe382abe3829a', 'valid, two chars that combine to one in EUC_JIS_2004'),
+ ('\xe382ab', 'only first half of combined char in EUC_JIS_2004'),
+ ('\xe382abe382', 'incomplete combination when converted EUC_JIS_2004'),
+ ('\xecbd94eb81bceba6ac', 'valid, Hangul, Korean'),
+ ('\x666f6fefa8aa', 'valid, needs mapping function to convert to GB18030'),
+ ('\x66e8b1ff6f6f', 'invalid byte sequence'),
+ ('\x66006f', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\x666f6fe8b100', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\x666f6fe8b1', 'incomplete character at end');
+-- Test UTF-8 verification
+select description, (test_conv(inbytes, 'utf8', 'utf8')).* from utf8_inputs;
+ description | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | |
+ valid, extra latin chars | \xc3a4c3b6 | |
+ valid, cyrillic | \xd184d0bed0be | |
+ valid, kanji/Chinese | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | |
+ valid, two chars that combine to one in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe3829a | |
+ only first half of combined char in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382ab | |
+ incomplete combination when converted EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382ab | \xe382 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe3 0x82
+ valid, Hangul, Korean | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | |
+ valid, needs mapping function to convert to GB18030 | \x666f6fefa8aa | |
+ invalid byte sequence | \x66 | \xe8b1ff6f6f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0xff
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x66 | \x006f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f | \xe8b100 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0x00
+ incomplete character at end | \x666f6f | \xe8b1 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1
+(13 rows)
+-- Test conversions from UTF-8
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'utf8', 'euc_jis_2004')).* from utf8_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid, extra latin chars | \xc3a4c3b6 | \xa9daa9ec | |
+ valid, cyrillic | \xd184d0bed0be | \xa7e6a7e0a7e0 | |
+ valid, kanji/Chinese | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | \x666f6fbedd | |
+ valid, two chars that combine to one in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe3829a | \xa5f7 | |
+ only first half of combined char in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382ab | \xa5ab | |
+ incomplete combination when converted EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe382 | \x | \xe382abe382 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe3 0x82
+ valid, Hangul, Korean | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | \x | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | character with byte sequence 0xec 0xbd 0x94 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "EUC_JIS_2004"
+ valid, needs mapping function to convert to GB18030 | \x666f6fefa8aa | \x666f6f | \xefa8aa | character with byte sequence 0xef 0xa8 0xaa in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "EUC_JIS_2004"
+ invalid byte sequence | \x66e8b1ff6f6f | \x66 | \xe8b1ff6f6f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0xff
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x66006f | \x66 | \x006f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fe8b100 | \x666f6f | \xe8b100 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0x00
+ incomplete character at end | \x666f6fe8b1 | \x666f6f | \xe8b1 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1
+(13 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'utf8', 'latin1')).* from utf8_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid, extra latin chars | \xc3a4c3b6 | \xe4f6 | |
+ valid, cyrillic | \xd184d0bed0be | \x | \xd184d0bed0be | character with byte sequence 0xd1 0x84 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN1"
+ valid, kanji/Chinese | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | \x666f6f | \xe8b1a1 | character with byte sequence 0xe8 0xb1 0xa1 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN1"
+ valid, two chars that combine to one in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe3829a | \x | \xe382abe3829a | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN1"
+ only first half of combined char in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382ab | \x | \xe382ab | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN1"
+ incomplete combination when converted EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe382 | \x | \xe382abe382 | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN1"
+ valid, Hangul, Korean | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | \x | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | character with byte sequence 0xec 0xbd 0x94 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN1"
+ valid, needs mapping function to convert to GB18030 | \x666f6fefa8aa | \x666f6f | \xefa8aa | character with byte sequence 0xef 0xa8 0xaa in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN1"
+ invalid byte sequence | \x66e8b1ff6f6f | \x66 | \xe8b1ff6f6f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0xff
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x66006f | \x66 | \x006f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fe8b100 | \x666f6f | \xe8b100 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0x00
+ incomplete character at end | \x666f6fe8b1 | \x666f6f | \xe8b1 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1
+(13 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'utf8', 'latin2')).* from utf8_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid, extra latin chars | \xc3a4c3b6 | \xe4f6 | |
+ valid, cyrillic | \xd184d0bed0be | \x | \xd184d0bed0be | character with byte sequence 0xd1 0x84 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN2"
+ valid, kanji/Chinese | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | \x666f6f | \xe8b1a1 | character with byte sequence 0xe8 0xb1 0xa1 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN2"
+ valid, two chars that combine to one in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe3829a | \x | \xe382abe3829a | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN2"
+ only first half of combined char in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382ab | \x | \xe382ab | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN2"
+ incomplete combination when converted EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe382 | \x | \xe382abe382 | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN2"
+ valid, Hangul, Korean | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | \x | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | character with byte sequence 0xec 0xbd 0x94 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN2"
+ valid, needs mapping function to convert to GB18030 | \x666f6fefa8aa | \x666f6f | \xefa8aa | character with byte sequence 0xef 0xa8 0xaa in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN2"
+ invalid byte sequence | \x66e8b1ff6f6f | \x66 | \xe8b1ff6f6f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0xff
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x66006f | \x66 | \x006f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fe8b100 | \x666f6f | \xe8b100 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0x00
+ incomplete character at end | \x666f6fe8b1 | \x666f6f | \xe8b1 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1
+(13 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'utf8', 'latin5')).* from utf8_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid, extra latin chars | \xc3a4c3b6 | \xe4f6 | |
+ valid, cyrillic | \xd184d0bed0be | \x | \xd184d0bed0be | character with byte sequence 0xd1 0x84 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN5"
+ valid, kanji/Chinese | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | \x666f6f | \xe8b1a1 | character with byte sequence 0xe8 0xb1 0xa1 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN5"
+ valid, two chars that combine to one in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe3829a | \x | \xe382abe3829a | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN5"
+ only first half of combined char in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382ab | \x | \xe382ab | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN5"
+ incomplete combination when converted EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe382 | \x | \xe382abe382 | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN5"
+ valid, Hangul, Korean | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | \x | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | character with byte sequence 0xec 0xbd 0x94 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN5"
+ valid, needs mapping function to convert to GB18030 | \x666f6fefa8aa | \x666f6f | \xefa8aa | character with byte sequence 0xef 0xa8 0xaa in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "LATIN5"
+ invalid byte sequence | \x66e8b1ff6f6f | \x66 | \xe8b1ff6f6f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0xff
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x66006f | \x66 | \x006f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fe8b100 | \x666f6f | \xe8b100 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0x00
+ incomplete character at end | \x666f6fe8b1 | \x666f6f | \xe8b1 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1
+(13 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'utf8', 'koi8r')).* from utf8_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid, extra latin chars | \xc3a4c3b6 | \x | \xc3a4c3b6 | character with byte sequence 0xc3 0xa4 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+ valid, cyrillic | \xd184d0bed0be | \xc6cfcf | |
+ valid, kanji/Chinese | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | \x666f6f | \xe8b1a1 | character with byte sequence 0xe8 0xb1 0xa1 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+ valid, two chars that combine to one in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe3829a | \x | \xe382abe3829a | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+ only first half of combined char in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382ab | \x | \xe382ab | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+ incomplete combination when converted EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe382 | \x | \xe382abe382 | character with byte sequence 0xe3 0x82 0xab in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+ valid, Hangul, Korean | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | \x | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | character with byte sequence 0xec 0xbd 0x94 in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+ valid, needs mapping function to convert to GB18030 | \x666f6fefa8aa | \x666f6f | \xefa8aa | character with byte sequence 0xef 0xa8 0xaa in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+ invalid byte sequence | \x66e8b1ff6f6f | \x66 | \xe8b1ff6f6f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0xff
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x66006f | \x66 | \x006f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fe8b100 | \x666f6f | \xe8b100 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0x00
+ incomplete character at end | \x666f6fe8b1 | \x666f6f | \xe8b1 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1
+(13 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'utf8', 'gb18030')).* from utf8_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid, extra latin chars | \xc3a4c3b6 | \x81308a3181308b32 | |
+ valid, cyrillic | \xd184d0bed0be | \xa7e6a7e0a7e0 | |
+ valid, kanji/Chinese | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | \x666f6fcff3 | |
+ valid, two chars that combine to one in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe3829a | \xa5ab8139a732 | |
+ only first half of combined char in EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382ab | \xa5ab | |
+ incomplete combination when converted EUC_JIS_2004 | \xe382abe382 | \xa5ab | \xe382 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe3 0x82
+ valid, Hangul, Korean | \xecbd94eb81bceba6ac | \x8334e5398238c4338330b335 | |
+ valid, needs mapping function to convert to GB18030 | \x666f6fefa8aa | \x666f6f84309c38 | |
+ invalid byte sequence | \x66e8b1ff6f6f | \x66 | \xe8b1ff6f6f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0xff
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x66006f | \x66 | \x006f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fe8b100 | \x666f6f | \xe8b100 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1 0x00
+ incomplete character at end | \x666f6fe8b1 | \x666f6f | \xe8b1 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe8 0xb1
+(13 rows)
+-- EUC_JIS_2004
+CREATE TABLE euc_jis_2004_inputs (inbytes bytea, description text);
+insert into euc_jis_2004_inputs values
+ ('\x666f6f', 'valid, pure ASCII'),
+ ('\x666f6fbedd', 'valid'),
+ ('\xa5f7', 'valid, translates to two UTF-8 chars '),
+ ('\xbeddbe', 'incomplete char '),
+ ('\x666f6f00bedd', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\x666f6fbe00dd', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\x666f6fbedd00', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\xbe04', 'invalid byte sequence');
+-- Test EUC_JIS_2004 verification
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'euc_jis_2004', 'euc_jis_2004')).* from euc_jis_2004_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \x666f6fbedd | \x666f6fbedd | |
+ valid, translates to two UTF-8 chars | \xa5f7 | \xa5f7 | |
+ incomplete char | \xbeddbe | \xbedd | \xbe | invalid byte sequence for encoding "EUC_JIS_2004": 0xbe
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f00bedd | \x666f6f | \x00bedd | invalid byte sequence for encoding "EUC_JIS_2004": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fbe00dd | \x666f6f | \xbe00dd | invalid byte sequence for encoding "EUC_JIS_2004": 0xbe 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fbedd00 | \x666f6fbedd | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "EUC_JIS_2004": 0x00
+ invalid byte sequence | \xbe04 | \x | \xbe04 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "EUC_JIS_2004": 0xbe 0x04
+(8 rows)
+-- Test conversions from EUC_JIS_2004
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'euc_jis_2004', 'utf8')).* from euc_jis_2004_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \x666f6fbedd | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | |
+ valid, translates to two UTF-8 chars | \xa5f7 | \xe382abe3829a | |
+ incomplete char | \xbeddbe | \xe8b1a1 | \xbe | invalid byte sequence for encoding "EUC_JIS_2004": 0xbe
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f00bedd | \x666f6f | \x00bedd | invalid byte sequence for encoding "EUC_JIS_2004": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fbe00dd | \x666f6f | \xbe00dd | invalid byte sequence for encoding "EUC_JIS_2004": 0xbe 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fbedd00 | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "EUC_JIS_2004": 0x00
+ invalid byte sequence | \xbe04 | \x | \xbe04 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "EUC_JIS_2004": 0xbe 0x04
+(8 rows)
+-- SHIFT-JIS-2004
+CREATE TABLE shiftjis2004_inputs (inbytes bytea, description text);
+insert into shiftjis2004_inputs values
+ ('\x666f6f', 'valid, pure ASCII'),
+ ('\x666f6f8fdb', 'valid'),
+ ('\x666f6f81c0', 'valid, no translation to UTF-8'),
+ ('\x666f6f82f5', 'valid, translates to two UTF-8 chars '),
+ ('\x666f6f8fdb8f', 'incomplete char '),
+ ('\x666f6f820a', 'incomplete char, followed by newline '),
+ ('\x666f6f008fdb', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\x666f6f8f00db', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\x666f6f8fdb00', 'invalid, NUL byte');
+-- Test SHIFT-JIS-2004 verification
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'shiftjis2004', 'shiftjis2004')).* from shiftjis2004_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \x666f6f8fdb | \x666f6f8fdb | |
+ valid, no translation to UTF-8 | \x666f6f81c0 | \x666f6f81c0 | |
+ valid, translates to two UTF-8 chars | \x666f6f82f5 | \x666f6f82f5 | |
+ incomplete char | \x666f6f8fdb8f | \x666f6f8fdb | \x8f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x8f
+ incomplete char, followed by newline | \x666f6f820a | \x666f6f | \x820a | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x82 0x0a
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f008fdb | \x666f6f | \x008fdb | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f8f00db | \x666f6f | \x8f00db | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x8f 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f8fdb00 | \x666f6f8fdb | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x00
+(9 rows)
+-- Test conversions from SHIFT-JIS-2004
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'shiftjis2004', 'utf8')).* from shiftjis2004_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \x666f6f8fdb | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | |
+ valid, no translation to UTF-8 | \x666f6f81c0 | \x666f6fe28a84 | |
+ valid, translates to two UTF-8 chars | \x666f6f82f5 | \x666f6fe3818be3829a | |
+ incomplete char | \x666f6f8fdb8f | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | \x8f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x8f
+ incomplete char, followed by newline | \x666f6f820a | \x666f6f | \x820a | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x82 0x0a
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f008fdb | \x666f6f | \x008fdb | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f8f00db | \x666f6f | \x8f00db | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x8f 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f8fdb00 | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x00
+(9 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'shiftjis2004', 'euc_jis_2004')).* from shiftjis2004_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \x666f6f8fdb | \x666f6fbedd | |
+ valid, no translation to UTF-8 | \x666f6f81c0 | \x666f6fa2c2 | |
+ valid, translates to two UTF-8 chars | \x666f6f82f5 | \x666f6fa4f7 | |
+ incomplete char | \x666f6f8fdb8f | \x666f6fbedd | \x8f | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x8f
+ incomplete char, followed by newline | \x666f6f820a | \x666f6f | \x820a | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x82 0x0a
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f008fdb | \x666f6f | \x008fdb | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f8f00db | \x666f6f | \x8f00db | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x8f 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f8fdb00 | \x666f6fbedd | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "SHIFT_JIS_2004": 0x00
+(9 rows)
+-- GB18030
+CREATE TABLE gb18030_inputs (inbytes bytea, description text);
+insert into gb18030_inputs values
+ ('\x666f6f', 'valid, pure ASCII'),
+ ('\x666f6fcff3', 'valid'),
+ ('\x666f6f8431a530', 'valid, no translation to UTF-8'),
+ ('\x666f6f84309c38', 'valid, translates to UTF-8 by mapping function'),
+ ('\x666f6f84309c', 'incomplete char '),
+ ('\x666f6f84309c0a', 'incomplete char, followed by newline '),
+ ('\x666f6f84309c3800', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\x666f6f84309c0038', 'invalid, NUL byte');
+-- Test GB18030 verification
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'gb18030', 'gb18030')).* from gb18030_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \x666f6fcff3 | \x666f6fcff3 | |
+ valid, no translation to UTF-8 | \x666f6f8431a530 | \x666f6f8431a530 | |
+ valid, translates to UTF-8 by mapping function | \x666f6f84309c38 | \x666f6f84309c38 | |
+ incomplete char | \x666f6f84309c | \x666f6f | \x84309c | invalid byte sequence for encoding "GB18030": 0x84 0x30 0x9c
+ incomplete char, followed by newline | \x666f6f84309c0a | \x666f6f | \x84309c0a | invalid byte sequence for encoding "GB18030": 0x84 0x30 0x9c 0x0a
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f84309c3800 | \x666f6f84309c38 | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "GB18030": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f84309c0038 | \x666f6f | \x84309c0038 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "GB18030": 0x84 0x30 0x9c 0x00
+(8 rows)
+-- Test conversions from GB18030
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'gb18030', 'utf8')).* from gb18030_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \x666f6fcff3 | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | |
+ valid, no translation to UTF-8 | \x666f6f8431a530 | \x666f6f | \x8431a530 | character with byte sequence 0x84 0x31 0xa5 0x30 in encoding "GB18030" has no equivalent in encoding "UTF8"
+ valid, translates to UTF-8 by mapping function | \x666f6f84309c38 | \x666f6fefa8aa | |
+ incomplete char | \x666f6f84309c | \x666f6f | \x84309c | invalid byte sequence for encoding "GB18030": 0x84 0x30 0x9c
+ incomplete char, followed by newline | \x666f6f84309c0a | \x666f6f | \x84309c0a | invalid byte sequence for encoding "GB18030": 0x84 0x30 0x9c 0x0a
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f84309c3800 | \x666f6fefa8aa | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "GB18030": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6f84309c0038 | \x666f6f | \x84309c0038 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "GB18030": 0x84 0x30 0x9c 0x00
+(8 rows)
+-- ISO-8859-5
+CREATE TABLE iso8859_5_inputs (inbytes bytea, description text);
+insert into iso8859_5_inputs values
+ ('\x666f6f', 'valid, pure ASCII'),
+ ('\xe4dede', 'valid'),
+ ('\x00', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\xe400dede', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\xe4dede00', 'invalid, NUL byte');
+-- Test ISO-8859-5 verification
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'iso8859-5', 'iso8859-5')).* from iso8859_5_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \xe4dede | \xe4dede | |
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x00 | \x | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \xe400dede | \xe4 | \x00dede | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \xe4dede00 | \xe4dede | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+(5 rows)
+-- Test conversions from ISO-8859-5
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'iso8859-5', 'utf8')).* from iso8859_5_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \xe4dede | \xd184d0bed0be | |
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x00 | \x | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \xe400dede | \xd184 | \x00dede | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \xe4dede00 | \xd184d0bed0be | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+(5 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'iso8859-5', 'koi8r')).* from iso8859_5_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \xe4dede | \xc6cfcf | |
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x00 | \x | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \xe400dede | \xc6 | \x00dede | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \xe4dede00 | \xc6cfcf | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+(5 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'iso8859_5', 'mule_internal')).* from iso8859_5_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \xe4dede | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | |
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x00 | \x | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \xe400dede | \x8bc6 | \x00dede | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \xe4dede00 | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "ISO_8859_5": 0x00
+(5 rows)
+-- Big5
+CREATE TABLE big5_inputs (inbytes bytea, description text);
+insert into big5_inputs values
+ ('\x666f6f', 'valid, pure ASCII'),
+ ('\x666f6fb648', 'valid'),
+ ('\x666f6fa27f', 'valid, no translation to UTF-8'),
+ ('\x666f6fb60048', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\x666f6fb64800', 'invalid, NUL byte');
+-- Test Big5 verification
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'big5', 'big5')).* from big5_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \x666f6fb648 | \x666f6fb648 | |
+ valid, no translation to UTF-8 | \x666f6fa27f | \x666f6fa27f | |
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fb60048 | \x666f6f | \xb60048 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "BIG5": 0xb6 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fb64800 | \x666f6fb648 | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "BIG5": 0x00
+(5 rows)
+-- Test conversions from Big5
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'big5', 'utf8')).* from big5_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \x666f6fb648 | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | |
+ valid, no translation to UTF-8 | \x666f6fa27f | \x666f6f | \xa27f | character with byte sequence 0xa2 0x7f in encoding "BIG5" has no equivalent in encoding "UTF8"
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fb60048 | \x666f6f | \xb60048 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "BIG5": 0xb6 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fb64800 | \x666f6fe8b1a1 | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "BIG5": 0x00
+(5 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'big5', 'mule_internal')).* from big5_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid | \x666f6fb648 | \x666f6f95e2af | |
+ valid, no translation to UTF-8 | \x666f6fa27f | \x666f6f95a3c1 | |
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fb60048 | \x666f6f | \xb60048 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "BIG5": 0xb6 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x666f6fb64800 | \x666f6f95e2af | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "BIG5": 0x00
+(5 rows)
+CREATE TABLE mic_inputs (inbytes bytea, description text);
+insert into mic_inputs values
+ ('\x666f6f', 'valid, pure ASCII'),
+ ('\x8bc68bcf8bcf', 'valid (in KOI8R)'),
+ ('\x8bc68bcf8b', 'invalid,incomplete char'),
+ ('\x92bedd', 'valid (in SHIFT_JIS)'),
+ ('\x92be', 'invalid, incomplete char)'),
+ ('\x666f6f95a3c1', 'valid (in Big5)'),
+ ('\x666f6f95a3', 'invalid, incomplete char'),
+ ('\x9200bedd', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\x92bedd00', 'invalid, NUL byte'),
+ ('\x8b00c68bcf8bcf', 'invalid, NUL byte');
+-- Test MULE_INTERNAL verification
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'mule_internal', 'mule_internal')).* from mic_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid (in KOI8R) | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | |
+ invalid,incomplete char | \x8bc68bcf8b | \x8bc68bcf | \x8b | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x8b
+ valid (in SHIFT_JIS) | \x92bedd | \x92bedd | |
+ invalid, incomplete char) | \x92be | \x | \x92be | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x92 0xbe
+ valid (in Big5) | \x666f6f95a3c1 | \x666f6f95a3c1 | |
+ invalid, incomplete char | \x666f6f95a3 | \x666f6f | \x95a3 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x95 0xa3
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x9200bedd | \x | \x9200bedd | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x92 0x00 0xbe
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x92bedd00 | \x92bedd | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | \x | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x8b 0x00
+(10 rows)
+-- Test conversions from MULE_INTERNAL
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'mule_internal', 'koi8r')).* from mic_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid (in KOI8R) | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | \xc6cfcf | |
+ invalid,incomplete char | \x8bc68bcf8b | \xc6cf | \x8b | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x8b
+ valid (in SHIFT_JIS) | \x92bedd | \x | \x92bedd | character with byte sequence 0x92 0xbe 0xdd in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+ invalid, incomplete char) | \x92be | \x | \x92be | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x92 0xbe
+ valid (in Big5) | \x666f6f95a3c1 | \x666f6f | \x95a3c1 | character with byte sequence 0x95 0xa3 0xc1 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+ invalid, incomplete char | \x666f6f95a3 | \x666f6f | \x95a3 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x95 0xa3
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x9200bedd | \x | \x9200bedd | character with byte sequence 0x92 0x00 0xbe in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x92bedd00 | \x | \x92bedd00 | character with byte sequence 0x92 0xbe 0xdd in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | \x | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | character with byte sequence 0x8b 0x00 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "KOI8R"
+(10 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'mule_internal', 'iso8859-5')).* from mic_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid (in KOI8R) | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | \xe4dede | |
+ invalid,incomplete char | \x8bc68bcf8b | \xe4de | \x8b | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x8b
+ valid (in SHIFT_JIS) | \x92bedd | \x | \x92bedd | character with byte sequence 0x92 0xbe 0xdd in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "ISO_8859_5"
+ invalid, incomplete char) | \x92be | \x | \x92be | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x92 0xbe
+ valid (in Big5) | \x666f6f95a3c1 | \x666f6f | \x95a3c1 | character with byte sequence 0x95 0xa3 0xc1 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "ISO_8859_5"
+ invalid, incomplete char | \x666f6f95a3 | \x666f6f | \x95a3 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x95 0xa3
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x9200bedd | \x | \x9200bedd | character with byte sequence 0x92 0x00 0xbe in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "ISO_8859_5"
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x92bedd00 | \x | \x92bedd00 | character with byte sequence 0x92 0xbe 0xdd in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "ISO_8859_5"
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | \x | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | character with byte sequence 0x8b 0x00 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "ISO_8859_5"
+(10 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'mule_internal', 'sjis')).* from mic_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid (in KOI8R) | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | \x | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | character with byte sequence 0x8b 0xc6 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "SJIS"
+ invalid,incomplete char | \x8bc68bcf8b | \x | \x8bc68bcf8b | character with byte sequence 0x8b 0xc6 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "SJIS"
+ valid (in SHIFT_JIS) | \x92bedd | \x8fdb | |
+ invalid, incomplete char) | \x92be | \x | \x92be | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x92 0xbe
+ valid (in Big5) | \x666f6f95a3c1 | \x666f6f | \x95a3c1 | character with byte sequence 0x95 0xa3 0xc1 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "SJIS"
+ invalid, incomplete char | \x666f6f95a3 | \x666f6f | \x95a3 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x95 0xa3
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x9200bedd | \x | \x9200bedd | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x92 0x00 0xbe
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x92bedd00 | \x8fdb | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | \x | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x8b 0x00
+(10 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'mule_internal', 'big5')).* from mic_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid (in KOI8R) | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | \x | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | character with byte sequence 0x8b 0xc6 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "BIG5"
+ invalid,incomplete char | \x8bc68bcf8b | \x | \x8bc68bcf8b | character with byte sequence 0x8b 0xc6 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "BIG5"
+ valid (in SHIFT_JIS) | \x92bedd | \x | \x92bedd | character with byte sequence 0x92 0xbe 0xdd in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "BIG5"
+ invalid, incomplete char) | \x92be | \x | \x92be | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x92 0xbe
+ valid (in Big5) | \x666f6f95a3c1 | \x666f6fa2a1 | |
+ invalid, incomplete char | \x666f6f95a3 | \x666f6f | \x95a3 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x95 0xa3
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x9200bedd | \x | \x9200bedd | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x92 0x00 0xbe
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x92bedd00 | \x | \x92bedd00 | character with byte sequence 0x92 0xbe 0xdd in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "BIG5"
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | \x | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x8b 0x00
+(10 rows)
+select description, inbytes, (test_conv(inbytes, 'mule_internal', 'euc_jp')).* from mic_inputs;
+ description | inbytes | result | errorat | error
+ valid, pure ASCII | \x666f6f | \x666f6f | |
+ valid (in KOI8R) | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | \x | \x8bc68bcf8bcf | character with byte sequence 0x8b 0xc6 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "EUC_JP"
+ invalid,incomplete char | \x8bc68bcf8b | \x | \x8bc68bcf8b | character with byte sequence 0x8b 0xc6 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "EUC_JP"
+ valid (in SHIFT_JIS) | \x92bedd | \xbedd | |
+ invalid, incomplete char) | \x92be | \x | \x92be | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x92 0xbe
+ valid (in Big5) | \x666f6f95a3c1 | \x666f6f | \x95a3c1 | character with byte sequence 0x95 0xa3 0xc1 in encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent in encoding "EUC_JP"
+ invalid, incomplete char | \x666f6f95a3 | \x666f6f | \x95a3 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x95 0xa3
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x9200bedd | \x | \x9200bedd | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x92 0x00 0xbe
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x92bedd00 | \xbedd | \x00 | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x00
+ invalid, NUL byte | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | \x | \x8b00c68bcf8bcf | invalid byte sequence for encoding "MULE_INTERNAL": 0x8b 0x00
+(10 rows)